#thank you for educating me XDD
hirazuki · 19 days
Mine is 4 years old, I've only had it for 2, but yes they commonly don't anymore. You gotta go out of your way to find one with.
All in trying to thin down phones as much as possible, I honestly hope the EU steps up like it has for universal charging cables in the past.
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To my detriment, I learn something new every day 😔
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despairforme · 1 year
Gonna use you as my anonymous confession dump, so I learned how to tell the difference between real and fake tits from a fucking Grimmjow x reader fanfic (real ones get flatter when you lay down)
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❝ But did ya learn which ones are best? Real or fake ones? ❞
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tapakah0 · 10 months
Okay! I don't know where you got the idea from and my best guess is that your brain is connected to mine via bluetooth but.
Me and Hoddie have a royal au and your animation made me think of it again.
Nothing crazy special, but...ah...I should probably give a little context yeah...hmm.
Uh, okay. There's a kingdom. whose king and queen have died, leaving behind several possible heirs who are not their direct children. Right now, the king's first general is sitting on the throne, because the power of the army is, you know, a pretty powerful argument in a fight for the throne, right? This creepy regent is Cass. And Cass came to power thanks to Hoddie, who's basically the king's heir too, but she's pretty distant and her chances of the throne are quite slim. This has made her a professional rat and back stabber. The whole palace is busy weaving intrigue and destroying each other in a competition for power. Contests in cunning and sneakiness. A maximally intellectually uncomfortable environment in general.
Until Hoddie finds the true heiress. The king's blood daughter, to whom the throne should rightfully belong.
Problem? The problem is that the heiress needs to be two years older to be old enough to rule. And Hoddie and Cass' goal is to make sure she lives to that age in an environment where every other person wants to frame or kill her.
That heiress is you, Tap. But we couldn't think of what you'd look like in this au ahaha.
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MHHMMM I SEE ONCE IN A WHILE BRAIN BLUETOOTH IS A GOOD THING you left me a window for my part and I grabbed this opportunity with sharp teeth Since there was no mention of my part, I have the audacity to add my own version. Did I understand correctly that my existence as an heiress was not known? It would be strange if the king was not looking for me, if I was the only heir (by blood), which means they were hoping for a new child, or already had plans for an indirect heir, or wanted to hide me. What other power is there, besides the king and the army, that holds the common people? Church. The king could have sent me to be trained as a priestess in order to gain support from them (either I was not considered worthy of receiving the throne in the future, which is why they preferred to hide me, or the king so badly needed their support that he was ready to sacrifice his only blood daughter) . Thus, from a young age, the beauty of a non-existent world somewhere beyond the heavens was drummed into my head and, in general, “God speaks all our actions.” I have an inconspicuous appearance, a position above a simple servant, but such priests are usually considered to be the daughters of high nobles, but not the king himself, which is why not everyone could know who I really was. Thus, they forgot about my existence ~ After the death of the king and all the heirs, the church quickly realized what to do next, and crushed me to itself, hiding me from the world until I reached the age of succession to the throne. (But children could take the throne under a regent. Could Hoodi become my regent as one of the older contenders for the throne?) So, back to the turmoil. Hoodie found me at church. Since childhood, my worldview could have changed greatly under the influence of the church, so, well, you will have to hammer a lot into my head, in addition to the throne’s education (You know... it's bit complicated to make a human sona not as a stupid little ball XDD... it literally can't get a shape at this point... maybe you will place a real bunny as the new king? It will be eating cabbage 24/7 and everyone will be happy)
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factual-fantasy · 5 months
28 Asks! :DD Thank you!! :}} 🛒
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She met Seafoam when she rescued his ship from a great storm out at sea. :00
She brought the ship to safety and the next morning Seafoam crawls out into the deck and pulls himself over the railing to look around. All bruised and cracked from being thrown about the ship all night <XDD
That's when their eyes meet.. she tells Seafoam the story of how she saved his ship. And Seafoam is endlessly grateful! He was so kind and genuine.. 💞
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XDD Thank you!! :DD I'm glad you like it! :}}
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@holly-opal (Link in ask)
I have not, but I know of it! :00 A friend of mine loves it and has recommended it to me. I've always considered reading it but never got around to it <XDD
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A lot of people commented that he looks a lot like Davy Jones from Pirates of the Caribbean, so I imagine yes! <XDD
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He might be happy to find someone that looks similar to him! :DD Though he probably wouldn't approach her.
If he saw someone like that, it'd be on shore. And if he's on shore? He's with his crew. Which means he's got a lot of people too keep track of and protect- he has no time to get distracted by interesting ladies! XDD
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Man I've put one some weight-- XDD
But thank you! I'm sure Grim and "Gengar me" would be great friends :}}}
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I could! :DD Maybe he'd be another pirate, they could call him "Tack" for short! :}}
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While I imagine she'd love to help out in that way, I imagine Seafoam tends to his own laundry XD
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@neo-metalscottic (Gerald's one year in question)
Thank you so much!! :DD The other comic is almost done and I'm hoping to post it soon! I've just had a few rough days with my health so Its not coming out as fast as I'd hope.. 😅 That, and I've been a bit mentally preoccupied daydreaming about web comic ideas.. 😞
As for Morton, I think his skin color will be a simple case of melanism! Nothing too crazy or magical there! <XDD As for his name and how he talks, I think its a reasonable idea that he would be named after a previous king! :0 Perhaps a previous king who had melanism as well..? 👀 Who knows XD
Though with his voice, I cant imagine him talking all "hulk" like. Since he's a part of the royal family he would have access to only the best education and speech therapy (if needed-). So the likelihood of any of the Koopalings having speech problems or talking "hulk" like would be low 😅 though that's not to say that out of all his siblings, he leans towards that type of speech the most! :00
As for Kammy and Kamek, she's not nearly as old as him. I was thinking Kamek is hundreds of years old, while Kammy is the Koopa equivalent of like... 60-70? She was brought into the koopa palace to be a nanny/maid. Her power is different from Kamek's, though I haven't figured out all the specifics yet.. I guess it can be said that when it comes to magic, they both studied and mastered different things.
Now if she ever faced Kamek in combat? He would flatten her. There is no Magikoopa alive today that can compare to Kamek's power..
