#thank youuu for asking this I had so much fun with this
autism-swagger · 3 months
OKAY IM CAVING A LITTLE BIT!!! From one obsessor to another..... I am asking for the biggest info dump on AoS possible w\out any major spoilers 🙏
OH BOY!!!!
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I love you for this thank you so much 🙏
Putting this under a read more because it's long.
Okay SO the official plot of Agents of SHIELD is as follows: The worldwide law-enforcement organization known as S.H.I.E.L.D. (Strategic Homeland Intervention Enforcement and Logistics Division) employs an elite team of agents who investigate strange occurrences around the globe and beyond. Its members -- each of whom brings a specialty to the group -- work to protect those who cannot protect themselves from extraordinary and inconceivable threats.
(Totally didn't copy and paste that from google.)
The first season takes place in 2013, very soon after the events of the first Avengers film. Over the course of the first episode, we're introduced to our main cast of characters.
(There's more main characters introduced in later seasons, but this is just the season 1 cast.)
(Also it's important to note that everyone in this show is allergic to first names, and most characters just go by their last name.)
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A very high ranking member of SHIELD, Coulson has been tasked with putting together a team of specialists to travel the world, responding to threats before they become Avengers level bad. He's the leader of the team, and was first introduced in Iron Man 1. He was a reoccurring character in the first couple MCU movies, before being killed in The Avengers. Except surprise! He's not actually dead! The official story is that he was resuscitated shortly after his death, but you slowly start to realize that something isn't quite right... Figuring out what really happened is one of the main plot lines of season 1.
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She's the pilot for their plane (aka the Bus). When Coulson recruited her to the team, she was working behind a desk at SHIELD, but before that she was a field agent. Some mysterious past event traumatized her so badly that she left it all behind, but over the course of season 1 (and beyond) she slowly starts to heal and reenter the field.
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He's recruited to the team as the specialist, aka the person who does all of the cool spy stuff (espionage, infiltration, combat, etc. May was a specialist before she left the field.) He's grumpy and more than a bit of an asshole, but he has a surprising amount of depth and nuance to him. I actually think he's a pretty cool character.
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Two halves of a whole, to the point where everyone just calls them FitzSimmons and refers to them as if they were one person. They're the scientists of the team. Fitz is an engineer, and Simmons is a biologist/chemist. They both incredibly smart and incredibly autistic. I love them dearly. Unfortunately they are European 💔 (Br*tish and Scottish respectively.)
And finally,
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The only member who was not already a part of SHIELD before being recruited to the team. Skye is a genius level hacker who is part of an activist group known for releasing government secrets for the good of the public. She's caught by the team in episode 1 and brought in for questioning, except surprise! They only caught her because she let herself get caught. She even knows more than they do, which kicks off the main plot of season 1. Her entire backstory is a big unknown, especially to her. She was left in front of an orphanage as a baby, and is trying to figure out where she came from. It's a major plot point in the first 2 seasons.
This show is legitimately so good, and you don't really need to know anything about the mainline MCU to follow along.
It's about the found family! It's about the love changing everything and nothing at the same time! It's about the unluckiest bastards in the multiverse!
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carniferous · 6 months
okay hello i’ve come to offer a vague concept ❤️🤲 the first thing that came into my mind is like being in a car. and something being wrong w the car. which sounds so stupid but is hopefully vague enough?? also idk if i’m meant to specify a ship but (and you probs already know what i’m gonna say) ur bartylus genuinely changed my life and it’s always on my mind and im obsessed w it forever and ever and would die if you ever wrote them again (but also like. no pressure. i don’t wanna try and tie you down to one specific pathway) ANYWAY i hope this is vague enough but also not too vague that you’re just staring at me blankly rn… icl babe u really didn’t set any parameters so i’m kinda trying to spear fish in the dark here but im gonna stop talking now…. eagerly (but patiently!!) awaiting ur response <33
LMAO NOOO thank you so much this is exactly the level of vagueness i wanted!!! i simply need to let things cook in my beautiful mind palace before i can write + vague concepts work best for that
anyway i tried to do it justice for u. it's more barty character study than bartylus sorry but. also it's compeltely unedited!! do with that what you will xoxo
“I knew it,” Regulus murmured, a hand coming up to cover his eyes. He was slumped down in his seat, the lines of his face stark in the pale moonlight. The motorway stretched out empty and endless before them. 
Barty clenched his jaw and turned the key in the ignition once more. The engine sputtered loudly, just enough to give him some small shred of hope, before it promptly died for the fifth time. 
“Dammit,” he hissed, thumping his hand against the steering wheel. He turned to Regulus, “What?”
Regulus lowered his hand and glared fiercely. “I knew I was going to die in this metal box the moment you persuaded me to get in.”
“And yet, you still let me persuade you.”
“What?” Barty grinned. “You’re not going to die, Regulus. Cars are only dangerous when they’re moving.”
Regulus scoffed. He looked about five minutes away from having a conniption—which meant that Barty had about three minutes of continuing to fuck with him before he got properly angry. His hands were clenched in the fabric of his trousers, and when he turned his face towards the window, Barty could glimpse the deep shadows under his eyes as they appeared under the light. 
He felt his heart soften, just a tad. 
“I have a plan,” Barty said.
Regulus rolled his eyes so far back that they disappeared into his skull: “Oh, joy. Another plan.”
“They’ve gotten us this far, haven’t they?” 
“Yes, stranded on the side of the road with you,” muttered Regulus. “Exactly where I want all my plans to lead me.”
At that, Barty felt a strange, wild sort of affection swell up within him. He wanted to lean over and bite the nape of Regulus’s neck hard enough to draw blood, wanted to crowd him against the door until all that bluster and exasperation fell away. But there would be time for that.
“Don’t you want to hear my plan?”
“No,” Regulus said sullenly. “I want—”
He stopped. Barty’s grin abruptly fell away. He reached over and cradled the back of Regulus’s head, firmly enough that he had no choice but to face him. Regulus kept his eyes downcast, an unhappy twist to his mouth, a sickly tinge to his face that the low light couldn’t hide. 
“Hey,” Barty said, and he curled his hand into a fist in Regulus’s hair. “Look at me.”
Regulus’s gaze flickered up.
He was a living bruise, a walking heartache. Two weeks ago, Barty had looked at him as they packed their things for the end of term, and he’d known that Regulus wouldn’t survive another summer in that house—not as himself, anyway. He knew it the way Sirius must have, before he left, and he understood. Better than he’d like to admit. Sometimes it was easier to pack your bags than to watch someone like Regulus tread water and insist that they weren’t moments away from sinking. 
In that respect, though, Barty was different. He didn’t care what Regulus wanted. He wasn’t going to leave him to drown. 
Besides. Barty was fed up, himself.
When he spoke, his voice was low and steady, and Regulus listened with wide, unblinking eyes: “We’re not going home. Do you understand? There’s nothing back there. Nothing. Forget it, Regulus.”
A beat of silence. Barty’s grip loosened, he made to pull back, and then—
“What about your mother?” Regulus asked with a horrible little glint in his gaze. 
“What about her?” Barty replied without missing a beat.
Regulus blinked. Barty almost laughed at him. Could have, at the idea that Regulus thought he’d trapped him with that. His mother, who’d wanted Berty out of that house perhaps even more than he himself did. Regulus could never understand that.
What he could understand, though, was the terrifying, exhilarating sensation of freedom. Of the surprising vastness of your own mind when it was vacant of everyone but yourself. Of sitting in a car stranded on the side of the road and becoming aware of your own mortality. Death was suddenly an end to something real and full of potential. 
After what felt like an eternity, Regulus asked, “What’s your plan?”
“I turn seventeen in five hours,” Barty said. “Once midnight hits, the Trace will disappear. I’ll fix the car then.”
“You don’t know how to fix it.”
“At least I know it’s called a car and not a ‘metal box.’”
“You want us to spend five hours in this thing?” Regulus said, as though catching up with his own disbelief.
“Technically, seven hours,” said Barty. “We still have to make it to Bath. And then, once we pick up the twins…”
“I don’t know,” Barty shrugged—a loose, slouching thing. He noticed Regulus’s eyes track the motion with nothing short of predatory glee. “Orgy in the metal box?”
“I hate you.”
“You love me,” Barry cajoled, grinning from ear to ear. “Why else would you run away with me?”
There was a long moment of silence, in which Regulus gazed, baleful and petulant, out at the road in front of them and Barty gazed at him. Already, he was more animated, more tetchy, more acerbic than he’d been just days ago. The cobwebs slowly clearing from his eyes.
Sometimes, Barty recognized Regulus like the slant of himself in a shard of glass. But other times, Regulus was just very beautiful. Barty wondered if there an element of vanity in wanting him, to the prideful joy he got out of fucking him out of his own head. The idea that he could press Regulus down hard enough to mold him back into himself. 
On very rare occasions, he wondered if he was like his father. If the only love he knew was what he learned from the voice in his head as it puppeted his limbs about. If that presence was more himself than he was. A normal person would look at it with revulsion, would see complete and total control as a firsthand abomination.
But it was because Barty knew the abomination firsthand that he knew also the complete, total, clean satisfaction of such control.
“You were hardly the first to ask,” Regulus said mildly.
Even in the darkness, Barty could see the flush travel down his neck. He grinned and, without another word, reached over and unhooked Regulus’s seatbelt.
“I didn’t ask,” he replied, just as mild.
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datastate · 4 months
oh i am very curious which yttd routes did you play first :O? (mine was alice/shin <- this was literally because i was hyperfixated on alice + i was playing it with my friend who was hyperfixated on shin.)
oho... i believe my first route was true logic! (reko + shin) -- i'd pushed the fake reko, because my view on the whole 'doll v. human' thing is. well. humans will always be preferable if they're still alive, though even after death it's a shaky trail to follow. of course, while alive they can still be manipulated & gaslit into certain things, but the AIs can be changed on a very fundamental level with the intention of deceiving someone they care for (whether they mean to or not; mishima, for example, whose values weren't necessarily changed, but just shifted to see those he would've cared for as enemies), and the idea of them being so easily reset - to me - makes it more difficult to view anything you do with them as permanent. which, while that may be something worthwhile for some (sara w ytts, hiyori w shin ai...), i find scarcity to be something very important & i just hate the idea of desecrating who someone was after death. what you see as the ai will often have a very tangible effect on how you perceive the person post-mortem as well, which isn't fair to you or them, regardless of how genuine they believe they're being.
or, well. that's the gist of my thoughts on it x']
in any case! i do wish i could've kept alice alive, but this was a 'no resets' run for me & i still wouldn't have changed my answer here... sorry reko ai.
as for shin, i chose him primarily because my sister (kid) really enjoys his character & i was very intrigued in seeing where he'd go once pushed further than this. i felt terrible killing kanna for this, & realized during her death (i. started crying also <3) that if i were in this situation that i'd never be able to work w someone who enabled kanna's self-sacrificial nature. which shin evidently echoed, rendering any logic behind the choice null, ironically because i failed to take into account the emotional attachment between them all.
