#thanks for the ask julia!!
bo-kryzze · 1 month
3 and 13? ❤️
already answered here and here.
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opera-ghost · 9 months
Could we get a compilation of times Jeremy Stolle heard “slut” when the director called “cut”? 👀
(ask is referencing this post) yes! in my research i found myself only able to focus on this one specific show towards the end of the broadway run, amazingly captured by @angelofmusicishere. and you can see why
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like. come on. the flourish when he grabs the hat? the unwavering eye contact? the cape flip????????
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slutcullis sprawl. (also him lingering after,,,,,,,)
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dude is getting his shit ROCKED
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and then he's just annoying! (slut)
and as a bonus, i have to include that time he went feral when half the set pieces stopped working during the first lair
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risewriter · 5 months
How does Julia from the brownie clan react to Casey jr? Does she see him as an opponent or brother figure? Is she jealous of him? How their relationship?
ROTTMNT: Brownie part 1
Casey Jr: Wow! These brownies are delicious! What’s your name again?
Julia: Julia. And of course they’re amazing! I pounded the dough with my special spiked bat!
Casey Jr: Who taught you? The taste is.. familiar.
Julia: Our great boss CJ, of course! She puts a car in caramel just because she can!
Casey Jr: CJ..
April: *Passes by* Yep, her boss is your mom, Case.
Casey Jr: *Chokes on his brownie*
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luv3rrx · 9 months
I've lost an anon ask about Beelzebub giving mc a lap dance 😞!! But to the anon thank you for the ask!!
Obviously mdni or I eat your liver
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Beelzebub who gives you a lap dance and only allows you to touch his piercings and tattoos and nothing else while he gets to tease you relentlessly
Beelzebub who teases you and whispers in your ear taunting you to touch him somewhere knowing that you would so he binds your hands and you can't touch him anymore
Beelzebub who goes down on you while your hands are tied, stopping when he wants knowing that you are so close
Moral of the story,if Beelzebub tells you that you can touch him during a lap dance don't trust him he might give you oral and you will get edged
Beelzebub who at the end of giving head and a lap dance takes you out for dinner at his favorite place as a reward
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drawfee-quot3s · 10 months
if there's any proof of a god i think it's eggs
- julia
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cod-dump · 10 months
I present to you, Shadow 0-34, Julia "Jules" Conway, the electrical engineer of the Shadow Company. She's the chaotic repairer of the company, your radio doesn't work, go with her, the explosive circuit you planned didn't react, she knows thousand ways to make it boom.
Her callsign was a joke make by Graves when she presented herself, her name being Julia and her love for electricity just went correctly at being called Jules.
She's really sweet but chaotic, the definition of an orange cat, she would be working in her office fixing devices or climbing impossible places on the base.
Do you think Moose would like to be around her?
Jules and Moose definitely work a lot together considering their jobs overlap. Moose can get a little testy when working with tech so they might butt heads but in a good natured manner. probably would hang out with her a bit, either in her space or in his. Moose would most definitely worry about her climbing around the base and would probably try to at least accompany her out of worry. Graves found them on a water tower once in one of their temporary bases and he lost his mind.
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ecec-is-illiterate · 4 months
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“Julia and Magnus” by me :)
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johnwickb1tsch · 2 months
Hello, my Gremlin goddess!
11/20/22/25/30, please <3
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Thank you Scarlett!!!😘😘😘❤️❤️❤️❤️
11. A WIP you’d like to finish
All of them? 😆 Seriously, I have full intentions, I haven’t abandoned any of them. Probably Bittersweet first though, if that makes anyone feel better. 😬😬Then…the Paul Sutton fic. Y’all gotta let me kno how evil Don John’s gonna be!😆 Aaaaand look for this Donaka Mark fic i’m working on soon. ::ducks::  
You all make writing in this fandom SO fun, the ideas that bounce around our crazy little circle and the rabid enthusiasm have brought me so much joy these past months. It’s like dumping gasoline on the creativity fire. I work at home on the computer all day. Writing is my little treat during breaks to keep me sane, and there’s nothing id rather be writing right now. From the bottom of my heart, I can’t thank you enough Scarlett, and everyone else too!!!❤️❤️❤️
20. what year did you publish your first fic?
Oh dear…here’s how old Julia is…🤣 Probably 1998-9? It would have been an Anita Blake Vampire Hunter fic. I was 12-13. They were trash. 😬 But I feel like the first *good* fics I published were in the POTC 🏴‍☠️fandom, many years later, c 2015. 
