#thanking all the deities for letting my health be good enough for me to go tonight 🙏🙏��
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uhbasicallyjustmilex ¡ 4 months ago
just got home from seeing miles and oh my GODDDDD. so much to unpack. SO MUCH. i’ll do a proper post tomorrow when my brain is remotely coherent again, but for now the headlines: he is (as always) absolutely fucking incredible live; i had not one but TWO super awkward run ins with him before the gig even started; i will never recover from hearing shavambacu; there was a VERY interesting moment when he was introducing “see ya when i see ya”; and, in the least creepy way possible, i may or may not now know what it’s like to be spat on by miles kane mid performance 🫠
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seasaltdevotion ¡ 4 months ago
i want to learn about hellenistic polytheism but i dont even know where to start. could you please give me a base? i know about gods deities n such, i know ill need to make offerings and id like to pray to the god(s) ill worship but i feel like im about to jump in the middle of the ocean without knowing how to swim so please help
Ive only been practicing for a few months but i can give my two sense.
A really great video series id reccomend for some more veteran help is Hellenism 101 from Fel the Blythe’s YouTube channel! I’ll like it for you here. Shes how I got started on everything.
First thing I’d recommend is prayer! Since it’s the easiest form of devotion/communication.
Usually you start by mentioning Hestia, Goddess of the hearth who also allows us to communicate with the gods. So I tend to start by saying “to Hestia, the first and last I pray, I thank you.” And then i start praying to the gods I worship.
This can be you just thanking them for being there or for whatever they rule over. For example I might thank Apollon for my health, the sunshine etc. When you finish you thank Hestia the first and last again and then boom, you’ve prayed!
You don’t have to be formal in your prayers or you can be super formal, the gods won’t mind either way as long as you’re polite. And just by praying you’ve started to build Kharis, which is your relationship with the gods.
You build Kharis by praying, offerings, and by dedicating things you do to the gods, for example I will just, in my mind, tell the gods that the food I eat is for them, and that counts as an offering. Or again; Apollo as an example, you can listen to music and dedicate that time to him, or for Hermes maybe you could go on a walk or write a letter to someone or even the gods themselves.
Building Kharis all comes down to setting the intention of giving to the gods, and in return they give back. You don’t even need to do physical offerings to worship. But if you’d like to, it’s good to research your gods for ideas on what you could give them. And don’t worry about not praying enough/offering enough etc. not everyone can pray every hour of the day or offer a million offerings a week, all that matters is you’re doing what’s best for you.
Other basics
- Divination is not required, you don’t need tarot a pendulum or any of that fancy stuff!
- We don’t really have sins in Hellenism!
However, on that note, it’s also good to cleanse before approaching the gods, washing off something called Lyma or general negativity that kind of builds up on the day to day. It just happens.
And how you cleanse?
You wash your hands and/or your face. Or even shower! As long as you’re clean then you’re pretty set.
- Xenia
Xenia is hospitality, which is a major benchmark in Hellenism. It’s what the religion is really based on. Basically, love thy neighbor sort of thing. Just be kind and courteous to those who are in your home and welcome those in need no matter who they are.
- What if I want to worship two gods who dislike each other in mythology?
Don’t worry about it. You can always pray to them and preface it before hand, but the gods know this is a polytheistic religion. They know you’re going to worship more than one and may end up praying to one more than the other. We’re human, and they understand that.
They won’t be mad at you for having multiple gods or prioritizing one over another at a certain time.
So what now?
I’ve thrown a lot at you, so where do we go from here?
Take your time.
Research, research, research.
Understand the gods you’d like to pray to, know their myths, read literature surrounding them.
I cannot say this enough but Theoi.com is a great resource for learning about the gods. Find any sort of book you can get your hands on. And take your time. I can’t stress that enough. Don’t let yourself get overwhelmed by offerings and things.
If all you can do to stay is pray? Then pray! Or even just talk to them. Just sit and tell them gods about your day either mentally or verbally, just talk to them.
Do what’s easiest and best for you and only move on when you can.
If you need help along the way, I’m always willing and there are plenty of other Hellenic polytheists who are willing to help! Everyone also has different practices and beliefs, so what I say may be different from someone else. Plus I’m still learning myself so there’s always things that I can improve on myself!
I’m so glad you reached out and I hope you enjoy the ride!!
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probablygayattorneys ¡ 2 years ago
Blog update
For the past year or so, this blog has posted twice a day. Once at a random time between 6:30-7:30 AM MST and once at a random time between 11:30 AM-12:30 PM MST.
Starting tomorrow, this blog will post once a day at noon MST exactly.
I am going to explain why below but before I do, I'm going to TW for really, really serious mental health issues so... just stop reading if you're not up for that.
I am not well.
It is probably obvious from how absolutely off the wall some of my posts have been that my brain doesn't work like most people but I don't think anyone understands the full extent of just how broken my brain is.
Even my doctors don't agree. Give me a mental disorder, I've probably been diagnosed with it at least once. Autism. Depression. Bipolar. ADHD. BPD. CRSD. GAD. I've got the whole fucking can of alphabet soup in my bowl, but nobody really knows.
What we do know is that during June, at the same time my dad got diagnosed with cancer (don't worry, I didn't even know stage 0 cancer was a thing but apparently they caught it so early they just did a tiny little surgery and now they think he's completely cancer free) my depression hit hard. Legitimately, so bad that I was officially declared disabled by it to keep me on my parents' insurance since I turned 26 in August.
The only song that I can even think of that comes close to trying to describe how I feel is the song Autoclave, by The Mountain Goats. Embedded below if you'd like to listen.
We've done everything. I have a therapist I see weekly. I did a sleep study. I have a psychopharmacologist who has prescribed me enough medications that I could probably not just tranquilize an elephant but also cure the tiger's depression, stabilize the lion's mood, and hook up the ringmaster with some real good shit. We spent 5000 dollars to try an experimental ketamine treatment that insurance didn't cover at all. I've done ECT. I got desperate enough that I tried to turn to religion, I went to a Catholic church just because it was the only denomination open at 3 PM on a Tuesday and I sat in that pew and I prayed for an hour that God would send me someone, just that someone would sit down and say "you seem troubled, child" and nobody fucking came. Then one night I prayed so hard I literally cried, begging God to send me something, some kind of sign, literally anything, to keep going, and the next day my cat knocked over one of my decks of tarot cards and every single card fell face down except the death one. So. There's that. That's only one thing left that I haven't tried, and that's where they're going to take my blood and then sequence my DNA and try and figure out what medication my body would react best to, and I hope that it works because I've been struggling with suicidal ideation since I was 6 and... even if I am a phoenix, I'm getting real fucking tired of rising from the ashes. Everything we've tried is just a fucking cul-de-sac of misery. I have fallen into this rut and I can't get unstuck and this is the worst I've ever felt in my entire life, I'm upset and angry at everything from my grandpa, for dying before I was before so I never got any memories of him, to my cat for not letting me eat in peace, but none moreso than at myself for feeling this way when it is absolutely no one's fault that any of this is happening. The only peace I know is when I'm in a heavily medicated sleep and I can dream all night of freedom but then I wake up but I never wake up free. If you cannot relate to this, then I sure hope you pick a deity and thank them for your luck.
So, what does any of that have to do with the format of this blog changing?
Well, it's simple. I'm not funny anymore. There were times I had 200+ posts in my queue. Right now I have less than 80.
Sometimes, I still have some spark of inspiration (though most of the time it's really more my brother just made another stupid video edit) but the fact of the matter is that I'm just... I'm not producing anything worth a damn thing at the rate things have been posting. This is the only thing I can try to do to make it last a little bit longer while I hope for a miracle because every second of every day I am in pain, it hurts just being awake, like, I am in an agony that most of you probably can't even fathom.
And, well, if it gets to eighty days from now, and there's no more posts, and no more updates... Well, you'll know what happened. I hope you also know that I'm sorry that I couldn't step out of the shadow of my great catastrophe, but I also hope you know that I really, really did try my goddamn hardest.
0 notes
torque-witch ¡ 3 years ago
Shop Sale + I Honestly Just Need Income
Hi y’all, I hate to do this, but I really need you to reblog my shop posts or this one because I’m out of money. My utilities are only half-paid and now over a week late, and I can’t DoorDash for extra money legally, because I haven’t been able to pay for my inspection for over 2 months. My car payment is due on February 8th along with my phone bill, and on top of that I’m currently in therapy for suspected agoraphobia and am having a hard time leaving the house without panicking anyway. 
If you didn’t know, Death’s Head Divination has been my primary income source since about April of 2020. I left my full-time auto management job because I have an autoimmune disorder and was not allowed to work from home making sales calls (I tried to bargain with them for less money) and they of course reasoned that “only old people die from covid” at the time, not acknowledging that my medication for Crohn’s made me a petri dish for covid lungs. While I was still on temporary leave, I started developing severe joint swelling and pain from Lupus (brought on by that exact medication) and wouldn’t have been able to lift batteries and brake rotors anymore anyway. I had to leave permanently, whether I wanted to or not. 
Sales were very good in 2020 and most of 2021, keeping me afloat to pay the bills - but after we moved in October of 2021, I drained my entire savings account (about 6k) to pay for move in and furniture we needed. On top of that I had three hospital visits from tachycardia events, which developed into a POTS-like syndrome after getting off the meds that my doctor said was causing them. I’ve been slowly recovering from that since September and haven’t been able to DoorDash to supplement what I lost. On top of that, I’m posting on four different social media platforms and am still having a hard time making consistent sales. While this is a woe-is-me post, it’s also just that the handling of the pandemic in general has caused a lot of small businesses to lose money, no one is getting financial help anymore, people have to work sick, and disabled people like me can’t work in the public anymore without risking dying. My health isn’t stable enough to get a traditional WFH job.
All that to say - please just push some buttons for me. Tumblr is different than everywhere else in that no one really sees my posts unless you reblog them. Liking essentially only acts as a save feature and lets me know you found some joy (which is great) but doesn’t get me any exposure. If you like my work, please go through my page and reblog some things? Even if you can’t afford anything, someone else who follows you might, and that would make all the difference to me.
Here’s some things that I do in the shop.
1. Hel Mary’s and custom deity statues
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2. Crochet beanies
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3. Crochet Tarot, Dice and Rune bags
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4. Runes
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5. Witchy art
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6. Tarot Readings
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7. Vintage/Misc
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The sale is good through February 14th, 2021 - 15% off Hel Mary’s and custom statue requests and other art/handmade and 25% off all vintage and misc. The only exceptions are new arrivals or things I need to buy supplies for. 
I take customs of just about anything, Klarna is available through Etsy and I will ship Internationally by request for most items if they aren’t too heavy or too large.
Follow me on Instagram
Find my art for sale at WaywardWitchAuctions every weekend on Insta
Shop my Etsy 
Follow me on TikTok
I know that everyone is tired and struggling, so please don’t feel bad if you can’t buy anything. A follow or a reblog goes a long way to helping me reach other people and maybe a sale. And if you want me to reblog something for you, just message me! 
If you made it this far, thank you for reading. Ya’ll have kept me alive and kicking since like 2014, so idk where I would be without you. Hopefully better days are on the way for all of us. 
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thirteen-jades ¡ 2 years ago
Actually fuck it nobody asked but I’m telling you about my Elona character anyway.
I didn’t really know much about the game going into it, and in fact the first time I tried I was very quickly overwhelmed and couldn’t get into it. The second time I fared much better though, and whiled away many hours on Elona+. My first (and really only) character was a fairy wizard. This is a pretty strong combination, but it presented two issues to me during the early stages of getting to know the game.
The first problem is that fairy wizard is the species/class combo with the least health in the entire game, particularly an issue early on. Fairies get between 2-4 Con to start with, and wizard does not apply any bonus to that stat at all. The race with the next least starting con are snails, with 2-5 Con. Fairies also have a Life stat of 40, meaning that (aside from the 15 base HP that all characters start with) my character’s max HP was only 40% of what it would be at the normal 100 Life. Even with the maximum constitution I could roll, essentially any enemy in the entire game would oneshot me if they got close.
The other problem was more of a thing on my end than an issue with the game itself; I spent several hours not knowing how to cast spells. My character was capable of it from the beginning, but the menus and buttons are dense and confusing and I just didn’t know I even started with spells to begin with, let alone how to open the spellcasting menu and use them. This meant I was running around trying to melee things to death as a fairy with barely any attack power and fuck all health.
Once I did figure out how the game worked enough to play the character competently though, fairy wizard turned out to be a very good and very fun combination! I went with Lulwy as my deity both for the BDSM and also to boost my speed to unreasonable levels.
At the time I stopped playing (near the end of the third and final zone of Elona+), my character looked something like this:
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The ether disease making my arms thick was accidental and something I think I intended to cure, so I don’t really consider it part of my “canonical” character, but…
I weighed 7 kg (though for a time I weighed 0 kg; I’m not sure what governs character weight exactly), was 51 cm/1’8” tall, had a body that had been mutated to near physical perfection, and replaced my brain with a computer. I also fused myself with a symbiotic flower, which reduced the rate at which I healed naturally (not an issue for a spellcaster; my healing came from magic anyway), increased my charisma (because it’s super cute), and protected me from other parasites by consuming them when they entered my body. I also had the ability to hypnotize, drank human blood, and was famous for pioneering new methods for preparing human flesh for consumption.
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In conclusion: I have incredible aesthetic taste and should probably pick this game back up sometime. Thanks @self-loving-vampire​ for recommending it to me ~
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yandere-wishes ¡ 5 years ago
Sacrificial Bride Part 1//Twisted Wonderland X Reader//
Alright well, that's enough writing for the next few days if you excuse me I'm going to go sulk in my corner. Huge thanks to @softyswork​ who’s story about reader being sent to Malleus as a bride inspired this series. Also, I REALLY want to make some sort of modern-day Frankenstein it would be an amazing scientific breakthrough! You'll understand what I mean when you get to Idia's part lol.
💚🐉Malleus Draconia🐉💚
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It was a common rumor around your village that ever since the death of the sleeping princess your settlement had never been the same. For you, this was nothing more than a fairy tale meant to spark a scrap of hope in the hearts of naive, suffering children who were still too young to fully understand why their fathers never returned from their hunting trips or why there was barely anything to eat for dinner.
Every time you heard this dreaded tail, you couldn't help but scuff. For as long as you've been alive your town had been in utter disarray and chaos. Monsters from the woods -what the town's folk called "fae"- attacked the village daily. Stealing jewels, destroying homes, sometimes even swallowing children or sucking the blood of the dormant. There was also the looming threat of the green flames. Blazing emerald fires who couldn't be subdued by neither water nor dirt. They advanced further into the territory of the village by each full cycle of the moon. Leaving behind in their trail, thick impenetrable thorn bushes that had taken the homes of many and the lives of many more.
Awful, dreaded creatures those fae where...
But alas you did not yet know just how cruel they could be.
On another periodic morning, your younger sister jolted you awake, dragging you to the town center before you got a chance to change out of your nightgown.
In the center of the square was short man..no...not a man you noticed his pointed drawn back ears. "Fae" you gasped under your breath. But unlike the monstrous fairies that ravished your town taking on the appearances of trees and woodland creatures, this one resembled a boy of 15. The young-looking male began to speak, his voice was clear like crystals, and to his tone bats began to flock overhead. "Truly dreadful, these fairy folk are" your sister uttered in terror as she buried her face in your side.
"Heed my words, mortals. The young prince of thorns has decided to take a wife. By the setting of the sun a full day from today, two of his guards will come to collect your offering. If you chose to disregard this Wa-- friendly advice, then what is left of your town will be decimated before the end of summer. Your children eaten, wives imprisoned and husbands killed!" An unsteady hush rippled through the crowd. Some hothead youths began to throw rocks at the stranger only for the bats hovering above to shield him from the stones. Mothers hugged their children close begging for the man to "just leave".
"If" the man's voice rose once more like a cadaver emerging from the grave " my young master is pleased with your sacrifice than we shall reward you! Bring good health and prosperity to your otherwise sick and decaying village." His last words melted into the open air before he vanished in a cloud of squealing bats and ebony smoke.
The town's folk erupted in screeches, cursing at their deities while simultaneously praying to any god that would listen.
"Help us!"
"save us!"
"Don't let them take our daughters!"
The screams escalated to the point where you had to cover your ears with your shaking hands. Your eyes scanning each of the villager's faces, a pathetic lot they were, you thought to yourself. Scared by the words of a young magician. In a flash, your heart sped up, adrenaline pumping through your veins, as you marched to the center square where the boy had been mere moments ago. You stood tall, cupping your hands over your mouth.
"Listen well you disquiet, mindless lot!"
All eyes turned to you. Some holding looks of confusion, whilst others harbored glances of hope.
"This fae is lying! No way will they be satisfied with just one measly girl! No matter who we sacrifice to their so-called master, they'll still come after us! They'll still destroy our village! Let's not be stupid! Let's find a way to barricade the city instead of arguing over who to sacrifice!"
For an endless second all was quite. It was like the world had stopped turning, frozen in its place in the universe trying to decide what to do.
Then it happened,
Chants reverberating through the air
"Sacrifice her!" "Sacrifice her!"
"Sacrifice her!" "Sacrifice her!"
"Sacrifice her!"........................
The crowd started advancing. Eyes locked on your figure like those of a leopard on its prey.  Their mouths were all a gap, chanting the words "sacrifice" over and over again. From behind the mob, your eyes locked with your sister's. You could practically feel the despair rolling off her figure as she covered her eyes and fell to her knees, her whole body rattling with a sort of distant rage...