...Doesn't mean she's afraid to get on his nerves though XDD She loves to mess with him, knowing that he's not allowed to hurt her.🤪
And lastly, its interesting to hear about the Vehicons getting some more originality! :00 My favorite out of those 3 would have to be the red one :}}
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AWE! Thank you so much!! :DD I'm honored!! :}}}
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Nah, he's always gonna be littol! XDD And thank you!! :}}
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My first instinct was no.. since Jangles is like 2.5-3 feet tall and I always imagined sans to be 4.5-5 feet tall. But google says sans 2 feet tall??? XDD If we're going by Googles standards then yeah Jangles is taller- but my heart dont want to believe he's that short 🤣💀
As for the 20k post, Jangles wasn't holding anything other than Gerald.. so I assume you meant this post..? <:0 If so, its a granola bar! Its been most if my diet recently so I imagine I had a few extra lying around for Jangles <XDD
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So far I really like it!! :DD Better than Sword and Shield imo that's for sure <XDD
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I do not. <:/ But you can find all my Pokémon stuff under #pokemon scarlet and violet or #pokemon in my blogs search bar! <:D
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Funky lookin guy, I like him! XDD
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*Cici tugs at my arm
"......so you gonna drink that-" XDD Thank you!
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Thank you so much!! :DD I've got my hopes back up recently, hoping I'm over all this soon! :}} 🤞🤞
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Awe, thank you!! :}}}
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Oh yeah, after the wars all said and done? I'm sure he's pull back on that extreme and get some repairs done 🥺
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You know to be honest, Grim is very dangerous becuase his brother is a Sylveon. XDD If I remember correctly, V is higher level than Grim in the game. Dragon types better watch out! XDD
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Oh hey! I've seen that guy around! I used to think he was Shockwave <XDD And he appears to be an Autobot?? With how Chaotic he is in fanart I thought he was a Decepticon-💀
But anyways- yes! With the fanart I've seen of him, I think him and Bash would be great friends XDD
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Thank you! I'm glad you liked those comics! :DD
Though at the moment, I don't have plans to jump back into that fandom anytime soon. <:/ I've have some uncomfortable experiences with the Octonauts fandom recently so I'm taking a bit of a break for now-
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I don't see a reason to go through the effort to maintain an account on another website. <:0 I have all my inside jokes, my follower celebrations and all my followers right here in one place! Its much nicer :}
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Awe! Thank you so much!! :DDD I'm glad :}}}}
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Nah its fiiiiine dw! As long as I have the bandages on the blood will stay in my hands surly :}} but thank you for the tea! :D
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(Referencing this post)
XDD Are we sure it wasn't [M]ango?
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Daaannngg.... Homestuck is way bigger than I thought-
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That looks beautiful!! :DD And thank you! :}}
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shifuto · 5 months
remember I mentioned something about coming out again? Well, I guess this is it ^^; I'm literally, physically, sick because of how alienated and disconnected I feel from other people and my gender identity has a lot to do with it. It's horrible, it feels horrible. A lot of gender stuff and feelings are internal, but there's social aspects too and, while I got the internal stuff figured out, the social ones have been a nightmare to navigate
prior to coming out as trans, I flirted with the bigender label, but faced the semantic issues that came with it and it didn't fit so.. trans binary, then nonbinary, androgyne, demiboy/girl, etc etc etc until settling on agender.. "trans" (also transgender and transsexual) have always been the big and comfortable umbrella I use. "Queer" too but it encompasses everything (aka: it's not specific enough when I want to be specific). I like "genderqueer" and "genderfluid" as well but they're not the right fit for me
you know it's funny how it was right on my face this whole time?
I've been always pansexual (and panromantic, I'm still somewhere in the asexual umbrella XD not so much these days, but still!! XDD) even before I knew the words for it, I have always felt attraction to people regardless of their gender ever since I can remember so.... it's not surprising how my attraction to others would reflect on my own gender identity. I don't really have hard, solid preferences because I like everything, or rather: it's the inside that matters most
I don't think, realistically, I'll be able to find people who will not gender me so.. I can keep on trying to correct and educate people on that, I can grow numb to it and "accept", I can become resentful and isolate or I can change how I exist socially for the sake of being able to connect
"but doesn't that mean you're changing yourself for other people's sake? isn't that bad?"
yes and no! I don't even feel like this is a change per se, more like.. an adjustment, fine tuning, tweaking.. it's me reaching a compromise where I don't really have much to lose but I'll gain tenfold..
and because I'm the funniest motherfucker alive, earlier today I thought "hey why don't we go full pan on this thang" and I feel like I destroyed my closet now XDDD Schrödinger's gender if I will. Am I a woman? A man? Trans woman? Trans man? Transfem? Transmasc? Both? Neither? A third option? All of them? None of them? An eldritch abomination? Another unspecific identity?
still not sure how well pangender suits me but, so far, any pan identities and labels have fit me like a glove
multigender people I love you, I love that you are men and women and more, I admire you and you have helped me so much <3 thank you!
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asteral-feileacan · 6 months
☁️, 💌 and 🪐 please!
Thank you! :D
☁️ - What made you choose your username?
I love this one, and I finally get to drop my username lore! This is actually quite a bit of history, so buckle up.
As a child, I was obsessed with Lassie, which is something that not a lot of people seem to really know for some reason. Anyway, my Lassie is actually split between the 1994 and 2005 movies, although I only saw the 1994 version later in my childhood and grew up with the 2005 one.
This obsession was so much so that whenever little me played make-believe, I would call myself Lassie and, well, it just kind of stuck and wouldn't go away. So when I eventually joined the internet at a once-questionable age(which started out fine because I was only using educational sites, but I still ended up on Discord just under the age requirement a couple of years later XDD)
At this time, "Lassie" for some reason morphed into "Lasspeep" and "Lassie Peep" - I think this was because of my parents, but I have no idea why XD So those variations were my usernames as I started to use the big scary internet. Eventually I did drop "peep", but Lassie has such a chokehold on me that I still use it, especially on Discord.
Fast forward to about a year or two ago, and I was looking for a name with more oomph behind it for my profiles on Tumblr, AO3 and FF.net. I had been going by Kit-Kat-of-Midgard, which I didn't really like, and so I started trying out a lot of things - username generators, random word lists, etc, but nothing was clicking. Then in a stroke of inspiration, I decided to go back to my roots, as it were. I used to use Google Docs as a kind of social media before I joined Discord, and to differentiate between the people in the group, we all picked colours and fonts to type in. Mine was cornflower blue, and that led me straight to the cornflower. While I was on that topic, I found its family name, Asteraceae, and that piqued my interest, but it still wasn't quite right. When I kept reading, I came across the order Asterales, which IMMEDIATELY made me go, "yep, that's the one."
