#thank you for coming to my sleep deprived TED talk
Minecraft: A short Essay on Nostalgia
I'm writing this rather late at night so excuse any spelling errors (Sorry it's not in MLA format, I'm not back in school yet and need a break)
I often find myself scrolling online late at night, stuck in the rabbit hole of youtube shorts, wondering how in the world I'll be able to function the next morning. Many times, the only thing that puts me to sleep on those restless nights, are playlists of "nostalgic" minecraft music. Why is that? Why is the music considered "nostalgic" in the first place?
Nostalgia is defined as making one think of or long for a familiar or comforting time. When I first received Minecraft back in 2016, I was still a little kid. I was in fourth grade and was longing to know what all the fuss was about. I remember booting it up for the first time, my sister sitting eagerly next to me. We only had one controller, so we had to take turns. In true older sister fashion, I did not share as I was supposed to. Eventually, though, I learned to share the game and enjoy what my sister created. I found that I was a natural at this game, I learned all of the mechanics with ease. My sister was not so lucky, she still struggles to fight in the game to this day. We spent many nights playing Minecraft. My mother worked the night shift at her work, and my father was always working on schoolwork to get his second degree. This left me and my sister to eat our spagettio's and play minecraft all night. I remember one night in particular, playing the "Little Big Planet" Mash up pack for the PS4 Edition of the game. We knew that nothing we did would be saved, but oddly enough we liked it that way. I was usually a creative player and my sister liked survival, though she wasn't very good at it. When we did play on a saved world, we would build massive cities and marveled at our own architectural prowess (Or, more often, the prowess of those we watched on youtube). I still have these old worlds, I visit them from time to time. I used to entice my sister to play with me by telling her I would do whatever she wanted me to in the game. This usually ended badly. Still, there are many old save files titled, "E's the Boss". I was young and simple, a stable built out of pink wool was just fine for me.
As I work with my therapist to uncover certain things about my past, I remember the nights that I would spend playing this game, desperately avoiding my bed time. This game, this simple game comprised of blocks and some funny red powder, had become virtually the only escape I had from the harsh reality that attacked me every time I left that infinite green wasteland that was a superflat world. Long before the aquatic update or the remodeled horses, I was building houses to replicate my own, creating worlds to escape the one that so vehemently tortured me each day. I remember, on the days that we were aloud to have the sound on on the TV, I would always play my favorite music disc. It was the one simply titled C4-18. I have so many memories attached to the music that plays in this game. And the only reason those memories mean so much, is because that is how I coped. Gen-Z, the silent generation, the generation that inherited all of the problems that everyone else was to stubborn to settle, has been left to our own devices to find some way to be happy in a world that revolves around hate. And for many children, including me, that device just so happened to be digital. We found some sliver of hope in the notion that we could still shape out destinies. The thought that we could choose to survive, adventure, or create was so enticing that we put hundreds of hours into buildings and bases, maps and achievements. On the occasions that we couldn't play the game, we would watch others play it. Roleplay channels like Little Kelly and Little Carly, mod channels like Unspeakable and Moose, Pat and Jen, even DanTDM, shaped out childhood. Often these channels exposed us to more mature themes through contact with more mature channels, such as Markiplier, JackSepticEye, and Pewdiepie. Now, we're all grown up. Many of us are going to college, getting jobs, some are even starting families. And so are our heros. Dan is a father, and Felix will be too. Mat has a son and wife, Pat and Jen split up, Jack has Evelyn, Mark has Amy. As we matured, so did our heros. And what does it al come back to?
A simple video game based on mining blocks, and using them to craft different blocks. I guess, what I'm trying to say, is that the Minecraft soundtrack is so nostalgic, because it takes us back to a *bad* time. It reminds us of when everything was going downhill, and all we could do is watch and hope we didn't get hit when crap went flying. Minecraft, for many of us, was our first step into healing, our first step towards maturing, and our first step towards becoming our own people, all be it far to soon. Minecraft music makes us cry, makes us feel this deep nostalgic sadness, because we don't know if we'll be able to find that again. We're grown ups now.. there's no one else to guide us, and video games can only take us so far. How do we know what to trust, what to watch, what to smile and laugh at..
We don't. That's the unfortunate truth of nostalgia. We don't have that wonderful thing, that guide to help us through the tough times. Now we are the ones guiding, building, surviving.. In a weird way, Minecraft prepared an entire generation of struggling kids with a blueprint for life. It's as simple as this:
Start your Journey
Find someplace you like, and settle down there.
