#thank you! make sure you're registered and go get out the vote and if you don't wanna go to the polling booths MAIL IN BALLOTS WORK TOO!!
mugiwara-lucy · 16 days
So I'm not sure if you're all familiar with Allan Lichtman but the guy is a psephologist that's been predicting elections for the last FORTY YEARS (and has never been wrong) and last night he predicted Kamala will win and gives some pretty solid evidence why:
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Now while this is great for our side it's important that the ONLY way we can ensure this prediction becomes a reality is to GET OUT THERE AND VOTE!!!
Register to vote here:
And learning how Lara Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene are conducting "Poll Training" (and don't want the Media seeing, gee I wonder why 🙄) and have 500 lawyers ready, now I HIGHLY EMPHASIZE MAIL IN BALLOTS!!
Although if you do Mail In Ballots, PLEASE go to the actual USPS mailing centers and submit your ballots there so it can be mailed with no problems since MAGA will do ANYTHING for their precious 34 Convicted Felon Rapist.
Thank You. 🙏🏻
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phoenixyfriend · 7 months
How to Call Your Reps About Gaza
I make a lot of posts telling you to call your reps! Anyway, here's the overall shape of how to argue to them.
Disclaimer: I am not in politics. I do not have experience as a staffer. I am just someone who cares a lot about where things are going, and wants to help. Also, this is specific to the US, because that's where I'm based. Hopefully, people with expertise can add more suggestions on.
Find your elected officials.
My Ko-fi: this took me two days to write up, so uh. If you've got a few dollars, send them my way so I can keep doing this sort of thing, and maybe move out of my parents' house sooner.
General tips:
Be polite, or at least civil. Do not swear or shout at whoever answers the phone. This will quite possibly get your number blocked. Fifty civil calls over the course of several months will do more than one where you shout. You can be frosty, you can say you are disappointed, you can say you find the actions of your reps to be reprehensible or morally bankrupt, sure. But keep calm and aim criticism at the rep, not the staffer.
Keep it short. The staffers who answer call centers are busy. They usually start trying to hurry me off after about two minutes. I've yet to manage a call longer than four or five minutes. Pick one or two topics for the day, and focus on those. Cycle through them every time you call. Stick to just one from day to day if it's a large, ongoing issue like Gaza.
Plan for voicemail. I get voicemail more often than not. My House rep usually has a staffer free, but the Senators are almost always voicemail. This will give you a minute and a half max. Be ready to get your point squeezed into that.
Only call your representatives. The important, powerful word here is "constituent." You will be ignored or even counted against if you are from a different district or state. The first thing you start with is your name and address. A staffer will ask for the information they need. On voicemail, leave your full name, your city and state, and zip code before you go into your message. Do not lie, either. They look these things up in the system when you call. I'm not sure how--I think maybe they have access to a database of registered voters--but every time I call, they ask for my last name and address and at some point say, 'oh, yep, I've got you right here,' which indicates a database of some sort.
Research at least a little bit about their opinions. If they already agree with you, then it's much easier to leave a quick "I support you and want you to know that" to combat anyone who's arguing from the other side. If they don't, then you're best off finding out what specific issue they have so you can know the best kind of comment to leave.
Look up specific bills or arguments. I get daily emails from GovTrack about bills that are on this week's docket or have been voted on in the past day. IDK about anyone else, but being able to say that I disagree specifically with HR 815 or something makes me feel powerful, and possibly like I will be taken more seriously. Sometimes you can start with articles like this one, which include links to specific bills on the official congress website.
Email after if you can. Reportedly less effective, and takes longer, but you are more likely to get a written (canned) response, and it reinforces whatever you called about.
Basic structure of a call, at least as I've been doing it:
"Hi, my name is ____ ____, and I am a constituent from [city, state], [zip]. I am calling to express my opinion on [topic]. I am concerned about [short argument with a clear impact on the topic]. I ask that you support [measure or fellow congress member]/vote [yay/nay on specific legislature]. Thank you for your time, and I hope you keep my opinion in mind."
For this post, the topic can be stated as the war in Gaza, military funding for Israel, or unrest in the Middle East, depending on which you think your elected official will respond to best. That said, the structure should work for whatever your call is about.
Arguments to use against your elected official... or your on-the-fence cousin:
I'll be honest, some of these are not going to do much against your representative. They know the arguments, and have been going over them with each other for months. You just need to have one locked and loaded that they consider relevant instead of a nonstarter, in order to back up your opinion as 'founded' instead of 'nonsense, can be swayed with a good marketing campaign.'
I'll include explanations if I don't think something is self-evident (or needs more evidence to tell your cousin), but in most of them I'll provide some suggested verbiage that you can tweak as needed, and for a few of them, that's really enough.
THESE ARE FOR THE TOPIC OF CONCERN, ONLY. You still need to end each one with "I ask that the [official] votes to [action]" at the end. Give them something actionable (example from Feb. 13th). My go-tos right now:
Both chambers: Reinstate funding for UNRWA
Both chambers: Place mandatory restrictions on any aid to Israel, with contractual threats to cut funding if Netanyahu and his government continue to disregard civilian life
Senate: Put support behind Bernie Sanders and his motion to restrict funding to Israel until a humanitarian review of the IDF’s actions in Gaza has been completed (S.R. 504) (Tabled by the Senate on 1/16, but it is being brought back in as conditions continue to escalate)
House: Put support behind Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s petition for the US government to recognize the IDF’s actions in Gaza as ethnic cleansing and forced displacement, and put a stop to it.
House: Put support behind H.R. 786, introduced by Rep. Cori Bush, calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.
What Not to Say
"There is no threat to Israel." I've talked about this elsewhere, but the short version is that this will be basically laughed out as you not knowing what you're talking about.
Anything generically antisemitic. (I mean, it might work on some of the white supremacists, but do you really want to encourage that thinking? No, so don't do it.)
Facts that you "heard somewhere" but cannot find a reliable source for. If it's being reported by the New York Times, NPR, or the BBC, it's probably trustworthy by government standards. If it's not a super common statistic, cite the journal you got it from by name. Remember, you aren't arguing to tumblr mutuals. You are arguing to your elected official or your 'I don't really pay attention' cousin. When it comes to this, big name news sources are better.
Unrealistic demands for complete isolationism, permanently abandoning Israel to its own devices, supporting Hamas, etc. Again, you will not be taken seriously. Pick an argument they might actually listen to, and use it to press them towards a possible solution. You want them to believe that if they adjust their position, they will be doing the will of most of their constituents, and thus more likely to get reelected.
The Ethics Argument
Third-party reporting has stated that that nearly 29,000 Gazans are dead since Oct. 7th, as of 2/18/24. The vast majority of those are civilians, and over half are children. Palestinians in Gaza are facing an acute hunger crisis threatening to become a full-blown famine.
The International Court of Justice has found that there is credible reason to believe that the state of Israel is committing a genocide against the Palestinians of Gaza.
This does not mean that every single Israeli is complicit. It does mean that the government, particularly Netanyahu and his associates, has been reprimanded by a large, diverse coalition of countries, and has consistently refused to listen to that court since.
This argument will possibly work on your cousin. Less likely to work on your elected official. They already know the numbers. I just wanted to get it out of the way first.
The Re-Election Argument: Michigan vs New York
Meanwhile, this is possibly the most effective. Again, this is not an argument of ethics. This is an argument of "how can I make my elected official do what I want." We do not use only the purest moral argument. We use what works.
What to say to your elected official: Michigan, as a swing state, was won by democrats on the power of the Arab-American vote in the 2020 election. We (either party) are at risk of losing Michigan due to the current Congressional approach to the Gaza conflict, as that demographic is now polling as likely to abstain from voting entirely. The risk of losing several congressional districts due to the Jewish vote is a real one, but the risk of losing the the executive branch is greater, especially after what we saw with Suozzi. Supporting Palestine might lose us parts of New York, but supporting Israel will lose us Michigan.
Explanation: Something that has been taking up a lot of time and space in the election coverage is the situation in Michigan, and more recently, there has been attention paid to the special election of New York's third district, AKA the "who gets to replace disgraced George Santos" competition.
Michigan is traditionally a swing state. While 2.1% doesn't sound like a lot, that is some 211k-278k people (depending on your source), and while not all of them can vote... Michigan was won by about 154k. Arab-Americans are not the only relevant demographic, but they sure are an important one, and they are vocally opposed to the situation. Approval has dropped from 59% to 17%. From that same article:
As Axios notes, Biden won Michigan in 2020 by 154,000 votes, but there are at least 278,000 Arab Americans in Michigan. Biden took Arizona, a state with an Arab American population of 60,000, by only 10,500 votes. In Georgia, Biden prevailed with a margin of 11,800 voters, in a state that has an Arab American population of 57,000.
Democrats cannot afford to lose these states. Pressure your congresspeople about that, especially if you live in one of those states. I assume most Arab-Americans in said states are already calling every day; the rest of you can join in.
Meanwhile, most Jews (considered the most pro-Israel demographic by strategists) in America are concentrated in a very small number of electoral districts. Of the twenty most-Jewish, ten are in New York, which is why I put it up in the section header.
One of those districts was won by a Republican in 2022: George Santos, New York's third congressional district. Following his scandals and ousting, the seat was up for a special election, and the two candidates were Tom Suozzi, a democrat who held the seat previously (he decided to run for governor, and lost), and Mazi Pilip, a Nassau county legislator who was of Ethiopian Jewish background and had been in the IDF. She ran on a campaign that leaned strongly pro-Israel and anti-immigration, and when Suozzi won, she interrupted his victory speech to accuse him of supporting a genocide against Israel due to his rather centrist, rather milquetoast stance on the conflict during his election campaign.
Now, Suozzi's win probably had more to do with Pilip being anti-choice than her pro-Israel arguments, but he still won.
Democrats can better risk possibly losing a few seats in NY than definitely losing three swing states.
"But I don't want Dems to win their districts after what they've been--" Nope. Listen to me. Surveys indicate that Republicans are on average more pro-Israel, because Trump and Netanyahu are buddy-buddy, and we do not have a viable third option.
Also, again, this is about convincing Dems to be better. "If you do not vote to put restrictions on funding to Israel, I will not vote for you in November" is a lot more powerful than "I will not vote for you either way, because of what you've been doing, but you should do what I say anyway."
The Re-Election Argument: Risk of Escalation
So, that thing I said about Trump and Netanyahu?
Yeah, so, while Biden is giving Israel military aid while cautioning them to slow down and be careful, Trump is... complicated, but suffice to say he's much closer to Netanyahu on a personal level than Biden is. Biden's relation with Netanyahu is reportedly pretty frosty, while Trump's is based on relations through the Kushners.
Just from wikipedia:
Netanyahu made his closeness to Donald Trump, a personal friend since the 1980s, central to his political appeal in Israel from 2016.[21] During Trump's presidency, the United States recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights, and brokered the Abraham Accords, a series of normalization agreements between Israel and various Arab states.
Trump's been more all-over-the-place recently, badmouthing Netanyahu for being what Trump perceives as a loser, which complicates understanding what his approach is. It's kind of incoherent right now.
Given Trump's general history of being pro-Israel, though, and the attempts by House Republicans to push through a bill of unconditional funding for Israel. It failed, but notable is that the more recent bill passed in part because it was paired with aid for Ukraine and Taiwan (something Dems are much more invested in having happen).
What to say to your elected official: If Trump is reelected due to his current appearance of being more critical of Netanyahu, there is evidence from his presidency to indicate that he will support Israel much less critically if elected. While he claims to want to settle the Middle East, it seems incredibly likely that he will worsen the situation for Palestinians, and ramp up retaliatory strikes to groups like the Houthis in a manner that will impact non-military parties, igniting tensions that are already tenuous.
The Disrespect/Wild Card Argument
This particular argument is best used against the Very Patriotic Politicians who are more concerned with the US's image and Being The Alpha Nation than with other things. Basically, this might work on Republicans.
This isn't really something I believe in, as a matter of foreign policy, buuuut it might work on your rep, so. Consider it!
What to say to your elected official: With Israel's recent actions in ignoring Biden, blocking US-sent aid like those flour trucks that got stopped at the Rafah border because they'd be distributed by UNWA, and generally Disrespecting The USA and Being Unpredictable is not only making the US look bad for being unable to wrangle a smaller country, but also making it so we are less able to wrangle other countries in the future, because Israel cannot be predicted and might set someone off.
The Europe and Reputation Argument
What to say to your elected official: The United States is losing credibility as a world power known for its military and ability to manage international disputes on behalf of the UN, because it is seemingly unable to influence Israel, and losing credibility as an upstanding moral state that is not doing foreign coups and banana republics anymore, as it appears to be tacitly supporting Israel's ICJ-labelled genocide, which is a really bad look with the other Western Powers.
I'm not entirely sure who this might work on, but there's gotta be at least a few politicians who are really concerned about America's image, more than about actually doing the right thing. Figure out if your politician is one of them.
If necessary, you can bring up how Trump is threatening to pull US support for NATO if Russia attacks someone.