& of course the influence this has on ch3-1... where sara had very obviously sacrificed dolls for her allies before, it just makes it tasty...
however! as for my current routes, i think i favor true emotion (alice + kanna) -- i really wanted to know more abt alice before he died & i was surprised it was even an option so early on. i also enjoyed seeing alice getting after gashu outright + i think he deserved to have that personal chance in getting after hiyori again... even if the realization he's become a 'real murderer' (he had still pushed hiyori w intent to kill, you know...) is held against him here.
and, in terms of character development, upon reflection: i really do think i'm more interested in seeing kanna truly overcome that desire to push herself aside for others' benefit... it'd be so much more fulfilling to me, with what i'm searching out, in a game like this where pushing forward really is the only choice you can make...!!
as for both, they don't get the focus i wish they could've in ch3-1, but i nonetheless find it a more interesting route going forward, even if i still don't agree w the choice made to keep alice alive x'] the implications for sara's character in either route are really fun to consider :D
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mayclair · 1 year
guess who auditioned for the lead in the school play for the first time in their life tehehehehee
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littlestpetship · 1 year
🌈 + jeff!!!
HMM this one is tricky i never really thought of hcs for him... but i feel it in my bones that genderfluid jeff is my answer 0_0 i dont think he labels his sexuality or cares about pronouns he just goes with the flow... and he says hes genderfluid in the way chucky says it. genda flooid. he probably learned what it meant because of the chucky movies tbh hehehe... :^D i like the idea of him getting inspiration from sadako too with his long black hair and white outfit... his gender is literally just one big horror movie LOL :3
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elllisaaa · 5 months
Hey, how are you? First of all, I just want to say that I'm absolutely in love with your writing 🥹 you make it so fluid and fun to read 🖤
I'd like to ask a scenario/reaction for seventeen (ot13 individually, if possible) in which they have have a crush on reader, and then the reader gets cold and some other member offers them their hoodie, and they get kinda jealous and then might come up with some excuse for the reader to use their hoodie instead or something else of the sort. You can decide what each of them will do on your own, I wanna read it hehe
But just making it obvious they have a crush, even if they think they are not
Thank youuu, hope you have fun 🖤🖤
hiii lovely !! i'm doing good and i hope you are great too ! and thank you so much for these compliments, i'm glad to hear that you like my writing !! this was so fun and adorable to write even if it took me a looot of time but i hope you'll still like it ! thank you for sending in an ask !
seventeen getting jealous of you wearing another member's hoodie
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-> pairing : svt × gn!reader
-> words count : 1.6k words
-> genre : fluff
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> masterlist | svt masterlist
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He truly loves Jeonghan, he really does. But to see him smirk at him while giving you one of his hoodies was not on his bingo card of their friendship. He knew how teasing Jeonghan could get, but to do that when he perfectly knew the fat crush Seungcheol had on you felt wrong. He would get a little pouty, crossing his arms and shooting deadly glares at his friend. Right before you all had to leave for the bar, he told you that the color of Jeonghan’s hoodie was absolutely not fitting with the rest of your outfit and handed you one of his in a color that was going so much better with your other clothes. Cheol is very proud of the annoyed look on his friend’s face, and the sweet smile you give him as thank you.
When he gets back from the store and sees you all comfy in Joshua’s hoodie, he’s not having it. He plays it off, asking you who this belongs to since it’s clearly not your usual style. And you give him exactly the answer he was waiting for. Jeonghan gives the piece of clothing a judging look but says nothing and just leaves for a few minutes. When he comes back, he throws another hoodie at you, one of his. And when you ask what was the problem with the one you had on, he argues that it doesn’t fit your aesthetic. You are a little confused but still put on Jeonghan's hoodie. He will spend the rest of the day watching over you with a little smirk on his face, proud of seeing you wear his clothes. 
I feel like Joshua is not so much a jealous guy but more of a possessive person. So he does not feel very jealous at seeing you wearing Jun’s hoodie, but he wants to make it clear that you’re his crush and not anyone else’s. He’s not even trying to hide it, it’s comical at this point. Joshua is straight up telling you that he would like it better if you wore his hoodie instead. He loves how you get a little shy by his bold demand but still agree, immediately taking off Jun’s hoodie and putting on the one Joshua is handing you. He will be so touchy the whole day, making it even more obvious that he wants you to be his. 
He’s so fucking smooth about it. Jun doesn’t want to see you wearing Soonyoung’s hoodie, even if he’s your best friend, but he doesn’t wanna make it too obvious either. He wants to confess properly, not giving it away because he’s jealous. So he will tell you that the hoodie your friend gave you had a stain on it, and that you couldn’t wear it for when you will all go out after lunch. Jun so kindly offered one of his instead, discarding the other boy's clothes and giving you one of his hoodies.  He feels a little bad for Soonyoung for one second, and then you flash him your prettiest smile and he doesn’t even know what guilt is anymore. 
On the contrary, Soonyoung is so fucking obvious, it’s painful for everyone else watching. As soon as he saw you walking around in Wonwoo’s hoodie, he got pouty, refusing to talk to you. His argument ? It’s a betrayal to your friendship, regarding the fact that he’s your best friend and that Wonwoo is not. He’s such a baby about it, it’s cute. And Soonyong will keep crying about it until you finally give in and accept to take one of his sweaters instead. Except that he completely forgot to do his laundry and there is no more clean hoodie for you. It’s pretty comical to see his face fall and his pout return. 
As I’ve already stated, Wonwoo is not a jealous person, especially over his crush that is not even his partner yet. So he will not try to absolutely get you to not wear Jihoon’s hoodie or come up with an excuse like the others, even if he would’ve preferred if you wore his, just so it could smell like you once you give it back. Next time though, he’ll be prepared, either with a spare hoodie, or by wearing an outfit that allows him to give you his hoodie without getting too cold. And to think that Wonwoo does this just for you makes you feel all giddy inside, and when you make sure to acknowledge and appreciate his efforts, it’s his turn to get a little shy and bashful (he’s so cute i’m dying). 
I swear he’s stopping it before it even happens. He told you before going to take a spare hoodie or jacket with you because even if the weather was good, it would start to get colder soon. But as usual, you didn’t listen to him because it would’ve ruined your cute little outfit. Jihoon knew that you would end up complaining because you were cold, and that’s why he put on a hoodie himself - just so he could give it to you. But he wasn’t ready for how fast Seokmin offered to take his off and give it to you. But Jihoon is quicker and he is handing you his sweater before you even had the time to respond to his friend. We love a careful king like him.
Another who’s a baby about it and so not subtle about it. He sees you laughing about how big Mingyu’s hoodie looks on you. And even though you’re not wrong, Seokmin knows that his sweaters would look big on you too, and that they would even suit you more because the colors he has match your style better than his friend’s. You can see how unhappy he is about the whole thing, and you take this opportunity to tease him a little. Seokmin would not even try to hide it, arguing that if you wanted to wear an oversized hoodie, you could’ve asked for his instead. He will only stop pouting when you agree to wear one of his. 
This big bay is sulking, like you had just back-stabbed him. And it’s only because you’re always barging about how big and oversized hoodies are the best ones, and here you are, wearing one of Minghao’s when you could’ve asked Mingyu and it would have been even bigger. He’s not telling you anything though, even if it’s kinda obvious that he’s upset over something. The next time you’re asking Mingyu about his opinion on your outfit, he doesn’t remind you to bring a jacket with you only so he could hand you his sweater and watch you drown into the fabric. Bonus point if you give it back without washing it and it still has your perfume and scent on it. 
Minghao would not say anything about the fact that you were currently wearing Seungkwan hoodie’s, but he would still give his member a kind of side eye when he comments on how well the piece of clothing suits you. During dinner, he will unfortunately drop some food on the sweater. Oh no ! But don’t worry, he will give you one of his instead so you can stay warm. Minghao will ignore all night how Seungkwan is sulking and will simply smile at you when you say that his hoodie is very soft. It’s just feeling very right to see you walking around in his clothes, and he definitely wouldn’t mind seeing you wear them more.
He’s not having it, like at all. Especially since he’s very obvious about his crush on you around his members, and that they all know how much he loves you, he doesn’t like the fact that you’re wearing Hansol’s clothes. Seungkwan is not even really jealous, he’s only mad at his friend for doing this even though he knows everything. He’s giving deadly glares to Hansol all day, as if he really wanted to kill him for handing you his hoodie. He knows that he’s only doing this to tease him, but still. When you ask Seungkwan what’s wrong, he’s only telling you that he’s in a bad mood. But from now on, he will jump in before anyone else if you ever need a hoodie. 
Nobody knows about Hansol’s crush on you, because it is no one else’s business. So he can’t be upset at Chan for giving you his hoodie because you were cold, he just wished he was quicker and gave you his. And it even feels strange that you accepted his friend’s clothing, because Hansol had told you countless times that you could borrow anything from his room, even when he was not there. Later on, he will ask you why you were wearing Chan’s hoodie, thinking that his approach was casual (even when it’s really not). When you explained that you just didn’t want to make him feel bad when he offered, Hansol simply nodded. But his cheeks quickly turned red when you admitted prefering to wear his sweater. 
Chan really tries hard to not show his crush on you, but the way he looks at you is not as subtle as he thinks and everyone has understood what was going on, even you. Hence why you’re wearing one of Seungcheol hoodie’s right now. Yes, Chan is kinda obvious, but you still want to be 100% sure that he won’t reject you. And what better than jealousy ? Plus, he’s always making a point of giving you his clothes when you’re cold, so he doesn’t understand why you didn’t ask him this time. He’s pouting and sulking for sure, even complaining to his hyung about how he’s trying to steal his crush. Honestly, he’s just very cute and he’s being a baby. The only way to get him to smile again is by agreeing to take his hoodie instead. 
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my works.
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svt tagglist (fill in this to be added) :
@lil-kpopstan @hann1bee @iraisswiftie @bewoyewo @lichyuu
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kittyeekcube · 2 years
Earl grey, matcha, blooming tea, peppermint, honey, bubble tea, and chai! ☕️🍵
I hope you have a wonderful day full of yummy treats 🥰🖤
earl grey: how do you take your tea?
i take my black tea with a splash of milk, matcha and chai as tea lattes, and i enjoy green tea and herbal tea and any other kind of tea as they are! sometimes i’ll add honey to my tea which adds a a lovely sweetness! ☕️🍵🍯 ahhh i love tea 🫖
matcha: favorite book?
my personal favorite books are an old collection of folk tales my nana gave me which are very dear to my heart and my last favorite book i read was Watership Down! 🐇📚
blooming tea: favorite flower?
ahh so many beautiful flowers in the world to choose from.. i’ll have to say California Poppy! California Poppy was the first flower seed i ever planted and loved and took care of as a child! we both grew up together and every time i see them they always make me smile whenever i see their bright orange color! 🧡 also this is technically a flowering plant and not a flower but i love love love Corpse Flowers!!
peppermint: what’s your favorite holiday and why?
