#thank you as always my lovely morse anon
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
silliness aside, I hope u had a lovely and fun day as well Ace!!!
more work games and attack of the brain weasels have been making me a bit more tired lately, but seeing you pop up on my dash is always a treat! no trick! ;)
nothing but nice things and good days for my favorite goon, and anyone or anything that says differently will have to answer to me~
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
It was a very happy halloween, my dear morse anon
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No tricks indeed...
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laura1633 · 9 months ago
My random positive thing is, how Max always grabs Charles tiny waist, and how Max squeezes two or three times Charles shoulder when he is behind him. Maybe it is a secret code for I love you? (Or I want you to fuck me now🤭🤭)
Hehe it is definitely a secret code anon 🤭
I like to think Charles' awful attempts at winking, Max's lip biting and the squeezes on the shoulder are all part of a morse code system they use to communicate with each other in public.
I also love the way Max squeezes Charles' shoulder, it feels intimate to me.
Thank you for sharing your positive Lestappen thing ❤️
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sealz888 · 1 year ago
I saw your fallout headcanon post! So i gotta know ur thoughts on Dean Domino! (<- loves that bastard too much)
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Thank you for the asks @porcelain-animatronic and anon! Apologises this took really long. I have two other asks (involving Hancock and Ahzrukahl) which'll hopefully be out soon. I've had a lot going on lately, so I appreciate your patience! A heads-up, I haven't personally played Dead Money, so I hope you can forgive me if it's canon conflicting. My dumbass wrote Christina, instead of Christine.
Dean Domino
I really like the head canon that Dean has beef with pre-war singers, I feel like he’s got major beef with Frank Sinatra.
He was a childhood prodigy. His talent was discovered at a young age by his mother, who made him sign up to a childhood talent TV show. He won and only skyrocketed from there, hence his ego.
At some point when he turned 14, he lost his fame and became, for lack of a better term, “washed out” and he fell into the background. His mother wasn’t too happy about this, so he ran away to Vegas, and he’d get by busking and later performing at mid-end clubs. 
That was until he got into hot water at 17 after he was caught with chems. This actually skyrocketed him to fame again. Everyone was booking him in.
A playboy for sure, he flirted with anyone to get his way. Especially when he met Vera Keys again to lure her into joining his heist. However, he actually didn’t sleep around unless he was in a relationship with them. His spark and skill in flirting died down, but he's trying to get it back.
Really pissed off about his hair loss, but is glad about how he kept his moustache. Once he got out of the Sierra Madre, he left and immediately went to find a wig. 
After which, he immediately went to the Tops to find a job. It was hard at first to get on the strip considering ghouls aren’t allowed in without humans, but assuming Mr House is still alive and recognises him or the NCR allows ghouls onto the strip, he eventually manages. Convincing people he is Dean Domino was the harder part. Tommy eventually relented and let him perform. Now exclusively performs there.
Christine Royce
Perfect childhood friends with Veronica. They’re friends to lovers. Romanced her by bringing her all sorts of junk she could disassemble and reassemble. 
Got along with Elijah, but Christine parents thought that they were just “”really, *really* close gal-pals.” Eventually they couldn’t deny it that their daughter was a lesbian was sort of came to terms of it. 
They did push the two to at least surrogate, at least were the most polite about it.
Christine would watch and listen to Veronica talk and talk about historical texts and engineering for hours and hours on end, falling in love with her more. 
She was always slightly suspicious of Elijah, despite Elijah’s politeness, he was always trying to drive the two apart once everything came out. 
When she was first assigned to track him down, she’d write letters to Veronica, but she never got them, unfortunately. Upon encountering the courier, the courier put two and two together and told her about Veronica. 
Veronica, upon hearing about Christine broke down into tears on the strip, a few steps away into the Lucky 38. Veronica was hysterical and getting comforted by Arcade and Lily. They had a chat that lasted for hours explaining everything. She found about Elijah (I hc to personally have him trapped in the vault.)
Unsure of what to do, Veronica wanted to track her down and get her to become a member of the Followers. At some point, Veronica figured out to radio communicate with her. While Christina had to use Morse code to communicate, she was over the moon. Eventually, with the help of Raul over the radio, she managed to get the Autodoc to her reconstruct her vocal cords. However, she is absolutely terrified of Autodocs still and claustrophobic.
A year later, they decided to get married over the radio, and it was a big event, being broadcasted in a few places in Freeside and throughout the Sierra Madre, even Dean Domino and Dog/God dropped by to send her a message congratulating them. As the courier knew the King, he performed “love me tender” at their wedding and Lily, along with help from Cass and other followers, made them wedding garments. I can see Veronica in a pretty dress while Christina is in a suit, however, she could also wear a dress too.
Veronica also informed the BOS of what happened to Elijah and Christina. Christina's parents were overjoyed that she was alive, but still sent their reluctant congratulations to the newly-weds. Some of their old comrades also sent them well wishes.
I don't have a whole lot, but they're one of my favourite mutants.
Dog often mistakes the courier as the Master due to the look in their eyes, their tone of voice is similar to the master too.
Dog/God managed to become one personality again thanks to the couriers help. While the group leaves, they discuss names, but doesn’t like any of those. The courier encourages the newly reborn mutant to think for himself and choose his own name.
He tries to settle down at various settlements, Novac, Freeside, Westside eventually hearing about Utobitha. After arriving, Neil, recognised him by the scar on his chest and confused that the two personalities became one. After a long convo and explanation, Neil recognised the courier and redirected him to Jacobstown. 
While at Jacobstown, many supermutants and nightkin remembered him, but he did not remember himself. It was a *long* week explaining what happened.  With the help of others, he names himself Alexander. 
Alexander, decided to help Jacobstown by supporting his fellow Nightkin and became a wandering trade. He reached out to other settlements and offered to exchange goods and open up trades
He never really saw or heard from the courier again after stopping by to wish Veronica and Christine well wishes.
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between-thepages · 1 year ago
20 Questions for Fic Writers
I was tagged by @gabetheunknown, thank you <3
how many works do you have on ao3?
Currently 88, I am determined to make it to 100 before the end of the year.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
3. what fandoms do you write for?
The Witcher Books/Games, Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings and sometimes Endeavour/Inspector Morse when the fancy strikes.
4. what are your top 5 fics by kudos?
In the Morning (Glorestor)
Dance to the Firelight (Rorveth)
Eating Love (Rorveth)
Mirror Image (Rorveth)
Body and Soul (Yenralt)
5. do you respond to comments? why or why not?
I respond to them, I love comments, but I'm slow. Also, there are only so many variations of "Thank you" one can type in a day before it starts feeling ridiculous. I promise I'll get to your comments before Christmas!
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
my Iorveth/Cedric drabble from last spring. I had to cope with the Ending of Lady of the Lake.
7. what is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Beautiful like Starlight, but even that isn't really all that happy... I am writing a followup to it at the moment though.
8. do you get hate on any fics?
So far, only from a certain someone for shipping the wrong characters, but i usually have my comments restricted to logged-in users, so leaving Anon hate isn't really possible.
9. do you write smut? if so, what kind?
I will write everything once and then decide if I'll do it again xD Expect it to be at least somewhat kinky.
Also, it has to fit into a drabble or two, I can't really write long-form smut.
10.do you write crossovers? what's the craziest one you've written?
I haven't yet, I will write a Witcher/Silm crossover one day, just so I can get some of the ladies to meet
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't know, but I doubt my drabbles are interesting enough to steal.
12.have you ever had a fic translated?
Not officially, but I am trying to translate some of my fics myself. No idea when I'll be done there, though.
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
14.what's your all time favorite ship?
As a multi-shipper, all time favourites are hard, because all i need are three compelling arguments and I start shipping another pairing xD
I guess Fingon/Maedhros is one of the pairings where I am least likely to read a fic if they are partnered with someone else.
