#thank you for sharing your experience!
Also really glad to see that your blog is cluster-B safe! Despite what I said in my other asks about me feeling hesitant to label myself as nebularomantic due to it falling under the aro umbrella and me not relating to aros at all (but also not relating to allos because most of them draw a very hard line between platonic and romantic love and their experience of it is very alien and foreign to me and has actually led to some very unpleasant social interactions in the past), I do relate to the experience very much and I am pretty sure it's caused by the combination of all my personality disorders.
I also have diagnosed ADHD and used to be considered autistic as well (that was later changed to a misdiagnosis and now I'm considered ADHD with a lot of autistic traits) but for me, the problems with differentiating between platonic and romantic love seems to be directly caused by my 3 diagnosed personality disorders specifically. I have Schizotypal, Borderline and Avoidant. And like if I had just one of them this wouldn't be happening, I think, and maybe even the killer combo itself wouldn't be that much of a problem but I also have a lot of symptoms of NPD. Which isn't that weird, cluster B disorders tend to kinda overlap and while most of my BPD friends don't show NPD traits, coincidentally my one friend with NPD does have a lot of BPD symptoms. But yeah I have a fair share of NPD traits as a cherry on the top of my BPD cake, and when that combines with my STPD and my AVPD, it creates this unholy concoction. Oh yeah and the asexuality was probably the last nail in the coffin because if I could feel sexual attraction I might be able to differentiate platonic and romantic based on my sexual feelings. But alas I am not sexually attracted to anyone at all, I just think that all bodies look cool as all hell and I am an admirer of the human form. People and the diversity of the human experience, both physical and psychical, always moves me to tears because people are just so beautiful and perfect aaaand sorry got carried away by the star bright perfection of humanity again.
your reasoning is exactly why nebularomanticism is not specifically an "autistic" label, but a neurodivergent one!
cluster b disorders are so unfairly demonized. this is totally a place where that will not be tolerated towards any personality disorders (or anyone at all.)
personally, mine is because of my autism- but I do have some NPD traits also (enough to make my life a more difficult, but not enough to be diagnosed.....) which may have something to do with it. i naturally don't have many friends, but if i do want a friend, it is strictly in the "acquaintance" category, and i just want the company, without the strong emotional connection. i've had friends who i care deeply about, but that same platonic love for those people..... could just as well be called romantic. if i were to date one of those people, my behaviour towards them wouldn't change- because it's the same feeling, with the same behaviors (TO ME). i don't understand the difference between taking a friend out to the movies, and taking your boyfriend on a date to the movies. that should be the same thing.... right? hahaha
it is interesting to me that some people do feel a real difference with those two types of "love."
thank you for sharing your experiences! i do agree a lack of sexual attraction may cause some difficulty in differentiating those feelings too. i can see what you mean.
humanity is beautiful! one of the reasons i made this blog was to have a place for all sorts of people to be able to share their feelings. it's been nice hearing from you!
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cockworkangels · 2 years
As someone who kept their hair bellow waist then shaved half of it and 2 years later all of it (back in 2017), I say, doooo it! Just this year did I decide to grow it back, but I don't regret cutting it in various stages of short and even shaving it. It's a wonderful feeling after so many years with long hair... I swear you can feel the wind better lmao. Plus, it's much more comfortable to sleep and take care of etc. I don't how much you want to cut it, but changing is always liberating in a way. And if you don't enjoy it as much later, it grows back in no time!
thank you for the encouragement i'm glad to hear it was a good experience for you!! and i've had kind of short hair before (a bob) and this hair is that cut grown over like 5ish years and it would be probably freeing to get rid of it all but realistically i'd go back to a bob. and you're right it's so much easier to take care of shorter hair too. i'm thinking about it!!
