#thank you so much for the ask! 💖
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illumiera · 5 months ago
Hello! 5, 11 and 19 for Elentari <3 For 5, I know you ship her with Miraak so tell em about them <3
✨ ask game ✨
hihi! thank you so much for the ask! 💖
5) do you ship your OC with a canon character? if so, who?
YOU GOT IT, Elentari is shipped with Miraak! I won't ramble about them too much (Lumi lies lyingly, knowing she has an 84k words and counting fic for them), but the gist of things is that as Dragonborn, neither of their souls are truly bound by the laws of time. this means that whenever she dreams of him in the Fourth Era, she's actually interacting with him four thousand years in the past. unbeknownst to her and forgotten by him (since Hermaeus Mora stole his memories from him), they have a whole lot of history before their "first" meeting in Apocrypha!
when they meet there, Ellie doesn't especially want to kill him. she's Arch-Mage, vanquisher of the World-Eater—hasn't destiny had its fill of her already? why should she strike down the one person who could possibly understand what it's like to walk Nirn a stranger to both mortals and dragons? and so she resolves to try to save him, or slay if she absolutely can't save him, and everything spirals from there... 😼
11) what was your inspiration for your OC?
as silly as it sounds, Elentari was one of those OCs who just mentally kicked the door down and announced herself like, "hi. I'm here now. this is my name, this is what I look like, now write about me." that said, I take a fair bit of inspiration from the goddess Persephone in the "goddess of spring" and "queen of the Underworld" sense—this idea of Ellie as a gentle, soft-spoken healer who wears flowers in her hair but can be ruthless and incredibly deadly when she sees the need. there's also definitely something of my beloved Eowyn, Daenerys Targaryen, and Sansa Stark in the mix!
19) what is their sexuality? what is their love language, both giving and receiving?
to me, Elentari is a big ol' demi! she's one of those people who somehow manages to be very warm and generous without letting many people in past her walls, so it takes a lot for her to actually fall for someone. as for a love language, while she'll certainly blush for the right words (and can totally reciprocate), she's a big fan of giving and receiving gestures that speak without words at all—a hand-embroidered gift, something fresh-baked, someone there when needed, favours done, a weight eased. this goes for friends, too! 🥰
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meltedmush · 4 months ago
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Yeah :)
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jazze-bee · 5 months ago
Not a question, but the way you draw Sans is so cute, that after literally only five minutes of scrolling through your blog, I was overcome with cute aggression and I need to squeeze him in my fist like a stress ball 🫶
(Also I forgot you drew the Trans Undertale comic LMAO. Literally the comic ever)
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brain damage
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choccy-milky · 8 months ago
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seb wants to be pet, too 😤💕 ((TYSM to @angel-fr0m-venus for asking how seb would react to clora petting all the cats around the school/hogsmeade BAHAHA. like a neglected puppy, thats how🐶))
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dustykneed · 18 days ago
I am sad to say I often miss your art when I'm scrolling but when I DO see it, I proceed to scroll through your blog for an hour until I catch up. I love your art so much. I want to eat it 💖💖💖💖💖
oh gosh, that's so sweet of you to say 🥺 side note, i love your url hehe (so much so that the mental image inspired a short silly comic! hope you enjoy <33)
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aimervee · 4 months ago
idk if its alright to barge into your askbox like this but i just wanted to say that your art is one of my many inspirations because there is a certain feeling to it that feels like 'home', in a way. some sort of comfort thats just really nice overall. piper and clementine are also one of my favs of all time and i have many thoughts about them.. anyways sorry again and have a good day/afternoon/evening
🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 WHAT THE HECK THIS IS SO SWEET… THANK YOU… (muffled crying noises)
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little doodle for you! <3 seriously, please barge in my askbox whenever you’d like! reading stuff like this always makes my day ;_; I’m smiling like such a dork right now; hearing that my art feels like ‘home’ is the absolute biggest compliment I ever could’ve received and I’ll be carrying that compliment with me forever adsjfdsj
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ifindus · 1 month ago
Would love to hear your thoughts about Norway during his peak in the Middle Ages - The old kingdom!
Thank you so much for all the top-tier historical asks you’ve filled my inbox with 🙏🥺💖 I very much appreciate it ✨
Norgesveldet, Norway at its largest and most powerful is such an interesting topic, and I’d like to take this opportunity to talk more about Norway’s character arch and his standing in Scandinavia during this time. And along this, @95jezzica’s hc that Norway is the oldest out of the Scandis, which I absolutely love.
During the 1200s Norway is at his peak. He is the largest he has ever been, ruling over land far away, a result of his exploration and craftiness at sea. He is involved with an extensive trading network, stretching from his settlements on Greenland, Iceland, the Faeroe Islands, Shetland, Orkney, and the Hebrides, as well as large areas that today belongs to Sweden, with connections to Europe through the Hanseatic League as well as his neighbours. Many of Norway’s territories are inhabited by Norwegian settlers, who all pay taxes to the Norwegian crown, accumulating a fair amount of coin to be spent on buildings and other stately projects. He has the entire North Atlantic under his control. Norway is exporting iron, furs, fish, and fish oil to the rest of Europe. At this time, Norway is the largest nation in Europe measured by land.
