#thank you for the ask as well! this was really fun and nice
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angelltheninth · 2 days ago
HELLOOOO GOOD MORNNNNNN (even if its prolly not morning there) huge fan, love your hoyo posts LOVE UR WRITING IN GENERAL!!!!!!!! feel free to ignore if ur not taking any reqs rn but i wanted to know your take on the batboys having a meet-cute with their s/o!!! hope u have a good day btw 🫶
I'm so glad you enjoy my writing. Really makes my day.
Pairing: Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Damian Wayne x Reader
Tags: fluff, meet-cute, flirting, difference of opinion, banter, dancing, pets
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A/N: I thought it would be funny to give them something more normal rather than the regula superhero things.
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You meet him at the local dog shelter. Both of you want to adopt the same dog and neither of you want to back off. Dick is pretty well built and argues that he would take the dog out on walks a lot more than you, but on the other hand you live in a bigger house with a backyard so the dog wouldn't need to be cooped up in an apartment while Dick does, whatever he does for a living. When you hear he already has one dog you tell him then it's only fair that you get this one. The only way to settle this is to let the dog choose. And the dog chose you, much to your apparent rival's disappointment. Well since you both have a dog now, perhaps luck will have it and you'll meet at the park. He looks like a fun dog dad.
Jason was someone you saw a few times at the bar that you both frequent. You never approached him before, despite really wanting to, so he approached you first. He called you out on staring at him like some pervert, and if you claim you're not then you should have no problem dancing with him. One dance isn't gonna kill you, or maybe you're a horrible dancer and you're hiding it. Well he might be an asshole, but you're the one who's been eyeing him ever since he stepped into the bar. So he gets to tease you for tonight. All he wants actually, since it's so fun to watch you blush. In exchange for being your dance and drinking buddy for the night, how about you repay him with a date.
Tim and you go to the same classes at college so you see each other pretty often, or whenever he shows up actually. You never talked much, outside of when you needed to, you just knew of each other, more than knowing each other. In fact the first time you first talked to each other, for a long period of time, was in the library when you were both looking for the same book. Since you both had project deadlines and he was too busy at night, for some reason, you agreed to work on your projects in the afternoons. As it turns out he's a pretty nice guy, not at all the rich loner you thought he'd be. Not only that but he is very helpful when it came to your own project. So helpful in fact that you had to ask him on a date to thank him.
He really likes books and proving that he has better taste and understanding than anyone else. So of course you get into a debate with him over the book you read for this months book club. Damian is loud and has plenty of opinions, you and everyone else will hear them out regardless if you want to or not. This your first time seeing him at your book club so he has to be new and already making enemies. Of course you knew who he was, his last name was a dead giveaway, but just because his dad is one of the richest men in Gotham doesn't mean he gets to be rude. A fight almost breaks out between you two but he has a smirk on his face the whole time, a rather cute smirk. Part of you hopes that he'll show up to the next meeting.
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2isted-chocol8-art · 3 days ago
question about time buddies cus im curious: 1) are they dating in the comics you make? they kiss and cuddle and be cute, but like are they together together? and 2) how did they get together, if so? like how did they confess? or did it just happen? basically im asking what are ur headcannons for how they start smooching? i lovelovelove all the time buds art youve made and the thought just came up that, well, theyve gotta start kissing somehow yknow?
Ohhh this is gonna be a very fun ask to answer where I'll pour a bunch of headcanons, so buckle up!!
I haven't yet settled on how I picture hearthian relationships, but I know that I want to make them kinda fluid. That is, relationships aren't strictly divided in platonic and romantic, it's normal and accepted to have crushes in friends, or to make out and sleep with people without romantic feelings involved. Each hearthian has their own preferences too, and since their population is quite small, there isn't a set standard. Some people choose to be exclusive, others don't. Some have many romantic experiences, others have none. For some, romance and sex are linked, while for others it is not. And since everyone is different in this regard there are not societal expectations on this, you can kinda go and try whatever works for you.
For hatchy, they are still figuring themself out and they were experimenting before the loop. They don't fully distinguish between romantic and platonic affection, the line is kinda blurred for them. Meanwhile, while Gabbro does make that distinction and they've have a few previous crushes, they're pretty open to making out with friends without the need for romantic feelings. Gabbro usually puts the focus on the other person's preferences, in that sense.
And so, are they dating? Honestly you can interpret them as you like, and I encourage people to see them as dating if they want, or not if they don't want to. You can even see them as strictly friends in some drawings and as dating in others, I don't really want you guys to follow my 'canon', in that sense.
For me personally though, I think that since they're in a time loop, they don't really bother with defining their relationship. They're the only conscious ones in the loop, they like to spend time together, they sometimes make out, but they arent technically dating, that label doesn't really make sense in the loop, right? From outside, I'd say it's close to a friends with benefits situation.
I also like to think that, in my post-loop comics, this relationship would start to get more defined with time, mostly because they're living back into a society and it kinda forces them to think about what they want regarding each other. I haven't thought much about the details, but I feel that although their dinamic doesn't change much compared to what they had in the loops, they do start having some 'dating' dynamics (they set limits regarding phisical affection with others, manage jelaousy situations, expect to spend more time together, etc,).
And in regards to your second question, how did they get together? I think that they become friends only after the loops starts (they never really hung out before) and they gradually become closer. Then, after the touch starvation and isolation starts becoming unbearable, they start smooching and making out mostly as a consequence of that absence, an attempt to search for that connection. This obviously makes it all the more intense and they end up kind of attached to the hip for a time (codependency my beloved). But again it's all kinda casual and very gradual, there is not a set moment where everything starts and they don't bother defining it either. It's mostly a matter of 'hey, this feels nice, let's keep doing it".
If I'm being honest I picture this starting as in "Next Time" or "Got Weird", thise fics perfectly capture the essence of how I think anything would start between these two in-loop sksksk.
And I think that's all? Thank you so much for this ask, it was a blast talking about all of this! I have a lot of headcanons for these two, and although I encourage you all to interpret my drawings as you like, I love talking about all of this!
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lukolastrong · 8 hours ago
These anons are too much. Ok, you believe that Luke and Antonia are together and you have accepted that. Or that Nic and Jake are together. Great for you! But what does that have to do with us? We don’t believe that and you coming here, to a LUKOLA SHIPPING BLOG, to tell us that we should just accept that is wild! Just as you have every right to believe he is with A, we are also still entitled to our opinions. The vast majority of Lukola shippers stick to their little corner of the internet sharing thoughts and opinions with each other. We aren’t sending hate to L, N, A, or J. And if at the end of the day we are wrong about everything, then so what? It doesn’t directly impact us in any way whatsoever. But we still have the right to ship Nic and Luke, as long as we are respectful about it.
I am starting to think the issue with these anons trying to push L/A and N/J might be that they still really want to believe in N and L too, but they are too afraid to be disappointed if it turns out they are wrong. So they come to Lukola blogs to try to shame everyone for not “seeing” things as they do, but only so that the blogger and their followers can reinforce why we believe they are together. It gives them hope even when what they are saying is the total opposite. If that makes any sense at all. I mean, if they are so certain in their belief about L/A and/or N/J, then they wouldn’t be worried about what we think. Just like those of that believe that Nic and Luke are together aren’t worried about what they think.
