Keep Watching, I Might Do a Trick
19K posts
PAIGE | 32 | SHE/HER | BI/ASEXUAL | IF UNDER 21 DNI Hello and welcome to my personal blog! Things that are to be expected here include: artwork (doodles, sketches, w.i.p.s and finished works), reblogs that relate to my current interests*, sewing/craft stuff, tutorials (possibly), and an assortment of things I find interesting or inspiring! *Visit the about me section for more info! Feel free to pop in and say hello, I don't bite! c: Mobile user? Click here for links!
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the-shy-artisan · 4 hours ago
yeah i'm going to listen to this theme on repeat forever LMAO
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the-shy-artisan · 17 hours ago
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the-shy-artisan · 24 hours ago
Two Midwest Rexes looking for a new home!
As stated in a previous post, I am looking to find homes for all four of my Rexes. The boys will get their own post later, but for now let’s highlight the girls!
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Brindleface is roughly 4 years old and a beautiful chinchilla standard rex. The poor thing has had 4 litters with two of the litters being stillborn, so while she has been proven I will not rehome her to anyone with the intent to breed her. She (and the others) went through a period of neglect and malnutrition that I believe permanently impacted them, so a low stress life would be best. Thankfully, now that she’s had a few months of being pregnant free, she seems to be very healthy and energetic.
With the health stuff out of the way, Brindleface is a very sweet and sassy lady! She always runs up to see what treats I have to offer, and enjoys chilling at a distance. I think with even more time she would grow to enjoy some light cuddles, as she does like the occasional head scratch. Of all the rabbits, she hates being picked up the most, and has given me some pretty nasty reminders. However she’s quick to forgive, I just would recommend a gentle approach. Her favorite snacks are cucumbers and Timothy hay baked cookies.
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Greg (born October 22nd 2024) is the sassy youngest girl of the family and a standard black otter rex. She is the only surviving member of her litter (her sibling passed due to unknown causes, possibly failure to thrive), and acts like the little princess she is! While never having been bred, due to the fact that her mother was undergoing neglect my rabbit care mentor has advised that she should not be bred. Otherwise she has shown no problems!
Greg was named that bc her brother’s name is Wirt, and honestly she might be due for a name change because she is one spicy bun. She isn’t big on pets and will grunt and run away, but with time I think she could bond well to her human. She LOVES to run around and is a bit of an escape artist— launching herself out of her pen! She enjoys hiding in her tunnel and doing a foot vertical leap. Her favorite snacks are Timothy cookies and oats.
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While they both have been living together with relative ease, they probably would prefer a break from each other. Neither of them are fixed, and I wouldn’t recommend doing so unless you plan to house them with an unfixed male or there’s a medical recommendation.
I was the parents’ third owner and have no documentation for their breed or medical history. I believe they are purebred standard rex but of course there’s no way to know for sure.
I live in the twin cities MN and I’ll gladly drive a few hours in any direction. I am not asking for a rehoming fee, but if the drive is longer than an hour I’ll request some gas money. Feel free to ask any questions about them!
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the-shy-artisan · 1 day ago
did xkit disappear from the desktop version of tumblr for anyone else or is it just me?
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the-shy-artisan · 1 day ago
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More screenshots from my Wilds adventure, featuring my hunter profile and my current high rank build (it's a work in progress, trying to balance out my skills for both hammer and bow).
Had to use the Quematrice armor as my layered, I've loved the look ever since I saw it teased in the trailers <3
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the-shy-artisan · 1 day ago
evil grinch smile. disney has lost the best animated oscar for the 3rd year in a row
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the-shy-artisan · 2 days ago
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Couple of quick screengrabs from my playthrough of Wilds.
Can't wait to farm so many of these beasties!
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the-shy-artisan · 2 days ago
Unfortunately, due to an apparent agreement between PlayStation and Discord, our voices cannot be heard in video clips. So saving our reactions is a no go (which sucks so much).
If we were in a PS party? Maybe. But we're playing with people on different consoles, so it wouldn't be fair to just limit ourselves to a normal party chat.
There was no stream either, I actually disconnected my Twitch from my Playstation after I had issues the last time (tried to stream Shadow Generations for a friend, my internet isn't strong enough ;;)
SO, it'll just be pictures and MAYBE a couple clips here and there if I'm in a party chat with a friend.
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the-shy-artisan · 3 days ago
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Been having a complete blast in Wilds so far! I finished the main campaign and have entered high rank! I already have an armor set in mind that I’m working towards!
Unfortunately, the customization for the Seikret was extremely limited so I was unable to make Beastos ;;
BUT! I did come up with the color pallet above that I’m pretty happy with! Her name is Athena!
But yeah, more pictures to come later! The grind begins…
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the-shy-artisan · 3 days ago
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the-shy-artisan · 4 days ago
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i have a new favorite bird mount lmao
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the-shy-artisan · 4 days ago
in other news, i call maizie a potato so often that she now responds to it lmao
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the-shy-artisan · 4 days ago
@ people who carry bags everywhere what do you put in them what is there to bring other than chapstick, keys, phone and maybe a tampon why are you packing a suitcase to be outside for 5 hours
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the-shy-artisan · 4 days ago
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Images that should ban me from making anything else ever again.
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the-shy-artisan · 4 days ago
All this discourse over who does "painting with light"
Hiroshi Nagai's paintings need sunglasses to look at.
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They look like how it feels to walk across a parking lot on a 98° summer day without a speck of shade in sight.
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They look like heaven but also like you'd burn your bare feet on the ground.
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Even when you can see shade you know it's not enough and the minute you step out you'll be burnt to a crisp like a vampire.
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the-shy-artisan · 4 days ago
I shall! ;u; I will try to share my adventures as much as I can! :D
There should be a stream tonight? All depends on how @scurpmun is feeling, but I'll be sure to take lots of pictures and videos! c:
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the-shy-artisan · 5 days ago
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How we feeling tonight, fellow hunters?
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