#thanks for the ask finch!
everchased · 6 months
Given that Finch and Debt existed in our real world, do you think they would enjoy wearing "ugly" holiday sweaters? Why/why not? If they do, what kind of sweater do you think they'd go for? Bright and festive? Ironic? Lewd?
(Feel free to ignore this if you yourself don't celebrate anything and/or this question makes you uncomfortable)
i think they both would, with varying degrees of approval from their partners
debt is very subdued about holidays and celebrations (mostly because she's worried she's somehow faking her own excitement and she'll find a way to ruin them for others) but she would easily be convinced to wear something bright and festive with karlach.
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finch... would find something ironic/lewd to wear. half because he saw it in a store and it got a small chuckle out of him and half because he knows astarion will have a fit about it.
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kataux · 1 year
More drawtectives fake tweets puh-LEASE
i’m glad i’m not the only one who enjoys these!! here’s some more :)
Drawtectives Fake Tweets Part 2
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What's your favorite Monty headcanons that you've seen or that you came up with??
I think that nonbinary Monty is my favorite Monty headcanon!
Since gender is a social construct, I imagine that crows don’t really put much thought into gender and gender roles (although I know almost nothing about crows, so don’t quote me on that one lmao). I think that if a crow were suddenly thrust into a human body like Monty was, they wouldn’t view gender in the same way as most people do. Hence, nonbinary Monty!
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daily-grian · 11 months
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i want to join in on the daily grian thing
A guest daily! Thank you! :D
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skepticalfrogcat · 6 months
Thinking a little bit about the signet ring and the implications behind the fact that Aerin has it.
So, we know from the ttrpg character sheets that the ring belonged to Queen Aurinae, so obviously it's from their family, but it could've just as easily gone to Baldur, couldn't it? In fact, it probably would've made more sense for him to have that royal seal since he was going to be king. But Aerin has it, and that got me thinking some in-depth thoughts about the Valleros family.
Imagine, with me, this: A much younger Aerin, with a close relationship to his mother, because his father has always favored his older brother. Aerin takes after Aurinae more than Arlan anyway, always having been gentler and more soft-spoken than Baldur. Whenever Arlan was with Baldur, shaping him to be the next king, Aurinae would be with Aerin, taking the time to make sure he felt just as loved as his brother. She was also practically the person who stopped Baldur from tormenting Aerin so frequently. She dies while both of the brothers are still fairly young, and when she does, she gives Aerin her prized ring so he always has something to remember her by. And once she's gone, we all know what happens next.
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soaricarus · 1 month
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THE ME......
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shutup-andletme-go · 3 months
hello!!!!!!!! how are u
no but actually pretty good, am reading project nought at @antisocialgaycat 'so recommendation
(they're gonna come online to a solid wall of my messages in discord. I hope u will reply to at least some of them elle <3)
it is a quality book so far, have u ever read it? I'm like halfway thru rn
Ahh did some match racing study at the library earlier, got my upwind and downwind cross starting manoeuvre down... hopefully
had to put a white duvet on my bed cos idk where my other one went and mazzy has been sitting on it and filthing it withe her fur
why is that capitalised my phone keyboard is being funky
i have swish swish stuck in my head
how are you??
elle read my tags before u click read more idk how fed up with my bullshit u are but I do not blame u if u are
have hhad maybe perhaps too many liv thoughts today to be healthy and platonic but ahahahahahahahaha it's algd we won't think abt how she remembered me (literally my biggest fear is remembering someone, but they don't remember me, I hate it so much) and I was very careful not to go up to her or wave at her first, but she caught my eye and waved, and I heckled her when we played, and I tackled her and WON, and then post match when we were shaking hands she gave me a proper hard hug and punched my shoulder gently and I did the same to her
whoops ah fuck I thinking abt it asgfjlshsvjaksb
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ex-textura · 2 months
Hi hello! Any fun facts you would like to share about your characters? (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)
[i'm sorry this has taken me so long i've been picking away at this since you sent it 😶 apologies for the verbosity, but you got me started and i couldn't stop lmao]
I have SO MANY facts I want to share about my characters 👀 are they fun? ehhhhh. They sure are facts.
