#Clint/Nat fic
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quietlyimplode · 8 months ago
Clintasha, "You are mermazing."
“You are mesmerizing,” Clint gushes, staring at Natasha as she comes down the stairs.
He forgets sometimes, not how beautiful she is, he always knows this, but just how she radiates against the world.
Natasha smiles.
A real smile.
He steps forward to greet her, offering her a hand to make her twirl in her dress.
“Is it comfortable?” he inquires, “it looks amazing on you; it matches your eyes.”
She laughs.
Clint grins.
“It has pockets doesn’t it?”
Natasha nods, sticking her hands in the pockets to show him.
“I love you,” he laughs.
“Love you too,” she replies, leaning forward and kissing him softly.
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natashaslesbian · 2 months ago
Happy House | NR | I
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Summary: Natasha suspects something is seriously wrong when you suddenly hand in your notice as a S.H.I.E.L.D agent
Word Count: 2.9k
Warnings/Content: Domestic Abuse / Verbal Abuse / Physical Abuse / Violence / Sexual Assault / Rape
“Sorry to interrupt Director Fury, Hill said I should pass this on to you myself” you said as you snuck around the door to Nick’s office, surprised to see another agent with him. “What is it?” He said “My resignation sir” you answered, not missing the glance from the redhead at Nicks side “I’m sorry to hear that Miss Y/L/N, we will miss you in the offices” Fury sighed with full authenticity “Thank you Sir, I will work my weeks notice with the most attention” you spoke through small shakes. “Well I wish you all the best” Nick rose from his chair to shake your hand “Thank you Sir, Agent Romanoff, apologies for the interruption” you nodded to the agent and director “Not at all” you heard behind you as you closed the door. “What was that?” Natasha said the second the door was shut “what was what?” Nick questioned “you’re just gonna let her leave?” The redhead exclaimed “she’s handed in a resignation Romanoff, there’s nothing I can do” Nick said “she’s your best office agent! I mean her reports are superior not to mention her tech skills!” Natasha pleaded “Well I didn’t know you took such interest in every member of the office Nat” Nick teased with a suspecting look “shut up” Nat said as she smacked him lightly in the arm, also giggling.
You trudged home through the snow that night, having given up on your boyfriends lift home. There were no lights on, visibly from the outside of your small apartment, you hoped that Dylan would be sleeping. You crept in quietly, shaking off as much snow from your boots as you could. Walking silently through the hall you came to the living area, a sudden overhead light alerting you to someone’s presence “where have you been?” Dylan said, slurring his words “baby you scared me” you smiled, hoping to defuse the tension. “I said, where have you been?” Your boyfriend said again, rising to his feet on shaky legs “you said your shift finished at 4:30, and what time is it now?” Dylan asked “it’s 6, but you see I had to stay late there was so much to do and I-“ you began to mumble before Dylan cut you off “oh shut up!” He screamed as he launched his beer can towards your head. You managed to doge it at the last second “if I find out that you’ve been with that Romanoff, I’ll kill her, then you’ll realise what happens to bad little girls” your boyfriend raged as he closed the Space between you both. “No baby, I wasn’t” you mumbled, feeling the cold wall against your back “she doesn’t even know my name, but you know I did give in my resignation, just like you asked” you could smell the alcohol on Dylan’s breath as he leaned in to give you a harsh kiss. “Good girl” he grumbled “now why don’t you get dinner started, I’m starving” he finished as he finally backed away.
“Natasha come on” Clint groaned “you said you’d be done with the report by now” he said. “I am done with the report” Nat said, her eyes still glued to her laptop. “So what are you doing?” Clint asked, “I’m just… looking into some of our agents” the redhead said. Clint came to his best friends side hovering over her shoulders “and why would you be doing that?” He asked. Natasha paused for a moment, debating if she should tell Clint the real reason she was looking over your file. “There’s this girl, from the offices downstairs, and something just seems off” the redhead said. “How do you mean?” Clint said with intrigue. “She’s been with shield for 5 years and last week she handed in her resignation. I’ve only spoken to her a few times but she seems so dedicated like she really loves it here. She’s never had a sick day she’s always in early but in the last few months somethings changed.” Natasha explained. “How so?” Clint asked. “She’s sheepish, tired, frail. She’s different” Natasha said, keeping some of the information from her own eyes to herself. “So what are you thinking” Clint asked as he eyed the laptop screen. Nat pointed towards your relation details “she updated her profile 6 months ago, added some boyfriend as her emergency contact” the widow said. “It’s the only noticeable change along with her personality” she finished. “You think there’s something wrong?” Clint said. “Maybe” Nat sighed.
You were backed into your bedroom as Dylan walked towards you. “I told you, you’re not going out tonight” he said as he continued to stomp at you. “I got tonight off work so we could be together” he said, faux sweetness in his voice. “I know” you whispered “but my friends they wanted to throw me a leaving party” you said. “What friends?” Dylan asked as he took hold of your shoulders. “My work friends” you whimpered as his grip tightened. “Romanoff?” Dylan shouted as he twisted in his stance and threw you against the bedroom wall “I thought I told you what would happen if you went mingling with that freak” he hissed at you. “No no it’s not her, just my friends from the office” you said through shaky breaths “friends?” Dylan scoffed “who’d wanna be friends with you?” He laughed. Dylan trailed his hands down your body and pushed his fingers into your hips pinning you against the wall “I thought we’d stay here and… you know” he said as he lent forward, his breath got against your face. “Dylan I’m gonna be late, everyone’s waiting for me at the restaurant” you whispered “you are not going anywhere” your boyfriend said as he gritted his teeth. Dylan took a step back and slowly walked towards the door, pushing it shut and locking it “get on the bed” he instructed. You knew better than do disobey him.
Clint put the car into park and leaned over to stop Natasha from climbing out “I don’t think this is a good idea” he said “we can’t just crash her leaving party” Natasha shrugged “we’ll just say it’s a coincidence” she said, opening the door and jumping out before Clint could say anything else. Of course Natasha had this planned out, she had called the restaurant this morning and booked a table so it was no trouble when she walked right in dragging Clint behind her. The two were sat at a small table near the back of the small restaurant, and it didn’t take long to find out where your party was sitting, the only problem was, you weren’t there. “She’s probably just stuck in traffic” Natasha heard one of your coworkers say “no she only lives round the corner she’d usually walk” Sarah, another of your coworkers, said. Clint flashed Natasha a worried glance, having been listening in to the conversation as well.
