#thank you holl!
vonlipvig · 3 months
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"how do three of the country's leading economists not have one plausible solution to our economic troubles between them?"
hello suzerain gain, i'm still very burnt out so today i offer you a meme feat. the economic trio, feel free to use it whenever the economy is in shambles 👍🏼📉💲
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I can’t stop thinking about “mystogan baby koala” and so I present
We backpack him to Acno
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Like no lie Acnologia would scruff him so fast and Mystogan is honestly okay with it. He's got honorary kid status for a reason.
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cheemerthelizard · 1 year
I love when my mutuals just have a sudden urge to reblog everything they can find about one specific topic. I know this isn't a new idea on tumblr but I can't find another post right now so I'm making my own.
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thevqid · 1 year
THE FIRST TOME I SAW THAT POST “shamani is so rock”
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adveanture · 2 years
      *      ARCANAEM      /      ft.   fresh   cut   grass      —      oc   starter   call 
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their   head   aches.         her   knuckles   are   pressed   into   her   eyes,   doing   whatever   they   can   to   flatten   out   the   vision   pulsing   between   her   ears      —      bleeding   through   everything   averine   sees   and   thinks   and   feels.      the   little   mechanized   cleric   is   doing   their   best   to   help   .   .   .      but   avie   doesn’t   think   anything      (   or   anyone   )      can   help   by   now.            “      d-don’t,      ”            they   begin   to   warn.      she   doesn’t   wish   for   anything   to   happen   to   this   kind   construct.      maybe   she   can’t   hurt   @arcanaem​​   .   .   .      she   hopes   she   can’t.            “      don’t   t-touch   me,   p-please   .   .   .      ”
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staff · 2 years
tumblr tuesday: the greatest mafia movie
There's so much lore. An original soundtrack (masterlist here, thanks to @thisisnotjuli). It all began with a pair of boots. Then, a movie poster by @beelzeebub:
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And here's how it's going:
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And lastly, before she was Wonderwoman, @reallyndacarter was "Dancer #2." She has kindly revealed this hitherto unreleased photo from the world premier of the film:
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Obsessed with Goncharov? Need more? If you want to join in, please be sure to use the tags #goncharov (for posterity) and #unreality (for those who need it). Take care out there!
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hollandsgrave · 2 years
List five things that make you happy, then put this in the ask box of the last ten people who reblogged something from you. Spread the positivity ✨💛🌻
1. My husband and my dog 🐕
2. My close friends
3. Coffeeeeeeeeee ☕️
4. Fresh produce, a warm day with a breeze
5. My comfort video games/movies
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beautification-tales · 5 months
The Flight part 1
An Outbreak Story
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Holly had always wondered what it felt like to be on a yacht. The white, billowing sails stretched taut against the blue sky, the sea breeze carrying the salty scent of the ocean. As she stepped onto the luxurious vessel, her eyes darted around, taking in the gleaming teak deck, the shiny fiberglass hull, and the well-appointed cabins. She couldn't help but marvel at the sheer extravagance that surrounded her.
She walked confidently on the deck ready to sunbathe her bright blue bikini hugging her curves. As she stretched out on one of the plush loungers, she felt the warmth of the sun on her skin. A cool breeze ruffled her hair, and she closed her eyes, letting the peaceful sounds of the ocean lull her into a state of relaxation. She felt a tap on her shoulder and opened her eyes. Standing before her was the yacht's owner, a handsome, middle-aged man dressed casually in khaki shorts and a polo shirt.
"Hey baby." he asked with a warm smile. "You are looking magnificent as always." Holly smiled as she arched her back looking up at him. “Babe, what did I say about wearing khaki shorts? You’re a millionaire and this is your ship. Now take them off sailor.” He chuckled and started to unbutton his shorts. She watched as they fell to the deck revealing his tan, muscular legs. He climbed onto the lounger next to her and propped himself up on one elbow.
“Did you hear the news about the outbreak?” The man asked in a woman’s voice. “Huh? What outbreak?” Holly shook her head as the man became fuzzy. She closed her eyes and opened them again. A black haired flight attendant was standing in front of her in the galley. She pulled her phone out and showed the story to Holly. Holly sighed as she realized she was no longer in her fantasy but back on her shift on the international flight. Holly held Lucy’s phone and read the article. Holly nervously bit her nails and wiped her uniform off as she read. “It says it’s airborne already.” Holly groaned. “I can’t do another Covid!” She handed the phone back to good friend Lucy.