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feluka · 6 months
when i make a post about coptic culture and someone tags it as "worldbuilding"... a chill runs up my spine
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puppyeared · 5 months
i also have unaddressed therian feelings… sometimes i feel like a creature looking out from a human’s body yk
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i get what u mean..!! im still trying to understand it too, but im happy to finally have a word that describes the feeling. i cant say for sure what will help u come to terms with your feelings, but i think its good to find people who will listen and take it seriously ^_^
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it's upsetting to see people online against your identity who are queer, themselves. I'm mostly desensitized to it because I'm trans lol, but I do still experience frustration towards the people so hellbent on ripping apart the queer community with their intolerance. Just pick up a book, listen to other people about their experiences for ONCE in your life, people. 'Oh it's just fetishistic cis men' when a huge chunk of us are multigender, or nonbinary, or anything but cis and/or binary men. And yes, there are binary men who are lesboys who deserve just as much respect and I'm tired of accepting this idea that if you're a binary man you cannot be a lesbian, cis or otherwise. It's absurd to pretend that sexuality is a box with correct and incorrect ways of being, because that's what cishet homophobes believe too. It's no better to be anti lesboy than homophobic.
I know, when we're placed in a world that seems so man centered, and you're pressured to be into men as a woman when you're not, you can feel insulted by lesbian men and stuff like that. But once you learn that queer people being queer differently than you aren't trying to hurt you, you'll thank yourself for it. Once I stopped believing in some made up rules, my rollercoaster of an identity isn't so confusing or stressful anymore. We can view gender AND sexuality like this, and that's where a good chunk of progressives fall flat. Because when the average person thinks of 'lesbian' they think of women attracted to women exclusively, with hardly any room for gender fuckery or malleable attraction... and the 'nonman x nonman' definition isn't much better. It's still rigid with its allowances.
It's time to leave boxes behind as a community. That's why when I'm elected as president-
sirenium is going to be participating in the election this november. make sure to vote lesboy no matter who
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DA2 is the best DA game actually because not only you are are a refugee, but your whole friend group except one (1) guy are also all refugees in some way or at the very least foreigners in the city, and you get to see all the different ways they do and don't struggle to adapt and fit in and make a new home
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ultimateumbreon33 · 1 year
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fanart of @hollowtones and puzz (slarp forms) relaxing in the amber woods
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pushing500 · 2 months
I just caught up with Mechi and my god I love Kwahu, the comics with them are so sweet. I hope you have a nice day!
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I'm so glad you like Kwahu as much as I do <3 <3
What could be better than one grouchy researcher with no social skills? That's easy! Two grouchy researchers with no social skills! Long live the Jones "twins"
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a-polite-melody · 3 months
RE: That afab transfem post, I think it's wild to see people in the notes claiming that no afab perisex person has ever had femininity denied to them and masculinity forced upon them bcs like...hello, I am an afab perisex person who as a child was, for whatever reason, deemed a failed girl by the adult women in my life who then proceeded to deny me femininity to the point that my hair was cut against my will, my dresses and skirts literally taken away, I was forced to wear ugly unisex clothes I hated while my female siblings and cousins got cute dresses, my parents wouldn't let me pierce my ears no matter how much I begged despite every other girl I knew having earrings, and was not taught any stuff that women tend to teach their daughters. The first time I went bra shopping, I was alone, and ended up wearing a too-small sports bra until it was falling apart and a friend offered to teach me how to buy a properly fitting one. I had to beg my mom to teach me to shave and she kept saying she didn't want to the whole time. No one even offered to teach me to make my hair nice or put on makeup or how to pick out flattering clothes. I guess they just decided I didn't need to know all that. And hell, my expressions of femininity were legit punished by my peers. I got mocked relentlessly every time I dressed femininely, girls at school spread rumors about me secretly being a guy, the idea that any guy could ever like me was apparently hilarious, I never even risked attempting to wear makeup because I knew what would happen if I did. Hell the one trans guy I knew(who was not out at the time but still dressed almost exclusively in guy's clothing) had more people trying to force femininity on him than I did. I don't ID as transfem, I'm genderqueer and transmasc(and when I came out my sister kinda implied that she's never really felt like I was a Girl in the first place which...she means well but it was weird to hear) but the idea that this sort of thing only happens to trans women/fems is just completely false. Despite being afab, the society I was raised in did not view me as a woman or want me to be one, and they treated me accordingly, to the point that sometimes I wonder if my current gender identity was one I was born with or simply a result of me having femininity denied to me until I decided trying to earn it wasn't worth the trouble. I genuinely feel like I have a lot in common with trans women/fems, at least in the ways we were raised, and I admire them for finding joy in femininity when I never could and probably never will. It does make sense to me that some afab people could feel the label transfem applies to them, and drawing lines between trans and nonbinary and genderwhatever people based on assumptions regarding what's in their pants feels so pointless.
