#thanks for being interested lmao
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pileofrocksjh · 2 months ago
@nova-arclight seemed intrigued so I'll explain the random ass Universe I created.
So my OC (she's called Comet btw) was created by a being called Asterus. Not entirely legally. And she is a leader of an organisation called The Order. It is an organisation which stems from Astral World and expands into other planets. They have a Council. Made up of several members. (I'll explain them in another post if enough people are interested) in order of ranking it goes: Lyra, Eliphas, Orion, Vega, Athena, Aries, Lunar, Sirius, Astral and then Comet. They make all of the major decisions and shit like that. The city itself is called The Citadel and the castle is where all of The Council members and Recruits live. The normal people who live in the city aren't considered members of The Order but are under its protection (if that makes sense). Ask if you want something explained :D
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sakasakiii · 1 month ago
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when i first designed erestor 3 years back i wasnt totally aware of his potential half-elf status, and since then ive come across some more fanon interpretations of him being haleth and caranthir's kid which i really liked!!!! so ive decided to rework him a little by combining my original lore for him into this concept 👉👈 i ended up getting carried away on whole different tangent with his backstory which ive summarised down below HAHA
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tldr to expand on some key points under the cut:
born in F.A. 371 to haleth and caranthir; his parents' romance is short but passionate, and while many of the haladin are initially unsure about the nature of this union, they dont oppose it. for 4 years they live an unconventional but happy life together
haleth leaves thargelion in F.A. 375 and raises erestor with her people once they resettle. he's too young to remember much about caranthir. throughout his childhood she never tells him who his father is, but he also never really feels the need to ask.
he's captured in F.A. 460 (40 years after his mother's death) and escapes in F.A. 510. two years later, he finally finds refuge in Amon Ereb-- six years after the deaths of caranthir, celegorm and curufin in the 2nd kinslaying.
is tasked by maedhros to assist maglor with elrond and elros' education after they're taken in following the 3rd kinslaying in F.A. 538. he becomes a weird mix of a nanny/older brother/teacher figure to them, and a strange but sweet bond forms between them.
entrusted to protect elrond and elros following the break out of the war of wrath. he leads them to the Host of the Valar, where the twins are given the choice of the half-elven; to his surprise, he's afforded this choice as well, and decides to remain elven out of compassion for elrond after elros chooses mortality.
remains by elrond's side to watch over him for most of the 2nd age. during this time he resides in lindon as a healer, translator and archivist; later joins elrond in imladris, and partakes in the war of the last alliance as a combat medic.
in the 3rd age, is beset with sea-longing after what he regards to be a long and tiresome existence; he's also filled with guilt for being unable to help elrond heal celebrian’s psychological wounds, and contemplates following her back to Valinor. ultimately decides to stay back a bit longer, however, and lingers until after sauron’s defeat when the rest of the elves finally depart for the West. 
that's just a very condensed version but one day i hope to explore in some 4th age stuff where he finds out who his dad is...?! or will he?!?! who knows lol
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gomzdrawfr · 23 days ago
so this was my night, how's yours?
ftr @karlachismylife and @on-a-lucky-tide
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also my sister say hi again
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gingermintpepper · 5 months ago
Why did Apollo favor the trojans in the Illiad?
So, dear Anon, I've been thinking about how to answer this question since I got it a couple days ago and I think I kind of want to make something clear before I get into it.
The Iliad by itself as a poem only covers some of the events that occur in the final year of a long protracted conflict that had been brewing for at least two decades and was an active war for ten. Within the space of the Iliad itself, the motivations and affairs of the major players are often referenced but there are many, many parts of the story that are not there because they belong to a different story cycle that has been since lost or was never recorded with words. In the space of the Iliad Apollo's motivations are questioned a lot - his pride is questioned by Poseidon who thinks Apollo should be just as angry at the Trojans as he considering Apollo was treated equally as poorly by Laomedon while they worked together. His honour is questioned by Hera who chastises him for taking the Trojans' side when he'd proclaimed that Achilles would live a long life and prosper at Thetis and Peleus' wedding. His own sister calls him a coward for refusing to fight when Zeus gives permission for the gods to go wild on the battlefield. For all that there's this image of Apollo in the Iliad as some staunch and unwavering protector of the Trojans, believe it or not, I largely think of Apollo as neutral in the war.