15.what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I'll burn with a light of my own, because I started it for a flashfic challenge right before my silm hyperfixation hit full force, so Witcher is a bit on the back burner at the moment. It also needs some serious plot outline to develop further, so the continuation really depends on my interest the next few months.
16.what are your writing strengths?
I have been told I am good at writing short stories, which is great because I love writing drabbles.
17.what are your writing weaknesses?
long plots, probably. I always struggle with reaching wordcounts and making my stories interesting.
18.thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the language and usage. I love things like terms of endearment in another language (I made up a nickname for Isengrim to use for Iorevth, after all), but I do sometimes get annoyed with the random elvish words in Tolkien fics.
The best use of other languages is if it is used to confuse the POV character, but then it has to be somewhat consistent.
19.first fandom you wrote for?
Sunrise Avenue xD But I never published any of it. The first fanfic I published was for Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion.
20. favorite fic you've written?
She came in through the window because it got me into a new kind of rarepair hell <3
Tagging @she-who-drank-vodka-with-cats, @aretuzagradschooldropout and @gleamingsilence, I'm late to this so I really hope I haven't accidentally tagged someone who already did this <3
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dreamii-yume · 1 year ago
Hello yume, I was quite shocked to see an update (cuz I know update quite slow, which is relatable and understandable lol) ʘ⁠‿⁠ʘ
Well, the chapter mostly contains of informations and the aftermath of u know what ◉⁠‿⁠◉
FIRST the teacher was kinda SUS, like low-key (high-key) O���_⁠o cuz like wdym
“…Because they would completely stop working after I would hit them a little.”
SO SUSSSSSS, Im starting to think he wasn't talking about computers and machines, cuz like why would you hit a computer?? (if you know what I'm saying) he's lying, I just know it (⁠*⁠_⁠*⁠)
“Honestly…They make technologies a lot more fragile these days.”
ANOTHER SUS LINE !!! (⁠☉⁠。⁠☉⁠)⁠! What do you mean by that, mister? HMMMM?? Are you sure you're talking about technologies and NOT a person?? ヽ⁠(⁠(⁠◎⁠д⁠◎⁠)⁠)⁠ゝI really feel like the teacher would be terrifying when we get to his part because of all these lines he be spouting (or maybe not, and I'm just overthinking stuff lmao)
And neru???!? He be casually interrogating rei about kaeda then BOOM confessed through Morse code and then stole a kiss (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠; (he did a peck tho, kinda wholesome tbh...) BUT I'm sure confessing through Morse code prob means something LIKE I KNOW THEY'D USE IT IN THE FUTURE... MAYBE (I THINK IM OVERANALYZING THINGS HELP)
So far I'm the most Sus about the teacher, maybe even rin but he pretty much disappear in the beginning (⁠●⁠_⁠_⁠●⁠), Riya... I dunno how to feel about him, he's still the most normal (which makes me think he's even Sus because he hasn't shown anything yet so far... I'm keeping a close eye on him, because the timid ones are the more likely to attack silently ಠ⁠,⁠_⁠」⁠ಠ I don't trust you Riya)
Kaede seems to be in the clear but I don't trust any of them ಠ⁠ ⁠ل͟⁠ ⁠ಠ
-euphoria anon (ok I accept it)
I try to update the fic at least once a week if that helps (Every tuesday??) 🥹 BUT DAMN DARLING, LET THEM GET UP LMAO ☠️ Your suspicions are valid, but let our boys cook ☠️
I will try not to comment on some things you said even though I’m so giddy and want to fangirl about it so badly 😭 but I need to remember that I’m actually the one writing this, so any complaints I have is on ME ☠️🔫 I’m not good at writing foreshadows and attempting to fool my readers is wayy out of my league, so I try to at least be subtle about the information I lay out lmao
Honestly, if you played the game, you’ll know EXACTLY where this is going—Because I am, once again, borrowing the plot of the game lol The least I could is shut my big mouth up ☠️
Also, I love the fact that you’re even sussing out RIYA because he’s supposed to be the most “normal” character out of everyone 🧎‍♀️ Boi hasn’t even done anything lmaoo Anyway, thanks for reading as always ♥︎
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izzysarchivedblogs · 2 years ago
what are clint's current thoughts on bobbi?
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ANONYMOUSLY ASK ANYTHING -> Accepting All Anons, Asks, & Memes
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There is a content warnings regarding pregnancy, miscarriage, and alcoholism.
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Yes, hello anon, and thank you for bringing up the beloved Bobbi Morse. The Barbie to Clint's Ken, if you will.
Let's start first with a little explanation, upon which to emphasis how important of woman and character Bobbi is in Clint's life.
That's his ex-wife, but she is more than that. She was one of his best friends too. She was his biggest supporter in him starting up the West Coast Avengers (even if technically Vision was the one to have came up that). While she may not have been so sure of being an Avenger herself, and you should read the original WCAs if you haven't, they are pretty good up until Iron Man's Armor war happens, and then the stories are that are hit or miss; some good, some bad, and some who could have been good if handled differently.
Anyways, she was big part of him, his closest confidant and any decision he had to make as Chairman of the WCA? You can bet that Bobbi probably knew first, because he'd talk those thing through with her.
He married her after nine days, after she suggested it; because he believed in what she had said about them maybe needing each other, and wanting to get to know her.
Bobbi is Clint's biggest leap of faith; and he was, is, so in love with her. Now I am going to brush over their reasons for divorce, the general hardships, and than the breakup when after they had tried dating again after Civil War / Skrull invasion.
As Clint has said it a few time on panel, he could have had it all with Bobbi. Like she was the dream, they were going to have a family together; that wasn't just a dream, there were plans and I hold onto the idea that they had tried, gotten pregnant, and miscarried. The point still stands on that, Clint's dream was the full nine years. The superhero career, taking on a reverse spot when the family started, and the other half in that dream was always Bobbi, with him raising kids.
So no matter what, even despite all the heartbreak and pain shared, Bobbi is incredibly important to him. Their last breakup came about was mutual, it was realizing that they were not going to be in the same place again. They still love each other.
Now I hate the Mockingbird comic run, mostly because I don't like the writer Chelsea at all and her retcon. BUT that takes place after Civil War 2, and after Clint killed Bruce.
And we see in most of the media afterwards (and before in 2012 Fraction run), that Bobbi is still one of the best people in Clint's life, so she's important to him, and he loves her so much. You see her supporting him or helping him, "Leave it to my ex-wife to screw everything up by caring about me"
So currently, they are great friends. Clint doesn't talk to her as much, but that's more on Clint's alcoholism getting worse and him not doing so well.
SO 2022 Thunderbolts teases at future Bobbi and Clint interaction, but we do see on panel where Clint calls Bobbi, for advice, for moral support; calls her because he knows himself and he needs that push, needs her to be a little tough on him but than hear him out.
I am anxious about what they are going to do, because Tbolts leave it off with them setting up plans for coffee; and Hawkingbird is very important relationship and ship to me, and Bobbi and Clint are just what they have and their history, a rekindled romance needs to be done right.
BUT FOR MY CLINT CANON. I don't see them (unless bobbi rp writers are out there and want to talk hawkingbird) rekindling a romance; but Bobbi is, for my Clint, the person he calls to admit that he's struggling, and that seeing him call her in Tbolts, that's him admitting that it's harder than he thinks, Thunderbolts is for my Clint canon, a time where he relapses with alcohol, so he's calling Bobbi for her help, for her support and confess "hey i tried to go sober alone and tell no one" and that didn't work for him, and it's asking hey she's one of the most important people in his life, and she has seen him at his worse and best, and she'd shoot him straight. given their history, it's why he trusts her first with that.
Generally how he sees her, is still with love and that's his ex-wife and he says that not with pain, but she was once his wife, and she is one of his closest friends. And over the years, Clint's gotten better at understanding her and accepting the parts of her that he didn't before, like her choices and what she does, and her being a spy. That her spy training did, does, dictate a lot of her thought process.
