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ofgeography · 1 year ago
Hey molly ofgeo :) just read your reply about addressing homelessness through housing. I agree 100% (though through a less informed viewpoint I'm sure) - I'm currently politically frustrated because my province with screamingly expensive rental housing is trying to address housing insecurity exclusively through building more units. I have feelings for days about renovictions, airbnb, vacant properties with overseas buyers etc... but that's another story.
I'm curious about specifically how your experience with your job informed your understanding of housing / homelessness as you expressed in the post. If you feel like sharing, do you have any examples or situations you'd be interested in expanding on? ✨
hi! this is such a big question that i'm not quite sure how to answer, haha. let me say first that actually people going with the shorthand "the solution to homelessness is housing" is fine. it's genuinely fine. i'd rather have that be the rallying cry than anything else. it annoys me in the ben wyatt "i don't have time to explain this to you, actually it's going to bother me if i don't" kind of way, not because i think people are bad for rallying behind it.
but if you're genuinely interested in my niche expertise, see below the cut!
the long and short of it is twofold: as long as housing is a form of capital it cannot be the solution to homelessness because it needs to be profitable because it is expensive to build and maintain; and saying that "all people need is a house" is deeply misleading because the routes people take to homelessness are actually almost never simply driven by the market. the "solution" to homelessness as a social problem cannot be to get people off the street but to keep people from arriving on the street, because once they're there it becomes exponentially more difficult to get them (and keep them) housed. this is because life on the street is traumatic, and those who arrived without mental health crises or substance dependencies often develop them as a coping response. these then make it more difficult for them to secure or remain housed/employed/etc. so the solution is not housing, it is prevention.
but prevention is difficult both because the roads to insecure or total lack of housing are numerous and thorny and because it requires a bunch of coalitions who often feel they need to fight for resources to work together, and also is less sexy for fundraising campaigns etc because there is no way to definitively measure your success. and of course while you're doing all this prevention you do need to be worrying about the folks already on the street.
my gentle beef with the "solution to homelessness is housing" narrative is that all the studies people are citing are called Housing First Pathway programs, which are, don't get me wrong, extremely effective, both from a cost and a harm reduction lens. but that's a very specific intervention, established by a man named sam tsemberis, which has like 47 specific tenets around how the program has to be run, how the extremely thorough and intensive wraparound services operate, and a million different failsafes and Plan B, C, D, E, Fs in order for it to be effective. also, it's for folks experiencing chronic homelessness, because they have a different set of needs from folks who are (for example) couch-surfing while they figure out their next steps, or who are living in a DV shelter, etc etc. the idea behind Housing First is to remove barriers to housing, which is an unmitigated good, but it's done so that other issues can be addressed to ease mental and physical suffering of the folks living there. the idea is not that "what you need is a house", the idea is that "you cannot address the roots of your trauma & suffering without a house."
anyway. housing first is dope and we know that in much of the west & global north it works incredibly effectively, but it's not just .... giving people a house, and it won't end homelessness. it is a great intervention for people currently experiencing chronic homelessness but it will not erase homelessness as a complex social problem because it does not prevent new people from entering the streets. and we cannot offer it up to everyone forever because, as stated above, housing is capital, and also because we will in that case genuinely eventually run out of houses.
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agonizedembrace · 9 months ago
with pride officially being here, i want to go a bit into depth about ( my ) eve & a few more things!
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as for how i write her: i view her as pansexual & demiromantic ( with a very heavy wlw lean ). romance in general is not an easy subject for her and it takes her a long time to even accept or come to terms with ( could be argued if at all in some verses ). as because of her nature, she doesn't always need a romantic attraction when it comes to sexual acts or behaviors.
with that said.
yes, evelynn uses sex appeal as one of her ways of luring in her prey, but it is not the only one. it is simply the most effective tool for her, something that has worked for her for centuries on end. yet, she doesn't even have to do sexual acts, which is a common misconception when it comes to eve.
" one touch is all i need. "
pain is how she feeds off her victims, but as the quote suggests they need to 'commit' to it first. this doesn't have to be something as raunchy as feeling her up -- could be as simple as a hand on her arm, shoulder, etc. granted, the more they go into an act, the easier it is for her charm to be effective. which in turn, she can turn bliss into agony, the real source of her food.
a part of this issue and misconception lies into how riot themselves created and treat evelynn. they did her second rework, practically went " oh sexy woman! " and that is all they have sold her for since. which in turn, has created a view on evelynn from the fandom that she is sex crazed.
she is not.
is she food driven? yes.