Which, I suppose, comes back to the question - why did Apollo favour the Trojans? The truthful answer is that I don't know. The Iliad and all its connected stories isn't something I've done enough research on to have an answer or a reference to an answer off the top of my head. The reasoning I'm aware of is that Apollo was a Patron God of Troy and really a god doesn't need any reason besides that to protect his people but it's not like Apollo abandoned the Greeks either. Calchas is the biggest example of that I can point to - descended directly from a priest of Apollo and one who attributed his mantic power to the god, Calchas was pivotal in ensuring the Greeks even got to Troy in the first place.
From a personal perspective however, I think Apollo was more dedicated to the house of Priam than he was the city of Troy itself. Apollo's affection for that house and all its members ran deep - from his admiration of Hecuba and Hector to his love and attempted courtship of Cassandra to his blessings given to Helenus, Deiphobos, Cassandra, Troilus and even his partnership with Paris - Apollo loved the house of Priam. When you think about the times Apollo lashes out against the Greeks, it's generally because they've done some nonsense to earn his ire. The plague was caused by Agamemnon disrespecting his priest, his aid in the slaughter of Patroclus was because he didn't respect him, his minor grudge against Diomedes too was because he tried to test Apollo's mettle and well, the less said about Achilles the better. Apart from his obvious favouring of Hector in the skirmishes, Apollo doesn't really oppose the Greeks. He has a ton of reasons to by the time the Iliad rolls around, including avenging the death of two of his sons, but he remains mostly satisfied with conducting his father's business and overseeing the war from a somewhat professional perspective. To me, it's always been less about Apollo caring about the fate of Troy as a city itself and more about him just really wanting to protect the people in the city that he's come to love and respect.
Of course, I encourage you to take my words with a big tablespoon of salt - like I said, I don't really know enough about the facts in particular to give a solid, confident answer but I can give you my interpretation of it. Maybe consult someone like @littlesparklight for a more comprehensive and grounded response 🤔
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moonilit · 5 months ago
people sometimes assign the ‘girlboss x malewife’ trop to Dickkory, when really i don’t think thats them, they both equally badass and equally traumatize, Kory is very feminine, and outside of her perception of modesty is lady like while Dick is fairly masculine, Kory was put in the damsel in destress position before while Dick is this man in command and leader all the time, what works for them is that they actually respect each other, communicate together, and let the other do what they are good at doing
Kory is a girlboss she is a worrier princess who is growing to be a strong and powerful but compassionate leader who would literally one day be a Queen! Dick is not really a malewife, a malewife would be taking on a traditionally feminine gender role leaving the more masculine ones to his wife etc. Dick doesn’t really, he didn’t even organize his apartment until kory showed up. no Dick is a king, a powerful ally, an incredible leader and a brilliant mind capable of gaining the trust and respect of the world superheros to the point they will follow him anywhere. They complement each other, they are a power couple, a King and Queen!
other tropes i could see them fall into are that add extra flavors are
Star Soulmates obviously
Favorite human
married Couple lol
(if you ship them all the way Dick would have like 17 new siblings, so: Big family older brother with many siblings plus the one who lost their own)
You can also insert extra flavor depending on how you like writing them like both are touch starved but specifically for a kind touch because they been hurt a lot. sunshine and sunshine protector but mutual because they are both each others sun and its very cold snd dark without the other around laughing and smiling. Traveling through time and space to find each others in every universe. Looks normal… but when you get to know them… they both a special kind of insane. Hot couple. Etc.
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sleepis4theweak · 1 year ago
I just saw your post on Mikey doing angry stimms and had to ask for more /nf since this is the first time I've seen someone draw angry stimms for a character (it's not that common from my perspective)
Thank you- love your artstyle so much!!! :D
(P.s. I also get angry stimmys too sometimes)
Aww- thank you so much for this ask! I am really, really happy you liked it!! And yeah I feel like angry stims aren't talked about as much...
Anyways I was really super excited to draw more- still using stims that I have done, though these are a little more uh... aggressive? I wanted to preface this by saying that I do these gently, or they are stims that I've replaced with something else hehe :)
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For my angry stims a lot of it is based on frustration so it's kinda a lot of flailing? Like aggressive shaking. The biting one isn't something I've done in a while- and is one that I would try to do gently (would not recommend that one lol), and the punching of the thigh is something I tend to do (gently) when I'm hella frustrated with homework :)
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askunwantedguestnarrator · 9 months ago
[Ahh I just saw a new TSP account and wanted to interact.]
May the Narrator tell us more about his character design? Or if they have any special powers or anything?
