#this did good to read between pauses until I felt the courage to reply!
windydrawallday · 3 months
I don't interact much but I just want to say that I love your art and your lovely creations inspire me with all the fun colors and designs :) Thanks for sharing your creations.
Hope you have a great day!
And that's totally FINE! Our virtual spaces are like a personalized garden: only you have the power to decide what flower to pick or leave 💐 there will be always flowers, nothing is really lost.
And about my colors 🌈 I MISS COLORING M O R E sobs orz
But knowing the few instances I do it are cherished, it's enough to keep me going T-T
It took me various sits to process this ask and sjdhfjsdh THANK YOU for wanting to leave such nice words here!
And I hope the muse keeps acompanying you in your writing and art journey too ✨✨✨
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starlightazriel · 22 days
bee 9
series desc: modern best friends > lovers (fem reader) tattoo artist az
warnings: 18+, az acting crazy and toxic haha, arguing/angst, just the beginning of the groveling, simp behavior hahaha, drug/alcohol addiction, reader struggling, heart break, time jumps, aa, depression mess, az is literally falling apart at the seams, don't expect good decisions from reader lol she's hurting that's all ima say
a/n: wow I know I ain't shit this took me so long I'm sorry angst central too ik
wc: 3.8k
other parts can be found on my az masterlist <3
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"Say the word Bee, I'll knock on his door and knock him out." His jaw was tight, eyes dark with the desire to inflict pain. Real pain, sometimes that side of Azriel scared me, these days it would only make my panties wet.
"Im fine Az," I wiped tears from my face with the back of my sleeve, my chest tightened slightly at his willingness to put himself at risk for my naivety. "Hes not worth it anyway," I added, trying desperately to swallow the lump in my throat.
"Well that youre right about. Tried to tell you he didnt deserve you," he pauses, his face looking displeased. There's a moment of silence and it made me wish I had the courage to fill it with my feelings for him. "Please stop looking so sad though. Bings will help," he smirks, trying the only way he knew how to lighten the mood, he held up his bong, already freshly packed. I sighed softly, letting a small smile tug at the corner of my lips despite the ache I felt in my chest.
"Yeah they might," I smirk a little bit, and take the bong from him, taking one of my little baby hits, I shove the bong back in his direction, coughing obnoxiously despite the small hit. Normally he would make fun of me, I figured he was sparing me the embarrassment in light of the current situation.
"I can kick his ass," he repeats and I just shake my head at him. I didn't doubt it either— when it came to me, Az didn't have any limits. He would go down swinging for me, no matter who it was.
Thinking back on that memory... It made me feel sick, that now he was the one to hurt me.
I had made the mistake of trusting Azriel too much. I knew better. I knew he wasn't ready for this and still I let myself live in some little fantasy world for weeks. And now... Now I was dealing with the consequences.
My heart was shattered.
Incomparable to my insignificant couple of break ups in the past... This was so much worse.
Az... My Az. Maybe not my Az after all.
He clearly couldn't even handle a relationship.
Or maybe... The alternative made my stomach sink.
Maybe he knew the entire time that he was moving and he was just passing the time until he did? Az wouldn't do that... Would he?
You can know someone forever... As soon as there are drugs involved... Well, nothing is guaranteed.
It seemed to be just as hard for me to admit that he had a problem than it was for him. I hated it, but this pain— it made me see things more clearly, see him more clearly.
I couldn't bring myself to block him. I did have to turn my phone off for a while because not picking up was just becoming hard. 39 missed face time calls, 12 missed regular calls, and a handful of text messages that I was leaving on read.
baby please just talk to me
i'm so sorry shit was so fucking stupid
please come home
bee i swear i'll come over there and drag you out of that house by your hair
you know i didnt mean that
im sorry
i need you bee, don't shut me out
just talk to me
i'll stop drinking so much i'll do whatever please just fucking talk to me
cass is a fucking idiot nothing happened i swear baby i didn't fuck anyone.
The messages were spaced out minutes between some, hours between others. I couldn't help myself when I typed out a reply to the last one.
how do you know you didn't fuck anyone? do you even remember? You were getting your fucking grind on with a random ass bottle girl. or maybe she wasn't random lol who fucking knows with you. and you had your face in tits Az. Tits. WERE TOUCHING YOUR CHEEKS. AND YOU WERE SMILING LIKE YOU LOVED EVERY FUCKING SECOND. AND I BET YOU DID CUS YOU LOOKED HIGH OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND.
It was only seconds before he read it and was typing.
i didn't fuck anyone. i only want you. i'm just a dumbass. bro please do not do this shit to me. i will do ANYTHING to make this up to you that's on literally everything.
And another one.
you don't have a choice anyway and i swear if i catch you outside with any of these mother fuckers yo youre both done
And another.
its not a threat its a warning don't play with me
I groaned in frustration and tossed my phone to the side. It was all so... Exhausting. My chest quite literally hurt. And the audacity, please don't do this to him?
He did this to us.
And why the fuck did he think he owned me? I hated that it made my heart flutter— bottle girls, titties, Vegas. I reminded myself.
I had confessed everything to my mom the first day I had came back to my parents house, which in hindsight I wished I hadn't. Knowing me... I would be back in Azriels bed within days of being back, my cheeks burned at the thought. No matter what he did, it didn't change the way I now knew how he could make me feel.
She had always loved Az, since day one... He had practically been a part of our family at one point, joining our family dinners every night, even my dad and him had a certain respect for each other. 'Some people are just better off as friends,' was my mom's response to the whole ordeal. Maybe she was right, but I didn't like it, not now.
How could we go back to that?
Was it possible to go back to that?
The stress, the heaviness of my heart... I couldn't stop myself from swiping a cig from my dad's secret stash in the garage. I was now sat on the rocking chair on my parent's front porch, debating on what I was going to do when I returned home. I had to go soon, it had already been weeks now I was starting to dip into my old wardrobe.
I had been commuting to class even though it was much farther than Azriel's apartment. I just didn't know what to say when I saw him. I didn't even know how to bring up the fact that I knew he was moving. Did he plan on telling me? What had been his plan for my living situation if he didnt have the apartment anymore? Had he even thought about it?
"So you're smoking now?" his voice causes me to jump, my heart nearly leaping from my chest as my head snaps to Azriel who's standing there, one hand shoved in his pocket other hand gripping a small bouquet of flowers. Scarred fingers against delicate stems, my cheeks turned pink remembering what he had done to me with those fingers. That feeling soon turned to anger remembering what he else he had done, he's frozen now, maybe half way up the stone path leading to my parents front door.
"Jesus Az what the fuck?" I breathed out, exhaling a shaky breath, my tone laced with a venom I had never used with him before. "You scared the fuck out of me, what are you even doing here?"
"You know what I'm doing here," his voice is soft but slightly strained, my stomach twists at the pain I can feel, radiating off of him. I didnt know how he did that, he was always able to change the air around me— like I was so hyper aware of him that I could sense his feelings.
"I love you," he cuts me off, my breath hitches, his cheeks are slightly pink, hand still shoved into his pocket. I set the burning cigarette down on the can beside me, I tried to swallow the lump forming in my throat.
So long.
I had waited to hear those words for so fucking long. And now, here, under these circumstances— it didnt feel how I imagined it would. It didnt feel how it was supposed to.
"I love you too Azriel you know I do but I-"
"But what? You dont want me because Im so fucked up right?" His voice drops slightly, his throat bobbing and I noticed his grip tighten on the bouquet in his hand. His face was soft— pained, and my heart cracked again, remembering that boy so many years ago bruised and bloody with that same heartbroken face of betrayal, and now I had done that to him. "Im sorry, Im so fucking sorry please—"
"I didn't say that," I mumbled, my heart felt like it was bleeding in my chest, like there would be nothing left once he walked away. He didn't dare to step closer. "I just- I need some time Az," I mumbled softly and he closed his eyes for a minute before tugging at his hair, huffing out a frustrated breath. He looked like he would get down on his knees for me, like he would beg me if I asked him to.
"I know what that means Bee," he huffs out another small breath, his face slowly contorting into that hard cold stare I knew him to hide behind. "Anyway," he breaths out, looking away from me. "I'm going to change your mind, we—" he struggles again before giving up, I could see his eyes were bloodshot as he got closer, dark circles prominently underlining them. "Here," he finally says, he shoves the bouquet in my hand, there was an envelope taped to the side of it with my name on it.
"I'm coming home soon Az," I mumble, though, I didn't even know if I was ready for the conversation the two of us would be having. "I told you we could talk then," I add and he sighs, stepping back off of the porch.
"I'll see you soon then," he muttered softly and just shrugged his shoulders, I could tell he wanted to run to me... He wanted to wrap me in his arms and kiss me. He wanted to strangle me also— I could see that too, that deep rooted need for control, to make me see things his way. I couldn't blame him— it stemmed from years of physical abuse, traumas I would never truly be able to understand.
"Go home Az. Goodnight, thank you, for the flowers," is the last thing I say before walking back inside shutting the door behind me, in his face. I didnt watch him walk away, that short conversation had been painful enough. I put the flowers in some water and tore open the mini envelope despite how angry I was with him.... Seeing him, made me crave him so much more.
'I could lose every single thing I have in this world but I can't lose you. I miss you. Please stop shutting me out. I can't take much more of this Bee.'
His handwriting was rushed— desperate messy scrawl, guilt twisted in my gut. I couldn't help it... I had nothing to feel guilty about and yet... Imagining him alone, needing me, missing me... Enough to buy flowers and scribble out a little note. More than I'd ever seen him do for any other woman.
I couldn't fall for it.
My chest tightened and tears welled up in my eyes. Why did he have to fuck everything up? It had been so perfect. Leave it to a fucking man to ruin everything.
Azriel swallowed the bile that rose in his throat as he stared blankly in front of him at all of the faces looking back at him. His palms were sweaty, ears hot with embarrassment and he couldn't stop tapping his foot. He had opted not to get up and stand at the front, feeling much more secure in his seat toward the back of the room.
"Hi, uh, my name is Azriel, I'm twenty five, and Im um— Im an alcoholic," it was the first time he'd ever said it out loud, it tasted horrible on his tongue. "I've um I've been addicted to drinking alcohol probably for about ten years- Got me into other- shit and I'm here today because I fell in love with my best friend and um- I don't want to lose her. Never tried to quit drinking before— never really believed I had a problem but— yeah, here I am," his voice had gotten quieter as he finished and he realized he was rambling. His cheeks burned, he hated all the eyes on him, hated that he was the center of attention. And he was craving a line, bad.
His introduction was followed by many 'Hi Azriels,' which only made him feel more uncomfortable. They tried to make him feel welcome, tried to relate to him— get him to open up. He thought he might explode but he listened though. He listened to each and every persons story that shared. And when it was over the leader gave him a small white chip, service, unity, recovery. A pledge to a new beginning, toward sobriety.
He sighed and shoved it into his pocket, he was sitting on the step now, to go coffee cup in his hand, black obviously. Isn't that what recovering alcoholics did? Drink black coffee and smoke cigarettes?
"Can I bum one?" a male voice asks and next thing he knows he's sitting down next to him, he was a bit older, maybe 40.
"Sure," he mutters and pulls a cigarette from the pack and extends it to him, he recognized him from inside the meeting.
"It's Max, if you didn't catch it in there."
"Azriel," he mumbles, looking straight ahead at the cars passing by. He didn't know how to feel. He didn't want to get sober. But he needed Bee. He couldn't lose her, after getting a taste? He couldn't handle not having her again. He swallowed the lump in his throat.
"You need a sponsor?" he asks, raising an eyebrow, Azriel shrugs, the new sobriety coin felt like it was burning a hole in his pocket. The anxiousness... The insatiable desire to rid himself of any of his uncomfortable feelings by doing a line and buying a bottle... How the hell was he supposed to stay sane?
"You going to be my sponsor?"
"First things first, don't wear a cocaine vile around your neck to an AA meeting."
I was quiet, careful when I slowly pushed open the door to Azriels apartment, my apartment too, I guess. Not for long.
It didn't feel like home anymore— the sickening feeling that twisted in my gut as I took a step inside. It was quiet, he wasn't home... Fucking filthy. There was pizza boxes and take out containers, ash everywhere, multiple ash trays made from various things, there were unfinished cigs and blunts everywhere that made it smell awfully of cigarettes and stale weed. Cocaine residue and half crushed pills were out on the coffee table like it was normal. I swallowed thickly, a soft breath leaving my lips I knew I shouldn't feel guilty, shouldn't feel bad that he obviously wasn't okay... But I did, I just left him. Never, never had I ever done that to Azriel. I was the one constant in his life, the one person who was always there. Ever since that day in front of my house all those years ago.
Titties, bottle girls, moving to Vegas. I reminded myself, my stomach turned again. So angry. Fucking idiot.
I entered the kitchen for a glass of water, needing something to calm that sick feeling. The bile that rose in my throat that felt like I was about to hurl everything I ate for the past three days. I thought better of it quickly, before I consumed anything from this rancid kitchen I would need to deep clean and disinfect.
Dirty dishes in the sink, the dishwasher hanging open half loaded still with clean dishes like he had just been taking them from there and hadn't bothered to put anything away, empty liquor bottles overflowing from the small recycling bin, more take out containers, a bong tipped over, the foul smelling water from it still dripping off of the counter, a small puddle of brownish water collected on the white tile.
What the fuck?
My room was the only room that didnt smell like bong water and cigarettes, but still, he had been in here. Maybe even slept in here. Papers covered the floor, not just papers but drawings. There were drawings of me everywhere. Just me, me naked, him and I together, kissing, fucking, our hands intertwined— there were even drawings of us when we were younger. A little messy, like he had been pressing down so hard— drawing with such emotion that he kept breaking his utensil of choice that day.
I let out a soft sob, my hand flying to cover my mouth.
Kat. I needed Kat.
I tried to swallow the growing lump in my throat again and pulled my phone out to check her location. Of course she was at the shop.
"Hey," the bells chime softly as I walk into the shop, there was no one in the waiting room besides Kat and she looked up from her phone, our eyes locking.
"Heyyy baby," she greets, flashing me a smile that soon turns into a frown, her eyebrows drawing together. "Are you good?"
"No," I loosed a shaky breath, advancing to the counter, I leaned against it like I had so many times, but my chest was fucking aching. It was so fucking infuriating that nothing felt the same, nowhere felt the same. I guessed this was what heart break really felt like, seeing the world in every color one day and then black and white the next. "Is he here?" I dropped my voice lower, playing with one of the knick knacks on the desk to distract myself.
"No, he left a while ago, didnt say where he was going," she's still frowning, the worried look still plastered on her face.
"The house Kat?" I paused, making a face. "It's fucking disgusting, I don't understand how hes living like that," my harsh words could have only been brought on by anger, she softens, her look turning more sympathetic which annoys me only, I ignore it.
"He hasn't been the best at work either— snapping on everyone, late every day and fucked up," she lets out a small sigh, "Rhys is fucking pissed," she pulls her lip between her teeth.
"Fuck Rhys, honestly," I mutter quietly, she raises an eyebrow in response but I only ignore it. Of course, none of this was his fault, but still Vegas. Why fucking Vegas? "It's my turn to get fucked up, anyway, that's why I'm here I bought a bottle to pregame, just needed my bitch and one of her miniskirts," my words are met with a grin.
"Babes you know I got you."
I hadn't been drunk in a while, so to say the least I was enjoying myself. The pounding of the music, talking to strangers, dancing with Kat. I had needed all of this.
To slip out of my mind for a few hours and just let go.
Kat was definitely enjoying herself now too, and was dancing with some tall sexy man she had just met. I was keeping to myself for the most part, on the edge of the dance floor, swaying my hips to the music as I surveyed the scene with a fuzzy mind.
My mouth popped open in slight surprise and when I felt curiosity instead of the desire to leave immediately, I knew I had drank too much. There was Eris, in all his jewelry and expensive clothes, looking poised and composed as always. Long pale ringed fingers wrapped around a glass of amber liquid. I hadn't seen him since the night we shared.
"You ghosted me princess."
"I had other things going on— and I didnt finish," I smile boredly, not meeting his gaze, it must have been the liquor making me so bold, he scoffs slightly his eyebrows raising in surprise.
"Let me buy you a drink then, to make up for it, must have been an off day for me," he inquires, I wouldn't give him the satisfaction that my body was basically broken with anyone except for Azriel, I would let him believe it was his fault. His ego could be taken down a peg, anyway.
"I have one already," I raise it up slightly, smirking as I swirl the liquid around in the cup.
"Not anymore," in a swift motion he takes the glass from my hand and dumps the drink in a near by plant, a fake plant. I squeaked, looking around to see if anyone else had witnessed it.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? It's fake and you just filled it with liquor and juice! Have you even heard of a fruit fly?" I demanded, swaying a bit on my feet, liquor buzzing through my veins. If anyone did that at my bar, I scoffed slightly at the thought staring him down judgmentally for his utter carelessness.
"It's fake, so the liquor won't kill it," he flashed me his insufferable sexy grin before adding "there's wins and losses to every decision we make," his eyes flashed and I stopped for a moment, weighing those words.
No, I can't get caught up in this. I had to figure out what was going on with Azriel and I. "And now you don't have a drink and I get to buy you one, so I win, Im not really concerned nor do I care about any of the losses. Besides, I only ever come here looking for you, so I don't care if they get fruit flies." That cocky smirk he wore, the way he carried himself... He did look good. That piercing gaze, the confidence that radiated off of him along with his expensive dizzying cologne.
I remembered what Az had said about him 'theres a lot of people that would kill him in this city' hearing his words echo in my head, knowing how much he hated that I'd been with Eris... I swallowed, my cheeks turning pink.
Az didnt care when he was fucked up, when he was smushing his face between those two bottle girls titties he didnt think about me at home— waiting for him.
So I wouldn't care now.
I didnt think about him, I didnt think about what it would do to him when I wrapped my fingers up into Eris expensive shirt and yanked his tall frame down to me.
"Wins and losses you say?" I whisper before pressing a kiss to his lips.
a/n: cliffhangerrr only time and comments will tell if yalll are mad about this drama HAHA sorry I had to drag the groveling out into multiple parts Az WILL be on his KNEES in the near future
taglist <3: @smalljasper289 @cynthiesjmxazrielslover @scorpioriesling @userxs-blog @lilah-asteria @abadfantasybook @judeduartewannbe @lindsayscottagebythesea @velarisdusk @serxndipity-ipity-blog @julesvanslutta @honk4emoboyz @bookishbishhh @dakotali @blessthepizzaman @scooobies
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sparklingchim · 2 years
long way home 26 | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
word count: 4.9k
genre: dilf!jungkook, friends to lovers, angst
warnings: ... emotions 🫡
summary: the one where decisions are made.
a/n: i can't believe m actually typing this out but we're at the end of lwh !!! thank u to everyone reading this series <3 i love uuuu <3
chapters: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 |
masterlist | long way home masterlist
The coffee shop is eerily tranquil today. There aren’t many customers.
Only a few people linger at the tables near the windows and a single person stands in line.
The only loud noise comes from your phone pressed to your ear as Seulgi screams and yells at you.
You definitely should have waited until you entered the break room, because you’re afraid Seulgi’s voice is loud enough to hear.
“You promised me you would talk to him!”
You close the door with a push of your palm.
“I know, I’m going to.” You sigh and sit down at the table. “I just don’t know when exactly.” You sound sheepish, a worried crease appearing between your brows.
"Did he text you at all?”
“No. Why would he? I literally kicked him out of my place.”
Seulgi groans at your reminder. “Tell me why you did that again?”
“Seulgi,” you whine. You need her advice. She had already done the scolding part days ago.
“I know, I know – I'm sorry,” she replies, softer now – less accusing.
You fidget with your fingers. “Should I text him?”
“No, that’s not a good approach,” she dismisses.
“At least it’s something,” you retort. You could send him a short message. Though you’re not sure what it would contain. Hi, I'm sorry for making you leave, can we pls pls pls talk I miss you. You grimace. Maybe a call would be more suitable.
“Y/n,” Seulgi says, snapping you out of your thoughts. “You know what’s more important than figuring out how to approach a conversation?” She pauses, but you stay silent. “Being ready to tell him the truth.”
You told Seulgi of your feelings for Jungkook the day after he confessed to you. She sat on your couch and watched you intently after you announced in a flustered tone I have to tell you something, right after you had talked about what had happened the day before.
You waited for a reaction, but none came. She had a vacant expression. “I know,” she said then, shrugging nonchalantly. “You think you were being secretive about it?” A puzzled look spread across her face.
You felt your cheeks grow hot.
“Are you?” Seulgi presses.
“Yes. I think I am.”
“Good, because this isn’t gonna fix itself,” she says. “Not unless you finally have the courage to be honest with him.”
She’s right. And even though it’s scary, you have nothing to lose. You have already lost your two favourite people in the world.
“And now go and talk to him.”
“What?” Seulgi can’t possibly mean that.
"Go to his place and have a conversation with him.” As if it were that easy.
“I’m at work, Seulgi.”
“You’re taking a break right now,” she counters.
“Yeah, but-”
“No buts,” she interjects. “Just go and get your friend back. Or future boyfriend, whatever.” Seulgi is unwavering. But your doubts and hesitations slowly start to fade. “I can’t keep watching you be sad. It breaks my heart,” she adds, in a much smaller voice.
“Seulgi,” you pout. She has seen you at your lowest points, and of course you know that she is compassionate, but when you hear her voice, your throat tightens.
“You’re gonna leave now?” she asks.
It’s a bit hectic and far too spontaneous, but her words have planted determination in your mind. But maybe that is exactly what you need. This way you don’t have time to overthink and come up with possible scenarios that make you doubt everything and give you sleepless nights.
“I am.” You take a look at the clock. You still have time left, but it’s definitely not nearly enough for walking to Jungkook’s apartment and talking to him. You have to do this now. If you postpone it to later, you’re not certain if you still have the bravery to do it.
“The next time you call it better be to tell me that Jungkook is your boyfie.”
You ignore her. “I’m gonna hang up now, I don’t have time. And thank you, really, without you I’d probably never do this.”
“That’s what friends are for,” she says warmly. You wish you could hug her.
After the call you leave the break room. There still aren’t a lot of customers and you’re thankful for that.
“Jimin.” You walk up to him. He’s loading cakes into the display case. He gives you a sweet smile.
“Hey, uh – I kinda have something quick to do,” you start, gauging his reaction. “Do you think you could – It’s just something really important and I don’t know if I can do it later and-”
“It’s okay, y/n,” he interrupts, the smile still on display. “I’ll cover for you, no problem. Do what you have to do, there is no rush.”
He doesn’t ask for a reason. He doesn’t ask how long you’ll be away. He doesn’t ask any questions. You would pull him into a hug if you weren’t in such a hurry.
You tug at the tie of your apron at your back and pull it off your body. Jimin reaches out to you and you hand him your black apron.
“Thank you. I promise I’ll be back soon!”
You don’t know the outcome of this, but you will take the initiative and at least try to make things better than they have been the last couple weeks.
You’re a little hopeful, and you have yet to find out if you are foolish for that.
With your heart pounding in your ears, you rush out of the coffee shop.
The walk from the coffee shop to Jungkook’s apartment isn’t that long, but it gives you time to question your choice.
You stand in the elevator of Jungkook’s apartment building, wondering whether you should press the button that will take you back down.
Earlier, a guy walked out of the building when you were about to ring Jungkook’s doorbell. You were able to slip into the building without announcing your presence to Jungkook. You feel more comfortable this way, though your hands start feeling clammy.
The elevator stops at Jungkook’s floor. The steps that lead you to his apartment door are uncertain, ready to turn and sprint down the stairs.
But you didn’t come here just to run away. You want things to be good between Jungkook and you.
You take a deep breath and press the doorbell.
A few seconds pass. Then, the door opens.
Jungkook stands in front of you. His long, dark hair is a fluffy and wavy mess on top of his head, adorned with little wispy flyaways around his face. He’s in casual clothes – black sweatpants combined with an oversized white pullover.
He seems startled to see you.
“Hi,” you say, a little breathless.
“Hi.” His usual mellow lilt carries a rare hesitancy.
“Do you have time to talk?” A lump forms in your throat and you swallow it down.
“Yeah, sure.” He makes room for you to enter and closes the door behind you. You change into a pair of slippers and follow Jungkook to the living room.
“Is Nabi sleeping?” You can’t help but ask. You kind of hoped to see her. You missed her and maybe she could’ve eased your nervousness a little.
“I put her down for a nap a while ago.” Jungkook sits down next to you on the couch, a considerable distance between you. He glances at the clock hanging on the wall. “She should be up soon, though.”
When his eyes draw back to you, you feel a little helpless. You remind yourself of what Seulgi told you. This isn’t gonna fix itself.
