#thank you bh6
Big Hero 6 was 9 years ago, going on 10. Next year is when it takes place. So, this is an appreciation post for the movie, and what it’s done for me.
Trigger Warning ahead, the post mentions de@th and $u1c1d3, (spelled wrong so I don’t get flagged/shadow banned by the Tumblr gods.) complex grief and mentions of mental health.
BH6 came out when I was 4-5 (what a long time ago omfg-) so its importance to me was non existent. Me and my (much) Older brother watched it together a few years later in 2016. Young me didn’t know the nuance and severity of Hiro Hamada as a character. All I saw was “Two Asian siblings” that had a relationship like me and my brother. I tuned out the rest of the movie that night because I had *and still have* the attention span of a goldfish with dementia. Years later, very recently, (near the end of 2023, but school still in session ) he jumped. He passed away that day. I think I cried an ocean when I got the news from my father.
I cried, not only because I love and miss him with all I am, I sobbed because he was my other half, essentially another father. I cried because I felt, I knew I could have done something differently, so then maybe he’d be alive a bit longer. And, I cry because of all he put himself through for me. It’s hard to imagine the suffering and agony he put himself through to be there for me.
I have diagnosed High functioning Autism. My brother had a feeling, but he helped me understand how neurotypicals interact, how to fake making eye contact, how to hold up a conversation, learn body language, you name it. He even bought me noise canceling headphones because I’m sensitive to loud sounds, and fidget toys that I could use during school. My parents, on the other hand, thought I was just a spoilt brat who needs to pay attention to people, and stop being so picky with foods and their textures, a brat that has to be more social, stop shying away from kids my age. My brother was the one to convince them to get me tested for Autism, to prove I wasn’t just a bratty kid.
He sat through my ramblings about Steven Universe and The Stanley Parable. He helped me work through my meltdowns, and told me it wasn’t my fault that certain things make me upset.
I crumbled to the ground. My world was shattered. After I was “back into reality,” I realized my father was holding me in his arms. I hugged him tightly. My face was smushed against his chest so hardly that it felt like my cheek was about to break. It felt like him. It felt like how he’d wrap me in bear hugs. Weeks went by. We had his Funeral. I looked at the picture of him near his casket. It felt surreal knowing that the same man was inside of the wooden box, awaiting his burial. I wanted to cry, I wanted to scream and shout and cause myself to have a breakdown, but I physically couldn’t. I couldn’t bring myself to be angry at him either. So I just stood there, fingers slightly touching his coffin, where I knew his face would be.
Later on, being forced to go back to school the following week because the American school system sucks 🖕 🇺🇸
I got back home. I went on disney plus to elevate myself of my grief. I scrolled through the home screen, when Big Hero 6 showed up. I remembered watching it with him, so I convinced myself- despite not wanting reminders- to watch it. “Welcome to Nerd-school. Nerd.” I watched the fire alarms blair. The infamous “someone has to help” scene before he ran into the fire. Then, the scene where Hiro was sitting alone on the staircase in his memorial outfit. That frame alone was truly a perfect representation of sudden loss and grief. I felt seen, and acknowledged. I felt understood. I kept watching. Near the end, Hiro was trying to “fix Baymax” with the violence chip thing. “Is this what Tadashi would have wanted?” “It doesn’t matter!” And then finally, “Tadashi’s GONE! Tadashi’s… gone….” The feeling that scene gave me was complicated. But, it left me with the knowledge that he was with me in memory. That, of course, didn’t take away everything that was happening to me.
That movie helped me through complicated emotions, and I cannot thank the BH6 team enough for what they’ve done for me, and how that movie helped me. I still blame myself for what happened. I’m still grieving, and it’s still hard to live without him. And the idea that Tadashi doesn’t get to see his baby brother’s super hero team, yet said team wouldn’t exist without his death, helps me realize that without my brother’s death, I wouldn’t have such a kind community of fellow fans of the movie, who enjoy my art and my storytelling.