Christmas! to me, Christmas is a time of warmth and magic amidst the cold winter and i love keeping warm with my loved ones and sharing nostalgic memories while creating new ones and and taking a moment to slow down and cherish all the little things! 🎄 Halloween is a close second! i appreciate the spooky season and autumnal feelings and all the treats it brings and laughing away all the fears with friends! 🎃
honey: type out the last text you sent
“I’m okay. Just very tired.” what a mood haha
bubble tea: what ride would you pick at an amusement park?
ohh i love amusement parks so much!! i love a ride that feels like i’m flying like swings or a thrill like a rollercoaster! (even though i’m a bit afraid of heights ahaha) my favorite ride is a tilt a whirl and i love leaning side to side to make it spin very fast! also my favorite feeling on a ride is sharing the experience with a friend and the moment where all you can do is smile and laugh together and feel breathless and full of joy and adrenaline or scream and hold hands if the ride is a big thrill and ahh it’s the best time! i love it 🎢
chai: what do you order at starbucks?
i don’t drink coffee so i always gravitate towards a tea or tea lemonade, a refresher, or another hot drink at starbucks depending on my mood! hmm right now i would probably ponder between getting a hot or iced tea latte and if i chose an iced tea latte i like to add the vanilla sweet cream cold foam! (that’s a mouthful of a topping to order haha almost like casting a magic spell 🪄) i simply adore any kind of tea and i enjoy tea every day and night but i also really love hot chocolate so i would change my mind once i got to the front of the line! my final answer is i would love to order a hot chocolate with whipped cream at starbucks if i was there!! hehe ☕️🤍
ahhh thank you for sending me all these asks!! i always love answering the asks you send me especially tea themed ones!! 🥰💛 aww thank you 🥺 i shall have to enjoy a treat today hehe i hope you can enjoy a tea and treat as well!! ✨
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brokenmenswhore · 1 month
Hi, first of all I agree with the other ask, you're definitely my favourite writer on here, I love how you write Aegon! Also your smuts are SO hot but also so emotional idk it's all perfect 😭 I'd love to request a fic where Aegon and fem!reader (idk maybe some Stark girl living in the Red Keep for some reason?) are so obviously in love but they both express it with teasing and making fun of each other and they're kind of best friends who love going around and creating chaos (Alicent gets SO annoyed). One night they get pretty drunk and they finally understand they both want each other so badly. Also can we please have a happy ending, they're gonna stay together forever and stuff plz I'm done watching this man suffer he deserves some relief 😭 thank youuu ily 🫶🏻🥹
thank you so fuckin much 🥺 i’ll give you two happy endings for aegon if you know what i’m saying wink wink
trouble | aegon ii targaryen
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pairing: aegon targaryen x stark fem!reader
warnings: drunk sex, smut (MDNI 18+), rain sex is that a warning
────── ☾ ──────
Though you missed Winterfell, the Red Keep began to feel more and more like home the longer you resided there.
The greatest reason, perhaps, was Aegon. You two were fast friends, and matched each other’s constant desire to stir trouble. The more you spent time with him, the harder and harder you fell. You could not deny that you were in love with him if you tried, but luckily, no one ever questioned it.
Instead of telling Aegon, you simply teased him every chance you got.
“Open up, you drunken whore,” you called, banging on his chamber doors.
He swung the door open, sticking his lower lip out to pout at you. “I’m not drunk yet.”
You laughed. “The only fault you find with my insult is that you are not yet inebriated enough to properly embody it?”
Aegon smiled, “precisely.”
“I cannot stand you,” you said, walking past him and entering his chambers, plopping down on his bed.
“No, please, make yourself comfortable,” Aegon jested.
“I am only shocked to find your bed empty,” you reciprocated. It was a joke, but you still felt a pang in your heart at the reminder that Aegon had a constant cycle of whores in his bed. You were pleased to find it empty tonight, though.
Aegon leaned against the wall and crossed his arms. “You are aware that I am your future king, and in fact not a whore, correct?”
“I beg to differ,” you responded, “you are but the greatest whore I know.”
“You must be having some shit sex then.”
You giggled at his retort. This was how you liked it: fun, light, and full of understanding of one another.
“Are you not tired?” Aegon asked.
You adjusted the pillows beneath your head, propping them up higher as you leaned back, seated on the mattress, “it is much too early to be tired.”
“I suppose that is true.”
“Are you aware that your mother has invited House Baratheon for supper?” you asked.
“Of course I am.”
You could tell by the way he answered that he had no idea.
“She did not inform you?” you questioned.
“She does not like me to be present at such things,” Aegon explained, adjusting his clothing, “she says I am simply too much. I believe she tells our guests that I am too preoccupied with duties that befall an heir.”
You laughed, intentionally overdoing it. “As if anyone would believe such a thing.”
Aegon opened his mouth in offense, but meant it as playful. “How dare you speak to your future king like that,” he said, laying down on the bed next to you.
“If you are my future king, you shall never see me on my knees,” you responded.
“Shame,” Aegon replied.
Your cheeks reddened from just the singular word. Did he mean a shame he would never see you on your knees?
“Did you come here simply to bully me?” Aegon asked, propping his head up on one of his hands as he laid on his side and faced you.
“Of course, why else?”
Aegon sighed. “I’m bored.”
You turned to look at him. “I am insulted that you are bored in my presence. I’m the most fun of anyone around here.”
“So entertain me then, Stark,” he said, playfully pushing your shoulder, “if you’re so fun.”
“If it were up to me, we would just crash your mother’s dinner,” you said.
Aegon’s eyes widened at the idea. “I’m in.”
You smiled. “Truly?”
Aegon nodded his head yes. “I’m already a disappointment,” he shrugged, “I may as well fill my cup while I’m at it.”
You laughed and jumped up off the bed, watching as Aegon fixed up his hair before you two left the bedroom.
You laughed and snickered quietly as you crept down the lavish staircase to the grand dining hall, slowly peeking into the room where Alicent was hosting her guests.
“She allows Aemond to be present, but not you?” you whispered, loud enough Aegon could still hear you.
“Why are you whispering? I want that wine,” Aegon said, marching into the dining hall and pulling you in with him.
“Oh, mother, you shouldn’t have!” Aegon said, strutting over to the wine in front of his mother and downing the entire cup in one gulp, “all of this for me?”
Alicent sighed. “Forgive my son, Lord Baratheon, he is rather drunk-“
Aegon continued to work the room as he signaled you to grab the wine bottle next to Aemond. Trying to do anything in close proximity to Aemond was a challenge; he would grab your hand and stop you in an instant if you weren’t careful. He already knew you were there, so Aegon had to truly distract him.
“I am not drunk,” Aegon protested, “but simply excited to greet our esteemed guests!”
“Aegon, this is highly inappropriate-“
“Lord Baratheon, a pleasure!” Aegon said, swiftly taking the man’s face in his hands and pressing a kiss to his lips. The room stilled for a moment, shock and awe on everyone’s face.
You moved behind Aemond’s chair and snuck your arm out next to the armrest, gripping the top of the bottle and pulling back as Aemond moved to stand and stop his brother.
“Aegon!” Alicent bellowed as her son pulled away, giving a few gentle taps to the side of Lord Baratheon’s face before he caught your eye.
You held up the bottle, and Aegon swiped two glasses before you both ran out of the room.
“AEGON!” Alicent called, but you were both running as fast as you could, laughing as the wind caught your hair.
You ran up a staircase, Aegon following suit as you reached the roof of the tower. The night was beautiful, and you could see Sunfyre taking a nighttime fly in the warm night’s air.
You leaned your arms against the stone, overlooking the water as you watched Sunfyre and rested long enough to catch your breath. Aegon appeared next to you and did the same.
“You able to get this thing open?” you asked, passing him the wine.
Aegon took the glass bottle in his hands, swinging the top fourth into the stone. Glass shattered and wine spilled as Aegon rushed to right the bottle and keep most of the wine inside.
“Aegon!” you laughed, kicking the glass shards away from either of you.
Aegon poured the wine into the two cups he stole, handing you one as you sank down to sit on the stone flooring beneath you. You leaned back, relaxing as you turned to Aegon, who had already finished his entire cup.
“Gotta keep up, Stark,” he teased, and you downed your entire cup with one giant sip.
“You’re trouble,” you told him, holding out your cup for a refill.
“You like it,” he said, still jesting and teasing you as he filled up your cup, but his words ignited something within you.
You and Aegon continued to drink until the wine was completely gone and Sunfyre had long been asleep.
You were still coherent, but you were both undoubtedly pretty drunk.
“I cannot believe you actually kissed him!” you laughed, Aegon shrugging his shoulders and pretending to bow.
The mood calmed down for a moment, and you could feel your brain become hazy.
“You got me drunk,” you pouted.
Aegon placed a hand to his chest in offense. “I did no such thing.”
“I wouldn’t have drank this all if you weren’t also drinking it all,” you explained.
“So you only do what I do?” Aegon responded.
“I’ll do whatever you want me to do.”
Your eyes immediately widened, you were completely shocked by your own words. You went to stand and leave from the sheer embarrassment taking over you, but you didn’t have the energy to run away right now. Instead, you tried to dig yourself out of the hole.
“Woah, I’m really drunk, what did I just say? Must have been something stupid. Probably another joke.”
“You don’t seem that drunk to me,” Aegon contested.
“No, no, I am drunk. I am so ridiculously drunk that I don’t even remember how I started this sentence. I am so-“
Aegon could see right through you, and knew you were faking it to save face.
He cut you off by pressing a finger to your lips, shushing you. “And what do you wish for me to want from you?”
You couldn’t help but giggle. “I think you’re more drunk than me, Aeg, because that made no sense.”
“If you’ll do whatever I want-“ Aegon’s voice trailed off as he reached out to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear. His hand lingered, slowly resting against your cheek as he caressed your face.
He snapped out of his daze as his eyes drifted from his hand touching you to meet your eyes. “Yes?”
You felt the liquid courage coursing through your veins. “What is it you wish for me to do?”
Aegon’s hand moved from your face down your body, until it reached the hem of your dress. He looked to you for consent, and you nodded, giving him the go ahead.
He pushed your dress up your legs until it rested entirely bunched up around your waistline, exposing your small clothes to him.
There was already a wet patch on the fabric. You had spent the entire evening with him, so it was only to be expected, but apparently not by Aegon.
“You’re really wet,” he said, in genuine shock.
You blushed and tried to close your legs. “I mean, yeah.”
Aegon slowly pushed your legs open again. “From what?”
He was not asking as foreplay, he was asking because he was curious and too drunk to understand why someone would want him.
You placed your head in your hands, but forced out the words, “well, I spent all of tonight with you, Aegon, this usually happens.”
You did not expect to say all that, but the wine in your veins was making you more bold than you had ever been with him.
Aegon nearly choked on air when you spoke. He ran a finger over the wetness, causing you to shudder from the sudden contact. “This is all for me?”
His lustful voice was now seeping through.
“Yes,” you confirmed.
Aegon ran his finger along the waistband of your small clothes, gently tugging them down and off of your legs to completely expose your cunt to him. You’d never felt so vulnerable.
Aegon moved closer to you, but stopped himself. “You’re really drunk.”
You scoffed, “I’m not that drunk.”
“Aegon, I’ve wanted you forever, and I’m not that drunk.”
Aegon blushed, which was something you’d never seen him do before. “You have?”
You closed your legs and leaned forward, sitting on your knees as you took his hands in your own. You sighed and looked into his eyes. “You are an idiot.”
Aegon pouted at you again, intentionally overdoing it. “Mean.”
“You love me,” you responded in a tease.
“I know,” he replied.
Your breath caught in your throat. The intensity and emotional gravity of the situation was slightly sobering both of you up. You gazed into each other’s eyes for a moment before Aegon pulled you into a desperate kiss, a few soft raindrops hitting the tops of your heads as your lips moved in sync.
“Can you stand?” you asked, pulling away.
Aegon rose from the floor, standing in front of you as you shifted closer and closer to him on your knees, raindrops still hitting both of you.
You gently tugged down his breeches, exposing his semi-hard cock. You took the length in your hand, gently kissing the tip before taking him in your mouth.
He started to show himself to you, growing as you began to gently suck him, moving your hand in sync with your mouth on his base. He threw his head back in pleasure as a hand held the back of your head. He did not apply any pressure, but simply rested his hand there for the comfort of knowing you would stay.
“Wait,” he snapped himself out of his lustful haze for a moment, “but I was gonna-“
You pulled off of his cock with an pop. “Would you just let me take care of you?”