So there we are anon; in my own blog canon and what I would love for canon-canon; that's where I would see Bobbi and Clint.
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writingmochi · 9 months ago
hi! i'm the same anon who asked about the "lissie:" thing and the space agency theme you have going on is really cool and creative! and it just makes me happy too as someone who also had a space exploration phase lol.
this is unrelated but i read your thoughts on minisode 3: tomorrow (2 months late but wtv) and though i disagree w some of the specifics, i do agree with your overall points! the lack of bridges really hurts the payoff from the emotional buildup. i personally believe that deja vu had the potential to be as big as, or even bigger than, 0x1 lovesong but not having a bridge or even prechoruses really prevents the song from reaching the emotional heights it's striving for.
personally, isytt and the killa > miracle and quarter life, but yeah i agree with you that the latter two feel very beginner-friendly rock. which i think is the reason why i ranked them lower, they're so... safe? like they rely on cliches to make an "emotional" song a bit too much. especially since txt already leaned into the rock sounds more during freeze / FoS.
ALSO tbh i actually expected a more dreamy, magical pop sound from this album? the whole little prince theme + throwbacks to the morse code of their rookie days made me think we would get a more mature version of their dream chapter sounds. like, i was imagining older siblings to run away, fairy of shampoo, our summer, etc. which is not what we got lol (except maybe isytt kinda-sorta?)
anyway yeah i do agree that i was underwhelmed by the album! i don't hate it by any means and i still find myself listening to some of the songs a lot, but ngl i was expecting more. the opinions i've seen among stans is that minisode 3 is SO GOOD OMG and better than freefall but i personally enjoyed freefall more. imo freefall is a less cohesive whole than minisode 3 but i like the individual songs much more.
that's all lol sorry this got long
lissie: welcome back anon! i would love for you to sign yourself in emoji/a single word so that our convo will be easier to track~
aww thank you. i'm glad that the convoluted explanation didn't bore you and to know that you have a space exploration phase too!
that's defo fine~ i like making those reviews actually cause it exercises my music knowledge as i've been listening to more artists with different sounds to know which song is inspired by what genre, etc. of course, you can definitely disagree with a few points cause everyone has their own opinions. i absolutely agree with what you said on how deja vu could be equal by 0x1 lovesong if it has a bridge and i still am very much sad to know that missed opportunity, especially when the "yaksokhae~~" part and everyone was kneeling in the choreo: it would be better if there is a build-up to that with the bridge...
my track ranking has changed as the album has grown on me and isytt has definitely risen up the list, maybe below or above the two deja vus but i enjoy that song so much. i definitely agree with your reasoning as to why miracle and quarter life sound so safe, especially coming from me who LOVES growing pain and has rock as my most listened-to genre since the end of the pandemic when i have strayed a lot from kpop. definitely agree with the cliches that you mentioned as that's why i can easily say that miracle is a "road-trip song" and quarter life is a "coming-of-age song"
ooh yeah. i haven't heard a lot of people saying that. but i think since that little prince theme is met with deja vu, they believe it is already fulfilled. i'm always an advocate of concept photos = music sound and there is so much opportunity for the dreamy magical type of songs. deja vu is definitely the light version, the ethereal concept with the bad boy/fallen angel type reminds me of songs like woodz's drowning, those angsty "i messed up by forgetting our promise" type of song (beomgyu will be godly in that song), the romance concept is very regal and magical like bts' black swan (esp the one with the orchestra ughh yes), while the promise concept gives me onf's the realist vibe because the night time setting for the photoshoot gives urban fantasy vibes ughhghghgh. overall, i wanted more magical, regal-sounding songs but also dream pop-esque approach to this album, maybe even shoegaze if they are daring enough... and i wish there were songs like our summer and can we just leave this monster alive? again...
woah... minisode 3 is better than freefall? i have to disagree to that as i have freefall on top of minisode 3 in my imaginary ranking. i agree with you saying that freefall songs go well individually but, in a way, it still makes sense with the "free falling from neverland" concept while minisode 3 only grazes the little prince concept in the trailer and deja vu. both have a lack of cohesiveness and both are so safe tho cause none of the two can top tdc magic and eternity for real
that's definitely okay. i like hearing ppl's opinions on the music too cause it also expands my perspective. thanks for giving me the opportunity to talk about this!
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earnestly-endlessly · 4 years ago
Hi! Do you have any Cherik Army AUs? I've managed to find just 3.
Hi Anon, thanks for the ask. I found some good Army AUs, though some might not quite fall into the category of 'Army AU'. There are, surprisingly, few Army AUs that I have found, whereas there are several military and war AUs, but those don't necessarily involve an army. I did include a variety that involve an army in one way or another, though some fit the bill better than others. I hope you find some that you enjoy!!
Cherik Army AU
I Want to Guard Your Dreams And Visions – luninosity
Summary: I was reading Barbara Hambly’s Abigail Adams mystery novels, and then Erik/Charles American Revolutionary War AU happened. Little snippet in which they share a tent, drink coffee, and provide support to each other.
The Eggnog Riot – Sophia_Bee
Summary: 1826. The American Military Academy in West Point. The day after Christmas. Cadet Erik Lehnsherr wakes up naked with a certain cadet Xavier sprawled across his chest. He can only blame the eggnog.
No Man’s Land – ikeracity
Summary: It's 1914 in Ypres, Belgium. British soldier Charles Xavier has been in the trenches for four months of endless artillery fire, bone-deep cold, and constant fear of the enemy. But on Christmas Eve, the gunfire falls silent, and they climb out of their trenches for a Christmas truce. Charles, of course, meets Erik, the German soldier across the way.
My Land’s Only Borders Lie Around My Heart – pseudoneems
Summary: WW1 Christmas truce of 1914. Opposing soldiers Erik and Charles meet.
Le soldat – Iggyassou
Summary: Erik is in the trenches, trying to survive the war so that he can go back to Charles, his young lover waiting for him back at home.
Names – Squeegee
Summary: In the summer of 1917, British soldier Charles Xavier finds himself taking cover in a shell crater.
Not sure if the 'graphic' tag applies or not, but I'd rather be safe than sorry.
Quell a storm with pen and ink – patroclux
Summary: Charles had spared his life. That was not something he could easily repay.
They wrote letters to each other for two years, until Charles was pulled out of the war from a sudden illness and Erik remained to fight for a cause he didn't believe in. One that ultimately had no effect; one that stole away four years of his life.
Traumatized and persecuted, Erik applied for a post at Janus, a lighthouse in the middle of the Irish Sea. He thought being alone would do him good.
Despite the letters and despite the love, Erik didn't expect Charles to find him.
Hier steh ich an den Marken meiner Tage – MonstrousRegiment
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a spy in the SS, and his British liaison is strategist Charles Xavier. Their relationship from the moment they meet to a year after the end of the war.
Theme and Variations: War – ninemoons42
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is a musical prodigy and a man destined for great things and great stages. But his life is shattered by a terrible accident that leaves him blind and trying to find his way back to his life, his music, and his place in the world.
Then he meets Charles Xavier, an agent of Section 8 of the Military Intelligence Directorate of Providence, and he finds himself listening in to clandestine radio transmissions and clicking Morse code, and these sounds are part and parcel of a war that can only take place in the shadows and the hidden places of history.
Strib nicht von Mir – ravenoftheninerealms
Summary: A squad of Allied Forces, led by Charles Xavier, liberates the Nazi concentration camp where Erik was being held prisoner.
Cold foxholes, warm hearts – oddegg
Summary: Basically, this is Band of Mutants. A little slice of life in Bastogne.
Photographs and Memories – tirsynni
Summary: When war-battered Erik Lehnsherr met Charles Xavier, the man kneeling in the dirt and whispering to a lost refugee child, Erik feared his days of running from his deviance was done.
Marching Home – Quietbang
Summary: For a prompt on the meme asking for fic dealing with the fact that, in comics canon, Charles served in the Korean war.
