#thanks for asking Anon I had a lot of fun researching this and writing it down
zeroducks-2 · 2 years
So I know that all the apprentice Dick stuff isn't really canon and it only happens in tt03 and that in 'reality' there was a Renegade arc... But I dont know anything about Renegade beside the fact that its a thing. Maybe you could tell me more about it?
It would be my pleasure! Sorry it took me so long to answer, tumblr ate my post and I had to rewrite it >_>
The first thing to know is that despite fanfictions/fanarts tend to portray Renegade!Dick as the "follow-up" to the Apprentice Arc, or anyway conflating the two stories (kind of mashing up stuff from tt03 and the comics), the two situations couldn't be more different from one another. They are in fact completely unrelated both thematically and narratively speaking.
In the comics, the Renegade idea comes from Dick, Dick is the one that insists on sticking around Slade, and Slade never forces/coerces him into doing anything (he has barely any participation in the whole thing). It's actually more about Dick and Rose than Dick and Slade, and in fact the "Renegade" alias itself is very nearly a thing, in the sense that Dick comes up with randomly it at some point, Rose uses it once and that's about it. Slade never even calls him that, sticking to "Nightwing", "Grayson" or just "kid".
A quick sum-up: Dick needs info about the society of supervillains but can't infiltrate them, because Slade is on their roster and he knows Dick's real identity, therefore he would recognize (and out) him easily. So he comes up with the idea of trying to convince Slade that he's a bad guy now and he can be trusted by villains - really Slade never actually trusts him, but in the process of testing him Rose grows very fond of Dick, and eventually Dick manages to thwart the society's plans and kick Slade out of Bludhaven. More or less.
That's not my favorite iteration of Dick, and especially not my favorite iteration of Slade and Rose, but all in all it's a fun, enjoyable story that's very in line with the overall mood and style of the (in)famous "Nightwing 1996" run.
Since we're here I'll go on to provide a more lengthy explanation of the plot with screenshots for poignancy (and because they're fun), but if you're already satisfied with the answer and you don't want more spoilers, go ahead and click away :)
The "Renegade" arc.
I'm going to start out with Issue #110 which opens with Dick leaving Sophia Tevis, the daughter of a mob boss, and her mother in a safe place for Sophia's safety.
Dick is having a rough time with just about everything in his life. This happens soon after the whole situation with Blockbuster and Tarantula and the aftermath of that, also he recently broke up with Barbara, lost his job as a cop and has gone no contact with Bruce. Tim drops by to check on him, and during their conversation, Dick finds out that Bruce was going to adopt Tim.
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Dick is very bitter, and Tim keeps justifying Bruce this or that way, as usual enabling his behavior (no hate towards Tim whatsoever btw, that's just how their dynamic tended to function). At some point Tim goes out of his way to reel Dick back in the situation...
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...And Dick gets understandably very upset
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I love how he's about to yell at Tim but then tones it down. He keeps doing it throughout the whole story, swallowing his emotions and then apologizing when "he sounds too much like Bruce".
Despite everything Dick insists on doing his job as Nightwing and refusing everyone's help, at the point that he's embittered enough for it to be believable that he'd be in a "I lost everything, I want to try a new path" situation. The problem is, as I mentioned before, Dick can't infiltrate the society and uncover their nasty plans because they have Deathstroke on their payroll.
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So Dick decides that the only way he has to do this is convince everyone, especially Deathstroke himself, that he's done being a hero, he wants to be a bad guy, he's been slapped in the face one time too many and he'll prove it to him. Only Dick has to talk to Slade for this to happen, and this leads to what's surely my favorite two panels of the entire story:
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The infamous "message received" text on the mirror of Dick's bathroom as he showers. Dick is totally unfazed by this btw, makes me think this isn't the first time it happens
Slade, dramatic motherfucker that he is, decides to show up in the middle of the night together with Rose (I'm sharing the panels again cause they're really cool)
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A fight ensues but Dick is outnumbered and in his civvies, so it's brief enough. Have I mentioned that Slade is also an idiot? I think I didn't, so here's Slade being an absolute idiot:
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I love this panel. I want to print it and eat it I am so normal about it
By saying "undercover with the bad guys" Slade is referring to the fact that Dick has been cooperating with the Bludhaven mafia, fact that actually helps Dick sell the whole "I'm a bad guy now" narrative. Which is what Dick insists upon, saying that he has no more reasons to fight the good fight. Slade isn't impressed, but he still offers Dick a bargain:
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Basically the idea is that Dick will prove himself trustworthy by watching over Rose, teaching her, and making her involved in his own things, and so he does; what follows is a number of short episodes in which he and Rose go around doing apparently random tings, bantering in the meantime.
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The reason why I say this is not my favorite iteration of Rose Wilson is because she's VERY BABY. Which isn't bad per se but I prefer a version of Rose which is less naive. Also, "Nightstroke".
In the meantime Dick has found out that the place where Sophia Tevis was hiding for her safety wasn't safe at all - her mother has been killed by cops and the kid has been put in a state home. Dick promised to go get her, and this is what he brings Rose along to do.
They rescue Sophia and Dick hides her in yet another place, and makes Rose promise that she won't say anything to Slade about Sophia and what they did. The first thing baby does when she sees Slade is tell him everything.
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Basically Rose is trying to make it so Slade will love her, or something like this. I'm actually not sure, their relationship here is a bit confusing to be honest.
So what keeps happening is that Dick brings Rose along - since he does not have a choice on that - while doing his things, pretending it's bad guys things while it really is good guys things. But, he does give her some valuable lessons and the two do grow quite close in the meantime.
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The issue is that Slade isn't easily fooled, and to make sure he's got Dick under his thumb, he kidnaps Sophia Tevis to use her as a bargaining chip, and to make sure Dick won't do anything that goes against the society.
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The brown haired kid is Sophia, but really this looks more dramatic than it actually is since nothing really changes, or maybe we could say it even backfires - Dick keeps doing his things, and if Rose wasn't convinced initially, now that she knows Sophia is being threatened (and she knows Dick cares for her since Rose helped him save her), she believes Dick more easily when they investigate the society's business and Dick says "it's all part of the plan I swear I'm not doing anything detrimental to your father, if I did he'd kill me and he'd kill Sophia".
And finally we have Dick calling himself Renegade: Rose insisted on calling him Nightwing since there was no alternative, so Dick comes up with Renegade just to get her to stop using "Nightwing"
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Soon Dick finds out that the society is planning to use the Bane toxin to create supersoldiers or something like this, and in the meantime he bumps into Arsenal who's legitimately concerned about him (especially because there had been news circulating about Nightwing cooperating with the Bludhaven mafia, and he's been pushing his friends and family away). Dick is forced to knock him out, and eventually Roy tells Oracle, who tells Superman, and it ends up with everyone really worried for Dick.
I'm not really sure how Slade knew Superman would have been involved (I might not remember about it but yeah, Slade knew Supes was going to get involved) and devises a plan to neutralize him: He fixes Dick's glove with a radio transponder and surgically implants kryptonite in Rose's missing eye. During the following confrontation with Superman, Dick nonchalantly says "yeah I'm a bad guy now fuck you", knowing that Clark can hear his heartbeat and can therefore tell that Dick is lying - but Clark reacts in a very upset way, Rose gets scared and jumps him.
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A brief scuffle follows but soon enough Superman lets them go, and Dick goes confront Slade with Rose, informing him that he uncovered the society' schemes and that his plan backfired.
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Then Dick tells Slade something something along the lines of "Rose loves me and listens to me, while you implanted toxic kryptonite in her eye socket, so if you don't go away from Bludhaven I'll put her against you".
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and somehow it works, Slade "admitting defeat" and letting Dick go, but threatening him with "you don't know what you're messing with".
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Which actually is what happens soon after with the destruction of Bludhaven, Slade dropping chemo on it and all of that. But that's another story.
So here you have it, the brief story of Renegade and how it existed as Dick's alias for a short time. It's not much something that comes from Slade, more like it tangentially involves Slade while Dick is doing his thing. Again for whoever is interested in reading it first-hand, it spans from issue 110 to issue 115 of Nightwing 1996.
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mischievousmoony · 2 months
hi i saw your request were open, and i really love you’re work and i was wondering if you could do something with james where the reader talks very quickly and quietly and often is told that she needs to speak up. and james always knows what she says and its kinda just fluffy? no worries if you don’t want to write!! have an amazing night/day
- 🪷
is this my first emoji anon? 🤭 thank u love, i had a lot of fun with this request
𝚜𝚙𝚎𝚊𝚔 𝚞𝚙
⟢ james potter x reader ⊹ 1.9k ⟢ warnings/tags: not bully per say but other students are rude, fluff
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"Miss. Y/L/N, have you found a group to work with?" Professor McGonagall asks as students around you huddle in groups of four whilst you stand alone at your desk, packing your things.