Thank you for all you’ve done. Thank you for everything. It was an honor to have you as my brother, and I miss you so much. I know not many people have good relationships with their older siblings right off the bat, so I am so grateful you could give me that friendship. I promise i’m gonna make you proud.
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gelatinous-globster · 5 months
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some Hiro drawings! all my other art of him is old so I did a fresh page for him :]
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shan-bunbun · 3 months
Hello!! I’ve been looking through your blog and i absolutely love your art style! It’s so cute and charming!
Would it be possible for you to draw Callaghan or Krei? Or both? I love both of them but I particularly love the man failure that is Callaghan for some reason!
Thanks!!! 🤗🤗🤗🤗
Hiii! Aw, thank you so much, I’m glad you like my art style i appreciate a lot💕💕
Ofc, here it is! This is my first time drawing ‘em :,)
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Thank you for the time to ask me to draw ur characters and you’re welcome!!! 🤗
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mickeycookies · 2 years
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Commission for @ nochefiestas on twitter!
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drama-glob · 1 year
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I honestly can't believe that I managed to reach anywhere near this many followers because I know so many others on this site are so much more talented and they come up with so many wonderfully creative/beautiful/funny things that they make me want to follow them, so it's incredible to think this many feel the same way about me.🥰💕 I hope you like what I made to celebrate the occasion since Globby, Ozzie and Upgrade represent some of the main fandoms I follow/do posts about and I thought it seemed appropriate to include them.😊💕 (As you can imagine, the fire took the longest to do, but I think it came out nicely 😅).
So, to @charsawdeath @enbydemirainbowbigfoot @pastaprincess @my-dark-lord @lagomorphlady @princessanieloid @itz-darktrax @ecosmowarrior @freedom-barricades-bighero16 @naty-cherry-bh6 @moltsu1123 @meandtheyeehaws @sweet-marigold @timkontheunsure @sputnstuff @fizzmodeus-lover @bloodmoon24 @multimonorail @alioks-blog @frillyfacefins and all the other +280 people (I'm sorry to any I didn't tags), I wholeheartedly say THANK YOU SO MUCH for letting me know you think what I make/have to say is neat and worth a look! I literally would not be here at this milestone without you and your support!!!! 🥰🥰🥰💖💖💖💖💖💖
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toastypockets · 9 months
Can u draw obake holding a penguin while momakase stare at him as she thinks it is weird (bc I saw one of ur drawing about traina and nbb watch a vid about penguins)?
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"...And this is???"
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"The South African penguin."
i wish i could have gotten to making this much much sooner, but i suppose it can be considered a Christmas present now 😅
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grimalkinmessor · 2 months
Btw if a character's color scheme has purple as one of the main colors then they're on the ace spectrum. Yes I do make the rules
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Some 'Stuck in a Moment' for WIP Wednesday?
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Woohoo! Thanks for asking for this! Interesting fact about this one, I actually almost lost the whole of Chapter 1 after an incident when the fic was about 4000 words done.
Scene and Dialogue from 'Stuck in a Moment':
“Hmmm, I don’ know about this, mate, doesn’ feel like this one’s gonna work eithe’.”
Hugo gave himself a little turn in his full-length mirror, assessing one of the many different outfits he had set up the night before. He wanted to look bloody good on their first official day at the program, how else was he going to intimidate those drongos.
“Hugh, please, I’ve been waitin' for you for two godsdamn hours.”
Hugo rolled his eyes and looked at his sister in the mirror, watching as she laid motionless on his bed staring at the ceiling like a bludger.
She wasn’t even looking at his clobber the cunt!
“Don’ start cracking the shits at me rellie,” he rolled his eyes and grabbed one of his shirts from his desk chair, putting it in front of himself to inspect, “I said to wait for me at the Uni, but nah, ya wanted to stay he’e ‘n bothe’ me.”