A full day....it's funny how time passes all so quickly no matter what you do. Day in and day out nothing changes, pain is still pain, laughter is still laughter. Time just keeps slipping from between your fingers like sand. Even in the direst of times, Time doesn't show mercy, never once does it cease. It just ticks and ticks away until the inevitable moment arrives.
Your sister and aunt -the only two relatives that you hadn't lost to the fae- were in charge of preparing you for your so-called "wedding". Since your town was poor and isolated from other civilizations there wasn't much they could do to enhance your beauty. Smashing some berries to add color to your lips -and fervently ravishing the remains- using some coal to add shade behind your eyes, as well as around them and patting the dust of rose petals against your cheek. By the end, you hardly recognized the person staring back from the mirror. Sure the adjustments were minor but this was the most stunning you'd ever looked. "Is it almost time" your voice quivered, failing to hide the tears that began to fall. "Please don't cry sweetheart, we don't have any more coal to fix your eyes with." Your aunt's tone was monotone almost bordering on heartless. You couldn't really blame her, she'd gotten so used to having her loved ones plucked from her. One more would be no different. Sniffing as to keep the tears at bay, you nodded slowly. Your glossy eyes locked with your aunt's you could see the same fear and exhaustion in her fading irises as the night her son was slaughtered in front of her.
"Just a few reminders" your sister's voice was cheery like the chirping of early morning birds, but her face mimicked that of a kicked puppies. "Remember when the prince...fae...when he..you know...Oh, Lord please tell me he won't" She was shivering again. Her face twisted in horror. You knew what she was thinking, she was imagining you laying in the bed of that...that thing. She was imagining him entering you, kissing up and down your neck. Leaving patches of red skin over smooth flesh, bruises wherever his clawed hands touched you. She was imagining what was no doubt going to happen to you tonight...
the mere thought made bile rise to your throat.
"Darling, just keep saying how much you like it. It's all any man wants to hear." again your aunt or rather her lackluster form of speech was the rope binding you to your sanity.
"Do fae even have...those parts like humans do?" Your sister asked, only to be met with a glare from your aunt. "Stop wasting time on pointless questions! Hurry up and see if this dress fits your sister."
Sure enough, as you were escorted to where the thorn bushes met the village, two men, one standing tall and proud, whilst the other looked like he may topple over from fatigue at any moment, were awaiting you.
The green-haired man let out a haughty laugh, his blazing eyes scanning you from head to toe. "She's hardly worthy of the young master!" His dreadful voice was like the booming of thunder clouds. "It doesn't matter, Malleus-sama needs to be wedded off quickly so he can produce an heir. None of us are getting any younger by standing here debating the "worthiness" of yet another measly human" the silver-haired male's voice was the exact opposite of his comrades, his voice was soft and breathy like light drizzle after a storm.
The green-haired man looked ready to argue once more, but before he could open his mouth, his violet-eyed counterpart waved something thin in the air casing a pathway to open between the hedges.
It was dark between the brambles. The air was thick, stuffy, every breath was a struggle. Although it seemed neither of your traveling buddies minded the discomfort. Did fae even need air to survive?
After what could have been no less than a couple of hours, your small group made it to a large clearing where only a few rays of the sun leaked through the thick smoky clouds. Miss matched flowers in shades of grey littered the rocky barren ground. Maybe at some point, this place had been beautiful, stunning even...but whenever that time had been it was long gone now.
As you ventured farther into this monochrome land of loss and sorrow, the three of you approached a castle. It towered over everything else, grim in all its glory. "Young master Malleus is awaiting you inside..." The green-haired male's voice trailed off as his speech was interrupted by the deafening creaking of the doors parting open. Without another word the two men dragged you inside, pushing you through spiral staircases and long bleak passageways. Until you arrived at a lavish-looking room, a large throne sitting smugly in the front of the room. It's black, spiked appearance was enough to make you gasp in horror, you didn't desire to meet the monster that perched atop that throne. "Don't be so afraid." the silver-haired man whispers, his head is almost resting on your shoulder. "Malleus-sama is kind and fair. He is sure to love you better than any human ever could." you catch a hint of nostalgic sadness in the last part, like a long lost part of the lavender eyed boy's past caught in his throat like a glass shard.
Trumpets roared through the room blaring as two men, one short and fickle whilst the other tall and brooding walked in. "Malleus~" The short one sang as they both stopped in front of you "Say hello to your lovely new wife." the tall man's emerald eyes landed on you. His lips parted in a threatening smile...or maybe it was a smirk? He didn't seem to be too good at displaying emotions. Slowly he descended onto one knee, slipping your hand into his and kissing the top lightly.
"Hello, my darling little wife."
🧡🦁Leona Kingscholar🦁🧡
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The After Glow Savanna was an absolute hell to be born in if your family did not belong to some royal inner court class. The endless days spent scavenging for scraps of food, walking miles for a simple glass of water, had become a sort of broken, habit beaten into the residents of the smaller less fortunate districts.
Eventually, you too would follow in your parent's footsteps, working odd jobs around the neighborhood, getting married to some guy, having kids, and giving them the same dreary life your parents had given you. It was simple -miserable- but simple never the less. In an odd way, you found a sort of comfort in how everything was set in stone. How you'd suffer through a few years then die of starvation or some disease in your husband's arms.
But little did you know that the only comfort you had in your horrible life was also going to be swiped from you.
When Ruggie, a dear childhood friend of yours returned from his prestigious school for the winter holidays you were overjoyed! A week with your best friend was the greatest gift you could ask for! But that excitement soon dulled when he announced to the neighborhood what the royal family had planned for the underdeveloped parts of the country.
"They want to demolish the homes and build parks and shopping strips instead"
The people of your tiny community gasped, shock and hopelessness mixing over their dirty, worn out faces. Some older siblings shielded the ears of their younger kin, some mothers hugged their children closer to their chests. "They can't do that to us!" Your voice was like a beacon through the thick fog of confusion. "We can't let them!" You turned to Ruggie who was seated next to you. His blue-grey eyes held a foreign sadness that you had never seen before. He was hiding something...something so grim that he was forced to shove it into the depths of his soul, locking it up and throwing away the key.
"There is a way..."
For such a hopeful phrase, Ruggie's tone harbored no happiness. You could practically see the tears that were clouding his beautiful eyes. "Tell us" someone from the crowd demanded, others soon joined in with their own chants. For a long moment, Ruggie said nothing, the shouts of despair falling on deaf ears.
"If.." his voice trailed off, as his gaze grew distant.
"If someone from the neighborhood were to marry the second prince..." Gasps of fear filled the air. Even the mere mention of the second prince's name was enough to send chills down people's spins.
"Then they could, as the newly appointed  princess, convince the royal family and counsel to scrap this monstrous plan." No one uttered another word. No one was brave enough to face the man who could destroy anything with a simple touch.
But the sake of these people, people who had nothing but their families and a muddy roof over their head was on the line.
Do something, a tiny voice in your head screamed, save them, it begged. You shifted your head so to get a glimpse of Ruggie's face. "I-" you began but were cut off before you could even finish.
"I know you would say that."
His voice broke over every syllable. He knew you would give up your depressing nostalgia for the sake of others. Life in the castle would be hell, being married to that monster would be something worst than the dwellings of the devil.
It was a speedy arrangement, so fast that your head didn't have time to process anything. In the end, it almost seemed like the royal family was desperate to find a spouse for their youngest son.
Just marry him! Was what all the absentee looks told you.
Early that morning, Ruggie had dragged you to the castle, all tears, and grumbles. The palace guards let him in with no restrain, it almost felt like he'd been here before. Your childhood friend led you to a room in the further corner of a grand hall. He told you to stay outside as he went in to chat with the prince. Moments later the newly appointed king and queen came to usher you into a privet room and discuss the marriage. Not an hour later your fate had been sealed, you'd be married off to prince Leona tomorrow at sunrise. For "historical purposes" your neighborhood would be preserved and even taken care of. 'Historical purposes' you thought 'more the like a bribe to get you to marry this beast.
that night you were dragged this way and that by the queen herself. Taken for fitting after fitting. Trying on hundreds of wedding dresses who's prices could feed every mouth in your neighborhood for months! "Leona isn't very classy" the queen sighed in disappear. "He would probably prefer you to be in something laxer, shorter if you will" the tailors ran around trying to find something that would fit her vague description, as you stood facing her royal highness.
"What's he like?" you asked soullessly
"Spoiled, although not as heartless as the rumors make him out to be"  She didn't seem to like giving straight answers
"will he harm me? It was an honest question, although the lack of thinking it took before the queen replied made your heart skipped a beat.
"Quite possibly, he is rather...aggressive at times. Just don't let his degrading comments get to you. He's not used to being around people"
The more she described the second-born prince the more it seemed she was actually speaking of some feral dog that had raised in isolation.
Oh, how doomed you were.
The wedding was even faster than the preparation. Ruggie walked you down an aisle of flowers, walking over the petals, killing them once and for all, ending their pointless existence. You stood by your self at the altar awaiting your husband to be. It took a rather long time before the doors were flung open and the king waltzed in carrying his struggling brother under his arm. "No need to worry, Leona was taking one of his catnaps again and forgot about today's events" the king announced, in what could only be described as a mock lively tone.
How on earth does someone forget their wedding! This prince really wasn't a typical human...heck you where beginning to think that the feral dog would have made a better groom.
snap, snap
A few magazine pictures here, a couple of family photos there...
Everything was so bright and loud...
right before you and the second prince were thrown into the darkness of his room. In the obscurity, you could ONLY make out the glowing of his emerald eyes.
You could feel him shifting closer, all the while you took shaking steps backwards. " I thought wives were supposed to leap into the arms of their husbands? Tell me little herbivore do I frighten you?"
Your voice refused to leave your throat, too afraid to come into contact with the prince.
"What's the matter? Did they not teach you to speak in on the streets you grew up on. Poor thing~"
Leona pounced across the room, tackling you to the ground. His sheer weight pinning you to the carpeted floor. The sound of fabric tearing echoed through the silence.
How careless these royal were was the only intelligible thought that came to your frenzied brain.
Goosebumps littered your skin as Leona's claws cut into your flesh. His lips kissed over each wound as he made his way up to your cherry painted lips.
"You look so cute, you know, like a little mouse about to get devoured by a starving lion."
💙💀Idia Shroud💀💙
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The rhythm of his heartbeat was slowing down, it felt like the patter of ants atop one's flesh. He was dying...this was an irreversible fact. The love of your life was dying and there was nothing you could do but sit idly by and watch the life fade from his pale bruised face. Your thumb ran over his knuckles in robotic-like strokes. Hours had passed, you'd shed all the tears that you had. He was gone...that was all there was to it.
For a hopeless second, you flicked your eyes to the open window on the opposite side of the room, There was never any sun on the island of lamination but regardless today seemed brighter than any other day. "How cruel" you muttered in a deadpan voice. Outside something...or better yet...someone was running through the fields, chasing what looked like a butterfly. The young child had blazing blue hair a symbol of the Shroud family...
Your breath hitch in your lungs, your heart began to pound furiously in your chest. They could help you though hopefully. There family where distant relatives of the god of the underworld and a few years back -to your regulation- the hair of the family had been able to semi revive his younger brother. If he was able to bring back a child from the dead than surly they would have no problem returning your lost lover to you.
Your eyes waltz over his dormant face one last time before you got up and ran for the door.
"This is all for you my love, all of this is for you"
The Shroud family mansion was located at the top of one of the many hills that plagued the island. It was a dark grisly building that resembled the castles from old tales, where monsters laid dormant. Rumors spiraled around the rural civilization, some saying that the family was cursed by the lord of the dead, whilst others claimed that the shroud family were the long lost descendants of the lord of the dead and the maiden of spring. The curse had been placed on the family by the temperamental mother of the maiden of spring, anathematizing the family to be plagued with death and disappear for the rest of eternity.
Regardless of what their misfortune was, they may very well be the last people on earth who could help you. Surely if the family had brought back their youngest than they could bring back your lover!
You knuckles tapped furiously at the old metal doors of the frightful residence. The rhythm was unkept, unsteady, it's mere sound radiated urgency.
Your throat burned as you screamed out those three lousy words.
After what felt like forever, the doors cracked open, revealing a tall man obscured by the shadows. Any light that touched the interior of the house seemed to die acidity, making peering inside nearly impossible.
"What business do you have?" The man's voice was croaky as if his vocal cords hadn't been used in years. For a split second, you closed your eyes, trying to organize the thoughts in your head. "My...my...h-hus...lover, my lover is d-dead...o-or rather he is dying....probably fully gone by now..." despite the mess of stuttered letters and mixed-up words, the man seemed to understand your situation. With a long sigh, he pulled you into the somber house.
Fingers still wrapped tightly around your wrist he pulled you around, guiding you through the darkness until you reached a large room lit only by the mysterious blue flames of the fireplace. Sitting by the warmth was a...well it was hard to tell, her face -despite it displaying every bone of her visage coupled with dark sunken eyes- resembled that of a woman no older than thirty, whilst her body resembled a decaying skeleton. What was she? Was she the lady of the residence or yet another monster this bizarre family had created.
"My, love" the man began to speak, his voice was somehow cleared like it had been given some sort of jolt. "This young lady needs Idia's help, she wants to bring back her lover from the dead."
The woman said nothing, her eyes staring ahead, burning a hole in the wall right by your head. "What will she give him in return" despite her "deteriorating" appearance her voice was like soft silk on one's skin, melodious and fair.
"Why herself!" This time the man's voice boomed across the house, echoing through the hallways and falling on you like a cave in.
"M-myself! What the hell do you mean!"
"It sounds fair" the women agreed "my darling sweet son saves your lover and instead you agree to marry him! Oh how wonderful, just like in the tales about grandfather Hades!"
She seemed too thrilled about this, her snow-white eyes gleaming with a sort of delusional passion.
"Idia! Idia honey! Come down your father has a surprise for you!"
The hollow sound of footsteps soon filled the quiet air. Followed by another soft blue glow.
Was there no normal fire in this house?
But it wasn't fire, not exactly. When your eyes fell on the heir of the Shroud family, you suddenly felt a nervous wave crash over you. There was something -even more- unsettling about him, he looked nothing like his charming little brother. For one his hair wasn't...well hair! Sure you'd expect a small batch of blazes heading upwards but this was something else entirely! It resembled a large bonfire that floated towards the ground, rouge sparks falling in every which direction, sizzling and then dying abandoned on the floor. And his eyes, Miosis like pupils floating around in a pool of lemon yellow.
But all the physical appearances aside, the most unsettling thing about him was the gloomy aura that leaked off him, suffocating anyone in his presence. Nervously you took a step back only to be yanked forward again by the taller man.
"Idia baby!" His mother ran over to him, cradling his hands in hers "This cute young lady has agreed to marry you if you can save her lover, just like in that old tale about your great grandfather! Oh, my this is all so romantic!"
It seemed like no one here understood that you were in love WITH SOMEONE ELSE! Or maybe they did and chose to disregard it. Instead, using the bits they retained as kindling to feed their raw excitement. You shifted your gaze back to Idia's face. To your utter terror, he was...smiling? Could that...look...even be called a smile? It seemed more like the way a shark would bare its teeth at a defenseless seal! Oh, gods please don't let this...thing...be your future husband!
"It should be easy enough," His golden gaze landed on you "W-when did...did he die?" it took a few moments before you register that he was talking to you or technically asking you something. "A...A  few..." your voice cracked, tears streaming down your eyes.
"So recently...okay that shouldn't be a p-problem." He turned on his heels and walked back into the seclusion of the halls "I'll grab some things and meet you by the front door"
A few things ended up being a pile of wires and bolts. Something that looked like a light blue ball of energy and so many tools whose names seemed to go over your head.
Idia was kneeling by your lover's bed, pulling apart the skin and fusing metal in its place. Your darling's chest was cracked open, his ribs poking out towards the sky as if praying for life from the lord of the sky. Every once in awhile Idia would pull out a long tool with smoke floating from the top. He'd lay it on an organ watching as the tissue fiber sizzled away under the heat. He would then tie wires and small circular batteries inside.
"His heart stopped working, I'm guessing from some sort of shock"
You just hummed in response, too caught up in how the man you loved was beginning to look like a modern-day Frankenstein rather than a human being.
The sun had long since faded when Idia finally got up from his spot. His bones cracked and screeched at the sudden change, his muscles giving out halfway leaving him to rely on the wall for support to stand. Your lover's chest had been sewn back and covered with a silver piece of metal. His neck was wrapped in the same sort of alloy. His left arm had been cut open so Idia could shove the energy ball inside than cover it, leaving a small enough gap for wires that stretched from his chest to weld into the ball.
"He just needs a boost" Idia murmured that shark-like grin overtaking his pale face once more. From the side table, he plucked up to jumper cables and clipped them on either side of his neck. Jolts and crackles filled the room and sparks flew in every direction, the once-dead body shuffled around, arms and legs moving at random. You shrieked and duck behind Idia.
Only then did he pry the clips from his neck.
for too long nothing happened... then there was a slight wiggle in one finger, then another. His eyes slowly began to prey open, looking over his surroundings. The moment his confused gaze feel onto you. Idia turned you around to face him, clumsily smashing his blue chapped lips onto yours.
From the corner of his eyes, Idia watched as the other man began to understand what was happening...even if he was just resurrected there was still agony at the sight of his lover kissing another...
Good! That should show him who you belonged to now!
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shadyteacup ¡ 4 years ago
Helloooo, can you do headcanons on Dazai having a strong S/O (ability wise) like nearly as strong as Chuuya? Cause isn't he a literal God lol. Thank you :]
Hewo! I had a lot of fun writing this...it almost turned out to be a oneshot :p , but dw, I managed to turn it into hcs :D
Here u go~
Dazai x gn!reader
Reader has a strong ability...like, rlly cool 😎 it's my dream ability
      This man is head over heels.
