#thanks cooking crush
airenyah · 8 months
ok FINE i'll open up a 3rd google doc file
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ryansjane · 8 months
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"Five more minutes..."
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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(´ ε ` )♡
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cheecats · 11 months
Can I request Shadowsight for the designs? Or maybe Frecklewish if you'd rather?
I'm curious what either would look like in your style! (Which I adore btw it's SO good)
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i know Shadowsight is described as small in the books, but I prefer to interpret him with the Tigerstar(tm) tallness with Dovewing's build, and that he tends to shrink down/lower his voice while talking to appear as meek/non-threatening as possible because his peers get nervous around him
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Rose's Day of Asks
Top 5 QL couples that you think can truly have a HEA?
Have a great Day💜
Oh hi Rose! I would be honored to participate. This is a great question because there are not actually that many qls where I end the show convinced the couple will stay together for the long haul, either because the characters are very young, the relationship problems are not entirely addressed, I don't fully believe in their bond, or I picture the characters changing in a way that is not compatible. There are a handful that I have a hard time imagining ever breaking up, though.
Pat and Pran, Bad Buddy
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After everything these two went through to be together and, crucially, stay together? Ain't no way. They've already survived being forced to compete with each other, feuding friends and families, years-long separation, long distance, and plenty of serious conflicts both with each other and with threats external to the relationship. They will survive the rest and live together through it all.
Kasuga and Nomoto, TsukuTabe
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It took them so long to find each other, and now that they have you can bet they will be sticking together. These two are so well matched, and they each provide something the other needs, both where food and emotion are concerned. Nomoto is kind and curious and Kasuga is steady as a rock. They decided to move in together before they even kissed (the u-haul lesbian jokes write themselves). I can easily picture them still sitting at that table eating together in 40 years.
Payu and Rain, Love in the Air
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These two are so young, but this is a situation of two perfectly suited people finding each other at an improbably early age. It's rare, but it happens! They are not only a perfect match for each other sexually, but their personalities are also very-well suited. Payu needs to direct his care taking energy to someone who wants it, and Rain needs someone to give him attention, motivation and focus. They give each other a lot of joy and you can feel how happy they are whenever they're together. They will have a long life together pushing each other to succeed and discovering new kinks.
Baram and Hantae, Sing My Crush
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These two have been devoted to each other since the day they met. They love each other and they like each other and I can't imagine either of them wanting to be with anyone else. Even if Han Baram's music career takes off, he will be bringing Im Hantae along with him.
Achi and Karan, Cherry Magic Thailand
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They are husbands! And even if they weren't, I would like to see you try to pry Karan away from Achi. This one is interesting because we have multiple adaptations of this particular story, but for me Karan and Achi are the pair I believe in the most. Achi really put in the work to learn how to communicate and reciprocate Karan's affections, and their bond with each other feels mutual and rock solid. They're going to have a long and happy life together and be that sickeningly sweet married couple everyone else rolls their eyes about (except for Pai, she will be in the background swooning).
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grapejuicegay · 8 months
there's a space in my heart that is now permanently occupied by cooking crush and how much it values friendship. the very real pain of feeling left behind by friends getting into relationships and hiding them from you. ten walking in on the friend group reunion ready to ask prem out and quietly and happily walking out because that's not his moment and he respects it. metha and samsee's heart to heart about how relationships and friendships are different and both are important. metha and ten's friendship. actually just metha in general and his relationships with his friends - including samsee now because good god i love their relationship so much. this show loves friendships. this show is my friend. i love you cooking crush
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khaopybara · 9 months
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Episode 1, after being told by his sister that the water stopped running again and that he would have to use the tank in the back.
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ranchthoughts · 9 months
thanks for the tag @distant-screaming (here)! I decided to get a little creative with it, and also customized it a bit to myself (I'm not a big soundtrack or fanfiction person).
This also functions more or less as my "First Year in BL" post - I watched my first BL in mid January 2023, made this sideblog in mid March 2023, and I haven't looked back since.
