#thanks for asking my uncle colin is very cool
marxistgnome · 2 years
your uncle made those cups????
Yes!! My uncles a glassblower and he made some of the cups in house of the dragon. I dont watch the show personally but I saw this gifset and it reminded me
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He made a post about them on his Instagram if anyone who enjoys glassblowing or game of thrones trivia wants to look
Im pretty sure they're for sale as well so if anyone wants one go crazy
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 4 years
A Place To Call Home: Dads
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Summary: When the reader gets an offer to make some money on the side, things quickly evolve to Jensen learning about where some of the reader and TJ’s money has been going, namely TJ’s father. Jensen offers to help out but discovers that Rick might be up to something... 
Square: A Place To Call Home
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader
Word Count: 7,600ish
Warnings: language, angst (so much family angst), minor injury
A/N: Written for @supernatural-jackles​ Tell Me A Story Bingo. This part takes place after the Halloween timestamp. Enjoy!
“Thank you, Barry,” you said as he left the office at the brewery. Your head was still up when your dad slipped inside and he shut the door. “What’s up?”
“There’s a talent scout out in the draft room,” he said.
“Fascinating,” you said, going back to reading over a contract with a new distributor.
“Y/N they’re here to see you.” You turned in your seat and stared at him, breaking out into a giggle. “I’m serious.”
“This is by far your worst prank yet.”
“You modeled some of the new merch last week? He’s here for you,” he said.
“To what, model?” you scoffed. “No thank you.”
“Well can you go tell him that because he was insisting on hearing it from you,” he said. You sighed and walked out front, a guy in a suit with no tie on sipping from a glass. He smiled when he saw your dad behind you. 
“Ms. Ackles,” he said, holding out his hand. “Nice to meet you.”
“It’s Mrs. Hanover,” you said with a friendly enough smile. 
“You’re clearly used to some hard negotiations.”
“I’m tougher than I look Mr…”
“Elbridge but please call me Dan.”
“What can I do for you today, Dan?” you asked. He walked out to a quieter spot by the railing, settling at one ot the standing tables.
“I work for a talent agency, Mrs. Hanover. We’ve worked with your father a few times when he was starting out,” he said, your dad giving a nod. “We’ve seen your modeling pictures and we’re very interested in you doing a shoot.”
“I appreciate the offer but my answer is no. I’m not a model or an actress or any of the things my parents are besides someone invested in this brewery,” you said.
“She is a tough cookie,” he said as he looked at your dad. “I’m assuming you told her nothing I told you.”
“You gotta sell it on your own,” he said.
“Y/N, we’d like you to be in a commercial with some other women. An underwear commercial.”
“Excuse me?”
“It’s a commercial for inclusivity for people with differences,” he said.
“He means the scar on your back, Y/N. From the accident,” said your dad.
“You’re exactly the kind of person we want included in the line. There’ll be a photo run of things too and-“
“Why exactly do you know I have a scar on my back?”
“Your Instagram. I assumed it was public knowledge.”
“Okay but it’s not even that big. Like it blends in. I’m boring. Get like, an amputee or a burn survivor. That’s inclusive. I’m average.”
“We have a vast array of women in the line including those types and all kinds of body types. But you’re...a brand name we could put to the project.”
“Brand name,” you said. He hummed and you laughed. “My dad? That’s a brand name, not me. Throw him in some underwear and I’m sure you’ll get all the attention you want.”
“Well we want you,” he said. He pulled out a business card and handed it over. “Our initial offer is on the back but we’re open to negotiations. Call us if you think you might be interested. Oh and the beer’s great.”
“Thanks,” you said, looking over the card. The guy had wandered off by the time you flipped it over.
“I told him you wouldn’t be interested,” said your dad, sipping from his bottle of water. You blinked at the card, your dad raising an eyebrow. “You’re not considering it are you?”
“Dad,” you said. You flipped the card around and showed it to him, water spitting out of his mouth.
“Hey, Dan,” he said, rushing back and waving him over. Dan smiled as he walked back, drink in his hand.
“I thought that’d-” said Dan before your dad got in his face. “Is there a problem?”
“What are you up to,” he said.
“Y/N no one gets offered that much money off the street. No one. So I’m gonna ask again. What are you up to?” 
“It’s for a package deal. A photo shoot. A commercial. Ad sponsorship for three months bi-weekly on her social media accounts. We’d also like her to design the set for the commercial. There’s a time crunch of next week so we felt a hundred was a fair offer for that amount of work on short notice,” said Dan. “If she were simply modeling, we’d offer her twenty five but this is our biggest line of the year. You are more than welcome to come along every step of the way.”
“Dan I really do appreciate the offer but I’m not a model. I don’t even remember the last time I wore makeup. I will happily design a set and build if you like and maybe I can do the ad thing but I’m not a model like my parents. Can I talk to my dad for a second?”
He nodded and walked off a ways, your dad sighing.
“Maybe mom could do it or something? She’s done that stuff before,” you said.
“I’m not gonna tell you what to do. Go for the set design for sure. You’re good at it and I know you get to break back into your architecture skills for that. But the rest...once you get on that train you can’t get off.”
“Dad, people already know who I am. I have like...an obnoxious number of followers on my accounts and stuff. My most popular posts? Always about you. I’ve never been in the shadows.”
“I know but that’s different than you doing these things. If you start taking pictures in underwear, you’re gonna attract at least a few weirdos and most of them are harmless but maybe some aren’t and there is a reason that Uncle Cliff still hangs out with me at certain times.”
“It’s a hundred thousand dollars. TJ and I could pay off the lawyer fees for Allie’s adoption finally,” you said. “We could get our mortgage payment down.”
“You’ve never cared about money,” he said. You pursed your lips and he narrowed his eyes. “Are things tight?”
“Are they?”
“I don’t ask about your finances.”
“I sat down with both you and TJ when you bought the house and even with the renovation costs, your monthly payment was very affordable. Allie’s adoption should have been paid off months ago.”
“Do you stalk our spending now or what?” you shot back.
“Well you haven’t bought a new car or any big expenses. Where’s the money going?” he asked.
“I’ll take the set design and leave it at that,” you said. You brushed past him and over to Dan. 
Thirty minutes later you had a signed contract and were back in your office, your dad grumbling as he walked inside.
“I’m busy,” you said.
“Where’s the money going, Y/N?”
“TJ and I make very good money,” you said, typing up an email. He leaned over the desk and narrowed his eyes. “I took the set design only for twenty. Happy?”
“Why do you need twenty thousand dollars?”
“Coming from the guy who made how much fucking money for a single freaking episode? At least I’m not slutting out my face,” you said. He stood back and slammed the door shut on his way out. You sighed and got up, finding him out back, splitting old pallets down. “Dad I’m sorry.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled. 
“Dad. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that.”
“Yeah you did,” he said. “That is exactly why I didn’t want you doing that shoot. Then all you are is a pretty face.”
He moved a pallet and picked up the axe again, bringing it down in the center.
“What?” he snapped as he spun around. 
“I said it because I knew it’d make you mad and piss you off and get you to drop it. It’s the only reason I said it. Please stop asking about where my money goes. Please.”
“Are you in trouble?”
“Dad I said to stop asking.”
“Tough shit,” he said with a shrug. “Call me whatever you want. Maybe I get pissed off but I’ll cool off too. I know how much you make and I know how much he makes and I know you two have both been taking side jobs recently. You should have your house paid off by now, not barely making your mortgage. What’s going on and I want the truth.���
“I can’t.”
“What’s TJ involved in,” he said. You looked away and he nodded. “There are very few reasons why you wouldn’t tell me the truth and considering how small Allie and Colin are, he’s the only one I can think of.”
“I can’t.”
“Hey! There you are,” said TJ, walking around the corner with a bag in his hand. “I was out at a ranch nearby for work and figured we could have lunch together.”
“Speak of the little devil,” said your dad. He dropped the axe and TJ set the food on the hood of his truck, cocking his head.
“You okay, Jensen?” he asked.
“Peachy,” he said, putting his hands on his hips when he stopped in front of him. “So. Want to tell me what’s going on with your finances lately?”
TJ glanced to you and you shook your head.
“Nothing,” said TJ quietly.
“You want to try that again and not lie to me this time?” asked Jensen. TJ shook his head and your dad shut his eyes. “If you’re involved in something bad, let me help. I have money.”
“TJ just tell him,” you said. TJ sighed and picked up the food, walking over to the employee picnic area and sat down. You took a seat beside him and TJ handed you a wrapped burrito, your dad sitting across from him.
“I’m not angry. Let me help is all,” said your dad.
“It’s not us who’s in trouble,” said TJ. Your dad looked to you and you nodded. “It’s my dad.”
“Oh you two,” he said, shutting his eyes. “You’re paying off Rick’s debt he owes somebody, aren’t you.”
“Rick owes money to a bookie and...he beat him up kinda bad and we have extra so…” you said, your dad staring at you. “He asked us not to tell anyone.”
“How much?” he asked.
“Five...hundred,” said TJ. 
“Five hundred thousand?” he asked, your heads nodding. “Five hundred thousand? What...how much have you given him already?”
“About half,” said TJ. Your dad shook his head and put his hands over his face, quickly pulling them off. “I know it’s a lot.”
“Yeah…” he said, swallowing to himself.
“We got it covered. Really. At the rate we’re doing extra side work-”
“Kids...you’re both so kind I think you missed something pretty important,” said your dad. 
“I don’t understand,” said TJ. He looked to you and you shrugged. 
“Guys that’s a lot of money. That’s...an extraordinary amount of money to a lot of people. How on earth does your father owe that much money all of a sudden?” asked your dad.
“He made some bets he lost on,” said TJ.
“But how could it be that much. What was the original bet?”
“What was the original bet he made and lost on?”
“I don’t know. We figured it must have been like a hundred.”
“So your father bet a hundred, say he lost. That’s two hundred. Say he got some insane interest on it. Okay. Maybe, maybe he truly owes that much. But where did he get that original one hundred?”
“He didn’t have it,” said TJ. “We think.”
“Okay. He bet badly and ends up owing the whole thing,” he said.
“Do you give this money to Rick or the bookie?” asked your dad.
“My dad. He didn’t want us to get involved with the guy,” said TJ. 
“Okay,” said your dad. “Here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna drive up to your folks this afternoon TJ and talk to your dad, see what’s left he owes. I will pay the rest.”
“Jensen that’s a lot of money.”
“I know it is. But it’s better to get him out of the hole quickly before something were to happen and I can afford it. Okay? I’m gonna head up. You two enjoy your lunch. I’ll be home in a few hours.”
Something was off about him as he stood and left but you weren’t quite sure what was wrong.
“My dad’s gonna be pissed. He didn’t want Jensen to know at all,” said TJ.
“He wants to help. He’s got a point. The quicker it’s paid off, the quicker your dad’s out of danger. Let’s have lunch and you can tell me about that ranch you’re fixing up.”
“Arrow,” you grumbled that night as she reached for the hot pan. “Let it cool off.”
“Why are we having dinner at your house?” she asked. “No offense but you can only cook like five things.”
“Would you like to cook dinner for seven?” you asked. She held up her hands and you rolled your eyes.
“To be fair, Colin still eats baby food,” she said.
“Thank you for volunteering to feed your nephew,” you said with a grin.
“I didn’t-”
“Ro!” he said as he waddled into the kitchen, wrapping her legs up in a hug.
“I hate you,” she said, narrowing her eyes before she picked him up.
“Thank you Arrow,” you said as she put him on her hip. “He’s got dinner in the fridge if you wouldn’t mind?”
“I got it,” she said, opening it up one handed. “Mom and dad have some last minute thing or something?”
“I don’t know,” you said, your phone ringing, Jared’s name popping up. “Can you get that?”
“Hey Uncle Jared,” she said, hitting it on speaker.
“Arrow? Hey you mind finding your sister for me?” he asked.
“She’s busy making dinner. Apparently it’s very difficult.”
“I’m here Jared,” you said. You grabbed the phone and shoved it between your shoulder and ear. “What’s up?”
“Don’t freak out,” he said. “But come outside.”
You turned down the heat on the stove and went out the front door, finding Jared on the seat out front.
“Uh, what’s up?” you asked, pulling the door shut behind you. “This is weird.”
“Your dad may have...listen. Shit went down when Jensen went up to see TJ’s dad whatever his fuckface name is.”
“Oh you’re about to call him fuckface too.”
“What happened?”
“Well...he had a bad feeling about this whole thing. He and De went up there to talk to them. Things aren’t...your dad’s in the hospital.”
“What?” you said quietly. He stood up and gave you a smile, pulling you into a hug.
“It’s okay. He got a little cut when he got...pushed,” he said. 
“Jared,” said TJ, stepping outside with a curious look. “What’s up dude?”
“Normally being the Uncle is the fun stuff,” he said. TJ frowned when you both saw a cop car pull into your driveway, Cody getting out. “Codes.”
“Dad, I got this,” he said as he hopped up on the porch. You smiled and looked back at TJ. “Oh shut up. I got adopted like six months ago. I might as well.”
“What exactly is happening?” asked TJ.
“Dad,” said Cody again. Jared sat back in the seat, Cody sighing. “TJ...dude I’m sorry. You’re like my brother.”
“Did my...did something happen to my parents,” he said quietly, Cody’s head shaking. “Oh.”
“Rick’s been stealing money from you. There’s no bookie to pay off. Jensen and De went up today to talk to him and they found out the truth and your dad’s got in a fist fight and you guys ought to head up North. It’s not my jurisdiction so I’m not much help.”
“My father did what?” said TJ. Cody glanced at you and you looked down. “That’s not true.”
“Yes, it is,” he said. “TJ the police from your hometown looked into it. He took the money. He’s claiming it was a gift from the two of you but we all know that’s not true.”
“No, he’s been making progress. We’ve been making progress. We’ve been getting along really well,” said TJ.
“Did that start when you started giving him money?” asked Cody.
“Excuse me?”
“I’m just saying what I know as a cop. Did your relationship start changing when money started exchanging hands?”
“Why does he hate me,” said TJ. You grabbed his hand and he shut his eyes. “He must hate me. That’s the only reason I can see why he would do something like that.”
“He doesn’t hate you,” you said.
“He hates you and Jensen. He thinks De is eye candy to stare at. I don’t know how on earth he can pretend to like me,” he said.
“TJ,” said Jared.
“You gonna tell me he loves me or some shit? It’s not good enough,” said TJ.
“I was gonna say you can cut him out of your life if you want to and you’re still gonna have a dad you know. I don’t understand him. I do think he loves you but there’s some resentment towards everyone else you call family. I don’t know why but it’s your choice what you want to do. I’m gonna go inside and finish cooking dinner and we’ll watch all of them tonight. Y/N-”
“I got him,” you said with a nod. 
Ten minutes later you were on the road and driving, TJ staring out the passenger window. 
“Don’t,” he said, voice barely above a whisper. You reached over and grabbed his hand, TJ squeezing it. “We’re going to my parents house after and we’re packing up as much crap as we can to bring back. I’m never speaking to him again after tonight.”
“All the late hours I put in doing side jobs. All the jobs you’ve been doing for set design on the weekends. For months and months we’ve been doing it. Straight into his fucking pocket. We could have paid off the house with that money. Paid off bills. That’s our money. It’s our kids money. It’s not some sack of shit’s to go buy whatever he wants with. I could fucking kill him.”
“We’ll get it back,” you said.
“It’s not about the money.”
“I know, babe,” you said. 
“Why is he like that?”
“It’s not an excuse but I think he was raised very poorly and he doesn’t...he knows it’s wrong but I think he thinks we have so much it’s okay if he takes from us.”
“He took two hundred and fifty thousand dollars from us. A year of side jobs for the both of us on top of everything else. We sleep four hours a night. We weren’t handed that. We worked for it. We worked our asses off. All that pressure and all the pressure we thought somebody would hurt him if we were late with money? I can’t believe I ever gave a shit about him. I should have trusted you. You’ve never liked him. No one in your family did. Even Arrow and that kid loves everybody. I should have trusted you guys.”
“TJ they didn’t like him because of the way he treated you, not me. I knew he was a dick when I met him but he belittles you, so, so much. We hate that he does that to you.”
“I don’t know how my mom is married to someone like him.”
“Don’t cut her out,” you said. “She raised you. You’re all her. Anyone who meets you can see that.”
“He’s going to lie when I see him again. I don’t know what to do,” he said. 
“Why?” you asked.
“Because.” You pulled over and he sat back in his seat. He turned his head and you saw all the tears streaming down his face.
“Honey,” you said. You leaned over and hugged him, TJ gripping you back.
“He’d kick my ass for crying right now.”
“Who was it that sat up with my dad after the accident and let him cry all over him? My dad who hates to cry and he’s not afraid to cry in front of you.”
“He’s strong. I’m not.”
“You’re my best friend. The girl who thought she was so fucked up and would be alone. God, Thomas. You gave me something even my parents and family couldn’t. You know how I never thought in a million years I could have this kind of love and you were never scared. The insecurities. The nightmares. The days where I’m quiet and my head gets to me. You just grab my hand and you make it better. You’re stronger than most everyone on this planet. I love and I’ve loved you since I met you and I’ll do anything for you, you know that. We’re partners. If you want to give your dad another chance you can and I won’t question it for a second.”
“I don’t want to talk to him again,” he said, sitting up somewhat. “But how do I say that when you didn’t get a choice? You didn’t get a choice with your parents. They were just gone and you had no say. How can I just walk away like that?”
“My parents didn’t treat me like the way your father does. Neither of my moms or dads ever have. You can walk away from someone that does, TJ. I don’t want you near someone like that. Jared was right too you know. You’re not gonna lose a dad tonight. You’ve always had one and he’s gonna be there for you always.”
“He hurt Jensen, didn’t he?” he sniffled.
“I’m sure he's fine. He’s very...defensive of his children is all.”
“Jensen gave me a letter,” he said. “Addressed to me. That’s when I really knew he loved me.”
“He loved you before that.”
“I know he did. I don’t know why I wanted my dad when I’ve had Jensen the whole time.”
“I’ve been there. Trust me,” you said. He let out a small laugh and you hugged him, TJ taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry Rick hurt you.”
“He hurt both of us.”
“Yeah but I care more about the fact he hurt you. I may deck him when I see him,” you said.
“That’d be kinda awesome,” he said. “But please don’t.”
“Hugs instead?” you said.
“I’ll take hugs,” he said. His stomach grumbled and you kiss his temple. 
“I’m gonna hit the drive thru and then we’ll get on the road again, okay honey?”
“Okay,” he said. You kissed him one last time before you got out of the car and dug around in the trunk. You took out your oversized hoodie and brought it up to the front, handing it to him. “What’s this?”
“You can steal it if you want. Your hoodie’s kinda make me feel better on crappy days,” you said.
“Thanks,” he said. “I really love you.”
“Me too. It’s gonna be okay.”
One Hour Later
“Let’s go to the hospital first,” said TJ as you hit the edge of town. 
“Jared said my dad was fine.”
“Y/N. Let’s go to the hospital,” he said. You nodded and about ten minutes later you were parked and getting a room number. He held your hand on the elevator ride up, kissing the top of your head. “You alright?”
“I’d prefer if he could stay out of the hospital.”
“Me too,” he said, the doors opening. You walked a little too quickly until you found the room, your mom and dad talking as you walked in.
“What are you two doing here?” he asked.
“Jared and Cody came by and we learned some stuff,” you said. “Why are you in the hospital? You look...normal.”
“Your father hit his head.”
“I’m fine.”
“After the accident last year-”
“It was nearly a year ago.”
“After the accident they wanted to be safe and monitor overnight just in case. He got a cut on his arm from some metal but that’s all,” said your mom. 
“I’m fine,” said your dad. He got up out of bed and spun around. “See? No concussion. An itty bitty scratch is all you worry worts.”
“Was there a fight?” you asked. He sat down and sighed. “You don’t look like it.”
“No,” he said. He looked at TJ and pursed his lips. “TJ would you mind grabbing me a drink from the vending machine?”
“Whatever you want to say, you’re gonna say it in front of me,” he said. 
“Mom and I went up to your parents place and it started out okay. But your mom didn’t quite understand what was going on. She thought Rick had been doing well betting horses at a track and that’s where the sudden money came from. Things...devolved from there and Rick got defensive and I was angry so we started arguing and he shoved me and your mom and De shut it down and the cops came and I’m sorry but he took the money for himself. Last we heard from your mom a little while ago she’s giving all the money back to you guys.”
“You pressing charges?” asked TJ.
“It was a shove. He didn’t take my money. You two are the ones that have a right to charge him,” he said.
“Do you know where my mom is?” asked TJ.
“She’s at your house along with your dad,” he said.
“Y/N why don’t you hang here with your parents,” said TJ. You shook your head and he frowned. “You’re worried about your dad. Stay.”
“He’s okay and I’m coming with you,” you said.
“Me too,” said your mom. 
“TJ. You’re not gonna win this one,” she said. “Jensen’s okay on his own for a bit and he’d come if he could. You’re not gonna go talk to your dad alone.”
“Fine. Let’s go,” he said, already leaving the room. Your mom grabbed her purse and you ran your hands over your face.
“Go take care of him,” said your dad quietly.
“Dad.” You walked in front of him and he wrapped his arms around you. “He’s gonna be fucked up.”
“I know. We’ll take care of him,” he said. He kissed your temple and pushed you towards the door gently. “Go take care of your husband.”
“We’ll be back.”
“Guys I think maybe I should go in first,” said your mom a short while later, the three of you parked in his parent’s driveway. 
“No,” said TJ.
“Danneel,” he said. He turned in the passenger seat and she sighed. “I’m a big boy. I can go in first.”
“Don’t be violent.”
“I won’t,” he said quietly. She kissed his cheek and nodded. 
“Okay sweetie. Let’s get this over with,” she said. You got out and took his hand, TJ not as tense as you were expecting.
“His car isn’t here,” he said quietly on the way up the porch steps. He rang the doorbell and the door flew open, his mom standing there. “Hi mom.”
“I kicked him out for the night,” she said, letting the door open for the three of you. “I’m so sorry. Danneel is Jensen-”
“He’s pissed but fine,” said your mom, following you inside. TJ walked around for a moment, stopping at a picture on the wall.
“Mom. Why does dad hate me?” he asked. He looked over his shoulder and she frowned. “He manipulated me and Y/N. He’s horrible to her family. I get that he went through something as a kid but he’s a grown man.”
“Your father loves you. He doesn’t always know the best way to show it,” she said.
“He hurt me and you’re gonna side with him. Again,” he said.
“He made a mistake.”
“Hell of a mistake,” you mumbled.
“Do you think he wants to be the way he is?” she asked.
“I could have gotten past everything before but this? He doesn’t get to worm his way out of it. I’m done with him.”
“Then you’re gonna be done with me too,” she said. TJ turned around and she lifted her chin. “He doesn’t deserve to thrown out of your life over a mistake.”
“I seem to recall you not saying a word when he almost hit your grandaughter with a belt,” said TJ. “Why do you make excuses for him?”
“Why do you hate him?” she asked. TJ threw up his hands and shook his head. “Always since you were a little boy you’ve hated him.”
“He didn’t want me, not the other way around. I know he worked a lot but all I wanted when he came home at night was a hug or a bedtime story. I wasn’t asking for much,” said TJ. “He resented me.”
“He put in all those long hours for you, to provide for you.”
“I’ve been working since I was fourteen. I paid for my own things from the second I was able to. I paid for school all on my own. My apartment. My car. I paid for my wedding and honeymoon. He paid for food and roof over my head which is the bare minimum he could have done. Don’t tell me he provided for me. He fucking hated me.”
“Because you’re not his,” she said. You and your mom looked at one another, TJ blinking where he stood. “Rick isn’t your father.”
“Excuse me?”
“I cheated on your father because he can be an asshole and I needed an escape. He found out when I was pregnant.”
“Excuse me?” asked TJ again.
“He never wanted children because he thought he’d be a bad father. I guess he was right in your mind,” she said. 
“If you’re gonna tell the story, you might as well tell the whole thing,” said Rick. He stepped out from down the hall, TJ’s mom sighing. 
“So you are here,” said TJ.
“Car’s in the shop,” he said. 
“You hate me?” 
“I love you. It doesn’t mean I’m a good person though,” he said.
“You stole from us.”
“Yes I did.”
“This house is the size of your living room. You have so much.”
“If you wanted money just fucking ask,” said TJ.
“Like I said, just cause I love you doesn’t mean I’m a good person.”
“You’re not even my father apparently.”
“I’m your father,” he said. “Didn’t make ya but I’m your father.”
“What’s the story?” asked your mom. They all looked to her and she looked at TJ’s mom. “What don’t we know.”
“You ever wonder how someone like me wound up with someone like your mother? We’re polar opposites most days,” said Rick. TJ narrowed his eyes and looked between them.
“Don’t tell him,” said his mom.
“Alright,” said Rick. “I must have been mistaken.”
“TJ, can I talk to you,” you said, pulling him into the kitchen. “TJ do you remember in family studies when we had that project to track our family trees and you found your parents marriage certificate and the year was wrong?”
“Y/N what’s that got to do with anything.”
“What if the year wasn’t wrong.”
“It can’t be. They would have gotten married after I was born then.”
“TJ I’m not saying your dad is great but he just lied for your mom. He loves her. Something happened before you were born or after. I have this feeling that she didn’t cheat on him.”
“What are you saying?”
“Maybe I’m wrong but maybe your mom was in a bad situation and Rick stepped in to help because of her.”
“Rick,” said TJ, very quickly exiting back to the family room. “When did you meet my mom. If you ever want to speak to me again, if you want me to speak to her again, you’ll tell me the truth.”
Rick glanced to TJ’s mom, TJ smirking.
“You do care about her.”
“Of course I fucking care about her. I care about you too.”
“That’s great. I feel very cared for,” said TJ. Rick pursed his lips and his mom nodded. “Truth or I walk out that door and never come back.”
“I was married,” said TJ’s mom. “He was charming until he wasn’t. I got pregnant with you and you were born and he would get so angry at you for being a simple baby and crying and...I was so scared of him hurting you that I left. I had nothing and I stayed with a friend for a few days. I met Rick through them and he offered us a safe place to stay with him. It was only supposed to be short term but things developed. He is not perfect but he’s not the monster you think he is. We are safe and the reason you have all you do well and truly is because of him.”
“Do you have anything to say?” asked TJ quietly.
“I loved your mother before I loved you, that’s true. But I learned and I’ve done my best. You were far better off without me in your life. Look at what you have. You’d be angry and bitter if I had more of a hand in raising you. So you can hate me but you do not hurt your mother like that. You do not walk away from her after everything she has done for you. Understand me?”
“I need space from you,” said TJ, Rick nodding. “I also need something else.”
“I still don’t understand why you took the money if you weren’t going to spend it.”
“Was gonna impress you, turn a profit on it, give it back with interest. Be like her father, give you some money for once.”
“Jensen doesn’t impress me because of money. Yes, their family doesn’t have to think twice about the cost of most anything. But Jensen, De, they don’t impress me for any reason other than how kind they’ve been to me. They treat me like their son, like I’m their own. They don’t pretend to. They don’t tolerate me for Y/N. They genuinely care about me, all because I fell in love with their daughter, a girl that’s not even theirs and they love her to death. The house is nice. The wedding was nice and so are the vacations. But I could live in a cardboard box and be happy if all I ever got was their kindness. They never made me work for it. They just gave it to me. You could have just given it to me and I would have been a happier kid. But you didn’t and now you have to work for it on my terms. So I want our money back and I want some space from you. If and when I’m ready to talk to you again, I’ll reach out. Alright?”
“Okay,” he said. TJ crossed his arms and nodded before he went outside. His mom followed after and you gave Rick a look. He pulled out his phone and tapped on it for a few moments before shoving it in his pocket. “It says it’s pending for that big of a transfer. It should be back in your account in a few days.”
“Oh I’ll make sure of that,” you said, walking over to him. “Rick. Maybe try some therapy if you really want to salvage this relationship.”
“You think I can afford that?” he said.
“We’ll pay,” said your mom. “Jensen and I will.”
“Cause he’s a fucking awesome kid and he deserves a relationship with you, even if we don’t like you,” she said.
“What about you? You hate me too kid?” he asked you.
“I can learn to tolerate and respect you. But you hurt him and I’ll protect him from anyone that does that, including you. But it’s not my forgiveness you need. It’s his so maybe try the therapy and let him come back if he’s ever ready for that, okay?”
“Alright.” You turned to go when he caught your shoulder. “Can I ask where the money came from? Jensen made it sound like you were behind on bills.”
“It made things tight for us. TJ and I have both been working side jobs nights and weekends to scrounge up extra money. We weren’t handed any of that money we gave you. We even took from ourselves and our children. Just because we live in a nice house doesn’t mean we don’t work for it,” you said. “Oh and one more thing. Touch my father again or call my mom slutty behind her back one more time, you’ll find out which one of us isn’t the good person in this relationship.”
“He what…” said your mom as you walked out, pulling her along behind you. “Dickhead!”
“Come on mom,” you said, pushing her back to the car. TJ gave his mom a nod and hug before he climbed back into the backseat.
“Slut my ass,” your mom mumbled under breath as she started the car back up. 
“Mom, let it go,” you said, shutting your eyes and slumping down in your seat.
“Put on your seatbelt,” she said. You reached up and put it on, turning back to catch TJ with his head leaned back. “You okay back there?”
“I don’t know,” he said.
“That’s probably the right answer,” you said. 
“Let’s get back to dad. I’m sure he’s climbing the walls to get out of there by now.”
Two Days Later
“Howdy,” said your dad, taking a seat in the patio chair beside you as you watched TJ swim in your pool with Allie. “Where’s the babe?”
“Naptime,” you said, TJ tossing Allie up in the air and hugging her tight when he caught her again. 
“How’s he holding up?” he asked, reaching over and taking a chip out of the bag in front of you.
“Better than expected. He’ll give Rick another chance someday.”
“He said that?”
“No. I know Thomas though. He’s too good to hold onto that crap. It might not be for six months or a year but it’ll happen eventually.”
“Well I think he’s a dick,” said your dad. “But if TJ wants to give him a chance, we’ll give him a chance.”
“Thanks for being his dad too,” you said.
“I love the kid,” he said, throwing his arm over your shoulders. “So what are you two gonna do with all that money?”
“Pay off the last of the lawyer fees, pay off a big chunk of what’s left on the mortgage. When that set design comes in then we won’t owe too much more on the house,” you said. “Speaking of which, I gotta go to work on it.”
“Y/N? Use some of that money and take a nice vacation with the kids. Or even just a long weekend away for you and TJ.”
“We really ought to use it for stuff like the house,” you said. 
“Have you and TJ ever taken a vacation just the two of you?”
“Of course. We went on our honeymoon.”
“That doesn’t count. The answer’s no, isn’t it.”
“Dad, I don’t need-”
“Maybe you don’t but somebody in that pool needs to have some fun. Plan a little trip away next month,” he said.
“He’s always wanted to go to Mardi Gras,” you said with a smile.
“You guys would have a blast and I got some pull down there and all. Come on. Let me spoil my grandkids for a weekend.”
“Alright, alright. You’ve convinced me,” you said.
“You mind if the twins have dinner with you guys?”
“We’re actually going to the Pads for dinner. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind more though. You got a hot date?”
“Getting a private college tour with mom and JJ,” he said. “Ya’ll can stop growing up anytime you want you know.”
“She wants to live at home you know.”
“Contrary to her teenage angst as of late, she does love us. Just you know, drop the curfew like you did with me.”
“And we get texts when you stay out.”
