#special guest appearance ahhhhh
multicohn · 19 days
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summary: fans have been asking for lando’s gf to appear on stream with him and she finally gives in
warnings: none
pairing: fem! reader x lando norris
genre: fluff
face claim: no one
author note: y/n is bad at video games in this, sorry if you’re good at them
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
lando had never been more excited to start streaming and it definitely showed as he greeted fans with such excitement they’ve only seen from him after a good race. meanwhile, y/n sat beside him ( out of shot ) and nervously fiddled with her fingers.
“today-“ he clapped his hand together and y/n jumped which made him look over and laugh a little, “-sorry, so, i got a special guest with me and gave her a bit of a fright” lando then pulled y/n chair into view which made the stream chat explode
y/n smiled and waved to the camera while lando loaded up the game. he discussed that she would be playing a few games by herself and that he’s just here for moral support, y/n leaned into him before reading some comments out loud as they waited for the game to load.
“how did we meet?” lando coughed and looked away embarrassingly as y/n smiled
“he needed a jump start and i was the only one with cables, he said he’ll buy me a coffee as a thank you and had the employee write his number on the bottom of my cup-“ y/n started laughing, “-i didn’t even know and threw the cup away, but we met again and this time i needed a jump start. he asked why i hadn’t called and i was like ‘i don’t have your number’, ‘i had the café guy write my number on the bottom of your cup’, ‘oh, i didn’t even know and threw it away’ then he made sure that i had his number in my phone”
“i mean, seriously, why didn’t you check?”
“why would i?”
“…well, you just should’ve” y/n rolled her eyes before pressing start
it was chaos.
y/n sunk down into the chair as the words ‘GAME OVER’ popped up onto the screen.
‘this is why i didn’t want to do this” she sulked while lando switched over to a different game
“can i just quit?”
“chat, can she quit?”
lando gave his girlfriend a smug smile and it took everything in her to not whack it off his face.
y/n has never been very good at video games, preferring to play easy ones like the sims or even roblox. lando didn’t care much about it, finding her asking questions about the games he plays comforting, especially when he’s stressed. lando would also let her take control when he had a simple task to do or ask for help when having to pick a hard decision. it’s nice just having y/n by his side — even if she wasn’t paying attention to what he was playing.
“lando, i swear if this is a horror game”
“nah, it’s not”
• • •
despite y/n making a fool of herself, fans absolutely loved it; lando bursting out into laughter every few seconds while she yelled at him for help, y/n leaning away in case of a jump scare, her trying to leave and lando pulling her back, them both laughing after y/n died and her trying to tell lando off while laughing herself.
“it’s okay, baby. we’ll be losers together” y/n pouted as he hugged her, the screen showing the words “YOU DIED” again
“let’s end it here, i don’t think my mentality can take anymore” lando smiled and kissed her cheek before letting her go
“okay, chat. for the sake of y/n’s mental health, we’ll be ending it here. thank you joining and she will be back-“
“-she will! don’t worry guys!”
“bye, chat!”
“you little-“
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ladybellissima · 11 months
Finding Love Katakuri x Reader Part 15
"What a sight to see. You must be the famous (Y/N) Charlotte which everybody is talking about."
Standing in the line and waiting for her moment to give Big mom her present, (Y/N) got the attention of a certain famous journalist. Turning around he smirked happily and quickly shot a photo. Not able to comprehend the situation, he already wrote down some notes and pushed further.
"Pardon me. I am Morgans and can't wait to write something about you. Was it a political marriage? Yeah? What were the terms and how is it going? ", he added quickly, while shooting another photo without asking, if (Y/N) found that okay.
"Nice to meet you.", she spoke as politely as possible, but felt it hard to.  "I don't think I am famous, so there is no need in writing something about me, but my husband has sure more to tell than me. Maybe I should get him and you talk to him a bit.", she spoke in a friendly way and smiled even more after Morgans gulped nervously of her words. (Y/N) didn't need to look at Katakuri to see that he was already observing her situation.
" ahhhhh (Y/N)! Nice to see you! How do you like Pudding's wedding so far? ", a high pitched voice let her turn back to her mother in law, who was focused on her little form with a dangerous glint in her eyes. Her table was already stuffed with treasure chests, but still her hunger for more wasn't stopped. Nervous (Y/N) stepped closer, while the other guests watched every move she did.
"It's nice to see you Mama. It's really overwhelming how beautiful everything is decorated. ", she spoke and had to admit to herself that the second part was the truth. Noticing a picture of an older woman close by to her, she was about to tell her what beautiful frame and woman it was, but before her hand could touch the frame, it was grabbed quickly by a strong familiar one. Looking up she was met with Katakuri, who stood beside her now and taking her hand in his. Others were gasping and shooting photos of finally seeing him in another position than sitting at the back and observing. "(Y/N) brought you a gift as a thank you for your invitation Mama. ", Katakuri spoke and got an amused laugh from his mother. Looking down she already drooled of having another present. A little shaken of this woman's power and height, (Y/N) showed her the basket with sweets, praying inside that it would be good enough for her expectation. Smiling in delight Big mom got sparkling eyes and quickly took the basket out of her hand. "ohhhhh my little cupcake. You don't have to…..", she sang and shoved one of her doughnuts into her mouth. Screaming in happiness she clapped her hands happily. "(Y/N) I have to say I like you more and more. Your baking abilities are quite special.", she spoke and sighed in delight after eating another one. Streussen the head cook appeared by Big moms side and picked a crumble of her desserts with his sword. Plopping it into his mouth his eyes sparkled as well. " Katakuri has a very talented wife. I even would allow her to bake under my direction.", he spoke and ducked quickly of Big mom's arms, which she stretched out happily while laughing out loud. Intrigued by their show (Y/N) hold onto Katakuri's arm to calm her trembling body. "Do you hear that cupcake? You also have my head cook's bless. Keep up your work.", she spoke amused and Katakuri quickly lead her out of the group of guests to get them out of his mother's attention. Sighing in relief (Y/N) still clinged onto his arm.
"I forgot to tell you that this picture is very important for Mama. Don't ever touch it or come close to it.", he explained and (Y/N) nodded quickly. Thank god he got her before she did that.
Sudden shoutings were heard and (Y/N) was met with the next spectacle. A huge cloud flew across their heads with Pudding and Sanji waving happily. (Y/N) watched the scene in awe of how beautiful his sister looked and how Sanji seemed to enjoy her company.
"Are you sad that your wedding wasn't like that?", Katakuri's voice let her stop and look up to his calm and emotionless expression, which was directed to his sister.
"It's overwhelming how much effort your Mama invested in this wedding.", she started. Katakuri felt a sudden pain in his chest. His mother didn't find it important to celebrate his arranged marriage with an outstanding party and only focused on the wedding cake and desserts. Mostly because Pudding's wedding was in planning and more important at that time and (Y/N)'s kingdom wasn't really big and known over the seas.
"But honestly it would have been way too much for me. I couldn't concentrate on the details anyway. And flying on a cloud…. No thanks.", she spoke and felt happy after hearing a small chuckle of him. Pressing her hand softly, he gave her a closed eyed smile which was rare to see. It was one of these moments where everything around her seemed silent. Like the time stopped for a moment to just enjoy this moment longer, but his look narrowed. Looking up to his sister, (Y/N) noticed right away that something was off. It all happened so fast that she wasn't able to comprehend the situation. The ceremony was stopped by Pudding, who was crying on the floor, with a gun next to her.
"What is she doing?", Katakuri growled pissed and the next moment everyone was on high alert. The Vinsmoke family was surrounded by Katakuri's siblings with guns in their hands and out of nowhere a horde of man with straw hats jumped out of the cake.
"Katakuri?…!", she gasped of the beginning chaos, while he acted quickly and got her bridal style. Getting out of the fighting zone he let his wife down next to the wedding cake.
"(Y/N) stay out of this. I will get rid of the intruders.", he spoke colder than ice and let her body tremble of fear. She didn't know what exactly caused all this, but she was sure to stay out of this and give him space to handle that situation. His look alone let her froze in place.
Leaving her behind, she felt uneasy of what to do. The straw hat boys were still jumping around like crazy.
"Hey watch out!", a voice shouted close to her and before she could react she was grabbed by one of the boys and pushed to the ground. Looking down her blood ran cold, after seeing this stranger snuggling into her breasts.
"What! Do! You! Think! You! Are! Doing!!!", she gasped and kicked the boy with full force away. Shaken she got up and was met with the gazes of a shocked looking reindeer and a nervous woman, hiding behind some cream.
"Namiiiiii! She saw us!!!", the little reindeer spoke frustrated and clinging onto his friend.
"What are you saying! You were the one who called out for her in the first place! You idiot!", she spoke pissed. (Y/N) was pushed by some straw hat boys and quickly got to their hideout. Nervously they gave each other a look, but let her stay. "Are you okay? Are you hurt? My name is Chopper by the way. ",the reindeer spoke with a smile.
"Thank you for your help. That's very sweet of you. I am (Y/N)", she spoke happily while Chopper made a happy dance.