The Middle East Stability Argument: Iran-backed Militias
What to say to your elected official: I'm concerned that the continued support of Israel, and thus the funding of their actions in Gaza, will increase the instability of Iran-backed militias, as we have already seen with the Houthis and Hezbollah. Entire Muslim-majority nations are showing increased displeasure not only with Israel, but with the US by extension. We cannot afford another war in the Middle East when we haven't yet pulled all our troops from the last one, not with the recent and recurring economic recessions. Any situation would also very likely be complicated or inflamed by the growing tensions among Eritrea, Djibouti, and Ethiopia regarding Red Sea access as well.
Use this on the ones that claim to be pro-military or pro-veteran. See what they said about HR 815 before the foreign military funding amendment was added.
The Middle East Stability Argument: Egypt
What to say to your elected official: Egypt's government has been unstable since the Arab Spring, and even now the military government is incredibly unpopular. With that existing instability, the addition of economic strain from the reduced usage of the Suez canal, the international disputes occurring because they're the main throughway for aid into Gaza, and the threat of a sudden influx of nearly one and a half million Palestinian refugees should Israel continue to push south... Egypt is looking at a possible near-collapse as we've seen in nearby nations suffering similar instabilities.
Explanation: It took several years for Egypt to really start recovering from the revolts in 2013, and it has applied for four IMF loans in recent years. The current government is unpopular to such a degree that they are looking to build an entire new capital from scratch in the middle of the desert so that they're less open to the risk of civilian uprisings; one of the primary causes for civilian dissatisfaction is economic issues.
Due to Houthi attacks at the Bab al-Mandab Strait, traffic through the Suez canal is down massively, and since the canal "represents almost 5% of the GNP and 10% of GDP and is one of Egypt’s most important sources of hard currency." (src) Various sources are reporting that trade through the canal is down 40-50%, which is putting more strain on the already unstable economic and political situation.
Finally, Egypt's population is about 110 million, but the governorate that shares a border with Israel and Gaza, North Sinai, has a population of barely 500,000. A push of one and a half million starving, injured people will, very suddenly, nearly quadruple the population of the governorate, and require extreme aid response from Egypt's government to keep alive and prevent a larger crisis in North Sinai and neighboring governorates.
The Middle East Stability Argument: Normalized Relations
What to say to your elected official: I am concerned that Israel's continued attack on Gaza is jeopardizing any chance of normalized relations with the Arab states in the future. American has put a lot of work into trying to get these various countries to normalize with Israel, and our funding of the current attacks on Gaza are sabotaging all that effort.
This one can be combined with the Iran-Backed Militias argument: Israel, in pursuit of revenge against Hamas, is setting itself up to be in more danger long-term, rather than less.
The International Trade Argument
What to say to your elected official: I am concerned about how the war in Gaza is impacting international trade and shipping costs. With the Suez Canal down to half its usual capacity and the Panama Canal raising costs and dropping capacity in response to the water restrictions, along with rising fuel costs in Europe and Asia, global trade is incredibly strained. We are being relegated to the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Horn, and the Malacca strait for much of intercontinental trade, and the macroeconomic projections are looking very bad for America.
The Domestic Economics Argument
What to say to your elected official: Many of the plans for Israeli military funding cause damage to other parts of the budget. For instance, a recent plan put forward by the Republicans of the House suggested IRS cuts in order to move that money, a plan which would impact the US budget negatively in the long term; we need those 14 billion being spent domestically, not supporting an overreaction/possible genocide in Gaza.
Explanation: In general, pick something receiving budget cuts that your congressperson will care about. I care about IRS funding, and saw it mentioned as a target in an article, so that's what I've got in my suggested verbiage up there.
The fewer people that are working for the IRS, the more they focus on auditing poor people (simple, easy taxes) and the less they can effectively audit rich people (complicated, time-consuming taxes), which means rich people are more likely to get away with evading millions or even billions in taxation. So yeah, you want more funding in the IRS if you are poor. They are already auditing you. You want them to audit the big guys.
The Russia and China Argument
What to say to your elected official: I am worried that the current focus on funding Israel without restriction is causing us to lose sight of the international threat posed by Russia and China. Russia is actively invading Ukraine, which continues to put massive strain on the European economy with regards to oil prices, especially with the Suez situation, and China has been testing missiles near Taiwan, and thus testing US responsiveness to those threats, for months now. We cannot afford to support an internationally unpopular war if we want to remain ready for Russia and China.
This is less likely to work on Republicans, since Trump is friendly with Russia, but hey, give it a shot if they're one of the ones who aren't fully in his camp.
EDIT 2/22/24: I'm a bit unsure of this tactic, but I'm putting it out there with hopes that someone with more political experience can offer feedback:
"Congress, and the US government in general, has promised to sanction Russia for the alleged assassination of one man within a week of the suspicious death, after five months of refusing to enact even slight consequences on Israel for the deaths of nearly thirty thousand, half of which are children. This is ethically questionable at best, but for the interests of elected officials, it is a very bad look. The mismatch shows a massive bias by the American government in regards to Israel's ongoing mass murder, with over two million facing famine as a result of Israel's aid blocking, and America's reputation on the world stage, as well as individual politicians' reputations domestically with constituents, is plummeting."
Finally, my ko-fi again. I spent a long time on this and I'd like to move out of my parents' house sooner rather than later. If you appreciate my time and effort, please feel free to donate a couple bucks.
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Hey hi hello to any fellow Brits reading this.
You probably know we have a general election coming up, which by the way, make sure you're registered to vote and have the qualifying photo ID.
And hey maybe you're a fence-sitter who doesn't want to vote for Labour for whatever reason.
Well, this post is giving you a reason to vote for Labour (or any party other than Tory if the candidate actually has a chance to win the seat).
You might have noticed that a lot of local and city councils have either gone bankrupt recently or are teetering on the edge, and that officially, it's the councils themselves that have been blamed, and uh yeah, that's horseshit.
The majority of a local council's funding comes from core grants given out by Westminster.
There's actually a limit on funding that local councils can raise via taxes, and like a whole lot of issues in the UK, that comes down to Margaret fucking Thatcher. It's also thanks to her that local councils don't have as much power over the local area as you'd ideally want them to.
(That's been eased a little since, but if a local council ain't got the money, they can't exercise that power.)
Suffice to say, local councils are very much dependent on funding from the central government.
And as you might imagine, 14 years of Tory government has just made it worse. From 2010 to 2020, that funding was cut by 40%.
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Wanna know why hundreds of libraries have closed down? Or why public services like bin collections are almost entirely ran by corporations? Or why bin collections are now once a fortnight rather than once a week? Or why council houses haven't been built? Or why public toilets are being closed? Or why you have to Tokyo Drift on the drive to work because it's been 2 years and no one's done shit about that goddamn pothole? Or why parks seem to now be maintained by Big Foot and by the way Big Foot has also declared bankruptcy? Or why local arts have had their budget of 17 paperclips and a whistle reduced down to 10 paperclips and no whistle? Or why your local museum is effectively a mausoleum?
It is all down to this.
Your local council runs on a shoestring budget because Tory rule has deprived local councils of the funding that they need.
If the Tories win in July, this problem is just gonna get worse and worse and worse.
More councils are going to go bankrupt; more public services are going to be cut or underfunded; more vulnerable kids are going to fall through the cracks; more local services will be privatised; more pressing issues will be ignored because there's no money left over to fix it.
You might not like the current Labour party, but hi hello welcome to harm reduction politics. Maybe a Labour government won't fix this, but another 5 years of Tory rule is going to break this country.
So for god's sake, get over yourself and your leftist purity bullshit, and just fucking vote for Labour as a vote against the Tories.
[Information for this post comes from this video by Tom Nicholas]
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the-night-writer1 · 3 months
When the sun meets dusk
Shadowpeach fo all you who voted for Wukong finding out he's a parent.
It was a Saturday afternoon as Wukong found himself in the city. He wanted to try a newly released peach chip flavor and he had his mortal disguise on. He didn't want to be swarmed by a bunch of fans after all. As he was walking around however he spotted a familiar face in the distance.
What was Macaque doing out of his shadows Wukong wondered with a raised brow. What was on the other monkey's chest? Should he follow Macaque, man could be planning something. Macaque also owed him some answers any way.
He bought some chips and went to go find the shadow monkey. He just wanted to be safe man, certainly didn't just want to see Macaque again. Certainly not that. Yeah sure lie to yourself Wukong that's sure gonna get you so far in life.
He was surprised Macaque hadn't heard his approach yet. Wukong wasn't really trying to sneak up on Macaque or he'd turned into a bug. As Wukong got closer he noticed that Macaque was just standing in place bouncing. Why was he bouncing? Wukong couldn't really make it out at the moment but he could see Macaque's tired face.
Why was he tired? Wukong couldn't remember ever seeing mac that tired before. What happened for him to look like he was seconds from passing out? Wukong quickened his pace through the crowd between him and the other monkey as things started getting weirder. A mortal woman actually was asking Macaque something he couldn't make out yet. Macaque slowly nodded and the woman pulled something out Mac's bag. Then began to shake it to Wukong's utter confusion.
"Poor guy" someone muttered as Wukong passed them talking to someone else. As he approached it finally hit the monkey king's ears. There was a crying baby nearby, no wonder Macaque was just standing there. A crying baby be hell on the man's six ears.
"Here here sweetheart maybe this will help dear" the kind woman said as she handed Macaque the bottle while his lil bud was just crying their heart out. This was a mistake he shouldn't have brought his little sunshine out of the nice sound proof apartment. That he sold a lot of his shit to get. He attempted to give his lil sunshine the bottle but it was no good. The baby refused the bottle, trying their dammest to shove the bottle away and utterly failing. Sunshine was only a few weeks ago and he was premature at that so arm movement was restricted.
"Sunshine I'm so sorry, baba's sorry, baba needed food" Macaque said apologetically as he kissed his crying baby's forehead. He felt so stupid that he was about to cry. The kind woman gently patted his back as his baby continued to cry. He needed food but not at the price of his cubs misery .
"Hey hey sweetie it's alright, they'll tucker out after a little while. All my babies were the same way their first time to the market " The kind woman said as she rubbed his back. Maybe she could tell this was Macaque's first cub or he was alone and had no other options. She was truly sent by the gods at this point , he didn't know what to do. He was just hoping his cub wouldn't hate him for this," its just important to breathe and let them get comfy. If you're calm they'll eventually calm down "
"Thank you " Macaque said with a sniffle as he rubbed his cub's back and placed the bottle back into his bag with his tail. He just felt like a awful baba at the moment. He loved his little cub so much it hurt even more that Shanyao was miserable. He didn't even spot Wukong's approach.
"Macaque?" Wukong asked as he finally got to the six eared monkey, completely not registering the baby because Macaque looked like he was almost crying. He even put his hand gently on Macaque's shoulder where he finally saw the crying baby wrapped carefully to Macaque's chest.
Holy shit, that was a whole ass cub. Where'd Macaque get a whole ass baby? Where do you think Wukong? That little guy was clear the result of the last time you saw Macaque.
"Wukong? What are you doing here?" Macaque mumbled wiping his eyes, too tired to really even try to be mad at him all things considered. The kind woman left him with Wukong since they seemed to know each other.
"Uh-" Wukong mumbled as he tried to get his speaking brain to work as he lightly pulled the tired and teary eyed Macaque closer," uh oh um peach chips what are you doing here"
" of course you're off the mountain for something peach related " Macaque scoffed before he softly kissed the cub's forehead. He was doomed Wukong saw their cub and Shanyao was miserable. So much keeping Shanyao a secret for his own safety.
"Well it's a new flavor and-" The monkey king started to retort before shaking his head. This wasn't the time to go on and on about his favorite snack Macaque was exhausted and their cub was upset. He took a breath before asking, " What about I help you plum? You're clearly exhausted "
Macaque thought for a moment still looking at his baby, he hadn't looked at Wukong so far. He did need help, honestly he really did. He hated that fact as well he was still mad about the murder. Yet the monkey had no choice if he wanted to get food and calm down his cub.
"Please help me Wukong I need to get him home! I can't focus with him being so upset" Macaque stated as he looked at the monkey king who gave him a smile that used to be reassuring. In some ways it still was without tired he was.
"He's so small" Wukong said softly as he held the cub in his arms. Shanyao had finally crashed once they entered Macaque's apartment. Wukong was now holding him while Mac put the groceries away, " don't you worry I'm sure you'll be a powerhouse bud"
"He was premature " Macaque stated from his kitchen as he listened to Wukong baby talk the cub. It was kind of cute to hear the monkey king talk to Sunshine like he would newborn monkeys on the mountain,"so Sunshine is a bit tiny."
"Well dont you worry Sunshine I've got plenty of immortal peach juice with your name on it. Yes I do" Wukong cooed as he kissed the little cub between the eyes. To that their son yawned and snuggled unknowingly doing what most couldn't nearly knocking the handsome monkey king off his feet.
Macaque chuckled softly as he peaked into the living room from the kitchen. Maybe this could work. It was rare sunshine didn't cry not being held by his baba. Maybe they could co parent.
Who knows maybe their son could fix their fractured relationship.