You mumble a response as you stuff your books into your bag, attempting to flee the scene as fast as possible. It wasn't anything to do with Professor McGonagall, but rather the fact that you always felt a little scrutinized when talking to anyone in a position of authority.
McGonagall squints as she tries to decipher your words. She finds herself having to make a guess.
"If not, I am more than happy to assist in finding–"
"She's with us, Professor!" James jogs over, returning from enlisting members for your group. As you straighten out your leafs of parchment, James starts packing away your ink and quill for you.
"And 'us' entails?" Professor McGonagall questions.
With a casual flick of his thumb over his shoulder, James gestures to a pair of Ravenclaws standing by the door.
"Very well," McGonagall hums in approval before walking off to ensure any other stragglers have found a group before they depart.
James would prefer to have Sirius and Remus as the other half of your group, but McGonagall has permanently banned James and Sirius from working together ever since they turned a simple demonstration into their own personal stand up comedy gig, resulting in some arguably intentional mishaps in their spellwork.
You've just latched your bag closed when James takes it from you and slings it over his shoulder without giving it much thought. He’s always absentmindedly doing you little favors, like it's his second nature.
"So, Cody has nothing better to do on a Friday night, why am I not surprised?" James says teasingly. "He’s insisting we hit the library and get a head start on the project. You free right now?"
"I'm free," you confirm, looking over James' shoulder at your group mates.
You hate group projects for a multitude of reasons. At least with most Ravenclaws— especially the two you're partnered with, Cody and Isla— you don't have to worry about them not carrying their weight.
This makes your main concern having to work with people you don't know that well. All you did know about them is that they're the kind of Ravenclaws that other Ravenclaws say give them a bad rap. They have a raging superiority complex, and you’d be surprised that James is okay to work with them if you didn't know him. That boy thinks he can make a friend out of anyone, save for some rivals he has in Slytherin.
So, you’re mostly surprised that they want to work with the two of you, but that probably has something to do with James being at the top of the class. Otherwise, they wouldn't normally branch out to students outside of their house.
You suddenly feel uneasy, realizing that for this project, you’ll be the student that the others are weary of not pulling their weight. You feel your hands get clammy over the potential judgement running through Cody and Isla's heads as James leads you over to them.
"Are we going or what?" Cody asks rather unmannerly.
James opens the door for everyone, "Lead the way."
You filter out into the hallway. Soon, the four of you fall in step with each other as James throws an arm around your shoulders.
"How long are we planning to spend on this today?" Isla asks.
"Well, if we dedicate the afternoon to it, we could get all of the research out of the way in one go." Cody responds.
James meets your eye with a sideways glance, and an entire conversation is shared through a couple facial expressions.
His lips curl into a knowing half-smile, See? No plans.
Your eyes twitch with amusement before they shift toward the pair. A microscopic scrunch of your nose conveys, I don't want to spend the whole day with these people.
His face contorts, Me neither, and he shakes his head, we can't anyway.
Your head tilts curiously.
"We have plans later," James verbalizes.
"We do?"
“Sirius got his record player repaired.” James smirks, “And I may have some butterbeer and a certain record waiting for us back at my dorm.”
Your eyes widen with excitement, “James, you didn’t!”
“Oh, but I did.” James says proudly.
“Sorry,” Cody interrupts, “you can’t work on the project tonight because you have to go listen to music?” Cody asks, and the rhetoric nature and judgmental tone are lost on you.
You dive into an explanation on how it’s not just any music, but your favorite band’s brand album. And not just that, but the limited edition record complete with bonus tracks not available anywhere else.
The record was wildly out of your budget and although record stores far and wide all received copies, they didn’t receive very many. You had accepted that you would likely never get your hands on a copy, but you hadn’t accounted for James’ readiness to move mountains at your whim.
You excitedly speak about your favorite band and everything you know about the new record, and it’s like you can’t get the words out fast enough. James listens intently, grinning widely and nodding along with your every word, interjecting occasionally with commentary of his own. You're too busy raving to notice the shared look between Cody and Isla.
"Is this supposed to be a private conversation or are we expected to understand you?" Isla sneers as the four of you reach the library doors.
James' grin falters as watches your excitement fade. You mumble out an apology, which James found completely unnecessary.
His tone flattens out from amused to deadpanned as he addresses Cody's earlier question, both to alleviate some attention from you and to deliberately ignore Isla, "We'll stay for an hour, maybe two. But after that, yeah, we're going to go listen to music with our friends."
Ever the gentleman, even when annoyed, he holds the library's door open for everyone. He eyes the back of Isla's head with offense as she passes, but his eyes soften when you walk through next.
The four of you quickly find a table, as not many are occupied to begin with.
James musters up a semblance of professionalism as he forces himself to stop glaring at Isla as she and Cody begin to discuss a plan for the project. Cody takes it upon himself to divide up areas of research without consulting the rest of the table.
"Hold on," James' brows furrow at his audacity, "What if I don't want to be in charge of researching the wand mechanics? And Y/N has an exceptional understanding of magical theory, she should be in charge of the magical formulas."
Cody and Isla's eyes fall on you and this time you don't miss their criticism.
"You have an exceptional understanding of magical theory?" Isla's face contorts into that familiar sneer.
James doesn't try to hide the way he rolls his eyes. He nudges you, "What was it you were saying earlier? The idea you had for the project?"
You gulp before you dive into an explanation. It feels like Cody and Isla were burning holes through you with their stares, so you try to distract yourself by gazing down at your hands as you them wring together.
In the middle of your explanation—
"Couldn't you at least look up so that I might have a chance at reading your lips?" Cody grumbles.
If looks could kill, James Potter would be a wanted man.
"S- sorry," you practically squeak. You do look up, but the glare on Cody's face intimidates you into mumbling even more. Even the most skilled lip reader wouldn't have a clue as to what you are saying.
"Merlin, could you just speak up?" Cody snaps his fingers in your face and your words die in your throat.
James suddenly wishes he had a beater's bat handy.
"Oi! Get your hand outta her face!" He raises his voice to levels that would surely attract Madam Pince's shushing any minute.
Cody retracts his hand but stands by his actions, "We'll hardly get anything done today if she can't even speak clearly. How do you expect me to deal with this?"
"Alright then, new plan," James says through gritted teeth. He stands abruptly, and his chair scrapes loudly across the floor as it shoved back by his sudden ascent. "The two of us will research the wand mechanics and magical formulas on our own, you two can have the rest. I'll let you know where we'll go from there next class."
James' hand finds yours in a grip that is surprisingly gentle considering the way he is currently conducting himself. He tugs on your hand, prompting you to rise from your own seat.
"You're just going to leave?" Isla asks.
At the same time, Cody protests the plan, "There's no way that I'm accepting that."
"Well, Cody, if you wanted to be in charge, then I guess you shouldn't have been such a cun–"
"James!" This time you're loud enough to speak over James' biting words.
"See you in class" are James' parting words to the very stunned Cody as he pulls you away from the scene.
Once in the hall, James can't help himself from raging over Cody's behavior.
"What a slimy git! Who does he think he is?"
You squeeze the hand that James still has wrapped around yours as he tugs you through the halls.
"James," you call gently.
"Don't know why I said yes to working with them. They basically cornered me, I'll have you know! I should've ran the other way when I saw them–"
"James," you try again, more firmly.
"Maybe if we talk to Minnie on Monday we can get our group switched. You don't suppose we can work with Sirius and Remus considering these extenuating circumstances?"
You dig your feet into the floor, "James!" you call out one last time, finally earning his attention.
James spins to face you, his hold on your hand not letting up.
"Calm down, would you?" You're voice comes out tinged with laughter.
James' troubles melt away at the sound of your laughter. His eyes search your face for any sign that it's false.
"You're not upset?" he asks, knowing you've been sensitive in the past to people's commentary on the way you talk.
"No, the look on Cody's face when we stormed away was healing enough."
This earned a laugh from James, "It was pretty satisfying."
James gives your hand another tug so that you fall into step with each other again. He only drops his hold on you to sling his arm over your shoulders.
"Dunno why people become such dunces around you." A playful smirk dances on James' lips, "Distracted by that pretty face, maybe, whereas I know how to multitask."
You shake your head at his antics, but your lips can't be stopped from curling into a grin.