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heeey! you just answered my post ❤️ to be honest it’s such a stupid affirmation to say that betty has no backbones, she’s the strongest character I’ve ever seen or read about and watching her getting stronger and stronger during her journey it’s so satisfying to me, she makes me feels things I wish I could feel, she accomplished things I wish I could have accomplished it. talking about me personally, watching betty deal with misogyny/racism coming from women and gay men, watching them mock her features, her body, her presence, dehumanising her, it really was a experience where I felt like I was holding hands with her all the way. when she found the letter, her time in Cartagena finding herself, the fashion show where Hugo tries to humiliate the Quartel publicly and she stands up for them. betty taught me something very important “la cabecera de la mesa esta donde yo esté sentada”
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“[Betty] is the strongest character I’ve ever seen” exactly and it’s shocking how people don’t notice it! From the beginning we see how resilient of a character she is! It’s not easy to endure rude remarks (Hugo, Gutierrez) and humiliation (Marcela’s comparison) with a stoic face, yet Betty was able to so! She continued with the interview process without batting an eyelash. She acknowledged that the employees (Ig the superiors) were rude yet at the end of the day she laughed it off. If I were her I would’ve cried myself to sleep especially if I experienced Marcela’s comparison! Like how are you going to get my hopes up with a 2nd round of interviews all for yall to compare me to a beautiful woman!! And let’s not forget the whole situation with Armando’s agenda or phone book (whatever it was). The way Marcela went feral to snatch the book from Betty’s hands and how she tried firing her was crazy! I would’ve given her the agenda or definitely quit on the spot ain’t no way I’ll continue dealing with a crackhead. Ik that at the end of the day she needs the job but I just feel like these situations really highlights how mentally strong she is and especially how selfless she is! She’s willing to endure the abuse from her superiors to keep her job that feeds her family! And as someone who’s mentally weak I can’t help but feel jealous of Betty’s mental strength. I remember when I started working at retail job a few years ago I ended up quitting on my third day... All because I couldn’t handle the look of annoyance of my supervisor when I asked questions on how to do my job and how a customer was rude as hell when I struggled finding an item for her. Remembering how Betty endured worse to straight up abuse I can’t help but feel compassion for her yet I admire her fortitude. And tbh, even tho I hate it, it was great how they didn’t hold back with the jokes in ysblf. The mild jokes to the dehumanization help the audience relate to Betty even more since its experiences we all endured in our lives especially when you’re a minority. (I don’t think Betty would’ve had the same impact if they stuck with the mild jokes imo). This why I love the quote mentioned!! It’s so impactful and layered!! To see how far she came with overcoming her low self esteem by standing up to her abusers and making it clear to them that she will not let herself be trampled on again is so satisfying to watch!! Plus she let’s everyone(the shareholders and audience) know that she’s always been the main character 💅
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datshitrandom · 6 months
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Darren Criss during Little Shop of Horrors curtain calls | January 30th - March 31st 2024
[Source: ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡, ♡ ]
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featherymainffins · 5 months
Peace and love on planet Earth but if I see one more post NOT about recovery and, in fact, encouraging eating disorders in the ed recovery tag, I might just turn into a chimpanzee and tear everyone's faces off.