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I'm going to tag @airenyah, @chickenstrangers, @colourme-feral, @sollucets, @twig-tea, @waitmyturtles, and @williamrikers to do any version of a wrap up they please (or none at all!). I'm also curious to see other people's years summed up, so if you're reading this feel free to tag me - I haven't been on Tumblr much lately so I know I've missed things.
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hongtiddiez · 9 months
what shows are you currently watching? (shows that are airing weekly rn, no older shows)
for each one, list two things that you love about them and one thing you would like to see in future episodes!
ohohoo what a treat (finally getting to some of your amazing prompts anon, i assume its the same person but i apologize if im wrong)
Bake Me Please - I absolutely love the aesthetics of this show. They show off some of the most beautiful cakes and pastries and it's just gorgeous. I also love the way each person in the show is broken in one way or another; generational trauma, childhood trauma, dreams that feel out of reach, etc.
After my rant today I think we all know the one thing I want, NEED, to see is Shin apologize to Peach. I cannot stand the idea of Peach bearing all the emotional work for this relationship.
Cherry Magic 30 - So I'm coming at this from a place of knowing nothing about the originals. I'm really enjoying Karan just in general, his thoughtfulness, his care, all of it. He reminds me of a quote from episode 3 of The Last of Us: "Paying attention to things is how we show love." I'm also really enjoying the importance the show is putting on consent as well as Achi's care to make sure he isn't taking advantage.
I'm really going into this right now with no opinions, no theories, I'm just along for the ride. I hope we see some more cat thoughts, I guess.
Cooking Crush - I really wasn't sure if I was going to stick this one out. It's a little too goofy for my tastes but OffGun's chemistry is doing a lot of heavy lifting for me, so that's one of the things I'm enjoying. I'm also enjoying the playfulness of Ten and Prem and this cute courtship they have going on.
I hope Fire's mom explodes.
Last Twilight - You guys have seen my meta posts. I could wax poetic about this show all day long. Thus far I ADORE how they're treating Day's disability and showing how important him maintaining his agency is. I'm also really enjoying Mhok's perspective as a caretaker and the way he adapts and learns every day. I've been both - I'm currently disabled and I was a caretaker for five years. This show is so near and dear to my heart already.
I really hope we see what the hell is going on between Night and Day. Like, we have to, right?
Pit Babe - I'm an omegaverse bitch. I'm sorry, it's my guilty pleasure. One of the first things I do when I get the brainrot for something is go see if there are any good omegaverse fics (I'm very picky, we don't like misogyny or thinly veiled transphobia in this house, no thanks.) I'm enjoying seeing the worldbuilding of this show so far as well as each of the characters and their personalities. Everyone, even North and Sonic, feel like fully fleshed out people and I'm very much enjoying that.
I hope Way explodes - No, I hope we see them build more on the omegaverse aspect of things. I wanna see a man get pregnant. I also want to see a woman, just one woman, just a single one. Where are the women?
Playboyy - BOY HOWDY. Listen, I'm mostly watching this to avoid FOMO. I'm asexual, the sex is doing nothing for me really. The wet noises make me scream and throw my headphones off. I AM enjoying the mystery aspect of the plot a lot, I'm very curious where that is going. I'm also very much enjoying the exploration of different sexualities, like the hints that Soong and Zouey might be demisexual.
Obviously I want to know what the fuck happened to Nant, but I also just want to see more Prom. Also wanna see Aob become soft for Puen.
The Sign - My absolute beloved. I'm obsessed, I'm going to be obsessed forever I fear. The mythology is just fucking superb, the yearning is incredible, the action is great, the friendships phenomenal. I could go on and on about everything I love about this show. It's everything to me and I know I'm going to be a WRECK when it inevitably ends.
I can't wait for Phaya and Tharn to fuck, sure, but I can't wait for them to be in love. I can't wait to see them hold each other gently, look for reassurances in each other, and I hope they each regain at least some memories of their past selves and maybe how much they loved each other.