"I am Nami..", the girl told her and sighed. "You don't seem dangerous to us. So you can stay here. We have some business to do with the Big mom pirates.", Nami spoke with anger and looked out to the battlefield. (Y/N) felt her blood ran cold. She was with the enemy. But in a way she didn't feel that they were bad people. She would never interfere, but staying with them would mean that she would get them in serious trouble because of Katakuri. He would be furious.
"Actually… I am..", she started, but Chopper quickly grabbed her arm and gave her back a closer look.
"Who did that?!", he spoke angered and (Y/N) tried to get out of his grip. His gaze fell onto her legs, which were slightly exposed of her torn dress and didn't make the situation better.
"(Y/N) this is very serious. Who did that to you? Where are these bruises coming from? ", he asked again, but was grabbed by Nami.
" I am sorry (Y/N) we have to go now. Stay here and whatever happened to you… I hope you can leave it behind.", she spoke and rushed out with Chopper. (Y/N) was about to clear this misunderstanding, but she got no chance. The wedding cake trembled and she knew that her hideout wouldn't last long. Getting up she decided to leave to a safer place. Katakuri was focused on his enemies and trusted her to stay out of this. Slowly climbing out, she looked out for any straw hat maniacs and started to head to the end of the platform. A man called Bege started a fight and attacked Big mom. (Y/N) knew right away that this woman would never fall so easily. Shocked she watched the man transforming into a castle. Gasping of disbelief she froze in the spot, while her look wandered around the stone walls. She read a lot about devil fruit powers in books, but in reality it was more fascinating. Katakuri either used his mochi powers and overwhelmed their enemies. He was so strong and intimitating, which let others tremble in fear.
"(Y/N)!!!!", Chopper called out to her, who was now more looking like a reindeer and rushing to her side. Taking her body quickly he turned back and ran as fast as he could into the castle. Screaming shocked (Y/N) grabbed the reindeer's fur for support to avoid falling down at his speed. The last thing she could see was a surprised Katakuri who reached out to grab her.
"(Y/N)!!!!", Katakuri shouted pissed after her and stopped before the doors of Bege's castle.
The first thing that she noticed was the silence. Followed by sudden shouting and complaining.
"Chopper you reckless idiot!", Nami shouted frustrated and scolded him for letting her behind.
"I couldn't let her stay there. It was too dangerous with these monsters out there. She is hurt. She needs our help.", he spoke proudly of his heroic action. (Y/N) felt more and more frustrated that whatever she did, she would always get in trouble. Looking up and slowly getting down from Chopper she couldn't help it and hug the lovely reindeer of his actions.
" You didn't know me and still you care so much. Thank you Chopper.", she spoke lovingly and gave him a small peck on his forehead. Blushing madly he ran in circles and called her an idiot. Like he would ever be happy about such sweet words. Chuckling about his doings, she suddenly felt many eyes on her.
" hey who are you and why do you know Chopper?", one straw hat boy stepped to her side and asked clueless with a bright smile, but (Y/N) quickly stepped back, while hugging herself for protection.
"You are one of the straw hats who grabbed me!", she shouted angered and suddenly was surrounded by three men dressed in green, blue and red.
"how shameful to touch such a beauty without permission.. Don't worry we will punch some sense into him.. ", they spoke protectively, but being so close to her they started to fly around her with hearts in their eyes, forgetting everything what they had spoken.
"What are you saying? I didn't do such things. Even if you are really pretty.", the straw hat spoke honestly and let the others gasp.
"(Y/N). These boys out there were animals changed into his appearance by mirrors. Don't worry this idiot speaks the truth. He is our captain, Luffy. ", Nami told her and let her sigh in relief. Bowing as an apology she gave him a heartwarming smile.
"I am sorry. Forgive me. My name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you.", she told him and he laughed happily.
"You are very nice. I like you.", he spoke, while the others fell to the floor shocked. Sanji quickly took her hand in his and  sparkled of her appearance, while singing happily how nice she looked, but for (Y/N) it was like a sick joke.
"How can you be able to flirt with me at your wedding? Even if it is an political one, you shouldn't do that. ", (Y/N) narrowed her eyes and quickly pulled her hand back, which let his heart shatter in pieces.
"You get it wrong (Y/N). But as a guest you couldn't know the truth. Pudding wanted to shoot Sanji, it was all fake. Big mom wanted to kill his family and erase the Vinsmokes. We are here to safe him and his relatives.", Nami explained and shocked (Y/N) with her words. Was Pudding such a manipulating woman? She seemed so in love with Sanji. It was all acting? Sighing, (Y/N) took a deep breath and let things sink. So many things were going terribly wrong.
" Why, on earth is she here? ", Bege spoke in a threatening tone and stepped before (Y/N). Scared she stepped back of this dangerous looking man.
"I dare you to hurt this beautiful woman!", Sanji came back to his senses and got to (Y/N) 's side, but was quickly pulled away by his ear by Nami.
"I think you all didn't know who she is.", he spoke angered, while the others watched (Y/N) confused.
"Something to say (Y/N) Charlotte?"
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leaderintitleonly · 2 years
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This stupid wisp of a thought trickled into my brain during the late hours of the night after your adorable response of Doc attempting to sew Quinnella a dress, and it had me cackling with wicked glee ever since, I HAD to make an edit lol
Doc somehow or another coercing Jiminy to assist with modeling the new dress so he can have some semblance of a proper model / proportions to work with, but... well, obvi cricket proportions aren't properly akin to those of a fairy lol
Basically the scene from Sleeping Beauty with Flora and Merryweather trying to cobble together a dress for Briar Rose / Aurora lol
Jiminy: "It looks awful!!"
Doc: "That's because it's on you, dear."
(Quinny personally believes Jiminy looks great in anything, even a barely put together bit of clothe but what'cha going to do? lol) It was just supposed to be a quick silly 5-10 min edit but I was having so much fun with all the extra little details, I ended up working quite a few hours on it. XDD
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I swear when I have the worst time you just pop into my inbox and make me giggle. I love it. AYYYYY! @cxnscience ! He's beauty. He's grace. He'll...educate you on crossing the street while being fabulous. No I totally did not send someone Stop, Look, and Listen. Heh. Heh heh... Heh. All of these dated references... Doc thinks he looks lovely but he's a simp. What are we gonna do? Of course he can't say that out loud, otherwise there is a fairy in the distance reminding him just what's allowed, otherwise he's a crispy critter. So... Sorry, Jiminy. Can't have that anime reveal of liking you. Yet. Somebody has to mend all of those clothes. I like to think it's Doc. It started with trying to improve his stitching skills and eventually he started making clothes. He's just lazy.
You really outdo yourself with these edits and they absolutely brighten my day. Thank you, I really needed this. Made me really smile. It's gonna be a weird day so I'm probably gonna keep looking at this post and giggling. And the chicken one. Chef's kiss.
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lgcmedia · 3 years
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Mnet announces that V&A’s Haru will appear as a guest MC for tomorrow’s broadcast of ‘M Countdown’
V&A’s HARU will be filling in as a special MC on the October 21 broadcast of Mnet's 'M Countdown'! A representative of Mnet confirmed today, "V&A’s HARU will be joining 'M Countdown' as a one-day special MC. We hope everyone will look forward to it." For this week, HARU will be replacing one of the music show’s regular MCs to complete the program’s trademark MC duo. Meanwhile, V&A’s sub-units VERSUS and AGITO will be performing their title tracks ‘Higher’ and ‘Blue Hour’ respectively on the M Countdown stage on the same day.
[ + / - ] AHHHHH! MC HARU?!?!?! PINCH ME I MUST BE DREAMING [ + / - ] should this really constitute as news? don’t most idols guest as mcs when they’re promoting on music shows anyways ㅋㅋㅋ
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nomoregoldfish · 4 years
Imagine Pacho Sends You as a Gift to (Spy on) Amado 1/3
I don’t know how long this is gonna take but I’ve had the idea for a while. I’m Asian so it’s easier to insert myself into this weird setting. Hope it works for everyone out there thirsting for more Chema content ;) Read more Imagine Amado here.
Note: The first time Pacho makes appearance on the show, he’s treating guests a plate of sushi.
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You're a chef specialized in Japanese cuisines, which are Pacho's favorite. You do catering when Pacho has important guests over at his mansion in Cali, preparing fresh delicacies like sashimi and sushi.
That's how you met the Mexican man in black. You didn't know who he was at first. People in your line of work tend to keep their mouth shut. Till the man becomes a frequent guest. You see how Pacho's fond of him as a business partner and a good friend, always treating him the best stuff when the Mexican is in town, as frequent as monthly.
But you never talked to him — Amado Carrillo Fuentes. You know enough about the name to avoid socializing with the biggest drug trafficker in Mexico in any form. 
Pacho is throwing a New Year party, of course Amado is invited. For the special occasion, you're asked to perform the whole process of cutting fresh sashimi in front of guests.
"You have to try this. The best bluefin tuna of the year, it's the fattest in the winter since the slimy bastards bulk up to deal with the cold Pacific torrent. I had it shipped from Japan via airplane, live. You should get into the business, you're the Lord of the Skies. Shit costs me thousands of dollars." Pacho is very enthusiastic about the fish.
Well, you can tell from the guarded smile that Amado is not a big fan of raw fish. You feel challenged, as if you need to prove yourselves to him.
"I'm more impressed you let people wave machetes at your dinner table," Amado snorts, "Your bodyguards are okay with it?"