You rolled slowly over to your side of the bed, your thighs sore and your hips throbbing. “See that wasn’t so hard was it?” Dylan said as he leaned over to kiss your cheek “it’s always best when you listen to me” he said. You pulled the duvet up above your shoulders as Dylan got up out of bed “right I’m going out” he huffed “and you are staying here” he said as he pulled the duvet off your bruised body “make me something nice to eat” he demanded. You stayed frozen as you listened to Dylan shuffling through your apartment, flinching suddenly when the front door slammed shut. You pulled your legs up to your chest as you sat up, bringing your hand up to cover your mouth as you cried. There was no way out of this hell, you’d tried again and again. Taking a job at S.H.I.E.L.D was supposed to be your ticket out but when you were passed over for a promotion to field agent you knew it wouldn’t be that easy.
On his way out, Dylan took a look at your phone and found the name of the restaurant your co workers were at. He made his way down the apartment building stairs and onto the street, taking a short walk around the corner to the restaurant. He strode through the doors and brushed off the waitress flashing him a kind smile. “Dylan!” Sarah, your colleague called “what are you doing here where’s y/n?” She asked “oh she’s not feeling well, she sends her apologies and sent me along to make sure you were all having a good time” your boyfriend said as he pasted a smile across his face. “The boyfriend?” Clint quietly asked, Natasha nodded her head yes as she watched Dylan from the corner of her eyes. “Oh that’s such a shame!” One of your colleagues said as she moved to hug your boyfriend. “Somethings not right” Natasha said having been tuned into the conversation “she wouldn’t miss this, she’s too much of a people pleaser” she said. “Sounds like someone else I know” Clint remarked, attempting to defuse Natasha’s tension. The widow glared at him with a hint of humour before an idea came to her mind. “Let’s go” Natasha said as she stood up “go where?” Clint asked. “Well if Dylan’s here and y/n’s not then I have a pretty good idea where she might be, and she’s there alone” the redhead said as she stealthily made her way towards the exit.
You hobbled around the kitchen slowly, a slight limp in your steps. The room was filled with the sizzling of the steak atop the pan, you moved around on auto pilot cutting up vegetables for a salad. You focused on the throbbing pain in your hips and watched as a small purple bruise began to form along your arm. You were used to this by now, completely alienated from your body as you recovered until the next time. The kitchen fell silent as you took the steak off the heat, reminding you of the presence of the ticking clock on the wall. Too focused on the thoughts circling in your head, you failed to notice the gentle click of your front door and the almost inaudible squeak of its hinges. You winced as you opened the freezer door with your sore arm, cursing under your breath at your own stupidity. You reached for the frozen vegetables when a voice from behind startled you. “Y/n?” you spun round in shock and your eyes met the same redhead you admired so much. “Natasha?” You asked with wide eyes “what are- how did you get in here?” You stuttered as your breathing picked up a rapid pace. The widow took in your dishevelled appearance and the smudged mascara underneath your eyes. “Did he do this?” She said as she reached out for your bruised arm “what?” You shrieked as you pulled away from Natasha “who? What are you talking about?” You asked as you felt the panic rise into your chest. “Dylan” Clint said, speaking up from behind the concerned redhead. “How long has this been going on?” Natasha asked as she took a sceptical step towards you. “I don’t know what you’re talking about” you said dismissively.
Avoiding eye contact with the concerned avengers you continued to potter about the kitchen. “I think you should leave, Dylan’ll be back for his dinner soon” you said. “What, he’ll be back from your leaving party” Natasha countered as she followed your footsteps. “Yeah, I’m not feeling great so I sent him along by himself” you grumbled in annoyance. “Oh right but you’re well enough to cook him a steak” the widow said becoming increasingly more angry. “What are you implying?” You asked “I’m not implying anything, I’m telling you that I know what’s going on” the furious redhead said. “Nat” Clint warned at his friend’s increasing temper. “Nothing is going on! Get out!” You yelled “y/n look at yourself!” As she took the empty plate from your hands. “Natasha” Clint sighed as he stepped forward “how did you get that bruise?” The widow asked “and before you lie, remember what it is that I do” she said. “I…I fell over the other day” you stuttered. Natasha let out a frustrated sigh as she turned away from you, not wanting to hear anymore lies. “Y/n that’s a recent bruise” Clint said calmly. “No it’s not” you argued “and the limp? You’re gonna tell me you got that when you fell over too right?” Natasha said as she twisted around to face you again. “Ye-yes…I…tripped on the stairs” you said anxiously. “Liar!” Natasha yelled.
The room was silenced when the front door slammed with a large bang; Natasha didn’t miss the way your body flinched. “Y/n?” Dylan said as he stomped into the kitchen “what’s going on?” He asked with faux sweetness. “Sorry, I’m Clint from S.H.I.E.L.D” the archer said as he extended his hand “we just wanted to see if y/n here would consider extending her notice. She’s an exceptional agent and will be a huge loss for us” Clint said. “Well I think she’s made up her mind, right honey?” Dylan nodded as he slipped his hands back into his pocket “yeah” you huffed quickly “yeah that’s right”. Natasha watched closely during this exchange, eyes running the length of Dylan’s hand to examine them for any signs of harm. “Okay” Clint sighed “then we’ll get out of your hair” he smiled “keep in touch okay kid” he said to you as he handed over a card with his phone number. Dylan stepped aside as the two agents headed for the door “goodnight y/n” Natasha said as she turned back to you, a sad smile pasted on her face. “Goodnight” Dylan said for the both of you, silencing your words and ending the conversation. You watched as red hair cascaded down the corridor, you wondered if that would be the last time you saw Natasha.
You avoided Dylan’s gaze as you began serving up his food “dinner’s ready” you said “do you want a beer? Or is water fine?”. Your boyfriend eyed you suspiciously as you frantically ran around the kitchen. He reached for your arm as you passed him, using his fingers to dig into the fresh bruise on your skin “I don’t remember saying you could have guests over” he spat at you. “They…they were ju-just” you stuttered nervously “yeah yeah they were just asking if you’d extend your notice” Dylan said, annunciating each word with his harsh voice. “They just showed up I didn’t know they were coming” you whimpered as his grip began to hurt you. “Do you honestly think I would believe anything you say?” Dylan asked calmly, alerting you to what was coming next. “You are nothing but a lying, selfish little slut!” He suddenly screamed, releasing you from his hold but using that same arm to batter you in the stomach with each of his insults. “You were whoring yourself out to that fucking redhead weren’t you? But she didn’t want you so you invited that prick over too!” He yelled “what was the plan? They were gonna fuck you while I was out? Cause it’s all you’re good for bitch!” He continued to shout as his fits became rougher, knocking the air out of your lungs.