What about how closely related they are to canon? How much headcannons do they have? Are they still working via canon facts or a separate AU?
[Excuse the long questions, I'm interested and came up with these on the spot]
Sending my regards to the older gentleman and the rest.
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anywhoosies, thank you so much for the question, Kat!
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tmos-time · 28 days ago
so uhhh this line in your erisol understuck post "not getting into all the ELABORATE thoughts i have on how the geno route would go"
…………can we have some of it????I'm dying of curiousity ever since I read that post lol
also just to let you know that your aus are all very fabulous and they live in my brain rent free all the time. i was wondering do you mind fanart??
aww thank you, i don't mind at all! would love to be tagged if anyone makes any <3
as for the understuck geno route; here's a loose plot path for it!
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basically, the plan would be to have a split in how the route could theoretically go; a normal version of the route following close enough to undertale's canon events with the characters given, and a secret route for speedrunners because sollux deserves to have a proper battle at the chagrin of people trying to speedrun LOL
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lennsart · 11 months ago
*Aggressively throws ravioli at you*
I feel like I’m trying to bribe or tempt people into the ship lol. But it’s so worth it
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I am being
Ravioli'd D:
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whatudottu · 2 months ago
Honestly I’d love to see the Ben 10 fandom go more in-depth as to what the galactic audience’s thoughts regarding interspecies relationships and what dynamics formed between different species are like. Is dating To'kustars or Galvans when you’re not a To’kustar or Galvan frowned upon due to the severe height difference involved? Are there debates on whether it’s ethical to date a Vulpimancer or not? Is a Galvan dating a Galvanic Mechamorphs seen as a power imbalance? What would a romantic relationship between a Petrosapien and a Tetramand be like, or a queerplatonic one between an Ectonurite and a Lepidopterran be like, or even a platonic/familial one between a Kineceleran and a Pyronite?
Heheh, I really like thinking about the interplanetary community and it’s dynamics throughout the cosmos in the Ben 10 series, because I dunno it’s like rife with potential for worldbuilding and I guess political drama? Because apparently I like fictional political drama? I guess when it’s fictional it doesn’t affect anyone so it can be played around with in interesting ways.
Got some talking points down below hehe-
I have like SO MANY headcanons about how the interplanetary community treats vulpimancers, though to be fair I have like an unrefined list of notes about the chronology of Vulpin politics and ideologies that I haven’t neatened up yet, and one of those headcanons is the difficulties they face trying to prove themselves just as sapient as the other species; amongst all the bullshit that does bring, interspecies relationships are also affected by that bias. And the fact that you bring up the implied dynamic between creator (the galvan) and creation (galvanic mechamorphs) is interesting too because also, you can kinda also have debates about ‘is it ethical to date the first generation of a species’ especially in comparison to galvans who seem to have quite long lives, ‘is it ethical for a long living species to date a species by all means younger in their entirety than they are’ type questions-
It also isn’t just like the general interplanetary community though it’s also just the differing planetary communities (with their differing nations etc etc until we get to the individual) that also butt heads with each other- an ectonurite’s family really REALLY pushing for them to ‘get together’ with their queerplatonic lepidopterran partner before they have to host a funeral one day vs the lepidopterran having to explain to their hive that they’re happy with their ectonurite partner especially without the pressure of it being romantic there’s so many others that can and do *coughs into hand* ‘contribute’ to the hive population! Or or! The kineceleran not giving two shits about their pyronite sibling from another… pibling? Ah whatever- being so frickin’ slow because they can both bond over sports vs the pyronite wanting to share one of their thrill seeking traditions from back home with a race in their stunt car against their kineceleran cuz’ own personal wheels!
Lowkey I kinda made at least a concept for a tetramand/petrosapien couple which I based on a pseudo sumo wrestling match I saw at school once where one of the participants was slammed into the ground but they quickly switched their positions to roll the person on top so fast the crowd thought THEY were the one to win and not the person they flipped who won first- I mean! In my sphere of headcanons about petrosapiens and Petropia is that they barely got much chance to interact with the universe at large (being cracked open by the fulmini before Plumber intervention set them off plus doing something similar but… a little MORE to what they did on Revonnah) and so modern interplanetary discussions about any petrosapien relationship is ‘i thought they were extinct?’ and especially with tetramands intense courtship it may even skip straight to ‘oh they might as well be extinct’. Not exactly pleasant to hear, compounded by the rare potential someone happens to know - to put it in gross terms - a ‘suitable mate’ with the opposite sex of the petrosapien they’re pestering. At that point you’d better hope it wasn’t the tetramand/petrosapien pair because if the petrosapien doesn’t stab you over the offence, the tetramand would put you in your place, as legally able to as they’d can just to piss them off :P
Do you think if a galvan and a to’kustar were dating it’d be considered a ‘long distance relationship’ :P?