And I am not saying we should all believe exactly the same things because then it simply becomes an echo chamber. I appreciate that you don’t block/delete the people that think differently and are voicing their thoughts and opinions in a meaningful way on your blog. Because some will block you immediately if you don’t fall in line with everything they say. It’s good to have an open discussion, especially when we don’t agree. It gives us a whole new perspective. But these anons say the exact same thing over and over and think that by being condescending, they will change people’s minds.
I think Nic and Luke are together, but understanding full and well that I could be wrong, but I am also not going to anyone’s blogs trying to force my opinions as facts onto anyone that believes differently.
I’m so sorry for the rant, but it’s frustrating for these anons to continuously send in these same old tired asks. My kudos to you and Bianca because you guys handle these anons phenomenally, even though I am sure it can get so stressful. 😩���
Don’t apologize, I love to read rants and hear what others are thinking.
I agree! Why come into our peaceful space and try to convince of these things? It’s so tiresome. It’s clearly not going to work so just march on back to where you came from. I feel like that too. Also I feel like most of them are likely scared Lukola shippers who are afraid that if we’re wrong they’ll look dumb so by pretending to be another shipper they’ll have that to fall back on and say “see told you so”.
Yeah it’s nice to have different opinions and perspectives that can bounce off each other. Of course♥️ I hope I’ve created a safe space for opinions while also fostering my ideas. I’ve heard of those blogs and it’s not a good place to go. At the end of the day shipping is suppose to be fun and light hearted. It’s all speculative anyway as we don’t know these two irl. I love to read the comments under my posts as everyone has different ideas and thoughts but they all lead to the same result.. Lukola 🥹
“I think Nic and Luke are together, but understanding full and well that I could be wrong, but I am also not going to anyone’s blogs trying to force my opinions as facts onto anyone that believes differently.” 💯 I love this.
Thank you 🙇🏼‍♀️ it does get that way sometimes but I end up deleting a lot of the asks because they’re all the same.
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lavender--fairy · 3 days ago
Hello Fairy, it‘s so good to hear from you again! I can‘t explain how grateful I am to know about the law of assumption. You and many others have helped me understand it and I‘m so happy to be one of those who know that I AM is the truth and there is no other that has control over my world.
Which makes it a little overwhelming sometime… I know about everything (LOA-wise), but even when applying (Living in imagination, focusing on my state, identifying with my inner self etc..) I question if I‘m doing it right.
But I quickly realize that a person who has what he wants would NEVER question it like I do. He just knows because he‘s living as THAT version of himself that has everything. And then it goes on: I become aware that I‘m not in the state anymore and I get frustrated. Then I remember a very meaningful quote: ”be angry, sin not". And I‘m restarting all over again. I push myself gently in my desired state or I think I‘m doing it but deep down I still think about the fact, that 2 secons ago, I was not in my desired state.
I still think about the the past years of failure regarding LOA. And then I remember that I‘m not this body, this human. I AM. I shouldn‘t have to suffer. I shouldn‘t have to crave. I‘m telling myself that I‘m having it in my imagination, but right after that I‘m asking myself "well what the heck is even that? Where does is start, where does it end. If Imagination creates reality, why everytime I fulfill myself in imagination, I get sad emotions as if I‘m imagining another person living my dream life?"
I kid you not, I get jealous of my own inner self?? Is that even possible? 😭
I don‘t know if that could be the problem but for the past 5/6 years, I‘m maladaptive daydreaming. I used imagination to escape my 3d because I hated it and know I don‘t really know what 4d/3d actually is. I remeber angels post on twitter saying that she herself used to daydream excessively because that was her escaping from her reality which was preventing her from being in the state of the wish fulfilled (I‘m not sure If I remember it correctly she later deleted it I think)
I‘m so sorry if I confuse you with my rambling but you are so wise and successful I wan‘t to know how you manage to get what you want. You know I don‘t even want to get things in the 3d anymore, that‘s not my point, I just want to end the cycle of starting then failing then starting again just to fail again. I want to stop wanting it in the 3d because if I fulfill my desires in imagination, I wouldn‘t look for it in the 3d. But that‘s not the case with me. I fulfill, get excited and then look around. That‘s how I know I‘m not in the wish fulfilled, because I‘m looking for a response, I‘m looking for validation. I want to see my 4d as the end/validation.
I just want to make my imagination my safe place but what exactly is imagination? Is Imagination the creator or do I have to create in imagination? And why do I feel so shitty when I imagine?
Thank you so much for your time. Thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.
I truly wish you nothing but the BEST Fairy!
Heyy butterbean!
From what I can tell, you have enough knowledge about the law. You know what to do, you even seem to school yourself a bit here and there. You do remind me alot of myself.
Now, here's what we're going to do. And I say we because I am with you throughout it. Let's manifest a rose together. I want you to close your eyes and feel an imaginary rose in your imaginary hand and see it with your imaginary eyes. Touch and feel the softness of the petals with the pad of your thumb, bring it to your nose and take a nice long sniff, touch along the lengths of the stem. And there you go, that's it. Repeat it everyday whenever preferably before bed and tell me when you encounter it in real life. The rules are simple, we're not allowed to complicate it, make it fun, don't go actively looking for it, don't be anxious or stressed just relax. This is just like Neville’s ladder experiment, It helps build faith. Right now, you can chill and know that I am too imagining the rose with you each night, It's like a fun activity. And when you do manifest it, I'll walk you through manifesting the rest of your desires just like this one. I'll have my pinky linked into yours when I say this, it's not supposed to be hectic quiet the contrary, I promise we'll make this work effortlessly just like it's supposed to be.
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marymary-diva17 · 2 days ago
I have one and we saw how they react when someone hurt the reader, what if we switch it to where someone hurt their children and here comes a mama hen. I think it would work with tonowari, ronal children and netiriy, jack children.
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The world had changed when one becomes a parent, as now they know there is someone they will need all their love and care. A parent will do anything for their kid or kids making sure they are, healthy and happy in their lives. When the situation comes when something wrong has come up that when everything changes. As when alarms of danger go off a parent shall do anything, to make sure their kids is safe and sound.
y/n " ......." as you lay in bed taking some rest as you soon heard movement near you, at the moment as you were trying to understand what was going on.
???? " we should ask mama to take us"
???? " no dads said we shouldn't wake mama up she become very upset, dad said she can be a monster"
????" no mama is no monster"
????? " that what I told dad but he said he has seen stuff in the past, but mama no monster"
y/n " hello my little ones" you had opened your eyes to see three kids standing by you, as you smile at them right now as they looked shocked.
kids " mama"
y/n " now what have you all come here to ask me my loves"
neteyam " well we wanted to go play outside in the meadow of flying lizards, but we need someone to come with us and we want you to take us"
y/n " oh"
kiri " but dads said we shouldn't wake you up and dad said you could be a monster"
y/n " that not very nice of him but you know let go outside it will be fun"
kids " yeah"
y/n " let me get you baby sister first as I have a feeling she up from her nap"
lo'ak " oh she is mama we have been watching her and playing with her, but that not much we can play inside" neteyam had ran to go pick up tuk as you stood up.
y/n " thank you my loves well come on let get going" the kids and you soon leave the home, it didn't take that long to reach the meadow as the kids really wanted to go there anyway.
y/n " okay my babies stay close to where I can see you and if you see anything bad turn around or call for help"
kids " yes mama" the kids had ran off to play as you soon sat down with tuk, as she started babbling on about anything around her making you smile.
