#thank you so muuuuuch :******
bougiebutchbitch · 11 months
Shanks seeing buggy playing with the asl and looking happy
What shanks means to say - you are so good with them, they make you lighter. I am so happy that Roger doesn’t still hang over you, if we had kids would you smile like that? What would our kids look like? I love you forever and I want you to be happy. Can we be together now? Can we find happiness? Can I stay still? If I go will you wait for me? Our kids would have your eyes I just know it.
What shanks says - why aren’t you pregnant?
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mightymizora · 7 months
2+6+15! <3
Answering the Unusual Asks for writers!
What is the most experimental or bizarre thing you've written? Share it here (or a quote from it).
Just answered!
Name three writing inspirations: one dead published author, one living published author, and one fanficcer/fellow amateur writer.
I will literally just keep answering this forever.
Dead: Chekhov. Baby, you changed me fundamentally. I will be in love with you til the day I die. The plays, the stories, the diaries, I hoover them all up.
Living: I'm going to be a basic bitch and say Ottessa Moshfegh. Is it obvious that a girl like me would love her work? Yeah it is. But every book of hers has been interesting, and compelling, and I love writers that can be a bit of a chameleon.
Fanfic: NeverwinterThistle. I want to pick their brain so badly. I wish I knew where they hung out so I could bother them so much. The balance of prose, dialogue, characterisation and plot is extremely good, I am in awe every time.
Has anyone ever complimented your work or commented on it in a way that really made your day or you found exceptionally flattering? What was it they said?
You know what, actually lots of people have in a myriad of settings and I am extremely, extremely lucky that my work resonates with people on that level. The other month I submitted an extract of fiction that I've really been struggling with and was told that part of it was some of the finest prose the editor had read pre-edit, ever, and that was special. But also - YOU and your compliment on Blood and Bone inspiring your incredible piece really, really touched me. To be a source of inspiration for talented creators really is exceptionally special.
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gascreates · 9 months
Can i just say how much i ADORE YOUR ART, it's so beautiful and utterly hilarious, you nail their expressions every time, especially in your latest atla drawing, Zuko's "oh shit" face has me HOWLING🤣❤️
aaaaaa thank you so much!! im crying omg <3 im so glad you enjoy all the dumb little things i put my favorites through! it's just so fun to draw zuko suffering in some way ashfdhh
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windydrawallday · 3 months
I don't interact much but I just want to say that I love your art and your lovely creations inspire me with all the fun colors and designs :) Thanks for sharing your creations.
Hope you have a great day!
And that's totally FINE! Our virtual spaces are like a personalized garden: only you have the power to decide what flower to pick or leave 💐 there will be always flowers, nothing is really lost.
And about my colors 🌈 I MISS COLORING M O R E sobs orz
But knowing the few instances I do it are cherished, it's enough to keep me going T-T
It took me various sits to process this ask and sjdhfjsdh THANK YOU for wanting to leave such nice words here!
And I hope the muse keeps acompanying you in your writing and art journey too ✨✨✨
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diana-daphne · 5 months
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Best book ever written, nothing will ever be funnier than this, Jane Austen I love you more than anyone else in the world <3
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selene-19 · 2 months
I will miss the Class A so much and their teachers 🥹
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That was a long ride but definitely happy to be with you all 🥹
The last color page of Class A. Gonna miss seeing them as students
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sassenashsworld · 4 days
Loooooook at this awfully cuuuuuuuute commission @alicewav do for the Valentine family of the Heartbeat of the Commonwealth !!!
Too sweet, too perfect!!!!!!
Nora aka Silver, Nick and Rosie rock!!!
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Thank you sooooooo much!!!!!
( @theflowerofthecommonwealth )
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mon-ster-chen · 9 months
💫 Video from the first table read -> Samba Shutte /instagram 🙏🏼
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picksleydust · 1 year
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hehehehehe, Hey @poulticepurse, I finally did a thing!
From the forever incredible fic Give it Time. Some moments with the Blorbos being precious before things get complicated. You better read it!
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artsygirl0315 · 8 months
HEY HI HELLO LADY OF THE ARTS I made somethings of sector php and your persona (or you if your persona is literally you) but different outfits except I'm inexperienced with fashion outside of hot topic/hj
I hope you like them anyways because you and your characters are very 🗣️🔥💯(If any of the outfits make you uncomfortable in any way I'll change them!! Also sorry if their personalities don't match their poses aaAAA)
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THEY ARE AMAZING!! I love them so much, You are so sweet! My babies! My Blorbies!!💙
Hot Topic core, My fucking Jam!!!