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space-specs · 6 months
Your Guide To Voting in 2024
Yes, you may feel like everything is horrible and hopeless, and you don't want to vote. I'm here to not do that, and give you tips and info on why. Ultimately, I do not care what you actually vote only that you try to go and fill out something.
Make Sure You Are Registered to Vote
Check your registration status. This site has a drop down to select your state, which will link you to the website to check and see if you're registered.
Not registered? Go here. This site will tell you how to get registered in your state and will link you directly to the online registration if your state offers it.
Make sure you have a government issued photo ID. Driver's license, state ID, passport, etc. Many states require to you to present some form of ID to vote. Find out what counts in your state (and exceptions and provisional ballot rules) here.
Know you'll have difficulty making it to the ballot box? Check the rules for voting by mail/absentee voting in your state and see if you qualify.
Look up your sample ballot ahead of time! Lots of places provide a sample ballot which allows you to see what all the issues are ahead of time. Since this will vary by local elections, the best way to this is to look up "[your county name] sample ballot", possibly with the year tacked on to the end of the search. This may not be available until closer to election day, but it is a great way to get prepared for voting.
Other Voting Tips
This is where I get into the bit where it matters more to me that you vote than who you vote for. This is a personal principle of mine: everyone has the right to vote regardless of if I agree with what you choose to do with that vote.
You do not have to fill out every box on the ballot. You can leave some blank! Don't want to vote on President this year? Fine! Only want to vote on President and don't want to research other issues? Also fine. In fact, you can turn in a completely blank ballot if you want, and that is a political action, too. (Tip: parties note a blank box on issues because it indicates to them you were dissatisfied with your options)
You can bring notes with you! Too many issues to keep track of? Write yourself a note, print out a sample ballot and fill it out in advance to copy over, finding a voting guide and print it. As long as it is ON PAPER, you can bring it with you. (I verified this is universally allowed here)
Don't know where to start on research? The sample ballot is a great place to start just looking up candidates, but I also recommend checking out your local chapter of League of Women Voters. They put out a voters guides for each election that list pros and cons to various issues on the ballot.
The most important and most neglected elections are your local ones. Real grassroots change might be possible in your city, if you pay attention. Too overwhelmed by all this? Pick a few local issues to focus on, like the school board or city council. My city passed a trans-inclusive non-discrimination ordinance in a red state because people rallied around a handful of progressive city council members that swayed the vote. Even if everything feels hopeless, you make things better for yourself and your loved ones by actively engaging in your local politics.
Remember it's voting AND not voting OR. I know a lot of people are extremely dissatisfied with their options for this year's election, especially at the national level. Don't stop doing what you're doing. Don't stop protesting and boycotting and donating and talking about the things that matter to you. Get involved in your community. Find ways to make a difference. But also, go vote. Please.
Thank you for reading this. I hope something in here was helpful for you, and if it was, please consider reblogging this so that others can find it as well. If I've forgotten anything important, I welcome any helpful additions and will do my best to reblog those or add them to the original post as needed!
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maxbegone · 3 months
Do you have any tips on handling election stress? I'm 18 this year and completely and utterly terrified about the idea of trump getting elected. It's not something I'm dealing with very well to say the least
And I know I can vote and it'll still be making a difference but when the time rolls around to do so I don't know if I can even get to a polling place which is adding to the stress
Sorry for asking this and I completely understand if it goes unanswered! I hope you have a good day and if not, that it gets better <3
hi anon! while i can't give you a cure-all here, i'll do my best to ease the stress.
first and foremost, and this is an understatement, i'm sure: you're not alone in how you're feeling about this. fear is valid. look to your left, look to your right, look at your friend groups — everyone's worried right now. a presidential election is a stressful thing, especially with who our two candidates are. i personally think the recent debate is yet another blatant example of how we should put a cap on how old a president or presidential candidate should be before they're unable to run. if you have to be 35 in order to run for president, why shouldn't there be a cap? i hope that makes sense.
we're settling this year for biden, sure, but remind yourself that you're not voting for a person, you're voting for an administration. project 2025 was never going to appear silently, someone was always going to make it known.
i'm someone who deals with a lot of existential dread and has gone through phases of "this isn't going to happen," and then it does. spiraling isn't good, but sometimes it isn't something you can help. still, don't let it all fester; let it out, talk to someone about it, and if you don't like how a conversation is going, you have the power to step away. and if anyone pressures you, just remember you are not obligated to tell anyone who you're voting for or what you might be registered as.
politics, in general, is a tough topic to talk about. sometimes you really have to dig in order to find people you trust enough will have the same morals as you in order to really feel some relief that the ways you think the world should change are worth fighting for. and try not to let older adults' opinions get to you — this is something i deal with constantly, and while i'm vocal here on this platform, i can't find it in myself to be vocal within my own family for fear of being talked over and told, "You don't know how the world works yet. You don't know what you're talking about. You're too woke." if no one has told you yet and you need to hear it: you're smarter than you're giving yourself credit for, and your compassion is so, so important.
what's so wonderful about this generation, which i've said before, is that we are very, very aware. gen z and millennials are constantly researching and spreading awareness, and we do have social media to thank for that, despite all its faults. allow yourself to be scared, because that means you care and that you will take action. being complicit won't help anyone.
remember that you're curating your own experience here. if you want to follow along on social media, make sure the accounts you're following are credible, informative, and offer reliable information. you don't want constantly see things that will bring your mood down and cause you to doom scroll. make sure whoever you follow is uplifting, inspiring, and shows you that there is hope.
and you said it yourself; voting will make a difference. is it stressful? absolutely. is there a lot of information to absorb? of course. but in the wake of the incoming election season, try and take things in bits and pieces.
if you're too overwhelmed with what you're seeing online, log off, delete the app you're using, whatever works for you. step away. we're not made to constantly have our fingers on the pulse. everyone's fighting, a lot of times with each other, but remember that there is always something to fight for. find hobbies and activities that you can do regularly that will ease your mind, or even find something new to try. you don't want to exhaust yourself.
@hagface gave me some great advice, which is to get off your phone and remember that world doesn't exist in your pocket. there's more out there than just politics, no matter how looming the whole thing may feel.
as for finding your polling place or getting a ride there, good news: you have a lot of time to figure that out! often times rideshares will give free rides to the polls. for instance, lyft just announced a voting access program for 2024 that will give you free or discounted rides to your polling place on november 5th (i have not been able to find anything on uber doing the same, but we have some time i suppose). and hey, if rideshares don't work, see if you can carpool with friends! not only will it guarantee you're able to vote, but your friends who are eligible will, too! and when you're done, don't stare too long at when the numbers start rolling in; try and take a step back for the day and do something enjoyable. it'll be hard to ignore, of course, but just know that once you've voted, you've done your job.
vote.org has all the information you need from who's on the ballot, to voting by mail with an absentee ballot, and even checking to see if you're registered or not! it also shows how many days until the next election, and can help you get information for the specific state you live in, just scroll all the way down on the home page (absentee ballot due dates, registration deadlines, etc).
additionally, while not a federal law, some states have laws which require your employer to give you time to vote or even provide paid time off in order to do so. this article gives you all of that information. you have the right to vote. if your employer gives you a hard time about letting you do so, this article gives you some pretty good tips on how to deal with that. my advice is to always go to the polls as early as possible, but i know that isn't always feasible.
something else you might hear from time-to-time is to "vote down the ballot." what does that mean? it means filling out the entirety of the ballot, from president and national officials at the top, to local governments toward the bottom. for instance, a lot of people will "vote down" the ballot for candidates who are all in the same party. here's some info.
this next part might sound silly, but there's some truth in it. there are MAGA extremists out there, groups of people who love to parade around with memorabilia and be loud about their beliefs. to put it lightly: they're bullies, they're dangerous. if you happen to get caught in one of those parades like i did while driving back in 2020, try your best to keep a wide berth.
it's all a lot to absorb and very scary, but again, you're not alone. you have time before november to gather information on the policies that are in threat of being protected, of who these candidates really are, and who they want to bring into the cabinet with them.
one final thing: congratulations on your first time voting. i know it's not the most exciting thing in the world, especially with this election year, but deciding to vote and doing so means you're doing a great job. remember, you're one person, but one vote can still make a difference.
i hope this helped some ♥️
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dddomenstarstwst1 · 2 years
Hello! I've really been enjoying the NSFW Alphabet, but I'm kinda in the mood for something fluffy. So, if you don't mind and aren't too busy can you do the reactions of the Dorm Leaders of TWST when their boyfriend tells them he loves them for the first time?
Hi, of course! Thank you for requesting!
I love you (ft.dorm leaders)
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Prompt: dorm leaders hear their boyfriend say "i love you" for the first time
Warnings: male!reader, reader is a student at nrc, dorm unspecified
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riddle rosehearts
° riddle, being the perfect boyfriend he is, helped you with some of the difficult stuff at practical magic. You were sitting in his room, studying excessively
° it was getting quite late, so you decided to wrap up and continue tomorrow. Riddle was about to get up from his sit, when he heard his boyfriend's quiet voice
° "Thank you for helping me once again, things make sense after you explain them, i love you so much."
° you registered your words too late, slapping a hand over your mouth. Riddle stared at you, face red and mouth open. A couple of minutes passed, before he straightened himself on his seat
° "I love you, too, my rose. Don't hesitate to come to me if you're having trouble."
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leona kingscholar
° leona was skipping classes again, and you, as his caring boyfriend, were determined to find and scold him. And of course, you found him in the college's garden, sleeping like a baby, at least now you could wake him up
° but leona looked so peaceful and you just couldn't bring yourself on disturbing his nap. Your hand brushed leona's long hair, a warm smile spread on your face
° "Sleep tight, kitty cat. But don't blame me, when Ruggie scolds you after. I love you."
° you felt a little embarrassed for saying it to him while in this state, but suddenly you found yourself lying next to leona with his arms wrapped around you
° "We'll talk about it when i wake up. Now sleep with me, herbivore. Love ya."
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azul ashengrotto
° contracts, contracts, contracts. Azul was piled up with contracts and monstro lounge work, his eyes had dark circles under them, he was slowly crumbling. It was a sad view, and the fact that he didn't let you help him made it even worse
° you had to come up with a way to bring azul away from all this work, but nothing was coming to mind. Until a rather embarrassing idea popped in your head
° "Azul, dear, why don't you take a break? I love you, and don't want to see you faint."
° you thought you heard his glasses crack. A pen fell from his hand, azul froze in place, not looking at you. After he composed himself, azul looked up, an adorable blush covered his cheeks
° "My pearl, i love you, too, but please warn me next time you decide to say such things. Made my heart stop for a bit."
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kalim al-asim
° it was a party thrown in your honor, kalim gave you so many presents, but you weren't even sure why he was having a party in the middle of a week, yet along in your name
° kalim led you to the treasure room, telling you to choose whatever you want. You stopped him on track, when his suggestions started to get bigger and more expensive
° "Kalim, wait! I love you so much, but I don't need expensive gifts to know you do, too."
° kalim stared at you with teary eyes, hands over his mouth. He pulled you into a hug, and you heard some weak sobs. When he let go, kalim let out a laugh at your confused face
° "Sorry if i scared you. You said you love me for the first time, and I'm just so happy! I love you too, my treasure!"
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vil schoenheit
° vil was irritated when neige became once again most popular actor by collective vote. Of course, vil tried not to pay any attention to it, but he slowly started getting in his head
° you knew his worries, always complimenting him and cheering vil up. Honestly, you yourself never understood what neige had that vil didn't, so you decided to voice your opinion
° "I don't understand what's so great about that boy. You are much more handsome, plus i love you, so he really doesn't– Vil?"
° you catch vil looking at you with an expression you've never seen before, he was speechless, lips parted and brows furrowed a bit
° "Well, this is just rude! The fact that you mentioned neige and your love for me in one sentence is unacceptable. Say you love me again until I'm satisfied, potato!"
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idia shroud
° you both were playing games in his room just as usual, you were fighting a boss in co-op. Idia was sitting next to, leaning on your shoulder. The battle was intense and you both didn't know if you'd make it
° but just as you were about to die, idia stunned the boss with a particularly powerful strike. You both yelled in victory, hugging each other close
° "Yes! Idia, you did it! We beat that boss, thanks to your strike! You're amazing, i love you so much!"
° idia made a strange sound, when he heard your words. His face was covered in blush, tips of his hair matching the color of his cheeks. He wasn't sure if he should say anything in return, but eventually replied
° "mm, i-i l-l-love you, t-too! You're were a-amazing yourself... L-let's do another boss."
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malleus draconia
° indeed a wonderful night it was for a walk. Malleus held your hand delicately, a soft smile adored his face. He felt so comfortable around you, so overwhelmed with love for his boyfriend
° a warmth spread in your chest, you squeezed malleus' hand, looking at him. You just couldn't hold what you felt for him in, and decided to tell him
° "malleus, i just want you to know, how much i love you. Words cannot describe what i feel right now."
° malleus turns to face you, taking your both hands in his. The look in his eyes erased all nervousness you ever had, as his long fingers caressed yours
° "I want you to know, that i love you, too. More than anything in the entire world and with my whole heart. I truly cherish you, my one and only."