Go on adventures, make friends, learn new things, and never go into the dark without a light.
And if it all comes crashing down...
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sukunasdirtylaugh · 4 months
Addicted to the idea of an ex!convict geto who is on the run. You married him young at the fresh age of 19 in Vegas, only for him to ‘abandon’ your marriage never to be seen again. Nearly 4 years have passed and you’re now a moderately prestigious singer at mafia!gojo’s club, the blue dragon.
audiences stack up on weekends until Satoru introduces you to an associate of his called Kento. He’s tall, handsome, and mature in ways you didn’t know you wanted or needed. After a few visits to the club, he asks you out for dinner. A relationship instantly clicked with the businessman that suddenly everyone knew you were his. Until a mysterious letter appears on your doorstep one day. Attached is a familiar pink ribbon and all black lighter.
“My men wouldn’t do that,” your now boyfriend shakes his head. “No one knows about him but me.”
“Ken, you’re the only one to know about him. No one knows about him except you and Satoru. So please, if this is a prank, tell me.”
“I’m quite offended you think I would casually play with the emotions of the woman I have invested all my time in.” He says, “I’ll go talk to Satoru if he knows anything, but it’s for the best if you cancel tonight’s show.” You pull away from the protective hold he has on your waist and hiss. “I won’t cancel a show. Tonight’s the premiere, a lot of Satoru’s clients have invested thousands in tonight’s event.”
“Cancel it,” your blond partner whispers, “I’ll pay the difference, stay the night at my-“ but your agitated nature makes you turn him down.
“I said no! I’ll continue the show, and you can’t say anything about it. It’s my career, kento. And you can’t decide when to sing for me.”
He should have known it had to do with your hyper independence, your need to still depend on your own income after depending on what Nanami considered a reaction of yours after your relationship with a cowardly no good for nothing scum bag who left his wife.
After his disappearance, search warrants for him went on the national level until his presence was declared inconclusive 3 weeks later. Months later, it was rumored he was found dead.
But no body was found.
Now in tonight’s stage, everyone is dressed in the 9’s, with kento leaning against a wall with crossed arms, looking over the audience as you sing prettily. That is until you see a dark figure, long black hair with a familiar silver wedding band on his fourth finger. What sets him apart is the drink on the table.
(wrote this part one and this part two as a result^)
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all the time spent, all the embarrassment, all the fear of being rejected is 100% worth it if it means that you're gonna start trying out new things, meet new people, that you're going to try to be yourself and believe that you can be something great.
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hobiinobs · 5 months
I think that we should start calling pterosaurs and dinosaurs, all them fuckers dragons.
Anything ancient and reptilian bitch it's a fucking dragon especially if it flies. Like could it breathe fire... No probably not, but I mean it doesn't need to don't fire shame my dragons they are plenty cool without it.
It's sick as fuck to say "birds evolved from dinosaurs", yknoe what's way fuckin' cooler "birds evolved from dragons"
I haven't slept in 16 hours thank you and good morning.
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I know a lot of people love to romance Gale as a sorcerer just for the fun of trolling him, and like, same, but consider: romancing Gale as a College of Lore Bard.
College of Lore, within both Forgotten Realms canon and the broader D&D 5e macrocosm, is a bardic college primarily concerned with the collection and accumulation of knowledge. Lore bards get access to spells from other spellcasting classes' lists because they are fastidiously studious and are capable of a level of arcane magic and Weave manipulation far outside that of the average Glamour or Swords bard. They are deeply deeply invested in uncovering truth and known for being solidly competent in a variety of situations. They also spend a significant amount of their free time shooting the shit about lore they've uncovered with other scholars. Who else do we know who has a deep thirst for knowledge and will happily discuss the Weave at any given opportunity?
Additionally, in Faerûn during the continuity of the BG3 storyline, most lore bards study at New Olamn in, you guessed it, Waterdeep. If they aren't natively Waterdhavian themselves, aspiring bards will travel from all over just to attend the college. We all know that Gale's two great loves (at the start of the game) are his magic and his city. He would absolutely cling to anything that reminds him of home.