“That’s what you thought,” you mumbled. He raised an eyebrow and you shrugged. “I let you know when I wouldn’t be home that night. You didn’t need to know my exact whereabouts.”
“When’s the first time you stayed over TJ’s?”
“Fall of Freshman year in his dorm,” you said.
“Never mind. I don’t need to know,” he said.
“Yup. Let her have fun when she gets there, she’s smart,” you said. “Plus you know she’ll call me if shit happens. Also she has a year and a half of high school left. Relax.”
“At least I know Tom will keep an eye on her too.”
“Already planning the wedding?” you smirked.
“Shut up,” he said, ruffling your hair. “Make sure he gets this.”
He dug into his back pocket and took out an envelope, handing it to you.
“Thanks,” you said quietly. “Dad?”
“Mhm,” he said as he stood. 
“Can you invite him on your fishing trip this weekend with grandpa?”
“Already did,” he said, nodding down at the envelope. “I’ll talk to you soon, tall munchkin.”
“Later dad,” you said, TJ giving him a wave as he headed out. You left the letter on the patio table and went over to the pool, slipping into the shallow end.
“Everything good?” he asked.
“Yeah. My dad left you a letter,” you said, Allie swimming off on her own, doing circles around TJ. He nodded and got out of the pool, drying off some before he went to the table and sat down. “Time for a snack.”
You scooped her up and swung her around in the water, throwing her up your hip. You walked out with her, setting her down to dry her off some. 
“Is daddy okay?” she asked. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Why don’t you change back into some clothes and we’ll get Colin and snack time going.”
She rushed over to TJ and smiled up at him, TJ tucking her hair behind her ear.
“Daddy snack time!” she said.
“I’ll be inside in just a minute, sweetie,” he said. He leaned over and kissed her head, pushing her back towards you. You patted her inside, TJ rubbing his thumb over his lip as he read.
“Take your time, babe,” you said. You kissed his cheek and he nodded. “I’ll leave some tissues just inside the door in case.”
“Thanks,” he said. “Give me five minutes and I’ll be there.”
“Take all the time you need. I got these two,” you said. He nodded and smiled. “Love you.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
A/N: Read the First Summer Timestamp here!
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pluckyredhead · 4 years
wip amnesty: super sons fake dating (but different)
So while I was working on It Wouldn’t Be Make Believe (If You Believed In Me), my brain abruptly gave me a completely different Super Sons fake dating scenario, insisted that I write two scenes, and then abandoned me entirely. There is like a 1% chance that I will ever finish this so instead I offer it up to you, my very patient friends. (Don’t worry, I have different Jon/Damian fics planned!)
Also, this completely ignores the Bendis run, because...well, you know why. SIGH.
Damian cast a weary eye over the guests assembled at the gala, the latest tribute of the Gotham elite to their own wealth and frivolity. He wasn’t even sure what this one was ostensibly raising money for, but he had a feeling most of that money had gone into the refreshments and entertainment rather than the intended charitable recipients.
He hated these things, but Father was in space with the Justice League, Richard was undercover, Drake was on Earth-3, and Todd was just generally unsuitable for public consumption. Once again it fell to Damian, as the heir to the Wayne name, to carry the entire family on his shoulders. He usually didn’t mind, except when it took the form of wearing a tuxedo and making small talk with empty-headed socialites.
Maybe the Riddler or someone would show up and try to steal everyone’s jewelry. That would be a pleasing diversion.
He saw Gracie Van Nuyck, daughter of one of the few Gotham families older than the Waynes, making her way over to him and quickly took out his phone. He was meant to be the latest irresponsible Wayne playboy; he could be rude and spend a whole party texting and not talking to anyone as long as he kept a stupid expression on his face.
He already had a few texts from Jon, he saw when he unlocked his phone.
giant kraken attacking honolulu
titans & i r teleporting over
u in?
Damian clicked his tongue.
I know you’re overriding your autocorrected capitalization to irritate me.
And I can’t. I have to attend this gala.
sucks 2 b u 🐟 🐠 🐬
“Damian Wayne.” Gracie had not been put off by his texting - in fact, she had her own phone in her hand. Damian dimly remembered that she’d once told him she was an “influencer.” She had influenced him pretty strongly to get as far away from her as possible, so he supposed she was good at what she did. “Look at you, all dressed up and looking like a snack.”
“Gracie,” he said. “Nice to see you.” He did not attempt to make it convincing, or glance up from his phone more than briefly.
Trust me, I’m aware. Everyone here is an imbecile and none of the hors d'oeuvres are vegetarian.
“Do you like my dress?” Gracie asked, giving a little twirl.
“Lovely.” Damian did not have Richard’s ability to give genuine compliments, or even Father’s ability to fake them well. It didn’t deter Gracie in the slightest.
“I have a proposition for you, you beautiful boy,” she said.
“I’m the same age as you.”
that blows. what about the orderbs?
Damian fought a smile. I also know you know how hors d’oeuvres is pronounced.
😂 😂 😉
“What’s that smile for?” Gracie asked.
Damian forced his facial expression back to neutral. “What’s your proposition?”
She held up her hands like she was illuminating a marquee. “Gotham’s new dream couple: Dacie. Or we could be Gramian, I guess, but that sounds horrible.”
“Excuse me?”
“You and me, joining forces,” she said. “Me and my millions and my beautiful body, you and your millions and your beautiful body...we’d be the toast of the glitterati.”
“You want to date me,” Damian said, flatly, disbelievingly. This was what Father and Richard’s inability to resist a pretty face had brought him to: being literally propositioned at parties by socialites who thought every Wayne was an easy mark.
“I want to date you,” she agreed. “It must be your lucky day. Well, night.”
Damian stared at her for a long moment, just enough to let it become uncomfortable. “No,” he said finally, and turned back to his phone.
once weve kicked this things ass i bet i can bring u some shave ice before it melts
Bring the kraken instead. It can eat everyone here.
“No?” Gracie repeated.
“No, thank you,” Damian said, as a sop to good manners.
He glanced up. She looked bewildered. It might be the first time she’d ever been told no in her life. “Why not?”
“I’m seeing someone,” he said. Totally untrue, but a reason she couldn’t argue with.
Not that she didn’t try. “Oh? Who’s the lucky girl?” she asked, her expression calculating.
Damian raised an eyebrow. “Not sure why you would assume pronouns,” he said, more to wrong foot her than anything else, though it was true that gender didn’t make much difference to him. He disliked most people equally.
Her eyes widened before she recovered herself. “My apologies,” she said. “Do I know...uh, them?”
Damian’s phone buzzed in his hand. It was a selfie of Jon, with Billy and Lian pulling faces behind him and a tentacle snaking through the air above their heads. Idiots. He fought another smile.
Stop taking selfies before you get drowned.
“It’s a long distance relationship,” he said. The last thing he needed was Gracie tracking down Colin or Maya or someone and pestering them.
no its cool we made friends with it
i gave it ur shave ice
“Oh?” Gracie asked. “Where do they live?”
Out of the corner of his eye Damian could see that she seemed to be on her phone too, so he felt even less bad about ignoring her. “Metropolis,” he said, because it was the first city he thought of. You traitor, he texted Jon.
“Innnteresting,” she said. “Well, it was worth a shot. See you around, hot stuff.” She brushed a kiss in the air near his cheek and sauntered off.
Damian blinked. That had been...relatively painless. Maybe the whole night would go by so quickly and easily.
He checked the time. Three and a half hours to go.
Jon had heard the noise before he stepped outside, but he hadn’t really processed it. Metropolis was a noisy city, and if there were no gunshots or cries for help, he had gotten pretty good at tuning it out.
Which was why he was so surprised when he walked out of his apartment building to be confronted with a sea of reporters flashing cameras at him.
“Jon Kent!”
“Jon, over here!”
His heart stopped. Had they somehow found out he was Superboy? Which meant they knew about Dad, and Mom was probably in danger, and all of his friends, and…
“Jon, long have you and Damian Wayne been dating?”
“Back off, you vultures! Leave him alone!” Uncle Jimmy emerged from the crowd, red-faced and disheveled. He put one hand in front of Jon’s face and the other on his shoulder. “No comment! He has no comment! Come on, Jon, back inside.”
Thoroughly baffled, Jon allowed Uncle Jimmy to steer him back into the building.
“Hey, Frank, don’t let any of them in unless Mr. or Mrs. Lane-Kent says it’s cool, okay?” Uncle Jimmy said to the doorman.
Frank, who Jon had known since they moved here when he was ten, put his imposing frame in front of the door. “Absolutely not,” he said.
“Thanks, Frank,” Jon managed, and waited until he and Jimmy were in the elevator and out of sight of the reporters. “What the heck is going on?”
“You’re a social media sensation, kiddo,” Uncle Jimmy said, and held up his phone to display a picture of Damian wearing a tuxedo and looking elegantly bored. “Apparently Bruce Wayne’s kid told someone called ‘GraceFace’ that he was dating a boy who lived in Metropolis, and she told her three million Instagram followers. A bunch of them found this photo.” He swiped to show a slightly blurry picture of Jon and Damian in Centennial Park, clearly taken on a cell phone by someone moving quickly. Jon remembered that day but hadn’t realized anyone had recognized Damian, though it did happen. “And someone figured out your name.”
“And assumed I’m the boy Damian is dating in Metropolis,” Jon said, putting it together. “Wait. Is he dating someone in Metropolis? Did he mean me? Why would he say we were dating?”
Uncle Jimmy held up a finger. “No, first question before that: how the hell do you know Damian Wayne?”
“Uh.” Jon paused. Uncle Jimmy knew all about him and Dad, since he was basically Dad’s best friend, but not any Gotham secret identities, and Jon was pretty sure both Damian and Mr. Wayne wanted to keep it that way.
Uncle Jimmy’s eyes flicked to the counter that showed what floor they were on. “And before we get to your apartment...any chance you want to give me the exclusive on this saga of young love?”
Jon’s mouth dropped open. “Uncle Jimmy!”
“What? I’m a reporter, it’s in my blood!”
“I’m telling my mom you asked me that.”
“No, please, tell your dad. He can only heat vision me or throw me out the window. Either way it’ll be quick.”
“Yeah, that’s why I’m telling Mom.”
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hedgefairy · 4 years
Okay, I know, I know, it's already old news, everybody and their uncle in the costuming community has already talked it over, but anyhoo, I made notes when I crawled my way through effing Bridgerton and I will be damned if I don't vomit them onto this site. I have 32 pages of this shit, I'm not gonna throw that away.
I'm also typing this on my phone because I'm stuck on a trainride that's just doubled in length because this is the 2021 Northern German snow storm. What, there's snowflakes on the rails? We cannot possibly keep up our schedule, say goodbye to 90% of the connections.
Okay, on to Bridgerton, Episode 1
We're in Britain (oh, London, okay), allegedly 1813. I see people who are clearly meant to be asympatico, but is this size incusivity I spot there? Daring! Gasp! Me li...
Oh wait, no. The character is promptly shamed for her figure (which is mostly caused by the horrible cut of her dress. Every size can look great in Regency garb, but never mind, we need to make the "fat one" look bad!).
Also, no shifts under the stays. Why. There was obviously enough budget, don't tell me you couldn't afford a few strappy tops - it's not like the rest is historically accurate, so it would have sufficed to send some poor underpaid intern to H&M and get some. Nvm, that wouldn't be sexay.
Wait, is the garishly dressed (always a sign of a character of bad character in a costume drama) woman Delphine from Selfridge? Does she always have to play bitches? That's not nice, and just because she has a recognisable face, which by modern (read: americanised) standards is not favourable enough. Ugh. But I like the actress, so I'll let it slide (for now).
Lol, buttocks.
Not sure about the girls' dresses. Also, the Queen is a WOC, cool!
Oh no, one of the Featherington sisters faints! But that's okay because the Featheringtons are just comic relief and foil anyway.
I get weird incest vibes from the Bridgertons.
So the court is clearly 18th century and the show is set in the 1810s. I've by now seen several explanations for this decision, I still think it robs the Queen of reproductions of her actual historical gowns which were heavily inspired by the 18th century but so. Magnificently. Weird. It would have been so neat, and more of a "hey, I'm kinda out of touch with things" vibe, but hey, I'm not the one getting paid for making those taffeta gowns here (her hair is glorious, tho).
I'm very into the intro.
That Regency gossip girl is a real b, not unlike the Dowager Countess of Downton (unpopular opinion, I think she's pretty overrated, yes, I like Maggie Smith).
Again, no shifts.
Where do I know the "pragmatic" Bridgerton sister from? Ah, it's The Paradise. And Jonathan Strange. (Wait, she's my age. And she's supposed to be a teenager. Man, do I love a good Dawson casting. I like the actress, though, she has a face ™!).
Aaaah. We get it. She's the spirited one. She also doesn't care about dresses because she's not like other girls™. I really like her voice (but she still doesn't sound like a teenager).
The heck is up with Lady F's dress and that of her friend? Oh, yeah. Antagonist fashion.
Of course the Featheringtons are Horrid Hags™ aside from Penny who's nice, but the pudgy one (at least we don't get a case of "she's not conventionally attractive so she's bad").
Oooh, the cousin! Supposed to suck, but ofc she's a stunner, and only Penny (who's the nice one, remember!) is delighted to have her around. She's also a POC, which is nice but apparently that means she does not follow fashion, hair-wise. I would have loved to see some Regency hair on her, it would have been so pretty *cries in Greek updo*
Ugh, we're still in Ep. 1, typing this on my phone was a bad idea.
Lady Danbury and the Duke guy are delightful with each other (more POC! So neat!).
The girl the oldest Bridgerbro screws is apparently a singer, which isn't up to status for his doucheship, and she doesn't wear a shift.
The music at the ball sounds like something from the Top 40s, but I'm woefully ignorant of contemporary music charts so I can't tell what it is. I like it when they do that in historical-ish works, making well-known pop or rock stuff work for the ambience (ugh, that dance scene to Golden Years in Knight's Tale. My heart. In a good way.)
I dig the Ducktail hair of Penny's crush. Oh, wait, that's a Bridgerbro. I don't quite get why the hair trends of the time don't apply to the POC characters or extras, but seeing how most white characters also show a shameful disregard for the weirdnes and gloriosity (that's not a word) that is early 1800s hair (the 1830s take the cake, tho) despite those hairdos being basically designed for white people hair, I don't think I care much (well, I do, but about all of them). Overall the hair is horrid and not very 1810s. Let's just leave it at that.
Like a good old romance novel (I've since been told that Bridgerton is supposed to be a pastiche of such novels, but I really couldn't tell from the series, not at all, and I'm not inclined to read the books) we have
a pretty, kind, superpure daughter of the main family
the mean matriarch (could have been an aunt, too, but here she's the mum) of the rivalling or antagonist family
a spirited daughter of the main family (in most romance novels this would be our heroine but so far she refreshingly lacks a love interest and pretty daughter seems to get the most screen time)
a Horrid Suitor™
a Hot Suitor™ who doesn't want attention
a really good and doting good parent
Lol, misheard Greece for Grease with Ducktail Bridgerbro, whose name is Colin, apparently. This is funny because of his Danny Zuko memorial hair.
Overall a bit too much bling for my taste, and too few pearls. It looks like an episode of My Super Sweet Sixteen with a Regency theme.
Of course the romance is going to be the Pretty One aka. Daphne and the Duke and he's even bros with her eldest bro. Wait, are they exes? I can haz bi? No? Aww, shucks. Maybe in another episode (spoiler: no).
Okay, WHAT is it with Lady F's dresses and hair. Like, she reminds me of Mars Attacks. Which, as you might remember, was not set in the Regency period.
Lord B (Bridgerbro the Eldest) sucks, he's screwing Opera Girl without any intention of marrying her but he's bitchy about his sister being ogled by his Eton (or wherever) bestie?
Oh, I'm in Hamburg now. And my train back home got canceled, so back to Berlin it is because there's not a single option to get to Hanover tonight, at least that's what the lady from the train station is saying, "oh well, you'll have to go back and try again tomorrow", so that's awesome...
Honestly, if it weren't so late and I didn't have things to do at home I'd find this terribly exciting.
Back to Bridgerton!
Where were we? Ah.
I can't even read my own annotation. Something about George III. I think I was upset about how they totally ignored that it's called Regency because George IV acted as the regent king, and he doesn't even feature in the series, I guess because they wanted to play up the Queen? Not a fan, because thanks to Horrible Histories I'm quite fond of that guy.
Again, no shifts.
Oh, look, it's Horrid Suitor™, destined for leftovers.
The Featherington cousin gets all the attention but no fleshed-out character.
Penny Featherington's dog is named Lord Byron, which ❤️
I like the Duke! He's there, drinking in his club (even though they're a patriarchal remnant of the past I have a weird appreciation for stuffy Gentlemen's Clubs, I blame Bertie Wooster and the Drones), calling Lord B out for his general fuckery.
Oh no, Ducktail Colin is more into the Cousin than Penny, who obviously pines for him!
Thank you, Lord B, for enabling Horrid Suitor™. Nobody asked you to be such a fucktwit.
The Queen is, of course, a bit of a bitch, but patronage from cool Lady *scrolls up for name* Danbury ensues for Protagonist Girl™ Daphne.
"I wish they had found a better trend language", what the heck did I even mean by that? That's what you get for just scribbling down notes while watching and simultaneously sewing. 18th century pants, in case you wanted to know.
Cousin is angry, probably because Lady F behaves like Cinderella's evil stepmother, because Cousin is prettier than her daughters and gets, like, all the suitors because Lord B bitched away everyone who wanted to get into Daphne's dowry ifyouknowwhatImeanwinkwinknudgenudge, right across the street into Cousins parlour.
The Bridgertons are annoyingly perfect. Ugh.
Oh look, it's "banter" between Daphne and Dukey! It's so Pride & Prejudice! It's almost a tiny bit Shakespeare! I put banter in parentheses because wow, nope, I'm not getting any chemistry here.
Uh, Lady B calls out Lord B (aka. her son aka. Bridgerbro the Eldest) for his screwery with Opera Girl and his outpimpery of his sister to Horrid Suitor™, buuuurrrrrnnn. He promptly calls of his affair with Opera Girl.
No shifts!
Penny gets to dance with Ducktail Colin at the thing! Good for her, but it's a country dance with jumping and fun, because she's a) the pudgy character and b) a Featherington, so it can't be something romantic and pretty (I personally like country dances, but they aren't protagonist dances).
Oooh, Cousin had her period, oh no, oh snap, oh she didn't, because she's PREGNANT! Shit, that's problematic, and not because she's an unmarried woman in the 1810s, but because she gets close to no lines at all so far, and suddenly she's pregnant and telling Lady F that she sucks for being privileged, violence ensues, this is ugly. Man, I get what some critics mean by "the POC actors*actresses get all the problems" and that not exactly being great.
Horrid Suitor™ makes property claims about Daphne, eeewwwww, thanks to Lord B's general suckiness, ewww, r@pe attempt ensues, was that really necessary? It doesn't really fit in with the rest of the series and generally nope, yay, broken nose! (which was indeed totally necessary). Nice one, and probably the only scene so far (spoiler: overall) in which I actually like Daphne. Dukey thinks a mean left hook is attractive, and, generally speaking, he's not wrong.
Daphne and Dukey come up with a pseudo-shakespearean plot to pretend to be totally into each other so she can attract suitors by being not available and he gets not to have fangirls by being not available, and as someone who has read a few too many historical-ish bodice rippers I know exactly where this is going. I mean, come on.
I can't see enough of the following choreography to complain about it. Man, I miss historical dance classes.
And that concludes Ep. 1! Finally! Thank you for getting this far, sorry for all of it (especially typos, it's the bane of unwanted autocorrect), I guess?
Update on the train situation: I've been told by the ticket control person that I shouldn't get my hopes up until noon tomorrow.
To be continued,
because I didn't take these 32 pages of notes for nothing.
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peterxwade24 · 4 years
BWYD Chapter 34
“A Fox Never Reveals Their Secrets”
Jason climbed onto the plane, his phone tucked into his pocket and his ticket and passport clutched in his hand. He smiled at a friendly looking old lady and her husband.
“What are you going to Paris for? A nice young man like you should be living his life.”
Jason blushed faintly and smiled. “My father decided it’d be a good opportunity for my three youngest siblings to study in Paris. However, I received a call from one of my younger brothers, our little sister is originally from Paris and she, she didn’t have a good experience in Paris. Usually, our brother can help her but, this little witch in her class reminded her of her past and she needs me. So, I dropped everything for her.”
The friendly looking old lady looked at Jason with a smile. “There’s this sweet little girl in Paris, practically my granddaughter, and I left her my house when my late husband died. I’m going back to see her, I have some things I want to give her.”
“Is that not your husband?” Jason nodded towards the man behind her before he slid into his seat.
She let out a laugh before sitting down in her seat, which happened to be the one beside his, and shaking her head. “I’ve never met him before.” She held out her hand to Jason with a smile. “My name is Marianne Fu.”
“Jason Todd.” He shook hands with Marianne but didn’t connect Marianne Fu with the older Chinese man Marinette called Master Fu.
Jason smiled and waved at Marianne as she went off in one direction, presumably to a hotel to sleep for the night, while he went off to the apartment. He was a block away when he broke out in a dead sprint. He disregarded the elevator and ran up the stairs, taking them two or three at a time. His eyes flashed green as he ran, desperate to get to his Pixie Pop.
He knocked on the door, likely waking up the entire hall, but he didn’t care. He needed to make sure his Pixie Pop was okay.
Dick answered the door in his pajamas, a pair of blue plaid pajama pants and bunny slippers, and ran a hand through his hair. “Jaybird? Do you have any clue what time it is?”
“Where’s Pixie Pop?” Jason looked at Dick and tried to convey his fear through his eyes. “Dickiebird, where’s Pixie Pop?”
Dick simply moved aside, allowing Jason into the apartment.
Jason slipped past his older brother into the apartment. He quickly walked to the door with a sign with “Marinette” written on it. He raised a hand to knock on the door when the door opened in his face.
“Jay-Jay.” And then there was a tiny thirteen year old wrapped around his waist and a face pressed against his torso.
“Pixie Pop.” Jason pulled Marinette into his arms, cradling the small form of his sister. “I’m here now. Nothing will happen to you.”
Marinette smiled at Jason, pulling on his hand to drag him from the apartment to the house she owned. “Jay-Jay, I gotta show you this! It’s so cool!”
Jason laughed at his little sister, the two of them looked like quite the pair wearing leather jackets over black pants, and let her drag him around her city. “And where, pray tell, is this Pixie Pop?”
“Don’t ask questions. Just appreciate being the fifth one from the family to see it.”
“Fifth?” Jason smiled. “Who else has seen it?”
“Me, Dames, Colin, and Oiseaux noir.” Marinette smiled and laughed. “Plus a few others, and Oiseaux Noir is probably at the house because he wasn’t at the apartment.”
Jason nodded and let her drag him the rest of the way. When they stopped, they were in front of a two-story house. He smiled down at his little sister and let her drag him in.
“Marianne!” Marinette squealed, letting go of his hand to wrap her thin arms around the friendly looking old lady from the plane.
“Marinette!” Marianne wrapped her arms around Marinette before looking behind her. “Jason?”
“Marianne?” Jason replied before taking a step towards the duo. “How do you know my Pixie Pop?”
“Pixie Pop?” Marianne giggled and looked down at the girl. “Your brother, I presume?”
“Jay-Jay. How do you know Marianne?” Marinette smiled.
“We met on the plane. I thought she was married to the guy behind her as we got on.” Jason shrugged. “Wait, Pixie Pop is the sweet little girl who’s practically your granddaughter?”
Marinette giggled before letting go of Marianne and nodding. “She and Master Fu left the house and,“ Marinette tapped one of her earrings before blushing, “related things to me when they left Paris.”
Marianne nodded before gesturing to the kitchen. “There’s a few things in the kitchen for you.” She smiled at the two before a loud series of crashing sounds from upstairs rang out through the house. “What is that?”
“Oiseaux noir.” Marinette turned to look at Jason with her sad puppy-dog eyes. “Please don’t tell Oiseaux bleu. He’s not staying for long, just a couple days, he just needed to get away from Uncle Clark.”
“Pixie Pop. When do I ever tell Dickiebird anything?” Jason laughed. “Conner! Come downstairs!”
Marianne simply raised an eyebrow at Marinette before smiling. “I’m so thrilled that you’ve decided the best use of the home is as a crash pad for your cousin and friends.”
Marinette brightened and smiled. “Actually, anyone who’s stepped foot in this house has spent time saving civilians and knows my secret.”
Marianne brightened. “Alright then. Come on.” Marianne led Marinette and Jason, silently joined by Kon, into the kitchen.
Marinette smiled and linked arms with the older woman. “What do you think of the house so far? I wanted to keep true to the house you left me but, to do it in my own way. Which is why I added colour instead of painting the walls.”
Marianne smiled before pausing just outside of the doorway which would take them into the kitchen. “Is that-”
Marinette nodded. “I found it downstairs and decided it deserved to be somewhere where the light could shine on it.”
The picture they were talking about was a blown-up polaroid of a couple wearing outdated Chinese apparel, the man had closely shorn hair while the woman’s hair was pulled back in a pair of elegant buns tucked behind a beautiful yet simple headdress. Behind the couple was the very house they were standing in, although it was taken quite a few years ago.
“Thank you Marinetta.” Marianne smiled before continuing their trek into the kitchen. “Now though.”
“What did you find?”
Kon leaned against Jason and sleepily rubbed at his eyes. “Who’s the broad?”
Jason smiled. “That’s Marianne Fu. She claims Pixie Pop as her granddaughter.”
Kon looked between the two before nodding. “Are we sure she’s not?”
Jason shrugged before he and Kon stopped following the two girls. “No.”
Marianne handed Marinette a box and smiled. “Open it.”
Marinette opened the box before looking up at Marianne. “Are you sure?” Marianne nodded, so Marinette slowly pulled a rose gold chain out of the box. She looked back up at Marianne before placing the box on the island and looking at the rings strung on the chain. “You’re really sure you want me to have these?”
Marianne nodded before taking the chain from her hand and putting the necklace on Marinette. “Wang and I don’t have any children of our own, you are our legacy and you should have the rings we wore. And, there’s one more surprise.” Marianne pulled out a second box and handed it to Marinette, who looked up at Marianne with that wide-eyed expression that Marianne assumed she wore the day she realized she was to be the Guardian. “Open it.”
Marinette opened the box, a long rectangle box, and gasped. She gently pulled the necklace, a simple choker with a hand-carved pendant, out of the box before looking at Marianne. “Where did you find this?”
Marianne smiled and simply plucked the necklace out of Marinette’s hand before wrapping it around her neck. “A fox never reveals their secrets.”
@dast218 @amayakans @toodaloo-kangaroo @crazylittlemunchkin @marinettepotterandplagg 
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cake-in-a-tin · 4 years
My thoughts rewatching all the Harry Potter movies back to back
forgive typos, and be warned - there's a lot...
the first two have a smaller amount of thoughts for some reason, idk why
 Philosopher’s Stone
teeny harry haha
that snake is so beautiful
no post on sundays bro
hi hagrid
how did the dursleys get off the island tho
aw harry is so teeny and innocent
ollivander’s entrance is so iconic, like i want to enter every room like that
hermione is so great already
and you are…
‘you’ve got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know?’
haha tiny malfoy
TREVOR! + neville
that death glare mcgonagall omg
oof snape really hates harry
it's leviooosa not leviosaaa
troll in the dungeon!!!
hi fluffy
ew norbert is gross to be completely honest
creepy malfoy staring at the window
malfoy being sassy wow
‘nighty night…’ whyyy filch?
oof ron are u ok
bye hermione
voldemort is kinda cute with his big eyes
harry really just killed quirrell jeez man
alas earwax
Chamber of Secrets
ah go away dobby don't be weird
yes the car with fred and george
oof bye uncle vernon haha
ah awkward let go of harry lockhart we hate u
haha ginny is iconic
rons face when the train comes omg
ron can drive? that's impressive…
ooh a voice scaryyy
hey colinnn
eat slugs - yas
let go of his arm lockhart
uh oh colin is petrified
hahaha snape annihilated lockhart wow
gosh moaning myrtle is annoying
tom riddle is such a weirdo hgh
ew spiders
lockhart is hilarious when he has lost his mind wow
yas fawkes
ew he just stuck the sword right through its head didn't he...
powerful sock…
go away lucius ur annoying
Prisoner of Azkaban
ugh aunt marge blow up already
sassy harry tm
tom is iconic
so is crookshanks tbh
the knight bus kinda sucks in the movie tho
yess lupin hi
ugh shut up trelawney
ah the best scene aka harry and draco being sassy towards each other
‘it’s killed meh!’
the other best scene: lupin, boggarts and the record player
love when they are eating sweets and just being good friends
yay marauders map - iconic fred and george
nice snowman also
my dad didn't strut and neither do i - yeah right...
yes leave hermione
trelawney stop being creepy
take that malfoy
harry third wheeling
yas remus save sirius
"old married couple" haha snape knows what's up
die peter lol
haha yes they will chop your leg off ron definitely
ugh harry stop being noble
haha yes mentioning the marauders
ew stop peter
oh no werewolf
sirius is so dramatic haha he cant stop turning into a werewolf my dude
bad idea yes ron i agree
oof fight him sirius
no sirius!
the dementorssss
no harry that's not a real patronus dude
nom eat the little soul nugget nice
ah no they're gonna kiss sirius nooo
scabbers did it ok... shut up ron
dumbledore just smacking ron's broken leg and being mysterious
and enter many time paradoxes
‘this is not normal’ hahahah wow harry
yess save buckbeak dudes
yas beautiful patronus dude
this music tho wow
au revoir sirius
I wonder how many stairs they ran up...
poor ron so confused
that bird just got squished no
don't leave lupin
please tell harry about the marauderss
i love lupin omg
ooh a firebolt thanks godfather
the ending face wow
Goblet of Fire
ooh nagini hello
yay frank you will die soon so enjoy your tea
dr who!
ah voldemort's creepy little hand tm
yes ron is covering his non existent boobs wow
hermione's so mad 4 some reason
yes cedric diggory in a tree
everyone has long hair why
isn't just any manky old boot mate
cedric amos and arthur are show offs
feet off the table!
i luv magik
wow krum is enjoying himself
Why is draco wearing a suit?
lucius is very ominous
think ur in luvvv ron
is there no winky in this? sad
harry is so awkward omg
bye hedwig find sirius even though the ministry cant
oh bonjour beauxbatons
wow so dramatic here come the durmstrang peoples
wow run filch ao athletic
ew the beauxbatons entrance is so weird and compared to the durmstrang one is kind of sexist
ow poor flitwick a fork to the hand that's gotta hurt
moody is so dramatic
dumbledore already shouting nice
why does he have so many bugssss
ah that is a creepy spider
poor neville he has to have cuppa with moody that sucks
yess fred and george back at it again
hermione ruining the vibe
what would happen if harry was just like "nope"? would he die that would be interesting
igh rita skeeter go away ur creepy my dude
hate it when ur eyes glisten with ghosts of ur past
yas sirius in a fire
"who are u talking to?" "im vlogging ron" (how it should have gone. harry should have a youtube channel just saying)
poor harry a third wheel yet again between madame maxime and hagrid ew
wow draco in a tree, why? so many people in trees this movie
malfoy as a ferret is my favorite character
my father will hear about thissss
omg rita get outttt
fight the dragonnnn
feel like someone should have stopped the dragon after it broke free... idk *shrugs*
it would be so boring if u were watching the tournament because you can't see anything that's happening most of the time, only for the 1st task and a bit if the 3rd task.
knew u wouldnt die harry, lose a leg - or an arm -pack it in all together? nevaaaaa
god just open it harry
ron ur so awkward...
harry spitting out his drink will never not be funny to me
oh yes the gorgeous dress robes
poor ron has it tough, having to dance with mcgonagall and having ro wear those robes...