War meant something different to this generation, Charles knew.
Crash on the Levy (Down in the Flood) – Quietbang
Summary: “This is much bigger than you think. You're in the middle of a war, and you don't even realize, do you?”
He pauses, and answers his own question.“No, of course you don't. How silly of me."
The Knight and the Dagger – Dow
Summary: A Lieutenant in the Soviet Army, Erik Lensherr had no other goals than to find the man that killed his parents. But when a discovery yields a little boy with wings like an angel, Erik is shocked to realize that he isn’t alone. There are other people like him, both dangerous and alluring.
Lifelong Service – Pookaseraph
Summary: Erik thinks he should be the one to teach their recruits hand-to-hand combat; Charles makes a persuasive argument to the contrary.
Footsteps of uprooted lovers – ninemoons42
Summary: Against a turbulent backdrop of artistic, social, and political upheaval, the playwright Charles Xavier and the photographer Erik Lehnsherr find themselves meeting under less-than-polite circumstances, but part rather more amicably than they'd met.
When they find each other again in a Barcelona that is falling inexorably toward war, they find themselves taking up arms, each in his own way, and together they join a struggle for freedom, for love, and for their very lives.
Dear Soldier – Lindstrom, ToriTC198
Summary: "Dear Soldier,
I pray that this package finds you well. The organization gave us a list of odds and ends that you might need, but I thought that a person so far from home might appreciate something more than soap and tube socks."
When Charles' school decides to send care packages to the soldiers fighting in Vietnam, he chooses to also include a letter and a few personal touches. When Staff Sergeant Erik is the recipient of that particular care package it will spur a relationship that will change them both.
Fortunate Son – blueink13
Summary: he days leading up to and during Alex's deployment in Vietnam. Everyone handles it in their own way. Some handle better than others.
You’re Here – Deshonana
Summary: Everyone decides its a good idea not to tell Erik when his boyfriend comes home from the military.
Welcome Home –  loveydoveyecstasy
Summary: It's been two years since Charles was deployed to Afghanistan, and Erik can't wait to pick him up at the airport.
When Secrets have Secrets – ximeria
Summary: The arguments that take place in General Xavier's office when General Lehnsherr has a bad day are legendary. Quite frankly, no one really knows what's going on and if the two men have it their way, no one ever will.
Quiet Company – Sophia_Bee
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr is always on the move. He's spent the last many years going from war torn country to war torn country telling the stories of the people there through photographs. Then one of his pictures is selected as a winner for the Pulitzer Prize and Erik finds himself stuck in London for longer than he wants. He ends up with an assignment to photograph Charles Xavier, a wealthy philanthropist who is intrigued to find himself working with a Pulitzer-winning war photographer. Erik is far less intrigued by someone he considers privileged and out of touch. Both of their lives are about to change in ways they couldn't imagine.
The City is Ours – RedStockings
Summary: Erik felt his heart racing with excitement, lightened, and for once felt joyful. Charles had looked at him, really looked at him, and there had been something there, a knowing of a kind. As the soldiers laughed amongst each other, and joked each other about who would succeed in marrying the boy, Erik made himself a silent vow. Charles was going to be his, and nothing would keep him from having him. He’d marry him, and he’d save him, and Charles would love him for it.
Not even the war could keep them apart... right?
Sign of the Times – dsrobertson
Summary: Casablanca-ish AU.
Charles Xavier meets Erik Lehnsherr in Paris, 1937. They spend the next two years with one another, stupid in-love, until war comes heavy in September 1939. Erik leaves for Poland and the Resistance movement there, promising to return. Charles is left in Paris, where Nazi jackboots march in, Summer of 1940. He becomes a member of the underground French Resistance, publishing illegal newsletters, leaflets, until news comes through in February 1942: Erik is dead. Charles throws himself into more dangerous work, meeting with Communists, helping derail a German train, and he does too much, goes too far. His friends find him safe passage out of France, out across the Mediterranean, to Morocco, Casablanca. It is here he finds Erik, alive.
The Waste Land – nekosmuse
Summary: The White Queen and her Shadow King sit on their throne, safe behind the psionic shields of the Walled City. The armies of Genosha batter uselessly at the gates, a war locked in stalemate. Magneto, camped in the frozen mud, receives word the Citadel intends to send a telepath to the front lines. The same telepath he met two years ago, who sat across a carved wooden chess set and offered Magneto the first friendly smile in a lifetime. The same telepath who still haunts his dreams.
Winter Comes With a Knife – RedStockings
Summary: It apparently came to no one’s surprise that the war-mage Erik Lehnsherr took up residence in the Dark Keep. I knew he was going to choose my sister, Raven, to be his apprentice so why wouldn’t he let me go? What did he want from me?
My name is Charles Xavier, I can read minds and use magic. I’ve met Kings and Queens, mages and magic users. I’ve travelled through lay-lines and jumped through the Dark Void… but none of that really matters.
I am leading an army into war, I am scared and I never wanted this. I’ve come to realise that what I want, rode into my life when I was still a child. Now he’s out there, ready to charge into battle. Ready to die for me.
Polaris – LastAmericanMermaid
Summary: Charles Xavier is 19 years old, doe-eyed and soft; Erik Lehnsherr is 24 years old, steely-hard and bitter. One is a soldier, the other a refugee. Both are mutants. There will be pain, oh yes.
(An AU in which Charles is a wounded British soldier, Erik is the German hiding in France who nurses him back to health, and the contents of this fic are best read to the soundtrack of Atonement.)
Note: Unfinished
MEDIC! – paladin_danse
Summary: A British airborne medic finds himself alone and afraid behind enemy lines. When he decides to save the life of an S.S. German officer he finds wounded in the snow, he has no idea the choice he has made will alter the course of the war—and their lives—forever.
Note: Sadly unfinished
Suicide is Painlesss – weethreequarter 
Summary: Erik Lehnsherr did not become a doctor to pick bullets out of children. Unfortunately the US Army had other ideas.
Stuck in the middle of the Korean War, Erik and his fellow civilian surgeons have to battle not only the war, but also weather, mud, and boredom. And that's without mentioning Major Sebastian Shaw who thinks war is the best thing that's ever happened to him and never should've been allowed to pick up a scalpel, or Colonel William Stryker who may or may not work for the CIA and probably doesn't even know himself.
Throw in new arrival Captain Charles Xavier, and Erik is in for a very interesting war.
Note: Unfinished
A Light That Never Goes Out – R_Cookie
Summary: It was meant to be the war to end all wars; these two men were never supposed to meet. One a German Jew, the other a British surgeon. The odds that their paths should cross were next to none - but War defies the expected. It always has, and always will.
From the beaches of Dunkirk to the treacherous slopes of Monte Cassino - this is their story.
Note: Unfinished
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lewis-winters · 3 years ago
idea i felt u would want to know. so yknow trans george right. amazing perfect great fantastic love it. this isn’t super creative or ground breaking but: sort of mulan au where george is trans and joins the army as a man by fabricating certain documents and all as a chance to get away from family although he loves them so he can live as a man (under the guise of volunteering as a nurse or something is what he tells them) but yeah thought of this brushing my teeth last night
GREAT MINDS ANON!! GREAT MINDS!!!!!! tho i can't take all the credit. @hellofanidea has definitely played a major role in all this-- i want to shout him out bc i love him but also like. he and i talked about trans!George in the canon timeline before, too!
more rambling under the cut bc it's 2am and i am slightly TOO excited about this ask and a bit too delirious.
god ok like this shit isn't what you sent an ask for but like just to give context-- jem and I have been developing two trans OCs since june 2021, both of whom were created to subvert the Mulan Trope. like, one is a trans woman (my oc, named Natalie Morse) who, prior to enlisting, knew that she was trans and was already half-way to living as a woman (this is an oversimplification of this character but whatever that's the general gist), but has had to stuff all that back in (to the detriment of her mental health and sense of identity) in order to enlist!
the other OC (who was created by @hellofanidea) is a trans man named Arthur Benjamin Foster who does EXACTLY this. GOD i want so badly for all of you to see him and read his story because! because!!! i just love Arthur so much, he's like. the best male character in my heart and his backstory continues to poke me in the feels constantly!!!!!! i curse how slow i write because GUH i have so many feels for these two and their situation and honestly? playing with gender fuckery with these characters has been so SO lovely like. i learned so much of myself and my gender with these two. and just. they're great. i love them.
