#thank you friend for urging me on
summonerresort · 1 year
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mblue-art · 10 months
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—ketchup breath!!
april 2022, huh... how time flies by...
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thelikesoffinn · 9 months
Yikes, Gale gets straight up nasty after finding out that durge was involved in the absolute plot and is now refusing to speak with me.
Which, fair, but also I kinda wanted you to stay at camp so that I can get Halsin, sooo...
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kamboree · 2 years
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gyaru girlzzz
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klmutie · 3 months
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lelalyo · 6 months
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Gods, I love them.
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Can we normalize not drinking alcohol, like do you want me to ask you why you drink?
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sass-squat · 1 year
For the tree poll I had to go with Legend. He already runs full speed into trees with his Pegasus Boots for items or to talk with the tree or just as a convenient way to stop. I don’t see why having wings would change this habit.
Do they have hollow bones in your Wing Au? Do they have to be more careful not to hurt them selves?
And I think Four has Pegasus Boots but I can’t remember if he also rams trees with his face.
"I can't remember if he also rams trees with his face" actually made my day oh my god it just gave me the greatest mental visual thank you I'll have to draw that now!😂
I actually hadn't answered my own poll about the trees but your justification for why it would be Legend FULLY convinced me so it's canon now sorry I don't make the rules (I actually do). But I can already hear him in the distance squawking and cursing Hylia and the others for laughing cause he finally has people who can and will laugh at him for all of his bad habits.😂 I know that Four does have Pegasus Boots and I'm prettyyyyy sure he also rams trees with his face but for some reason I feel like he does it with more dignity than Legend if that makes any sense?
As for your question about them having hollow bones, I will give the very vague answer of yes, they do have hollow bones so they can like...fly, but at the same time they also probably won't break anything running into trees. They are heroes afterall! They're built different! Most of them at least. Some Links are definitely more...fragile than others. :))))
So yes, while all the Links do have wings and share certain bird characteristics they are also mostly human so I believe that they really only need to be careful about any injuries to their wings. Turns out hauling around a broken wing and/or a wing with severed muscles can be very difficult and dangerous when you're on the road fighting monsters 24/7.
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animentality · 1 year
I haven’t read your books yet, you know how it is, money~, but I bet they’re pretty good and I am planning to buy and read them, they’re on The List, and I hold you in high regards as a person I kinda vaguely barely know. I say this first to preface, because, from the kindest most adoring place of my heart okay, this reminded me of you, no offense: https://www.tumblr.com/pjackk/721300009283420160/whats-up-tunblr-basically-i-just-wrote-this-book
Glad you preceded this with a compliment...
But brutal.
For what it's worth, I also hate having to reduce my books to tropes...and I try not to, with any of my promotional posts...
But uh...good to know this is how I come across :S
But in my defense...and in defense of other authors... it's super easy for people to make fun of how we have to promote our books, but in this terrible digital economy...I mean.
It's hard to keep people's attention, and it's hard to sell books.
It's not like selling art, doing commissions, making animations, or well-edited videos. Books are inherently harder to sell and market and build an audience for, because they're an investment of time and focus.
They aren't as easy to dive into and enjoy. A webcomic chapter you could read in twenty minutes. A pretty picture you can reblog, and you can commission the artist if you love the style. A Youtube video can be ten minutes of investment. Maybe an hour, tops.
But a book?
Books will always struggle more than shows or animations, because it takes a certain kind of person to read books, and in this day and age, attention spans are shorter than ever.
You spend fucking years writing your books, and you edit, and you revise, and write some more, and edit some more, and revise some more, and then you have to promote.
All the time, in every way you can imagine. Using whatever tools you have... all the time, every way.
Otherwise, you don't see any sales at all, and then it's like you wasted three years of your life fiddling around, while everyone you know is making bank on crypto or whatever the fuck.
If I was good at fucking BookTok? I wouldn't be fucking here promoting at all.
I could leave my blog as the little meme machine it's always been.
But I'm bad at fucking TikTok.
And I mildly resent being compared to a TikTok author, because if I was any good at that, I WOULD NOT BE HERE promoting my books at all.
Tumblr is the worst place to promote anything, ever.
That's part of why I like it...but at the same time, that's why it's such a torturous practice, trying to promote my novels here.
No one here gives a fuck. And I'm fine with that.
I'm ok with that.
But I can't throw away hard work without at least trying.
I don't really get the criticisms of authors in those comments anyway.