So, indulge me for a moment. We know that the tadpole canonically nerfed Wyll and Gale, so let's operate under the assumption that our Tav is a pretty accomplished bard in their own right before they got snatched. Tav starts out wandering along the wreckage of the nautiloid trying to figure out what on Toril is going on. They stumble upon the portal and immediately start examining it in an effort to identify what's happening. Out pops Gale's hand, they pull him out, and boom, Tav realizes that they are in the presence of THE Gale of Waterdeep, former Chosen of Mystra. If there's anyone who can sate their thirst for knowledge, it's this man. And Gale, who has been totally deprived of company beyond Tara for literally a year, would be over the moon to talk with a fellow scholar about the differences between wizarding and bardic arcane praxis. He may even recognize Tav if they've ever played any gigs at the Yawning Portal. The pair would hit it off instantly, have a quickly-moving fast banter conversation like the hyperverbal neurodivergents they are, and the rest of the tadpole crew would just stand there like (-_-)
Yeah, so that's why you shouldn't sleep on Lore Bards for your Galemancing needs, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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brokendoor16 · 4 months
Okay. So I'm aware that we LOVE love of my life for S3 post-angel depression Crowley, but hear me out. What I actually NEED in S3 is a (ridiculously, impossibly, drunk-to-the-extent-that-would-kill-a-mere-mortal) post-angel depression Crowley doing karaoke to Bohemian Rhapsody. JUST IMAGINE THE FUCKING MOOD SWINGS IN THAT SONG-
As a brief demonstration, I will now pick a lyric from each verse (I'm so sorry guys, this is what happens when I don't sleep so now it's all of your problems):
I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy- delivered in the MOST fucking overdramatic way possible, probably throwing his arms around a looking up (to curse Heaven- AKA try and figure out if Aziraphale's about to watch him embarrass himself again)
Mama, just killed a man- standing up from his chair (this scene is taking place at the closed coffee shop, I've just decided this), with an IMPECCABLE Freddie Mercury impression and kinda staring into Nina's soul (she's both amused and terrified)
I don't wanna die // I sometimes wish I'd never been born at all- slurring his words, slumping back into a chair, sounding utterly depressed and also done with life. Maggie is deeply concerned and trying to count up how much wine he's drank.
Scaramouche, scaramouche, will you do the fandango?- completely manic. At the peak of drunkeness. At some point he has got up on the table and is now pointing at Nina like he's expecting her to actually DO the fucking Fandango (tbh he probably is)
BONUS LINE FROM THE SAME VERSE: Thunderbolts and lightening, very very frightening me- again, peak drunkeness. Slurring his words so hard you can barely tell what he's saying. Stumbling off of the table but still stupidly manic.
Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?- looking up (let's be honest he's probably fallen over and is hauling himself off of the floor) at Maggie and Nina, hammered out of his mind but oddly endearing (according to Maggie, at least. Nina has plenty of words about the whole display and 'endearing' is most DEFINITELY not one of them)
Beezlebub has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me- practically fucking SCREAMING, barely able to stand up but somehow with an inhuman amount of energy and finding himself the funniest being to ever grace the earth because BEEZLEBUB
So you think you can love me and leave me to die?- suddenly recovering a whole lot of strength. And anger. Standing up, potentially smoking, staring directly upwards and SCREAMING (he's not doing well guys)
Nothing really matters // nothing really matters to me- there's no more energy. He's on the floor and too drunk to get back up. Probably just slumps over clutching a wine bottle (did I mention he's been using it as a mic?) and goes to sleep. Maggie, Nina, and Aziraphale (IF he's watching) and deeply concerned. He wakes up with a banging headache and an intense feeling of embarrassment.
So yes. That was my TED talk on why Crowley should get drunk and sing Bohemian Rhapsody in S3. Thank you for making it to the end of this train wreck, and I sincerely apologise. I'm very sleep deprived.
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i love your works and your toxic könig so much 😭 for some reason in my head könig was always like a puppy in love even outside of aus but i like to imagine him like this sometimes.
basically if he feels abandoned bc you were busy with something else (literally taking a shower for like 10 minutes or not looking at him while he was talking) he will start crying and needs you to kiss him a bunch of times and tell him he's your favourite boy baby husband man boyfriend sweetheart for like an hour lol. he literally can't stand it if he can't touch you or talk to you for long periods of time (let's say the reader is a civilian and könig often has missions he has to leave for). he literally goes insane and keeps rereading those screenshots of loving messages from you he has an entire folder on his phone for, literally he convinced himself that you've already left him for someone else and is now going to be crying himself to sleep.