*babbling bumbling band of baboons*
the twins are hilarious in this haha
aw neville!
snape is really violent can't 2 boys discuss their love lives or lack thereof in peace
ron's jealous of viktor krum haha
love harry just being so confused and saying "spectacular" when cedric speaks to him.
given the fact harry literally told him the task cedric didn't do that much to help.
ugh no myrtle stop
harry going "do i" when neville tells him he seems tense is such a mood
harry's hair when he was swimming haha
just leave them harryy omg too noble
harry holds his breath for a long time after his gills go away - longer than i can
fred and george making fun of harry having 'moral fiber' is exactly what i would do in the situation
mr crouch stop being weird
yes finally singing hoggy warty hogwarts
oh hi mr crouch, taking a nap in the forest are u? cool
i would say do not stick your face in the pensieve but that's just me
Dr Who changed a bit since i last saw him, he's a bit mental now...
snape is so iconic wow
"bubble juice sir?" bahaha sassy harry back at it again
this music is so great
i would freak out if i had to go in that maze it's so creepy and feels like it would be so filled with jumpscares just nope
"a cauldron? What are u guys gonna do - eat me? that's gross!" feels like it should be in the movie
aw baby voldemort is so cute
ugh just chop off another finger or something wormtail jeez so much drama
how is voldemort still alive - the cauldron is on fire??
the movie is also really missing voldemort dancing with the death eaters
u dont have hair my dude stop caressing ur bald head
voldemort has lovely long fingernails
lucius' blonde hair poking out from beneath his hood is so funny 4 some reason.
"i can touch u now" is really not a good sentence
bit awkward to return with a dead body...
its alright harry *shakes his head violently*
uh oh that's not professor moody its barty jr
Order of the Phoenix
halfway done woo
the intro music is still a jam the 5th time
that is big whinging not little whinging
hi big D what a great nickname...
uh oh dementorrrrr
yes mrs figg the most iconic character in the movies
harry looks a lot like frodo baggins
yay the order is rescuing him finally
yes remus and sirius and mrs weasley and everyone
ooh kreacher
jeez hermione attack him
crookshanks attacking the extendable ears is just what my cat would do
cute godfather godson moments yeass
arthur weasley trying to function as a muggle is just so wholesome
ugh not umbridge ew
yes clear those charges
aw padfoot yess
wow that's a lovely coat sirius
voldemort looks great in a suit wow
didn't harry see his parents die? why couldn't he see the thestral before?
yes luna!
oh shut up umbridge oh my goddd
yes ron u tell seamus like a good friend
sassy harry reaching full potential
ugh umbridge sucks wow
so evil torturing harry
yes weasleys wizards wheezes
luna is so pure and perfect
the friendship between her and harry is so amazing
yas tell umbridge, mcgonagall
trelawneys bad but she doesn't deserve to be kicked out by umbridge
oof professor dumbledore just straight up ignored harry
yes harry just say you're rubbish that will make people think your sane
yes hermione break the rules!
oof ginny is jealous of cho liking harryyyy
yay the room of requirement!
dumbledores army is so fabuloussss
nigel is amazing and i love him
wow hermione just knocked out ron haha
harry potter the boy who made cheesy inspirational speeches
wow ginny is so powerful
harry and cho are so awkward eeehhhh
just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon *cringy forced laughter*
occlumency lessonnssss yay what fun
cute christmas scenes wow
ooh the family tree and sirius' backstory yay
harry u aren't becoming like voldemort u are going through pubertyyyy its hormonesssssss
yay hagrid finally
oh no it's bellatrix get ready for crazinesss
poor sirius he keeps getting the blame for everything that's so unfair
is neville tall or is harry short, because there is a huge height difference
aw all the patronuses are so cute
uh oh here comes umbridge...
noo they are captured and dumbledores lying waaa
oof dumbledore is as sassy as harry at some points - "dumbledores got style"
no umbridge is heaf and shes fricking evilllll
grawp yess. hes kind of cutee
ron is jealous of grawp bahaha
sheesh snape chill
yes a bit of maraudrrss aahhhh
thats it? noo
aw fred and george comforting a little boy is too cute!
yes fred and george!!! disrupt those OWLS!!
no harry! he doesn't have sirius nooo
yes hermione fake it till u make it ( or until u get umbridge attacked by grawp )
yay the centaurs are here as well get herrr
'i must not tell lies' the sass omg
jeez how many prophecies are there wow
pranked, harry dude ur kind of rubbish
well done ginny you've made all the prophecies fall
yh id rather watch my friends die than give u the prophecy, don't really like them tbh
yas sirius!
the order yes
you're beautiful sirius
noooooo siriusss 😭😭😭😭
yooo voldemort my dudeee
hope the ministry has a massive roomba
the DA just come in to see harry writhing on the floor and are like 'cool'
nice one fudge finally realised he's back cool, cool
ah yes angsty harry tm
aw poor luna, her shoes are all stolen.
luna is an icon though
we have something voldy doesn't - noses hahahaha
Half Blood Prince
uh oh the dark mark is here
death eaters as well fun
fenrir greyback!!
oh no not this bridge! i went across it and i was scared af
dumbledore appearing out of nowhere is so funny
ew slughorn no
wow i need dumbkwdored tidying spell so badly
slughorn collecting people is kind of creepy tbh
im so glad i dont have as many staircases as the weasleys
oh yes narcissa and bellatrix being shifty
oops snape u probs shouldnt have done that
yess fred and george!!!
weasleys wizard wheezes looks amazinggg
uh not cormac mclaggen
oooh its "draco and mummy"
no fenrir we wanted to look at draco stroking a cabinet
yes arnold!
yes draco malfoy is a "creepy bloke" ronald
why is draco always wearing a suit??
yes draco is going to pigfarts!
ouch why would u stomp on his nose??
yez luna save him
noo dont let snape teach defense against the dark arts!! i miss lupin...
poor harry having to do potions again ugh
dun dun dunnn the half blood prince
poor seamus stuff is still exploding
haha dumbledore ships hermione and harry lol
baby tom riddle is creepyy
tom riddle and slughorn were bffs wow so cute
edgy draco in his loki suit
aw rons the only one listening
ugh cormac mclaggen is so gross nooo
haha ron is so rubbish at quidditch id be just like him
'the binding is fragile' hahaha excuses
harry sleeps with his potions book hheehe wow
wow sneaky draco
rons face when hermione mentions her snogging him haha.
uh oh cursed necklace alert
harry pottrr the boy who just knew
snape is so sarcastic wow icon (not really tho ew)
oh god they're talking about skin aahhh
noo harry stop being awkwarddddd sit downn
ew cormac stop eating profiteroles so suggestively ugh
haa rons outfit
ew lavender stopp
oh yes "felix felicis" makes ron great at quidditch
poor hermione she just loves ron thats all
aw hermione and harrys friendship is so nice
angsty draco standing in a tower
"bUt I aM tHe ChOsEn OnE" god harry so pretentious
luna is the coolest person there is, nice work harry
draco in a suit again looking sad he does that a lot
no draco ur apple!
oh nvm its back dw
ugh cormac sucks.  hermione why??
at least cormac did 1 good thing and vomited on snapes shoes
draco was lurking omgggg thats his vibe now
cant break an unbreakable vow - figured that out for myself thanks (sassy harry)
ew lavender stopppp
ooh noo ginny dont feed him a mince pie awkwarddd
thanks ron
stoppp ginny. harry can tie his own shoelaceee
why do they need to burn the burrow this doesnt happen in the books #not canon
wow everyones sassy including hermione now
also lav is an awful nicknname
aha tom riddle is still creepy
okay thats a lie slughorn u told him about horcruxes
uh oh ron loves romilda vane oop
harry thinks the moon is divine haha
Ron hugging a pillow then falling off the sofa in the background oh my gosh
slughorn is so useless
haha snapes face while rons saying hermiones name
draco being edgy again woowwww
lavender that is a death glare if ever i saw one
oh no draco is crying in a bathroom now like a moody teenager
let him cry in peace harry god man
'nyaaah' is dracos go to dueling sound
oops harry u kinda killed him a little bit.
no this is so awkwarddd ginny dont
just kiss like in the books after the quidditch match thats way better
yes the felix felicis
love harry potter like this its so funny
‘harry!’ ‘sir!’
not to mention the pincers *gestures awkwardly*
nice speech harry, now u have answers on the horcruxes
ooh back to tom riddle being creepy
yas harry and dumbledore field trip quality student teacher time
snape being edgy now wow everyone is in this movie
oops foreshadowing...
harry has precious blood apparently?
yay boat ride and smoothie
harry potter not harry water bro
noo bad just aguamenti right into his mouth Harry
yay new friends!!!
dumbledore ur gonna set harry on  fire careful my dude
ooh death eaterz
did draco change intot hat suit to impress the death eaters?
oop bye dumbledore
harry brooding in dumbledores office
yess RAB get wrecked voldemort
harry ur thick apparently?
aw cute friendship
Deathly Hallows Pt. 1
rusty logo wow
‘ello whoo are u
oh scrimgeour hi i dislike u dude
veey dramatic
aaawww hermione no
yas dudley being nice to harry and vernon listening to him and leaving
ron brooding wow
bye parents sad face
wow vernons old man
ooh its snapeee he looks loke he has a lot of contpur on
yay snape has a savey seat
pius is a great name
uh oh i dont wanna give u my wand voldy
dracos face haha
ugh do they have to watch nagini eat professor burbage gross
the dursleys house looks so empty
yay the cupboard happy memories and his baby toys cuteee
moody thinks that harrys gorgeous.
yay remus and tonksss
shut up mundungus
blimey hermionee
'just trying to diffuse the tension' hahaha lol
wow so many harrys lol
yh  wouldnt want to go in the motorbike tbh
uh oh death eaters
wow parkour harry
nooo hedwig - the saddest bit of this movie
yo voldemort wassup
oops the pylons fell down... just fly away good idea
nooo george's ear
jeez lupin y are u being crazy dude
george is saint like and holy aw so cute brother moments
uh oh bye moody u were a bit creepy tbh
ha lol harry a lot of people are going to die for u
harry stop being moody omg
wow george way to ruin the vibe dude
yo minister leave pls
ron just being ungrateful - u can turn out lights now ron lucky u
yay hermione you get a childrens book thats great
wow a snitch lucky u harry. hes so pleased with that. little does he know.... its a resurrection stone bro
give him the sword man
yay nice wedding
luna interrupting deep thoughts casually
xenophilius is creepy
ron and hermione staring at each other is a mood.
way to crash a wedding dude
hermione is the most competent out of all three it has to be said
i really want that bag of hermiones
shouldnt have said voldemory now the death eaters are here whoops
"hermione" *strokes face awkwardly*
sassy harry yas
oh yes grimmauld place
oof voldys having wand struggles
hi kreacher please leave ur creepy thanks
aw siriuzz room so cute sad hes dead
regulus arcturus black yay
ugh mundungus fletcher u suck dude
aw neville
oh no pie dude is the minister if magic now
uh shut up umbridge
feel like u dont need that many posters
sentimental piano playing wow
yo dobbyyyy
umbridge ruins everything omg
ron - u dont have a wife
haha harry getting out of the lift and walking in such a weird wayyy bahahaha
ew umbridge has moodys eye groosss
yas the ugly plates are still in her office
oops ron u just kissed that random dudez wife
nice suit harry
ouch splinch
lovely tent
kill the locket dude
dean thomas is on the run ooh fancy
yh harry stop letting voldemort in dude
harry stop being so moody bro
ooh watch snape on the map thats not creepy.
oh no snatchers...
ah u almost got caught dudes
ron ur so weak wow cant apparate or anything
lot of missing people...
haha a quarantine haircut
yes hermione ur brilliant
oh god ron stop chill
bye ron i guess lol
poor hermione
yas awkward dancing timee
awkward stares
kissy for the snitch. he must really miss ginny
uh oh its opening at the closee
vfd!!! an eyee!!!
ooh godrics hollowwww
oop its christmas eve whoopssss
oh a deathly Hallows
parents grave yay!
ur bathilda? nope im a snake boiii
bathilda is 1 creepy lady
what are u saying my dude????
ew snake lady
chaira are good defences agaunst snakes definitely
ah she jumped at them
looks like a nice campsite
wow now hermiones being sentimental
oop she sat on harrys wand
wait nvm
oooh a doe a deer a female deer
dont drown harry that would be awkward
omgbharry stop undressing
oof the locket strangling him
yay ron saved him yas dude
ron kill the horcrux
u tell him hermione
nice ron tell them u have been hearing voices
yes go see xenophilius the crazy dudee
aw ron ur so awkwsrd bro
their house is so cute
shut up ron god
yay we know about the deathly hallows now
xenophilius is so suspicious tho
why would you say his nameeee
noo snatchers
ooo ominous malfoy manor
draco dont doo ittt
yay dobby!
ah no hermione
aw draco looks sad in his little loki suit
yay dobby 'maiming and seriously injuring'
nooo dobby! he deserved so much better 😭
"hey guys welcome back to my unboxing video today we are opening dumbledores grave"
yay the elder wand wow
giving away ur position a bit dude by shooting stuff in the air
Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
snape hi ur brooding
lots of dementys
dramatic music
waaa dobby
yay bill and fleur
yo griphook what up
the sword was in a river bro
madam lestrange? no!
oops thats not dracos wand anymore wowww
wands are just like 'ya hiiii we have feelings too'
oop ollivander knows about the elder wand bros
ron looks great with a moustache tho
harry just broke the law jeez...
wow that cart looks fun
wow they fell from the cart nice
oh no ron broke the law too whoops
yay a dragon
lots of gold nice
yay the cup
oops they messed up nkw everything is multiplyinggg
griphook y are u evil my dude
yay ride a dragon
oops they fell no
yas they escaped
uh oh voldemort is onto them
that's a lot of dead people
oh no everyones looking for them
ah aberforth hi!
the other part of harry's mirror!
oop dumbledore was a secretive dude
ariana yas
i love neville hes so great now
yay all of the DA
ginny is being awkward
'shut up seamus' hhaha
aaa snape yooo
snape stop being a meanie
stop being angry harry
yas queen! mcgonagall!!!!
uh oh voldemort is whispering to harry again
stop voldemort you need a cough sweet
yes everyone protect him
haha filch is a blithering idiot wow
i love mcgonagall
run harry
boom! seamus blow stuff up!
yay the knight peeps
uh yes theyre protecting harry and everyone
yes luna is so smart and iconic
go talk to a ghost harry
thats a lot of death eaters
go away voldemort no one likes u
yes go stab a crown harry
yay remus
fred and george aw
ron fake parseltonguing lol
nooo quidditch
lol peeps got disintegrated
go hermione stab the cup
yessss kisss!!!!
tonks and remus together wow
wow i hate voldemort's bald head with the weird veins
run neville!
yay ginny and neville
yay a little kiss for harry!
ooh the room of requirement
edgy draco back at it again
ooh the diadem
no dracooo
yh draco y didnt u give harry away?
aw ron loves hermione
uh oh fireee
nice work goyle
bye crabbe lol
yay hes saving draco
nice killed the tiara
oops voldemorts getting angry
snapes gonna dies dudes
runnnnn guys
lavenders being eaten
yay aberforth
yeet snapes dying
gosh naginis violent
“ew snape sorry i dont like u even tho u loved my mum” - what harry should have said
woops bye snape
freds death is too sad
nooo remus and tonks
go watch snapes life my dude
yess the always bit (i dont like snape but its iconic)
poor harry
its so sad that hes just sacrificing himself
his eye contact with ron omg im cryinggg
ooh yay his familyyy
he should have said 'its muffin time’ to the resurrection stone and it would be like 'cool bro here's your dead family'
u got this harry
yay teddy mention
"until the end" yas james
lets do this harry
wow voldemort why are you standing like a weirdo
yes harry be a brave man
byee harryyyy
oooh hes alive still
hi dumbledore
yes harry is a brave brave man
cool explain it to him dumbledore
bye dumbledoreeee
wow voldy u weakk bro
yas dracos alive get off me
aw neville u got this man
voldy yeeted that dead giant wow
ew snakey boi
nooo hes dead waa
poor draco such an awkward hug
oop neville what?
ok ur just making a speech that fine carry on
voldys very polite for a villain
yay harrys alive
haha dieee
run lucius wow
oof destroying the school harry really
naginis coming run hermione
u got dis neville
noo ron
yes molly!!!
y r u hugging dudes u arent friends... did u forget? oops..
bye snake boiii
neville is so iconic omg
kill him HARRY
haha disintegrate voldemort
dont breathe in voldemort guys
wow harrys a mess
yay hagrid
hermione and ron are so sweet aw
harry yeet the wand
wow draco owns the wand and now harry has it
aw the friendship
yess 19 years later
wow that hair harry
all of their haircuts are tragic tbh...
should be albus remus potter... just sayinggg
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scottielambchop · 6 years
Tite Five Vol. 1
Here's the deal: Unemployment really sucks.
But it's important to keep "flexing my writing muscle." So, I decided to take the blog format I had with my old company and take it here. Which is rad because I can now write all the f-swears I want. But even better, I can rename this stupid fucking thing. So without further ado, I present to you my Tite Five.
Arby’s Subscription Box
Well, the more things change, the more they stay the same. I may not be writing blogs for an ad agency anymore, but that doesn't fuckin' mean I won't talk about fast food.
For those who don’t know me (and now that I’m writing on my own blog, I don’t know why the fuck you wouldn’t), I have sort of backed myself into a corner with Arby's. It all started innocently enough. I wrote a Facebook post asking if anyone wanted to go on a romantic date to Arby’s. Seemed like a funny-enough thing to say. But then I doubled down and asked the same question again a few weeks later. Then again. And again. Soon enough, I became the “Arby’s guy.” Which, to be honest, isn’t the worst thing to be known for. Especially since Arby’s is pretty good and their Pizza Slider is one of the most underrated QSR food items on the market.
Alright, now that I got that little nugget of useless bullshit out of the way, let’s get to this subscription box. For the past couple of years, Arby’s has been fucking killing it in the advertising game. Their hilarious Ving Rhames-voiced copy spots and subsequent transition to more visual stuff with H. Jon Benjamin, their delightfully nerdy paper-craft social posts, and now, their subscription box. That’s right, you fuckin’ heard (or read) me correctly, Arby’s now has a subscription box.
In early January, Arby’s tweeted out they would be sending a subscription box called Arby's of the Month. All you had to do was sign up for $25, and you would get six mystery boxes of seasonal gear from everyone’s favorite roast beef provider. Now, I’m sure you’re wondering, “Who the hell would want that?” Well, let me tell you, a lot of people the hell would want that. It sold out in less than an hour.
Minneapolis' Fallon (my dream agency) has done amazing work with Arby's. They've taken your grandparents’ favorite fast food joint and turned it into something for everyone. By simply getting weird with everything they do, the younger generations have latched on. Honestly, who the fuck would think about sending a subscription box full of roast beef swag, and how the fuck did it work so well? The answer is Fallon.
P.S. If anyone from Fallon is reading this, my portfolio is scottielantgen.com. Hire me, please.
Re-Watching South Park
One of the most beautiful things about unemployment in the digital age is the ability to hunt for jobs across the country while sitting on your couch and streaming a seemingly endless supply of shows. And that’s exactly what the fuck I’ve been doing with South Park.
Now before I begin, I just need to say that, yes, the show’s liberal use of the “f-word,” “r-word,” and countless racial stereotypes DO NOT hold up well to today’s standards. And honestly, I’m not going to defend it. It’s not my place.
Problematic dialogue aside, what I love about rewatching South Park from almost the very beginning (just skip the first three seasons. You're not missing much) is how it’s a perfect current event/pop culture time capsule. I seriously forgot about Elián González, Terri Schiavo, how the popularity of Paris Hilton made everyone fucking terrible for a while, and just the Passion of the Christ in general. But thanks to South Park, those headlines came rushing back in vivid detail.
South Park still holds up as some of the best satire ever created. It’s quick, funny, and often offensive. And I’m pretty sure that’s what Trey Parker and Matt Stone wanted it to be.
Also, Butters and Randy Marsh are two of my favorite fictional characters.
Skittles Commercial: The Broadway Musical
The “Big Game” (who has the money, amirite?) is tomorrow, and it’s like a goddamn advertising cotillion. It’s the day where the entire country gathers around a TV to eat a variety of sauced meats, drink one of three different beers, and watch the newest batch of commercials from some of the biggest brands in the country. I am told there’s also a football game.
This is the day companies spend millions of dollars for 30 seconds of air time. It’s absurd. But it’s the most viewed event of the entire year, so companies feel the need to get their air time. Except for Skittles. They've been doing something a little different.
Last year, Skittles was fed up with the high price of “Big Game” ad placement, and decided to ditch that mess and do their own thing. So, they did what any other rational company who wanted to advertise to millions of viewers would do. They made an ad for just one person (Check it out. It rules). This little stunt got them billions of media impressions, which, in a lot of ways, is just as good as paid placement.
Where does Skittles go after the major success of last year’s stunt? Broadway of course. During halftime, Skittles will present a one-time performance of Skittles Commercial: The Broadway Musical. Lead by Six Feet Under’s own Michael C. Hall (fuck Dexter), this 30-minute musical is slated to be very meta. Their website states, “Through song and dance, the show takes an absurdly self-reflective look at consumerism and the ever-increasing pervasiveness of brand advertising in our lives.”
It’s fucking brilliant, and I can’t wait to hear how it turns out.
Companies Taking a Stand
Other than writing as many “fucks” and “shits” as I want, one of the coolest things about writing this blog untied from any agency has to be freely expressing whatever dumb-fucking-shit opinion I have. Don’t get me wrong, my old company gave me a lot of freedom, but I always felt it best to stray away from any “controversial” or “political” opinions. Now I’m off the leash and ready to spread my leftist propaganda like a mother fucking virus!
There is a great divide in our country. I know it’s always been there, but it seems way worse ever since the 2016 campaign trail. Regardless, with this growing separation between liberals and conservatives/left and right/cool dudes and white people, companies are also taking sides. And I think it’s a really fucking smart idea.
As you’ve probably seen (and possibly burnt your own shoes about), Nike was one of the first major companies to take a stand for what they believed in. Hiring “controversial” athlete, Colin Kaepernick, to be the face of their newest campaign was a really bold move, but it paid off big time.
Yes, they faced a backlash. Fox News was all up their ass about “DiSrEsPeCtInG tHe FlAg,” and Twitter users shared a litany of videos of people destroying the products they already bought and paid for. But overall, the campaign was killer and showed that the company was willing to put themselves at risk for equality and doing what is right—though I’m sure they’re heartbroken your shitty uncle won’t buy their socks ever again.
Gillette was the next big company to pick a side. They took a stance on the truly controversial topic of “not being a shitty dude.” I really don’t know where the backlash for this came from, but apparently, men don’t like being told that it’s wrong to catcall and sexually assault women. For a bunch of “manly-men,” they’re really crying like little babies over a minute-long video. The ad is still pretty new, but it already seems to be resonating well with younger male audiences, but not so much with boomers. Weird, right?
And lastly, Patagonia just announced that they will donate all 10 million dollars they saved on tax cuts to environmental groups. I don’t know how people will find a way to be upset by this, but I don’t doubt for a single second that someone will. The world is a nightmare.
Listen, I know there are always going to counter-arguments.
“Oh, they’re just exploiting a current issue to make money.”
“Oh, you may think they’re doing the right thing, but their internal business model is totally fucked.”
“Oh, not all men.”
“Oh, that money could have gone to hard workers and not a stupid tree or whatever.”
It really doesn’t matter. This is advertising. They are spreading a message. You may not need a razor at this moment, but that spot can also serve as a reminder to be a better man. You may prefer a different brand of athletic wear, but that doesn’t mean you won’t be able to see how much a person has sacrificed to support a cause. You may not be a white Instagrammer, but now you know that some companies are doing honorable things. These companies aren't just selling products, they’re also selling ideals.
As I’ve alluded to throughout this post, I recently lost my job. I wanted to make light of it a little, but I also just wanted to get some things off my chest. The truth of the matter is this: I am forever grateful for the opportunity I was given and the people I befriended along the way. I was able to work with and learn from some of the most talented people I have ever met. I took a huge risk moving to a smaller, one-agency town to take this job—and I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I am forever thankful for this time in my life.
One of my biggest New Year’s resolutions was to express more gratitude. As I said before, the country is divided. I can’t seem to hop on any social media channel without seeing some kind of bullshit-fueled fight going on. Everyone seems to be focusing on the negative and no one really cares about the positive (I fully understand the irony of this sentence). But this could change by expressing more gratitude for the people in your life and amazing opportunities.
Listen, I could be really pissed about the current state of the world. And honestly, I am. But I’m trying to express more positivity. Everyone else can complain about our turd of a president 24 hours a day. Why not tell the important people in your life why you’re thankful to have them? It’s a really fucking simple thing to do—and it could possibly start a chain reaction.
Listen, I’m not going to tell you to not focus on the bad parts of your job or whatever because that shit is so much more easily said than done. And it also goes on a job-by-job basis (I couldn’t really think of a positive in working in corporate finance or some soul-sucking shit like that). But I will say this, I’m thankful I was able to work a job where I could see a bright side. I learned a lot and I’m looking forward to the next steps in my career.
I know it seems tough to remain positive in such dark times. But, fuck, this is your life. You’ve only got one of em. Don’t spend it worrying or complaining all the time. Find the positive and try and improve upon that… or don’t. It’s your fuckin’ life. Do whatever you want.
Well, guys, that’s it for my very first Tite Five (but also not, ya know?). I hope this was as enthralling as Chris made it out to be. I love you all. I’ll probably see you next week with another post of sorts. Take care and don���t drink and drive after the “Big Game.”
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stopforamoment · 6 years
The Secret Garden (10 of 12)
Book: The Royal Romance (After Book Three)
Pairing: Bastien Lykel x OFC Rinda Parks
Word Count: 2,033  
Rating: M for Mature Langauge
Author’s Note: Obligatory disclaimer that Pixelberry Studios owns the TRR characters and my pocketbook with those darn diamond scenes. OFC with all of her quirks is all mine. My apologies if Tumblr or I do something stupid when I try to post this. 
Inspiration: Frances Hodgson Burnett, The Secret Garden, Chapter 11  
He stepped over to the nearest tree—an old, old one with gray lichen all over its bark, but upholding a curtain of tangled sprays and branches. He took a thick knife out of his pocket and opened one of its blades.
"There's lots o' dead wood as ought to be cut out," he said. "An' there's a lot o' old wood, but it made some new last year. This here's a new bit," and he touched a shoot which looked brownish green instead of hard, dry gray.
Mary touched it herself in an eager, reverent way."That one?" she said. "Is that one quite alive—quite?"
Dickon curved his wide smiling mouth.
"It's as wick as you or me," he said; and Mary remembered that Martha had told her that "wick" meant "alive" or "lively."
Summary: Bastien shows Rinda the palace maze and tree, but it isn’t as romantic as he’d thought . . . 
When they got back to the palace Bastien turned to Henry. “There’s one more thing. And this one is actually a royal command from the King, so I have to do it. Well, and I want to do it,” Bastien quickly added, seeing the concern in Rinda’s eyes. He led them over to the maze.
“Henry, when King Liam, his brother Leo, and Drake were kids they’d always play in the maze. There’s also a large tree with a swing in the middle. Would you like to check it out?”
Henry grinned and started to run ahead, but he quickly stopped when there was a fork in the path. “Should I wait for you?”
Bastien laughed. “No, go ahead and figure it out. I’ve had to find King Liam in here plenty of times. I’ll find you too.” He looked at Rinda and snickered. “Mara and I still have to come in here to find Liam and Riley when they sneak off.”
Rinda threw back her head and laughed. “Good for them! So is this maze really confusing or pretty simple?”
Bastien shrugged. “It’s not as bad as The Shining.”
Rinda chuckled. “We’re not going to make it out of here alive, are we? Seriously. If you suddenly get called away for an emergency, you absolutely have to send someone to find me and Henry if we don’t make it out by morning. I’ll be really ticked off if you don’t. Promise?”
Bastien solemnly nodded. “Promise.”
“It’s pretty cool that kids would play in here. This must have been great for hide and seek.”
“Actually, tag was more their thing as kids. But I know the terrain and have a significant advantage over you and Henry. I’ll get you a map to study so we can play next time.” Bastien smiled when he made her laugh again.
“So Rinda, tell me about that book. The Secret Garden. It was the Queen’s favorite, and yours too, right?”
Rinda snickered. “What, my 2:00 AM summary while I was in PJs in front of the King of Cordonia didn’t explain it well enough?” She shook her head. “That was really embarrassing, by the way. I’m sorry if I completely made an ass of myself.”
“No, you didn’t. Trust me, you were fine. Even in PJs. By the way, were those . . . smiling bananas on your PJs?”
Rinda nodded her head. “Yup. Banana pajamas. And some of the bananas had sunglasses. It sounds like you couldn’t erase the vision that was burned into your retinas.” She shook her head, laughing at herself. “Anyway, the book. It’s partly about magic and healing. See, Mary Lennox is sickly and selfish at the start of the book. She’s seriously an absolute bitch who can’t even dress herself without a servant’s help. Her cousin Colin is an invalid and an even bigger spoiled pain in the ass. But the garden, well, it’s magic. Even how Mary finds the key and the hidden doorway to the garden are magical. Then there’s a neighbor boy named Dickon, and he has a magic touch with wild animals and nurturing things. They play in the garden and help take care of it, and it’s also magical how the garden comes to life in spring, and Mary and Colin get healthier and less selfish as they spend more time in nature.” Rinda stopped and faced Bastien. “It’s also about happiness though. The kind of happiness we have when we stop being selfish and start caring about other people and other things.”
They got to the center of the maze and Rinda gasped. “It’s even more beautiful than I imagined it would be. I love climbing roses in a garden, rambling around everything.” She reverently touched the swing.
Bastien blushed, unsure of what to do. “Um, Rinda. Do you want to sit in it? I can . . . ”
She turned to Bastien and shook her head. “In the story, the uncle was a recluse because he went insane with grief. He and his wife created that garden, and they trained the roses to cover the tree. The tree didn’t have a swing but Lilias, his wife, liked to sit on a branch in the tree. There was an accident when the tree branch broke, and she died from the injuries. That’s why the uncle locked up the garden and threw away the key.”
Rinda wasn’t sure how to explain the next part. It was important that Bastien understand what might have motivated Liam’s mother to include this beautiful tree with such a dark history. “It isn’t morbid that Liam’s mother created this garden with the tree. I just don’t think it’s meant to be . . . romantic. It’s supposed to be a magical place where children play and where people can forget that they are outsiders who don’t really fit in. And the maze . . . maybe that was her way of creating the adventure of finding the secret garden and sneaking into it. Because that’s part of the magic too.”
Bastien had a tender look in his eyes. God, Rinda reminded him so much of her. Rinda quickly slipped off her sandals and walked closer to Bastien. “Hey, this place is magic, remember? It’s a place to heal and to play . . . TAG!” She was laughing when she touched Bastien’s shoulder and ran off, quickly getting lost in the maze as she yelled to Henry that Bastien was “it.”
. . . . .
Rinda was in bed when she heard the soft knocking. “Rinda? Are you still awake?” It was Bastien. She crawled out of bed and opened the door.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
“Yes, but we could use your help in the library. Do you mind joining us?” Bastien saw her turn toward Henry’s room. “If we’re gone awhile I can have a guard check on him, if you’d like.”