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You have no clue how much screaming on my pillow I've been doing after seeing this!💙
Creator (Old persona, Now OC) looks so damn amazing!! If anything, She ate that shit and left no crumbs!!💙
God, Jesus, I think I can check out now. Life doesn't get better than knowing I'm worthy enough for people to make fanart of my own art.
YOU are so AMAZING!! Thank you again!! 💙
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frostbitebakery · 2 years
How about… some more?
The oily nightmares drip from Obi-Wan’s fingers, down, in between. With the slope of that skin between, some oil runs over the back of his hand, between the knuckles. Most slides down over his palm, pool a bit just by the heel, before running down his wrist, following the path of the veins.
These are the thoughts Cody focuses on so he doesn’t fixate on how Obi-Wan’s robes seem to ashen and smoke, curling into the air and stillness except for that steady-slow drip drip drip.
It is decidedly not working in his favor because blue glowing black eyes narrow and crinkle, a— stars in the kriffing galaxy black sharp tongue dips out to lick at one fingertip.
Cody very sternly reminds himself that he is still very much afraid. But not because this is Obi-Wan, and he hasn’t been afraid of Obi-Wan since seeing him drenched in rain and too big robe like a very sad, very wet sack of potatoes. He might be turned on a bit though. But that’s between him and his SOP shaped conscience.
Of course a second later the glowing eyes widen and Obi-Wan clears his throat. “Commander,” he says with a nod. “I appreciate having this debrief in private. I believe you have some questions I’m very unwilling to answer.”
And Cody is on more even ground. He’d really, really like to sigh or bang his head against a wall (or bang Obi-Wan against a wall but that’s neither here nor there), but he flips the data pad from under his arm and holds it out while he crosses the room.
“You’ll answer all my questions.”
“Naturally. Within reason.”
“What are you?”
“A nightmare.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“Exceptionally funny, Commander. I am in stitches.”
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imagoddamnonionmason · 4 months
3,9,14,19 for Jodie and Woods!
Hellloooooo darl! Lovely to see you here, a pleasure as always <3 I hope you're having a good day and I just gotta say, I had an initial look at these questions before I start fleshing out the answers and damn! they're really good questions!
I won't natter too long though- again, thank you for being here, Liberty! :')
3. Do they wear the other's clothes? (sweatshirt, bandana, necklace etc.)
Ok! So, yes and no - there's a limit; Frank is absolutely fine if she steals his jumpers or even his t-shirts. They're a lot bigger on her and he's amused by how much it looks like it drowns her, but he also kinda likes that it's a comfort.
None of Jodie's clothes would fit him, so... even if he wanted payback he'd look like a teen having gone through a growth spurt. Jodie isn't exactly precious about her clothes, but she'd prefer if they weren't torn lmao.
Depending on the AU, Jodie does end up with his bandana. But... there's a reason for that, one I don't want to ruin because it will be upcoming in much later chapters of Call of Booty <.<
In the canon universe, though? Frank would not let her wear his bandana - I feel like it's something he's carried with him through most missions, if not all of them, that we've seen him participate in and I reckon it's a little like a good luck charm? I'm not so certain that Frank is superstitious or believes in that kind of thing (I don't get that vibe) but the bandana he wears around his head seems to be only for missions yk? If Jodie was ever to try and wear that, Frank might have a problem. Luckily, she respects that and wouldn't push it.
9. What are their thoughts on having children?
Ah, I love this question. I now get to reveal that later on in their relationship, Jodie does get caught pregnant and they end up parents to a lovely little girl.
However, their opinions on the matter were very, very different to begin with.
Frank, I feel, was enamoured with the idea of being a parent, a father, a lot quicker than Jodie had time to process being pregnant. Though the two had never had the conversation about children, he wasn't against it - he sees how Alex and Sarah are with David and he enjoys being an Uncle, so what really are the differences between that and being a father? Of course, he had his own worries and anxieties; would he be good enough etc. but yeah, he was happy with the idea of being a dad.
Jodie was different. I knew, for a fact, that she would not be able to cope with the idea of motherhood due to everything she had gone through in her life. It would have been the kind of thing she thought she'd only ever dream of. Or, the rhetoric of 'in another life', you know?