"I can't deny the fact that you're the only one who seems to always hear me."
In the past, you've considered the possibility that James can always tell what you're saying because you feel more comfortable around him than anyone else, prompting you to speak more clearly. In actuality, James doesn't even need your words to know what you're thinking. He's known you for a long time, and he's spent every minute of it learning everything there is to know about you. By now, he might know you better than he knows himself.
"I guess I just might be the luckiest guy around, then, that I don't have to miss a second of your charm."
You sigh at his teasing and knock your shoulder into his, completely missing the genuine adoration in his eyes as he studies the way you smile at his words.
He can't wait to see how your smile looks when you find out that record he got you is signed.
── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ──
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entropicbias · 4 months
Last couple asks has me wondering what kind of johndave rep DO you like to read/see? Any examples you can think of in fanworks? And just your own interpretation. Thank you
i have got to reiterate that this is just a me thing. i'm not saying this to police anyone on their writing! i'm just really specific about the way i see these two get portrayed.
this is gonna suck and i'm gonna ramble about it for a while cause i'm mentally challenged. i have a hard time explaining my own thoughts with accuracy. sorry i can't keep this short and sweet. i am the type of person to just know when something is done right. i can't tell you why, but i'll try for you, anon. if you don't want to read all this here, i summarized it.
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even more simplified
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this is so crude. canon dave is really hard to nail for writers for some reason let alone the specific way i see him. i like a more chillaxed dave. some of the things that really throw me off with dave writing is missing the mark on how annoying he is and dumbing his character down to either angst, obama and apple juice jokes, or him being gay. i think john also encounters this issue. not enough research goes into their interests so writers can only represent them with the bare minimum. nicholas cage, con air, and 'dave i'm not a homosexual'. john and dave are assholes. they tease each other and aren't shy of doing that to other people. not that they're bad people! they care about each other and their friends a lot! but they're not afraid of being really honest about their thoughts or overexaggerating something that doesn't really bother them to poke fun at someone. they can make mendacious remarks to be polite, it just doesn't occur to them as often as just blatantly stating their thoughts on something or someone. i also like seeing them have more naturalistic dialogue. for some reason, when i think of that i think of zach from oneyplays or his character charlie from smiling friends. which is dumb even if it gives you an idea. i feel like a lot of this kind of banter is missing from these fanfics i read. at least, in the way i want it to go. think powerup comics.
gay part upcoming. i think the john and dave's relationship is best portrayed as a childhood crush that is unspoken of. a term i recently learned was "demiromantic", and i think that very perfectly describes how i think john's homosexuality would work. i mean, he doesn't really have a problem admiring dudes, which in itself could be called gay but that's not why i think he would be attracted to dave. i think it's kind of hilarious when people attribute john's homosexuality to him being "romantically interested in cage". john's idols are more like heroic figures to him. i don't like it when that is used as evidence that he's gay unless someone is making fun of him. this is the part where i talk about how john insists on the fact that he's straight. i'm not doubting that at all i think john still likes women and it's easier for him to do so. but he can also develop feelings for someone like dave. hence why i think he's demiromantic in that regard. this is exactly what my sexuality is like, so maybe i am projecting. i like to imagine i'm not projecting incorrectly, though. i think he'd only be able to develop feelings for dave in a setting where he is really a prominent figure in his life. earlier acts of homestuck were like this, but unfortunately the johndave relationship wouldn't work out on john's end with the way homestuck went. their friendship was kind of forgotten after a while, which sucks. in an ideal world, they would have remained in contact and then gotten close again in earth c. but dave was written to be with karkat and jade, which either nulls his feelings for john or opens up a whole new avenue of internalizing it. which is dumb and convoluted and i don't care about postcanon.
dave on the other hand would think about his feelings towards john a little more. i like to think that homestuck dave definitely had feelings towards john. i like to imagine they both developed a crush on each other around the same time, but unlike john who doesn't give it the time of day or even considers it as a crush, dave would. and he'd know that but he wouldn't want to act on it because of a plethora of reasons. probably to retain their friendship and his self image. i guess that could give them some 'angst'.
but you know what? i don't even care for romance all that much! they're bros before they're anything else! and that's all that matters to me! just nailing their friendship in itself is gold. john and dave mean a lot to each other in a platonic sense. even if they pursue other romantic avenues or don't, i don't care! i just like people putting them in a similar setting and showcasing their awesome bromance!
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fig. 3, i also like davejade. thinking of iterations of him and john in fanworks that i like is really hard cause i don't read much in that department. what comes to mind is mr. tambourine man and some of deacon_blues's comics. kgtac has a really good dave and karkat too. cole is a spectacular writer. but i've finished neither of those comics so i'm just basing it off the very little i've read. also, none of these examples are particularly johndave related. i just wanted to note down examples of john egbert and dave strider writing i enjoyed. i read like, one comic faygos made but that was also pretty good. pinballhazard is also a phenomenal writer and artist. especially for john! you guys should check all these guys out. anyways, thanks for reading all that!
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mimicmimikyuwrites · 2 months
Russia (Ivan Braginsky) x Male!Reader Dating Headcanons
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Ask: "hiiii could i req russia smut headcanons but with a male!reader instead? i wonder if the dynamics would be as different or not lololol but it's ok if u dont!! ohhh or maybe, dating russia headcanons w male!reader? if it's not too much! <3"
Contents/Possible Warnings: This is kinda of short, Fluff, Russia is heavily implied to be Bisexual or Pansexual, Russia is kinda clueless about dating men, but he's still got the spirit, though
Other Notes: I went with dating headcanons since I'm not entirely sure how I'd go about writing more detailed smut for a male reader just yet, even with a bit of research on tips. This is my first time writing for a male reader, so I apologize in advance if the writing isn't the best. Constructive criticism is always welcome. I'm glad to try something new, though! I had fun writing this, so a thank you to the Anon who requested this. ❤️
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It's important to understand that Ivan hasn't dated very many men before. He hasn't been avoiding doing so, it's just the men he's been around throughout his history tended to be people who worked for him in some way, making the possibility for potential romance difficult to come by. Not too many people want to date their scary, intimidating boss, after all.
When you come along and aren't afraid of him automatically it opens up the door for something more between you two. Ivan is very adamant about being good friends with his partner before you two start dating, so things may take some time before they turn romantic and loving.
When he's finally ready to change your relationship and have you as his boyfriend he's not sure how to go about it. Who confesses to who? Does it even really matter? Do you even like other guys? Do you like him? He's not trying to make things complicated, he's just inexperienced when it comes to other men. He'll get even more worried if you're bi/pan and have mentioned dating women before.
You're probably going to be the one who asks him out because of this. Reassure him that your relationship is like any other he's been in and that things will be fine. Russia's still concerned about his role in things once you're dating, though.
He grew up in a very patriarchal society with certain expectations that extended their way into the dating scene, so when it comes to things with specific gender norms he's not sure what to do. When it comes to who pays the check at the restaurants you two have dates at he has a moral dilemma. Who pays?? Does he pay? Do you pay? He was so used to paying for his female partners before you... Please let him know it does not matter who pays. He's a bit confused, but he's got the spirit.
When he's fully understanding of the dynamics of your relationship he relaxes, and things aren't too different than his past relationships. He's still very doting and caring with you.
Expect a lot of affection from him! He loves to cuddle you, especially. He values quality time with you, so he spends as much of his day with you as he can. He does worry about coming off as clingy, however. Reassure him that you're fine with his company and he's good to go.
You can also expect a lot of dates. He prefers ones at home, such as watching a movie and eating snacks. To him, dates are about that quality time I mentioned earlier. Having your dates inside gives him more time to spend with just you and him.
Ivan's always been a loving person to his past partners, and you're no exception. Although he can often be childishly cruel to those around him, Russia would never hurt you in any way. (Unless you asked him to, but that's going into a whole other type of headcanons)
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lightofraye · 3 months
do you ever think just for a little bit, that you might be wrong?
having so many angry people come and tell you that you're wrong, doesn't that make you doubt yourself?
if you were a little bit more humble and a little less entitled, you would consider that you are human too, therefore you're just as prone to making mistakes as anyone else.
maybe you should research better your sources, some of the people you've been talking to have said before that they just like to rile people up, they've admited to making up stuff just for fun.
you also have a dignosed sociopath among your sources, which means they cannot understand emotions.
there's also a troll in disguise, who brags about making people like you believe anything, and then laughs their ass of when you people start making theories based on their bs.
seriously, is it that crazy to believe that Jensen really loves the woman he married?
Hello anon.