BUT ANYWAY there's your context for the next thing i'm about to say: jem and I have spent many hours discussing the logistics of how a trans man might enlist for the army and how he might manage to stay relatively unsuspected and 'twas truly a situation that is the source of many shenanigans and UGH the GENDER FUCKERY of it all because on top of the logistics of going relatively un-clocked in the army as a trans person, we've also discussed so much the paradox of being "in the closet" but simultaneously also being "out" in that any trans man must now keep their body a secret, but also, outwardly, and amongst everybody, they are men. like. there's no contest. there's no deadname to call them-- none of their peers know what the deadname is. and that's such an interesting thing to me, ya know?
furthermore, the logistics of the binder. and showers. and relatively staying clean. of course, we've talked about this and come to the conclusion that some people have to know at least in order to offer help! and that always melted my heart a bit because! not only are your peers encouraging and aggressively validating your gender by calling you your name instead of your deadname, but they are also validating you by protecting you from a system that aims to strip you of your identity. and like. that always made me so happy?
like, one of my favorite things to write about Arthur and trans!george in the canon timeline is that, at some point? people know and those same people love them enough to hide them and help them. and that's my favorite part of it.
a;kgalkhflksklfhslfkldlsa ok im sorry anon i have so many thoughts about this but no braincells at the moment to make them sound pretty?
pls send me another ask when I'm more coherent to answer HAHAHAH idk idk i love trans characters i love gender fuckery i would LOVE to talk about it more with you. thank you! you're greatly appreciated!!! MWAH!!!!!!!!!!
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dearest-kibble · 4 years ago
yan kenma who has you locked up in his apartment- it’s been some time and you’ve given up escaping but you know he live-streams so you kind of start living small clues that you’re there in hope someone will figure it out? but instead of a viewer kenma finds out; and instead of stopping you he just decides to taunt you and play along to the point his viewers make it an inside joke- the emotional rollercoaster that would be? he wouldn’t have to punish you- the crushing despair is enough alone
This is so deliciously fucked up I love it,,, thank you anon, Kenma hits so different. I love him thank you so so so much. i am working on so much,,, thank you for being patient with all my uhhh lateness? this kinda became something a little different than the prompt but hopefully thats good?
Kenma Kozume x Fem reader
tw: Typical yandere-ness, humiliation? Sexism? Mentioned stalking, (If im missing anything please let me know my brain isn’t functioning rn)
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You’re sitting on his lap, camera angled so that no one’s view is obstructed by your body, but so that all his views can clearly see you. You’ve been here so long, any hope of leaving, ironically, has left you. But, the thought crept slowly, surely, deeply into your brain and hasn’t left. You turn around on Kenma’s lap, straddling him and you’re sure the live chat is going a little crazy at the thought of Kodzuken having someone in his lap while he streams and he’s probably going to tell you to get off soon, but you’ve got the chat’s attention, and you are going to work with it. You tap Kenma’s cheeks, slight squish on them and you know he hates that it’s on camera all the same, you drum three fingers on his cheek, smiling at him for the camera as your fingertips meet his clammy skin. He doesn’t tell you to stop so across his cheek you swipe your thumb three times as tenderly as possible. As you stand from his lap, you pat his cheeks, three times delicately. You look into his eyes, still as calculating as when you met him, a deceptively warm amber with the tiniest hint of frustration (and somewhere inside, you know it’s probably with you but you can’t care.)
“I’m gonna sit on the couch, ‘kay?” You call softly, hoping you were subtle enough with your plea.
“Oh, okay,” And you think you’re free before he calls a “Wait! Come back for a little.” You’re even halfway to the couch before the words rope you back in. He beckons you to lean down, and whispers into your ear. “I noticed you trying to sign to get out. Morse code isn’t as subtle as you think, you might as well just ask them to get you out,” You chance a quick look towards chat.
“Was that morse code?”
“Holy shit! Yeah, I think that was SOS.”
“You think they actually need to get out or it’s one of those ‘my bfs terrible’ jokes?”
“You see the way they were straddling? Def not a hate my bf sorta thing.”
“See?” He’s still whispering into your ear, game forgotten in lieu of what might be called humiliation.  “They won’t believe you because you want to be here. Regardless of what you say, you would’ve left already if you didn’t.” He smiles at you and affectionately pats your head. Like he’d pet a cat. The idea is still in your mind, though perhaps a little shallower. You glance at the chat once more, someone is still talking about it, but Kenma pushes you away with a “I’ll get you when I’m done, okay?” You end your night on the couch with Kenma. He smiles at you and puts your legs on his lap.
The next livestream is two days after the last one. You have something planned once more, hopefully more effective.
“I’m playing minecraft today, I could set up your computer, and we could play together?” His small smile is back. And though a kind gesture, all you can think about is how easily you could make a point.
“Okay!” The earlier plan is immediately forgotten, and thoughts of what you could do in a game, fills your mind. “Will I have a mic?”
“No, I can’t have you telling them can I?” And it clicks, because of course he’d taunt you. But it’s like your brain grew claws that cannot lose their hold.
“Will I have a camera?” And you know the answer, but Kenma might still surprise you. You’ve already had one shock tonight, maybe you’ll get another.
“No. Sorry. You have chat though.” He pats your head again, ruffling your hair. “I’ve already got you set up, c’mon.” He tugs at your hand, pulling gently.
“Thanks Kenma.” He’s put another computer across from his desk on a much smaller table made for playing cards.
“You’re all set up.”
“Yeah.” He clicks the mouse a few times, waves at the camera to his right. “Can everybody hear me?” He waits a few seconds for chat’s response. “Chat is saying yes, so let’s get right in?” He smiles sheepishly to his camera.
“Hi everyone, I’ m Kodzuken and today we are,” He pauses to look at you with honeyed amber eyes. “Playing Minecraft with my partner.” He nods in your direction. You just open the minecraft tab, the only shortcut that seems to be on the computer.
“It’s a LAN server, click that, okay?” So you click it and say nothing. You start to go through the motions of chopping a tree, making sticks, making a crafting table. Kennma is narrating what he does, and you’re not even sure where he is in game until you're knocked back and turn your mouse to look at him.
“Yeah, I know - she should be relying on me.” He’s responding to something in chat, he’s gotta be. You type a quick,
“What’re they saying?”
“Oh, that my girlfriend shouldn’t be so independent, you rely on me - I'm your boyfriend.” Kenma says it so casually, so acerbically that you immediately take off sprinting from the forest in game.  
“She has these bouts - you saw them last stream - where she likes to try and ‘get away’.” Kenma laughs softly; little glockenspiel notes falling from his mouth. “It’s a really cute joke honestly! Anyway, I’ll put my minecraft bed next to hers later, right now...” You stop paying attention and start planning how you’d try to get your point across more clearly. You could make signs, say “Get me out!” Like Kenma suggested.
“Hey! He looks over the screen at you, piercing eyes staring right through you. “Don’t go off on your own, we’re staying together alright?”
“No.” He’ll have to deal with chatting, possibly hearing you by himself. And you continue through the coded forest. It goes pretty smoothly, though you’re sure Kenma is trying to find you, you’ve already created a mine for yourself, and made a little sign with instructions that reads: “Get me out!”
“Her voice is quite cute, isn’t it? I’ll get to hear it for the rest of my life.” He continues humming out yes’s and no’s to his audience that sit captivated in a land of blocks and pixels.