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but she gains nothing from the lustful aspect of it all - only the pain and agony she deals after luring them in.
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starscelly · 1 year ago
i have to stars rant i fear. defensive musing (read: complaints) below.
there are many things to be said abt the stars defense. but one of the ones that fucking Gets Me the most is like.... okay yes ryan suter hater 4 life whatever. but it doesnt even make SENSE to have him and miro on the same pairing. like it just makes 0 fucking sense to me. no i dont think nils is the best player he could be and yes i wish they had been able to just send him to the ahl so he could develop like harls got the chance to. HOWEVER. hes not an objectively abysmal player compared to suter. yes my ideal pairing with this current godforsaken selection is miro-harls because. well. i have eyes and access to moneypuck dot com.
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but i also acknowledge that leaves one of the pairings FUCKED with the remaining options. i would not rely on suter to carry nils or vice versa. also it still leaves miro on his offside. so i actually dont want them consistently paired at all if theres better options!
which there is.
if nils and suter are equally struggling. why cant we just give nils the top line minutes. we've seen suter play stronger when his icetime is limited (which makes sense! hes fucking old!!) and i genuinely think more ice time will be so beneficial to nils' development, since they can't just send him down. AND if nils is making mistakes they can be less detrimental with miro there, and miro will be on his strong side. for the first time in fucking years. i know, i know he can handle playing on the right side. but think about how fucking crazy he would be if he finally got a chance on his left.
as pdb-and-current-coaches-in-general positive as i am i also acknowledge that the way they use miro is fucking abysmal. i talk abt it. a lot. i hate that theyre wasting some really good years from him by just making him cover for the defensive mistakes of everyone around him. every year it's "well why isnt our miro a norris contender? this is offensive!" from the org while they're actively doing everything to stop his opportunities to be one. other than ice time. which is harmful in its own unique way!
basically. please purchase a shiny new rhd and put nils with miro in the meantime. xoxoxo
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tiredassmage · 1 year ago
2, 3, 4, 5, 18 (if your OC was an NPC) for Alucren (and free pass to talk about other OCs if you want :D)
crawls out of the abyss. I said one day, one day I'll work through some of my backlog, slowly. so. I'm gonna finally attempt to wrestle with this one, lol.
[oc as nps]
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hands u new alucren screenshot as collateral for takin so heckin' long kladnflkadsfl
2) Would they be a class specific character? & 3) When would you recruit them?
Stabbing at both of these because I think the answer feels cleanest when I tackle it together. For all the time I've left this stewing at the back of my brain, I have yet, at least, to come up with an idea that gave me a strong opinion on class specific, but I do figure Alucren for being the type to only hang around fellow Imperials in the long-term. And that... inclines me towards saying he's a latecomer as far as an NPC, particularly a recruitable one.
And to take the excuse to ramble a bit about characters for that (and we'll go ahead and use that as a cut queue, too):
He's... stubborn, is the simplest way to say it. Raised in the Imperial system and deeply strict about his adherence to it, to go a bit further into it. And it's really not until Fallen Empire and Eternal Throne, where the entire order of the galaxy is sort of challenged by the presence of Zakuul as a major third power, that Alucren really... isn't given any other option but to face his own music and reflection in the mirror and actually... do a bit of reflection and reckoning with it. It's a little a lot maybe to dig into without also digging out a pegboard and some string to explain different versions of events with other ocs and characters and all that to explain, but the short version is, essentially, even though Alucren ultimately gets to a place where he's more comfortable in a scenario like the Alliance and willing to have those sort of cross-faction relationships despite differences in opinion and all that, it requires... a lot of self-realization first that Alucren's... really slow with and frankly pretty uncertain about, which I think I'm gonna pick back up on again for 18, so stay tuned, but.
Again, attempt to do a long thing short, he comes around a bit better to change, but it doesn't change his sense of place. His home is the Empire, and Alucren's core values... really boil down to family, and his concept of duty and honor in... sometimes a bit of a nebulous, conflicting order despite his performances and gnashing teeth to the contrary and that... means he won't leave. Any partnership sort of outside of that typical binary isn't meant to be long-term to him. He's... really not sure how to mentally explain it to himself, let alone justify prioritizing it over what he's built his life on, quite frankly, but don't tell him I told you.
4) Where would you recruit them from? & 5) What would their recruitment mission be?