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
Not so much writing fanfiction here, because it’s fairly anonymous, and I’ve been so lucky to have found my tribe. Like, I’m not showing my in laws this shit, ya know? 🤣🤣 I haven’t really had any antis come after me, I’m sure it wouldn’t feel good, but i don’t think it would stop me. I really feel like so long as you put adequate warnings on your fics, you can write what you want. 
25. besides writing, what are your other hobbies?
does wine count?🍷🍷🤣🤣
i used to travel the world, but now i have old lady hobbies! 😆 I live in the country, i love to garden, flowers & food, & houseplants too. i have a big collection of orchids. I’m an artist, I draw & paint. I have a degree and everything, for what thats worth.🙃 My hobby farm is my other big hobby, I have chickens & ducks and we’re slowly restoring the 100 year old barn and the grounds of the old farm we live on. someday i want goats and highland cattle 🐐🐂🥰🥰🥰
30. share a fic you're especially proud of
oh dear. isn't that like choosing a favorite child? 🤣 Besides Bittersweet…I’m pretty proud of Vino Veritas, the destination wedding frank x reader fic. that grumpy man gives me the FEELS!😭😭😭
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gif from google
Thank you Scarlett! This was so fun! xoxo🥰🥰🥰
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houseofpunk · 11 months
what is your perception of the hierarchy/relationships/roles of the house of black?
I think the dynamics are very interesting. Malakai is the first member and has stated that he views himself as the keeper of the House (this also aligns with his tarot card the devil), but doesn't frame himself as a Messiah or King to the rest of the members. He is firm in his philosophies, so obviously the rest of the house looks to him for guidance, but never do you get the sense that Malakai is a puppet master controlling their every move. Instead, they use the House to guide their actions. It's very unique how they all seem to be on equal footing with each other- no member is greater than or lesser than the other and each serves an important role. In my opinion, if Malakai is the keeper, then Brody (the second person to join) represents the strength and fortitude of the House. As Death, his role is to be the right hand of the Devil- to be an unwavering force for their cause. Buddy (the third to join) represents absolution and serves through the lens of his tarot card Judegement. While the Devil may enforce punishment, it is Judgment who sets the scales and carries out his will. And finally we of course have Julia who is the embodiment of the Empress and represents the Heart of the House. She was saved by the house. While we don't know the full extent of how Brody and Buddy came to join the house, we got to watch her transformation in real time. Therefore, she is a representative of the true (I would argue healing) power of the House.
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valya-kingoftherats · 2 months
20, 24 + 36 for valya/julia/anathema?
Ahh thank you very much!! 🧡
20. Who handles the spiders? Who screams directions in the background?
I don't think any of them are particularly scared of spiders, but I do think they'd all fuck with each other and scream when they find one. I will say that Themmy and Valya are definitely releasing the spiders.
24. Who kissed who first?
I know in my heart the Anathema/Valya kiss happened first. Hanging out in one of their apartments (sleepover night?), Themmy was the one who initiated, and Valya awkwardly returned what was their first kiss.
The Psychopathor Julia/Valya kiss was next, with many more Julia/Valya kisses following (and still Themmy/Valya ones but secret) which is what sparked the Anathema having them all sit down and talk about the feelings and status quo. Then Anathema/Julia kisses joined the party, and everyone was kissing and holding hands.
36. What is something that would break their hearts?
Julia: Feeling left out/behind. Valya clicked with Themmy almost immediately, and the two are very close. There's that fear that what they have might be stronger and if it turned out to be true and they moved on without her it would be heartbreaking.
Anathema: Not being taken seriously. Getting brushed off and ignored, not being listened to or considered. They joke around a lot, always seem bright and happy, but that's not always the case.
Valya: Never feeling safe enough to let the secrets out. Where they're from, what happened there, the tattoos. Never being able to let them know would be hard, knowing they wouldn't be accepted would be harder.
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Bfndjskdksksksk tell me more about the faith guardian angel one
@86vol: I will beg you for the Faith is a guardian angel to her idiot parents fic!!! Just the thought of reading it makes me smile!❤️🙏🏻❤️
Okay, the premise is essentially just Outlander from Faith's perspective as the guardian angel to Jamie and Claire through all their ridiculous near-death experiences 😂 I'm toying with the idea of seeing if this can be a 5+1 fic. The tone is for the most part on the lighthearted side and the idea came to me during a rewatch in late season 3 where Jamie and Claire almost die several times in 5 minutes dfdjklsjflkd and I could picture Faith going, "again?? I just saved you two minutes ago..."
