#thankie shiki
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writer-and-artist27 ¡ 1 year ago
11 Questions Writer Ask Game
Got tagged by @windwardstar.
(o_ _)o Thankie, Osie. Beloved friend. I'll do my best.
Rules: Answer the 11 questions of the person who tagged you, make up 11 questions, then tag 11 people to answer them.
1. How is your writing going right now?
Right now, I feel like I'm in a funk. I'm able to write things if it's to help others, but when it comes to my own writing for myself, it's mostly... well, dead at the moment. I think it's from the recent family death that my writing's slowed down. I want to hope the unconscious grief can pass.
2. Give me a song that gives you vibes for your wip? (If too hard, just a song you've been listening to a lot lately. This is literally just me trying to get new music to listen to and your excuse to ramble about writing stuff.)
The Things You Mustn't Avert Your Gaze From and Hitorime no Tomodachi Ni, or in English, "My First Friend" for all my WIPs. Because they capture the soft feelings I try to write for in the first place, to illuminate the dark.
3. Do you have any headcanons for your wips that you can't/won't include for some reason? (If do, why?)
I... think I have a couple. And those are because of (1) lack of energy to write them, (2) they cover territory I have yet to experience in life, and (3) I'm honestly concerned I'd start crying if I write them because of how emotionally invested I get into writing in the first place for specific characters.
4. What's a scene/character/plot/thing you're excited to get to write in your wip?
When I do go back to S&S and CP and Naruto stuff? A lot of things post-Kannabi. Including Team Minato being kids. They deserve more time to have fun as kids.
For Fate/Passing Days stuff? Including some of the older memories I've had from playing the game, such as bonding with older Servants through Tumblr bond level stories again, or even when I Grailed specific Servants (looking at Shiki, Musashi, Skadi, Melt, and Astarte, especially). Even more character-driven, Bond 10 specific chapters when I have the energy for them.
5. Is there anything you have to make a specific pass in editing for?
By "pass", do you mean "excuse"/"look the other way"? Because if so, it's definitely repeating/filler words for me. I know I use a lot of "only," "sometimes," and the like in my first drafts, and when writing the first draft of a scene out from my head, I've been trying to forgive myself more in not having more detail-oriented words to get the thoughts out.
6. How many rounds of editing do you usually do?
1-2. Basically first one being while I write it or right after I finish the chapter. Second being if I allow myself to sleep on the doc and come back to it the next day. Or that second round is me actually reading the published version on AO3 to check for typos and the like.
7. Biggest challenge(s) with writing (in story or out of it)?
My main thing's really all out of writing for me: Just trying to find the right words to articulate what I see in my head. Because imagining any kind of scenes playing out like anime isn't always easy to write out. Fight scenes are the worst offender. Same thing with emotional stuff, at least to a smaller extent.
8. How do you utilize your non-writing writing time?
Reading manga/light novels, as well as rereading previous source material to keep the ideas fresh. I even make it a personal policy to take three books with me in my purse on my work days so I can read/refresh on my breaks.
9. How do you personally define a good or bad day of writing for yourself? / what does it take to feel like you've made decent progress?
A good day of writing for me is writing more than just a few words/sentences. A bad day would be if I'm unable to come up with anything and just sit there, staring at the same words and wondering how to continue.
10. Do you write in discrete units of time/schedule or is it just whenever you have time?
It's just when I have the time. Since I take the trolley to and back from work (which is about one hour and 20 min one way already), I've been trying to write more during those moments when I can.
11. What are your current wips? (+ short description if u want)
Civilian Pianist (CP) - Currently on idea hiatus, but wishing to go back.
The Sea and Stars (S&S) - Also on idea hiatus, because fight scenes.
Passing Days (Fate) - Ongoing, just slow updates (about once a month) due to energy and some things in FGO hitting worse than others. Some part of the fanbase is definitely a big factor. Had to let go of some friends and be civilly distant with others with how big and picky the fandom is. Can count on one-two hands the number of people I can share my ideas with without worrying about backlash or anything.