He heard his sib huff and groan behind him and clicked his tongue at their cranky little act. “But waitin’ alone would be totally whack, I’d look so dumb ‘n would prob snuff anyone grillin’ me, but ‘A been waitin’ on you forever !”
“Oh don’ spit at the dummy, ya big joey, gimme 5-”
“Yeah, 5 fuckin’ years.”
Thank you again for asking! I hope to see you next Wednesday!
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bunnybeansowo · 2 years
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Hiro and Tadashi’s relationship in a nutshell:
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leosabi · 1 year
any 3 from the photo asks!!! (kittyandco)
❓ Post a weird/funny/confusing screenshot of your f/o with no context.
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👞 Post a screenshot of your f/o’s shoes.
you mean his hooves
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🤚 Post a screenshot of your f/o’s hand(s)!
this is one of my favorites. look how big his hands are compared to honey lemon's...
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hollyoongs · 3 months
𝟕:𝟑𝟐 𝐩.𝐦 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 | 𝐲.𝐣.𝐰
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The workshop buzzed with the usual hum of gadgets and the occasional burst of energy from an overzealous invention. Jungwon was hunched over a new project, his brow furrowed in concentration.
You stood at the entrance, watching him work, admiring the dedication and passion he put into every creation. Quietly, you approached, not wanting to disrupt his flow. But, as if sensing your presence, Jungwon looked up and flashed you that warm, boyish smile that always made your heart skip a beat.
"Hey there," he said, setting down his tools. "I didn't hear you come in."
You smiled back, stepping closer. "Didn't want to disturb the genius at work."
Jungwon chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. "I'm no genius. Just a guy who loves to tinker."
You glanced at the project on the table, a prototype of what looked like a new kind of robot. "What's this one for?"
His eyes lit up with excitement as he explained. "It's a new healthcare companion. I wanted to build something that could assist Baymax with more specialized tasks. Imagine the possibilities—"
"Jungwon" you interrupted gently, placing a hand on his arm. "You already do so much for everyone. When was the last time you took a break?"
He sighed, looking down at his project. "I know, but there’s just so much I want to accomplish. So many ways I can help."
You cupped his face, making him look at you. "And you'll help even more if you take care of yourself. Besides," you added with a playful smirk, "I miss spending time with you."
His expression softened, and he leaned into your touch. "You're right. I've been a bit obsessed lately."
"A bit?" you teased.
He laughed, the sound like music to your ears. "Okay, maybe more than a bit."
You tugged him gently away from the workbench. "Come on. Let's take a walk. Clear your head. The robots can wait a little while."
Jungwon hesitated for a moment, glancing back at his project. But then he looked at you, and the warmth in his eyes was undeniable. "Alright, you win. A walk sounds perfect."
A smile spread across your face, and you leaned in slowly. You could feel your heart racing as his lips gently met yours. The kiss was soft and tender, filled with all the unspoken words and emotions you both felt for each other and couldn't let out because of the academic stress.
When you finally pulled away, Jungwon rested his forehead against yours, his eyes closed. "I’ve been wanting to do that for a long time," he admitted with a sheepish grin.
You laughed softly, your hands still intertwined. "Me too, Jungwon. Me too."
As you both stepped outside, the fresh air and the sound of the city around you, Jungwon wrapped an arm around your shoulders. "Thanks for always looking out for me."
You leaned into him, feeling the comforting weight of his arm. "I don't mind, Jungwon."
I will always stand by the fact that Jungwon exists as an apology for killing Tadashi Hamada in BH6 💔😿 this is dedicated to my girl @fatalwon (i wanted to tag you in your main, but i didn't find it appropiate since you went to hiatus, some fluff before tomorrow's sugfestive and smut jungwon requests)
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twisting-echo · 25 days
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My Top 25 Crossover Couples (Pt 2)
(Please click on picture for better quality)
It's finally finished! I've had this sitting in my PicsArt drafts for over four months, and that's why some of the other pictures are blurry because it's been rendered so many times, but there had to be changes made based on my mood!