“Hey, I’m going to use the restroom, is it alright if my girlfriend takes over for me?” He stands, and waves you over into his chair that’s been made for gaming and padded with red accents. He watches you with his cat-like eyes as you sit down and pats your head. “I’ll be right back Kitty, behave.” And you hear his soft footsteps get farther away and the creak of the door twice before you finally look at chat.
Woa, Kudzu got lucky huh?
“Please,” You don’t sound nearly as someone might think you would. You’ve been here too long. “Get me out of here?”
Sure sweetheart, just come over to my place first.
“Just - get me away from him please!”
Girls are so whiny huh?
Hey man, its funny at least amiright?
“It’s not a joke -”
She’s really committed to this bit huh
Damn iim staartin to feel bad for ken
Me to :(
“I’ve been here for year and I don’t want to-”
Wow. what an ungrateful bitch.
Ikr? She’s got a bf and everything and she wants to get out?
“No- it’s not like that - he stalked me for months I-” And the familiar desperation you thought hoped beyond all hope that you had lost bleeds back into your voice all repression surfaces like the tide in your eyes.
Oh fuxxx we made her cry.
relax bet she’s just on her period or smth
“I am not!” A bubble of snot pops from your nose and mucus drips uncomfortably to your lips. “I just-”
What could you want that you don’t have.
“My house! My job! My friends!” And your voice breaks
She wants to go back to a job?
Crazy lady huh.
She wants friends when all she really needs is a man? smh.
“Kitten, what-”
“Leave me the fuck alone!” It’s an outburst that you’ll regret later, for one reason or another. But for now it’s a small comfort to speak your mind. With your voice wavering and congested, you choke out a “Let me go home.” Kenma’s eyebrows furrow but his eyes are still the calculating, cold amber they always are.
“Shh shh, it’s okay.” Instead of the quick pats he’s so fond of, he strokes your hair and massages the nape of your neck like he’s picking up a kitten who's gotten into a fight. “I’m going to cut the stream, okay?”
Who’d want to leave Ken, he’s cutting the stream short to help his gf.
I feel bad.
“You should. Please don’t make her cry.” A few clicks later and the stream cuts. “Do you want me to upload that one?” To get your message out? You’d do anything.
“Yes please…” Someone will have to see it. How miserable you are.
“Then it’ll go up, okay?” He pats your back twice, and he stands again to sit at the computer. Out of the blue he speaks again. “They’re right.” No no no no no. “I’m lucky, i’m so glad you're here with me and that you won’t leave.”
“I will get out!” The proof of your white hot anger is breaking the dam built in your throat.
“Where will you go? Your friends don’t know where you’ve gone, they won’t be happy with you coming back unannounced.”
“My parents-”
“You can rely on me, you don’t need anyone else.”
“But I-”
“Shhh kitty, you’re overreacting let’s get you to bed, you’ve had a stressful day.” And so he walks you back to the room you share that's covered in pictures, and he tucks you under the covers and dries your tears with a blanket. He whispers words to you, faint little nothings about games he’s going to play that you’ll enjoy watching and little bits of trivia about what “Kuroo” is up to. Eventually you fall asleep, with his hand in your hair and a chair pulled up close so he can stare. You both know it but no one will admit, some part of him will always enjoy how you lose hope so quickly.
once again! This should not’ve taken so long,,,, and it kinda deviates from request but! there we are! also,,,, you can’t tell me that like,,,,,,, kenma hasn’t been at least exposed to incels and or like,,,, really sexist guys he streams on twitch or youtube or something so- also thank you anon,,, i really like this one
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2aceofspades · 1 year ago
*brings more blankets and soothing drinks/food as backup, as well as anything to make you feel more comfortable*
Oh no Ace, I hope this sickness passes swiftly!! You focus on resting up and feeling better, because above all, our favorite Ace is an Ace that is happy and healthy!
In the meantime, we've all got you and are sending the most healing of vibes, I know I for one have plenty for you~
~-- --- .-. ... . / .- -. --- -.
Morse anon...🥺
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Just take it gaaahh *melts*
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stuckylibrary · 4 years ago
Group Ask 184
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Please send us an ask stating which group ask and which person you are replying to. Thank you so much in advance!
arosetintedem said:
I NEED HELP! I'm looking for a fic and you guys are the best at finding them. So it is a fic where bucky is like put in stark tower i think post -tws. at one point he is in the shower and JARVIS refuses to make the temp too high. He also comunicates that hydra is in SHIELD by using morse code! If you know it lmk!
Anon 1 said:
hi! I’m looking for a fic where Steve is Becca’s roommate and is Bucky’s sex friend, it’s ABO, and Steve is bottom and they go to a link party, Bucky calls Steve kitten and then Steve gets pregnant and beg Bucky to call their kid James ? Steve is diabetic and Bucky is really protective of him because of that. I really can’t find it anymore it’s annoying, thank you c:
Anon 2 said:
Hi, I for the life of me can not remember the name of a fic. It is super similar to Yours to Keep by nonsensicalbelle. The team is captured somewhere and separated from Steve and forced to watch as Steve reveals fears/secrets something along that line until he is then forced to admit he is in love with Bucky. Hopefully this ask is coherent enough. Thanks for any help in advance.
Anon sent in Always Afraid, Always Ashamed* by CaptainDean13 (complete | 11,052 | E) *graphic violence
Anon 3 said:
Hi I'm looking for a fic where Natasha and Tony are listening to a phone conv between Steve and Bucky flirting, then it becomes sexual and Bucky reveals he knew they were listening all along? Also Tony was surprised that steve got into it so easily and I think nat was kinda turned on? Thanks so much!
gayghostkid said:
hey!! i’m looking for a post-WS recovery fic. steve brings bucky in w/ the help of sam and nat. they end up in a safe house of sorts. details i remember: sam hoses bucky down to get him clean. steve and sam are shocked that he actually liked the feeling, describing how blissful he looks. i remember the end few chapters has the quartet living in a firehouse in texas, or another southern state. the chapter titles were similar to maslow’s hierarchy of needs : shelter, food, water, etc. merci!!
shadowobsidian said:
Hello! I'm looking for a fic that I read forever and a half ago. It's a post -winter soldier Stucky story with Bucky coming back to the tower, but still PTSD-y, and unable to really eat because he keeps throwing up and Bruce keeps trying to make him nutrition shakes and smoothies but they don't really help, and then they realize that it's all the chemicals in processed food so the whole tower goes organic and Tony buys a farm. Please help me!
Anon and drjezdzany sent in Thawed Out* by auburnnothenna (auburn), eretria (complete | 159,341 | E) *chose not to warn
Anon 4 said:
I'm looking for this fic where skinny Steve somehow ended up with the winter soldier and post serum Steve is with 1930s Bucky I think time traveling was involved? They were gonna go back to their correct timeline but feelings got involved so they stayed in the wrong time this is badly explained sorry
Anon 5 said:
You know the fic where is centered around the barnes family rebecca was a lesbian and married a gay guy to cover it up Bucky got into college but dropped out because Steve got sick
Anon sent in The History of a Family by boombangbing (complete | 225,954 | M)
slutforchrisevans said:
Hi! I’ve been trying to find this fic for the longest time and I can’t. I don’t remember much of it but it’s pre-serum Steve and before the war. Bucky comes home and he’s super horny because he took some medicine that’s supposed to give you energy i think? Steve is reluctant to do stuff though because bucky isn’t really in the right mind, but he’s not drunk it’s just the medicine. Sorry that was so vague but it’s literally all I remember :((
Anon sent in Up All Night by triedunture (oneshot | 3,598 | M)
idk-idc-idk said:
Hi! I’m looking for a modern AU I read. Steve is still captain america, and (I can’t remember if it’s hydra or shield) heavily controls his life. Bucky is secretly a modern winter soldier, and is sent to do surveillance on Steve. They meet at a boring gala, and Bucky decides to seduce Steve to get an upper hand. Bucky sees how much Steve’s life is controlled and it’s like Steve isn’t even his own person, like they want to bore him into obeying them. Steve switches sides but they come after him
deliveryisdelayed and stevenbirogers sent in Lessons in Normality by relenafanel (complete | 38,002 | E)
Anon 6 said:
Hello! I'm looking for a fic that featured Steve adjusting to the modern world's ideas about gender and sexuality, and him basically rejecting those ideas to be what people today would call genderqueer. I basically remember him wearing skirts and makeup, and it seemed to be heavily influenced by Gay New York by Chauncey.