No one had ever asked him such a question, and you could feel him twitch in your hand. You were gently, excruciatingly slowly stroking him, gazing up at him as he watched you.
“Fuck, don’t look at me like that,” Aegon said.
“Like what?” you blinked, taunting him.
“Fuck,” he cursed again as he watched you taste him again, moving your head back and forth.
Aegon had never been treated so kindly before. Oftentimes the women he bed were rough upon request, or gave him nothing, only acting as a vessel for him to outlet his frustrations.
Despite never having touched one another, you and Aegon knew each other better than any two people had before, and this was no exception.
You began to swirl your tongue around his tip, collecting the pre-cum found there and spreading it around the rest of his cock as you sucked.
He had been in love with you for so long, and had pictured this in his dreams, or in his chambers with a fist around his cock, enough times that the sight of you on your knees for him was enough to make him come much faster than he usually did.
You began to move your hand even faster, causing him to gasp and groan. You were determined to pleasure him first. You so desperately wanted to see how pretty he looked when he came down your throat.
You moaned around his cock, the gentle vibrations sending a shiver up his spine. You felt his muscles twitch in warning before he came, shooting his seed down your throat with a moan of your name.
He took a moment to recover, looking down at you as he wiped the rain off of his face.
“I was going to take care of you,” he said, his voice still a little shaky.
You spread your knees apart, pushing up your dress to expose yourself to him once again. The rain began to pick up, and you were blinking past the droplets. You held your dress against your waist as you stood, pressing your body against his.
Aegon swiped two arms behind your legs, forcing you to jump into his arms as he held you, your legs wrapped around his waist. He sat you down on the ledge, and you gripped his shoulders tightly, still a little too drunk to trust that you could keep yourself from falling to your death.
Aegon immediately lined his cock up to your entrance, but you spoke before he could enter you.
“Aegon, I’m going to fall and die. It’s slippery from the rain and I’m still a little drunk.”
Aegon groaned and pulled you down. “You have to flip then.”
“What?” You didn’t understand what he meant by “flip.”
Aegon sighed, “turn around, idiot.”
Aegon swung your body around and pressed on your upper back, bending you over as you rested your palms against the stone. You felt much safer in this position, even though you could see out below the tower roof.
“You could have just led with ‘turn around,’ you know.”
“I didn’t think that ‘flip’ held such a complex meaning,” Aegon said.
“You can never just say the simple version-“
“Oh shut up,” he said, pushing his entire length into you with one thrust, causing you to choke on your words and gasp at the feeling.
You were wet enough to lubricate his cock, but the rain was also to thank, your bodies even more drenched as the rain became heavy. You could barely hear the light whines Aegon was letting out as he began to fuck you.
He pulled his entire length out of you before slamming it back in, causing your body to jolt slightly forward. Aegon laughed at your reaction.
“Mean,” you said.
Aegon wrapped his hand around your hair, tugging your head backward. “Now now, that’s not very nice.”
Aegon set a steady pace inside of you, watching your body and face reacts to each and every snap of his hips.
“Fuck,” you moaned. Whimpers were free falling from your lips; you were unable to control yourself.
“You sound so pretty when you moan,” Aegon complimented, picking up the pace and nearly slamming his cock into you with every thrust.
“Wow,” you strangled, “not an insult this time?”
Aegon wrapped an arm around your chest and pulled you upward until your back connected with his torso. He braced himself against your hips, fucking into you and hitting an even sweeter spot within you due to the new angle.
“You want an insult?” Aegon whispered directly into your ear, “how about this? Just look at yourself, soaking wet and moaning from my cock in you. You’re a filthy fucking whore. My whore.”
You could tell from his eloquence that Aegon was sober. You could also tell how badly he needed you- it was almost as badly as you needed him. He didn’t have time to jest anymore, he needed your body and your mind to be consumed by the pleasure he was giving you.
“‘M- I am,” you moaned out, your head leaning backward and resting on his shoulder as he pistoned in and out of you.
“I want you to come for me,” he commanded.
You could feel raindrops hit your chest and run down your body every second, your dress completely soaked through and your hair wet enough that you could wring it out if you wanted to.
The feeling of Aegon inside of you was so much sweeter than you imagined, and his demands had you crying out his name as you reached your climax.
Aegon continued to hold you against him, keeping his cock inside of you as you came down from your high, your legs twitching from the intensity of it all as you tried to ensure that you could still stand.
“Aegon?” you caught his attention after a few minutes, wiping the rain away from your eyes, “you can’t stay in me forever.”
“Says who?” He was back.
“Aegon,” you repeated, and he pulled out of you, pushing your dress down, but it didn’t matter. The material was completely soaked through.
Aegon reached down and pulled his breeches back up, covering himself the best he could with the soaking wet fabric that no longer wanted to sit on his hips correctly.
Aegon stood and stared at you.
“Gods, Aegon, admire me inside, I’m fucking soaked,” you laughed, pulling him down the staircase and to your chambers.
You pushed the door open and were relieved to see that the handmaidens had already been in your room, and would likely not be back until morning. You pulled Aegon in, softly closing the door behind you as you began to undress.
Aegon did the same, ridding himself of all his soiled clothes.
“What now?” Aegon asked.
You wrung out as much water from your hair as you could before you climbed into your bed.
Aegon scoffed. “You’re insane, I’m wet.”
“As am I,” you spoke, matter-of-factly.
Aegon shrugged and joined you, both of you naked under the warm sheets. Aegon shivered at the sensation, feeling his muscles relax as he lay flat on his back.
You began to run a finger across his chest, tracing the lines of his muscles absentmindedly.
You took a deep breath, eyes focused on your movements on his body. “I do not wish to forget this in the morrow.”
Aegon turned his head, tiredness in his eyes as he looked at you. “Neither do I. I meant what I said. I do love you.”
You smiled. “As I do you.”
Aegon placed his hand over your own, holding it against his chest.
“You and I, causing trouble and chaos in the realm forever,” he smiled, giving you a small laugh.
You giggled. “What a pain in the ass for everyone else.”
“Ah, I’d say you’re a pretty big pain in the ass for me,” Aegon jested.
You opened your mouth in offense, but Aegon closed it by kissing you, this time more passionate and intimate than before. You were both sobered up now.
“But you love me still,” you smiled.
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lunaetis · 2 years
@taiixuan​ asked :
weinslefest had gone by with its breezes and reveries, and would bring back all those usual routines that for a day or two had been resting idly to let celebrations have their rare spotlight –albeit to him, still a day of intense work it remained ; its aftermaths not different from any busy night at tavern tables, washing glasses and carefully placing them into sturdy crates for his staff to bring to awaiting cart’s back. “ you looked like you had fun with the others. like you needed to let yourself relax a little. ” young scion offered her a rare, peek of a smile. “ hopefully it worked. ” ( diluc to lumine ♥ )
inbox call. || always accepting
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─「蛍」─  having seen the familiar faces upon returning to MONDSTADT and attending weinlesefest surely brought back a sense of comfort after she had been on her journey away from the city of freedom for so long. the LAST ACT of them opening the wine, seeing the smiles upon her companions’ faces, it also brought an upwards quirk of lips to her expression as well. after it was all said and done, the traveler couldn’t help coming over to the dawn winery booth, wanting to thank him for all the help he had provided.
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                “ let myself relax a little ? said someone who’s still working despite how he could have left the work to his staffs, no ? ” the outlander flashed him a knowing smile. if anything, they both were similar in that sense. wanting OTHERS around them to relax when needed, yet, they themselves refused to leave any work to others to handle. the WIND itself felt nice against her skin, and she matched that subtle smile on his lips with a brighter one of her own.
                but she appreciated it, his kindness, the way he looked out for her. he might not seem like someone who cared, but she knew how he cared much deeper than one would realize.
                “ speaking of relaxing, you could use a break or two, don’t you think ? ” straightened herself up, her eyes took a quick glance around the festival area. of course, some booths were already packing up for the day. but the ATMOSPHERE was rather nice with the night breeze accompanying the starry sky. her amber hues turned back to him, a soft smile not leaving her features. “ care to join me for a night walk ? the stars are out, too. it’d be a nice stroll. you can’t be telling me i need to relax without doing that yourself, master diluc. ”
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azrielslittleslut · 2 months
Hii! Can I please request a Azriel X Confident! Reader fic, so like she’s the type to be really straight forward and bold. In the fic Mor or Nesta can be going out to Rita’s with the reader and Azriel just so happens to be there, keeping his eye on the reader as she dances or does what not while Cassian and Rhysand tease him. You can end the fic however you want, than youuu:)
PS. I really love your writing style and I adore all your work, it would be an absolute honor if you wrote this💗💖
"The Intervention"
Azriel x Fem!Reader
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Warnings: slight language, fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
a/n: thank you for your kind words, anon! i took some liberties with this one, but i hope you enjoy this!<3
Even though it was Saturday night, Rita’s was busier than usual. The music was loud and thumping, causing Azriel to grimace as the pounding headache he’d had all day returned. “I don’t want to be here,” he grumbled to Cassian, who was standing to his right with a drink in his hand.
“Oh, come on, brother,” Cassian said, clapping a large hand on Az’s shoulder. “You’ve been gone to the Continent for three weeks. You need to let loose and relax. The Mother only knows how much you need it.”
Azriel’s shadows were restless as they swarmed around his shoulders and wings, a sign that they too were exhausted. His mission had been long and grueling, and he hadn’t returned with any solid information. All he wanted was to go back to the House of Wind and get some sleep.
“Why are we here anyway?” Azriel asked Cassian, who had drained his glass. “I don’t understand why this... relaxing night out couldn’t have waited.”
Az had barely landed in the training ring at the House when Cassian had hauled him back into the air. Even though he had protested, Az didn't have much fight in his body due to his exhaustion, so he had let his brother haul him back into the city and into Rita's.
Cassian's chuckle brought him back to the present. "Nesta wanted a night out. We have a new addition to our little circle," he said, reaching over to elbow Azriel in the ribs, "which you would know about if you had been here the last few weeks. She wants to introduce her to the Velaris night scene."
Azriel rolled his eyes. "I'm the spymaster," he said, looking back out to the crowd on the dance floor. "Of course I know about the addition to the Court."
The problem was... Az didn't know. He had been so caught up in his duties, he hadn't bothered to pay attention to the person Rhys had hired. But he sure as hell wouldn't let Cassian know that.
"Hmm," Cassian mused, his hazel eyes twinkling. He opened his mouth to say something else, but he was cut off by Nesta's voice.
"Hello, boys," she said, her voice soft, but it was laced with an emotion Azriel couldn't place. "Having fun without me?"
Cassian pulled her in for a kiss, and Azriel quickly looked away from the public display of affection the two of them so often engaged in. "It's never much fun without you, sweetheart," he said, pulling away to scan the room. "Where is Y/N?"
Nesta pointed to the dance floor with a finger. "Over there. Apparently, she rivals me with her love of dancing."
"And she's probably better at it, too," Rhys responded, stepping up to the group. "Feyre tells me she trained under a professional dancer from Dawn Court."
Cassian gave a nod of approval. "That makes sense, considering that's her home court." He tilted his head toward Azriel. "Right, Az?"
Azriel, who had been barely paying attention to the conversation, nodded distantly. "Yes. I hear Dawn is known for their dancers."
Nesta's face contorted with confusion. "But she's not-"
Cassian interrupted her with a gentle smack on her ass. "Go dance," he purred. "Rhysie and I will stay here and keep Az company."