????" incoming mama hen incoming mama hen"
y/n " hello toruk makto I can hear you"
Jake " good so where are you and the little ones"
y/n " at the meadow of the flying lizards seeing how the kids wanted to come over here"
neytiro " are they all behaving themselves"
y/n " yes they are my husband"
Jake " well we will be on our way there"
y/n " okay we shall be....."
kids " mommy" the kids scream had drawn you attention as you soon see them coming running towards you, but they were not alone as Thanator was tailing after them. Jake and Neytiro had heard the kids scream but nothing else as the line ended.
y/n " kids" neteyam and kiri had reached you but lo'ak had tripped, you soon grabbed the other two and place them on higher level of ground.
y/n " take you sister lo'ak"
lo'ak " mommy" lo'ak had been able to dash away behind a tree but the beast followed him. you had ran towards the tree and soon reach lo'ak.
lo'ak " mommy"
y/n " it okay baby I'm here I need you to stay behind me and on the count of three run to your siblings, and stay up there for me please" lo'ak had nodded his head.
y/n " one two three" lo'ak soon took off running towards his siblings, as neteyam had helped him up to the higher level.
y/n " hey buddy eyes on me you have to deal with mama bear right now" the creature had roared at you and soon came at you as you ran away, making sure the creates stayed away from the kids. The beast had used it crawls to hit you in the legs sending you to the ground.
y/n " ahhh" The beats had growled at you ready to pounce on you when you had picked up a rock and toss it towards, the beast as you soon got up and ran again. The Thanator soon caught it sense had soon followed after you once again.
y/n " I need to keep going to make sure it those not not go after, the kids I can't let any harm come to my babies" there was so much pain in your body but you kept on going. Until you go to some tree as you were coming up with another plan, when the Thanator had shown up once again.
y/n " I will fight for my kids safety so come at me"
????? " ahhh" soon a scream had been heard as Jake and neytiro had come out of nowhere, with tsu'tey as they start firing towards the Thanator. A few other warriors had come as the Thanatos had soon been chased off.
neytiro " ma y/n" you had fallen to your knees as neytiro came to your aid.
y/n " the kids the kids"
Jake " hush they are safe and sound you need to get you help" the only thing you were able to do was nodded your head, before you had passed out from shock and pain in your body.
hours later
y/n " ......" you soon opened your eyes and soon shot up from where you are laying.
neytiro " ma y/n"
Jake " sweetie you are up"
y/n " the little ones"
Jake " they are over there sleeping they tried to stay up for you. but they soon had fallen asleep"
y/n " are they okay no harm to them"
Jake " they are safe as you keep them safe"
neytiro " you took on that Thanator on your own"
y/n " I couldn't let any harm come to the kids I need to make sure, they were completely okay"
Jake " well you have done a good job my love"
y/n " thank you"
neytiro " here drink this it will help you" neytiro had passed you a cup with in drink, as you soon drank it.
y/n " thank you"
neytiro " you are welcome"
Jake " we have spoken to the clan for the time being, the clan will be limited to area for everyone safety"
y/n " that good to know"
Jake " you fought very well honey good job"
y/n " thank you" your husbands had embrace you with hugs and support, they had also been proud of you as well. They had spent the night by your side to make sure, you were okay and the kids are okay as well.The kids the next day when they woke up had been happy, to see you were okay and gave you hugs. That day everyone was able to see that you will do anything for your kids.
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jmaknavigr · 6 hours ago
Well, my dearest followers and/or readers:
Today is my birthday and to celebrate it, I have been working on this project full of axolotls, for many special people!! >^<
Without further ado, I leave you here this drawing!! :3
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And well, down here I will leave a few words for the special people who are in this drawing in the form of axolotls!! ✨
@tiredsmashbros - Tommy, I know we usually don't talk much, generally because we are both busy or because we don't see each other much in VC's or chats, but I want to tell you that you are a great person, a great artist, really, I admire every drawing you make and I hope we can be friends one day, Grennie Tommy!! ✨
@radiantrevolt - Rad, you are a very nice and special person, I really love the moments when I am with you in some VC or simply talking about axolotls, plus I really admire your drawings and I think they are beautiful, I really thank you very much for everything you have done for me, never change that great personality and unique way that you have!! ✨
@moonlight12086 - First of all, I want to thank you for having supported me since my beginnings on Wattpad, dear Moonie and also, I am very happy to have found you here, on Tumblr, that we started talking and that we started to be best friends, you really are a very special person, kind, nice and I will always be grateful to be able to say that you are my friend!! ✨
@rmgkyle - My pooks, I really can't help but smile when I think about how lucky I am to have met you. Whenever I come to a VC or chat and you call me "JMA 💚" it really makes me very happy. You are someone very valuable to me and I honestly admire what you do a lot, never change being so original, my dear pooks!! ✨
MJ - MJ, my dear twin angel, since I met you, you seem like a very incredible and interesting person to me, not only because of your amazing AU's, but also because of your beautiful drawings, please never change and I really appreciate the opportunity to be your friend!! ✨
@briandraws - Brian, I know we don't really talk that much, just one or another response, however I wanted to tell you that I really appreciate the drawings, videos and in general everything you do, it really is a great honor to have met you and to have the opportunity to talk to you!! ✨
@inksyys-blog - Dear Inksy, you really don't know how happy I am to have met you on the Server, I really enjoy talking to you through VC's, about the Lore of my characters or your characters, or simply seeing you draw, you are a great artist and it fills me with an honor to be able to tell you that we are friends!! ✨
@markboyblue - My superstar, really, there are not enough words to show you the affection and affection that I have for you, first I want to thank you for being my friend, also for helping me when I feel sad or bad, really, I appreciate that a lot, I also wanted to remind you that I greatly admire your art and your AU, for me they are completely incredible, please never change, Camy!! ✨
@neo91502 - Neo, you really are a great artist, I greatly admire your drawings and in general everything you do, it is truly a great pleasure for me to have met you on the server and to start talking to you a little, continue to be that great person that you always are and I hope one day we will become friends!! ✨
@libbytwq Lore, you are a very kind, fun and friendly person, I really like living with you and I really admire how you draw, your art is simply beautiful, I am very happy to have met you and to be able to say that we are friends!! ✨
@hexsie - First of all, I want to thank you for talking to me when I entered the Nova server, really, thank you very much for that, I also want to thank you for helping me when I felt sad or when I asked you for help with something, I am very grateful to you for all that and I am very happy to be able to call you my friend!! ✨
@knightedmares - Trick, really, I am very grateful to have met you on the server and for being lucky enough to be your friend, in addition to that I also thank you infinitely for helping me when I felt sad, or just wanted to talk to someone, I will always thank you for that, remember that you are a person with a big heart, kind and very fun, please, never change!! ✨