Top 25 Crossover Couples (Blank) by Daniarts19 on DA.
(This will also be the last time that I'll use this template by Daniarts19 due to her disrespecting my DNI and breaking her promise about not saying mean/rude things to me.)
Loona (Helluva Boss) x Izuku (MHA) (Dekoona/MoonRabbit): My friend @amethystoceandespiser got me to ship them. I'm invested in their chemistry and emotional connection.
Sunita (ROTTMNT) x Tucker (Danny Phantom): My friend @amethystoceandespiser brought this ship to my attention and I love it!
Octavia (Helluva Boss) x Danny (DP) (Spectral Owl): This is the ship that started the friendship between me and @amethystoceandespiser and I love it! Their emotional connection and chemistry has my heart.
Jazz (Danny Phantom) x Raph (ROTTMNT) (Tough Cookie & Smart Cookie): This ship came to me after my friend and I made our Scott Pilgrim AU. They're both older siblings who just want the best for their younger siblings. They understand each other's pain.
Mayor Lionheart (Zootopia) x Anna (Frozen): My reasons for shipping Anna and Mayor Lionheart are explained in this post here.
Sparky (Atomic Betty) x Amethyst (Trollz) This ship came to me as a kid.
Buttercup (PPG) x Nergal Jr (TGAOB&M) I love Tomboy x Nerd dynamics, but it's even more interesting considering that Buttercup fights monsters for a living and Nergal Jr. is a monster-demon-demigod-nerd-boy, lol.
Lobster Claws (SVTFOE) x Bubbles (PPG) (BubbleClaws) This crackship is based on a joke between me and my sister @small-tragedies
Goo (FHFIF) x Blossom (PPG) (GooBloss/PinkGoo) This ship came to me when I was a kid, and I thought that they were cute together.
Alice (AMA/AMR) x P/Pinocchio (LOP) (Palice) I have to thank my friend, @frie-ice for getting me to ship them.
Violet (The Incredibles) x Varian (TTS/RTA) (Virian) I have to thank @virianhaven for getting me to ship them.
Lola Bunny (TLTS) x Minnie Mouse (Minola) I have @dawn64 to thank for getting me to ship them so hard.
Lucifer Morningstar x Poppy (DuckPop/PopStar/ApplePop) I have @hah-studios to thank for getting me to ship them. Watch this video here.
Rapunzel (Tangled) x Fred (BH6) (Fredpunzel/Rapzilla/Sunzilla) I have to thank @rapunzelcrossoverqueen for getting me to ship them.
Minerva Mink x Marvin Martian (Minervin/MartianMink) I have to thank @dawn64 for getting me to ship them.
Panini (Chowder) x Lincoln/Warren (Loud House): I had an idea based on the "White Hare" episode, where Lincoln has a dream about being a rabbit named Warren with 15 extra sisters but instead has an Alice in Wonderland-type adventure being transported to Marzipan City, and you can probably guess the rest.
Ami (Sailor Moon) x Sonic (Sonic X) (SonAmi, I guess, lol): Being a die-hard SonElise shipper, it's easy to assume that Sonic has a type~
Daisy Duck x Cruella (Cruaisy): I started shipping them years ago when I watched this Disney short called Electric Holiday. I've made a couple AUs where Daisy works for Cruella in the fashion industry, and they become close friends and lovers in a May-December relationship. 
Tom (Tom & Jerry) x Bright Eyes (Pound Puppies Season 1): I like to headcanon that Tom and Bright Eyes are childhood friends to lovers. I explain it more in this post here.
Frank Wolff (Jungle Cruise) x Jack Sparrow (TPOTC) (SparrowWolf/WolfSparrow): I don't really ship characters from live-action movies and shows, but Disney Mirrorverse got me to ship these two goofballs.