He loves how you scream over a cockroach but can rip people to shreds at the same time.
Since you didn’t mention any specific ability, I have gone ahead and given you a lightning ability.
Arahabaki is the god of calamity, that combined with Chuuya.
Raijin is the God of lightening. Your ability is pretty similar to His powers.
You can control the place, time and method of a lightning strike. You can also produce it on the spot and shoot it from your hands...kinda like Palpatine.
Your eyes turn arctic blue, with your hair flowing around you. You look like a literal Goddess/God.
He was mesmerised when he witnessed it in action for the first time.
You and Dazai were walking through Yokohama, observing the internal beauty of the city via small lanes and random alleyways.
Hand-in-hand, you two were chatting about how Dazai hadn’t tried the Napolitana pasta yet, despite living in a city that was rumoured to have invented the dish.
That’s when Dazai pulled you around a random corner and shielded you from the view of the road you two were originally walking on.
You knew better than to speak at such a moment and decided to observe and try to pick any signs of being followed.
Sure enough, you could hear faint footsteps come to a stop right at the corner, you two still being shielded by the corner. You both waited with bated breath, and after a while, the person went away.
Relieved, you were about to walk out of your hiding place, when a barrel placed itself on your head from behind. Your eyes widened and you froze in place. Dazai noticed the unknown presence and looked behind only to find you being held a hostage.
“Long time, Mr. Executive!”, the man holding you hostage said as he grinned at Dazai.
“Aren’t you supposed to be in prison, Ito san?”, Dazai said, offering him his own smile.
You could easily read through his façade. The smile was only a mask, covering his panic and fear. You had no experience in fighting, and Dazai was no match for this man. He had fought him earlier, but that was when he had Chuuya by his side. Dazai can come up with a spectacular and manipulative plan, and Chuuya, or his current ada partner, Kunikida, can execute it, considering their brawn. He was the brains, and his partners had always been the brawn. He can fight the occasional criminal, but Ito was a feared enemy of the mafia, who was both mentally and physically strong. He had always assumed that the mafia had caught him, and sent him to jail, thanks to the mafias feared double black, but apparently, he had gotten away, or had found a way to break out of prison.
“prison isn’t a place for a man like me; you of all people know that. So, I left! Decided to say hello to an old friend, now that I’m back.”
He moved his gun from your head, dragging it down to your chin.
“Turns out, my visit might actually kill two birds with one stone.”
Understanding the hidden meaning behind his words, Dazai tensed up. He couldn’t let him hurt you. He had to get you out f here. But how is he going to do that? There is no way out of this without either of you getting hurt. He must protect you, but what must he do?
You chuckled.
“Something funny, pretty thing?”
“Actually, yes.”, you say, “Do you know who you’re threatening?”, you smirk, your tone dangerously low and intimidating.
“You’re playing a dangerous game; Ito-san, wasn’t it?”
The man grabbed your chin, turning you to face him.
“I was going to let you go, but I suppose your naivety deserves a bullet to the head!”
You smiled, activating your ability.
A sudden jolt of electricity travelled into his body. Yelping, he let go of you. Using this window of opportunity, you kicked the gun out of his hand and pushed yourself away from him. Dazai quickly grabbed your arm, pulling you away from the man, and out of the alley. His main intention was to get you away from here. Away from danger. He hadn’t understood what had just happened, but he decided that right now, running was the best course of action.
You two turned multiple corners, crossed many junctions, and ended up at an open field. Beyond the field, a few blocks away, was a metro station. You two could head to safety from there. All you had to do was cross this abandoned field and get in the metro.
Multiple men, clad in a uniform of sorts, emerged from the shadows, circling you both.
“Thought you could run away, did you?”, Ito stepped into the circle, a proud smirk on his face.
“You will face the consequences for destroying my gang. We never broke apart, you see. All of us are back. And we will take over the mafia, defeat the ada, and control this city.”
“Good luck with that.”, you say as you let go of Dazai’s hand, ignoring his warnings to stay back. Kinda like that scene with odasaku :')
You spread your arms wide, activating your ability. Bolts of lightning shot out from your fingers, hitting a few of the men, dropping them to the ground.
The men had no time to react as you swiftly raised yourself off the ground, hovering over them, and unleashed your signature move, striking them with a large bolt of lightning from the sky.
The head of the group, Ito, activated his own ability, the ability to control metal. Multiple guns aimed themselves at you and began shooting.
You created a shield around yourself, effectively blocking the hundreds of bullets.
Meanwhile, Dazai sneaked behind the others, incapacitating them.
You continued to fight Ito, blocking his attacks, and sending a couple bolts his way, while simultaneously attacking the others. The field was a mix of bullets, sharp scraps of metal, and bolts of electricity.
At the end, Dazai sneaked up behind Ito, nullifying his ability, and knocking him out.
To say that he was surprised would be an understatement.
He had heard of an ability that controlled lightning, but this was his first time witnessing it in action.
'Heaven's Fury' was the name of your dangerous ability.
He thought it suited you very well..
You are calm and composed, but when angered, you can unleash madness upon your enemies.
You were always so elegant, and seeing you like this, using your powers and fighting atleast 20 people at once, he couldn't help but admire your majestic beauty.
Your ability gives me 'They tell me I'm a God, I'm lost in the façade, Six feet off the ground' vibes.
Dazai agrees with my opinion.
You look like a deity.
He liked the idea of protecting you, yes, but he found it so hot that you could protect yourself.
Hell, he now knows that you can not only protect yourself, but also take out an entire city on your own.
He would be much at peace now, knowing that he doesn’t quite have to worry so much about any past enemy of his taking revenge. You were stronger than almost all his enemies.
Will praise you, 24/7. He wouldn’t stop talking about it.
He wonders why you didn’t tell him, and you merely shrugged saying that he never asked.
He would brag about you to all his friends(ada members)
He would never tell anyone other than the ada members, though, as he doesn’t want anybody to do some research and find out a way to defeat you.
He prefers it to be an element of surprise and catch the enemies off-guard.
Loves watching the shocked and scared faces of those that decide to wrong you, leading to you using your formidable ability on them.
If you aren’t a part of the ada, he would definitely think that you’d be a great addition to the organization.
He would never ask you join, though. He wants you to be as safe as possible. It doesn’t matter whether or not you have a strong ability, he just wants you out of harm’s way.
Besides, using your ability can take a toll on your health too.
He just wants to see you happy and safe.
If you decide to join the ada, he will try to talk you out of it.
If you’re absolutely sure of your decision, he wouldn’t stop you.
Instead, he will accompany you on all your missions, and will ask Atsushi to come along too.
He is aware that you are extremely strong and don’t need anyone, but he will constantly worry about you, which is why he accompanies you.
Don’t get him wrong, he really loves you and trusts you, but he is just so worried.
So, don’t oppose him when he joins you, please. Poor baby is just really concerned for your health.
Will call up Chuuya and brag about you to him.
“My Belladonna is much stronger than you, chibi-kun ;p”
If you’re taller than Chuuya, Dazai will tease the hell out of poor hat man.
He'll be like,"LOL shorty XD. My s/o is both taller and stronger than you!!"
If you're not taller, it will still be hell for poor wine boy.
"I can't believe that you're weaker than my s/o! They're so much better than you, LOL"
"Shut up, bastard!"
"Pathetic chuuya.. You literally have a God inside you, and you're still weaker! LMAO"
I feel bad for chu chu :(
But, oh well, that's just them, ig :)
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badnamjams ¡ 4 years ago
Omnipotent Deity: The Legend Of The Tiger
Tiger!yoongi x Villager!reader    mature 18+
Summary: The village you live in is small and poor. When your family starts getting sick from malnourishment, you’d do anything to help your family from facing death. Hearing about the legends of the almighty tiger who has immense power that can grant wishes, you think it’s your only way. That is, if he deems your worthy. 
Word count: 6.9k words
Warnings: myths, smut, yoongi is a god, and a tiger
“I’m afraid that your mother does not have much time to live, young Y/N.”
“A-are you sure?” you look up at the shaman that stands before your sickly mother. 
“Her body can’t adjust to the lifestyle that has been brought upon us,” the shaman sighs, “the never-ending drought has been with us for two years now.” 
“Is there anything I can do? Any villages close by that can help?” you ask desperately.  
“Villages nearby have been facing the same issues as us, there’s nothing I can do, young Y/N,” the shaman bends down to touch mother’s forehead. 
Two years have gone by since the start of the drought. Two years since the crops and livestock have gone down significantly. Crops are hard to harvest, and the livestock have been getting eaten by the tigers that live in the mountains. It felt like there was no way out. 
Life without mother was something unimaginable to you. Not only did she teach you everything you knew, but she brought warmth with her wherever she went. She was generous to the village. Being married to a head elder, she was a mother to the village. People came to her when times were rough, and mother would help them. 
“Thank you for coming by,” you walk the village shaman to the entrance of your wooded home. The blazing sun hits the both of you. 
She turns around to face you, “Young Y/N, there’s something I must tell you-”
“Y/N! There you are!” Your father, one of the head elders of the village, comes your way. 
“I’ve been looking for you, Y/N,” you father approaches you and bows his head to the shaman, “good afternoon, Ms. Chiyo, how is my wife’s condition?”
“Not good, my son,” she says, “the illness is taking her little by little.” 
The shaman grabs a hold of father’s hands, patting them, “with the little resources we have, there’s not much we can do, and the rituals that I have done was not effective.” 
“We need to pray to the spirits that she goes back to good health.” 
“Thank you for checking on her, Ms. Chiyo, if we need anything else, then we’ll reach out to you.” Father bows to her once again.
“Oh, and Y/N, I want you to come join the head elders meeting with me,” he states, “I think we need more insight from others than just the head elders.” Father gives you a pat on your back. 
“I’m not so sure, father,” you look down, “mother is very ill right now, and I’d like to stay with her for now.”
You were scared, to be quite frank. 
“Young Y/N go with your father to the meeting,” the shaman puts her hand on your shoulder. “One day, when both your parents are old, you have to take your place as one of the head elders.” 
The village shaman starts heading down the dirt road, “we shall talk again another time.” 
The first thing you do before leaving with your father, is pray.
The purpose of the meeting was to address the main problem: livestock being snatched and eaten. Being in front of the other elders was nothing you weren’t used to, but the fact that this is your first ever meeting, the tension was like none other. 
“Mr.Y/L/N, I just want to point out that nothing we have done so far is improving. My crops are still not growing, and my chickens are disappearing one by one,” An elder starts speaking. 
“I understand, Mrs. Yang, but even the crops that we have gathered from our neighboring village aren’t growing,” your father tries to mediate. It’s not going well, since the entire village is facing the same problems. 
“Them damn tigers left the cow carcass outside our farmland!” Another elder shouts. 
“We should send some people to kill those damn evil-incarnates! I only have one pig left!”
And like that, shouts are coming from every direction. 
“You’re not sending my family back out there again! I lost my eldest grandson thanks to the impulsive decision to attack the tigers!” 
“Yeah! Who will protect us when we send out fighters?!” 
What do you say? Their words are jumbling up in your head that you can’t formulate a straight answer to any of these problems. This was out of your league. No way are you going to measure up to your dad as a head elder. 
“I want everyone to calm down!” Fathers low voice booms through the ground, “we are weak not only in numbers, but in strength as well.” he starts.
“Tigers do not attack us unless provoked or if we trespass their territory,” he informs “they may be solitary animals, but not when they have their cubs, and god knows that a mother will always protect their cubs.” 
A mother will always protect their cubs. You personally understood what that meant. Mother treated the village like her own cub. We were one big family. We must protect one another to survive. And that’s what we have been doing for centuries. The fire in your heart ignites. The need to protect your family sits inside you. One day, it will be up to you to protect everyone in this village. 
But is there any solution to our problem? We have tried everything we could come up with. 
“Y’all might as well pray to the spirits that the Tiger God grants our wishes!” A random voice says from behind the group. Everyone turns to look at the owner of the voice. The voice belonged to a man by the name of crazy uncle Chan. The one that spews nonsense every day, every hour, every minute. The one that was attacked by a tiger and lived. He bears a deep scar on his face as a trophy. He’s got a total of three teeth, smokes opium every 5 minutes, and always has jokes up his sleeve. The elders may not take him seriously, but the young ones love to be around him.
Crazy Chan cackles and slaps his knee, “the legend of the Tiger God! He’s our only hope!” 
“Chan, stop,” Father intervenes, “that’s just a childhood story.” 
“Oh, if only you knew.”
The Tiger God? You knew nothing about the Tiger God. Nor have been told stories as a child. He grants wishes? Multiple questions pop up in your head. Curious to know about the myth that crazy Chan speaks about. The shaman did say that we should pray to the spirits. Could this Tiger God be real? 
The sun has reached the horizon when the meeting ends. You never spoke once, but you listened to each problem that the village was facing. Maybe if you think more on it, you’ll come up with a solution. But as of right now, you wanted to find crazy Chan. 
As everyone leaves back to their homes, you find crazy Chan sitting on a rock smoking out of his pipe, “Hey Mr. Chan! Can I ask you something?” You approach the crazy man. 
“Ah, Y/N! How are ya this fine evening? Care for a smoke?” He offers his pipe. 
“Uh, no, thank you, I don’t smoke,” you push his pipe away, “I was wondering if you could tell me about the Tiger God?” you ask hopefully. You take a seat on the dry grass next to him. 
“The legend of Yoongi! The Tiger God!” Crazy Chan flails around. 
“Yes, the Tiger God,” you hesitantly start, “what is the myth?”
“Oh, young one, it is no myth,” He shakes his head, “no, no, no.” 
“The legend is real,” he grabs both of your shoulders and shakes you. 
Crazy Chan lets go of you and starts the story with a hushed tone, “the legend goes that if you bring him three specific items, he’ll do an evaluation, and if he deems you worthy, he shall grant you one wish.” Chan’s eyes bulge out of his head as he comes close to your face. 
“In a hundred years, no one has had the privilege of ever seeing him,” he turns and stares off into the plain field, “except for one man.” He extends out his arm and pokes your forehead with his pointer finger. 
That night, you barely slept. Curious about the story and the legend of the Tiger God. You look over to your parents, with the moon shining down on the both of them. Why haven’t they told you about the story? Maybe you don’t remember it as a child. Father did say it was a children’s story. 
The story that crazy Chan told you was stuck in your head. A young man, by the name of Jungkook, was a poor son living in poverty and famine. People had gone to see the Tiger God often, but all of them were not worthy enough to get their wishes granted. Everyone was turned down, except for one man. Legend says that the tiger was referred as a God, because of the immense power he possessed. Jungkook was the only one who the Tiger God deemed worthy; therefore he got his wish granted. 
The idea that pops up into your head is a crazy one, but at this point, you're desperate for anything.
You find crazy Chan once again, smoking his pipe on the rock he always sits on, with children littering the area around him. The sun is beaming down, hotter than normal today. You go to join the kids on the grass, in hopes of getting more information out of crazy Chan. 
“Mr. Chan! Could you tell me more about the Tiger God?” You ask. 
“Ah! Young Y/N, why the sudden interest?” He inquires. 
“Mr. Chan! Tell us about the Tiger God!” The children speak out. 
“You guys too? Oh man, I tell you guys the story almost every day!” He shrieks. 
“Tells us! Tell us! Tell us!” The kids chant. 
“Oh, alright,” he succumbs to their chants, “what would you like to know?”
“How powerful is he?!”
“Is he really big?”
“Is he a prince?”
“Is he a tiger or a human?”
“Can he fly?!”
The children gobble crazy Chan with questions. You can’t help but admire the children and their youthful thinking. The curiosity in their eyes, all the wonder and enthusiasm. 
“Really powerful, maybe, no, both, and maybe.” Crazy Chan answers all the questions in one go. You smile in amusement at how blunt his answers were. 
“Is there a way to meet the Tiger God?” You finally ask after everyone had their turn. 
“My, my, my!” He puts his hand on his hips, while having the pipe rest in his mouth, “young Y/N, are you interested in finding him and make a wish? Cause if you are...then you might be crazier than me! Hah!” He slaps his knees and cackles, which makes all the other kids laugh and fall to the ground. 
That was the only thing you got out of him the entire day. Every question you threw at him, he would turn it around and make it into a joke to make the kids laugh.
Maybe your suspicions of the Tiger God was wrong. The possibility of it being real was something you were clinging on to in hopes that it would save mother. The rest of the day, you cursed at yourself repeatedly. What made you believe in a children’s fairytale? Granting wishes? Immense power? Of course, no such thing would exist. The fire inside you was dimming. 
The next morning, everyone heard the cries. One of the elder’s granddaughter had died. At only six years old, she had died from the same illness mother was facing. The whole village gathered around her burial. The aura was filled with sorrow. The wind was calm, and the air was deathly silent. But you heard the cries, heard the sniffles. Death was not unknown, but the occurrence was minimum. The village prayed, while the shaman did her ritual. 
Majority of the villagers left the burial. Even the little girl’s family. Father had brought mother for the funeral but were the first ones to leave when it ended. You understood. Mother was better off resting. The only one who stayed behind was you, and crazy Mr. Chan. The sight of him was unusual. Something never seen. He was void of emotions. Staring off into the grassy field. His pipe was in his hand, but since the beginning of the funeral, he has not taken a hit. 
You walked and stood next to him, keeping silent the whole time. You assume he would want silence. There was nothing you could say to him. Mr. Chan was the one person every kid in this village loved to be with. He filled their lives with joy. 
Like habit, he finally takes a hit out of his pipe, “young Y/N, listen to me carefully, cause I’ll only say this once.” He takes another hit.
“Or maybe twice, because I’ll forget I said it the first time, but anyways,” he says frantically. 