"Ryoko chan is fine." Pacho winks at you, in fact he knows you better than anyone. You're not just a hired chef.
You don't say a single word, just slightly nodding to Pacho. 
The big knives are presented because you're handling a giant tuna (Pacho only wants the biggest ones!) You definitely put on a fucking show, piercing, cutting, slicing, finally arranging a delicate full plate like some fine art, with red tuna, white radish and pickled ginger.
Pacho and other guests give you a round of applause for your craftsmanship, while Amado just gives you a wavering smile.
When you bow to the guests before leaving, a reckless waiter serving sake next to you takes a step back. He inevitably bumps into you and the white headscarf you wear falls, exposing your black long hair.
It's the first time Amado really pays attention to you that night.
"Fucking hell, Pachito, I thought it's one of your boys. Look at her..." The dickhead is doing vulgar gestures, obviously making fun of your flat-chested body.
"Ryoko's the best in town. No man matches her skill set." The Colombian defends you (Pacho being nice and soooooo protective, ahhhhh!)
"Really?" Amado raised his eyebrows. He looks aggressively handsome, dark piercing eyes make you feel naked even though you're in the full white chef uniform.
You retreat to the kitchen, heart still beating fast due to the anger and humiliation. What you don't know is Pacho sees something different in Mexican's eyes and a radical plan is emerging when you're absent from the dining table.
"You want me to make amends to the fucker? Why?"  You can't believe what Pacho's talking about. "You left our guest without smiling. Your smile is beautiful, come on, Ryoko. Can you do that for me?" Yes, you will do anything for Pacho Herrera. 
And this time you have to put on a fucking kimono robe. Because Pacho picks it from his own wardrobe. "Kill me now." You sigh. Pacho is going all "It looks great on you. His jaw is gonna drop, don't you wanna see that?" 
You don't give a flying fuck what Pacho makes you wear. You're a chef, if someone's not interested in raw food such as sashimi, you need to change your game.
Later you surprise Amado with a totally different set of dishes, a small bowl of scallop miso soup with tofu and chicken yakitori. Hot food at midnight always smells extra tempting.
"You open the door without checking if I carry a machete first." You stand in front of Amado's private suite, giving the Mexican in his shirt and boxer briefs a little smirk.
"I'd be willingly stabbed by that bamboo skewer if you let me eat the grilled chicken first. I'm starving," Amado leans in, closer to the tray and your hair, "God, smell so good." The fucker knows how to flirt back for sure.
Amado obviously prefers the hot meal, "Thank God you bring a spoon. Chopsticks are for devils." He finished everything in record time, and as a chef, you have to admit it's kind of satisfying to see people (even he's a jerk) enjoy the food you make.
You don't talk much. As soon as Amado's done, you're about to collect everything and leave. He stops you, "You're not staying?" Big hand is tangled with the hem of your kimono robe. He's dangerously close, it feels like the thin fabric is gonna catch fire from the body warmth from you both.
"It's not like I have a cleavage to show you." You tease him.
Amado actually apologizes, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to offend you." He gently flicks your hair back over your shoulders, eyeing your bare chest beneath the loose robe.
You're hesitant. Pacho did ask you to please the Mexican, but you have to stick to the plan, no early moves. 
You decide to call it a night. Amado doesn't stop you this time. 
Before you exit his suite, "Pacho wants sushi tomorrow," you turn around and smile, making sure the angel reveals more of your chest, "But I'll make a separate dish for you." 
That night you pray the Mexican's hooked.
The next day when everyone is having a cold plate of sushi, Amado gets a plate of tempura you prepare just for him.
"Thank you, dear. I won't last a week without you," Pacho makes some drastic remark as he enjoys the sushi you present and continues, "You know, one time I went to Guadalajara, they don't even have a decent Japanese restaurant. The only one Navegante found serves shitty noodles which remotely look like ramen. Your stubborn Mexicans really need a break from beans, steak and quesadilla." 
"Then can I borrow Chef Ryoko for a week? A short trip to Mexico, maybe Chef will find some new opportunity there." Amado suddenly proposes. 
Following Pacho's instruction from earlier, you act surprised.
Next thing you know, you're boarding a private jet with arguably the most powerful Mexican, both on earth and in the sky.
Your mission is to spy on Amado Carrillo Fuentes for a week. "Why? He's very business-oriented, low maintenance, no bullshit. But you never know if you can trust Mexicans. I need to know everything about Amado, every detail matters." Pacho's words echo with the plane engine before the takeoff. And he kisses you goodbye.
Amado's waiting for you at the bridge, smiling through his aviator sunglasses. You have no idea what you sign up for.
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pickledwombat · 4 years
 Part One / Part Two / Wom’s Chapter / Part Three
@thatbeluga my next contribution to your masterpiece :)
"This is going to be an interesting interaction." Jack lowered his binoculars. "Interesting, sure, but also very messy." "Okay, there's no need to-" "You could have at least TRIED to clean-" "This is a personal attack! That's all this is. You know I procrastinate about stuff. I've still got time before dinner!" Jack rolled his eyes. "You seriously think that you can clean the entire estate before dinner which, judging by the fact that Elmo is now on the driveway, is in about twenty minutes." Wombat replied with a broad smile. "Oh no, no way, I am not helping you with your-" "Awesome! Let's get started," Wombat exclaimed, tossing his magnifying glass over his shoulder. He hadn't been able to see much with it anyways. The overeager marsupial somersaulted away from the attic window he had been creepily attempting to stare out of moments before. With a flourish, a box of garbage bags appeared in his outstretched paws. "I'm a little busy at the moment," Jack rebutted. "You didn't even take the lens caps off of those things," said Wombat. "Now get over here and help me clean up all the weird garbage we leave lying around the house for some reason. Like, do we not expect guests? Why are we never prepared for random people coming up to our front doorstep? Have we not heard of Jehovah's Witnesses? A topic for a later time!" He grabbed Jack and hauled him to the ground floor before he could continue the debate. He then shoved a handful of garbage bags at him and motioned in a westerly direction. "You take that side, I've got this one. Try not to throw too many things out, you might piss off Fuck. They tend to leave a lot of ahhhhh special projects around the house." "Like that elephant mannequin over there?" "Oh no, that's not one of the projects," Wombat chuckled. "They decided that elephants looked cold and therefore needed parkas, which is ridiculous because they only live in warm climates. Except for the elephants that Fuck kidnapped to give parkas to. Speaking of, if you see any around tell them Cassidy said hello." "Cassidy is not an elephant why would she care." "She's a mammoth. That's like an elephant in a parka." Wombat stared straight ahead for several seconds. "Yeah actually maybe don't do that, you might bring up some unfortunate memories." Jack promptly took his garbage bags and disappeared to the western half of the estate. Sixteen minutes later, the pair reunited in the front foyer. Since embarking on their quests, Elmo had entered their place of residence and been introduced to a large portion of the family, though for heinous reasons Wombat had not been included in that group. Perhaps that was because he had been picking up their trash. Both Jack and himself had completely filled their collection of garbage bags with odd trinkets or pieces of trash. "How did it go?" Wombat asked. "It went well," Jack replied, seemingly more engaged in the task now than he was before. "I would consider that to be a successful venture." Wombat nodded. "Did you get everything?" "Oh, hell no," Jack chuckled "I got through like half a room; this is a family of slobs." "Me too. I found my ironing board, by the way." "Oh," Jack gasped. "You wear clothes?" "Don't be ridiculous; I'm covered in fur. Think of all the chafing I would experience if I decided to conform to that societal norm." "How about I don't do that and instead suggest that we change the topic,"  Jack said, a blank stare dominating his amphibious features. "Sure. What do you want to talk about instead?" Wombat asked. " How about we discuss how much easier it would have been to get everything cleaned up if we just hosted this meal in the jar?" "Did you clean up the ketchup?" "Not exac-" "Did you take that golf club out of the dishwasher?" "Well, no-" "Is there, or is there not, a bag full of dried pasta on your nightstand." Wombat sighed. "I guess you're right. While I may act all high and mighty because I clean the house sometimes, I'm still part of the problem." Jack smiled warmly, placing one of his front feet on Wombat's shoulder. "I'm glad you're finally warming up to the idea that-" "So anyways, I found this grappling hook. I was thinking I would attach myself to the ceiling and lower myself into my seat once everyone else had taken their places. Because, you know, cool entrances are pretty neat." Jack groaned, and because he was such an exceptional friend he decided to encourage Wombat's scheming. "And how do you plan on getting into the dining room? That happens to be both the target room and the area with the target audience." Wombat simply winked, hefted the grappling hook over his shoulder, and marched dutifully towards the dining room. 
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scribeofmorpheus · 5 years
Mark of the Wolf Part 10
Catch up here!
Pairing: Derek Hale x Reader (Lastname: Markolf)
Words: 3800
Warnings: Violence (duh!), mentions of PTSD
A/N: This is long overdue and also a hefty chapter with me trying and failing to write action scenes. There are flashbacks (in italics) between scenes because this is quite the back and forth chapter. As well as some Japanese and Swedish dialogue! ENJOY! Also: Kaze is Japanese and is pronounced Kah-Zeh. Feedback is encouraged. Like and reblog :) Don’t be afraid to ask to be tagged!