My questions:
What is one habit you picked up in your daily life because of writing?
What's your ideal writing space? (Desk? Out in nature? Just curious.)
What's the topic you've had to do the most research in to write?
What's a concept you liked at first when seeing it in consumed media, but found yourself not liking when trying to write it later on?
Have dreams inspired you before?
What's one piece of a positive review that someone gave you that actually stood out to you?
Any concepts you'd like to try your hand at in writing?
What's the easiest genre to write for?
How do you handle writer's block?
What's the word count on your longest story? How did that happen?
Who was your first writing inspiration? What about them (or it if said inspiration isn't a person) inspired you?
Tagging: @partialdignity, @abalisk, @teddog, and anyone else who'd like to try this? Only for fun, though.
o(_ _o)ノ☆ Now to bed with me because it's 10:02 pm when I post this.
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bakatenshii ¡ 4 years ago
MELT HAS 666 NOTES ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ demon goshiki hours
bratty needy incubus goshiki hours? YES MA’AM!
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boxbusiness ¡ 5 years ago
Hey, can you listen to the song Bara Tiddy by kurainu? Thankies >:3
So I gave it a listen last night and I can dig it, but I couldn’t help but think of the song Senpai by Shiki which is practically the opposite of Bara tiddies~ Lol
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bladeunlock ¡ 4 years ago
6, 13, and 23 also i love your askbox message
6. three songs you wish you could erase from history (because they’re terrible) once i listened to the icarly theme for like 8 hours straight just because i felt like it and now i think i went a little insane bc of it. so thats one of them. senpai by shiki (dont fucking listen to it that song sucks so bad) and dance monkey for obvious reasons
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abnormallynice ¡ 5 years ago
Good choice with Joshua as an Alolan Meowth. My second choice for him would be Sneasel. As for the other characters, I'd say Ursaring and Teddiursa for Beat and Rhyme. Perhaps a Kirlia for Shiki as she appears in the game, but for her "real" form: a Cherrim, whose appearance is hidden by its own petals, or Eevee, cute and plain but full of potential. Too easy to make Mr. H a cat Pokemon; he would be either an Absol or male Indeedee. Sho's an Incineroar, nothing else compares.
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Duly noted :3c
And thankies!! >3>
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writer-and-artist27 ¡ 3 years ago
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[Image Description: Four screenshots from Fate/Grand Order showing in order, (1) the Bond Level Up screen for Assassin Ryougi Shiki, where her Bond Level has gone up from 9 to 10; (2) the “Craft Essence Extracted” screen that shows Shiki’s Max Bond Craft Essence of “Red Leather Jacket”; (3) a screenshot of Shiki’s Servant card, with emphasis on all 10 of her bond diamonds in the level screen being filled and about to be enhanced to Bond 11; and (4) a “Bond Level Limit Released” screen that shows Shiki’s Bond Level limit being broken to reach Level 11. End Description.]
It's been a little over two, almost three years, I believe, since Shiki came to my Chaldea. She saved me a lot back when I was struggling with Part 1, even before she even came around in fact through my borrowing her through @withanina/Aqui, and now, with her Grailed to Level 100, she's still helping so much.
Thankie, Shiki-san. Thankie for sticking with me for all this time. Even when you're far away from home too.
And well, I have to write something for you, right? Songs included and all. :)
Ryougi Shiki knew — from the first moment they met, even — that Vy Duong was far too kind. Honest. Open and a bit too sparkly. To a fault too, considering the number of times she found herself in danger and floundering in the beginning of her journey thanks to the enemy just aiming for the right spot to push.
Even with the Lostbelts cursing the world, creating so many more death lines across the Earth's bleached surface from what Shiki could see, that part of Vy hadn't changed.
Heck, even when wearing a bit more black in her Mystic Codes and the tiniest indication of crow's feet starting to line the corners of her eyes, those brown irises behind round glasses were so bright compared to the rainbow flame in her hands.
Typical Vy.
Just like a certain other glasses-wearing buffoon...