“You need to go to the mountains,” Mr. Chan starts off. “There’s only one cave in the mountains, and you must go there.” He looks at you with a serious face. 
“You need to bring one tiger tooth and a pair of chicken feet.” All the pieces are coming together. Your face contorts into confusion. 
“But... why-” 
“There’s no time, Y/N, you must see the Tiger God.”
“B-but it’s just a myth!”
“It’s real, and you need to stop these chains of events from ever happening again, Y/N,” Mr. Chan is fully facing you, “I believe you are the one who can change everything.” 
“I-I thought you need three things?” You’re as frantic as ever. 
“I only remember two, but it doesn’t matter, because you need to take this chance to meet him.” 
“What do I do?” You cry out to him. 
You don’t sleep that night. Too busy preparing for the mission that starts when the sunlight hits the sky. Chicken feet was the easiest to obtain. The orders that Mr. Chan gave you is running repeatedly in your head. But he didn’t tell you how to get a tiger tooth. 
Are you going to have to hunt for a tiger? The absurdity in everything is making the world spin around you. You grab onto the wall of your home for support. Beads of sweat drips down your face. You’re not entirely sure if it’s due to the weather, or if it’s because you’re freaking out. You look to your parents to see if they’re still asleep, not wanting to wake them up. 
That’s when you see it. The hit of the moonshine on the spot of your getaway. Of course. You were making this too hard for yourself. You tiptoe to the head of your parents, eyes glued on father’s tiger tooth necklace. You hear your heartbeat in your eardrums as you hover over father. As careful as possible, you snap the twine that holds the tooth and slowly lift the object. You back away as soon as you have it in your grasp, heart beating out of your chest. 
“You need to leave as soon as the sun rises,” flashback of Mr. Chan’s orders flow through your head, “the tigers hunt at night, so travelling during the day is the safest option, and they won’t attack humans unless provoked.” 
“But I interpreted the prophecy and believe that the path to the cave will be easy.” He states.
“But how do you know?” you ask. 
“All the stories of people going to the cave and back never come back harmed,” he recalls, “however, they never got to see the Tiger God.” 
“Also, what prophecy?” 
“There’s no time, young Y/N, you need to get a tiger tooth and chicken feet.” 
Thankfully, no one was awake at this time. You set out on the path that Mr. Chan directed you to follow, with hope and fear coursing through your veins. No one has gone this far into the mountains. The dirt path that lead up to the start of the mountain slope was straightforward. Almost as if this was a road leading you straight to a castle. And that castle belonged to the Tiger God. 
The walk felt foreign to you, for you had never gone this far from the village. Frequently, you would check each side of you in case of a lurking tiger. Fear drips with every step. The last thing you need was to be attacked by a tiger. 
Alas, the long journey awaits you. Your judgement of the size of the mountain did not fail you. You knew it would take you till nightfall to reach the cave. Watching the sunset had given you serenity. Like the calm before the storm. You understood that this task will not be an easy one and knew nothing of what’s to come. Once the sun fell behind the horizon, you had reached the entrance to the cave. 
The view of it gave you chills. The feeling of a lurking entity frightened you. Fear had taken over your body. You could always turn back. 
No. The fear does not compare to the pain you feel. The pain of having a sickly mother on the verge of death. The pain and suffering of the entire village that you grew up with. You must do this. You need to do this. For the sake of the village, and for the sake of your mother. If this damn Tiger God is your only hope, then you’ll take your chances. 
With the courage that had appeared inside your heart, you fire up a torch and enter the dark and murky cave. The feeling of a lurking entity never left. The feeling of fear never left. But there is no other choice. You walk with a shaky hand, holding the lit-up torch in front of you.
Roaming deeper into the cave, you find nothing but a long tunnel that stretches down into a dark abyss. Is there going to be something at the end of the tunnel like cave? You don’t see anything besides your torch, and the entrance that is now far from you. Your courage is now long gone from you, left at the entrance of the cave. 
Welp, there’s nothing here for you. You turn around to leave this dark and scary cave, but that’s when you hear it. A low growl echoing through the cave. You almost feel paralyzed as you slowly turn back around. Your bones are shaking and the only thing you hear besides the low growl is your increasing heartrate. Your heart is about to beat out of your chest, and your mind has concluded that you are going to die. Right here. Right now.  
Two glowing bulbs appear far ahead of you. The feline eyes are the only things you see in the dark abyss. The growl is low, but loud in your eardrums. The eyes come closer, bit by bit. In a flash, the cave is being lit on the sides of the walls. Torches hung in a line through each side of the cave. And as the well-viewed tiger stalks towards you, as the first two paws take a step, each torch lights up one by one. 
Your torch has been long gone on the floor, blown out. Body becoming paralyzed at the sight of a tiger. The tiger is still stalking towards you, slowly but surely. Eyes glowing straight at you, teeth baring at full display. The tingling sensation of fear runs through your veins. From your fingertips to the soles of your feet. The intentions of the tiger are unknown. All logical thoughts left your body. The only thing you can do is accept your fate. 
The tiger has now approached you, and slowly strides around you. Body still paralyzed; you don’t even dare to look at your side. The tiger is now at the side of your peripheral vision. 
A soft touch jolts your awareness. It is then that you realize that the tiger is caressing your back with its long and oddly strong tail. Your body is stone frozen, as the areas are burning with every touch
“Look what the cat dragged in.” A deep voice says. So smooth..so alluring.
Lost for words at how the damn tiger can speak, it comes back around to your other side. But what shocks you is that it’s not a tiger that appears, but a full-grown man in all his glory, and his tail still touching you. With his jet-black hair and a long scar down his eye, you knew this was no ordinary man. He must be the Tiger God. 
The man appears in front of you, staring back at you with his feline like eyes. You look at anywhere, but him. Seeing as how attractive this fearsome man is, astonishes you. “To what do I owe the pleasure...” 
“Y-Y/N,” you stutter out. “A-and I came to make a wish.” You rush it out. 
“What makes you think you are worthy enough?” He spits out. The man walks back, walking to what you see now as stairs leading up to a throne. All made in stone. 
You ponder for a minute. What makes you worthy? You brought the items you were told to bring. Do they make you worthy? 
“I-I brought the things you wanted!” You cry out desperately. “Unfortunately, I only have two of the things...” You wince at your stupidity. He won’t be happy if you only brought two of the three items. 
“Oh, I assure you, kitten,” the man chuckles. “You brought me the three things that I want.” 
“Come closer, kitten.” He waves his fingers at me while smirking. “I don’t bite.” 
You pick up the courage to move your feet, not wanting to disobey the god-like man. Each step becomes faster and faster to make sure you don’t disappoint or anger him by being slow. The basket you brought with you had carried the things you needed. Lowering down to your knees, you set the basket down and take out each item. 
“I don’t know how I have the third item, sir.” You lightly bow to the man. 
“Seems like a little kitten was ill-informed on the necessities of seeing the legendary Yoongi, huh?” His smirk never leaves his face. “This should be fun.” 
“I-I don’t understand, sir.” 
The man, who goes by the name Yoongi, starts descending the stairs slowly. With each step, you become more nervous and more scared of what he’s going to do. When the man appears in front of you, he squats down, looming over you. You try to look at anything else but his nakedness. 
“You give me three things to represent different qualities that I deem worthy.” He takes the chicken feet that have been sitting on the bottom of the stairs. In one gulp, he swallows the feet. The action baffles you. 
“I love chicken feet.” He shrugs. “However, you were supposed catch a tiger by yourself, and give me a tooth.” The man picks up the tiger tooth you had stolen from father and examines it. Realization struck you. You’re not worthy, since you didn’t get the tooth on your own. 
“I’ll let it slide, kitten.” He smiles deviously at you. “It’s been a hundred years, and no one was as innocent as you” Yoongi chuckles. 
“I can smell it from a mile away.” He leans a little towards you and breaths in deeply. The act makes your heart flip. 
“W-what are you talking about?” You’re even more confused. 
“There’s always a price to pay, little kitten.” Yoongi starts. “You give me the things that I want to prove if you’re worthy of making a wish.” 
The Tiger God holds up the tiger tooth. “This represents bravery; however, you didn’t get this one on your own.” He shrugs. “The feet represent generosity.”
“And lastly...innocence.” Yoongi’s eyes shift into something unreadable. But the way he’s staring into you, makes your cheeks hot. 
“Innocence? Like what?” Gradually, you’re starting to understand. 
“Oh, kitten, I love how innocent and naïve you are!” He chuckles. Yoongi gets back up and heads to the stoned throne. You can’t help but look at the view of his curves and naked back side. Something inside you churns. The Tiger God’s presence alone makes you feel something so foreign to you.
As he sits down, he pats his lap. “Come sit.” He demands. Without a thought, you’re making your way up the stairs and plopping yourself on his lap as told. Almost as if something else has taken over your body. The feeling of him underneath you burn your thighs. The close proximity makes your heartbeat faster. You can’t tell what it is that you’re feeling. Never have you ever felt like this towards anyone. 
“What is it that you desire, my little kitten?” Yoongi rubs your thighs. His touch shoot tingles throughout your entire body. Burning heat starts growing in the pit of your stomach. 
“I want my village-” Yoongi hushes you with his finger on your lips. 
“I know what your wish is, but I want you to tell me,” he drags his finger down your lips, “what is it that you desire?” You look the man and watch his facial expressions. Yoongi’s eyes were piercing into your own. Your body is starting to feel different. The way your body reacts to his touch indicates something your unknown to. Chills run through your body. You feel your nipples perking, and it’s not because of the cold. 
“I-I don’t know what I desire, sir.” You stutter out. “But I don’t want you to stop touching me.” You’re embarrassed at your own confession. 
“So innocent.” Yoongi whispers. “Suck” He brings his finger back to your lips. You instantly wrap your lips around his digits and start doing what he commanded. The way he watches you with his tongue sticking out a bit, arouses you even more. 
“You want me to touch you, kitten?” He asks. You nod, slowly. “Say ‘please’ for me. ‘Please, Yoongi.’” He looks at you erotically. His finger slips out of your mouth, slick with saliva. 
“Please.” You breathe out. “Please, Yoongi. Touch me.” You beg. Your brain has gone foggy at this point.
He pulls your back against his chest and uses his knees to spread your legs. His knees keep your legs spread for him, as he trails his hands down. 
“Where do you want me to touch you, kitten?” He breathes in your ear. His hot breath combined with the way he’s talking shoots thrills to your core. Your eyes almost roll back, and he’s barely done anything. 
“Everywhere.” You tell him. He starts with your jaw. Outlining the side of your jaw slowly, he makes his way down to your neck. Softly dragging his fingers, making a trail of saliva wherever he went. When he reaches your perked nipples, he takes extra time to knead the swell of your breast while pinching your nipples. Yoongi is making you feel hazy with the way his hands are touching you. You moan with each pinch before his hands leave your breast to trail down your stomach. 
“Yoongi!” You moan as he touches you where you didn’t know you needed him. His hand goes down your pants and brushes a finger up and down your slick. 
“Mm, feel how wet you are, kitten.” He collects your juices and brings them around your bundle of nerves, circling it with his fingers. The fire you feel inside your stomach burns more and more as he plays with your clit. He strides his tongue up the side of your neck to behind your ear. Your head falls onto his shoulders, letting him make a mess out of you. Taking your earlobe between his teeth, he moans lowly. 
“You like that, kitty? Like how good my fingers are making you feel?” He inquires. Your brain can’t formulate any words, so all you do is give him a small nod. His fingers become faster. You whine at the newfound speed and arch your back into him. 
“No one’s ever touched you, huh? You want me to show you how good it can feel?” You nod vigorously, wanting more of his fingers. Your stomach is tightening as you feel the immense pleasure. It’s nothing you ever felt before. 
“You’re doing so good, kitten. You’re making my cock hard with you moving on top of me. You want my cock inside you, kitty?” The next thing that overwhelms you is Yoongi slowly putting a finger inside you. The unfamiliar feeling sends shock waves everywhere. From the nibbling on the ear, to his grunting in your ear, all on top of his finger pumping in you, sends you completely over the edge. Fireworks explode in your eyes as you come right on top of him, legs shaky and back arched into him. 
“Kitten, you’re so tight.” He chuckles. “I don’t know if I’ll fit.” He says to you as you calm down from your orgasm. 
“Will it hurt?” You finally speak. You try to catch your breath, as you feel a shift from underneath him. The hard, poking feeling is coming from his cock. 
“Relax, little one, only a little bit.” He laughs in your ear. “But you’ll grow to love it.” Everything happens in a flash. He’s got your ass up and faced down on the plateau of the stairs. Yoongi’s one step down, kneeling behind you. His cock is in his hands, pumping slowly. The way he eyes your dripping cunt makes you feel self-conscious, but his next move arouses you. “Look at this cunt dripping for me. I can’t wait to put my cock in your pretty pussy.” He collects your juices and wraps it around his red, swollen cock. You moan at the sight of him. 
“I want you to be loud for me, kitten.” He kneads your ass cheeks. 
You’re unaccustomed to the pain that comes with slipping his cock into you. Your walls are being stretched and it feels like he’s ripping you up. Yoongi moans as he fully bottoms you out. He’s balls deep in you and you feel him hitting every wall. Every nook and cranny that resides in you. 
“Fuck, kitten.” He groans. “You’re so tight for me.” He throws his head back and grabs onto your waist. Pleasure comes over you as he hits a certain spot. His thrusts are slow, allowing you to adjust to his size. Just like he said, you grew to love it. The pain you felt was replaced with pleasure. 
“Faster, Yoongi!” You grew impatient. You wanted him to go faster. You needed him to hit that one spot again. You’ve become addicted to the feeling. 
Yoongi snaps his cock into you harshly. “Did I say you can tell me what to do, little one?” The pain that came with it was what you wanted. Oh, did it feel so good. “I'm a God. You’re omnipotent deity. You don’t tell me what to do when I have you bowing before me as I pound my cock into you, little kitten.” 
Yoongi snaps his hips once again. He snaps three more times before he’s pounding into you profusely. His cock is hitting the spot where you wanted him to be and you couldn’t be more thrilled. You feel sharp nails digging into the curvature of your ass. The pain alights the fire within you. Your knees are digging into the ground so hard, that you’re sure they’re bleeding, but it adds to the pain and pleasure that you’re growing to love. You feel his balls slapping on your clit with every thrust. Everything is pushing you more and more to the edge. You want nothing more than to come again. You had no prior experience of such pleasure.  
“This is what you wanted?” He lowers his head to yours. “Wanted me to fuck you harder so you can come again? Huh, kitty?” He asks. 
“Yes, Yoongi, I want to come again, please!” 
“Beg for it, kitten, I wanna hear you.” He growls in your ear. 
“Yoongi, please!” You start begging. “I wanna come again! You feel s’good inside me!” Your words are slurring. The haziness from the pleasure has taken over you. 
“I wanna come for you, please, Yoongi.” 
He picks you up and sits you on top of his lap, cock never leaving your pussy. You’re now facing the entrance of the cave as he holds your waist up to pound into you. 
“You like the way I fuck you, kitten? You wanna come for me again like the good kitty you are?” He says into your ear. Yoongi has figured out that you liked him whispering into your ear. The dirty words he says to you combined with how he’s making you feel, makes you feel like you’re on cloud nine. 
He wraps a hand around your neck and holds tightly. “Answer me, kitty.” 
“Yes, oh god, yes.” Your head is thrown back. Eyes now rolling to the back of your head. “You feel so good, Yoongi! So big.” You’d do and say anything to come again. The fire inside you is burning and you know what’s coming. 
“I want you to come for me, kitten.” His other hand reaches down to rub on your clit. You moan loudly and grind your pussy on to his cock. You’re riding to reach your high and you feel it coming to you faster. The way his fingers feel on you is pushing you more and more to the edge. Yoongi’s sucking your earlobe once again, which adds to the fire burning inside. 
“I feel you tightening around me, kitty.” He pounds into you faster. “Why don’t you come for me?” His voice is sinister. His finger works faster, and he knows you’re about to come. You clenched around him so tight that he was unexpectedly about to come. 
The feeling of your orgasm is stronger than the last one. You see white lights in your eyes as your orgasm hits you like tidal waves. You’re shaking on top of him, as he’s still fucking you. 
“Fuck, kitten, you’re so sexy.” he grunts out. “I’m about to come from how tight you feel.” You let him fuck into you as you come back to your senses. Purposefully, you clench around him as tight as you can.
“Kitten you’re gonna make me come!” His hips stutter up and you feel his cock twitch inside you. His moans were like angels singing in your ear. As he comes down from his high, he lifts you up from him and watches the way his come drips out of you. His cock is still twitching from the orgasm he had. 
“Oh, kitten, you’re really worth the wait.” He breaths out. Sweat is dripping down his face, and you couldn’t think of anything more god-like than this. 
“Am I worthy of making a wish?” You look at him and ask. Yoongi’s eyes are closed, making you feel doubtful. Did you waste your time and innocence? 
“There’s one more thing I need from you...” He starts.
“Anything! I’ll do anything you want! Just please, save my village. I can’t watch them suffer anymore.” You plead with every fiber in you. 
“A life for a new life.” He looks at you with an emotionless. “Looks like your mother is quite sick. Almost on the verge of death.” You freeze at his statement. How does he know? 
“I’ll make you one last deal. You give me your mother’s life, and I’ll restore everything that has been lost in your village.” What? This can’t be happening.
“A life for a new life.” 
You’re paralyzed. To be in shock is an understatement. How could he do this to you? After everything you just did with him. 
Tears are spilling out of your eyes and ringing is all you hear. The agony that fills you is overpouring. 
You turn your full body to him. “No...” You shake your head profusely. “No! Please not my mother!”