So I had the base, and at some point I shortened it to simply Asteral. I really loved that, but I also wanted a second part, to get a message across that showed more of who I am. This one was a LOT easier, I have to say. I'm Irish, so I decided I'd go for an Irish word, and the struggle was just to figure out what word that would be.
SO I grew up being brainwashed into loving the band a-ha(I still love them), and it was a known fact that my favourite song of theirs is Butterfly, Butterfly. So my brain gremlins picked up my last remaining braincell, and translated "Butterfly" into Irish, which Google Translate(I don't speak Irish, sorry) told me was "féileacán". So, boom. Asteral Féileacán. Unfortunately, for the most part, the sites I'm on don't allow me to include the fadas, so it shows as Feileacan instead. Rest assured that the correct way is lurking somewhere behind there! But that's the admittedly long-winded explanation behind my usernames and why they're connected by a string.
💌 - How many unread emails do you have right now?
Oh. Oh no. I have several email accounts... in total, I have 337 unread emails spread out across four different emails, though they're mostly from automatic mailing lists from YouTube or AO3. My professional email account is paid much more attention, so it has no unread emails. >:) Rest assured that I will now be clearing out all my emails.
🪐 - Name three good things going on in your life right now.
Aw, this one is sweet <3
Theatre. I'm having a lot of fun engaging in theatre for the first time in my life through King Lear - I know I won't shut up about it, but I'm honestly really excited, and rehearsals are honestly the highlight two days of my week.
My writing spark. Writing has become fun again, and because of that, I've been able to post what I'm working on with less fear. This is huge for me because I stopped posted for years, and even though I was still working on things, I wasn't working on them in a capacity that was satisfying to me. I'm doing much better now, and a lot happier with what I'm doing.
Being connected outside of the internet. I have to say that this past year('23, so far '24) has been amazing. I got the chance to meet people IRL and make friends, I've been changing my very hermit-like habits and getting out more, and while it hasn't always been easy and I'm still struggling a lot with numerous things, I think I'm in a better place than I would have been two years ago. <3
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dropthedemiurge · 1 year
i started watching because of you and i did not expect to cry so hard over the main character's dad. don't get me wrong, the angst and romance drama is very sad and secondhand embarrassment too but what apparently hits me the hardest rn is the dad stuff. i don't know much about thai society but i can guess they value family a lot and being a sudden orphan must have nerfed the main character's confidence even more
oh also pear is really cute we love to see a girl winning. you go get that education and the life you deserve! im hoping for her sake the writers will be compassionate to her in the ending however that works out. she's so kind to everyone, please be kind to her. it's not her fault she has a somewhat crush on her childhood best friend. that's quite a long time to get to know someone
i also feel bad for the angsty guy like when he showed up drunk the day of the wedding i wanted to close the blinds and give him water. call his heart a fiddle the way he's being played/strung along rn. ten years ago i probably would have read sad angst fics of him and cried for him because he's so obvious about his feelings but clueless guy is so oblivious. but i don't think those secondhand emotions will hit until clueless guy is enlightened so im happy to postpone all of that for later. clueless guy really is quite the train wreck.who knew time wizards could fix light-up snow globes? i want a snow globe that lights up AND plays music. in the show they think it's cheap but that is combining several snowglobe selling points into one. in addition to having fake snow in the sculpture ball!!!!!!
i don't really know what else to say so far im not caught up yet but thanks for exposing me to this. oh also! it's funny they included a cat food commercial in the show. they really know their demographic lol
First of all, I really appreciate you anon sharing your impressions of Be My Favorite with me - but I couldn't be more perplexed when the first message came in without warning and NOTHING indicated me that you were talking about BMF and not some random time wizard shops xDD Anyway, now that I'm on the same page -- YOU GET IT! Anon, you get it. I'm not watching BMF as much for the romance and everything, as I'm watching it to see all character's development (which is done so great) and damn, all the scenes and flashbacks of Kawi, the clueless guy, with his dad are just so. Hitting right in your heart :'))) Not just Thai society, basically in Asian culture they value family and traditions very strongly! (as opposed to western's individualism etc). You can see a lot of Thai, Korean, Japanese series incorporate it so well with showing hierarchy between people, dependence from parents -- but also caring about each other, sticking close with your family and wanting to put all effort into managing that bond. It even extends to other people outside of the family, people being affectionate and bonding with one another and calling their friends family or caring for strangers and helping them because they remind them of their relatives etc.
Sorry for the sidetracking xD Pear is absolutely loveable person but all the characters so far in this series are grey, there is no fully bad or fully good person.👀 I'm really curious to see whether they'll go with Pear.
Clueless guy is maturing with full speed. Pisaeng also found the courage in Kawi and now he'll stand up hopefully to own his life and be confident about it. They all grow and hopefully they'll take care of each other, as it seem to be the message of the show. But... There are still few episodes left and damn, let's get ready for even more angst xD I'm happy that you were motivated to watch Be My Favorite because of my posts! I feel bad sometimes for spamming but the quality, the production, the storytelling is done SO WELL in this series that I cannot help but share and share. Because it's a rare thing nowadays and I'm excited. I literally have no complains about this show at all, I'm fascinated to dig and interpret every single detail.
New episode is coming today! Have fun watching!
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weird-dere-fics · 2 years
Tw: mention of illness (respiratory)
So i had this dream today (i forgot about it until rn lol)
I dream that I was transfered to this japanes highschool and lived with this girl's apartment, she was the quiet type but also kinda mean (i remeber how she would just look at me with the stink eye)
This girl lived with her mother who was like a cook or something like that and her lil brother (kindergarden age) he had like respiratory issues so he had those mask that help out the oxygen
So here i was, day by day learning the japanese culture and how the education system worked here, studying and going places. I remeber making mistakes and the girl would call me out but teach about what i did wrong (i remeber we had this ceremony and i accidentaly kept poking a student in front of me for some reason XDD???? dude was mad lmao i just kept apologizing)
But lil by lil the girl became nicer with me, the more time passed the more closer the girl and i would get to the point i became a sister to her
And like once we graduated it like jumped to years later and i became like a tourist for the japanese dudes (i was speaking fluent japanese to them)
So i was in the air port receiving the people and welcoming them until i saw the girl again, much older but i recognized her instataneusly(?)
The dream ended up with us hugging each other, happy to see each other again and then i woke up and the first thing i though of it was that could be a series or something
A nice dream, i hope to see her again
Awwwww how sweet :3. I’m so glad you guys ended up being really close ówò. And I hope you two meet again too!