After sorting the chaos in your head, you say, “I wanted to apologise for being so selfish all the time.”
Jungkook parts his lips to speak, but you continue before he can say anything. “I’ve never fully tried to look at things from your perspective and narrowed my mind to what I thought was the best solution.” You pull your sleeves over your hands. “It shouldn’t have been that way.”
“It’s okay,” Jungkook replies, flashing you a tiny smile that disappears soon after. “It doesn’t matter anymore.”
“I shouldn’t have made you leave. That was heedless and inconsiderate of me,” you admit, biting your lip in guilt. “You opened up to me and I didn’t know what to do. There was a lot in my mind, and I just needed some space for a moment – I'm sorry, truly.” You avert your gaze to the carpet. “I honestly didn’t prepare what to say, I just – I left work because I needed to talk to you.”
“Why do you sacrifice so much for me?”
He insinuates more than leaving work in the middle of your shift.
A string tugs at your heart. Jungkook was honest with you, it’s time to be honest with him too – and maybe to yourself as well. It’s time to acknowledge the feelings you hold for him in a hidden little niche of your heart.
It’s difficult to bare that part of you when you’re so used to hiding it.
“Because I love you.”
You said it. And you mean it. Wholeheartedly so.
You can’t foreshadow his response and what will happen, but you’re glad you said it. The relief that courses through you was worth it.
Jungkook’s stare is intense. You don’t know if it’s the intensity of his stare or what you’ve just confessed, but every single bone inside of you feels ignited. You’re burning from the inside with sheer anxiety darting through you, while Jungkook remains silent.
Your words hang in the air, so simple and yet so daunting.
Jungkook’s pierced eyebrow twitches. He opens his mouth but not a single sound passes his lips.
You don’t blame him. Three days ago you shooed him away after he told you the exact same thing. In retrospect, you deeply regret that decision. But at that moment, you were overwhelmed and needed to be alone. Sort your thoughts. And then talk to him again.
You shift in your seat. “Jungkook.” It’s a soft murmur of his name, a trace of pity and urge creeping in your voice.
The spark leaves Jungkook’s eyes and he casts his gaze away. “It doesn’t change that you made me leave. You still don’t want anything to do with me. Right?”
You shake your head vehemently. But he is still not looking at you, so you say, “That’s not true.” You sit closer to him, fingers curling against the fabric of his sweater on his elbow. “That night was overwhelming for me. I made a mistake when I told you to leave, but I didn’t know what else to do.” Doe eyes lock with yours. You realise how much you missed his glimmering eyes that hold the night sky within them. “I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t want you back in my life, Jungkook.” His sweater crumples into a tiny ball in your palm. “I missed you.”
His answer is immediate. “I missed you too.”
Your chest feels light. A giddy warmth encloses you like a blanket.
“I’m sorry. For the way I acted,” you say.
“It’s okay. You’ve already apologised.” He looks down at your hand grasping his sweater. You should let go, but even the smallest hint of physical touch feels reassuring.
“I know but I just – I just think we’re equally as responsible for how things have turned out.”
Jungkook nods. “Yeah, definitely.” With a sigh he leans back. His tatted fingers vanish in his dark hair as he cascades through them.
“I really wanna try this. I want to be with you.”
He unclasps your fingers from his sweater and holds your hand. It’s an innocent, small gesture and still, your skin buzzes with delight.
“Y/n.” The way he whispers your name, tender and careful, as if not to break you. “Don’t you realise how much more you deserve?”
Your brows furrow. “But...” You squeeze his hand. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted.” His thumb strokes the back of your hand.
“I promised myself to get over you after we graduated high school,” you tell. “But that clearly never happened.” Looking at both your hands you feel silly for ever thinking you could suppress your feelings for Jungkook.
“High school?” he inquires.
You feel small beneath his sharp gaze. “Well, yeah.” You shrug. “You’re like. Really pretty.” Heat crawls up into your cheek. “And we hung out like 24/7. It was not that hard to fall for you.”
“I mean, same.” The corner of Jungkook’s mouth tilts upwards.
Your lips form a tiny ‘o’. He has feelings for you since high school? It doesn’t make sense. “But you never shut up about how we’re such good friends,” you accuse him. All these years. And you didn’t know.
“Oh, yeah. That was...” He trails off.
“That was what?” You level him with a raised brow.
You see the struggle in Jungkook’s eyes. You don’t want to push him, but there are no more lies between you, no more secrets and untruths. You want only total honesty from now on.
“I thought I wasn’t good enough. That you deserved more.”
You shake your head in denial. “Why would you ever think that?” The years you spent with him as a teenager are full of happy memories. There were no big fights, and you don’t think you ever said or did something that made him feel that way. He’s been your best friend for so long. You love him just the way he is. “Did I ever make you feel like that?”
“Your father once told me not to try to pursue anything more than friends with you,” he explains hesitantly. “That’s why I’ve always talked about being such good friends.”
“He said what.” You’re stunned. What was your dad thinking?
Jungkook pulls your hands to his lap. “He only meant the best for you at the time.” He remains calm but little bubbles of anger prick at your skin.
“I don’t care what he was thinking.” You scowl, lips drawn into an angry pout. “So you’re telling me that if my dad hadn’t said anything, we would’ve-”
“Don’t get mad now,” he interrupts, an amused smile playing at his lips as he tucks an errant strand of hair behind you ear. “Your dad didn’t have any ill intend. I know we could’ve saved us a lot of time and misunderstandings but looks at us. Years later and we’re still in love. It doesn’t matter if in high school or now. It’s the same love. Just - “Jungkook flashes you a cute smile. “I think the only thing that has changed is that I love you even more.”
You bite down your lip. This. This is all you’ve ever wanted.
“Being apart from you was terrible,” you say, scooting closer to him. “I spent so much time thinking about you, you know that?”
He chuckles. “I think I do. You never leave my mind, y/n.” His hand around yours feels strong, protective.
“Never?” You ask tentatively. Looking at him through your lashes.
“No,” he confirms, a subtle, gentle shake of his head. “Never.”
You’re not even that close to him, but your entire body prickles at the proximity of Jungkook. The weeks without him have made you forget how it feels when you’re with him and now your body reacts to it like anticipating the last book of a fantasy series.
You need him closer than this. And it’s almost as if Jungkook can hear your thoughts, because he lets go of your hand and instead pulls you by your waist into his side. His hand lingers at your waist. And you might just feel like your skin is on fire.
“I like this better.” Jungkook’s voice is low, and so so close, it sends shivers down your spine.
“Me too,” you mumble. You have your chin propped up against his arm, looking at him with a small smile. You grow shy beneath his gaze, and you don’t even know why. “I’ve always wanted this.” You clasp your hands around his arm.
“Good,” Jungkook agrees, voice an octave deeper. Oh. More goose bumps. “Because I’ve always dreamt of this too.”
His other hand comes up to your face. He cups your cheek so delicately, the warmth of his palm is a soothing distraction from your racing heart.
Jungkook’s eyes dart between your eyes and lips, a question floating in the air that he is too afraid to ask.
“Jungkook.” It’s a plea, a request a yes, please kiss me and make me forget the world for just a moment.
Jungkook bends down. Your heart thumps against your chest and when you feel the softest hint of his mouth against yours, it stops beating.
The kiss is brief, gentle. A mere brush of your lips. Your eyes flutter open when Jungkook pulls back again, just the tiniest bit. He gives your waist a squeeze. His lips left a glimmer of tingles on your lips, and you ache for more.
“I spent so long waiting for this moment I was worried fate might never let me have you,” he whispers against your lips.
“You have me, Jungkook.” It leaves your mouth like a promise. “I’m here.”
Your hands loop around his neck and you surge forward, pulling Jungkook into another kiss. He moves his lips against yours in a practiced manner, as though you did that every single day of your lives. Like he is the missing piece of your heart to make you whole again.
Jungkook tugs you closer to him. You raise to your knees and throw a leg over Jungkook’s thigh. He follows your movements with his mouth, the softness in the beginning switching into a frantic, messy kiss.
You sit on his thigh, hands diving into his fluffy hair. You pull at some strands when he bites down your lip, moan into his mouth when he pushes you closer at your lower back and you graze over his thigh. With every sweep of his lips, another broken bone of your body mends.
You never want this moment to end.
You didn’t know you needed this so desperately, but now that you’re in Jungkook’s embrace you never want to let him go. Just you two, forever.
But then a sudden cry blares through the apartment.
Jungkook draws back. His forehead is against yours.
You two need a second to come back to the real world. The afterglow clouds your rational thoughts like the night setting after a beautiful summer day.
Your breathing is laboured, so is Jungkook’s. Your hands slide down to his neck and down to his shoulders.
“Nabi woke up from her nap.” His nose scrunches at Nabi’s wailing. He plants a tiny smooch on your lips, lingering close for a chaste moment before he gets you off his thigh.
You think about waiting until he returns with Nabi, but you can’t wait to see her tiny, bubbly form after so long.
Before Jungkook leaves the room, you scramble to your feet and reach for his hand. “I missed her,” you whine and Jungkook leads you to the nursery with a promising squeeze of his hand.
When you follow Jungkook into Nabi’s room, you take tentative steps towards her crib. Nabi is curled up in her little blankets, her round doe eyes shimmering with tears. Instinctually, you coo at her sight. Your heart softens.
“Wanna hold her?” Jungkook asks. His eyes never left you since you entered the room.
You nod – way too animatedly – and you think you see a smile spreading across Jungkook’s face out of the corner of your eye.
Ever so gently, you swoop Nabi into your embrace. Her little sobs ring throughout the room and nip straight at your heart. “My baby,” you murmur. You rock her in your arms. “I missed you so, so much.” She is wearing her baby bear romper, the material a fuzzy brown with two little bear ears attached to the hood.
Nabi is a small, fluffy bear and you’ve missed this tiny human so enormously.
Her doe eyes – an exact replication of her dad’s – stare up at you. The cries subside into whimpers, her puffy lips trembling.
“Nabi.” Her name bubbles past your lips in a whisper. You brush your knuckle against her doughy cheek. “Do you remember me?” She blinks through her thin, wet eye lashes. Having her in your arms unfolds a gloomy feeling in your chest. Yes, you are happy to see her again, but how were you able to spend more than two weeks without her?
“Are you crying?” Jungkook suddenly asks, stepping forward.
It’s only then you discern the tears pricking your eyes. “No,” you deny, sniffing a little.
A soft chuckle springs from his chest. Jungkook stands behind you, nuzzling his head to the side of your face. His burly arms envelop your waist. “Don’t cry,” he mutters. He faintly nudges your cheek with his nose. “You’ll never be separated from her again.”
“I wouldn’t survive that.” Your lower lip juts out as you’re in awe with Nabi’s cuteness. She has your heart.
“She wouldn’t either,” Jungkook retorts. His hushed timbre so close to your ear is drawing you back to him. You slowly rest your head against his chest. His voice. You could listen to him talk for hours with no end. “Nabi wouldn’t settle for sleep if she didn’t have some of your clothes in her bed.”
With a quick tilt of your head, you glance up at him. And then your eyes travel to Nabi’s crib. You see something in a lavender colour peeking from underneath Nabi’s blanket. A top you must have left here.
You thought you had successfully managed to restrain your tears, but here you are again, with new tears stinging your eyes.
“You can't just say that.” Dolour cloaks your voice. “It’s gonna make me cry.”
“Sweetheart.” He pecks the crown of your head. “It’s okay now.” There’s a hint of amusement swirling in his tone. But his touches on your body are soft, soothing.
Nabi has gone completely silent in your grasp. You boop her nose. A smile unfurls on your face. So little. A broad smile blossoms on Nabi as a reaction, pudgy cheeks scrunching her twinkling eyes. The absolute sweetest giggle sparks from her. Your heart clenches at the sound.
But then your eyes spot her reddened gums and the faint white outlines of her teeth.
You gasp. “She is growing teeth already?” With a swift whirl of your head, you stare at Jungkook, eyes wide.
“Yeah, and she’s been really fussy about it.”
“Oh my God,” you utter, looking at the little baby in your arms who’s growing up too fast. A subliminal melancholy sets in your tummy. “She was just a tiny baby and now she has teeth?” You ask, appalled.
“Not yet,” Jungkook says. “But it doesn’t matter how fast she grows – she will be my little baby forever.” Nabi’s eyes are drawn to Jungkook as he speaks. “Isn’t that right? Hm?” He leans over your shoulder, squishing her doughy cheek with his fingers. Nabi squeals, another smile displayed on her mouth.
You give Jungkook a kiss on his cheek. His eyes are sparkling just like Nabi’s. Jungkook turns his face to you. “And you,” – his lips brush over the corner of your mouth – “You will be my baby forever too.”
You laugh against his mouth.
“What.” He raises his brows, a pleased expression on his face.
“You’re silly.”
“No, I’m not.” He pulls you closer to him. Your back is flush against his lean body.
“I’m just saying the truth.”
“Oh, yeah?” Playfulness flashes in your eyes.
He gives you a firm nod. “Yeah.” Jungkook gently strokes your hair over your shoulder. Your skin tingles when his digits unintendedly skim over your neck.
“Tell me another then.”
“I love you.” He didn’t let a second pass before answering. “I’m so incredibly in love with you.”
Your heart flutters in your chest. “I love you.”
His loving eyes bore into your soul. No one has ever looked at you the way Jungkook does. Like you are beautiful, a work of art.
A deep warmth of domesticity floats in the air. It’s a vast contrast to how you have been feeling in the past days.
You share a sweet kiss with him, but it gets quickly disrupted by demanding babbling from beneath you.
"Yes, I love you too, missy,” Jungkook says, brushing her thin hair from her forehead. Her brows are deeply furrowed. He gives her a kiss there. Nabi’s trembling pout changes into a beam. “Always needy of attention, huh?”
“Just like her daddy,” you tease, grinning at Jungkook, before you leave the nursery with Nabi.
Jungkook catches your waist in the hallway. “You’re right,” he admits, a smirk curving his lips. He pulls you into his side as he walks you to the kitchen. “That’s why I don’t wanna spent any second of my life apart from you anymore.” Jungkook pecks your forehead.
A shy smile sets on your mouth. You sir down at the dining table and watch Jungkook opening a cupboard with Nabi’s food.
Nabi has found interest in playing with your hair, occasionally tugging at it.
“Not a single second?” you ask mindlessly, eyes focused on Nabi.
“I’m being serious.” He pops open a jar. “Y’know what.” Jungkook turns around to you. “You should move in with me.”
Your head snaps to him.
You search for a hint that tells you that he doesn’t actually mean it, but Jungkook doesn’t budge.
“I mean it,” he confirms.
“I can’t just move out of my apartment like that,” you reason.
Jungkook shrugs. “Just stay with me.”
It sounds so simple from his lips. And maybe it is. Seulgi has already taught you today the simplicity of just acting without overthinking too much beforehand.
“That way Minjun can’t bother you anymore.” Something flashes in Jungkook’s eyes. “Next time I see him I’m gonna break his neck.”
You ponder for a second. “I mean, I spent most of my time here anyway,” you say. “But lets not rush anything.” You don’t want this to be ruined before it has even properly started.
“Of course, baby.” He turns to the counter again. “Only if you want.”
You watch from behind as he prepares Nabi’s food. The contours of his shoulder muscles flexing with his movements conjure butterflies in your tummy. Hm. Maybe you should consider moving in if this is what you’ll get to see every day.
“Waking up next to you for the rest of my life sounds like a dream, honestly,” Jungkook flirts. You don’t have to see him to know he’s grinning annoyingly.
You’re glad he doesn’t see the way your teeth involuntarily sink into your bottom lip at his teasing voice.
“Your daddy can be insufferable sometimes,” you whisper conspiratorially, looking down at Nabi. She babbles something in return. You giggle and Nabi squeals in delight.
“What are my girls talking about?” Jungkook asks.
“None of your concern.”
You hear him huff. Suddenly, you remember that you left work during your shift. And that you promised Jimin to be back as soon as possible.
“Jungkook,” you gasp. He immediately turns to you. “I have to go back to work. Jimin is covering for me, but I've left him for way too long. I-”
“It’s okay, I’ll drive you back.” Jungkook’s calm voice works like a miracle cure for your panic. “I’ll just feed Nabi real quick and then we can leave.”
“You don’t have to. I can walk back.”
“I want to,” Jungkook says. “Besides, we can eat our cookies again. It’s been so long since I’ve eaten one.”
“I haven’t eaten one in so long as well.” The last time was together with Jungkook.
Jungkook blinks perplexed. “How have you survived until now?” He closes the distance between you, the back of his hand against your forehead. “Are you sure you’re okay?”
You roll your eyes and swat his arm. “I’m perfectly fine.”
“Why are you on a cookie diet?”
“Reminded me too much of you,” you mumble.
“Baby,” Jungkook coos. His knuckles trace the skin of your cheek. “I’m sorry. I’ll buy you as many as you want.”
You grin mischievously. “For the rest of my life?”
“Of course.”
“Daaa,” Nabi gurgles.
“Yes, I’ll buy you as many cookies you want too, once you grow your teeth.”
“That’s gonna be so soon.” You pout.
“We’ll always have time to make a second b-”
“Jungkook hurry.” You push him away. “Poor Jimin is covering for me, and Nabi is gonna starve.”
“Okay, okay,” he replies, though he doesn’t go back until he traps your mouth in a tender kiss. It’s a short kiss, but it messes with every coherent thought in your brain.
You wait for Jungkook to bring Nabi’s warm food. He opens the cutlery drawer and fishes out her tiny, pink spoon.
You smile when you think about the phone call you’re gonna have with Seulgi later. The next time you call it better be to tell me that Jungkook is your boyfie.
The ambiance is cosy – Nabi snuggled up in your arms, Jungkook sending cute smiles your way as he gets her food ready – a feeling of utter contentment that has your whole body at peace.
It’s been a long way to get here, but you finally feel at home.
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prettygirl-gabi · 4 months
Coffee, Confessions, and Office Chaos
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Rating: General Audiences
Warning: Fluff, slight angst
Fandom: Seventeen (SVT) (boyband)
Relationships: !office worker S.coups x !office worker f reader
Summary: it's not for some work place, but who knows?
Trope: office romance..
Hiiiii everyone who is reading! Welcome to the first installment of my new mini series called "Oi! Not this again!" They do not have to be read together or in order! I hope you all enjoy!
I had never been a morning person. Not until the day Seungcheol, or as everyone in the office affectionately called him - S.Coups, started bringing me coffee. At first, I thought it was a coincidence; he had simply grabbed an extra cup for a colleague. But then it became a routine. Every morning, like clockwork, a perfectly brewed cup of coffee would land on the corner of my desk with a smile brighter than the morning sun.
“Good morning, Y/N,” he’d say, placing the cup carefully next to my keyboard.
“Morning, Seungcheol,” I would reply, trying to hide the smile that tugged at my lips.
We worked in a bustling marketing firm, and while the job was fulfilling, it could be incredibly stressful. Seungcheol and I often found ourselves working late into the night, surrounded by stacks of paperwork and endless lists of deadlines.
One evening, as the clock ticked past 8 PM, I looked up from my screen and found him leaning against the door frame of my office, two take-out bags in hand
“Dinner break?” he suggested, tilting his head slightly, causing a few strands of his dark hair to fall into his eyes.
I laughed, pushing my chair back. "Only if you have extra soy sauce packets."
He grinned, his dimples making an appearance. “Always.”
We ate in silence at first, the only sounds coming from the bustling city outside. But soon, conversation flowed as easily as it always did between us. We talked about everything—from office gossip to our dreams and fears.
“You know, Y/N, you’re pretty amazing,” he said suddenly, catching me off guard.
I snorted, shaking my head. “You’ve seen my handwriting; I’m far from amazing.”
“I mean it,” he continued, his voice sincere. “You’re hardworking, kind, and you never give up. It’s… inspiring.”
A blush crept up my cheeks, and I focused intently on my noodles to avoid his gaze. There was something about his words, about the way he looked at me, that made my heart race in a way I wasn’t sure I could handle.
Days turned into weeks, and I found myself looking forward to our quiet moments together. The morning coffees, the late-night dinners, the shared glances across the office—it all felt like a beautiful secret between us.
One particularly exhausting Friday, the weight of the week caught up with me. I was the last one in the office, trying to meet an absurd deadline. Tears of frustration began to pool in my eyes as I stared at the screen, feeling utterly defeated.
Startled, I glanced up to see Seungcheol standing at my door, concern etched across his features.
“What’s wrong?” he asked gently, stepping inside and closing the door behind him.
“Just… everything,” I mumbled, wiping away a stray tear. “I can’t seem to get this right.”
He walked over, pulling a chair next to mine. “Show me.”
Together, we worked through the problem, and with his help, everything seemed to fall into place. By the time we finished, the clock read midnight.
“Thank you,” I whispered, my voice heavy with gratitude.
“It’s what friends are for,” he replied, but there was something different in his tone when he said the word ‘friends’.
My heart pounded as I mustered up the courage to ask the question that had been gnawing at me for weeks. “Seungcheol… is that all we are? Friends?”
He paused, looking at me with an intensity that made my breath hitch. “I hope not,” he admitted softly. “Because I’ve fallen for you, Y/N. Completely.”
Tears filled my eyes again, but this time, they were tears of overwhelming joy. “I’ve fallen for you too, Seungcheol.”
His smile was pure sunshine as he reached out, brushing a tear from my cheek. “Well then,” he said, his voice gentle, “how about we start this weekend with a date?”
I nodded, my heart soaring. “I’d love that.”
And just like that, our beautiful secret was unveiled, marking the beginning of a new chapter in our story—one filled with love, joy, and of course, plenty of morning coffees.
Thank You For Reading!🩵🩶
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lxvislxdy · 3 years
Lock and Key | Bakugou K.
Summary: It all started out as a harmless prank - Denki’s idea, to get the two of you to talk. It was no secret that you had feelings for Bakugou Katsuki, at least, not amongst your friends. Denki had meant well, sure, when he’d handcuffed the two of you together, but when the key goes missing... well, let’s just say, it’s gonna be a long 24 hours.
Pairings: Bakugou Katsuki x reader
Warning(s): Swearing, that should be it
Notes: Reminder that my requests are open! Let me know what you’d like to see on my page! Hope you enjoy this cute little fic for Bakugou :) I just wanted to write something soft and lighthearted, and cute, so this is that.
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You were going to kill Denki. That is, if Bakugou didn’t get to him first.
“Calm down, Bakubro! Murdering one of our classmates would not be very manly of you!”
And if it wasn’t for Kirishima, holding Bakugou back with all of his strength and giving you a sympathetic look as you were dragged along, Denki would’ve been toast. Literally. 
“Look, man, I’m sorry!” Denki was saying, hiding behind Mina and Sero, “It’s just a prank, dude, a joke! Don’t kill me!” 
“I’m gonna end you, spark plug!” Bakugou growled, “Get over here and get this shit off of me!”
Sero, barely holding back his laughter, said, “Aw, come on, Bakugou, I wouldn’t call y/n ‘shit’!”
For a moment, Bakugou blinks like he’s stunned, but then his murderous glare returns ten fold. “That’s... That’s not even what I meant, dunce face! I meant the handcuffs! Get. Them. OFF!”
You know, from the look Mina is sending you, that you’re blushing. 
“Okay!” Kaminari scrambles out from behind the two, smiling sheepishly as he searches all his pockets, “No worries, man, let me just... let me... get the... key...”
Bakugou finally settles down, and you breathe a sigh of relief as he drops his hand, yours falling with it. You rub at your wrist lightly, eyebrows drawn together. You’d been handcuffed to Bakugou for almost ten minutes now, and your wrist was already sore from being yanked around so much. 
“What’s taking so long, dunce face?” Bakugou grumbles.
“Well, you see, uhm... okay, listen, don’t be... don’t be mad, bro, just...” Kaminari laughs, eyes wide in fear, voice dropping so low you could hardly hear him, “I can’t exactly find it.”
You yelp in surprise as Bakugou activates his quirk, feeling the heat against the back of your hand. 
“What did you say?!” 
Everyone winces as he yells, face almost as red as Kirishima’s hair. 
“Careful, dude, don’t burn her!” Kirishima says, hand on Bakugou’s shoulder. 
Bakugou shoves him off, but listens to him nonetheless, and the heat subsides. 
“It’s okay, Kiri, I’m fine.” You tell him quietly. 
“Y/n, I’m so sorry,” Denki says, guiltily. 
“Yeah, you’re about to be real sorry.” Bakugou says, “If you don’t get these off in the next five seconds!”
“Look, let’s just calm down for a minute, okay?” You say, stepping between the two. You feel Bakugou’s arm tug back against yours, as you move farther away from him, and your blush deepens. “Sorry. Anyway... why don’t we just see if Momo can make an extra key? Right?"