Rinda shook her head. “He’ll be fine. Now that he’s slept here one night it’s not as big of a deal if he wakes up and I’m not here.” She suddenly looked down, realizing how under-dressed she was. “Here, just give me a minute to change into something else. Not that anything will beat the smiling bananas pajamas.” She left the door halfway open while she grabbed some clothes and slipped into the bathroom. She came out a couple minutes later, and Bastien was still waiting in the hall, his back discreetly turned away. “Okay, what’s up?”
Bastien led Rinda to the library, and she was shocked to find Mara and other Royal Guards working on a laptop and examining the book shelves. Mara gave Rinda a quick smile. “Hi Rinda, thank you for coming to help us. I’m sure Bastien already told you, but everything that happens here is confidential. You were never here.” Rinda nodded.
Bastien continued. “We’ve been checking the Queen’s other books for notes, like the one you found last night. We’ve found others that have been very helpful.” He paused. “And I know King Liam appreciates that you found his mother’s note for him.” Rinda gave a sad smile, thinking about a boy losing his mother at such a young age.
Bastien cleared his throat. “What’s a four-word password that you think the Queen would have used? We’ve already asked Liam, but he doesn’t have many concrete memories of her.” He paused. “The other guards who knew her can’t think of anything either.”
Mara quickly added, “We’ve tried ‘Liam,’ ‘Mary,’ ‘tree,’ and ‘rose.’ We also checked the words in the notes she left—in English and French—and we can’t think of anything else. We thought you might remember something else from that book, or maybe from the other books on that shelf? It’s a long shot, but it’s worth a try.”
Rinda nodded. “Try wick w i c k. Moor m o o r. Rinda was talking to herself. “Might I have a bit of earth? Terre. No, that’s five.” She looked up again. “I can think of other important English words, but I might need help translating them to French. And into Greek for sure. And can you please tell me the list of other books again?”
Mara was already nodding her head to Bastien before turning to Rinda. “No need. You’ve already figured it out.”
Rinda was surprised. “Really? That’s all? That was easy enough!” She quickly turned around to let herself out.
“Rinda?” It was Bastien.
“I know. I was never here.”
“No, thank you. I’m sorry I can’t explain, but please know that you’ve done more this weekend than you’ll realize.”
She gave Bastien a shy smile. “Thank you, I appreciate that.” She quickly looked around the room. “Good night everyone.”
. . . . .
Bastien messaged Rinda and Drake few hours later. I need to help with additional security this morning. I’ll be an hour or two late for fishing, so just go without me.
Rinda groggily reached for her phone and messaged back. I don’t mind waiting for you. Drake can decide if we need to leave at the ass crack of dawn for good fishing or if he wants me to do football drills until you get there. But if you can’t join us that’s okay too. Please just focus on what you need to do and we’ll see you when you’re done.
Rinda paused and then sent a second message. And do you ever sleep?
Drake was awake too. Heh. I’m still up and drinking, so I’m okay with a later start. Let’s make it 9:00 and I’ll drill Rinda until you get there.
*Snort.* Drake, you’re such a cute little puppy. I don’t think Bastien wants your sloppy seconds. And what are you drinking, and where?
Whiskey. Downstairs. What sloppy seconds?
Bastien grinned. It’s better not to ask. Okay, I’ll try to rescue Rinda by 9:30 and she’d better not be too tired to go fishing.
What the hell are you two even talking about? And I’m not a cute little puppy.
Rinda laughed. Okay, you’re a sweet little marshmallow. Better?
No. Now let me drink in peace.
Bastien was about to exit the conversation but thought better of it. He just silenced the conversation so he could read the rest of it later.
. . . . .
Drake, so whiskey. Is it okay if I join you if I promise to stop talking? No judgement if I leave my kid alone in a huge palace while I go tie on one?
Heh. Why not.
What kind of whiskey. If it’s really cheap stuff I need a handful of Tums and some serious greasy-spoon breakfast when we’re done. It sucks to get old.
Oh, no. This is the palace whiskey. I know where the good stuff is kept.
Send me the coordinates. I’m on my way!
. . . . .
Bastien was laughing as he caught up with the conversation a few hours later. It sounded like Drake and Rinda were getting along and would work well together, if he chose Drake for the position.
Working well with Rinda. In so many ways she was easy to work with, and he appreciated how understanding she was of his career and its demands. But in other ways it was challenging to figure her out. She was so easy going and confident . . . until she wasn’t. She would suddenly get shy and ask questions about the oddest things like double dipping. And she said her best friends were double dippers. Did I even answer her question or did I give her my silent stare and make her uncomfortable? She couldn’t even order her own food that night. She had been too busy taking everything in, and she knew they were hungry and ready to order. Henry said Rinda and Jameson would laugh at how bad she was at ordering, so Jameson would have to help her and order for her. Henry was the one who suggested she sit down while they order the food. And Rinda didn’t even ask to try his food, even though she mentioned earlier that she’d like to. What did I even say to her when we were joking about Joey sharing food?
Fuck. For a person whose job it is to read people, he was an absolute idiot when it came to Rinda.
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kindaangelic · 7 years
BatFam Week Day 5: Legacy
Na na na na na na na na na…BATFAM!
BatFam Week Day 5: Legacy
Day 5: Legacy
“Damian, what are you doing?” Bruce asked, wading through the pool of cloth that was surrounding his youngest.
“Tt. I am sewing, Father.”
“Don’t you *tt* at me,” Bruce seethed. “What are you sewing?”
“A costume for myself.” Damian stood up and guided his father to a chair, sat him down, and then climbed onto his lap and took Bruce’s face in his hands. “I want you to listen to me, Father. I am making my costume for when I shall pass on the mantle of Robin and adopt another identity.”
“It is tradition to adopt another persona before finally stepping into the shoes of Batman. Grayson did it, and practically everyone else has their own superhero identities. I am getting on in age, Father - I am ten years old now. It is high time that I started planning for my future.”
Bruce held back the biggest grin throughout Damian’s speech, and adopted a faux serious expression to address him. “I see. Which persona will you choose?”
Damian held up a black, skin tight outfit with blue highlights that was clearly inspired by Wayne Manor’s resident sentimental blob. “I shall be the second Nightwing, and I will strike fear into the shriveled hearts of evildoers in my city!”
Bruce sat, shaking with silent mirth at Damian’s new identity. He pursed his lips and forced himself looked suitably sad. “Oh, I see. Very well, Damian,” he sighed theatrically, “I will let you go. I’ll have to just fly solo from now on. No Robin, no son, no…” Bruce trailed off sadly and stared into space. “I’ll be fine. It’s just…I thought that I would have a son who wanted to be with me for longer. But I guess I’m just going to have to get used to the fact that I’ll have to patrol alone now. All alone in Gotham, with no partner, no one to watch my back…oh well.”
Damian’s eyes widened until they looked more like coins and shook his head violently. “No father! I didn’t think of that! I can’t simply leave you all alone; after all, you are getting older-”
“Hey, now-”
“-and I cannot trust your deteriorating senses. No, I will stay with you until you inevitably get another child. What with Drake and Todd being virile males, and your compulsion to pick children up off the streets, it shouldn’t be that long, another three to four years at most-”
“It’s not a compulsion, that just makes it sound wrong-”
“-yes, yes, I see now what must be done. Don’t worry, Father, I won’t go anywhere,” Damian said, patting Bruce’s cheek tenderly. “I will find Todd or Drake and tell them to find potential children, either for you or for themselves to adopt. Don’t hassle yourself,” Damian said decisively, jogging out of the cave.
“What about Dick?”
Damian looked at Bruce like he had lost his mind. “Grayson will not be having any more children, not until I’m through with him. That will be for another eight years, and after that, he will be so fulfilled, he won’t want another.”
Bruce sat in his chair, slightly disturbed, as Damian ran out of the cave, yelling for Jason and Tim to gather quickly, as he had life changing plans for them.
“Bruce, why as Damian being leaving these pamphlets on my desk?” Tim asked tensely, smacking a stack of papers on Bruce’s desk.
Bruce picked one up and read, “Your Life with Children - Find Fulfillment in Adopting a Child and Embracing Motherhood,” Bruce muffled a laugh and laid down the pamphlet. “I guess Damian really wants to be an uncle.”
“Bruce!” Jason stormed into Bruce’s office, dragging a small, squeaking, redhead behind him. “What is this!?” He cried, pointing at little Colin Wilkes, who was looking adoringly at Jason.
“Damian said that you were gonna to adopt me, Mr. Hood,” Colin said in awe of the gun toting anti hero.
Bruce groaned and slapped a hand down his face. “Damian!” He roared. “Get in here now!”
Damian slunk in and stood next to Colin and nodded approvingly. “Ah, good, Colin’s adoption has been competed. Colin, from this day forward, I am your uncle. We will, of course, remain best friends forever.”
“Damian, you can’t decide who Jason decides to adopt, and even if he wants to adopt. He’s legally dead, for Gotham’s sake! Who let this happen?”
“Jason Todd may not be able to adopt, but my older brother Mason Podd, accountant at Wayne Enterprises certainly can. The press will easily accept that you’ve gone and adopted another child, Father, this will easily pass scrutiny. Now, Colin can begin training as Robin, and I will slowly transition into the role of Nightwing II.”
Jason and Tim gaped at the declaration while Bruce sat stunned. Colin looked as pleased as punch, and hugged Jason’s leg. “I’m going to get a family! This is so cool!”
Jason cleared his threat and looked pointedly at Damian. “Ok, let’s get something very clear. No kid of mine is going to be fucking Robin,” he said, glaring. “I don’t want Bruce giving them any ideas, like righteousness and shit. Any kids I have are going to be trained by me.”
“I’m not an adult yet, so I can’t adopt,” Tim chimed in.
“You can procreate and produce a child, can’t you?” Damian asked vehemently.
Tim shook his head. “Naw. I’m sterile.”
Bruce looked shocked at this information. “What?”
“When I rescued you from that time warp thing, the radiation basically killed my nads,” Tim shrugged. “I’m testing whether I got any meta powers from the radiation of time and space. So far, tests look promising.” Bruce looked apoplectic, and Tim continued. “That means that Damian can’t have anymore paternal siblings, because I’m pretty sure that you’re sterile too, Bruce. You didn’t even test positive for a meta gene, so you suck double now.”
Bruce glared at Tim and then at his own feeble testes. He was Batman, he should have been able to withstand a little radiation from the fabric of time and space, damnit! “You’re not a meta.”
“But I might get cool powers!”
“Bruce, you’re so-”
“Silence!” Damian cried. “Cease your useless banter! It matters not that father cannot have another child of his loins! I told you that Colin will train to replace me, and I shall become the second Nightwing!”
Bruce looked at his tiny, seething, son, and picked him up. “What if I don’t want you to?” He asked.
Damian stopped flailing and looked up at Bruce in shock. “W-what?”
“I want you to be my Robin,” Bruce said softly. “Me and my little boy soaking across Gotham, watching each other’s backs and fighting crime together - that’s what I always thought we would do.”
Damian frowned. “But if I do not become Nightwing, how can I become Batman? The day is not far off when you will be too decrepit and old to carry the mantle-”
“-which means that Grayson will take over. That means that I have to become Nightwing, and after Grayson retires, I have to be Batman.”
Bruce looked down at Damian and burst out laughing. “Being Nightwing isn’t a prerequisite to being Batman,” he laughed. “Dick was the ideal candidate at the time, but he hates the cowl. He just indulges his old father too much, bless him,” Bruce said with a smile. “Any one of my chidlren can take on the mantle if they so choose. Jason-“
“Hell no,” Jason scoffed. “I ain’t touching that suit. It’s probably got Bruce cooties on it.”
“Bruties,” Tims supplied helpfully, high fiving Jason.
Bruce silenced his sons with a glare. “Or Tim…”
“No thanks, I’m good,” Tim mumbled. “Angst isn’t a good look for me. I like a bit of colour in my outfits. You look like a smudge every night, B. It’s not a good look,” he informed his father.
“Fine, then, Cassandra!” Bruce decided. At that moment, his phone pinged. He opened up a new message from his daughter to a text that simply said, “No.” Bruce flung his phone down and looked at Damian. “What I mean is, you can be Batman if you can handle the weight of the cowl.”
Damian sat up straighter on Bruce’s lap, and looked him in the eye. “I will. I will follow in your footsteps and take over the cowl when my time comes, Father. I will make you proud!”
Bruce smiled down his son and ruffled his hair. “That’s my boy.”
“Am I still being adopted?”
Jason looked incredulously at the small red headed child that had followed him home and sighed. “Kid, I’m nineteen, I ain’t adopting no one. Tim can fudge some paperwork and you can be my ward, if you really want to.”
Colin beamed at his new guardian. This was going to be the start of a wonderful new era.
206 notes · View notes
TGF Thoughts: 1x09-- Self Condemned
In which I ramble about memory pops and repeat myself several times. I’d say I was trying to capture the stream-of-consciousness feeling of the episode, but really, I’m just too lazy to edit this. 
This episode kicks off at 9:03 am. There’s a title card announcing this fact. I’m not sure why we need to know exactly what time it is, since lines about breakfast, mid-morning snack, and lunch could’ve conveyed the passage of time better than a title card. And since the time cards just kinda disappear as the episode goes on.
Maia and Lucca are waiting for Maia to be interviewed about her parents’ scheme. It seems like Lucca is Maia’s lawyer now, which I don’t love: what happened to Yesha?! I won’t complain too much, though, because I want Maia/Lucca scenes and I want Maia to feel like part of the rest of the show. But I also want to know where Yesha disappeared to.
Lucca briefly summarizes the rules of today’s interview: Maia is here voluntarily and nothing she shares in this interview can be used against her.
“Was your first year anything like this?” Maia asks Lucca. Good question. Maia has a lot on her plate, but this is still her first job. As someone who’s still in her first year out of college, I was excited to see the Kings’ take on a character who’s going through the same things I am (even if our careers and our circumstances are very different). But we’ve barely gotten any of that. And, while it’s not necessary that the writers focus on this aspect of Maia’s life (she does have bigger things to worry about, after all!), it’s something the writers could look at to add to Maia’s development. Alicia was always dealing with the sex scandal, dealing with the conspiracy/trial drama surrounding Peter, being a mother, and adjusting to going back to work and fighting for her job in her competition with Cary. Maia may not be juggling quite as many roles as Alicia was, but even still: she plays roles other than Daughter of a Scandal. She is a new lawyer. She is someone’s girlfriend. She is Diane’s goddaughter. There is no lack of potential material for Maia, which is why I’ve been (and will continue to be) so harsh on the writers for the way they have(n’t) developed her.
(And it wouldn’t even hurt the show or take up too much time to show Maia in other roles! It would make the show more coherent to have her at work more often; it would give Diane more material if she and Maia interacted more frequently; it would make everything a lot better if we got to see more of Maia and Amy’s relationship. And, if the Rindell Fund stuff needed to be minimized to make room to show Maia doing other things, so be it. That plot is in desperate need of trimming anyway.)
Lucca responds that no, her first year wasn’t anything like this (well of course it wasn’t; she was working as a bar attorney). She has a feeling her fourth year will be, though. Foreshadowing…
“You’re weathering it well,” Lucca tells Maia. Maia thanks her, and then it’s time for her interview. Hey! Wouldn’t this line play a lot better if we could see that Maia is either putting on an act and everything’s getting to her or that Maia has a strategy for dealing with this? Again (I’m going to say this a lot in this recap), we got that kind of development for Alicia. And Alicia didn’t have a live-in significant other she could talk to about anything.
Lucca and Maia walk into an interrogation room filled with lights, cameras, and a half-dozen FBI agents. “Oh, come on!” Lucca exclaims. But it turns out they’re in a different room with only one interviewer, played by Jane Lynch. The hallway is being painted and they have to go through the interrogation room because quirkiness. Also quirky: Madeline Starkey’s office, which is stuffed with all sorts of trinkets. And, if there weren’t enough quirk already in this scene, birds sometimes fly into Starkey’s window because they think it’s the sky. Lovely. Dead birds are quirk now.
Starkey explains with more specificity what Maia’s there to do, and mentions that the terms only apply if Maia is truthful. It’s a felony to lie to a federal agent, Starkey reminds her. Maia knows exactly what law that is.
“Maia, let’s talk about your parents. How did this Ponzi scheme begin?” Starkey asks first. Well that’s a broad question Maia wouldn’t necessarily know the answer to. (This is Starkey’s play—I don’t believe for a minute she’s interested in anything other than catching Maia in a lie.) Lucca answers for Maia, so Starkey rephrases. She wants Maia to share anything that comes to mind about her parents or about her Uncle Jackson. So, basically, she wants memory pops.
Meanwhile at the firm, Adrian needs Diane to help with another police brutality case. He has friends at County, so he knows when a new case pops up. And, this is an interesting one: the cop involved is Andrew Theroux, the same cop as the case from F101. If they fight this right, they can get this cop kicked off the force.
Adrian and Diane arrive at County and try to find their new client. They assume it’s a young black man who doesn’t look like he’s been involved in a physical altercation and who says he’s in there on a possession charge (but he didn’t do it).
Their real client? None other than Colin Sweeney. “Oh, Dear God,” Diane says when she sees him. Sweeney’s excited to see Diane. He asks if “Alee-see-ah” called her because she said she couldn’t take his case. Couldn’t or didn’t want to? I demand answers. (Nah, I don’t demand answers. I’m just glad this line is in here, since Sweeney’s one of those guest stars who mainly interacted with Alicia. He was always so fixated on her that her absence needs to be acknowledged for it to make even the slightest bit of sense that anyone else would be defending him.
Sweeney tells Adrian that “they’re out to get me. The same way they did with Rodney King.” EL-OH-EL. RIGHT.
Adrian and Diane (who thinks Sweeney is “the devil”) don’t like that they’re going to have to represent Sweeney, but they know this is a way to get the corrupt cop kicked off the force. The ends justify the means. (The show did as good of a job as they possibly could have—between this explanation and the Alicia reference—of bringing Sweeney onto TGF. He’s one of the guest stars that I think TGW used a little too frequently, but I’ll allow.)
Back in the FBI interview, Starkey gives Maia a date: the first criminal act took place on September 15th, 2008. I typed this date into my email inbox to see what I was up to then. Apparently, that’s the day I sent my first email to someone who’s now one of my best friends. (It was a link to the first Tina Fey as Sarah Palin sketch. How 2008.)
Anyway, Maia says, as any reasonable person asked to recall something that happened on some day nine years ago would, that that was a long time ago. “I would’ve been seventeen,” Maia says. So Maia’s 26 (possibly 27) now. “I was probably in school,” she continues.
Starkey points out it was the day Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, and that jogs Maia’s memory, which means… MEMORY POPS!
Maia remembers herself doing homework as the news played in the background. She’s at home, at the dining room table, still wearing her school uniform. (Maia went to private school, it seems, but that’s the least surprising reveal ever.) Also, sorry, but giving Maia really curly hair and a school uniform doesn’t make me believe that 30 year old Rose looks seventeen. It does, however, make it look like Maia grew up in a different era.
Maia remembers her parents panicking over the news. So far, these memory pops are nothing special, but it’s still early. They’re mostly a way of illustrating information, and that’s fine.
Starkey moves on to asking about an investor, and Maia says she remembers him being at her house on September 15th. She adds that Jax was there too. Maia has a good memory! (For some reason, all of this is making me think of the opening of Serial.)
She specifically remembers that the investor would be out eight million dollars if he pulled his money out, so her family told him to keep his money in.
She estimates that this must’ve been around 4 pm because she was still doing her homework. Girl, I was still doing my homework at 10 pm and was barely home from school by 4. Are you sure about this time frame? And if you are, what sort of school did you go to where you had so little homework you wouldn’t have been working on it much later than 4?! She also remembers that their guest was gone before dinner. This has gotten super specific.
Maia remembers that her parents discussed work over dinner. And this is where I want more from the memory pops. Maia is going through a time in her life where she’s reevaluating everything she thought she knew and questioning the perfect family she thought she had. Sure, Starkey is asking about one specific date, but wouldn’t it be cool if, for example, we saw flashes of lots of “typical Rindell family dinners” before we saw the one Maia remembers on September 15th? Did the Rindells always sit down to dinner together? Was that something they made a point of doing, something that Maia remembers fondly from her childhood? When she thinks about this particular dinner, is she only thinking about that dinner, or is she making a composite memory of lots of dinners? It is not interesting to me that Maia had dinner with her parents on September 15th, 2008. It’s not even interesting to me that Maia thinks she had dinner with her parents on that date. But it would be very interesting to me if I knew that the Rindells always sat down as a family for dinner.
Starkey has Lenore’s calendar from 2008, and it contradicts Maia’s recollection because Maia had a gyno appointment at 3 pm. Damn, her school must’ve let out early. Starkey wants to know how Maia remembers seeing Jax at 4 if this is the case. Uh? Because it was nine years ago and Maia gave you estimate times? (Lucca points this out.)
“I know that memory can be faulty. I’m just trying to get to the truth,” Starkey says. That’s a good thesis statement for what memory pops are meant to illustrate.
Maia does remember a gyno appointment, and her mom speaking with someone in the waiting room. She tells Starkey she was there. Why!? She remembers it was on that day? Why did you say yes, Maia? She says maybe she saw Jax and the investor later, which calls everything she’s said into question.
Starkey says it would’ve been impossible for Maia to be home by 4 because of the distance from the doctor’s office to Maia’s house. Maybe the appointment lasted 15 minutes. Maybe Maia got there early. Maybe she saw them at 4:30. I don’t get why Starkey is so stuck on the times adding up exactly. Or maybe she doesn’t care at all and she just wants to have reason to tell her bosses she suspects Maia’s a liar.
(Memory is malleable—note how Maia’s mental image of that day changes every time Starkey introduces a new piece of information. If Starkey said “you had fish for dinner that night, your father told me,” Maia would probably start imagining fish on the dinner plates.)
It would’ve been 5:30 by the time they got home, apparently. That’s a lot of traffic. And the housekeeper said she served dinner right at 5:30. And Jax said he was never there at all. I am not convinced by Starkey’s argument, though I also don’t trust Maia’s memories to be objective. I’m sure, in 2008, she overheard more than one discussion about the recession.
Starkey starts talking about some show she was on when she was eight, and then says that when she saw photos, she realized her memory was wrong. “The mind has a way of turning wishful thinking into actual memories,” Starkey says. That’s true. Not sure if that’s what’s going on here, but it’s true.
Lucca stops the interview. She and Maia have trouble exiting Starkey’s office because quirkiness.
Lucca, smartly, notes that Starkey is trying to catch Maia in lies. She advises Maia to only talk about specific memories. “I don’t want to hurt my dad,” Maia says. That’s obvious. She’s still—in her mind—making Jax out to be the villain, even after all the shit her father’s put her through these past few weeks. And this episode would’ve been the perfect time to find out why Maia’s so loyal to her father. “He’s her father” stopped being an adequate explanation the first time she broke the law to protect him. What produced this kind of loyalty? What kinds of values did her parents instill in her? Since she’s an only child, was she very close with her parents? Would her dad always, always find time to ask about her day, to help her with her homework, to offer to read over her essays? Would they chat about the news together?
This is connected to another problem I have with the Rindells, one I’ve touched on before. Maia’s parents are cartoon villains. Maybe if in just one scene either of them behaved like a human being, I’d have an easier time believing that Maia would care about them. Peter Florrick was always more than just Scumbag In Prison Who Cheated on Alicia. Remember Just Because Day? I think it’s in episode W1x04. It’s exactly what I would want from Maia and her parents: Alicia’s asked what she was doing on a specific date and goes to find information. She stumbles across a video from that date, and it refreshes her memory. But, before she realizes that Peter must’ve been with her the entire day, and not off breaking the law, she’s nervous. The video starts out with Peter in bed, and we don’t need to literally see inside Alicia’s mind to know that she thinks she’s found a sex tape. Now that she knows that Peter’s a cheater, she can’t help but see everything through that lens. She relaxes when she sees Zach and Grace on the camera, and then she recalls how wonderful her family was before the scandal—how good Peter was with the kids; how he surprised her “just because.” That’s a lot of information about Alicia (AND something that adds dimension to Peter) in one scene where all she does is watch a tape. How come we don’t get that much information about Maia when we get a glimpse into her mind?  
(Yes, I know the point of these memory pops is to show that Maia knew all along but ignored the warning signs. My point is that I would love to see memory pops that suggest why she was willfully ignorant for so long.)
(I don’t know where to put this point so I may as well put it here: I would like this episode far, far more if it had been placed earlier in the season. Maia realizing she knew all along and is covering for her parents is a big deal, but it’s less of a big deal when she’s been suspicious of her mom for weeks, read her father’s suicide note about his “crimes”, and, oh yeah, made the choice to let her father stay in prison for the rest of his life rather than risk hurting anyone else. This is the kind of realization that would’ve added a lot of depth to Maia early on but feels too late now.)
(On a similar note, I would prefer it if Maia came to this realization through either a conversation—in private—with her lawyer or a heart-to-heart with Amy. I don’t give a shit about continuing investigations into the Rindells, and Madeline Starkey isn’t the only person in the world who could prompt Maia to question the accuracy of her memories.)
“If you lie to protect your dad, you might get him off. But you’ll end up in jail,” Lucca explains. Wait. This is still a question?! I know these legal cases take time but can we please be done with this one? Also: if this is Maia’s way of feeling guilty about her father’s suicide attempt and how she sided with Diane and the firm over her family, maaaaaaaaaaaaybe the episode could be clearer about that????
My overall feeling about the memory pops in this episode is: They’re better than standard flashbacks and they convey what they need to about Maia feeling guilty. But there was still a lot of character detail missing.
Also: I’m sure my disappointment has something to do with how little I care about Maia, even nearly at the end of the first season. There was always very little chance of me becoming as invested in Maia as I was in Alicia, so this isn’t entirely the show’s fault. But I don’t think it’s all a matter of personal preference. I won’t get into it yet again, but I think there are lots of ways that the writers could have made Maia a more interesting, three-dimensional character.
In court, there’s some sort of unfunny joke about a judge in a wheelchair who doesn’t want any help going up a ramp. I want to believe this is just to show us that the judge is the kind of person who insists on doing everything himself without asking for help, but it kind of seems like I’m supposed to find it quirky and funny that he’s in a wheelchair and can’t wheel himself up a ramp. It is neither quirky nor funny; it’s just offensive.
Case stuff happens. Sweeney says “all lives matter” and Diane shushes him. (“Shut up, Colin. I’m finally on your side.”) (Hey, speaking of people named Colin, where’s Colin Morello at this week? I don’t miss him, but where is he?) (Marissa’s not in this episode either.) (And Barbara may as well not be in this episode because they don’t give her much to do.)
My new favorite thing is lawyers on this show laughing because the law works in bizarre and wonderful ways sometimes. It happens at least twice in this episode and it happened last week too.
More birds fly into Starkey’s windows as Lucca and Maia return for more questioning. Starkey hands Maia her mother’s calendar. For some reason, Maia keeps remembering her mom leaning in close to Jax (first they’re both blurred out) when she’s at the appointments. I think this is meant to indicate that it’s slowly coming into focus for her that all her appointments were covers for her mom’s affair with Jax. But I’m not sure that makes sense. It’s not like Maia never went to the doctor, and I don’t know why she’d go straight to realizing it was a cover for an affair (Starkey hasn’t suggested that yet at this point).
Maia’s supposed to mark all the appointments she remembers on a print-out of her mom’s calendar. She remembers her mom talking to a gynecologist and so she puts a check next to that appointment. Okay but Maia, you going to the gynecologist doesn’t mean you went on that exact day.
Maia remembers lots of gyno appointments. Is there supposed to be a point to this? Or is it just to let us know that she had a boyfriend before she had a girlfriend?
Starkey then says that Lenore wasn’t at the appointments: she was sleeping with Jax. This is so aggravating to me. These things happened nine years ago. But Starkey is right: Maia shouldn’t be confirming things if they’re not true. When I buy lunch multiple times in a week, a week later, I can’t remember which day I bought a sandwich and which day I got pasta, even if I remember that I bought a sandwich one day and pasta another day. I really don’t get why Maia is confirming anything instead of second-guessing herself. (But then, maybe Maia just thinks differently than I do.)
Also just taking a second to acknowledge that Lenore Rindell is a shitty person. 
Maia imagines her mother and Jax kissing in the hallway of her gynecologist’s office. She pictures herself turning away. This didn’t happen in reality (they were not carrying on an affair in her gyno’s office, I’m like 99.9999% sure)—this is Maia processing information. Get it? She sees the truth and turns away.
So now the question is: did Maia suspect anything? She sees herself turning around, like it was right in front of her. No, she says. She didn’t. Starkey wants to know if she ever suspected her parents of the Ponzi scheme, and Lucca insists on a break. Good call, Lucca.
At RBK, a guy from COPA is falling asleep on Adrian’s desk. Barbara and Adrian tell the COPA guy about their latest case. He’s interested when he hears which cop was involved. But when they tell him the victim is Sweeney… COPA guy laughs. And laughs. And laughs. And laughs. And laughs. And laughs. He rips up his notes and leaves, still laughing. He is my new hero.
Case stuff happens.
Maia looks at her contacts list in her phone. Lucca calls her in for more of the interview. Starkey offers them candy and makes up a story about her husband. Lucca calls her out on it—she googled Starkey. Seems Starkey is lying about whatever she feels like lying about. But she is good at her job, according to the interwebs.
Starkey responds by threatening Lucca. Cool.
Her next questions are about the Rindell Foundation. Maia is one of three board members. Starkey asks when the board last met. Apparently, years ago. In June 2011. And they never met again. MAIA. HOW ARE YOU ON THE BOARD OF A FOUNDATION THAT HASN’T HAD A BOARD MEETING IN SIX YEARS WITHOUT THINKING THAT’S SUSPICIOUS? (Later, we’ll see Maia say she cared about the cause, but actions speak louder than words.)  
I don’t think I’m supposed to be on Maia’s side on this. I don’t think it makes her a criminal or complicit that she wasn’t more involved. But it does make her willfully ignorant, and neglectful (not in a legal sense, because I don’t know anything about the law). Maia’s led a life so full of privilege she doesn’t immediately think this is strange. And she’s so comfortable with her life, she doesn’t do anything that could cause a stir. It’s no wonder she feels guilty.
Maia explains that the foundation wasn’t her idea, but it was a good cause. I’m trying not to judge Maia for this, but I’m failing. I’m sure most eighteen year olds wouldn’t like it if their parents tried to force them into running a foundation, but it takes a certain type of privilege to hear about a foundation (even as an eighteen year old) and go, “ugh, daddy, this is a good cause but why do I have to deal with it?” instead of thinking, “This is an opportunity for me to do good for other people; let me make sure I get people involved to manage these initiatives.”
In Maia’s defense, she does remember asking how much they were sending. “It’s a lot, honey,” is all she remembers her dad telling her. “I don’t know,” she realizes. And she was okay with that.
She remembers asking again, that same night, while making pizza with her dad. “Yeah, but Dad, I mean, it’s got my name on it,” she said. Henry said Jax would open the books to her in a few weeks. We don’t get confirmation on whether or not that happened. My guess? Maia never followed up, because it would’ve been uncomfortable to follow up, and she was preoccupied with her own life.
Case stuff happens. It’s good for the RBK team.
Now we’re in a memory pop without first seeing Maia, which is a transition I do not like at all because it makes the memory pop seem like a flashback and not a memory. Henry, and a bunch of guests including Diane, are singing Happy Birthday to Maia. It’s her eighteenth birthday, Starkey explains: the day the Rindell Foundation was established.