when he does return he's literally scared, so it feels like you attached him to yourself physically and that's why he never leaves your side. always holding hands, könig always being there even if your have to move around the house a lot or do the most mundane tasks even if he himself has chores or things he needs to do. kind of creepy bc he's just silent but feels like he'll die if you disappear from his line of sight for more than two seconds.
even aside from that listening to you talk fondly of someone, anyone really: a friend (if he lets you have them), a random cashier (if he wasn't there with you to talk to them instead of you), a relative (if he even allows you to talk to your family) he's so!!! like hurt and upset and goes quiet for long periods of time.
like eyes red from crying, nose stuffed and he's like "i'm fine nothing is wrong" then goes back to crying somewhere more private.
and this kind of behaviour makes sex kind of uncomfortable Sometimes. he often needs you to repeat that you're his, only his, you can't look away from him, you HAVE to be holding his hand when he fucks you but somehow it's a 50/50 when it comes to power dynamics.
either he manhandles you and shows you that he's the only man, the only person you could ever need or love and that he won't ever let you leave him; or he's completely subby, like "please hold my face and kiss me while you're riding me for as long as you want, i'm only yours and i wanna show that" kind of way.
i am insane basically thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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This was one of the best Ted talks I've ever been to! I loved every word, every second of it!! 🥳🥹 My god, I want more... I need me some encore now.
I love subby König, holy Christ. And tbh... what's beneath the toxic, crazy killing machine König is someone who is horribly, and I mean HORRIBLY love-deprived and touch-starved and super duper insecure. Which means there's bound to be some subby behavior leaking through toxic König too!
König would so need to have you on his sights at all times. And when he's working, it's annoying because... he loves his work but now he's just thinking about you. What are you doing at this very moment..? Have you talked to someone today? A friend, a colleague, a family member? A stranger??
Do you sleep ok without him (because he doesn't, he just tosses and turns in his bunk/cot/the ground all night when you're not there), and why haven't you sent a text today? He's gonna call you as soon as he gets somewhere more private.
The longer the mission lasts, the more sullen and broody he gets. After a few days, he kills his enemies with a thousand yard stare only because they're basically what's between him and his squeeze.
And yes he has to touch you like a thousand times a day or just watch your every move when he finally gets home. If you're in the bathroom too long he comes to knock on the door and ask if everything's alright (you ran there to have a moment's peace from this big cuddly behemoth who looks at you with that creepy batless obsessive stare... frankly it's disturbing)
And oh my god stop – holding hands during sex? Oh my god. Imagine him bordering on being rough (because he's *missed* you goddammit 👿) while wanting to entwine your fingers together✨️. Toxic König is a huge romantic, even if the "romantic" things he does are a bit... questionable. And he wouldn't shut up during the first round after he got home!
"Say that you missed me,"
"Tell me you're mine... Say it. Now,"
"You're always teasing me,"
would be some of the things he'd say during pounding you to his heart's content. (And you wouldn't even know how you've "teased" him this time... Like... He's the one who left for a week long mission...? 🤨)
After sex he would be so much gentler, but no less demanding and whiny. He needs so much validation and gets odd and grumpy if you don't give him some. If you'd try to domme him though, he would become even more unbearable (being a sub is this man's secret fantasy but he doesn't even know it himself).
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toffeechad · 6 months
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Do you want to proceed? (Click the read more block if yes, don't click the read more block if no.)
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This AU has some parts of LobCorp & BFDI jumbled up together. The Agents get to take part in challenges. If their teams fail, one of the losing team's members get sacrificed to the Unnamed Fetus. You may be wondering, what would the abnormalities look like? Good question. For the abnormalities that have human-like bodies such as The Queen Of Hatred & Laetitia, they'd probably be based off the object that'll fit their design. For the abnormalities related to other categories such as Punishing Bird or CENSORED, they'll remain with the same design.
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Specifically by pattern, not only the line patterns on the robot are the same as the other, but also the colors are the same as the main color of that character's asset as well.
The sacrifice order of the AU is related to the BFB (presplit & postsplit) elimination order along with the TPOT elimination order.
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These drawings were done way before tpot 9 truly came out, don't expect me to update their designs however!
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Loser: He was once a celebrity who was adored by his fans a lot, especially for Cake. He tried his best to aim for the perfect results and never gave up... but what he was trying his best to aim for became a personal obsession of his... it led him to a trap.
Black Hole: He's very strict when it comes to analyzing Abnormalities in the facility. But whenever he sees an employee from another team or his team die by being sacrificed, he gets extremely anxious. He has Thanatophobia.