With a final look at Azriel, Nesta wandered away, heading toward the thick throng of people crowding the dance floor. Rhys leaned against the counter between Cassian and Azriel. "Are you alright, brother?" he asked, his violet eyes full of concern.
"What do you mean?" Azriel said, his wings twitching behind him in frustration. He hated when Rhys looked at him like that, as if he were a child who was about to be scolded for something. "I'm just tired."
"Well," Cassian drawled, peaking over Rhys's shoulder, "you have proven your Spymaster abilities tonight. Y/N isn't from Dawn. She lived there for a while, but she's originally from Summer."
Azriel felt his face flush slightly. He glanced over at his shadows, glaring at them with rage-filled eyes. It was rare that they didn't let him know information, especially information as simple as that. "Of course. My mistake."
Azriel stepped to the side, calling on his shadows to winnow him far away from this place when a dancing female caught his eye. She was wearing Night Court attire: a midnight blue dress that had a fitted bodice. It was adorned with tiny crystals that sparkled like stars under the club's lights. The skirt was lightweight and airy, and it swirled around her body as she spun in a circle. The sleeves were long and sheer, ending in elegant cuffs at her wrists.
But her clothing wasn't what caught Azriel's eye. It was the way she moved and danced. She exuded confidence, every step and twirl executed with a mesmerizing fluidity. She danced with abandon, a radiant smile on her lips, her laughter ringing out above the music.
"Who is she?" Azriel asked, his voice suddenly quiet.
Rhys chuckled. "That, my dear brother, is Y/N. The new addition to the Night Court." He leaned back on the counter, crossing his feet in front of him. "She's from the Summer Court, but she moved to the Dawn Court once she matured. She studied there for a few centuries, and now she's decided she needs a new change of scenery. I like her, and Feyre adores her," he said with a shrug of his shoulders. "Besides, we need someone to mix up our little group. Don't you think?"
Azriel had no opinion on the matter. But he sensed that there was something Rhys wasn't telling him. He was about to ask him when a laugh drew his attention back to the dance floor.
You had wrapped your arms around Nesta, unashamedly grinding your body against hers. You didn't care who was watching as you moved against Nesta's body, lost in the rhythm of the music and the heat of the moment.
For as long as he could remember, Azriel had been attracted to reserved women, the ones who were quiet and kept to themselves. He was quiet, so he preferred the company of someone who shared that trait with him. He didn't like attention to be drawn to himself, so the last thing he wanted in a partner was someone who craved the spotlight.
But here he was, completely and utterly transfixed by you. A female who was the antithesis of everything he thought he wanted. Even though he knew nothing about you, you appeared to be bold and unapologetically confident. There was something magnetic about you, something that made his heart race and his shadows still.
"Well, well," Cassian said with a chuckle. "It seems that Azriel's exhaustion has suddenly disappeared."
"Indeed," Rhys responded with a laugh. "Why don't you go join them, Az?"
Azriel crossed his arms, willing his expression into his usual mask of neutrality. "Don't be ridiculous. You know I hate dancing."
Rhys shrugged his shoulders. "Fine. I guess we'll just call her over here, then."
Azriel opened his mouth to object, but he was too late. "Y/N!" Rhys called out, his voice loud over the music. He waved his hand above his head as he yelled, "Over here!"
Az's shadows wrapped around him, but they weren't fast enough. You appeared in front of them so fast, he wondered if you could winnow. Your movements were silent as you walked up, Nesta trailing behind you.
"High Lord," you said with a bow of your head. Your voice was soft like velvet, your lips curved up into a smile.
Rhys rolled his eyes. "Stop that. I told you to call me Rhys."
You giggled, and the joyous sound caused Azriel's heart to stutter in his chest. "I know. But it's so fun to pick at you."
Brave. Confident. Beautiful.
Azriel was in deep shit.
Cassian wrapped his arm around Nesta, who was looking at Azriel with a knowing smirk. "That's Azriel," she said, gesturing to him with a hand. "He's the one I was telling you about."
You looked at him then, eyes clear and calculating. You looked him up and down once and said, "Oh, you're Azriel. I was wondering who the creep was that was staring at us while we were dancing." You pouted your lips slightly as you looked at Nesta. "I thought you said he was handsome."
Azriel blinked. Normally, his presence caused people to cower in fear, especially females. He tilted his head at you as he squared his shoulders. He looked over at Rhys and Cassian and said, "I thought you said she was good at dancing."
Rhys's mouth fell open, and Cassian choked. Nesta only raised her hand to look at her nails. "I'm assuming the two of you didn't tell him about Y/N's role in our Court?"
Rhys shook his head, his black hair falling across his brow. "Not yet. Now I'm afraid to."
You stepped forward to place a hand on Rhys's broad chest. "Don't worry," you said with a smile. You turned back to Azriel, your expression warm. "My apologies. I sometimes come across as a bit harsh. It's one of my many faults. It's true, you aren't handsome... You are handsome and pretty. I like handsome and pretty."
Az blinked again. "I-" he stammered, searching for words. "I am sorry. You are very good at dancing. I like... people who are good at dancing."
Why couldn't this night be over already?
You clapped your hands together once, completely unphased by Azriel's blatant stupidity. "Well, since that's settled," you said, reaching out a hand to him, which he took, fighting the urge to look at his hands as they touched your skin. "I am Y/N. The Night Court's new Intelligence Analyst. I will be working for you."
Azriel stared, suddenly unable to form words. Had he failed? Did Rhys think he was unable to do his job?
"Hey, hey," Rhys cut in, placing a hand on Azriel's shoulder. "It's nothing against you, brother. We just think you need some... help. You don't sleep, and you barely eat. You run yourself ragged trying to command all of your spies and train them, all while taking care of reports and other spymaster duties." He gestured to you with a hand. "Y/N will help you read reports and sort documents. If anything, she will make it possible for you to spend more time with your spies, ensuring they are properly trained."
"You need to take some time for yourself, Az," Nesta said, her voice uncharacteristically gentle. "Let her help you."
"Is this an intervention or something?" Azriel asked, unable to keep the harshness from his tone. All he knew was work, and he wouldn't know what to do with himself if someone else took over part of his duties.
"Not an intervention," Cassian said, his expression soft. "It's more of a... gentle nudge. You need a break, Az. You're burning yourself out, and we can all see it."
Azriel crossed his arms, his wings rustling in agitation. He glanced over at you, his eyes scanning over your body once. "Are you qualified?" he asked, his voice edged with skepticism.
You met his gaze steadily, unflinching. "I wouldn't be here if I wasn't."
Rhys pushed himself off the counter. "She's more than qualified. She's worked closely with us for the past three weeks, handling reports and coordinating between courts."
Azriel's eyes narrowed as he considered this. "Handling paperwork for a spymaster is not the same as coordinating between courts."
You nodded, understanding his hesitation. "I know it's different, Azriel. But I've been trained for this. I understand the importance of confidentiality, the nuances of the information, and the precision required. Plus, I have a fresh perspective that might be beneficial."
Azriel remained silent for a moment, his eyes never leaving yours. He was weighing his options, considering the potential risks and benefits. Finally, he sighed, his shoulders relaxing slightly. "Alright. We'll see how it goes."
Cassian grinned, clearly pleased with Azriel's acceptance. "Great. Now, let's enjoy the rest of the night."
You grabbed Azriel's hand, your skin soft and warm against his scars. His shadows darted out, wrapping themselves around your arm. You giggled as you looked down at them, completely unafraid of his darkness. "How about a dance, Mr. Handsome and Pretty?"
Azriel stared at you, momentarily taken aback by your boldness and the way you seemed so comfortable with his shadows. He was used to people shying away from his darkness, not embracing it. Your smile was infectious, and despite himself, he felt a small one tugging at the corners of his lips.
He let out a breath, the tightness in his chest easing. "Alright," he said, his voice softer now, tinged with something that felt dangerously close to hope. "One dance."
You led him to the dance floor, the music wrapping around you both as you moved together. Azriel's initial stiffness melted away as he got lost in the rhythm and your presence. The world around him faded, leaving only the two of you, dancing as if you had done it a thousand times before.
For that brief moment, Azriel allowed himself to forget his duties, his burdens, and simply be. And as he looked into your eyes, he wondered if maybe, just maybe, he could learn to let someone in.
general tag list: @quiet-loser @andreperez11 @lilah-asteria
394 notes · View notes
unluckilyimnot · 6 months
Jealous hc
Characters: sae, rin, kaiser, hiori, karasu, shidou
m.list | rules
Note: hiiii how are youuu thank you for your request hihi I had other characters bc I felt like doing it for them too
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Sae Itoshi
he’s too prideful to be jealous, or he thinks so
in fact he get pissed off easily, anyone being a little to friendly with you bother him and he already doesn’t like anyone so imagine
he’s not subtile, even if he thinks he is
he’ll get closer, talk like shit to the person who’s flirting with you in his eyes
roll his eyes, click his tongue, you name it
Suddenly he wants to go home or leave for another place
You never honestly never thought you'll see him like that since he's confident and trusts you
I think he just doesn't like people and so by extension he hates people talking to you
He likes to think he's the only one who can make you smile like that, beside your friends (he's not insane)
So seeing some nobody making you smile, or even worst : laugh makes him jealous
He’s not into pda to save his life i think, that’s something he keeps behind closed doors
But oh man how he likes to kiss you when it happens, just to remind everyone that you're taken and you're proud of it
Be prepared to hear about this, he’s a nagging mom at heart
“Are you done ?” you’d ask and magically, yes he is
he will sulk yes, but close to you at least
Rin Itoshi
Bare with him, he acts tough but deep down he wants to cry
Just like his brother, he will get closer, his arm will probably stay around your shoulders after that
But he won’t be mean to them, just kinda ignore them or send death glare if they get too close
No touching, even in a friendly way, don’t be ridiculous
I think he appreciates it if you put a stop yourself
He’s more insecure than he likes to admit and it prove him that he can trust you
He’s gonna be clingy af though
When you two are finally alone, Rin won’t say a world but glue himself to you
He’ll need reassurance for sure :( this boy has abandon issues
Michael Kaiser
He’s an asshole (lovingly)
He let people flirt with you if it helps their ego and mock them for how long you can think, it’s almost an inside joke for him
The irony is that he’s really possessive, so it’s all fun and game until it’s not some loser that try to hit on you
Not that he feels threaten, please
But he still don’t wanna play with them and he doesn’t want you nearby
If you just happen to be friendly with someone then he’s bothered
What do you mean by being this happy to see someone else ?