“My parents, they, they knew I was interested in Africa,” Maia says, explaining why the foundation was gifted to her. OH YES, I CAN TELL YOU WERE INTERESTED IN AFRICA FROM THE WAY YOU REFER TO IT (IN THE PRESENT!) AS THOUGH IT’S A SINGLE COUNTRY. And from the way you totally knew what your foundation was doing (or not doing). And from all those board meetings over the years.  
(I try not to judge characters and to understand them instead but oh my god, how can I not judge someone who says things like, “My parents knew I was interested in Africa.”????)
Next question: Was Amy at Maia’s birthday party? Yes, she was. Maia remembers that clearly, romantically. She pictures Amy smiling at her, looking directly at her, noticing her, standing out from the crowd.
It was the night Maia and Amy met! That’s exciting backstory! And, we get confirmation on an age difference: Amy was entering law school when Maia turned 18. I didn’t think the age gap was that big! Like, that makes Amy in these memory pops the age I am now, and the idea of dating an 18 year old now is like, LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL YOU’RE A CHILD. The age gap isn’t what’s strange to me—it’s not that big of a gap. It’s the gap in maturity and experience that strikes me as odd. But hey, it worked out for them, so who am I to judge?
(Good to get confirmation that Amy’s supposed to be four/five years older. That sounds about right.)
Maia’s boyfriend was there that night, but she ended up making out with Amy anyway. That escalated quickly.
Starkey also asks if Diane was there. Maia remembers her singing Happy Birthday. Of course, we don’t get to hear it, even though this is the closest we’ve ever gotten to Christine Baranski singing on the show.
Starkey wants to know if Diane offered legal advice to Maia’s parents in Maia’s presence. Lucca cuts in before I can type out, “isn’t that hearsay?”
Diane’s talking about a case she’s on, a guy who’s accused of killing a hedge fund manager who worked with Madoff. I don’t know if the timeline adds up or not, but it’s possible this is the case from W1x15, which has a case with that premise. Also, 1x15 is a really good episode and I just rewatched it last weekend. And one of the filming locations in that episode is the Rindell mansion. It’s where a corrupt hedge fund manager lived. I know that’s not intentional, but HA! (Sorry, Maia, but seeing Alicia walk through your house doesn’t do you any favors.)
Maia’s torn between the pleasant memory of Amy and the unpleasant memory of Diane and her parents talking about the Madoffs. In Maia’s mind, Diane says, “I think [Madoff’s wife] didn’t know because she didn’t want to know.” Huh, I wonder where Maia got that piece of dialogue to insert into her memory. 
“How could she not know?” Diane says, and it sounds like a judgment of Maia.
Since the foundation was being used as a front and Maia’s name is on the contract, Maia’s legally responsible for any of her parents’ crimes. Unless she tells Starkey about Diane’s advice, that is.
But Maia didn’t sign the documents on her birthday! She signed them on the Saturday before her birthday!
“Nice, Maia,” Lucca says after they leave the interview. “No, lucky,” Maia replies. “No, I’ve seen lucky. That was smart,” Lucca says and offers her hand for a high-five. (Can’t it be both? Maia totally would have signed the papers if it was her actual birthday. But it is smart that she’s thinking things through before talking now.)
Now it’s 1:27 pm. I don’t understand why these time stamps are happening and I especially don’t understand why the people at All Access have inserted the commercial breaks right after the time stamps instead of right before. I assume they’re meant to kick off each act that takes place on that first day?
Case stuff happens.
Another bird crashes into Starkey’s window. I thought it had to do with the way the light hit the windows, so why is this happening all throughout the day?
Starkey asks Maia if it’s correct she found out about the Ponzi scheme from the news. She says it is. “You graduated from law school in 2016, right?” Starkey asks. Maia says that’s right.
And then Starkey asks her about a celebration that took place at her parents’ house. Wait, who told her about this? From what Maia remembers, it was a small gathering. Maia, Amy, Maia’s parents, and Amy’s parents. So if Starkey knows about this gathering, does that mean someone close to her is talking to the FBI and making things look bad for Maia?
Starkey asks if Maia was living with Amy at the time. She was. (So Maia and Amy lived together in Chicago while Maia was in law school? Where did Maia go to law school? Or did Amy and Maia live in a different city and Amy just started as an ASA?)
(Amy’s parents look super uncomfortable around the Rindells—they don’t have that kind of money.)
But, Amy’s parents asked Maia about the possibility of her parents investing in the Rindell fund. Now I REALLY want to know who Starkey’s talking to, since Maia remembers that she didn’t even tell her parents about this request. Is Starkey talking to Amy? To Amy’s parents?
Case stuff happens.
“When the facts are on your side, you pound the facts. When the facts are not on your side…” cut to Adrian pounding the table in court. HEH. Nice transition.
I forgot to mention that Luke Kirby is in this episode as an ASA. He was on Rectify. You should all watch Rectify.
Jay does investigative work without Marissa. Cool.
Sweeney’s being considered for an ambassadorship. Diane, Adrian, and Barbara burst out laughing. As I said, I like this “lawyers laugh at things that are absurd” trend.
It’s not until 40 minutes into the episode that Sweeney mentions his reputation as a wife-killer. Sorry, new viewers. The show’s not being helpful with the exposition this week!
It’s a new day and Maia’s back at the FBI, fidgeting with her rosary ring. Now, the issue is that Starkey thinks Maia must have known something was going on at the fund if she didn’t ask about allowing Amy’s parents to invest.
Maia remembers a conversation with Amy (who apparently sleeps in a shirt that says BLONDE BESTIE” on it which tells me a lot about Amy) where Amy brought up the topic again.
Lucca tells Maia she understands that “rightly or wrongly, [Maia feels] guilty for your parents’ actions.” “That’s not what this is,” Maia insists. “You don’t even need to be conscious of it, Maia. Your guilt could just be coloring your memories. You could be seeing yourself as more culpable than you are. It’s your Catholic guilt. You are condemning yourself. That’s fine for the confessional, but here, it has real repercussions,” Lucca informs Maia. This is exactly what Maia needs to hear at this moment, especially that last part about the repercussions. If Maia wants to blame herself and ask herself why she was so willfully ignorant, fine. I think she probably was willfully ignorant, at least in the sense that she never questioned her parents or her own privilege. (Again, that foundation had one board meeting in six years.) But I don’t think anything she did would warrant jail time, especially given how young she was at the time. Guilt in the moral sense? Definitely. Guilt in the legal sense? That seems… like a waste of government resources. Maia doesn’t need to help the government make their case against her just because she feels bad that she had her eyes closed. It’s a lot to ask of any person, especially a young person, to turn on their family over a slight bad feeling. What could Maia have done, anyway? Gone to the government and said, “I feel like something’s off about my parents’ fund but I don’t have any specific details or specific reasons to think that”?
In the memory pop, Amy asks Maia again if she really asked her dad. “Lucca, I didn’t tell my dad,” Maia confesses in the present. “I must have somehow known about the Ponzi scheme. Otherwise, why would I have let Amy’s parents invest?” Lucca says that doesn’t mean anything (and I agree- I can imagine lots of other reasons Maia might not have wanted Amy’s parents’ money to be tied up with her parents’ fund, starting with the fact that it would just call attention to the fact that Maia’s super rich and Amy’s not). But Maia insists: she knew. (I feel bad for Maia here. She went from refusing to believe the people she loves, who actually committed crimes, could have been involved to blaming herself for everything.)
Diane and Adrian, late at night, debate strategy for the Sweeney case and drink scotch.
“Diane? You happy here?” Adrian switches the topic. “What, at your firm?” Diane asks. She is. “You wanted to retire,” Adrian explains the basis for his question. Diane laughs. “Yes. Well, life has a way of reminding you of who you are. Guess I’m not the retiring type,” she says. I bet Diane’s a lot happier here than she was at LockhartKeyboardSmash. “Are you happy here?” Diane returns the question. Adrian laughs. “Gotcha,” Diane replies.
“I like getting the better of people, and… keeping something alive. You know? Looking at there, at all those employees, realizing they might not have jobs if I don’t keep this going,” he says. “Yeah. That is a good feeling,” Diane agrees.
“Okay. Time to go home. Let’s get dinner sometime,” Adrian says so casually it’s almost like he didn’t just ask his business partner out on a date. “That’d be nice,” Diane replies. She looks startled but not unhappy with this idea. It’s not exactly a date, but, I mean…
(Remember how Will and Alicia were always supposed to get dinner in season 1?)
(I am cool with a Diane and Adrian ship. I also love McHart. As long as we don’t get a Adrian/Diane/Kurt triangle with Adrian as Will (I took you in when you were poison) and Kurt as Peter (the cheater), I’m pretty much okay with wherever the writers want to go as long as they do it well.) (Though I still don’t believe Kurt would have ever cheated on Diane.)
Adrian comes up with a way to get Sweeney’s case thrown out and, more importantly, the cop kicked off the force. It works.
At the next day of interviews—we didn’t see a single one of the day 2 interviews, just Maia panicking in the hallway—Maia remembers hearing Jax talking about an audit with both her parents, who closed the door in her face. Not sure what point in time this is supposed to take place.
She also remembers telling Amy they shouldn’t entangle their families’ finances. Maia remembers Amy asking if there’s something wrong with the fund. Did she? Does it matter if she did?
Lucca provides hypothetical reasons why Maia might not have told her dad that Amy’s parents wanted to invest. Makes sense to me. Also, proves yet again that Lucca is very good at reading a situation and saying the exact right thing. (She’s done this several times with Maia, but she did it all the time with Alicia, too.)
Sweeney isn’t going to be an ambassador, and he’s not going to help Diane with her civil suit. What a shame.
“I’ll drop by again,” Sweeney warns.
Maia tells Starkey that it just seemed like a bad idea to mix family and finances. Based on Maia saying “the truth is” in her answer, Starkey decides what she was always going to decide: Maia’s a liar and she knew about the Ponzi scheme. She’s going to recommend that they prosecute Maia. Good luck finding evidence.
Maia tears up, and the episode ends.
And this leaves me with two questions:
1) Do we have to endure another season of trial BS? This show does not need an ongoing conspiracy arc to work. In fact, the ongoing conspiracy arcs are usually the things that DON’T work.
2) Why didn’t we get to this point earlier? Not the point of Maia being prosecuted, but the point of Maia feeling guilt. I said this earlier, but I think these emotional beats would’ve been great things to hit on earlier. Now, after this episode, I have a sense of how much it affected Maia to be raised in a world where she never had to worry about anything other than herself. The stakes don’t have to be as high as an interview with the FBI and a potential prosecution to make Maia question everything, her own views included. They’re not going to send Maia to jail—at least, I’d be shocked if they did—so why do this arc? I would rather see her work through her guilt, reach out to her friends, reach out to Amy, start trying to do good, really throw herself into the firm’s fights even when she doesn’t understand them, or something like that. To me, that’s more interesting than watching the team come together to defend her.
(I expected to be harsher on this episode than I ended up being. I’m pleased that I liked it more on rewatch.)
(And sorry for all the Alicia mentions. I hate it when people insist on comparing a new character to an old character, but I just can’t stop doing it when it comes to Alicia and Maia. I’m trying to keep my comments to the storytelling—what works and what doesn’t when building a character whose notable for their connection to a big scandal—but I’m sure that what a lot of it comes down to is just that I love Alicia a lot and will take any opportunity I can to write about her.)
This episode kicks off at 9:03 am. There’s a title card announcing this fact. I’m not sure why we need to know exactly what time it is, since lines about breakfast, mid-morning snack, and lunch could’ve conveyed the passage of time better than a title card. And since the time cards just kinda disappear as the episode goes on.
Maia and Lucca are waiting for Maia to be interviewed about her parents’ scheme. It seems like Lucca is Maia’s lawyer now, which I don’t love: what happened to Yesha?! I won’t complain too much, though, because I want Maia/Lucca scenes and I want Maia to feel like part of the rest of the show. But I also want to know where Yesha disappeared to.
Lucca briefly summarizes the rules of today’s interview: Maia is here voluntarily and nothing she shares in this interview can be used against her.
“Was your first year anything like this?” Maia asks Lucca. Good question. Maia has a lot on her plate, but this is still her first job. As someone who’s still in her first year out of college, I was excited to see the Kings’ take on a character who’s going through the same things I am (even if our careers and our circumstances are very different). But we’ve barely gotten any of that. And, while it’s not necessary that the writers focus on this aspect of Maia’s life (she does have bigger things to worry about, after all!), it’s something the writers could look at to add to Maia’s development. Alicia was always dealing with the sex scandal, dealing with the conspiracy/trial drama surrounding Peter, being a mother, and adjusting to going back to work and fighting for her job in her competition with Cary. Maia may not be juggling quite as many roles as Alicia was, but even still: she plays roles other than Daughter of a Scandal. She is a new lawyer. She is someone’s girlfriend. She is Diane’s goddaughter. There is no lack of potential material for Maia, which is why I’ve been (and will continue to be) so harsh on the writers for the way they have(n’t) developed her.
(And it wouldn’t even hurt the show or take up too much time to show Maia in other roles! It would make the show more coherent to have her at work more often; it would give Diane more material if she and Maia interacted more frequently; it would make everything a lot better if we got to see more of Maia and Amy’s relationship. And, if the Rindell Fund stuff needed to be minimized to make room to show Maia doing other things, so be it. That plot is in desperate need of trimming anyway.)
Lucca responds that no, her first year wasn’t anything like this (well of course it wasn’t; she was working as a bar attorney). She has a feeling her fourth year will be, though. Foreshadowing…
“You’re weathering it well,” Lucca tells Maia. Maia thanks her, and then it’s time for her interview. Hey! Wouldn’t this line play a lot better if we could see that Maia is either putting on an act and everything’s getting to her or that Maia has a strategy for dealing with this? Again (I’m going to say this a lot in this recap), we got that kind of development for Alicia. And Alicia didn’t have a live-in significant other she could talk to about anything.
Lucca and Maia walk into an interrogation room filled with lights, cameras, and a half-dozen FBI agents. “Oh, come on!” Lucca exclaims. But it turns out they’re in a different room with only one interviewer, played by Jane Lynch. The hallway is being painted and they have to go through the interrogation room because quirkiness. Also quirky: Madeline Starkey’s office, which is stuffed with all sorts of trinkets. And, if there weren’t enough quirk already in this scene, birds sometimes fly into Starkey’s window because they think it’s the sky. Lovely. Dead birds are quirk now.
Starkey explains with more specificity what Maia’s there to do, and mentions that the terms only apply if Maia is truthful. It’s a felony to lie to a federal agent, Starkey reminds her. Maia knows exactly what law that is.
“Maia, let’s talk about your parents. How did this Ponzi scheme begin?” Starkey asks first. Well that’s a broad question Maia wouldn’t necessarily know the answer to. (This is Starkey’s play—I don’t believe for a minute she’s interested in anything other than catching Maia in a lie.) Lucca answers for Maia, so Starkey rephrases. She wants Maia to share anything that comes to mind about her parents or about her Uncle Jackson. So, basically, she wants memory pops.
Meanwhile at the firm, Adrian needs Diane to help with another police brutality case. He has friends at County, so he knows when a new case pops up. And, this is an interesting one: the cop involved is Andrew Theroux, the same cop as the case from F101. If they fight this right, they can get this cop kicked off the force.
Adrian and Diane arrive at County and try to find their new client. They assume it’s a young black man who doesn’t look like he’s been involved in a physical altercation and who says he’s in there on a possession charge (but he didn’t do it).
Their real client? None other than Colin Sweeney. “Oh, Dear God,” Diane says when she sees him. Sweeney’s excited to see Diane. He asks if “Alee-see-ah” called her because she said she couldn’t take his case. Couldn’t or didn’t want to? I demand answers. (Nah, I don’t demand answers. I’m just glad this line is in here, since Sweeney’s one of those guest stars who mainly interacted with Alicia. He was always so fixated on her that her absence needs to be acknowledged for it to make even the slightest bit of sense that anyone else would be defending him.
Sweeney tells Adrian that “they’re out to get me. The same way they did with Rodney King.” EL-OH-EL. RIGHT.
Adrian and Diane (who thinks Sweeney is “the devil”) don’t like that they’re going to have to represent Sweeney, but they know this is a way to get the corrupt cop kicked off the force. The ends justify the means. (The show did as good of a job as they possibly could have—between this explanation and the Alicia reference—of bringing Sweeney onto TGF. He’s one of the guest stars that I think TGW used a little too frequently, but I’ll allow.)
Back in the FBI interview, Starkey gives Maia a date: the first criminal act took place on September 15th, 2008. I typed this date into my email inbox to see what I was up to then. Apparently, that’s the day I sent my first email to someone who’s now one of my best friends. (It was a link to the first Tina Fey as Sarah Palin sketch. How 2008.)
Anyway, Maia says, as any reasonable person asked to recall something that happened on some day nine years ago would, that that was a long time ago. “I would’ve been seventeen,” Maia says. So Maia’s 26 (possibly 27) now. “I was probably in school,” she continues.
Starkey points out it was the day Lehman Brothers went bankrupt, and that jogs Maia’s memory, which means… MEMORY POPS!
Maia remembers herself doing homework as the news played in the background. She’s at home, at the dining room table, still wearing her school uniform. (Maia went to private school, it seems, but that’s the least surprising reveal ever.) Also, sorry, but giving Maia really curly hair and a school uniform doesn’t make me believe that 30 year old Rose looks seventeen. It does, however, make it look like Maia grew up in a different era.
Maia remembers her parents panicking over the news. So far, these memory pops are nothing special, but it’s still early. They’re mostly a way of illustrating information, and that’s fine.
Starkey moves on to asking about an investor, and Maia says she remembers him being at her house on September 15th. She adds that Jax was there too. Maia has a good memory! (For some reason, all of this is making me think of the opening of Serial.)
She specifically remembers that the investor would be out eight million dollars if he pulled his money out, so her family told him to keep his money in.
She estimates that this must’ve been around 4 pm because she was still doing her homework. Girl, I was still doing my homework at 10 pm and was barely home from school by 4. Are you sure about this time frame? And if you are, what sort of school did you go to where you had so little homework you wouldn’t have been working on it much later than 4?! She also remembers that their guest was gone before dinner. This has gotten super specific.
Maia remembers that her parents discussed work over dinner. And this is where I want more from the memory pops. Maia is going through a time in her life where she’s reevaluating everything she thought she knew and questioning the perfect family she thought she had. Sure, Starkey is asking about one specific date, but wouldn’t it be cool if, for example, we saw flashes of lots of “typical Rindell family dinners” before we saw the one Maia remembers on September 15th? Did the Rindells always sit down to dinner together? Was that something they made a point of doing, something that Maia remembers fondly from her childhood? When she thinks about this particular dinner, is she only thinking about that dinner, or is she making a composite memory of lots of dinners? It is not interesting to me that Maia had dinner with her parents on September 15th, 2008. It’s not even interesting to me that Maia thinks she had dinner with her parents on that date. But it would be very interesting to me if I knew that the Rindells always sat down as a family for dinner.
Starkey has Lenore’s calendar from 2008, and it contradicts Maia’s recollection because Maia had a gyno appointment at 3 pm. Damn, her school must’ve let out early. Starkey wants to know how Maia remembers seeing Jax at 4 if this is the case. Uh? Because it was nine years ago and Maia gave you estimate times? (Lucca points this out.)
“I know that memory can be faulty. I’m just trying to get to the truth,” Starkey says. That’s a good thesis statement for what memory pops are meant to illustrate.
Maia does remember a gyno appointment, and her mom speaking with someone in the waiting room. She tells Starkey she was there. Why!? She remembers it was on that day? Why did you say yes, Maia? She says maybe she saw Jax and the investor later, which calls everything she’s said into question.
Starkey says it would’ve been impossible for Maia to be home by 4 because of the distance from the doctor’s office to Maia’s house. Maybe the appointment lasted 15 minutes. Maybe Maia got there early. Maybe she saw them at 4:30. I don’t get why Starkey is so stuck on the times adding up exactly. Or maybe she doesn’t care at all and she just wants to have reason to tell her bosses she suspects Maia’s a liar.
(Memory is malleable—note how Maia’s mental image of that day changes every time Starkey introduces a new piece of information. If Starkey said “you had fish for dinner that night, your father told me,” Maia would probably start imagining fish on the dinner plates.)
It would’ve been 5:30 by the time they got home, apparently. That’s a lot of traffic. And the housekeeper said she served dinner right at 5:30. And Jax said he was never there at all. I am not convinced by Starkey’s argument, though I also don’t trust Maia’s memories to be objective. I’m sure, in 2008, she overheard more than one discussion about the recession.
Starkey starts talking about some show she was on when she was eight, and then says that when she saw photos, she realized her memory was wrong. “The mind has a way of turning wishful thinking into actual memories,” Starkey says. That’s true. Not sure if that’s what’s going on here, but it’s true.
Lucca stops the interview. She and Maia have trouble exiting Starkey’s office because quirkiness.
Lucca, smartly, notes that Starkey is trying to catch Maia in lies. She advises Maia to only talk about specific memories. “I don’t want to hurt my dad,” Maia says. That’s obvious. She’s still—in her mind—making Jax out to be the villain, even after all the shit her father’s put her through these past few weeks. And this episode would’ve been the perfect time to find out why Maia’s so loyal to her father. “He’s her father” stopped being an adequate explanation the first time she broke the law to protect him. What produced this kind of loyalty? What kinds of values did her parents instill in her? Since she’s an only child, was she very close with her parents? Would her dad always, always find time to ask about her day, to help her with her homework, to offer to read over her essays? Would they chat about the news together?
This is connected to another problem I have with the Rindells, one I’ve touched on before. Maia’s parents are cartoon villains. Maybe if in just one scene either of them behaved like a human being, I’d have an easier time believing that Maia would care about them. Peter Florrick was always more than just Scumbag In Prison Who Cheated on Alicia. Remember Just Because Day? I think it’s in episode W1x04. It’s exactly what I would want from Maia and her parents: Alicia’s asked what she was doing on a specific date and goes to find information. She stumbles across a video from that date, and it refreshes her memory. But, before she realizes that Peter must’ve been with her the entire day, and not off breaking the law, she’s nervous. The video starts out with Peter in bed, and we don’t need to literally see inside Alicia’s mind to know that she thinks she’s found a sex tape. Now that she knows that Peter’s a cheater, she can’t help but see everything through that lens. She relaxes when she sees Zach and Grace on the camera, and then she recalls how wonderful her family was before the scandal—how good Peter was with the kids; how he surprised her “just because.” That’s a lot of information about Alicia (AND something that adds dimension to Peter) in one scene where all she does is watch a tape. How come we don’t get that much information about Maia when we get a glimpse into her mind?  
(Yes, I know the point of these memory pops is to show that Maia knew all along but ignored the warning signs. My point is that I would love to see memory pops that suggest why she was willfully ignorant for so long.)
(I don’t know where to put this point so I may as well put it here: I would like this episode far, far more if it had been placed earlier in the season. Maia realizing she knew all along and is covering for her parents is a big deal, but it’s less of a big deal when she’s been suspicious of her mom for weeks, read her father’s suicide note about his “crimes”, and, oh yeah, made the choice to let her father stay in prison for the rest of his life rather than risk hurting anyone else. This is the kind of realization that would’ve added a lot of depth to Maia early on but feels too late now.)
(On a similar note, I would prefer it if Maia came to this realization through either a conversation—in private—with her lawyer or a heart-to-heart with Amy. I don’t give a shit about continuing investigations into the Rindells, and Madeline Starkey isn’t the only person in the world who could prompt Maia to question the accuracy of her memories.)
“If you lie to protect your dad, you might get him off. But you’ll end up in jail,” Lucca explains. Wait. This is still a question?! I know these legal cases take time but can we please be done with this one? Also: if this is Maia’s way of feeling guilty about her father’s suicide attempt and how she sided with Diane and the firm over her family, maaaaaaaaaaaaybe the episode could be clearer about that????
My overall feeling about the memory pops in this episode is: They’re better than standard flashbacks and they convey what they need to about Maia feeling guilty. But there was still a lot of character detail missing.
Also: I’m sure my disappointment has something to do with how little I care about Maia, even nearly at the end of the first season. There was always very little chance of me becoming as invested in Maia as I was in Alicia, so this isn’t entirely the show’s fault. But I don’t think it’s all a matter of personal preference. I won’t get into it yet again, but I think there are lots of ways that the writers could have made Maia a more interesting, three-dimensional character.
In court, there’s some sort of unfunny joke about a judge in a wheelchair who doesn’t want any help going up a ramp. I want to believe this is just to show us that the judge is the kind of person who insists on doing everything himself without asking for help, but it kind of seems like I’m supposed to find it quirky and funny that he’s in a wheelchair and can’t wheel himself up a ramp. It is neither quirky nor funny; it’s just offensive.
Case stuff happens. Sweeney says “all lives matter” and Diane shushes him. (“Shut up, Colin. I’m finally on your side.”) (Hey, speaking of people named Colin, where’s Colin Morello at this week? I don’t miss him, but where is he?) (Marissa’s not in this episode either.) (And Barbara may as well not be in this episode because they don’t give her much to do.)
My new favorite thing is lawyers on this show laughing because the law works in bizarre and wonderful ways sometimes. It happens at least twice in this episode and it happened last week too.
More birds fly into Starkey’s windows as Lucca and Maia return for more questioning. Starkey hands Maia her mother’s calendar. For some reason, Maia keeps remembering her mom leaning in close to Jax (first they’re both blurred out) when she’s at the appointments. I think this is meant to indicate that it’s slowly coming into focus for her that all her appointments were covers for her mom’s affair with Jax. But I’m not sure that makes sense. It’s not like Maia never went to the doctor, and I don’t know why she’d go straight to realizing it was a cover for an affair (Starkey hasn’t suggested that yet at this point).
Maia’s supposed to mark all the appointments she remembers on a print-out of her mom’s calendar. She remembers her mom talking to a gynecologist and so she puts a check next to that appointment. Okay but Maia, you going to the gynecologist doesn’t mean you went on that exact day.
Maia remembers lots of gyno appointments. Is there supposed to be a point to this? Or is it just to let us know that she had a boyfriend before she had a girlfriend?
Starkey then says that Lenore wasn’t at the appointments: she was sleeping with Jax. This is so aggravating to me. These things happened nine years ago. But Starkey is right: Maia shouldn’t be confirming things if they’re not true. When I buy lunch multiple times in a week, a week later, I can’t remember which day I bought a sandwich and which day I got pasta, even if I remember that I bought a sandwich one day and pasta another day. I really don’t get why Maia is confirming anything instead of second-guessing herself. (But then, maybe Maia just thinks differently than I do.)
Also just taking a second to acknowledge that Lenore Rindell is a shitty person. 
Maia imagines her mother and Jax kissing in the hallway of her gynecologist’s office. She pictures herself turning away. This didn’t happen in reality (they were not carrying on an affair in her gyno’s office, I’m like 99.9999% sure)—this is Maia processing information. Get it? She sees the truth and turns away.
So now the question is: did Maia suspect anything? She sees herself turning around, like it was right in front of her. No, she says. She didn’t. Starkey wants to know if she ever suspected her parents of the Ponzi scheme, and Lucca insists on a break. Good call, Lucca.
At RBK, a guy from COPA is falling asleep on Adrian’s desk. Barbara and Adrian tell the COPA guy about their latest case. He’s interested when he hears which cop was involved. But when they tell him the victim is Sweeney… COPA guy laughs. And laughs. And laughs. And laughs. And laughs. And laughs. He rips up his notes and leaves, still laughing. He is my new hero.
Case stuff happens.
Maia looks at her contacts list in her phone. Lucca calls her in for more of the interview. Starkey offers them candy and makes up a story about her husband. Lucca calls her out on it—she googled Starkey. Seems Starkey is lying about whatever she feels like lying about. But she is good at her job, according to the interwebs.
Starkey responds by threatening Lucca. Cool.
Her next questions are about the Rindell Foundation. Maia is one of three board members. Starkey asks when the board last met. Apparently, years ago. In June 2011. And they never met again. MAIA. HOW ARE YOU ON THE BOARD OF A FOUNDATION THAT HASN’T HAD A BOARD MEETING IN SIX YEARS WITHOUT THINKING THAT’S SUSPICIOUS? (Later, we’ll see Maia say she cared about the cause, but actions speak louder than words.)  
I don’t think I’m supposed to be on Maia’s side on this. I don’t think it makes her a criminal or complicit that she wasn’t more involved. But it does make her willfully ignorant, and neglectful (not in a legal sense, because I don’t know anything about the law). Maia’s led a life so full of privilege she doesn’t immediately think this is strange. And she’s so comfortable with her life, she doesn’t do anything that could cause a stir. It’s no wonder she feels guilty.
Maia explains that the foundation wasn’t her idea, but it was a good cause. I’m trying not to judge Maia for this, but I’m failing. I’m sure most eighteen year olds wouldn’t like it if their parents tried to force them into running a foundation, but it takes a certain type of privilege to hear about a foundation (even as an eighteen year old) and go, “ugh, daddy, this is a good cause but why do I have to deal with it?” instead of thinking, “This is an opportunity for me to do good for other people; let me make sure I get people involved to manage these initiatives.”
In Maia’s defense, she does remember asking how much they were sending. “It’s a lot, honey,” is all she remembers her dad telling her. “I don’t know,” she realizes. And she was okay with that.
She remembers asking again, that same night, while making pizza with her dad. “Yeah, but Dad, I mean, it’s got my name on it,” she said. Henry said Jax would open the books to her in a few weeks. We don’t get confirmation on whether or not that happened. My guess? Maia never followed up, because it would’ve been uncomfortable to follow up, and she was preoccupied with her own life.
Case stuff happens. It’s good for the RBK team.
Now we’re in a memory pop without first seeing Maia, which is a transition I do not like at all because it makes the memory pop seem like a flashback and not a memory. Henry, and a bunch of guests including Diane, are singing Happy Birthday to Maia. It’s her eighteenth birthday, Starkey explains: the day the Rindell Foundation was established.
“My parents, they, they knew I was interested in Africa,” Maia says, explaining why the foundation was gifted to her. OH YES, I CAN TELL YOU WERE INTERESTED IN AFRICA FROM THE WAY YOU REFER TO IT (IN THE PRESENT!) AS THOUGH IT’S A SINGLE COUNTRY. And from the way you totally knew what your foundation was doing (or not doing). And from all those board meetings over the years.  
(I try not to judge characters and to understand them instead but oh my god, how can I not judge someone who says things like, “My parents knew I was interested in Africa.”????)
Next question: Was Amy at Maia’s birthday party? Yes, she was. Maia remembers that clearly, romantically. She pictures Amy smiling at her, looking directly at her, noticing her, standing out from the crowd.
It was the night Maia and Amy met! That’s exciting backstory! And, we get confirmation on an age difference: Amy was entering law school when Maia turned 18. I didn’t think the age gap was that big! Like, that makes Amy in these memory pops the age I am now, and the idea of dating an 18 year old now is like, LOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOLLOL YOU’RE A CHILD. The age gap isn’t what’s strange to me—it’s not that big of a gap. It’s the gap in maturity and experience that strikes me as odd. But hey, it worked out for them, so who am I to judge?
(Good to get confirmation that Amy’s supposed to be four/five years older. That sounds about right.)
Maia’s boyfriend was there that night, but she ended up making out with Amy anyway. That escalated quickly.
Starkey also asks if Diane was there. Maia remembers her singing Happy Birthday. Of course, we don’t get to hear it, even though this is the closest we’ve ever gotten to Christine Baranski singing on the show.
Starkey wants to know if Diane offered legal advice to Maia’s parents in Maia’s presence. Lucca cuts in before I can type out, “isn’t that hearsay?”