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johnsamericano · 3 years
𝔖𝔲𝔤𝔞𝔯 ℜ𝔲𝔰𝔥 𝔧.𝔧.𝔥
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Hi everyone! As promised, here’s one of the two most voted fic continuations. There will be more chapters to this story though I'm not sure how many yet. Thank you for reading!
warnings: sugar daddy jae, mentions of injuries and hospitals, language.
taglist: @thoreeo @trustmahluv
Sugar rush m.list.
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the quiet hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
The machine monitoring your father’s heartbeat was the only sound filling the hospital room, where your once healthy father laid unconscious, his perfect, chiseled cheeks adorned with cuts and bruises. Would they leave a mark?
Where did everything go wrong?
Your string of thoughts was cut off by a call from your aunt.
Your string of thoughts was cut off by a call from your aunt.
“Hello?” Your voice was raspy from not using it. There was no one to talk to in the quiet, hospital room but the nurses, who weren't especially keen on chatting.
“How’s your dad, sweetie?”
“They let him out of ICU, but he doesn't look good to me.” Your fingers traced the cuts in his chiseled cheeks that would soon turn into scars, ruining his perfect skin. Your eyes then diverted to his head, thoroughly covered in bandages to protect his damaged skull.
“Honey, I've got bad news...”
“They rejected the case, didn't they?”
“Not precisely.” She deeply inhaled before continuing. “It’s a tough case, almost impossible to win, nonetheless, they're willing to take it. But their fee is a little...”
As expected from the best firm in town, they wouldn't take less than $8,000. Your bank account didn't have enough money to even cover half of it, and with your job at the convenience store, you'd only earn so much to cover your expenses.
“We can take the lawyer that the government provides us with, it would be free.”
“But then I'm sure we’d lose.” You groaned in frustration, using your free hand to rub your forehead. “Don’t worry, I'll find a way to get the money.”
“Why don't we just accept the compensation they're offering? It could pay for the hospital bills and you'd still have some left to pay for your tuition.”
“That would be like putting a price on my father's life. I don't want their money, I want them to make themselves responsible for what they've caused.” The sound of wheels approached the door of your father's room, signaling the nurse was outside with his meds. “It’s okay, Auntie, I'll take care of everything. You can go back home, I know my uncle isn't doing so well.”
“Are you sure, darling?” It was undeniable that she wanted to head back to her little ranch fat away from the hectic city life to take care of her sick husband, but still, her brother was laying down on a hospital bed, fighting for his life.
“Yes, I'm an adult, I'll find a way.”
“Take care of yourself, and don't hesitate to call me if you're having any difficulties. I'll be there in the blink of an eye.” She said before sending a kiss into the speaker, proceeding to hang up.
You sighed. It was never usual for you to ask for help, as you were an extremely prideful and independent person, and you doubted this time would be different.
“Don’t worry, dad. Everything will be alright.”
Three failed job interviews and one more to go. Your feet were killing you, the high heels covering them already worn out from walking to avoid taking the bus. Every penny counted, and as long as your legs worked, you weren't spending any more money than what was necessary.
You sat down in the waiting room of the company, massaging your neck to relieve some tension. College was becoming a burden. Maybe you'd take a semester off to focus on working, that is if someone wanted to hire an inexperienced student.
“Y/n, Y/l/n?”
“Here.” You darted up, gathering your belongings to enter the room on which your life almost literally depended.
You gave all the right answers, earning a polite ‘we’ll contact you’ in return. But you could see that they weren't convinced with your lack of experience, no company in their right mind would be.
As soon as you arrived at your apartment, you slid out of the uncomfortable pencil skirt, tucking yourself under the covers with your phone screen almost hitting your nose.
To take your mind off things, you decided to watch some videos. Halfway in, an ad popped up, interrupting the interior deco video you were watching.
A picture of a girl about your age hugging an older man was right in the middle of your screen. Written with fancy letters, the words ‘make your life simpler’ could be read, followed by what you guessed was the title of the app. Sugar rush.
Out of pure curiosity, your finger tapped at the small icon that led to the app store, absentmindedly clicking the download button. A few seconds later, an icon with the letters ‘SR’ was added to your home screen.
“Log in?” You murmured out loud, squinting your eyes to adjust your eyes to the bright, white homepage.
Just as you were about to click out, the phrase from the ad reappeared, stopping your finger from moving any further.
You could always delete your account if something went wrong, right? Nonetheless, you decided to use a false name, and that's how Melanie Kim’s profile was created. You left the circle of your profile picture empty for now, only filling the spaces that asked about your likes, dislikes, age, and all that stuff that people care about so much.
You knew what the app was for, but that didn't stop you from being surprised when a list of men and women of different ages greeted you. Right then, a small rectangle obstructed your sight, two buttons offering opposite things.
‘Pick the role you'd like to develop.’
Sugar daddy/mommy / Sugar baby.
Clearly, you didn’t have nor the money or the years to be the first, so you clicked the opposite button without giving it more thought.
‘Welcome. You've been registered as a sugar baby at Sugar rush. Meet thousands of men and women willing to finance you for free!’
You hummed.
‘As we're always looking to make our users’ experience better, we've developed Sugar Rush premium, a membership to meet the richest and hottest people in your surroundings. Get the premium version for only $5.95 a month. Click here to get Sugar Rush premium.’
Your finger pad was dangerously close to the blue button, almost grazing the screen of the phone. It was then when you were pulled out of your trance, blinking as if just then you'd realized what you were doing.
“I must be crazy.” You turned off your phone, not bothering to turn on an alarm for the next day. You had no interviews left. You had nowhere to go.
Waking up was getting harder with every passing day. Not being able to call your dad to go out for breakfast or even sending a simple good morning message hurt you deeply. You missed him. But seeing him laying down on a hospital bed, unable to do anything by himself, was even worse.
A notification filled the silence in your room.
‘Come back, you haven't finished setting up your account yet!’
You scoffed at your past self. What were you even thinking when you downloaded the app?
You simply turned off the phone before standing up to take a relaxing shower. As the water soaked up your tense body, your mind started wandering off back to the app. A million what-ifs filled your head, nonetheless, there was one that remained the most persistent.
‘What if this can pay for a lawyer?’
Your part-time job surely couldn't, and you had no one to assist you financially speaking. The whole idea of paying that ridiculous membership seemed more tempting as your fingers started getting wrinkly under the showerhead.
You decided to take some time to consider it, after all, you still had a week to give the lawyers an answer.
Hot soup seemed like a good option to comfort you, and thankfully, there was a store right in front of your place that claimed to sell the best soups in town.
It wasn't bad, but not nearly as good as the one your dad cooked when you were a kid. You sighed, wondering if you'd ever be able to eat it again. Just then, a woman about your age came into the shop, carrying a couple of bags where names of popular brands could be read. A pinch of jealousy made your heart stir as you glanced at yourself through the reflection in the glass at your side. You looked devastated, your skin pale and your cheekbones slightly sunken, a sign of the lack of rest and food you'd been getting.
Out of pure impulse, you pulled out your phone, clicked on the app you'd recently downloaded, and finally accepted the charges for a premium membership.
‘Welcome, new member of our wide community, click ok to get started!’
Well, no turning back now.
Right after pressing the blue letters with your thumb, you were presented with a list of potential prospects, some of them including pictures, some of them only including name and a brief description of what they were looking for. The minority included their ages, but most left the space blank.
A bunch of old men looking for a youthful, pretty woman to be by their sides, some of them even went as far as writing the weight and height their ideal partner should have. Of course, there were also some women in the look for young meat, but the number of men overpassed them.
About to exit the app in defeat, a profile caught your eye. His pale pink hair was parted, allowing his thick eyebrows to stand out. His high cheekbones made him look like a statue, the details in his face almost too perfect for a mere human. He must be the incarnation of a Greek God, you thought.
‘Jung Yoonoh. 41 years old. Owner of N & C.’
“Should I...?” You asked yourself in a voice lower than a whisper.
He has probably gotten hundreds of messages, so what would be the point of sending one yourself? Your eyes scanned the picture over and over again as the remains of your soup started getting cold.
He was probably the only acceptable man in the whole app, so why not give it a try?
You already spent five whole dollars on it, might as well make it worth the money.
‘Hi.’ Sent.
“Holy crap.” You breathed out, regretting every single action that led you to take such a stupid decision. “Ah!” You squeaked as three small dots appeared beside his profile picture, signaling he was writing a reply.
What if he rejected you right from the beginning? God, that would be so humiliating. His message stopped your train of thought.
Followed by:
‘How are you?’
Sweating like a pig, thank you for asking.
‘Fine. You?’ Read.
‘Thrilled. No one had messaged me since I created my account two weeks ago.’
‘How is that possible?’ You imprinted your thoughts on a message.
‘It’s hard to trust people nowadays. I guess people might think either my picture is photoshopped or I'm lying about my job.’
‘Their loss, ig.’ Read.
He was taking some time to answer. Had you said something inappropriate?
The conversation stopped there, as you didn't know how exactly to answer his message. But a few minutes later, another text from him popped up at your chat.
‘If you're okay with it, we can start talking about a possible arrangement.’
Already? You've known each other for like five minutes. But then again, arrangements were the whole purpose of the app.
‘May I ask your reasons for joining the app?’
‘I need urgent money, but my job doesn't pay nearly enough.’ You omitted the part of your agonizing father, he didn't need to know that. ‘And you?’
‘I need someone to be my partner at public spaces.’
‘Alright.’ Read.
‘Do you happen to have some free time tomorrow at lunchtime? I think it’d be better to meet first before making any decisions.’
‘Yeah, I'm free.’
‘Great, I’ll send you the address.’
You thought a day would be enough to prepare yourself, but time passed by quicker than usual, and soon enough, it was time to get ready for your meeting with Mr. Jung. He was only a few years younger than your father, and calling him by his first name wouldn't feel right.
Unsure if you should wear something formal, you threw on a beige (the color you'd agreed on wearing so it’d be easier to recognize each other) summer dress, pairing it with the gold hoops you'd inherited from your grandma to make it look more elegant.
The hardest part of your routine was makeup. Your sunken cheeks couldn't be covered, and only after a few layers of blush and highlighter, you could bring your skin back to life.
On your way to the cafe, you went through the things you'd say when you met him. It was your chance to get your father what he needed.
You stood at the entrance with wide, scared eyes, shyly scanning through the place to look for your date.
“Melanie?” A hand on your shoulder had you jolting. “I’m Jung Yoonoh, nice to meet you.”
What you saw after turning around was breathtaking. A handsome, healthy man, with the most beautiful pair of dimples.
“Nice to meet you.” You managed to blurt out without stuttering, extending your hand to make the greeting more formal. The fake name didn’t seem necessary anymore. “It’s actually y/n, I didn't want to use my real name.”
“I understand. Let’s take a seat.” He offered with a kind smile.
He left you seating at the terrace while he made your order, a latte, and a chocolate cookie. Your fingers played with your hoops anxiously, trying to regulate your breath.
“They’ll bring our food in just a sec.” He offered a warm smile. “Your dress is pretty.” Yoonoh said out of nowhere.
“Thank you.”
“I see you're not a chatty person.” You were about to object, but he started speaking again. “It's not a bad thing! I usually talk a lot, so it’s a nice way to balance things.”
You nodded, seemingly uncomfortable with the man sitting in front of you.
“So, uhm, this is my first time doing this, so I'm not really sure where to begin.” He pulled out a folded paper from the front pocket of his dressing pants. “It’s a bit creased, but I can always print another one. I brought it so you could take a look and let me know if you wanted to change anything. I don't mean to pressure you, but you said it was urgent, so...”
You read the paper under his attentive gaze, making sure not to miss a single word. Everything seemed correct, except...
“Six months?”
“Is that too much?” A small wrinkle formed between his eyebrows, a sign of deep concentration. “Okay, so let's do this instead.”
He took back the contract, pulling out a pen from the pocket in his dressing shirt to correct the original stipulations.
“Four months, and if by the end of them you don't absolutely hate me, we can extend the time. Deal?”
“Just one more thing.”
You cleared your throat, conscious that your following words might jeopardize the whole arrangement.
“Are you sure you want to make it official already?” You had to stop for a moment as the waiter left your orders on top of the wooden table. “I mean, it's not that I have a problem with it, but it's your money and maybe you'd like to give it a better thought.” You resumed.
“The fact that you're concerned about me proves I'm making the right choice. Now, tell me, how much would you like to receive as a weekly allowance?”
Would it be too reckless to ask him straight up for the $8,000?
“H-how much are you willing to give me?” You felt dirty, accepting a stranger’s money like that.
“Whatever you need.” His hand suddenly reached forward to yours, causing every ounce of blood in your body to rush to your face. “There’s no need to be embarrassed, I'm here to help you.” His voice tone dropped, acquiring an almost soothing feeling.
“I need eight thousand by Thursday, next week.” His eyes were wide open, mouth having difficulties remaining closed. “I-I know it's too much, but...”
“I can find a way to give you that money, but I'd like to know the reason why you need it. Just to make sure it's nothing illegal.”