You asked a lot here, and I first want to thank you for actually being respectful and polite about it. I don't think I'm being attacked for sharing speculation so much as these particular fans took offense that I'm pointing out that Jensen is, well, an imperfect human. And they didn't have to read my posts--that's just it. Why does it matter if a lone, small-time blogger, is saying something opposite of what they think and feel? I'm not hunting them down, am I? No. I stick to my little corner here.
Okay. Now that's out of the way... let's address what you said.
do you ever think just for a little bit, that you might be wrong?
All the time. It's called being an imperfect human. Not just about Jensen, about everything. Hell, in one screenplay I've been writing on and off (based in the late 1800s) I actually consult my historian daughter-in-law. I'm not joking either.
having so many angry people come and tell you that you're wrong, doesn't that make you doubt yourself?
A dozen--and this is me being generous because their identity is protected through the anonymous feature--of people being pissed at me is not "many" and no... it wouldn't.
Now, if they had concrete proof of anything that I said was wrong, I would actually retract what I said. When it was already pointed out to me that I got an Austin property and the Colorado condo incorrect, I apologized right in the open! When I get a piece of fact wrong, I do apologize. Even if it killed me.
So far, I haven't really seen anything concrete that says I'm wrong. And no, sadly, "Jensen said so!" is not enough. Not when a lot of what he's said is contradictory or an outright lie. (Example: Prequelgate.)
if you were a little bit more humble and a little less entitled, you would consider that you are human too, therefore you're just as prone to making mistakes as anyone else.
Please point out where I arrogantly stated that I knew better than anyone. That I alone knew better than anyone. Please. I beg you. And "entitled" is a strong word, but I'll roll with it. Because... I am entitled to share my opinion on just about anything. Just as you and others are entitled to feel pissed off about it. (Though you are not entitled to the protection of anonymous responses.)
The vast majority of what I've shared and written has been agreed upon by other Jensen Ackles fans and even non-fans! You think I came to some observations on my own?? Or that I didn't wrestle with it for months?
maybe you should research better your sources, some of the people you've been talking to have said before that they just like to rile people up, they've admited to making up stuff just for fun.
You mean like... oh... AustinAmy? Or Abi? Jensen Ackles fans who lied? Them?
And, um. Who do you think I've been getting information from? @walker-girl? @its-sassyboots? Or @hologramcowboy? Or @neecy83? Or @jarpadswalker? Or @supernaturalconvert? (My sincerest apologies to those I tagged. Ahem.)
In actuality? None of them.
Most of what I've mentioned, brought up, were through my own two eyes and ears. I read articles. I watched con panels. I observed pictures that I found through public media. Some, sure, were screenshots that were preserved, thankfully, when Danneel went on a deletion spree to hide her hideous behavior, but most... public. Social media. I didn't 'talk' to anyone.
I did it myself. Why do you think it takes a while for new posts? Because I vet them as much as possible!
And who is making stuff up? Please. I'd love to know.
you also have a dignosed sociopath among your sources, which means they cannot understand emotions.
Er. Who? Because again... I'm not getting anything from just one person. I vet as much as possible or ask for videos. For proof.
there's also a troll in disguise, who brags about making people like you believe anything, and then laughs their ass of when you people start making theories based on their bs.
Again: You mean like AustinAmy and/or Abi? Or Cynifer? Or Dot? Because those so-called members of the Ackles Army are the ones spreading lies.
No one I've spoken to. Because again--I ask for proof. Why do you think I asked about the videos that were sent to me? So I could see for myself.
And I'm still waiting for anyone to point out whatever I wrote is wrong... and back it up.
(Opinions, however, will always be opinions. I guess I do need to state in plain English that some of what I've stated is speculation and I have every right to write my speculations.)
seriously, is it that crazy to believe that Jensen really loves the woman he married?
Because he himself stated that his marriage works better when they're apart. That he himself said that when Danneel was on the set of Supernatural, he couldn't be himself. That he himself said that more than once when he came home, she'd hand him the keys and take off herself.
Because a lot of his stories read very generic. There's nothing specific. Just "Danneel likes French food and French music." Okay? When a con or two ago, it was Italian food. Or he'd go sit outside and watch the kids run around. Where's the heart? Where's the specific thing that would stand out in a memory--like maybe while he was moving furniture upon Danneel's direction, he snagged his pants against something and she had to free him while laughing her ass off?
Not to mention, in a lot of photos, there's no genuine affection. It reads like a business arrangement more than a love story. Their kisses in public? And no, I'm not saying they need to be tongue deep to show a kiss. I'm saying their kisses read like cold fish, with his lips so closed and desperately pulling away all the time.
Even Danneel has more open affection and warmth with a family friend than she does her own husband!
So... yes. It is hard to believe.
I've not seen any genuine love or warmth from Danneel--not in anything she's said to do, or done to him. And Jensen... same for him, from him, about her.
Look, anon, I get it.
As hard as it sounds, I am passionate about Jensen. I've been a big fan since his time on Days of Our Lives. I've seen him grow and then stagnate as an actor. I've seen him go from this open, slightly shy and reserved young man to... to this. I could show you, nearly, a timeline of seeing him being bright and full of energy to someone who looks like he's dying inside. This isn't an attack, I promise you.
It's an observation. No, it's not a projection (as I've been accused). It's someone who grew up in an abusive household (like Jensen with his father; his own words) and learned how to read people in order to survive. As a result, I could tell when someone was devastated even before they were ready to talk about it. I was the person people turned to for a shoulder because they knew I'd listen and actually care.
It's how I made my own family.
It's how I came into having a daughter.
I'm not sharing this to toot my horn, anon.
Because isn't it possible... that maybe I'm the one who is right? And it's shattering a vision of an actor who should be seen as an imperfect human being as opposed to the perfect man with the perfect marriage and the perfect career?
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dootznbootz · 3 months
Hello. I honestly don't know how to prep this but uh, why do I feel like MM's Circe had so much potential? Like, MM did the lazy thing that is "making Circe's life a living shit show because that's the only way her actions would be justified" which... Is the annoying thing most modern interpretations do.
One good example would actually be EPIC: The musical. But in EPIC it only works because Circe isn't exactly a vocal point. And Circe having a motive plays into a pretty big theme of the show (Specifically in the song "Monster" where Odysseus is basically just... Contemplating everything)
But when you have 400 paged book, focusing around Circe, you have so much potential to focus more on the godly elements of these people. Someone else has said this before but ama say it too. The Greek gods had REASONS for acting the way they did. Zeus misused his power, that's what a king does. Artemis's wrath was unmatched when you wronged her, that's how nature is. Hades took a young girl from her mother, that's what death does.
And I'd like to add some of my own.
Aphrodite is a completely morally gray character, that's how love can be, it can go againts you sometimes. Dionysus was all over the place, sometimes good sometimes terrible, that's what madness is. Hermes is swift and a trickster because that's what people we deem 'messengers' can be like, via rumours.
When you notice these complexities to the characters, you start to realize. Circe misused her magic on innocent people for entertainment, that's what black/evil magic does. But at the same time, she helped Odysseus. Because even evil magic, or the 'worst possibilities' can be useful sometimes.
I think it is SUCH a missed opportunity MM didn't focus more on this aspect. Because that would've made for such an interesting story an unique story. Most of these modern retellings try to push modern ideologies on ancient works, which doesn't work. No retelling tries to tell these stories in a ancient Greek perspective (which is actually fairly easy you just have to do your research)
And with an author as skilled as MM is, I'm sure she could do it. But honestly, I don't think her writing is good in the perspective of Greek mythology. She could probably do a great modern story but let's face it, that wouldn't get as much money.
A story focusing around a goddess, and what it means to be a divine personification of nature and a concept, not to you but to the humans you exist for.You can really focus a lot on that and it could be such an interesting story.
All of these writers to me just seem like they're exploiting Greek mythology, which bugs me. If miller wanted to tell these stories, she would've told THE stories with her own twist. Not completely change them to the point they lose their charm.
If miller couldn't do that, if she wanted to write a complex feminist character she wouldn't have chosen Circe.
Something I really admire in your work is how you characterize these guys. It's obvious you're extremely passionate. I also love how you give Penelope clear flaws. You don't have to mortify everyone else to make her 'stand out' or to be 'more likable'. I really love your fic and I'm wishing you nothing but success in the future! :D
Anyways, enough about MM's book.