Anon 7 said:
Hi!! There's this one fic where Bucky's this big mobster guy and Steve's in a gang and is always watching Bucky at this club. They meet up at this hotel and it has like a dom!bucky but top!steve. Thank you!
Anon 8 said:
Hi do you know of a fic where Natasha hires Steve to be an escort for Bucky at his family Christmas get together? I remember Nat was Bucky’s ex and Bucky’s cousin/relative was really homophobic. There was also a scene where Steve was shooting at beer cans and the cousin was impressed. Bucky and Steve ended up getting engaged like a year after. Thanks :)
Anon 9 said:
I read something a while back that I can’t find for the LIFE of me and I was wondering if you could help. Steve gets the serum and it shoots his libido through the roof and it he’s really out of hand and he needs shots and stuff to make his erection go away and bucky is a good friend and helps him out (I think, honestly I can’t remember a lot of details, it’s been a minute since I’ve read it) if you’d help I’d really appreciate it! Thank you!! Have a great day :)
Anon sent in you know I’d quench that thirst* by napricot (complete | 38,027 | E) */others
emilyshay said:
hi hi! i'm looking for a fic that i've read and i CANNOT put my finger on what it is. It has all these elements: - fury wants steve to pick some kind of companion, maybe a submissive of some sort, because he's been going rogue on missions and steve picks bucky out of a lineup because he looks "the worst" and would piss fury off - bucky is really down in he dumps and all he has to his name is his electric can opener  - bucky goes to some sort of intake interview thing, and he steals a lot of food from a buffet until someoen pities him and gives him a bag of food to take home - bucky is in steve's quarters right when he starts "working for" him and cooking for him and stuff, and steve completely ignores him and rejects him and bucky is really upset about it event hough he didn't want to be there - the payment for "working for" steve is getting a full ride to college and also a ton of cash. thank you!!!!
deliveryisdelayed and drjezdzany sent in Heart of Fools* by Claudia_flies (complete | 55,824 | E) *chose not to warn
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anchormain · 3 years ago
Adulting is a bit of a bitch let’s not lie. But I wanted to tell you that you are well liked in the community, you do an excellent job with Morse and you don’t need to worry about keeping up right now. People will wait for you because you’re worth it. Don’t worry about it, focus on what you have to do and the rest will fall into place. Good luck with everything though, it sounds like a very busy and stressful time for you!
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        ( this is in reference to this post where i'm slightly freaking out about general adult stresses. )
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        anon, this is genuinely one of the kindest messages i've ever gotten. i have no perception whatsoever of how groups of people tend to feel about me, i just tend to assume i go unnoticed except by individuals at best, so it's really really nice and also unexpected to hear that people seem to like me in general.
        it's lovely to hear that people will wait for me, too. i kind of see myself as easily forgotten and irrelevant, especially i suppose because i write a muse with such a small fandom. i appreciate the reassurance <3 i realise i don't need permission to take my sweet time but it's nice all the same to know that people think i'm worth waiting for, i guess? it's hard for me to picture people being excited for my replies even though i'm excited to receive literally any reply from anyone. but then i know i'm not the only one who feels that way. so, anyone who is reading this, if we write together, please know that i am always, always excited to read replies from you! i probably drop whatever i'm doing just to read it and smile and then go back to what i'm doing.
        anyway anon thank you!! it is a very busy and stressful time and i know it will pass, as all things do, it's just enduring the stress until i get to that point. things will settle down and i will be okay and you will be okay too!
        thank you everyone for your patience and love and support <3 i love you all so much.
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quietlyimplode · 4 years ago
this is kind of specific but this has happened to me and so I can’t stop thinking about it…… what if clint is trying to be thoughtful and gets Nat a weighted blanket (good for anxiety) but it totally backfires and she ends up having a nightmare because she feels like she’s being held down??? bonus points for POV of her dream. thanks so much for your awesome work!
Anon; thanks so much for sharing this one with me; and trusting me to write it. I really enjoyed this prompt. And yes, I love my weighted blanket too.
I know it’s not too long (~750 words), but I hope it’s something around what you were thinking.
Warnings for general Red Room horribleness (a bit of forced breath holding & being held down), nightmares and Clint musing on Natasha’s sense of overwhelm. Other one shots are here.
The Purple Blanket.
Clint notices.
He would gladly sit and watch Natasha and all of her weird little quirks, especially when she thinks he’s not looking. He does; and he just wants to help. She’s not in a good place.
It’s the come down from missions lately, they’re sent out, or she’s sent out, and it takes her time to return to herself. It’s nothing big, and to everyone else he’s sure she seems normal, but he knows.
It’s spending more time on her phone.
It’s blank stares of dissociation.
It’s not wanting to go out and preferring to stay in, where it’s safe and controlled.
It’s a stumble or lack of body awareness.
It’s not noticing when she’s scratching an itch and goes too far, drawing blood that prickles on top of her skin. And then the look of shock that comes with it.
Separately, it’d be one thing, together; he knows it’s struggling.
She likes his blanket.
She snuggles underneath it it her head poking out and it makes both of them grin when he calls her an enchilada, to which she responds she’s more a calzone. It’s soft and purple and he makes sure it’s always clean, putting it on her side of the couch.
Clint talks to his therapist about it, telling her it’s happening to him, and she suggests a weighted blanket, for both of them (she always knows; and knows enough about Natasha that she can deduce so much from what Clint is not saying). The deep pressure, she says, might help decrease the time it takes to decompress or even perhaps help with the apparent anxiety.
He’s not sure if this is what’s happening, or more apprehension, trauma, depression, or a nice amalgamation of everything.
He purchases one when she’s in Ireland, it’s purple as well, and heavy. He needs two hands to hold it up, but he folds it over and leaves it next to the other one.
Natasha laughs at him when she finds it and tries to pick it up, tells him it’s not the dumbest idea he’s had.
He tells her the rules, no longer than 20 minutes under it, otherwise you can become habituated to it and it won’t work the same. It’s what the therapist had said, she’d also mentioned that it should be 10% of her body weight but he’d figured heavier is better if it works.
He’s wrong.
They fall asleep on the couch spread out with blankets on top of them. She’s jet lagged and he’s tired.
It’s almost 8pm and they’re fast asleep; Natasha listening to the sound of his heart, the repetitive beat resounding in her dreams.
She’s running but it’s not fast enough, she hears the sharp laugh of Ivan as she’s caught and thrown back.
She’s held down, arms, legs, she can’t move. It’s like razor wire around her and she panics. There’s a pushing on her chest and she feels the old feeling of the medical strap across her chest and the mouth guard in her mouth; she’s forced to breath through her panic through her nose; but it’s not enough air.
She’s under water. They’re timing how long they can hold their breath. She watches Ana struggle and Yelena look panicked as she tries to help them to stay calm. She signals for them to watch her fingers, tapping Morse code on her thigh. If they watch they’ll have to think of something else, not the burning of their lungs, and the black spots that dance in their vision.
Natasha wakes; her body jolting as it struggles for the breath in her dream.
She’s held down and quickly shoves the heavy blanket off of her.
Bad idea.
That was a bad idea.
She steps away from the couch, away from Clint and goes for the bathroom.
“Tasha?” He questions, half awake. “You ok?”
He knows she’s not.