You puffed your cheeks, trying to find an excuse good enough to justify the amount of money you were asking for.
“It isn’t illegal, is it?”
“No!” You retrieved your hand from below his, now embarrassed at the possibility of him having a bad image of you. “I need it for my father.”
“I suppose you don't want to talk about it.” He started at his palm, lips pressed in a thin life. “But when it comes to arrangements like this, we need to trust each other, alright?” You barely knew each other, yet, he demanded to know a very personal detail of your life. Not that he didn't have a good reason for wanting to know, it wasn't a particularly small amount of money.
“He had an accident at work...” You started, fearful of looking up to find pity in his eyes. “I need a lawyer to make his company legally responsible. They intend to throw it under the rug and pay a somewhat decent amount of money to make it go away. The firm I intend to hire is supposedly the best in town, probably my only chance of getting justice.”
“And why don't you just accept it? There's no guarantee that your lawyer will win the case.” You fisted the delicate fabric of your dress, eyes watering as you tried to hold back your anger.
“My father’s life is priceless, and if you think what I'm doing is a waste of money, then fine, we can both look for someone else to help us.” It sounded more aggressive than you'd first intended, but you meant every word that came out of your mouth.
Before you could even stand up, his slim fingers had already wrapped themselves around your wrist.
“I never said that.” He whispered with an almost sad tone. “Come on, sit down.”
He tugged at your arm the slightest, showing off his charming dimples once again.
“I’ll give you the money on one condition...” He raised one of his thick eyebrows. “I’ll go with you to see the lawyer.”
“That’s my condition, take it or leave it.”
The days before your meeting with your potential lawyer were nerve-wracking. You'd seen Yoonoh another time to sign the contract, which finally made your arrangement official.
You’d visit your father every day, always hoping he'd be sitting with his arms wide open, ready to hug you. But nothing had changed ever since he first came into that room.
“I’m here to see Mr. Kim.” The secretary's gaze lingered on Jaehyun a few seconds before he finally snapped out of it. “Y/n Y/l/n.”
“Just a second.” He opened his agenda and quickly found your appointment. With a warm smile, he guided you through the corridors of the building, all the way to the elevator. “It’s the only office on the last floor, I'll be at my desk if you need anything.”
Once again, he shot Jae an uneasy glance before the metal doors slid close.
“What was all that?” To be honest, you couldn't care less. But a small chat might calm your nerves and prevent you from throwing up all over the place.
“What do you mean?” He grinned, pressing the button to the top floor.
“You know what I mean.” You scoffed, annoyed at his evasive behavior.
“We just happen to know each other, nothing special.” Before the conversation could continue, a loud ding resonated through the metal cubicle. “Let’s go.” His hand found its place at the small of your back, pushing you towards the glass door. Through it, you could see a black-haired man reading a pile of documents, occasionally raising a photo to examine it with his gold-rimmed glasses supported at the bridge of his elegant nose.
Jaehyun extended his arm over your shoulder to knock on the door, earning an almost annoyed ‘come in’ from the man inside.
“Let’s go.” Once again invading your personal space, he reached for the doorknob with you trapped between his arms.
As soon as the door opened, the man raised his eyes from the documents he was checking.
“What are you doing here, Jung?”
“I knew something was off...” You murmured, loud enough for the man at your side to chuckle.
“I brought you a client, you should be happy.”
“Miss y/n, I suppose. Have a seat.” His demeanor completely changed while speaking directly to you. “I spoke with your aunt last week, she explained the details of the lawsuit, but I must say, it isn't an easy case.”
“I know that, but I've been told you're the best firm in town, I know I'll have more possibilities of winning if you're my lawyer.”
“Best firm in town my ass.”
“Be silent or I’ll kick you out of the building.”
That was enough for Yoonoh to zip his mouth. For a while at least.
“I suppose she also told you about our fee.” He pushed his glasses up using his thumb. “We’d also keep 25% of the lawsuit money assuming we win the case, is that okay with you?”
“Okay, stop.”
“I’ll call security, Jung.”
“Look at me, y/n.” He squeezed your arms. “This clown is trying to scam you...” He pointed his finger at the lawyer without breaking eye contact. “You’d be spending loads of money for someone who isn't even confident in his abilities. It isn't worth it.”
“And I suppose you'd do better than me, then.” The black-haired man scoffed. “If that's the case, then you can both leave. I'm quite busy at the moment.” With a turn of his wrist, he signaled you to leave the room.
You were fuming, stomping out of the building with Jaehyun right behind you.
“I found a great restaurant nearby, we can go there and-”
“What the fuck is wrong with you?”
“Calm down-”
“Don’t tell me to calm down when you just fucked up my only chance to give those bastards what they deserve.” The sun was starting to set, yellow light casting shadows over his tender cheeks.
“Can you listen to me for a second?”
“Are you laughing right now?” You bit your lip, hard, trying to hold back the tsunami of tears threatening to come out of your eyes. “Asshole.”
“Ouch.” He furrowed his eyebrows mockingly. Oh, how close you were to punch that pretty face of his. “Can I explain now?”
You remained silent, staring at the ground with the smallest frown between your eyebrows.
“How do you think I know Kim Doyoung?” Before even giving you a chance to answer, he continued. “That son of a bitch has been stealing my clients for ages.”
“Your clients...?”
“He isn't even that good of a lawyer compared to me.” He scoffed with fake arrogance.
“You're a lawyer?!” You slammed your palms into your face, whining at the newly acquired information. “Why didn't you tell me from the beginning?”
“Just wanted to swing by and annoy him a bit. Don't worry, I wasn't gonna let you accept his deal.” He winked playfully.
The sun was now hidden, the sky darkening as the moon rose to take its shift.
“Though I gotta say, I'm kinda offended I wasn't even an option. I'm a pretty great lawyer, you know?”
“I’ll forgive you if you join me for dinner. What do you say?”
As you walked into the darkness of the streets, his shoulder occasionally bumping yours, you wondered if meeting him was a casualty. Maybe the world was finally smiling at you.
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scoutdoesstuff · 2 years
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glad the banner caught your attention fellow american-- can i keep it for like five more seconds? cool.
shit's not great in the states right now and i speedran the stages of grief today. you may be still in one them - your journey is valid and please take the time you need.
when you're ready though - can i interest you in getting involved politically?
these folks (https://votesaveamerica.com/) have created a handy dandy website to help you get involved politically -- whether it's donating, volunteering, or just keeping aware of what's going on in anyway you can.
their website is incredibly easy to naviagte and it can get you started on your political journey ASAP. please give it a click and see if there's something that fits you.
shit's rough out there i'm not gonna lie. but we need every fighter we've got right now and yes that includes you, even if you don't feel like one (god knows i'm not sure i feel like one either).
if you do nothing else, please vote this midterm season. it is the easiest, single most impactful decision you can make as an american citizen on the system in which you live. if it didn't matter, the fundie christians who are trying to make the rest of us chattel wouldn't be doing it every year like clockwork. trust me.
(here's a handy dandy site to register to vote too: https://vote.gov/)
and if you're all the way at the bottom of this post with me, thank you for reading
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thatmexisaurusrex · 3 years
For your celebration fluff event — 9. voting registration please!
Awww, thank you for the prompt, Jules! 🥺 🥰
Captain 1 of 7: The Voter Registration Captain
| Prompts | 2 |
"Huh. So, it is true," said Bucky casually, glancing over at the tables flooded with community college students, the kid standing on one dressed up in her very own homemade Captain America outfit.
Sam had heard about other Captain Americas.
Rumors of them all over the country. He and Bucky had decided to investigate to see if the rumors were true. And it seemed that, at least, one rumor was: that there was a Captain America in Jackson, Mississippi that had been going around and helping people with learning how to register to vote.
This girl, this Captain America, had her friends dressed in Captain America t-shirts, talking to people in line and handing out pamphlets on registering to vote either in person or by mail since online voter registration didn't seem to be an option in Mississippi.
She had friends on computers explaining to people where they could turn in mail-in registration and helping some of them fill out their forms. She had giant handmade poster boards in neat handwriting with FAQs about voting in Mississippi, about when the last day you could register to vote for the next election, with sites that would give information on important dates coming up.
She had a whole entire grassroots team helping people out and she couldn't have been older than nineteen.
"Get registered to vote!" yelled this Captain America on the table, "One of the most important things you can do as an adult and an American citizen is vote. It may not seem like it, but an election can be decided by a handful of votes. Laws are impacted for decades depending on who is elected to office, whether it be local, regional, or national. Your voice can flip a town, a city, a state. And I know it can be hard to get registered, get the information you need to vote when the time comes, but let Captain America help you in figuring out how to do your civic duty! Sign up for the Voter Captain Newsletter for email updates on when the next elections will be, what times you'll be allowed to vote, where you can vote, what to expect, and what to bring with you! There are also sign-up sheets for carpooling for the next election, so be sure to look at those - oh my god."
This Captain America before Sam froze when she saw him. Sam, in his own Captain America outfit, gave her a little wave.
Everyone gawked between the two Captain Americas.
The girl jumped off the table, apologized to the crowd as she moved through it, sprinted to Sam. She was at least a foot shorter than Sam. She stared up at Sam. He stared down at her. He wasn't sure if she was filled with nervous excitement or nervous panic. Maybe both.
"Nice setup you have here," said Sam, breaking the silence.
The girl beamed.
"It is, right? It started kind of small a few months ago. A couple of friends on a different campus. But I don't know, once I put on the suit, I got so much confidence and people started showing up," said the girl, her hands fidgeting, "I - I hope it's not a problem that I chose to be Captain America. You're just - you work with communities every day. You try to help people not just by going after the bad guys, but actually seeing who needs help. I look up to you so much. I want to be that type of person. The kind who can make a difference. But if you don't want me to wear the suit anymore, I'd understand. I'll stop wearing it if you ask."
Bucky and Sam exchange looks. A little smile passed between the two. Sam turned his attention back to this Captain America, giving her a big gap-toothed grin.
"You're a fantastic Captain America," said Sam, "Do you need any help with this?"
This Captain America took a moment to think.
"If you could come back during the weekend, we're actually going to head to a few different neighborhoods. I think you'd be more helpful then," she said, her surprised friends nodding enthusiastically.
"Give me the information and I'll make sure Sam gets there on time," said Bucky, one of her friends running over with a flier, explaining the details of where exactly they were going to visit this coming weekend.
Sam looked at it all.
The setup.
The team.
What the girl had done.
Sam had only been doing what he thought was the right thing to do as Captain America when he made the point to help in nonviolent ways as well. He knew people looked up to him, but he never expected someone to start a whole tiny movement like this. All he could think was that he was proud of this girl and what she had created.
⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️
This series is being made to celebrate the anniversary of TFATWS. It’s loosely inspired by The United States of Captain America miniseries. Click here to see the upcoming prompts I’ll be doing!
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striped-carpet · 3 years
M. List
Obey Me! Bro's As: Retail Workers:
A/N: In the process of writing this, i kept thinking my tumblr was glitching because it wasn't saving to my drafts on this account. Turns out i was on my alt the entire time and didn't notice 🙃
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Lucifer can go one of two ways in my opinion
He's either extremely nice to people, or openly frustrated
I would be too if i had to put up with half the things retail workers have to on a daily basis 🙄
He's also the type to scan things extra fast when he sees a child without their parents in line bc they went to get something they forgot
That poor child.
He's staring right into their eyes as well, and the kid starts to feel like holes are being burned into their forehead
He has no idea what he's doing.
Constantly calls one of his co-workers over to his register because he doesn't know how to work the system
This is what you get for not paying attention to your mentor, buddy-boy‼️
He also ends up scanning the same item multiple times because he's distracted and then gets mad at the customer when they try to let him know
Eventually gets fired for pocketing money
Dumb mf 😐
He's very awkward in a lot of cases
Unless he notices someone buying something anime/manga themed
Or if he's scanning things for an older person
Levi has a soft spot for old people and i will die on this hill
Anyway, he would end up asking the customer about said anime item and possibly end up spoiling the entire show for them
Outside of that, I feel like he would get shaky hands and end up dropping multiple items
Bonus points if it's a glass jar
Like Lucifer, he can go one of two ways
He's usually more on the frustrated side, though
He is the avatar of wrath, after all
Especially when there's a toddler in line and they keep grabbing random things-
Or that one baby that decides a grocery store is the ultimate location for a screaming fit
I feel like he would end up quitting once those things happen a little to frequently
Someone give this demon a break at the very least 🥲
He's overall very pleasant to everyone
Always makes sure to ask if they had trouble finding anything or how their day was going so far
He seems to be able to calm the children throwing tantrums down pretty easily too, which is always a bonus for the parents
He would also flirt with customers quite frequently, which gets him in trouble sometimes
For example, he didn't realize that this one person was married once until their partner came back and turned out to be one of those muscular people that could absolutely beat him to a pulp
He was scared out of his mind but they were--thankfully--willing to let him explain
Gets voted employee of the month often as well since he's just so great at his job 🤓
Diavolo forbid he gets hungry on the job
It's pretty much inevitable but still
He once accidentally started to eat a customer's cereal but realized a bit too late
Almost got fired bc of that 😕
That's why his co-workers always try to make sure he has something to eat at pretty much all times
Other than that he's kind to just about everyone, with the exception of those people who are jerks for no reason
He's pretty well liked by his co-workers as well, which is always a good thing
He's that one cashier that you can tell doesn't care and makes sure you're aware of it
Constant yawning
Sometimes he'll be half asleep and ends up pulling a Mammon and scanning the same thing 10 times, much to the customer's dismay
Only difference is that he doesn't get mad when they point it out
Other than that, he's relatively easy to work with since he doesn't really have the energy to argue with people
That doesn't mean he would let rude customer's off the hook, though
Thanks for reading! Sorry for any spelling/grammar mistakes and have a great day/night! :)
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existslikepristin · 3 years
Activated My Trap Card
This one is VERY old. Even from before What A Bummer.