He’ll ask a million questions and whine about it before brush it off as if he doesn’t care
It takes a lot to deal with him, his reaction depend on his phase
If he feels low then he’ll be a nightmare, you had to be sorry for someone hitting on you and tell him he’s your one and only
If he’s his confident self, it’s almost like he doesn’t care and let it happen
Being with him is a roller coaster
Tabito Karasu
Best man if is speak
He’s mature and he knows he’s projecting his own insecurity when he’s jealous, so he doesn’t make a big deal about it
He’s not gonna ruin the moment so he just keep his cool and act normally
Deep down you can feel there’s some awkwardness so you try to ask him silently, with your eyes or smile, if he’s ok
He loves you so much he feels dumb to even be jealous the second you do that honestly
Expect small pda like holding hands above your knees, playing with your fingers or the em of your shirt/ skirt
He’ll talk to you about it on your way back home or when you two are comfortable at yours or his place
He knows it’s normal to feel like this sometimes but it’s normal to reach for comfort right ? he’s not shy to ask
Nothings best than you playing with his hair, laying on your chest or thighs
Ryusei Shidou
He’s unhinged he scares me
I think he’s the most jealous among them
You’re his, that’s it so, he may seem lay back (and weird) but he’s cautious with every person coming near you
I hc him with abandon issues as well (give us his back story please and make it worth it compare to some character) so he’s always scared of you leaving
It’s still more in a possessive than an insecure way, he just can’t take it if he considered that someone is too close to you
He gets touchy oh my, he’s all over you, can’t keep his hands to himself just to let them know that you’re taken
He’ll talk to them straight in the eyes while his hand run up and down your thighs, he’s not ashamed of anything
You have to put a stop to it but always expected something more while coming home
Yo Hiori
He’s cute and I don’t think people take him seriously enough
You’re amazing and beautiful and fun to talk to, people already asked you why him
He kinda has war flashback ngl
Obviously he also think that he’s not enough and probably get jealous/sad quickly if someone get close to you and is really friendly
He’s scared to take things into hand I think, so he’ll just ask for you two to leave
He won’t tell you how he feels, he’s sure it’s not important enough to bring it up but you always ask him anyway
You’re so sorry that it happens at all honestly, you never want him to feel like this
He never ask for it but you’re clingy and want to do nothing with him, spending some quality time together, watching him play game while you stay on your phone or even sitting in his laps
It always make him feel better and remind him that you won’t leave him so soon
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I hope you liked it ♡
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gracieeegleegal · 7 months
Shinning Beauty - Charlie Bushnell
Pt. 2 for my ballerina
Pov - your a profesional ballet dancer and Charlie is your boyfriend
Pairing - Charlie Bushnell x fem!Oc ballet dancer
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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn, iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell and 27,629 others
yn.ln - last of rehearsals before the show tmw night 🩰 Also HELLOOO? Episode 5 made me cry like a baby @percyjacksonseries
📸: @iamcharliebushnell
leahsavajeffries - so excited to see youuuu
↪️ yn.ln - even more excited to see you xxx
iamcharliebushnell - genuine question why do you always look so gorgeous 😍
↪️ yn.ln - stoooppp I love you so much 😭
dior.n.goodjohn - YOU BEAUTIFUL ANGELLLLL 😍
↪️ yn.ln - I LOVE YOU DIOR😘
walker.scobell - 🫅
↪️ yn.ln - don’t even I’m still sensitive
leenascobell - so excited to see my baby again it’s been too long
aryan.simhadri - how can you not cry while watching episode 5 is my question
↪️ yn.ln - RIGHTTTTTT my percabeth heart was SCREAMINGGG
↪️ iamcharliebushnell - I can confirm
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Liked by yn.ln, aryansimhadri, momonatamada and 876,193 others
Iamcharliebushnell - can confirm she actually did cry watching episode 5 and later had to go outside to reflect on it
Tagged yn.ln
walker.scobell - she’s so real for that
↪️ yn.ln - walker your acting killed me in this episode
dior.n.goodjohn - bet she looks pretty even when she’s crying
↪️ iamcharliebushnell- she looks pretty all the time
↪️yn.ln - mr bushnell u sure do know how to make a lady blush 🤭
↪️iamcharliebushnell - what can I say I try my best for my girl
↪️ walker.scobell - get a room
↪️ iamcharliebushnell - I know sweetheart I know
aryansimhadri- those cookies look so good 👀
↪️ yn.ln - THANK YOUUU I tried my best
↪️ walker.scobell - omggg I want to try them
↪️ yn.ln - I’ll bring you some
↪️ iamcharliebushnell - walker stop trying to steal my girlfriend
↪️ walker.scobell - WHAT DID I DO? I only asked her for some cookies man :(
i.am.andrew.alvarez - she’s like me Fr
↪️ yn.ln - you get me drew
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Liked by iamcharliebushnell, walker.scobell, leahsavajeffries and 46,788 others
yn.ln - so incredibly thankful of everyone that came to see me tonight. Couldn’t have done it without the support of everyone. Special thanks to my man that no matter what is always there watching me across the room applauding me and supporting me as always. I love you Char 💕
Tagged iamcharliebushnell
dior.n.goodjohn - AHHHHH YOU WERE AMAZING 😍😍😍😍😍
↪️ yn.ln - stoppppp I love youuuuu
leahsavajeffries - you were for sure the best out there on stage
↪️ yn.ln - I love you leahhh 🫶🏻
iamcharliebushnell - I’ll always be there looking at you from the front row
↪️ yn.ln - and ill always be grateful of your presence 💕 I love you baby
↪️ yn.ln - I love you leena 🫶🏻
user - I love the fact that Charlie always gives you flowers after a show
↪️ yn.ln - IKR! He’s all I’ve ever wanted best bf ever frr
walker.scobell - for someone who doesn’t watch this often I loved every second of it
↪️ yn.ln - awwwww I’m so happy you loved it 🫶🏻 thank you for coming tn
iamcharliebushnell - you were shining beauty tonight, how did I get so lucky?
↪️ yn.ln - ughhhh everyday you say something that makes me fall more in love with you 😍😭
percyseries - looking like a real Aphrodite’s daughter
↪️ user - ?!?!???
↪️ pjofan268 - HELLOOOO
↪️ yn.ln - 👀
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Liked by walker.scobell, leahsavajeffries, yn.ln and 1,663,394 others
iamcharliebushnell - celebrating this beauties amazing work
Tagged yn.ln
dior.n.goodjohn - she was Beyond amazing tn
↪️ momonatamada - 100% agree
leena.scobell - she’s so talented omg
↪️yn.ln - 🫶🏻🫶🏻
leahsavajeffries - she’s so ethereal my god
↪️ iamcharliebushnell- why’d you think I feel in love with her?
yn.ln - I love you 💕
↪️ iamcharliebushnell- I love you more 💕
walker.scobell - thank for the dinner man 🙏
↪️iamcharliebushnell- bet ur loving not having to pay for once
↪️ walker.scobell - I really am 😗
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Liked by dior.n.goodjohn, walker.scobell, iamcharliebushnell and 123,567 others
yn.ln - and that’s an end for the night 💋
walker.scobell - that scream you gave scared me the same if not more that diors did
↪️ yn.ln - LMAOOOOO 😭
dior.n.goodjohn - baeee ur acting skills are on point
↪️ yn.ln - 👀
↪️ percyseries - 👀
aryansimadri - slayed the house boots down Houston Im deceased 💅
↪️ yn.ln - 💀Aryan bby that’s enough tik tok for today
Iamcharliebushnell - 😍
↪️ walker.scobell- we get it now shut up
↪️ leahsavajeffries- walker let them be it’s not their fault ur single
↪️ walker.scobell - yk sometimes I hate u
↪️ leahsavajeffries- no u don’t
673 notes · View notes
taurussbabe · 1 year
cruel joke
about... fans think you and charles broke up a/n: hope you like it, took some time for myself but i'm back!🧸 pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader
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liked by lordperceval16 and 377,239 others
f1gossipofficial word on the street is that charles and y/n are no longer together, some fans still don't believe considering this is them a few days ago while on vacations
charlesleclerc16 I find it hard to believe, they always look so in love 🤷‍♀️
supermaxx this is bs for sure
honeybadger I think it's just a silly rumor, I mean they are still on vacations together probably
chilly55 I think so too, but neither of them posted anything in a while🥲
Y/n and Charles stories
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Liked by charlettoleclerc and 193,843 others
f1wags I guess it's official 🤷‍♀️ looks like charles and y/n are no longer together 😕
charlettoleclerc what? how? when? why??😭
charlesandyn I can't believe this 😢 I'll miss seeing y/n in the paddock
princessgeorge i think this is so weird, they seemed to be fine and now this... they didn't even ask fans for space or anything 🤷‍♀️
landonoriz4 delusional like me 🫠
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 12,768,839 others
yourusername surprise? Lol, once the rumors came out we decided to have a little fun with it! Technically, we didn't lie, we are no longer dating, now we're engaged. Charles, I love you so much, thank you for making me the happiest person on the planet 🌍❤️‍🔥
charles_leclerc I love you, mon amour, pour toujours ❤️
arthur_leclerc ❤️
carla.brocker so happy for you 🥰❤️
leclerc_pascale welcome to the family Y/n ❤️
francisca.cgomes so happy for you both 😘🫶
charlesfan1 you think this is funny?? almost had a heart attack 😡 really happy for you 😘☺️
lewishamiltonnn my exact reaction
ynismyqueen same
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liked by yourusername and 507,495,849 others
charles_leclerc Y/n, you make me the happiest every day. No one is worthy of you, but I'll spend every day for the rest of my life trying to be, je t'aime, ma chéri 😘❤️
pierregasly ❤️🎉
carlossainz55 ❤️
joris__trouche congratulations you two ❤️
riccardoberetta congrats guys👏
ilovef1 between crying of heartbreak to crying of joy, I have 0 tears left to cry 🥰
livelaughlovecharyn you guys must think you're funny 😁 😍
likedbygasly I love their love ❤️ 🥹
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Liked by charles_leclerc and 17,067,579 others
yourusername sorry we didn't post anything lately, we've been busy 🫠🤭
pierregasly yeah, busy, I wonder doing what...
sebvettel4life omg pierre 🫣😳
yourusername I have no idea what you're suggesting
landonorris there are kids on this app, Y/n!
yourusername yeah, and you're one of them
sophiaaemelia 😘 🫶
yourusername love youuu 😘
yourbestfriend omg y/n 😳🫣
yourusername what? 🤭
carlandoo oh...
charlos1655 🫣
sainzleclerc still not over them🥰
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mingi-s-dimples · 29 days
OH EM GEEEE I LOVE YOUR FICS SO SO MUCH (be prepared to see me often hihi) can I request:
hongjoong x wooyoung x reader ? Preferably smut :D maybe where reader keeps annoying wj and hj and they teach her a little lesson AHHHH I love them so so much:(((
Can I be 💭 anon? :]
game over - topaz
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pairing: best friends!topaz x fem!reader
rating: 18+
genre: non idol au, smut (lil filth)
summary: you and your boy best friends were playing video games in the living room, but you might have teased them.. a bit too much to their liking.
WC: 2.2k
warnings: wooyoung is a fucking brat (everyone knows this), bratty!reader, woo is teaching reader a lesson for cheating in the game, joong joining in, 3some, creampie, oral (both m&f), handjob, blowjob, sucking off, cum (lots), overstim, squirting, nipple sucking, big dick!topaz, joong is a lil bit confused at first, teasing, unprotected (wrap up irl!), completely consensual!, unedited, I'm sure I forgot something. edit: lil bit of pet names and some degradation? (fucker, slut)
Author's Note: MUAHHAHA 👹👹 I loved writing this pfffff. Thank you SO much anon for requesting this, had so much fun with it. I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG I WAS SO BUSY WITH LIFE AND BACK TO SCHOOL THINGS 😭. I'll do better I promise. Topaz brainrot is EVERYTHING please send me more topaz requests. I hope I fulfilled your expectations, 💭! (send me an ask with your opinion HAHAHAH) love youuu (I am aware it's not necessarily Joong being annoyed by her cheating in the game but he joined in so he was equally annoyed HAHAHAH but he didn't show it -> this eas my view of Joong) -> I still don't feel like I put my whole power and creativity in but I promise y'all won't be disappointed with the kinktober requests 👹)
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction & does not represent the members in any way.