“Yeah! But it’s like a weird disease. Some people get really sick but others….” Lucy trailed off not knowing how to explain it. “Others.. what Lucy?” Holly asked, her voice tense. “Well they change but it’s like hard to believe what I was reading.” Lucy said nervously, looking around the galley. Holly nodded, feeling a chill run down her spine. They both knew they had to focus on their jobs, but the news was hard to ignore. Holly bit her nails again before asking. “You think it might have reached Australia yet?” Holly asked as they had just left the country on their way to L.A.
Lucy shrugged, looking worried. They both knew it was only a matter of time before they found out. In the meantime, they had to go back to their duties. Holly attended to the first class passengers as she eyed the middle aged man reading from his paper. “Sir?” she said politely, trying to catch his attention. The man looked up from his screen, his blue eyes meeting hers. He smiled warmly.
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“Umm, is there anything I can get you, sir? Another drink? A snack perhaps?" Holly asked, trying to catch his attention. The man shook his head, his smile never wavering. "No, thank you, Holly. I'm just catching up on some work here. You know how it is." He chuckled, and she couldn't help but smile back. "Of course, sir. I'm here if you need anything."
Holly brought the cart back to the galley as she found Lucy sitting reading from her phone. Holly wanting to distract Lucy brought up a new subject. “Hey did you see the guy in L6?” She asked, motioning to the business class section of the plane. Lucy nodded, looking up from her phone. “Yeah that’s Brent Book he owns that new tech company. Heard he was a real playboy back in the day. Not bad for his age though, huh? I wonder what he does on these flights...." Holly grinned, imagining the possibilities.
“I bet he still flies commercial because he has a thing for flight attendants.” Holly winked, her cheeks turning a shade of pink. She glanced over at the man in question, wondering what it would be like to be with someone like that. Holly was a sweet competent flight attendant but desired the life Lucy and many of her colleagues had. Holly was a bit average looking and her friends like Lucy got all the attention. Lucy was always glued to her phone because she had over 100 k followers on TikTok. Lucy would brag and show off the hundreds of DM’s she received as Holly read them with envy. Rich businessman and eligible bachelors would take her on amazing dates as Holly spent nights alone in her hotel.
“Oh yeah?” Lucy said as she got up from her bucket seat. “Let’s see if I can get his number.” Lucy adjusted her stockings and breasts as she walked into business class pretending to check on passengers. Lucy reached Brent’s seat and leaned down with a seductive look. Holly looked on with jealousy as Brent laughed and talked with Lucy.
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A bell went off and it was a passenger in economy in . “Just great.” Hollly grumbled as she put on her fake smile and went to help them. As she reached the passenger she saw he was shivering and sweating at the same time. His face was pale as he rubbed his shoulders. “How can I help you?” Holly asked, her brow furrowed with concern. “Yes, I’m feeling really cold all of a sudden. Can I get a blanket?” The man asked, his voice barely a whisper. Holly nodded and went to get him a blanket from the galley. As she returned the man coughed in his hand as Holly leaned over to hand him the blanket. The man sneezed violently as fluid hit Holly’s face. “Are you ok sir? Are you feeling sick?” Holly asked, her face now inches from his. “No, so sorry about that. I am just feeling cold. Thank you for the blanket.”
Holly and Lucy exchanged stories when they met in the back again. “So he said he doesn’t go on TikTok but he has one for his company.” Lucy explained. Holly nodded, a little disappointed. Holly continued to wipe her face. “You are so lucky Lucy. You got to flirt with an almost billionaire while I was in the bathroom rinsing snot off my face. Ew I can still feel it. I think some got into my eyes.” She said, rubbing her face with a tissue.
“Yuck…. What if he’s infected?” Lucy whispered, her eyes wide with fear. “ Don’t you fucking go there Lucy!” Holly snapped, her tone harsher than she intended. They both looked at each other, Lucy heard a notification ping from her phone. “Oh my God! His company is following me now! Look!” She showed Holly her phone, Brent Book's company was now following her on TikTok. Holly couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy. “Aaagh fuck your TikTok Lucy!” She yelled, throwing her hands up in the air. “Ok? Rude!” Lucy snapped back, crossing her arms. Holly went to her bucket seat as Lucy did the same. Holly began biting her nails as she read about the outbreak on her phone.
