#thanks a lot 💕
wonda-fhr · 1 year
Hey! 🌾 for David 🌿 for Lia pretty please? :)
More snippets for the soft ask prompts. They're getting longer, I'm afraid. The idea of answering them in this way carries me away a bit. (But it's so much fun) 😅 Thanks for your ask 😘
🌾 Describe your OC through the eyes of someone absolutely head-over-heels in love with them. For David
"Ric, we have all these paperwork to fill out and these horrible reports to write, and we'll never get it done if you stare dreamily out the window after every other word, grinning like an idiot in love. Well, I know I'm going to regret this, but tell me what's going on now so we can get to work after this.
As soon as the conversation shifts from work, Ortega's feet land on the corner of his desk and his arms cross defiantly over his chest. "Do I have to apologize for being happy for once? But if you really want to know. We've become closer, much closer, and I'm happy about it."
"I'm happy for you too, for both of you. But are you sure he's still the same guy you fell in love with?" Instead of the expected rational conversation, the rose-tinted glasses jump back into Ric's face and turn his voice in romantic colors.
"He doesn't have to be. I'm not either. He doesn't need to be the same, as long as I know he's the one. And he's Chen."
Accepting that the paperwork will probably have to wait longer, Chen gradually puts down his pen and turns to his friend with a slight sigh. "I may have been too suspicious in the past, but I can't quite get rid of it. I still see someone with too many secrets, who is dismissive, scared and cynical, I didn't expect that this would make you happy".
"You don't know him, not really. There's a lot buried deep inside him, but the closer we get, the more of it comes to the surface. There's so much joy in him, so much empathy, caring. He takes care of me much better than he would admit in front of you, or who do you think took care of me the last time I had the flu? This time I didn't have to ask you to bring me something to eat, did I? I would have loved to stay sick longer.
Did you know how much he loves music? Probably not. You should hear him play the piano, as if he immersed himself in another world with you. That alone would be enough to captivate me forever. When we dance, it is not like in the past when we used to tease each other about who was the more gifted dancer. This is different. As soon as his hand is in mine, we become one, just flowing together and dancing. You can get lost with him in little perfect moments.
We haven't forgotten how to tease, of course, he can do it just like he used to, maybe a little more biting, but less vicious. Not as cynical as you think. It's as if we've found a balance in that as well, which makes us happy. You can have a lot of fun with him when he is in the right mood.
He's such a delicate being. So fragile. You're right, he's scared and that still paralyzes a lot of things in him. But a lightning should execute me if I do not protect him from what frightens him."
"I would feel better if we knew what he needed to be protected from."
"I don't care if it's the whole world. I'll get it done."
With hopes of a meaningful conversation about David's concerns dashed, Chen tosses a pen into Ric's lap. "Okay, wonderful, now take all your reality-free optimism and fill out these papers to make the world a better place."
🌿 What way does your OC show that they care without using words? What way do others show your OC that they’re cared about without using speech? For Lia Let's look through Luke's eyes during a conversation at lunch. He knows her a little better than the others.
"Why are you so sure you can trust her? I can understand her arguments, maybe even your cooperation. But why are you friends? She would work with me too, but I think she would hate me anyway. Why do you think she likes you?"
There is actually some concern in the Captain's otherwise confident voice. You know he doesn't trust Lia, but he trusts you, more and more since he understood that your lunch meetings are not necessary for a collaboration. The terrain of lunch is now familiar enough for him to ask you more personal questions.
"Lia is something more than a villain on the rampage, and I trust her completely. No, she doesn't go around pouring her heart out to everyone, giving them hugs, and telling them how great they are. She's not like that. There are other things that tell me that she cares about me. She never brings me the wrong coffee, she knows exactly which drink I prefer in the evening. I think she knows all my habits, but she doesn't judge any of them. She knows the names and the history of my whole family. And when I'm sad because something reminds me of my brother, she has the courage to ask me about it and relive the moment with me instead of just distracting me like my former friends would have tried to do.
We've been through a bit together now. I like to think of myself as a pretty down-to-earth person, nothing gets me upset easily. But when it does, her hand is in the small of my back before I even realize I could use some support. She protects me. Like a shield, she does it so subtly that I haven't noticed it for a long time. She walks through every door before holding it open for me. She takes a half-step in front of me when a situation becomes the least bit disturbing. But she also protects me from decisions that would weigh on my soul, she takes a lot on herself rather than leaving it to me. As a lawyer, you are used to a lot and you are never completely safe, but since she is here, I feel safer than ever.