Shiki withheld a sigh and crossed her arms instead. "Master."
Vy tilted her head at Shiki, a tiny "Mm?" serving as her answer.
"How much work did you put into this?"
As expected, pink started to climb up Vy's cheeks as her smile turned upside-down into a pout. "I'm not a salesperson who's going to scam you, Shiki-san."
Shiki rolled her eyes. "That didn't answer the question, Vy." Despite the instinctual fondness starting to leak into her voice, she tempered it as she went on with a harder, "How much?"
Thankfully, Vy got the hint if her wilting was any indication. "Muu." Under her breath, Vy then went on with a quiet, "I think it was 5-6 Saint Quartz's worth of energy."
"Fool," Shiki muttered back, but she let the heat go once she slipped her red jacket off. "What happened to taking care of yourself so that the people back home for you don't worry, huh?"
Vy didn't get a chance to answer before Shiki was draping her with the red, letting the leather jacket rest on top of her hair and cover her shoulders, contrasting Shiki's kimono sleeves dangling freely past her arms.
If not for the bright red of the jacket and the jet black shade of her Mystic Code, Vy could've resembled a bride waiting for her wedding ceremony with Shiki's furry jacket collar serving as the start of the 'veil.' All she needed was the dress and—
"You're too nice," was all Shiki could say, reaching over with one arm to pull Vy close. The Chaldean Master squeaked like a mouse with the movement, her nose awkwardly bumping the side of Shiki's neck along the way, but Shiki still kept her hand on Vy's back once she was close enough, memorizing the feel of her spine through her clothes. "What is it with you and treating others around you better than yourself?"
There's some people who just can't be saved, but you—
You keep trying. With Asagami, with Kama, with everyone you meet. Just like—
Death lines covered Vy just as much as any other living being, but Shiki didn't want to see Vy with just those.
Vy was more than death lines.
Vy was—
The Bond Chalice was wedged somewhat weirdly between them as Vy tightened her grip on the thing, poking both of their chests in odd places too, the rainbow flame flickering as she attempted to lean back and look up into Shiki's eyes. "It's... how I am," she eventually confessed, choosing to rest her forehead into the crook between Shiki's collar and neck once it became clear to her Shiki wasn't moving. "And you helped me out a lot, Shiki-san, both back in the original Chaldea and where we are now. I wanted to do something for you in return." A tiny, humble giggle brushed Shiki's skin. "Just to pay you back."
Yeah, I knew you'd make fun of me like that any time now, that other glasses-wearing guy added from the back of Shiki's mind, from a memory from years ago. I think the only thing to do is to go see her and talk.
"You didn't have to go so far for this—" Shiki felt her other arm creak when moving it upwards, cursing herself for the lack of personal experience outside of slicing and killing for a moment. She still forced it to go up and rest against the top of Vy's head through her jacket, keeping her close enough to hear the younger girl's breathing. To take in Vy's warmth and remind herself that she was alive. "I'm not greedy, Master."
"Muu." Vy still ducked her head to press her face into Shiki's shoulder through her kimono, nonverbally voicing her dissent with Shiki's opinion. "Wanted to. And what's the jacket for?"
Shiki rolled her eyes again, choosing to smooth her hand down her jacket in the best headpat she could offer. "For whenever that replica cape of yours needs to go in the wash," she answered, shaking her head. "I know you love the forests, Vy, but even that cynical hunter of yours wouldn't want you rolling around in dirt forever. And if you're going to give me gifts," Shiki patted Vy's head again once the girl squirmed at the jabs just left in the air, "you could just steal some strawberries from that porkball of a man you call the new Director."
"Muu — strawberries?" Vy's voice went up a few octaves from confusion. Hah. "For what?"
Why couldn't Kokutou have met you?
"You gave the ice queen sea salt ice cream," Shiki answered, leaning back to press her forehead to Vy's. Those brown eyes were still sparkling, even past all the fatigue, and Shiki grinned. "Can't I ask for homemade strawberry ice cream? The new Director keeps hogging it."