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beadddd · 1 month
Alright, as much as I would love to see Offgun kiss (who doesn't) I'm actually glad that they didn't.. Idk for me it would feel a lil bit to abrupt considering Ryan just vocalized his feelings and this is the first ep that we see some actual insight on whats going on Jane's mind and his actual feelings for Ryan.. not that theres anything wrong if they did kiss this ep, I just feel like thats not the show is going for, anyway I'm just saying this cause I've seen people complaining and again I get you but I also get why they didn't. Also I'm loving the fallout of Bahmee and Tae, it felt so real and I love that they are talking about it and that the interns are invested and taking side because it makes the friendship feels so real.. I'm not sure about Judy and Bahmee though because one thing I'm really hoping this show not to do is to cop out on the consqequences when it comes to the relationships specially with the interns and their boss, cause I really love how comedic it is and yet still shows us how important it is to have a great work ethic and take your job seriously, so if they sweep the inaappropriate relationships happening and yeah this applies to Janeryan too, it will cheapen the show for me a bit, but I will save my full judgement at the end of the show. Back to Judy and Bamhee, Im not sure what to feel about Judy down playing it, or not taking blame. Bamhee was the only one who apologize but you kissed her too, and you're her boss, if anything you should be the one who says sorry. But like this are just my thoughts about it, they are cute don't get me wrong, Im just not feeling the direction their relationship is going this ep. Could still change though.
Anyway that's my thoughts, I'm really loving this drama ya'll, the writing on this one is really good so far and I hope it will stay that way till the end 8 out of 10 episodes(just 10 ep? Can we please do at least 14 🙏) now and its still solid, Idk why more people arent watching, they are clearly missing out.
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airenyah · 9 months
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ryansjane · 1 month
as someone who has purposefully cut herself off from most of the bl/gl/thai dramas fandom online apart from creating content & interacting with my followers, I feel like people don't realize one of my ONLY ways to feel the temperature on a show from people is looking through the reblogs of my gifsets & their tags... meaning if you're out here saying you "usually don't like offgun" and "didn't like cooking crush but the trainee is so much better"... I, a girl who ONLY likes offgun & absolutely loved cooking crush and is also a sensitive bitch who takes things to heart way too quickly... will see that under my own fucking gifsets & take it personally 100% of the time 😅 I never really understood how you can reblog someone's gifset in such a small fandom like ours & think saying anything remotely negative about the people in it would be okay... but sadly I know the people who'll see this post are the ones who always hype me up & praise my gifs and NOT the people I wrote this for 🥲
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gunsatthaphan · 8 months
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"I miss you too."
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pose4photoml · 10 months
what's on your watchlist these days? how do you like The Sign if you're watching it?
GM Anon ~ Thanks for the ask!
Current Watching ~ BL addition
Pit Babe
Last Twilight (loving this one❣️more so than Vice Versa 😉)
For Him
Cooking Crush
Bake me please
My Dear Gangster Oppa
Absolute Zero
The Middleman’s Love
My universe
The Sign
How do I like The Sign? - well let’s see… great chemistry between the leads (I mean their staring scenes alone 🔥) using his crush as a bolster 🤗 helping each other solve crime, some violence and of course NAKED MEN… What’s Not to LOVE ?❣️
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lurkingshan · 6 months
Since I know this is something you're often looking for (and often disappointed not to find), what are some BLs that you think do relationship development well?
I actually have a couple lists that get at this question! I made the Ride or Die list last year about drama couples that we actually get to see be together for a significant portion of the story. That one covers a wider spectrum of dramas beyond bl. Earlier this week @my-rose-tinted-glasses asked me about ql couples I believe will actually have a happy ending, and there's a lot of overlap there, as well. Unknown is still in progress but is also shaping up to be really great on this front. Some other recent fav bls that are not captured on those lists:
Cooking Crush
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This show was such a sweet romance, both for the main couple Ten and Prem and the side couple Fire and Dynamite. The story is simple but the character work is really solid, and you really get a strong sense of why these couples are good for each other.
I Cannot Reach You
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One of the all time greatest friends to lovers dramas, so you know the relationship development is tight. This show gets so much right about the angst of this trope and lets us ride along with Kakeru as he figures out his changing feelings for Yamato. I love them so much.
Ossan's Love Returns
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Maki and Haruta have entered my list of all time favorite drama couples. I love that this sequel season allowed us to spend so much time with them as a couple settling into married life, and we really got to see them strengthen their bond by working through some hard situations together. It also just soothes my soul to see an older couple given these kinds of swoony romance moments.