Book: She's a dictionary trying her best to help out everyone with their problems so that she'd be appreciated. She has a habit of questioning her own sanity. Ever since Taco has been sacrificed, she's willing to befriend Bomby and Nickel during her breaktime in the facility.
Golf Ball: She's a scientist and mechanic who was formerly a responsible leader... but after suppressing the first 38 sacrificed victims together with the other employees, she tried apologizing to Puffball and Fries (with lowered cogito filters)... Yet she wasn't forgiven yet. They just stared at her angrily as if they're both in the brink of mutiny. Therefore, she then feels helpless whenever a trusted teammate of her dies.
Pencil & Match: Pencil's immature, whereas Match is positive at first. Both of them seem to only trust anyone that's affiliated with their alliance or their team.
Leafy: She was once a happy-go-lucky team member... until she was sacrificed. She just wanted to suppress abnormalities for the sake of helping out the facility. Although.... she's taking her duty too far.
Coiny: He's Pin's really sleep-deprived and mature best friend. While drinking his coffee, he mostly pretends to care for the other employees. While he was in his meltdown state, he struggles to control his own mind as if he had a mental breakdown.
Basketball: She's been through numerous agonizing moments ranging from 8-Ball's sacrifice to Robot Flower's memory loss. Someday, she'll find a way to get her back.... She deeply cares for Grassy's safety as well. She's in charge of handling physical materials for the facility. After the aforementioned events, she yearned for Bell to die soon as she'd enjoy seeing her suffer.
Clock: He's calm and collected. He doesn't really think there's a point to bond with Winner anymore. He's now in charge of recording everything that happens in the facility, especially for sacrifices. He has knowledge about time and cycles.
i suck at writing anyways, thank you for coming to my ted talk
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cyathol · 4 months
More Rambling
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Okay my first and initial reaction to this may or may not have been quite overreactive but I was highly sleep deprived and already pissed off because of a series of other events so that was just like the cherry on top that just ruined my day.
The problem that I have with this is that I feel like it takes away from Miguel's character a lot. Like, not even talking about how problematic the script is and how this encourages people characterizing him the way they do but in general.
Like the butt jokes are even comic canon, but to make it the majority of his character...?
It's just that he's been reduced to sexy vampire Spider-Man that just... there's so much more to his character and it just sucks that most people, writers and fans, seem to be pretty ignorant of that.
I get that ATSV and '92 Miguel are nowhere near the same but the way ATSV Miguel has been handled just doesn't really seem okay to me? Both how he's portrayed and perceived. The straight-up dehumanizing writing in the script, the general sexualisation, the way his character branches off from comic canon in all the wrong ways, the stereotypes he falls into and how the writers straight-up didn't even like him and showed that through their writing?
All these things especially end up impacting his character a lot because of his rather short appearance in Across, like how he's even missing his entire origin-story unlike pretty much every other major character in the movie, which shows how much it impacts his perception by how half of the fans are still convinced he's a vampire.
Conclusion: The way he gets treated doesn't really sit right with me and I hope they can fix that by giving his character more thought and explanation in Beyond and for the love of God please don't reduce his character to whatever this is.
Thanks for coming to my TED-Talk, read his comics if you haven't. They're definitely not perfect but are a great way of actually getting to know his character properly.
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blondiest · 6 months
About the, f near m mello, how would mello come to the conclusion that everyone is obsessed with f near?
oh, to be honest i tend to imagine that mello thinks everyone is obsessed w/ near no matter the gender configuration. one of my fav concepts for mello is him like. thinking his experiences are universal / thinking he is So Normal when in fact his experiences are highly unique and he is insane.
so. for example. if matt compliments near's haircut mello pulls him aside afterwards and is like. why would you notice that. why are you flirting with near. do you have a crush on near. okay well riddle me this, mister "doesn't have a crush on near," if you don't have a crush on near then WHY would you notice that. he reacts this way because the haircut means that 20% more of near's neck is visible, and he only got three hours of sleep last night because every time he closed his eyes his brain was like NEAR'S BEAUTIFUL NECK SKIN!!! so matt's comment obviously means that he also is sleep-deprived because of near's beautiful neck skin (it is actually because he was playing gameboy under the covers until 2 AM)
again this happens in m/f, m/m, and f/f configurations alike. thank u for coming to my TED talk
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half-dead-ham · 1 year
(Tw: talk of sacrifice, death by burning, starvation, and asphyxiation, knives, cults, and skeletons)
Y'know how the Batpham community has made all these great headcanons about the Spirit of Gotham? How she's either this regal heiress from the city's founding or a pretty flapper from the 20's? Well I got some news for you!