@lunlunvx145 - I honestly don't have words to express all my admiration for everything you do, from your wonderful AI Covers on YouTube, or your real drawings, everything you do is simply wonderful, you are someone very special and very friendly, never change that, please and finally I also want to thank you very much for allowing me to be your friend!! ✨
@marasiatheferret - God, I have so many things I want to tell you Marasia, to begin with, thank you very much for always supporting me on Wattpad, literally since my beginnings (Because you were literally my first follower on both Wattpad and Tumblr), I also want to express my admiration for your drawings and your art in general, you are someone very special to me and it is truly an honor for me to say that we are friends!! ✨
@vextheallay - Vex, you are someone with a totally incredible personality and really every time I see you come to the server chat, I know that something very fun and interesting is going to happen, because I know that with you every conversation becomes a very fun adventure, please never change that and thank you very much for being my friend!! ✨
@averyterribleartist - Avery, you really are a nice and fun person, it always makes me happy to come to a chat or a VC and have you say your dad jokes, they really are unique, very special and fun, I also want to tell you that I adore your drawings very much, they are simply amazing and finally, I want to thank you for being my friend!! ✨
@doodledev1l - Well, Ghost, you are a very kind, friendly and fun person, that personality, believe me, makes you someone very special to me, please never change it, I also want to tell you that I admire your drawings very much, I think you are an excellent artist and lastly in this little message, I want to thank you for being my friend and supporting me when I need it!! ✨
@bluesbox Well Blue, I know that we usually don't talk that much, I just say hello and ask you how you are, but I want to tell you that I really admire your drawings and I think that you have a great drawing style, besides that for me you are a very nice person, please never change that and I hope that one day we can be friends!! ✨
@v4p0v1s3r - My dearest Vapo, there are really so many things I want to tell you and to start, I want to thank you infinitely for starting to talk to me (You were literally the first person who talked to me on the Server and I will always be grateful to you for that), in addition to that I want to tell you that I admire your drawings a lot, you are also someone very kind, special and very nice, please, never change that and thank you very much for being my friend!! ✨
@epicevan7 - Evan, I know I haven't had much time to talk to you, other than occasionally in some VC's, I know I don't say it that often, but I've seen your drawings here on Tumblr and you really draw very beautifully, I thank you very much for talking to me on Discord and also thank you very much for being my friend!! ✨
@mikchi8 - Mikchi, you are a great person, with a very big heart and I admire that about you very much, in addition to that I admire your art very much, you have a very special and fun personality, please never change that and lastly, I want to thank you very much for being my friend and for letting me talk to you about axolotls, I really appreciate that!! ✨
@rr3d2y - Where to start, my dear Ako, you are a very talented artist, in addition to being a very kind, friendly and respectful person, I really admire the way you draw and in general, I really admire what you do, I thank you very much for being my friend and I feel very happy to have met you on the Server!! ✨
@strange0-0storm - Storm, I know we never talk, we just talk when I tell you that you draw in an incredible and very beautiful way, or the time I tagged you so you could see the little drawing of Axolotl SMG8, but once again, I drew Axolotl SMG8 and this time, I also come to tell you that I admire your drawings very much, please, never stop drawing!! ✨
@aquaproductions - Well Aqua, I know that the truth is that I have never spoken to you outside the server other than to tell you that your drawings are very beautiful or the time I tagged you when I drew Axolotl Aqua, so once again I drew Axolotl Aqua and I come to tell you that I admire you a lot and that you draw very beautifully!! ✨
@sudokumaze - Blu, I know we don't talk that often because sometimes we're both busy, but I wanted to thank you very much for being my friend and for letting me teach you a little Spanish, that's really very special to me, plus I want to tell you that for me, you are a great person, with a huge heart and very nice, please, never change that!! ✨
@its-a-me-mango - Mango, ever since I joined Tumblr, your drawings called me a lot and I loved your drawing style very much, you began to be one of my drawing idols and to say that I am grateful for having met you and talking to you on Discord, it is too short, you are someone kind, friendly and I am very happy to live with you, never change, please and I hope that one day we will be good friends!! ✨
You, my dearest followers and/or readers - I was not going to forget all of you, my dear followers and/or readers, thank you for all the support you give me daily in my drawings and my Wattpad stories, it really makes me very excited and happy to see that each of you like my work, you are definitely the special people who inspire me to continue writing and drawing!! ✨
Thank you all for everything and thank you for keeping me company on a day like today, I send you many virtual hugs!! :3
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mgu-h · 1 day ago
Hi! I know this is from a couple days ago but I was wondering if you had seen this clip from one of Max's streams
threads.net/@ mr.boblandoooo/post/DGgliMIKZFj?xmt=AQGzSM-FlpYKIAiMcfIB4BHqnoj|SMTrFsf5p2xYMTrtcw
I know it's probably just a joke that he "called" Jon but I still thought it was super cute and just so notrell and was wondering if you had seen this clip and if so what your thoughts on it were
(I hope the link works this is my first time ever doing an ask so l'm not sure if the link will actually work 😭)
yesss ok so i saw this when it happened, and it was so funny and kind of surreal?? to watch something so classically nortrell happening live before our eyes lmao.
i went back to try to find what set max off enough to pretend to snitch, and i found that there was a (predicable, familiar) series of events that pushed him to the limit:
it was the "let's put on a pink golf shirt to play a nice bit of golf with bob" stream, max had waited around for lando to show up, and clearly expected the game to last the usual amount of time.
lando did irritatingly well at golf and beat max in the first 9 holes (time elapsed: like 15 minutes).
he'd been playing quite badly recently, and this was a notable turnaround, which is important; max is usually better, but lando's had an outlier, and his ego demands he capitalize on the moment to be insufferable about it.
so lando said he had to go to bed to be ready for testing, and he abruptly quit the game, not letting max respond in the next 9.
max was very 😠😤 about it and changed out of his golf shirt.
he only got grumpier as lando spent the next 15-20 minutes lurking in chat after leaving the game (enough time to play another round and let max catch back up).
lando was being his normal competitive prick (affectionate) self, and even used the classic:
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that emoji is called "maxfewCozy" and gives such a bratty energy to the message dklajsfafslk
[max began to rationalize that he lost because he was hungry, and that lando won because he'd been eating well in preparation for the season, but in typical lando fashion he denied it.
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max refused to believe that, and tbh i wonder who was right. it is in character for lando to neglect to eat for whatever reason, but max is also right that jon et al. would be keeping a close eye on his fitness right before season. ANYWAY]
lando then pretended to get bored with teasing max and said goodbye, but then clearly Kept Hanging Around. he must've texted ed to come dunk on max about losing as well.
he clearly wanted to see max be further annoyed (i love friendship), and max was indeed further annoyed! i guess i should say what ed called it, which was "frazzled."