What do you think is one of Penelope's favorite little quirks od Odysseus', like something he does she finds really cute? :)
I hope you find pretty flowers today and get a sweet for free, dear anon. This ask made me so happy as it's like, perfect. As you gave a Circe rant that will be fun to dissect but also gave me a silly lil question for me to feast on and for the balance and the silly and I love it. You also sent it at the perfect time as I was getting a wee bit sad about how women from Greek Mythology get treated by retellings and fandoms. This really cheered me up 🩵
And thank you so much for the sweet compliment! It means so much to me that you love my silly lil guys as I love sharing them! And don't worry I am working on stuff! ;~; I know I'm taking a while but I am!
I'll do the cute stuff Penelope loves about Odysseus :P
(I do have them "mirror" each other a lot with "like-minded" so they often have SOME similar traits in some ways that both find endearing about the other. (both love watching the other brainstorm/think/swindle/winning/etc., both love (and are sometimes annoyed by) their stubbornness.) Stuff like that :D Also in general. Thank you, Anon. You've made me realize I've been going a wee bit too crazy with Penelope and kind of forgot about Odysseus.
1.) This is a past post that goes into it more but she just adores his freckles. She has counted them and memorized them. She's going to kiss every single one. He mostly has them on his face and shoulders but they are peppered a lil everywhere (he gets it from his mama). She uses the freckle pattern he has across his nose as "stars" for her tapestries.
Rando: Hey, that's not how the stars are mapped. Penelope: They're my stars, asshole >:(
She has to do a "recount" when he returns as some of his "stars" are covered by scars now :')
2.) She loves his hair and how well-groomed he usually is. He also is a bit like a cat in how he loves being pampered. (lil post about that) She loves scratching at his scalp and at the tiny hairs that are at the back of the neck. She loves the pretty grays he has when he returns as well :') She really loved how he looked without and with a beard. (It doesn't end up growing too long anyway)
3.) He's very warm. She's not really affected by temperature too much (she's used to freezing rivers and she herself is naturally cold. Her average temperature is colder than the average person. She only really has to worry about "drying up".) she loves his warmth. She wraps herself up in blankets while he's gone despite not really needing them sometimes as...she misses her furnace. (also his snoring) He also wraps himself in her blankets while away but sadly wakes up to them tossed about because he gets too hot. He needs his lil iceblock wife.
4.) She just adores his big laugh. The laughing so hard you cry one. Hearing it was kind of a "...Okay, I wanna hear that again." for her.
5.) He tends to bite his lip. Sometimes it's endearing and hot but he also will often rip at them. She tries to help him with this habit by distracting with kisses...Though with her teeth, it doesn't always help. Fun fact: For their first kiss on the lips, they were so stupid excited that he knicked himself on her teeth. She felt awful but he just kissed her again. It was bloody and bad but they were so happy. His bad habit returns when he's away because he's not getting his kisses 😔
6.) He whistles while he whittles often.
7.) So ancient Greece had yo-yos (probably in Odyssey but I'm getting silly with it)...and Odysseus is a nerd who WILL do tricks with them. (they can be made with wood and string so... odypen lol) He has fun trying to show other people how to do it too. It's a nice fidget. (modern day he would have definitely been that guy with that rubix cube lol)
8.) So Penelope is better at getting more for less, (lowering prices) and Odysseus is better at giving less for more. (selling shit for good things) They both can do it but they have their strengths.
9.) He got big eyebrows and with his weird "face shifting" thing he inherited from Autolycus, he can make a lot of silly faces.
10.) He tends to make sandcastles whenever he waits for her at the banks of rivers.
11.) He's a "heavy stepper" when he's not sneaking. It's not because of his scar. He just likes walking like that. :) Not so much "stompy" but she finds it cute that she knows it's him coming based on the footsteps she hears.
Some things that annoy her >:3
She's incredibly ticklish and he's not so much and he keeps doing it. STOP IT >:(
So she's smaller than him in mine and in general, he loves draping himself across her (he's like a cat remember?). Most of the time she loves that weight as she loves him and he's a warm weighted blanket. Though while she's strong, he'll sometimes be a brat and put so much of his weight on her just to mes with her. (mostly when they're young and dumb. not so much after he returns)
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(Not this big of a size difference ofc but you know >:) )
Those are some and I have more rattling around in my head but I wanna finish this ask and I gotta do some shit :')
Thank you again, Anon. This made me happy <3
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infiniteeight8 · 29 days
(on anon because this song ref is going to date me horribly, but) the more I read your IronStrange ficlets, the more I'm reminded of the 2000s song "Crazy for this Girl" by Evan and Jaron. I'm not sure if this is meant to be a "look at these lyrics and see if they inspire you" prompt or just a compliment overall of how consistent your characterizations are, but thank you for so many amazing glimpses into their many (many, many, many) relationship moments.
Thanks so much! I have a lot of fun writing these two, and I’m glad my take on them rings true. 😀
Those lyrics really do scream IronStrange, don’t they? And really, I could see it going either way. Maybe it’s a bit more Stephen coded, what with the 14 million futures and him falling for Tony first, but my muse is in the contrary place today (still?), so here’s a bit with Tony as the ‘narrator’. Er, inspired by the song, but it seems I did wander off on a bit of a tangent, so not too closely. lol. 
Tony sits on one of the desks in the library and watches, smiling, as Stephen searches through the volumes for the book he needs. “The analogy that compares ley lines and magical concentrations to rivers and lakes is even more apt that I realized,” he says as he flips through a book. “It turns out that they change position over the years. Usually very slowly, but as with water, it’s also possible for abrupt events—the magical equivalent of floods or earthquakes—to carve new channels. Which made me wonder,” he puts the book back on the shelf and goes looking for another one, “could they be moved artificially? After all, we can redirect watercourses.”
“More or less,” Tony puts in, as much to see Stephen’s reaction as because it’s true. “Some rivers are more amenable to redirection than others.” 
Stephen lights up. “An excellent point. I suspect ley lines are similar in that way, too.” His expression goes abruptly thoughtful. “I wonder if the similarities indicate a connection between the water and magic… Where is that map?”
Is this what he’s like when he’s on a research binge, Tony wonders. Almost glowing with energy, passion radiating off every inch of him? It can’t be—his research binges used to drive Pepper and Rhodey nuts. Stephen is just amazing. It almost makes Tony want to learn magic, just so he can dive in there with him.
Stephen makes a triumphant noise and brings the book out to the table next to Tony. There’s already a map spread out there, but now Stephen carefully unfolds a second. He grunts, dissatisfied, when the parchment of the second blocks out the first.
“I could do a holographic overlay, if you want,” Tony suggests.
“Please,” Stephen says, beaming at him.
Tony’s heart leaps. God, but he’s crazy about this man. A quick scan with his glasses and the projector in Tony’s watch flares to life, displaying both maps in an overlay.
“Perfect,” Stephen says absently, already absorbed in studying the correlations between the maps. He doesn’t ask why Tony’s hanging around, playing sounding board and logistical support. At some point, Tony thinks, he’s going to have to come up with an answer other than I was thinking about you, and then I had to see you. 
Stephen turns to go find another map.
But not yet.
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ruggiezz · 1 year
hii i would like headcanons for jamil, kalim, vil, rook and malleus reacting to their mc fem dancing "classical chinese dance" plss (it's such a beautiful, delicate and elegant dance, highly recommended <3) that would be all, thanks have a good day ^^
— CLASSICAL CHINESE DANCE : twisted wonderland
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[synopsis] they find out you can dance classical chinese dances. reader is yuu
[characters] jamil, kalim, rook, malleus
[extra] i'm so sorry anon, but i don't write for vil (I JUST DON'T KNOW HOW TO I'M SORRY), but i hope you enjoy the rest. also thank you for introducing me to this type of dance, i enjoyed watching videos and researching about it a lot. i hope i met your expectations 😭
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JAMIL VIPER was on the way to your room with some food left overs he had from the dinner he made Kalim. It was pretty late, so he was just planning to leave it on the refrigerator and just leave, but something told him to go to your room and give it to you in person.
The door was open and he heard music coming from it, which was weird because he couldn't recognize the language, was it from your world? Now he was really curious.
He was a dancer himself, but there was something so eye-catching in the way you moved, Jamil wondered how much you must have trained to be able to perform with such grace.
Your movements were precise, he could tell you were putting a lot of effort to make them look that way, it was stunning. Jamil admired you before for being able to go through 8 overblots, but he sure admired you even more now, knowing you were so talented.
He hadn't realized he had stood there in silence until you looked back and noticed him standing there, with a, now cold, container of food in his hands.
"Have you eaten dinner yet? Tell me more about your dancing while you eat."
