#s the fucking tragedies i am enduring (had to read legislation for a little while)
corviiids · 6 days
hi!!! all the fic updates/uploads recently have me bouncing off the walls i am so appreciative of all of them!!!! i just hope the procrastination doesn’t have terrible consequences, for your sake
I have this for you!
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your dialogue is always so so entertaining i had to do something with it at least once!!! look i know it says slightly manic in the fic but i couldn’t help myself. idk maybe it is only slightly manic. he’s normal. a secret third thing. i’ll leave that judgement in your hands! :D
DUDE. dude. you genuinely have no idea what this did for me. this is exactly precisely the morale boost i needed because i in fact right now at this moment am trying to teach myself all of family law in one night. it's going bad. those are the terrible consequences you referred to
in all sincerity thank you so so much, for this fucking hilarious and incredible drawing (holy shit) but ALSO for your extremely kind words and i am so happy if you've been having fun with my fic :D but ALSO. for this drawing. im in tears. this is the perfect comic. ren startling in the background. goro's manic face. this is the correct level of mania. im feeling it right now. i will never be able to express my gratitude to you
(context this is a scene from my akeshu australian law school au yes you read that correctly)
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