“That’s a good idea!” Kirishima says, optimistically. “See? Everything’s fine.”
“Yeah, why didn’t I think of that?” Kaminari scratches his head.
“Because you’re an idiot.” Bakugou mutters darkly.
Mina purses her lips, shifting back and forth on the balls of her feet. “Yeah, that would be great... Except Momo is visiting her parents, and won’t be back till later tonight.”
And just like that, Bakugou explodes again. “WHAT?!”
After a stressful call with Momo, involving Bakugou taking the phone from Mina not once, but twice, and telling her to ‘get her and her stupid ass ponytail back to UA NOW!’, it’s finally decided that you’ll just have to wait it out. Even Bakugou can’t say he’d rather go to Aizawa, because explaining this meant explaining the handprint shaped burns in Denki’s door.
Of course, Momo promises to help as soon as she’s back, but that’s still hours and hours away. 
Bakugou, who still practically had steam coming out of his ears, sat beside you on the couch silently. Across from you, the rest of the group watched in sympathy (and fear). No one dared to break the silence, in fear he’d blow up on them again. You couldn’t say you blamed them. 
“Come on.” Bakugou’s sudden command startles you.
“What? Where are we going?” You ask, following his lead and standing up (you were getting dragged along, either way). 
He rolls his eyes, sighing, “I don’t know, but I’m not just gonna sit around like an idiot all day.”
He doesn’t wait for your response, marching out of the room. You look over your shoulder on your way out, a silent cry for help, and Denki has the audacity to give you a thumbs up and wink. You glare at him, sending your friends into a laughing fit.
“What are they laughing at?” Bakugou mutters, brow raised.
You flush in embarrassment, shrugging. “Dunno.”
The two of you eventually end up in the kitchen. You knew Bakugou could cook, everyone did because he regularly kicked everyone out of the kitchen so he could, but you’d never actually seen him in action. He was much calmer now that the two of you were alone, but the scowl never left his face. 
After a few minutes of awkwardly trailing behind him as he gathered ingredients, you mustered up the courage to ask, “Can I help?”
He doesn’t answer for a moment, and you begin to think he’ll just ignore you, before he’s handing you a spoon. “You stir while I chop vegetables. I don’t trust you with a knife.”
Ignoring the backhanded comment, you take the spoon from him, happy he’s letting you help. You stir with one hand, resting the other on the counter beside him, so he can use both hands to chop the vegetables. It’s not easy, trying to cook while handcuffed to the angry blonde, but the two of you eventually find a rhythm. 
“So what are you making?” You ask, turning to look at him. His focus is all on what he’s doing, and he looks so serious you try your best not to giggle. Does Bakugou ever just... relax? Still, the way his lower lip just barely juts out and his brow furrows, when he concentrates hard, is really cute.
“We’re making zosui.” 
You’re heart does a little flip as he says ‘we’. He doesn’t mean anything by it, you know that, but you still have to turn away in an attempt to hide your smile. As mad as you were at Denki, you had to admit that being able to actually spend time with Bakugou doing something so... normal, domestic? It was nice. You’d spent an embarrassing amount of time daydreaming about a moment like this (except, in your daydreams, you weren’t handcuffed, and maybe there was kissing involved), but you’d never thought it would actually happen. The only time you got to spend time with him outside of class, normally, was if you asked for help with the homework or agreed to spar. But that was rare, these days. Bakugou normally sparred with Kirishima, anyway, and you always felt like a bother when you asked for help. 
Sneaking another look at Bakugou, you find he’s already looking at you. He takes the spoon from you, gently bumping his hip into yours to move you out of the way, and you watch as he adds the veggies to the soup. As he stirs them in, he asks you to hand him the spices he’d set out beforehand. 
“What, have you never seen someone cook before?” He asks.
You laugh sheepishly, “I ate a lot of microwave dinners growing up.”
The look he gives you is incredulous, borderline angry, and he scoffs. “You’re kidding. That shits terrible for you!” 
You laugh, wrinkling your nose. 
He meets your eyes for a moment, lips parted slightly, and you raise a brow at him. Before you can ask, his attentions is back on the soup, and he’s quiet again.
It doesn’t take long for the soup to be done, then, after he adds the rice. And you have to admit, even though you hadn’t helped much, you do feel a sense of accomplishment when you sit down to eat a meal that you made yourself. 
The two of you sit down beside each other, forced to scoot your chairs so close that your thighs are almost touching. Surprisingly, he doesn’t complain.
“Thank you,” You say quietly, before digging in. “Wow! This is delicious!”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever,” He rolls his eyes, but you recognize the slightly smug look on his face. “You helped.”
You giggle, bumping shoulders with him. “Sure, but you’re the chef, here!”
He hid it behind another bite of food, but you could have sworn you saw him smile, too. 
The two of you finish your meal in silence, Bakugou waiting with surprising patience for you to finish eating, before putting the bowls in the sink. 
He gives you a look, “For what?”
For being so nice.
“For teaching me how to cook!” 
He shrugs, muttering out ‘whatever’ in reply. 
“So... what do you want to do know?” You ask, hoping his tolerance for your company would last. 
You end up back in his dorm, awkwardly huddled together at the head of his bed. He was reading, as you mindlessly scrolled through your phone. The silence wasn’t awkward, like you’d thought it would be. It was comfortable, almost calming. You found yourself getting tired, the more you sat there. 
Eventually growing bored of your phone, you turned to see what Bakugou was reading, and started reading the pages yourself. You didn’t think he’d noticed, until he slipped his finger behind the next page to turn it, and paused. 
“You done?” He said, quiet and soft, his cheeks tinted the slightest pink. 
Your eyes widened, blushing, “Uh, yeah. S-Sorry.”
He turned the page without another word, looking at you from the corner of his eye. You tried to ignore him, pretending to read, before he sighed. 
And then, Bakugou began to read to you. 
“W-What are you doing?”
He stopped, narrowing his eyes. “Reading, dumbass.” He snapped. “You read slower than me, it’s annoying.”
Despite the backhanded remark, you grinned. “Oh. Okay.” 
He started again, sounding significantly less irritated, and you tried to slow the beating of your heart. In all the times you’d imagined hanging out with Bakugou, you had never thought of something this sweet. You especially hadn’t anticipated his voice ever being this soft, and calming. 
As he read to you, you shifted closer, eventually resting your head on his shoulder. He faltered for a minute, hiding his fumble with a cough, but otherwise didn’t acknowledge it. It wasn’t until he reached the end of the next chapter that he realized you’d fallen asleep. 
And he definitely wasn’t blushing, no, not Bakugou.
Hours later, when Momo and all your friends piled into his room, he whispered harshly, “Wake her up, and I’ll kill you!”
Maybe Denki’s plan had worked out, after all. 
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ptersparkers · 4 years
the art of eating pussy (5)
summary: upon realizing you lack skills in the bedroom when a touron asks you out on a date, you turn to jj, a self-proclaimed sexual deviant, for help.
warnings: smut, y’all. 
notes: i haven’t been in the right headspace to right recently and wanted to give my reads something of quality and substance, not something to rush just for satisfaction. behold, chapter five.
co-authored and co-written with @storiesbymads​. SHOW MY WIFE SOME LOVE.
add yourself to my taglist + series masterlist 
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JJ’s hung up. 
You’d been spending less time at the Chateau in favor of spending time with Trent since it was the last week that he’d be on the island. His mind was racing, conflicted with the thoughts of your mouth on Trent and his lips on your neck. The night of the party had been the worst moment of the week and his jaw hurt from clenching by the time he ended up crashing out on John B’s couch. JJ always drank to forget and that night wasn’t an exception. 
He knew it wasn’t just about sex with you anymore. It wasn’t about the opportunity for him to get off by the hand of someone else. It wasn’t about him taking advantage of you. There was nothing complicated about the two of you in the bedroom. 
But outside of the bedroom, JJ’s head was spinning every time you said goodbye or forced him out the door because your parents were home. He didn’t have to think when he was with you; JJ knew what you wanted and knew what to expect. He knew that his time alone with you was the product of these lessons but that didn’t mean he had to think of this time as anything but passionate. When his tongue wasn’t down your throat, he was thinking about the tight feeling in his chest that left him wondering what was going to happen once you told him it was over because he didn’t want this to end.
JJ hadn’t thought about the lessons ending until he saw you tucked underneath Trent’s arm at the party. This whole situation wasn’t friends with benefits and he knew it, which is why it messed with his head so much. Yes, there was the whole “no strings attached” ordeal, but this wasn’t just one of you calling the other for sex. This was much more complicated. You were one of JJ’s best friends but the only difference is you’d seen him naked, intentionally. 
His thoughts are preoccupied with the idea that once the lessons end, you might still be with Trent despite him no longer being on the island. JJ would have to go back to being just friends and he’d have to pretend that he never saw you naked. He’d have to pretend he didn’t revel in the thought of you trembling beneath him. The other Pogues, to his knowledge, had no idea that the both of you were fooling around and he didn’t know if it was something he wanted to disclose. On one hand, he wanted a second opinion on whether or not this was something healthy. On the other hand, he knew what they would say; that JJ didn’t care about catching feelings and it was unlikely that he would consider succumbing to being a boyfriend. He knew he’d expressed his disdain for relationships in the past, but now he wasn’t so sure. 
You ended up skipping out on the last two beach sessions in favor of Trent. Pope had decided to stay behind on the sand with JJ while Sarah, Kiara, and John B. enjoyed themselves under the warmth of the sun and the contrasting coolness of the ocean waves. Pope could sense something was amiss when JJ was the first to propose having a relaxing afternoon and hadn’t shown up with his surfboard tucked underneath his arm. 
“Something’s up,” Pope stated. “Something’s been up for a while and I didn’t want to say anything about it until I knew for sure, but something’s definitely up.” JJ shook his head. 
“It’s nothing.” Pope nudged JJ with his shoulder. 
“C’mon, man. You don’t want to surf, your mind is a million miles from where you are, and not to mention, this entire week you’ve been moody.”
“I’m not moody,” JJ muttered with a scowl, flicking at a clump of sand near his foot. Pope’s mouth formed a knowing smile. JJ sighed. “Okay, I’ve been moody.” 
“What’s up? Is it your dad again?” 
“No,” JJ replied softly. “I just think life is bullshit.”
“We all think life is bullshit.” 
“Feelings are bullshit.” Pope’s ears perked with interest. 
“Feelings?” JJ looked at Pope before looking back at the view in front of him, watching as Kiara had playfully splashed Sarah with ocean water. He wished he could feel that carefree. 
“They suck,” he began. “I think it’s stupid that people are allowed to feel something for people and not know if they feel the same.” 
“Are you talking about someone?” JJ paused. 
“No,” he replied. 
“Okay...” Pope trailed off. JJ sighed once more.
“What I’m trying to say, is, I wish we weren’t cursed with not knowing where the lines are blurred and I wish we could all say how we feel without consequence.” 
Pope sensed that JJ was trying to speak metaphorically and project his emotions on a secondary situation. He nodded, trying to follow the blond’s train of thought. He pursed his lips as JJ spoke and wanted to understand what he was saying to the fullest extent, but the boy decided to let JJ talk. 
“Have you ever thought about getting off this island?” JJ asked after a few moments of silence. 
“What kind of question is that?” Pope asked, laughing. “Of course I do.”
“But really,” said JJ. “Not just getting off and seeing what it’s like. I mean, like, what you’re gonna be doing in twenty years and the people who are going to be in your life.”
“Sometimes,” Pope replied with a casual shrug. “I try to take things one day at a time. I never want to overwhelm myself.”
“Lucky you,” JJ muttered. “I see myself off of this stupid fucking island by the time I’m thirty. I don’t want to live in a place where I feel trapped and can’t say what I want to fucking say.”
“I want to be able to forget about the Kooks,” Pope chimed in. JJ nodded. “I kinda want to live in San Francisco.”
“I’d probably live in Europe or something,” JJ said. “Don’t know where but I’d want to experience life as far away from North Carolina as possible.”  
“You sure you’re okay?” Pope asked. He knew he wasn’t. 
“Yeah, man,” JJ replied. “Just got a lot of things on my mind.”
The idea of fooling around with anyone that wasn’t you hadn’t crossed JJ’s mind. He’d been to Boneyard keggers since the lessons began but the notion of flirting and bringing a girl back to the Chateau was way off his radar. The Pogues didn’t take much notice but JJ wondered if they knew something was amiss or if they’d say something about it if they did. If he was able to realize he hadn’t slept with anyone since he began “teaching” you, then they might have. JJ knew their worlds didn’t revolve around him, and the boy was still as goofy and troublesome as ever, but there was a seeded doubt that made him awkward whenever he was around his friends if you happened to be there. 
It wasn’t that his stomach felt queasy or that his heart was racing. He’d be lying to himself if he admitted that. His head was clear when it came to how he felt about you and he wouldn’t hesitate rushing to your house if you called him for another lesson or if you just wanted to kick back with him in your room and jam out to vinyls you pulled out whenever you felt nostalgic. Before, he would never have considered approaching your side of the island but now he didn’t feel as small as he did when he didn’t have a reason to be there. Your parents were familiar with your friends and didn’t mind JJ stopping by, which gave him more of an incentive to visit you when he had had enough of the Chateau and his friends’ loud personalities. 
JJ knew his head was clear when it came to how he was feeling. The only part that clouded his judgement was Trent and dealing with the different friendship he’d have with you. He was sure that if the Touron wasn’t in the picture, things would be much easier for him. Trent’s dark and slick hair reminded him of greed and filth. His boisterous personality reminded JJ of everything he never wanted to be and he couldn’t understand why you’d pay attention to him for longer than a quick glance. The Touron was casually cool, the type of person who wanted to say they were able to rub elbows with the socialites of New York City by posting it on his social media accounts. You, on the other hand, were down to earth and courageous about your future potential. He couldn’t fathom why you were so attracted to someone who was your opposite. 
Your head had been spinning too. Trent was the perfect gentleman and he hadn’t given you a reason to not trust him. And yet, every moment you spent with him reminded you that you weren’t spending it with JJ. You couldn’t understand why you’d been thinking about his shaggy hair when he wakes up or the way his eyes squint when he laughs a little too hard. Trent was giving you his full and undivided attention, and you always felt guilty when you needed to force yourself back into reality because you had been zoning out, daydreaming of being anywhere else. 
But JJ never seemed to be anything other than friendly with you. You opted to disregard how he acted during the lessons, summing that up to pent up sexual frustration and a genuine interest to help you out after years of teasing you. You weren’t completely naive; you knew this was a way for JJ to get himself off, much like it was for you. The only difference between JJ taking advantage of you versus not was the fact that you wanted him to teach you how to make others feel good and how to make yourself feel like a goddess in the bedroom. You weren’t exactly sure why there had been a lack of awkwardness between the both of you despite him being your best friend since birth. There was never a question of doubt from JJ when you asked him to help you learn. There was no laughing when you admitted your lack of knowledge. Perhaps that’s why your initial doubt disappeared the first time he asked you to kiss him.
Trent had apologized for the beach date when he’d gotten startled by strangers parking next to him and promised you he’d make it up to you. He came through on his promise after you got worked up before your dinner date. You arrived at the hotel he was staying at while his father attended an event on the other side of Figure Eight and his hand glided up the side of your dress. Trent wasn’t rough nor was he gentle; he was giving you what you thought you wanted but it didn’t feel as skilled or as tender as when JJ’s fingers were inside of you. With JJ, your orgasm approached as if JJ already knew everything there was to know but Trent took his sweet time making you cum. 
You always cursed yourself for letting your mind wander innocuously to JJ when Trent’s lips were on your neck or when his fingers were toying with the hem of your clothing. There wasn’t much going on between you and Trent, sexually, despite him wanting to take it further. You were lucky enough that Trent verbally expressed his willingness to wait, but you wondered if that wait time had an expiration date. You wanted to make sure if it felt right before you were able to deliver on a promise. You knew that your lessons with the blond would come to an end the moment you two had gone all the way, or until you were ready to experience sex without JJ, and you always moved that thought to the back of your mind to avoid thinking about it. 
By now, you felt guilty for spending the majority of this week with Trent. Kiara had texted you a few times but understood wanting to spend time with him until he left. As far as you could tell, neither John B. nor Pope cared too much because they were happy their youngest friend was happy with someone. JJ, on the other hand, you couldn’t read. You didn’t understand why it was so difficult for you to reach out to him first or comprehend him, which you were usually good at. Suddenly, you were overthinking the way he talked to you and if he chose to sit next to you or someone else. You were overthinking his lingering gaze either on your thighs or some girl who walked past him with a weird knot in the pit of your stomach. 
You kept telling yourself none of that mattered because you had Trent and you were sure you knew how you felt. Trent treated you right, was willing to wait, and never made you feel second best for not being as sexually promiscuous as he was. Yet something was lacking and you couldn’t figure out what it was. 
You tried not to think about it on your way to the Chateau. The screen door slammed shut as you walked into the living room to try and save yourself from the downpour of rain. After Trent had dropped you off when his father had called him during the middle of a movie marathon, you opted to see the Pogues and spend some time with them once you realized how many times you had declined their offer to hang out. You saw JJ already sprawled out on the couch, seemingly all by himself. 
“John B’s out with Sarah,” he said casually, pushing himself up onto his elbows to give you some room to sit down. You nodded a thank you, crossing your arms over your wet torso in an attempt to warm your shivering body as you sat down. Glancing down at your chest, you silently swore as you noticed your red bra was, in fact, very visible under your white shirt. 
“Nice bra,” he chuckled, trying not to ogle too long. JJ hoped his comment didn’t make you feel awkward; he was having a hard time talking to you because he didn’t exactly know where he stood with you. 
“Shut up,” you mumbled but you couldn’t help the heat that rose to your cheeks. 
“So…” JJ trailed off. “How’ve you been? Haven’t seen you in a few days.” 
“I’ve been good,” you nodded. 
“And Trent?” he asked, attempting, and majorly failing, to hide the venom that laced his tongue. You mistook this as annoyance.
“Good,” you said, not wanting to talk about him anymore. JJ cleared his throat, his teeth grinding as he clenched his jaw, as he shifted on the couch so that he was sitting upright and facing you. 
“You've been putting my lessons to good use?” he asked. He didn’t know why he’d asked. He had no desire to hear about you with another guy. 
“You could say that,” you said. Were you really putting them to good use if you weren’t enjoying yourself with Trent nearly as much as you had been with JJ? You couldn’t tell JJ that Trent’s hands on you just sent your mind spiraling back to him or when Trent’s lips were on yours, it reminded you of that first night you started the whole thing. 
“Oh? Does he make you feel good?” he asked, moving closer to you. “Because it’s not worth it if you’re not getting something out of it, too.”
“Uh, well-”
“Do you want me to make you feel good?” he asked suddenly. He knew he was asking the question more for himself but he was desperate to have you again. He figured it wouldn’t hurt to show you how a real man treats his girl. 
“What?” you were taken aback by the forwardness of his question. You watched as his eyes dilated, flicking back and forth from your lips to your chest. 
“You know what I mean,” he said. “You need to be shown what it’s like to be taken care of.”
“But you already-”
“Just let me do this for you,” he snapped. “Please.”
“Okay,” you said before turning your body on the couch to face him. You hadn’t stopped shivering since entering the Chateau not too long ago and your goosebumps increased as you watched JJ move closer to you. He used his right hand to pry your knees apart, positioning himself between them. Your heart rate picked up as he leaned forward to press his lips against yours, the cold air hitting your wet skin when JJ pushed the soaked fabric of your t-shirt up so that it rested just under the hemline of your bra. 
“Up,” he mumbled against your lips, the vibrations forcing a soft moan out of you as you broke the kiss to lift your arms above your head. You let out a small laugh when your shirt made a sloshing sound against the ground. It stopped as soon as it started, however, because you felt JJ start applying open-mouthed kisses along your collarbones. 
Feeling his body pressed up against yours stirred up all the daydreams you’d had every time you’d gotten intimate with Trent. You’d been in this position before with him, but somehow it felt better without the pretense of a lesson. You were under the guise that this wasn’t just about teaching you what you liked and what you didn’t. Part of you wanted to believe that this was more than a lesson you’d acquire from JJ’s depth of knowledge. JJ’s kisses trailed lower and lower until his teeth started toying with the waistband of your shorts. The throbbing between your legs was growing steadily and you let out a sigh of relief when he finally dipped his fingers into the waistband and tugged the wet shorts down your legs with effort because of the rain, dropping them on the floor with your shirt. 
“JJ,” you whimpered as he took his time moving down your body. He slipped his hands under your knees so that he could place them on his shoulders delicately before he laid out on the couch with his face centimeters away from your nearly bare pussy. 
He let out a soft laugh in disbelief at how incredibly soaked you already were. It was practically coating your thighs at this point and your cunt was aching in anticipation for his touch. All JJ could think about is how you let another man see you from this point of view, which was enough to give rise to JJ’s ego. His mission was to make you feel so good that you’d think of him the next time Trent put his hands down your pants; he wanted you to remember this moment and know what it was like to be eaten out by someone who was determined to make you orgasm like a holy grail. 
JJ’s jealousy didn’t cause him to act rashly and dominate the situation. He started by pressing fluttering kisses to the side of your knee, his eyes flickering up to see you watching him intently. JJ began by tenderly kissing the inside of your thighs, making comments about how soft you are and how you smelled so sweet. He does all he can to make you squirm underneath his touch, loving that your gaze didn’t leave him even if you tried. JJ pressed a kiss to the waistband of your underwear and you whimpered at the thought of him being so close to you in a way that was more intimate than before. 
He chuckled when he heard you whimper again and moved his mouth to kiss along your clothed entrance. You knew JJ’s game all too well and you knew he’d take his time teasing you until you were begging for it. It took a while to come to this conclusion, but you figured out that you enjoyed the slow pace before the big finish. JJ had taught you that when you reached an orgasm, it was less about the other party getting off by getting you off. The point of your orgasm was to make you feel like a queen in the bedroom, not like a used toy to get someone else off. 
So when JJ used the pad of his index finger to move your underwear aside and toy with your cunt, you didn’t bother begging for his mouth. Instead, you closed your eyes and relished in the feeling of his warm hands on you. JJ looked pleased at your reaction and wanted to make this moment last for as long as he could. His finger moved in slow circles before hitting a sensitive nerve that caused your hips to rise, to which JJ laughed and pinned you down in the cushions. 
JJ pressed two delicate kisses on your entrance. His mouth was being coated in your slick and he licked his lips, closing his eyes to savor the way you tasted. His body inched forward in an attempt to be as close to you as possible before licking a stripe with his tongue pressed flat against you, causing you to let out a deep moan in satisfaction. 
JJ’s tongue worked like magic, as if he already knew all of your weak spots and was discovering the different sounds you could make by his tongue. His hands were gripping your thighs and his eyes would look at his meal before back up at you, and you had taken the liberty to use your hands to tug on his hair when he had hit a pleasure point. 
“That’s a good girl,” he whispered against you to himself, proud of how loud and unapologetic you were being. He swore that if the Pogues had walked in the door, he’d stop eating your pussy and show them how pretty you looked underneath him. But he knew they would all be at Kiara’s until the storm passed. 
His motions were delicate until he recalled the thought of you and Trent together in bed. His tongue began to dart in and out of you at a faster speed with every increasing thought. Giving Trent a handjob. Trent stripping you out of your bra and underwear. His fingers inside of you. His tongue down your throat. His cock in your mouth. His cock in your - JJ’s - pussy. He knew he was irrational and wrong to think that last thought, but in this moment, your pussy was his for the taking and he was going to make your orgasm like your life depended on it. 
JJ’s grip on your thighs became tighter and you felt locked underneath him. Your toes curled and your hips bucked at the pressure and pace at which JJ was eating you out. His head was moving like he was catching every last drop of your wetness before going back for some more. JJ had taken the liberty to lift his head and spit on your entrance before diving back in, his tongue so deep inside of you that you almost considered asking him to use his cock instead. 
“JJ,” you muttered, tugging on his hair. 
“Just cum, baby,” he urged. “I’m ready for you.” 
You obliged and it didn’t take you that long to release. JJ lapped the white pearls that were spilling out of you and his eyes were rolling to the back of his head as he realized this was the first time he was seeing you, and tasting you, from this angle. JJ’s jaw was becoming sore but he paid no attention as your legs spread wider against the couch and your body moved to the rhythm of his tongue. 
When you were coming down from your high, JJ couldn’t have imagined anything hotter than the sight and sound before him, but your fingers reached down to your aching core in oblivion and began toying with your clit as your breathing steadied. JJ watched in awe as your fingers moved in slow, delicate and circular motions, your bottom lip in between your teeth and your eyes shut. His mouth hung open at how totally, completely, and utterly fucked you were in this orgasmic haze and was pulled out of this fantasy when you tugged your hand away and reached for a tissue to clean yourself up. 