Diane’s talking about a case she’s on, a guy who’s accused of killing a hedge fund manager who worked with Madoff. I don’t know if the timeline adds up or not, but it’s possible this is the case from W1x15, which has a case with that premise. Also, 1x15 is a really good episode and I just rewatched it last weekend. And one of the filming locations in that episode is the Rindell mansion. It’s where a corrupt hedge fund manager lived. I know that’s not intentional, but HA! (Sorry, Maia, but seeing Alicia walk through your house doesn’t do you any favors.)
Maia’s torn between the pleasant memory of Amy and the unpleasant memory of Diane and her parents talking about the Madoffs. In Maia’s mind, Diane says, “I think [Madoff’s wife] didn’t know because she didn’t want to know.” Huh, I wonder where Maia got that piece of dialogue to insert into her memory. 
“How could she not know?” Diane says, and it sounds like a judgment of Maia.
Since the foundation was being used as a front and Maia’s name is on the contract, Maia’s legally responsible for any of her parents’ crimes. Unless she tells Starkey about Diane’s advice, that is.
But Maia didn’t sign the documents on her birthday! She signed them on the Saturday before her birthday!
“Nice, Maia,” Lucca says after they leave the interview. “No, lucky,” Maia replies. “No, I’ve seen lucky. That was smart,” Lucca says and offers her hand for a high-five. (Can’t it be both? Maia totally would have signed the papers if it was her actual birthday. But it is smart that she’s thinking things through before talking now.)
Now it’s 1:27 pm. I don’t understand why these time stamps are happening and I especially don’t understand why the people at All Access have inserted the commercial breaks right after the time stamps instead of right before. I assume they’re meant to kick off each act that takes place on that first day?
Case stuff happens.
Another bird crashes into Starkey’s window. I thought it had to do with the way the light hit the windows, so why is this happening all throughout the day?
Starkey asks Maia if it’s correct she found out about the Ponzi scheme from the news. She says it is. “You graduated from law school in 2016, right?” Starkey asks. Maia says that’s right.
And then Starkey asks her about a celebration that took place at her parents’ house. Wait, who told her about this? From what Maia remembers, it was a small gathering. Maia, Amy, Maia’s parents, and Amy’s parents. So if Starkey knows about this gathering, does that mean someone close to her is talking to the FBI and making things look bad for Maia?
Starkey asks if Maia was living with Amy at the time. She was. (So Maia and Amy lived together in Chicago while Maia was in law school? Where did Maia go to law school? Or did Amy and Maia live in a different city and Amy just started as an ASA?)
(Amy’s parents look super uncomfortable around the Rindells—they don’t have that kind of money.)
But, Amy’s parents asked Maia about the possibility of her parents investing in the Rindell fund. Now I REALLY want to know who Starkey’s talking to, since Maia remembers that she didn’t even tell her parents about this request. Is Starkey talking to Amy? To Amy’s parents?
Case stuff happens.
“When the facts are on your side, you pound the facts. When the facts are not on your side…” cut to Adrian pounding the table in court. HEH. Nice transition.
I forgot to mention that Luke Kirby is in this episode as an ASA. He was on Rectify. You should all watch Rectify.
Jay does investigative work without Marissa. Cool.
Sweeney’s being considered for an ambassadorship. Diane, Adrian, and Barbara burst out laughing. As I said, I like this “lawyers laugh at things that are absurd” trend.
It’s not until 40 minutes into the episode that Sweeney mentions his reputation as a wife-killer. Sorry, new viewers. The show’s not being helpful with the exposition this week!
It’s a new day and Maia’s back at the FBI, fidgeting with her rosary ring. Now, the issue is that Starkey thinks Maia must have known something was going on at the fund if she didn’t ask about allowing Amy’s parents to invest.
Maia remembers a conversation with Amy (who apparently sleeps in a shirt that says BLONDE BESTIE” on it which tells me a lot about Amy) where Amy brought up the topic again.
Lucca tells Maia she understands that “rightly or wrongly, [Maia feels] guilty for your parents’ actions.” “That’s not what this is,” Maia insists. “You don’t even need to be conscious of it, Maia. Your guilt could just be coloring your memories. You could be seeing yourself as more culpable than you are. It’s your Catholic guilt. You are condemning yourself. That’s fine for the confessional, but here, it has real repercussions,” Lucca informs Maia. This is exactly what Maia needs to hear at this moment, especially that last part about the repercussions. If Maia wants to blame herself and ask herself why she was so willfully ignorant, fine. I think she probably was willfully ignorant, at least in the sense that she never questioned her parents or her own privilege. (Again, that foundation had one board meeting in six years.) But I don’t think anything she did would warrant jail time, especially given how young she was at the time. Guilt in the moral sense? Definitely. Guilt in the legal sense? That seems… like a waste of government resources. Maia doesn’t need to help the government make their case against her just because she feels bad that she had her eyes closed. It’s a lot to ask of any person, especially a young person, to turn on their family over a slight bad feeling. What could Maia have done, anyway? Gone to the government and said, “I feel like something’s off about my parents’ fund but I don’t have any specific details or specific reasons to think that”?
In the memory pop, Amy asks Maia again if she really asked her dad. “Lucca, I didn’t tell my dad,” Maia confesses in the present. “I must have somehow known about the Ponzi scheme. Otherwise, why would I have let Amy’s parents invest?” Lucca says that doesn’t mean anything (and I agree- I can imagine lots of other reasons Maia might not have wanted Amy’s parents’ money to be tied up with her parents’ fund, starting with the fact that it would just call attention to the fact that Maia’s super rich and Amy’s not). But Maia insists: she knew. (I feel bad for Maia here. She went from refusing to believe the people she loves, who actually committed crimes, could have been involved to blaming herself for everything.)
Diane and Adrian, late at night, debate strategy for the Sweeney case and drink scotch.
“Diane? You happy here?” Adrian switches the topic. “What, at your firm?” Diane asks. She is. “You wanted to retire,” Adrian explains the basis for his question. Diane laughs. “Yes. Well, life has a way of reminding you of who you are. Guess I’m not the retiring type,” she says. I bet Diane’s a lot happier here than she was at LockhartKeyboardSmash. “Are you happy here?” Diane returns the question. Adrian laughs. “Gotcha,” Diane replies.
“I like getting the better of people, and… keeping something alive. You know? Looking at there, at all those employees, realizing they might not have jobs if I don’t keep this going,” he says. “Yeah. That is a good feeling,” Diane agrees.
“Okay. Time to go home. Let’s get dinner sometime,” Adrian says so casually it’s almost like he didn’t just ask his business partner out on a date. “That’d be nice,” Diane replies. She looks startled but not unhappy with this idea. It’s not exactly a date, but, I mean…
(Remember how Will and Alicia were always supposed to get dinner in season 1?)
(I am cool with a Diane and Adrian ship. I also love McHart. As long as we don’t get a Adrian/Diane/Kurt triangle with Adrian as Will (I took you in when you were poison) and Kurt as Peter (the cheater), I’m pretty much okay with wherever the writers want to go as long as they do it well.) (Though I still don’t believe Kurt would have ever cheated on Diane.)
Adrian comes up with a way to get Sweeney’s case thrown out and, more importantly, the cop kicked off the force. It works.
At the next day of interviews—we didn’t see a single one of the day 2 interviews, just Maia panicking in the hallway—Maia remembers hearing Jax talking about an audit with both her parents, who closed the door in her face. Not sure what point in time this is supposed to take place.
She also remembers telling Amy they shouldn’t entangle their families’ finances. Maia remembers Amy asking if there’s something wrong with the fund. Did she? Does it matter if she did?
Lucca provides hypothetical reasons why Maia might not have told her dad that Amy’s parents wanted to invest. Makes sense to me. Also, proves yet again that Lucca is very good at reading a situation and saying the exact right thing. (She’s done this several times with Maia, but she did it all the time with Alicia, too.)
Sweeney isn’t going to be an ambassador, and he’s not going to help Diane with her civil suit. What a shame.
“I’ll drop by again,” Sweeney warns.
Maia tells Starkey that it just seemed like a bad idea to mix family and finances. Based on Maia saying “the truth is” in her answer, Starkey decides what she was always going to decide: Maia’s a liar and she knew about the Ponzi scheme. She’s going to recommend that they prosecute Maia. Good luck finding evidence.
Maia tears up, and the episode ends.
And this leaves me with two questions:
1) Do we have to endure another season of trial BS? This show does not need an ongoing conspiracy arc to work. In fact, the ongoing conspiracy arcs are usually the things that DON’T work.
2) Why didn’t we get to this point earlier? Not the point of Maia being prosecuted, but the point of Maia feeling guilt. I said this earlier, but I think these emotional beats would’ve been great things to hit on earlier. Now, after this episode, I have a sense of how much it affected Maia to be raised in a world where she never had to worry about anything other than herself. The stakes don’t have to be as high as an interview with the FBI and a potential prosecution to make Maia question everything, her own views included. They’re not going to send Maia to jail—at least, I’d be shocked if they did—so why do this arc? I would rather see her work through her guilt, reach out to her friends, reach out to Amy, start trying to do good, really throw herself into the firm’s fights even when she doesn’t understand them, or something like that. To me, that’s more interesting than watching the team come together to defend her.
(I expected to be harsher on this episode than I ended up being. I’m pleased that I liked it more on rewatch.)
(And sorry for all the Alicia mentions. I hate it when people insist on comparing a new character to an old character, but I just can’t stop doing it when it comes to Alicia and Maia. I’m trying to keep my comments to the storytelling—what works and what doesn’t when building a character whose notable for their connection to a big scandal—but I’m sure that what a lot of it comes down to is just that I love Alicia a lot and will take any opportunity I can to write about her.)
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erinelezabeth920 · 6 years
Epilogue: Galapagos
Ha, thought you were done with me eh? In the spirit of epilogues, I’ll try to be brief, but hey it’s unlikely. This blog was really just an exercise in trying to document a crazy fast, once in a lifetime experience that could slip by in the blink of an eye. Tears in the rain, via Roy Batty via Blade Runner. The writing wasn’t stellar. There were typos and shitty internet. But hey. I did it. It’s there and that can never go away. And it really helped me to imagine (even if it was only imaginary) that there were people on the other side. So if you’ve made it this far, really. Really. Thank you.
I got picked up from Monica’s at 5:30 am. Chelsea, Mayra and I rode to the airport. After paying the Galapagos visa fee and some booking kerfuffles, I got on the flight first to Guayaquil, then Isla Baltra. Landing on the island was cool; windswept with cacti, surrounded by water. I had an issue paying the 100$ Parque entrance fee, as I didn’t know it couldn’t be card and the airport ATM was out of cash. The airport folks held on to my passport, saying to pick it up in the town when I had my money. Seemed questionable but what can you do.
I took a bus, boat and another bus from the airport to a crossing to another island, and down a windy road on that island to a town. We passed farms and mostly empty green space. Luckily the bus dropped me off right in front of my hostel. Cool.
The town was neat. A mix of locals and tourists with markets and ceviche places. I took a nap, found some ceviche, walked to the docks and watched a movie. I was dead tired. The next morning I rented a bike, went to the Darwin Research center, and tracked down my passport. I had dinner with my friend Jenna from the program who was also traveling.
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The day after I slept late again, picked up my laundry and biked/ walked to a beach. I met Mayra and Chelsea there. We sat for a bit staring at the waves and discussing the program. We met later that night for dinner and ended up at the only bar in town chatting up locals. They reminded me of my friends from Orcas Island. When in Galapagos?
The next day I shelled out some of my dwindling money for a snorkeling trip. The seas were rough and it was cold, but we saw seals, sharks, fish, rays and the most beautiful sea turtles. The folks on the trip were funny too. Two german girls who were very sick convinced the recent college grad from UCLA to tell stories about his past 10 months in Ecuador the whole time as a distraction. Surprisingly it worked.
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I grabbed dinner with Mayra and Chelsea again, but was too tired to stay out. I met them for lunch the next day, where they had talked up the waiter and were getting free drinks. #blondeprivelage
After that I caught a boat from the dock to another island, Isabella. I had left the majority of my stuff at the hostel as I’d be returning in three nights. The ride was bumpy, two hours long and terrible. I had to pay a 10$ “docking fee”, whatever that is.
I spent three nights on Isla Isabella. It was beautiful but kind of a tough time as I didn’t bring enough cash. As a result I was hungry a lot and kind of lonely, a little over traveling. Which is a crazy feeling to have in the Galapagos but travel is not all sexy photos and cool stuff, regardless where you are. I’d argue islands make you more lonely. Andy and Emily were off backpacking the Enchantments, one of the most beautiful places in Washington, and Andy was heading to a wedding on a lovely island outside of Seattle after. I was homesick and spent a lot of time waiting for instagram stories to load on the low quality internet.
There were highlights though. A hike to a volcanic crater where the guide (in Spanish) told us about growing up on the island, how the culture was changing with more tourism (white specifically) and less Spanish. I didn’t understand everything, but enough to figure out he conveniently left that part out to the English speaking Canadian contingency of the tour.
Another fun part was that my friends Jenna and Audrey from the program were around. We’d get dinner and talk about our days, other travels and all the things. I said bye to them Friday night. Mayra and Chelsea had left the day before from another island, so it was just me.
Another day I went kayaking and snorkeling. There was a beautiful German man paddling in a double with me who I was better than. My two German friends from the snorkeling trip were also there, looking much less sick. It was a blast. We saw penguins on the rocks, seals, a sharks and a turtle. I loved just sliding off the kayak right into the water. After that, I walked the length of the beach to the end, where a gravel road travelled up into some mangroves. At the end of the road was a cool rock wall waterfall thing but it was a ways and getting dark, so I climbed up a lookout instead. It was beautiful.
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The next day I left Isabella at 3pm. I saw my German friends on the beach who were taking surf lessons and invited me, but I didn’t have the money. My phone charger and watch had also both died that day, and I kept having to ask strangers what time it was.
The ride back was 100x better, probably because of the sea sickness pill Jenna had given me. I checked back into the hostel, grabbed my things, and got some food. Seafood pasta which wasn’t that good. Should’ve gotten the ceviche and michelada, the always wise words of Erin forever in my head. Push that comfort zone.
The night was pretty. I said bye to the salt air and the ice cream and the seals sleeping on the bench, but I was tired and running out of money and pretty ready to go. The next morning I misunderstood the timing for the bus and had to take a 25$ taxi to the dock. It ended up being ok though because the driver was really nice, told me about living on a farm on the island and how he hates the rain (it was raining). Plus, on the side of the road, just munching on some leaves, I finally saw a tortoise in the wild.
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So began my 24 hour journey from Galapagos to Boston with a taxi, boat, bus, plane, plane, plane, plane. There was another docking fee for the airport and I was so fed up with upcharges by that point, I only had 4$ cash and made them take it.
I saw my German friends at the airport again. Funny how traveling does that. Back in Quito I ate onion rings and a milkshake which made my stomach hurt, but my American self couldn’t resist. In Miami, I kept speaking Spanish because why not, until the baggage claim had issues and I thought I’d miss my flight to Boston through customs. I would’ve had an actual meltdown. I had very little left at that point. Luckily it was fixed and I got to the gate just in time, arriving in Boston at 10am. After confusing texts, because Boston is always confusing, I met Andy at the baggage claim. We went straight to Dunkin Donuts, as I’d barely eaten since Quito,and sat on a bench outside the airport in the hot muggy air, waiting for our Air Bnb to open up before we took the train into the city. I watched the Red Sox and Patriots hats go by, and held my iced coffee like a diamond. I talked and talked and talked, finally in person without the internet delay. And Andy smiled and listened and commented supportively. And occasionally hugged me to remember I was real, and we were happy.
We spent the next week with family and friends in Boston and Rockport Mass, and I was happy floating with comfort, family, good food, someone to sleep next to. I saw old friends in Boston, and a Seattle friend moving to Norway. My stomach didn’t hurt and my brother and his girlfriend came up from New York. We went sailing, drank wine with my aunts and uncles, did puzzles and played Euchre, ate lobster and it was maybe the happiest week of my life. Nothing like leaving to make you appreciate the things you love most.
Then, 5 days later we dropped off Colin, Lian and Andy at the airport and bus station in Boston in a rainstorm. My dad and dog and I drove back to Rochester. That’s where some of the post travel depression set in. In reverse culture shock phases there’s the honeymoon followed by the lull, the reaclimation. I didn’t sleep well, slept late in the mornings. I visited grandparents in nursing homes which is always hard when you never know which time is the last goodbye. Plus I think, regardless of travel or not, childhood homes as an adult are always hard, a strange mix of feelings.
On the plus side I had fresh peaches, good Italian food and cut all my hair off. I hung out with my parents, driving around looking at smaller houses they should move in to, knowing they’re happy where they are. The last night I went with my dad to race our sailboat on Lake Ontario. There was strong wind and I sat in the front, watching the sun set. We got first place, the same boat my grandparents raced 30 years before. I dove into the water and let it rock me, the original water as I spent the first two years of my life in a little house on Lake Ontario, carried in the waves in my mother’s arms before I could walk.
The sun set. The crescent moon rose. The crickets chirped. That heavy almost midwestern summer night. The men sat on the porch and talked about the race. I drank a Molson Canadian and flipped the sausages. I was flying out to Seattle in the morning. I took a breath and looked around, letting it seep in. This was home, deep and rooted as the heart on the sail of our boat. We can travel the world in wide circles, as far as we want but those strings, invisible strings will always ground us and root us to the earth, a small piece in the puzzle, branch of the tree of our family, ancestors and the bodily feel alignment, relaxing into your deepest, original self.
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Until next time my friends.
Always in adventure,
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luci-in-trenchcoats · 5 years
A Place To Call Home: Christmas Vacation
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Summary: The Pads have some news that may end up changing the family. When the reader discovers how it all came about though, she has some words for her father and soon, for her new friend, Cody…
Pairing: Jensen x foster daughter!reader
Square: Christmas
Word Count: 17,500ish
Warnings: language, angst, fluff
A/N #1: I know I said I wouldn’t be doing more but here’s a little (okay, big) present for you guys! This part takes place right before and right after the very end of the Home timestamp...
A/N #2: Written for @spngenrebingo​
“Hey, Jared,” you said, popping your head into the office. He gave you a smile from the couch as you followed the doctor inside and took a seat beside him.
“Nice to see you again, Y/N. It’s been quite awhile since you joined Jared for a session,” said the doctor, Michael was his name you thought.
“Yeah. Uncle Jared and I talk a lot outside of therapy nowadays,” you said.
“Jared’s told me so. I encourage you both to continue to do so. We’ve both recognized changes in him since you’ve started to regularly open up to one another,” he said.
You turned your head, Jared shrugging. Sure, he seemed happier than when you first met him years ago but he didn’t bury himself with work and travel all the time now. He was home more and enjoying life. You felt like all you did was complain about this or that or the next thing to him.
“But Jared wanted to discuss something that he felt might need a moderator,” said Michael. “I understand you’ve spoken to Y/N’s parents about this as well?”
“Yeah,” said Jared, turning to you with a smile. “Yeah, I’ve...talked to your parents about this, kiddo. Gen knows too for obvious reasons but...we talked to them and I’d like your perspective on something if that’s okay.”
“Always,” you said. “What’s up?”
“So…” he said, biting his bottom lip. “Gen and I, we’re considering...adopting a boy.”
“Really?” you asked, a smile growing on your face. “That’s…”
You bit your lip to match his, smiling as you stared at your lap.
“I see why you thought a moderator might be helpful,” joked Michael. “Y/N do you want to say anything about that?”
“I’m so proud of you to even consider it,” you said, grinning when you caught the instant smile on his face. “Sorry, I know that sounds weird but like I’m proud of you? And you’re an unbelievable dad and any kid would be lucky to have you be their dad, to have you and Gen both.”
“Thanks, kiddo,” he said, glancing at Michael. “We...he’s actually not that much younger than you actually. He’s twenty three, he’s a police officer, just started.”
“Oh,” you said, still smiling. “I...I suppose I’m slightly confused how you guys met but...I think if you want to adopt him that’s awesome.”
“I think I’ve heard it from you enough to know that it doesn’t matter how old you get,” he said.
“You still want a family,” you said. “I’m really happy for you Uncle Jared.”
“I guess we know what it’s like to have that instant click with a kid,” he said.
“How’d you meet him? If that’s okay?” you asked. Jared tilted his head. 
“Your dad really didn’t tell you?”
Two Hours Later
“Jensen!” you shouted when you walked into their house, JJ wide eyed as she spun back around in the kitchen. “Where. Is. He.”
“Backyard with your children?” she asked. “Uh, you look pissed.”
“I-” you started, your mom walking out of the bedroom with a soft smile. “What-”
“Been a long time since you called dad that,” she said. 
“Instinct of rage,” you said, blinking slowly. “I need to talk to him. Now.”
“Swing set with the babes,” she said. You took off towards the back porch, grabbing JJ’s wrist along the way. “JJ, please make sure she doesn’t murder your father.”
“Dad’s on his own with this,” she said. You went outside with her, your dad all smiles as he pushed Allie on the swing gently, Colin settled on his hip.
“Hey guys, mommy’s home!” he said, Allie hopped off and ran over to you, her hug and smile making you forget your anger for a moment.
Colin smiled and reached out for you. Your dad knew you were mad but he also knew handing the kids off got him a chance to get out of there.
“Hi baby boy,” you said, giving him a kiss as your dad took off.
“JJ, get him,” you said. Your dad stared at her and then cocked his head at you.
“Really?” he said. “She’s not as scary as you.”
“Hey!” she said, walking up behind him, yelping when he threw her over his shoulder. “Dad!”
“Oh that was way too easy. You’re taking that same defense class your mom and sister took little lady,” he said.
“Dad,” you said, bending down to scoop up Allie, giving her a hug. “We’re talking later.”
“Yeah, sure thing, tall munchkin.”
You got the kids back home for their normal evening routine before they were in bed. TJ was playing some video games when you left him, nearly getting you to stay home when he came up with an interesting bet for a race but you needed to talk to your dad and you wanted to do it three hours ago.
You walked around the street corner and were walking in the front door within three minutes, Zeppelin wolfing down a bag of Cheetos in the kitchen like he’d never seen food before.
“How’s the start of puberty going?” you asked with a smirk.
“I’m hungry like all the freaking time,” he said, wiping off his hands. “And washing your face everyday sucks and the whole thing is just bad. If I’m anything like dad, I won’t even get tall for like five years.”
“At least you’re not poor Arrow,” you said.
“I know. She told me she had her first period last month,” he said. You stared at him, pursing your lips. “Am I not supposed to know that?”
“No. I mean, she can tell whoever she wants. Obviously don’t tell other people. It’s just sweet to see you two are just as close as ever,” you said.
“Apparently it feels like dying,” he said.
“It does...and then you have a child and then you actually know what it feels like to be dying and then you go back to having a period which is just awesome,” you said with a laugh. “Sorry. Too much info.”
“No, it’s cool,” he said. “It’s nice having an older sister to talk to about stuff.”
“Puberty?” you said, Zeppelin nodding, a question on his face. You nodded and you followed him upstairs to his room, letting you shut the door. “Zepp, you know you can always talk to dad and mom about this stuff. Growing up is weird. I mean, mom gave JJ and Arrow this book they have for girls that teaches you about your body. I don’t know if there’s a book out there like that for boys but you can always ask dad or call up TJ or Uncle Jared. There’s people around to talk to.”
“Can I ask you like...stuff,” he said.
“Sure. I won’t tell mom or dad, you know that,” you said.
“Is it weird that...in the morning stuff down there is starting to like...” he asked.
“No,” you said with a laugh. “No, dude. That’s perfectly normal for boys. It’s gonna stick around for a while so get used to it.”
“How do you get it to go away?” he asked.
“Hi guys,” said your dad, poking his head in the room thankfully. “What are you two up to behind closed doors?”
“Well you can either deal with me or tell Zepp how to get rid of his morning...surprise,” you said. He shut his eyes and put his hands over his ears, quickly grabbing your arm and leading you out. “You’re weak.”
“Nope. Nope. Nope,” said your dad, pulling you down the hall. “He’s eleven and you’re still my sweet innocent baby boy aren’t you, Zeppy. Never change, buddy.”
“Don’t avoid the conversation,” you said, following him down the stairs and onto the back porch.
“Oh, I’ll avoid it as long as I can,” he said.
“Zepp or me?”
“I’m not going to discuss your brother’s...we had a little talk after they got that one at school. Maybe I forgot to mention morning wood and that the same way you get it to go up is how it goes down but I’m sure the kid will figure it out in a few years,” he said. “Many, many years.”
“Dad,” you said. “You’ve been avoiding me all afternoon.”
“You seem...angry. It seemed like the smart move,” he said. 
“Do we run away from our problems?” you said.
“I ain’t five, kiddo,” he said.
“Then maybe you’ll tell me what the Ackles-Hanover Adoption program is,” you said. You stared at him, a flicker of concern on his face that started to grow. “Dad.”
“I...it was supposed to be a surprise,” he said.
“You made a charity, with my name on it,” you said. “One hell of a surprise.”
“I...Jared said he explained what it does. I don’t understand why you’re upset,” he said softly.
“You don’t understand why I’m upset?” you asked. “Seriously?”
“It’s meant to help kids and young adults that age out of foster care find parents and get adopted, even if they’re an adult. You don’t stop wanting a family that won’t throw you away,” he said.
“I understand the point of your charity,” you said, standing up and crossing your arms, staring out the screen porch to the dark yard. “You just...you don’t understand. I thought you did but you don’t.”
“Kiddo,” he said, standing up, giving you a hug from behind. You shrugged him off, glaring at him. “I’m sorry.”
“Hey,” said your mom, stepping onto the porch, pointing a finger at you. “You’re not a child. Don’t act like one.”
“You don’t even know what we were talking about,” you said, rolling your eyes. 
“Your father is having a bad day. Cut the shit,” she said, heading back inside. You looked over at him. He wrinkled his nose and shook his head.
“I’m fine,” he said. 
“Was it...cause of-”
“No. It was this morning. Really, it’s fine,” he said.
“We can talk about the charity thing tomorrow,” you said.
“Do you want to go play Mario Kart?” you asked. He smiled, giving you a light nod. “After you tell me what happened.”
“Y/N, nothing-”
“Mom’s never acted like that which means it scared her,” you said. 
“Don’t tell your siblings,” he said with a sigh.
“Are you sick?” you swallowed.
“No, kiddo. There was a name mix up on some test results this morning was all. I am perfectly one hundred percent okay,” he said. 
“But you thought you were sick?” 
“For like an hour,” he said with a smile.
“How sick?”
“It doesn’t-”
“If you do ever get sick, you call me,” you said. “Don’t keep it from me.”
“Sort of my call kiddo,” he smiled.
“No,” you said, shaking your head. “No. It’s not. You tell me. Promise.”
“I’m okay. I promise. Allie and Colin cheered me up so much when I was still bouncing back so you still helped me out today,” he said.
“I’m sorry I came in like that, acting like a brat,” you said, rubbing your arm.
“Brat’s are spoiled children. You’ve never been one of those,” he said. “Come on, let’s go kick the twins asses in a team race.”
“I’m home,” you said, sighing as you wandered into your bedroom, ditching your clothes by the laundry basket and tugging on one of TJ’s shirts. He was reading in bed, glancing over the top of his book when you crawled in beside him.
“You talk with your dad about whatever it is you won’t talk about?” he asked, flipping a page.
“TJ,” you said, eyes flicking up to meet his.
“That’s a no,” he said, setting the book down and turning off the light. He shifted down the bed, tucking you into his chest. “You’ve been jittery and pissed and more jittery ever since you got home from Jared’s session. Did he say something?”
“He told me something my dad is doing,” you said, closing your eyes. “I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Mhm?” you hummed.
“You should talk to Jensen,” he said.
“I don’t want to get in a fight,” you said.
“You’re gonna sleep like shit and I can already see whatever this is festering in your head. Deal with it, honey,” he said.
“Well I’m not getting dressed,” you said. He rolled over and grabbed his phone, turning back a moment later.
“He’ll be here in a minute,” he said.
“Had to marry a sweet boy, didn’t I,” you grumbled, rolling out of bed and pulling on some shorts, TJ smiling as you went out to the family room.
“Hey,” said your dad three minutes later sporting his own pajamas, popping in through the front door and kicking off his sneakers. “TJ said you needed to talk to me.”
“Please sit down,” you said. He took a seat in his normal spot on the couch, watching you walk around and settle in the other corner. “I’m sorry for earlier, saying you didn’t understand.”
“That’s okay, honey,” he said. “I probably don’t. I don’t understand why you’re upset so you probably have a point.”
“Dad,” you said, both your heads turning when you saw Allie stop on the landing of the stairs. “What’s up, alligator? You should be sleeping and not on the stairs.”
“I wet the bed,” she said, blushing when she saw your dad there. 
“S’okay, sweetie,” you said as you stood up. “I’ll be back in five.”
“Take your time,” he said. You went back upstairs with Allie and got her in a fresh diaper and pajamas and put new sheets on the bed, still ever grateful to your mom for the advice on the mattress protector. 
“Okay, you’re all set now,” you said, tucking her back in bed, giving her a kiss as you turned off her light.
“Yeah?” you asked.
“I love you,” she said.
“I love you, gorgeous,” you said, giving her another hug and round of kisses. “Get some sleep.”
She was conked out by the time you were pulling the door shut, your dad stretched out on the couch and staring at the ceiling when you got back.
“Sorry about that,” you said. 
“She’s not in diapers at night?” he asked.
“She’s barely two, dad,” you said. “Of course she’s still in diapers.”
“When did you get so old?” he said, turning his head with a smile. 
“First off, 26 dude. Second, you look at me sometimes like I’m a little girl you know,” you said. 
“Cause you’re my first baby girl. A part of me will always think that,” he said as he sat up, watching you settle back in your spot. “If the charity...we can pull the plug on it if you want. I don’t want it to upset you.”
“You all see all the good that could come from something like that. I get it. I see it too. You have an excellent point about people still wanting families after aging out of the system. I think it’s very noble in that way.”
“But,” he said.
“But I see all the ways it can go wrong and there are so, so many ways it can go wrong, dad. These people...they got issues. You know first hand what it’s like. I just see the ways they can get hurt and these people already hurt. You get one person doing it for the wrong reasons-”
“I know. We’ve talked about all that. But there’s a difference between this charity and foster care. The adults, they can walk away. It’s not like when you were a kid and got in a bad home and were stuck. These people can walk away and even then, it’ll never be like that. All families looking to adopt will be screened. This isn’t a small thing, kiddo. It’s...it’s been in the works a few years,” he said.
“Years,” you said, closing your eyes. “I shouldn’t be surprised anymore but you continue to do so.”
“That first year was the scariest. That first month was the scariest, when you first came to us. I remember,” he said.
“Even adopting Allie and being a mom to her and Colin, that’s scary but it’s not the same,” you said, peeling open your eyes. “At least with that it’s me and TJ and we got our family behind us.”
“Do you think you would have wound up with TJ if you’d just, aged out of the system?” asked your dad. “Like if you went to school together still?”
“I don’t think so,” you said, leaning back and tucking your legs in to your chest. 
“Why not?”
“I was too broken before,” you said quietly, glancing at your toes. “A lot got fixed before I met him. I think he would have taken one look at me and thought-”
“I’m gonna marry that girl someday,” you heard, your gaze going up, TJ leaning against the wall, giving you a sad smile. “I brought you over here to kiss and make up, not make her feel worse, Jensen.”