Meet Dominique!
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I was reading the Batman comics to figure out when Tim came onto the scene (for curiosity) and stumbled onto this dame in issue #454!
Behold, the Spirit of Gotham!
So, for those not interested in reading this lovely little piece, Batman is on the way to stop the Riddler, who has been making Batsy do some weird things for clues; Mouth to mouth on a hanged man, Dancing with a corpse, Dancing in front of a horned goat, to name a few.
And why is he doing this you ask? Why to summon the Demon Barbathos, of course! And the book that good ol' Eddie got has been telling him (yes telling him, the creepy black magic book is telling him that batman is the perfect sacrifice and he's just going with it) that to summon Barbathos he needs a "Human bat", and ofc Bruce fits that pretty damn well.
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And then he pulls this out!
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He says "the first Bat", as in, someone who has been put through this ritual before. Except, she didn't get to complete the right either (and from what I know about Barbathos, thank the gods for that). Just before the people who were using her to preform the ritual were gonna actually, y'know, they got spooked, sealed the cellar they were doing the ritual in, and moved to Canada.
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Leaving her in the cellar to die of either oxygen deprivation or starvation. (There is a panel I the comic for that, but she's nude and I ain't gonna show that here.) And until the Riddler opens that cellar to preform the summoning with Batsy, it was sealed for 200 years (her being in there from 1765, a lot older than that flapper ver of her.)
Now, why do I bring all this up when she's just a memory and a skeleton for the Riddler to base his plans off of? Because she and Bruce talk. And she calls herself the Spirit of Gotham.
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She's been trapped in that cellar for 200 years, waiting for Batman to free her from it. And as Riddler sets fore to the warehouse under it she tells him of how she died in there.
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Now, all this is really cool in of itself. Batman knows the spirit of Gotham is real, and has talked to her. But the kicker? Bruce feels a kinship with her. When Bruce is seeing these images of her they become real. And the spirit tells batman they are "brother and sister of the bat."
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(Also Dominique asks if Bruce's a demon, and I find that just a little funny.)
So they get out with a little help from Alfred, and Bruce is holding Dominique's skeleton. Kinda melancholy way to end. But what does Bruce do to honor this girl and spirit? He puts her next to his parents in their family mausoleum.
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And that's pretty sweet, right? Letting her rest with the Wayne's so she could have a proper grave?? But wait, it gets better. Bruce decides to put this on her stone:
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AAAAAAHHHHHHHHH Holy flying furballs Batman! You just called Dominique your sister! The spirit of Gotham is Bruce's spiritual sister and its confirmed canon! This has so much fukkin potential and we as a community have been sleeping on it!
Just. Please. I need to see Dominique the spirit of Gotham and spiritual aunt to the Batkids in a fic, please!
Thank you for coming to my 1:30 am ted talk.
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macfrog · 9 months
The post you reblogged about dog metaphors - tell me why every single one of ‘em is JOELLLL BABYYYY
Dog 1
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Dog 2
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Dog 3
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Probably could have chosen better gifs/moments, but this is what my sleep-deprived brain came up with 😂
This is my hill. I will die here. And if you write anything even remotely close to this into one of your stories, I will rise from the dead only to die again in your writing.
Thank u for coming to my TED talk 🙏🏻
joel as all three dogs was actually not somewhere my mind went with that post but fucking hell you’re right. and the gifs you picked are literally spot on !!?!