KALIM AL-ASIM entered Ramshackle while humming a popular song from the Scalding Sands, one of his siblings had texted him earlier talking about how good it was, and since then he hadn't be able to get it out of his head. He took his shoes off and while he grabbed the pair of slippers he had bought for himself just to wear in Ramshackle, he noticed two other pair of slippers were missing. He wondered if Ace and Deuce were there with you, and he soon confirmed his suspicions when he peeked from the corner that lead to the lounge.
Contrary to Jamil, he couldn't keep quiet when he saw you dancing, you just looked so beautiful! He entered the lounge excitedly, asking a million questions: What dance was that? Since when could you dance like that? How were you so graceful? Could you teach him?
Ace and Deuce had to physically separate him from you so you could continue dancing. As he sat on the couch with the two of them, he observed carefully the way your facial expressions matched the story the dance was trying to convey, and how you moved according to the music. He probably won't be able to get the song you were dancing to out of his head now.
"That was amazing! Why don't you come to Scarabia tomorrow? I'll have Jamil prepare food for us and you can teach me. It will be so much fun!"
ROOK HUNT has the biggest smile on his face. He's smiling so hard, Vil is worried it may give him wrinkles. You were in Pomefiore's lounge performing with music you had saved from your old phone that you used to practice with back in your world. How you ended up there was the housewarden and vicehousewarden's fault, Rook had heard Epel talk about your dancing with the other first years, and he had told Vil, which had led to this.
The combination of the music, the way you leaped and spinned with such grace and beauty! Oh! What a performance, he is completely entranced with this demonstration of elegance, with the music filling his ears, and the very coordinated moves you make.
Rook not only values the elegance of your moves, but also how you show the emotions you're trying to convey in your dancing.
When you finish, he stands up excitedly and claps. If he had a bouquet of roses, he would have given them to you without doubt.
"Beauté! What an enchanting performance! I feel as if I have been poisoned with the fruits of your hardwork and elegance. Marvelous, this is truly spectacular, Trickster."
MALLEUS DRACONIA sits through your perfomance silently, mesmerized by your moves. There's no way he is taking his eyes off you, a meteorite could fall right behind him and he wouldn't even dare to look, just because he can't stand the thought of missing even a second of your dancing. You had invited him to Ramshackle after promising him to teach him more about your world, and he had agreed without a second thought. Spending time with his favorite human AND learning more about where you came from? Count him in.
He hasn't had the opportunity of seeing other dances that weren't traditional to Briar Valley, since this was his first time out of his own country, but he definitely wasn't dissapointed. He can hear your breath change when you enter different parts of the song, is as if you know exactly when to breath a certain way and when not to while dancing. He examines every part of the dance, refusing to miss anything. You must have practiced so much to deliver such a graceful performance, he finds that admirable. Malleus is sure he could spend the rest of his life watching you spin and flip without getting tired.
"Thank you Child of Man, I throughly enjoyed your performance. I'm intrigued to know more about your world and customs, I would feel honored to learn more if you allowed me."
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indras-wife · 4 months
I was wondering if you could write one abt how the Uchiha men (+Indra) would react if their s/o saw them in their female form?
The one you wrote was hilarious 😂
Thank you for requesting it Anon! I had so much fun writing the first request lol. They were really having a hard time dealing with their new problem. For this request I had MORE fun lol. These men are in for another challenge with their s/o. If you want more Uchihas to be included in such requests, please let me know<3<3<3
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He would do EVERYTHING not to be seen by his s/o. Since his training was failed, he had no other choice but to be locked in his room all day, refusing to see anyone.
Unfortunately for him, he underestimated his s/o, because that woman will stop at nothing to see her lover. When she was in the compound, one of the students had to tell her that Indra was not in the mood to see anyone and she had to see him later.
She gets pretty worried for her man, wondering what happened that makes him want to be isolated. She waits till the student walks away and makes her way to his room. She was more than welcome in the compound so she didn't feel like intruding, since she was also pretty much visiting Indra and vice versa.
She knocked on his door multiple times, waiting for him to open the door. "Indra, its me!" she said loudly, hoping he would open the door. No answer...After not seeing any chance, she had to do the only logical thing: barge in his room and help her man.
When he opened the shoji and walked inside, her mouth dropped open in surprise. There was Indra, sitting down with a loose robe and with lots of books surrounding him. When he turned to see who dared to interrupt him, his s/o saw what he was trying to hide the whole day...His female body.
"Y/n...? Damn it what are you doing here..?! I told that idiot to make sure no one comes to my room..!" he said, standing up and tying the robe trying to hide what his s/o ahd already seen. Indra was worried..He knew his s/o would ask him millions of questions and he has answer to none of them.
"Your...uh...your body...what happened..? Why you have um..." she was stuttering hard while looking at him. Indra sighed, trying to find an anwer in his head. He was going to say something, but he felt his s/o touching his body all over. "OI...! Y/n stop that..! Don't touch me..!" he said flustered.
His s/o seemed o have taken a liking to his looks and body, as she was circling around him and scanning him. She was bold enough to even pull the robe from different sides to make sure he was INDEED a woman and this was not just a hallucination. She wanted to ask how he is in this situation, but knew her lover has no answer.
Indra has always been an attractive person, but for some reason...as a female...he became even more attractive in s/o's eyes. "I never thought I would be attracted to a woman...you somehow look even better than I do. Not fair Indra!" she said laughing.
At this point, Indra could say nothing and had to go back to his research while his s/o was touching him nonstop. She did really like his new body.
For this man, the circumstances under which his s/o found about his new body were very unfortunate. The day of the accident, he actually planned a big date, asking her to be ready at a certain time for him to pick her up. While his s/o was getting ready, Madara was struggling with his body, trying to undo the curse he was under.
As the time passed, Madara was no where to be found. His s/o waited for HOURS before she got tired of waiting. She was sad of course, but also curious as to why her lover didn't show up. Madara was a very punctual man and he was never late. This was the first time he was not only late, but did not show up as well, encouraging his lover to visit him.
She made her way to the Uchiha household, asking one of the guards to call him. After minutes, the guard returned, saying Madara cannot see her. This made Y/n even angrier. Who does he think he is? Leaving her waiting and not showing up, and now when she is the one that came to see him, he cannot see her? What a joke. Y/n would not take that as an answer and she pushed the guards aside, walking in the house and going to his room.
She did not care about any manners and walked in his room fast, slamming the door behind her. She was thinking that he was either having a very important meeting or cheating on her, but not even in her wildest dreams would she think that her lover was not able to meet her because of this...because of being turned into a woman!
Madara was walking around in his room angrily, crossing his hands on his chest. He was so occupied in his thought he didnt hear her enter. " I swear whoever is responsible for this will pay..." he said loudly. His s/o had to make a sound for him to notice her and when he did, he stopped walking around. Instead, his first instinct was covering himself, in hopes that she did not already notice his funny condition. However he was late as Y/n had noticed his body form when she entered the room.
Having no way out of this, Madara had to reveal the truth and explain why he was not able to be present for the date. He expected his s/o to have a mature approach, but instead of it, he had to have his s/o laugh at him for a long time.
It was annoying of course, but he also found his situation funny. "You became a woman..?! Madara no way on earth would I believe this if I didnt see it with my own eyes! This is the karma you get for being such an asshole to women!" she said. Madara rolled his eyes in annoyance, considering this is also what Hashirama told him.
He now had two problems to deal with: First was getting rid of this body and returning to his real one and second getting his lover to stop making fun of him and helping him find a way out. In both cases he was failing miserably. This was indeed a karma.
Unlike his brother, Izuna was taking this change very lightly. As he was instructed not to leave his room before this condition passed, he kept studying his body over and over. It was more fun than he imagined. Izuna was familiar with woman's bodies, considering he takes his time always with his s/o, but inspecting this new body was a very different experience.
At night, when everyone was asleep, Izuna was awake, his mind wondering about his s/o. He may not have his "destructive weapon" between his legs, but he still felt immense desire and passion for her. Unable to hold himself any longer, he got up and grabbed the nearest cloak. His new body would not stop him from having the fun he deserved to have.
As he jumped out of the window, he started running towards his s/o's house. Midnight meetings were nothing new for them, as they would often sneak out together and watch the starry sky. When he reached the house, he jumped near his lover's window, knocking lightly on it to get her attention. And it did indeed get her attention. She walked to the window and opened it, allowing him to jump inside.
"Love, why are you here? I dont remember us planning any star gazing date today" she said. Izuna removed his cloak, his attire exposing his female body to his lover. It was a surprising sight for her, as she let a gasp seeing him.
"Something CRAZY happened to me and I had to show you before it goes away..hopefully" he said. His lover, now recovering from her shocked state, stared at him. She was unsure on what to say, but she was eager to see and hear more about this phenomena.
