#thank you bh6
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xianhuashi-second-blog · 11 months ago
Big Hero 6 was 9 years ago, going on 10. Next year is when it takes place. So, this is an appreciation post for the movie, and what it’s done for me.
Trigger Warning ahead, the post mentions de@th and $u1c1d3, (spelled wrong so I don’t get flagged/shadow banned by the Tumblr gods.) complex grief and mentions of mental health.
BH6 came out when I was 4-5 (what a long time ago omfg-) so its importance to me was non existent. Me and my (much) Older brother watched it together a few years later in 2016. Young me didn’t know the nuance and severity of Hiro Hamada as a character. All I saw was “Two Asian siblings” that had a relationship like me and my brother. I tuned out the rest of the movie that night because I had *and still have* the attention span of a goldfish with dementia. Years later, very recently, (near the end of 2023, but school still in session ) he jumped. He passed away that day. I think I cried an ocean when I got the news from my father.
I cried, not only because I love and miss him with all I am, I sobbed because he was my other half, essentially another father. I cried because I felt, I knew I could have done something differently, so then maybe he’d be alive a bit longer. And, I cry because of all he put himself through for me. It’s hard to imagine the suffering and agony he put himself through to be there for me.
I have diagnosed High functioning Autism. My brother had a feeling, but he helped me understand how neurotypicals interact, how to fake making eye contact, how to hold up a conversation, learn body language, you name it. He even bought me noise canceling headphones because I’m sensitive to loud sounds, and fidget toys that I could use during school. My parents, on the other hand, thought I was just a spoilt brat who needs to pay attention to people, and stop being so picky with foods and their textures, a brat that has to be more social, stop shying away from kids my age. My brother was the one to convince them to get me tested for Autism, to prove I wasn’t just a bratty kid.
He sat through my ramblings about Steven Universe and The Stanley Parable. He helped me work through my meltdowns, and told me it wasn’t my fault that certain things make me upset.
I crumbled to the ground. My world was shattered. After I was “back into reality,” I realized my father was holding me in his arms. I hugged him tightly. My face was smushed against his chest so hardly that it felt like my cheek was about to break. It felt like him. It felt like how he’d wrap me in bear hugs. Weeks went by. We had his Funeral. I looked at the picture of him near his casket. It felt surreal knowing that the same man was inside of the wooden box, awaiting his burial. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream and shout and cause myself to have a breakdown, but I physically couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to be angry at him either. So I just stood there, fingers slightly touching his coffin, where I knew his face would be.
Later on, being forced to go back to school the following week because the American school system sucks 🖕 🇺🇸
I got back home. I went on disney plus to elevate myself of my grief. I scrolled through the home screen, when Big Hero 6 showed up. I remembered watching it with him, so I convinced myself- despite not wanting reminders- to watch it. “Welcome to Nerd-school. Nerd.” I watched the fire alarms blair. The infamous “someone has to help” scene before he ran into the fire. Then, the scene where Hiro was sitting alone on the staircase in his memorial outfit. That frame alone was truly a perfect representation of sudden loss and grief. I felt seen, and acknowledged. I felt understood. I kept watching. Near the end, Hiro was trying to “fix Baymax” with the violence chip thing. “Is this what Tadashi would have wanted?” “It doesn’t matter!” And then finally, “Tadashi’s GONE! Tadashi’s… gone….” The feeling that scene gave me was complicated. But, it left me with the knowledge that he was with me in memory. That, of course, didn’t take away everything that was happening to me.
That movie helped me through complicated emotions, and I cannot thank the BH6 team enough for what they’ve done for me, and how that movie helped me. I still blame myself for what happened. I’m still grieving, and it’s still hard to live without him. And the idea that Tadashi doesn’t get to see his baby brother’s super hero team, yet said team wouldn’t exist without his death, helps me realize that without my brother’s death, I wouldn’t have such a kind community of fellow fans of the movie, who enjoy my art and my storytelling.
Thank you for all you’ve done. Thank you for everything. It was an honor to have you as my brother, and I miss you so much. I know not many people have good relationships with their older siblings right off the bat, so I am so grateful you could give me that friendship. I promise i’m gonna make you proud.
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drama-glob · 6 months ago
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I absolutely cannot believe that I have hit this milestone and I am eternally grateful for everyone that decided what I created, shared or thought was worth their time! ^_^<3<3<3 I'll do everything I can to keep my blog alive and to keep doing what I love in hopes that'll brighten your day as well! It' been wonderful getting to have that engagement and support from all of you! ^_^<3<3<3
So, thank you so so much to @charsawdeath @enbydemirainbowbigfoot @pastaprincess @my-dark-lord @itz-darktrax
@tranquil-slaughterhouse @multimonorail @lagomorphlady @betlegast @meandtheyeehaws
@cringebun @caspira-writes-fanfiction @xfangheartx @nothoughtsjust-vibes @a-little-ray-of-fantasy
@freedom-barricades-bighero16 @nek0taku42 @nemshish @sputnstuff @timkontheunsure
@bloodmoon24 @arabesqueangel @themagicwolf6677 @angelshizuka @nirrray
@moltsu-1123 @checkeredpattern @tiktokattic @simplybigheroencanto @phoenixlionme
@knightinink @hideawayfairy and to the hundreds and hundreds of other people who I didn't tag here (so I'm sorry if you weren't tagged), but you are all still important to me and are the reason I can celebrate this achievement! ^_^<3<3<3
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tealconverse · 30 days ago
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Big Hero 6 Valentines Bonus!