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softquietsteadylove · 7 months
Birdie, I've got an idea for Valentine's Day! 🖤✨
Jack is asking his uncle Gilgamesh for an advice for Valentine's Day. So he and Gil are baking heart shaped cookies for their loved ones. On Valentine's Day Jack is giving his cookies to Thena because he loves his aunt very much and Phastos is complaining because he doesn't get a single heart shaped cookie.
Hugs and Love🖤✨
"Did you find out who it is?"
"No," Phastos huffed, watching from around the corner as Jack held up a decorated cookie for Gil to examine and certify. "He won't tell me."
"Perhaps it's best left alone," Ben posited from his chair, much more relaxed than his husband. "If he's not ready to tell us, he's not ready. He is only 11, habibi."
"Exactly, he's just a kid," Phastos hissed back at his partner. He looked back into the kitchen, where Jack was trying to sneak another taste of icing. At least Gil had taken seriously that Jack could not eat that much raw egg safely. He could like the cookie dough spoon, that was it. "He's too young for this."
Ben sighed, shutting his book and standing to join his husband. He slid his hand up his back gently, "well, some humans develop those kinds of feelings early. It's probably just a little crush."
"Little crush my ass," Phastos grumbled in response. He looked at Ben, "he's my kid too, and Eternals love...intensely."
Ben simply nodded, knowing very well that every bond the Eternals had tended to span thousands of years.
"Why are you spying on them?"
"F-!" Phastos sucked his lip between his teeth before he could let out a curse that would rattle even his superpowered glass windows. He glared at his sister, "T, I swear to god, okay?"
"What?" the Warrior Eternal merely blinked at him, still soft around the edges from her nap. She looked into the kitchen as well. "They seem to be enjoying themselves. What is the occasion?"
"Valentine's?" Phastos prompted, only to be met with Thena's 'statue face'. He rolled his eyes, "poor Gil, stuck with you for every damn one of 'em."
Thena pursed her lips at her brother before reaching up and pinching his side. "I will have you know, Gilgamesh prefers to take the lead on such occasions. I participate--that is enough for him."
"I'm sure it is," Ben assuaged, eager to get in between the two immortal beings who bickered like children. "Jack asked Gil for help making the cookies just after you went back to your room."
"Hm," Thena tilted her head at the scene. "Gil often makes something for this day; there is no secret to it."
"Well, this time, there was," Phastos muttered darkly, back to spying. He glared as Jack laughed and Gil patted his shoulder. Phastos turned back to Ben, "he knows I'm his dad, right? We can help him with this stuff!"
"Phastos," his husband chided instead of comforted, back to rubbing his back. "This is what it's like for kids to have uncles and aunts. They get to enjoy their company in a way that's different from ours."
"You go ask," Phastos prompted, shoving Thena away from him and in the direction of the kitchen. She glowered at him for it.
"Ask what?" she seethed at him, raising her fist to punch him in return.
Ben slid in between them again, again trying to mediate their typical family squabbles. "Who the cookies are for. He wouldn't tell when Phastos asked."
"Hm," Thena blinked, but accepted conditions. She turned away from Ben and lowered her fist, "Jack?"
Phastos kissed Ben's temple, "good save."
"Aunt Thena, you're up!" he turned in his chair, getting up on his knees and leaning against the back of it to beam at her. "Did you have a nice sleep?"
"It was lovely," she smiled down at her precious human nephew. She tilted her head, admiring the bounty behind him. "You have been making confections."
"Uncle Gil!"
"It's okay buddy, it wasn't like we were gonna be able to keep 'em secret for long," Gil chuckled as he stood from his chair. He wrapped his arm around Thena's waist, pressing his forehead to hers. "Get some rest?"
"I did," she promised her own partner and husband as he leaned in for a kiss.
Both Eternals parted, glaring at their agitated brother briefly. Thena looked down at Jack, who was nibbling on his little lip. "Who shall receive your hard work, Jack?"