But you know what the best part is? That almost everybody thinks like you. No one who meets her trusts her because they only see a small piece. I see much more. I am allowed to cuddle her when we are alone. Or hear her laugh and make silly jokes with her. I can even catch her when she falls. And afterwards, I get to have fun with her over stupid questions like yours that only prove you don't have the slightest idea who you're dealing with."
"Ouch, that was mean, but probably a little deserved. Maybe I should take a closer look. If I try to be less suspicious, would I also have a chance to be cuddled by you?" With a charming smile, Blaze strokes back his brown hair with its tantalizing honey sheen. The sight of him doesn't fail to have an effect on you, as the tingle in your body clearly shows, but it takes more than that to make your poker face waver. Unimpressed, you calmly look at your watch. Then you look deep into the eyes of your attractive interlocutor and send him directly onto the slippery ice with the remark, "It depends on whether two hours are enough for you."
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candlebel · 8 months
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Do we charm you?
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hollytree33 · 8 months
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Finally, her fourth and final card for Trespasser!!
1. The Hanged Man
2. The Chariot
3. The High Priestess
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chubbychiquita · 2 months
🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️ outgrown clothes try on video going up on loyalfans tonight
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the-shy-artisan · 4 months
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heartbreak-sandwich · 8 months
Hear me out on this one! A cute secret date turn relationship with Billy x fem reader. He doesn’t want people like his dad or Tommy getting in the way with his time with his girlfriend. You can write it however you pls!
Hope you like that idea, thank you 😊
Hiiiii!!! I’m sorry this sat in my inbox for so long!! I’m finally catching up on all of my requests, and this one is so cute! I really appreciate your patience, and I hope you like it! We're feeling fluffy with this one today 💕 | Master List 📖
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You weren’t sure what a date with Billy Hargrove would entail. You had heard the rumors about the new King of Hawkins High – how he took a different girl home every week, and his sleek, blue Camaro was permanently parked out at Lover’s Lake. You were shocked that Friday when you were alone in the auditorium running through light cues, and Billy approached you.
“Tommy’s not here,” you called to him as he walked down one of the aisles. Tommy Hagan had been charged with sweeping up the auditorium during the lunch hour for two weeks after playing what he thought was a harmless prank on a freshman on the basketball team, and you were sure Billy had come looking for him.
“Is it just you in here?” His question caught you off guard, but you tried not to let it distract you from your work.
“Yeah. Did you need something?” Billy sat down in the chair next to you, and you finally looked up from your stack of cue sheets to see his signature smirk and cerulean eyes, deep like the ocean. You could smell his spiced aftershave, a hint of cigarette smoke, and the cool aroma of winterfresh gum as he leaned in closer to you.
“I just came to see if you’re free tonight.” Billy smacked his gum as he rested an arm over the back of your chair, awaiting your answer. You froze, unsure if this was a mistake or some kind of cruel joke.
“What for?” You searched his expression for any clues as to what he might be thinking, but it was unchanging.
“To go out,” he answered nonchalantly. Your breath caught in your chest, and crimson heat crept up to your cheeks.
“Like…on a date?” He had to have noticed your blushing and the perplexing look on your face, but he kept his cool completely.
“Of course.” He beamed, his blinding smile causing your stomach to erupt into butterflies.
“With you?!” Billy’s exterior cracked slightly with that question. He looked offended, almost irritated, and he started to fidget with something in his pocket.
“Look, if you don’t want to –”
“No!” You cut him off in a hurry. “No, it’s not that at all. It’s just –” He looked intently into your eyes as you tried to find the right words to explain your bewilderment. “I guess I didn’t think I was really your type.”
Billy chuckled and looked down at his shoes before meeting your eyes once more. “Well, I guess there’s a lot you don’t know about me. I’ll pick you up at, say, 8 o’clock?” The voice in your head was screaming don’t do it; you know better, but everything else in your body reacted in the complete opposite fashion.
“Sure,” you agreed softly. Billy smiled once more before standing up from his chair, taking smooth strides toward the auditorium’s exit.