“That is my deal. Take it or leave it.” The look he has on his face is ominous. 
“Yoongi, please!” You beg. Pride, embarrassment, everything is gone. “Not my mother, I beg you!” You bow to him, showing him your hands that are praying. Praying for another way. Tears are running down like waterfalls. Snot threatens its way out of your nose. 
“Please, Yoongi..” You cry out. “Take me instead! I don’t care! Just not my mother!” You bow to him once again. This is all you can do. All that you can give him. “Take me..take me..” 
“Is that your offering?” His voice booms through the cave. 
“Yes, please, take me instead. You said a life for a new life!” 
“Look at me.” You look up at him, quickly wiping your tears and snot. He’s examining your face, seeing if there’s any hint of a lie. He can’t fail this time. 
What’s unexpected was for him to pull your face into his. He kisses you with passion and the last thing you see before blacking out is the way his eyebrows were scrunched. 
You wake up due to the sun shining down on you. You blink a couple of times to adjust. Your body feels stiff and everything seems hazy. When your vision becomes clear, you see the shaman looming over you. You’re back in your own home? 
“Good morning, young Y/N.” She gives you a cup of water. “I’ve been waiting for you to wake up.” She sits back down next to you. 
“What happened?” Your voice is groggy. 
“Many things have happened since we found you.” She says. “What exactly do you remember?”
You remembered everything from start to finish. The only question is...how are you here?
“I don’t know if you’ll believe me when I say that I went to see Yo-I mean the Tiger God.”
“I’m a shaman, young Y/N. Of course, I believe you.” She hands you a plate full of food. “It was your destiny to save this village, after all.” You look at her bewildered. 
“My destiny?” You ask. “What do you mean?”
“There’s this old prophecy that involved the Tiger God. He was banished from the Animal Kingdom and forced to live among us. The only way for him to get back home was to have someone make a wish that was selfless. The Animal Kingdom wanted to teach him a lesson for being so selfish.” 
Everything the shaman was saying felt like a children’s story. It was so unbelievable that you weren’t entirely sure if you dreamt about the Tiger God or not. 
“The moment you were born, I knew you were special, young Y/N.” She watches you eat the food unknowingly. “And when I did the ritual for you mother, I was visited by someone from the Animal Kingdom, telling me that I shouldn’t have to worry, for you would be our savior.” 
You put the plate down and give her a confusing look. Everything was just so absurd to you. 
“Y/N! You’re awake!” Your mother is outside the house waving at you. The sun was shining down on her, making her look alive and beautiful. 
“Mother!” You cry. With no hesitation, you get up and run towards your mother and hug her.
“Why aren’t you resting?! You shouldn’t be out like this!” You say to her.
“Y/N, honey, I feel fine! More than fine, actually! I’ve never felt more alive!” Your mother hugs you back. 
“B-but how?” You look at her. She no longer looks sick. Her skin no longer pale, her eyes bright and beautiful. 
“I don’t know! But when I got up to see if I could walk by myself, I find the fields filled with so many crops! And animals were gathered in herds!” She smiles. “I was admiring everything when I see your body lying in the field full of flowers! I was so worried something had happened to you, but Ms. Chiyo said you were fine.” 
You look around you and what do you know, fields of crops had filled the once lifeless land. Not only that, but your mother was okay. And you were still here. You look up at the mountains in wonder. No answers could explain why he let you go. Perhaps it’s better off for the answers to be unknown. You’re here now with your mother. The village is prospering into something miraculously new. No words could explain how thankful you were to the Tiger God. 
“So innocent.” He whispers to himself, as he sets you down on the flowers that had once been all grass. Yoongi leans down to plant one last kiss. It felt like time had stopped so that this moment could last longer. Your lips were soft and warm, filling his head with bliss.  He pulls back and looks at you one more time. He smiles at you and turns to leave down the dirt road. Your final moment with the Tiger God, Yoongi, has ended. 
Truth is that the deal he made with you was a lie. He had never intended on taking you or your mother. Yoongi had to make sure that you were completely selfless. When you said you’d give up your life instead of your mother’s, it shocked him. He looked into your eyes and saw innocence. He saw devotion like none other. You were his key to going back home. He needed you as much as you needed him. He was thankful. 
Because of you, he finally gets to go home. 
My first time ever writing on here! And first time writing smut.. 
Give it a like if you enjoyed! :) 
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fuckingrealityshifting ¡ 4 years ago
1// hi there, before you get too far, I want to say that I am trying to say this with all the kindness in my heart, and that I do, truly care for yall, and this is why im typing this now. I stumbled across your blog via your 'shifting terms' post, and I explored the idea of shifting and the shiftblr community a bit. I read all of your sources (although I don’t really believe most of them are credible enough) ((it could just be the uni student in me tho)) and I can't help but worry for you and
2// the shifting community. As I understand, most of you are still quite young, and while I haven’t tried to shift (I have a deep paranoia of developing a psychotic disorder), I fear that this practice could affect the young minds in this community in an unprecedented way. I am /not/ saying that any of you are delusional, im not saying its fake, im not saying i dont believe you. But many of you have mentioned how shifting is a) not dangerous and b) similar to astral projecting.
3// This is where I begin to worry, in my understanding, astral projecting is VERY dangerous, so if what you are doing is similar i dont believe it is a good idea. Especially for young people. Adolescent brains are very prone to mental illness, and I fear by placing yourselves in this situation you could eventually damage your mind. I dont mean to preach or anything, i just know a lot of you are young and i think you should be aware of the dangers of what you are doing,
4// because it could affect you in the long run. But stay safe, watch over each other and i wish yall the best. (ps. im sorry this was long)
/////end of ask
Okay so I just wanted to first say it would be okay if you didn’t believe or thought I was mentally ill and stated such! An ask like this is useful because it can start an actual conversation; I have concerns besides just disbelief to go off. Astral projection, being young, etc. I thank you for that and for leaving asks.
I don’t want people to think it’s not okay to be open about not believing. I know with the whole rating stuff rather than responding to comments it might seem like that, but I’m just going to brush off what doesn’t have a purpose other than bringing people down because there’s no point in repeating myself.
If it’s clearly meant to be sarcastic or has a punchline or comment for the sake of being rude or feeling like you’re superior (“get a hobby”) then I’m just not gonna humor you. I’m not intending to shut down all concerns at all.
About the sources—yeah, I do agree, a lot of the sources aren’t very credible, I totally acknowledge that. I also acknowledge even if they were all done by very credible sources the findings wouldn’t be absolutely decisive.
That’s kind of the fault of a lack of experimentation in scientific/professional spaces regarding anything spiritual and just the nature of spirituality itself. At the end of the day it’s mainly the suggestion of the findings that are important to spiritual people looking for evidence. I’m not sure if I worded that all coherently lol
I’m gonna answer these two points in reverse
Shifting is b.) similar to astral projection
So when I say similar to astral projection, I mean mainly in the fact you are perceiving stuff outside of your body and projecting. It’s a similar concept, and a bit of a similar practice, but not entirely.
With shifting, you are projecting your consciousness, and with astral projection, you are projecting your astral self/soul.
(I haven’t researched as much into the specifics of astral projection as I have for shifting so feel free to correct me! My understanding of astral projection is that your soul/astral self projects from your body to wander the astral realm.)
I’m gonna copy and paste some stuff I said in a dm message to someone who had a similar concern.
When a person shifts, their soul remains in their body. Your consciousness/awareness of reality is what is in another universe. When a person asteral projects, their soul leaves their body and can travel different realms of the universe.
When a person astral projects, they can come across spirits, deities, and harmful entities. They can take damage to the soul. They can change their astral form. Astral projection is dangerous. It is highly recommended not to astral project without protection.
When a person shifts, they are in a normal reality and do not need protection. Protection doesn’t hurt, as it doesn’t hurt to have protection in this reality, but its not necessary. (Precautions should always be taken.)
If they die in their desired reality, their soul is fine so they just come back. There is no danger of death. Your consciousness or alternate self (“clone”) can also go about your day while you are shifted which I have never heard about for astral projection.
The differences between your spirit projecting outside of your body and your consciousness projecting into another reality is why shifting is generally regarded as safer and as needing less precaution.
shifting is a. not dangerous
Well, not inherently. But like most anything it can be used dangerously. Some of the precautions that should be taken are:
•educating yourself properly before shifting
•grounding yourself (an ungrounded shifter can have issues)
•making sure you are not depending on shifting for anything or using it as unhealthy escapism
•understanding spirituality concepts even if you’re not practicing
I have a Staying Safe While Shifting post that has been in my drafts forever because I want to finish my mental health series to link it in the post, but I’ve been procrastinating finishing the mental health series because of the ADHD and shifting topic, which I believe I have.
We do have a majority of young people on the community—middle to older teens, I think. Most adults interested in this sort of thing participate under Quantum Jumping, a term that’s been around longer, which seems more online forum based.
Overall, yes. Shifting when exposed to the wrong people can absolutely harm mental health. I think we’re seeing it on TikTok. I just don’t have the power to make sure only people who can mentally take it see it. I just have to do my best to educate people on how reality shifting works so delusions or misunderstandings are hopefully easier to spot.
I absolutely thank you for the thoughtful message and if I brought up more concerns let me know.
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khunfounded ¡ 5 years ago
See You in the Morning
As the adrenaline wore off, Bam found himself continuously looking around just to make sure they were all real. His friends surrounded him, worn out and bleeding, but alive. These were the people that kept him fighting, that kept him surviving all these years, despite everything that Fug put him through. He worried that if he blinked they would all somehow disappear. If he weren’t so tired, he honestly thought he would be crying out of sheer joy and disbelief.
Early that day, Shibisu had proclaimed that a celebration was in order for the winning team Sweet & Sour, and in honor of their members that were currently out of commission. Food and drinks were passed around, with sweet and sour pork making a prominent appearance.
Bam sat on a couch in between Khun and Rak, only partially listening to Quaetro and Yeon avidly discussing Yeon’s newly discovered control over her fire. He loved them all, truly, but his eyelids were falling and it was getting hard to keep up with how fast they were both going. He found himself leaning more and more heavily into Khun’s side, which elicited a side-eye and a faint chuckle from the other.
He had missed this dearly, but at the same time he couldn’t help but think that he had never really had it before, either. There was no Sweet & Sour, or Ran, or Quaetro, or really Quant and Lero-ro. Even the people he did have back then, he thought, he didn’t appreciate enough. Bam had known what loneliness was, but he hadn’t known true loss until he fell away from all his friends and had to use every ounce of his determination just to keep them alive.
Bam knew they felt the same way, too, with the desperate hug Rak gave him when they finally saw each other again, and the long glances Khun kept giving him every time he thought Bam wasn’t looking. Bam wondered if Khun thought he was going to just disappear out of thin air, too.
His head fell onto Khun’s shoulder as he turned his face to watch Ran and Anaak slowly get into a more and more aggressive debate over hotdogs that would have quickly gone to blows if Arkraptor didn’t intervene. He felt Khun shift next to him as a breath wisped over his temple.
“Tired?” Khun murmured so only he, and perhaps Rak, could hear.
“Nah,” he responded through a yawn, which didn’t help his case, but he persevered, “I’m fine. Just a little sleepy, I guess.”
“You look exhausted, Black Turtle,” came the gruff voice on his other side, “as my prey you should take better care of yourself, so I can beat you fair and square!”
“I’m fine,” Bam promised, unable to control his grin, “I just wanna stay up for a little longer”.
Yeah, Bam missed this. This unyielding friendship and unquestioning love. People that cared about his health simply because they wanted him to be okay, rather than wanting their god to be at tip top shape. He had been worried, sometimes, in the back of his mind, if his friends would treat him differently after all this time, after all he’s changed.
It wasn’t the same, true, but not because they were afraid of him or wanted to use his power, but because they had all changed over these past seven years. Rak seemed more self assured, less likely to just jump into battle without any forethought. Shibisu was more comfortable in his own skin and Hatz was starting to trust more in himself than his sword.
Khun, too, he thought, as he got comfortable against him, was different. He was more closed off from the people around him, unless they were Bam or Rak, and there was an edge to him that Bam hadn’t seen before. It was like he was holding his cards close to his chest, except you had no idea how many there were or even what game he was playing. Bam was sure that it was good for battle, but he was also worried for his friend.
He turned his head slightly, looking up through his eyelashes at Khun. He was watching with hidden mirth as Lero-ro tried and failed to teach Miseng and Quant some game using spoons. To Bam, Khun had always looked ethereal, like a shinsu moon. But unlike the moon, Khun was right there, and Bam was allowed to be close to him, rather than just bask in his glow.
That’s why Bam could never understand Rachel’s fascination with the stars. Sure, they were pretty, and they gave you light, but there were so many more important things, like friendship, and laughter, and games with spoons. Things like Khun’s eyes, bluer than the rarest suspendium and crinkling at the corners.  
Those eyes shifted to look straight at him, making Bam smile softly.
“I missed you guys,” he admitted, words gentle in their honesty.
A long look and then, “I missed you, too,” whispered like a prayer. 
Except Khun would never pray to Bam, which was one of the reasons why Bam loved him so much. In a fit of contented inspiration, he knocked their fingers together, before grasping Khun’s hand and squeezing.
That earned him a tiny smile and a squeeze back, Khun intertwining their fingers. Bam was just about to ask him about the spoon game when he found himself letting out a loud yawn. 
“That’s it,” Rak said above Khun’s snickers, in a tone filled with humor but brooking no argument, “It’s bedtime for tired turtles.”
Bam raised his head to interject but Khun spoke before he could.
 “I’m pretty exhausted, too. You weren’t the only one fighting for your life, there, Bam,” he teased as Bam pouted, “I’ve been ready to sleep for a while.”
He got up, bringing Bam’s hand, and subsequently Bam himself, up with him.
“We’re going to sleep,” Khun loudly announced as Bam stumbled against him, “Don’t wake us up unless someone is actively dying”.
He turned to Rak, who’s compressed legs were swinging from where he was sitting on the sofa, “You coming, Croc?”
Rak bounced up and scrambled over as Khun started to tug Bam out of the room, “Of course, Blue Turtle, you couldn’t stop me”.
Beneath the cries of goodbyes and goodnights, Khun smirked, “I wasn’t trying.”
They headed into a nearby empty room, and Khun shoved Bam into the bathroom to get ready for bed whilst he and Rak put together a makeshift bed. It was an unspoken agreement that none of them wanted to be away from each other for any longer than they had to. Seven long, long years had been enough.
Bam splashed his face with cool water, washing the stress and excitement of the day down the drain. When he looked up at the mirror, he almost jumped from shock. He was smiling, small but genuine, and it was the first time he had seen his face like this in years. He didn’t look like Viole, he looked like Bam, someone he thought he had lost years ago.
Pushing his bangs out of his face, Bam looked into his own eyes and saw himself. Not the 25th Bam, the new Irregular out of his depth, or Jyu Viole Grace, the monstrous Slayer Candidate. He just saw Bam, the teammate, the friend, the person. Even with the needle glowing brightly behind him, he felt like a human, rather than the deity half the Tower wanted him to be. Unable to help himself, he let out a tiny giggle as his bangs fell back onto his face.
He had once asked Rachel what home was. After so long, he couldn’t quite remember what her response was. But maybe here, he thought, he had found the answer. Home is where you can be yourself and be loved for it.
There was a knock on the door and an, “Are you okay in there?” from Khun.
“Yeah!” Bam responded, quickly rubbing his face with a fluffy towel, “Almost done!”
When he came out, he saw that Rak and Khun had made what could only be called a nest on the ground. Rak looked supremely comfy swaddled in the giant pile of soft blankets and pillows. There were a couple of candles laying about that could only be Khun’s doing. They matched the red color of Bam’s needle, but their soft glow and scent were far more soothing.
“What was so funny in there?” Khun asked from where he was throwing another blanket over Rak, much to the crocodile’s protestations. 
“Nothing,” Bam said as Khun raised his eyebrow and Rak scrambled out from beneath his fuzzy trap, “I’m just really, really happy.”
Both of his friends stopped, twin looks of something like awe on their faces, before they smiled and Khun said, “Good, now get over here.”
“Yes, sir!” Bam exclaimed, before taking a running leap at the pile, dragging Khun down with him as he did. Truly, this is what all his training had been preparing him for.
Khun spluttered loudly in his arms as Bam and Khun laughed breathlessly. After pushing Bam on top of a squawking Rak, Khun got comfortable, settling under the blankets. Rak shoved Bam in between the two of them and put his scaly head in the crook of Bam’s arm. 
“This way I can make sure no one steals my prey,” he informed them.
Bam grasped Rak’s claws in one of his hands and squeezed, “Thanks Rak. I knew I’d be safe with you.”
Rak huffed, “Of course you are, Black Turtle! I am Rak Wraithraiser and you are my prey! Nothing will keep us apart!”
He covered himself in a thick blue throw and nuzzled further into the nest, his breaths turning quickly into snores. Bam chuckled quietly before turning his head. Khun was on his side, head tucked into his elbow, looking at them both fondly. There was a comfortable silence as they stared at each other, each drinking in the presence of their dear friend.
“Hi,” said Bam.
“Hey, yourself,” Khun replied, “He missed you, you know. He never really believed you were dead. He always told us, “Someone strong enough to be my prey could never die just like that!” I still can’t make myself believe he’s actually right.”
“Well,” Bam swallowed at the intensity in Khun’s eyes, “I’m right here.”
“You are,” Khun smiled, cupping Bam’s face with one hand, thumb gently caressing his cheek, “And I have never been more glad for anything.”
The words, accompanied by the soft touch, made Bam’s cheeks heat up. He couldn’t put into words how precious this person in front of him was. Khun had fought harder than anyone to get him back, and even before he knew Bam was alive, he was still devoted to keeping his wish. No one had ever done something like that for him, no even Rachel, who had given him light.