It didn't even take long for Vy to smile back. "Can I take that as a sign to hug you then?"
"...Alright." Shiki made a show of nonchalance. "You deserve one."
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writer-and-artist27 ¡ 2 years ago
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[Image Description: A screenshot from Fate/Grand Order, showing a support lineup merely titled “Big Seven/Extra Duo.” From left to right are Avenger Space Ishtar/Astarte, Saber Arturia Pendragon, Archer Robin Hood, Lancer Ereshkigal, Rider Achilles, Caster Scathach-Skadi, Assassin Ryougi Shiki, Berserker Miyamoto Musashi, and Alter Ego Meltryllis. All Servants are Level 100 or above with skill levels all at 10 and Bond 10 Craft Essences equipped. End Description.]
I'm still staring at this in some kind of happy disbelief. I'm not jumping in my seat, but I'm close to.
Since starting FGO in 2019, I always wanted to have a Support List that could help my friends and fellow players. Now, marking today (Oct. 21, 2022), I can proudly show off a support list that's all (1) at least Grailed to 100, (2) maxed in Skill levels, and (3) Bond 10 and above. And it only took a little over 3 and a half years.
These Servants brought me lots of fun times in this game, and even gave me a lot of room to grow as a writer since my Naruto days. All of them have their own unique characters, and I'm glad I got to summon them into my Chaldea.
Thankie everyone. <3
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writer-and-artist27 ¡ 3 years ago
Time to ramble a bit for Master Vy, the protag of Passing Days herself now. (=゚▽゚)/ Thankie for the prompt list!
The first Servant she summoned is Chevalier D'eon, in a group with Lancer Diarmuid and Caster Medea. All three still tag along on missions with her even if they were never Grailed.
If you had to make her choose an absolute favorite? Robin Hood. No doubt about that. He was her childhood hero whose stories helped her cope with a lot of trouble, and when summoning him, the poison and subterfuge only made her love him more, much to his surprise. For specific class favorites? I merely point you to the rest of the "Big Seven" of Grailed Servants (Blue Saber Arturia, Rider Achilles, Lancer Ereshkigal, Caster Scathach-Skadi, Assassin Shiki, and Berserker Musashi) - all because they helped her out so much throughout FGO's story she couldn't help but love them too.
If in a normal Grail War? I see Vy summoning OG Saber Arturia herself, and the two just kicking everyone's asses. They really know how to work together.
A five. She's still a bit confused at all the chaos that comes with GudaGuda, but since it let her meet the GudaGuda cast (shout outs to Ryoma and both versions of Okita), she's okay with going with it.
Also five. There's some events she's all for, there's others she's not. Summer 2 was a nope because Ishtar's selfishness rubbed her the wrong way, Summer 3 was okay because it let her bond with Robin and kindle their relationship in spite of her hatred of BB, and Summer 4 was great just because she got to bond with Musashi.
Depends on the Servant. Vy probably would want to keep Ashiya Douman and Koyanskaya away by a restraining order for an example, but Scheherazade is totally okay since she does try to apologize for the mess that is Agartha. So it really depends on who is being summoned and Vy's personal feelings towards them.
Columbus. No doubt about that. He's permanently banned from her Servant roster thanks to what happened in Agartha.
Vy actually can't get drunk because of her alcohol tolerance being shit (inherited from her dad). One sip of anything, and she's red-faced and very miffed with you. The closest she'd get to drinking would probably be sipping a Diet Coke with Drake and Scathach, if they were okay with her doing that.
Again, Robin Hood. And he's been summoned to Chaldea since the resolution of America. He's the only Bond 12 servant so far for obvious reasons.
As much as the Lostbelts have been hell, all of Vy's Servants and Vy will agree Agartha was the worst. It's why Penthesilea can't be summoned ever, and any copy of Columbus will be permanently burned. Having sex-related trauma from childhood means all the threats of rape and various forms of discrimination and transphobia did not go well for Vy, who canonically went into the Singularity alone until Astolfo and D'eon were thrown into there to help. The two Servants in question are still trying to make amends to Vy for not helping more with the trauma that resulted.