I hope her little brother gets better and I hope her mom is doing well with cooking too uwu.
The whole idea of studying abroad seems so neat but also like scary to me bc I feel like I would always think about how I wouldn’t belong oof. Getting to experience da culture better tho and improve on speaking the language just sounds so tasty I want it so bad :(((((.
Lmao I’m curious about the ceremony where you kept poking that dude? XD
This dream seemed so cool tho, thank u for sharing lovely :3 💋💋💋💋💋.
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lozzykins · 1 year
Hades, Poseidon, Zeus <3
Greek Pantheon Asks
Can't you tell I was bored of working and wanting to write? XDDDD Also very much overthinking the first two...like what kind of faery bargains are you trying to pull on me? XDD <3
Thank you for the ask my love <3 Hades: If you could meet a person from history, who would it be and why? That's a tough one. I have a lot of questions before I agree to anything here. How long do I get to meet them for? Do I get to pull them from their time? Do I go back to their time? Is it a brief we both go into a blank room and are in there as long as we want to be? Are they living living or undead? Does it have to be a real person or can it be a fictional one? Does it have to be someone considered more 'known'? Can I keep them? Can I help them to change something that happened? How far back in the past does it have to be?
Poseidon: If you were shipwrecked on a tropical island, what would you want to have with you?
I'm going to say you, because you've thought of the sensible stuff XDD <3 I can't get over the island itself... I have far too many questions about the island to even plan what to take. Like its tropical yes, but where about is it located? What time of year is it? Are there other inhabitants? Are they friendly? What is the wildlife like? What is the weather like? What is the terrain like? How big is the island? Can I see other land nearby? Is there regular traffic going past it? What is the sea life like? How deep is the sea? For that matter what sort of ship was I on in the first place? What has washed up on the shore with me? What am I able to salvage? Does that count as what I have with me? Is what I have with me extra to that?
How does this stuff I have with me appear anyway? I think I'd be quite suspicious of it if it was just there in the middle of the beach, after I'd been tossed about in the sea. Like that screams something weird is going on and I want to speak to whoever is in charge of this Lost bullshit right now.
There's far too many variables for me to make a decision here.
Zeus: If you ruled the world, what would you change?
I'd become a dictator so fast you wouldn't realise what's going on until its too late to stop me. Healthcare would be a basic human right for everyone, so would a safe home, and education, any empty building would be refurbished and repurposed to facilitate that. No one would go hungry, and with a universal basic income, no one would have to worry about an uncertain future. There'd be programmes for everyone to access anything they wanted to and retrain whenever they wished. The environment would be carefully considered and looked after, and repaired.
Globally the whole law enforcement and prison systems would be obliterated and something new, and better put in their place that actually helps people like it should be designed to. Wars would be ended one way or another, and the outcome would always be the one that has the peoples best interests first. I would be willing to hold negotiations with the leaders of the time, to see what they would offer and put in place, but they would be replaceable if they were unwilling to work toward the better world. Yes blood might have to be shed, along the way, however, it is a small price to pay.
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mikalara-dracula · 2 years
Could you do 🍿with reiji please?
🍿 Watching movies with Reiji—
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Warning: 18+ content below; don't read if you're a minor and aren't comfortable with slight NSFW. This is a fictional work and should not be taken seriously.
Caution: Unfortunately, Tumblr has a history of admins quarreling over completing carbon copy asks due to users sending the same request(s) to multiple admins, thus, resulting in unintentional plagiarism. With this, please DO NOT send the same request to multiple blogs as it can cause unintended plagiarism discord to other blogs across Tumblr. The word “plagiarism” stems from the early 17th-century Latin word, “plagiarius,” meaning “kidnapper.” So please, do not send in the same request to multiple blogs and make admins appear to be “kidnapping” other people’s work when it isn’t their intention. If this is to occur with any of my posts, please contact me so we can work something out.
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Hi there, Anon!
Thank you so much for requesting! I'm so sorry about the wait! Hope you enjoy reading it. Feel free to request again anytime! :)
@liannelara-dracula - Bruh, I died making this with you. We finally got to talk about Big Rei. xDD
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🍿 Watching movies with Reiji can be quite the adventure.
🍿 And you’ll see what I mean when I get to that in a little bit.
🍿 For starters, you guys always pick out the movie together.
🍿 But bear in mind, Reiji has restrictions on certain genres because he doesn't like them.
🍿 He doesn't mind horror movies, but if they involve ghosts, he won't watch them because he's actually afraid of ghosts (according to his wiki).
🍿 One time, you suggested a movie that involved a bit of ghostlore, but he rejected the idea.
🍿 You couldn’t understand why, and like hell he was going to tell you the real reason why he didn’t want to watch it.
🍿 “But Reiji, why not? I hear this one’s actually pretty good.”
🍿 Finding an excuse, he’d say, "It's foolish."
🍿 Reiji prefers to watch movies that are based off of books/something educational.
🍿 Doesn't like rom-coms or anything ridiculously silly—he doesn’t find it realistic.
🍿 Like, he doesn't mind comedy, but just not those (rom-coms) because he finds them foolish.
🍿 He likes to watch documentaries too, especially ones of historical figures since he always likes to learn new things.
🍿 Constantly rewatches documentaries since he believes he ‘always learns something new.’
🍿 "But Reiji, why can't we watch something else? We’ve seen that documentary five times."
🍿 "It’s better than watching a movie that fills our heads with nonsense. It’ll be a waste of two precious hours."
🍿 Ayato made a comment when he saw you and Reiji watching a documentary once, his figure stopping behind the couch you and Reiji were perched at, getting a good look at the screen.
🍿 His face grew contorted, finding it strange and boring as to what you two were watching. "What the hell are you two watching?"
🍿 "A documentary." You answered.
🍿 "Tch! What is this? History class? What a buzz-kill."
🍿 Reiji pushed up his glasses. “Ayato, if you’re going to be disruptive, please do it on someone else’s time.”
🍿 “You guys should watch a horror movie.” Ayato would suggest.
🍿 “That’s what I was saying, but Reiji doesn’t like them.” You spoke up.
🍿 Ayato gave a devilish smirk. “It's not that he doesn’t like them, he’s just afraid of ghosts.”
🍿 You turned to Reiji, stunned at what you just heard. “What!? . . . But you’re a vampire?!”
🍿 Due to his pride, the last thing Reiji wanted to do was explain, his voice assertive as he changed the subject. “Ayato, go to your room and study. Enough about this nonsense.”