JJ couldn't think of anything to say and neither could you. You settled on watching a movie in silence. 
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hes-writer · 4 years
Confessions: A ‘Favourite’ Extra
Summary: beatrice graduates and dad!harry is not invited
Warnings: angst!
Word Count: 3305 words
A/N: this is part of the ‘Favourite’ universe :D this scene takes place sometime between the first and second part! please read them before reading this.
Part One | Part Two
Through Beatrice’s 18-years of living, she did not think that the celebration of liberation would be so sour. The day started off like any normal day. That is, except, she did not have to deliberately avoid the areas of the house that her dad, Harry, was in. It was strange that she had to feel uncomfortable in her own home.
For this special event, Beatrice had initially bought only three tickets for Ruby, Caleb and her mum, Y/N. Her dad had a packed schedule of promoting his newest album anyway so Beatrice thought that it wouldn’t even matter. She didn’t think he would want to come anyway. If Beatrice knew anything about her father is that he never really cared much about what went on in her life.
Beatrice supposes that it was okay. She had a whole lifetime to get used to it. A full lifestyle living on the edge because she didn’t know when her dad would clap-back with an insult for no reason. However, it didn’t mean that the spike in pain hurt any less. Don’t get her wrong; she was grateful for Y/N being around and involved. But Beatrice sometimes wondered how it would feel like to be wrapped in a fatherly embrace or be guided with wisdom and courage.
She really couldn’t remember the last time Harry did anything that made Beatrice feel like his daughter. Aside from the family photos they took on during the holidays or when celebrating whatever work achievement he managed to snag--that was the only time where Beatrice would feel Harry’s hand resting on her shoulder.
“Can I get one?” Ruby asked, tugging on the coloured strings of Beatrice’s cap. Her small body was being held by her older sister while Y/N took photos of the three siblings.
“Caleb, put your phone away please,” Y/N requested, shaking her head at the way the young boy groaned. Nonetheless, he followed the instruction.
"You’re lucky I love you or I would not have shown up,” Caleb grumbled, offering a sweet smile afterwards to suggest that he was joking. The three siblings posed for the camera, Beatrice trying hard not to let Ruby tilt her square cap.
Between a plastered smile, Beatrice replied, “Probably why dad isn’t here,”
Caleb widened his eyes significantly. Though, it seemed conspicuous to Y/N who was busy figuring out how to brighten the screen.
“That’s not true, sissy. He’s just busy,”
Beatrice chuckled, shrugging off the comforting hand of her younger brother, “Always busy but never when one of you have something going on,”
“It’s just a coincidence,”
“Yeah, sure,”
Caleb frowned at her response, focusing her attention on Ruby’s babbles. He almost spilled the surprise that their dad was going to watch Beatrice cross the stage. Caleb knew how his sisters felt about Harry and he hoped that his appearance would help patch things up between them.
Caleb walked over to Y/N, “Are you sure that Dad’s coming?”
Y/N nodded, “Yes, he said he’s looking for parking now,”
Caleb bit his lip nervously, “Do you think she’ll be surprised?”
“Graduate with honours, Beatrice Y/LN,”
Applause filled the venue as Beatrice walked up the steep steps of the stage. A shy smile was placed on her lips when she caught sight of the projector screen showcasing her achievements for her senior year.
In the audience, both Harry and Y/N were confused as to why Beatrice used her mother's name to be announced. The cinch in Y/N’s brow smoothed out when the principal continued speaking. Harry, however, couldn’t help the questioning frown.
“Top Chemistry. Top Biology. Overall Best Science Student. Gold Volunteer Badge. Level 4 Music Theory. Beatrice has been excelling both academically and musically while serving the community,”
Beatrice squinted at the bright lights, placing her diploma and speech on the podium. She had never been good at public speaking. However, her announced name gave Beatrice newfound confidence. It’s just her. All her achievements wouldn’t be credited to her father just because he was Harry Styles.
“Hi, uh,” She cleared her throat, “I’m Beatrice Y/LN and I’m very honoured to be standing in front of you today,”
Her speech was short and to the point; thanking her fellow classmates even though there were very few to thank personally. There were a few jokes in between and some nostalgic memories about various school events throughout the year. Beatrice mentioned remarks to her teachers who helped her achieve high grades. Lastly, she thanked her family for supporting  her
“I’d like to thank my family. My brother, Caleb. My sister, Ruby and my Mum. You guys have been so wonderful to me and I hope that I made you proud,”
Y/N was tearing up with a hand clasped over her mouth. She could not believe that her oldest daughter was off to university in a few weeks. Beatrice’s work ethic was unmatched and it showed in her getting the recognition that she deserved.
There was a pregnant pause before applause filled the space again. Despite switching her name last minute, everyone in her school knew that Beatrice was a Styles kid. They were probably waiting for her to mention him in her speech. But Beatrice felt no need to mention the man that had done nothing for her. He wasn’t even here.
“Thank you and congratulations, everyone!”
Harry slumped lower in his seat. He could feel Y/N’s worried eyes and Caleb’s observant gaze inspecting his face.
Beatrice stood beside her family, watching Harry a few metres away who was currently busy attending to the fans that recognized him. Even with his graying hair, many parents greeted him with a reminiscing statement about how they ‘saw him in concert back in the day’, to which he would chuckle at and proceed to converse for a few minutes until their child--Beatrice’s age--tugged them away.
All that Beatrice wanted to do was to get home and interact with her online friends. She had mentioned that she was graduating today and they were all very proud of her. Beatrice would rather take the peace and quiet of her own room than a bustling party.
“You’re invited,” Emma, a popular girl, stated while handing her a piece of paper with all the details of the party. Beatrice mumbled a hushed ‘thanks’, despite knowing that she wouldn’t even attend it in the first place.
“Are you going, Tris?” Y/N asked, holding Ruby’s hand so the youngest child would not get lost in the crowd.
Beatrice shook her head ‘no’, explaining that there was no point.
“I don’t know anyone there anyway,”
She was kind of a loner, but Beatrice was happier by herself anyways. “Besides, I don’t think dad will agree. It’s way past curfew,”
Y/N nodded in understanding. The curfew set for their eldest child was at nine in the evening. Y/N was sure that Harry would be lenient to let Beatrice go; it was her graduation after all. Sooner or later, Beatrice would be leaving for university.
Beatrice should be grateful. She should be happy, yet somehow those emotions were non-existent to her brain right now. She should be smiling, eyes brimming with tears because her dad actually cared to throw a party for her. But all she could feel right now was a pure disappointment and agonizing anger because Beatrice knows that he was trying to make up for years of mistreatment.
At this moment, the rowdiness of the party only proved that Harry really did not know anything about Beatrice. She did not know over half the people here, aside from the few relatives they see during the holidays; her grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. The rest were recognizable from Harry’s industry. Beatrice swore she saw Lizzo sipping a cup of liquor in their kitchen.
Aside from the initial greeting of ‘congratulations’, paired with the large banister taped on the foyer of the house, this party wasn’t much of a celebration based on Beatrice’s milestone in life. If anything, it looked like a regular get together for celebrities and industry people. Frankly, she had no interest in interacting with them. As rude as it may sound, the swirling turmoil of emotions beginning from her stomach made Beatrice push past the packed crowd with a tight-lipped smile in order to get to her room.
She felt like she couldn’t breathe, especially knowing that these people in her house absolutely adored Harry. They saw him as a family man, loved and appreciated by his kids. It wasn’t a complete lie, per se. Beatrice just didn’t have much experience to confirm that he was, in fact, a lovable and caring person.
If she had to put a finger on it, Beatrice was feeling utter disgust. She was disgusted because Harry was the perfect person in their eyes when everything he had shown her was that she was someone that didn’t deserve any of his attention. It felt like this was a celebration of her dad’s façade--he was not actually proud of her. He was just making it seem like he is so he wouldn’t be perceived as the dead-beat dad.
A knock at her door sounded. It was almost as if Beatrice could sense her dad’s presence without turning around to look at who just entered the privacy of her room.
“Tris?” Harry whispered, hesitating on mumbling the nickname. He had never done it willingly before, much less not as bitter as the previous times.
Beatrice swore that she could practically see the venom slithering on his tongue every time he said her name. But maybe that was just her skewed perception.
The chair that she was sitting on creaked as she shifted her weight, leaning her elbows on her desk.
“Why did you even throw a party, dad?”
It was merely a genuine question that held so many underlying meanings. Why now? Why not earlier when there was still hope to fix whatever sort of broken and fucked up relationship they had with each other?
Harry fully stepped into the room, observing the walls decorated with art and artists whom he recognized were his friends. He didn’t realize that she was a fan of Florence Pugh.
He cleared his throat with a fist to his mouth, “I wanted to celebrate your graduation,”
Beatrice internally rolled her eyes, “Did you really? Because you haven’t been there when I needed your help with my homework or assignments or anything. Now,  suddenly you want to act like you were a big part of how I achieved my accomplishments?”
It was a sour realization. It was accurate that Harry refused to help her with schoolwork. He swore that he was busy looking over new options for his upcoming projects. Retrospectively, he might have subconsciously spewed out excuses so that he wouldn’t be able to help his dear daughter.
Beatrice sighed, flattening the balls of her palms against the edge of the sleek wood, pushing the rolling wheels of the chair back. She stood up.
“Just admit it. You threw the party because you felt guilty and you think that somehow, everything will magically be okay between us?” Beatrice shot him a questioning look, chest-puffing when Harry’s lack of words confirmed her theory.
Beatrice propped her feet in the middle of her room, twisting her body so that her back was facing away from the closed-door; from him. She breathed heavily through her nose, lungs rising up and down as she gathered her thoughts.
Harry stood with his arms by his sides, staring at his daughter with curious compassion. He did not know what to say, nor did he know how to act because he didn’t take the time to get to know her. He didn’t spend time with Beatrice; nurturing, caring, calming or comforting her because he simply couldn't get over the fact that she was once a person that caused calamity in his life.
“Tris,” Her dad spoke, earning a pinch of her facial expression from the familiarity of the nickname. Yet, it was unfamiliar because Harry used it mundanely.
Beatrice cut him off, “I’ll be leaving for university in a few weeks. You can quit pretending like you care. You say this graduation party is for me but I don’t even know most of the people here!”
The volume of her voice reached a threshold that should warn both of them to keep quiet. However, Beatrice knew that with the hustle and bustle of the celebration going on downstairs—no one would hear her honesty except for her and Harry.
Harry blinked twice, mouth dropping slightly agape. Why did he throw this party? He knew his intentions; he was proud of his daughter. He wanted to show her off to everyone he knew about how intelligent and well-rounded Beatrice was.
The girl continued speaking as if reading Harry’s train of thought.
“This is for you,” She spoke bitterly as if her tongue was left with an odd taste in her mouth. “Showing off a ‘trophy’ daughter who graduated with honours but that doesn’t matter, does it? Nothing I ever do will match what you’ve done.”
The accompanying laugh—albeit, sarcastic— left Harry confused.
“What? No, this is for you. I’m proud of you,” Harry quickly disagreed with Beatrice, gesturing his large hands in a wave to emphasize his words.
She turned around with gentle disbelief; her features were hardened yet Beatrice’s eyes gleamed with hope. She wanted so badly to believe her dad, but his lack of attentiveness to her led Beatrice to roll her eyes at him instead.
“Cut the crap, Dad,”
“Language,” Harry added, pursing his lips when Beatrice scoffed.
“I can’t believe this,” Beatrice muttered, she stared at the ground as if picking out the words to say.
As bad as it sounded, she wanted to hurt her dad the way he did to her. Years of being treated like an unwanted child slowly built up inside of her and Beatrice wanted the pain to end.
“You wanted to be everything so bad that you forgot to be my Dad,”
“I am your dad, Tris,” Harry watched as she walked over to her desk. Fingers cascading the glass picture frame which held a still of their family.
“Don’t you think I know that?” Beatrice turned around, throwing the edged frame on her bed in a fit of anger.
Harry’s brows shot up to his forehead, watching his daughter’s eyes well up with tears.
“You are my dad but you’ve never been one to me! Why is that? Huh?” Beatrice pressed, crossing her arms and digging her fingernails on the skin of her bicep.
“I’m sorry that I took those opportunities away from you. You got movie deals, You had an album coming out. Tours, shows, money—you had everything and I ruined it, didn’t I? As you said, it would’ve been better if I wasn’t born,”
Harry was no stranger to not interrupting someone when they spoke. However, he couldn’t let Beatrice believe the words she spoke.
“Don’t say that! That’s not true,” He stuttered over his words, heart-shattering under the weight of Beatrice’s truthfulness. Sure, he had everything, but it didn’t mean that he was satisfied.
“But you thought about it right? You wondered how different it would be if I wasn’t born at the wrong time. Maybe you would’ve loved me more—like you do Caleb and Ruby,” Beatrice smiled sadly.
She was glad that at least her siblings would not have to experience the searing pain of being unappreciated. They did not deserve to be seen through like a ghost.
“Maybe you would’ve paid more attention to me. Maybe you would have cared that I was hurting every time you showed me nothing but disdain,”
Beatrice used her forearm to wipe away the tears beginning to soak her reddened cheeks. She sighed, plopping down at the foot of her bed, watching Harry look at her with an unreadable emotion on his face.
“You know, It’s not my responsibility to ask why,” Beatrice whispered. Though, she wondered what would have happened if she did question her dad why he looked at her as if she was a burden in his life.
Beatrice’s monologue crescendoed as utter pain cracked her voice every now and then. Her figure slouching as she truly experienced what it was like to let go of the turmoiled affliction soaring through her body.
“I’m your child! You’re the one who’s supposed to be looking out for me. You’re the one who’s supposed to show me what love is supposed to feel like. I’ve always wondered how you’d react if I came home with a boyfriend like all the movies and books talk about. But, all you’ve shown and made me feel was my first heartbreak when you’re supposed to be the one nursing me from it,”
At that point, Harry could not remain the eye contact he shared with his daughter, gazing down at the floorboard in shame.
“You were supposed to scare guys off because I’m your eldest daughter. You’re supposed to protect me from everything that could hurt me, even when it’s irrational because that is what Dads do,”
That same bitter laugh that pierced Harry’s ears earlier echoed again.
“But I guess you never really wanted to become one to begin with. Or maybe just not with me.”
Harry took a few steps back. Her words figuratively churned and twisted his gut. He caught his balance on the doorknob that moved feverishly under his weight. Sure, he didn’t want to be her dad at first. And he had many chances to fix a strained relationship, but he never took them. So really, he had no shield at denying the truth. He was simply a father who failed to be the dad to Beatrice.
“I-I do! I want to be--if you'd let me,” He hated the way his voice became weary.
Despite their differences, Beatrice and Harry both mutually hated the way his tone pinched. The way he had to plead and beg for his daughter’s forgiveness when it seemed to be too late. This could have been avoided if Harry took the chance to become the dad that Beatrice deserved to have. The dad that her siblings--Caleb and Ruby--saw and spent time with while Beatrice watched behind, wondering why she was never treated the way they did.
“For years, I wondered what was wrong with me. I listened to the music that you liked. I asked mum what you enjoyed doing because you never talk to me. I wanted you to see me as a daughter instead of this--this invisible speck that you shrug off your shoulder every time I needed you!” Beatrice cried out, hugging herself for comfort.
The worst part was that she could see Harry’s legs buckle in hesitation to come closer to her or not. He shouldn’t even have to think to comfort his daughter, but he did.
“I wanted you to like me as if I even have to do that in the first place! You’re my dad, don’t you get it? Because I didn’t. I spent so much time being the perfect child in hopes of you giving me an ounce of your attention aside from the face you put on when I walked into the room. Why did you have to treat me this way, huh?”
Tears spilled from her forest-green eyes, identical to Harry’s glazed ones. His mouth parted in retaliation. As if he was plopped in quicksand, Harry had no idea how to defend himself.
“I know that you didn’t want me in the first place but--,” Beatrice sniffled, wiping the salty liquid to her damp temples, “I just wished you treated me like I wasn’t a burden to you,”
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chudleycanonficfest · 3 years
Just One Night
Day 12, Story #1 is by @rafa-rafaelx / @whenihaveyouromione
Title: Just One Night
Author: rafa-rafaelx/whenihaveyouromione (or FireTheCanon on ao3)
Pairing: Ron&Ginny (sibling platonic) and background Romione
Prompt: "I'm learning to love myself, it's the hardest thing I've ever done." (I used this as a theme more than actual dialogue)
Summary: A moment between Ron and Ginny at Bill and Fleur's wedding.
For the briefest of moments, as her lips grazed his cheek when the song ended, he considered kissing her. 
But the moment passed just as quickly as the question had come. She stepped away with flushed cheeks, but smiling. 
"That was fun," she said breathlessly. "But I don't think I can dance anymore. My feet… they're so sore. Thanks, Ron."
"No problem," Ron replied, feeling the rush of his emotions begin to subside now that she was no longer touching him. "I'm a bit tired myself… er… do you want me to get some Butterbeers? Go find Harry and I'll bring some over."
Hermione beamed and nodded. "That would be great." 
Before anymore could be said, she disappeared into the crowd. 
For a moment, Ron stood amongst the dancing crowd and closed his eyes, relishing in the time they'd just spent together. It had been thrilling, exciting, and he dared not think about what could have happened had they continued to dance. 
He touched the place where her lips had touched his cheek. The spot tingled, and it was a good feeling. And they'd been so close… so…
I should have done something, he thought admonishingly to himself as he went to where the drinks were being kept. It had been the perfect opportunity. He'd had her in his arms, they'd been dancing, with their bodies so close… there'd been something there, he hadn't imagined it. 
He shook his head. 
It was too late now. The moment had gone, she was gone…
He grabbed three Butterbeer bottles and was on his way to find Hermione and Harry when something stopped him. In the briefest of moments, his already fragile heart had crumbled before him. It shouldn't have, because they weren't actually doing anything, but…
Krum. She was talking to Krum and she was smiling. She looked so happy. 
She smiled with you, too, he reminded himself, though it wasn't much comfort. Ron might have been able to make her smile, but he didn't have the fame or the money or the popularity to go along with it. Making her smile was the only thing he had.
The familiar pang of jealousy hit him — swirling around him, engulfing him. He had no right to feel as he did, for she was free to choose who she wanted. But he wanted it to be him — he wanted it so much that the reality of the situation was near unbearable. 
He loved her. He'd known for a while, working through the confusing, yet exhilarating, feelings it brought him.
He loved her...
"I have no idea why he got invited."
Ron startled, surprised to see Ginny standing beside him. Her eyes were also on Hermione and Krum. 
Ron didn't say anything. He looked at the three bottles in his hand. "Yeah, well… I've got to go and give these to…"
He made to leave, but Ginny said, "You're better, you know?"
Ron paused, turning back to face her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Ginny nodded towards Krum. "You're better than him. For her, I mean."
Ron felt his face flush, but he refused to look back over at Hermione and Krum. He watched his sister for a moment, trying to figure out if she was being serious or not. The look on her face told him that she was. 
For the first time ever, he decided to be honest with her. "In what way?" he asked quietly.
Ginny shook her head. "I don't know… I'm just repeating what she told me. He's just a friend — she said she's not the slightest bit interested in him in that way. Her words, not mine."
Ron swallowed. When had the room gotten so warm? "She said that?"
Ginny nodded. "She picks you. She won't tell you, because of everything that's going on — you know, all your secret plans and all — but… it's you, Ron."
Ron finally found the courage to look back over. Hermione wasn't anywhere in sight, but he spotted Krum skulking the edges of the tent, watching everyone with his usual deadpan expression. He released a breath he didn't even know he was holding.
"Why are you telling me this?" he asked after a moment. It wasn't like his sister to be this nice, but he couldn't sense any mockery in her voice.
Ginny smiled. "Because it's a wedding, a celebration of love, and the pair of you love each other, but you're too stupid to do anything about it. Besides, I couldn't bear the look of self-pity when you saw them talking just a moment ago."
"I wasn't —" He stopped. Who was he kidding? He had been self-pitying. 
Ginny raised an eyebrow, though she was being overly nice to him tonight so it didn’t last long. “Listen, I just thought you should know that you don’t have anything to worry about… about Krum. He’s… he’s not in the way. Not for her.”
Ron cast his eyes around the tent again, and through a gap in the dancers, he saw Hermione at one of the tables with Harry. She was still flushed in the face, smiling widely, and just looking happy to be where she was. She had spent a lot of time crying over the past weeks — over her parents mostly — so to see her smile warmed him. 
At the end of the school year, he’d thought that maybe something could happen. He’d been hopeful that it would, even taking the time to read the book Fred and George had gotten him. And the time together before Harry arrived, even the time after, tonight… it had filled him with a joy that he couldn’t quite grasp. 
There had been something there tonight. It hadn’t just been two friends dancing. It had been… something more. Maybe, had they let things go longer, it might have ended with them sharing a kiss. 
But all it had taken was seeing her with Krum — someone better at Quidditch than him, someone more famous than he’d ever be, and someone with more money than Ron could ever dream of — and all that hope had gone out in an instant. 
Now, Ginny was telling him something completely different to what his mind had imagined —
“There's no better time to do it than at a wedding," Ginny said, almost reading his thoughts. 
Ron nodded, though he didn't make to move anywhere. Despite it all — despite wanting to — in a few short days they would be leaving, going to who knew where, and he knew that until they found and destroyed all of the Horcruxes then there'd be no time for romance. So what was the point?
Just one night, he found himself thinking. Just tonight, it can be good.
Still clutching the Butterbeers, he moved forward, keeping his eyes on her, repeating in his head what he might say. Maybe he'd take her from the tent, have some privacy, at least see what she'd have to say. 
But he was only halfway there when the Patronus arrived. Kingsley, telling them the Ministry had fallen. 
Panicked ensued after that, and Ron was thrown to the side as people made desperate attempts to escape what they all now knew to be an attack.
He felt the Butterbeer bottles slip from his hands and spill over his shoes. He ignored it, pushing through the panic. 
Hermione was his only thought. He'd lost sight of her and Harry in the mess, but somewhere, somehow, he thought he could hear her… calling his name. 
He followed it, and a moment later he saw them. He saw the relief on both of his friends' faces, not just Hermione's. 
And then Hermione Disapparated them, sucking them into a void away from the danger. After that, any hope of the night ending well — of just enjoying one night with her — was erased. 
Now they had to find Horcruxes. 
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sugarplumwriter · 4 years
Confessions {Part 2/finale}
1980s!Johnny Lawrence x Reader
A/N: I didn't want to leave it at that so here's what we'd all hope to happen. I really needed this myself.
Summary: As you finally start getting over Johnny Lawrence, something changes.
Warning: L2
{Part 1}
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Just moments ago, you were standing in front of Johnny Lawrence and you were telling him what only very little people on earth had courage to tell someone.
Your mind was still racing with thoughts. Mainly thoughts about how much easier your life would be from now on. It felt overwhelmingly great to have removed that uncertainty and burden off your chest.
He took it well, you thought, and you couldn’t help but grin at the surreality of it all.
You still had goosebumps all over your body. How exciting that just was.
Your mind hadn’t processed all of it, yet. It was an adjustment for sure. No what ifs anymore and no more questioning if it was all just in your head or actually real.
For the first time in more than two years, you knew it was something very real. Real to you but also real to him. You knew without a doubt that you were going to be on his mind all day today. And that alone satisfied you. You had the power to make it real between you and now it felt like you did, even if just for a day, just for a minute or just for a moment. It felt like you took care of unfinished business and now you could finally move on.
As you stepped into your house, your parent called, “Y/n, is that you?”
“Yes!” you yelled back.
“C-mere! Your friend wants to talk to you.”
You made your way into the living room, where you found them speaking on the phone. When they noticed you stepped in, they covered the speaker with their hand.
“I hope you had a great school day,” they said and quickly added, with their mouth to the phone, “Here she is,” before passing you the handset. Meanwhile you were wondering why one of your friends was calling you. That’s a bit strange, you thought. “Also, don’t talk for too long, food is already on the table.”
You nodded. As they left the room, you put the handset on your ear.
“Hello?” you uttered.
“Yes, y/n, it’s me.” It was your friend who you were talking to yesterday at the beach. She sounded oddly serious.
“What’s up?”
“Were you talking to Johnny earlier?”
Your heart sank. How did she know you were talking to him?
“Why?” you asked.
You heard a crumbling noise at the other end before she spoke again.
“Well because Erin and some other girls saw you two talking.”
Oh no, the girls you saw earlier did notice after all.
Your friend continued, “And she said it looked pretty serious.”
You needed a moment to collect your thoughts while your friend silently waited.
“So ... what do they think it was about?”
“They don’t know actually. They just thought it was strange that’s all. That’s why Erin called me. She wanted to know if I knew anything.” She paused. “I mean, you know what she’s like. Always on the lookout for drama.”