Cinderella x Gojo (JJK) (Gojoella): Don't get me wrong. I love Sukuella, but I solely blame @peachudumplings for giving me Fairy-God-Gojo, and thus I ship Cinderella and Gojo too, lol.
Stitch (Lilo and Stitch) x Tinker Bell (Peter Pan): My reasons for crackshipping Stitch and Tinker Bell are explained in this post here.
Alice x Peter Pan (PanAlice): I've always shipped Peter Pan and Alice, but because of their Disney Mirrorverse counterparts, I shipped them harder.
Yuji Itadori (JJK) x Yuliy Jirov (Sirius the Jaeger) (YuYu): They have so much in common! That's all I'll say about these two for now~
Tiana x Nanami (Tianami): I have to thank @peachudumplings for getting me to ship them so hard. They're perfect for each other~
I am cringe and I am free!
Here is a link to my Top 25 Crossover Couples (Pt 1).
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saturnjartt · 2 months
BACK with some storyboards to make you cry!!! First time boarding from a written script! If you did not know, I have a huge interest for narrative and story. I've had only an amateur's amount of experience, so, to practice; I made this, being totally obsessed with BH6 at the moment. (Why does no one talk about the series on Disney+? It's SEVERELY underrated.) I had never worked from a script before—nonetheless one I created—so this was a new experience. I very much enjoyed it! 10/10 hoping to do more boards and animatics! It isn't the most expertise-like thing crafted out there but it is something!!! ALSO! Here's how the process went for me, and to those who are curious:
0. The IDEA! 1. Writing/receiving the Script 2. Thumbnails 3. Key Storyboards and Refinements 4. Exporting Multiple Versions & Playing back 5. Additional Animation + More Boards 6. Premiere Pro Edits & Final Export! Thanks for watching. [This is not official content and solely fan-created!]
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shan-bunbun · 6 months
Drawing OC Request from: @princessanieloid
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Not one but two drawing, Ta-Da!
Here's a traditional & digital, the first one is Hoshi with Hiro and the second one is Hoshi.
I'm glad you ask me to draw your oc, i was very happy to draw Hoshi and it's very fun to draw your oc, anyways i hope you like it! <33
-The creator oc is @Princessanielod-
𝘈 𝘢𝘱𝘱 𝘐 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥: 𝘐𝘣𝘪𝘴𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘯𝘵 𝘟
𝘉𝘳𝘶𝘴𝘩 𝘐 𝘶𝘴𝘦𝘥: 𝘎𝘭𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘗𝘦𝘯 & 𝘞𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘤𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘳 (𝘱𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘵)
𝘏𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘴: 4:59:48 (𝘛𝘸𝘰 𝘥𝘢𝘺𝘴)
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gaybananabread · 9 months
stop I love bh6 and there's like no tickle content for it😭😭 I absolutely loved your tadashi and hiro hcs🥹
perhaps some baymax tk hcs?👀👀
or anyone else in rhe gang lmao idm😭
you don't have to do this if you don't wanna!!🙌🏼
₊✩‧₊˚౨Nerd Squad & Baymax Tkl Headcanonsৎ˚₊✩‧₊
~AN: Fufufu thank you! And I KNOW, it's criminal how little BH6 tickle content there is! I plan on changing that. (⁠◡⁠ ⁠ω⁠ ⁠◡⁠) Guess who got indecisive? I've been wanting to do stuff for everybody anyway, so might as well do it now! Super long cuz I did everyone so be prepared. (ミ⁠●⁠﹏⁠☉⁠ミ) Thanks for requesting Anon!~
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Robo boy, so not ticklish
He does tickle others though, so ler by default.
Might pretend something tickles just to seem like he gets it or to try and empathize with Hiro
On low battery mode, if prompted, will spill all of Hiro’s worst spots.
It feels like a certain someone would have programmed him with a special scan to locate said spots…but shhh you didn't hear it from me.
He believes that the laughter it produces can help boost moods, and according to the Internet, it can! 