Bam took Khun’s hand and brought it to his lips, kissing each of his fingertips gently. This time it was Khun’s turn to blush, and Bam watched as it went all the way to the tips of his ears. In a fit of inspiration, Bam kissed the tip of Khun’s nose, making his friend squeak and get impossibly brighter.
“You’re here,” Bam whispered, kissing Khun’s forehead, before gazing deep into his suspendium eyes, “And I have never been more glad for anything.”
Khun opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, Rak’s voice rumbled from Bam’s other side, making both of them jump.
“Go to bed, mushy turtles,” he commanded, before quickly dropping back to sleep, snores once more filling the room. Bam and Khun, looked at each other, breaking into hushed laughter.
Bam once more took Khun’s hand, brushing a soft kiss against the knuckles and intertwining their fingers.
“Goodnight, Khun-ssi,” he whispered, letting his head fall against the pillow and eyes droop closed.
He drifted off to sleep to the soft promise of, “Goodnight, Bam. See you in the morning”.
[Guess what arc I finished. Gonna edit it before putting it on ao3 and maybe add another chapter]
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divagonzo ¡ 4 years ago
I have a problem and I don’t know what to do. So my family planned a trip to Disneyworld for September (to celebrate we’re all 2x vaccinated) but then news starting talking about rising Delta Variant cases and my dad is this close to cancel the trip because he’s afraid we could get infected and like we’re been super careful and none of us gotten COVID-19 all this time so I don’t know what to do- he says we can go later but Florida being Florida full of stupid antivaxxers it might be years and years before it’s “100% safe” and I really was super excited to go :C is there any thing I can do ??
Good evening Nonnie! My, what a conundrum.
Long answer under the read-more line.
TL;DR - It's a complicated answer to a very fluid, complex situation.
The first bit I'm going to address is the last part before I get the rest of it. Sadly, you're right that there's plenty of stupid anti-vaxxers out there. (My family isn't a part of it! Hubs had it before he was eligible for the vaccine and the rest of us got the jab. None in my family are anti-vaxx. All but 2 of my close friends are vaxx'd (and both of them are going on the advice of their personal medical doctor - or in one's case, all 4 of them since they are in fragile health.)
However, the issue of 100% safe is a fallacy even in pre-pandemic times. The most it might eventually mitigate to is 97% safe. Florida has some weirdos even in normal, regular times. O_O Things happen*** that makes any time you get out of bed potentially disastrous.
Bear in mind I'm not risk adverse. I do plenty of dumb shite stuff even now at my age - but risking infection from Covid and the Delta variant isn't it. The spouse and I flew to Florida in April, after he'd fully recovered from it - and I'd had my first dose - to go see his Mom. We determined that the risk flying down on a 6am flight to Florida to spend the week with her was of utmost importance for her mental health. (Enormous boon for her, that we came down to visit.) We normally drive but the time and potential vectors I couldn't account for made the decision an easy one. We cancelled our trip last March to go see her at the last minute since she's part of the most vulnerable demographic and I wouldn't/couldn't risk her health for this (I'd been watching the news for six weeks and only cancelled the trip 2 days before we were to leave because of seeing this oncoming tsunami.) She was upset but I am thankful that we did.
I'm glad we did skip because she thinks she had it last March and would be have been sick while we were down there (like can't get off the couch to go to bed sick can't sleep flat sick 102 fever sick - and my SIL is a doctor and didn't know for certain and we still aren't all for sure.)
SIL made sure she had the first doses available at her hospital for the MIL after the medical staff got theirs.
Ask yourself if the trip is worth it for the potential of bankrupting your savings if you get it bad enough to end up sitting in the E/R for days because there are no staffed beds available to treat you. Will it happen? I dunno. I'm far from a seer. But ICU utilization rates right now are off the chain.
I do know how to do risk analysis.
What to do?
I'd speak with Dad who is, by in large, properly concerned because of large crowds, long lines, and too many damn people around. Y'all aren't the risk but the other dumb sods are. You might be properly masked and still might receive it from somewhere (since this is transmitted via aerosolization and viral loads being around someone for an hour) and there's always one dumb schmuck who won't be smart, wise, or prudent and will go among the crowds spreading this thing. There's plenty of horror stories of someone getting it from a mass event - many legit, some spreading vile miscommunication - and others who are sociopaths who have no care 'cept about themselves. They are the ones begging for the vaccine who are about to get a nasty tube down their throat to try and survive this mess - praying to whatever deity will listen to spare them from being permanently disabled.
The risk is there but being smart is that the risk is small. It will never be 100% risk-free.
The other bit is this - September is the ending of the tourist season, It's not as crowded as it would be in June/July/August (but surprisingly December is busy because of the parades and such.) It won't be as crowded - but still busy enough. Being outside, in the sunshine, and not in confined spaces does well. Let me reiterate that being outside, in the sunshine and not in confined spaces is the safest option. It's only if you're stuck in confined spaces, like attraction lobbies for an hour that becomes a problem.
I'd speak with Dad (respectfully) and ask what y'all could do to go enjoy the trip, go live, and still be smart about things. My sister and nibling went back in March down for a week and stayed smart, masked up, carried anti-bacterial handwash, cleaned down the room when they got there, and came home without an issue.
No problems for them.
That was before the rise of the Delta Variant that is more infectious even if the death rates aren't as high (but are plenty high enough!)
I know you want to go. Everyone is sick and tired of being home, being responsible, while other mouth breathing knuckle dragging troglydikes are out being dumb fucks and you wonder why they have a deathwish. I don't blame you being antsy to go live, too.
But being in a hospital 2 states away on O2 therapy with this mess (and the medical staff on the verge of breaking!) isn't a wise investment, either. A hospital ICU stay 2 states away will bankrupt every middle class family.
Personally? Unless someone in the immediate family is immunocompromised (or in fragile health) where they can't get the vaccine and you have an absolute moral obligation to protect them, you have to judge the risk of immediate gratification versus delayed gratification wondering if that will ever come about. I would change plans and go somewhere else away from crowds and have fun while not being packed like sardines on rides and other Disney stuff.
What are the odds? 5%.
That's 1 in 20.
What is the family mental health worth balanced against the potential of being in the ICU and possibly permanently disabled?
It's 5%.
Me? I'd go - and keep all of the suggestions available (including spare masks for everyone!) and go enjoy yourselves. But then I'm not risk adverse. I analyze the risks and make an informed decision. Being smart is staying masked up around others, washing your hands often, and alcohol handwash too. Even out grocery shopping now I'm masked up and cleaning everything down, knowing that there is the potential of a super-bacteria bug that might develop from this mess of vital cleaning.
But your family situation is probably vastly different than mine is, with dear daughter starting her PhD program and my Mom hasn't moved in yet. If she's moved in, my answer is wholly different because I have a moral obligation to look out for her - and that is living smart.
***Why do I say that it's never 100% safe? I have a story that I never want to tell, of what I saw a few years ago on I=75 on the way down to WDW - of a family that was on their way there and.... well, to spare everyone's sensibilities, the entire family didn't make it there or return home. O_O
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officialleehadan ¡ 5 years ago
Hot Pepper Blackbird
Hello darlings and happy Wednesday! Today's story is something very special indeed!
I am pleased to introduce HGE - Blackbird, as requested by JDR, who wanted to know more about Luka's sister, Maggie. I hope you love it! Thank you for all your support!
This series takes place a few years after Luka is crowned, but a few years before he meets Ella in HGE - Rise Above.
Maggie hoisted her duffle bag over her shoulder, kept a good grip on her tech case, and tried not to miss her mother too much. It was tradition for the royal family to spend a few years out in the real world, and she was eighteen, so she was old enough to go. More than, in fact. Her brother left home just after his seventeenth birthday. Of course, when he left home, their father was in good health, and there were two direct-line heirs to the throne.
Now Maggie was next in line for the throne if something, Deities forbid, happened to her brother.
Of course, Luka got himself into all kinds of trouble all on his own, so there was no telling. Maggie fought him and their mother, Dowager Empress Tatana Maria, for her right to go. Luka, being more sensible than most, and also only a few years her senior, knew better than to try and get In her way when she really wanted something. If he didn’t give her permission to go, she would sneak out.
At least this way, he could keep an eye on her, and she had several emergency beacons in her bag in case she got into trouble. One of them was actually implanted under her skin, where it could be activated with a touch of magic. Unless someone knew exactly what to look for, and where, it would be hard to take that away from her.
Hopefully, trouble wouldn’t be likely. She wasn’t like Luka. She didn’t go looking for shiny new ways to give their mother grey hairs.
The space port was dirty, filled with spacers, and absolutely wonderful. Buildings, which looked like they started as mining houses and grew without warning, lined the streets. Stalls and carts were everywhere, their sellers proffering their goods and haggling at the tops of their lungs. Maggie kept a good grip on her bags and elbowed her way through the crowd. She was glad she had gone with Luka to his favorite dives once or twice, and gotten to see this kind of life before she ran into it head-first. Luka had some interesting stories about his adjustment to life in the private sector.
Her stomach rumbled, so Maggie stopped at a stall long enough to get a whole skewer of stuffed peppers, dripping with melted cheese. They were ferociously spicy, and still hot to drip cheese down her hand, but Maggie ate them happily. Street food was also new, and thus exciting.
The space-port was a busy one, and tended to swing more towards the illegal kind of business than it did the legal sort. That was ideal, since Maggie didn’t want a reputable ship. Luka gave her a list of ships to avoid, and a list of ships that were reputably disreputable, but otherwise left the decision up to her.
Personally, Maggie wanted a smuggling ship. There was no better way to see where the Empire’s weak spots were than from the bottom. If Maggie wanted to learn what it was like to live on the edge of society, a smuggling ship would be just the thing.
There were fourteen ships in the port when she reached the landing bays, and Maggie sized them up with the eye of someone whose brother cared far too much about ships. As she walked, she compared ship names to the lists in her mind, and noted several.
The Stonebreaker had a nasty habit of selling off the more expendable members of her crew when times got lean.  Definitely not.
The Dandelion had a good crew, but their captain was as soft as his name, and couldn’t haggle to save his life. Not a bad option, but not exactly what Maggie wanted.
The less said about The Ramship, the better. She gave that one a wide berth and kept her distance from the crew who wore the red ram on their shoulders.
Unfortunately, she didn’t avoid them well enough. Two of them spotted her, and Maggie muttered a curse she learned from her brother as she glanced around for somewhere handy to vanish. It wasn’t that she couldn’t fight, she could, but if she made a fuss here, finding work would be that much harder after. Nobody wanted to hire on a rabble-rouser.
Just as the two Rams, a man who was built like a wall, and a woman with a terrible scar splitting her from eye to chin, reached her, so did someone else.
“Hello there gorgeous, I wondered if you got lost!”
Maggie managed not to jump when a friendly arm swept around her waist. The roguish voice was female, and the face, when she half-turned, was friendly. Her clothes were old, but clean, and she had a rifle over her shoulder. The woman bent to press a kiss to her cheek, and muttered “Play along,” in her ear. It was the work of a moment to lean into her, and Maggie painted a pleased smile over her lips.
“I got distracted by the roasted peppers,” she replied as if they were old friends. The woman burst into surprised laughter, and tugged her away, barely a wary glance over her shoulder to make sure the Rams weren’t following them. “Thanks.”
“Rams are bad business,” the woman said, and winked. “Sorry to sweep you up like that, but they know better than to rumble with me after last time.”
“I was warned about the Ramship, but I hoped not to find out personally,” Maggie admitted as they got out of sight and the woman let her go. “Thanks for stepping in.”
“No problem. I’m Zaaba, by the way. Naga. What’s a pretty noble-girl doing in this part of the Empire? Thought your kind liked to stick to civilized space.”
The accent. Luka warned her that their accent screamed money out in the Rim planets, but it was still a surprise. That Zaaba was a naga was interesting. There weren’t that many nagas around. Maggie shrugged one shoulder. “Looking for work. Know anyone decent who’s hiring?”
“Depends. What can you do?” Zaaba asked wryly. She seemed interested though, and anyone who knew these ports as well as she seemed to might have a line of a ship who needed another pair of hands. “You’re pretty as a picture, but that won’t get you anything good out here.”
“I’m an electromancer,” Maggie said, since that was the most useful of her talents. She might be on the small side, and on the young side, but she packed a punch. “I speak a number of languages fluently, can hack reasonably well, and know enough dirty secrets to open a few doors that might not open on their own.”
“Anything else?”
“My brother is the Red Baron.”
Zaaba stopped to stare at her, and Maggie cracked a grin as she sputtered. “You’re joking.”
“Want me to call up the Roja?”
“No thanks. Why aren’t you on your brother’s ship? Everyone knows he flies a smooth ride.”
“You ever tried rooming with your overprotective older brother in a ship the size of a market square?”
The sputters turned into roaring laughter and Zaaba clapped Maggie’s shoulder.
“What’s your name, gorgeous?” she demanded with a roguish grin. “You’re a sweet package of attitude, wrapped up with a bow on top.
“Maggie Gol.”
“Alright, Maggie Gol. You want a job? I’m captain of the Blackbird, and I think I might have just the place for you.”
More Stories!
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snakeboistan ¡ 5 years ago
‘Cause You Had A Bad Day (You’re Taking One Down)
AKA: A Nagisa-Centric Sick Fic
Pairing: Nagisa x 3-E (platonic)
Today was not Nagisa’s day. Not at all.
It all started when he woke up that morning feeling like he had been hit by a freight train that was coming at him at full speed. Groggily, he blinked open his eyes to find his forehead covered in a glistening sheen of sweat covering his forehead and a giant boulder that he could not see had him pinned down onto his bed. With strenuous effort, he had rolled over, planted his feet onto his bedroom floor and clutched onto his bedside table to help him stand up - and then almost fell over backwards because of how his head spun from the movement. He had dragged his feet towards his bathroom and his reflection in the mirror above the sink would’ve made him gasp if it weren’t for the woodpecker drilling in his cranium and the raw scratchiness of his throat. His normally porcelain white face was flushed pink and his eyes lacked their usual brightness. Oh god, of all days for him to get a fever, it had to be on the day they had an English test. Well, at least it was Friday so he’ll have the whole weekend to sleep it off. He was then overcome by a feeling of dread as he threw himself before his commode, retching and emptying out the contents of his stomach - which already felt unnaturally empty to begin with. Groaning in despair, he fumbled an arm above him to flush the toilet and flip down the lid so that he could rest his head on it’s cooler surface as he breathed deeply.
‘This is the worst,’ he lamented, noticing how his body was currently shivering despite the heat of the early morning sun, ‘completely defeated by a stupid fever. And I’m supposed to be a trained assassin. How the hell am I supposed to kill Koro-Sensei if I can’t even stand up properly or think straight.’ With a hefty sigh, he pushed himself upwards, blinking rapidly as he waved his arms about to steady his shaking legs. ‘I bet Karasuma-Sensei doesn’t let something as small as an illness stop him from doing what he does. That man has like no chinks at all. I can’t afford to skip, not with my grades. If I don’t want to let him and everyone else down, I’ve got to act as normally as possible. I’ll be a liability if my sickness drags me down and the last thing I want is to burden my classmates. An assassin should be able to overcome anything and shouldn’t get in the way so that’s what I’ll do. Hopefully, it’ll get better later.’
Once he had dressed himself in his usual school clothes and tied his hair into his usual pigtails, he slung his bag over his shoulder and headed off to school, choosing to skip breakfast and not pack himself lunch with the hope that the uncomfortable feeling in his stomach would die down if he didn’t eat anything. What followed was what Nagisa would describe as the worst walk to school he had ever undergone in his entire life: his throat was dry, tongue parched, body weak and every noise he heard only amplified the throbbing in his head. His insulating clothing felt suffocating, his black tie practically holding his neck in a choke hold, and he knew the heat he felt radiating off of him wasn’t due to the fact that it was nearing summer. 
“Hey, Nagisa,” Sugino called, somehow materialising out of nothing, “what’s up.”
Nagisa tried not to jump from shock. Normally he would’ve been able to hear his best friend from a mile away, would’ve been able to discern the tell-tale thuds of the taller boy’s favourite sneakers against the concrete and sense his presence before he could’ve said a word. It was common knowledge in their so-called ‘Assassination Classroom’ that sneaking up on Nagisa is about as difficult as getting Fuwa to go twenty-four hours without referencing a manga - his ability to observe his surroundings and everyone in them was one of the few things he was actually good at. To make up for his current lack of observational skills and his tinted complexion he hastily threw on a smile and greeted, “Oh, hey Sugino. Nothing much. How are you.”
Sugino narrowed his eyes at the shorter boy as Nagisa mentally congratulated himself for stringing those words out coherently. With a raised eyebrow, he replied slowly, “I’m fine, thanks. Are - are you okay, dude.”
“Of course I am,” he laughed, somewhat nervously, “why wouldn’t I be?”
“You look a bit… tired.”
“I am,” he sighed, “I stayed up a bit late to study for that test we have today. I guess I was kind of pushing it with my sleeping hours, huh.”
Sugino looked at him for a second before stating, “sure.”
Sensing that Sugino was going to probe into something that he really didn’t want to discuss right now (or ever), he continued, “hopefully I studied enough. I mean English is my best subject so I’m hoping for at least an eighty-five percent.”
The sceptical look was washed off of his best friend’s face as his features softened into the usual fond smile he wears around the bluenette, “I’m sure you’ll ace it, man. I know how hard you work. You’ve just got to watch out for those spelling errors, right.”