You managed to shuffle backwards away from your boyfriend “it wasn’t like that I swear!” You pleaded as you held your arms up in surrender, giving Dylan perfect access to wipe you out with a simple kick to your legs. You hit the floor hard, the room was starting to spin as you felt yourself being dragged across the cold tiles. This was it, he was finally going to do it. “You are the most worthless piece of shit on this planet!” Dylan spat as he placed his weight on top of your sore ribs “you know I only kept you around because you were a good fuck. I would’ve killed you a long time ago if you didn’t have anything to offer” he said as he roughly placed his hands on your chest. You had to get out of here, and not in a body bag. Your boyfriend became overwhelmed with his sexuality, lifting his weight up to lean down to your neck and litter it with harsh kisses. It was the fastest decision you ever made, but you knew it was now or never. Using all your strength you flipped your body to one side and used Dylan’s surprise to push him away. The hallway was small so it didn’t create much distance and he was sure to be even more mad at the way he hit the wall.
You scrambled to your feet as Dylan groaned on the floor. Sprinting through the house, you didn’t bother to grab anything before heading straight to the door. Your boyfriend was on his feet now, he was going to catch up unless you stalled him. When you passed through the doorway you turned on your hells and dragged down the tall cabinet leaning against the wall. It came crashing down and blocked the only exit from your apartment. You decided to take the stairs, not the elevator, there was no way you could stop now, your adrenaline wouldn’t let you stand still for one second. You finally made it to the lobby of your building and hurried straight past all the concerned faces looking your way. You came out into the cold night, wearing nothing more than shorts and an oversized shirt. You didn’t have a plan. You didn’t know where you were going. You just knew you had to run. So that’s what you did. Ran. You just ran.
A/N: If this story has affected you in anyway please know you can always message me if you want to! Equally, there are so many resources available if you need support🤍
I’m an asshole for leaving you all with this cliffhanger before I take a break, see you in February hehe
- Astara Bell
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @nev-valkyriesdottir / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904 / @strange-night-owl / @acciowriting / @hatergirl-69 / @lovelyy-moonlight
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years ago
Irondad fic ideas #147
Fic where Pepper got snapped, too. When Tony finally gets back to Earth, he discovers that not only has he lost his surrogate son but also his fiance.
And, just to dig the knife in even deeper, he finds out about a pregnancy test Pepper had taken after their jog. It turns out, his dream had been right. She was pregnant.
Tony just lost his son, his wife, and his other child he never even got to know, all at the same time.
To say he explodes at the rest of the surviving avengers is an understatement. Only Rhodey and Happy seem to have a clue what's going on, seem to get just how much Tony has truly lost.
All of this means Tony throws himself into his research to fix the snap. Unlike in canon, Tony has no reason to pull back this time. No one is relying on him to live on with whatever's left. He has nothing left.
This time, Tony won't stop until he's fixed things. After all, these deaths weren't natural, they were caused by aliens and magic. If half the universe can be erased just like that, then there must also be a way to un-erase them
This shit is solvable. There is a solution. He just has to find it.
He's getting his family back.
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imavikingo · 6 months ago
Headcanon that isn’t particularly mine nor particularly a headcanon really:
Most of the characters having a crush on Captain America at some point, but when they get to know Steve Rogers…
They have a bigger and more real crush on him.
Because he is actually funny? And not only nice but good and not the embodiment of “virtue”? He curses and gets angry, is sassy and a lil shit.
A great artist too, like damn.
He isn’t what they thought Captain America was supposed to be, because that persona doesn’t really exist, he’s just a really good guy with a lot of issues too, like any other normal person, but at the same time really caring and understanding guy who is loyal to a fault.
(He isn’t the judgmental man from the 40’s they thought he was. He isn’t only nice because thats what he is supposed to be. He isn’t just propaganda personified).
Most of them would love to have known Steve when he was a tiny ball of anger who punched bullies, even when he was the only one losing every single time.
He’s just really charming and they don’t understand how he’s still fighting and wanting to make the world a better place when he already lost everything, more than once.
And that makes them want to better themselves too.
Of course Steve doesn’t see this and doesn’t understand why everyone wants to talk to him or wants to listen to him outside of missions. He’s just a guy from the forties that’s is too overwhelmed to process everything all at once.
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natandwandaseries · 11 months ago
“How did we end up here?” Clint asks, tying off his wound with a ripped sheet.
“You don’t remember?” Natasha looks up from her own triage, alarmed.
“No, I do,”
“We took rode a motorcycle through the streets for ten miles until we reached a train, hopped on a freight car, rode that for two hours, then jumped off at the first major terminal, walked for fifteen minutes,”
“I mean, here, in general. In this situation.”
“Oh. We are both trained assassins atoning for our sins by joining a secret government organization. Are you sure you’re feeling okay?”
“Great. Thanks.”
“But if you mean how we came to be assassins, I’d say we played the best we could with the hand we were dealt.”
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scavengerssuccotash · 1 year ago
Do you have any more Katya headcanons?
Aww Katya! I love her so much so thank you for asking and getting my brain juices flowing! Hehe
Katya is as smart-assed as her father when she’s comfortable around you. As soon as she feels like she can let her guard down around you she quickly becomes the most sarcastic one out of the bunch! She’s also very opinionated like her mother, you will know if she doesn’t like you. (Although that’s rare, because she’s genuinely a pretty laid back person.)
She gave a kid a black eye at the age of eight, which greatly alarmed Clint who was fully prepared to give her a stern talking to. His rehearsed I’m disappointed in you talk however flew right out the window upon the news that the kid with the black eye was also the ring leader of a group of bullies. A group of bullies that were harassing Katya’s new friend Daisy, a deaf child. Once the principal told him that, Clint shrugged his shoulders and told the principal, “Actually I think my daughter is the one who deserves the apology for having to do your job for you! And I deserve an apology for you wasting my gas, Principal Townsend!”
Katya later asked him, after a pit stop for some ice cream, why some kids were mean to those who couldn’t defend themselves.
“Sometimes it’s because at home they can’t defend themselves so they take it out on other people. They think it makes them feel better.”
“But that’s stupid, daddy.”
“Yeah, it is stupid ain’t it? If you promise not to tell mommy, do you wanna do something fun with daddy tonight?”
Later that night on a secret spy mission with daddy Katya learned that the bully, little Kevin Granger, couldn’t defend himself at home. She also believed that her daddy was a hero for real that night and that there were far scarier monsters than aliens in New York. Mommy was NOT happy with daddy when they got home.