“Yeah,” you said, “I know.”
She nervously laughed, then added, “I told her that you probably borrowed him a pen and he forgot to give it back or something.”
“Did she believe you?”
“I don’t know. Just tell her the same thing if she asks you.”
“Will do.”
“And I don’t think she will ask Johnny by the way.”
“Probably not.”
“Yeah, so I wouldn’t worry too much about it.”
It was silent after that for a couple of seconds until you heard her clear her throat.
“Y/n, I don’t want to be pushy, but is Johnny the guy you like?”
“Isn’t that quite obvious now?” you said, and although you felt very vulnerable, you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“I guess so.” You heard a smile in her voice. “How did it go?” she added, “Do you want to talk about it?”
“Not at the moment, no. Maybe some other time.”
“Okay.” She paused again. “If you need anything just let me know.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
“Of course.”
“Bye, then.”
The following weeks were both strange and unchanged.
It didn’t feel like anything had changed, which wasn’t untrue for the most part, but you knew that there was this unspoken truth between you and Johnny, like a secret the two of you shared. And anytime you were close to each other, you felt this tension as if both of you were thinking the same.
But he acted normal which meant that neither did he keep a suspicious distance from you, nor was he unnaturally close all the time.
But after many such weeks, your memories slowly started to fade.
One week, you couldn’t stop thinking about him and hoped he’d change his mind, the other, suddenly, you lost awareness of a lot of the feelings you once had and barely even noticed that shift.
Soon you’d be seeing him without any second thought to it. He’d only be a random guy walking the halls and nothing more.
It was P.E. class on a sunny day in the last quarter of your senior year when the confession crossed your mind again.
Everyone was out on the field in their respective groups where you were cheering with the other girls and it just then happened, that a football came flying right at you - or at least right at your group.
In a matter of seconds almost all the girls were screeching and running away just to dodge the ball.
"Can't you be more careful?" someone yelled.
You turned around to see Tommy running after the ball. One of the girls picked it up and tossed it back to him with an annoyed look on her face.
"Sorry, girls,” he laughed and shrugged, “Just couldn't help myself."
Many of the girls started throwing complaints at him to which he only mischievously grinned before he turned away and started running back to the football field. You just stood there and watched him for a couple of more seconds, until you noticed Johnny looking at you. You froze.
You hadn’t paid much attention to him at all for the past couple of months, you hadn't even properly looked at him, which made this moment even stranger to you. It was like looking at him for the very first time.
It was you who turned away first. You didn't want to leave a false impression, so you picked up where you left off before you got distracted and pretend as if nothing was bothering you. Which it obviously did.
Later that same week something else happened that was just as small but left you just as baffled.
You were at your locker and took out some books for the first period when you heard "Hello, y/n" distantly behind you.
At first you thought you had imagined or misheard it but as you turned around, you saw Johnny walking by. Perplexed you quickly glanced away and turned your attention back to the locker.
After, you felt bad for not Greeting him back, but should I have? Or would that have been awkward? Was he even talking to me?
Eventually things like that piled up so much in one week, that you couldn’t hold it inside anymore and you had to initiate a conversation with the only person who knew about it.
"Well, that is really strange," she said. She was lying on your bed and looking through a magazine. "But I wouldn't read into it too much," she continued, "or he probably would've made an actual move, you know?"
You hated it but she was right.
"I guess so."
"Look, y/n.", she sighed as she tossed the magazine to the side, "I'm really not trying to be harsh here; I mean, you know Johnny! Johnny, the “Strike first, strike whatever” and all that."
She made excessive gestures which amused you, but the rest hurt.
He didn't play games, he did things head on, was what she said next, which unfortunately made sense to you.
"But who knows," she smiled, "maybe he finally realized how great you are."
As the last of your high school days went by, you accepted the fact that you should leave this whole thing behind you.
You packed your bag after the last period and left the classroom. The hallways were almost empty, except for a small group of freshmen - and Johnny.
What a rare sight, you thought. Where’s his karate gang?
He stood just outside the classroom. When you started heading towards the exit, he turned his head and looked at you. His glare was neutral at first but then he smiled.
“How are you?”, he asked loudly, and you stopped.
Even though it surprised you, your answer came immediately.
“Good,” you smiled. “How about you?”
“Yeah, me, too.”, he said lower this time as he walked up to you.
He was still smiling but it was silent for a moment. You didn’t know what to expect next but then he said, “Let me drive you home,” and suddenly you felt your heart flutter.
“Oh, ah … sure.”, you replied.
“Awesome.”, he said and started walking. You caught up to him and asked him what all this was about.
“I owe you one.”, was his simple answer. You really didn’t expect that.
“Why?”, you asked.
“Don’t you remember?”
“Remember what?” You were visibly confused by all of this.
“Don’t act like an airhead, y/n.”
The way he spoke to you startled you. But you could tell he wasn’t trying to be mean. He felt just as charged up as you did.
“Of course, I remember that” you snarled sarcastically, “but what about it?”
The two of you left the building walking closely next to each other.
He sighed and eventually admitted, “I didn’t think I could ever fall for another girl like that.”
Did he really mean it?
“But we don’t know each other too well.”, you sneered, and a wide grin formed on your lips.
He seemed amused and when he looked at you, he laughed. But then he went silent. It looked like he was thinking about something, so you didn’t say anything either. Instead you focused on getting to the car.
When you arrived, he opened the door for you and you sat on the lethered seat. You felt a rush of heat that heated up both your cheeks and the rest of your body. The feelings you were having were unmatched by anything you had ever experienced before. No one ever made you feel the way Johnny did.
“I thought a lot about you and about what you said.”, he eventually confessed. “That was some bold stuff you pulled there; you know that?”
He sat down on the drivers seat while your cheeks heated up even more.
“I guess.”, you replied.
“That was rad, y/n, I respect you a lot for that.”
The car engine started, and he pulled out of the parking space. As you were driving, you continued talking about the day of the confession. He told you about his point of view and you told him about yours.
You noticed that he talked a lot and very expressively but also that he attentively listened. Beside that you noticed many other new things about him, which made you like him even more. He made you smile and laugh more than anyone else ever did.
It only took you one ride to immediately click and after that it became a habit for you to drive together. At first only to school and back but it didn’t take long until you started driving everywhere together, in the car or even on his motorcycle. It all lasted a lifetime.
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Announcement - Alex Morgan X Reader
Prompt: Can you do a Alex Morgan imagine where her and R just announce their relationship (which have been going on for let’s say for almost a year and R is younger then Alex as well). And some fans don’t like that they are together and are mad about it. So R ends up going into a little of a dark hole (like being a hemit, not going out anywhere, not answering Alex phones calls, and also ignoring her as well, showing up for practice late, not playing good, ignoring everyone on the team including her Bestfriend’s/ Team moms Ash and Ali just not being R normally bubbly slef,) until someone on the team (Ali) shows Alex what the fans have been doing and Alex plans a day full of surprise for R to show her how much she love R?
“Dinner tonight? My place?” Alex asked Y/N as they walked out of the practice facility.
“Umm, I don’t know, I’m pretty tired Al. I think I’m just going to head home and go to bed early,” Y/N wouldn’t look at Alex. She awkwardly adjusted her backpack straps, her shoulders hunched over, watching the ground as she walked.
Alex grabbed her girlfriends’ elbow, tugging her to a stop. She glanced around the parking lot to see if anyone else was close to them. As Y/N turned around, keeping head down, nervously tugging the straps on backpack more. Alex reached out and tried to hold Y/N’s hand, Y/N pulled her hand away, stepping backwards.
“Y/N…”Alex trained off, eyebrows creased. Heart breaking when her girlfriend physically pulled away from her. She had been pulling away for the past week. Y/N was never interested in spending time together, hardly replied to texts, never answered her calls, avoiding her at practice, now Alex couldn’t even touch her. “Is everything alright?”  
“Uhh yea, of course, just tired,” Y/N nodded, still refusing to look up, shuffling her feet.
“It’s just, things seem weird between us.”
“Oh no, all good,” Y/N stiffly closed the distance between them, hesitating before placing an awkward kiss to Alex’s cheek before walking away. “I’ll call you later.”
Alex sighed and watched her girlfriend walk away, before slowing making her way to her car.
Y/N didn’t call Alex that night. Alex spent the night trying to find things keep herself busy, trying not to wait for her phone to ring. Finally, Alex caved as she got ready for bed, pulling up her text conversation with Y/N, hoping maybe she just missed a text from Y/N. Disappointed she hadn’t, she called her girlfriend.
Alex nervously paced back and forth next to her bed while she waited for Y/N to pick up the call. When it didn’t, she let out a groan, tossing her phone on her bed. She had no idea what happened between her and her girlfriend. They had been together for over a year, both teams had been incredibly supportive. Of course, some fans had started to speculate, but they always did. Everyone on the team had “dated” several other people also on the team, every look and touch was looked into and over looked in to. Alex and Y/N finally just stopped hiding it, confirming their relationship with a simple photo of them on Instagram, Y/N kissing Alex’s cheek, both smiling.
Alex didn’t think anything else about it, happy she no longer felt like she needed hide any aspect of her life. Y/N made her happy, Alex saw a future with the younger woman. She was proud Y/N was her girlfriend, she wanted everyone to know, wanted to show her off. After they posted the picture Alex had posted several other pictures of them, struggling to limit herself; she had so many good ones of them.
She finished getting ready for bed, calling Y/N one more time before going to sleep. Y/N didn’t answer again, this time sending Alex to voicemail. Alex pulled the phone away and glanced at the screen, sighing she put her phone on the end table and settled into bed, staring at the ceiling.
Y/N sighed when she saw her phone ringing again, she wanted to answer, she did. She wanted to talk to Alex, wanted to spend the night held in Alex’s arms, really wanted to explain to Alex why she had pulled away this week. Y/N loved Alex, she knew Alex was happy with her, that she made Alex happy in return. Y/N couldn’t agree fast enough when Alex said she wanted to stop hiding their relationship and announce it.
And then they did; they announced it. And then the comments came in. Lots of comments came in and they didn’t stop. Some were supportive, some said how happy they looked as a couple, how well suited they were for each other, some were proud of them, thanked them for the courage to come out themselves.
There unfortunately weren’t many of those, or at least not enough of them to make up for plethora of negative, offensive comments. So many people commented that their age difference was too significant. That Y/N was using Alex to advance her soccer career, to get more exposure. Fans said Alex could do much better, that Y/N was not good enough for Alex.
The fans were ruthless. Picking apart previous pictures, speculating other relationships. Tearing apart all of Y/N’s physical attributes. They didn’t hold back at all, they were ruthless.
It was everything she already thought, having other people seeing it, confirming it, was hitting her hard. Y/N had tried to avoid reading the comments, tried to avoid all social media. When that didn’t work, she turned her phone off entirely. But then she just sat and thought, which was worse than reading her phone.
So, she tried to keep herself busy. Her apartment was spotless. She went for a long run every night. She snuck back in their training facility to train. Everything she could do to distract herself; to exhaust herself so she could actually sleep at night.
“Did you get a good night sleep?” Alex sat on the chair next to Y/N the next morning before training.
“Oh, umm, yea, Y/N’s hands paused before continuing to tie her cleats, giving Alex a brief glance and a small smile.
“You look tired,” Alex commented, resting a hand on Y/N’s thigh.
“Thanks Alex, you really know how to make a girl feel special,” Y/N gave a sarcastic laugh, standing up and walking away before Alex could even say anything else.
Alex sighed and leaned her head against the wall, closing her eyes.
“You read the comments to then?” Ashlyn asked softly.
Alex’s eyes shot open, head turning quickly to the keepers.
“Yea…” Ashlyn’s brow furrowed. “If it’s not the comments, what’s going on?”
Alex stared at Ashlyn for a second, expression blank, before she released another sigh and leaned against the wall. “Y/N’s avoiding me. What comments?”
Ashlyn didn’t say anything, just pulled her phone out, pulling up the photo Alex and Y/N posted a week earlier declaring their relationship. Alex gave Ashlyn a skeptical look before tentatively reaching for the phone.
Alex slowly scrolled through all the comments, mouth falling open the more she read, letting out a small gasp at the especially vicious comments. Having read enough, Alex hastily handed the phone back to Ashlyn.
“How could they say that about her? Us?” Alex had paled now; how had she missed this? “Is this why Y/N is avoiding me? You don’t think she believes any of this?” She shook her head, tears now threatening to fall.
“I don’t know, she won’t talk to me or Ali either. And she’s all over the place in practice, missed tackles, bad touches, you name it.” That Alex had started to notice. “Ali went out to warm up with her, she’s hoping to get her to talk.”
Alex quickly stood up, rushing out of the change room to find her girlfriend. As soon she got to the field, she saw Y/N already kicking balls at the empty net, no real intention other than aggression behind the kicks. The forward began to jog over to her girlfriend before she was intercepted by Ali.
“Fix this,” Ali said firmly, holding Alex’s arm to prevent her from moving forward.
“I’m trying to, Ashlyn showed me some of the comments. I had no idea,” Alex hung her head, guilt obvious in her expression.
“She won’t talk to me or Ash, but you need to remind her they aren’t true and how much you love her, how wrong every single negative comment is.”
Alex nodded along, eyes now watching her girlfriend across the field. She was already soaked in sweat, face scrunched as she focused, her jaw clenched tight, and the tension clear though out her body.  Seeing her like this and now knowing about the comments, she suddenly felt lightheaded. This was the woman she supposedly cared, supposedly loved, and she had missed how much she was clearly hurting, struggling.
Before Alex could get to her girlfriend, the rest of players made their way on the field, Marc starting practice soon after. As Marc gave his pre practice meeting, Alex stood as close to Y/N as she could, the lengths on their bodies touching. Alex could see Y/N glance towards her out of the corner of her eye, jaw clenching before she shuffled away. Alex sighed and shuffled with her, remaining as close as possible, this time loosely gripping the hem of Y/N’s jersey.
Y/N turned her head slightly to see Alex’s hand on her jersey but didn’t move away this time. Alex shuffled the smallest amount closer, angling her body so her front was pressed against Y/N’s side. She tugged on the jersey as she leaned up on her toes to reach Y/N’s ear, “I love you gorgeous.”
Alex heard the sharp intake of breath and the catch before she could release it, she felt the slight tremble suddenly taking over. The forward remained as close as she could, this hadn’t been the reaction she expected. She hadn’t expected any reaction really.
Y/N let out a grateful sigh and pulled away from Alex as soon as Marc dismissed them to start their warmup. She then proceeded to do everything she could to avoid Alex the entire practice.
By the time Marc called practice to an end Y/N was exhausted. She dragged her feet to the locker room, shoulder slumped forward, completely in her head and unaware of anything around her.
Alex took advantage of this, sliding her arm along Y/N’s waist, pulling herself into Y/N’s chest. Y/N stumbled slightly; Alex tightened her grip to keep her up. She felt her girlfriend go rigid. “Hey love of my life,” she leaned up placing a gentle kiss on the underside of Y/N’s jaw. “I’ve decided I am coming over right now; we are going to have a hot bath together and cuddle on the couch. We have tomorrow off, we can order in and not leave the couch the whole night.”
Now Y/N began to pull away, “I’m exhausted Alex, I just want to shower and have a nap on the couch.”
“I know you are, beautiful,” Alex’s arms remained firm around Y/N’s waist. “you look ready to fall asleep standing up, so let me help.” She wanted to add, maybe you’ll tell me what’s wrong, but didn’t want to push her luck. “We can cuddle, I know you always sleep better with me.”
Alex waited for some of the tension to leave her body, then saw the small nod as she looked up with hopeful eyes. “Perfect, I’ll come over now.” She kept herself attached to Y/N as they continued into the change room.
The couple silently through the parking lot to their vehicles after gathering their things.
“Umm I guess I’ll see you at my place then?” Y/N awkwardly stopped at her car door.
“You bet,” Alex smiled, trying to draw some kind of smile from her girlfriend, “I’ll order food when I get there while you shower.” Alex stretched up and kissed Y/N the cheek before turning and going to her own car.
Y/N didn’t even wait for Alex when they got to her apartment. Alex let out a breath as she watched Y/N rush out of her car and go inside without looking her way.
By the time Alex made it into the condo, Y/N was already in the shower. She ordered supper for the two of them before getting everything ready for them to spend the rest of the night on the couch, pulling out a couple fluffy blankets, lighting a couple candles. Waiting for Y/N, she nervously paced the condo, trying to figure out how to talk to her.
Y/N shuffled out of the bedroom a few minutes later, finally giving Alex a small smile when she saw the small set up in the living room.
“Hey supper should be here any minute, why don’t you get settled and I’ll bring it over,” Alex gave Y/N a small smile. Y/N nodded and tentatively moved to the couch, sitting on the far end and pulled her knees to her chest, resting her chin on top. Alex watched, hating how uncomfortable Y/N looked in her own home now.
Alex brought the food over to the living room after it was delivered. Y/N didn’t even move while Alex pulled food cartons out. The silence tense and awkward. She shifted closer to Y/N on the couch, resting a hand on her thigh, “I got Italian, chicken parm for you, fettuccini for me,” Alex handed the container.
“Thanks,” Y/N rasped out. Alex kept herself close while they ate in uncomfortable silence, some random movie playing in the background.
Y/N placed her empty container on the coffee table, pulling her knees to her chest. Alex put her container down too, leaning into Y/N’s side, gentling pulling one arm off her knees to wrap around herself. Alex could feel the tension through Y/N’s body.
“What’s going on Y/N?” Alex whispered, rubbing a hand gently on her thigh. “Don’t tell me nothing, Ash showed me the comments.”
“Oh,” Y/N’s body deflated, she chewed on her bottom lip.
Alex reached up and rubbed her thumb along Y/N’s creased eyebrow, easing some of the tension, “none of it is true Y/N. I love you.”
“But,” Y/N started, releasing out a breath, “so many people are saying the same things Al, that must means it’s true, that they all see it too.”
“They’re just jealous,” Alex pushed herself up, so she was face to face with Y/N.
“I’m serious Alex,” Y/N grunted out, frustrated.
“So am I, Y/N. They are all projecting their feelings. You are living a life they want, living your dream, successful, happily in love. It’s what everyone wants, you have it and they don’t. So, they are tearing you down to make themselves feel better. Those things are all people hiding behind keyboards and screens, but I bet none of them have near the skill or drive or intelligence or passion you do,” Alex drew herself even closer, wrapping both hands around Y/N’s face and forcing her to make eye contact.
“So? You’re still so out of my league Alex, everyone else sees it. Maybe I am only getting called up because I’m dating you, because Vlatko thinks you won’t come or something,” Y/N tried to turn her face out of Alex’s grasp, fidgeting in her seat. Her anxiety spiking the more she spoke, the more she talked about her insecurities. She could feel tears beginning the build up behind her eyes, the urge to move becoming overwhelming.
Feeling her girlfriend beginning to shake, Alex shifted her hand down and began methodically squeezing the muscles, compressing them as she worked down her arms, all the way down to her fingers, tugging each one individually before moving back up.
“What do you need? To move or more compression?” Alex asked, sensing the building anxiety attack in her girlfriend. She knew Y/N needed to move around, that it help her think, process, that too much sitting made her anxious. She also knew that sometimes she needed the compression, needed her muscles to be squeezed tight. And that sometimes she needed both. But most importantly, she knew that Y/N needed to be given the option and the space to choose.
Y/N scrambled to get up, “move,” she mumbled beginning to pace, “both maybe,” she squeezed her fists, rapping her knuckles against her thigh.
Alex slowly got up and hesitantly approached her girlfriend, waiting to see what Y/N needed. When Y/N remained where she was, Alex closed the distance entirely, wrapping her in a tight hug. Alex just held firm, slowly beginning to sway them on the spot. They stayed that way for several minutes before Y/N finally began to relax in her arms, it happened slow than suddenly Alex felt like she was holding all of Y/N’s weight.
“Let’s go to bed beautiful,” Alex murmured softly into her ear, feeling her girlfriends breathing already slowing as she began to fall asleep, the small anxiety attack taking her last bit of energy.
Y/N nodded her head, hands tightening on the hem of Alex’s shirt, fingers scrapping the skin along with it. Alex gave her another second before pushing them apart and leading Y/N to the bedroom by one hand.
Alex began pulling sleep clothes for them both from Y/N’s dresser, when she felt a finger tap her forearm. She turned her head to see Y/N nervously chewing on her bottom lip, eyes focused on her finger resting on Alex’s arm, “can we, I like the skin contact,” her jaw flex as she clenched her teeth. “No shirts?”
“Of course,” Alex soothed, turning into Y/N’s touch, pulling her shirt off before reaching and assisting Y/N in removing hers. They both removed their pants and crawled into bed. Y/N blindly shot a hand out, gripping Alex’s hip to pull her to lay on top.
Alex understood Y/N’s intention, that she needed the weight, the heat of another body, the comfort of her familiar scent, the soft breath against her chest, and the gentle caress of her fingers along her hip bones. Y/N was asleep almost instantly, the past week of over training and under sleeping catching up to her. The comfort of having Alex with her settling her mind for the time being.
Y/N woke the next morning by Alex spreading kisses along her bare shoulders, her thumbs gently massaging her thumbs into her hips bones, slowly encouraging her to wake up.
Y/N sighed as she slowly awoke, burrowing her head under the pillow.
“Wake up Y/N/N,” Alex shifted the pillow out of the way, whispering in her ear.
“No,” Y/N grumbled, blinding reaching to pull Alex’s hand back to massage her hips, “more massage.”
Alex chuckled and began to work the muscles of Y/N’s lower back. She glided her hands up, working her shoulder blades, “how about a massage tonight? For now, Ash and Ali are going to meet us at the beach so you two fishies can surf.”
“I like surfing,” Y/N’s head popped up, her voice still thick and gravely with sleep.
“There she is,” Alex pressed Y/N’s shoulders, guiding her to lay on her back, leaning down to gently kiss her, “so that’s a yes to surfing?”
“Always yes to surfing,” Y/N sat up, hands on Alex’s hips, her mood already improving after spending the night with her girlfriend.
Alex rolled herself off, “then get up, time to go.”
Y/N got ready to go and was ready to leave the house in record time. She stood by the apartment door with her surfboard in hand, swim bag on her shoulders, she excitedly bounced on the spot.
Alex laughed when she walked to the door, “you look like a little kid ready for the first day of school.”
Y/N grinned back, a full smile spreading across her cheeks, eyes crinkling as it finally reached her eyes for the first time in days.
The couple spent the morning at the beach with Ali and Ashlyn; Y/N and Ashlyn spending majority of the time in the water. Once the two women were able to fish their partners from the water, Ali and Ashlyn left the couple to allow them to have the day together.
Alex guided Y/N along the boardwalk, leading her to small beach front café where they sat watching the water, having a peaceful brunch.
After brunch the couple returned home, “how about that massage now, then we take a nap for the afternoon?” Alex guided Y/N back to her bedroom, pulling her shirt off before getting a response.
Y/N nodded and let herself be pulled along, lifting her arms to let Alex undress her.
The striker pushed Y/N’s shorts past her hips, pushing her to sit on the bed before pulling her own off, leaving them both nude. Alex straddled Y/N’s hips, bringing their lips together she kissed her long and slow, tongue teasingly tapping her lips before pulling away entirely, “turn over,” she whispered, lips brushing but not quite touching.
Y/N did as she was told, Alex raising herself slightly to allow the movement, hands quickly finding the bare skin of her back.
Alex worked the strong muscles for several minutes, the silence only broken by Y/N’s sighs and soft moans, the occasional whimper when a sensitive spot was found. When Alex pressed on the spots that earned a whimper, she would lean down and gently press her lips to it, kissing it better. She gently guided Y/N’s arms above her head, working into the curve of her lats, gliding a thumb along each indented rib. Guiding her hands up the younger woman’s arms, she brought her body until her bare chest was pressed into Y/N’s back, interlacing their fingers at the top.
Alex turned her head so her cheek rested between Y/N’s shoulder blades, chin angled up so Y/N could hear her whispers, “how do you feel?” her lips brushed the skin.
Y/N gave a content moan, lips ticking up into a small grin.
“Good,” Alex whispered back, she released one hand to wrestle the blankets out from under them to cover them for a nap, “I know today won’t fix how you are feeling, but I hope you know how much I love you, and I will do everything I can do show you how much love you deserve. Promise me you’ll come talk to me instead of shutting me out next time? Even its just to tell me you need space; I’ll understand and respect whatever you need.”
Y/N slowly nodded, “I love you Alex.”
“I love you too,” Alex whispered back, “now go to sleep for now.” She tightened her hold, pulling Y/N closer to her chest.