Okay, so this part might have been the one that gave me the most trouble from this list (probably because it's hard for me to separate them, again >.> lol). I think the most interesting options for his recruitment would probably involve a few creative liberties with how things go in-game. Not to get too double-dipping ahead of myself, but his role is... a little difficult to define because he's not... in one that particularly. fits him. Just because he served as a Cipher doesn't mean he was ever an ideal fit for the role. But it was where he was needed - at least to be a body in a role, to fill a gap or what have you, and Alucren's raising and training requires of him to serve where he is needed by his Empire.
It's fairly likely he arguably remained in some sort of capacity with Sith Intelligence through its incarnations over the events of Ziost and into the events of KOTXX, so one of my thoughts as far as earliest appearance was maybe on Iokath as far as substantial interactions go, but... now that I've mentioned Ziost, it's possible he could've made at least a brief appearance or mention as one of the holdover assets from Imperial Intelligence. I do think he spent probably a fair amount of time working closer to home, so to speak, in between vanilla and more recent content, left to his own devices though...
Anyway, the other consideration that comes to mind is something a lot more recent - maybe tied somehow into events with Elom and Legacy of the Sith. I do think Alucren's... let's say... brand of loyalty was arguably liable to get him into something like hot water with one Sith lord or another sooner or later even if we take out the elements of him that have become so interesting to contemplate when he's around the events of Cipher Nine and Darth Jadus, so it's possible that kind of experience or that kind of relationship and owed loyalties would put him in play as an agent potentially acting on the behalf of a specific benefactor maybe even in addition to his interests as a loyal Imperial operative. His previous roles with more diplomatic and expansion roles prior to his experience as a Cipher may actually make him quite interesting to introduce as an agent for Darth Xarion's interest in the Alliance. As for the nature of that interest, is he possibly there to investigate for anyone suspiciously against the Empire's interests..? Maybe so. Or if the Commander is in more full cooperation with the Empire, he is surely there to simply facilitate a better relationship between merging parties. And help with security risks.
Certainly. Right?
In either case, it's likely less that he has a specific mission which you have to recruit him in so much that he is... introduced during one of the group cutscenes and maybe has a one-on-one interaction with the Commander after where he explains more of his role and offers his services on behalf of his superiors. Think a bit more functionally sort of how Anri and Tau have been so far, though possibly as a bit more permanent resident of the Alliance base with a posting for this particular engagement.
18) If they are recruitable in vanilla story, where are they during KOTFE/KOTET? What are/were they doing?
So, I did say I would push off his involvement, but that doesn't mean I don't have thoughts about this, lol. Some of this comes up a bit in the piece I wrote for him and Taizi (blorbo from friend's brain @hyrohkaah fame) reuniting actually during KOTFE, but I also wanna steal the opportunity to speak a bit more generally about one of the, like, catnip pieces about Alucren, to me.
And it's that Alucren is... afraid. Despite appearances, despite the kind of proud stallion act about him, a lot of it is... uncertainties and fears. And one of the interesting contrasts between him and Tyr because I love making contrasts between them - it is how I started Alucren, after all. To take things that were so integral to Tyr and... wonder what kind of character I'd have if I flipped his core values.
So, Tyr is... Tyr is so fucking ride or die. To a godsdamned fault. Quite possibly to the detriment of his own health. You'll see it in his loyalties, his justifications, the way he wears his service with Imperial Intelligence still as a badge of honor because his loyalty was to people like Keeper and Shara. Tyr doesn't give up on them because he never feels they give up on him. When Tyr says, Imperial Intelligence never betrayed me. He believes it. In the ways that matter, he believes they haven't. Keeper didn't. Shara didn't. Ardun Kothe, even, he... doesn't hold a grudge with - hell, even respects, still - because of this kind of loyalty. And Tyr... doesn't exactly have a lot of people on that kind of list. He doesn't have a lot to lose, and what little he does have is worth giving everything, to him, to fight for. He's willing to burn himself at both ends for that, to keep deconstructing himself and bending his own boundaries so someone else doesn't have to. Tyr's grounded by people that are close to him, but he's also... an idealist. As much as he doesn't realize it. He's someone capable of striving for ideals.
And... the short way to sort of say of Alucren is that... that isn't... him. Ideals and big overarching pictures just don't have as much sway on him. I've already said he's loyal. Both of them have areas where they are stubbornly loyal. And Alucren and Tyr butt heads sometimes because those areas don't always overlap.