🍿 After knowing about his fear you decided to tease him for it after Ayato left.
🍿 Moving his hair out of his face and giving his cheek a subtle caress, you said, “Aww, is my little Rei afraid of ghosts?”
🍿 Grabbing your hand, he’d spat, “Stop acting childish.”
🍿 You took hold of his chin, responding in a playfully rebellious tone, “Make me, Rei-Rei.”
🍿 This left Reiji to sigh because he didn't how to handle this situation. Plus, when you act this way, he feels dominated and so turned on.
🍿 My bae Rei. xDD
🍿 While watching the movie, he likes to sit next to you and wrap his arm around your waist to pull you close.
🍿 Might even put his arm over your shoulders and have you lean into him/his shoulder.
🍿 If you sit in his lap, he can't handle it. And if you adjust and rub yourself against him, it’s taking everything in him to not take you right then and there since he feels provoked.
🍿 Criticizes movie adaptations of books and compares them to see what the producers and directors included versus what they didn't.
🍿 And he's the worst critic tbh.
🍿 "Look at that, they didn't even bother to put in that scene. That was the climax of the book's plot."
🍿 "Reiji, it's just a movie. We already know what happens in the book." You’d say.
🍿 "I don't even understand why humans do this. Why make a movie based off a book if you're not going to include everything?"
🍿 If you find the movie boring and end up falling asleep on his shoulder, he’ll just mumble to himself about how unladylike it was.
🍿 But deep down he’s so happy about it, he thinks you look pretty.
🍿 "Reiji, is the movie over?” You’d ask, waking up after dozing off for a while. “I'm sorry, I fell asleep."
🍿 He took this as a way to recollect himself and shame you. "Honestly, when you are with someone you do not fall asleep. It is very rude, and childish."
🍿 You signed and got up from your seat, "I didn't mean to, it just kind of happened. I'll make you some tea."
🍿 As you were about to leave, he pulled you back down and pinned you to the couch, his figure hovering above yours, an evident smirk on his face.
🍿 Big Rei activated xDD.
🍿 Taken back by what he was doing, you said, “Reiji, your brothers might walk in and-,”
🍿 “I don’t care, this is my house.”
🍿 (I know this sounds out of character for Reiji, but one time in the manga, he was getting pretty explicit with Yui at school. She pointed out that people would see, but all he did was reply with ‘I don’t care, so… you can bet he won’t care about this either, especially considering the fact that he’s at home and it’s with you.)
🍿 He may even lean in to kiss you if you fall asleep.
🍿 But if it causes you to wake up, he’ll get flustered and look away knowing he was caught.
🍿 One time you pretended to be asleep to see if he would kiss you and he in fact did. You instantly opened your eyes and he was so taken back, his face grew redder than a tomato. xDD
🍿 Bear in mind that Reiji watching movies is a break to him, something he really doesn't get to do often due to managing his brothers and making sure they stay out of trouble.
🍿 And most of the time, he's cleaning up their messes and scolding them.
🍿 So with this, he tries to watch movies with you when his brothers are not around because he doesn't want to be bothered. Plus, he enjoys the peace and quiet he can get with you.
🍿 In fact, because there is silence and he's alone in a room with you, he's able to have fun with you. 
🍿 If the movie is boring to him and you seem focused he will distract you by turning your cheek just to kiss you.
🍿 You would take it thinking he only wanted one kiss until he just continued and you finally got into it and forgot about the movie.
🍿 You two eventually got really immersed in your makeout session but of course just when things are getting good, Reiji’s brothers are there to cause a commotion.
🍿 “Laito, give me back Teddy or I’ll burn all your condoms!” Kanato would yell from a distance, you and Reiji pulling away from each other as both your ears perked up in the process, listening in on their conversation due to them being loud.
🍿 “Not until you give me that girl’s number.” Laito would say holding up Teddy, preventing Kanato from grabbing him.
🍿 “No, she doesn’t like you. She gave me the pudding, not you.” Kanato would say, jumping up in an attempt to grab him.
🍿 “Yes, but you’re shorter than me.”
🍿 “I will not be insulted this way!” Kanato would say, jumping up again in hopes to grab Teddy from Laito.
🍿 “We can do this all day, brother. After all, I’m taller than you.”
🍿“I’ve changed my mind—you’re going in the fire, not the condoms!” Kanato would yell, causing you and Reiji to look at each other.
🍿 Sensing that things were escalating, you asked, “Reiji, should we–,”
🍿 “No.”
🍿 “But Reiji–,”
🍿“It’s fine. Believe me, they do this every day.” He turned to you, his eyes sharp and firm in his decision. “I know when I need to intervene.”
🍿 It was here when you questioned what he must see in a day with them.
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
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This stupid wisp of a thought trickled into my brain during the late hours of the night after your adorable response of Doc attempting to sew Quinnella a dress, and it had me cackling with wicked glee ever since, I HAD to make an edit lol
Doc somehow or another coercing Jiminy to assist with modeling the new dress so he can have some semblance of a proper model / proportions to work with, but... well, obvi cricket proportions aren't properly akin to those of a fairy lol
Basically the scene from Sleeping Beauty with Flora and Merryweather trying to cobble together a dress for Briar Rose / Aurora lol
Jiminy: "It looks awful!!"
Doc: "That's because it's on you, dear."
(Quinny personally believes Jiminy looks great in anything, even a barely put together bit of clothe but what'cha going to do? lol) It was just supposed to be a quick silly 5-10 min edit but I was having so much fun with all the extra little details, I ended up working quite a few hours on it. XDD
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I swear when I have the worst time you just pop into my inbox and make me giggle. I love it. AYYYYY! @cxnscience ! He's beauty. He's grace. He'll...educate you on crossing the street while being fabulous. No I totally did not send someone Stop, Look, and Listen. Heh. Heh heh... Heh. All of these dated references... Doc thinks he looks lovely but he's a simp. What are we gonna do? Of course he can't say that out loud, otherwise there is a fairy in the distance reminding him just what's allowed, otherwise he's a crispy critter. So... Sorry, Jiminy. Can't have that anime reveal of liking you. Yet. Somebody has to mend all of those clothes. I like to think it's Doc. It started with trying to improve his stitching skills and eventually he started making clothes. He's just lazy.
You really outdo yourself with these edits and they absolutely brighten my day. Thank you, I really needed this. Made me really smile. It's gonna be a weird day so I'm probably gonna keep looking at this post and giggling. And the chicken one. Chef's kiss.