#ed recovery#are you people for real?#ONE. I'm asking for ONE tag.#how tone-deaf and cruel do you have to be to post your active ed behaviour absolutely without any trigger warnings#or forewords#you know what i foolishly expect in the es recovery tag? ed recovery. yes i know very presumptuous of me.#i expect people who are trying to recover or are in recovery sharing their experiences and maybe some body positivity#talking about how hard recovery can be; for example. etc etc.#you know what happens in the tag? of course you do. ana meal diaries. posts about nothing but how much you body check#talking about how much you hate yourself because you're trying to lose 10kg and yesterday you had a salad and now you're asking#for tips how to get better at restricting and continuing your ed.#everyone who does that is a ghoul. and I'm done being nice and ignoring that shit.#like. some fucking room check maybe? I'm sitting in my flat shaking from cold which is caused only partly by the room temperature#and I'm doing my best to avoid everyone i know because i can't stand the thought of them seeing my form and when someone#i know accidentally meets me on the street or somewhere i feel like shit because I'm disgusting and if it were up to me#i wouldn't even leave this flat at all. so you know. naturally. i try to get myself at least some form#of support. i try to look for positivity for people like me; who are trying to recover. i want an outside source to affirm that I am not#repulsive. that I'm not insane when i think that all bodies are cool and fascinating and that there's no way or shape anyone is#expecting me to be in order to earn their love or at least their lust. and what do i get instead? you ghouls#wonderful. lovely. think about all the people like me next time you decide to post that shit in the recovery tag. thanks.
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pillarsalt · 9 days
When I was a trans-identified female and in the depths of my eating disorder, I was actively scrolling through the pro-ana tags on here. A lot of posts were under multiple different tags, including "boy/male ana." And when I clicked on it, it was full of other anorexic trans-identified females, not a single actual male in sight. There would be things like, "I wanna drastically lose weight so my breasts will go down and/or my jawline will look stronger and/or I'll generally look less female."
Despite the fact I was also trans-identified, this was probably my first wake-up call. I looked at these posts and was like, "How do they not see it?" I was struggling with anorexia long before I became trans-identified, and even before that, I wasn't happy with myself. I think I misconstrued my body dysmorphia with gender dysphoria. Honestly, I'd even go as far to say that my body dysmorphia actively caused my gender dysphoria, because body dysmorphia affects the entire body, including sexed characteristics - not just parts like the stomach and thighs. It's no surprise that gender dysphoria and body dysmorphia have overlapping/similar symptoms. I think gender dysphoria should be treated as a type of body dysmorphia and not a completely different thing, personally.
If I wanna go all conspiracy, while I do think oppressive societal roles for men and women (and fetishization of these roles + fetishization of homosexuality by heterosexuals) do contribute to gender dysphoria, I think a lot of it also has to do with both males and females wanting to escape how they look in general. I don't know many people who are genuinely happy with their body, and transitioning might be how a lot of people attempt to escape it. Like, I don't think it's a coincidence that as I developed exercising/eating habits that were actually healthy, my dysphoria went away.
Love your blog. Your art especially is very reassuring and calming to me. I hope you're doing well! <3
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pardonmydelays · 15 days
~ Imagine Dragons Concert ~
First of all, Dan sounds good live!
"We're Walking the Wire" was beautiful live. 🥹
I loved the uplifting, encouraging songs, such as "We're Walking the Wire" and "Whatever It Takes".
The backdrops with the moving graphics for each song was gorgeous! I have so many videos and screenshots so I can't recall which exact song(s) I liked the most as far as graphics go, but "Sharks" was neat. The backdrops were basically set up like underwater (obviously) with sharks swimming. A few close up of sharks too, which was cool.
Hearing some of the songs from the 2010s like "Thunder" and "Radioactive" was nice.
Apparently "It's Time" was on the setlist, but I swear I do not recall hearing it! ... And I love that song. 🥺 I was lowkey hoping that they would play that. I definitely would have recorded it.
I was not expecting Dan to take his shirt and shorts off, but there we were... Lmao, and my God, was he ripped. We're talking muscles, 6 pack, etc. The whole package, Poppy!
I loved hearing my favorite songs live and the whole concert itself, but one thing that really stood out to me was Dan talking about mental health. He proceeded to tell us how Imagine Dragons came about followed by things he struggled with growing up in his teen years and even now as an adult. He ended his (2.5 minute) speech by assuring us audience members that we are loved and to please not leave this world.
(I'll post the video on my account soon!)
Again, I have a lot of favorite songs, but the ones I enjoyed the most were "Bones" and "Enemy".