Izuna explained everything to her, from the moment he woke up till this one. He hid no detail from her. Y/n was not that surprised knowing he took more time in discovering his body rather than finding ways to reverse this situation. He was always one to take literal hours in studying her body during intimacy.
Y/n, now being more interested, expressed interest in touching him to which Izuna wholeheartedly agreed. He took his clothes off, wearing only a silky light robe his s/o gave her.
He was very calm during the inspection by his s/o, in fact he was even enjoying it. He may have thought of initiating intimacy with her in this body, but was not sure if she would agree or no. So he had to just sit and patiently take his s/o touching him. Y/n could not help but be jealous of him, because he somehow had better and bigger chest than she did. Izuna of course noticed this and reassured her that her chest is better than his. After all, his new body is temporary, while hers is forever.
At the end, being the crazy hormonal beings they are, they could not escape the desire building up between them as they ended up having a long intimate session. A body change could not step them and frankly, it was a new experience for them both, which they liked. (Izuna even wished he could change his body whenever he wants just to spice up their sex life)
His s/o was however very helpful and understanding, as she herself tried to find an explanation and a way out for Izuna in the morning when she woke up.
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hyunluvscreamy · 2 years
can u do enha with a little reader 🥺 plz i love ur writing
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tysm anon<33 sunoo is my fav here💘😖💝
tbh heeseung had known abt it before you had even realized, just the way you always wanted to do more childish stuff,do those daddy little girl rolepays etc. so when you talked to him abt it you were so thankful how supportive and understanding he was. he took you to the store the next day n bought everything you wanted.
omfg jay would be the best at this spoiling you,showering you with love,giving you spanks when you misbehave. he absolutely LOVES how dependent you are on him the amount of trust you have for him boosts his ego sm,so if ANYONE were to make fun of you OH BOY their lucky if their life isn’t ruined then and there. anyways the important part is he loves you more then anyone and so do you<33
jake would feel like he just fell in love with you all over again, he treats you like you were made of glass one wrong touch and you would be broken. your his precious little baby and he wouldn’t change it for the world
sunghoon is so perfect for this, he’d always make sure to bring your coloring stuff n paci wherever you go, if you were to get embarrassed abt it he’d make sure to let you know it’s one of the many things he adores abt u and to whoever made you feel that way..their DEAD. would call you daddy’s little girl/boy/baby (he has a daddy kink IDC IDC)
jungwon would be slightly confused at first but wouldn’t judge you he would just ask you to explain it, he’ll do TONS of research he wanted to know everything abt u this included. the first time you had entered little space when he was around he made sure he was right by you giving you everything you needed n made sure to note all the little things you did.
OMG SUNOOOOO😖😖this boy would ADORE IT like he just can’t imagine a more precious thing, when you look at him with your big doe eyes and a paci in your mouth he just can’t resist the urge to smother you in kisses<33 the point is he thinks your absolutely adorable in and out of little space and would do everything he can to protect your innocence
niki understands it very well, bcs he didn’t have much of a childhood either so that made him even more protective of you. he knows you’ve been through a lot so he’ll make it his mission to let you know your loved and precious
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Hello! I'm new here, and english is not my first language so I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense.
You know the trope Wisdom, Strength, and Heart.
So the farmers are triplets that have magic but have different ways of using it. One who always studys and wants to learn everything and everything, One who trains both physically and spiritually so they can protect their love ones, and One who knows healing spells, makes remedies and only fights in self-defense and/or if a love one is being harmed.
What are the reactions of the Guild members to the farmers?
You don't have to answer this right away. Have a good time of day you are in.🩷🩷🩷
Honestly, this is the first time I’ve heard about this, but your idea about three Farmers, each of whom has a certain magic, is very cool, dear anon!
I'm sorry, but I'm not sure which Guild you mean exactly: the original Adventurers Guild, where it's just Marlon and Gil (aaaand probably Wizard, though he's kind of unrelated to the Guild in vanilla SDV), or the Guilds from Stardew Expanded, like the First Slash? Soooo, in this question I will leave the vanilla members (if you meant both SVE and RSV too - feel free to write again!). Thank you again for the ask! 💕
(In this ask I will refer to these Farmers as Battle Mage, Researcher and Healer so as not to confuse them together.)
Marlon still couldn't understand how he had managed to become a father figure to the three new farmers who had joined his guild. Not that the one-eyed old adventurer is complaining. After all, not only are the trio skilled wizards, each a master of their craft, but they are also wonderful people. But sometimes the boisterous youths can grate on his nerves if they get rowdy. Especially a Battle Mage and a Researcher. The Healer is at least quiet, but the other two farmers make Marlon have to constantly write reports to the others Guilds about how one member of his guild nearly burned down half of Stardew Valley, or how another farmer accidentally (not really) opened a portal to another dimension.
Haha, Gil be damned! Three gifted young farmers who will make excellent adventurers and magicians. It also means triple the trouble for his friend Marlon and more amusing (and not so) incidents with this chaotic trio. All the old adventurer has to do is sit back in his chair and laugh at the next magical incident, hah! But despite his carefree appearance, Gil will look after the youngsters and help with advice in times of need. Especially the Healer, telling them how to properly defend themself from bulling if the other siblings/friends aren't around. He also teases the Researcher a lot, so that they can finally get their noses out of the book and have a little fun with other peers while they are still young. He gets along best with the Battle Mage: brave and determined - the makings of a good adventurer!
Yoba, give him the patience... It's not enough for the Wizard to have one chaotic Farmer, now he has three. Yes, they are gifted in both farming and sorcery. Yes, Rasmodius has grown attached to them, and treats them like he's a father/father figure/uncle/caring teacher for them. But every day, every damn day, some catastrophe happens that never fails to give him a headache. A Battle Mage sets fire to the roof of his tower while trying to demonstrate a new way to quickly create a fireball, or a Researcher accidentally moves the wizard and his tower to the Pelican Town (everyone is freaking out). Even the mild and calm Healer managed to grow carnivorous flower cannibals with magic instead of healing herbs (well, it happens). Rasmodius teaches, protect and tutors the young talent as much as he scolds them for their mistakes and careless attitude to magic.
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seeingivy · 14 days
hiiii Ronnie!!
it’s your girl, Taylor as Gojo Anon, reaching out to check in on you.
How are you doing? 🤍🖤
hi sweet angel face!
(im cut tagging it because i accidentally procured a long response)
how are you my dear? things have been kind of up and down from me, which is why i haven't been so active. that makes me feel really sad, not because i necessarily feel obligated to write, but because i just want to!!! idk mental things and blocks have been all over the place. and i have so much fun thinking about ideas and such but sometimes i get in my head about writing about them or other stuff comes up.
my best friend's mom passed away two weeks ago, which kind of has turned things upside down. we were really close - her mom and mine are best friends, we all went on a cruise to mexico together (? idk its kind of like a fever dream but it makes me laugh now) and she was just someone i felt really really close to. i am so sad she's gone and i loved her so much.
school has started up and this actually happened during my first week of school so it kind of changed the tone. i'm a senior now but weirdly enough things feel so different. one of my best friends actually graduated and school feels different without her and i guess there's been internal stuff happening where my job and my research lab and everything just feels like it's drastically changed dynamic wise and it makes me wish it was still last year and i wasn't so old and i wasn't leaving.
i have so many ideas but don't know which ones to write! and i think about them so hard that i can't do them justice as one shots but i just don't know if anyone would read it if it was longer or if idk i would drop it after i felt like it wasn't good or anything. i hope to write something soon just for my own joy. (see: list of ideas below that I could write like 200k words of if I wanted to)
good old satoru gojo and y/n getting strapped with kids after an untimely passing. BUT they used to date. oh the sweet angst of living together but being responsible for two kids but getting close but one of you has a partner that kind of sucks and it kind of feels like you're a family but you can't really admit that you want to get back together bc. u know. family and all that and a lot at stake and obv angst of almost dying bc it's me and I would have to do that just for fun
satoru gojo (again? shocking I barely ever think or write for this man) but its like kind of like a royalty clan au? like arranged marriage but she literally don't gaf about gojo and sneaks around with a secret lover (that he knows about. and knows that is a snake) and then when things go wrong he's kind of like well I told you so but then they get close and kind of besties and she tells a maid or something that like omfg he doesn't even care about me like that he just feels bad and he overhears SO he has to obviously romance her. obviusly he has to like go to war or a fight or something where he almost dies becuase you know angst of almost dying its me and I would have to do that
I still think about dream girl everyday.