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Day 12: Adrenaline
"You are such a bloody, fucking arsehole!" Harry shouted, as he burst into his partner's room at St. Mungo's. "I can't believe you."
"Could you lower your voice, please?" Draco asked, he was gingerly rubbing his temples.
"No, I cannot bloody well lower my voice!" Harry seethed as he looked at the other man. Draco was pale and quite obviously in pain, his slender frame resting stiffly against the mattress. "I am unbelievably pissed with you."
"Yes, well, I have a concussion and my head is pounding-"
Harry growled, "Well whose fault is that?"
"Potter, I am begging you to save the theatrics until my potion has kicked in and I'm not seeing sounds," the other man groaned. "Literally begging."
"Well you should have thought of that before you jumped in front of those arseholes who were shooting a stunner and bombarda at me."
Draco groaned and let his head fall back against the pillow, "This has got to be karma. Having your ungrateful arse as my auror partner is karma for all of my past sins. Merlin have mercy."
Harry opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by one of the nurses, Matilda if Harry remembered correctly. "Auror Potter, I'm going to need to ask you to step out of the room."
"Thank fucking Merlin," Malfoy sighed.
Matilda raised an eyebrow, "I'm going to need Auror Malfoy to strip down so we can put his dislocated, and partially shattered, hips back together. It's also going to be fairly painful."
"Good," Harry growled, "Remember this next time you try to put yourself in harm's way for me."
He stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind him. After a heartbeat, Harry shoved his glasses up into his hair so he could scrub his hands over his face.
(Read more below the cut)
As the adrenaline faded from his system, Harry's body started to feel a bit weak, legs quaking slightly, his heart hammering against his ribs, breath coming a touch too fast. He staggered away from the door and over to the row of chairs along the wall for people to wait.
Draco cried out in pain on the other side of the door and his fists clenched. He wished he hadn't said that; the other man being in pain wasn't good and he wished he could take it away.
Harry wasn't sure how long he sat there with his head in his hands, hearing the occasional outcry from Draco's room, before Ron showed up and clapped him on the shoulder.
"How is he?" Ron asked as he collapsed next to him.
"Ouch, fuck!" they heard shouted from the room across the hall. "That fucking-" a pause as the other man groaned, "hurts."
"Not great," Harry replied.
Ron nodded, "But conscious."
Harry sighed and leaned back in his chair, "You've finished processing those wankers?"
"Yes," he affirmed. "It was lucky, actually, that Malfoy blocked the spells," he said. "The cases behind you would have exploded with even the slightest hint of magic touching them."
"Great," he said with a sigh, feeling even more guilty.
"He's going to be okay," Ron said softly and to his horror Harry felt tears prickling at the back of his eyes.
"How do you even know that?" Harry asked, "No one told you he was going to be okay."
Ron snorted, "If he wasn't you would have burned everything to the ground by now."
His best friend probably wasn't wrong about that. He couldn't even bear the thought of losing Draco without feeling like he couldn't breathe. "He shouldn't have done that," Harry said finally.
Ron shook his head, "Done what? His job?"
"He shouldn't have put himself in the line of fire," Harry replied. "Not for me."
"Right," Ron said, "Just like you shouldn't put yourself in the line of fire for him, but just last week-"
"It's different," Harry said vehemently.
"It wasn't different for him," Ron said quietly. "I sat here having an identical conversation last week, only it was you in the bed." He shook his head, "Look, mate, you know I'm not ever one to advocate for talking things out, but..." he trailed off, leaving the rest of the sentence unsaid.
The trouble was that Harry didn't know how to respond, didn't know what to say to Ron or Draco. Before he could come up with anything, Matilda came out of Draco's room. She nodded at Harry, "You can go in now," she offered.
"Is he going to be here overnight?" Ron called.
"He's regrowing bones, Auror Weasley. Yes, he'll be here overnight."
Ron winced, "I'm going to go pick up Indian and bring it back. The food here is terrible."
"Thanks," Harry replied.
"Go on," Ron said, nudging Harry toward the room. "Go get things sorted."
Harry sighed, but squared his shoulders and stood up, moving toward the door and summoning every ounce of his Griffyndor bravery.
When he got to the door he knocked before entering. The moment Draco caught sight of him he groaned, "Potter, please. I can't take the lectures right now. Regrowing bones is a bitch."
Harry drew up a chair beside his bed and didn't say anything for a moment. Then he took a slow deep breath and said, "You terrify me."
Malfoy rolled his eyes and then winced in pain.
Harry continued before he could say anything, "And I know I sound like a complete hypocrite-"
"Too right, you do," Malfoy grunted.
"But it scares the shit out of me," Harry pressed on. "Draco I can't-" he broke off, shaking his head and the other man turned his head to look at him more fully. "I can't lose you."
"And you think that I can lose you?" he countered.
"I don't know," Harry said, "I don't know." He rubbed his hands over his face. "I don't think I can do this anymore."
He glanced up in time to see the hurt flash across Draco's face before he reigned it in. "Fine. That's fine. Put in the transfer request and I'll sign it."
"No, I mean all of it," Harry said, clearing his throat. "I can't do the cases, I can't be the reason that people get hurt." He shook his head, "I'm tired, Draco. I'm so tired.” He swallowed, "and I want my life to be more than this."
Draco looked away, staring unseeingly at the set of drawers across from his bed. "Well, I wish you the best then," the other man replied, voice cold as stone.
Harry swallowed and summoned up a bit more courage, "Leave with me," he said.
"Leave with me. Let's start our own business, we can become private investigators and get out from under all of the bureaucratic bullshit. Or let's do anything else. Literally anything. You want to have a coffee shop? Done. Quidditch supply store? I'm there. Want to remodel homes? Count me in. I will do anything that you want to," Harry closed his eyes, imaging it, then he said, "because if we're not Auror partners anymore, I can finally tell you the truth."
"What truth?" the other man asked hesitantly.
He took a deep breath and blew it out before sitting up straighter in his chair. "I'm in love with you," Harry said simply.
Draco blinked once, then a second time as he stared uncomprehendingly at Harry. "Potter, what?" Draco spluttered. "I'm the one with the concussion here, not you. Did you hit your head? Are you feeling confused?"
Harry laughed, "No, I'm not. Honestly, everything feels simpler than it has in ages. I don't expect you to feel the same or anything, we can stay friends-"
"Are you joking?" Draco asked and Harry winced and looked down at where his hands were clenched, clasping one another. The other man continued, "You don't expect me to feel the same? How could you possibly think I don't feel the same?"
Harry's head snapped up, "What?"
"Potter, I've been in love with you since the Alvarez case."
"Really?" he asked incredulously. That case had happened years ago at this point. It was one of their first cases together.
Draco nodded, "It's stupid, but watching you with that little boy-"
"Julian," Harry said, nodding at the memory.
"You were so sweet with him and so protective. And I realized that it wasn't an act, it's just who you are and I was doomed." He shook his head, "Of course I'm in love with you, you idiot."
He stared at him for a moment, looked into those clear silver eyes that he loved so much, "Can I kiss you?"
"Very gently," Draco replied, "Because as much as I would like to kiss you, my head is still killing me and I'm not supposed to move my neck very much."
Harry huffed a soft laugh before moving closer. He cupped his cheek and gently trailed his thumb over Draco's bruised cheekbone, trying to avoid causing any more pain. His eyes flicked up to Draco's before he closed them and leaned in touch their lips together. Two soft pecks were all he allowed himself before pulling back and brushing a feather-light kiss over his temple.
"Ah!" Ron blurted from the doorway, making both Harry and Draco jump, "Sorry, I'll come back-"
"Ron, it's fine," Harry said, pressing one more soft kiss to Draco's forehead before collapsing back into the chair beside the bed.
"No, I want to have plausible deniability at the Ministry when-"
"I'm quitting," Harry said.
"We're quitting," Draco added.
Harry grinned at him, "Really?"
"Yes," he said, smiling back.
"And you should quit too," Harry said, turning to Ron, "Come join our private detective firm."
"But first, bring us that Indian food," Draco said.
Ron rolled his eyes, "Years of this," he said gesturing between the two of them. "Years of watching you two idiots pining after one another and that's it. You just decide to quit?"
"Yes, well," Harry replied, clearing his throat, "I think I'm going to need to have more free time than the ministry allows."
"Oh, is that so?" Draco replied with a smirk, his voice smooth like honey.
"Alright," Ron said, "That is enough of that. If you want me to come work with you, we're going to need to nip that in the bud right now."
Harry laughed and held up his hands in surrender.
"I am happy for you two, though," Ron said.
"Me, too." Harry replied. Suddenly looking forward to the future more than he had in a long time.
Day 11: Pinky Promise | Day 13: Drunk
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snowbearyy · 3 years
hi!!! could i request hcs where the brothers’ are dating a tall, chubby s/o ?? they’re really insecure about it and every now and then just break down about it. and can’t go shopping without breaking down either and it makes them upset to the core cause they just wanna express themselves too instead of hiding in baggy clothing. thank you so much!!!!
(they requested that this be f!MC)
He genuinely does not understand why you're insecure. He notices, however. This man will not let you wallow in self-hatred, so he confronts you about it. He takes you somewhere private and asks you to tell him how you feel. "You're beautiful, MC. And we all want you to be comfortable here. If somebody is making you feel insecure, you'd better tell me. I can take care of it." You let him know that's not the case. After he learns more about you, he does everything in his power to remind you that he thinks you're stunning. When you break down, he will grab you and take you away, somewhere you can be alone. It doesn't matter if you ask him to stop. He will repeat sweet words to you until you believe it. Slowly but surely, he will try to warm you up to the idea of finding clothes that make you feel confident. He'll buy random things for you, and if they don't work, they don't work. He won't force you to do anything, but he tries, in the hopes that one day you can express yourself freely.
Shopping with Mammon is a common date for you two. After the first few times, he can tell you're uncomfortable, but he's not sure why. One day, he picks a nice sundress he thinks you'd look great in. He's insistent you try it on. In his eyes, it was just a beautiful dress for a beautiful lady. When he heard you crying in the dressing room, however, his heart dropped. He rushed in, not bothering to ask if you were decent or not. "What's the matter, babe?! Is the dress ugly? I can find a new one!" You shake your head, still sobbing. The dress was hanging up on the door, still zipped. Mammon kneels on the ground, looking up at you, rubbing your leg, trying to calm you. "Hey..." he whispers, "Talk to me. Why are you crying?" After you explain everything to him, he looks like he's about to cry. "I didn't know you felt that way... I'm sorry for dragging you out here." You let him know that you enjoy going on dates with him. You just wished you felt good enough to enjoy shopping. After you get home, you have a long talk in his room. There, he tells you exactly how much you mean to him. He tells you how perfect he thinks you are. And he works hard to remind you of this every day.
Levi knows a thing or two about feeling insecure. He never imaged that you, the most amazing and beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes on, would feel that way, too. But he can tell. He picks up on your mannerisms, the way you talk about yourself, your expressions when someone compliments you. He knows. He's just not sure exactly what to do. You make an effort to put an end to Levi's self-deprecating talk. He's grateful for that, and he can't have you feeling uncomfortable in your own skin. He's nervous about confronting you, though, because he doesn't want to cross a line. One day, while you're playing video games in his room, he pauses the screen. He looks at you for a few moments, building up his courage. Even though you two had been dating for quite some time, expressing himself still took some work. "MC... You know I think you're amazing, right?" You laugh, unsure of what brought this on. "Thanks?" you reply. He's not done, though. "You're beautiful and you're so strong. Everything about you is perfect. I think of you all the time and I'm so glad you accepted me. I love you. I love you more than anything in the world-" He's interrupted by the sound of you crying. He decides to stop talking and holds you in his arms. He makes a silent vow to never let you feel insecure again. He's determined.
Satan is pretty comfortable with giving you compliments. He says flattering things to you often and without hesitation. Your reactions, however, make it quite obvious to him that you don't believe what he says. This troubles him. Immediately, he's looking for ways to boost your confidence in a way that will actually work. He does a lot of research and develops a plan. One day, he sits you down and hands you a notebook. Inside, there are dozens of affirmations. You read them, confused. "What's this?" you ask. "Homework," he states, simply. "After you wake up each morning, I want you to look in the mirror and repeat these statements to yourself." You're flabbergasted. "What? No!" He sits next to you and grabs your hand. "Listen. I know it's hard, but I want to help you. MC, you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm grateful to have you by my side. I want you to love yourself as much as I love you." After that, sticky notes with words of affirmation decorate your walls and mirrors. Miraculously, before you wake up each morning, new notes are placed every day. He works with you to find ways to make you feel more confident.
Being in a relationship with the most beautiful demon in the Devildom would be nerve-wracking for anybody. He's constantly painting your nails, doing your makeup, buying you new clothes to try on. It can be overwhelming. You tried your best to hide it because those things bring Asmodeus joy, but one day, he requested that you come to his room for a fashion show. You were under the impression that he'd be the one showing off his new outfits, but when you got there, he handed you a pile of clothes instead. "I picked these all out for you! I just know you'll look great. You're so tall and beautiful, you'd make the perfect model! Try them on!" Just the thought of it makes your throat burn. He sees your expression drop. "What's wrong?" he frowns. When you don't respond, he gently takes the clothes out of your hands and sets them on the ground. He leads you to the bed. "It's hard for me to imagine how you could be feeling. But I want you to know you have nothing to feel insecure about. You don't need to hide yourself. I'm telling you now, I won't give up. A beautiful woman needs to wear beautiful clothes!" He wraps his arms around you. "I remind you all the time how lovely you are. Do I need to show you more often? It's not just admiration I feel. It's desire." Through actions and words, he shows you how much he loves you.
You see Beel eat constantly. It's nothing new. You're used to it. This particular day, however, something slips out. "You're so lucky," you mumble as Beelzebub eats his third lunch of the day. You're looking away, but you can feel his eyes on you. He stares for a while. "Sorry-" you start to whisper. Suddenly, he's at your side, wrapping you into a tight hug. "Why-" He doesn't answer. He just holds you tighter. You figured he would leave it at that, but he approaches you later that day. "MC, do you want to start going to the gym with me?" Before you can react, he continues. "I'm not saying you need to. I just know that when I work out, it helps me feel more confident. And I think maybe it can help you, too. I can be right there with you." You consider for a moment. You know he genuinely wants you to feel like your best self. He pulls you in for another hug. "You're perfect just the way you are. Everything about you is beautiful."
"MC..." he whines out, "Come lay on meee." You freeze. He's half-asleep in the attic, waiting for you to join him for a nap. "You mean next to you?" you ask, hopeful. "No, I don't" he grumbles. You silently approach, sitting next to where he lays on the bed. You don't move. He opens one eye, expectantly waiting for you to do what he asked. When he notices your expression, he sits up. "What's wrong? You're not tired?" The silence tells him all he needs to know. He grabs you by your waist and pulls you down to lay next to him. He wraps you up in a blanket and spoons you. "You know, you don't need to be so worried," he says softly, "I love you." After moments of silence, he props himself up on his elbow. "Did you hear me?" he asks. You look at him. "I love you," he repeats. Next thing you know, he's showering you in kisses. You can't help but laugh. In-between each peck, he repeats those same words. "I love you."
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mimisempai · 3 years
I will never give up on you
Now that things are back to normal, Mobius begins to wonder if he is the right person for Loki and is willing to let him go so he can be happy. Loki will prove to Mobius that he too can lean on Loki.
🌈 Happy Pride month ! 🌈
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story.
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love!
2170 words - Rating G
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"Oh my! Did you see Loki at the briefing this morning?!"
"He had that adorable smile again!"
"You mean the smile that would light up the whole room if it was night?"
Mobius couldn't help but smile as he heard the gossip of the latest recruits.
After all it was not uncommon for people, girls or boys, to rave about his lover who really had the figure of a god.
Sometimes it made Mobius conscious of his own appearance and he wondered what could attract Loki to him, while the TVA was full of female or male specimens much more attractive than himself.
He continued on his way, with a slightly less energetic step when Miss Minutes' small, knowing voice called out, "That smile is not for you!"
The group of girls cried out, "What?!!! Then who is it for!"
"That's not for me to say." She replied in a mysterious tone. Then she continued clapping her little white-gloved hands, ending the discussion. "Come on, the class on time travel paradoxes is about to start!"
Mobius, continuing on his way to his office, thought about what Miss Minutes had just said.
There were few of them who knew about the relationship between Loki and him. Miss Minutes, Casey and Sylvie.
It wasn't that they had made it a secret.
Honestly if Mobius listened to himself, he'd be shouting it to the world.
But he couldn't help but wonder.
They hadn't really discussed their relationship yet, and Mobius was afraid to broach the subject. He was afraid that now that they were living a fairly normal life, as normal as it could be considering the circumstances, Loki would realize that he could do much better than a plain looking, not-so-young agent.
The circumstances of their meeting had been particular, he had been what the god had needed and now he wondered what he could bring him.
Before Loki, the life of Mobius had been the TVA, he had had some affairs, with Revonna for example, but nothing serious.
Then there was Loki, who had made his way into Mobius' heart very quickly.
In the next hallway, as he turned towards the door of his office, he saw the object of his thoughts surrounded by a small group of people. They were talking animatedly.
Suddenly Loki began to smile. The same smile that he had whenever he saw Mobius, the one the girls were talking about before.
But this time the smile wasn't directed at him.
Mobius' throat tightened. Maybe it was time to free Loki and let him fly away.
So he spent the day avoiding him. Every time Loki came near or wanted to talk to him, Mobius found an excuse to leave or found a way to slip away.
When Casey had picked him up for their daily lunch in the cafeteria, he had declined.
His actions did not go unnoticed by the object of his affection.
Loki sensed that something was wrong.
These last times, he had the impression that they got closer and Mobius was not averse to dispense signs of affection that Loki returned him well.
Loki wondered what he had done. Because if something went wrong, it was surely his fault. He had a gift for ruining his relationships with people. However, for once, Loki didn't want to give up until he had tried everything. Because he had changed, or rather he was who he was supposed to be and not who other people had decided was destined to be and he owed that to Mobius.
It was time for them to have a serious discussion about their relationship and it would happen now. He walked with a determined step towards Mobius' office, entered and closed the door gently behind him.
Mobius, standing in front of the window, had not heard him enter.
Loki approached him gently, embraced him from behind, put his chin on his shoulder and whispered in his ear.
"I finally caught my runaway boyfriend..."
He knew he was taking a risk by putting a label on something they hadn't defined yet, and he didn't miss the way Mobius froze when Loki said the word boyfriend.
He simply tightened his arms around Mobius.
"Hey..." murmured Mobius. He couldn't help but lean his head against Loki's on his shoulder.
Once again the god had baffled him, and he didn't know what to address first, the fact that Loki had noticed him avoiding him or the way he had called him. Boyfriend...
He turned in Loki's arms and looked up to meet Loki's gaze.
"I..." he paused, unable to sort out his thoughts at the way Loki looked at him. He could see tenderness and devotion, and something more that he couldn't define.
Loki smiled and said softly, "It's rare that you have trouble finding your words."
Mobius muttered, "Not everyone can be talkie talkie like you."
Loki took on a falsely outraged look, "Hey I thought you liked that!"
"I do."
Actually, it wasn't the only thing he liked.
His expression tightened and Loki noticed the change in his countenance. He ran his fingertips gently over Mobius' face and asked softly, "Hey, tell me what's wrong? I'm not blind, you know, I've seen how you've been avoiding me all day. Is it something I did or didn't do? Tell me Mobius, because if I don't know, I can't change anything. And what's between us is too precious to me to ruin in any way. And I-"
Mobius interrupted him by putting a finger over his mouth.He had been appalled as Loki spoke to him, because he realized that he who prided himself on being clear-headed and able to read people, had been wrong about everything, and that his fear of facing things head-on had made Loki insecure and worse, made him feel guilty when there was no reason to.
He had been appalled as Loki spoke to him, because he realized that he who prided himself on being clear-headed and able to read people had been wrong about everything, and that his fear of facing things head-on had made Loki insecure and worse, made him feel guilty when there was no reason to.
From the beginning, they had been honest and sincere with each other. Loki had not hesitated to bare his heart more than once, showing unwavering trust in Mobius and at the first obstacle Mobius was not able to show him the same trust?
He had to stop acting like an idiot. As humiliating as it might be, it was up to him to bare his heart, to expose his fears and insecurities.
"Stop Loki.This isn't you, I promise you, you didn't do anything wrong."
Not daring to look him in the eye, he told him everything, the conversation he had witnessed in the morning, which had triggered this path of thoughts, leading to his doubts and fears.
"And now I feel like such an idiot for reacting that way instead of facing the problem head on. For being jealous like a teenager."
Loki lifted his chin with his hand and Mobius saw that he was looking at him with the same fond eyes as before as he shook his head.
"I don't know where to start, but the first thing I want you to know is that just because when we first met, I was the one who needed you, doesn't mean you have to be strong all the time. I'm certainly not going to judge you for a moment of doubt. Honestly, that you were jealous of this group of people, I don't know if that's flattering or ridiculous or a little of both. But I want to reassure you of one thing. Do you know why I was smiling like that? It's because they were talking about you, that when they finished their training they wanted to become an agent like you. I was just smiling because I was proud of my boyfriend.And by the way, about the label, honestly I don't care, I called you boyfriend before because that's what came to my mind spontaneously, the most important thing is what's here." said Loki pointing at Mobius' chest.
"That's just it." intervened Mobius, "I think my doubts come mainly from the fact that I don't know what's here." in turn he pointed to Loki's chest. "We never talked about what was between us. And you know me, as much as I like a little chaos, I like to know where I'm going. It probably makes me an annoyingly serious person, but that's just the way I am."
It was Loki's turn to put a finger to Mobius' lips to shut him up.
"I don't see it that way, we complement each other, and that's fine. Mobius, you know I often talk to say nothing and not so long ago, while we were on Lamentis with Sylvie, I tried to define love, a little drunk I found a ridiculous metaphor about a dagger. When all I would have had to do was to draw inspiration from reality. I know perfectly well what I would answer now if she asked me again to define love. I would tell her love is someone who is not afraid to put you in front of your failures so that you realize that you are better than what you are, it is someone who sees the good in you and better who sees the good that you are being able to do, love is being confidently able to fall asleep in the presence of someone you trust, love is wanting the person you love to believe in you, love is knowing that if you fall down you will be helped up, it is wanting his face to be the first one you see in the morning and the last one at night. "
He wiped a tear that spilled from Mobius' eye with his thumb before continuing, "Mobius, I don't need a metaphor to describe love since I have you."
He then leaned towards Mobius, closing the little distance that still separated them and placed his lips on his and set about proving his words in the most beautiful way possible.
When they separated to catch their breath, Loki pressed Mobius' head against his chest, tightening his arms around him as Mobius tied his arms around Loki's waist.Loki simply rested his chin on Mobius' head and they stayed like that for a long time, embracing each other in front of the window, in a comforting silence.
Mobius felt Loki's heart beating fast and strong against his ear and realized how much courage it took to open his heart like that, without waiting for Mobius' answer.
No! He didn't have to hide anymore. Loki had shown courage in facing their relationship head on and he was going to do the same!
He pushed himself back, forcing Loki to loosen his grip and took his hand. He looked into Loki's eyes and with a pounding heart said, "You know I knew you before we met, I had watched your life story several times, and it was during those viewings that I fell in love with you. Don't make round eyes like that. Once you take off the shell, when you see past the mischief and missteps, it's so easy to love you. When you first came here, you showed all the qualities I saw in you and made me fall in love with you all over again, and now that you've broken free of your chains, I fall in love with you every day."
Loki grinned a little shakily before saying, "You realize that makes us the biggest sappy idiots in this world."
"No witnesses, no proof." Mobius pulled his lover's head toward him to wipe away his cheeky smile with a kiss that left them both panting.
"How about we continue this at home."
They walked out of the office, Mobius locked the door, and when he turned around, Loki was holding out his hand. He grasped it, and with intertwined fingers they walked towards their home.
Suddenly, they found themselves face to face with two of the girls Mobius had heard talking that morning.
They stopped, and he saw their eyes fixed on their locked hands. The girls started walking past them and they heard them giggling and whispering behind them.
They looked at each other, smiling.
"Do you realize that tomorrow the whole of the TVA staff will know about this?" asked Loki.
"That's fine with me, I won't need to show that you're mine."
"That's a shame, I'd like to see you possessive. Maybe I should smile more often for others than you." replied Loki with a suggestive raise of his eyebrow.
Mobius growled, "Loki..."
Only the god's mischievous laughter answered him. They continued on their way home, bickering lovingly under the watchful eyes of two witnesses who couldn't wait until the next day to spread the news: Agent Mobius was responsible for Agent Loki's radiant smile.
Epilogue here : X
Not beta'd I hope you enjoyed it 🥰
The whole series here : Together, For all time, Always
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rosaliepostsstuff · 4 years
Chasing birds | T. W.