Alucren has three older sisters that were and are dearly important to him. He grew up very close with them. Family, as was already mentioned, right? And... he has a strong sense of duty. He has a strong sense of how he was raised, and what he should value based on that experience, that more fairly-off background with a successful Imperial lineage as his backing. Change is... a lot bigger to him. He's a lot more likely to balk at it. It's... intimidating. Alucren isn't... an agent of change, in that sense, where Tyr is. Tyr is... a lot more ready to jump in because Tyr doesn't have that sense of place to lose. Alucren still has an attachment to an identity that existed before his role as a Cipher. He's got things and people that he's... not ready to lose.
Which is all just... a lot of build up to say Alucren's not the first person that would've been looking for the Outlander. Even if they had been close. When the Empire, when his superiors, say they're dead, when the threat of Zakuul is already so close as to have been the attack on Korriban, that attacks on Dromund Kaas, the blockades, all the other tensions implied during the five year period the Outlander is in carbonite... Alucren goes back to Dromund Kaas. He goes back, at least on paper, to be closer with his sisters, to keep them safe. Because he has a duty or responsibility or however else he decides to dress it up on that particular day to protect the Empire, to protect home.
But it's also... because a lot is changing. Zakuul is... upending a lot of what he knew. A lot of that sense of place, a lot of that identity he clung to in his loyalties.
And it's not just "former" Republic personnel being involved that make him hesitate to join something like the Alliance. He very likely wouldn't join the Alliance at all unless someone he knew and cared for was there and had a strong enough conviction in its need to exist and its purpose to argue for him to join them. (Tyr, for example, to go back to the fic, really only gets him there because its Taizi. And Tyr very nearly doesn't manage it. Because Tyr and Alucren have different values and Tyr argues from his understanding of his own. But... for as much as Tyr and Alucren have going on as a pair directly, Tyr's... Tyr would have a hard time convincing him to show up, based on their own relationship. If that was all they working on, but I'm. getting off-topic.)
ANWAY. THAT is all just. a long-winded way to explain that he's back on Dromund Kaas during probably a fair portion of the five year gap and at least the early parts of KOTFE. He might have had some few assignments to take him out to investigate any Republic process during that time, but he asked in his reassignment to stay closer to be with his sisters. And a lot of that time is... him trying to stick to those core three values and... also figure out what they're going to look like in a galaxy that's changing because of Zakuul's presence. Having to grapple with the real implications of his loyalties and his values and what's it all really mean, is this truly important to him, how much of it is all a mask..? All those kind of questions he never really gave himself time to sit with in the thick of a career in Intelligence. Some of it gets reaffirmed, some of it involves some realizations on areas to maybe be more open to change, if not... get ready to actually make those changes...
Which... wow, turned into a whole ramble uhm. >.> Ahhem. I give him a lot of shit for being my fucked up lil guy who is a lil like a bag of marbles dropped across the floor, but he is... he is also just. sometimes my soggy cardboard box guy. And he does some growth in there. Just a lil bit though don't inflate his ego too much.
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kwanisms · 1 year ago
Rough Waters — h.jisung
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» stray kids masterlist «
➮ samebito!Jisung × f!Reader wc: 10k summary: Y/N is a marine biologist who is obsessed with finding new sea life. During a night dive, she stumbles across a very well hidden underwater cave entrance and finds herself meeting something that defies all logic and evolution. She forms a bond with the creature and comes back almost every night to visit him. genres/themes/au: fluff (if u squint), smut; supernatural and japanese folklore themes, s2l, slight predator/prey themes; non idol au, merman au, samebito au warnings: adult dialogue, female reader, a little bit of arguing between Y/N and some of the townsfolk about the existence of mermaids, some slightly sad conversation about Jisung being alone, sexual content (18+ mdni), see smut warnings under the cut! special taglist: @yoonguurt , @anyamaris , @wooyoungqueen , @kpop-stories-21 , @xsweetelegantdiasterx , @kookthief , @stardragongalaxy , @millennial-fangirl , @blankdyean , @imwithurmother , @bangchans-angel , @oreoqueen , @yjeonginlvr , @zdgx1 , @shuxsoo , @s00buwu , @queenmea604 , @pochaccomin , @katsukis1wife , @linos-catnip , @wh0r3mir4 , @cutiespaghetti Join the taglist! »» Closed ! Strikethrough means I cannot tag you. MINORS WILL BE BLACKLISTED & BLOCKED. AGELESS BLOGS WILL NOT BE ADDED.
a/n: this is super self-indulgent and I will not apologize for shark merman cnc Jisung. I wanted this Jisung so I made him. Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk. If you enjoyed this, reblog or leave a comment. I love feedback. The next part, Changbin's part, is the last one of this series! That being said, next up is the Holiday Special of Tales from Camp. You can sign up for that taglist here and read the first two installments here. If you've yet to read the OG Tales from Camp, that masterlist is here. Thank you so much for reading and as always, this is a work of fiction and all characters are not reflective of their respective irl counterparts. for entertainment purposes only.