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its-kall-the-clown · 2 years
Hi! Just found your blog! Gotta say, I adore what you are doing with You Can Stay Here. From Wukong introduction and stellar interactions with Mr Dragon (yes that's what I am calling Mei's dad), watching MK grow closer with Dadsy and Tang to our baby educating himself and exploring his gender identity and getting to find out how Mei completely trashed Kyle.
Best MK get's adopted story on Ao3.
You are feeding the fans here. Keep it up, you absolute legend!
ah thank you!! <3
so glad you have been enjoying the story so far! Ive had a lot of fun writing it even though it has totally gone off the rails and gotten way from me XDD
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littlelittlebear · 4 years
Two Drifters | 3/3 Jeronica Secret Santa
@fangstomysweetpea oh my god.... its finally time!!! 
The moment i’ve been aching for is finally here and i am HYPE
Happy Christmas my dear Tumblr-friend, I hope you enjoy this jeronica playlist/au/riverdale rewrite.
A couple things first, the descriptions on each song are just an outline as to whats happening in that moment/what the song calls for. Also, this is like a story, so its not really something you can play on shuffle lol. I’m confident you didn’t really need these “instructions” lmao, just want you to have a bomb-ass jeronica experience XDD
Also, you don’t have to “follow” the descriptions when you think them out, you can completely take the reigns too if you’d like!
So.... here ya go!!
And here are the descriptions-
Oxford Comma-
Locking eyes for the first time… wow. Just- everything is in slow motion.
Baby Doll-
Slow dancing in Pop’s after the dance. (V goes to Pop’s instead of Archie)
Can I call you tonight?-
Jughead and Veronica’s moments of glee when they finally set up a date with each other. Veronica squeals and jumps up and down, Jughead punches the air, they both fall down on the bed with blissful looks on their faces. Two cinnamon rolls.
“So, I’ll call you tonight?”
“Yes! *Too enthusiastic- calm down Veronica* Yes. Call me tonight.”
*Que music*
Just Like a Movie-
Jughead calls this their theme song one day when they’re just hanging out in the student lounge as a joke.
Veronica calls this Jughead’s theme song in response, they have a good laugh and Jughead rolls his eyes at the lyrics A LOT.
Space Girl-
Jughead calls this Veronica’s theme song- because she’s “oUt oF tHiS worLD!”.
She smacks his arm for being so cheesy.
Good Morning-
The morning after they do the “horizontal tango” with each other for the first time, they dance in Veronica’s kitchen, knowing all the words- only to be interrupted by an amused Hermione Lodge.
Their first Christmas together, spent snowed in at The Pembrooke. But honestly, they don’t mind.
Shake it out-
Jughead and Veronica cry together after her parents blackmail them/force them to break up. #parentssuck.
Your star-
Coping with the breakup, newsflash- they aren’t, or when they are... they don’t go the healthiest route. So. Much. Angst.
Veronica changes up her style a little bit, which really is just lower cut tops, just trying to forget about Jughead- does a lil sexy performance singing to this at a pep rally.
Out the door-
Jughead never leaving the depressional stage of grief.                                
+ Exchanging broken looks that just scream “I’m not over you.”
I can’t get you off my mind-
Drunkenly hooking up at a party because their tension recently had just been… w o w
Sneaking around- sexy times ;)
Why Do You Love Me-
Having a screaming match, then a very angry/hot makeup session, then very angry sex XD
The Wind-
After some hOrIzOnTaL TaNGo at Sweetwater River, they admit that they can’t keep away from each other, saying that they love each other for the first time- followed by Veronica crying tears of joy cuz she’s never done that before- and that they’re going to work everything out, together. They just hold each other after that.
“I love you, Princess.”
Veronica props herself on her elbow to face him (they were laying down before)
Jughead sees her widened eyes. “Y-you don’t have to say it back, I know its ha-“
“I love you too, Jug”
You and I-
Montage of working at Pop’s for summer, ending with a jam sesh in Jughead’s trailer- Veronica just in his shirt and Jughead just in his sweats. FP comes in, surprised to see Veronica, but welcomes her easily. FP and Veronica bond, and he embarrasses Jug with some baby photos. While Jug’s probably beet-red, he can’t help but completely oggle at Veronica- happy that they don’t have to hide from his dad anymore.
Start a Riot-
Jeronica send a little message to Hiram through security cameras (they just make out lmao), showing that he can’t keep them apart. They then proceed to trash Hiram’s jingle jangle lab. :)
Moon River-
Slow dancing after having been crowned homecoming King and Queen. And of course, because Veronica is 1/2 of this relationship- this becomes their song.
“That’s us.”
“What do you mean?” Veronica asks, confused.
“The two drifters in the song. ‘Two drifters, off to see the world.’ That’s us”
Veronica’s eyes start to gloss.
“I absolutely love that. And you.”
Being the badass power couple they are, being 100% team Serpent against the Bulldogs during the riots. Its all one long shot too- no cuts :))
A Sunday Kind of Love-
Looking at each other in slow motion (wow- I really love putting stuff in slow motion) when Veronica is officially named Serpent queen, they’re absolutely smitten with each other. Cut to them dancing in the Wyrm to the song, discussing how they’re going to make their big debut as Riverdale’s resident power couple… second to Choni of course.
“So… now that I’m your queen, I was thinking had a debut of sorts. Just to educate the public of this new order.” Veronica jabs, only kind of joking.
Jughead laughs, but it sounds more of a huff.
“Could you settle for a hand-in-hand entrance at school? Or would you be more comfortable with a red carpet event?”
Veronica and Jughead walking into school as Serpent Royalty with matching Serpent jackets- no special colours thank you very much. You can bet your ass its in slow motion.
Worlds Apart-
Veronica crying at Jughead’s bed-side after the Ghoulies fuck him up.
Boss Bitch-
Veronica gets revenge on the Ghoulies and Penny Peabody with the help of the female Serpents, the River vixens, Hermione, Betty, and Alice.
Le Symbolique-
Veronica and Jughead reunite from his state of unconsciousness, this whole sequence is in slow motion, with a lot of white lighting/glare. Jughead almost died and just that thought alone KILLED Veronica.
“Jug I was so scared-“
“Shush Ronnie, let me look at you.” His teary eyes trace over Veronica’s face with a beaming smile, before he brings his girlfriend closer and kisses the top of her forehead.
Harmony Hall- 
Some core four bliss before it gets chaotic again, with a side of Jeronica and Barchie cuddles.