What have those people tried to put out into the world?
You think self published authors are just jokes, or that they aren't marketing themselves well?
Maybe both are true, but someone who makes something, no matter how shit, has still MADE something.
It's easy to tear others down. It's not easy to make something that you care about, and put out into the world for others to see and judge.
And for those people in the comments too, I have to ask.
Is a book only good, if it's published by a company?
Because books that are self published are actually a LOT LESS likely to be made up of tropes and cliches.
People who self publish tend to write weirder and more out of the box things. They RESORT to tropes because they feel you won't pay attention to their books without them.
they feel you won't give their concept a try, unless they dumb it down for everyone.
They pretend the book is something it's not, out of sheer desperation.
I market 7 Deadly Habits like it's a fucking adventure action romance comedy...?
It's actually pretty fucking dark and grim and sad.
the main character is fucked up, and so are all his exes. So is the entire world they live in.
It's really not a funny book. It has dark humor, but it's hinged on an unhinged concept, one that I find darkly interesting.
But I lie and say it's a funny adventurous romp of sex and violence.
Because that's how I have to market it.
I try other things, of course, but I have found most people would rather read a romance than an anti-romance, which is more of what it is.
People don't want to try new things. They want more of the shit they already have.
to make something new, or different, or non-conventional, is to accept that you will have to water it down when you're trying to offer it to people.
So yeah.
I get it. Authors who blaze their book promotions are desperate losers and weirdo freaks with very bizarre interests and isn't it funny, how hard they're trying?
But you know.
What else can we be?
Leigh Bardugo?
Trust me. I wish I was a good writer. I wish I wrote straight YA fantasy books that kids and adults and everyone can enjoy. I wish I had a literary agent and five star publishing houses giving me 20 million dollars for my next book.
I wish I was a multi millionaire white woman, in an industry of rich white women, who write sexy murder mysteries and cozy thrillers and steamy vampire eroticas.
But I am what I am, and that's a queer self published POC author, who has no one in my corner, but me. Whose only means of promotion is my own efforts.
So no, I don't really look at other self published authors with disdain or wry detachment.
I know how they feel.
I know how much it sucks.
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americannoteven · 3 months
Depression is wack bc I just had to force myself to play a video game to remind myself that it can be fun sometimes like what the actual fuck
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queen-of-the-boos · 7 months
Kingy, I know you had to have shared a dance with your Queen for Valentine's! (or at least sometime this week...or in the future asfghj) Is there a specific song either of you favors most for such an occasion? It'd be nice to know which music should go with the magical visual I've got in my head of you two 👀
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Did I scare you? Of course I did. You don't have to tell me, I can feel your fear through the screen. Heeheehee!
Hm... A fair question. My darling and I have many favorites. At times, we like to freely sway to When Shadows Fall.
It's lovely to hold her in my arms while she sings...
Though, she also has a special interest in carousels. I introduced her to this and you should've seen how happily she glided about the room like an enchanting spirit.
...if I give you any more of our favorites, I'll never shut up about her. Oh, my lovely Lune...
What are you looking at me like that for? Think I'm going soft? I'll have all of you know that a man can rain down destruction and conquer the world all the while still doting on his wife like the treasure she is. It will only make you more tenacious, take it from me!
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artemismatchalatte · 5 months
Who is an idiot who is crushing on one of her new friends???
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prismatoxic · 1 year
bpd is super cool and fun bc if i am attached to someone and they like someone else more than me, i either:
resent the person i have never met (bc they're better than me)
resent the person i am attached to (bc they don't like me more)
resent myself (for not being good enough)
and it usually happens bc the other person has a fucking romantic interest in the person they "like more". fam i do not even want that with you why am i acting like it's a competition
it also happens with best friends though. like. why does my little pea brain think i need to be the ~best friend~ of everyone i latch onto like a parasitic worm. that's too many people i can't be a best friend every time
and on one memorable occasion, i felt it about a FUCKING CAT, which is all new levels of pathetic (me and the cat became friends though)
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erabundus · 1 year
good morning, i love ren wanderer scaramouche kunikuzushi balladeer kabukimono hat guy very much.
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britneyshakespeare · 8 months
What a cruel and helpless individual. I feel bad for everyone who ever has to encounter him.
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missazura · 2 years
not me getting sudden flashbacks of acting THE EXACT SAME WAY hunter did with belos back when he was the golden guard. i feel incredibly sick to the stomach.
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