Talbott Winger x reader
not adding a taglist cause it's the first hphm fic I've posted so I'm not sure if you're into it
Summary: The reader realises Talbott is spending the holidays at Hogwarts and decides to stay behind too, to keep him company
Reader's house not specified!
Word count: 2195
Warnings: mentions of food, mentions of parent death, mentions of difficult family relationships
a/n: it's assumed the reader has helped him with the necklace, is an animagus (the form isn’t mentioned) and had the first date, valentines day and festival date with him. I also assumed the festival took place at the very beginning of year 5 while it was still summer and it's now the following winter.
Also, I pretended Bea didn’t get sucked into the portrait because I didn’t want Penny all sad.
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It was safe to say that most of Hogwarts students were looking forward to the winter break. Some because of the Holidays, some purely because of the time off.
Some were counting down the days since the very beginning of the term, some since November 1st, some from the moment the castle grounds had been graced with the first snow of the season.
Winter had its own charm to it. The castle got its share of sunlight during the warmer months, towards the end of the school year, as the summer was approaching, and at the very beginning of it as the summer was slowly fading away. But once the grounds were covered in snow, the grand castle seemed even brighter – the winter sunlight and sky is different but all that light, reflecting off the snow and amplifying, seeped through the windows.
You were already filled with anticipation, more and more with each day that separated you from Christmas break.
You were currently counting down the minutes till the charms class ended, your last class that Friday – minutes to your last weekend before Christmas. You divided your attention between encouraging the blond Gryffindor in lifting his feather and the watch on your hand ticking away.
“Alright then, dear students, that’s all for today! Some of you I will not be seeing until the next term so I’d like to wish you all Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and may you all have a nice rest before the new term starts! Class dismissed.” Said Flitwick cheerfully as a chorus of thanks and all kinds of wishes followed, before the students began to pour out of the classroom.
“Gee, you’d think there was a fire…”  you heard Jae say groggily from behind you as he was getting up from his nap and stretched lazily. You looked at the crowd trying to squeeze through the door and chuckled, agreeing with him.
When the crowd thinned a bit, you saw someone you immediately recognised walk into the classroom. You smiled to yourself at the sight and involuntarily paused your actions to look at the tall boy in his Ravenclaw robes try to push through the students with a bit of a grimace on his face. You could almost hear his thoughts in your head.
“You coming, Y/N?” said Rowan from beside you.
At the sound of your name Talbott looked up in your direction and you briefly met his eyes. He smiled as soon as he saw you and you smiled back at him, waving your hand lightly. He raised his hand in response for just half a second before turning his attention to Flitwick.
“Coming,” you said quietly, turning to Rowan who now was standing with arms crossed on her chest and suppressing a grin.
“Ohh shut up..” you said jokingly flinging your bag over your shoulder.
“I did not say a thing..!” she countered, giggling.
On your way out, you managed to hear a bit of Talbott’s conversation with Flitwick.
“He’s staying at school for holidays..?” Rowan mentioned, looking over her shoulder after you left the classroom.
“Yeah…” you went quiet for a bit, thinking.
You had to admit, you hadn’t thought about it before, but it was quite logical. When you first learned about Talbott’s parents, you never pressed the topic further and you didn’t know whether he had any other family, someone to spend the holidays with. And during all those times you spent Christmas at Hogwarts, was he at the castle too? Hiding away somewhere, alone?
“You know, I gotta do something real quick. Meet you in the dorm later?” you said to your friend, already quickening your pace, finger-gunning in her direction.
“Sure, yeah,” she answered, a bit puzzled, yet entirely used to it.
 “Oh I am so excited, I can’t wait! You see, each year Bea and I, we have a gingerbread house making contest. Neither one of us is very good at it, but it’s so much fun. Mum always has both of them on display…”
You listed to Penny ramble in excitement about Christmas over dinner and couldn’t help but smile a bit.
“Oooh, Talbott! Talbott, come on over here!” she called over your head all of a sudden, waving energetically at the boy who just looked as if he got caught, but walked over to your table anyway, then sat down opposite you with a quiet greeting.
“What about you, Y/N? Are you going home for the holidays this year?” Penny asked curiously.
Your heart rate picked up a bit, before you answered, “No, I’m staying here,” you glanced at Talbott and met his eyes before he looked back down onto his plate.
“Oh, ok,” said Penny, before changing the topic.
 The case with Talbott wasn’t so easy. Your crush on him started with you being simply intrigued. You met him in your third year and there was just something about him that wouldn’t allow you to just let him be, no matter how tall he put up his walls. You felt the need to make him feel comfortable around you and you wanted to get to know him better. That’s how you became friends.
But when you did get to know him, that’s when you were truly lost. His wit, sarcastic sense of humour. His calmness and collectiveness. And him opening up to you felt more rewarding than anything else.
There were so many moments between you, the dates you went on, where you wanted to just take a dive and go all in, and each time you were closer to doing so. But in the end, you were scared of scaring him away, even if he showed time and time that he felt the same way. He even announced out loud that you were his date at the festival!
Still, each time you got back to the starting point, stuck somewhere between friends and lovers.
 You woke up a bit giddy and slightly nervous. Last afternoon all the students not staying at school for the holidays left. You got freshened up and dressed, then headed to the great hall for breakfast.
When you walked through the great entrance you scanned the four, almost empty tables. And there he was indeed, at the very end of the Ravenclaw table, as usual.
“Talbott!” you greeted, sliding into the seat next to him.
He hadn’t noticed you approaching and got a bit startled, “Y/N, Merlin…” he said, putting down his toast and placing a hand over his chest, “what are you doing here?”
“Tsk, already so accusatory. I came here to have breakfast with you and spend some quality time together!” You said in an exaggerated tone.
You could’ve sworn you saw a hint of a smile creeping up onto his face and he looked around the whole room.
He scanned the tables to see if any other friends of yours stayed over the holidays or if maybe there were none, leaving you with no other choice but to sit with him. Upon noticing Chiara and Jae a bit further away he turned back around lifted one eyebrow, acknowledging, and took a sip of his coffee.
Suddenly, you became painfully aware that the last time you properly spend time together, with just the two of you, was during the outdoor festival. And there you were, sitting side by side, doing something so casual and everyday as having breakfast.
It was also uncommon for you to see Talbott out of his school robes. He had this magical talent of looking good in just about anything. He was wearing a pair of dark jeans and a plain turtleneck, his hair, as always, smart and neat and just the right amount of messy.
“Aren’t you eating?” he called you out with a bit of a smirk, not gracing you with a glance, and got back to his own food.
With a guilty blush and no confidence to strike up a further conversation, you focused on your breakfast.
“So how are you doing lately?” he asked after a few minutes, having finished eating, and sipped on the rest of his coffee slowly.
“Uh, alright. Considering everything,” you answered and he nodded slowly. “You?”
He shrugged his shoulders with an indifferent expression, “As per usual. So what made you stay at school this year? Your mum away..?” he inquired.
“Eeh… irrelevant,” you tried to dismiss the question.
“Ooh-kaay…” Talbott replied.
“Do you have any plans?” you asked quickly.
“Uhh… I was going to just read for a bit..?”
“Great! And in general, for the holidays?” you questioned further.
“Y/N, where are you going with this?” he asked, puzzled.
You mustered up all your courage for the moment you’ve been waiting for since you told your head of the house you’d be staying in the castle for the holidays.
“I thought we could spend Christmas together,” you started, taking Talbott by surprise.
“Y/N, do I look like a Christmas person to you?” he asked after a second.
You looked him up and down, “Very much so.”
He sighed deeply and leaned his elbows on the table, hiding his face in his hands. You knew he was debating it and you almost had him on board.
“Aww, come on, Tal! It’ll be fun!” You shook him by the shoulders, making him groan.
“I swear, you’ll be the death of me,” he said and you tried to tame the grin on your face and the butterflies in your stomach.
 After finishing your food you rushed to your dorm to owl Rowan as quickly as possible.
 “Do you like snow?” you questioned after you went outside into the grounds.
Talbott chuckled, “Who do you take me for? I’m not that much of a bore, am I?” he teased you.
“No, I just…” you mumbled.
“Although it does get in the way when you try to fly during a snowfall…” he cut you off, walking a bit further, and crouched down, facing away from you.
It took you a second to realize what he was doing. You looked around, trying to find cover and ducked, but it was too late, you got hit with a snowball.
If you weren’t so focused on getting revenge, which turned into a full snow fight, maybe you’d take some time to admire him. The way little snowflakes rested on his hair, how his eyes looked when he focused or how bright he was smiling.
“Alright, alright, I surrender!” Talbott put his hands up and you felt relief, as you were starting to get tired, but you didn’t have it in you to give in first.
“Don’t mess with the curse-breaker, Winger,” you said in playful smugness, walking out from behind your cover and up to him.
“Yeah, yeah…” he started, “go inside or you’ll freeze, you’re covered in snow” he brushed some of it off your shoulder, and you were glad you had already been blushing from the cold.
 “On the Christmas morning Jacob and I used to wake up to a pile of presents at the foot the bed each,” you started, “I always loved Christmas. But after he disappeared things at home changed. I know mum is trying, but it’s difficult sometimes, especially during the holidays…” You reminisced, looking down at your hands wrapped around a mug of hot chocolate.
“My mum really liked Christmas,” Talbott said, “She’d always get so into it, with the decorations, she used to make them herself, too… and she’d sing to me. I don’t think my dad was as much into it, but he tried to keep up for her,” he smiled a little wider to himself. “It was really nice,” he confided.
Your heart ached for the boy next to you. After he had to go through so much, you deeply wished to make it your mission, to bring as much happiness to his life as you could, even if to brighten it up just a little.
“So you don’t hate Christmas after all, huh..?” you said quietly.
He answered after a moment, “No, not Christmas itself.”
“I was hoping I could make it a little bit better. Maybe show you that it can still be nice,” you confessed.
He looked up at you, “That’s… Y/N, I don’t know what to say,” he trailed off.
Unsure of where to go from there either, you took one of his hands in yours.
“Y/N,” he softly prompted you to look up at him.
His face was close to yours and he glanced between your eyes and your lips, silently asking for permission. You inched a bit closer and he closed the distance, cupping your cheek with his hand.
Unsure at first, he relaxed after a second and you melted into him. His lips were really soft and warm an you placed your hands on his shoulders. You could smell his perfume mixed with his natural smell, the smell you adored, and which brought you comfort. Talbott kissed you tenderly and you felt absolutely ecstatic, sure that if he weren’t holding onto you, you’d collapse.
He pulled away only slightly and rested his forehead on yours.
“Merry Christmas, Y/N,” he whispered.
“Merry Christmas, Talbott.”
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moldisgoodforyou · 3 years
the exes
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lmfao guys i finally checked my taglist form and i've been missing a lot of you sorry :///
warnings: men that might remind you of your ex, brief mentions of sexual content
wordcount: 2.4k we're back to shorter fics unless you guys want to start waiting a month in between them
“I love you, Sophie,” he’d said, and then looked at her expectantly.
She was surprised when she heard herself echoing her first boyfriend, Peter, with an “I love you too,” even though she wasn’t sure she meant it. Her parents always said they fell in love after only two weeks, so Peter waiting two whole months to tell her was a logical next step.
Peter went to the Columbus College of Art and Design, and they’d met through a dating app after Sophie figured she didn’t want to have to meet another boy that was halfway drunk and put his hands on her waist when he shuffled past her in the dirty college bar. So she settled for the first nice boy she met, that looked halfway decent and kissed halfway decent too. He was two years older, twenty while she was eighteen, and always bragged to his friends about how mature she was, how smart she was for her age.
Her father hated him, but Sophie just figured it was because he was her first real boyfriend. Carter especially hated him, making a clear effort to ignore him and turn a cold shoulder when he’d pick Sophie up from the dorms and take her out to dinner, or on the few mornings he had to pick her up from Peter’s house when Peter would complain he was too hungover to drive the eleven minutes to campus to bring her home.
She quickly learned that I love you wasn’t necessarily love, it was more like an obligation. When she really was too busy with architecture homework, or she had a sorority meeting, he’d ask her to come over with a pleading “c’mon, but I love you,” and she’d huff to herself but pack up her things and go to his apartment for a couple hours. She’d hang out with him just long enough to placate him, then trudge back to her house, work on homework until three am, wake up exhausted, repeat.
She went out with him to the bars, more often than she liked, and he’d get way drunker than her every time. Sophie would sigh and drag him home, then make sure he was well enough to attend church the next day. She went once and was reminded of how her childhood was spent in church, every Sunday in youth group, and hated that feeling. One of the girls in his youth group led a sermon about saving yourself for marriage, sending several pointed glances at Sophie, and she realized he’d probably confessed to them about how she let him touch her. (He didn’t know that she faked an orgasm so he’d quit rubbing what was basically her inner thigh.)
He was never mean, just...boring. Something she had to deal with. She found herself wanting more, playing with the idea of what it would be like to ask out the cute boy in her sociology class, but then she’d shake her head and remind herself she wasn’t a cheater. Besides, he wasn’t that terrible. He’d dote on her and call her princess (which she hated, but figured as far as pet names went, it could be worse).
When he posted photos with other girls on his Instagram story - at a party, in class, out to lunch - Sophie found herself not caring a little too much. She kept waiting for a hint of jealousy, and thought that sometimes he was waiting for it too, but it never came. Julia and Allie would see and question those stories, ask Sophie who those girls were, but she’d just get defensive and shrug it off. (He’s allowed to have other girl friends, she’d say. Even when the photo showed the girl’s head on his chest and arms around his waist and his arm around hers, his hand on her hip.)
When he called her in tears, after five months of dating, she knew what was coming.
“I kissed someone else.”
“Oh.” She paused, gathered her thoughts, then realized she had none. Felt completely neutral. “Okay.”
Peter sounded like he was at his breaking point. She didn’t care. “It’s been going on for a while.”
“Is it Andie?” Sophie asked, growing annoyed. Did they really need to drag the phone call out?
“Yeah.” He let out some ungodly sob and she found herself feeling disgusted, wanting to tell him to pull it together. Andie was cool, a girl she’d met a couple times at the few college parties she’d been to with Peter, where everyone sat around and smoked cigarettes and drank IPAs, and fit the stereotype of art students so damn well it wasn’t even funny. Andie wore Doc Martens and had a buzzcut and gave zero fucks - and clearly didn’t give any about the tentative friendship Sophie thought they had.
She wrinkled her nose. “Did you do more than just kiss?”
Peter had never pressured her - ever - Sophie would tell him sorry with shaky hands, that she just wasn’t ready to go further, then felt gross every time she apologized. But if they went a little too far and she made them stop, he never stayed the night, only napped with her until she was asleep and slipped out just after.
“I’m so sorry, princess -”
She recoiled at the pet name. She’d never liked it but didn’t hate it enough to argue against it. “No, no, answer the question, Peter. Did you do more?”
“...Yeah. We did. I just - I had to find it somewhere, you know -”
“Oh.” She mumbled, her insecurities confirmed.
“Sophie, princess, I’m so sorry. Why don’t you come over and we can just -”
“I don’t think I want to see you again. For a while.” She added, chewing anxiously on her lip as she told him.
Silence came over the phone for a few moments until he finally replied. “Oh.”
A few more moments. “You’re sure? We can talk it out.”
“Um...no. And yes, I’m pretty sure. Okay. Um. Talk to you later, I guess.” She hung up, feeling more disappointed in herself for not catching it than anything else.
(They did not talk later, or ever again. Sophie figured that was best.)
Shortly after Peter, Sophie met Luke. He was sweet, a little boring too, but most importantly, he was easy. Easy to talk to, easy to hang out with, and she didn’t have this lingering fear in the back of her mind that he was going to go hook up with someone else. After a few months, Luke became a little less than easy - he was clingy and would walk her home from every class, he would ask her to come hang out when he studied in the chemistry lab, he would complain if she didn’t spend the night with him. She found herself lying to him that the architecture studio didn’t allow visitors, just so she could get a breath of fresh air.
One night, when Sophie sighed upon seeing Luke’s contact pop up on her phone and went to grab her overnight bag without even reading the text, Allie frowned. “Sophie.”
“You don’t have to do this, you know. Just because he says he misses you. You can be your own person.”
Sophie paused, considering. “I am my own person, just with him. Right?”
Allie hesitated before answering, wanting to phrase things carefully so Sophie didn’t get upset. “I feel like maybe you’re a little different with him. When I met you, you were confident and bold and...I don’t know. I think he’s holding you back.”
(You’re a shell of yourself,” is what she really wanted to say, but she wasn’t sure Sophie could handle that.)
“Oh.” Sophie uttered, quiet. Allie had just confirmed what Sophie had been thinking for months, but she didn’t think anyone else had picked up on it. “You think I should break up with him?”
“I think you need to decide that on your own.”
She just gave her a look, shaking her head. “Go over there, and say what you need to say.”
Sophie was clearly debating, stuck, until Allie pried her bag out of her hand and grabbed her keys from her desk. “Al -”
“Come on. I’ll drive you.” Allie guided her out the door, her arm slung around Sophie’s shoulders. She drove her to Luke’s house, waited outside while Sophie went in, and texted Julia to get ice cream from the store when Sophie walked back out only twenty minutes later with teary eyes.
Sophie slid back in the passenger seat, drawing her knees to her chest. “I did it.”
“I’m proud of you, Soph.” Allie reached over and hugged her. “You’re better than him. I promise.”
When they both returned to their room, Julia wrapped Sophie in a big hug. She held her tight as Sophie sniffled, quietly, then promptly handed her a spoon for the ice cream as soon as she let go. After a few moments of quiet, Julia broke the silence. “So when are you getting back out there?”
“Oh my god, Jules, give her a break.” Allie rolled her eyes as Sophie giggled through her tears.
“I’m just asking! Maybe it’s time for you to go through your hoe phase, babe.” She reached over and snagged a bite of the ice cream, twirling the spoon around thoughtfully. “Or do you have any guys in mind - oh, remember that cute Delt that’s from your hometown -”
Sophie fixed her with a glare. “If I’m doing a hoe phase, it’s sure as hell not gonna be with Rafe Cameron.”
“Rafe! That’s what it was. Okay, so he’s out. What about the bartender at Varsity Club, he always gives you the extra shots in your drink for free?”
“Can you give the girl at least a day to get over her breakup?” Allie asked skeptically.
“Can I just say something?” Julia asked.
Sophie sighed, nodding. “I know you’re gonna say it anyways, so go ahead.”
Julia gave her a sheepish grin, patting Sophie’s knee. “I never liked him. He made you kinda like a doormat, y’know, and that’s not you. You’re better than that. Plus, he was so needy. I mean, he had to have been good in bed for you to stick around -”
“Jesus Christ, Jules -”
“He wasn’t.” Sophie interrupted them both. “We didn’t do that much, anyways.”
“Oh.” Julia paused, thinking. “Well. I’m glad you broke up with him, anyways. Takes a lot of courage.”
The first time Luke called when he was drunk, it was only a week after their breakup. Sophie felt bad and picked him up from the bar to drive him home, and let him kiss her in his room before she pulled away and urged him into bed.
The second time, it was the next weekend, and she did the same thing, but kissed him a little more. She ignored Julia’s knowing look when she slinked back into their room, head down, with her lipstick a little smeared and hair a little astray.
He kept drunk calling and she kept going to rescue him, to pick him up from the bars or a pregame or wherever else he was. She convinced herself it was only because she felt bad about breaking up with him, that he wasn’t all that bad in the relationship. The fifth time he called, a month and a half after the breakup, the girls were all drunk at the bars, and Luke was drinking at a party. When he called, Allie snatched the phone out of Sophie’s hand and tucked herself into the corner of the bar to hear him.
“Soph - no, wait, Allie?”
“Yes. It’s Allie. Stop fucking calling her.”
“I just - I thought she could take me home -” He started, confused.
Allie huffed but forced a smile and gave Sophie a thumbs up from across the bar. “No. She can’t. And you can’t call her anymore, she’s not your girlfriend. Go find a friend or something.” With that she promptly hung up and blocked his number, satisfied. She’d regret it a little in the morning, but didn’t tell Sophie what she’d done.
It took Sophie about two weeks after Luke’s last phone call to follow Julia’s advice to ‘get back out there.’ The first time, she convinced herself it was way too easy - flirted with a frat boy at the bar with a few subtle touches, twirled her hair around her finger, and went back to his room after only an hour of knowing him. It was rushed, awkward, and she was pretty sure the guy came in his pants after a few heated kisses and a couple rolls of her hips.
The second time, she tried a little harder, going after a guy that approached her first with a smooth pickup line and a broad smile. They traded buying rounds for each other all night, until he kissed her around midnight and shyly asked if she’d want to go back to his place. When he escorted her into what she recognized as an off-campus Sigma Chi senior house, she didn’t dare inform him that actually, she was just a sophomore with a really good fake ID. She surprised herself when she took off her clothes first, then kissed him with a newfound confidence she’d pulled out of nowhere.
“I lost it.” Sophie announced with a slight frown when she came back into their room at two am.
Allie woke up from her spot on the futon where she and Julia were watching TV, rubbing her eyes. “What’d you lose?”
“Your...” Julia trailed off.
Sophie nodded, wrapped her arms around herself. “It’s not like everyone says. And I thought it would take a little longer. It wasn’t bad, though.”
Allie frowned, getting up to hug her. “Are you alright?”
Sophie accepted the hug, resting her chin on Allie’s shoulder. “Yeah. Just...I don’t know. I kind of hoped it would be a little more special.”
“He didn’t kick you out, did he?” Julia rose too, wrapping her arms around both the girls.
“No. I left.” She paused, sounding both deflated and a tiny bit hopeful. “They can’t all be like this, right? I mean, this is my fourth guy I’ve had...something with, and I’m starting to think there’s a trend.”
“No, no, you’ll find the right person. I promise.” Julia assured her. “Maybe you need to just wait, you know? Take some time for yourself.”
Allie hummed in agreement. “You’re more than just some dumb relationship.”
“I just…” Sophie sighed, quietly. “How am I supposed to know when he’s the right one?”
taglist: @drewstarkey @lemur46 @jjmaybanksbaby @edgeofgr8 @quxxnxfhxll @obxtess @hoodpankow @vtgirl802 @outerbankies @messagesinthesky @nicolecarsley @svechnikolan @ilovejjmaybank @obxtess @abbyj1822 @oopsiedoopsie23 @g4bster @jjmaybankzz @freddymaybank @dontjinx-it @illbesafeforyou @moniamaybank @tovvaa @jailcalledlife @sunshineitsfine44 @randomficsandshit @outerbankspreferences @outerbanksbro @karsinner @kkmaybank @whoeveniskendall
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truglori · 4 years
Homebody (Ch.8)
Summary: Amiyah is the younger sister of local drug dealer (Durkio). Shy and reserved she keeps to herself and stays out the way. But lately she began to find interest in his right hand man/ best friend (Erik Stevens). Wanting to get him to notice her she discovers that he already had her wrapped around his finger without even trying! There was only a few problems that kept her away from her fantasies , her brother that controlled almost every single breath she took and would kill anyone who looked at her that way and lastly Eriks girlfriend, Alexis , who they called the queen of the hood according to her lavish lifestyle as well as being with the next newest top boy in the making. While Alexis was his girl to the streets all Amiyah wanted to do was be his Homebody...
Pairing: Erik Stevens x Thick OC
Warning: Language
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Laying snuggled up under the blacket Amiyah shifted sides on the couch as the tv played quietly. Not watching anything in particular but only wanting some noise in the background as she closed her eyes thinking to herself. Shuffling sounds came to the front from the back. She could hear Kelley getting ready for work. It was 5:30am and she would have to leave by now to make it on time. Hearing the footsteps getting closer her eyes opened.
“Hey girl! You sure you gonna be okay here by yourself?” Kelley bending down in front of her with eyes that showed she was worried.
Sending over a smile to console her Amiyah grasped her hand giving it a light squeeze. “I’m okay, and thanks for covering for me today. I just need a day to relax. I appreciate this.”
Not having any other choice but to take her word Kelley return a smile as she pecked her forehead before strolling towards her door. She gave her one last glance and a small wave goodbye as she left. Amiyah picked up her phone. Going through her messages she seen that she had two from Erik. They were sent some time around 11pm. She didn’t get to them because she fell asleep early exhausted from work. The only thing that was stopping her from opening them was the last text he sent that she could read through the thread.
Erik💋:You and me need to have a talk...10:57pm
Sighing and mushing her face into the pillow, her mind raveling over the things he could possibly want to talk about. Getting a text like this has never been associated with something good. It could only mean that he found out about one of her secrets. Did he know about Durk putting her out? Was there any way possible he heard about her accepting a date with Cane? The questions invaded her brain as she hesitated to respond.