Not Your Barbie Girl-
A River vixen performance, Jughead is so fricken in love with Ronnie right now cuz she’s just RADIATING empowerment.
Therefore I Am- 
Jeronica sends Hiram to jail again after a bomb ass one liner from Veronica:
“Mija, you have no idea what you’re doing.”
“Only one thing’s false in that sentence Hiram, I’m not your Mija anymore.”
*Proud Jughead smirk*
This Life-
Veronica meeting JB and Gladys, them getting along great- just a wholesome Lodge/Jones get-together.
Don’t Call Me Angel-
Veronica changes her name to Luna, fully emancipating herself from Hiram, and this gets Jughead really turned on XD
Sway With Me-
La Bonne Nuit’s first successful night, Josie, Veronica, Toni, and Cheryl perform. Veronica somehow convinces Jughead to dance with her in public. Think Moulin Rouge’s Diamond Dogs type editing.
My Oh My- 
Getting screwed over my Hiram, Veronica is in a TON of debt and needs some “stress relief” with Jughead. He obliges. Happily.
Veronica and Cheryl start their rum business, Jughead helps and oml he’s so proud of her. Btw, Cheronica are HUGE badasses right now.
Bury a friend-
Surviving Eversgreen Forest and Penelope Blossom…
The core four are free from the forest, successfully escaping Penelope Blossom. Jughead and Veronica share a tearful but happy kiss, laying down on the back of a truck.
Don’t Take The Money-
The core four hang out at pops and promise to have fun this senior year, Jughead steals Veronica’s cherry from her milkshake, but being so vulnerable to Midget’s (He calls her Midget. Yup.) puppy dog eyes, he makes it up to her by sharing his fries. 
“And for a brief, shining moment, we were kids again.” all that good shiz
The Four Seasons: “Winter”-
Jeronica hangs with the Stonewall psychos.
(Online Love)-
Veronica and Jughead FaceTime and Veronica has this vibe like she’s the montage of the hero’s dead girlfriend in a movie. Like her hair is all splayed out on her pillow and she’s all smiley-
“You look like an angel right now- with your hair like a halo and how much you’re smiling.”
Veronica laughs
“Well it’s your fault I’m smiling you idiot.” Her voice softens towards the end of the sentence.
“I love you too, Ron.”
El Tejano-
Party at Stonewall, Jeronica are absolutely WASTED. Fun fact- Jughead get’s really into PDA when he’s drunk
Burned Out- 
Oh shit… I guess Jughead is dead now. (dw, Betty’s still the one who “kills him”)
Claire de Lune-
Just kidding, he’s alive, and he and Veronica have a really cute moment in the bunker. Veronica starts reading his novel, per his request, and he just starts playing this on the record player and she smiles but her eyes are still on the book. He just kind of watches her, and when she starts beaming at the book he can’t help but kiss her right there. Then they just cuddle and little bit, Veronica on Jug’s lap, reading the book some more.
Girls Like GIrls-
Veronica has to prove Jughead is dead, so she and Betty kinda sorta… make out. Like, a lot. Betty is dating Archie at this point, and he’s the one who gets “mad”. But basically Betty and Veronica end up making out again cuz they spot Donna watching them. Veronica is a bi con, and Betty might be too but everyones in denial so *shrugs*.
Dream Lover-
(Time skip, because I’m lazy) Jughead’s alive again, sadly, his spot at NYU was taken by well, Veronica. Luckily, after pulling some strings, she surprises Jug with a full-ride acceptance letter from NYU starting second semester.
Magic Moments-
Yay! Prom! Barchie gets crowned king and queen (Beronica was kind of forgotten about, but thats fine, because we’re here for Jeronica first). While Betty and Archie are totally lost in each other, Jughead and Veronica are just kind of joking around on the side. While it’s Barchie’s moment, Jeronica is still looking pretty damn cute rn. Also, this becomes Barchie’s song!!
Oxford comma-
The song comes through the speaker at prom, Jughead invites Veronica to dance. As they sway, they gaze at one another like they’re seeing one another for the first time, to the song that started it all. 
And thats it! Thats Jeronica’s story from season one to season four, I hope you have a very merry Christmas and I hope you liked your presents! Also, if anyone feels like adding on to the dialogue or using any of the points in a fic or even making a whole ass fanfiction- please do!! I didn’t do this justice with my mediocre quotes so it would actually be preferred XD.
And again, happy Christmas :))
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rapidhighway · 4 years
I just want you to know I am like 27 and have an MA in illustration and your art is much better than anything I ever draw lmao. Truly makes me question what I'm doing with my time!!! Keep up the awesome work!
lkjfkjfjgjgjf Thank you???! xdd Well, on my side, I will never get to art school because I draw so much I neglect my entire education xd
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slashingdisneypasta · 4 years
Not an ask but more of a question.... I love your idea of a Poly Capone x Napolian x Reader would be, but how would the massive age differences work? Like....The reader with Al would probably have 73 years of difference between them.... But the reader would probably be able to get him upto speed with the future.... But with Napolian? He's got at least 100-200 year difference with both of them! That's mind boggling 😵😵😵
I love the way your mind works, that didn’t occur to me XD Oh, but don't thank me for the Poly Capoleon, that was all the requester! ^^ 
Hmmm, lemme think. I really like this question. 
Okay! Since they didn’t have the tablet, they have not been conscious until the night Dexter brought the tablet to the Smithsonian- so luckily neither Al or Napoleon are really supernaturally ahead of you, intelligence-wise like a lot of vampire-human relationships. Of course, Napoleon is still a famous general and Al is a criminal genius, but that's... sorta... more normal... I guess... 
Anyway! There is still, of course, a culture / time shock. With Al, they probably go through the same motions that Amelia and Larry did, with the 20′s-30′s slang and such (Amelia Earheart went missing about 10 years before Al Capone died, so they probably knew of eachother through newspapers and such.) but Napoleon was legit born into the ancient regime of before the French revolution. DEMOCRACY???! (Al would get a kick out of telling him about the American Revolution. Taxes?? NO. They bond.) 
Okay heres where I magically become a historian, watch. 
Al: 1899-1947 
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Age - Due to Jon Bernthal being 33 when he did Al, and Al not knowing about his take down, death, or the fact that he becomes 'fat', we'll assume that the spot in his life that Al is stuck in as a cardboard mjseum piece is when he was 33. In real time, when Al Capone was 33, it was 1932 (Correct my maths if I am wrong, please XD), which is just after the Prohibition, but before World War 2- Great Depression time. 