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Derek watched you try your hardest to move to the beat, but he could tell you weren't in your element. No one should be sober in a night club. Watching you brought a cheeky smile to his face, he almost had the urge to laugh a little.
His phone chimed in his pocket. On the dance floor a few feet from you, he noticed Scott get the same message. Peter's text message read: "We're in position." A few seconds later Liam sent a message of his own: "They took the bait. They're heading your way!" Derek looked down at Scott and spoke just loud enough for his wolf hearing to pick up, "Guess its show time." Scott nodded in acknowledgement and made his way to the stairs leading up to the roof.
"We're all gonna die," Derek sighed to himself, bunching up his fists in anticipation for a fight.
Derek melted further into the crowd until it thinned out to nothing more than one or two people using the empty space to make out and be alone. He pushed through, a part of him feeling uneasy at having lost sight of you on the ground floor, but he had a role to play just as you did. He reached a door that led onto a structurally unsound balcony and pushed it open. On the floor was a bag full of equipment and specially crafted grenades. He picked up the bag and made for the stairs that led further up.
Liam ran as fast as his human legs would let him. He refused to change under the circumstances. He needed to keep his senses sharp, but more importantly, he needed to stay in control. His heart hammered against his ribcage vigorously. He could taste the metallic tang of his own blood from where Monroe struck him, rage bubbling to the surface. Rage he had to contain for the fight they'd undoubtedly face in the next few minutes.
When Liam reached the abandoned church they had chosen for their plan of attack, he was surprised to find it illuminated by flashing lights and loud music blaring out of unsound window structures.
His phone beeped, displaying a message from Peter. He was in position and soon Liam would be too.
In swift motions, Liam pulled his phone out, typed away a message and sent it out to the group chat before tossing the tracker Monroe slipped in his pocket into a crack on the side of the church. With his part handled, Liam made for the next rendezvous point.
Peter kept his distance from the warehouse where Monroe made her base of operations. He was far enough to avoid visual detection but close enough to eavesdrop on conversations. Peter would never grow tired of his werewolf advantages. He could hear the faint sounds of metal scratching on the untiled floor. It was irritating.
"Should we go after him?" He heard an unfamiliar voice say.
He smirked to himself when he caught wind of Monroe ushering her orders to the rest of her men, "Not yet. He'll lead us to Scot McCall and the rest of his pack. Only then do we kill him." And then after a pause: "Leave a few men to make sure our guest in the basement stays put."
Peter's smile grew wider. That's the confirmation he needed. And with most of Monroe's men leaving the compound and heading out after Liam, his half of the plan was shaping up to be a piece of cake.
Stiles peeked around the abandoned vehicle they used as cover and turned to say something but was caught off guard by Peter's devilish grin. "Jesus!" He said in freight.
"Shh!" Peter rebutted aggressively.
Stiles's eyes went wide and looked at him accusingly, "Don't 'Shhh' me. Next time don't grin like an idiot. I thought you were going to eat me for a second there."
"If you don't shut up, I just might..." Peter threatened.
"Why'd they have to stick us together?" Stiles whined
Peter rolled his eyes and crouched closer to the warehouse, "You volunteered."
Stiles scampered after him, half tripping over a rock. When he secured his footing he said, "Yes, because I don't trust you. You always have an angle."
Peter looked down at Stiles unimpressed, "And even if I did, what was your grand plan to stop me?"
Stiles thought hard on his question and his face contorted in a thoughtful expression, but the only words out of his mouth were, "Ahhhhh, I'm still working on it."
"Come on," Peter sighed, using his strength to hoist Stiles through a window with one arm. Stiles, unprepared, made a freakishly feminine sound. Peter jumped in after him. "Here," he held out his phone, "Tell the rest of the team we're in position."
Peter took in his surroundings. The building was bare, except for a few crates of ammunition and possibly some technical equipment. There was a metal chair with rope next to it in the centre. Peter guessed that was where they had Liam tied up. When Stiles was done, he handed the phone back to Peter and asked: "What now?"
"Now, we look for the good druid."
"Right," Stiles said with purpose. He took a determined step forward, his foot crashing against an empty paint can. His eyes went wide giving Peter an 'Oops' shrug. Peter put his face in his hands and shook his head.
"Right. Quietly."
As you swayed your body from side to side, you couldn't help but feel uneasy. Your mind kept racing through every aspect of the plan and how easily it could all fall apart. The music was loud and distracting, you were thankful for that. At the very least, you wouldn't have to strain yourself to keep mindful of any creak, footstep or distressing sounds. It meant that for now, you could try and lose yourself in the moment, among all the other alcohol-fuelled bodies grinding close to one another. Your mind wandered back to a memory from earlier.
You and Derek hoped out of the off-road vehicle you'd rented for the trip in Mexico. His eyes were shielded from the brutal sun by a pair of Ray-bans. You couldn't help but notice just how well they framed his face, making him look all the more mysterious -and sexy as hell. He walked to the edge of the road and stood there with his arms folded over his chest. You walked over to stand by his side.
"This the place?" You asked, taking in the underwhelming appearance of the destitute church.
"Yeah. It's perfect. Easily fortifiable. Many exits and there's an old tunnel system that was built under it. There's a dense treeline not too far south -if we still believe those hunters travel through trees." Derek shook his head, still finding a hint of absurdity in what he just said. "It should work for our purposes."
You unfolded your map and looked at your position -far from any towns to avoid an incident yet close to several abandoned buildings in case you needed a place to lay low, if things went bad. "And the locals?" you asked.
Derek's eyebrows furrowed beneath his glasses, "Should be empty. Most locals won’t come here."
You were about to ask him why, but he looked down at you and shrugged, "Local curse. Something about ghosts." was all he said.
"Is it real?"
"Don't know." He looked at you with a playful smile on his face, "But all I know is that this place should be good and empty tonight."
"And we just have to hope those hunters want me bad enough to cross borders for… If they even perceive travel the same way we do.”
How could any of you have known that a bunch of rebellious teenagers would choose to host a rave in the very same church you'd chosen to have your showdown?
After a few minutes of fumbling around, trying to seem like you were having a good time, a loud noise sounded throughout the age-old structure. It didn't help that the acoustics in the church were amazing either. Instinctively, you brought your hands to your ears and crouched lower -and apparently, so did everyone else. The DJ stopped playing his music and everyone looked to where the sound had come from with wide eyes and confused expressions.
By the double doors of the church, you saw a woman stand with legs far apart. A large party of men wearing patched-together tactical gear stood behind her. Her face stern and her eyes filled with cold distaste, she looked like a woman ready for war. When you noticed the shotgun in her hand letting off wisps of hot smoke, you knew instantly what the sound had been and who she was.
"Monroe," you whispered.
"Party's over," she said coolly. When no one moved, she cocked her shotgun and took a step forward. "I. Said. Party's over!"
As the crowd thinned out, you had a hard time keeping your ground. Everywhere around you, elbows, arms and legs kept bumping into you. You were just thankful there wasn’t a large enough crowd to cause a stampede. As you began to make your way to cover, Monroe spoke again and this time you were shocked to learn she was addressing you.
"Not you!" Monroe shouted. She nodded her head at one of her men and they took her order without the need for words. Two men walked over to you and grabbed your shoulders. Dragging you along towards their leader.
You wanted to ask what this was all about, why she chose to single you out of the crowd, but you figured such questions were irrelevant. Somehow, you always ended up at the centre of trouble.
"You look familiar…" She turned your chin from side to side with her long, calloused fingers. "Why is that?" She squinted her eyes at you.
You chose to stay quiet.
The church was all but empty now, except for you, Scott, Monroe and Derek -who seemed to have disappeared in all the excitement.
Behind you, two bodies hit the ground from the second-floor railing with a padded thud. "Let her go, Monroe!" Scott's voice spoke out, slightly muffled by his fangs. "It's me you want!"
"Scott McCall. The Alpha!" She bellowed rousingly. "All alone? Now, now, Scott..." Monroe let go of your face and walked towards the centre of the room, "You aren't planning something are you?"
"Against you and your men? You and I both know who has the numbers in that fight," Scott said bitterly.
"You're not wrong there. The werewolf population has hit staggering all-time lows recently. And as much as I'd love for me and my hunter's to take all the credit, it seems our efforts have inspired a few others to join in the hunt."
"You and your men aren't hunters. They have a code. You're just murderers who use fear and intimidation to brainwash people into becoming murderers too!" Scott was practically foaming at the mouth. You'd never seen him so filled with rage before. His eyes darted towards the church's entrance and then back to you, and finally onto Monroe. You could've sworn you saw his lips twitch into a secret smile for a second. You looked behind you and saw something whoosh past the entrance at inhuman speeds.
"Enough talk! Get down so we can end this once and for all!" Monroe ordered. Dropping her shotgun on the ground, one of her men jogged to her side and handed her two stun rods. She grabbed them eagerly and twirled them between her fingers gracefully. "You don't know how long I've been waiting for this fight!"
Scott's phone chimed. He looked down at the screen and his red eyes lit up with satisfaction. "Yes, you're right. Enough talk."
"Come on!" She shouted.