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The big scar on Auric's face is from his sister's ex. He was jealous and abusive and the one time he flew into a rage in Auric's presence, he stepped in and took the hits so she could run. He almost died then. When he woke up his head was in her lap, he was surrounded by blood, and the abusive ex was dead.
He and Gale settled down after the events of the game, got married, and opened a tavern outside of Waterdeep with his sister and her love, Halsin. They have a teleportation circle in the basement connected to Gale's tower and they basically treat it like a guest house. They've also set up a place for Astarion in the basement so he can stay there whenever he's handy. He still doesn't really like Astarion, but his sister pleaded and he couldn't say no.
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Ciaran collected every poetry book, love letter, and diary he could find once he started to get feelings for Gale. He also bothered everyone in the party constantly(Gale included) about what love is, how do you know that's what you're feeling, what do you do about it? He had no frame of reference for love so the whole thing was completely foreign to him. He was like an alien trying to learn human customs. He thought he was being sneaky.
Now that he's no longer trying to die all the time, he's taken up painting and gotten pretty damn good at it, too.
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Jinx is 43 years old. Technically.
His skin used to be more red, but a wild magic surge turned him blue and the colour never totally faded.
He's demisexual
Fully incapable of picking up when he's being flirted with. He doesn't think he's handsome, or ugly. He's just Jinx.
He'll try literally anything once, so he let Astarion bite him, and then let him drain him because he'd never been bitten by a vampire before, and never died before. He turned him down for sex though because "I've already had gay sex before :) thanks though!" Astarion is still reeling from that one.
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Amaris is one half of a splintered soul. They grew up with their other half as their best friend and had no idea.
The illithid abduction went funky and rather than just scooping them up into the nautiloid, it shunted them into an entirely different, mirrored reality. It wasn't until before the push on moonrise that they learned the truth.
Their best friend and other half had a massive crush on the infamous Gale of Waterdeep that they used to give her hell about all the time. Until they met him, and fell for him too.
Luckily, due to alternate universe fuckery, they each got a Gale and everyone is happy.
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Naught is something of an urban legend to people who travel the roads outside Baldur's Gate. He hunted highwaymen with the help of his birds Quothe and Madge. Known only as The Raven on account of the only warning of their presence being a ruffle of feathers and the cry of ravens before the arrows would start flying.
He took payment for his heroism in money, food, or sex. Whatever was on offer.
Before they hit Baldur's Gate and rented out the Elfsong they hadn't slept in a bed in over 10 years.
Their boyfriend was teaching him to read before the fire that killed him and sent Naught on the run. As such, the lad still can't fucking read.
Apparently their type is nerds who are older than him.
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Jack married his ex-wife when he was 18.
Has two kids - a son and a daughter - and a grandchild on the way.
His job in the city was general labour. Lifting, fixing, building, cleaning. Anything that paid.
His ex-wife, and therefore his kids, are dwarves. He's 6'5. There's a bit of a height difference there.
He plays the drums.
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Ilztaufein is a name he gave himself after escaping the fall of Ched Nasad.
He'd only been training as a wizard for about 10 years when he left. Still though, he thinks he's hot shit and won't hear otherwise.
The only wizard he thinks is better than himself is Gale. Elminster is a nobody in his eyes.
He's 5'4!
For all his big talk he's kind of terrified of women and will automatically obey any order given to him by any of the women in the party. Except for Shadowheart..who he killed......And Mystra... who he's got plans for.
He's been researching the gods after hearing Mystra's order for Gale's sacrifice. He wants to usurp her.
Most of his work on the surface has been in and around Waterdeep, and he's been to Blackstaff Academy a number of times in that time, in disguise, trading information.
He doesn't understand how humans age.