“The point I was trying to make, dofus, was that you have loved her from day one,” said your dad with a smirk back at TJ. “And that she was the one that asked you out. She was the one that kept herself doing well in school. She’s the one that never let boys take advantage of her. She’s the one that told me five minutes of moving in exactly what she needed from me, even if she didn’t know it. You’ve always done the hard and scary thing, kiddo. There’s a lot of other kids like you out there. They just want someone to call on a bad day, some place to go have Sunday dinner, people that are theirs. It’s going to be scary for them too. But you know what it’s like to be on the other side of it now. I think you’d do it again if you knew what the end result was going to be.”
“Yeah, I’d do it all in a heartbeat,” you said.
“Mom and I just want to help the kids that didn’t get picked. None of those kids got thrown away. They just haven’t found their right family yet,” he said.
“Seriously though, you like, work for hallmark on the side and just don’t tell anyone, right?” said TJ.
“TJ’s the one that ate the last of your mint ice cream,” he said with a smile as he hopped up, TJ’s face falling.
“You’re dead to me, Ackles,” he said.
“Oh, it’s adorable when he’s all angry,” said your dad, pinching his cheek as he went past.
“You’re a dickhead,” he said.
“Well I’ve known that for years,” he laughed as he pulled on his shoes. “We okay now, sweetie?”
“Yeah,” you said with a nod, getting up and wrapping your arms around TJ. “If...if even just one person gets something out of it, then that’s okay with me.”
“It’ll be a while before it goes public but the few test cases are working out so far. One of the sets of parents are even starting adoption which for an adult, is way quicker,” he said.
“Jared said he and Gen…” you trailed off. 
“They’re one of the test cases. A newer one but they’ve been hanging out with Cody. He’s...he’s very much like you, Y/N. The Pads are inviting him to come up to the vacation house with everyone for our trip in a few weeks. I think maybe you two should talk, tell him about the brighter side of life,” he said.
“When’d he go in?” you asked.
“You can ask him yourself in a few weeks,” he said, giving you both a hug. “Night guys.”
Three Weeks Later
“Oh my God,” you groaned, dropping another bag out of the trunk of the car, tilting your head back, quickly turning it into a smile when you saw Colin on JJ’s hip. “Well hey there big man. Look at you being a cutie with Aunt JJ.”
“Afh,” he giggled, rubbing his hands over JJ’s face.
“Come on, buddy,” said JJ, as she walked past with a backpack on her shoulders. “Let’s find you some milk.”
“His bottles should be in-”
“The green bag. I’ve babysat my nephew enough, sis,” she laughed. “Come on, Colin before you get eaten by a bear.”
“There better be no bears here,” you grumbled.
“Nope, just coyotes,” said Jared with a smirk as he came up behind you.
“Seriously? Thank you for easing my concerns with my toddler and infant,” you said, getting a hug from him and the rest of the crew, Tom already off looking for JJ. Your gaze went to the guy a little older and hanging back some, Gen pulling an arm around him and moving him forward.
“Cody, this is Y/N,” she said.
“She’s Ackles oldest. Y/N’s husband TJ’s around here with their other kiddo somewhere I’m sure,” said Jared.
He nodded and you returned it, a little tension running out of his shoulders.
“So, uh, let’s introduce you to everybody, hm?” 
“I’m glad we bought this place,” said your mom, taking Colin off your lap after a later dinner, a small rainstorm keeping everyone inside for the night. “Even if it is a bit outdated.”
“I’m sure we’ll get our use out of it over the years,” said TJ with a smile.
“Well I think the kids having their own room is nice. Gives the little one’s a quiet place to sleep,” said your dad, Allie passed out on his hip, her head on his shoulder. “Speaking of which, let’s go put the pups to bed, grandma.”
“Remember what I did to you last time you called me, Grandma, Jensen,” she said with a smirk.
“Oh. I remember. I’m hoping you do it again. Grandma,” he said, giving her a wink. You rolled your eyes as they left, your dad leaning down quickly. “Hey. Why don’t you guys see if you can get Cody to come out of his room. He’s been holed up in there since dinner.”
“We will. Night dad,” you said.
“Night,” they said as they took off. You gave TJ a smile as you stood and headed for one of the downstairs bedrooms, a small room but the bed was comfy and there was a private bath with it. You knocked once and pushed it open, Cody, laying in bed with his computer.
“Hey,” you said.
“The old people are in bed and the pre-teens are off watching a movie up in the loft if you want to hang out with me and TJ,” you said.
“Thanks but I’m kind of tired,” he said. You nodded, shutting the door behind you. He watched you carefully as you sat down on the end of the bed.
“Isn’t the whole point of this program so you can be with your family? Get to know them, see if they’re a good fit for you?” you asked.
“I wasn’t thinking when my old case worker called me up and told me about it,” he said. “I don’t really care about these rich people or you so you can leave now.”
“Jared and Gen, they tell you anything about me,” you asked.
“Yeah. You’re the adopted girl,” he said, glancing over the screen.
“I was in the system for nearly eight years, Cody. Cut the shit,” you said.
“Been in since I was five, aged out. Looks like I win the sad sap award,” he said. You shut his computer, Cody narrowing his eyes at you. “How many homes?”
“14. You?”
“17. Winner again. Leave me alone.”
“Wow. You really are just like me,” you said.
“Uh no, you and me aren’t the same, princess,” he said.
“I ain’t a princess, jerk,” you said. “You’re not in foster care anymore so stop the games.”
“Oh, because I’m sure you were adopted for you,” he said, rolling his eyes. “You sure those two kids out there are even the other guys? Or are they new daddy’s little-”
“You can shut the fuck up. That is not how people in this family talk to each other and for the record, asshole, I adopted my daughter after some other assholes left her in a box to die. She’s lucky my husband and I even found her. I am close with my father because he is my father and he’s helped me stop being an asshole like you and he’s shown me how to be a good person. That’s who we are. You don’t want a family, fine. There’s the fucking door,” you said, leaving and slamming his shut.
You were fuming by the time you got to the end of the hallway, hands in fists, your dad poking his head over the upstairs balcony.
“What was that?” he asked.
“That kid’s got a mouth on him,” you grumbled.
“Go get an apology then,” he said. “He’s not a child after all.”
“Yeah, that’ll go great,” you said. You sighed and went back down the hall, Cody missing from his room.
You went back to the living room, TJ watching the start of a movie.
“He ducked outside. I think he’s on the covered porch,” he said. You nodded, going past and out the back door, Cody sitting in a chair with his arms crossed, staring at the dark woods.
“I found the door,” he said, not bothering to look up. “I’ll be gone in the morning, don’t worry about it.”
“What’s the rule, Cody? The unspoken rule we have in foster care as the older kids.”
“Take care of the younger ones,” he said quietly.
“So you gonna let me take care of you or are you going to say something mean again because you’re scared?” you asked. “I know it’s an act. I’ve done it all so you want to pretend with everybody else, okay, but don’t do it to me. I know the difference.”
“Could you leave me alone?” he said. “You’re so freaking annoying.”
“Oh. You hurt my feelings there tough guy,” you deadpanned. “You ain’t getting out of this conversation.”
“I bet new daddy sent you out here huh,” he said.
“Well my new daddy sure is a hell of a lot better at knowing what to say than I am,” you mumbled, crossing your arms as you sat down in a chair. 
“This was a mistake,” he grumbled to himself.
“No, it’s not. You’re just scared and you want to runaway because you think you don’t fit in,” you said.
“Can you please be quiet for one minute?” he said.
You kicked your legs out in front of you, watching the rain fall and Cody debating getting up beside you.
“Do you remember them? Your parents?” you asked.
“Raised by grandparents. Mom didn’t want me and was dead by the time I was three anyways,” he said. “Never met my dad.”
“Jared’s a good dad. Gen’s a good mom too. There’s benefits to having younger parents,” you said.
“Like what?”
“Like you get two parents but you get two friends too...eventually,” you said, pursing your lip.
“I already got friends,” he said, turning his head. “I only did this as a favor for my case worker.”
“Back to the lying already?” you teased, slouching down in your seat. “Do yourself a favor, Cody. Give the Pads, give all of us, a sliver of trust. It’ll help.”
“I’m the rich people’s charity case,” he mumbled. “Princess.”
“Yeah, maybe I am quite a bit better off than most 26 year olds. I got a nice house, a new car, no student loan. I go on nice vacations with my family. Maybe I am the spoiled princess you think I am. And I would throw all of those things away in a heartbeat. It’s stuff, it doesn’t matter. The point of this house is for the people in it to have a good time and be a family and make memories. Sure, some rich people are stuck up snobs and sure, none of these guys, none of us kids, will ever have to worry about money. But they’re the kind of people that want you to text them that you got home safe. They will go to the end of the earth for you. They’re good.”
“Like I said, I ain’t drinking the kool aid they’ve been handing out,” said Cody.
“Okay,” you said. “Just saying is all.”
“Just saying what?”
“Just saying I don’t want to know what five more years of feeling alone would have done to me,” you said, turning your head to him. “A bit of advice though, Cody. Don’t ever say something like what you did to me before in front of my father, or Jared or anyone else here. You need someone to be the punching bag, okay. I can take it. Pretend with me so you can be the real you with them, alright?”
“Remember what I said about friends? Well you’re not one of them so leave me alone,” he said. He stood up and left and you saw a flashlight in the yard after a moment, quickly disappearing.
You sighed as you went inside, heading for the coat rack when TJ cocked his head.
“You want me to come?” he asked.
“No. This is something we need to figure out,” you said, zipping up your jacket.
“He doesn’t have the right to be mean to you,” he said.
“No. But he is allowed to be scared,” you said. “People mix those two up sometimes.”
“Don’t get lost. Or hurt,” he said.
“I won’t. Don’t stay up for me if I’m gone awhile, okay?”
“Yeah, like that’s gonna happen,” he said, smiling as you leaned over the couch to give him a kiss. “Go bring him back home.”
“I love you,” you smiled, kissing his cheek before you pulled on your boots and were out the door.
You walked around to the trail, rain coming down steady but it wasn’t freezing thankfully. You followed it until you got to the path to the lake and turned down there, smirking when you saw Cody sitting under the covered decking.
“Hey,” you said, Cody rolling his eyes at you. “Nice to see you too.”
“For fucks sake. What part of-“
“Contrary to what you may have experienced, people aren’t supposed to treat their kids like trash. They aren’t supposed to be cruel. You’re not supposed to be afraid of a hug. It’ll take time to unlearn all that crap. I’m nearly ten years into this Cody. I have lived almost more of my life with these people than with my birth parents. I tried to runaway when I got here. My seventeenth birthday I tried to run away. I tried to push them away. I wanted nothing to do with them. They wouldn’t let me give up and I’m not going to let you walk away because this is hard. It’s fucking hard and terrifying and it’s nothing any of them can understand properly. But I know you want this so I’m not going to let you just get through this vacation so you can run away when we all go home. It’s not happening.”
“Why do you even care?” he asked.
“Cause you’re my family.”
“The Padalecki’s aren’t even related to you,” he said.
“You don’t need to be related to someone for them to be your family. Trust me,” you said. “Just one thing, just tell me one thing that’s scaring you so I can try to help.”
He was quiet and looked out at the lake, his back to you for a few minutes.
“Sometimes I still feel like I'm a terrified five year old,” he said. You stepped beside him and nodded. “I don’t want to get hurt.”
“I get that,” you said quietly. “I used to be like that. Sometimes on bad days it creeps back in even.”
“How’d you not be like that?”
“Hey,” you heard behind you. You both spun around, Jared in a raincoat and sporting a concerned smile. “Everything okay?”
“Mhm,” you hummed, looking back to Cody. “Simple answer? They kind of beat me over the head with their love until I realized I was worth it. They’ll keep doing it, even on the bad days.”
“How…” he trailed off as you walked past Jared.
“I had a talk with my dad on a rainy night once,” you said with a smile. “You just got to be brave enough to believe what they say.”
Cody nodded, Jared giving you one of his own before he walked down towards Cody.
“Careful on your way up to the house, Y/N,” he said.
“I know. I’ll see you guys at breakfast.”
One Month Later
“Mam’,” you heard as you spun around at the bar. You smiled when you saw Cody in his uniform, another older officer with him.
“Hi. The ambulance just took away the guy with heat stroke. I think he was gonna be okay though,” you said.
“Hot day out,” said the other officer.
“You guys want a beer?” you said. “We got water if you’re on duty.”
“I would take a cold bottle of water if you’ve got one,” said the officer. You smiled and dug back into the cooler, pulling two out.
“On the house,” you said, handing one out to each of them. Cody nodded, the officer glancing back and forth between you.
“You two know each other or something?” he asked.
“Y/N’s that other ex foster kid I told you about,” he said quietly.
“Really? Glad Cody here has someone his own age to talk to about that sort of thing. Sometimes I get the feeling I don’t get told everything which is silly considering we’re partners,” he said.
“We should get back on patrol,” said Cody.
“Hey we’re due for our lunch break. Let’s grab a bite at that food truck outside,” he said. Cody sighed and followed him out, one of the summer hires taking over for you as you followed after them.
“What?” asked Cody, his partner already off and in line.
“I haven’t seen you around since vacation. You kind of kept your distance,” you said. 
“I told you. I don’t like you,” he said.
“Oh,” you said. “Uh, sorry.”
“Just forget about it,” he said, waving you off as he got in line. You went back inside and to the back of the brewery, trying to work on a few things in the office before you were over at the bags of hops and unloading them from a pallet.
“Well that’s never a good sign,” you heard. You stood up and spun around, your dad jogging over to give you a hug. “Hello tall munchkin. I love you.”
“Hi,” you said, going back to work when he released you.
“You only do this when you’re upset you know,” he said. “You and TJ have a fight?”
“Something to do with work?”
“Bad day?”
“Do you know how to say anything besides no?”
“Dad,” you groaned.
“Come on, take your lunch break,” he said, grabbing your wrist. You went out to the back patio area for employees, your dad taking off towards his truck and returning after a moment with a pair of sandwiches from the store down the street. 
“Thanks,” you said, eating quietly, sharing a bag of chips with him. He frowned when you only ate half though and wrapped up the rest for later. “Dad.”
“You barely ate anything and TJ says you aren’t eating as much as normal,” he said. 
“Why the fuck do you two talk about that?” you snapped.
“Because it’s one of the obvious signs that something is going on with you. You’ve been funny since vacation. Quiet and sad and it’s got more than just me and TJ concerned,” he said. “You don’t need to ration food and you know it.”
“I’m not hungry,” you said.
“Are you sick?” he asked as he placed a hand on your forehead. 
“I’m not sick,” you said, his hand touching your cheek and neck before you stood up and walked away. “I have to get back to work.”
“That was ten minutes and last I checked our employees get hour lunches,” he said.
“Well I got shit to do,” you said as you stormed away.
“Y/N,” he said loudly, freezing you in place. You felt a hand run up and down your back, settling between your shoulder blades and rubbing in place there. “What happened with Cody? Did he say something or do something to you? You can tell us. You can just tell mom if you want. Just talk to someone, honey.”
“I screwed up,” you said shakily. “I didn’t talk to him right and he doesn’t like me and I tried to tell him this is a good family and I think all I did was push him away from it.”
“S’not your job to do that,” he said.
“You made me feel so at home though and loved and I screwed it up so wrong and how much am I screwing up Allie and Colin and everything else,” you said as you spun around. He tilted his head and gave you a sad smile, pulling you into a hug.
“You are a wonderful mother, honey. You love those two so much and I know they healed things in you the rest of us couldn’t touch. You are better than so many other parents out there,” he said. “You and TJ always put your kids first.”
“But I screwed up,” you said.
“No, you didn’t.”
“Yes, I did,” you said. You took a step back from him, pursing your lips. “I just want space, dad. Just give me some space.”
“Okay. Whatever you need to get your head on straight.”
“Hey, Jared,” you said, popping your head up when you saw him walk into your house the next day. 
“We were out on a run. TJ said we could grab a drink . Forgot our bottles at home,” he said.
“Mhm,” you hummed. “Take whatever you want.”
“Thanks,” he said as you went back to your notebook, glancing out the front window and pausing. “TJ out there teaching Allie how to wash the car?”
“Yeah. She’s got a little bit of a tomboy streak in her. Daddy’s girl,” you said.
“Well Colin is totally a momma’s boy, like his grandpa,” he laughed. “Where is the adorable babe?”
“He’s having a playdate with some friends of ours. They’re thinking of a kid so we said take him for the day, see what it’s like,” you smiled. You went back to writing in your notebook, feeling Jared behind you. “Yes?”
“You’re doing your notebook again,” he said.
“Do you want to come to another session with me?”
“What is wrong with all of you lately?” you snapped. Jared held up his hands and backed away. “I got chores to do when I’m done with this so if you don’t mind…”
“Alright. Thanks for the water,” he said.
Two hours later you were huffing as you and TJ walked out to the driveway.
“Allie just got down for a nap. What are you so pissed about?” he asked.
“All I said was I was going to skip my session this week,” you said. “I’ve done it before.”
“Yeah, when we’re away or something pops up. You’ve never skipped because you don’t want to go,” he said.
“I’ve got stuff to do on Thursday.”
“Like what?” he said. “Does your work suddenly have some kind of rules against employees taking time in the day for that sort of thing because I seriously doubt your parents would-”
“I don’t want to fight. Just give me space,” you said as you started to head down the driveway.
“Where are you going?” he said.
“A walk to cool off. Don’t worry about me.”
You’d walked over to the park about a mile away and settled on a bench, one you normally used to watch Allie run around on the playground from.
You looked left and saw Cody in his uniform, Cody looking around before he took a seat.
“What do you want?”
“Your dad, your mom, your husband, Jared and Gen...they’re all concerned. They asked me to come find you,” he said.
“Well you found me,” you said. “Not that I was hiding.”
“What happened,” he said. “You’re not the confident chick that was saying all that stuff to me at the house anymore.”
“I never was,” you said.
“I never apologized for what I said. I’m sorry,” he said.
“A few mean words don’t get under my skin anymore, Cody,” you said.
“You sort of look forward to the words after a while. It used to beat the alternative,” he said. You glanced over at him, Cody raising an eyebrow. “I know you were in some very bad homes. I was in a few bad ones myself. I know what goes on in those ones. I know it fucks you up pretty good.”
“I jumped down your throat at the house about you opening up and all I did was push you away from a family. A really great family. I didn’t just hurt someone. I hurt someone like me. That’s the worst thing I’ve ever done in my life,” you said.
He stared at you for a moment, glancing down at his lap with a smile.
“How long has it been? About three weeks since the house?” he asked. You nodded, Cody sitting back against the bench. “Sort of been the best three weeks ever you know.”
You whipped your head up, Cody shrugging at you.
“I needed you to say that stuff to me Y/N. You’re right. I was fucking terrified. I think part of me will always keep a little of that fear if you’re anything to go by but I’ll forget about, it’ll just be there as a reminder of the old me. I’m sorry I was a dickhead and I’m sorry I haven’t talked to you about any of this since. I’ve been trying to figure it out in my head. It sounds like I’m the reason you’re acting like this lately.”
“I get...funny sometimes,” you said, rubbing your arm. “Scared.”
“Scared of what?”
“Scared that I don’t deserve the people I have in my life,” you said. “I know that’s not true but...I just get scared. I’m normally really good at pushing it back down and convincing myself that it’s just my head screwing with me but...you were too big a screw up. I did something so wrong.”
“No, you didn’t,” he said, resting his elbows on his knees, lowering his head. “I forgot the number one rule. The kids stick together.”
You nodded and gave him a half smile, Cody returning it.
“I want what you have, Y/N. I want it and I want parents and a family and to not feel like this shit is burying me everyday of my life. I’m so freaking tired of being alone. I’m not going to be perfect and you’re so much tougher than me cause you did it alone but...I need you to help me, help me not be so scared. I’m learning and it’s so slow but I think you can help me. But you got to keep calling me out on my shit. I don’t like being mean or making people feel bad about themselves. Everything has always come with a cost and I don’t know how to just take and not expect anything in return.”
“I can help,” you said. “I just...have to remember not to take everything you say to heart.”
“I’m sorry I said I don’t like you. The stuff about your dad too, that was out of line. I’m sorry,” he said.
“This is going to be one of the hardest things you do in your life, Cody. No one’s expecting you to be perfect. You never have to be perfect. Just try and be a little forgiving of us when we overreact or don’t say the right thing. We have to learn too,” you said.
“Why do you care so much about if this works out for me?”
“Everyone deserves a family, Cody.”
“Hey,” you said, giving TJ a smile when Cody dropped you off outside your house. He was pouting on the front porch, your dad out front with him. You saw your mom inside with Allie, getting a quick glance from her as you walked over. “Um...listen for a minute before you guys talk please. I...I thought...well I talked with Cody and...I knew exactly what I wanted to say in the car too.”
“Y/N,” said TJ. You gave him a soft smile, his face relaxing. “You seem like your old self again.”
“Cody and I...we...he...he’s going to be okay now,” you finally said. 
“Are you okay now?” asked your dad.
“Yeah,” you said, giving him a smile. “I used to make you feel bad, didn’t I. The things I used to say.”
“We thought we were hurting more than we were helping at the beginning. But we saw you trying and we knew that us just being afraid. You are not Cody’s responsibility though, Y/N. He’s a grown man,” said your dad.
“Yes, he is. He’s also a child,” you said, your dad leaning back in his seat. “I think like he does. I can help him. If I can help him make this process even a sliver easier, I’ll take a few crappy weeks to do it. He said the past few weeks have been some of the best he’s ever had. It’s worth it then.”
“I’m not trying to start anything, I just...why is what he’s feeling more important than what you are?” asked TJ.
“It’s not. I know from experience though, this is literally the hardest thing he’ll have ever done in his life so far. We can help him. But we can’t get mad when he makes mistakes. Yeah, he’s 23. He’s gone so long without unconditional love, I don’t think he knows what it even is anymore. So you guys gotta help too. I’m okay now, really. Maybe he’s not my responsibility but then again, I was never yours. No one made you take me. No one made the Pads take him. You both chose to help a kid. Now please help me help him.”
“Okay,” said your dad. “But anybody here sees you slip back even a little-”
“I know. I know. I got my head on straight now. I promise.”
Two Months Later
“Hey Jared,” you laughed into the phone, TJ still trying to tickle you. “Thomas James Hanover. You need to stop young man.”
“Make me,” he giggled as he plopped on top of you.
“Sorry, Jared. What’s up?” you asked, nothing but quiet breathing coming from the other end. “Jare, you there?”
“Yeah. Um...I...I got in a fight with Cody. He was hanging out and I invited him to do Christmas with us in a few weeks and he got really...defensive,” he said. “He kind of blew up.”
“He still there?” you asked, TJ sitting upright. 
“He was staying over tonight. His car’s still here but he went out on the back patio and…” he said, pausing in the background. “He’s twenty three and I’m still worried. I shouldn’t have...fuck. Happy Birthday kiddo. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have called and-”
“Hey. It’s cool. I’ll be right over, okay? I’m not supposed to be at my parents until later,” you said.
“Y/N, you really don’t-”
“Jared,” you said. “It’s fine. I swear. I’ll be right there.”
You hung up and TJ stood up with you. You raised an eyebrow but he smiled.
“I’m coming with this time,” he said.
“Alright,” you said. It was only a two minute drive to Jared’s and you were quickly in their driveway, walking around the side of the house, the backyard dark. “Anyone-”
“Surprise!” you heard, nearly jumping straight back into TJ when the lights turned on. You groaned and tilted your head against his chest, a chuckle rumbling through the crowd, your dad cracking up as he walked over.
“Do you have any idea how hard it is to plan a surprise party for you?” he teased, kissing your forehead. “Happy Birthday, tall munchkin.”
“Losers. You’re all losers,” you said, your friends and family returning to milling about for the moment, Jared and Cody walking over with smirks. “You two...don’t you pull something like that again, got it?”
“Yeah, we got it,” said Jared. “I almost felt a little bad there until I remembered what I got you for a present. Totally makes up for it.”
“Mhm,” you said, looking at Cody. “What’s your excuse?”
“Uh...I...well I actually did talk to Jared and Gen about the holidays and…” he trailed off, looking at Jared. He smiled and threw an arm over Cody’s shoulders, giving him a squeezing hug.
“Somebody’s gonna have Christmas with us,” said Jared, Cody rolling his eyes. “We’re so happy he said yes.”
“It’s just a holiday,” said Cody with a shrug. 
“Hey, Cody, show me where to grab a beer around here,” said TJ, taking off with Cody.
“How’d he really take the being invited to Christmas thing?” you asked.
“He’s nervous. But he said he’d try. He didn’t want anything though so naturally we’re going to spoil him rotten,” said Jared with a big grin.
“Spoil ‘em a little. Sentiment means more than you realize with these guys,” said your dad, wrapping his arms around you, resting his chin on your shoulder. “Ain’t that right?”
“The old goot kind of has a point,” you said.
“I am fifty you little shit,” he said, waddling you over to the cake. “It’s just a sheet cake for everyone and then for the more refined tastes of certain family members...cookie cake is in the fridge.”
“Yes,” you said, getting a laugh from him. “So were you the mastermind behind this?”
“I can’t divulge my secrets,” he said, kissing your cheek. “Go on. Enjoy your party with your friends. You can hang out with your decrepit father later.”
“Still not old, dad,” you said with a smile. 
“Damn right I’m not,” he said.
“Mom,” you called, catching her laugh before she even got all the way over. “Dad’s extra clingy tonight.”
“Extra clingy every night,” he said, flashing her a wink.
“Excuse me while I go vomit,” you said, looking back over your shoulder. “Thanks guys.”
“Anytime, kiddo.”
“Thanks for the party,” you said, dropping off the kids overnight bag at your parents place a few hours later. “And for taking the kids for the night so we can have some adult time.”
“You mean so you can sleep in tomorrow?” teased your dad.
“One hundred percent,” you said, watching him follow you outside. “Forget something?”
“You got one more present,” he said, clasping his hands behind his back, a smirk on his lips.
“Dad. The wine and the headphones were more than enough. In fact it was too much. I really don’t need stuff. Spend it on the other guys, really,” you said.
“Oh but this is a...unique present. It’s for both of us actually. In fact, I can’t ever even give it to you,” he said.
“Did you get me a riddle?” you laughed. “I am so confused.”
“Come here,” he said, standing under the light on the covered front patio. You stood there with him, your dad holding up his left arm. You raised an eyebrow, the shirt sleeve riding up to show off his tattoos for JJ and the twins. He turned his arm over so you could see the inside of his bicep, a dark mark on his skin you’d never seen before.
It was a simple black heart shape and you got closer, the outline made up of two words.
“Tall munchkin,” you said quietly, biting your bottom lip when he smiled. “You got a tattoo for me.”
“About time I got one for all my kids. Sorry it took so long to figure it out, tall munchkin,” he said. You titled your head, pursing your lips. He put a hand on your head and ran it through your hair, ruffling it up before he tucked a few pieces behind your ear. “You like your last present?”
“Yeah,” you said. “No way you’re ever going to top that one though.”
“Challenge accepted,” he said. “Go on. Let TJ go be all romantic. Kid’s got a pretty sweet surprise at home for you.”
“Dad,” you said, getting a hum from him. “I don’t really say it a lot but thank you for being TJ’s dad too. He appreciates it more than he lets on.”
“I know. I know you take care of him too though,” he said, kissing your forehead. “Now get.”
“Love you,” you said, kissing his cheek, a goofy smile crossing his face. “What?”
“Nothing,” he said. 
“I’ve never kissed you, have I,” you said.
“Well, you’re also not a little girl,” he said. “Speaking of which, go on miss I’m twenty seven before I change my mind and send the kids back with you.”
“Alright, alright. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Colin,” you said, sitting with him on the first step in your parents pool the next day with your feet in the water. It was a little chilly but Colin loved the water and you knew a few minutes wouldn’t hurt. “I know the water is exciting but must you splash everywhere, baby?”
“Unh?” he said, hitting his hands against the water again.
“You take after your father alright,” you said, scooping him up. “You’re due for a nap anyways.”
“I’ll take the babe,” said Jared when you heard him behind you. You spun around and gave him a smile, handing off Colin.
“Just rinse off his feet quick if you don’t mind. He’ll get a bath later,” you said.
“Yes mam’,” he said, Allie running over from the swing set and giving him a hug. “Alright, how about both you guys get in a nap and then we can play?”
Allie nodded and Jared picked her up, carrying them back into the house when you spotted Cody head over.
“Sup,” you said, Cody taking a seat on the step with you.
“Hey,” he said.
“How’s it going?” you asked.
“Good,” he said.
“How’re the kids?”
“Good. Still little monsters,” you said.
“Hey, you been with these guys like ten years right?” he asked.
“Just over that. Yeah,” you said. “Why?”
“Just curious,” he said, resting his elbows on his knees, glancing across the yard to see your dad and TJ wrestling a bit in the grass. “Isn’t TJ like, afraid he’ll hurt him?”
“My dad might be fifty but he’s probably tougher than you,” you said with a laugh. “You can go play with the boys if you want.”
“Nah, I’m fine here,” he said, wiggling his toes in the water. “That’s colder than I was expecting.”
“You excited for Christmas? It’s only a few weeks away,” you said. “You got to tell me what you want too.”
“I don’t need anything,” he said. You cocked your head and he sighed. “A gift card is fine, really.”
“Alright,” you said, leaning back against your palms. “How’s work?”
“Good. Mostly low level stuff lately,” he said.
“Do you ever get scared?” you asked, Cody turning his head back. “I’d get scared. I’ll literally call my dad to kill the spiders in my house if TJ’s not around.”
“No. It’s not being scared. Just being aware of your surroundings. They train you really good on that stuff. This whole family situation is a million times scarier to me,” he said.
“I know. It’s like taking some beat up broken thing off the floor that’s you and handing it over to someone and asking them not to hurt it anymore,” you said. 
“I’m not even at the point where I’ve handed it over,” he said.
“It took me a long to admit to myself that I loved my family. It took me probably ten months before I ever told any of them I loved them and I lived here back then,” you said.
“When did you know?” he asked. “That you loved them?”
“When I felt the first bit of it or when I knew it was unconditional?”
“Both?” he asked.
“Well the first bit was my first day. It was this tiny, tiny little thing that I barely felt for more than a second but my dad, see I told him not to bothering caring about me and that I would never trust him, never believe him that they wanted me as part of their family. He told me he’d prove me wrong. That was the first flicker of something that was built on until...you know stuff happened with me right? With my foster care cases and everything?” you asked.
“It was on the news. I remember our case worker coming and talking to all of us kids about it and about reporting anything bad,” said Cody.
“I remember that day. I remember doubting them for a second, that they had called and asked I be removed. I felt so awful for thinking that. But for a split second, I thought this guy, Jensen, I thought this guy that had spent the past six or so months telling me he loved me, taking care of me, building up this trust...I thought he didn’t want me anymore. It was my worst nightmare. My mom, De, she’s always been a little easier. I don’t know if it’s cause we’re girls or if because I didn’t have the same level of problems with old foster moms as I did dads but Jensen...I was a bratty little bitch to him so many times. So many times. I didn’t deserve to be forgiven for all of it. But he never once made me feel afraid or scared. He protected me. He still protects me. I’ve been here just over ten years now and sometimes I still feel like a kid that wants her dad to fix whatever’s wrong. He does. It’s not bruises or intimidating boys but stuff like late night talks, staying over when TJ’s out of town, that kind of stuff.”
“What are you saying?”
“I’m saying it’s okay to be scared. You’re gonna be scared for a while probably. It took a long time to love my family unconditionally. Longer than it took them. It’s part of the deal. You’ll slip up and have doubts. It may happen years later even. Don’t be too hard on yourself when you do it is all,” you said.
“So when did you know it was unconditional?” he asked. “Them, I mean.”
