#thank you so SO much
flipppyflopp · 2 days
flippy flop you gotta change ur name bc yOUR ART NEVER FLOPS‼‼‼‼‼ AAAAAAASWDHJENSJJSNFJ🗣🗣🗣 HOLY CANNOLI
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The way this made me tear up 🥹 THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I can’t express how grateful I am for all the love that my pieces receive. I’m always blown away by the reactions for my pieces and I read each and every reblog and comment they get. I tuck all your words away and use them to motivate me for my future pieces.
Funny inside for my username, I originally wanted my signature to be a flip flop hence the name flippyflopp, but I couldn’t figure out a way to draw one. Like I was taking so much time to draw a flip flop when it was faster to just write out my username. I even thought about having my signature mascot being a seagull holding a broken flip flop…but again, so time consuming and then I came up with Sebcroc and he’s become the icon of my account ever since.
Anyways, excuse my ramblings. Again, thank you all so, so much, you all are the best! 💕
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turnipoddity · 2 months
ROPE CONTENT?? FROM THE SAW FAN ARTIST?? amazing taste, no notes!!
here i can’t help myself to draw the og be gay do crime
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blvnk-art · 9 months
This is me, in 2018, sketching something in The Elephant House at Endinburgh. I rarely share a photo or video of mine but now I wonder why not :) Maybe I'll delete later but until there, here it is. The person behind all these HP comics.
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shivroy · 6 months
oh beloved shivroy i come to your blog for succposting but that one drawing of garte has bewitched me body and soul. there are only a handful of garte lovers and understanders and i am happy to count you among the garte enjoyers. i dedicated the karaoke to him because i love him. tell me what you think of him please
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HEY HELLO thank you FOREVER. GARTE!!!!! GARTE for u
when i played DE for the very first runthrough i was like Why is he so mean to me. me being harry and like as i was playing that first time i didnt exactly realize how much of a bastard harry is (i say with love). now i just love garte hes such a great character for atmosphere and his interactions with all other characters are perfect, wonderfully voice-acted and i lurve his portrait. MEOW lawrence garte
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somerandomdudelmao · 11 months
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I know I posted this as a reblog but I really really wanted to make sure you saw it bc I worked v hard on it and hope you like it
It also gave me an idea ,,,, imagine CAS but in blender ? 👀 animated perhaps?
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corviiids · 4 days
hi!!! all the fic updates/uploads recently have me bouncing off the walls i am so appreciative of all of them!!!! i just hope the procrastination doesn’t have terrible consequences, for your sake
I have this for you!
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your dialogue is always so so entertaining i had to do something with it at least once!!! look i know it says slightly manic in the fic but i couldn’t help myself. idk maybe it is only slightly manic. he’s normal. a secret third thing. i’ll leave that judgement in your hands! :D
DUDE. dude. you genuinely have no idea what this did for me. this is exactly precisely the morale boost i needed because i in fact right now at this moment am trying to teach myself all of family law in one night. it's going bad. those are the terrible consequences you referred to
in all sincerity thank you so so much, for this fucking hilarious and incredible drawing (holy shit) but ALSO for your extremely kind words and i am so happy if you've been having fun with my fic :D but ALSO. for this drawing. im in tears. this is the perfect comic. ren startling in the background. goro's manic face. this is the correct level of mania. im feeling it right now. i will never be able to express my gratitude to you
(context this is a scene from my akeshu australian law school au yes you read that correctly)
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rebka18 · 3 months
So if you wanted to draw the old gays again, I think you should draw Serizawa dressed as his favorite video game character Mario and then Reigen dressed as Princess Peach 👑
Based on these pictures of them in Acnh:
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(...Mario mustache optional)
oh how i love this request thank you so much for the suggestion,hope you like them:
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tightjeansjavi · 5 months
Okay, now it’s time for me to get sappy..(when am I not?)
I recently hit 3.5k followers and I’m truly just in awe that so many of you have chosen to follow me, and read my stories, and get to know me through my writing 🥺 honestly, when I wrote my first fic last year I never expected anyone to read it, let alone ask me to write more. The amount of support and encouragement I have received has not gone unnoticed, and I appreciate every single one of you that are here 🤍
Everytime I hit one of these milestones the feeling becomes even more surreal. When I’m writing and sharing my stories, I’m being me. I’m sharing private bits about myself through my writing, and being vulnerable which is truly such a raw, and very human feeling. Out in the quote on quote ‘real world’ I’m just Gianna. But on here, I’m Gi. I’m tightjeansjavi.