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Tags: TheLounge?, CLC, Seungyeon, Yeeun, Eunbin, male reader insert, scary ladies, the most uncomfortable threesome with an audience of one, vote story
You stand in front of the door to Cube Entertainment's offices. You got a strange call a few days ago telling you to come to this address in order to "make a lot of money." You were worried that it might be something illegal, or a scam, but after you looked the address up you got a little excited.
And it seems like you were right to be! After a minute or two, the door opens and you see Seungyeon standing there, looking straight into your eyes. She's wearing a super low cut black tank top, a pair of jean shorts that look like they've been cut extra high for optimal showing off, and the most basic pair of black flip flops ever. She doesn't look surprised to see you.
"Yeah, there you are," she says in her deep, beautiful voice, putting her hands on her hips, "I knew you would be perfect. Come on in. I've got a job for you."
She stands aside to let you through the doorway and closes the door behind you.
Unsure of where to go, you wait for her to make the next move. She does exactly that, walking past you and letting her hand graze past your thigh on the way. That had to be an accident right?
With her back turned to you, you look down and she that her tank top is mostly backless, and her shorts reveal about half of her butt cheeks. There is so much skin on display to you right now. You make an effort not to look, but it's damn hard.
You're about to take another look when Seungyeon spins around gives you a deadly look in the eye. "So tell me... who's your CLC bias?"
Holy shit, why is she putting you on the spot all of a sudden?! She looks like she wants an answer, and fast! This really was a trap! Fuck!
Options: 1. (Picked:) Seungyeon 2. Seunghee 3. Yujin 4. Sorn 5. Yeeun 6. Elkie 7. Eunbin
"Y-y..." you stutter, trying to think about how fast you can turn around and open the door to run.
"Yeeun?" Seungyeon takes a step toward you. She's very, very close.
You stumble back and bump up against the door. Seungyeon follows.
"Y-you," you manage to say.
A mischievous half grin grows on her face. "Yu...jin?" She punctuates the "jin" part by pressing herself up against you. You're still nervous, but you suddenly think you know what this is about (that isn't some shit like assassinating you). She's soft but firm, like you can definitely feel the dancer muscles under her tender skin. Except for her tits, pressed against your ribs. Those are totally soft, other than two tiny points of hardness.
"Nah... you."
You feel Seungyeon's body shiver from top to bottom, and she slides one of her legs up yours, trapping you against the door just a little more. Her hands are suddenly on your shoulders.
"That's what I was hoping. I saw you a while ago. You didn't see me, but I saw a picture of me on your phone," She squeezes your shoulders a little, like she's getting needy, "Do you touch yourself when you see me?"
You gulp. You're really not sure if telling the truth about that will help your case here.
Then it's your turn to shiver, as Seungyeon licks your neck, then buries her face in it. "Tell me which one of my holes you fantasize about being inside the most."
Well, what do you say?
Options: 1. (Picked:) "I've always wanted your pussy wrapped around me." 2. "Do you think your throat can take all of me?" 3. "Spread your ass and I'll show you." 4. "Hole? But what about your tits?"
"I've always wanted your pussy wrapped around me."
Holy shit, you've never seen clothes come off a person so fast. You barely catch a glimpse of Seungyeon's nipples before they're smashed against your chest again.
"Well I want to wrap my pussy around your cock," she says, already lowering your pants, "Help me make that happen, okay?"
You're not sure how you're supposed to help, since you're pinned between the door and her paralyzing, hot body. You feel your pants dropping to the floor, taking your underwear with them. Your dick springs up and slaps Seungyeon's pussy. Of course you're already hard.
Seungyeon isn't waiting for anything. She lifts herself onto her toes, and your dick gets just enough room to be able point fully up. Your tip rests somewhere in her folds. She reaches around her back and you feel her fingers adjust you very slightly, and suddenly you feel your entire dick being engulfed by her as she drops back down.
She groans. Loud. You're very aware all of a sudden that you're having sex in the front hallway of an entertainment company's office and look around. Seungyeon grabs your chin and forces you to look into her eyes though. You see stars dancing around them, but that's probably because you're feeling light headed from the pleasure being forced onto you right now.
The look she gives you is... intense. The whole time she's moving her body just right to keep your dick inside her, despite the fact that she's so soaking wet and slippery and at such an awkward angle. She manages it well though.
"Do you like this? Hm?" She asks. You open your mouth to answer but all you get out is a moan as she squeezes your dick with her pussy. Against your stomach, you feel her abs working to make that happen. What a fucking talent!
She smiles and pulls your head down to her open mouth. You open yours too and it gets assaulted by her tongue, dancing just as wildly as her body does.
When she finally breaks away from the thing you could call a kiss, she moves her chest off of yours to let you get a really good view of her jiggling tits, shining with sweat. If you're honest, you've already seen most of them thanks to the clothes she wears, but with nothing to cover them at all they're absolutely amazing.
"I need you to... cum, alright?"
Woah, that's sudden. Does she mean inside?
"The first cum... happens fast," she pants between every couple of words. No wonder, since she's still fucking you while just on the tips of her toes, "but that's what... we need... You need to last... longer for the next round."
You definitely already feel your orgasm coming, she doesn't need to tell you that. But wait. Next round? What is she talking about?
Simple poll this time:
Choices: 1. Take charge and cum the way you want to! She didn't specifically say she needed you to cum inside her, but that's a risk you're willing to take. 2. (Picked:) Are you joking? She knows what she's doing and has a plan for MORE? Don't take charge, she'll make you cum the way she wants to!
No way you're risking doing something she doesn't want you to right now. Not after she mentioned a "next round."
"It's happening now!" you say through your half gritted teeth. You really hope she knows what you meant, but you're having a little trouble forming full, meaningful sentences right now.
Seungyeon gets both of her arms around you and squeezes. Her eyes lock on yours again and you're captivated. You can't look away. "Do it... then."
Her hips grind against yours, and your orgasm hits you like a runaway train. You're dizzy, but you can still notice that she's squeezing down on you. As your cum fills her up, her eyes roll up, she bites her lip, and a grin spreads across her face.
You barely register that you slump to the floor, with Seungyeon's clamping pussy bringing her down with you.
"You dumb fucking hooker."
Suddenly, your senses all come back to you. That wasn't your voice. Or Seungyeon's. Oh shit. You can't see where it came from. But you recognize it. You start to imagine yourself getting beat up by body guards, or thrown in jail, or... fuck, maybe exiled from South Korea? Is that a thing that could happen?
So, whose voice was it?
Options: 1. Seunghee 2. Yujin 3. Sorn 4. Yeeun 5. Elkie 6. (Picked:) Eunbin
With a semi-exhausted sigh, Seungyeon leans to the side and looks over her shoulder. You feel a sense of impending doom as you see that the voice came from the daddy long le-- er, you mean, "maknae" of CLC, Eunbin.
Eunbin is only about fifteen feet away down the hall, wearing shorts (not as short as Seungyeon's, but still revealing her full legs), a blue sweatshirt, and tennis shoes. She looks... well she looks stone-faced as normal, but you bet she's super angry, based on the tone of her voice.
"Beannie, it's all good, okay?" Seungyeon sounds annoyed. She stands up, a wet plop nearly echoing as she comes off your dick. She faces away from you. If you weren't terrified, you would be admiring the bottom view of her bare ass and pussy dripping with your cum. Actually, you just came inside her. You're suddenly even more terrified, thinking about the entertainment company lawyers that are about to sue you into oblivion.
There's a dead silence for a solid ten seconds as the leader and the maknae stare each other down. You barely have the self consciousness to cover your dick with your hands.
"Don't you want to try him out?"
You stare up at Seungyeon's back. Could she make this situation worse? Don't mock the witness!
Eunbin's deadpan glare lowers down and locks with your eyes. ShiiiiIIIIT. Her look goes a little further down, right at your hands. And she licKS HER LIPS, WHAT?
"I'm busy, ass whore. Besides, the bitch is waiting with her cunt wide open," she swears evenly, like she's discussing the mild weather. You would question what she's saying if you weren't so confused, and still light headed.
Seungyeon groans, this time with annoyance rather than with pleasure like earlier. She turns around and bends over to grab your arms and starts pulling. You have to assume she wants you to stand, so you try, but it's awkward, trying to stand without revealing your mostly softened cock. Once you're up, she yanks on your hands, flashing Eunbin. Yet, she only looks for half a second, then turns and walks through a doorway. The same one Seungyeon starts dragging you toward, all the while with your cum slowly dripping out of her onto the floor.
What the fuck is happening here?
And who's the "bitch" Eunbin is talking about?!
Options: 1. Seunghee 2. Yujin 3. Sorn 4. (Picked:) Yeeun 5. Elkie
As you make your way through the door, dragged by Seungyeon, Eunbin is nowhere to be seen, but there is definitely another person. You're not sure you recognize her though.
She's tied down with some soft looking rope to a cushioned table. And the ropes are all she's wearing, with the exception of a blindfold. The ropes are holding her down and holding her legs wide open, but her arms are completely free. Doesn't seem like effective bonda--
The door slams shut behind you, making you just about jump out of your skin. Eunbin was hiding behind it! She has on exactly the same expression as before, too. She must be determined to creep you the hell out.
Before you can do or say anything about that, Seungyeon grabs your chin and turns you to look at the tied up girl on the table again. "See there? That's Yeeun. She's been a very good girl until today. She's only had sex a couple times before, but last month she told us that she wants to be a little slut, so that's why you're here."
You see Yeeun biting her lower lip. Seungyeon reaches down and starts stroking your dick back to life.
"You can fuck her any way you want to, as long as it's hard, and as long as you can do it for a really, really long time. And if you can do that..."
Seungyeon drops to her knees and takes your mostly hard dick in her mouth, diving all the way to the base and quickly sucking off whatever was left from the first round. She pops back off and licks it from the bottom to the top.
"If you do that for her, I'll definitely be calling you back."
You look back and forth from the leader of CLC below you and the rapper in front of you. Should you really? This seems crazy.
"What will it be? You can take her sweet pussy all the way to the moon and back, but she's not on the same prodigious birth control I am,"
You mentally breathe a sigh of relief at that, but also wonder what the hell qualifies a birth control as "prodigious."
"If you're afraid of putting a baby in her though, we already pre-lubed her pretty little ass. It hasn't been used before, but you should glide righ-"
DEAR LORD, Eunbin's ever-expressionless face appears right in front of yours, out of nowhere, "Or you can face fuck her. I've been dildoing this stupid thot's dumb mouth for days to get her ready for your fatass penis, if you have the balls," she says, nearly monotone. You're seriously confused by her rude behavior here and suspect she might be hiding a torture room somewhere in this building.
From the table, you hear Yeeun. You may not be at a good angle to see her, but it's definitely her. You'd recognize that sweet, meek voice anywhere, "I'm ready... please fuck me?"
Holy damn. This is really happening isn't it?
Options: 1. (Picked:) Take that risk! Pussy time! 2. Well, if her ass is already lubed... 3. Don't risk Eunbin crushing your skull. Throat fuck Yeeun. 4. Why is titfucking still not an option?! Lol, jk, we all love her boobs, but she's not big enough for that. 5. Run the fuck away! These bitches are actually insane!
You take a deep breath. This is just plain insanity that you are witnessing before your eyes.
Insanity is contagious, apparently.
You step around Seungyeon, and stand over Yeeun. She's at just the right height, and your dick rests on her pelvis, between her legs. You hear a short gasp of excitement from her... and two more behind you, which is definitely still weird.
You back up a few inches, bend your knees just a bit, and move forward again. Yeeun is a bit small, so it takes some pushing, but you can see the anticipation building on her face (what isn't covered by the blindfold). With a thrust, you're in.
Yeeun sighs and a smile crosses her face. Seems you made a good choice. She's going to like this.
"Woohoo! Now make her a slut!"
Again, you nearly forgot about your audience. Seungyeon moves to stand right next to you, one hand on Yeeun's inner thigh and the other one squeezing your ass cheek. Yay, fun...
For hours, you pound Yeeun into the table. Seungyeon stays with you the whole time, climbing on top of Yeeun, sliding herself all over you, and licking... pretty much everywhere.