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BUT the thing that finally triggered max to pretend to call jon was:
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max really is just as competitive as lando (or nearly so), which is why it's so fun and easy for lando to get him riled up. i also think it's why their friendship works and why lando likes him. he can beat max and gloat and know that max is just going to come back at him harder next time. there's a strong bond of trust that runs through the push-pull antagonistic/playful relationship.
it's interesting to me that there's a limit to what max will tolerate from lando before he'll act out in some way to shut lando up, usually through some mimed imitation of a harsher consequence, like pretending to hit him with hand or golf club, pretending to throw water on him, and pretending to call his trainer. he's soft even when he's being hard, you know?
the "calling jon" bit must've worked, because lando cleared off from chat after that lol. i think lando knows when the performative miming of consequences has happened and the game is not longer going on, and he'd risk actual anger from max if he keeps needling him (aka actually getting hit for real). he likes to push buttons for attention but it's not about actually making max feel bad or feel upset. it's so familiar and playful it makes me sick.
[@gwenie-creates thanks for this ask, it DID work but when i tried to post my answer, tumblr ate it and it vanished. i'd taken a precautionary screenshot (i know how tumblr is) and i resubmitted the question to try again, in case you were wondering wtf happened and why it's on anon now haha]
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silverview · 2 days ago
i thought i'd do a self-indulgent little roundup post about my birthday, so i can look back on it someday and get emo about how lovely it was :')
concludes with my s/f report from the thursday evening show, all spoilers clearly marked!!
on the day itself i got some amazing gift fics from @donotbelasagne, @batatadulce9 & @kookaburrito (in order of posting), which was completely unexpected & wonderful 💕💕 if you like freaky rpf then you probably know where to find them! AND...
kooka also sent me this reece locket and this AMAZING lazoo doll which. i actually started yelling when i opened it & saw what it was. LOOK AT HIM. LOOK AT MY HORRID BABY
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this is why i had to post the stitchup showdown opening, to at least provide context if not an explanation for my love for him 💗
my bf got me some amazing presents too, and we saw stage/fright – his 1st time, my 5th. details about the show further down, but first...!!
💕 REECE HUGGED ME!! 💕 and wished me happy birthday!!! 💕 he is the absolute sweetest and i just... yeah no words. i have rewatched the video of it a million times already. i was wearing heels so it was a biiit of a stretch for him to reach 🙈
i think this confirms he's not on ao3 lol because when i said "it's my birthday!" he didn't go pale and say "YOU! >:O"
on friday i had the best day with the lovely @spcvarney 💗 & we did a tour of the wyndham's!! she posted about this already, but the staff told us that reece has been claiming to feel ghosts touching his shoulder & stuff in the theatre 👻 of course he has
supposedly he had the same experience back in 2005 when he did as you like it there. no wonder he seems so happy there. they said that the alleged ghost has a history of reacting badly to swearing, and especially to the word cunt. 🫢
they let us go onstage, which was amazing. they asked us not to take photos of the stage/fright set & props. so of course i didn't. :) it really is an amazingly beautiful place
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yesterday was my birthday party & it was rlly nice to see my family & friends, including some wonderful in9 fans, and i had the BEST time nerding out with them in person 💗 @wintersoulwitch managed to come by IN BETWEEN the evening & matinee s/f performances which was actual legend behaviour, & their varney tshirt was easily a highlight of the whole experience
at the party itself i found out that i didn't just pass my january exams (the ones that made me wish i was dead), i actually nailed them 😭😭
@mifhortunach came a long way for the party & i can't say how exciting that was 🥹❤️ we've been friends for the longest time & every time we hang out irl i have so much fun. they were the one who introduced me to in9 in the first place, so that was a nice full circle moment 😅
today i was so wrecked that i slept all morning & only woke up in time to see them off. it has been a very... VERY intense three days & this post can't possibly capture it all but yeah, these are just some highlights
i feel really lucky. i love my friends, including the ones not mentioned here & the ones who don't know that i think of them as friends. idk how i come across on here, or in person. i'm not someone who has never been deeply lonely & shy & insecure. being in this fandom is one of the strangest & loveliest things that's ever happened to me, because the people are amazing. sometimes i think about how it won't last forever, but that's okay, i'll enjoy it for as long as it lasts
my time gets stretched pretty thin. i'm never on here as much as i'd like to be, & i usually don't reply to people as fast as i'd like to. a lot of in9 fans are in the uk, so my nocturnal habits are pretty antisocial. thanks for being kind to me & patient with me :')
⚠️ stage/fright spoilers beyond this point!!! ⚠️
thursday eve was a GREAT performance!! the audio is mostly me + my bf cackling with joy. the audience were well up for it. really enthusiastic, laughing a lot. the whole play felt looser and more energetic than usual, everyone in the cast was clearly vibing
reece especially – marcus was sassier and more over-the-top than usual, and he corpsed a bunch during kidnappers, covering his mouth with his hand. on "i know how to answer the phone" he did a little jig for no reason and then burst out laughing at himself
speaking of kidnappers, the guest was julian clary (jewel ink lairy) and he was FANTASTIC, so so funny. he called s&r "heterosexual cunts" & i think the looks on their faces can best be described as delighted astonishment
i should point out that my straight, non-fandom, comedy writer bf feels that the "pudgy & homosexual" line IS most likely a reference to s&r themselves 💁🏻‍♀️
hugo's gloves were among the props left out onstage. plus the ghost light, gramophone, creepy jars, and trepanning chair from that segment. and the hare (we think it was The Hare)
the boys skipped some fairly important dialogue in their last scene: the reference to bcdr and the explanation as to why the song was cut. not sure what happened but i think reece just fastforwarded a bit by mistake. it still worked and it was still absolutely perfect. ❤️
i had happy tears in my eyes all through the song. reece was audibly belting it out and clearly having the time of his absolute life.
when miranda hennessy came out of the stage door, there was a huge cheer from a group of women across the alley who yelled "we know her!" she ran over to them & they all hugged & laughed & they said how proud they were :')))
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revserrayyu · 3 days ago
3.1 Amphoreus thoughts [part 2]
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***Spoilers ahead*** for everything up until the rematch with the Flame Reaver, so turn away now if you don’t wanna get upset. At the time of writing this I’ve completed the full story quest so be wary if I mention any details that may happen later.
Starting off nice and calm with the ladies heading to the hot baths for some fun and sweet lord how did Aglaea become even prettier?? I’m in awe.
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This whole splitting of the souls chatter reminds me of Harry Potter horcruxes. Becoming a demigod doesn’t seem like the most fantastical job in the world if it comes with such a big drawback, such as this or having your emotions slowly fade (as seen with Aglaea). I can only wonder what Mydei will have to deal with now.
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The teasing just never ends between these two and it’s giving me life. Every interaction they have is such a joy to listen to.
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Dang, no wonder our boy couldn’t overcome the trail. He was faced with the most tragic day of his life and all the trauma that came with it.
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Okay thank heavens someone said it! Every time Mydei would mention how fear/fleeing/romance or any other word that shows weakness isn’t in the Kremnoan language I wanted to ask him like, okay, so what words are there then??
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Mydei speaks so fondly of his fallen comrades. Being immortal really is cruel, and it hurts even more that we walk past all of his buddies again in a memory where they’re so excited to see him return.