Mastersona Pop Quiz
1. Who is the first Servant they summon to Chaldea?
2. Which Servant is their favorite and why?
3. If they were in a normal Holy Grail War, who would they summon?
4. On a scale of one to ten, how down for GudaGuda Shenanigans are they?
5. On a scale of one to ten, how down are they for Summer Vacation Bullshit?
6. How do they feel about summoning antagonistic/enemy Servants to Chaldea?
7. Which Servant are they most likely to punch?
8. Which Servant would they get drunk with if they had the opportunity/motivation to do so?
9. Who was their historical celebrity crush and has that person been summoned to Chaldea?
10. Which event in the main story was hardest for them to deal with emotionally?
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writer-and-artist27 ¡ 3 years ago
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[Image Description: Three screenshots from Fate Grand Order, showing in order - (1) the Saint Graph Evolved Screen for Avenger Space Ishtar, showing her Level Cap having increased from Level 98 to 100; (2) the Level Limit Reached screen for Space Ishtar, where she smiles at the viewer with the line "It's nice to be served" as her level increases from 99/100 to 100/100; and (3) a support line-up screen showing all but the Alter Ego Kingprotea being Grailed. From left to right, the Grailed Servants are Space Ishtar, Saber Arturia Pendragon, Archer Robin Hood, Lancer Ereshkigal, Rider Achilles, Caster Scathach-Skadi, Assassin Ryougi Shiki, and Berserker Miyamoto Musashi. End Description.]
It took roughly half a day to get Ash up to snuff with the rest of the original Big Seven, but I have to say. With almost 3 years of this game, I'm happy and proud with how my Support List looks. It took a lot of hard work, saving, and dedication, but everyone in my Chaldea has come a long way and I'm happy to see it. Thankie, everyone.
All that's left is getting the Grails for Protea and then the potential Support Big Nine is all set. And writing. I'm still amazed at the friend requests coming in by the day now that Ash is up at Level 100.
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writer-and-artist27 ¡ 3 years ago
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[Image Description: A screenshot from Fate/Grand Order, showing the Bond Level Up screen for Assassin Servant Ryougi Shiki, where the bond level has increased from 6 to 7. End Description.]
Who thought farming for Dragon's Reverse Scales saw the last of the Grailed Big Seven reach Bond 7?
Thankie, Shiki-san. Thankie for staying with me.
Now to work on getting everyone to Bond 10...
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writer-and-artist27 ¡ 4 years ago
Time can be limited, but accomplishments deserve to be celebrated.
Thankie for the dedication, Aqui. I'm glad to know even a tired me helped with the last minute edits. Also, more context on Anis and your first Max Bond Servant in Shiki is great. Shiki's been a great help through our friendship both in- and out-of-game, so this was a great read, even before I went full editor mode last night.
Thankie for writing and sharing this with us. I'm honored to know I inspired you.
The Shining Point of a Dagger
I finally finished my first work! It took me a while because of life reasons. I'd like to dedicate this to @writer-and-artist27 since Vy's writing is what inspired me to start. So thanks again Vy, and also for the last minute editorial help.
A bit of context: Anis has been the name I use for most of my player avatars and I slowly started making her an OC some time ago. This is in reference to when I first saw Ryougi Shiki ever in the Garden of Sinners Event. I fell for her right away and today I leveled up her bond to 11! So I wanted to celebrate.
So here it is. Hope you enjoy!
The dagger glinted in the streetlights, its tip seemingly endless in Anis’ eyes. The eyes of the one holding the dagger were just as sharp, no mercy or hatred, no hesitation or bloodlust, just determination. “Can’t say I’m sorry, but I need to make sure at least I wake up from this half-assed dream.” Her tone was curt and blunt. Her arm did not quaver in the slightest, unlike Anis whose breath started to catch in her throat.