A couple of times you have to change things up, untying Yeeun and flipping her onto her stomach, re-angling her so you can hold yourself up mostly by your arms, and eventually scooting her to where her head hangs off the table while you kneel over her.
You cum at least four times, but it's hard to be sure, since you think you went basically numb after the first three hours.
Yeeun seems to have lost her mind around that same time. Her blindfold fell off at some point while you were fucking her from behind and now you can see that her eyes have become unfocused. Every time you pull out to adjust after the second hour, she whined and tried to get you back in. But anything coming out of her mouth eventually turned into needy moans.
You kind of wonder to yourself how realistic it is to have lasted so long, for Yeeun to have actually gone half comatose, or for this process to have "turned her into a slut," but hey, it was bliss for you.
Seungyeon gets on her knees between you and cleans off your exhausted cock (and the area around it) with her tongue. It's a little sore actually, but you're not about to complain.
She stands back up and wraps her arms under yours, pulling you in. "I think you were successful, baby. Yeeun is going to want so much more from now on. Let's hope the baby you definitely put in her doesn't slow her down."
Oh. Right.
"So, what's next? Want any kind of... reward before you go?"
With her hips slowly rubbing side to side against yours, it's pretty obvious what she means, but hey, she asked, so...
Options: 1. (Picked:) You're drained, but you'll try for Seungyeon! Even if it results in embarrassment! 2. You want more, but you don't think you can get it up anymore. Be smooth and give her your contact info. 3. Uh, yeah. The call you got said you were going to get paid money for this. That's a reward. 4. Maybe just something to drink? You're fucking exhausted! (Warning, this option is mad kink territory.)
With your cock just about ready to fall off, you aren't sure how well this will work, but you're willing to try for Seungyeon. You grab her by the hips. A smirk crosses her face, and she doubles down on grinding against you.
You lift her chin up for a kiss. It's your turn to take charge with her now. She coos into your mouth. Her fingernails lightly scrape either side of your spine, sending tingles all up and down your body. Her entire behavior just changed! Sheesh, and all you had to do was take the initiative in grabbing her? This girl changes her mind as fast as she takes her clothes off.
The sweetness continues for the better part of ten minutes. You could swear the room's temperature is evening back out, from the sun-like heat earlier to being very pleasantly warm.
Seungyeon slowly breaks away from the kiss, looking into your eyes with less intensity and more... care. She leans her head back, and you take the hint, diving in and sucking carefully at her neck. Her silent shuddering is only interrupted by a moan coming from behind you.
You can guess what it is, but curiosity gets you to turn enough to look. And of course, it's Eunbin. She's still staring, which is still creepy. But she's also got both hands moving inside her shorts. She's probably been there all along, so you guess she can stay and keep watching. You doubt she'd leave even if you asked...
Trying not to think too much about your audience, you get back to work on Seungyeon, kissing her tanned skin from her chin, to her chest, to her toned as hell stomach, to her clit. Once there, her knees shake, so you decide to set her down somewhere she won't fall. It's time to pay her back for all the oral service she's been giving you!
Seungyeon backs up at your touch, until she leans back against the table in the middle of the room, and onto Yeeun's half conscious body. The skinny girl groans as she's suddenly used as a back rest, but Seungyeon doesn't seem to have any interest in fixing the problem.
This is your moment. You're going to make Seungyeon squirm on top of her rapper. You'll make her explode! You start leaning down, tongue halfway hanging out of your mouth...
"Damn, you're still not hard?"
She's holding you back by the forehead, looking between your bodies down at your lifeless dick.
"W-well, yeah, I mean, I just..." you gesture down at Yeeun. That's where your hardness went, and it's still dripping out of her at a moderate pace!
Eunbin's hands are on your shoulders, pulling you away from Seungyeon. It's a bit of a shock, to say the least.
"I'll call you later! Buh-bye!"
The next thirty seconds are a blur. You're dragged, stunned, out of the room, through to the opposite end of the hallway you came in from, and shoved out a door into an alley.
"See ya, fuckface," is the last thing you hear from Eunbin before the door slams behind you.
What the hell...
The door reopens, and you spin around just in time to get a face full of your pants.
"Don't forget your stupid clothes, you degenerate," Eunbin throws you one last insult before the door closes again.
It's a little chilly out here.
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astro-rain · 4 years
delicate; b.barnes
chapter ten - “retching and realizations”
delicate masterlist
word count: 1.3k
synopsis: y/n encounters some nausea and the experience reveals a couple alarming realizations.
pairings: bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings: caveat lector emetophobia - mentions of vomiting
[A/N]: what songs remind you of this story and the nature of the relationship? i wanna start making a delicate playlist!
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The sound of vomit slapping the bottom of a metal bucket was horrid. But, what was more horrid was the sound her body made while it was happening. The gagging, heaving, and retching wouldn't normally bother her. However, when there was someone else with her, holding her hair out of her face, it was of utmost embarrassment. She pitied poor Bucky's ears.
"I'm sorry," Y/N groaned, resting her forehead on the rim of the bucket. The metal was cool on her otherwise overheated skin. She was sweating and her breath was heavy.
"Don't be sorry," he soothed, rubbing the nape of her neck with his thumb. "It's not your fault."
"Yeah, but this is gross, and now I'm gross. I wouldn't wanna be near it." Her voice was hoarse from the rawness in her throat.
"Oh, stop it. It's fine, it happens to everyone. But to be frank, you're the one putting your face in it right now..."
"I don't wanna throw up on you," she muttered. "I'd rather have my face in the bucket than be cleaning my stomach acid off of you and the floor."
"Eh, I'd forgive you," he shrugged, then held out his wrist to her, revealing an elastic band. "Here, this will help. I'd do it, but... you know."
She coughed, taking the elastic and putting her hair up out of her face. "Thank you. I wish I brought sunglasses."
"Yeah, this is definitely from sun glare. I had a headache while we were outside and kept squinting. I should've known."
"Why didn't you say anything?" his voice was tender.
"I don't know."
She really didn't.
"Is it any better now?" Bucky inquired after a few beats of empty air.
"I think so. I don't think I even have anything left to throw up."
He chuckled. "Okay, come get your face out of it, then. You don't wanna be smellin' it."
He guided her up slowly with a hand on her back.
She stopped him. "Nope. Nope. I can't. I'm just gonna sit on the floor. I'm not standing now."
He obliged, helping her back down. She leaned against the table, a foot or two away from the bucket. She looked at it miserably.
He squatted down in front of her, looking at her directly and earnestly. "Are you good for now? I wanna go dump the bucket outside, but not if you're still feelin' it."
He was tender, and looked so concerned. It almost made her nervous, being attended to like that; it made her feel exposed. She covered it with humor.
"I think I'm okay now, doctor," she said dryly.
He shook his head, grabbing the bucket and heading up out of the bunker to empty it outside.
"You're the doctor!" he called out.
She closed her eyes to try and keep the nausea at bay. It was then when the world slowed back to normal pace, and she finally felt his thumb on the back of her neck, the sensation ghosting over her skin even after it was physically gone.
Y/N placed the tips of her fingers to the spot, a feather light touch on a searing mark of benevolence and compassion. She wasn't sure what to think of it, logically. Her body seemed to want the warmth to spread like a burn, but her brain wanted never to be that close to him again. Not after that moment at the waterfall.
The reminder almost made her wince; she thought back to it.
She floated over to the stairs, and leaned her elbows on the second highest step so that the water settled just below her shoulders.
In response, Bucky sat down at the waters edge, removing his own shoes and socks, rolling up his pant legs and resting his feet in the pool.
"There, now we're meetin' in the middle."
His voice was soft but his eyes were softer. Looking at him felt like silk. She feared if she allowed herself to gaze for too long she'd erode. How could something so gentle make her feel like she'd been shaved down to nothing, reduced to something as mellow and faint as the very water she was floating in.
His skin was dewy from the heat, but it just gave the illusion of a glow. She wondered if everything looked this good on him, if everything about him looked this good. The thought was fleeting in the back of her mind. She tried to ignore it but then she saw his hair and how it framed his face in modest charm. Although the angles softened him further, they gave him an edge that captivated her. Velvety yet sharp. Was the water pushing her closer? She felt bewitched.
What was happening? This is not right. This is definitely, definitely wrong. Such thoughts are innately inappropriate for a doctor-patient relationship. How could she let herself think like this? Y/N was malfunctioning, she was sure of it. This must be some sort of transference effect.
This can't continue. She can't let it. She felt the smile dissipate from her face as she made the realization. This had to stop. Y/N pushed away from him, slowly feeling the magnetism drain from her hazy brain.
"Can we go back now?" she asked. "I think the sun is giving me a headache."
That wasn't a complete lie. She did have a headache, but she didn't necessarily want to go back. She had to.
Y/N rubbed her forehead, disappointed in herself and her error. How embarrassing. Being friends with him was fine, but this? These feelings? Unacceptable.
To be honest, she wasn't completely sure what exactly these feelings were. All she knew was that they were wrong. And all she could think about was how wrong they were while she stroked the back of her neck, trying to reignite the feeling from before.
No. She removed her hand.
"You still good down there?" his voice came from the stairs.
"I'm alright."
"I left the bucket outside for the smell, but tell me if you feel like you need it again."
It felt so odd to have him caring for her. It was usually the other way around. Don't get Y/N wrong, he wasn't psychoanalyzing her (not that she'd allow it due to her hatred of Freud) but he was tending to her. Then it struck her.
"Did you used to take care of Steve when he was sick when you guys were kids?"
"All the time, yeah."
Of course. He was a natural. The whole neck thing was just automatic to him.
"Why do you ask?"
"'Cause you're practically a nurse," she snickered.
He smiled, so on principle, Y/N did too.
"Happy to be of service. Is the care up to par?"
He leaned down and sat next to her on the floor.
"Perfect, thank you doctor."
"There you go again just throwin' the doctor title around as if you aren't one," he laughed.
"I'm not a medical doctor, though."
"Might as well be."
"I don't know. Medical school is a lot."
“I wouldn’t know. I never went to college when I was a kid.”
“That’s a shame. I think you would’ve made a great scientist.”
He seemed surprised. “What, like Shuri?!”
“Sure! If you wanted to! You told me you like techy stuff.”
“I like it, but I don’t think I could, ya know, actually do it.”
“Well, maybe Shuri could teach you.”
“I would fail on the first day,” he deadpanned.
He bumped her shoulder with his. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, doctor.”
The searing feeling was back. It felt good to burn.
She bumped his shoulder back in an over exaggerated fashion. “It’s not good practice to hit your patients doctor.”
“Yeah, well it’s not good practice to threaten to drown your’s.”
She gasped. “Smartass!”
“Uh no, I didn’t go to college, remember? That title is reserved for you only. It’s tied to your name, sorry.”
Laughter began to bubble out of her chest as she forgot all about the nausea and the transference and the ever-present collapsed regime. For a moment, Y/N lived in laughter with Bucky, the only thing registering in her perception being her proximity to the super soldier. Briefly, the world paused for them, and she felt a little infinity within that fleeting moment.
He was not supposed to make her feel this way...
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delicate taglist: @bakugouswh0r3 @thefridgeismybestie
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7-wonders · 3 years
Hey!! I have two ideas. The first one is for prof!Dunc bc I love him and the line is “i can read your fortune. it says you’re a nerd.” from list 1. Totally unrelated but I’m the one with a crush on my stats prof and I could totally see myself saying this to his dumb ass.
The second is for Mad Love Michael and it’s “maybe i’ll summon a demon so i can hang out with someone.” also from list 1. I was thinking like maybe reader is pissed cause he’s so busy so she says it just to fuck with him. Totally up to you which one you wanna do! Also 7-wonderween is the cutest shit I’ve ever heard. Hope you have the best day & a good Halloween!!
Thank you so much for requesting! The second prompt with Michael will be posted later. :)
Prompt: "I can read your fortune. It says you're a nerd."
Find out what 7-wonderween is here
Halloween is one of your favorite times of the year. The atmosphere, everything spooky, horror movies, costumes–what’s not to like about Halloween? This year, you can actually think of a reason why you don’t like Halloween, and that reason is that you can’t do any cute couples costumes with your boyfriend.
This is the first year that you’ve had a boyfriend (of course, said boyfriend would prefer any other word to describe your relationship, since he says ‘boyfriend’ sounds juvenile) during the Halloween season, which meant the couples costumes you had been dreaming of for years could finally become a reality. That is, until you remembered that you couldn’t exactly go to parties with said boyfriend. Partially because he thinks that he’s “too old” to go to Halloween parties, and also because any appearance at a Halloween party would blow the relationship that’s supposed to be a secret.
After all, if you were to show up at a Halloween party hosted by your friends dressed in matching costumes with the man who’s supposed to be just your professor, the entire ruse would be up. It’s true that you haven’t been his student for a whole semester now, but it’s still frowned upon in the eyes of the university for a member of the faculty to be dating someone registered as a student. Your friends, however, know that you took professor Duncan Shepherd’s Political Science class last year. This is coincidentally around the same time that you started showing up to hang outs with hickeys and being coy about the new guy you were seeing.