Heard the rasping grasp of breath and the way she pushed the blanket away; the look she gave the offending item and now has locked the toilet door.
He was wrong, he thinks, he should have stuck to his regular blanket. Or maybe they shouldn’t sleep with it on like the therapist said.
He shakes his head and sits on the edge of the bed, feeling guilty. He waits until he hears water running, and knocks again. She unlocks the door and opens it letting herself out.
“Bad dreams.” She says as explanation, taking a breath that makes her shoulders rise and fall. He takes her hand and leads her to the bedroom, turning on the television and laying with her.
“Sorry.” He says quietly.
“Me too.” She replies, eyes wide, breath deliberate.
He glances at the time, 8.38, he kisses the top of her head and intertwines his legs with hers.
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spellcasterlight · 4 years ago
Just a little Aburame headcanon I wanted to share you can do whatever with!
I hc that the Aburame communicate through their bugs and use the buzzing as a sort of morse code. Its extremely hard to distinguish between that and normal buzzing, only really obvious to other Aburame and those affiliated with the clan. Only one that really knows about insect patterns and communication would know, which isn't a lot.
So now I am just thinking about Shibi teaching Shino's SO how to code "I love you" (since the pattern language can be applied outside of the buzzing as well) and they tap it absent-mindedly and poor Shino is just;;; overwhelmed.
Alternatively it of course also works the other way around with Shino teaching Shibi's SO for a nice surprise.
I love your writing, keep it up!
Hi there Judicious Japanese Chin Anon! 🥰
I'm in a very headcanon mood today! You can blame my Shibi Anon from earlier 🥰
Oh I love this! I agree it would definitely need to be something subtle like that!
Have you been in my WIP folder Anon??? Because there's a WIP chapter in one of my ongoing stories that covers my headcanon that's oh so similar to yours! ❤️
Under the cut just for length!
Thanks for the ask! ✨
Everything But Name - Chapter 36 - [Shino x Tenten]
"Tenten, what are you doing?"
The female hive didn't look up at her friend, just continued to keep her eyes closed and focus on the single insect resting on her finger.
"On what?"
When she sent her beetle off with her latest message, she sat up straighter, finding all her friends giving her interested looks.
"I'm practising sending messages to another Aburame; it's cool! I love it like my hive are my own message in a bottle."
Her hive buzzed in response to her happiness.
Ino looked confused. "I thought you could do that already?"
"Feelings yes," Tenten clarified, stirring her still too hot to drink tea. "Happy, sad, angry, scared, but individual words, sentences, they're tricky."
"Feelings are just a giant wall of sound," she threw up her hands, palms flat like she was physically pressing against a wall, like the sound surrounded her before letting them fall back onto the wooden table. "But for words, the differences are so tiny, and it's so easy to mess up. I accidentally told Shino I would 'cook at a book' instead of 'look at a book' yesterday. My traitor hive didn't bother to buzz to tell me my mistake and just sent on the message as it was."
Her hive popped popped popped then in their amusement at the memory of her mess up. She couldn't even be mad at them.
"Up until now, they've just been reacting to my emotions, but I need to be able to communicate with them subtly, quieter to help them keep their strength."
Her elbow thumped on the wood before slapping her cheek in her palm to sigh.
"I suck at this."
Her hive gave a comforting hum making her very skin tingle.
"You'll learn Tenten," Hinata told her from her seat across from her then with a smile, gently holding her teacup in both hands. "I believe in yo-you."
"We all do," Ino was quick to add.
"Yea, I mean you gotta give yourself a break your working hard, you're making progress. Slow and steady Tenten," Sakura leant in with a teasing look. "You do know what that means, right? It's not exactly your team motto but-"
Tenten gave the younger girl a slight shove of her shoulder, making her laugh.
"Can-can I feel them?" Sakura then asked, pointing to her arm lying on the table. "I've always been curious."
The female hive held up her arm invitation. "Yeah, sure, I don't mind."
Sakura timidly took Tenten's forearm in both her hands, staring at the lightly tanned skin as if it was supposed to do something, be visually different somehow. It reminded her of how she looked at herself when she first got her Kikaichu.
"Okay," she turned in her seat a little more towards her pink-haired friend. "So this is me just blasting an emotion for them to react to."
Tenten thought about how happy she was at her and Shino's first kiss, her lips even pulling up in a smile then and the giant wave of sound she felt in her chest and her ears made her feel a little light-headed at its intentionally ramped up buzzing.
Sakura's jaw dropped. It was like seeing her own reactions in a mirror just under a year ago. "Woah!"
She took a second to take a deep breath before continuing. "And this is me saying something like-"
Her head bounced from side to side as she thought of a basic sentence for her and her hive to interpret.
"More t-tea?" Hinata offered, holding up her cup, making Tenten grin and nod her head.
"More tea.
This next wave her hive mimicked was the equivalent of a gentle prick of an instruments string instead of a strum, a whistle in a crowded hall instead of in an empty one, a footstep in shinobi sandals instead of in high heels—all smaller, more delicate versions of what her hive had just previously done.
"It's," Sakura shrugged, indicating she didn't know the differences enough to explain them in any detail. What was a filled music sheet to Tenten was a blank piece of paper to her. "Lower."
"It's lower, more contained, different frequencies for each word and helps them contain energy instead of just screaming at me all the time," she slumped against Sakura this time instead of the table, making the pinkette silently smile. "It's going to take a miracle for me to learn this."
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bisluthq · 4 years ago
Hello it’s your friendly kaylor historian who accidentally logged out of my KH blog and can’t remember my password so am sending this from my regular one(plz make sure it’s anon lol)
Ok so. Pandemic necklace. The inside of the vault door is a standard ‘bank vault door’ pattern, and it works with mechanisms like clockwork gears which gives it that basic ‘sunburst’ effect on the outer circle. Karlie had a set of 3 necklaces she kept wearing at the start of the pandemic / when she was in New York, one of them was a gold disc with a standard sunburst pattern. She’s wearing it here
Morse code anon: no the flashing doesn’t appear to signal anything in Morse code/ the pattern isn’t distinct enough to be dots and dashes. I’m so down for this as a future Easter egg though.
The k on the door. I’m so proud cause my kaylor brain didn’t even see it until others started talking about it! 😄 I’m getting better and recovering! Jokes but also truth. Anyway the vault handle is actually consistent with how many cog circles/ what I called the sunburst pattern earlier - so their attention to detail is *chefs kiss* but because it is so consistent with the design of vault doors, it makes me think there are no Easter eggs in the vault design, they were likely working from a reference photo or something and just do their job well. I can see the K and I understand how when it’s placed under the TS crest of 🐍 🦋 it could seem like a klue... but I feel if Taylor was going to give a nod to Karlie she’d do it in the vault for 1989 and rep instead of every vault. That would make it more Easter eggy because it would be a different vault once Karlie entered her life. That’s me daydreaming in kaylor POV though. If there’s a reason for the handle only having two parts to hold it, I actually think it’s more likely it’s because fearless is her 2nd album, and this is like the 💛💛 thing she started doing. *i really love steampunk and spent a while fascinated with vaults lmao.
And Keith urban is a legend artist and human and has been one of Taylor’s loudest supporters from the beginning. Their friendship isn’t as documented as others, but he and Nic really have looked out for her and always defended her when it was popular to try and ask other country musicians ‘so do you think she really writes her own songs??? What’s with all the breakup songs???” Keith was the one who said that ‘people can’t believe it because there hadn’t been anyone as talented as Taylor and as young as her in country music before, but yes she’s the real deal, this is just the beginning, she’s going to go far AND when has country music put a limit on breakup songs?! Artists write about their life and that’s what makes her so great...’ - not a direct quote, but similar things to that. Others were like ‘time will tell ... I wasn’t in the room when the song was written, who knows......’ 🙄 Keith is a good one.
Love to y’all 🤠💓
As always, great thoughts/lite debunks from @kaylorhistorian thanks for sharing babe 😘
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