Katya almost caused an international incident when she went on a ski trip to Finland. Having grown up around little influences of Russia via her mother’s heritage Katya was insanely curious about her maternal country. Natasha, however forbade her from ever visiting, and discouraged her at every turn to learn more out of fear that someone or perhaps the Russian state might kidnap her for testing or training. Katya was after all the daughter of a Widow. So, when Katya and her friends have some free time, Katya ever so carefully persuades her friends into a quick in and out trip next door. “Come on! They won’t even find out! I just want to see it! Please!!”
They make it in just fine and are visiting St, Petersburg Square when she gets the FaceTime call from her mother. It all goes to shit shortly after that. Katya tries to hide her surroundings with the help of all of her friends hoodies dumped over her head, but the call quality is shit and all Natasha sees is Katya’s slightly alarmed face with what looks like a black bag over her head. Then Natasha hears Russian voices in the background and the call cuts out. (Russian police had started to approach them to question what they are doing and spooked Katya. She jolts and her phone flies out of her hand and skids right into a rainwater drainage grate!!)
Tony stark nearly kicks off WW3 (Russia had restricted their air space, because of course they would!) Clint severely injuries eight police officers and one train conductor. And Nat, well…Nat slaps her daughter across the face for the first and only time in her life. It was intense and a very fraught time for the Barton-Romanoff family. It’s after this entire mortifying fiasco that Katya learns what exactly her fearless mother fears the most in the world. Ultimately it brings Katya closer to understanding her mother on a very deep level.
Katya didn’t start officially dating until her junior year of high school. Can you guess why? Starts with a C and ends with a T. She’s a daddy’s girl alright! She loves her father so so much. Not more than her mother or anything but she just understands Clint better. Clint is also a girls dad too, which such a combination does not for vivacious blossoming romance make! She tried of course, but after Clint met her date to the middle school dance by sharpening his knifes on the porch, Katya realized she had to play things a little differently than her peers. This of course doesn’t mean that she didn’t come home at three in the morning a little high or drunk with hickies on her neck once or twice. Her mom, of fucking course, was waiting for her on her bed.
“Sit, before you wake up your father. We need to talk.” “Are you going to tell dad?” “Only if you don’t tell me the truth, are you going to lie, Katya?”
She really hates it when her mom uses mind tricks on her, because damn it they work. After that Katya stops sneaking out. She brings her boyfriend over for breakfast two weeks later. Clint’s cordial on the surface, but obviously doesn’t really like him.
“He’s got a tongue ring Nat!? Do you know who has tongue rings these days! Bad boys! Boys who think no means yes and—“ “Do you trust our daughter, Clint?” “Of course I fucking trust her, it’s him I don’t trust! Look at him! He smells like weed!” “Trust her, Clint.” A sigh. “I just miss my little girl. When did she grow up so fast?” “All things grow old, honey, even you.” “Yeah?You still like this old man?” “Play nice tonight and I’ll prove it.”
Katya would later erase this conversation from her memory, and sleep with her headphones in. Eww. Parents. Are. So. Fricken. Gross.
Eventually, Katya and her high school boyfriend drift apart. She is now dating a young med student at Princeton. She’s planning on bringing him home in the fall.
I might have to fic some of these! Thanks for getting my creative juices flowing!! 👁️👄👁️
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smallblueandloud · 9 months ago
i have to go to bed very soon so instead i'm lying here being overcome by clintasha emotions
#i've spent today rereading bucky barnes gets his groove back and the clintasha chapter never fucking fails to send me into a tailspin#the shared history. their shared history. god#i love CNL and CNL is one of my top ships of all time#but man if clintasha by itself without anyone else and especially without any kids doesn't mean something so much to me#i will never be a normal person and neither will you and by fucking god we will warp each other beyond recognition to be abnormal together#we'll spend so long speaking in code that it becomes the only way we speak#i don't know what other people mean by trust but for me it's what you do#sb and l rambles#sb and l reads fic#mcu#mcu ideas#clintasha#there's a fic out there about nat time-travelling back after endgame and fixing everything#she saves all the other girls in the red room. she gets bucky out. she stops loki and thanos and saves the world#and it is good. and everyone is happy. and she gets a romance with maria hill#what does she give up for all of this good? there is so much good. and all she loses in this new timeline is her relationship w clint#i don't even think the author ships clintasha. but man if that doesn't sum them up#natasha can fix everything and can save herself and have sisters and be the hero she's never let herself dream about being#and all it costs is the absolute bone-deep fucked up secret language that is her relationship with clint barton#all it costs is her ability to be that close to another person. to only have one couch she allows herself to pass out on#''telling clint doesn't count. that's like talking to my right elbow'' indeed
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bedlamsbard · 1 year ago
my next fic probably isn't going to be the Yonderverse "Loki organizes Steve's and Bruce's dual stag party and it goes, uh, well, Things Happen" but it COULD be.
peak comedy: Steve, Bucky, Loki, Thor, Clint, Rocket, Sam, Rhodey, Scott, and Bruce getting into Trouble In Space while Steve and Bruce just want to go home and make out with their respective brides-to-be. (Tony was invited but opted out, saying he had had enough of space and someone had to hold down the fort on Earth.)
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quietlyimplode · 1 year ago
“He’s dead,” Clint whispered. “He’s dead and he isn’t coming back.”
Clint/Natasha pairing. “He” might reference Dreykov or Coulson, but you can interpret this prompt however you’d like!
Send a sentence + pairing, and I’ll send you five back.
“He’s dead,” Clint whispered. “He’s dead and he isn’t coming back.”
The nightmare is still too fresh for Natasha to respond.
She’s holding onto his arm so tight that he knows it’s going to bruise.
Her breath is still jagged, and the screams fresh in both their minds.
Clint grips her hand back.
The anniversary always brings nightmares. Her body knows and keeps score, even if consciously they don’t.
“He’s. He’s alive,” she whispers.
Clint tries to get her to look at him, even though her eyes are pinched shut.
He touches the sweat that’s beading on her face and wipes it.
“Tash, he’s dead. Okay? Open your eyes, look where we are? He’s not here, he can’t be.”
She moans and shakes her head.
“He’s coming,” she says, louder this time. Her hands shake as they reach for his.
“Hey, no one’s coming,” he clasps his hands over hers.
“No one’s coming, no one can find us here, you’re safe, okay?”
He glances at the time.
Only midnight.
The night feels long and it’s just started.
(I liked this prompt, thank you for this one)
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mothman-can-write · 11 months ago
A Bullet in the Body’s Worth Two in the Barrel
Clint&Natasha, T/M, whump, hurt/comfort, detailed injury
Clint never took the shot in Budapest. He was very adamant about not taking the shot in Budapest. Problem is, now Natasha is asking him to - and he thinks he loves her enough to believe her.