this would be such a fun concept to write. i am sort of in love with it. adds to list
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occasionalsnippets · 4 months
hello there i have finally slept but woke up at 2;00 am what do i do
warning: rant fuelled by one (1) cup of jasmine tea, Re1999 brainrot, and a weirdly good 5 hours of sleep idek if half of the people on this blog know what Re1999 is
anyways thinking of ReM! MC getting isekai^2 (at least not cubed) into the Reverse 1999 world because. time-reversing storm exists and uhm St. Pavlov Foundation being eerily similar to the SCPF (LITERALLY ONE LETTER OFF)
assuming that MC reverses time when they die, and storm unaffected areas n devices are also unaffected by MCs time-reversing dying (because maybe they work the same way), Timekeeper and her harem the gang would probably detect and think they're a unique arcanist (also thought that they're maybe working or the manus vindictae??) and investigate them despite MC technically being human by blood and they're trying not to die via storm syndrome (i like to think it still affects them because the imagery of MC eating a brick of gold nonchalantly is fun)
MC takes off a Manus Vindictae member's mask (it looks cool) and the member dies (storm is happening rq), MC is like "woopsies"
if MC told Timekeeper the whole dying thing she probs wouldn't bat an eye cuz. arcanists are wild (she's gonna take interest in the way MC affects time because the only thing that reverses time is the Storm so far) (correct me if im wrong cuz i haven't seen the new chapters and event stories since math scares me and wdym there's a whole island of math ppl) maybe the SPF would experiment on them like they did with Timekeeper
MC joins team Timekeeper since free living place and no more eating money and the only thing you have to do is go on missions sometimes
MC offhandedly mentions liking horror once and now Horropedia is zooming down the halls trying to talk to them about FNaF lore (SCOTT CAWTON IS AN ARCANIST AND MADE FNAF BEFORE THE YREAR 1999 TRUST ME) (or the SPF got the internet past the 21st century somehow and he secretly downloaded the games and all the game theories idk, the new event takes place in 2007 so)
Click and MC bonding over experiencing death (+Necrologist for obvious reasons including death)
MC meets the Fool and mentions that he reminds them of someone
thank you for coming to my TED talk. It is 2:47 am here. I will actually go to sleep now
(I've been on this blog for a long, long time now. It's actually the reason I made a Tumblr account. thanks for introducing me to this small community of reader-insert SCP isekai with death-defying powers :D. can I be sleep-deprived anon :3)
Welcome sleep deprived anon :))
Alskjfa idk stuff about reverse 1999 but I might get around to it
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tagalongifyoudare · 2 years
I’ve been thinking a lot about this recently and am finally going to try and articulate it.
I want everyone to create. I want everyone to comment. I want everyone to engage. NOT FOR OTHERS, BUT FOR THEMSELVES.
I spent years being a silent observer in fandom spaces, thinking my voice was unimportant, that I had nothing to contribute, that simply reblogging was not enough. When I found YR I was so inspired, so in love, so obsessed; I no longer cared if what I had to say was unimportant, if it had already been said, if it was inconsequential. I just had to say it for me. And in this, I discovered that it is all important. Every post, every thought, every voice is important; it matters, you matter.
I feel a little spark of delight every time I get a notification. It doesn’t matter if it is a new post from one of my favorites, a comment on something of mine, or a reblog; they all bring me joy.
I realized that if I can do the same thing for even one other person with just two clicks, I feel happier. It feels like, in my own small way, I’m spreading light and happiness; it feels like a gift to be able to do this in such a simple way. Even when I’m too stuck in my head or overwhelmed by my emotions to engage with people, I can still reblog; it makes me feel just a little better knowing it might make someone else’s day a bit better too. I may be a little sleep deprived, so hopefully this makes at least some sense!
Mostly I just wanted to say you matter. What you have to say is important, regardless of if it is long and detailed, or just a reblog to show us who you are. THANK YOU! Thank you for creating, thank you for reblogging, thank you for commenting, thank you for reading! YOUR VOICE MATTERS. YOU MATTER.
I should probably go to bed…. I guess thanks for coming to my TED Talk 😂🫀
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dirtyvulture · 8 months
😎 This is in reply to the reaction of my “ bonus points” post and again absolutely no rush to write ( a reply, story, anything) and this isn’t a additional comment or head canon to it , more of a defense or in depth explanation as to why that could work to your rebuttal of “ if I was Nat I would be nervous about having R hands near me” ( is isn’t a serious thing , more of my silly little nonsense that you Vulture and others graciously indulge me in , I have in fact seen all the little hearts in my posts . So the other people feel free to add your own little comments to my silly little thoughts) or how even with that it can still work and if it doesn’t then it is called ✨bonus points ✨ for a reason , it can be taken or left. This can be read in many different ways but let’s go over the facts. * Pushes up nerd glasses ( the thick kind with type wrapped around the middle piece)*
Nat has recently left the RR and no matter how you look at it , the girl must be touch starved. Because all Nat has ever known was “ bad touch” ( violence- against her and her against others , forced relations or her doing relations she didn’t want to for sake of a mission) and not “good touch”(comfort, affection and wanted relations) . When R cup Nat’s face in R’s hands telling her that Nat is safe with her before the confrontation with the RR agents R knew that was the last time she could give Nat the good touch that R knows Nat needs for now ( more likely forever) , because she knew when that was done Nat was more than likely going to be terrified and hate R ( that is the only reaction that R is used to after people see her claws, like the monster R sees herself as ) . That is why she takes that precious moment to do that for Nat , and not that R will admit to it but she herself is also touched starved ( the only physical touch R gets is violence- against her and her against others, the casual and meaningless relations. The last good and meaningful touch R had was with her old friend) . Also why R is so careful with her hands . Nat is also a master at reading people , their intentions , body language and non verbal communication . Now on to the defense.