“Right,” Nagisa echoed with a half-authentic grin, whilst in his mind he castigated, ‘you can’t let your guard down like that, idiot. You saw the way Sugino looked at you. You’ve got to get better at hiding this before you inconvenience the entire class and mess up their day. God, mom was right - I really am a burden. Just spend the rest of the day like nothing’s wrong and hopefully this will go down.’
Unfortunately for him, his pain only got worse and every step up the E-Class mountain made him feel like his calf bones were being split open. It was a considerable effort for him to remain upright as he conversed with Sugino, and his sweat-slicken body made his shirt stick to his skin in the most uncomfortable way possible. His muscles were screaming at him, begging him to stop what he was doing and to just collapse into a heap on the forest floor but he continued to trudge along the path towards the classroom at the top. He could do this. He’s used to hiding his emotions. He’s spent years mastering the art of concealing what he truly felt, surely he could last seven hours - even if they were under the watchful eye of a superpowered octopus, a government agent, one of the world’s top assassins and twenty-six assassins in training.
Upon entering the classroom, he gave his usual greetings, whilst narrowly avoiding any direct contact with any of his classmates lest they feel his unnaturally high body temperature, before slumping onto his seat.
“Hiya, Nagisa,” Kayano chirped, as bubbly as always, “how are you doing?”
Nagisa looked up and hoped that the weak smile he gave her did not resemble a grimace at all, “I’m fine, thanks. How are-”
He was interrupted by a smooth voice, “you sure about that, Nagisa? ‘Cause you’re looking a little on the red side.”
He swiveled his head around and immediately regretted that particular action as his migraine worsened. Karma, who was standing next to Kayano on the adjacent side of his desk, had on his signature smirk but the look in his eyes was calculating. He huffed out a laugh, “I’m fine, Karma.”
“Really?” the redhead raised an eyebrow, “because you look like the walking dead.”
“I just didn’t get enough sleep last night, that’s all,” Nagisa argued, tone a tad bit on the defensive side, “I was so caught up in studying for today’s test that I only got like five hours.”
“That’s not good, Nagisa,” Kayano admonished with a gasp, “you need to take better care of yourself, you know. Studying is important but so is your health.”
“Yeah, I know,” Nagisa mumbled with his head down.
Great, it’s only been like two minutes and I’m already making them worry.
“Besides,” Nakamura chimed in with a grin, “you’re great at English. You were one mark away from me in the last test we took so you shouldn’t worry so badly.”
“That’s what I told him,” Sugino said, “but he’s Nagisa. He just has to worry about something.”
They all traded fond looks as Nagisa let out nervous chuckles. It was then that his stomach constricted sharply. He quickly excused himself with a squeak of ‘bathroom’ before fleeing the classroom, unaware of the narrowed golden eyes that followed him.
Once he was locked within the cubicle of the building’s lavatory, he was quick to once again empty out the contents of his stomach, thanking every deity out there that he arrived early so his discordant gagging wouldn’t have been heard by their teacher with his enhanced senses. It was then a lightbulb when off in his head as he mentally slammed a palm against his forehead. Zipping open his schoolbag, he fumbled inside before drawing out a bright red first aid kit. With a sigh of relief, he opened it and grabbed a bottle of ibuprofen but then his hope dissipated when he capsized it to find it empty. Oh, right, he gave the last few pills to Okano the other day when she was complaining about her menstrual cramps and he forgot to go to the pharmacy to buy more. ‘Dammit, Shiota. What if someone else needed those. Your classmates could be in pain and you would’ve been useless in helping them.’ Despairing at his fate, he flushed, got up, washed his hands and made his way back to his classroom, wrapping his arms around himself to hide his shivering.
Entering the room again, he was met with concerned looks from his peers. Giving them a comforting smile, he walked as confidently as he could with the little energy he had back to his desk, ignoring the eyes that he felt on him. Luckily for him, before anyone could speak, they all felt a gush of wind whoosh through the classroom and in a blink of an eye, their homeroom teacher stood before them.
“Good morning, students,” he called out cheerfully, “I hope you all are ready for your test today. I know that it’s the last day of the week but I’m sure that each of you will be able to power through. Now, I can see that everyone is present but why don’t I take the register anyways as you boys and girls try to kill me, alright? It will be a perfect warm-up exercise to get you all pumped for the day.”
And with that, their class’ school day began as it always does; with Koro-Sensei holding the register and calling out names whilst dodging bullets at Mach 20. Even in extreme agony and lethargy, Nagisa could only find amusement in that as he aimed and fired, whilst simultaneously doing all he could to not let the abnormally heavy gun slip from his grasp. When roll call was over, he could only tell that his fever was getting worse as he was hunching down to grab the stray anti-sensei bbs that lay littered on the floor. He knew that he should probably tell Koro-Sensei that he wasn’t feeling well, that he could use some medicine that he knew that the octopus could get in less than a nano-second but doing so would draw attention and alert the others and then everyone will know how weak he is, how he can’t handle his own immune system, how he is unfit to be an assassin. Or even worse, they’ll be concerned;  they’ll fret and worry over him and lose focus, make mistakes that could cost them, their billion dollar yen and the fate of the Earth. He could ruin everything. So it’s best to keep quiet. Even when his throbbing head feels like shutting down and his skin is on fire and there's enough sweat covering his body to water the tulips in the E-Class garden.
Fortunately, he was able to complete the test to the best of his ability. It was a comprehension assessment and it wasn’t too challenging for him, which was good because he was able to put more effort in keeping his head up than he planned to. Unfortunately, however, his theory of the fever getting better was horribly horribly wrong. If anything, it became worse, if that was even possible: His stomach twisted sporadically every time he took a breath, the cave of his mouth and the empty vessel of his oesophagus stung like they had been rubbed raw and so every painful swallow only increased their pleas for water (he had finished his bottle and he was not going to be asking to borrow anyone else’s), he could feel the build-up of perspiration along the outline of his shirt under his arms (he was so glad that he wore a dark waistcoat to school) and he could see the way his hands would shake no matter how hard he tried to suppress them. It was already the second period of his five-period school day and so all he had to do was last three more lessons and he can go home and hibernate for the rest of the week. He had no idea how he was going to survive Physical Education with the military training exercises that Karasuma had them doing for the past three days. He hoped and prayed that they wouldn't be sparing because that would require contact and fast moves and there’s no way he’d be able to hide anything then.
He didn’t have to wait that long, however, because he was found out by period three.
After spending their break acting as normal as possible without drawing attention to the way every single cell inside him ached and groaned as well as the fact that he was without his usual breaktime snack, he walked into the classroom, ready for their science lesson. Today they were going to do a practical (something about reactions or something, honestly he couldn’t concentrate at all at this moment because his mind was so hazy and he was currently too busy trying not to cry). He turned to Sugino, his regular partner in science, before Karma swiftly walked in between them.
“Yo, Nagisa,” he said, “wanna be partners.”
Nagisa blinked at him before looking around him to meet Sugino’s eyes. The baseball lover only shrugged and then walked away to pair up with Kanzaki. With the way he and the redhead shared eye contact as he left, Nagisa was sure that the two of them were planning something for once the twisting of his gut was not due to his current affliction.
“Uhh, sure,” Nagisa agreed, half because he has a problem with saying no and half because he was sure that even if he did refuse, Karma would still pair up with him anyway.
“Great,” the taller boy grinned.
As soon as the class had set up the apparatus and began their experiment his conjecture was confirmed as Karma had stated, “so what’s with you?”
Nagisa almost dropped the textbook he was holding, “huh.”
The other boy scoffed, “don’t play dumb, Nagisa. There’s something wrong.”
“There’s nothing wrong, Karma.”
“Oh really. Then explain why you didn’t eat anything during break today-”
“I wasn’t hungry.”
“-Or why you look like you’re about to keel over any second.”
“I told you. I stayed up too late.”
“- Or what that little trip to the bathroom was for.”
“I had to use the bathroom like any other normal person. I didn’t realise that I had to tell you the purpose of everywhere I go. And what’s with all of the questions?” Nagisa didn’t mean to sound so defensive or snappy, not to one of his best friends who he knows is only looking out for him. He knows that that’s how Karma is; whilst Nagisa approaches problems with caution and care, the redhead goes on with a complete offensive attack - assaulting with blunt words and hard facts to break you down. He doesn’t believe in the roundabout way, he’s always direct and wants things done at the time. His ability to get what he wants is one of the qualities in the other boy that Nagisa admired, but right now it was a pain in the neck. He felt cornered and trapped and something inside him, the viper he could feel curling around in his unconscious, was ready to lash out and bite and that’s the last thing he wanted.
“Hey, no need for that tone,” Karma held up his hands, “I was just asking. There’s no harm in that, right.”
Nagisa let out a sigh, “you’re right. I’m sorry for snapping. It’s just that I really just want to get on with this.”
“I still think you’re hiding something.”
“Karma, I’m trying to read the instructions. You’re kind of distracting me.” (it’s not like he was able to read the words anyway, they all seemed to blur into one big smudge of dancing black on the page)
“Why can’t you just say what’s wrong. What’s the big deal.”
“Just go ahead and say it, Nagisa. What are you so afraid of.”
“I - I,” he sighed wearily, dropping his shoulders, “I should get another test tube. We’re missing one for the experiment.”
“Nagisa,” he could hear Karma calling him but he ignored it as he speed walked to the front desk to grab another piece of apparatus. It was on his way back that he could feel his stomach give a lurch. His heart was racing as the pain in his head had reached a new intensity. His stomach dropped and he felt apprehension crash over him.
‘Oh no,’ he thought as his hands began to shake.
His surroundings started to lose focus. The floor was swaying under his feet.
No, no. Not now. Not in front of everyone. 
His head felt light. So so very light.
‘Come on Nagisa, one more step,’ he urged before his eyes rolled. He could faintly hear the sound of glass breaking and horrified shouts of his name before the world went dark.
The first thing Nagisa noticed when he came to was that this was not his bedroom. His eyes opened after steady blinks, and the first thing he found himself facing was a blur of different colours that he was sure didn’t belong in his house. Once his eyes adjusted themselves and focused properly, he recognised it as a notice board with lots of paper pinned onto the multicoloured backdrop. Then he realised that his forehead was covered with cold water, probably from the ice pack that he found lying on the floor next to him. It was when he heard the soft clicks of a computer’s keyboard that he registered that he was in the teachers’ lounge. With a gasp, he sat up on the row of chairs that had been pushed together to form a makeshift bed, the softness under his palms made him realise that a pile of blankets were thrown on to make him more comfortable. Karasuma, who was the one that was using the computer, turned around on his chair to face him.
“Nagisa, you’re up. How are you doing,” he asked as he stood up and walked towards him with a bottle of water, “we were all very worried.”
“Uhh,” was his coherent reply.
“Here, this will make you feel better,” the man said, holding out the bottle as well as a small white tablet. When Nagisa reached out to grab them, he found that his right hand was wrapped around in a bandage. He blinked at it in shock, “when you fainted, your hand landed on some glass. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll inform your classmates and the target that you’re up and I’ll be right back.”
Nagisa watched as Karasuma left, and continued to observe the door for a few seconds before looking down at the uncapped bottle. He threw his head back and downed it hurriedly, yearning to relieve the pain in his throat. It didn’t do much since he still felt like just begging god to just finish the job and get it over and done with but he appreciated it regardless.
“OH NAGISA, I WAS SO WORRIED!” Koro-Sensei wailed as he appeared before him with medicine boxes, books on fevers, and five bottles of water, “WHAT A TERRIBLE SENSEI I AM TO BE UNAWARE OF MY STUDENT’S SUFFERING. THE SHAME. AH, I HOPE YOU CAN FORGIVE ME FOR BEING SO CARELESS.”
“Koro-Sensei, please,” Nagisa said, “it’s not your fault. I was hiding it because I didn't want anyone to know.”
“Bu-but why,” his teacher asked, sniffling, “as your teacher, it’s important for me to be aware if you’re not feeling well. OR AM I NOT APPROACHABLE ENOUGH FOR YOU TO UNLOAD YOUR WORRIES?”
“No, no,” he replied quickly, “I just - I just don’t like people knowing when I’m not feeling well, that’s all.”
The octopus paused. Slowly he said, “why’s that Nagisa? Do you think that your classmates will treat you any differently if they knew?”
Nagisa looked down and mumbled, “it’s - it’s just that. Well, we’re supposed to be assassins, Sir. I don’t think trained killers let themselves fall back just because they’re not well.”
“Nagisa,” Koro-Sensei’s voice was stern but still held his kind and gentle tone, “you are a valuable member of this class. Every single one of your peers consider you an asset, an ally and a friend. We all look after each other here. We are all striving towards the same goal. Together. As students and as assassins, an important aspect of life is to be able to work as a team. To carry on through your strongest and lift each other up at your weakest. I see you looking out for others. Why won’t you let others look out for you?”
“I just didn’t want to be a burden, “ Nagisa whispered, “I thought I could deal with it.”
“Nagisa, you are not a burden. You have a burden. A burden that you have no need to carry on our own. I know this may seem difficult to you, but please: next time you find yourself in a situation where you can ask for help, don’t be afraid to.”
Nagisa looked up and despite the wide smile on his teacher’s face, he knew that the octopus was serious. He nodded.
“Wonderful,” Koro-Sensei beamed and clapped his hands, “now, I’m sure that the others would want to see you so I’m not going to keep them waiting any longer.”
“About time,” Karma said as he walked in.
“Were you there the whole time?” Nagisa asked as Koro-Sensei gasped theatrically.
“Karma, I thought I told you to wait in the classroom.”
“I know,” Karma smirked, pulling up a chair and sitting on it, “but the thing is that I didn’t want to.”
“Uhh, Sir?” Nakamura popped her head in, “are you going to leave or not because the rest of us are waiting.”
With a cry of despair, the teacher left the room. Nagisa turned to face Karma.
“You okay,” Karma asked, cutting through the apology that Nagisa had at his throat, “and don’t you dare lie.”
“I’ve been better.”
“God, Nagisa. Why did you try to hide this? You scared the c**p out of everyone. It would've been funny to see Terasaka lose his s*** if it weren’t for the fact that you were lying on the floor, bleeding and not responding to anyone. Did you know that you had a temperature of 40°C?”
“I’m sorry, Karma. I didn’t want everyone to freak out, I swear, that’s kind of the reason why I didn’t tell you guys anything. I just -” he was cut off as his migraine increased and his stomach flipped. His wince and groan of agony made Karma’s eyebrows furrow.
“You good? Do you want to rest more?”
“I - yeah. I think that might be best.”
“Alright then,” Karma pulled out his phone and began scrolling through it, “rest all you want. I’ll make sure no one comes to bother you.���
The rest of the day continued with his classmates coming to check on him, even after school was over: Sugaya had made an A3 sized get well soon card and the entire class had signed it, Fuwa decided to help him go to sleep by reading a manga to him like a bedtime story, Sugino and Kayano berated him for hiding his illness before hugging him, Hara offered him some soup to help him feel better, Hazama offered to use a spell to ‘expel the sickness and other evil entities’ from his body (he was quick to decline that), most of the girls were fussing and doting over their ‘kind of little brother’ and were quick to do whatever he wanted to help him get better (especially Yada, who actually had experience with looking after her sick younger brother) whilst the boys tried to cheer him up with funny anecdotes. When it was time to return home, Karma and Sugino took turns in carrying him down the mountain and to his apartment (ignoring his protests and reminders that they would get sick), even going as far as to tuck him in and place a bottle of ibuprofen on the bedside table. They left with promises of returning the next day to make sure that he was taking care of himself and as they did, Nagisa couldn’t help but be glad that he had such loving classmates.
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ghostofpolaris ¡ 4 years ago
Paid Deity Reading Review from @ad-astrum
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This is a review I am doing out of my own will for a paid reading that was done by @ad-astrum ! I highly recommend you check Adelaide’s account out! She just is amazing. <3 Tis long so I am adding a cut-off to help. Please note that I am not being paid to say any of this and I want to be as honest as possible with this review! 
TW for: Long post, Personal Topics
To start, I (for a very long time) have been in a place where I was lost. I have had a lot of trials and tribulations in my life and where I know I have made some contact with the deities I (had) followed and worked with, I know I have not always been able to fully comprehend what is needing to be said. 
At least with these last six years, I have had so many ups and downs and quite a few times, I genuinely wondered what the point was in continuing onward with life. I had spent quite a lot of time even contemplating whether I was truly a “spiritual” person and worthy of being a witch. I hadn’t been able to keep up with my gifts I had been providing and I haven’t really done any spells. Maybe a few sigils were made here and there, but the unworthy feelings I harbored along with depression spiraling in from working 40 hours a week, being in school full time, and my mental and physical health continuing to drag me down. 
So, I got desperate as one does when left to their own devices after being paid a nice juicy paycheck and seeking answers and solidarity from others online. Though this was not the main reason I had sought for answers, it was a good portion of why. Primarily, I had noticed signs that were familiar to me, but also not. I had begun noticing crows coming in twos and occasionally threes, I noticed almost everything I turned to, would have some kind of Norse imagery or content involved, and quite a lot of it involved our beloved AllFather Odin. 
Now mind you, I NEVER saw myself as a Norse Pagan. I thought Loki and Thor were cool in the Marvel movies and myths, but I never exactly saw myself being a Norse Pagan. I also was never one for Greek Mythology and Hellenic Paganism either but here we are after receiving aid from Ares and Aphrodite a couple of times in my life. Truth be told, I was the kid that was (and still is) obsessed with the King Arthur myths and Celtic Paganism. I also was obsessed with Egyptian mythology (yes, I was the kid who had the Egyptology book growing up even though I wanted the Dragonology one but that’s okay!).