And yet the only snippet I have fully written so far is not at all snarky or silly 😅 Here ya go:
She couldn’t explain the conflicting tug to go for Brianna at that moment — to try to save her instead of Jamie or Claire, her own charges. No other explanation than that Brianna was her sister, and Jamie and Claire loved her very much, and in that moment, Faith could feel their terror like a knife in the gut, and she’d wanted to do something. But she’d stayed. Of course she’d stayed with them, and seen them safe.  She’d lingered even long enough to see Jamie pull Young Ian into a hug and then Claire ‒ hugged them both so tightly that she couldn’t help but wonder what it must feel like, to be held by hands that would tear the world apart to find you, to keep you safe.  To be held by one who loved you so much more than his own life.  And she thought again of Brianna, who didn’t yet know that feeling either.  Brianna, who would have been hers to protect in life, if Faith had lived.  Brianna, who they couldn’t bear to lose… because they’d lost Faith.
[ask me about my wips]
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barry-j-blupjeans · 1 year
24 for object and 20 for emotion? :>
object + emotion prompt list here!
24. Costume for a lizard or perhaps small rodent
Magnus was not good at sewing. In fact, he was the exact opposite. He was very bad at sewing. Incredibly, horribly bad. He took home ec in high school and he got an F in sewing. His mom tried multiple times to teach him and Magnus wished, not for the first time, that anything had stuck inside his little brain, but it hadn't. His other mom had tried, too, but she couldn't get past watching him attempt to thread a needle before she took him outside to play soccer instead.
His fingers were just too beefy, was the thing. And the thread was just so tiny.
Magnus was not good at sewing. But he figured it was time to make up for it.
He had to get the things to sew first, of course, which also hadn't been an easy task. He had to sneak into town, which was already difficult because of the aforementioned beefy. And if people didn't see him going into town, they definitely saw him squeezing his way into the small fabric store at the end of the corridor. This shop was made for people half his size. Both in a figurative way, where everything was tiny and fragile and Magnus was the bull in this china-fabric shop, and in a literal way, where the shop owner was a gnome.
But she had taken one look at Magnus's desperate, confused face and taken pity. She knew where all the good fabrics were— the ones that didn't make his skin itch or feel too heavy. And she patiently sat through showing Magnus how to begin sewing, threading the needle and all. Magnus was now wishing he had taken her up on the rest of the lesson she wanted to offer because this thing he was making was…
Well. It… was a thing that now existed in the world. What once was beautiful, soft pretty fabric was now…
Okay, nope. Magnus had nothing good he could say about this shit. It was somehow ten times too small and too big all in one. The head opening could fit around his wrist maybe? But the legs definitely needed… help. Lots of help. He had tried to remember all his mother's advice and while he had started with the fabric flipped inside out, as he was supposed to do, it had somehow gone onto the wrong side anyway.
"Magnus," said a voice from behind him. A soft hand touched his shoulder. A familiar body pressed against his back. "What the ever-loving fuck are you making?"
Magnus groaned, leaning back against Julia. She smelled like peaches today. Magnus liked peaches. The light from the window hurt his eyes when he looked up. He didn't know what time it was anymore.
"It was gonna be a surprise," Magnus said, hiding his face in his hands.
"Well, surprised is a word that could be used to describe how I feel," Julia said. "Amongst other contenders."
"It's— don't laugh at me."
Julia leaned forward, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. She pressed a kiss to his head.
"I make no promises, babe."
"Fair," Magnus said. "Fair— Fair enough— it's, uh— it was supposed to be a onesie. Y'know, for…"
He could practically feel Julia's smile, which had to count for something. And when he looked up at her, sure enough, there it was. She tilted her head at the… onesie attempt… and glanced down at him again.
"You did a pretty shit job," she said.
"Yeah," Magnus sighed. "I just thought— well, my ma made me my first onesie, so I just thought I'd try for— for them?"
"I currently don't think they care," Julia said. She circled around, pulling up a stool to sit next to the desk. She took the onesie from his hands, appraising it. Magnus leaned against her, moving one hand to rest against her stomach. The baby bump wasn't quite there yet, but he got giddy thinking about how it will be soon. "But I think we can figure this out before they will."
"You think?" Magnus asked. Julia set the onesie down, turning to kiss him.
"I'm sure," Julia said. After a moment, she glanced back at the onesie. "I like the fabric but I— I gotta know how you managed to do— …this."
"I don't know," Magnus said miserably.
"It looks like a costume for a lizard," Julia said. Magnus bit back a laugh. "Or perhaps a small rodent—"
"It's not that bad!" he laughed.