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gelatinous-globster · 4 months ago
Now, some of you might say, "Glob! How do you know when Globby's birthday is?? He doesn't have a confirmed birthday!"
To which I say: Yup! This is just me having fun. I constructed a timeline to figure out when it could logically be, so bear with me.
I set Globby's transformation early into the school year (I imagine SFIT starts sometime in August, and Hiro started late, so the beginning of the series would be around September). "Obake Yashiki" is Halloween—October 31st—so that would put Countdown to Catastrophe in early November.
Following that, I place "Nega-Globby" around mid November, and "The Globby Within" is in early-mid December, since they're both before the Christmas episode (s2e18 "The Present").
Additionally, since in "The Globby Within" and "Legacies" we can see a framed photograph of Globby in a party hat with Felony Carl in their apartment, I interpret that to be them celebrating Globby's birthday!
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Since according to the above, Globby had only been himself for ~3 months by that point, it (and all the other photos with him, for that matter,) is recent. I also headcanon that Globby only moved in with Felony Carl after CtC, which narrows down when this photo could have been taken. Thus, I headcanon his birthday to be in November/December.
I haven't chosen a specific date because then I would have to stick to one, and I am indecisive and like to work with whatever is convenient. But tis the season! 🎊🎂💝
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shan-does-art · 9 months ago
Hello!! I’ve been looking through your blog and i absolutely love your art style! It’s so cute and charming!
Would it be possible for you to draw Callaghan or Krei? Or both? I love both of them but I particularly love the man failure that is Callaghan for some reason!
Thanks!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Hiii! Aw, thank you so much, I’m glad you like my art style i appreciate a lot💕💕
Ofc, here it is! This is my first time drawing ‘em :,)
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Thank you for the time to ask me to draw ur characters and you’re welcome!!! 🤗
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ilivelikeimtrying · 4 months ago
I legitimately cannot believe it has been 10 years since Big Hero 6 absolutely changed my world for the better. I loved and still love this movie, even if I'm not as active as I used to be. It showed me how being a nerd, or being different, isn't just okay, but it's totally cool, and that you'll always find your people in others who are not only different, but also share something with you in heart or mind.
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toastypockets · 1 year ago
Can u draw obake holding a penguin while momakase stare at him as she thinks it is weird (bc I saw one of ur drawing about traina and nbb watch a vid about penguins)?
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"...And this is???"
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"The South African penguin."
i wish i could have gotten to making this much much sooner, but i suppose it can be considered a Christmas present now 😅
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leosabi · 2 months ago
for the f/o ask game: 🌼🪻 🍀 :]
lmfao i'm so late to answer these (T_T) thank you for sending an ask though!!! @gelatinous-globster
🌼Is there an official confession scene between the two of them?
yes! the only posted version i have of it is very old and no longer totally accurate, but it's here if you want to read something written by a leo who was still a teenager ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i think it's cringe but that's also just because i'm looking at my past self when i look at it. that's my current active ao3 account as well btw, i have some other leosabi oneshots up but lately i've been writing sonic stuff. also proud of the clone wars/bad batch stuff that's on there
for a summary, it takes place directly after aunt cass goes out. my self insert is out biking during the events of the episode and is knocked off his bike by a stray buddy guard. he breaks his arm. in swoops superhero wasabi--and this is when i find out, for the first time, about his secret identity. after getting my arm set i make a joke like "i could just kiss you right now" wrt him saving me and bringing me to the hospital. wasabi brushes it off as meds and tiredness and whatever.
next morning, i try to apologize for the joke, saying that it's weird and i should not have said it
and wasabi blurts out that he doesn't think it would be weird. if we kissed.
🍀 Do You have any other scenes in mind? Angsty, Tender, Funny, Etc.
i have a lot of angst i've written that'll never be posted, because it's about personal trauma stuff lol. i think some of it i'd like to share and i'm just nervous about peoples' reactions. a lot of it is really vague and i don't mind people knowing i just don't want them to view me differently or be awkward when discussing the written work, y'know? but yeah. a lot of trauma angst
i have a fic i'm working on--perpetually, apparently, because i've had this in mind for YEARS--about momakase kidnapping my self insert a la fan friction
i also have an idea for a whole fan season of bh6 involving a villain inspired by hatsune miku, and my self insert would be there because i honestly can't imagine writing bh6 fic that i'm not in. it all just feels so real to me (^_^;;) but yeah that's another idea i've had for years and the main thing stopping me is that i never wrote a full fic about what leosabi is doing during bh6 season 2. but honestly i should just go for it
i would also love to write more hurt/comfort where wasabi is the hurt one and i'm the one comforting him. ocd, injuries from being a superhero, maybe even grief over tadashi. i feel like i really haven't explored that stuff as much as i want to other than in lengthy discord conversations from a few years back.