Also, jazz, blues, gospel, and folk music, swing jazz, and RADIOS are growing in popularity, but he's still sorta in the 20's state of mind. Which was flappers, automobiles, nightclubs, movies, bootlegging, and jazz. 
That’s the kinda mindset Al is in right now. 
He is also an educated man, so he probably knows his share about the French Revolution and Napoleons empire. 
Now, our(NATM's) Al acts really old fashioned, and no amount of teaching him about your world is going to change that. He doesn't like TV, he wants to play cards instead. Stuff like that, he acts like a Boomer except worse because he is older. 
(As far as some prejudice goes, I think Al is a total feminist, being a 20's man, he respects his elders and wont hurt children, and he doesn't have any particular racist feelings about any other ethnic groups. He of course wouldn't be used to the equal rights and voting rights and such, but he's just like 'Good on ya')
Okay! Moving on to Napoleon. 
Napoleon: 1769-1821
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Age - Due to Alain Chabat being 51 when he played Napoleon, we're gonna say Napoleon is 51 as well in this moment in 'time'. So, he's about to die basically. The real Napoleon died when he was 51, in 1821. So this version of Napoleon, knows most of what happened in the real Napoleons life except his death. 
Okay! So, at this point in his life, he should be living on Saint Helena(And island South Atlantic) where he was exiled to by the British. 
He's going to have the most issue with modern world- its a culture shock for him! But he's also very intelligent, and our(NATM's) Napoleon is fasinated by everything. He wants to know all about your world, and Al's world! Flapper? Bootlegging? Radio? Meme? TOUCH SCREEN?? Take it slow, boy is ancient XDD 
He doesn't wanna go slow, though, he wants to consume all the information immediately, because he’s curious and also he hates feeling so behind, so you and Al may be in for a week or more of non stop learning in the archives (What better place to learn though, right?? The Smithsonian!!) until Napoleon’s head totally explodes. Just make him sleep and bring him lots of water. Al will have to carry him to a comfy rest place at multiple points. 
He’ll feel behind every now and then for the rest of his ‘life’ probably, but watching Al get confused about memes (And you assuring him that there is plenty you want to know about his time) makes him feel better. 
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Okay, I hear you saying ‘Yes, I just read all that boring stuff about history and culture- but age difference, Hannah,’. Yes, okay, we’re onto that now, I’m sorry XD 
Even without the... you know... being from different centuries, there is still a huge age difference. No matter how old you are, one of them is either going to be older or younger then you. Al is thirty three, and Napoleon is fifty one. Of course, in the ‘olden times’, especially Napoleons era, it wasn't a big deal for there to be huge age differences between a couple. So he isnt really bothered by it- except to ask you if you are okay with it, because whether he knows or is unaware about the new prejudices against age difference, he doesn't know how you feel about age differences and needs to- our Napoleon is a gentleman. 
Ordinarily in Al’s era, I think they were starting to get wierded out by certain age differences, but I honestly don’t think Al really cares except to tease either you or Napoleon a bit or a lot. Just good fun- and also he really liked it. 
They’re honestly perfect for age difference relationships XDD They’re both gentlemen! ^^ They’ll ask how you are with things every step of the way. 
I ah... might’ve gone too far with this question… haha. Thank you though, I had a lot of fun answering it! 
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ettawritesnstudies · 4 years
For the colors/how I feel about you game: cinnamon, periwinkle, mauve, blush, vermilion, honeydew, lavender, umber, razzmatazz, plum (chat more though instead of just chat), CRIMSON would be sooo fun, chartreuse, burgundy (like really excited. I always get a smile and I don't smile easily these days) :D there's my list! Have fun deciphering them all xDD
(Ask 1) Oookay Etta... I've got a whole list of colors so I'll send em in a minute when I get back on my computer.
CINNAMON = You’re a really cool person and admire you from afar. PERIWINKLE = You make me laugh MAUVE = You are really talented BLUSH = Seeing you on my dash makes my day a little better. VERMILION = You make me feel passionate HONEYDEW = I want to call you by a nickname LAVENDER = You inspire me  UMBER = I want to know more about you  RAZZMATAZZ = I would share my favorite food with you  PLUM = I’d like to chat with you  CRIMSON = We should collaborate on something!  CHARTREUSE = You’re my homie BURGUNDY = I get excited when I see posts from you
AAAAAAAHHHH HANNAH HOW DARE YOU PUT SO MANY NICE COMMENTS IN MY INBOX I CRY. this was such a sweet thing to wake up to thank you I needed this today. I’m so so happy to hear that my blog is a positive thing for you, this is such an honor to read. <3 <3 <3 (did you reblog the same ask game? I’ll send some back!)
I want to call you by a nickname  - actually, “Etta” IS my childhood nickname! I’m using it as my pen name just to keep my online writing stuff separate from my professional adult chemical engineering stuff that my real name is legally attached to. I like my name though, so I didn’t want to pick something completely different as a pseudonym, and I’ve ended up really loving that you all call me Etta because of the familiar friendly context I associate with the nickname by default. (though if you want to come up with another nickname for me I won’t object! I have another friend who calls me “M”)
I want to know more about you - ummmm let’s see what are some fun facts about me... I’ve vaguely talked about this before and you probably know I’m a complete nerd, and that’s because my parents gave me a really good education! Mom homeschooled me through elementary school so she picked out all my curriculum and we did a ton of hands-on field trips and home ec. I did 1 year in a private school between elementary and middle school but didn’t do well there, so then I did a charter cyber school for 6th-8th grade which I loved because I could ditch class, get ahead on my work, chat with my online friends, and that’s when I started seriously writing! I’d done short stories since I was 10 but I wrote my first BOOK in 7th grade and came up with the concept for Lachoe almost right after that. I did public school for high school, which is when I came up with the concept for Storge, met my best friend, and decided I wanted to do chemical engineering. I like to joke that I’ve done every type of school possible except Hogwarts. 
I would share my favorite food with you - what is your favorite food??? Ditto to this one, I will purposely make extra servings so I have some leftover to bring to friends and it’s the bane of my existence that I can’t throw soup and fresh bread through the computer at my internet friends
I’d like to chat with you  - I need to get better about initiating interaction, school is keeping me ridiculously busy and I hate that I can’t talk with all my friends on a regular basis :( that being said, ALWAYS feel free to send me asks or messages!
We should collaborate on something!  - ABSOLUTELY, that would be so much fun!! I’ll send you an ask and we can start brainstorming :D
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