“Stop being a bitch and just do it.” Talking aloud she gain the courage to click on the message.
Erik💋:Baby if your up can you call me...10:56pm
Erik💋:You and me need to have a talk...10:57pm
Was he upset about something? Amiyah couldn’t decipher his tone through the text. Tapping on his name she decided to call him instead. The ringing went on for about four times before he picked up.
“Why you ain’t call me last night.” Erik answered straight forward.
“I fell asleep. Lately I just been really tired. I’m sorry baby.” Amiyah spoke softly into the phone.
“Mm...that sweet voice you putting on not getting you out of trouble. You still at your friends place?” Erik asked already knowing the answer.
“Yeah she just left to go to work. You want to come over?” Twirling the string on her hoodie she waited for him to respond.
“I’ll be there. Let me make a quick stop and I’ll head over there.”
Nodding her head as if he could see her she gave an ‘okay’ before hanging up. Lifting up from her spot she walked to the bathroom. Grabbing her toiletry bag she reached for her toothbrush and toothpaste. Placing that to the side she went for her skincare products first, washing her face with her even bar before finishing up with a toner and a vitamin c serum. After brushing her teeth twice she checked in the mirror making sure they were nice and clean and went back in to the livingroom.
Fifteen minutes later she heard a hard knock. Getting up and checking through the peek hole she saw Erik standing there with a Dunkin Donuts bag in one hand and an orange and apple juice in the other. Unlocking the door she was greeted with a grin. Even though his hands were occupied Amiyah rushed him with a hug wrapping her arms around his neck but having to stand on her tippy toes because he was so tall and not bending down as usual.
Laughing, Erik return the hug to the best of his abilities without trying to drop the food and drinks in his hands. “Mama you gon make me drop our shit.”
“Sorry..I just missed you.” Bashfully blushing Amiyah step to the side to let him in.
Placing the items on the table that was between the furniture and tv Erik observed the area noticing the blanket and pillows sprawled out. He took off his jacket laying it on the arm rest of the couch before plopping down taking a seat. Throwing his arms on top of the couch he watched her steadily walk to him before she sat down. But she wasn’t sitting within arms reach.
“So you do all that hugging but yet you sitting all the way over there. C’mere.” He commanded.
Averting her eyes between him and the tv that was now at the time playing some old movie Amiyah slowly scooted over until she felt their thighs collide. Erik chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her neck bringing her closer to him. Now she was leaning her back into his chest holding the hand that was laying on her as they watched the movie.
There was a comfortable silence for a few minutes before he spoke.
“You want some breakfast? I brought a bacon egg and cheese on croissant and a sausage egg and cheese with some hash browns. Which one you want?” Leaning over, his long arm stretched out to retrieve the bag and sat it in his lap.
“It doesn’t matter. You can choose since you bought them.” She sheepishly replied.
“Unh uh mama...ladies first. Pick one baby.” He kissed the top of her head trying to tell her it was okay.
“Okay I’ll take the bacon please.”
Taking it out of the bag he handed it to her and gave her a side of hash browns as well. Amiyah thanked him and started chewing on the small potatoe bites while keeping her eyes forward on the tv. They ate in silence occasionally stealing glancing at each other. Even after they were done they still were quiet in each other’s company. It wasn’t until Amiyah’s phone alerted her that she had a text that snapped them back into reality.
Sitting up she leaned over to the other side checking it. As she glanced down at the notification her body tensed up with nerves as she swiped it away before sending her phone back to sleep. Erik noticed the change in her body language.
“Who was that?” His eyes gazing at her laying back into her previous spot.
“Kelley. She was just texting me about some rude customer she had to deal with.” Amiyah smiled nervously lying to him.
It was Cane. He sent her a good morning text and told her that he couldn’t wait until tonight. Guilt started to eat her up as she shrunk into his arms. The same accusations she tried putting on him that early morning when he asked her to be his girl were the same ones she committing now. Amiyah was trying to please both men at once. Being stuck in between a rock and a hard place she felt helpless. She wanted so badly to tell Erik but she would always wave the feeling off whenever she reminded herself that this was a one time thing. No strings attached. But she couldn’t shake the feeling.
“Erik I have to tell you something.” She paused.
Taking his attention off the television and on to her he brought his hand down to her thigh and caressed it. “What’s up.” He spoke softly.
“Two days ago me and Durk got into a fight. Not a physical one but a yelling match. I ended up saying some things that I shouldn’t have and it resulted into him putting me out. Which is why I’m here.” She said everything in one breath. It wasn’t the Cane situation but Amiyah hoped that if she was honest about this it would relieve some of the weight she was feeling right now.
Watching his face expression it was motionless. He looked unfazed about what she had just said as he sat there chewing on his bottom lip.
“Really? Nothing?” Amiyah scoffed folding her arms.
“Nah I was just wondering when you were going to tell me. That’s actually what I was trying to call you about last night. I thought I was gonna have to be the one to speak up.” He shrugged his shoulders.
“You knew?”
“When I went to see your brother last night he told me everything. Then I told him I didn’t like that shit and that he needs to call you so you can go back.”
Her lips formed a small smile as she listened to him revealing how he spoke up for her. Her eyes gleamed detecting his protectiveness in his voice.
“Well what did he say?” Amiyah asked curious about her brothers reaction.
“He definitely knew he fucked up. I just seen the hurt in his eyes when he was talking about the situation. He’s worried about you Miyah.” Staring into her eyes Erik wanted her to know that he was serious.
Rolling her eyes up to the ceiling she shook her head.” He didn’t seem worried when he kicked my ass out. All he wants me to do is run back to him and depend on him for the rest of my life like he’s expecting me to. I’m not going back.”
Erik chuckled taking note of her stubbornness Durk was informing him about.
“So what you gon do? Stay here with ya friend? I don’t mean to offend you when I say this but after a while miss Kelley’s patience is gonna get short every time she sees you laying her couch and getting in the way of her alone time.” He truthfully told her.
“No she’s not like that. In fact she told me I’m able to be here as long as I want so you don’t know what you’re talking about.” Her voice heightened circling her body around towards him.
His forehead creased. “Okay so even if it was like that, you still plan on staying here for a long time?”
“So what you gonna do?” He cut her sentence short.
“Erik I don’t know but I don’t want to just run back. It’ll make me look weak...especially after how he treated me.” Her eyes became glossy when she shifted her head down to her lap.
Erik taking his hand tilting her chin lifting it back up. He pulled her face near his making them only inches apart from each other.
“Making up with a love one doesn’t make you weak. We only have one life and we need to spend it cherishing our family while they’re here, you never know when it’ll be the last time you see them.”
When he said that he began to recollect the times that he had with his father. He took those moments for granted. So when the tragedy happened when his father was murder it broke him down in the inside knowing that he will never be able to make anymore memories with him.
Amiyah captured his words and took them into consideration. Maybe she should make up with her brother. After losing both of their parents she couldn’t stand the thought of not having him in her life. If anything was to happened to Durk before they could make up she would be devastated and live with resentment towards herself. Maybe it was time to put her pride aside and put it behind her.
“Okay. I’ll call him later.” Sighing in defeat but filled with alleviation she cradled into him. This time she laid her head on his lap facing his torso.
Erik played in her hair smirking at her position. “If you tryna suck a little dick just say that.” He mumbled lightening the mood but knew she heard him.
Amiyah quickly got up hitting him in his chest. Going to the other side of the couch she mumbled a few words herself. “I bet it is little.” Rolling her eyes she cuddled the pillow.
Erik’s eyebrows lifted in amusement. A smile crept on his face when he stood up. Walking to her side of the love seat he stood in front of her. His hands folded behind his back as he sucked in his bottom lip making his deep dimples poke out.
“You tryna find out?” His low voice delivered a lustful tone never taking his eyes off her.
Sitting up she leaned her weight on her right arm. Amiyah was now face to face with his crotch. It was at this moment when she noticed the imprint of his dick. It was so visible anyone who saw it would assume that he was free-balling right now. Her lips involuntarily parted giving a light gasp when she seen the tip. What could she do with that?
Her doey brown eyes traveled to his face. His dark amber orbs were enticing. As if he was the devil himself tempting her to take the bait he made it worse when he stroked her cheek giving her a questioning ‘hmm’.
“I wanna see.” Amiyah retorted not knowing that her curiosity was going to get her cat killed.
“I pull my dick out you gon have to apologize for offending him. You gon be able to do that for me?” His eyes steady boring into her.
“Maybe.” Her soft voice sending chills through his body.
Erik groaned. The tenderness she spoke with always driving him crazy. To him it seem like she was ready for everything physically but not mentally. He knew that if he gave her some dick now she wouldn’t be able to handle it. Not being pleased since the last night when he was with Alexis his dick ready to stand at attention from anything. So Erik knew that he didn’t want to take out his sexual frustrations on her inexperienced pussy just yet. It’ll ruin her.
He chuckled lightly stopping his touch. “Quit frontin you know you can’t take no dick.” He teased her sitting down.
“Whatever! You don’t know that.” She chucked a pillow at him trying to plead her case.
Ignoring her Erik moved next to her and pulled the blanket off her body. His hands fondle her thighs before opening them and laying on top of her between her legs. His head resting under her breast and on top of her squishy tummy. Grabbing the cover he pulled it back over them and closed his eyes after. He felt her squirming under him shifting his body. Pinching the outside of her thigh lightly he moved his head getting comfortable again.
“Stop moving.” His voice muffled from talking into her stomach.
“Why do you have to lay on me? You’re heavy Erik.” She playfully complained.
“Shut up and rub my head.” His smile could be felt through the fabric of her hoodie.
Amiyah’s stomach filled with butterflies. Bringing her fingers to his hair she began to rub the waves in the pattern that they were flowing. The smell of a Shea and Mango butter reached her nose. Her head tilted when she heard him give her groan letting her know that what she was doing was feeling good. Her lips curled into a smile.
Around ten minutes into this position Amiyah felt his breathing slow down. They became shallow and rested. Glancing down she tried to look at his face but couldn’t see so she called him.
She called a second time. “Baby?”
The moment he didn’t answer was when it came to her that he fell asleep. Her heart fluttered. It made her happy to know that he felt secure enough to fall asleep in her arms with no worries. Even when Erik was sleeping Amiyah didn’t stop her movements. In the inside she couldn’t stop her feelings from overtaking her body. She was falling for him. She was falling hard.
Erik’s bell tower chime went off waking him out of his sleep. Hurrying to shut it off he dug in his sweats pocket grabbing the phone and turning it off. It was his usual reminder he set for himself to go on his daily jog. Checking the time it was one in the afternoon. Tossing the cell on the table he yawned examining his surroundings.
The feeling of a body under him shuffled. Lifting his head he watched as she was still in a deep sleep. He couldn’t take his eyes off her. The way her breast lifted up and down when she inhaled and exhale. The light twitch in her eyes. Her head turning from side to side periodically. She was like a black sleeping beauty in his eyes. She looked so peaceful he didn’t bother to wake her up.
Getting up carefully he grabbed his jacket throwing it over his body. Picking up his phone he place it back into his pocket. Erik checked to make sure he had everything that he brought with him. Bending down he kissed her lips three times making her turn her body.
“I’m bout to go mama. I’ll call you later.” He whispered in her ear.
Amiyah gave a sleepy moan. Erik smiled pecking her head one last time and left. Getting into his car he put his phone on the charger and sat it in the cup holder. Wiping the sleepiness out of his eyes he yawned before starting up his car and taking off to his place.
Scratching his beard Erik chortled thinking about how fast he fell asleep on top of her. It only took him a few minutes before he was out like a light. The feeling of her body and her hands running through his head cradle him to sleep. That was the best rest he had in a long time. Not that it was long but it was just enough. He felt well rested waking up next to her.
“What is she doing to me?” Blowing out air as he leaned into his seat driving with one hand on the steering wheel.
Erik was trying to unravel the thoughts in his head. It’s only been just under two weeks and he was already doing things with her he wouldn’t normally do with any other woman. He tried to justify his feelings to himself coming up with the excuse that he knew her longer than when they first started talking but that didn’t even work.
Before he started engaging with Amiyah he didn’t have any strong feelings for her. He liked her and would always check her out from time to time but that was it. This was different. In just such a short period of time Erik acknowledged that it was becoming more than that. She wasn’t some broad he would fuck on and then leave. He wasn’t capable of doing that. Not only out of respect for his best friend but for her as well. He cared for her and everything about her.
Arriving at his condo apartment Erik parked his car and went inside. Making it to his door he was interrupted by a phone call. Answering without looking he made his way in and hung his jacket on his coat hanger.
“Yo!” He stated to whoever it was.
“What’s up bro?”
Erik did a quick look at his phone. It was a random local number. He walked up the stairs and into his bedroom taking a seat at the edge of his bed looking out of his ceiling to floor windows gazing at the view.
“Who this?” The question came out crudely.
“Cane nigga. What’s good?”
Throwing his head back his brows lifted up with a slight surprise. “What’s up lil nigga. How you get this number?”
“Your mans Durk gave it to me that night we did some work.”
Erik nodded. “Oh so what’s up, what’s going on with you?”
“Shit just chilling right now. Yo you got paid from that job yet?”
“Yeah most def. Why, you ain’t been down at the shop yet? Durk should have your cut.” Erik replied as he got up to walk to his bathroom. He turned on the shower letting the water run.
“Nah not yet but yeah I’ma need that. Got a little date tonight so I’m tryna wine and dine and finesse shorty out of some pussy ya feel me.” Cane joked causing a chuckle to leave Erik’s lips.
“Aye do what you gotta do.”
“But no I was calling to say thanks for putting in a good word for me. Durk let me know what you said and he thinking about bringing me into the business with y’all from time to time because of that. So thank you man.”
“I just told him what I saw. A nigga that ain’t scared and with the shits. You know how to get the job done and don’t hesitate. Not gonna lie I thought you was a bitch when I met you.” Giving him his honest opinion.
“Listen that’s something you’ll never see in a nigga like me. I’m always ready to pull the trigger on anybody.” Cane boasted.
Erik smirked.“Well now I know when I saw it in person for myself.” He referred to the job.
“Exactly but I’ma let you go business awaits and yo man if you need anything hit me up. I got you!”
“I appreciate that. Peace.” Erik smiled shaking his head ending the call. He saved Cane’s number before placing his phone on the bathroom sink.
Undressing from his attire he walked inside the spacious walk in shower. Standing directly under the square shower head the water poured on him getting him soaked. His eyes closing to block them from the sudden rush. When he did Amiyah invaded the darkness in his mind. How her body felt up against his. The fullness of her lips. How her voice would go up an octave whenever she was excited. How she would nibble on her lip when she would overthink.
The simple things like that had drawn him into her. But what made his insides heat up with lust was when he replayed the way he had her moaning in the back of his car that night. Her pebble nipples perking up with ease the moment he flicked them. The grip her tight warm sticky pussy had on his fingers and he wasn’t even deep enough for his satisfaction. Her natural essence coating his tongue when he brought his hand to his mouth.
“Fuck.” Erik groaned as he took his Old Spice body wash and poured into a rag and began to lather his body.
To Erik it felt as if she was so close but yet far away from him, because he wanted her. He wanted her in a way he couldn’t have her yet. His body yearning to scratch that itch with hers. Glancing down he watched his dick grow with every thought. Erik wasn’t one to jerk off much since he always had access to some pussy on the regular but due to the circumstances of his new relationship he had no option.
“Calm down big man...we gotta be patient.” He chuckled when he talked to his appendage.
Adding more soap to his rag his body became covered with small bubbles. Traveling down low he washed his long and girthy member. Hanging the towel up on the handle he used his free hand to stroke his dick. Leaning one hand against the tile wall for support he glanced down and noticed the precum dripping out. He used his thumb and massaged the sensitive tip with the liquid before gripping the shaft and going up and down.
“Damn Amiyah...” He mumbled in a hush tone.
Putting his imagination to work he began to fantasize about her being in the shower as well and on her knees in front of him. Water flowing between her heavy brown titties. Her mouth open and tongue out waiting for her reward after sucking him dry with her tight lips. Soft brown eyes staring up while running her nail tips up and down his thighs creating goosebumps.
“Please give it to me Daddy...I want it.”
He could hear her moan the words in her soft pretty voice. His hand circled around his sensitive tip,which was his spot, as he worked to get his nut. The feeling of his abs tightening up let him know he was right there. He continued to stroke the shaft the way he liked it this time with a firmer grip imagining it was her tight walls.
“Shit..get it mama.” His toes curled into the wet floor not stopping his motion.
He was there. All of his energy was going to get drain out through his orgasm. Pinching his eyes closed and biting on his bottom lip he felt the pulsing at the head of his dick. Getting closer and closer to his climax until...
The sudden sound of his phone ringing made his eyes snap open. It alarmed him. His focus was gone. He could no longer see the image of her body he made up in his mind. Cursing to himself he was heated. Just when he was about to get the release he needed, it was taken away from him.
Turning the knob and walking out the shower he wiped his hand with a bath towel and wrapped it around his waist. He answered the call with irritation radiating through his voice.
“Nigga you want to tell me why yo bitch Alexis is calling my place of business making threats she can’t keep.” Durk blared through the cell.
Erik shook his head forgetting about the situation.
“Shit! Look man don’t worry about that. I’m on the way right now.”
Seven thirty in the evening rolled around as the time was getting closer to her ‘date’ with Cane. Checking her hair in the bathroom Amiyah fluffed out the curls. She didn’t want to do to much so she settled for a basic body wave look. Amiyah didn’t want to go out her way to try and impress the man that she was only going to see for this one time and hopefully never again.
The black sweater maxi dress with a side slit clung to her curves. Deciding that it was appropriate for the night because it didn’t reveal too much it was any easy choice for her. Her thoughts were interrupted when Kelley stood in the doorway eating a bowl of ice cream. She observed her outfit with a grin.
“Okay bitch I see you! Where we going out tonight?” She cheered her on while taking spoonfuls of her dessert.
Amiyah laughed putting on her diamond studs.
“I’m actually going on a date tonight.”
“Aww with Erik..that’s so cute.” Kelley’s lip pouted as she admired her friend’s wardrobe.
Hesitantly Amiyah looked back in forth between herself in the mirror and Kelley. “Um. It’s with someone else.” Her words were mumbled.
Kelly’s eyes lit up looking amused before walking over next to her friend. “Sis are you treating these niggas like Lori Harvey? Let me find out.”
Their laughter became suspended when Amiyah got a text notification from Cane. He told her that he was waiting for her outside.
“Oh my God he’s here already.” She stated nervously as they both exited the bathroom.
“Hold up, he’s where?” Kelley put her bowl in the sink.
“Outside. I told him to meet me here.”
Amiyah watched as her eyes widened. “Bitch why you tell that nigga to come here. He could be crazy as hell.” Walking to her door Kelley peeked through the window blinds.
“I’m sorry but I didn’t know what else to tell him. I can’t meet him at the restaurant because I have no car and I don’t think he’s like that so you shouldn’t worry.” Amiyah spoke with reassurance so she wouldn’t have to worry as she grabbed her purse along with her trench coat.
“I hope you’re right. Don’t forget to share your location with me and be careful Amiyah.”
“Already done and I am careful.” Walking to the front door she gave Kelley a small smile and a glance before leaving.
When she made it outside she seen the black BMW parked in front of the house. Cane got out with a smile covering his face. He was wearing a cream colored turtleneck with black slacks. An all black LV jacket with 3D pockets draped over his fit and two gold chains to finish the look. Stepping off the porch she made her way to his vehicle.
Cane’s fist balled up to his mouth as he shook his head smirking. “Mm mm..damn ma you showing out tonight.” Walking up to her he greeted her with a hug holding her waist.
Amiyah couldn’t stop herself from blushing with the little distance they had between them. He was a little rougher than Erik but his touch still ignited something in her body. She returned the gesture quickly wrapping her arm around him and then released. She felt his hand swiped pass her butt when he let her go.
“You ready to get out of here?”
Shyly giving him a ‘yes’ she allowed him to walk her to his car guiding her by the small of her back. When they reached it he did a light jog to his side hopping in. Amiyah’s face screwed up when he didn’t opened her door. Mentally rolling her eyes she let herself in.
“So where are we going?” She started up a conversation to prevent an awkward car ride.
“The Signature Room. It’s a little drive so it might take us a while to get there. That okay with you?” He plucked at the cuff of his jacket.
Fiddle with her earring she gave a shy smile. “Of course.”
The ride lasted forty-five minutes. The tall look alike skyscraper building glowing with lights beamed in her eyes. Cane drove through a parking garage finding a spot. Shutting off the car they both got out simultaneously.
“Why are we here?” Her face brighten becoming agape.
They walked hand in hand towards the elevator.
He chuckled. “The restaurant is on the top floor to give you a view of the city.”
When they reached the top the doors open to a beautiful dimly lit restaurant. Tall windows with white drapes surround the restaurant. The pleasant smell of spices and herbs filled her nose. With her eyes dancing around Amiyah noticed that majority of the consumers were high class white people. She felt out of her element as they walked to the hostess.
“Welcome to The Signature. May I have your name?” The small petite lady spoke cheerfully.
“Last name Tejada and first is Lorenzo.” He replied with confidence.
“Oh yes Tejada! I see here that you recommended a private area for you and the lovely young lady here. Which I love your dress by the way. But yes follow me please!”
Cane glanced over watching Amiyah blush from the unexpected compliment. His eyes explored her body appreciating the silhouette that her dress was teasing him with.
Making it to the table the hostess left behind two menus before parting with a smile. Cane reached for her jacket helping her take it off. Amiyah gave him a soft thank you while observing the table.
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It was facing directly out the window. The city’s lights giving a luminous glow into the building. The wrap around booth made it easy for them to have dinner with a view. Slipping inside she sat her purse to the side of her then folded her hands in her lap.
“Wow this place is beautiful. Great pick.” Her expression marveled at his choice.
Taking off his own jacket he places it next to him once he found his spot beside her.
“Thank you. I promised you I would bring you to the finest of the finest and here we are.” He stared into her eyes as he laid his arm around her resting it on the dining booth.
Amiyah’s face flushed with nerves. Her chest rose and fell with rapid breaths as she tugged on her earlobes to help calm her down. She became extremely jittery under his gawking eyes.
“Well thank you for bringing me here.” Giving him a light smile she picked up the menu going over the dishes.
“Of course. I just hope this isn’t the last date we have together.”
There was that word again. Her mind immediately thought of Erik. Here she was on a date with a random man while she was hiding it from her man. Her memory went back to her and Erik laying on the couch together as they fell asleep earlier this morning. Her body missed the weight of his being pressed on top of her. The feeling of his hands caressing her thighs to help get him to a relaxed state. She became filled with regret with every flashback.
Minutes had past by when the two of them quietly glanced over their menus. The silence was intense and thick. Amiyah stayed to herself not knowing what to say especially with the emotions she was dealing with. But Cane broke her muteness when he asked her a question.
“So tell me about yourself?” His arms now folded resting on the table.
“What do you want to know?”
He snickered. “Anything you want to let me know.” His voice became soft and attentive.
Clearing her throat she responded. “Well um..I’m 21. My birthday is in March. I work at a boutique called Bella Ellas. My favorite color is purple and I have one brother that I live with. Or used to.” She mumbled the last sentence low enough for him to not be able to hear it.
“No shit my birthday is in March too!” He sipped on the water that was brought to the table just seconds after they were seated.
Amiyah’s eyes lit up. “Really? What day?”
“March 5th, what about you?”
“March 16th. Your a Pisces too?”
“Yup, best zodiac sign out of the bunch.”
He bobbed his head as they laughed.
“Wait so what about you? Lorenzo? I would have never guessed that to be your real name.” Placing her hand under her chin she watched him lean back into the seat.
Cane laughed and folded his arms. “Yeah I was named after my dad. With me being the oldest of my siblings I had no choice but to be the one.” He threw his hands up.
Amiyah smiled feeling herself becoming comfortable. “So how did you get the nickname Cane?” She asked interested in his background.
“When I was a kid I used to go crazy around the house. I had so much energy just storming all over the place like a hurricane. So that’s what they called me, hurricane. But when I got older I stuck with it and changed it to Cane for short. I never felt like Lorenzo fitted me.” He tapped his fingers on the table as he finished telling his story.
Her body moved next to his. Both of their backs against the booth. Bumping his shoulder with hers playfully she gave him a gentle smile.
“I like Cane better anyways.” Her soft voice was comforting to him.
Canes eyes glanced at her full glossy lips. Sucking in his bottom lip he leaned his face closer to hers.
“And I like the way you say my name.” His voice low and deeper.
Amiyah studied him knowing what was coming next. She watched his hand travel up to her face caressing her cheek. Her eyes closing as she felt him pull her into a kiss.
Please excuse any mistakes!
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