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The living room was filled with the sounds of explosions, rapid gunfire, and the excited shouts of my two boy best friends, Wooyoung and Hongjoong. We were all huddled on the couch, controllers in hand, locked in an intense battle in our favorite video game. The stakes were high, and I could feel their determination radiating off them as they tried to outmaneuver each other—and me.
But little did they know, I had a secret weapon. A sly smile tugged at the corners of my lips as I casually pressed a hidden button combination, activating a cheat code I’d discovered online. Instantly, my character leapt ahead in the game, dodging bullets and landing impossible headshots with ease.
"Hey, how are you so good all of a sudden?" Wooyoung complained, glancing over at me suspiciously. Hongjoong narrowed his eyes, clearly sensing something was off. I just shrugged, trying to hide my grin.
"Oh, you know," I replied nonchalantly, "Just skill."
They groaned in unison as I racked up another win, not letting on that I was secretly cheating. Winning felt great, but the real fun was seeing their frustrated faces every time they lost to me. I couldn't help but laugh as Wooyoung threw his hands up in exasperation and he muttered something about "beginner's luck."
If only they knew the truth—that their unbeatable friend wasn’t quite as fair as they thought. You absolutely loved teasing them, the frustrated looks on their faces were amusing you so bad. But in a moment of focusing on your game, you did a thoughtless move, Wooyoung seeing your hand nibbling at the controller.
"You fucker" he shouted. "ARE YOU CHEATING!?"
"NO! WHY WOULD I CHEAT." you said, trying to excuse yourself.
"Woo, it's not the first time I've seen her. Though, I kept it to myself, it was really fun to see her win" Hongjoong said, almost unbothered by the situation.
"WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME!" Woo said, frustrated. "Goddamn, you fucked all my stats with your cheating. STOP IT!"
"You'd have to make me, tho."
"What did you just say, y/n?" Joong exhaled, surprised at your words.
"Exactly what you heard. Do you want me to repeat? Y'all would need to make me stop cheating. Whatever it takes, I'm pretty unbothered, tho"
Wooyoung threw his controller on the coffee table and approached you. He pushed you on the sofa, scanning you from head to toe. He sat on the sofa, his right knee between your legs.
"Say it again."
"Say. It. Again."
"Make me stop cheating at your little stupid game, you fucker."
"Now that's what I wanted to hear."
Hongjoong came behind Woo and he pushed him away from you. Both you and the younger looked at him confused, but you both suddenly realised the two of you know something he doesn't.
"What!? It's not like I haven't fucked her already."
"Joong, you better decide now if you wanna join or look. It's up to you."
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN Y'ALL FUCKED!?" the older man shouted, worried about the situation at first.
"Like I just said, it's not the first time. Now, go away if you don't wanna join. Though, this little slut might actually like the two of us at the same time. I need to teach her a lesson" Wooyoung said, spreading your legs apart with his knee, pressing on your thigh.
But Hongjoong didn't back off. In fact, he came closer, looking contently at what Wooyoung was doing. Now.. you've never been completely honest with Joong. You and Wooyoung have been fucking for a while whenever you teased him one time too much in a day, and he always fucked you dumb as a punishment. Though.. was it really a punishment?
You were looking at the two men approaching you. Wooyoung was already working on your clothes. He started by slowly taking off your shirt, leaving you in only your bra. He then tugged a bit at your shorts, giving Hongjoong a nod to come closer. The younger moved away from you for a moment, letting Joong take the lead and he took off the shorts, revealing the wet spot on your panties.
"What a slut. Already? Were you perhaps getting wet only at the thought of me fucking you if you teased me, hm? Is that right? Come here you little fucker" Wooyoung said and pulled you closer, one hand under your ass and one on your waist. He lifted you and went to his bedroom, where he dropped you off on the bed. The sheets got wrinkly and as you backed off to the headboard, Hongjoong took of his shirt. He was.. hot. Hot as fuck. Whenever you saw him without a shirt, or going to take a shower in only his briefs something in you made you want to crawl on the walls. But seeing him like that.. undressing for you, riled you up in a way only Wooyoung had ever did.
"Now.. what should I do with you, mm?" the younger said, approaching you. He pushed your hands above the headboard, holding them in place with one of his hands. His other hand went down on your body, and while he started planting soft, sloppy kisses, his hand reached your inner thigh, finding it's way to your dripping core. His kisses trailed from your neck and to your collarbones, where he left dark, purple marks. Then as his fingers started slowly rubbing on your folds, he stood up and sat between your legs, looking back at Hongjoong who was, waiting for a sign from Woo. That was the sign.
He undressed himself almost completely, being left in his briefs, from which a huge bulge could be seen. His cock was straining against the fabric, threatening to spring out at any moment.
"Now... baby. Who do you want first?" Woo scoffed.
"Ohh, so you wanted this to happen, hm?" the younger said as he spread your legs out once again for the night and gave you soft kisses on your thighs, then within one move of his hand you were left bare in front of him, dripping on the linen. "What was going through that little mind of yours? Did you want both of us fucking you?"
"Y-yes" you mumbled, shivers being sent up your spine as he was now fingers deep in you, hitting all your sweet spots. You were squirming under him, his body pressed onto yours, but it didn't last long. He went down on you, licked his fingers and started eating you out. His tongue riled you up so bad, you started gripping the sheets to not squirm under him too much. He hated that, cause he couldn't eat you out how he wanted. He loved tasting every inch of you, feeling up your insides and sucking on your clit. Everything he did made you eventually move, to which he bit your inner thigh for a short second and held you down even more forcefully.
Hongjoong was also helping himself in the background, you were watching him contently between all your whimpers and moans. He was lazily stroking his length, waiting for an opportunity to jump in. Though, you didn't let him wait too long as you nodded to him.
"Come here, don't stand b-by yourself" your breath hitching from all that was happening between your legs. You murmured, "Let me h-help you" and as he was close enough to you, your hand started pumping him. The view he had was marvelous, you were being eaten out by Woo and he was stroked by your little hand, but little did he know it was about to get better. He let out some soft whimpers and as you pumped him two more times, you pulled him closer by his thigh and took his dick in your mouth. His cock was girthy, he was stretching your mouth good. At first, you slowly sucked on his tip, licking up his length from the base to the shaft. He didn't even know where to put his hands, in the end he rested one on your head, slowly guiding you to suck him properly. You gave the tip soft kisses then went all out and took his dick up your throat, slowly choking on it. You could hear him hold his moans back, but as your own moans were muffled by his dick deep down your throat, he could feel them revrebrate through his body. You could see how he was close to finishing, but you couldn't properly focus on him at the given moment.
"You taste so good, babe" Wooyoung whispered, and as his finger went to your clit and started rubbing it, you let out a loud moan, at which Hongjoong came undone in your mouth, surprising you. You slurped everything up and sucked him off for a short second to gather all the cum dripping from his tip and you swallowed, looking him in the eyes.
Wooyoung looked up to see why you were moving so much, to which he was greeted by the sight of you now sloppily kissing Joong, the position you were in not being the best. He saw the cum stains on your hand.
"Haha, it didn't take him that long to finish. Aren't you such a little slut, hm?" Wooyoung said and as he pumped his fingers inside of you a few more times and rubbed your clit, you creamed on his fingers beautifully, to which he sucked your juices off his hand once again.
"Joong.. please come here. Baby, what do you think about being fucked by both, hm?" Wooyoun said as he lifted and put you on his now bare dick, his back leaned on the headboard. "Tell me. What do you say?"
"P-please, Woo... Joong. I want b-both of you"
"Good girl. You didn't have a choice, anyways."
As he lined his length to your dripping cunt, Hongjoong also climbed on the bed and got a hold of your leg, pulling himself close to you.
"Babe.. remember this"
Wooyoung said and he started rubbing his tip on your folds.
"You'll always be..."
He pushed only his tip in.
"My lovely fucktoy."
And he bottomed out.
To which Hongjoong followed his movements, he pushed himself right in, gripping on your waist as he started wildly thrusting into you. You could feel that he wanted to do this for a while, the way he was fucking you was riling you on the walls. Wooyoung's dick was filling you up so good, girthy and.. the huge length hitting your cervix almost every time he bottomed down.
"F-fuck, you feel so good" the older one said.
"R-right? Look at her, fucked by both of us. She needs to be taught a lesson, right? What did I tell you about cheating, mm?" Wooyoung said and started nibbling and sucking on your nipples. "Hm? what did I say?"
"Y-you said that I-i should not- ngh, do it"
"And why did you do it?"
"I-i love when you fuck m-me like this. Like there's no tomorrow" you said and engaged in a steamy kiss with him, your ass slapping on both men's cocks, taking them up so good. The only sounds you could hear in the whole room was Hongjoong groaning and your own muffled moans as you were filled by two dicks at once.
"B-babe. That's so good. Keep it going, I'm close" Woooyoung whined, and as he pushed himself into your aching cunt a couple more times, he came in you, filling you up with his load.
"Yes, that's good. Take it all up" to which he continued with "I'm not done yet." and he started wildily fucking you again with his once again hard cock.
Hongjoong was also close, his thrusts became sloppier and they didn't have any rythm. He pumped himself into you a couple more times and bottomed down, gave you some soft kisses, trailing your spine and came in you, staying like that for a minute.
Wooyoung didn't show any signs of stopping. You could feel your tummy getting thighter and your clit aching harder.
"N-no, ngh, please, a bit slower" you mumbled.
"No? I didn't have enough fun yet" the younger one whispered and he pounded heavily into you and make you squirt all over him and the linen.
"See, that's what I'm talking about."
"Holy fuck" Joong murmured.
"See, Joong? She's just not the innocent girl you've known until now. Did you see just how good she took you?"
"Y-yes" he said, a little bit shy.
"The fuck are you turning your head around for? Ah, you're shy... for what? You just saw her squirt all over me, haha" the younger one scoffed.
"Don't worry. You'll see her like this many more times, you'll get used to it. Right, baby?" Wooyoung said, lifting you and hugging you thightly.
"Y-yes" you murmured, still dizzy from all that happened a moment ago.
"Good girl. Joong, let's get her washed up."
"Up for a 2nd round?" you said confidently.
"Thought you'd never ask" Hongjoong said, making the two of you laugh.
@mingleshine @musiclovingfairy @crazylittlebisexual @sanhwalvr @gong-fourz
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therealcocoshady · 2 months
Ahhhh!! I love your stuff, you're so talented !!!
Could you write a Marshall x bookworm!female!reader oneshot abt reader always just having her head in books and Marshall wanting some attention please??
Thank youuu xx
More than me ?
Eminem X Bookworm!Female!Reader
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Author’s Note : Hey ❤️. Thank you so much for your request ! I had some fun writing it ☺️. I hope you enjoy it !
No one expected a bookworm like you to end up with a rapper. On paper, it didn’t make much sense and yet, everyone around you agreed that Marshall was the perfect match for you. The two of you were somewhat nerdy, introverts who’d rather spend time in your house than go to a party with tons of people. And even if he didn’t read a ton of books, he made up for it by fully supporting your passion for literature. When you moved into his house, he let you transform one of the guest rooms into a library and he often surprised you with books on your wishlist. On special occasions, he would go the extra mile and gift you beautiful editions, sometimes first ones, much to your delight. And even though he politely refused your many offers to let him borrow some books, he was always happy to let you talk his ear off about books you liked.
- You should really read it, you said excitedly.
- Yeah but if I read it, there would be no point in you telling me about it, he said with a grin. I’d miss the best part.
- Sorry, you giggled. Is that too much ?
- Never, he said before pressing a kiss to your temple. I love that you’re passionate. I like listening to you. It’s like a podcast.