For me, I tend to be quite dense. I tend to be someone who is unable to really see signs unless they are hitting me right in the face (spiritually I have felt blocked for quite a while and if anyone has any tips for that I am down to listen not gonna lie). With all of the signs I did keep seeing though involving Odin, I knew I needed to start doing my research and find someone who could help shine a light within the darkness that was my uncertainty. Was this truly Odin I was being called to? Why? What did I need to hear?
I stumbled around and I did scroll through various sources until I crossed Adelaide’s tumblr page. I understood her focus was on Hellenism, but after speaking with her in the DM’s about doing a reading, I felt safe and comforted by the fact she was so kind, patient, and informative on what I needed. Absolutely one of the sweetest people I had met on here and I absolutely will keep following her because she is so kind and helpful. 
Like anyone who was hoping for answers, I happily paid the amount we agreed to for the details I was hopeful for. Though apologies now, but I genuinely underestimated Adelaide and her capabilities. I mean, I severely underestimated what this reading was going to be like. If you need detail, and are happy to pay her what she deserves, Adelaide will provide and she sure did.
I opened the pastebin link I had gotten and I didn’t even make it through the first paragraph without breaking down into literal tears. I wasn’t sad at all and it usually takes a lot for me to cry. I had been alone at work so far that night and it wasn’t entirely a bad day, but not exactly a good one either. It was going to be just another night where I went home and unwinded until I felt tired. 
Though this, this really just knocked me off my feet in a way I wasn’t expecting. I always was hesitant with deity readings, I have had someone scam me out of my money and just never provide what I requested and so I was almost worried it was going to happen again. I am so thankful I was wrong. 
To give a small bit of background about me, I originally had worked with Danu and Brigid. They were my first goddesses I had actually met and they both had welcomed me with open arms (though I never really understood why). That seemed to set a foundation of how my other encounters would be as I simply seemed to stumble into the contact of the deities I met and I would find every way to give them the respect they deserved. In turn, they nudged me further down the path that I now am on. 
Back to Brigid and Danu though, they were with me for at least a couple of years and both of them to me are basically like my mothers. I still hold so much love, respect and adoration for the both of them and I felt awful for even thinking, “Should I give my statue of Mother Brigid away to someone who may have more use for it than I?” I am glad I didn’t. 
Just reading that first paragraph was what did me in though and I don’t typically cry as I mentioned before. 
“ I do not believe any of these deities have truly left you “
Reading this made me realize I was silly to think that I was alone. I had spent so much time wondering why I was alone and left to try and fight by myself. I know I was doing better in life, but I knew I was starting to feel consumed by my fears of being alone. I continued onward after settling down again emotionally, but boy did the water works come back when I read,
“ For parting words, she simply said that she was pleased to have been with you and will always be around. “ 
This helped me realize that I needed to buckle up and get ready for a ride emotionally. There was a lot that would need unpacking, and I still have much to unpack from it all. 
After that paragraph, we moved onto Danu who had a similar response as Brigid. Aphrodite herself was as graceful and kind as she always has been, and I still feel I owe a lot of my progress to her as well. Without her, I would have never let go of the toxic and abusive relationships I had been in. I know personally, I should make a better attempt to reach out to her more and thank her over and over again. Ares though, I felt slightly intimidated by him, but at the same time I wasn’t entirely afraid. He just is a much quieter individual than I had expected and that is okay. From what I recall (and this reading proves it to me), he speaks when he feels it is necessary. 
Father Lucifer came next and I definitely cried again at the end of his paragraph. “ Lucifer simply said that he sees the light in you. “ That made me cry like a small child all over again and truthfully I was surprised that I had not known him since I was younger. My timing was off, but I am glad it was actually him as I felt I was not actually speaking to him at some points. 
I have much to thank him for, and I hope me even writing this will show others my love, adoration and respect I have for my deities. My deities, I cannot believe I get to say this and say it with such joy. 
Though with those fears, I just assumed I was just making my interactions up and I feel my self-doubt and mistrust of my own feelings has hindered me (even to this day) communications wise. I once again am glad to know I was so horribly wrong. 
The very last, was the most unexpected, and Papa Odin himself had just known that this reading was coming along, and he had been around the longest. Thinking about it now makes me want to cry all over again, but to me I feel this really reassured me because I know I had moments in life where I would see things involving Odin and feeling comfort in them. Internally, I would ask myself on occasion, “I wonder what it is like to just sit with him and talk. What is it like to work with him and learn from him?” 
Sure enough, here I am now laughing and almost crying at the fact that he was with me all along. I just needed to focus a bit more. I genuinely didn’t believe that I had mistaken him for The Morrigan (so sorry Papa Odin!) and yet he still took everything with good strides. I still am having trouble putting it in words how comforted and rejuvenated I feel to have this kindness, love, and support. 
For Odin himself, I cannot thank him enough for what he has done in my life so far. It makes me want to reevaluate my life and see just how many times I could have mistakenly missed him and signs he has given me. For someone who has been around for so long and has had a formative role in my life, I owe so much to him and am grateful to be blessed with his guidance and wisdom. I remembered for ages I wished I had a dad that would love and care for me and here I had Odin all along. Physically I may not be able to see him or hug him, but he was here all long and that is what matters so much to me.
At this point, Adelaide, thank you for all of this. Your words have brought me such joy, comfort, and inspiration and I had trouble thinking of how to even respond to all of this for a good bit of time. I even wondered what I needed to do at this point and I feel I have a solid idea of what I need to do now, but I just am still scrambling around to figure it all out. 
Little by little, I will walk towards my deities and I will do my very best to honor them. Thank all of you for the strength you have given me to stand back up, dust myself off, and continue on. This was what I needed to keep going and keep trying. I had made my username “mirroredpaladin” because I wanted to fight not only for the good of others, but for myself as well. It is about time I start actually doing that. 
From here on, I do want to find a way to properly and more consistently reach out to Odin, Lucifer and Ares. I want to find a way to properly thank them along with Brigid, Danu, and Aphrodite and it is about time I start looking where I can to do so. I know I need guidance, I never was properly educated on what to do with deity work, but I have to try for their sake and mine.
Thank you all for reading this. To also give some more love, I also want to thank @scarletarosa @thepastelpriestess and @its--in--the--weave​ and @blood-and-bunnies​ (I thought they had another username of @/rosegoldtunic before but I don’t remember) because these people have actually helped me get to where I am now along with Adelaide. <3
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dolly-decadatia ¡ 4 years ago
Intention of the day-
This is so hard to pick out on days without a pressing need. Also, let’s take a minute to focus on the fact that I don’t have a pressing need. I’ve been in constant crisis mode for 3 decades. I was starting to calm down at the end of 2020 and then my health tanked and I went back into crisis mode. I had 1 single therapy appt recently. It was mostly a waste of time but the one relevant theory she had was that because I’d been in such unsafe situations my whole life, the possible reason I got sick recently was because my body finally “felt safe” to do so. Who knows? But yeah, being in crisis mode I always needed something so it would have been easier to set intentions then. I’m sitting here drawing a blank.
Fuck it. I’m going to set an intention based on my reading yesterday. I’m going to be kind to myself.
Incense: cedar (for confidence) however, I only have one brazier. I’ve got mandarin currant wax melting in the living room and I’m about to light frankincense on the actual order in a little while before I do my daily divination. Les Vampires like frankincense.
Candle: pink would be best, especially with sigil carved into the side and anointed with rose oil. (I don’t have any of that.)
Crystals: I have rhodochrosite and rose quartz (nurturing) and tigers eye (self esteem)
Perfume: rose oil
Flowers: roses and lavender
Color: pink
Food: almonds and chocolate are both good for self esteem and by coincidence they were both in my breakfast.
Affirmations: I love the person I becoming
Daily Divination :
Will I ever be beautiful
Underneath: transgression
Flaws, contradictions, mistakes
It’s all about self forgiveness. “Live better, do better, but let the self punishment go. ... Go now and make amends, then give thanks for self forgiveness.”
“Make amends. Take stock, asses, and redirect, and come back into harmony with the voice of your soul.”
This doesn’t appear to answer my question. Maybe all 3 will make sense together, or Les Vampires think this is what I should be worried about instead of my looks.
Heart: creator (inverted)
“...now you call them scientists and they merge cells, transform bodies, change peoples shapes, repair great injury, change destiny. sometimes, it is wonderful, and sometimes, it is most destructive.”
Is this about my weigh loss and plastic surgery obsession?
“Each day with your thoughts, actions, and decisions you create anew the form your natural energies and soul will take... you can recreate yourself”
This part seems like an answer. I’m recreating myself and I need to make sure I nurture this new being with nutritious thoughts and tend it with actions that will help them grow beautiful.
“You are the vessel through which new life and ideas are born... When we create a new one, they struggle and are often confused and in pain.”
Cursed: (because it was inverted) terrifying paragraph that kicked me straight in the tokophobia. May I learn today’s lesson quickly so I never have to read this terrifying bit again. I believe they’re saying raising this new version of me will require sacrifice and inconvenience and be frustrating and joyless at times but they used a triggering cis breeder metaphor to convey their point that I really could have lived without. Point taken. I will undertake this labor. I had already often thought that my transition was very much me suffering through an unknown amount of years and then “delivering” this beautiful peaceful man and happily dying. That man I was supposed to be was still born. Top surgery botched, looks decimated, sick from hrt which is massively unfair seeing as its safe for 99% of other trans people. He’s dead. I must stop mourning him and put all my loving attention on this next baby I’m nurturing. They are nonbinary and long for peace and beauty and community. How I nurture them now colors who they will be when they’re “born.”
Promise: primal
Connecting deep within, sacred dance, instinct
This is very gendered. Second very gendered card of the reading. I’m unsure if I want to continue to work with Les Vampires. We will see how tomorrow’s reading goes.
Anyway it talks about dancing. The thing that I love to do and am grieving not being able to do right now because of pain and illness. It calls dancing “feminine” which is absolutely ridiculous. This cis obsession with gendering inanimate objects and actions is juvenile and stupid. Makes it hard to suspend disbelief that I’m working with immortal wise vampires. Maybe the author put her own spin on what they told her. Still annoying to read.
My action to work with this card to to dance.
And that’s my future.
On a question about “will I be beautiful.”
So how do these go together? I do carry a lot of guilt in my past that I beat myself up for. Is this why I’m not currently attractive? All the self abuse. It’s all taken a physical and mental toll? I don’t take care of myself so I’m physically ugly and I’m too busy ruminating on all my failings that my energy is also ugly? The card does make a bit more sense in context with the other 2.
So in the present, I need to let all that self loathing stay in the past and not feed that poison to my “baby”.
So what’s the future? I do what I need to do to be a responsible Sire and then fledgling me is healthy enough to dance and therefore the answer is “yes I will be beautiful”
I leave the self hatred behind, nurture my fledgling and then fledgling me’s “beauty” is the beauty of dancing meaning “no, you won’t achieve physical beauty, but you will achieve a beautiful art form to offer the world.”
I feel uncomfortable. Today more than yesterday I feel the human author behind the guide deck. This is why I’m an atheist. Once holes appear I rip them bigger and look into them. This was why I couldn’t be Wiccan. I had the same problem pretending to talk to a Goddess as I did the Abrahamic God. I was much happier when I was a pop culture pagan because I could just do the LaVey school of “this is theatre because humans need ritual” with characters I was more attached to than deities. If they are all made up anyway, why do pick my faves? I may end up back in Pop Culture Paganism at the end of this journey. It’s too early to tell.
As an ex PCP I can say, ok maybe this is just a book but my belief makes Les Vampires real. Of course I’m spotting an undercurrent of bullshit. It runs through everything.
But still I’m shaken. I had found so much comfort in the concept of loving vampire guides yesterday and now doubt is setting in and my good mood is tanking. It’s going to take a lot of work to resuspend disbelief and try and feel that love again.
In the meantime I accept my task of forgiving myself and nurturing my fledgling .
Later on a thought occurred to me. Maybe all the gross prego talk was because Les Vampires are trying to dumb down the beautiful Sire/ fledgling relationship into terms a human would understand. The bulk of the target audience won’t understand them the way I do. Now I feel bad for having sulky, bratty energy in front of them. I’m going to make amends by forgiving myself like my Underneath card said and nurturing my fledgling like my Heart card said.
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sapphicambitions ¡ 5 years ago
Do you mind my asking how you became a witch and what are some good resources to look for it I'm interested in exploring? Also, what would the practice as a whole be called? Witchcraft? Wicca? Sorry if these come off as ignorant. If you're not comfortable answering by all means don't, I won't be offended. I recognize that asking someone about their religious practices might be too personal a question for some people to want to answer.
hey there friend! Happy to talk about it! it’s been a hot minute since ive thought about some of this stuff but i’ll do my best! I’m also still fairly new at being a witch (Since October 2018) and i still have a lot to learn, but I’m more than happy to share my stories. 
So first off, I’m not Wiccan. That’s a whole other thing that I’m not involved in lol. Wiccan and Witch are not mutually exclusive. I use the term pagan to describe myself at times because I have a few deities that I’m devoted to / believe in the gods, but i don’t really follow a specific practice. (i’m not a fan of organized religion lmao) That’s what I like the most about witchcraft, is that it’s deeply personal and everyone goes on their own journey in their craft. :)
I like to refer to myself as a casual witch. I’m not really big on large rituals and heavy duty spell work, (mostly because i don’t have the resources and sometimes my brain don’t work or have enough mental energy). I like small and simple elements of witchcraft I can sprinkle throughout my day. Because witchcraft is all about intention. I like using specific herbs and spices in my cooking for specific intentions (i can’t remember any of them bc I left my book of shadows in my apartment but I’ve got a four page list of herbs & spices and their intentions lol). I like to stir my pasta clockwise for good intentions when I’m cooking. Or counter clockwise when I’m wanting to take away the negative energies. I like to carry a rose quartz in my pocket when I go on a date for positive love vibes. I light specific colored candles for specific intentions: love, luck, home, strength, yah know. I keep a mirror by my front door. Wind chimes on my porch. I do a lot of visualizations and energy work. Using specific lotions and smells. That kind of thing that was easy for me to incorporate into my life. 
Also tbh I love love love rhyming spells and spoken word spells. Doing a whole ass jar spell is like a Lot To Do but I can very easily mumble to myself in my kitchen! I think a lot about the magic in Rainbow Rowell’s Carry On (cause fun fact your craft can be heavily influenced by pop culture if you want it to be and mine totally is) and how there is magic words and phrases. So when I’m brewing tea I say “Bubble, bubble, my tea, not trouble. Bring me peace and make it double.” When I’m showering I hum “Soap and water cleanse me so, take my soul and make it whole” and “As the bubbles run down the drain, so do my troubles and my pain.” I sing the tangled “flower gleam and glow” song to my plants when I water them. When I’m getting ready for bed I mumble “Sleep be sweet, dreams be kind, bring me rest and peace of mind.” When I was in college, before a big exam, I’d braid my hair while chanting “I bind my knowledge to my brain, let me remember without pain, for on this day of my exams, I keep my knowledge close at hand.” Some of these I picked up from tumblr or other witches I know and some of it I came up with on my own. I like to believe our words and intentions have power and I love using it in my craft.
And earlier I mentioned deities. I’ve always been very invested in Greek mythology and felt a connection to the Greek gods (thanks percy jackson) and over the years I’ve come to realize that I actually do believe in them.  Athena & Aphrodite are my main deities, but I do spend time with other goddesses. (And Dionysus, tbh) I’ve done a lot of research into the Triple Goddess, too, and I’m endlessly fascinated by the concept of the Maiden, the Mother, and the Crone. that’s really the part I have the most to learn about, my relationship to the gods. Sometimes my connection to them is stronger and sometimes it’s weaker just cause of where I’m at mentally, but I’ve never felt any judgement from them. I do devotional acts for them & pray & seek out their presence when I can, but like I said earlier I like doing little things, like washing my hair for Aphrodite or writing my journal for Athena or going on a nature walk with my mom for Demeter & Persephone (not that my mom knows that lmao) or waving around a goddamned garden hose in my front lawn to make mist and rainbows for Iris haha. I also have a pretty dope Venus di Milo statue and a Athena Parthenos statue in my room, and I have an Athenian coin pendant that I wear every day. like I said, it’s a very individual and personal journey, but you should still do your research and be respectful when you’re dealing with deities and spirits.
And everything I learned, I learned either from google or via tumblr. If you go through the witchblr tag, or even more specifically the baby witch tag, that kind of thing, there’s a TON of resources to just like, get you started. I like research and reading so I did a ton of research when I got started and made sure I knew what I was getting in to and so I could check some sources against others. Because everyone has different thoughts and opinions. Remember how i said i didn’t like organized religion? That also means there are lots of different interpretations lol. A lot of things stay the same, like the meanings of week days, moon phases, crystals, that kind of thing, but there’s wiggle room especially with kitchen witchcraft??? which never ceases to annoy me??? but i digress lol
And how did I get into it? wellllllllll don’t judge me but.... I watched the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina lmao. Like I’ve ALWAYS been interested in it but I never knew where to begin and didn’t know what I was getting into. Then Sabrina peaked my interest specifically because of hilda and the use of casual witchcraft. The usage of rhyming spells and simple objects like bells and yarn to do spells. It seemed manageable and relatable and enjoyable and I was interested so I dove into tumblr to do research and I’ve been practicing ever since! like I said I still have a long way to go in my journey but honestly I like what I’m doing and enjoy the simplicity and casualness of my craft. It works well for me, especially with all my mental health ups and downs. 
I think it’s at least worth looking into! There’s a lot of good stuff out there to sink your teeth in to, and also just be aware of the world you know? Watch out for TERF witches cause they are literally the worst and suck ass and I hate them. 
Good luck on your journey and I’m wishing you all the best vibes!
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