The captain's voice came over the intercom, announcing that the flight was halfway over The Pacific Ocean on target for L.A. Holly glanced at the clock, her heart racing. She couldn't shake the thought of the sick man from her mind. Lucy seemed to be oblivious to her friend's distress, busily engrossed in her phone, seeing if any celebrities slid into her DM’s. Holly felt sleepy as she felt her eyes closing.
It was two hours later that Holly woke up in a sweat. She felt her throat was dry and she was shivering uncontrollably. She glanced around and saw that Lucy was fast asleep, oblivious to her friend's distress. Holly struggled to sit up, her head throbbing with pain. As she grabbed a bottle she guzzled it all in seconds. It was then she heard a ping from business class. She forced herself to stand, her legs wobbly, and walked unsteadily to the curtain. Holly felt a bit woozy and heavy. She approached Brent who was deep in his phone. “Can I help you sir?” she asked, her voice barely above a whisper. “Yeah Lucy, I was looking at your TikTok and…” Brent finally looked up and adjusted his glasses. “I’m so sorry you’re not Lucy.” He said, his face flushed.
“No, I can get her for you.” Holly said, her voice barely audible. She felt dizzy and her vision was starting to blur. Brent looked at her strangely. He sat up and said. “No, that’s ok but what’s your name?” Holly forced a smile. “Holly sir.” Brent gave a confused look. “Really? I could have sworn there was another flight attendant named Holly on this flight. I haven’t met you. Are you an influencer like Lucy?” Holly felt confused as he noticed Brent looked a bit uncomfortable as his hands were in his lap.
“Umm are you ok Mr. Book?” Holly asked, her voice barely above a whisper. She could feel the warmth radiating off of him, and it seemed to intensify the more she stared. His chest rose and fell rapidly, and she could see his face get red at her question. “Yes, I’m perfectly fine and please call me Brent.” He tried to keep his voice steady, but it came out a little strained.
Holly quickly glanced down at Brent’s hands and could see that he was covering a bulge. She could feel her face heat up and her heart start to race. She knew what was causing that bulge, and it made her even more nervous. "Of course, Brent. Is there anything I can get you?” she asked, trying not to stare at his pants. “Not right now but I have a feeling I might need assistance later.” He winked at her, making her blush even deeper. She quickly looked away, unable to meet his gaze.
Holly walked quickly to the galley. Lucy was still dozing away. Holly rushed into the bathroom and almost squealed at what she saw. The woman in the reflection was completely different. She was looking at this stunning blonde woman in her uniform. The hair was a bit disheveled but her body was slightly bigger. She looked down and fully realized how her bust was more pronounced. She reached and cupped her right breast, feeling the weight of it. "Oh momma like," she thought with a sly smile. She noticed her nail bitten fingernails were gone replaced by red nails that matched her red lips.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm herself down. She remembered Brent’s reaction at seeing her. She smiled “So this is what it’s like being hot!” she thought to herself. As she continued to explore her new curves, she noticed something else. There was a strange tingling sensation between her legs. She had never experienced anything like it before. She couldn't help but wonder what it was and if it had anything to do with what was happening to her.
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Holly left the galley with a bottle of water in her hand. She made it to Brent’s seat and took the cap off the bottle. “Hey, I thought you could use some water. Oh no! I’m so sorry! I’m so clumsy!” Holly had dropped a few drops onto the crotch of Brent. He jumped a little in his seat but smiled at Holly. “It’s ok… not a big deal really. It’s not that much…” he said, trying to be polite. “No this is my fault! Let me help you clean up.” She quickly ran and got a towel as she began dabbing at Brent’s stain. “It’s ok.. I think it should …ungh.” Brent groaned as Holly knelt in the aisle and began rubbing at his crotch. Brent’s eyes widened as he looked at Holly’s sensual focused face. “Don’t worry Mr. Book. I’ll have you cleaned up in no time.” Her words were dripping with confidence. Holly laid the towel down as she continued to rub at Brent’s crotch.