Your friends are many things, but they are absolutely not stupid. With your calculations, it would take two minutes of you showing up with the man unofficially voted as “campus’s hottest prof” for them to realize that you definitely became involved with him while you were a student in his class. So, for this year at least, Duncan’s relegated to spending nights at home while you get dressed up in costumes to go party with friends, acquaintances, and everyone in between.
In Duncan’s eyes, missing out on a couple of college kid costume parties isn’t something that he’s too upset about. Not that he’d let you know that, of course. Instead, he’s happy to be sitting in his living room with bourbon while he grades essays, watching as you bounce from the bathroom to the bedroom to him and back again. He’s not sure what your costume for tonight is; you’ve refused to tell him, leaving him to try and guess what the bag of silky fabric is supposed to be a part of.
“Okay, I think I’m ready!” you say to yourself in the bathroom, checking your eyeliner once more to make sure it didn’t get smudged before it could dry. You fix your headband one more time before flicking the lights off and making your way to the living room. You stand in front of Duncan with your hands on your hips and a grin on your face. “So? What do you think?”
Duncan looks you up and down. You can tell that he likes your costume, probably because of the corset you’re wearing over the billowy white shirt, but you also see the confusion in his eyes. He chooses his words carefully before speaking. “You look great…but I have no clue what you’re supposed to be.”
“Really?” You think it’s pretty obvious, what with the long silk skirt printed with different phases of the moon, the gold jewelry, and the cloth headband that stretches across your forehead. “I’m a fortune teller!”
“A fortune teller?” He laughs, and you’re not sure whether you should be offended.
“Yeah!” You take his glass from him, helping yourself to a sip of bourbon before setting it on the side table and placing your hands on either armrest. “Y’know, I can read your fortune.”
“You can?” It’s almost laughable how transparent he’s being, and you know he thinks you’re gonna make some sexual innuendo.
“Mhm.” You lower your voice to a whisper before leaning in just inches away from his face. “It says you’re a nerd.”
“Wha–Y/N!” Duncan whines, chasing your lips as you pull away. “You’re a little tease.”
Your phone chimes, and you look down at it. “My Lyft’s here.”
“The forces of the universe conspire against us once again.” This time, you allow him to kiss you when he leans up. “Have fun tonight, and be safe.”
You roll your eyes, but you can’t fight the smile on your face. “Yes, I know. And–”
“Call me if you need a ride home,” he finishes.
“I will. I really do need to leave, though, or else the driver’s gonna cancel my ride.”
“I love you,” Duncan says, stealing one last kiss from you.
“Love you too!”
As you hurry out the door in a whirl of brightly-colored fabrics, all he can think about is how lucky he is…and how much he can’t wait to get you out of that corset when you come back home tonight.
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TROPED Madness: Chopping Block
Four fics were written following a Theme of [Action/Adventure], including the Tropes of [Character gets badly injured and then...] and [Cliffhanger], and with a Character Focus on [Gaia or Julie]!! Voting determined which authors will continue on as our TROPED MADNESS FINALISTS!!! Four (4) something witty action/adventure fics this round, but, unfortunately, not everyone something witty to move forward in this challenge! In this round, two of our authors are on the CHOPPING BLOCK!
We want to say a big thank you so much to all the authors who participated, we are so happy you decided to be a part of TROPED Madness 3.0, and we hope you'll join us again for our Chapters Event, which will be officially announced soon!!
Reminder to our finalists, please do not reveal your Qualifying Round fics until you are Chopped! This competition remains anonymous until the Troped Madness Champion is revealed!!
The Authors who have been Chopped are:
i could be your perfect disaster
QR | Rated T | 9-1-1: Lone Star | TK x Carlos | 3.1k
Summary: He knocks. For a moment, Carlos thinks no one will answer. Just as he’s about to give up and return to his partner, the door squeaks open, revealing a young man around Carlos’ age with dark hair and the most gorgeous eyes Carlos has ever seen in his life. He swallows, trying to remember why he’s there. “Hello? I’m Detective Reyes with Austin PD,” he states, taking in the way the man’s posture turns defensive. “Do you mind if I ask you a couple of questions?” Or: a murder isn't the only mystery Carlos is trying to solve
the cold never bothered me anyway
R1 | Rated G | Golden Sun | Piers & Mia | 3.3k
Summary: The air is impossibly cold.  As Piers takes one wobbling step, then another, clutching his cloak around him and shivering against the frigid air, he can’t help but wonder how on Weyard he got himself into this mess.  His entire body aches and he can feel the pain blossoming in his side but still he presses onwards, his gaze fixed on the lighthouse stretching towards the sky at the horizon.  With the snow billowing around him, rarely settling on the ground, it’s difficult to even register where he’s stepping. Or: Mortally injured, Piers makes his way to Imil, where Mia can help him. After that, it's only natural to fall back on their adventurous ways
The Charred Chophouse
QR | Rated T | A Series of Unfortunate Events | Klaus & Carmelita | 4.3k
Summary: Fourteen years after leaving the island with his family, Klaus is perfectly content with his ordinary, low-profile life as a college professor. Of all the people from his old life, it's Carmelita Spats who shows up to drag him right back into danger. Naturally.
follow the heart i believe in ('cause in the past it's done me so good)
R1 | Rated T | The Witcher | Jaskier & Yennefer | 3.8k
Summary: "And why didn't you just go to Geralt with this and move on with your life?" Yennefer asks wearily, pinching the bridge of her nose. Jaskier scoffs at her. "I am not speaking to Geralt again until I get an apology from him. I still have some self-respect, thank you very much." "So you're going to risk your life protecting his adopted daughter instead?" "Jesus, I want him out of my life and I want him to suffer. I don’t want his kid dead.” "But you won't talk to him?" "Self-respect, Yennefer." “...You need to take a good, hard look at your priorities." (Six months after Geralt breaks both of their hearts, Jaskier and Yennefer find themselves in the strange position of being the only people who can protect Ciri's secret identity as a vigilante superhero.)
All fics for this round, and all future Madness rounds, can be found here! To the remaining Madness Authors, we hope you’re excited for the FINAL ROUND, which starts TONIGHT, March 23rd, at 12:00am (EST)! Please be sure to check our Google doc for theme and trope explanations! Good luck, and happy writing!!
xox - S&B
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
Does bad grammar bother you? My own grammar is important to me, so if I make a mistake I have to go back and fix it as soon as I'm aware. Although, there admittedly are times where I just go off on a ramble or venting session and just let it flow a little.
Do you save your shoe boxes or any other box? I used to, but nah I just get rid of them now.
What's the craziest rumor you've ever heard about yourself? I never heard any.
How many sweatshirts would you guess that you own? I own a ton of sweatshirts. I wish I lived somewhere that had colder weather for a longer amount of time.
Are you a fan of Taylor Swift? No.
What's the coolest name you've ever heard someone have? I'm blanking at the moment.
What's your least favorite genre of music and why? I'm not really into like EDM or house music.
If you wear make up, what's some good brands you'd recommend to someone with very pale skin? I stopped bothering with makeup a few years ago and prior to that I was certainly no makeup expert. I kept it really simple, so I'm not the one to ask.
Do you usually complain a lot when you first wake up? I can be irritable and blah when first waking up. I need time to wake up first and take my medicine and just come to life somewhat at least. I'm more of a zombie these days, though. I'm barely functioning and awake it feels like.
What did you last complain about? It's getting summer weather here already and I hate it.
What's something you're thankful for? God, my mom, and brother. They keep me going. I seriously could not do it without them. Especially my mom, who has had to do so much and taking care of me right now takes up so much of her time.
What era had the best music/movies? 90s and early 2000s.
Did you ever like nursery rhymes as a child? What was your favorite? Yeah. Just think of the main/popular ones.
What do you usually purchase at gas stations? (aside from gas of course) Sometimes I might get an Icee, a soda, or a snack of some kind.
Do you drink regular or diet soda? Both.
What's one of your favorite artists/bands, and least favorite song from them? I don't feel like thinking of one right now.
Have you ever seen them live?
Do you go on walks regularly? I don't go on walks, ever. Last year around this time my mom and I attempted to do that a few times a week, but it was super short lived, ha. I should try so I can bring up my upper body strength, but blahhh. I have zero energy and motivation for that. Getting out of bed is a major feat for me.
Do very sociable people aggravate you or more shy people? Well, I'm "shy people", sooo. I can't handle sociable people right now. Apart from my family, I'm not up for social interaction.
Are you registered to vote? I am.
When was the last time you raised your voice? Recently because my mom couldn't hear what I said from the other room.
Do you consider graffiti to be true art or just messy? It can be. I've seen some really cool art. I don't like when people do that kind of stuff where they're not supposed to and damage places. That's not cool.
Describe something odd that you own. I don't know.
What last overwhelmed you? It doesn't take much to be honest. I'm easily overwhelmed nowadays.
Do you wear a lot of pink? No. I own like a couple of pink clothing items.
Do you currently have a fan on? No.
Do you take a lot of pictures? I take a lot of screenshots.
Do you like the name Aidan? Sure.
What is the first thing you said when you woke up this morning? "Thank you."
What's your McDonald's order? If I'm going then it'd just be for their breakfast, in which case I'd usually get their breakfast burritos. Sometimes I'll get an egg and cheese McMuffin or their breakfast platter. I might add a muffin or cinnamon roll as well.
When did you last have a donut? A few days ago. I have a glazed donut in the kitchen currently that has been calling my name, though…
What's the longest word you know that you can accurately spell? shrug
Do you live in a city with more than 100,000 people? No.
Does your name begin with B, L, M, T, or H? Nope.
What do you do when you can't fall asleep? Well, I have my normal nighttime routine of watching ASMR and scrolling through Tumblr until I fall asleep. I also try to drink peppermint or chamomile tea. These days, though, I just doze off and on until I finally decide to stop fighting it and go to sleep. I don't know why I do that, it's so stupid. I can barely keep my eyes open these days. I have no energy.
What did you last watch on TV? Full House.
Do you know anyone who keeps a Christmas tree up year round? shrug It's possible.
Who were you last in a vehicle with? My mom.
What's the strangest video you've ever seen? Uhhh.
What country are you from? I'm from the US.
What's something you care strongly for? My faith and my family.
What goes best with dessert, coffee or milk? Coffee goes pretty well, actually.
If Kirby absorbed you, what power would they get? I don't know anything about Kirby.
Who has better coffee, Dunkin or Starbucks or maybe somewhere else? They both have good drinks.
What's your go-to appetizer? Chips and dip.
Have you ever received a present that made you cry? Yes.
Would you rather read a history novel or fiction? Fiction.
What's something you are addicted to? Caffeine.
Do you know what time you were born? 4:30ish in the evening.
Don't you hate when you jerk yourself awake while falling asleep? Ugh, yes.
Do you know of any haunted buildings in your town? No.
Do you think too much about your past or future? My past.
Is anyone on your bad side lately? No.
What's the most random song on your playlist that people wouldn't expect? I don't know, I don't care.
Do you wish Bzoink would let you put music on your profile? I don't do anything with mine, so I don't care. I just go on there to get surveys.
When did you last receive a business card from somebody? I don't recall.
What makes you want to take a survey? Just when the mood strikes. It takes a little more these days for me to take them, though. I'm definitely not cranking them out like I used to. Just taking one takes me longer now.
What song did you last hum or sing along to? The Full House theme song.
What TV streaming service do you use the most? We recently switched to Xfinity and they have a streaming service now, so we watch TV via an app on our smart tv's or we can on our phones. Apart from that, we have all the main/popular ones as well.
Would you try that flaming hot mountain dew? isn't that so wild? lol I can't have spicy stuff anymore, unfortunately. It really doesn't sound good anyway, but I probably would given it a sip at least.
What's something strange that you enjoyed when you tried it? I really don't know cause I'm so basic and particular with my food. Nothing strange comes to mind.
Do you own any adult coloring books? Yeah, several.
What did you last draw or write down? I wrote something in the Mother's Day card earlier that we're sending to my Nana.
Do you always smile in pictures or what is your go-to pose for pictures? I give a little closed mouth smile and a slight angle of my head.
What's a topic you love discussing with others? share something with me about it (: TV shows and movies I'm into.
Would you say that you're an outdoorsy type person? Ha, nooo. Definitely not. The only exception is the beach.
Do you use matches or lighters more? I personally don't use either one or mess around with fire in any way cause I'm a big scardy cat.
Have you ever played pinball on a machine or just online? I've played on a machine.
Do you have any chores you need to get done? My room could use some straightening up, but I don't have the energy or motivation at all for that. It's almost 8PM and I barely got out of bed for the day about an hour ago…
If you had to get a tattoo, what would it be of and where would you like it? I've wanted "free bird" for a long time, but I'm too scared to ever actually do it. There was a brief time whereI wanted a nautical star, too.
Have you ever had a bad sunburn? Ugh, yesss. I burned my arms and shoulders really bad once omg it hurt so bad. I could barely get a bra and shirt on.
Have you ever seen a play? What was it about? I've seen a few.
Would you enjoy being famous or does it seem too stressful? That is definitely something I would not want or enjoy at all.
What's something that makes you happy? Going to the beach or Disneyland.
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