That's...about it! It was a wonderful concert overall. 🩷
dan's voice is absolutely incredible! i hope he was screaming a lot during your show because, oh dear lord, i do love guys who scream (*cough cough* tyler joseph *cough cough*) and dan just happens to be very good at it (my favourite imagine dragons songs are actually the ones where he screams lmao)
walking the wire will always be one of the most important songs to me. it was their newest single when they had a show in poland in 2017 and they actually performed it live for the first time that day AND I WAS THERE. i was there. good all days. beautiful song. ahh.
the thing about sharks makes me so incredibly happy for the dumbest reason ever (not because i love the song but because i fucking love sharks shhjdvjsevjh i'm sorry)
i'm pretty sure they still sing radioactive at every single one of their shows which is pretty cool because i love this song so fucking much and i know a lot of people hate it because it's their most popular song, but that could never be me, radioactive is my baby forever and always. i also love thunder. used to sing it all the time with my best friend (who's no longer in my life. but i always think about him when i hear this one. i hope he's doing alright)
what do you mean they didn't perform it's time, it's the most imagine dragons song ever, WHY OH WHY JAIL FOR THEM!!!
he DID WHAT NOW... what do you mean dan was stripping on stage, oh dear lord. to absolutely no one's surprise, i used to have a huge crush on him (why do i always have to have a crush on my favourite artists genuinely what the hell is wrong with me but dan is really hot ok ok), i would probably fucking die. oh dear lord. omg. can you hear mE SCREAMING-
oh, i absolutely fucking love it when he talks about mental health. it always makes me cry but also i always felt so fucking proud because i can only assume how hard it is for him. i know he's been struggling a lot in his life. it's always nice to know you are not alone. makes you feel seen.
i know nobody asked for it, but i found an old video from my show from two years ago and i just want to share it with you. i was really close. and he was wearing a very slutty shirt that day. you're welcome.
i'm so glad you had fun!!! can't wait to see the video from your show!!!
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arttsuka · 3 months
Read your post earlier about being harassed by some scum and just want to say I'm sorry to hear about it my dude (idk your pronouns I'm sorry, but I call everyone dude regardless of gender.) It can be quite hard sometimes, just simply existing and being nonsensically bothered for it. I can understand this quite well as a visible butch, whenever I'm out alone, I'm always slightly afraid of being confronted (if I'm not mistaken for being a boy first.) But no matter where you look, there will be assholes. Yet on the other hand, there are perhaps more lovely, kind human beings out there. Whenever your art comes on my dashboard, it makes me chuckle to see the mountain of wonderful jedtavious pieces that you've created. It might seem hard in those moments when you're being harassed and the overwhelming wave of fear of confrontation hits you, but know that the wave will eventually pass, even if it seems like your drowning. Get well soon my dude and to quote Jedidiahs bestie Arthur Morgan, you're ok boah
This made me tear up, thank you.
I know there are kind people out there behavior (this ask is proof of that, someone who doesn't know me being kind for no reason other than that they can), it's just that society promotes bad behavior. It's 'normal' for some people to pick on others for a quick laugh, it's what they were taught growing up. I have hope that the new generation of kids will be better on that regard, have more compassion for the people around them. Patriarchy hurts everyone but that's common knowledge at this point.
And I know my existence does not warrant harassment, it's just hard to acknowledge that all the time. The negative confrontations stick to my brain and it's like a pile, building up until it becomes too hard to ignore.
I have that mentality that you should treat people how you want to be treated (just like newton's 3rd law, or is it the 2nd?) and it really sucks that this isn't the reality we're living in. No matter how kind you try to be there are always some bad apples out there.
I'm glad my drawings bring some joy to people, it really means a lot to me (I'm always very critical of my 'art' so relieving compliments is very awkward? in the sense that i never know how to respond without sounding robotic).
Thank you for taking time out of your day to send me this long paragraph, I really appreciate it.
Btw I too think dude, bro, gurlll etc are gender neutral.
I'm really bad at words, I can't articulate my thoughts very well so I hope I'm not coming off as I'm uninterested or ungrateful.
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kathybluecaller · 10 months
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Flipping flapjacks I’m a year old tup tup!!! (+1 day)
Yesterday, November 19th, marks the day I ran into this wonderful band through the Starlight Brigade music video. Can’t put into words how many good memories I’ve been making since! Ranging from it being another thing to bond over with friends and family, seeing them perform live, to even meeting new people. Their music and the community people have built is just so welcoming, funky, and positive! Couldn’t have asked for a better band to call my favorite
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