"Well," the boy fidgeted, his expression shy. His fathers held hands behind his uncle and aunt, but Jack stood from the chair and took Thena's hand. He pulled gently, guiding her to sit where he had been. He turned the plate, on which he had arranged all the heart shaped cookies into one big heart shape. "They're for you, Aunt Thena."
Thena blinked at the platter of cookies. They were all frosted, with varying degrees of colour and skill. They were soft, white sugar cookies with red icing on them. "Me?"
"Of course," Phastos huffed behind them, but was shushed by Ben.
"Valentine's is kinda cringe, but it doesn't have to be for, like, love-stuff," Jack shrugged. "At least that's what they said at school. They said we could do something for our favourite person."
"My own son," Phastos continued to lament.
"So," Jack looked up at Gil, who nodded for him to keep going. "I asked Uncle Gil if he would help me make some cookies for you. But I cracked the eggs perfect! And I decorated all of these ones."
Thena smiled, picking up one of the more grotesque, early experiments. She took a bite, smiling as she chewed the soft, buttery cookie. "They're perfect."
"Really?" Jack lit up.
"Partake in your spoils," she said as she handed him one. "Thank you, Jack. I daresay you are my favourite as well."
"Hey Jack," Phastos inched forward as his son wolfed down one of his own cookies. "Are any of those for your old man, maybe?"
Jack just stared. "You can ask Aunt Thena."
Phastos glared at her , though. "T, remember-"
"Ben may have some."
"Oh, come on!"
Gilgamesh stood aside, laughing at Thena's innate desire to be petty with their brother. He slapped the back of Phastos' shoulder as Ben did sneak in to steal one for himself. "I mean you should've seen that coming, man."
"You guys are married," Jack gesticulated, pointing at the two couples in front of him respectively. "You got each other stuff for today, right? You don't need me to do anything."
Phastos continued to pout about how his own child made his sister cookies but none for him. But Ben smiled, "that's right, we did get each other gifts for today. It was very nice of you to make something for your Aunt Thena, Jack."
Thena moved from the chair to let Jack sit again, "but I shall need help eating all these. Jack, if you would be so kind...?"
"Sure!" It didn't take much to convince him.
Ben led Phastos into the living room to nurse his wounds, while Gil pulled Thena to his side again, further up the table. She sighed as he pressed his lips to her cheek, "is this what you did all afternoon?"
"Yep," Gil whispered. "I think he waited for you to have a nap so he could surprise you."
"It's rather sweet," she smiled at the image of her nephew enjoying a few more cookies. She looked down at this plate, decorated significantly differently. "And these?"
"For you," her lover confirmed, holding one up to display the meticulous design he'd made. "It's Australia!"
It looked like a smear of dirt in a sea of blue.
"Don't worry, I made my own preparations for today," he whispered before nipping at her ear, promising fun more than just some cookies.
"Hm," Thena purred, allowing him to kiss behind her ear and down her neck in their small window of privacy. "You do love this particular occasion."
"Damn right I do," he said against the soft skin of her shoulder, just inside the collar of her dress. "An excuse to lavish my wife with gifts and attention? And make love like wild animals-"
Gil sighed as he pulled away from her to also glare at Phastos, "what, dude?--don't you also have lavishing to do?"
"Not in the kitchen I don't," Phastos snapped with his hands on his hips. "None of us are having a romantic time until 9 o'clock anyway."
That was Jack's bed time.
"So we're gonna go out for a nice family dinner instead," he declared firmly, as if it were a mission order, and not an invitation to a nice restaurant. He slapped his coat over his arm, "and you two are gonna behave!"
"We always behave," Gil rolled his eyes, following Phastos into the living room and front hall to also retrieve his and Thena's coats.
"Nuh-uh, no, I mean it Gil," Phastos snapped in his brother's face as they both glared at each other amidst helping their partners into their own coats. "No ooey-gooey eyes, no playing footsies under the table, no sneakin' off to the bathroom."
"What if he has to go?" Jack asked much more innocently as he retrieved his own coat. He smiled as Thena held it out for him the same way Gil had done for her.
"That's not-" Phastos sighed, rubbing his eyes under his glasses. "Okay, never mind, family dinner, let's go."
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