At home, Norway has just finished his civil war in 1240, and with a new and stable system in place, he flourishes; the Sagas are written, churches are built, and cities are founded. A sort of government is formed, and a new law is made, establishing a more developed justice system and a more effective military system. Norway was the second kingdom in Europe to be gathered under a common law (after Castille) and establishes diplomatic connections to other countries. The administration of the Norway is solidified and he really takes his shape as a powerful and well-established nation.
Based on the actual year of founding, Norway is the oldest “nation” in Scandinavia, and I want to give Jezz credit here for influencing me towards this hc. Denmark, Sweden, and Norway have all been more or less equal throughout the Viking Age, with some periods where they were in alliances and had more complex relations. Norway was allowed to grow on the basis of Denmark being weaker etc. But we essentially have three nations who grew up together here, similar in age, development, and influence. And we see Norway really grow up through his civil war between 1130 and 1240, coming out stronger as a result. In the 1200s and 1300s he is a genuine powerful nation who has powerful connections and resources.
Then, we get The Plague, The Black Death. Norway is hit a lot harder than Denmark and Sweden. It is almost fatal to him and it nearly kills him, eventually merging his royal family into those of his neighbours, and we see Denmark especially take advantage of the situation to form the Kalmar Union.
And this all makes such an interesting character development for Norway. As a slightly older nation with a rich and proud history, being an equal or maybe even more powerful than his neighbours, at his definite peak, to take such a fall. To end up being stowed away, his existence merely symbolic at times, seeing his future as uncertain and under the total control of others. He falls. He is crippled. And he ends up being tossed around for nearly 500 years before he can finally stand up as an independent nation once more.
It really makes for such an interesting dynamic between the Scandis as well. Both Denmark and Sweden knows what Norway used to be, how powerful and proud he was, and they see what he has been reduced to after the Plague and during the union. Maybe they even start to forget who he used to be. Though sometimes, in certain situations when he is fired up, they can see remnants of the nation he once was.
They are definitely reminded of his past in 1814 and 1905.
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starflungwaddledee · 9 months ago
Have you noticed that Red Butterfly is keep following you?
And no, most of the butterflies don't follow anyone but scents of nectar.
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starstruck regained +5 points of emotional health! she remembered this is meant to be an adventure, and looks forward to seeing some exciting things! just not this particular butterfly, it seems.
<< prev || [masterpost] || next >> additional ask by @maybeher0
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sugarpasteltmnt · 1 year ago
*twiddles thumbs*
..i made more art because ur fic is real good 👍😊
i can’t stop won’t stop this fic literally possessed me./pos
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AWWW OMG THANK YOU 🩵💞💖💗‼️‼️heheh he's on his way to GET you >:3
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det-symphony85 · 6 months ago
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Hello my bun, would p1 dude like a match to smoke? ÙwÚ
you and your drawing style are phenomenally beautiful❤✨ seriously
And... That's my girl "demoiselle" (⁠.⁠⁠❛⁠⁠ᴗ⁠⁠❛⁠.⁠) >w<
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- 𝙷𝚎𝚑....𝙸 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚐𝚘𝚝 𝚖𝚢 𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚎𝚛. 𝚃𝚑𝚊𝚗𝚔𝚜, 𝚜𝚑𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢.
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moo-savr · 4 days ago
doomguy doomguy doom guy DOOMGUY DOOMGUY
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jinhyun · 2 months ago
okayyy, next part of heart out coming today<333
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boiling-potato · 4 months ago
mom i drew your children please free me from the your basement now
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IT'S BEAUTIFUUUUL!!!!!! AH- (⁠༎ຶ⁠ 益 ⁠༎ຶ⁠)❤️‼️
My child, your mother is stressing at school right now and this just made me really happy!!! Thank you Soo much for this wonderful gift! I'll treasure this forever~!!!ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ🫶💕💕❤️❤️‼️‼️
(don't worry, I have something for all of you too 🤫☺️☺️)
Also,,, uhh maybe next time, for the meantime, I'm giving you Nintendo to keep you entertained down there k? ^^
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mel-loly · 25 days ago
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choccy-milky · 7 months ago
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Hello! I'm not sure if you remember me but I DM'ed you one time and ask for some advice when it comes to drawing.. XD I just wanted to post this to show you how much I have improved, as well as a gift to say thank you for giving me the inspiration to practice drawing again!! I know I still have a lot to learn, but I will do my best to keep on practicing and maybe someday I can draw my MC along with yours :D
AW THIS IS SO CUTEE THANK YOU!!😭🥹🥹im so happy i could help you even a little bit with any advice, and also that i could inspire you to keep drawing!! your art is already super adorable so ik youll just keep getting better and better, and im hononured to see clora in your style...TYSM AGAIN!!🥹💖💖🙏
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mobius-m-mobius · 4 months ago
Late trick or treat?
Of course and anytime! Always adore reading your takes on the show and all these amazing characters, not to mention our discussions about the same so here's a little tribute to the overall journey of the series until we hopefully get the next chapter sooner rather than later 🥰
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