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smut warnings: teratophilia (aka monsterfucking), unprotected sex (he’s a freakin shark merman. You think he cares about avoiding pregnancy? He can’t even get her pregnant lol but you need to use protection!), oral (f receiving), con noncon, pool/water sex (kinda lol), dirty talk, use of pet names (little fish, cutie, baby, pet, etc), rough sex, dom!Jisung, sub!Reader, even though it’s cnc Y/N is very receptive towards his advances and in the end, she does give him consent. But if CNC or dubcon makes you uncomfy, don’t read it. This is my fantasy. I wrote this for me lol if I missed anything let me know
dialogue prompt: ❛ I'm waiting for your permission to let me have my way with you. ❜
The warning sign at the beach that read ‘beware of sharks’ in all capital letters should have served as warning for what you were about to get yourself into.
Living in a seaside town has always had its perks. Sandy beaches to visit in the summers, the smell of salt that you’d come to love, boating, all the seafood you could want among them. It was almost like your own personal paradise.
The one drawback was the shark population that increased at the end of summer which drove away the rest of the tourism for the season. You weren’t mad about it. After all, the ocean was home to all marine animals, sharks included. As a biologist, you knew each animal had its own purpose and was beneficial to the ecosystem, especially sharks.
So despite the danger, you never missed an opportunity to dive when the weather allowed. Of course, you chose night time for your dives.
Night was perfect as the animals weren’t as active without the sunlight.
Your dive for the night had taken you to a rocky part of the shore where you knew caves would be. The caves along the shore were always hard to reach and most of them only had underwater entrances.
You’d explored a fair share of them since moving to this town but there were many more you wanted to explore and see what kind of life you could find.
This excursion was like any other, you’d made a plan with the local coast guard as well as letting your contact in town know when, where, and how long you’d be. It was a standard procedure which had become routine for you.
You had taken out your boat and anchored it just off shore and near what you assumed was the opening to another cave before suiting up and jumping into the water. The water was cool enough in the summer months but in the fall it was almost freezing, making you grateful for the wetsuit you wore no matter the temperature. Making sure your mask was secure you slowly sank into the water, turning on and shining your light towards the bottom of the rocks.
An opening was visible at the base and you carefully made your way down, inspecting the opening before starting inside. You’d explored many of these caves before, you knew the procedure and the caves never scared you. To some, caving was one thing but to do so underwater was an entirely different beast. To you, it was almost second nature.
As you continued forward, you scanned the walls of the cave, taking note of the coral, algae, and other life that had taken root on the walls. It wasn’t uncommon to find life in places like this. Sea caves were often the home to unique and enclosed ecosystems.
As you gently propelled yourself forward, you noticed how the cave seemed to open up. As you reached the end you looked up and saw that the cave did indeed open up into a large cavern. Sand lined the bottom of the cavern, many coral reefs and other life taking up residence. You started to swim up, noticing the surface approaching rapidly.
You broke through the surface of the water and found that the cavern was much larger than you initially thought. Swimming over to the edge of the pool, you pulled yourself up and started to look around as you started to remove your mask.
It was a rounded cavern. The pool was about twenty feet in diameter but there was a rocky ledge where you were currently perched on and then the rocky floor continued for another twenty feet making the whole diameter of the cavern about forty feet. You pulled your mask off and set it down as you undid and shrugged off your oxygen tank.
“This is incredible,” you whispered to yourself as you removed your flippers and got up, starting to walk around the cavern and inspect the walls. There was a slight glitter to them as you shined your light. Not like they were wet but like some kind of diamond dust was embedded in the rock.
You looked straight above your head and noticed there was an almost perfect circular cut out in the cavern ceiling and moonlight was filtering through the hole. The moonlight hit the surface of the water and danced around the cavern.
As you were inspecting, you noticed something else.
The cave seemed inhabited. You noticed bones collected in a pile and an old fire pit. You wondered who might seek shelter in this cave when it was so close to the boardwalk but didn’t have time to dwell on it as you heard a large splash coming from the pool.
You made your way back over and cursed as you saw your mask and oxygen tank sinking to the bottom of the pool. “Shit,” you said softly and looked around. You hoped there might be a break in the rocks that would allow you to exit the cave instead of having to go back into the pool but you saw nothing.