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At some point, Mydei’s teacher infiltrates the vortex by sorta kinda kidnapping Trinnon to do so and after going through this long spiel about the future of Mydei and the Kremnoans that I truthfully wasn’t paying that close attention to, Aglaea decides enough is enough and doesn’t hesitate to most likely execute him.. until Trinnon speaks up. I can’t lie, I genuinely find it a bit comical how quick this woman is to just end anyone who dares break any rules in this city.
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So.. this image. First things first, I love that he uses such language at his father. Secondly, can I trade places with him? I’d love to open my eyes and see this marvelous man looking down on me. Step on me, king~
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Poor guy has every one of his people wishing to return home to Kremnos someday with him as their king and yet he’s terrified on letting the miserable traditions continue if he decides to take the crown. It really is a difficult decision. Do you keep everyone safe and unhappy, or allow them to thrive in a world of danger?
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Oohhh buddy, why must everyone on this planet be gorgeous?? Her mom is looking like a long lost cousin of Argenti and Himeko.
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Not gonna lie but this whole scene with the dolls felt so Sparkle coded that it scared me. I honestly jumped the first time everything glitched out.
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Well that’s a bright, red death flag if I ever saw one. Some trailers already gave me bad feelings regarding Tribbie, but this worsens it.
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Pfftt, Aglaea has no chill and I’m here for it. Protect your people, queen!
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I mean, sure, choosing how you pass on individually on your own terms may be better than losing every part of yourself all at once, but Aglaea has a point too, that seeing the many Tribios clones perish over and over again is a lot harder than having it happen just once and being done with. It’s not an easy situation to be in for either side.
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It really is incredible how powerful these century gates are and it kinda reminds me of Finral’s spacial magic (Black Clover) the way it’s able to teleport others and redirect incoming attacks or enemies.
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If I wasn’t already panicking then I sure am now! Look how upset and scared these cuties are! They know Trianne’s pushing herself too far for their sake and there’s truly nothing that they could do to stop what happens next, especially after seeing how much weaker she’s been getting recently.
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Aaahhh, I knew it.. seeing this scene from the Song of Divine Silence trailer gave me such bad vibes from the moment I saw it! And after learning the whole meaning behind “see you tomorrow” just makes everything hurt twice as much!! Trianne was definitely my favorite out of the trio too.. this is such a bummer!
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We interrupt the sudden heartbreak to bring you an adorably surprised Trailblazer.
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I do love that Mydei trusts Phainon with his one and only weakness. I dunno how thrilled I’d be if such a literal backstabbing does take place in a future patch though.
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Anaxa, the renowned scholar, using his gun as a shield against the Flame Reaver.. he’s doing his best. Forgive me but I do not remember much of this cutscene to know if he ever used the weapon the proper way. I was in a mix of tears and hype at this point.
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Bro look at how relieved Phainon is when he noticed that Mydei has arrived to help them with the fight! That’s such a wonderful smile.
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Sir, your confidence! It’s extraordinary! And I’m also very pleased with your sudden assistance!
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Just two bros, ready to go knock some sense into a common enemy. What could possibly be better than that?
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Okay, so I dunno about everyone else, but how did we feel about this fight? I personally had no trouble at all, even when we first fought him at the grove. The way they showcased him during the 3.1 livestream, I figured he was gonna be serious trouble, but I think the Nikador boss offered a tougher challenge. I didn’t even get the chance to see this dude’s big, fancy attack animation.
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Look at him, protecting his man. What a good lad. We still dunno anything about what Phainon’s path or element would be, but for some reason he gives Preservation vibes? like I know he wields a giant sword and is quite capable of using for offense, but seeing him defend Mydei like this makes me think he can use it as a sort of counter I guess? Maybe give me a taunt too? Who knows. We definitely need more Preservation units though.
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All hail the new king successfully securing another win for all.
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I feel like a whole lot just happened in such a short amount of time. Next post should cover the rest of this patch.
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robinniko · 4 months ago
Since asks are on um what are your top ten movies to watch during Halloween season?
hello!!!! ive been slacking this month on watching spooky movies but my bf and i did try to watch a couple including the newest haunted mansion which i actually did enjoy mainly bc i have a fat crush on LaKeith Stanfield and also Danny DeVito and Owen Wilson were in it,
but okay this was my last over the last couple years when it comes to Halloween season in no particular order:
1. Halloween, it is a classic literally its in the name, Michael Myers is one of my favorite slashers as well!
2. Trick ‘r Treat, this movie when i was just a young child ABSOLUTELY TERRIFIED ME especially that one particular scene with like the kids, without spoiling it lmao
3. Scream, even though it is not my favorite horror franchise it is an iconic one and i have a lot of love for it, the meta of it all and Sidney Prescott being a bad bitch
4. The Purge, the entire franchise freaks me the fuck OUT, mainly because it is a goofy horror action plot with underlining realness like idk i remember someone told me they didn’t like how political The Purge got but like? it was always political and to me that is why a very interesting and compelling franchise under all the insane kills
5. The Conjuring, again another good franchise in my opinion, mainly because of the actors but i will admit the franchise does kind of get worse 😭 but i do love the first two films! and i am looking forward to the one that is coming out in 2025
6. The Shining, literally no words can describe how much i love this movie
7. Gremlins, it is also a good christmas movie too but its just such a fun goofy film that like you can just put on and have a good time, no need to worry about scares or anything, special shout out to the female gremlin in i think the second film
8. The Curse of the Were-Rabbit, listen Wallace and Gromit is literally always a good time
9. Shaun of the Dead, watched as a child and it stuck with me forever, it is still one of my favorite zombie movies and one of my favorite horror comedies, literally one of my favorite movies as a kid too
10. The Nightmare Before Christmas, ANYONE CAN FIGHT ME ON THIS BUT THIS IS BOTH A CHRISTMAS AND HALLOWEEN MOVIE 🗣️🗣️ no but yea its just such a good movie and it has such a nice memories of watching it in school as a kid
special mentions: 28 days later, Insidious franchise, Annabelle franchise, & Corpse Bride
Let me know your 10 top ten!! I actually need some good movie recommendations for Halloween but also i love spooky/horror movies overall so i always love recommendations!
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a2zillustration · 6 months ago
Mmm, Croissant in that lineless art style? Also, hope you're doing well!
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Ya sure ok
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protosymphonette · 10 months ago
Your ‘hate wins’ Butch and lone survivor art eclipses my thoughts often, I love seeing ur fallout oc’s please talk more about John whenever you have the chance, his positive swag and earnest whimsy have me enraptured. hoping you have a good day 🙏🏼
hello anon sorry for leavin this in my inbox for so long, for some reason i have been PHYSICALLY UNABLE to draw my ocs for the past couple of weeks- i think i got over it though. here are some johns and also a little of my other fo ocs... just 4 u.