He's never seen a cat in person until they entered Last Light. He's obsessed with them (they're regal, vicious, fancy little bitches. Just like him). The first time he sees one with fur he's going to lose his damn mind.
He's never been with a human before. It's only been drow and the occasional surface elf. Gale's body hair is magical to him and he's not at all subtle about it.
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He's 6'2.
Muse more or less adopted Flair - his partner in crime - when they were still teenagers. He saw this homeless kid trying to flirt with him after one of his shows and, like one might with a pet, decided this one was his and took her in. He taught her everything he knew about flirting, manipulation, and getting away with it.
Astarion clocked them both as thieves right away when they met Gale and immediately started trying to use thieves cant to communicate to each other that he was the perfect mark, and whose turn it was to do the flirting.
They caught on that Astarion was on to them later, so Muse was tasked with distracting him, lest Astarion rat them out or, worse, take their mark out from under their noses.
Absolutely devastated when Astarion started using the same tactics on him that he'd used on his targets and that shit actually worked.
He's really bad at the whole...feeling your real genuine emotions...thing. He's been writing songs about Astarion trying to sort out his feelings, rather than..yknow. talking to anyone. at all. ever.
He got really mad at Flair when she started giving Gale expensive items so he wouldn't explode. He voted to send the wizard to the underdark cause he wasn't worth the trouble.
He smells like patchouli and vanilla.
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samsayswhatever · 26 days
I need Esther Finch CARNALLY. I’ve never been so attracted to someone in my life. *shouts* EVIL WITCH MILF I HEAR YOU LIKE TO EAT GIRLS, AND I WOULD LOVE TO BE EATEN!!!!
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Love her <3
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mysticmoon-s · 1 year
🐑💕 for the oc ask thingy!
Rowan in date night and farmer outfits
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OC ask thingy
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the-land-of-dreams · 10 months
all your favorite amulet variants (jay, myriad, clover etc) for the character bingo
Dr. Myriad from @mattastr0phic :
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Dr. Jaylynn Finch from @drawingsfromthefrogwar :
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Dr. Abirt Kravitz from @atinyladybug-art :
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Dr. Jasper Amos from @fiveeeee :
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and finally Dr. Clover McCoy by me :-)
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baconcolacan · 7 months
I humbly offer you, art
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This is an apology for laughing at for being eddless <333
(Quality is ass but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless-)
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karaboutmyart · 1 year
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had to drop everything and draw them
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puzzled-pegasus · 2 months
I was rewatching someone play wroef and just noticed that the song Molly hears when she's sneaking up on the sailor, he's singing ' What Shall We Do With The Drunken Sailor'.
Which gave me the fun headcanon that Molly might like sea shanties.
What's the most random/most fun headcanon you came up with based on something small from the game.
ooh, interesting question.
Here's a couple of my smaller, more lighthearted hcs for the finches :)
i think Sam and Dawn got Gus a pair of Doc Martens at some point. They came out in the 60s and were still cool around the time Gus died so I think he would want a pair. Maybe he would like the red ones. History source: my dad who was born the same year as Gus lmao
Barbara liked to cook and bake and would make stuff at home and Calvin and Sam would probably steal cookie dough or batter or frosting from her when she was cooking
Gus kept trying to teach cuss words to Edie's bird(s)
Milton and Lewis liked to play make believe a lot and their games usually involved them being kings and/or princes
Lewis has a good singing voice and used to sing to Edith sometimes
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falloutcoys · 2 months
Matt lastname for the character bingo?
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I assumed Matt wbg but. I can't remember if Matt thegrotto has a canon last name and if he is referred to as lastname if not and if u listen to the grotto so oop sorry if I'm wrong and u meant him.
character bingo
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randomalistic · 6 months
https://www.instagram.com/reel/C06jeJvoBAf/?igshid=NjMyZDczNDVlMg== dis you/silly
Yes. I’m both the bird and the giant fingers petting the bird
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