So a few little medicinal cheer-up sessions aren't a rare occurrence in their group.
As I've said before, he was definitely given some little nails/quill tips that can pop out of his fingers on one hand to tickle his patients
Will occasionally tease, but it's super minimal. He likes to make his lee laugh just hard enough to make them feel better, no more and no less (unless they ask!)
“On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate this tickle spot?” “Your blood pressure is rising: that must be why your cheeks are so rosy.” “Most people are quite ticklish here. How about you?”
Amazing aftercare: water, lollies, praise and hugs if the lee wants them.
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She gives ler-leaning switch. Like she loves getting her friends, but the occasional squeeze or poke-fest wouldn't upset her
She never lies, so she wouldn't outright deny that she likes it. She would, however, dodge the question or attack the asker until they forget their name.
They'd be a giggly mess in seconds if they press it
Such a meanie/hj
GoGo’s got a rougher style, preferring to firmly squeeze and claw her lee's poor spots. Loves seeing their red, dumbstruck expressions as they laugh their heads off.
She can go softer if need be, but definitely prefers belly laughter to giggles
Does tease, though it's in this monotone, observational way. Smug look, dull voice. 
“Damn, didn't think you'd be that ticklish here. Then again, I don't think you did either.” “Snorts, huh? That's pretty adorable, just saying.” “It must really tickle if you're begging that much. I didn't hear a ‘stop’, though.”
Doesn't happen often, but she will get lee moods. Mainly when she accidentally walks in on a tickle fight.
Not super ticklish, but a select few spots will kill her.
Thighs are her worst spot and get the loudest snort-laughs you can imagine. After that, there's mainly just giggle zones. Sides, underarms, calves, and knees get little squeaks if you've got nails.
If you do manage to wreck her, be ready: she's big on revenge tickles (•` ⁠ω `•⁠)
⚗️Honey Lemon🍬
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Switch for sure; I'd say 50/50. She's always ready to cheer up her friends, whether it be by giving or receiving some silly affection (⁠ ⁠ꈍvꈍ⁠)
Super chill about liking it. Honey is honest to herself and her friends about her likes and boundaries. If someone talks about liking it, she'll playfully support them.
(And, depending on their mood, help them with a first proper session)
The purest giggles and laughter known to humankind
GoGo can vouch for it: Honey's laugh can brighten pretty much anyone's day.
She tries not to, though she's definitely a squirmer. Will kick her legs and flap her hands to try and keep from pushing the ler away.
Absolutely adores tickle hugs! If she happens to be having a hard day, a few wiggly fingers in a warm embrace will cheer her right up! ♡⁠(⁠Ӧ⁠v⁠Ӧ⁠。⁠)
Her worst spots are her underarms, followed by her knees and belly button. 
Besides that, basically a walking tickle spot; wiggling fingers almost anywhere get her squeaking.
Gets lee moods pretty often; she'll stretch a lot more, and sometimes just sit near GoGo with her arms above her head. Her friends get the message.
Such a soft ler, so sweet and affectionate
Will giggle along with her lee, and loves giving out sweet praises. 
“Aww, I love your laugh! It's so cute!” “Oh my goodness, your cheeks are the color of my Gum-buns!” “You really like this spot, huh? I'll give it some extra love, just for you!”
She'd be the kind of girl to carry a clean make-up brush specifically for that reason. Drag it along a palm, sneakily flutter it along a sad friend's neck and ears… Opportunities are endless!
Checks in with them every few minutes, just to make sure her lee is still having fun.
“You need a breather, friend?” “It's okay to take a quick break. Don't worry; I promise I'll come right back to this spot when you catch your breath!”
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While he's usually pretty touch adverse, he can enjoy tickling. He's just gotta be in the right mood and around the right people.
He gives me heavy lee-leaning vibes; he might tickle someone on occasion, like Hiro. 
His friends respect his boundaries, and always make sure to ask before trying anything touch-related with him.