Read it here!
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natashaslesbian · 10 months ago
Nats daughter is going on her first mission and it doesn't go well. She's hurt and lost somewhere until Nat finds her and brings her back home
Send Out An Army
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Word Count: 1.4K
Natasha was beside herself with worry. Her one and only baby girl off on her first solo mission. You’d been arguing with her for weeks, trying to convince her you were ready. It was only natural that she was worried but you had gone through the academy training just like everyone else. Natasha finally agreed to let you go when she sat in on your training session with Steve and you managed to knock him on his ass three times. You left a few hours ago and so far Nat had tried training, reading and even resorted to doing her paperwork to keep her distracted. She was in her office now, trying her best to keep her eyes off the clock.
It was quiet in Natasha’s office, so the sound of her mobile ringing took her by surprise. An unknown number appeared on the screen so Nat was skeptical about answering. She brought the phone up to her ear whispering a hello and listening to the crackle coming from the other end. “Hello?” Natasha asked again, being met with the same silence. She was about to hang up when a small voice called through “mama?” It whispered. “Y/n?” Natasha said, pulling the phone back up to her ear “baby are you okay?” She asked with a panicked voice. “Hurts mommy” you mumbled “what hurts baby? What’s happened where are you?” Natasha frantically asked as she made her way to find Tony and the rest of the team. “Lost” you coughed through the phone.
Natasha came bounding down the stairs where she met Clint and Steve in the kitchen. “Natasha?” Clint said, seeing the fear in his best friends eyes. “Y/n baby talk to me, where are you? What hurts?” The redhead said as she dragged the boys down the hall with her. “I don’t know mama” you cried as Natasha switched her phone to loud speaker “baby have you activated your tracker?” Your mom asked as Clint filled Tony in best he could of the situation. “Lost it. I’m scared mommy” you mumbled. “It’s alright sweetie we’re gonna find you I promise” Natasha cooed down the phone. “Stark where is she?” Steve asked as he joined Tony at the computers. “I’m not sure, somewhere in Bulgaria” he said. “How can you not know where?” Steve said frantically “it’s not standard procedure only Fury knows the exact location” Tony said, trying his best to hack into S.H.I.E.L.Ds files as quickly as possible. “Then call Fury!” Clint shouted.
You began coughing loudly over the phone “mommy” you cried. “It’s okay baby girl take some deep breaths for me alright we’re gonna find you” Natasha said as calmly as she could. Tony continued to scan the files as Steve headed off to gather the rest of the team and prepare the quinjet. “Mm tired” you said through the phone “y/n I need you to stay awake for me okay sweetheart” Natasha said, fighting back her tears. “Y/n?” She questioned when you failed to answer her “y/b baby talk to me” she pleaded. “Tony find her now!” Clint shouted, taking the phone from Nats hand “y/n its uncle Clint, can you tell me where you are? What’s around you bug?” He asked, pleading for you to respond. The silence was deafening as the three waited desperately for your voice to come back through the phone. “She’s in Yambol!” Tony cheered as he finally cracked your location “okay Steve’s on the jet let’s go” Clint said. “She’s dead I know she is” Natasha cried “hey don’t go there yet, we’re gonna find her” Clint comforted as he guided the redhead to the jet.
It felt like weeks you had been lying in the grass, the sharp pain had long ago turned into a dull ache and you were struggling to keep your eyes open. Your cries fell into the open space and you fought to keep your breath, the warm pool of blood being the only thing keeping away the cold. “Mom” you whined into the empty space, pleading for your mother to come and find you. You held on for as long as you could until your eyes finally fluttered closed. In your last consciousness your ears began to ring, sounding like a small crunch of leaves along the ground. Your mind started playing tricks on you, the sound of your mom calling echoing through your head.
Your shoulders began to shake and a soft hand against your cheek pulled you back into reality. “Y/n come on open your eyes baby” a familiar voice called. “Mommy?” You mumbled as you pealed open your eyes “I’m here sweetie, mamas got you” Natasha cooed as she lent over you protectively. “You found me” you smiled up at your mom “yeah we did baby” Nat said as she gently stroked your hair “we?” You sleepily asked. “Hey kid” Clint said as he came to your side and began tending to the open wound on your abdomen “we’re gonna get you home alright” he said. You groaned as your uncle pressed down on your injury, quietly crying out in pain. “Shhh sweet girl it’s ok, you’re okay now” Natasha comforted you “thought I was gonna die mama” you weakly said.
Natasha lent her body down beside yours to give you a tight hug, avoiding your wound “oh my baby I’m so sorry” she said. “I should never have let you come this is all my fault” your mom cried. You slowly reached up your hand to wipe away your mamas tears “no mommy” you whispered “you saved me” Natasha took your hand in hers and gently kissed it. You cried out again as Clint pressed down on your abdomen “sorry kiddo” he empathised “so tired” you groaned, eyelids fluttering closed “no no come on sweetie keep your eyes open for us ok” Natasha pleaded “you’re gonna be alright baby we’re gonna get you home” your mom cooed. You tried to keep your eyes open but being back in your mamas arms you couldn’t help but bask in her comfort. Before long you lost the battle, falling into unconsciousness. “we need to get her to the jet” Clint said to Natasha.
You felt a gentle scratch along your scalp as you began to wake up, unsure of where you were and almost who you were, until you opened your eyes. “Hey baby girl” Natasha said as she rose to her feet by your side. Her red hair was messy with loose pieces falling by her face, the bags under her eyes were a give away as to how long you had been out. “Mommy” you croaked out “you look tired” you said. Natasha let out a small laugh as a stray tear fell from her eye “oh y/n, I’m okay I promise, you’re the one who needs looking after right now” she said “we look after each other mama” you smiled, attempting to sit up but stopping as a sharp pain shot through your abdomen, reminding you off why you were in the infirmary. You sighed loudly as Natasha softly took a hold of you “easy baby, just lie back ok” she said as she helped you to lay back down “you get some rest ok, we’ll talk later when you’re properly awake” your mom said as she placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
It was a few hours later when you woke up again, your mom still sitting by your side. “There’s my girl” Natasha said “look who’s here to see you” she said as she pointed to the man on the other side of your bed. “Uncle Clint” you smiled “thanks…for what you did” you said sadly “hey none of that” Clint said as he saw your eyes well up “don’t you dare go blaming yourself kiddo, missions go wrong, whatever happened wasn’t your fault” he said. “It was” you cried “what did happen sweetie?” Your mom asked. “The brief said the facility was abandoned, but when I got there it was crawling with agents” you began, your mom placed a comforting hand over your own. “I set off the alarm trying to get in through the back door, I tried to get away and I thought I’d managed but when I stopped in the woods an agent came up behind me. I didn’t think he had any weapons so I fought him without mine but he pulled out a knife. I fell down when he cut me and I thought he was gonna kill me but they called him back to the facility” you sobbed.