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moeblob · 8 days ago
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#detroit become human#simon pl600#north wr400#sometimes i miss drawing simon and today is one of those days#bonus north because i just seem to always draw him in the same pose so shes there to spice it up#do not tell me ive drawn them in the same pose before im a one trick pony i know#also having a lil fun with not drawing all the lines which is insane#as someone who loves drawing line art#today bad (at work) and today wore me out and ive already taken a nap and shower#but you guys wanna know the highlight of my day in the way of i didnt have it on my bingo card?#it was wet and cold and raining and im taking an order out to a truck and the guy is like oh hey can you go to the otherside for em#my wheelchair is behind my seat so you cant really fit things there#and im like yeah ok sure#and then as im loading in the groceries hes like its really cold and raining and you still have to take that out?#do you not have a raincoat? and im like ... no unfortunately i uh... dont normally take orders out#so i didnt think to bring one and yeah its ok#and he just without hesitation after i said no was like DO YOU WANT MINE#sir what no thats so kind of you but no thank you please no i cannot take YOUR JACKET#and i told him no thank you it was very nice to offer but i was like two minutes away from clocking out so id get warm soon!#and he was like oh ok :c and i just think thats so nice ?#like some of the workers will rag on people for still using a grocery pick up service DESPITE working in the pickup dept#and then i take orders out and its to disabled people who cant get out of their vehicles easily#or its stressed moms trying to keep three kids in check who thank me so much for still being a service she can use#cause three kids in a grocery store can be a nightmare#and like ... idk man! thinking about that woman who got like 400 dollars of groceries and was stressed about a gettogether#and i mentioned i had been thinking about getting one of the twelve packs of drinks she got#that was a limited flavor i think and she just goes OH WONDERFUL! can i give you one???#and just was so quick to offer me a can of soda and was so happy when it was already pretty chilled so i could enjoy it#not that every person who uses the service has been polite when i take orders out but the majority have been?#and you might be asking well salmon why was it a bad day
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cozylittleartblog · 4 months ago
people who are so enthusiastic about the things i make and the fandoms i rep at my booth are THE #1 coolest part of the experience 🥺 i feel like convention artist alleys these days are mostly filled with the same 4 popular anime/mobile games and it's really hard to find less popular anime, let alone things like video games and webseries. you would not believe how many comments I got that people never see things like Team Fortress 2 or Portal in AAs, let alone stuff like Infinity Train or HLVRAI 😭 the people who recognize them are always SO excited and then I'M excited and we are BOTH excited and nerding out together. it's fantastic!!!
the hlvrai fandom is definitely still going strong! i still see a lot of fanart and community posts and my sales on my few hlvrai things on my etsy have Not slowed down lmao. i'm sure if covid didn't happen there would have been so many benry cosplayers in 2020. we were ROBBED </3 i've seen You and one benry cosplayer at ACEN last year and that was IT </3 </3 </3
#ask#agoraphobiclemons#at anime central i had an admin for one of the radiotvsolutions folks stop by my booth. they were also very excited#to see my art prints i had of the science team!! they were also very nice :3 and a neopets fan. big W#hlvrai is one of those fandoms where you might not meet them super often but when you do they're the coolest people#anyway hearing from people who saw me at cons is so so so fun#im booked for the same con next year already and fingers crossed i can get into acen again#anyway. fellow artists. bring some merch for things that aren't the biggest thing in the world#if everyone's selling genshit midpact you have to split the attention of every attendee who plays it#if you're the only booth selling something thats only moderately popular though. you'll get all that attention to yourself#and everyone that recognizes it will be really really excited about it. and then its not a Transaction its an Interaction and its FUN#i am saying this as somebody who never watches popular anime or plays gacha games pleeeeeeease diversify your catalogues dhjbdsfbhj#i started attending cons in 2016 and the 2016 ~ 2019 cons were completely different from cons in 2022 ~ 2024#and 'oh well they're Anime Cons ofc they have an emphasis on anime' isnt even an excuse because before 2020 it wasnt like that#esp here in chicago where we have like. three pop culture cons total. and they all have Anime in the name. doesnt stop anybody#or at least it didnt used to#anyway i am mentally pinning this ask in my brain corkboard and i will look at it forever <3 fandom is beautiful#THANK YOU FOR THE MESSAGE !!!! <3
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necrotic-nephilim · 6 months ago
do you ship helena bertinelli with anyone? if yes, then which characters and why? what's your favorite helena ship? do you have any helena rarepairs? (i know you've talked about helena/steph and you're so right about it, it's a very interesting ship)
!!!! i have so many ships for my best girl ever yes oh my god thank you for asking.
my top pairing is probably Vic Sage/the Question. Vic is the basic answer, but man. i love them so much. no couple has matched each other's freak like that have. Justice League Unlimited is a great adaptation of Helena in general, but it also did a great adaptation of Helena and Vic's relationship. how he just dedicates himself to helping her with no expected return, but also wants to make sure she doesn't go too far in a hunt for vengeance that never ends for her. i think a lot of characters often want to change Helena or expect things out of her for their own needs, like the Batfam and the BoP. but Vic is one of the few people who just wants her to be better for her own good. when he tries to stop her from killing it's not because of his morals, it's because he doesn't want this crusade to consume her. and i just. man i think about them a lot. Helena rlly likes weird little men who give themselves wholly to her.
Zinda Blake/Lady Blackhawk is also a top ship for me. tbh i just like Zinda. but i do love how Helena and Zinda interact, being the more rough and tumble members of the BoP. they're both outsiders, in different ways. Helena is an outsider of the Batfam and Zinda is literally from a different time and an outsider to the current world. their friendship is so genuine and i think if Babs and Dinah can have. whatever homoerotic nonsense going on during BoP, then Zinda and Helena deserve some homoerotic nonsense too. as a treat.
if we're willing to count New-52 Helena, then i enjoy Helena/Dick/Tiger. i think Helena and Dick being a past relationship is really important in pre-Flashpoint for Helena's development, though i don't ship them as a serious couple beyond a fling. but in the New-52, i think this throuple be fun. Helena and Tiger respect each other as two very driven, no-nonsense agents and then well. they both clearly have some kind of thing for Dick. so it's fun finding the balance of how they could all work together romantically.
and ofc. it's a crime to mention Helena ships and not mention Renee Montoya/the Question. every time they interact it's really fucking gay. it's so gay that Kate Kane, Renee's own ex, assumed Helena and Renee were gay. i cannot be convinced against this ship. i genuinely think this ship should be canon. i mean. DC did tease us with this moment from an alternate universe and it's lived rent for me since. fucking criminal for us to only get one panel of what we could have if DC let Helena be a fruit in the main universe. being in love with Helena Bertinelli should be a right of passage for the Question mantle, i personally believe. if you asked me like. genuinely who i want to see Helena date in the current comics, Renee is my top pick. (i would say Vic but he's fucking dead and the New-52 butchered him so rip my mans-)
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lois lane (2019) #10
besides those ships, just about every ship for Helena probably falls into the category of rarepair. like you said i've talked about my love for Helena/Steph before bc god. i think it should be a thing more people ship. once i finish the fic i'm writing about them i will convince others to like it.
i also think Helena/Cass could be fun. in a *lot* of ways Helena and Cass are narrative parallels to each other. Helena was a victim of her family being murdered at about the same age Cass was forced to be a murderer. Helena grows up to believe in lethal justice because of this, and Cass grows up to be staunchly against it. Cass' Batgirl suit was made *by* Helena. they both want to be protectors of the most vulnerable people. they balance each other out in a lot of ways and i think they should kiss about it.
also probably a rarepair, i think Helena/Lady Shiva is fun. their fight during Birds of Prey (2010) had... questionable moments for Helena's characterization, but i do love so much that Helena knocks Shiva off her feet and gains a deep respect from Shiva. like. Shiva gives her a nickname and shows her admiration. i would like to see fanfic where Shiva continues to be weirdly admirable of Helena and bothering her non-stop. they could be a fun fucked up toxic yuri moment. this is just. so gay to me.