Mash was by Anis’ side, anxiously waiting for the slightest opening to push forward. Behind her, Tamamo Cat had lost her smile and was glaring ferociously at the mysterious person. Her paws on the ground, she was readying herself to pounce. Medea was beside her, waiting cautiously after having seen what that knife had done to the ghosts.
Anis swallowed, hoping the movement wouldn’t cause the servant[?] to react.
“I don’t think we need to die if you want to wake up,” Anis breathed out, trying to remain calm. “We’ve been trapped here just like you. And I’m sure the ghosts are just as unfriendly to both of us.”
“Nice excuse,” was the scoffing reply. “But I’ve been around this sort of ridiculous set up before.”
“Well, I haven't…” Anis flinched as the knife moved up slightly. “I’m Anis, and since you have a knife on me, wanna tell me your name?”
“Senpai, what are you doing?!” Mash hissed, causing Shiki to shoot her a glare.
“Just… trying to talk it out? I mean, I-” The knife jabbed at her slightly, causing Anis to flinch again before actually getting a bit annoyed.”Oy, oy! I know you can kill me. So if this is a dream, why don’t you calm down a bit an-Duck!”
A ghost that had somehow managed to escape their notice filled the now empty space above the pair. With an ear splitting screech it
“Got you nyow!” Cat had leapt from her crouch and tore the spirit apart with her claws. The dying screams fading into the dim light.
“Senpai! Are you alright!” Mash called out approaching her after ensuring there were no more enemies.
“It’s all good here,” a low mumble came from the floor.
Looking down, Mash saw Anis being pinned by the servant[?] to the floor. Anis’ face was hardly that of discomfort though, a slight grin on her face.
It’s been so long since I’ve been put in a hold like this, she reminisced, noting how her assailant wasn’t moving their arm to cause more pain. She’s so much better than those lousy police officers who trained there and the others who were scaredy cats.
“I meant to push you to safety but it looks like,” Anis tapped her arm in surrender, smiling, “ I ended up getting helped by you again. So thanks for that again.”
An exasperated expression rolled over the servant’s[?] face. “Why do I always end up meeting weirdos like this?” She got up, releasing her grip on Anis and pulled her up.
Anis dusted herself off, checked her surroundings again, and turned to Mash and the others.
“Sorry to worry you guys,” Anis apologized sincerely, the regret apparent in her voice. ”I kinda went too far.” The group sighed almost collectively, a clear sign to the outsider that this wasn’t the first apology they had received.
“Senpai, please be more careful next time,” Mash said, worry transparent in her voice. “It’s the least you could do to prevent us from worrying again. But I’m glad this all worked out.”
“I’m going to have to chastise you myself once we get back, Master,” Tamamo smiled. “There won’t be any special snacks for you in a while now as a lesson to you.” Anis’ crestfallen face implied that it was somehow a big deal, making the mystery individual tilt her head in confusion.
“Now!” Anis turned back to her savior. “Are we still… not good?”
The way she asked, the servant’s annoyance left her face and returned to a blank expression.
“Fine, we’re good,” she admitted, tucking her knife back into its sheath. “Can’t imagine I’m stuck in this kind of thing again. At least this time, all of you seem to be decent enough.”
She held out a hand, her gaze still steely strong. “Name’s Ryougi Shiki. Nice to meet ya, I guess.”
Anis took her hang in both her own, shaking it excitedly. “Nice to meet you! I hope we can get along while we’re here!”
Shiki groaned a bit internally, unused to the high energy. This is going to be one of those days, huh?
“- And that’s how I met Shiki!” Anis called out, lifting her glass. “And we’ve been together ever since!”
“Oi! Don’t say it like that!” Shiki called out from beside her, slamming her water into the table. “I’ve just stuck around for this long, that’s all!”
The dining hall of Novum Chaldea was filled with cheers and laughter at his exchange. The servants and staff all enjoying the show between Anis and one of the most senior servants of the original Chaldea.
Banners and balloons decorated the walls and the rich smell of delicious culinary art rested on every table. Above the head table where Anis and Shiki sat was a large banner reading, “Congratulations on Breaking Max Bond!”
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