“See you tonight,” he called over his shoulder, never looking back. You heard the door close after him, and all you could do was stare wide-eyed at the wall while you tried to process what had just happened.
Of course he brought you to some random clearing in the woods. You were sure he was either about to murder you or try to get laid, and you couldn’t decide which one was worse. You assumed a date would occur somewhere conventional, like the movies, a restaurant, or the mall – not here at…an overlook? You tried not to let your apprehension show as Billy shifted his car into park.
“Well, here we are,” he declared, opening the driver’s side door and climbing out of the car into the chill of the starry night. You were surprised again when you heard the passenger door opening just a few seconds later, and he helped you out of your seat, steadying you on the uneven ground.
“Where is here, exactly?”
“I’ll show you; come here. And be careful. There’s a lot to trip over out here in the dark,” he warned. That didn’t make you feel any better about the possibility of being murdered, but you didn’t have much choice but to hold onto his arm as he led you to a guard rail at the top of the overlook.
“Wow,” you murmured. Every single light throughout the town of Hawkins was visible from where the two of you stood, and it was absolutely breathtaking. You had never seen so many shooting stars, and the deep navy sky was littered with sparkling clusters which were usually totally camouflaged under the umbrella of downtown’s streetlamps.
“You like it?” Billy sounded hopeful, like he actually cared whether his choice pleased you, and you nodded. He let out a small sigh of relief, and he slowly took your hand from his arm, interlacing your fingers together. The setting was more romantic than you had expected, and you couldn’t shake the nagging thoughts in the back of your mind that something was still amiss.
What if he had taken you here just so no one would see you together?
What if he was ashamed to be with you?
“Billy?” The anxiety in your voice must have been obvious because you felt him tense up beside you.
“What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing at all,” you half lied. “This is amazing. It’s just – are you embarrassed to be seen with me?”
“What?” The hurt in his tone tugged on your heartstrings. “No…no, why would you think that?” His other hand covered the top of yours, and he turned to face you. You could hardly make out his features in the dim glow of the city lights below you, but you could feel his concern tainting the atmosphere.
“I guess I expected a date to be somewhere more public. And when you took me to a hideout in the mountains, I was worried it was because you didn’t want anyone to know we were together,” you admitted, avoiding his eye contact. His warm hands squeezed yours just a little tighter.
“Hey, look at me,” he soothed. “That’s not what this is. I didn’t want anyone to interrupt us. I wanted to be alone, just the two of us, so we could talk. You know, have real conversations. I’m so tired of my dad, my coaches, Tommy, Troy, and everyone else breathing down my neck, criticizing every decision I make.” Billy cupped the side of your face, grazing your cheek with his thumb. “I don’t want anyone getting in the way of something that could be really, really good for me.”
Your scarlet flush returned at his reassurance. You never would have dreamed Billy could be so gentle, so emotional. But he wanted to be here with you, marveling at this beauty, and it was the start of something wonderful.
“I believe you. I’m sorry for assuming. I’m just not used to things like this,” you whispered. He closed the distance between you so that your noses were touching, and you could feel his breath against your lips – a cool, winterfresh breeze.
“Do you want to be together? Like, as a couple?” Billy almost seemed nervous to ask you, but you were elated, answering him without wasting another second.
“Yes. Of course, yes.” You couldn’t stifle your grin. You felt sunshine in your chest, and you didn’t know what else to say in that moment, but everything felt perfect.
Billy leaned in slowly, his lips connecting with yours in the sweetest of first kisses. Time slowed as the two of you connected, and nothing else mattered while you basked in his warmth, stars showering overhead as the town of Hawkins slipped into a slumber below you.
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beartitled · 7 months
I love how much personality you can give each stp voice design while still making it clear that Hey! This Is Still The Same Creature!
It brings me so much joy
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You like em? 🫵
Have a handful 🤲
[notice: please don’t put them in the washing machine, don’t chomp on any of them, don’t squeeze them too hard, be gentle with them and the Stubborn MIGHT consider not biting you]
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cayennecrush · 4 months
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[|< first] [<< previous] jackie is used to girls wanting her to top, but evangeline has something else in mind 😏 [next >>]
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They're always talking about "this ain't my first rodeo" but they never tell you that the rite of passage to attending your first rodeo is running into your tumblr mutual while walking inside @daenerys-targaryen
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sepiamestus · 4 months
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ADA mandatory work naptime 💤
Commission for @thepartyishere !!