She looked up at him and smiled, "Like I said. It was my fault so I need to take care of it.” Brent’s became red as he realized what was actually happening. He looked down her cleavage and licked his lips. “Oh no. I think it may have reached your boxers. Let me help you.” Holly said as she leaned over even more to get a closer look. She unbuckled his pants as Brent attempted to stop her. “Shhh, let me do my job.” She whispered, seductively. As she pulled down his boxers, Brent gasped, revealing his throbbing arousal. Holly looked up at him with a wicked grin.
She grasped his member as he shivered. He covered his mouth not wanting to wake the other passengers. Holly continued to stroke him, her grip firm and confident. She leaned closer and whispered, "I know just how to take care of this." Brent's heart raced as she increased her speed. Brent grabbed onto the sides of his seat as the pleasure was immense. “Ungh fuck!” He cried as he could feel himself close to release.
As she continued, Brent felt himself getting closer and closer to the edge. He tried to hold back, but it was no use. Holly could feel him twitching and knew what was coming soon. Brent erupted as almost a river of cum shot out of his cock. He completely relaxed as Holly took the towel and cleaned him. She pulled up his boxers and buckled his belt. “There we go. I’m so glad I could assist you. Remember to buckle your safety belt when the Captain turns on the light.” Brent in complete shock of what just happened nodded and smiled. He felt so relaxed that he drifted into a peaceful sleep.
Holly wanted more. She had felt something unleashed in her. She was sexy, she was powerful and she was still horny.
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-To Be Continued-
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ohtobeleah · 1 year
I cant imagine what was going through Jake’s head when Hollywood was dragged unconscious into a cell with a dead body and then he had to wait 20 agonizing minutes (of her laying face down and unconscious) for her to wake up
Bruises // Jake Seresin
It took Jake a little while to take in his surroundings, his mind was foggy with black and gray spots as he sat back against the concrete wall in the cell he’d woken up in. 
The floor was just dirt, pure dirt and small rocks that crunched under your feet when you walked. Time was moving, but he had no idea of how fast or how slow—but the blood that trickled from the back of his head down into the collar of his flight suit gave him an indication of the seconds and minutes that passed. 
As Jake groaned and tried to get his hands out of the ties he’d been bound in, his eyes landed on the body slumped in the corner of the cell he boarded with. Immediately his mind ran to the worst possible scenario. 
“Y/n?” He frowned. “Fuck no no no—hey Holl—“ As Jake scrambled to his feet, kicking up dust as he did so, he realised soon enough the closer he got that it wasn’t you. “Oh thank fuck.” But then still remained an unanswered question: 
Where were you? 
Jake's mind was running wild with scenarios and situations that made him want to vomit. He couldn’t stop pacing, back and forth back and forth—leaving a distinct foot trail in the dirt the more he did so. 
But through the torture of trying to convince himself you weren’t dead in a ditch somewhere, he thought back to the first time his heart beat a little faster inside his chest for you when he hurt your feelings. Back to the first time he knew he was gonna be in real trouble having you around. Back to the first time he’d started to pretend whenever he was alone that you were his all the damn time. Because you could never be his in real life. 
“Woah!” Coyote bellowed out as your dart hit the bullseye on the dart board. “Hey Hangman! Looks like you’ve got some competition over here!” 
It wasn’t uncommon for Hangman to completely ignore your existence outside of work. He’d say goodbye after your last flight of the day and wouldn’t say a peep till the next morning before pre-flight. 
“Ain’t no way—“ Jake replied as he sauntered over to access the situation with a beer in hand that was almost entirely empty. “You don’t confront me Y/l/n.” Jake snarled as he took one of the two remaining darts from your hand as you looked over your shoulder as he looked at you. “You’re not knocking my name off that leaderboard anytime soon.” Jake didn’t even look at the dartboard as he threw the dart. His emerald green eyes that looked like tiny cities in and of themselves with all the different shades never left yours. “So I’d give up now before your ego gets bruised.” 
What was uncommon was this, the flirting was uncommon. You’d been in North Island for just over a week and Jake Seresin hadn’t said a single word to you outside of work. He barely looked at you and when you did catch him he’d look away and look away fast. But he was feeling a little buzzed and you were in his line of sight. Maybe he’d finally gotten over being stuck with a WSO for the first time in his career. 