"Mags, baby," Julia said. "If you don't think it's not that bad, I'm not sure I can change your mind in T-minus eight months."
"It's— it's not that bad," he insisted. "It's got character!"
"I want the writer to kill it off," Julia said. Magnus cackled, his head falling against her shoulder. "I love you so much. We need to buy more fabric. You've fucked this one up too badly. How did you manage to use the entire godsdamn yard making a rat cloth—"
"I tried my best!" Magnus said.
"I am deeply afraid to see your worst."
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lunadrawingonthemoon · 4 months
Seliph and Julia :)
Yay the little guys I love them! (sorry for the wait got a lot of stuff to do, I'm trying to get back to it)
They are both what I call “heirs” for the design. And by that, I mean that their design looks a lot like an older person, who have the same role as them, most of the time related to them.
Julia is really in that category. Her color scheme with the white and purple with accent of gold, is really the same as Deirdre, and she also kinda have the same role as her: the holy maiden, with the naga blood, the long dress, pure white but with accent of colors but just soft ones. It’s what transpire the most from her to the point of not having really anything like her father. But I felt like it’s the point, she's breaking free of what her father represents. But she’s also different from her mom, especially with her outfit. It’s way plainer and simpler, less decorated probably because of her upspringing, which was rougher cause of the war.
I don’t really have more to say about this design especially because it has multitude of redesign with more recent artworks (like Deirdre) but if I would modify some stuff on the design, it would be maybe to differentiate her more from her mother, maybe with some red details to evoke her father but also the more passionate and courageous personality she developpe with time.
Seliph, is a good mix of both of their father and mother personalities (but a bit more from Sigurd) and it reflects itself with this cute pie design. But again, there is a lot of redesigns which limit me with interpretations. The longer hair, with the bandana is clearly a reference to Deirdre, they even have the same bangs! While the blue cape with a white/red part and generally the blue color scheme is a reference to Sigurd.
But contrary to them Seliph’s outfit is not white but mostly blue with white and gold accessories, and this is, I think, a symbol of them being less naïve of the violence of the world but will still try to save it with compassion and nobility. And if I remember well one of the most important thing with the second generation is this: to not reproduce the first generation errors who bring them to death (at least most of them).
I don’t think there is a lot to change, maybe some reference to Oifey and Shannan who raised Seliph and the others, but outside of that…
Overall very solids design for their time, simple but very functional. And they are adorable, I love them.
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khrysos-karnifex · 2 years
Kept seeing that post in my ‘for you’ so I’m suggesting an alt
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I feel like I have to clarify my mindset cause everyone is getting on me about Nathan’s placement. When I say Nathan would fight God im viewing it as a more passive fight, like him trying to live his day to day life, and losing. Think of like “face down Nathan” or “kill Nathan” or simply how tired the boy looks. Although I do think, after watching his content for almost a decade, that he would straight up fight God if pushed IS THE NOSE SCALE VAGUELY STANDARD HUH GOD!!?????!?
Now it’s your time on the chopping block. I’ll approve your willie and nathan changes but Why do you think Spencer “defeated by a snowball” Wan would fight God and not Julia “dark souls champion, literally owns a special hunting knife, SAYS SHES EXCITED FOR THE ARC OF HER LIFE WHERE SHE KILLS GOD” Lepetit would not. Your time starts now
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zees-hat · 5 months
whats ur top 5 characters, one list for og characters and one for reboot, and why :3
Okay okay okay i got this I SWEAR Also HIIII BEEEEE
DJ - actually my silly. i LOVE him and he deserves the WORLD
Noah - he got so robbed all the time RAAAAAH
Leshawna - i do NOT believe anyone who says they hate her she can do zero wrong i love her so much
Tyler - he can do nothing wrong. he IS the best boyfriend and he’s so pathetic i adore him
REBOOT (this is gonna be hard)
Zee - i think its obvious but WOWZERSSS HE IS SO SO SO SO SILLY
Wayne and Raj - Putting them as one. they are a package deal they are so cutiepatootie
Julia - NO NEED TO EXPLAIN??? perfect villain character and like perfectly executed
Damien - im ignoring the fact he didnt change his underwear once. shush but HE IS SO SILLY??! ive adored him since season one
Bowie - The icon he doesnt play fair unless it comes to raj and i LOVE him he is so funny and idc what anybody says i love his outfit
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butchviking · 9 months
cringe transphobe. get off my feed
you're, like, livin' in a prison of your own creation, man
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