#ask#anonymous#vulpimancer#galvan#galvanic mechamorph#ectonurite#lepidopterran#kineceleran#pyronite#petrosapien#tetramand#to’kustar#ben 10#worldbuilding#i had a little less to say about to’kustars since it’s mostly a physical height thing than a cultural thing#but it’s still a very interesting talking point- how does one engage in a relationship with significant size difference#thanks to the reboot alien worlds series i do have like some influence from that lmao- for um i guess blatantly three of them#the interplanetary community i’ll say knows the least about to’kustars petrosapiens and vulpimancers either way#each for different reasons- petrosapiens for the lack of time spent being a cultural identity-#vulpimancers being unable to share their culture since it’s been written off countless times to be simple animal instincts-#and i think to’kustars because of their relative distance to the supposed ‘main hub’ of the interplanetary community#being born of cosmic storms and all- i don’t think you’d want to build your hub next to tumultuous space conditions#(how WOULD that work- being born of cosmic storms- in the first place? hmm)#i really really like headcanons that kinda revolve around the perspectives of multiple differing fictional characters hehe#even if it makes some of them jerks and asswads :P#it’s really fun to make a cultural perception that may or may not be incredibly biased- like an unreliable narrator!#my pinky finger has gone numb writing this- if there’s any typos blame the pinky for going on it’s unpaid 30 minute break
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blueskittlesart · 2 years ago
btw. would any of you be interested if i made a zelda comic zine. i’ve wanted to have my old ones printed for a while and at this point i definitely have like a good 50 pages worth of comics and i think it wld be cool to have them printed
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notamortician · 5 months ago
im curious is people actually liked teos show or if they like it bc mark is in it
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oatmealcrisp-freak · 1 month ago
unpopular opinion - the ddlc girls are great and i love them and its totally understandable why everyone loves them - theyre incredibly well written in so many ways - but
i want more protag-kun content also :(
#he's got a character arc too!!!! cmon :(#monika and the player are using protag-kun as a window to view each other how does this level of existential horror#in addition to everything he sees happen when shit gets fucky#not get more attention#like he starts off as a dick and with the support of the girls gradually opens up to show a caring sweet and mischevious side#and then BAM. trauma conga-line#and based on how ambivalent about everything - even bitter - at the start#just not interested in anything or anyone#i wouldnt be shocked if he has some depression going on there too - which starts to lighten with the power of friendship - only...... :"(#i cant get over how he was just. stuck in that classroom for that entire weekend with yuri's body. thanks to monika screwing with the code#like. what must that have been like.#ofc everyone is rightly interested in the sheer power of sapphism going on here but he can like. be there as a pet or something a;dkfa#team lesbian mascot - the generiboy lmao#ill grant i havent looked at the fic just the fanart tho#like hes not just a blank wall. he reacts based on his personality and experiences and the cause and effect#hes just as real as the girls even if he is protag-kun#the realization that he only exists to be projected upon too as monika and player are having that conversation...... man#especially with so many of his decisions being controlled by the player#its extra free-will commentary#hell make her trans and boom now theyre ALL lesbians#the other club members were just preordering lmao
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idliketobeatree · 1 year ago
rereading the book omens again and I must admit, Aziraphale really is That Bitch most of the time. that being said, I really enjoy the special kind of uwu and sluttiness Michael brings to the table
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messymoonmess · 1 month ago
YOURE FEEDING ME (I need to know everything about him so I can write fanfics(can I? Are you comfortable with that? I don't wanna do smt with your oc without your permission))
Of course you can !! I would LOVE to read that !!!
Ill be reposting more content about him soon enough and you're welcome to ask about him !!!
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gomzdrawfr · 2 months ago
Big big fan of the two little whisps of hair in the hairline for some of the doodle 141 boys, especially with Skull Barista and his silly slick back and flustered Soap. Absolutely adorable, thank you for your service
Thank you!! I like adding them to Price, Nik and Ghost sometimes :3 slick back hair IS MY WEAKNESS <3
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