Natasha felt the anger rise in her chest “the brief was wrong?” She asked “imma kill Fury” she said, answering her own question. “Mommy don’t go” you called after her as she headed for the door. “I’ll go, you stay here” Clint said as he guided Natasha back over to your bed “you’re not as scary as me” she giggled as she sat back down with you “no” Clint said “but the least I can do is warn Fury of angry mama Nat” he said as he pulled the door closed. Your mom turned her full attention back to you as she sat next to you on the bed “I’m here baby girl” she cooed “it wasn’t your fault ok” she said as she brushed your hair away from your face. You dropped your gaze, still feeling guilty despite what Natasha said. “Hey” your mom said as she lifted up your chin “I am so proud of you” she said “why? I failed” you whimpered. “I’m not talking about the mission, I’m proud of you y/n” Natasha said, leaving a soft kiss on your hairline.
“How did you find me?” You sleepily asked “Tony hacked into S.H.I.E.L.Ds data base” Natasha said. “He did?” You questioned “yeah he did” Nat answered “everyone was so worried “I’ve never seen Bruce move so fast” your mom giggled. You let out a small laugh at the thought. “I didn’t think they’d all come” you said “I knew you’d find me mama but I didn’t think everyone else would come to get me” you mumbled, almost falling asleep again. “They’re your family baby, of course they’d come” your mom cooed “you know they care about you right?” Natasha asked “I know” you smiled up at her “you’ve got a whole army of love and protection behind you y/n, don’t ever forget that” Nat said as she tucked you up in your baby blanket, she made sure you had it the second the team brought you to the medical bay. “Rest up okay baby” your mom cooed. “Can you read to me mommy? Please?” You asked with half closed eyes. “You never have to ask twice sweetie” Natasha said as she pulled your book from her bag, another essential she’d grabbed along with your blanket. Her soft voice lulled you into a comfortable and deep sleep. The deepness with which she spoke her words causing a gentle hum throughout the room. Your mom continued to read long after you had fallen asleep, comforting both you and herself.
@saraaahsstuff / @dannipotatoo / @tobiaslut / @a-simpfortessa-lesbriean / @marvelnatasha12346 / @yelenasdiary / @mousetheorist / @ashadash0904
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inkedbybarnes · 1 month ago
none of it was fake
bucky barnes x avenger!fem!reader
summary: you've been undercover with bucky as husband and wife. upon returning, he seems to have forgotten that it was all pretend.
word count: 1.6k+
warnings: two idiots cluelessly pining for each other. fluff. usage of petnames such as sweetheart, doll, and baby. lowercase writing.
note: hi, babies. how's everyone? this is my first fic in ages, so sorry if it's not my best one. i just wanted something cute ++ this is unedited & not proofread, might fix it laterrr. still hope you'll enjoy this one! xo
dividers made by @firefly-graphics!
comments, reblogs, and likes are highly appreciated. thank you! ♡
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“i can't believe your first kiss happened during a mission. an undercover mission!”
wanda huffed, still hung up on the mission you had with bucky weeks ago wherein you had to play pretend as a married couple. there had been a kiss or two during that time, and it felt impossible not to tell your best friend about it when you had been crushing over the soldier for ages.
wanda knew what you felt towards bucky. in fact, she was the only one who knew, or at least the one you shared th information with, and she made sure to ask everything about the mission, even if it took days for her to interrogate you.
“excuse me? that was not my first kiss,” you said defensively, reaching for a cup from the cupboard that you had just opened. “and why are we still talking about this? you and nat already squeezed out every information from me for an entire week.”
“i didn't mean your first first kiss!” she exclaimed, following you around the kitchen as you made yourself a cup of coffee. “you've had a crush on the guy for so long, and the first time you two kiss each other is when you're pretending. that's not how i pictured it at all!”
you had to admit, the mission was sort of a blessing in disguise and a curse at the same time. you were glad to be able to spend time with bucky in ways you've dreamt of, but there was also the horrible reminder that none of it was real. with how avoidant bucky was with you, it was impossible for any of it to happen outside of the mission.
“well, maybe you should stop picturing us doing that sort of stuff. you're way more invested in this than i am, wanda. don't you have your own relationship to think about?” you asked. although you knew she was in a happy relationship with vision, you just wanted her to take a break from all the bucky talk. “when is your man home anyway?”
“my relationship is doing great, so i'm good. i don't need to think of it as much since he gives me everything that i need, and i think of yours because you deserve happiness as well.” she smiled fondly, her eyes sparkling with happiness. “and i'm glad that you asked because this reminded me that vision's arriving with bucky soon.”
“already?” your eyes widened at her statement, completely forgetting that bucky, along with steve, clint, and vision, were coming home today from their mission. “why didn't you tell me sooner!?”
after finishing your mission with bucky two weeks ago, he was immediately sent into another mission which specifically needed him. so, today would technically be the first time you're seeing him again since you last called him your “husband,” which was more nerve-wracking than you expected.
“hey, i'm your best friend, not your alarm.” wanda raised her hands up, defending herself. “and why are you so worried? i can feel your anxiety without needing to be in your head.”
“well, we never talked after.. you know,” you replied, taking a big sip out of your cup. “i know none of it meant anything and that we were just doing our job, but it's the first time i'll be with him normally and not as a pretend married couple. it's kinda awkward, wands.”
“you were able to pretend you didn't like the guy for months, you can do it again for another day.” she answered. “unless you finally tell him what you feel?”
“oh, that? yeah, never happening. i'm not going to risk—”
“there you are, sweetheart.”
there was a collective shocked gasp from both you and wanda, recognizing that voice from behind. except the gasps had different reasons.
you were surprised with his arrival.
wanda was surprised that he casually called you sweetheart.
you turn to find bucky already walking towards you with a smile on his face.
this man never smiles unless he was tasked to do so!
“bucky! you're back!” you awkwardly greeted him.
“yeah, didn't they tell you? i was looking for you when we landed.” he said, pulling you close to him before bending to place a soft kiss on your lips like it was something he'd always done. “you okay, baby? you look pale. did you eat?”
i look pale because wanda is right here with us and you just kissed me while acting like we're dating!
“um, yeah, i'm fine. i'm fine,” you answered, gently pulling yourself away from his arms before he could wrap them around you completely. “can we talk? privately?”
he frowned, worry etched on his face, but he nodded and squeezed your arm softly. “of course. where do you wanna talk, doll?”