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birds of prey (2010) #6
my most rare Helena pair would probably be Helena Wayne, actually. but specifically Helena Wayne of JSA (2022). ever since, for some reason, it was made canon that the current Helena Wayne was named after Helena Bertinelli and took the name Huntress to honor her i *cannot* stop thinking about them meeting. because in-universe it makes *no* fucking sense for Bruce to name his kid after *Helena Bertinelli*, someone he's regularly at odds with and doesn't like. it's clearly an awkward explanation to try to make the whole two Huntress situation make sense. (it's almost as bad as Helena Wayne in the New-52 using Helena Bertinelli as an alias.) but because it's such an odd choice, i do think it could be fun for Helena Wayne, when she's back in time to see Bruce, to find Helena Bertinelli to get to know the woman she was named after and Helena Bertinelli just being. baffled by the idea of *Batman* naming his kid after her. it could be a fun fucked up moment.
my other super rarepair is Kara Zor-L/Power Girl. they had like. one meaningful interaction of JSA Classified and it's been PLAGUING me. something about when Power Girl doesn't remember her past and she's seeking a friend, she instinctively goes to find Huntress? but it's wrong bc this isn't *her* Huntress and neither of them understand why Power Girl would seek Helena out? god it's so good. i'm always a big fan of ships where one person in the ship is *so* obviously using the other person as a replacement for someone they lost and they both know it. it's such a doomed angsty thing where you could play with Helena actually really liking Kara, but knowing that she's just a replacement for Kara's Helena Wayne. good fucked up shit man.
and lastly: i really ship her with Dawn Granger/Dove. there's no canon basis for this, they didn't have a ton of interactions even when they were both on the BoP. but there's a very kind innocence to Dawn that contrasts Helena's violence really well. and i do love a ship with a corruption kink vibe to it. let Helena corrupt Dawn. i could write such fucked up porn about these two.
#necrotic answerings#helena bertinelli#idk the ship names for most of these ships so idk how to tag them#most of them are too rare to have ship names. tragic.#anyway i ship her with so many ppl#i do ship her with tim as well but i didn't mention him just bc i default to viewing them platonically.#also think babs is a valid ship for her. but in a hatefucking way.#i prefer their relationship when they can't stand each other it's more fun.#but yeah the realistic “i want to see this in canon” options are vic and renee#and then the rest are “i'm alone in this ship but i see potential” rarepairs#esp lady shiva. like i'm *really* tempted to write that fic.#i just need to read more comics with shiva.#actually the most fucked up option: cass/helena/shiva incestual threesome.#that has potential. but i don't think anyone shares my vision#also i've seen posts arguing for helena/jason#and while. longterm i disagree. i do think them sleeping together is on the table.#but largely ppl always bringing him up when talking about her sours me to that ship. so eh.#also i would ship helena/bruce in a fucked up way if that one batman: the brave & the bold episode didn't piss me off so bad#justice league unlimited is the *only* good adaptation of helena i'm so serious.#everything else eats ass with her. esp the arrowverse.#and the birds of prey movie.#but jlu does good by her and if you just watch that show you do have a solid grasp of her character#it adapts her story into a child-friendly medium in what i think is the best way it could've#anywhore thank you for this ask <3#you actually sent this when something rlly shitty happened so it was a nice little distraction from life to think about my answer#OH WAIT YOU KNOW WHO I FORGOT.#kate spencer. manhunter. I ship her with helena too.#lethal female vigilantes unite.#BRO those two deserve a teamup mini or something. they'd click so well.#dc hire me to write a huntress/manhunter mini series i promise i won't make them gay (my fingers are crossed)
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atenceladusiaawfytbwb · 10 days ago
Saw one of the mean girl group (four or five big writers) anyway, day absolute ruined, I though -I was sure- I had them all blocked.
(They write a lot of basic white(gringo) dark fanfic, so maybe I'm just taking it the bad way. But I genuinely think they mean bitches, doing exactly the popular girls proces, where something is omg so funny heheha so crazy😜 until is done by someone out of their group (or simply on a bad day), then suddenly is "Can't you take this seriously 😠? You are disrespecting me as a person/writer, blocked💅"
What am i saying? I don't dislike them, I fucking hate them.
#atenceladusiaawfytbwb me be saying 🤠🧐#thatbkind of poeple‚ are just fucking cunts and should be 'skiped'. But since apparently is a characteristic of being popular‚ well‚ 🙃#let me desahogarme: 1) Theyre ultra yapper on that 'freedom of speech'‚ 'its just fiction'‚ 'live and let live'‚#'if you don't like it (me) just fucking block'- all good‚ no? Boy arent they the fucking police later‚ about EVERYTHING and EVERYONE#2) the fucking high-school mean girl (very related to 1): something is so so good‚ and so so right‚ and so so funny... inside their clique.#Then is fucking disrespectful and patronizing and evil. Punctual example: talking and banter and reblogging and commenting between them‚#like about something on common‚ lets say an abc fanfic and this and that‚ how crazy it is‚ process of making it‚ ideas#fun facts/ideas. all very positive and lighthearted and juat nice‚ entertaining to see. Then like the next day 🙃 an ask (that i hope#was anon‚ because girl‚ no one deserves that) about how it was‚ how is going. Boy. And first let me ve cery very clear I know the most basic#ettiquete about fanficnand writers: you dont press‚ you dont ask‚ there simply is not a polite or decent way to asknfor updates or dates#one just doesnt do that. I myself have have experiencing the very disheartening/infuriating experience where the comment#is “oh thank fuck‚ though you quit/abandoned the fic”. That was NOT the case‚ it involved asking for some timeline or so‚ but in no way was#it pressing for a date or updates or anything‚ and‚ it was very withing the previous dinamic‚ of just asking and talking and so. Said blog#owner juat fucking demolished the asker: “Oh.my.god how dare you? who do you think you are? you come to my house and talking to me like#this? You're a very disgusting human being and you must know it. this level of disrespect and patronizing- and it just went on and on. And#that is actually a very vafy important part of the 'mean' girl part. its not just rejecting‚ but it HAS to be through some shit long discour#se. Owner just went on and on on how unbeliabable the ask was (not like it was a normal ask itself‚ very polite itself#and very very tamely withing what they had been doing with the clique prior. Anyway‚ that was the star. everything just was like that.#im afraid that without that call‚ id still just following them and reading them‚ just here and then thinking “phew‚ you really gotta talk to#them a certain way to not upset them‚ haha😬“ anyway#cod fandom#cod mwii#tlou fandom#tlou#tlou 2
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