When R is stuck in her trance ( R was more really stuck in the music- R loves music and often gets sucked into it , by singing or more recently humming along. As seen by her vibing earlier with the 40s song. And the memories - even if she doesn’t remember her past fully , she was gets flashes of it brought on by the song , emotions and actions brought out to the surface.) , Nat could tell and read that R at this time has not I’ll intend or wanted anything cardinally from Nat . That R’s actions were déjà vu ones performed for another and those actions were purely good touch meant for affection, comfort and soothing. Now here is where the multi versions and reads can take place.
One is Nat still has the same view of R as before the confrontation and was soaking up the good touch and the line from the bonus points post that goes “ as Nat drift off to sleep she thinks R’s “SWEETEST FRIEND” was a lucky one “ was sadness and envy as she knows the touch wasn’t for her but for someone R lost long ago.
Two Nat is nervous to have R’s hands around her after the confrontation but is soaking up the touch because of touch starvation and that with the combination of R’s lullaby ( plus sleep deprivation) put her to sleep . The line that was mentioned up above was read to be as Nat thinking that the “ SWEETEST FRIEND” is lucky because they haven’t seen “WHAT r HAS BECOME“or they that they “ WENT AWAY IN THE END” ( * the capital letters were apart of the song lyrics in the original post) .
Thanks for coming to my Ted talk * takes off the nerd glasses* but now it is time to decide on if my defense holds water on the bonus points post ( in cases of Nat being ok with R’s hands around her and that it works in the case of Vultures rebuttal) but it certainly holds angst of the original bonus points post that I put in. So people , do you take or leave the ✨bonus points✨post ?
I can't believe no one else has commented on any of your thoughts yet :( Maybe we can fix that with this post?
Nat is very touch-starved indeed, she was probably ready to pass out the very first time R even offered her hand. 😭 But you're right, I think R would only ever be gentle with her, especially when she's still trying to gain Nat's trust.
Random question: How do you think Nat would react if R fell asleep and accidentally rested her head on Nat's shoulder?
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invece-sto-sdraiato · 9 months
Proper intro post!!
Hi I'm Addie (nickname that no one calls me)
Major introvert and bookworm. Professional weirdo and over analyzer. Not funny but I think I am. Can be a pain when I'm sleep-deprived hehe.
Been a diehard Eurovision (and jesc) fan since 2020. Late I know. But I'm not European 🙃
Do not ask me what my favorite esc song is. I'd first give you a death glare and then proceed to describe my favorite songs for an hour (possibly accompanied with a PowerPoint presentation)
Obsessed with italian indie. Actually obsessed with anything even remotely Italian. So obviously I'm a sanremo fan. Duh. 2022 was the first year I properly watched sanremo and it was awesome! I didn't sleep properly for a week. Haha. Also made me question whether italians are normal. They're definitely not.
Also a very avid melfest watcher. I know it seems basic, but who cares? Tbh all my faves are from older years (especially 2010 & 2011) I will maintain that Keep on Walking was robbed. Don't get me wrong tho, this is my life is one of my favorite songs from Sweden.
Continuing with Sweden, I love benjamin ingrosso. At one point I was so obsessed that i was watching almost anything that had him in it. I will become so insufferable if he ever decides to return to melfest.
And ofc, Joker Out. My current hyperfixation. I have known them since last year actually (from ema) but well, I became obsessed in april this year. I regret not listening to more of their music last year. Their first song that I liked was umazane misli. And then barve oceana.
I'm mostly a kris girlie, but i love them all! Who doesn't? My favorite song is definitely demoni. I will never ever forget the first time I listened to it. I just sat there with my mouth open for the whole song. 5th April 2023. But I love all of their songs. I never knew that was even possible, but here we are.
So if anyone did have the patience to read through this shit, thanks for coming to my ted talk.
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