🪻Wild Card!!! Info dump about anything!!
i can't see this emoji on desktop, i have no idea what that is lmfao
ANYWAY i don't bring this up enough, but my self insert is a livestreamer. not like, the top guy on twitch or anything, but he is a livestreamer with a following large enough to pay half the bills and has friends from around the world he plays games with.
when i first conceptualized this they were a team of overwatch players, but i'm still so mad about overwatch 2 that now we play fortnite or mario kart or cozy games or something idk
wasabi very much avoids being in my streams, especially showing his face, because he's worried about his identity getting leaked. but sometimes you'll hear his voice off camera and the chat will go wild about "lemursabi"
this, however, results in a huge risk whenever i'm seen with wasabi in his superhero armor in public. the wrong person snaps a picture and i get identified as this particular streamer and then people try and doxx me to find out who chop chop is :p i have fic ideas for that, too, but it seems like...A Lot. i do love the ideas of tabloids being in love with us tho. obviously since it's tabloids we're talking about, it's, like, derogatory, but it's probably really funny to read things and point out everything they got blatantly wrong about you
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grimalkinmessor · 8 months ago
Btw if a character's color scheme has purple as one of the main colors then they're on the ace spectrum. Yes I do make the rules
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Some 'Stuck in a Moment' for WIP Wednesday?
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Woohoo! Thanks for asking for this! Interesting fact about this one, I actually almost lost the whole of Chapter 1 after an incident when the fic was about 4000 words done.
Scene and Dialogue from 'Stuck in a Moment':
“Hmmm, I don’ know about this, mate, doesn’ feel like this one’s gonna work eithe’.”
Hugo gave himself a little turn in his full-length mirror, assessing one of the many different outfits he had set up the night before. He wanted to look bloody good on their first official day at the program, how else was he going to intimidate those drongos.
“Hugh, please, I’ve been waitin' for you for two godsdamn hours.”
Hugo rolled his eyes and looked at his sister in the mirror, watching as she laid motionless on his bed staring at the ceiling like a bludger.
She wasn’t even looking at his clobber the cunt!
“Don’ start cracking the shits at me rellie,” he rolled his eyes and grabbed one of his shirts from his desk chair, putting it in front of himself to inspect, “I said to wait for me at the Uni, but nah, ya wanted to stay he’e ‘n bothe’ me.”
He heard his sib huff and groan behind him and clicked his tongue at their cranky little act. “But waitin’ alone would be totally whack, I’d look so dumb ‘n would prob snuff anyone grillin’ me, but ‘A been waitin’ on you forever !”
“Oh don’ spit at the dummy, ya big joey, gimme 5-”
“Yeah, 5 fuckin’ years.”
Thank you again for asking! I hope to see you next Wednesday!
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gelatinous-globster · 25 days ago
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drama-glob · 2 months ago
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I know fireworks are traditional, but anyone that knows me by now knows I'm big on hugs and affectionate gestures, so here's me sending out thanks and love on the first day of the year to all my followers and mutuals!!!🥰💖💖💖 Thank you everyone for making 2024 so great and I know I'm forever grateful for the engagement I get from you all along with getting to see and chat with my friends here!💖💖💖 May the new year bring you joy and good luck!💖💖💖
Okay...I'll give you all some fireworks too for those that want to see them.😉
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tealconverse · 30 days ago
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Big Hero 6 Valentines p4!
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gelatinous-globster · 10 months ago
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some Hiro drawings! all my other art of him is old so I did a fresh page for him :]
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gelatinous-globster · 11 months ago
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Loved listening to this, dug up some of my old felonyglob art so they could be dancing to it!
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so hey surprise, surprise I ended up posting a felonyglob playlist on 8tracks! it’s pretty small right now, but I’m planning to update it over time when I find more songs that fit them.
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shan-does-art · 1 year ago
Drawing OC Request from: @princessanieloid
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Not one but two drawing, Ta-Da!
Here's a traditional & digital, the first one is Hoshi with Hiro and the second one is Hoshi.
I'm glad you ask me to draw your oc, i was very happy to draw Hoshi and it's very fun to draw your oc, anyways i hope you like it! <33
-The creator oc is @Princessanielod-
𝘈 𝘢𝘱𝘱 𝘐 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥: 𝘐𝘣𝘪𝘴𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘟
𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘐 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥: 𝘎𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘗𝘦𝘯 & 𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳 (𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵)
𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴: 4:59:48 (𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴)
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