“Do you ever worry that one day someone’s gonna come along and be just a little bit better than you Hangman?” 
“Not enough to keep me awake at night.” He replied with a smile that lit up the entire Hard Deck. That cheeky grin, the signature Seresin smile. “But you never know, maybe if you keep practicing you’ll be able to bump Roosters outta third place.” 
It was then you made a bold move, you leaned in a little closer to Jake's ear and smirked wildly. Your lips ghosted his earlobe as you whispered in his ear something that made his blood race from one head to the other. 
“Do you stay awake at night preparing yourself to front the same facade the next morning?” You asked before you took your short, a bullseye. “That you don’t care about anyone or anything? Or is that really just the way you really are?” Jake felt your lips ghost his earlobe as his breath hitched in his throat. “Tone.” Was all you said before you moved away from Jake and left it at that. 
Jake stood there watching as you walked away. He didn’t know what he was doing but before he could stop himself from going back for more he was hot on your tail. Ready to be deliberately hurt again by the very woman who had him lying awake at night questioning everything he thought he knew about himself. Everything he thought he wanted. 
“And what makes you think I don’t care?” Jake asked as he found you at the bar waiting to be served. 
“Well you certainly don’t give a shit about me enough to talk to me outside of work until you're five beers deep and buzzed.” 
“That’s not true.” Jake frowned as he finished his beer and placed it on the counter. 
“Oh yeah?” You puffed your chest. “How’d I get my callsign then?” You knew you had him the second Jake didn’t answer. You saw his shoulders slump a little because the truth of the matter was he didn’t know. “Exactly.” You scoffed as you rolled your eyes. “Hangman, the guy who leaves everybody hanging, doesn’t care enough to wonder how his own WSO got her callsign.” Jake needed this—he needed you to hate him so he couldn’t fall in love with you. “You know I get that you don’t want to work with me, but I didn’t choose you either pal.” 
His reputation had never been worse, so if Jake could eliminate the problem that remained of you potentially liking him for him it would be smooth sailing. 
“Do you think I’ll leave you hanging?” Jake asked as he watched Penny bring you your order. “If things go wrong?” 
“Well considering the fact you’ve been blatantly apparent that you couldn’t give less of a crap if you tried about wanting me around than yeah—yeah I guess I do worry.” 
“Got me all figured out, haven't you, hotshot.” 
“Hollywood—“ You corrected him as you shook your head in disbelief. You were a fucking goner weren’t you. “Exactly what I’m talking about.” 
“I’m sorry?” Jake faked a raised brow. 
“My callsign dingus.” You turned to stand from the barstool you’d been sitting at. “It’s Hollywood, not hotshot.” 
“I knew that.” Jake fronted, of course he knew and he knew exactly why you had that callsign too—but this was all the plan. You couldn’t like him for him. He needed you to hate him so that he couldn’t love you. It was delicate ground. “Yeah, yeah I knew that, Hollywood.” 
“Whatever.” You sighed, damn you actually looked pretty upset. “Just, go away Jake.” You turned and walked away into the ground and before Jake even knew it? His chest was just a little tighter. 
“Smooth one genius.” Bob chuckled as he came up beside Jake, having seen the entire thing unfold before his very eyes. “You pissed off your WSO? what, you gotta death wish or something?” 
The sound of a clunking door brought Jake back to reality as he raced over to the bars that kept him apart from you. You’d just been thrown into the dirt haphazardly. God Jake thought his heart was going to explode out of his chest at the sight of you. 
“Hollywood!” He tried to get your attention. “You okay?” He asked. “Hey Y/n? You alright? Open your eyes for me.” But nothing got your attention. 
So Jake sat, he stayed right there at the bars, watching the rise and fall of your chest with such a focus that sometimes he had to remind himself to breathe too. He couldn’t let anything happen to you. Not when this was all his fault to begin with. 