From the very bottom of my heart I love you all so so much ♡
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the-kingshound · 4 months
Hej hej! Please dont worry about updating!! Honestly, reading your blog is already super fulfilling! I get really excited whenever I see youve posted on here <3 Like, tiny lore drops or RO asks or drabbles or literally anything, Im squealing like a cartoon teenage girl "Kal posted!.!.!" <33 Really, really love your story (stories, ig i love from the ashes we rise so much as well), and any smidge of info or content you give us of it :D Im obv excited and pumped for whenever the update might come out but its 0 rush! Please take whatever time you need for whatever reason! <3
I love you anon please accept this realistic picture of me while reading:
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thatmooncake · 5 months
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They’re very cute I want to hug em🥺💕 very nice designs!! :-)) 👍
;u; !!! Rolling around like a blissed out kitty right now, I am in LOVE with your style and you made them look insanely cute wah thank you!!
@flinxypie Look look!! <3
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blossompigeon · 7 months
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Happy Thanksgiving to my American followers! Here's another batch of bird doodle commissions done for some lovely lovely people! All bird IDs, like last time, are in the image descriptions.
I'll be closing these at the start of December methinks, so if you'd like a bird doodle, I'll be doing them for $10 over on ko-fi until December hits! And if you've commissioned one - THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'm so grateful, truly ;;
Buy tytonidaeus a Coffee. ko-fi.com/tytonidaeus - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page.
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and-corn · 6 months
Your new day page for new years really resonated with me. It's good to see that someone understands that sometimes things are a struggle. Your art is a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day, and it makes people feel seen and understood. Thank you for all the beauty you put into the world.
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I will be weeping for the next 2 to 4 business days, thank you
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Updated Mosy reference
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bakubunny · 1 month
Ya wanna share the new toy you got waitin' on ya in your playroom with the class, Princess? Or should I just send that nanny cam vid of you gettin' fucked dumb, all glassy eyed and drooling 'round your pacifier, to Half-and-Half only? -Kats
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i am so warm rn shut the front door
katsuki! 😵‍💫
i um. i wasn’t gonna share that w-with everyone, but if you insist. thank you!! it’s so nice of you to spoil me. it’s adorable. 🥺
and really? you would send that to shoto?? he’d be a little surprised to get - get something like that from you, don’t you think?
♡ bunny ♡
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jey-draws · 17 days
Hello! I just started reading goodbye spaceguy and !! the colors!!! the characters! the whole comic is so cool :D
Thank you for reading! I'm glad you like it! Making a small following of readers gives me so much happiness and it's nice to hear from you :)
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Gore Mod Review
Okay I'm not sure where to begin. Most of what I can say is just...wow. I'm going to be completely honest I installed this mod on a complete whim, I wasn't even really looking for a follower mod specifically, it was more of a I've experienced the mods I have repeatedly by this point. I'm not complaining I still love the mods I have and the followers I already have that being: Kaidan, Lucien and Inigo, but I kind of wanted something fresh and I got all that and much more.
Spoilers but extremely vague ones
Okay so when I initially met Gore I went in with the mindset of not comparing him to my other followers I already have grown to know and love because that would not only set high expectations, but its also completely demeaning to the mod creator.
When you first meet him I was just immediately drawn to him because he is just so easily likeable, but I think the moment that truly solidified that I'd never play another playthrough without him was during the climb to High Hrothgar. His presence and reassurance was just everything to me because thinking about it if I was truly the dragonborn I'd be terrified, all that responsibility in such a short amount of time is daunting (especially considering that it was only recently you were about to be executed) and he really reminded me to take a moment to prioritise myself and what I was feeling.
The small things really sold this mod to me as well as the amazing voice acting and story...he just feels so real? Not to mention that I sobbed his entire story because it was like looking into a mirror. I really resonated with him and I could really see him as my best friend.
Okay now for genuine spoilers depending on choices
His optional romance route was just utterly stunning. It flowed so so easily and didn't feel forced or rushed it just felt so natural. It all really hit close to home though his struggles with relationships and the concept that someone would actually like him for him and not be disgusted by his past. As someone who's never been in a relationship let alone been near another person in that sort of fashion it was just so comforting to both be in the same boat. The build up and everything was just so well executed from him trying to push you away by giving you reasons to end things to finally accepting that you do want to be with him even if it's foreign to him.
But whether you choose to romance him or to remain friends my favourite quality of his is that he is uniquely him; by that I mean he genuinely feels like a real person because he's humorous and he has his own thoughts, feelings and opinions and he will make them known and he stays true to himself and his beliefs all whilst growing as a person and learning to be better. Despite everything he's been though he's such a positive figure to have even if he thinks otherwise and its so nice to get to be apart of his journey and watch him learn to be content with himself as well as his past. I cannot sing his praises enough I genuinely have so much love for the character and the creator. He's become my favourite companion in such a short time and I could write for hours and hours about how much I love Gore and how much I appreciate your work but I won't...Just thankyou so much for making me and everyone who plays this mod seen and felt and much love to you! And I urge everyone to get the mod to experience this absolute treasure! 💞
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