When he does get a lee mood, most of his friends can point it out pretty easily. He'll smile more, twist his fingers and flinch at the smallest touches. 
It's obvious, but they don't touch him until he shows he wants them to. That normally means a muttered ask, or more commonly, “the look.”
He'll meet their eyes for just a second before looking away, a small blush on his cheeks as he tries and fails to speak any human language. That's all they need to get started.
Even though he clearly asked for the tickles, he refuses to react at first. He's too sensitive to stay totally silent, but he tries.
Bubbly, restrained giggles. He'll bite his lip like there's no tomorrow, curling into himself. It's pretty adorable to watch
Eventually, when he does crack, he just lets himself go loose. Loud laughter, squeaks, and eventually little hiccups. 
Worst spot is his ribs, though he melts at his arms and palms being tickled. 
Again, rare, but it happens.
His lee will almost always be Hiro, though occasionally he'll get Fred if he's being annoying.
He's a soft ler: never wants to go too far. Unless directly asked for, he's gentle and almost teasing with the touch.
He'll mumble little notes as he explores his lee's spots (even if he already knows about them)
“So, your sides are worse than your neck, but not as bad as your armpits? Interesting…” “Okay, thighs are pretty ticklish…oh, a snort. Cute.”
Wasabi knows exactly what he's doing; he just likes hearing the complaints his comments cause.
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The most switch energy everrrrrrrr
Like hello? He's so chill on everything; imagine him in a tickle fight! Can either be horrifying or adorable, depending on what mood he's in.
The silly boy would have no problem admitting he likes it! He’ll tease his friends occasionally, abusing his “can confidently say the t-word at any time” powers.
Literal walking tickle spot
Any poke or squeeze anywhere gets him giggling and twisting like a little kid. He doesn't get embarrassed by it: he owns it.
Worst spot would probably be his feet or hips. Those get him cackling, though most other places aren't that far of a drop.
If he's in a lee mood, he'll just flop in the closest person's lap and raise his arms. Besides a few eye-rolls and amused chuckles, it seems to work pretty well for him.
Unrestrained, super giddy and bright laughter. Definitely lights up a room (⁠✿⁠^⁠‿⁠^⁠)
Most conniving little shit to ever walk the Earth.
He'll wiggle his fingers, sneak little pokes at his friends’ sides, and squeeze the word “tickle” into every sentence.
Favorite target is Honey Lemon. She always plays along with his silliness, and he loves hearing her laugh. 
If she's in the right mood, though, GoGo will actually let him tickle her. That's gotta be one of his favorite activities, though it rarely happens.
He'll tease the hell out of his lee. Anything he can think of, he'll use.
“You're a really squirmy-worm, dude. It's cute!” “If I poke heeeere, and squeeze heeeere, then- yep, tickly laughter!” “Man, I wish I had the tickle belt from Captain Fancy’s Special Issue: the Feather Fiend. It'd look so good on you!”
He'll go until they really tell him to stop, but afterwards, he'll take them to their favorite restaurant and have a movie marathon. 
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drama-glob · 1 month
Incorrect BH6 Quotes
(BH6 saves Krei from another kidnapping and so he offers them something as thanks for rescuing him)
Krei (Pulls envelope out of his blazer and offers it to Hiro): Here. I got you something for your troubles.
Hiro (Takes envelope and opens it, reading it out loud and letting everyone see it): Wow. One free chip with the purchase of any sandwich from Hal's Hoagies.
Krei (Shrugs with a contented grin and says): It's the least I could do.
Wasabi (Flatly remarks): Yes, it is.
Globby (Comes home and finds Felony Carl on the couch, so he starts talking about his day): Hey Carl! Man, you will not believe how crazy today was!
Felony Carl (Quirks eyebrow and inquires): Globs, why are you holding a chicken?
Globby (Looks at the chicken tucked under his arm, then back at Felony Carl and answers): That's not important or relative. Now, as I was saying...
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