Scott jumped off the second-floor railing and landed two feet in front of Monroe, his teeth and claws fully transformed. He scratched at the wooden floor with predatory menace and roared, craning his neck to the roof, before charging Monroe. You tried to move, but the guards simply tightened their grip on your arm and shook you to stay in place. You gritted your teeth to keep from swearing.
Scott paired attack after attack and Monroe, who was somehow able to keep up with Scott's slashes and clawing advances, managed to parry and counter nearly every motion with skilled precision. You had never seen a human hold their own against an Alpha with such determination before. She truly was a force to reckon with. As they fought, you began to notice the wind grew more and more restless. Moisture clung to the air and you could almost smell rain.
Scott lured Monroe close by letting his defences down, she managed to strike him in the chest, but he had flung the baton away before she could stun him. Making haste as to not waste his new opening, Scott ducked, swivelled and wrapped his claws around Monroe's neck as they stood back to back. Then in an instant, he sent her hurdling with great momentum towards a series of pews. Her body flipped and landed on the ground hard. She struggled to sit up, a cloud of dust heaved into the air by a wet cough. Scott stalked towards her with caution.
"It's over Monroe."
She spat blood onto the floor and wiped her mouth, a grin giving way to the view of white enamel stained by dark blood. "Is it?"
She pulled out a baton from underneath her body and zapped him with a surge of lethal volts that sent his body curdling to the floor with a painful yelp. Monroe placed her knee on Scott's chest as she tased him again and again. The room filling with painful grunts and a sickening laugh.
You began to flash back to that night in the woods. Scott's face morphing into Alex's and then back again. His screams becoming Scott's grunts. Monroe's laugh turning more masculine, hollow. Her face transitioning between Alyster's and her own. You shook your head, unable to trust your mind at that moment. "Stop," you whispered. "Stop. Stop, STOP!"
Thunder rumbled and a flash of dry lightning filled the space, blinding and white. When everyone regained their stances and blinked the bright spots away, you noticed Scott looking at you with a strange expression on his face. Monroe too.
"Your eyes..." Monroe whispered.
Suddenly, the wind became angry and it felt as though the temperature had dropped by several degrees. The doors and windows began to swing violently against rusty hinges. The whole church sounded like it was creaking in protest. Out of every shadow and dark corner bodies wearing ancient armour began to advance. Their eyes were practically lifeless. A chill crept up your spine and you had the unexplainable urge to look behind you. Like something was beckoning you towards it, despite your body's protests in fear. You craned your neck and when you saw what it was… who it was, your mouth turned dry and your nose began to choke on non-existent smoke.
A paling man with long, thin red hair held out one single bony finger, his voice as coarse as shards of glass cutting through vocal cords, "Give us the girl." He said calmly. The device around his neck -the Oculus- began to glow its sickly green colour. Tendrils of bright green light began to flow outward, seeking you out. The closer the tendrils got, the greater the feeling of dread filled your gut. But what appeared to unnerve you the most, was that no one else noticed the green tendrils snaking closer and closer towards you.
"What is this?" Monroe asked with a shaky voice. She swivelled her head from side to side, her face filled with fear as she realised they were all surrounded.
One of her men got trigger happy and unloaded his clip into the chest of a mouthless creature. When all his bullets were lodged into its chest, it looked down at the destruction done to its chest with a displeased expression, it shook a single digit in dismay as black oozed out of its wounds and the next thing you knew, the man was on the floor, blood pouring out of his neck. A wrenching gurgling noise escaping his throat. The creature had been so fast, you never once saw him reach for a weapon.
Scott used Monroe's state of distraction to kick her in the stomach and crawl out from under her knee. She staggered back and held her hand out to one of her men. As one of her men tossed her a machine gun, Scott shouted, "Now!"
Out of nowhere, several smoke grenades cluttered around the feet of Monroe's soldiers and the Order's. The room filled with smoke that held a familiar tinge to it -sage. Then you saw a dark figure ghost around the two men who had held you, sending them flying back into the growing smoke. You noticed the tendrils disappear behind the curtain of growing smoke. You took out the bandana you had stashed in your back pocket and tied it around your nose. The figure stood with an intimidating presence between you and your enemies. A loud aggressive roar filled the room and familiar bright blue eyes looked at you with a soft reassurance.
The obscured figure tilted its head slightly, its eyes growing softer at the mention of his name. It was Derek. Through the smoke, you could hear more gunshots and grunts. Knowing you couldn't see as well as him, Derek acting as your shield, began to inch backwards slowly, his claws opened wide at either of your sides. You followed his direction and allowed him to inch you backwards until you bumped against another person’s back. You jumped and quickly turned, relieved to be greeted by Scott's glowing eyes.
"Well, we did it. We got them here." You said wistfully.
"That was the easy part," Derek said.
"Easy for you to say," Scott rubbed his ribs where Monroe had tased him repeatedly.
"You survived didn't you?" Derek said.
"Regardless, let's just hope Liam and your contact follow through in time," you said.
"She will," was all Derek said in reply.
Even though his position was obscured by the mess of fighting bodies and thick smoke, you heard the familiar dark voice of Alyster issue his commands, "Astrid, bring me the girl. Kaze, deal with this smoke."
A light, feminine voice spoke out in Japanese, "Okonawa  remasu."
It is done
With those words, the wind began to pick up again as though it was under someone’s spell. It howled like an unwelcome spectre, taking old window shutters off their hinges and moving several pieces of derelict furniture with it. The smoke was beginning to clear and you could see an outline of a petite woman with short, jet black hair at the epicentre of where the strong winds were generated from. Her eyes not glowing, but almost shimmering a dull grey.
Scott shielded his eyes from the drying winds. He looked over at the woman and uttered: "Kitsune."
When the wind began to return to normal the whistling of an arrow whizzed towards you. Out of your peripheral, a small object blurred past you just as Derek used his body to move you close to the ground. He snapped up swiftly, bringing his hand to grasp something close to his face. With a crack, Derek snapped the arrow he had stopped close to his eye and it cluttered to the floor. He growled, bringing his claws to an attack position as Astrid -the archer- nocked another arrow from her vantage point two flights up. A wicked grin on her face showing just how much she was enjoying the chaos around her.
"Idag tar du ditt sista andetag, Varg!" Astrid said triumphantly.
Today you breathe your last breath, Wolf!
"Whatever you said, I can assure you, thing's aren't gonna go your way!" Derek warned, chucking a large piece of debris at her.
Astrid nimbly dodged his projectile and climbed one level down by vaulting off the second floor and catching the railing on the first floor. When she had her footing she nocked two arrows simultaneously, they had wedged themselves into two of Monroe's men who were about to flank from Derek's sides.
Derek looked shocked. "You're mine, Wolf!" Astrid said as she aimed a new arrow at Derek's chest.
As Derek dodged each arrow by a razor's edge, Scott set his sights on the non-threatening looking Kitsune who smiled pleasantly. Her eyes peacefully closed as though she were meditating in a Zen garden. Enclosing around her was a swarm of Monroe's men. Once in position, several of them raised their sights on her. Scott could do nothing but watch with curiosity.
Behind you, you felt the cold air of the green tendrils get close to your skin. When you looked down, you noticed one tendril was within an inch of your wrist. You gasped and yanked your arm away. Derek and Scott heard your gasp and turned to see if someone had broken through their protective circle, they hadn't. Puzzled they looked away and returned their attention to their opponents.  
The men surrounding the Kitsune fired off their weapons but were dismayed to realise their bullets had been swept up in a miniature tornado. The furniture and dust began to slowly move towards the spin force generated by the tornado until it stopped and reversed in direction. All the bullets trapped in the spinning air were now released back to the men who shot them out.
Hundreds of bullets swerved and curved around pillars and walls to embed themselves into Monroe's men. Scott and Derek instantly reached for you and both of them pushed your shoulders down as they ducked for cover too. Just then you felt your whole body go limp as a coldness took over your body. Your body was paralysed and all you could do was look down at your ankle where a green tendril had wrapped itself around you.
Time slowed, sound vanished and your vision was filled with nothing but the green smoke of the Oculus and the sight of a weary-looking Alyster. His eyes met yours with a chilling snap. His lips slowly, painfully, tugging towards his eyes to form an unnerving smile.
"Come with us, and all this chaos can end. Come with us and I'll tell you the truth," his words swarmed around your brain. It was then that you realised he was inside your head. You tried to shake him out, to scream for him to shut up, but you were motionless, voiceless and completely helpless. "Come with us and you will learn of your importance to the Order... And the fate of the world."