“anywhere where wanda isn't there.” you said lightheartedly, throwing a sharp glance at wanda who finally understood what you wanted her to do.
“oh! right, right. i'm sorry, you guys can stay here. i have um..” she paused, thinking of a reason to say. “i have to look for vision anyway. we're supposed to watch a movie together. bye!”
and just like that, wanda was gone and you were left alone with bucky in the kitchen.
before you could speak, bucky asked you first. “what's the matter, doll?”
“what's the matter?” you echoed in a higher tone. “what was that all about?”
“what are you talking about?” he asked, seemingly confused.
“you kissed me, bucky, like it was nothing. then you keep calling me these nicknames.” you reminded him. “we're back home, not in los angeles in our fake house that we used as a fake couple.”
bucky took a step back when he realised his actions, now finding it hard to look at you. “i.. i'm sorry. i completely forgot. i just.. i wasn't thinking. i got used to how we were before,” he mumbled, still finding the right words to say. “did i make you uncomfortable?”
“no, but you made me confused,” you replied. “i'm guessing you got used to how we acted as a fake married couple, but you were gone for another mission. how are you still stuck with the old routine we had?”
“because that's all i could think about,” he answered, now staring at you. “while you're back here in the tower, completely done with our mission, i was thrown back into another one, having only you in my head to pull me back up from the fatigue.”
“you're telling me that you kept thinking about us even when you were gone? why?”
“haven't you?”
“is this a trick question?”
“it's a question to find out whether you like me too or not.”
“you.. you like me?” you blinked. “that's impossible.”
“how on earth is that impossible?”
“because you're always so cold and grumpy around me,” you answered. “i think you're just confused with all the acting we've done, bucky. you don't like me.”
“i was supposed to go on that mission with sharon, not you.” he exhaled. “she volunteered to do it, so she was initially picked. i tried getting out of it, but i had advantages that they needed for the mission to go smoothly. so, i agreed, but in one condition.”
“what was it?” you whispered.
“that you should be my partner,” he answered quickly. “ask me why.”
your heart pounded. “why?”
“because i wanted an excuse to act the way i've always wanted to. i wasn't cold or grumpy because i didn't like you, i just didn't want to scare you.” bucky explained, his hand reaching out for yours. “god, doll. figuring out whether you like me or not has got to be the hardest mission i had to deal with. so do me a favour and get me out of this misery.”
once your lungs found a bit of oxygen again, you finally spoke. “what you said.. you mean it?”
bucky nodded. “every word.”
“well, i like you too.” you tried to bite back a huge smile. “for some time now, actually. wanda will eventually tell you all about my obsession with you. i can't believe we were both worrying for the wrong things.”
“your obsession with me, huh?” he asked cockily, a teasing grin plastered on his face.
“really? i said all that and that's what caught your attention?”
“can't help it. i've been obsessed with you for a long time now as well.” his eyes crinkled at the corners, a little smile gracing his lips while his arm slipped around your waist.
your eyes peeked up at him through your lashes. “does this make it real now?”
“do you want it to be?”
“you're really asking me that?” your chest rumbled. “of course i do.”
“then let's make it real.”
bucky watched you intensely for a few seconds as if he wanted to frame this exact moment before licking his lips and leaning down. you suck a breath, eyes closing as you felt his soft lips meet yours.
you never realised how much you've grown familiar with his touch and affection since your time together as a fake couple.
except this time, none of it was fake.
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should we see their time in los angeles as an undercover married couple? 👀
if you have any requests for bucky, send them my way! 💌
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widowsistersandfriends · 2 years ago
Team Bonding
Request: pleaseeee can I request lee!wanda in AoU where she's really shy with the team and pietro mentions she loves being tickled but she gets super shy and embarrassed by it, and so clint absolutely wrecks her trying to get her out of her shell? thank you! <3 @natashaslovxr
Note: Thank you for this very cute request! I am so sorry it took a while to get to, but I hope you enjoy!
Word Count: 1625
The Avengers had all gathered together in the compound for a team dinner and game night. The large table was filled with various delicious foods, which made all of their mouths water and stomachs grumble. Wanda was still shy with the team, as she and her brother were fairly new to the crowd. She took a seat quietly next to Pietro and also next to Natasha. 
The dinner consisted of various conversations, laughter and stories. Wanda tried her best to keep up and follow along, but she couldn’t find herself offering more than a few laughs at other people’s funny stories. It’s not that she wasn’t interested or anything. She just felt like she had a hard time fitting in with them. A majority of the team were guys, and Natasha had been with them from the start, so she was pretty much family. 
“So what’s everyone’s favorite game? I want to have some good ideas for when we play afterwards,” Steve said, looking around the table.
“Uno! Monopoly! Sorry! Trouble! Life! Scrabble!” Various answers had come out in shouts around the table, as they were all eager to get their opinions out there.
“What about you Wanda? What’s your favorite game?” Clint asked gently. 
“Umm, I’m not really sure,” the young witch said, looking down at her plate and poking at her food.
“I know her favorite game!” Pietro chimed in. The whole table became interested and waited for more details.
“When Wanda and I were little, we loved to play hide and seek with a twist. Basically, whoever is hiding also hides an item and the seeker has to find the person and the item. First they search for the hider. Then the hider tells them what item they’re looking for and they look for it. Whoever has the fastest time wins,” Pietro explained.
“Why was that your favorite game, Wanda?” Natasha asked curiously. 
“Oh! Well, I guess it was just a fun way for me to bond with Pietro,” Wanda said shyly.
“Aren’t you forgetting something?” Pietro asked mischievously, wiggling his eyebrows.
“Pietro no! Don’t tell them,” Wanda whined, now gaining the curiosity of the entire table. This was the most she had said at dinner, and the slight panic in her voice got everyone’s attention.
“I think they’d love to knowwwww,” her twin brother teased.
Wanda covered her face in embarrassment, hoping that Pietro was just messing with her and wasn’t actually going to expose her secret. 
“I have a strategy that lets me win every single time,” Pietro bragged, which earned him a sharp pinch to the thigh by his sister.
“Yow! That was so unnecessary,” Pietro yelped, as Wanda gave him a look of warning. She even made her eyes glow red to scare him even though she knew she would never hurt him on purpose. 
The avengers all looked amused, seeing the twins interact in a playful setting. Pietro looked like he was gonna give in and keep her secret. However, he then quickly blurted out her secret before running off with his super speed. “Wanda is super ticklish and loves being tickled, so I use it to get her to confess where she hid her item!” With that, there was a blur and a young witch there with the rest of her team. Wanda looked around fearfully at the other avengers, knowing what was coming next. 