Commissions for Gaza
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h3lian · 11 months
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༝ Sketch commission for @monsonata 𓋼𖤣𖥧
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ourfag · 6 months
conversation topic: dogs in the city. tiny dogs that scamper and gallop bc their legs are so short. big dogs that can't possibly fit in an apartment. purse dogs. dogs in outfits. also babies in hats. actually just what's the convo when they r browsing a lovely farmers market. 💐 happy sunday hope the weather's nice where u r
ed: oh fuck me, look at that one
stede: which
ed: there. that. i’m—pointing with my fucking elbow, look—
stede: d’you want me to take something? i can carry—
ed: just—shut up and look at that fat little baby, look
stede: oh. oh my lord
ed: with the pom poms
stede: i see what you mean
ed: little fuckin—
stede: on his booties
ed, a full octave up: on his little booties look
stede: i love when they’ve got the hats that make them look like starfish
ed: is he supposed to look like a starfish?
stede: little points on his hat. starfish arms
ed: that doesn’t look like a starfish, it looks like a jester
stede: what? no it doesn’t. the points are sticking straight up, that’s a starfish
ed: how many starfish have you seen whose arms end in jingle bells
stede: i—
stede: the world is vast, edward.
ed: see i just think—
stede: must i be accountable for every species of starfish?
ed: —if there’s a starfish with jingle bells then you’re the kind of person who’s gonna know it off the top of your head
stede: i’m sure there’s one out there
edward: ok. is this like when i floated the idea of horse with wheels
stede: ……well, not—
ed: it’s practical, save the horse a lot of effort
stede: —it’s unlikely. it’s unlikely
ed: see that’s a useful feature. what’s a starfish gonna do with a jingle bell
stede: i don’t know! celebrate??
ed: doesn’t even work underwater
stede: maybe it just wants to feel fancy once in a while, you don’t think a starfish ever wants to feel fancy?
ed: spaghetti dog
stede: that’s—now you’re just hybridising
ed, pointing in an altogether different direction: no, look, there’s one of those spaghetti dogs, look
stede, following ed’s elbow to an italian greyhound: ooh spaghetti dog
ed: spaghetti dog
stede: that one’s got a jacket on. stylish
ed: didn’t you say starfish were carnivores?
stede: it’s houndstooth though. is that a bit too on the nose? sorry—
ed: no you have a point
stede: —what about starfish and carnivores?
ed: oh, just—if the starfish’s got bells, won’t its prey hear it sneaking up
stede: well you said it yourself, bells don’t really work underwater
ed: huh
ed: now you think about it that’s actually—that’s kind of depressing
stede: oh no
ed: sorry i didn’t mean to—
stede: no, starfish baby dropped one of his little pom pom booties, look
ed: oh shit—aw look at his little toes he’s gonna get cold
stede: should we go over? is that—would that be weird?
ed: i dunno, maybe, but like, also kind of badass?
stede: …badass?
ed: yeah like we’re starfish baby’s bodyguards or something. like we’re not gonna smother him but we’re just—
stede: on the outskirts, right? to make sure he won’t be mobbed for autographs
ed: right cuz he’s a celebrity baby
stede: but then when he needs assistance, we’re—
ed: “you dropped this, sir”
stede: and then he takes it, very businesslike, because he’s a professional
ed: and he understands what we’re saying because he’s a genius baby as well
stede: yes
stede: well—normal babies can do that too
ed: what, understand you?
stede: yeah. i believe so
stede: what? what’s wrong?
ed, in quiet horror: i have said so much stupid shit in front of other people’s babies
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klefaeries · 5 months
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dimension 20 is personally responsible for my therapy bill this month
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awakenthebeing · 1 year
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Just placing more arts and things and requests here, don't mind em too much <:3
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naixaie · 9 months
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lbfad — xiao lanhua & dongfang qingcang
commission for @/harocats (twt) 🌙✨
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alexandriaellisart · 7 months
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Patreon rewards for February!💕🌷💌💖anyone who signs up by Feb 28th will receive these in their mailbox 💌💖💕📬
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