Tags 🏷️ @americaarse @blindedbythelightt @tayl0rhuynh @athenabarnes @imaginecrushes @whyareallnamesgone @mjmaximoffbarnes @amiets2 @mads-weasley @gabbyella @ephemeralninon @xoxabs88xox @pedrohoe04 @starkleila @je-suis-prest-rachel @clancycucumber230 @maisie-rebloging-blog @callsign-barbell l @obiwankenobis-lap @some-lovely-day @paperbag333 @callsign-magnolia @jhiddles03 @hardballoonlove @shanimallina87 @seitmai i @abaker74 @missemrose @starset21 @kmc1989 @phoenix1388 @emma8895eb @tsofo26 @itsmytimetoodream
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littlemut · 10 months
my main grief with LGTS 👠👠 (huge spoilers ahead)
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i finally finished the game yesterday and although i all in all liked it a lot i really don’t get why it is so punitive. till. the. very. end(s).
after restarting it TWO times (one time because i couldn’t possibly know beforehand how niggardly they would be with money/food/resources, and the other time because i couldn’t get the windmill key from Eugen😒💢🗝️) and going through all those witch hour trials i am left with the feeling that you never really get to win.
YES you do get the sweet lesbian good ending with your sweetheart of choice, but that basically nullifies — in terms of reward for the player — all your hard effort during those sleepless nights going around getting pecked by birds, chased by phantoms and carriage-goat demons. with the lesbian endings, you never get to the bottom of any of the mysteries and you mostly live in an ignorant lovey-dovey bliss 🕊️💕
the apostasy ending — where you get to the bottom of the cave notes mystery and all the priest attempts at summoning Walpurga — still doesn’t feel rewarding, as the witch kills you just when you were almost about to bring Father Hans’ misdeeds to light — so despite getting SUPER CLOSE to uncovering the truth behind Kiefeberg’s mysteries, you still lose.
both the kiss ending and the motherly cocoon ending are yet another win for Walpurga — in the kiss you become one with her (accompanied by crazy-unmei-talk Rozenmarine) in the woods, while in the other she essentially takes your place, embodying an Elise that’s no longer the player. so again. you lose.
the auto da fe ending doesn’t need more explaining than “you just get burned at the stake” like the witch you are. and again it makes sense as a bad ending (also because you get that if you didn’t succeed in getting and placing the token of love from your sweetheart, thus punishing your inability to create at least one true strong bond 💖)
what im trying to say is that — although all these endings make sense and are totally fine endings by themselves — you finish the game multiple times and you never get to defeat Walpurga, nor Him. and honestly i wouldn’t have minded so much not getting to defeat the witch. but what i would’ve loved to see — something that would really reward the player for all the (sometimes very annoying and frustrating) trials you go through — is an ending where you defeat Ozzy, where you get to somehow outwit the devil himself. because — as Elise — you are different from the golden girls who have gone through this path in the past. as Elise, you are a not-entirely-human girl generated through Holle’s wish with the help of the devil himself on the soil and with a doe of Walpurga’s land (and in this instance, Walpurga could have even chosen to become an ally of yours, forming some sort of contract with Elise so as to get closer to her again and also banish Him out of the woodlands with Elise’s help! — all things she said she wanted for so long). so you’re really not just another human girl making a deal with the devil. and even if you don’t get to win because “you’re born special”, you still should get to have at least one (1) ending where (as the player) you can triumph after all the hard work you put in to see this through the very very end. it could’ve been the hardest ending to get. but it would have been an absolute triumph of the MC. 🏆 a triumph i still think she deserved. (yes, Elise can be very selfish and self-entitled, but she has shown multiple times that she also has a big heart 🫀)
don’t get me wrong, i still love this game ❤️ (despite the very MANY frustrating bits and the unskippable cutscenes & dialogues right before the annoying part you just tried 7 times to get right 💢💢💢) — i just feel like Elise really deserved an ending where she gets to the bottom of the Walpurga mystery (à la Pentiment, where yet again it’s a priest who’s found out to be the one behind it all lmao) AND gets to defeat Strange Boy thanks to the strength of her character (and maybe the peculiarity of her birth circumstances too) — a quality that the game itself so often kept reminding the player of.
TL;DL Lebkuchen best girl ⛪️💙
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frenziedfireworks · 1 year
Holle can give dating draco malfoy and harry potter headcanons please 🙏 😊☺️
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Draco Malfoy & Harry Potter
Draco Malfoy : 
He is bad with words but good with gifts! He will buy you anything and everything your heart desires in hopes it shows how much he cares. 