I also think about canary mate all the time too. I almost actually wrote some today but had to write a ghostwrite a deferral letter for my friend to delay her acceptance since her mom passed away
also bsfs older brother sukuna one shot of y/n getting sick or somethign or appendicitis bc u know bsfs older brother sukuna having a panic but in a sweet way
anyways I swear I think about writing and will write again sometime soon.
the good thing is that i'm applying to study abroad and that makes me really excited! it's one week in london and one in paris and they do the whole harry potter studio tour and where bridgerton was filmed and it makes me so excited to think about it.
anyways. thanks for asking. its sweet to know you still think of me even when i'm not active! i would send you asks all the time but you are an anon. but if u ever sneeze or something idk juts think its me sending u an ask like omg hi I love you.
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oknowkiss · 6 months
Would you ever be interested in writing a sequel to one (or multiple fics) of your fics? if yes, which once? Or is that something you dont like at all, whats done is done the story stands for itself?
i definitely would be interested!!! in fact most of my fics have "deleted scenes" rattling around in my brain in some fashion. for the most part these are scenes i didn't have enough time to write, bc of my own poor time management vis-a-vis fest deadlines. whether or not they'll ever escape containment i'm not sure, but they include:
à bon chat: harry investigating the flats draco has stolen from, with draco there as translator. harry building an evidence wall in his hotel room.
historians: there was originally meant to be a b-plot about a dark object harry had to find, which was mostly a mechanism for me to play around with a "portable veil" which was like a mourning veil harry wore over his face, and which allowed him to look between both worlds simultaneously. at the end of the day it felt like trying to fit a horror/fantasy-shaped peg into a romcom-shaped hole, so it got cut. but the idea may get recycled elsewhere.
the july tree: a sequel that follows their first year in a relationship, with draco and neville down in brighton doing a research project, and harry having just generally a lot of anxiety. i have exactly two lines of this written, and they are: "A treenix!" Harry shouts down the line, the moment Draco lifts the phone off the cradle. "It was a treenix! Get it? Do you get it, Draco? Aren't I clever?"
"You're pissed." Draco squints at the wall clock. It's not even close to morning.
any day now: this one does have a confirmed sequel (and a threequel), so i'll keep the details to myself for now. :)
thank you for asking, anon! this was super fun to think about.
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kindlingkeen · 4 months
I've wanted to ask this for a while: I absolutely adore how you write action scenes/sequences in your fics, especially in Asymmetrical Warfare. I can easily and clearly picture what's going on in my head, and the action is SO suspenseful. Literally, the chase and fight scenes have me on the edge of my seat *chef's kiss*. As someone trying their hand at writing fanfiction, I'd love to hear if you have any specific tips or methods for writing action. I also wanted to say how much I love your characterization of Jason. It's literally a breath of fresh, life-giving air among the muck that is current DC comics and fanon alike :)
Thank you so much, anon!! I love sharing my writing with people who love Jason like I do. 🩵 I'm so glad you're enjoying Asymmetrical Warfare and my action scenes in particular (they're my pride and joy). I'm sorry it took me so long to answer your ask, but I had to really think about it (I wasn't actually consciously aware I had a writing method, lol). I only started writing fanfiction in the last year, so I honestly consider myself a novice in this.
I can easily and clearly picture what's going on in my head
I've gotten variations of this comment before, and I think it reflects my knowing exactly what's happening in a scene, down to extremely minute details. You have to what you're trying to convey in order to do so clearly. This is also where practice comes in. I'm a novice creative writer, but I've had years of experience with technical writing. That means lots of practice conveying complex concepts in a limited number of words. It gets easier with repetition (especially the self-editing bit).
After some reflection, I realized I have a three-stage approach to constructing an action sequence. I start with a rough draft that conveys the feel and general idea of the action. Then I add very explicit details describing the physical movements (this is where I do research and sometimes get help from a beta). Lastly, I focus on adding sensory details and editing for tempo and flow. Here's an example from Chapter 3 of Harm Reduction, I started with:
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While working on the next version, I found a couple excellent parkour videos on YouTube and watched them over and over in slow motion to figure out all of the movements. I also had my brainstorming buddy read parts of the chapter to see if they were interpreting my text correctly.
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At this point, the paragraph does a decent job of conveying exactly what Jason is doing, but it isn't very engaging. From here, it's just ruthless self-editing, moving words and sentences around, trying different ideas, abusing my thesaurus, etc. I usually listen to music (sometimes the same song repetitively) that has the right tempo and dramatic feel for what I'm trying to convey while I'm working.
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I often combine sensory details with descriptive actions and short, punctuated sentences to build tension. You can see me adding that above with "A kaleidoscope of roof and sky whirls wildly around him. Jason uncoils."
The last piece of advice I'll offer is to take your time. The above process takes me many, many drafts. For example, it took me fourteen days to write Chapter 3 of Harm Reduction. There are countless versions auto-saved in my Google Drive history (I stopped counting at 32).
I hope this is helpful, anon! Thanks so much for your ask. I had fun answering it. 💙
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merakiui · 8 months
Hi Mera!! I am a bit late to the party but I finished reading tdmg and my God it was soooooo good!! As always your writing is so, so beautiful I ascend every time I read something of yours. I really enjoyed a lot of the metaphors you used to describe things(sorry for being vague, I read tdmg when it was first released but held off my gushing bc I had assignments due so I don't remember as much😵‍💫) I will definitely be going back to write down some of the beautiful metaphors you wrote because goddamn what you write is straight up poetry🔥🔥 you characterise everyone so well and the back-and-forth between the characters is always incredibly fun to read. It is also clear how much research you do for the fics you write(like finding out sea creature behaviours, for example) and it gives so much depth to what you write.
Respectfully, if I was a rich CEO one of the first things I'd do is hire you to write fics full-time🫡(100k per annum+paid leave+company credit card)
I had a question regarding something that happened earlier in the fic but I don't know if it's been asked yet.... Has Jade used invisibility magic to spy on the main character? When Floyd, Jade and the mc were at the garden, it seemed like Floyd could detect that Jade was there but our MC couldn't because she didn't have any magic... I feel like you were hinting that Jade had used invincibility magic to spy on the mc before but she hadn't noticed for that reason. He did admit that he watched her a lot but she hadn't noticed it(though that could also be bc he's a slippery eel!)
Hi, anon!!!!! ( ≧ᗜ≦) aaaaaaa thank you so very much for reading tmdg and writing such a kind message! I'm happy you enjoyed it!! <3 and I'm immensely flattered to receive such praise!! :O to say it's like poetry,,, and to say you'd hire me to write fanfic full-time,,, uuwuwaaaa that's so sweet of you. ⸜(。 ˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ I think one of my favorite things to do when writing fics is research so that I can add another layer to the plot (you may have to pry the octopus and moray eel biology facts out of my cold, dead hands; I love it too much. orz). I also like being able to incorporate real moray behavior into my Jade and Floyd stories because it adds a touch of marine realism to their actions. >w<
As for your question, I like to imagine he may have done so!! But then it's also fun to picture Jade hiding behind a tree and blushing so shyly while he's spying on you from afar because he is just an eel in love. 🥺 you can trust him. 🥺🥺🥺 he can do no wrong; he's just swept up in romantic bliss. Perhaps he didn't need to use invisibility magic at all, considering Reader was so blindly obsessed with Floyd and thus failed to notice Jade on numerous occasions. ;;;
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helenakwayne · 2 months
That very unexpected chapter 7 made me cry, and I was not expecting it at all. 🥹🥹🥹 What made you decide to include something like that to end the story? I loved it, just like the rest of the fic. ❤️
Cannot wait for your next Kanthony fic. 🫶🏼
Hi anon. Thanks for reading.
The answer to this question requires a little BTS info. In the original outline for this story, Chapter 6 went all the way to Edmund being born (because S3 left me high and dry on that front). However, as I sat down to write, it felt like the story had reached its natural conclusion where Chapter 6 currently ends. And I am happy with that as the ending of this tale. However, there was the matter of what happened next. Both family and legacy are important to Kate and Anthony in this story (on different levels, perhaps), so I still felt there was something to be said about that. I also did not want to subject the readers to another chapter of narration, and that addendum is where my brain went as something that appeals to me as the writer. It required research, but it was fun to research and write, and I also got to include a lot of info that usually gets asked once a fic is finished (What happens next? Do they have children? Do they have all four children? What are they named?...). There's only one bit of information that I did not get to confirm in that addendum, but it is implied in the overall fic, so I'm ok with it staying implied.
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and ask a question. Appreciate you.
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