The witch quickly pushed her chair back, making a run for it. She knew those smirks on all of her teammates’ faces meant trouble. She didn’t know where Pietro went, but her main goal was to hide. She figured if anyone found her, she could fly away. The only exception was her brother, who was so fast she wouldn’t have enough time to escape. 
Wanda squeezed herself into the shower and closed the curtain. It wasn't the best hiding spot but it was all she had time for, as she was getting trailed by the other avengers. The tub was not super wide, so she was able to use both hands to hold the ends of the curtain to either side. This way, even if they tried to pull it open, they wouldn’t be able to. Or so she thought.
It was silent for a while, and she had hope that they had given up. Unfortunately just as she got her hopes up, the bathroom lights turned on and her shadow could be seen through the curtain. 
“Well well well, what do we have here?” Clint asked, and Wanda could hear the teasy smirk in his voice. The witch stayed quiet for now.
“Not answering hmm? We’ll get you talking soon,” Natasha said, and Wanda could imagine her facial expression as she said that.
“As captain, I order that we capture the witch and tickle her to pieces,” Steve said, joining in on the fun. The avengers tried tugging on the curtain, which held up nicely due to Wanda holding on to the ends. However, she didn’t realize a small loophole in her plan.
Natasha moved closer to the curtain, before reaching out and tickling Wanda’s ribs through the curtain. The sudden touch to the sensitive area made Wanda immediately jerk away and use her arms and hands to protect herself. With that, the curtain was ripped open by Natasha, as she grabbed Wanda despite her attempt to fly away.
“No! Natasha put me down!” The witch cried. Natasha’s response was just a jab to her ribs, causing her to flail in her arms helplessly.
Natasha laid her down on the bed, sitting behind her and bringing her arms above her head. Clint then came over with a teasing smile. 
“Don’t worry little witch, I’m not going to hurt you. We just want to see you smile and laugh since you’re so shy,” Clint said.
Natasha looked down endearingly at Wanda, reassuring her. 
“Don’t worry. This is all part of the initiation. Breaking people out of their shell,” Natasha said, as the witch attempted to pull away.
“I’m not ticklish!” Wanda blurted out, desperate to get out of this. 
“Nice try. I know we can’t read minds like you but we can definitely read body language,” Clint said, as Natasha lightly tickled her armpit to catch her off guard.
“AHAHA no! Stop that!” Wanda demanded, a deep blush taking over her cheeks. It was clear she was trying to hold her laughter in. 
“But I thought you said you weren’t ticklish?” Clint asked, squeezing her sides.
“IHIHIM NOHOHOT OKAHAHAY,” the witch laughed, as the two of them chuckled at her futile attempt at lying. 
“Sure, we believe you,” Natasha and Clint said at the same time. With that, Clint began squeezing her hips while Natasha continued to tickle her armpits.
“NOHOHO PLEHEHEASE IHIHIM SOHOHORRY,” Wanda cried out, letting her laughs let a little more loose.
“What are you sorry for?” Clint asked, tickling her stomach now.
“FOHOHOR LYIHIHING,” Wanda shouted.
“So you admit you lied?” Natasha asked, raising an eyebrow. The witch shook her head from side to side, gasping with giggles as Clint poked and prodded between her ribs.
They gave the witch a small breather, as she laid there helplessly.
“You guys are so mean,” Wanda whined with a pout.
“Nah, we’re not mean. We just make a good team,” Natasha said with a smirk.
“wE jUsT mAkE a gOoD tEaM,” Wanda said mockingly. 
“Oh you are so asking for it,” Clint said, as he moved down to sit on her shins.
“No no no please! Anywhere but thehEHEHERE CLIHIHINT STAHAHAHAHAHAP,” Wanda screamed with laughter. To add on to the torture, Natasha began to shake her hands into her ribs. 
“PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAHAP IHIHIM BEHEHEGGING! MEHEHERCY,” Wanda cried out, helplessly trying to squirm to the best of her capabilities. 
“Aww look at you coming out of your shell,” Clint teased, as the witch couldn’t do anything but laugh.
The two of them eventually let her go, realizing that she had met her limit. 
“Don’t ever team up again,” Wanda said to the two older avengers.
“Oh don’t worry, we plan on tickling you a lot more now that we know how ticklish you are,” Natasha said with a grin.
Wanda groaned, as the two of them helped her sit up and catch her breath.
“How about we make a deal,” Clint offered.
“What deal?” Wanda asked.
“If we find Pietro for you and let you tickle him as revenge, will you forgive us?” Clint asked.
Wanda narrowed her eyes at him, knowing she was bound to just get tickled eventually. She saw this as her opportunity to catch one of them off guard. She quickly flipped onto Clint, pinning him to the bed where she just was.
“I think I’d rather tickle you first. After all, you were the one who tickled me,” Wanda said, asking for Natasha to help her.
“What! I’m not the only one! Natasha tickled you too!” Clint protested.
“Not as much as you though. Besides, I’ll get my revenge on Natasha too, don’t worry,” Wanda said confidently.
“Oh really?” Natasha said, giving her sides a good squeezing, causing the witch to immediately take back her words all while squealing and giggling.
“Come on, I’ll help you tickle Clint. It’ll be some good bonding. After all, we need to have lots of team building and teamwork skills so we can work together as avengers,” Natasha said, as Clint began laughing and protesting as the two girls tickled him to pieces. His weak spots were his armpits and knees, much to the girls’ delight. The archer couldn’t help but snort and laugh through the tickle torture. 
Wanda was still somewhat shy at times, but after her tickle torture experience, she became a lot more open and vulnerable around her new family. As for Pietro, Wanda also was able to sharpen her tickling skills, which left the speedy guy in for a day of torture.
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fuckin-sick-bih · 1 year ago
would you write for female characters? and if so what fandoms?
i did Tess from TLOU a while back [x] and i'm currently working on something with my OC Erin. i've thought about doing something with Sadie Adler from Red Dead Redemption 2? not sure what other fandoms. oh! i've done some Natasha Romanoff/Clint Barton stuff from Marvel on my non-kink Ao3? i could try and write some snz content of that?
honestly, writing female characters all depends on my mood and how i'm feeling gender-wise atm
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scavengerssuccotash · 9 months ago
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I still think about them…
Someone slap my hand away from the Other WIP plate so Sightline can be finished before I fucking die!
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smallblueandloud · 1 year ago
note to future self: PLEASE write the soulmate au's laura barton fic, i Need it
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