If he wants to truly say something to you he prefers to write letters. It’s easier to get his feelings out if he writes rather than to say it to your face. Of course if it’s something serious he will always talk to you though.
He does enjoy physical touch and PDA to a certain degree. I feel like having you near/having a hand on you calms him down.
Draco is very good at date planning! He knows the best spots to show you a nice view or where to have the most fun. I feel like he spends a lot of his free time on walks to clear his head or get away from others. 
“Dray what’s this?” You question as your boyfriend hands you a box. He just shrugs and motions for you to open it. Your hands fold at the ribbon and you pull at the lid to be met with a bracelet. A gorgeous and expensive one at that. 
“Oh wow.” You murmur and Draco smiles.
“I got it because I have one to match.” He pulls at his robe and shows you an identical piece. Your eyes soften at the sentiment and you lean in to give him a smooch.
“This is wonderful. Thank you so much darling.” You smile and the blonde goes red.
“Yeah.. I’m glad you like it.” He says before helping to clip it onto your wrist. His fingers rub at your skin before he leans in for another kiss. It’s soft and inviting and your hands grip at his pale locks. You both separate to take a breath and you rest your forehead against his.
“Thank you again. This means a lot.”
“Your kisses are repayment enough, my dear.” Draco teases.
Harry Potter : 
Harry is a loving boyfriend! He always invites you anywhere he goes and has an eye out for you.
He would never admit it but he feels like he needs to look out for you. Not in a bad way but he just worries something bad could happen to you.
Definitely gives you some of his quidditch sweaters and jerseys just so he can see you parading his last name around school. It makes him feel extra special and proud.
Will sneak you out to different places with the cloak. He wants to have alone time just with you and make sure you know how much he cares!
He LOVES having you in his lap. Not even in a sexual way, just holding you and knowing you’re there with him makes him so happy!
Your body was folded in the armchair laying against your boyfriend. His book elevated in your lap as he studied and you messed with his hair. It was times like these which you enjoyed. Nobody bothering your boyfriend to do something and allowing you to just enjoy eachothers presence.
“How are you even reading?” You giggle as you push his glasses up, watching as he grinned. It had to be a strain on his eyes whenever he peered over his glasses, as if he was wearing them just for show.
“I could barely see anything but was too lazy to move.” He laughed in response and you rolled your eyes.
“That’s not really studying then!” You chide and the boy shrugs.
“Why would I study when I have such a pretty thing lying across me?” He teases and you feel yourself growing hot.
“Oh shut it.”
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capricorn-0mnikorn · 2 years
Five (5) 🖐🏻 Grimm Brothers Fairy Tales I wish everyone knew better
Yes. I know these are rife with 19th Century heteronormative ideas of Morality and Meekness, and Beauty and Duty, and what even counts as a “Happy Ending.” But you can’t subvert a story, and queer its telling, if you don’t know it exists. And also, problematic elements aside, they’re just good romps.
And Spoopy Season is also Storytelling Season.
1) The White Snake (a king’s servant is able to understand the languages of animals, thanks to eating the flesh of a roasted white snake, helps animals in distress, and is helped in return)
2) Frau Holle (an abused stepdaughter is taken in by an Otherworldly Witch)
3) Thumbthick (A “Tom Thumb” story that’s also a fantastic allegory for growing up disabled, with supportive parents)
4)  The Devil with the Three Golden Hairs (A king tries to thwart a prophecy, and prevent a poor boy from marrying his daughter. He Fails).
5) The Two Brothers (The Rompiest of Romps: Twin brothers who are heroes. Funny talking animal sidekicks. Slaying a giant seven-headed dragon. A plucky, intelligent, princess. Bringing the dead back to life. Why hasn’t this been adapted into a summer blockbuster movie, yet?)
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lovelyllamasblog · 6 months
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Birch Spinner
Parent's Story: Mother Holle (Frau Holle)
Powerful Qualities: Assertive, Confident, Intelligent
Roommate: Petra Pan
Secret Heart’s Desire: I love studying animals! Well, more like frogs, toads, and insects. I know not everyone likes them, but Hopper shares my interest.