“Day I asked to be adopted. But it’s funny. That was the day I knew but every day before that I knew too. I didn’t want to admit it to myself was all,” you said. “Defense mechanism.”
“I got a lot of those,” he said quietly. “I don’t know how to trust them.”
“There’s no magic answer, Cody. I didn’t know how to trust my parents either. Or TJ at first. But you’re learning. Think of our first day and now,” you said. “It’s a lot of stumbling baby steps.”
“What are you two munchkins talking about?” you heard your dad say, suddenly ruffling the top of your head, Cody getting one of his own.
“Stuff. TJ kick your ass, old man?” you smirked as you titled your head back.
“That boy should take the self-defense class you took,” he said, nodding to the right. You turned your head and burst out laughing.
“It’s not funny!” said TJ, rolling around on the ground, one of his hands tied to his ankle with his sweatshirt string, his hood pulled down so only his nose was sticking out. “Jensen! I hear you laughing, asshole!”
“Better go save your damsel in distress,” laughed your dad.
“I hate you!” he shouted.
“No you don’t,” said your dad as you pulled your feet out of the water, Cody following suit. “Maybe Cody could teach you a thing or two. I bet he knows a few moves.”
“Or maybe next time Cody can join in and…” said TJ when you walked over to push his hood back and he shook out his head. “I know the two of us could take you.”
“Oh, yes. Two fit boys in their twenties versus the fifty year old because that’s a fair fight. Jared and I against you two though, we win every time,” said your dad.
“Boys. You guys never grow up, do you,” you said, helping TJ for a moment before he popped up. 
“Two out of three,” he said.
“Oh, I’m ready if you are, kid,” said your dad.
“Jensen!” your mom shouted from the porch. “What are you doing to your son-in-law?”
“Nothing,” he said, quickly putting his hands behind his back and putting on an innocent smile.
“Well if you four are done playing in the grass, come in and wash up. Lunch is ready soon,” she said. You hung back with Cody, TJ trying to give your dad a noogie but failing and winding up with one himself, the two chuckling as they headed inside.
“Your dad is kinda...something else,” he said as you took the long way around the house.
“TJ’s dad isn’t the greatest. He’s not a bad guy but TJ and him don’t have the relationship my dad and him do. TJ’s dad is more of a boys don’t have feelings kind of guy,” you said.
“I know the type,” said Cody.
“My dad and TJ got pretty close after we got engaged. TJ’s his kid too,” you said with a small smile. “It’s like how Jared and Gen and the kids are my family even if they’re not. This is what our family is.”
“Does it ever go away? That feeling?” he asked. “Not belonging?”
“Yes. Eventually. The doubt will creep back in sometimes. But these people will smother you with love when that happens,” you said. “But if these guys aren’t the right fit, then maybe we can help you find whatever you think that fit is. I’ll help you.”
“I like them. I have to work more on that trusting them thing though,” he said.
“It’ll happen. Trust me.”
Christmas Night
“Oh, there’s my adorable children,” whispered your dad. You had your head resting on TJ’s shoulder, Arrow passed out on TJ’s other side and curled into him. JJ and Zeppelin were sharing the other end of the couch, the both of them fast asleep. 
He had his phone out most likely and you figured he’d already snapped a few pictures. 
“Precious babies,” he said. You peeled open an eye and saw him walking away. You smiled as you sat up, your dad walking back down to the kitchen.
You heard him sigh as he sat down on the couch and you paused on the stair, just out of view.
“I told you those five were conked out up there,” said your mom.
“They’re so cute,” he said. “I love them.”
“You okay?” she asked.
“I miss when they were little,” he said. “How excited they were to open presents. It’s nice to see Allie and Colin do it but it’s different now. They’re all getting so big.”
“We knew this would happen someday,” she said. “What’s up? I know it’s more than that. You got that worried about Y/N look.”
“She’s a mom. All day her focus was on the kids which I totally get but…” he said, voice cracking slightly. “Sorry.”
“Hey, baby. It’s okay. You’re tired. It’s okay to get emotional,” she said.
“She never got her childhood. It ended when she was ten years old. Every year she gets older and it’s harder,” he said.
“Jensen. Honey, what’s wrong?” she asked. “This isn’t like you.”
“I’m sorry. I just...we were talking at dinner and I realized, she never got her trip,” he said. “The kids trip, the one on one where they pick where to go and it’s just us, when they were little. I realized it took ten years to get a tattoo for her. I didn’t-”
“You have been waiting ten years to get that tattoo because you were trying to find the perfect thing. You’ve wanted to get one for her since she was adopted,” she said. “We have given her so much, Jay. She knows it. She doesn’t care when you got a tattoo. The fact you got one made her so happy. She doesn’t care about a trip. You know she already thinks we do too much for her.”
“Still,” he said. “She’s oldest. She got her school and house and wedding because of that. The other three will get the same exact thing. Her literal life plan, her’s and TJ’s, got thrown out because they walked down an alley.”
“What was our life plan? Two? You remember that?” she asked.
“You got the three you wanted,” he chuckled. “By luck.”
“Yes but a teenager wasn’t in the plan. Not until you, mister I was okay with one kid, out of the blue said you’d really like to add another,” she said. “Plans change. They change all the time. I mean, maybe they started having kids a little sooner than they were planning but can you blame them? Her daddy wanted to adopt. So did they.”
“I’ve never been her daddy, De. She had one of those,” said Jensen.
“I had two of those,” you said, swinging around the corner, leaning against the entrance to the room. Both their heads turned towards you and you shrugged. “I thought I told you I had two dads, just like I had two moms. Also, relax. Mom’s right. You give me more than I ever could have wanted.”
“Still eavesdropping I see,” he said, giving you a smile.
“I would have loved to have gotten to be a little kid around here but I didn’t. Don’t get upset over that dad. I still have a lot of growing up to do. I promise,” you said.
“I know. I was having a moment is all,” he said, closing his eyes. “Go on back to bed, tall munchkin.”
“Okay,” you said, giving him a smile. You stepped over to the couch and gave your mom a hug, giving him one too before you wandered over to his stocking and flicked your finger against it, a light thwacking sound coming from inside. “I wonder what that could be…”
“That was empty earlier,” he said as he stood up. You shrugged and leaned back against the doorframe, smirking as he pulled out the card and opened it. He smiled and dropped his head down. “You two are such little shits.”
“I learned it from you,” you said, giggling when he pulled you into a headlock.
“Your kid vacation,” he said.
“Mom and I thought you might like it. We wanted to surprise you,” you said.
“I am surprised,” he said, glancing over the card. “So we’re going hiking and camping I see. I thought you hated camping?”
“It’s alright,” you said. 
“You two going to be able to survive for a week out in the woods?” she asked.
“Mhm,” you said. “It’ll be fun.”
“You know, the other guys have done things like Disney or...actually they all picked Disney,” he chuckled.
“We can do something else if-”
“No. No. I uh, I think we can have fun. I’ll figure out some fun stuff for us to do. I promise.”
One Week Later
“Do you think it’s gonna rain all day?” you asked, not two hours into your camping trip when it’d started to pour down. Thankfully the two of you were able to put up the tent quickly and get inside without getting too wet.
“I hope not,” he said. You pursed your lips and fixed your sweatshirt around yourself, your dad tucking you into his side. “Cold?”
“A little,” you said.
“When there’s a break in the weather, how about we head back to the car? I got the feeling you don’t really want to go camping all that much,” he said. You risked a glance his way and he smiled. “Just because I like to go on occasion does not mean that we have to spend your trip doing it.”
“I wanted to do something we both would...like,” you said, tucking your knees into your chest.
“Can you be selfish for once in your life? Like, that’s literally the purpose of the kid’s vacation,” he said.
“I thought it was to spend time with you,” you said quietly. He put his arm around you and you put your head on his shoulder.
“Where do you really want to go? Anywhere in the world, you pick,” he said.
“Can we go to the vacation house?” you asked. “Pretend it’s camping?”
“Without a doubt. I got a great idea for once we get there too.”
“Alright,” he said, spread out on one side of the tent that was set up in the family room that night, the flap up and open so you could see the fireplace going. “Never have I ever...seen a boyband in concert.”
“That is cheating and you know it,” you said.
“I think someone is being a sore loser and needs to take a drink,” he said with a chuckle. You smirked and took a sip of your beer, fixing TJ’s henley you wore. “Hit me with it. None of these softball questions either. What happens on kid’s trip, stays on kid’s trip. Shoot.”
“Never have I ever abused my status as a celebrity to get what I want,” you said.
“Okay. Now we’re getting into it,” he said, taking a sip as he laughed. “Also, that’s a pretty broad brush to stroke.”
“Yeah but you totally have gotten special treatment before,” you said.
“I know. I know. Alright. Never have I ever made out in the back of a car,” he said.
“No way,” you scoffed. “You so have.”
“I have not.”
“Yes you have! Dad, come on,” you said. He shrugged and you stared at him, taking a sip. He smirked and took one of his own. “Oh, you gonna play that game?”
“Your mother is hot. Can you blame me?” he asked.
“Ew, dad. That’s mom. I know she’s pretty but like the time I caught you guys making out on the couch was bad enough,” you said.
“Be grateful you aren’t Zepp. Poor boy was scarred for life a few months ago,” he said, sipping on his beer.
“No. Like full on…”
“No way.”
“Yes way. Thankfully it was just me and not mom. He was surprisingly grown up about it. That’s kinda when we had our little talk about birds and the bees,” he said.
“Poor traumatized soul,” you said, chuckling as you leaned back against your pillow. 
“He’ll survive,” he laughed. “But yeah, mom and I make out cause you know, it’s fun. It gets a little harder with kids but make sure to keep the romance alive. Go on dates, be silly and make out with each other. You don’t have to stop acting like teenagers in love just because you have kids around.”
“We don’t. TJ’s...he’s not as shy as you might peg him for in certain areas,” you said.
“Well you drank. Obviously you’ve made out with him in a car too.”
“TJ...and Brad.”
“Who the fuck is Brad?” he asked.
“My one and only other boyfriend. Remember?” you asked.
“Oh,” he said. “Yeah. The nice one, right?”
“How old were you when you were making out in the back of cars?” he asked.
“Fifteen,” you said. 
“I’ll probably regret going any further down this line of questioning, won’t I.”
“I can guarantee it,” you said. He winced and you frowned. “Mom knows about me and boys, dad.”
“Did you love him?” he asked.
“I liked him but no, I don’t think I loved him. He was refreshing though. He never cared about the foster care stuff. Brad was a good guy. TJ, that was different.”
“He was head over heels in love with you from the start,” he said, resting his feet up on the pillow near your head. 
“When did you love him?” you asked as you sat up. He smiled and glanced down, taking a long drink.
“I had always enjoyed your friendship. I know friends are hard. TJ just seemed to slide right into your life though without a problem which De and I were always a little grateful for. When he started to come over, it was pretty obvious to everyone but you two that you’d at least wind up dating. As time went on, it got a little more obvious and a little more obvious and a little more obvious where things were going. I always liked Thomas. But the moment I knew I loved him was when we talked about him marrying you. That’s a conversation between he and I but it made me realize this boy loved you as much as I do. You deserve a lifetime of that kind of love and I know he’ll give it to you. After that night, yeah, I knew I loved him too,” he said.
“He’s always so understanding if I get quiet sometimes,” you said. “If I have bad days.”
“Partners make the bad days not so bad,” he said with a smile. 
“I started going back to therapy more often,” you said, biting your bottom lip. “Once a week now.”
“Everything okay?” he asked, sitting closer.
“I had some post partum with Colin,” you said, looking at the fire. “Nothing bad. Just stirs up a lot of old stuff. I’ve been talking a lot with Cody too and trying to give the it gets better speech but some days…”
“Some days what?” he asked. You glanced towards him, his shirt sleeve ridden up and showing your tattoo on his bicep.
“Some days I still feel like I ruin everyone’s lives,” you said. “I always cause problems. There’s always drama. I always need help. I feel like a child that doesn’t deserve any of it.”
“Honey, none of that is true. Family is meant to help you,” he said, taking your hand and resting it on his arm. “Can I tell you a secret?”
You nodded and he smiled, pressing your thumb over his tattoo.
“I’m surprised you still have secrets to tell me at this point,” you said.
“Well...I don’t know if it’s really a secret or what. Despite working on a show called Supernatural for years, you know I’m not much of one for ghosts or strange stuff or whatever,” he said.
“Uh, where are you going with this?” you asked. He smiled and shook his head.
“We met when you walked in the front door a little over ten years ago, right?” he asked. You nodded and he laughed. “That’s what I thought too up until recently. We’re both wrong about that.”
“Do you recall going to Disneyworld when you were three years old?” he asked. You shook your head. “I would have been about your age actually.”
“Dad, what are you saying.”
“I went on vacation with my parents and siblings to Florida that year. We were waiting at our gate to go home. It was a pretty busy part of the airport. Big terminal, you know, a flight with a couple hundred people easy on it. My mom was filming us on her camera cause you know how moms are. My parents were recently looking through old videos looking for something for Josh and they watched this vacation one in the airport. Apparently I was coming back from the bathroom and you see me heading back and then all of a sudden there’s this little girl standing in the middle of the walkway. She’s crying quietly and she’s got this scrape on her knee. I see her and she sees me and then I go over and kneel down. I’d completely forgotten this ever happened. My mom comes over too and this girl is crying and tells us she’s lost and someone bumped into her and pushed her down and that she’s not supposed to talk to strangers. I tell her I’m Jensen and ask what her name is so we aren’t strangers anymore and-”
“I remember you,” you said, staring at him. “I don’t but I remember freckles and green eyes and Jay. I remember Jay. I couldn’t say Jensen.”
“No, you couldn’t. I picked you up and we found your parents not thirty seconds later and they were so relieved. Your dad tried to pay me but they just ended up thanking my mom and me a lot. Your parents said I was a good kid,” he said. “You told them I was your new friend and then we went our separate ways.”
“I remember you,” you smiled to yourself.
“I don’t believe in stuff like that, munchkin. I don’t. It’s pure coincidence if you ask me. It was less than sixty seconds of our lives,” he said. “But you’ve never once ruined my life. You made it better. You made it better that day. I did something good. I was able to help someone. You swung back around years later and started to help me too.”
“How have I ever helped you?” you asked. He tilted his head and smiled, letting it get bigger the longer you raised an eyebrow.
“I still have things to teach you it seems,” he said, moving your hand over his heart. “This. You have made me a better person. A kinder person. A more patient and loving and understanding person. You made my heart bigger.”
“Dad, that’s-”
“Yes, it’s horribly corny. But it’s true. How many nights have we sat up and gotten through nightmares together?”
“A lot,” you said quietly.
“How many times was I overprotective?”
“A lot.”
“How many times have we been through shit and we get through it?”
“A lot,” you breathed out.
“I love you. I love you more now than even back then. This has never been one way, Y/N. You gave all of us something too, something we could have never asked for. You made all of us better people. We never deserved you, not the other way around.”
You paused for a moment before you crawled into his lap and gave him a big hug, his arms wrapping you up tight.
“Maybe it wasn’t coincidence,” you said against his shoulder.
“Maybe not, kiddo,” he said, kissing your temple, the two of you quiet for a moment. “Why didn’t you tell us about the post partum?”
“It wasn’t that bad,” you said, turning your head away. “I was embarrassed.”
“What would Jared say about that?”
“I know. I wanted to be normal,” you said.
“Normal people are overrated,” he said. You smiled and closed your eyes. “Been awhile since we had a proper cuddle.”
You took a deep breath and shuddered, his hand running up and down your back.
“I should probably save the letter for later, hm?”
“Oh my God, dad,” you said, giggling against him. “You gotta stop with these letters.”
“No,” you said.
“Whew. You only have a ton left. None tonight though,” he smirked. He turned you around and scooted the two of you out of the tent, grabbing a long pole and sticking a marshmallow on the end before handing it to you. “I can get behind this kind of camping trip.”
“Dad,” you said as he put on his own.
“Can we go fishing tomorrow?” you asked.
“Oh, I must be in your good graces,” he chuckled. “Of course, kiddo. I’ll even let you put on your own worm.”
“We’re home!” said your dad a few days later as you walked in the house. You turned around the corner, TJ sitting up on a couch with a face mask on, your mom on the other. “I see a staycation was had as well.”
“It was easier to let TJ and the babes stay over,” said your mom. “How’d it go?”
“We really roughed it,” said your dad.
“Yeah, it was-”
“I totally got an alert that the vacation house alarm was turned off so how long you two gonna keep up the charade?” she asked with a smirk.
“You’re no fun,” you said.
“Yes,” said your dad, giving you a high five. “Finally you see my ways.”
“Oh, shut it you two,” she said. “We made brownies earlier if you want some.”
“Are you guys watching Titanic?” you asked, taking a seat next to TJ before you wrapped him up in a cuddle.
“Yes, dear,” he said, tilting his head back as you kissed him. “Have fun?”
“Yeah. It was nice to get away and just relax with dad,” you said. “I told him about…”
“TJ spilled the beans on the whole baby blues situation, honey,” said your mom. “Seriously, talk to us next time. Don’t go through something like that alone.”
“I know,” you said. “I’m okay. So you guys hang out this week?”
“Yeah. We had a good time,” said TJ as he peeled off his mask.
“Extra pretty boy,” you smiled.
“Don’t make us vomit,” said your dad. You stuck out your tongue at him, your mom taking off her own and tossing it in the trash can in the middle of the room full of snacks. “You two been having a movie binge fest or what?”
“Mhm,” said TJ.
“You can tell him,” she said. You looked down at TJ and then to your dad as he slid in behind your mom. “TJ and the kids came over for dinner on Friday and I got a little scared when I realized all the kids were at sleepovers and I’d be home alone. So I made up an excuse to have them stay and he saw through that pretty quickly.”
“It’s really no problem. I know Y/N doesn’t like staying home alone either,” said TJ. You saw your dad smile, glancing down for a moment before he saw you staring. You swore he loved him a little more in that moment.
“Well TJ might suck at wrestling but he’ll take care of you guys if I’m ever not around. I know he will,” he said. They both shared a look and nodded and you wondered if they’d ever spoken about something like that.
“So how was it?” asked TJ quietly when your parents got up to change into some pajamas. “I had a lot of fun hanging out with your mom actually.”
“I’m glad. Dad and I...I really love him. Mom too,” you said, kissing the top of his head.
“There was a little bit of news with Cody actually,” he said.
“Oh yeah? What happened?”
“He had a scary call at work apparently. He wasn’t in good shape when he got home from it all. He called Jared and Gen and they went and got him and brought him to their place. They had a big breakthrough apparently. Cody says he’s starting to get what you meant about the trusting thing,” he said.
“It sucks but sometimes...whenever I fell apart and my parents were there to put me together, when you were there, that’s how I started to learn to trust them. Not having to put yourself together again is nice,” you said.
“I love you,” he said.
“I love you.”
“Well thanks guys,” said your dad, ruffling both your heads as he returned. “I love you guys too.”
“Jensen. Kinda having a moment with my girl, dude,” said TJ.
“I’m your father-in-law. I’m gonna tease the shit out of you, dude,” he chuckled, pinching TJ’s cheek.
“Oh my God,” groaned TJ.
“Thank you, Thomas,” he said, fixing TJ’s hair.
“For what?” he asked as your mom walked back in.
“You know what,” he said, plopping down on the couch, your mom curling up next to him. “Oh, hey. You guys want to watch an old home movie?”
“Dad,” you said with a smirk, getting one back.
“It’s not that long, you guys will love it, I’m sure. I was telling Y/N all about it on our trip. I ought to show her it,” he said.
“Whatever you want, honey,” said your mom. You dad smiled and after a moment, he got the video up on the TV. It was a little boring at first but it was funny to see your other family members so young, still a little surprising to see how well your dad had aged for nearly twenty something years later. 
“Here comes the best part,” he said.
“If we have to see anymore of your horrifically ugly face, Jensen, I don’t know if I can take it,” said TJ. You giggled, your dad chucking a pillow at him.
“Oh just wait and see, Hanover,” he said. TJ settled back into you before he and your mom both shot up like rockets in their seats, staring at the screen. 
“Is that…” said your mom. Your little three year old self was more upset than you thought you’d be but what surprised you most was how you relaxed for a moment when you looked up at Jensen. You remembered being a pretty shy kid and leery of strangers. But you walked right up to him after that and tugged on his hand, Jensen smiling as he knelt down. 
“You picked them,” said TJ as Jensen’s mom came over and started to talk to you. It was comical to you how you shied behind him a little, your head shaking at yourself. Before you knew it you were up on his hip and he was walking around with you before your parents popped up in the video.
“They look happy,” you said. You felt all three of their gazes on you.
“Y/N, I can turn it off if-”
“No,” you said, smiling as you watched yourself get handed over to your dad. You bit your bottom lip as they thanked him over and over again, Jensen getting shy on camera. 
“Bye, Jay,” you waved at them.
“Bye, munchkin,” he chuckled, your head instantly whipping up from your dad’s shoulder. 
“I not a munchkin!” you said.
“Honey, it’s a nickname,” said your mom. “Excuse her, she’s normally not so forward with strangers.”
“Oh, it’s fine. She’s having a rough day. You stick with your parents for me though, kiddo. Promise?” he said.
“Okay,” you said, putting your head back down. “Later, Jay.”
“Later, little munchkin,” he said, chuckling when you giggled and he started to walk back with his mom. “What?”
“You were very good with her,” said his mom.
“Eh, she’s a scared kid. I’m glad we found her parents quick,” he said.
“You’ll make a good dad someday, sweetheart,” she said.
“Oh my God, mom,” he groaned. 
TJ started to crack up and you laughed, giving him a hug for a moment before you buried your head in the back of his neck.
“You okay?” asked TJ. You heard the video end and nodded, glancing over at your dad. 
“Hell of a coincidence,” you said, giving him a smile.
“I don’t…” said your mom, staring back and forth between the two of you. “I…”
“Maybe TJ’s right and you picked us out a long time ago,” he said.
“Maybe, maybe not. I don’t care if it’s coincidence or not. I wound up exactly where I was supposed to,” you said. 
“I think so too,” he said.
“I’m gonna go put on my pajamas and then we can watch a movie,” you said, getting up and heading for the guest room. You found Allie and Colin tucked away in there and you smiled, giving them each a kiss before you headed back down the hall. You paused when you saw your dad leaning against the wall halfway down, smiling softly as you wandered over. “You left out a few things from when you told me about that video.”
“What can I say? I got to keep you on your toes, tall munchkin,” he said. You rolled your eyes but giggled, glancing down for a minute. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think about the fact you’d see your parents in that video.”
“Jensen,” you said as you lifted your head up. “I got to see three of my four parents together. Happy. That was incredible to see. You will never be my second father, Jensen. I’ve been your child as long as I’ve been theirs. I miss them. A lot. But don’t feel as though you are second to them. Please. They made me and they raised me until they couldn’t. Then you raised me and you had to teach me some of the things I forgot about family. You’ve always taken care of me. I’m not upset about seeing them in that video, dad. It was perfect.”
“I worry about you sometimes,” he said quietly.
“Really? Never would have guessed.”
He chuckled and shook his head.
“JJ and the twins...we made them. It’s different. But you...sometimes I wonder if we’re good enough. I want you to have the world. I want you to have the family that you deserve and one you love. I-”
“Dad. That is the dumbest thing you have ever said to me. I love this family. I love it to death. You gave me the world. No more of this stuff. We all deserve and love each other, okay?” you asked. “Please?”
“Okay, kiddo,” he said. “I’ll try to remember that.”
“Good,” you said, giving him a hug.
“You don’t go wandering off at airports anymore, hm?” he teased.
“Dork,” you said. You peeled back and grabbed his hand. “Movie with the other dorks?”
“Sure,” he said, pulling you along with him. “Come on, little munchkin.”
“It’s tall munchkin to you,” you said. You smirked and headed down the hall, surprised to see the twins and JJ in the living room, all of them rewatching the video with big eyes. 
“Well if we got the whole crew, let’s head up to the TV room where there’s more room,” said your dad. You watched them pile up, JJ hanging back a second while your dad went to make some popcorn in the kitchen.
“Y/N,” she said. You tilted your head, watching her fist her hands together and a shudder leave her. 
“JJ,” you said, giving her a hug. “What’s wrong?”
You saw your dad’s head whip up in the kitchen but you waved him off for the moment.
“I’m so sorry I said we didn’t want you,” she said, wiping off her face. “Before that first Christmas. You’re supposed to be here and I was a brat and-”
“JJ,” you said, giving her a squeezing hug she melted into. “I don’t care about technically anymore. You’re my little sister and I love you. I have always loved you. I was so scared when I was your age. You were five. I’ve never been mad at you for that night. I promise.”
“I remember that night,” said your dad as he walked over. “Your sister almost ran away on us. But she stayed. You know why?”
“No,” she said, your dad brushing thumb over her cheek and cleaning off her face. “Dad.”
“Dad’s cool with you crying in front of him. Trust me,” you said. “I stayed because I wanted to. I knew you were upset was all because you didn’t think I loved you. But I do. I loved you and the other guys long before mom and dad. You guys were easy.”
“Come here you two,” he said, pulling you both into a hug. “No need to dig up that stuff. JJ, Y/N loves you. Believe me.”
“I know,” she said. “I just…”
“Just what, sweetie?” he asked.
“I can’t imagine being by myself right now. I’m as old as Y/N was when she came here. I know I’m not a little kid anymore but I can’t imagine having no one,” she said, turning to you. “How did you do it?”
“I was very unhappy most of the time. Until mom and dad and you guys taught me how to be happy again,” you said. “I’m okay now.”
“JJ. If anything were to happen to me and mom, you’ll never end up in a situation like your sister was. You three will go with her and TJ. They’ll take care of you,” he said.
“Don’t talk like that dad,” she said. “You’re not old.”
“He kinda is,” you smiled.
“Mhm,” he said, putting you both in headlocks.
“Mom!” you both said, your dad chuckling.
“Fend for yourselves!” you heard shouted back.
“Dad’s super ticklish,” you said, getting under his arm before he squirmed.
“Am not!” he said, JJ moving out of the way before she grabbed his arm and turned it over.
“I thought the other one was for Y/N?” she said. You cocked your head and glanced at your dad. 
“Other one? You have another tattoo for me?” you asked.
“It was temporary while I was figuring out which one to do,” he said.
“I’ve used those before. They only last like a week,” you said, your dad blinking slowly at you. 
“You have a tattoo young lady?” he asked. “Where?”
“I’m thinking about it,” you said. “Such a worrier. Come on JJ. Maybe when you’re eighteen we can go get one together.”
“I hate you both,” he said, shaking his head as the popcorn went off.
“We love you too, dad,” you laughed, going over to the stairs with her. She went up first and you glanced back, watching him pour the bag into a few bowls. “Dad.”
“Would you really be pissed if I got a tattoo?”
“No. I can’t let the sixteen year old think that though,” he said. “You really want to get one, let me know. Mom and I know a good place to go.”
“I will,” you said, taking a bowl from him.
“Can we watch a movie with dad in it?” asked Zeppelin as you walked up and took a seat.
“Fine, fine. You twins are old enough to see the scary stuff I suppose,” he said.
“What’s the one you and mom were both in?” he asked as you choked on a piece of popcorn, TJ slapping your back.
“No, Zepp, not that one. Maybe My Bloody Valentine if you think they can handle that?” you said. TJ was quick to put it on, your parents chuckling from the far end of the couch.
“Is it scary?” asked Arrow as she wrapped her blanket around herself.
“It’s only a little scary,” said TJ. She climbed into his side between him and Zeppelin.
“Alright, but if it’s too scary I’m gonna leave,” she said.
“You’ll be fine, Ro. It’s all make believe,” said TJ. You excused yourself to the bathroom a little while later, stopping in the family room for a moment when your dad was refilling the bowls.
“You okay?” he asked.
“We should invite the Pads over,” you said. “Family sleepover.”
“Call Jared and the gang,” he said. “They’re always welcome. We can watch Friday the 13th after, make it a night.”
You picked up the house phone and called the Pads house, the phone ringing a few times.
“Padalecki’s,” said Cody.
“Hey Cody, it’s Y/N. How’re you doing?” 
“Hey. I’m good. I’ve been staying over Jared and Gen’s house this week, trying to make a point of it to see them everyday. It’s...helping. I might bunk here for a while,” he said.
“I heard you had a rough night,” you said.
“Yeah. I called Jared after a while and he and Gen came and got me. It wasn’t pretty,” he said.
“Next rough night, don’t hesitate to talk to them. They’ll be there,” you said.
“I know. What’s up?” he asked. “Need Jared?”
“No, I was...we’re having a bit of an impromptu family sleepover in the family room. Movies, popcorn, that sort of thing. We wanted to invite you guys over,” you said. Cody was quiet on the other end. “Cody, still there?”
“Yeah. I’m here,” he said. “I’ve never been to a sleepover actually. I was always the loner kid at school. You know how it is.”
“Yeah, I do. Well get your ass and all those guys over here. We’ll have some fun,” you said.
“We’ll be over soon, Y/N,” he said.
“Cody? You ever want to hang out with just me and TJ, that’s cool too. Just shoot us a text,” you said.
“I’ll take you up on that sometime,” he said softly.
“How’s it feeling lately? That belonging feeling,” you said.
“A little better everyday. I’ve never had parents. I’m still getting used to it,” he said.
“You will. We’ll see you guys soon,” you said. You hung up and put the phone back, your dad grabbing some drinks to bring up. “They’ll be over in a little bit.”
“Okay,” he said as you took a few bottles of water in your arms. “I’m proud of you.”
“For what?” you asked.
“No particular reason,” he said. “Just am.”
“Well I’m proud of you too,” you said, starting to walk away. “I like the charity.”
“You do, huh.”
“Yeah. It gives people a chance. Everyone deserves one of those,” you said.
“You know those test cases I was telling you about? There’s been an adoption so far with everyone of them. I have a feeling Cody’s going to end up being okay too,” he said.
“He needed some love was all,” you said.
“Yeah, he did,” he said. “A friend who’s been through it all doesn’t hurt either.”
“I told him it’s the hardest thing he’ll ever do,” you said.
“Did it ever get easier?” he asked.
“Yeah. Yeah, it did.”
“When?” he asked.
“Everyday. At some point it went from I don’t know if I can trust you to I know he’d die protecting me. I don’t know when it happened but at some point, I knew it was okay. The letters never hurt either,” you said.
“Jared wrote Cody a letter,” he said. You smiled, your dad nodding. “When he’s ready for it. Don’t spoil the surprise though.”
“I won’t. He’ll love it,” you said.
“You know they wanted to adopt because of you,” he said. “You did that. Cody someday. Five other people that were test cases. You helped all those people find families.”
“I didn’t do that, you did,” you said.
“I just put some money into it. You showed me where there was a flaw, a flaw you were so scared of happening to you. I don’t want people to be scared. Kids shouldn’t be scared. It won’t always work out but it gives them a chance,” he said. “You did that.”
“Hey. Hallmark channel,” said Arrow, both your heads whipping over to the stairs. “You two coming back or what?”
“The sass on that child,” you said.
“I’m so proud of my baby girl,” he said, putting a hand on his heart. 
“Maybe if you helped bring up some snacks, the faster we’d get back,” you said.
“Fine,” she groaned, taking some bottles up in her arms. Your dad headed up ahead of you and you followed after, the movie back on after a few minutes. You saw the headlights from the Padaleckis car swing through the windows and you smiled, resting your head on TJ’s shoulder.
“I love you,” he said, kissing your cheek.
“I love you too, babe. Always.”
A/N: Check out the Father’s Day timestamp here!
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