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Chapter 11>>
Tags: @melissavercos @divisingstories @theflash-trash @mynamesalreadytaken @island-end @chipster-21 @helloscorpious  @marvelismyfantasy @anonymousfanfic @homra-the-red-clan @derangedangel @phonegalhelp @bowtiesandwhiskers @soldierwinterthe @alina-barnes @sumlariss @luckythepizzadog4444 @tlytxia @drunklili @iamabeautifulperson18 @gruffle1 @thechickvic @notawarriorjustyet
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131 notes · View notes
makeste · 6 years
BnHA Chapter 194: Dream Analysis and Joint Battle Training
Previously on BnHA: Deku had a freaky dream! All the previous wielders of OFA were there (although we couldn’t see all of them clearly), and there was an epic flashback starring the first one, All For One’s Brother. He spent most of the flashback screaming at All for One to stop toying with people and using them for his own purposes. AFO spent most of the flashback ignoring his brother completely and being a bad bitch. He built an army of loyal followers who eventually grew bold enough to start taking violent and even lethal action against AFO’s enemies. Then one day he came to see his little bro again, and they talked about an old comic they read as children. AFO was inspired by the villain in the story, but his bro identified with the story’s hero, who never gave up in spite of the struggle, until he finally won and saved everyone. AFO was all “well that’s just a story,” which was some great fucking irony right there, and then he bestowed his brother with a quirk, thus unknowingly sealing his own doom. OFA Primo then turned to Deku and started talking to him, telling him there was more he wanted to show him but that this was all he could manage right now. But he told Deku “you are not alone.” And then Deku woke himself up by activating some sort of new power in his hand, inadvertently destroying half of his fucking room in the process.
Today on BnHA: Deku tells All Might about the dream and about how OFA Primo spoke to him. All Might says he’s seen the “Vestiges” of One for All in the past, but that they’d never communicated with him. Shimura had told him about that phenomenon though. Apparently the wills of the past OFA wielders are contained within the quirk as part of its power. But All Might has no clue regarding the explosion that took place when Deku woke up, and he tells Deku that for now, they’ll search for the answers together. As Deku heads off to his afternoon training session, he runs into Aizawa and Shinsou in the hall. We then cut to the industrial training ground area, where class 1-A shows off their various cold weather gear, including Katsuki, who’s got almost a whole new look going on and I love it and never want him to go back tbh. Class 1-B then joins them, and we learn that today’s class will be a joint training exercise. Oh, and there’s going to be a special guest -- Shinsou, who is still trying to transfer into the hero department. And he’s also sporting a familiar-looking capture scarf around his neck.
(As always, all comments not marked with an ETA are my mostly-unspoiled reactions from my first readthrough of this chapter. I’ve read up through chapter 213 now, so any ETAs will reflect that.)
so it’s the middle of the night still, and Deku is out running because he couldn’t fall back asleep
ahhhhh look at his cool winter gym uniform!
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incidentally, the title of this chapter is “Wintery Sky! U.A. High!” and yesssss we’re finally getting into winter now! THAT MEANS A CERTAIN SOMEONE SHOULD BE GETTING HIS NEW COSTUME ANY DAY NOW, I THINK. I CAN’T WAIT AHHHHHH
and a brief flashback now of Aoyama giving Deku some cheese to make him feel better after his episode
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true friendship right here
and now Deku’s continuing to run, and thinking that even though it was a dream, he remembers it as clear as day
that’s because it wasn’t just a dream, Deku. those are memories, obviously. memories which are now a part of you bud
it looks like his hand’s back to normal. I wonder what quirk it was that he activated?
also is he allowed to be out at night like this? you trying to get yourself put under house arrest again or what?
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though it’s looking more like androgynous trenchcoat dude is indeed just a dude. well, whatever!
at least we finally get to see the First’s face! yessss I’m so hyped this is the coolest fucking thing ever
and now we’re cutting to U.A. the next morning!
oh my god
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still trying to figure out exactly how old All Might was when he received OFA. we know Shimura died before his last year of high school. and he seems to have met her when in middle school. I guess he most likely received it around the same age as Deku but just had a better handle on controlling the strength part of it as he explained in the previous arc
so Deku’s explaining that he watched until the point where the First received OFA, and then after that the dude started talking directly to him
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...does Deku actually think that All Might omitted this by accident? does he not realize All Might was deliberately untruthful?
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...is this true or not. damn it
I’m inclined to think no, because All Might has a history of Not Telling Deku Things
anyways we’re flashing back to when Shimura told him about this
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ah, so is this the explanation for why a power-stockpiling quirk would also stockpile memories, and even what appear to be souls? you’re saying it’s his predecessors’ wills?
(ETA: somewhat disturbing but also intriguing thought that just occurred to me. we know that AFO’s quirk and OFA’s quirk are related. they’re more or less opposites of each other, but they both grew out of the same bloodline. so if OFA can pass along the previous users’ wills, does it then stand to reason that AFO can do the same thing? when AFO imparts a new quirk on someone, is he also imparting a little bit of the previous quirk owner’s will? could that be one of the reasons why the process often overloaded people’s minds and turned them into “puppets”? and also, if this is the case, does that mean there’s actually a 10th person’s will hidden somewhere within OFA? whoever it was who originally owned the power-stockpiling quirk in the first place?
one last thought -- if this is the case, wouldn’t it be great if this is part of what leads to AFO’s eventual downfall? all the quirks he’s stolen over the years betray him, with their owners’ wills working to battle against him in his own mind. kinda makes me wonder whether Horikoshi has ever read FMA.)
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and in fact All Might did experience this when he fought All for One for the last time, now that I think of it. pretty sure I even made note of it at the time. Shimura was there telling him to remember his origin. although by that point he’d already given up OFA to Deku, so it’s hard to say for sure. but I’m still choosing to believe it really was her, offering him her strength and support when he needed it the most
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always with the not saying things. why do I stan this frustrating man so badly omg
the more we see of All Might, the more I recall what he said to Endeavor about having a tendency to push everyone away from him. and it seems like even with Deku, his beloved protege whom he loves and supports with all his heart and is devoted to, there is still some part of him that he has closed off there. either to protect him, or just out of habit by this point. he’s just used to holding everything in and never confiding in anyone. and damn it but why are all of my faves like this
now Deku’s snapping him out of his reverie and All Might’s like “oh yeah wait a sec”
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whoa, but it seems like not even he understands what happened there?
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so he doesn’t know about the whole passing along the quirks thing? or is he keeping it secret? tbh I cannot think of a single reason why he would keep that knowledge from him if he did know, because it could potentially be super dangerous. and obviously All Might only ever had the one quirk himself. so I’m thinking now that this is indeed something that only Deku has awakened thus far, which is super interesting
(ETA: so the verdict appears to be in, and it seems he didn’t know. also, yet again here is another mention of that quirk singularity shit. you sure have awakened something dangerous my little green son.)
damn it All Might
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he seems so genuine... I feel like he really is telling him the truth for the most part. or maybe he knew it was a possibility but he never experienced it much himself and so he figured it would be the same for Deku
so what I’m taking from this then is that while All Might was a natural when it came to figuring out the physical side of OFA, maybe Deku’s more naturally gifted when it comes to the spiritual side? I’m starting to think of it in Avatar: The Last Airbender terms now lol. All Might was more of a Korra while Deku is an Aang
(ETA: and you know, I think that analogy can even be stretched to their respective coming-of-age processes as well. like Korra, All Might went through the normal training process and was given time to master his power. but Deku is more like Aang in that he hasn’t had that same benefit of being able to learn all of this gradually. like Aang, he’s kind of been thrust right into the thick of things before he was fully prepared for it, and a lot of his growth has been of the trial by fire variety.
and this is only going to get worse from here, because the League of Villains is not going to wait until little All Might Jr. is all grown up before making their move. Deku is going to be put to the test soon, and he won’t be ready for it, and he’ll have to do it anyway because the fate of the world may depend on it. I know the whole SIXQUIRKS thing potentially looks like a massively overpowered upgrade at first glance, but the thing is that he’s still a kid, and he has no idea how to use this shit. look at how much he’s struggled learning how to use just one quirk without killing himself. now throw in six new ones with no training manual. and on top of that they’ve all been cranked up to 11 thanks to that quirk singularity(TM) shit. basically it’s going to be a hot fucking mess that will probably get him into as much trouble as it helps get him out of. he’s still going to be figuring out what percentages he can safely use, and he’ll be forced to put his Big Hero Brain to the test in new and fascinating ways as he comes up with strategies to use whatever he does manage to figure out.
and meanwhile he’ll be up against Tomura and the League and -- eventually -- AFO himself. much like Aang inevitably had to take on Ozai even though he was only 12 years old and his training wasn’t complete. I’m anticipating something similar for Deku in the endgame here, and I think it’s going to be an amazing ride and I can’t wait.)
so now Deku is smiling and he says he’ll do his best
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(ETA: this makes me so fucking sad now because I’m sure All Might would give anything to be able to see and talk to Shimura again one last time. if Horikoshi does kill him off I hope he gets to see her first.)
so now they’re heading out and All Might’s escorting Deku to his next class and says he’s gonna watch and that it seems like it’ll be fun
and they’re running into Aizawa who’s stepping out into the hall himself
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okay but I’m pretty sure Shinsou hasn’t been accepted into the hero program yet? because truthfully this is another thing I’m pretty sure I’ve been spoiled for, though that was kind of an inevitable development so to me it’s not a huge spoiler. but anyways pretty sure that won’t happen until around chapter 216 though so this meeting can’t have been about that
given that this is not the first time we’ve seen these two together, I think we can assume that Aizawa has been mentoring him off and on? I keep seeing Shinsou included as one of Aizawa’s kids in fanfics (maybe once I finish this arc I can finally read some of those), so I’m guessing it’s something like that. he’s so addicted to being a good dad that he goes out of his way to find even more kids to adopt in his free time. jesus christ
huh, Shinsou seems much happier than he was the last time we saw him!