- You know, Shelly at the library keeps telling me to start one, you chuckled.
- Maybe you should give it a try, he replied. No one talks about books like you.
- Maybe I’ll ask Hailie for pointers, you shrugged.
This was the start of a crazy adventure for you. A year later, you were able to quit your job, relying on your podcast and advertisement to make a comfortable living. Advertisers were constantly soliciting you, willing to take advantage of your massive following. You had managed to gather a big community of bookworms such as yourself, who enjoyed hearing about your latest reads. It was your safe space and you simply loved it. Another perk was that publishing houses sent you tons of books for free, hoping you’d talk about them in an episode. Marshall’s house was big but you now had books in every room and always more books you needed to read. Your boyfriend was already used to always seeing you with a book but now, you had more time to read and were doing this full time. It wasn’t always sunshine and candy, though and, sometimes, you were on a schedule to finish reviewing a book before recording your next episode. At some point, you had decided to review a whole series that had been sent to you a week ago, and reading those eight books definitely took most of your time.
- Are you coming to bed ? Marshall asked.
- I have to read a couple more chapters, you said apologetically. Sorry, my love.
- You’ve spent the whole day reading, babe, he pointed out. How about you rest your eyes a little ? I could make them roll back into your skull…
- Are you propositioning me ? You asked with a grin.
- Absolutely, he replied with a smile. What do you think ?
- That’s tempting, you admitted.
Before you had even finished your sentence, he was grabbing your book, placing your bookmark, closing it and taking you to the bedroom. As soon as you reached the bed, he pinned you to the mattress and whispered in your ear.
- Been waiting for this all day, he said.
- All day ? You giggled. You were at work…
- And yet, you were the only thing on my mind, he grinned. Couldn’t think of anything else.
He made sure to show you exactly what had been on his mind, ravishing you in all sorts of positions, making you cry from pleasure, until you were both panting and exhausted.
- I love you, he said as he caught his breath. God, I missed you this week.
- I missed you too, you cooed. You’ve been working so hard, lately.
- So have you, he pointed out.
- I have to keep busy while you’re finishing your album, don’t I ? You giggled.
- Well, you have me to yourself for the next two days, he said. Told the team not to bother me unless someone dies. I’m all yours. And we’re not leaving this room.
- Interesting, you giggled. I have some work, though.
- You can read chapters in between rounds, he shrugged before burying his head in your neck.
You smiled and enjoyed his touch, the warmth of his breath on your skin. You ran your hands in his back and stroked his head. Moments later, he was asleep. His soft snores brought a smile to your face and you figured he needed the rest. Lately, he had been waking up extra early and coming home later than usual, occasionally going to California to work with Dre. You gently made him roll to his side of the bed and wrapped yourself in your silk robe before going back to your reading room and resuming your reading. Hours later, a grumpy boyfriend came to get you.
- You left, he groaned sleepily.
- You were sleeping, you said with a smile.
- Well, not anymore, he said. Come back ?
- I just have to finish this-
- Later, woman, he groaned.
- Ten minutes, you pleaded.
- Babe, he sighed. It’s 11PM.
- Yeah but-
- I need you, he said with puppy eyes. You don’t want me to get all lonely in bed, now, do you ?
You smiled at him, yet made a point of shaking your head in disapproval. He knew full well his lost puppy act would get him anywhere with you. You closed your book and went back to the bedroom. As soon as you got back in bed, he wrapped you in his arms, in a possessive stance. You chuckled and whispered sweet nothings before drifting off to sleep.
You woke up the next day to the sound of Marshall entering the room with a breakfast tray in his hands.
- Breakfast in bed ? You yawned with a smile. What’s the occasion.
- I thought we might enjoy a lazy day in bed, he said with a smile. You, me, food and movies ?
- Sounds good, you nodded.
He settled in bed next to you and you ate the copious amount of food he had prepared. You spent a few hours in each other’s arms, watching movies and cuddling. Marshall seemed exceptionally clingy, which made you smile. Physical touch had always been one of his love languages, but it was rare for him to spend hours on end cuddling. After a while, though, you decided to get back to reading. However, you didn’t find your book where you had left it.
- Babe, have you seen the book I had yesterday ? You asked. It’s blue, with flowers on the cover.
- I haven’t, he shrugged. Come here, you’ll find it later.
- I really have to finish, you said. I’ll go and search…
- Babe, he groaned, can’t we just have a few hours together ? I’ll help you search for it. Later.
- Ok, you shrugged. But it’s important.
He sighed and gestured for you to come back in his arms. He didn’t pay a lot of attention to the movie, though, and just enjoyed your presence until he fell asleep. Or so you thought. Because as soon as you moved, he let out a grunt.
- What ? He asked.
- Just going to search for my-, you began.
- Screw it, he groaned. Here’s your damn book.
He reached for his nightstand and handed it to you. You looked at him in disbelief.
- You realized I’ve searched for it for half an hour ? You asked.
- Yeah well here it it, he groaned.
- Why did you take it ?
- Because I want you to be with me, he sighed. It’s all about your books, these days.
- I’m working, you said defensively. It’s my passion !
- Yeah well why don’t you move into your reading room then ? He suggested. You like these books more than me anyway.
You sighed and then put the book down before taking his hand.
- What’s with you today ? You asked.
- Nothing, he shrugged with a frown.
- Marsh, you said tentatively. You’re short-tempered and clingy. Clearly, something’s wrong.
- I miss you, he sighed. That’s all.
- I’m right here, you pointed out. I even work from home. I’m literally always here.
- I like that you’re having fun but… you work too much, he said.
- I do work a lot, but it’s because I want to be successful, you said. And you’re one to talk. You’re a literal workaholic.
- Yeah well I’m tired of all this work and I want to hug my girl, he said. I’m stressed out and I need you.
You smiled and kissed his cheek before putting your book away.
- You know you could just have told me you needed me, right ?
- I guess, he said grumpily. I guess I didn’t want to sound like a total simp.
- I like it, you said. It’s cute.
- So you’re staying, this time ? He asked.
- Of course, babe, you replied. If you need me, that’s my priority. But… is there something wrong ?
- Nothing, he said. I guess I’m just under pressure. I just need you. You’re my safe space. I miss you, lately. And now that you have this shit ton of followers, you don’t even tell me about your books. I miss that too.
You nodded and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
- I’m sorry, my love, you said. I just got really into all of it. But you’re my priority, you know ?
- Am I ? He asked.
- Of course, you replied.
- I love you, he said. Sorry I stole your book.
- Next time you try that, I’m messing up with your cassette wall, you threatened.
- You wouldn’t ! He gasped.
- Try me, you said with a raised eyebrow. Who knows ? Maybe all of them are in the wrong case. Maybe I’ve already done it.
He looked at you nervously and you gave him a threatening smirk. Knowing how much he cherished that cassette collection it was enough of a threat and a sure fire way to mess with his head. He groaned and got up.
- Where are you going ? You asked.
- To check my cassettes, he said.
- What ? You asked in a falsely offended voice. If you go, it means you love them more than me !
- Babe… of course I love them more, he said with a grin. Know your place, woman !
Note : I hope you enjoyed this one shot ❤️. If you did, you can support my writing via Ko-Fi ! I will also be giving previews of upcoming parts of Recovery and Love Game over there 😏.
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mell0wjello · 3 months
oooh hello!!! i saw that your requests were open? i love your writing it's so nice and always makes me kick my legs and giggle wghsjsjsksk so i was wondering if you could write a cute fluff and maybe slightly steamy thing with poly adeuce and reader, where ace gets a lil bit jealous seeing reader and deuce making out and wants to have a turn too, or anything that involves sharing? it's okay if you're not comfy with poly, just separate hcs is also fine :3 kay thank youuu 🤍🤍🤍
ANON TYSMM <33 I've actually thought about writing some poly but i wasn't sure how to go about it. This is so helpfulll tyyy
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Ace arrived sulking to Heartslabyul. He had just spent his entire afternoon stuck in Trein's detention after he got caught dozing off in his class for the 3rd time this week. Detention was too long and too boring so the first thing he wanted to do was find you and Deuce, who barely got away. Ace peeked his head inside the lounge but surprisingly, no one was there save for a couple of other students. How about the kitchen? Trey was there, but Deuce and the prefect were not.
"Trey, have you seen Deuce or the prefect?" Ace asked his upperclassman
Trey looked up from the bowl of cream he was mixing in his hands and replied,
"Hmm," he murmured, trying to recall if he'd seen the pair of troublemakers around.
"I believe I saw them heading up to the rooms." Answered Trey with a smile. Ace's face lit up.
"Alright! Thanks, Trey!" Ace chirped happily
"Oh! By the way Ace, I've been meaning to ask, are you, the prefect, and Deuce-" Trey began, but Ace had already taken for the spiraling staircases. He could only sigh as he continued whipping the cream for the upcoming Unbirthday party.
Ace went up the stairs that led to the corridor. He looked inside his room but found that the pair he was looking for wasn't there. He walked over to Deuce's room and noticed that the door was open ever so slightly. Faint laughter and voices could be heard inside. Ace walked up to it suspiciously and peeked through the crack.
Ace could hear voices inside, it was Deuce and the Prefect! Ace decided to creak the door a little further so he could see what they were up to. Through his limited view, Ace could see two familiar figures were on the bed. Deuce was at the edge of the bed, lying down as the prefect peppered his neck and face in kisses, eliciting flustered but encouraging noises from the blue-haired boy. Were they having so much fun while he was holed up in detention all day? He deserved a fun time after such a boring day too.
A couple of knocks sounded on the door. Ace heard as the room quieted down, and a couple of footsteps approached the door. Soon, the Prefect's face popped out of the room. They looked around, but no one seemed to be there. As they were closing the door, they gasped as a pair of arms lifted them into the air. Ace was hiding in the corner and saw the perfect opportunity to surprise them. Ace leaned in to their bite their neck, making sure to make smug eye contact with Deuce who was startled on the bed. The Prefect jolted and demanded with weak authority,
"Ace! Put me down!" Ace laughed as he not-so gently threw them on the bed next to Deuce, who also protested with the Prefect.
“What? You guys were having fun without me, why shouldn’t I join in too?” Ace said, crawling onto the bed.
“Couldn’t you have barged in with a little more decency?” Asked Deuce, who was only slightly annoyed by Ace’s sudden entrance. Ace shook his head and spoke,
“That’s only half the fun! Seeing your reactions was totally worth it. Besides,” He leaned into the prefect sitting next to him,
“You were keeping them all to yourself”
“Oh, I see.” The perfect understood, leaning closer to the orange-haired boy.
“You’re jealous, aren’t you?” They said knowingly, causing Ace to completely lose his cocky facade.
Deuce joined in with the perfect,
“Is that why you’re acting up?” He flashed a lofty smile he had stolen from Ace
“No! I’m not-“ Ace was cut off by Deuce’s lips pressing up against his. He could feel a pair sneaking hands go around his waist to feel him up and down. On his ear, he could hear the Prefects voice whispering,
“If you were lonely, you could’ve told us”
Aces response was muffled and lost inside of Deuce’s throat.
“What was that?” The spade pulled away to let him answer
“I was not-“ Ace gasped as teeth sunk into his neck and sucked harshly. Deuce joined in too, kissing along his jaw.
Ace tried to formulate words, but all that escaped his mouth simply dug him a deeper hole.
“Don’t worry Ace,” the Prefect said, becoming more generous with their touch.
“We’ll make sure you feel plenty loved.”
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