My “Magic” Touch: I know most princesses can understand animals, but I can talk to frogs, toads, and bugs! I think it’s very unique.
Storybook Romance Status: Daring Charming, duh! He’s just the most handsome boy at Ever After! Well, Hopper’s cute too I guess.
“Oh Curses!” Moment: Everyone thinks I’m spoiled just because of how my story goes! I’m just assertive.
Favorite Subject: Geografairy. I love learning all about Ever After’s different environments and the animals that live there!
Least Favorite Subject: Swamp Swimming! I may like a day at the lake as much as the next girl, but in a swamp? No thank you!
Best Friends Forever After: Of course my sister, Maple, my roommate Petra Pan, and also Alanna Dale, Lily Bo Peep, and Hopper Croakington.
Pet: My pet toad, Hopscotch.
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the-mad-closet · 10 months
Also wanna ask something that I usually ask all my friends: what’s your #1 ship for Power Rangers?? (Or top 5, whichever is easier)
Like that one OTP that just gets you like !!!!!!!!!!
Oooooh! Good ask!!
I'm gonna say Carter Grayson/Ryan Mitchell from Lightspeed Rescue! I just love them so much. A close second is Noah Carver/Jake Holling from Megaforce.
Thank you! @skyland2703
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vikasgarden · 4 months
𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖎𝖓𝖘𝖕𝖎𝖗𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓.
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𝖒𝖚𝖘𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖓𝖘 / 𝖇𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖘
❀ Florence + The Machine ❀ Lindsay Stirling ❀ Nadiiife ❀
❀ In the Flood - Lovisa Bergdahl ❀ Shatter Me - Lindsay Stirling ❀ Madness - Ruelle ❀ Empire - Beth Crowley ❀ Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine ❀
𝖖𝖚𝖔𝖙𝖊𝖘 / 𝖑𝖞𝖗𝖎𝖈𝖘
❀ It's the whole part of Christian Andersen's Snow Queen where the fairy is mentioned, tbh. ❀
𝖋𝖎𝖑𝖒𝖘 / 𝖘𝖍𝖔𝖜𝖘 / 𝖇𝖔𝖔𝖐𝖘
❀ (mostly)The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen ❀ Frau Holles Labyrinth by Stefanie Lasthaus ❀ Fate - The Winx Saga ❀ Winx Club ❀ W.I.T.C.H. ❀ Emily Wilde's Encyclopaedia of Faeries ❀ books written by Nina Blazon ❀ and so much more ❀
❀ Flora from Winx Club ❀ Love Quinn from You ❀
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tagged by: @heartofglass-mindofstone & @vergeltvng (thanks!) tagging: You!
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I just saw you reposted something about "Drei Haselnüsse für Aschenbrödel".
It is one of my absolute favorite Christmas movies.
My parents are from the DDR (I was three years old when Germany was united again), so growing up I watched a couple of DEFA fairy tale movies. Most notably:
Die Prinzessin mit dem goldenen Stern (Princezna se zlatou hvězdou)
And I also vaguely remember:
Das singende, klingende Bäumchen Das kalte Herz Frau Holle (damn, the Frau Holle in this one reminded me of the strict, authorative, post-DDR kindergarten teachers I had and it's giving me the creeps) Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot König Drosselbart
Yes, I really like Three Wishes for Cinderella. It's not a tradition here to watch it during Christmas, but I know it's the case for other European countries. I'm more used to watch Sissi with Romy Schneider during that period.
I actually found out about it whilst I was doing some research on socialist co-productions. I was trying to make the case that Hollywood wasn't the only industry able to deliver entertainment and that Europe wasn't only the land of art cinema. Co-productions were very successful and it became a bridge across the Iron Curtain. It also dismantled a bit the illusion that all countries under the socialist regime were isolated, which is an ongoing narrative to this day.
Anyway, I found an article a few years ago that was a detailed analysis on the production of the film and its cultural impact. There's something so particular, especially in the cinematography, of the fairytales adapted for screen in the 1970s. It's also a genre that can easily be approved, particularly in national cinemas with a propagandistic component. They were safer on the surface.
Thank you @guacamoli-avocadorado for sharing those other titles, I'll look them up.
Three Wishes for Cinderella is also available on youtube with English subtitles for anyone who might be interested in watching it.
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