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... [hair ruffles]
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and now we’re cutting to one of the training grounds! I think this is the one where they had that race that one time right after the Hero Killer arc. but I forget the name of it though
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why the fuck can’t Momo wear a cape all the time!?
Tsuyu’s winter gear seems less extreme than I thought and I’m a bit surprised! but I guess it must be warmer than it looks
all Mina did was add a fur collar. girl you are going to freeze your ass off
no comment on Hagakure but you all know what I think already lol
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like, I think his normal costume was designed more with his future image of himself in mind, and doesn’t necessarily work as well with a teenage boy who is still growing and still has a relatively lean frame. he’s got a lot of muscle, yeah, but his costume is the sort of thing that would look more natural on someone with an Endeavor or Muscle Might type of build. his shoulders are not broad enough yet for it to really look natural
(ETA: and you know what, come to think of it I don’t think he’s ever gonna bulk up as much as either of them, because the more muscle he’s got, the more difficult it’s going to be for him to propel himself with his quirk. he’s gotta strike a balance there. so in conclusion Katsuki your summer costume needs a redesign!)
so the collar really helps here because it hides his whole neck which helps a lot with that awkwardness lol
anyway I’ll stop analyzing Kacchan’s costume now you guys but please rest assured that I fucking love it and this shit was worth the wait
(ETA: oh my god and now that Awase’s gone and busted up his gauntlets too, is it too much to hope he might redesign those to be a bit less bulky as well? dare to dream!? Horikoshi are you listening??)
and now I’ll let Deku have his own fangirl moment
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you guys. I can’t oh my god I fucking can’t
but just. he’s so excited. and more importantly he’s interacting naturally with Kacchan without the slightest bit of uncertainty or hesitation or awkwardness, even though Kacchan’s still being a grumpy grump
and really Kacchan is behaving no differently than he would toward any other classmate. there’s no actual heat there, just normal Kacchan banter
in fact, if you look a little closer at this interaction, Katsuki actually invited him to talk. he saw Deku staring at him, and rather than telling him to fuck off and go bother someone else, he actually gave him express permission to start geeking out. (and then got fucking embarrassed by it oh my god)
in other words, they are interacting like normal classmates with none of the awkwardness and unease and hostility that was there before, and it’s fucking amazing. this is all I’ve wanted this entire time you guys oh my god
(ETA: seeing Bakugou and Deku finally interact again in this arc has given me so much joy. this is easily one of my favorite arcs just for that alone)
so now Ojiro’s coming up to Deku and saying that his suit is the one that’s had the most dramatic change lol. and that he even got new gloves recently
oh for fuck’s sake lol
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okay at this point I totally support the Dekacho if that’s what they want to do. but why do they have to keep showing it by having Ochako get jealous of every third person Deku interacts with??
(or rather, every third person with boobs. because if this was a bit more realistic and she was paying just a bit more attention, the person she ought to be the most jealous of right now is Kacchan lol)
ohhhhhhh SNAP
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I know it would end up just getting shredded, but Kiri might want to think about getting some sort of winterized non-shirtless version of his own costume too regardless. maybe just get something made from an inexpensive and easily replaceable material
anyway! holy shit, I forgot all about this, but I knew there was something with class B coming up soon because the manga was in the middle of this arc back when I first started reading it. and so this was what everyone was talking about
Monoma is surprisingly flexible
where’s Kendou? and that Pony girl?
holy shit Monoma
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“my research”
son, I want details on your sample sizing and the way the question was phrased. I’m not sure if this holds up
lol and even then they only won by 2 votes
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did you vote in your own questionnaire Monoma
lmao Aizawa is choking him out with his capture weapon oh shit
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“shut up” oh damn. you do not insult class A in this man’s presence
so now Vlad is saying they’re going to have a special guest! and Aizawa’s telling them not to embarrass themselves
is it Shinsou. again, this guess is based solely on what I can recall of the fandom atmosphere when I first started reading the series and before I realized that I should blacklist spoilers
(ETA: okay so rereading this recap, I realize it seems like I’ve been spoiled for practically every damn thing in this arc, and I just wanted to make a quick note that this isn’t actually the case lol. I knew some basic stuff about the Joint Training arc, but I had no idea what the battles would be like, who was gonna win, or that Deku’s new upgrade would come into play the way that it did. basically I knew about SIXQUIRKS (but with no context), Kacchan’s costume, Shinsou’s presence (and what I assume is his successful bid to join the hero course), and that it would be 1-A vs 1-B. so basically most of this arc has still been a ride and I’ve really enjoyed it.)
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I love that Baku, Kami, and Tetsu are all demonstrating their own unique ways of how they would befriend the special guest
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and is that an Aizawa-style capture weapon?? oh ho?!
you guys, this chapter was only 13 pages long. and it was so good. that’s not fair, you deserve more pages BnHA. why is the page count so damn inconsistent; I’m already dreading once I’m caught up and I never know what to expect each week
but for now I still get to binge. finally my procrastination pays off. thanks to my efforts, I have another 22 chapters to read instead of like 4 or 5 lol. there’s a lesson in that, kids. maybe. or probably not actually lol
okay guys, and unfortunately I have to end this recap by announcing that I’m going to be taking another brief hiatus, most likely for about a week or so. there is some financial shit I need to get sorted before the end of the month, and I need to find myself another job too so I’m gonna need to do everything I can to focus on that.
I’ll try to catch up with some of my asks and the comments whenever I have a chance. and aside from that, I will hopefully see you guys in a week, hopefully under circumstances where I can breathe a little easier! be well, everyone.
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skamfairy · 6 years
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince - thoughts after reading it for the first time
OKAY OKAY OKAY as usual this will be a mess cos there IS A LOT to discuss so good luck trying to make any sense of this ashjsjhajh
Once again i’m gonna take some time to reinforce my feelings about my baby Harry. HE IS GROWING UP SO FAST HELP. I love him so so so much and it was soooooo SO SO SO interesting to see him get a taste of dark magic with the Half-Blood Prince’s book. Like I really need to analyse this further later. it’s so interesting to his character and this whole “harry and voldy are connected” thing. to see him actually get help and learn more from this dark magic and actually enjoy it and defend it throughout the whole book was just sooo cool to read and it shows that anyone even the chosen one can get tempted by dark magic. I really wish this would have been explored further in the series but seeing there is only one book left i’m not gonna get my hopes up. This also makes me think of that thing dumbledore said about harry not being able to be tempted to the dark side because he’s protected by love. I really loved that moment between the two and it made me just wanna hug harry because he couldn’t understand how that made him special and i wanted to shake him and be like HARRY YOU ARE DOING AMAZING SWEETIE. But i find it interesting that this was said after we have spent a whole book watching him get tempted by dark magic. sure it’s not the same as joining voldy but I think it’s really telling that he saw just how powerful and helpful dark magic can be and we got to see firsthand along with Harry, why dark magic is so tempting to wizards and witches. AND I LOVED THIS ASPECT OF THE BOOK THE MOST !!!
This would be the part where i talk about how much I loved fred and george in this book and YES I LOVED THEM but i have a bone to pick: there wasn’t enough of them smh. I better get so much more of them in Deathly Hallows or i’m gonna scream. They are two of my faves hands down and every scene with them makes me laugh and smile. I need my comedy relief.
Okay im gonna critique another thing IM SORRY if this is super controversial and mean, but what the hell is with the romance in this? don’t misread this I LOVE ROMANCE so so so much but i wish we got an actual romance with a deep and meaningful connection where we could be like “oh he’s so into her” without harry saying “oh so i like ginny now” like shsahjjhas IT WAS SO RANDOM !!!! and it feels sooooo awkward. The tonks and remus thing at the end was also random and awkward. idk i kinda want to see characters form a close bond instead of just being told HEY SO THEY SUDDENLY LOVE EACH OTHER JUST GO WITH IT. I do like ron and hermione tho. I mean that’s been building up for ageeessss and the drama was super fun lmao teenagers. ALSO if you are gonna force ginny and harry on me at least give me some angst but nope he just kisses her and we’re good to go. AGAIN IM SORRY I FEEL REALLY MEAN SHJASHJS i’m being really harsh right now but who knows i might change my mind after the last book sjhhjsahasj
ahhhhhh man okay okay i’m gonna address the elephants in the room. SNAPE SNAPE SNAPE SNAPE SNAPE i got one thing to say to you...
