Love that Nick was like “yeah none of this mattered to me in the summer of 1922……..I just worked and spent time with Jordan………I didnt care about Jay Gatsby……….” And then proceeds to give us explicit timelines where he could not possibly have been working full time, admits he lost track of Jordan for much of the summer, and lets on that he and Jay spent so much time together that he started having to do welfare checks if Jay didn’t come over or call him.
Like, okay, Mr. Honest. You only care in retrospect. Mhm. Sure
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Nick, mumbling: I want you buried so deep in my ass whoever could pull you out would be crowned king
Gatsby: What
Nick: I said I’m in love with Jordan
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nick carraway talking about his girlfriend jordan baker: she was nice to me, so i thought she was pretty i guess
nick carraway talking about jay gatsby: GOD that sexy bitch he was the most beautiful person i’d ever seen and every word he said enraptured me i wanted nothing more than to spend every moment with him
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Gatsby, to Tom: Look what you’ve done to my peonies!
Tom: They’re marigolds!
Nick: My God, I think he’s right! They are marigolds!
Gatsby, to Tom: I may not know my flowers, but I know a BITCH when I see one!
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some more natsby fics are coming out soon because i had to do some stuff with the book for a class and it re ignited my passion.
this includes The Excellent Elizabeth. Expect a new chapter by sunday probably
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some more natsby fics are coming out soon because i had to do some stuff with the book for a class and it re ignited my passion.
this includes The Excellent Elizabeth. Expect a new chapter by sunday probably
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Let me be your green light tonight.
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Jay: I’m going to take you somewhere, Nick.
Nick: to the bedroom right?
Jay: No, downtown, for dinner. Why would I take you back to bed, we only just woke up old sport.
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tiny brain: nick was disgusted with wealth after gatsby’s death and understands gatsby’s longing for the green light because he can see gatsby’s weakness/corruption
galaxy brain: nick understands gatsby’s longing for the green light after gatsby’s death because gatsby becomes nick’s green light
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How about that swim, old sport? (Essentially the movie)
Nick: *is reading book on porch, 6 a.m.*
Gatsby: *casually walks out from behind tree* old sport how about a swim?
Nick: *brushing his teeth, 11 p.m.*
Gatsby: *opens Nicks bathroom window* got time for a swim old sport?
Nick: jay, what
Nick, after coming home from a long day at work: what a day *peels back the covers to his bed*
Jay: *was under covers, but Nick moved them* about that swim old sport
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Me, finding other Natsby shippers: coolcoolcoolcoolcoolcool
Me, finding people who shit on Daisy because they ship Natsby: yieksyikesyikesyiekjsjdkfk
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Me: Jordan is pretty I guess,,,I mean she sure is a woman
Also me: GaTsbY is sO hOT a liTerAl GOd
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