There's a lot of internal conflict within her regarding this and I do have every intention of writing this at some point in the future, but the general gist of her thoughts on children are this: I do not deserve the chance to be a mother. Something so innocent could never come from me. I will only ever fail them. And these are only the beginnings of her thoughts on this.
I won't lie, the pregnancy and a short time after birth was the toughest time for both of them because Jodie couldn't even bring herself to look at the baby. But, when she holds her for the first time, that's where it flips; she still have the anxieties, but there's a fervent, intense sense of protection that comes over Jodie and though she still struggles with motherhood, she vowed there and then to try and be better.
14. How do their personalities compliment each other? How do they clash?
Ahaha, again, depends on the AU.
I feel like in the canon universe, they don't clash as much as they do in the Call of Booty fic. Of course, this is because they're different versions of the base personalities, right?
But, in general, here are a couple things that they compliment each other with and clash over:
Jodie is less likely to 'lose her cool' compared to Frank. So when he starts to get annoyed by someone easily, she is a good counter to that; she'll usually either pat his arm or his tap her fingers to his wrist in a little gesture that he's rising and he'll calm down a little after that.
They tend to clash when either of them feels the other is underestimating their capabilities, especially Jodie. I feel like Frank, after the campaign and especially when they are together, is quite covertly protective of Jodie in the workplace. He sees the lasting effects of Perseus and the brainwashing and he just... he doesn't want her to experience anything like that again. But, rather than seeing it as he's trying to protect her, Jodie feels like he thinks she's not capable, or broken - something along those lines. So they clash over that kind of thing.
Within the pirate au? Damn... yes, they're probably gonna argue a lot, but that's because they've lived very different lives and have differing morals to begin with. She's a little more feisty in this au, too, because she hasn't had the life experience of losing everything, being controlled or brainwashed... but that also makes her kinda naive and it makes Frank want to pull his hair out.
19. How do they feel about PDA?
If I'm honest, they're indifferent to PDA. They neither hate it nor love it - I think it would come down to it being situational. Of course, I feel that, given certain situations, Frank might ramp it up a little and in response Jodie would be a little surprised but be alright with it.
But yeah, it'd be subtle little displays of affection when in public.
So I enjoyed writing this so much I did the cardinal sin for an English person and forgot to drink my tea, now it's cold, but that really just means I was enjoying myself XD
THANK YOU LIBERTY! I'm always thankful for your asks and I hope I didn't write too much and bore you! <3
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hi there! i just wanted to tell you how much i like your little aroace comics! the style is adorable and it makes me really happy when i see that you posted something new!
keep being awesome! 😄
hgfudijklghdfjgf So much positivity these days wtf aaaaa
Thank you so much TwT It seriously means a lot!!! I wish you all the best and I'll keep doing my best on my end^^
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Nic’s Drawing
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@rrcenic made me this drawing and I wants to express my appreciate and love to him <333 Thank you, love 💗 You’re too kind and I love you dearly!!
Talk with Me ❤️‍🔥
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travmsoldat · 6 months
You are one of my favorite writers on this entire hell site. You’re so incredibly talented. Thank you for existing
I know it's been ages but I also just wanna say this made me smile sososo much. T_T It's really nice to feel appreciated, because this blog holds soo many good memories and represented a time in my life where things were a lot more simple and full a lot of hard work and creativity and energy! Thank you for spreading kindness, I really, really appreciate it more than I can eveeeer explain!! It's kind of crazy to look back and see how much I've grown... I remember back then I would undercut any compliments or kind words that came my way because I didn't believe I deserved any of it (super low self-esteem my whole life lolol). But now I can read this and feel more appreciation rather than the pressing need to say I'm not much of anything. Ha!!! I think that's a good thing. :D
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itamis-multi-muses · 2 months
"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." [Itachi]
The Uchiha woman’s cheeks flushed crimson due to Itachi’s flirtatious words. Was this really happening? Itachi Uchiha? Flirting with her?
Izumi never thought that she’d see the day where Itachi would be so… Bold about something as intimate as a kiss.
“… W-well, you do always keep your promises.”
She took a shy step towards him, stood up on her tippy toes and planted a sweet, gentle kiss against Itachi’s surprisingly soft lips.
If this was a dream, Izumi never wanted to wake up.
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