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idk it’s just i can’t explain the feeling guys, i just feel so frustrated and unsatisfied??? like something feels incomplete it doesn’t feel right?? does that make sense? like i have this really weird incomplete feeling about this situation. something is missing. Why was Dumbledore, the most powerful wizard ever, so convinced Snape was on his side??? like something is SO OFFF im just so FRUSTRATED AHHHHHHHH like he pleaded with him too HE PLEADED whats going on here??? i feel like i need to read dumbledore’s diary or something because THE BASTARD FORGOT TO EXPLAIN TO US WHY HE WAS WILLING TO IGNORE SNAPES OBVIOUS EVIL ASSS???? im sorry i guess i’m at the anger phase with my grief right now sahjashj
THE HALF BLOOD FUCKING PRINCE alright you guys trust me when i say i have never been more disappointed and devastated in my whole life. I think I only mentioned it once or twice but I REALLY GOT MY HOPES UP that it was lily. I’m super in love with her from the tiny bit i know or have seen of her and I REALLY WANT MORE OF HER BACKSTORY and i really convinced myself it could be her cos i’m an idiot. sure when harry began using spells that basically sliced a person up, i kinda figured it wasn’t her anymore, BUT SNAPE??? RIGHT AFTER KILLING DUMBLEDORE??? im- WHY i swear all this series does is make me feel pain. I don’t know what hurts more, that harry has been learning dark magic from Voldy’s right hand man all year, or that this probs means i’m never gonna get Lily backstory :((( there is only one book left.
i’m really depressed about dumbledore dying. the scene itself was so painful and good tho i will not lie. especially with malfoy like, i really really feel bad for that kid. he didn’t wanna kill his headmaster? he’s just a kid who has been given this horrible order that he literally can’t refuse. I’m sad. and then harry not being able to move and having to watch it all under his invisibility cloak? :(( AND THEN THEY TELL US THEIR MISSION WAS ALL FOR NOTHING AND IF THEY DIDN’T GO DUMBLEDORE’S DEATH COULD HAVE BEEN AVOIDED JUST LIKE SIRIUS’S FUCK ME UP.
OH and i’ve already worked out who R.A.B is and im so excited to hear how that story goes. he has tea on voldy and i wanna hear it.
Also i remember making a comment about obsessive love being foreshadowed at the start of the book, and i guess that turned out to be voldy’s parents? his mother used a love potion on him so he is the subject of obsessive love instead of real love and i guess that’s important because harry is protected by love and thats something voldemort doesn’t have. so i guess that’s what it is?
ALRIGHT so what is gonna happen next? i really don’t kn- oh wait i do know this time cos harry told me. him, ron and hermione are gonna hunt down the horcruxes like a fun treasure hunt but with PIECES OF VOLDEMORTS SOUL instead of like chocolate easter eggs or something. and that’s about all i know. im so scared to see how it ends im just AHHHHHHH i just hope my faves survive and end this thing happy.
Also i really really really wish i’d get lily backstory im sad because james got a WHOLE BOOK dedicated to his time at hogwarts and his patronus and his friends and what he was like and everything but lily just gets a guest star appearance in snapes memory where he says a slur at her because he’s the worst. (i really don’t get dumbledore trusting this dude when he loathed both of harry’s parents like that god) but yeah i really want lily time but i don’t think it’s gonna happen UGH UGH UGH
so yeah asjhsahj im really excited and nervous to finish this series AHHHHH it’s gonna be weird officially knowing everything im not ready sjhsajash also i feel sad for fawkes :((
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I will watch, recap, and review every episode of ECW | ECW Reddit Retrospective | Post #2 | E02
ECW Hardcore TV E02 - April 13th, 1993(04/13/93)
We are greeted by Jay Sulli and Stevie Wonderful. Wonderful is going to bring in our guest commentator, "The King of the Texas Death match!"...Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert. Ah, classic switcheroo from that jokester Stevie. Gilbert is drinking a bottle of Perrier for some reason.
Sully gives us our REAL guest commentator, Terry Funk. Gilbert and Funk get into it, until Funk grabs Gilbert's Perrier water and dumps it down his shirt and tosses it in his face, which makes a squealing Eddie Gilbert run away. Seems like we've got a feud on our hands, wonder if this will lead to an in-ring feud between Funk and Gilbert. Only time will tell!
Match:  #5 Johnny Hotbody vs. #3 Glen Osbourne
The TV Title tournament continues right here on the famed Sports Channel Philadelphia. There is a fantastic line as Hotbody is announced. "He weighs 300 pounds counting his ego, Johnny Hotbody!" and then Osbourne is announced as "The Madman from the Badlands". God bless these guys, just doing everything they can to get over.
"Hotbody knows what he's doing in this ring, and I think Osbourne does too." Great insight from Terry Funk.
And Wow. As someone who's watching wrestling in 2018, it is tough to watch this wrestling. The most exciting move you see is a vertical suplex. Whoa! I take that back, there's a german suplex from Hotbody! Hotbody has Osbourne in a sleeper hold down on the mat, so Osbourne starts slapping the mat, rallying the crowd behind him! Well, he got about 4 fans to clap along with him.
REF BUMP! REF BUMP! And Hotbody goes downstairs with the Nakamura Special, then following it up with a piledriver. Hotbody's got this in the bag...until Tommy Cairo interferes, leading to Osbourne getting the W, and Osbourne moves on, in the TV Title Tournament.
Match: Tony Stetson & Larry Winters vs. Chris Michaels and The Samoan Warrior
It's my boy! The most average there is, the most average there was, the most average there ever will be, Tony "The Hitman" Stetson! He's back in action with his tag partner Larry Winters. Early on in this match all 3 commentators go off on a tangent about the hot ring girls, so that was a thing.
I just wanna see this Samoan dude, and find out how he's related to the Anoi'i Family. And of course, we get the classic "Samoans have hard head" gimmick. I both love it and hate it at the same time. Winters and Stetson pick up the win with a...cradled leg drop? Winters holds Michaels, with Michaels legs around his waist, then Stetson drops the leg from the top.
Funk's got a post-match interview with the winning team, which gets interrupted by the Manager of our Tag Champs, The Super Destroyers. Honestly, I forget his name, and Funk doesn't seem to want to hear from him because he never sticks the mic in his face, so the only part of the promo I caught was when he called Stetson & Winters Homer and Bart Simpson, which for some reason was insulting enough to provoke an attack from the tag team.
BUT THE SUPER DESTROYERS ARE HERE! Mayhem between the two teams! Which means it's perfect time for a commercial break.
"One of the great athletes in the world today." Well, that's certainly one way to describe The Sandman, Terry. So...Either I'm very confused, or Terry Funk is very confused, and I'm willing to bet that 1993 Terry Funk has a lot more concussion than 2018 Me does.
Terry says that the winner of the tournament still has to beat Sandman in order to win the title. So, either the winner of the tournament gets the TV Title and a shot at the ECW Title, or Funk has had one too many concussions.
Ahhhhh yeahhhh! Here he is! Surfer Sandman makes his way down and it's time to get interviewed by The Funker! Sandman cuts a super whitemeat babyface promo, thanking Terry for all that he's done, and thanking the fans because he wouldn't be Champ without them. This is so weird. Surfer Sandman is blowing my mind. I can't wait to watch his transformation.
Match: The Sandman vs. The Kodiak Bear
The Kodiak Bear looks like bingo hall Luke Harper. Before the bell rings, our 3 lovely commentators go off on another tangent about the Ring Ladies, Funk willing to give the earlier one - Tigra - to Stevie if he can have the new one - Peaches. Things That Wouldn't Fly Today for $400, Alex.
And a moment later, Funk is betrayed by his beloved Peaches as she grabs ahold of Sandman and lays one on him, then eye-fucks the camera.
"Take a look at the Champion. The tan, the charisma, the looks, the moves, he's got it all!" Sully might be crushing on our ECW Champion, Surfer Sandman.
Surfer Sandman has got to have some of the worst ring gear ever. A multi-coloured wetsuit that appears to be VERY tight. No wonder he wrestled the rest of his career in track pants and a t-shirt.
I'm no submission savant, but the move Sandman wins the match with appears to be very similar to the Tazmission. Either way, there it is, The Sandman picks up the win with very little trouble.
Match: #2 Hot Stuff Eddie Gilbert vs. #7 J.T. Smith
Commentary team breaks down when Stevie tells Funk to shut up, which he takes VERY personally and makes Stevie take it back, making him drop a few yes sirs and no sirs along the way.
Back to the match! Things go to the outside very quickly, Hot Stuff is all over Smith, including whacking him in the head with the ring bell which is not a DQ somehow. Stevie later accuses J.T. Smith of using some...ILLEGAL TACTICS. Booker would be proud.
Smith goes for an ugly moonsault and gets nothing but mat. Hot Stuff pulls out some brass knucks to take the win and Funk takes exception to that. At this point I'll be shocked if we don't get a Gilbert vs. Funk match some time soon.
Match: "Ironman" Tommy Cairo vs. Super Ninja
We join this one in progress! Why is there another match? No idea. Why are we joining it in progress when this is clearly a taped show? No idea. And yes, of course Super Ninja is a white dude in a ninja costume.
Every punch and kick from Super Ninja is either a "martial arts punch" or a "martial arts kick". You know, now that I think about it, he IS wearing a black belt, so he must be a master of the martial arts. Who am I to doubt Super Ninja?
Match gets thrown out when Hotbody runs in and attacks Cairo. They then brawl to the back to close the show.
Terry Funk is joined once again by owner Tod Gordon to say farewell and preview next week, and again Terry says that the winner of the tournament will face the Champion, so I have no idea what's going on here. So next week we'll have our semi-finals and the finals! And we'll find out what the hell the winner gets. The ECW TV Title? A Title match against The Sandman? Both? I DON'T KNOW!
Overall I'd say it's a decent show. We've got a few feuds brewing with Funk vs. Gilbert and Hotbody vs. Cairo. I'm actually interesting in seeing who's gonna win the tournament.
Again, I won't have a fixed schedule for these posts, just trying to do them as often as I can. So until next time, adios partners!
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