You turned around on the spot, trying to figure out a way out of this but you saw nothing that could help. There was nothing you could use to reach the tank and mask which were now nestled at the bottom of the pool in the sand. “Fuck!” you cursed, your voice echoing off the wall.
You looked away from the pool when you heard a shift against the rock behind you.
Shining your light back, you saw nothing and chalked it up to nerves.
You turned back, eyes catching something dark in the pool below you before you felt something grab you and pull you into the pool.
You kicked and fought against whatever it was until it seemed to let go of you and you quickly swam to the surface, coughing once you broke through the surface. You tried to pull yourself up onto the rocky ledge but something grabbed your leg and tugged, pulling you off the wall and back into the water.
Just as quickly as it grabbed you, it let go.
You tried to shine your flashlight around but whatever it was moved too fast for you to get a good glimpse of it. In a desperate attempt to throw the animal off, you threw your flashlight away, turning back for the ledge at the light splashed a considerable distance away.
You hoped the splash would distract the animal enough for you to get away and it seemed to work as you scrambled up onto the rocky ledge before you pulled away and peered back at the still water’s surface. Your eyes scanned the area, looking for any kind of predator that could have been responsible.
Upon not seeing one, you looked down to inspect your arm and your ankle. Your skin was unbroken and mostly unscathed. There were slight imprints, almost like teeth or maybe even claws but no blood had been drawn.
A small splash caught your attention and you snapped your head up in time to see a ripple cross the surface of the water. Something had disturbed the water. You saw a dark shadow move near the bottom of the pool, only noticing it as it crossed in front of the beam of your flashlight.
You were being watched. Whatever had dragged you into the water knew you were there and it was circling the pool. Waiting. Hunting. Whatever it was was sentient enough to know it had you trapped. It knew the only way out of the cave was through the water and it would wait.
You should have been terrified. After all, it was hunting you but your curiosity wouldn’t be satisfied until you caught a glimpse of it. You had to know what it was.
Carefully, you approached the edge of the pool, eyes scanning the dark and catching a large shadow as it swam in circles. Not in an erratic or frenzied pattern but calmly. Almost… leisurely.
As you peered over the edge of the rocks, the shadow stopped circling and started to swim to the surface. You watched in awe as a dark smooth body broke through the surface before you saw the fin. A shark fin. ‘Of course it was a shark,’ you told yourself watching as the creature moved towards you.
You pulled back slightly as it drew closer and closer. You were well aware that some sharks were known for their breaching behavior, namely great whites. This was definitely not a great white shark. It was much darker. It could have been a tiger shark but tigers weren’t known for their aggressive behavior.
Bull sharks on the other hand were and though bull sharks hadn’t been spotted in the area in over 20 years, it wasn’t completely impossible.You drew back entirely, hoping the animal wouldn’t try to jump out of the water to reach you.
As it drew closer, you watched as it dove down with just precision that you were starting to wonder if it was a shark after all. Sharks weren’t known for diving so steeply. They were gradual divers. You leaned over the edge and lost sight of the shadow. Your eyes caught the flickering of your flashlight and you cursed as it went dark, the illumination you had now gone and only the light of the moon allowing you to see.
The water seemed to still as you looked around. Had it left? Was the animal gone? Your instincts told you it was still there, waiting for you to slip up before it took you at its latest meal.
Even though sharks didn’t go out of their way to eat humans, if one was hungry enough, it would stalk one and wait. Just like any other starving predator.
As you looked around, you saw bubbles just under where you were leaning over the water.
You glanced down and let out an ear piercing scream as the creature surfaced quickly, forcing you back as it breached and landed on top of you. You struggled to push it away, taking care to avoid the head and any potential bites.
As you struggled under the weight of the animal, you could have sworn you heard… laughter?
Your eyes popped open and you looked up, fear and shock mixing as you stared at the creature above you.
You were looking into the face of a man. Your shock and fear turned briefly into anger as you tried to make sense of the situation. Had it been a man this whole time? Some weird cave hermit that had been tormenting you and pretending to be a shark to scare you into leaving his home?
“You should see your face!” he said as his laughter grew. You narrowed your eyes and tried to sit up but it was then you noticed the lower half of his body and gasped.
From the waist up, he was human. Golden tan skin that blended into the dark blackish-blue of his shark-like tail. A… merman? Your eyes traveled back up to his face, taking in each and every detail bathed in moonlight. He wore around his neck a black cord necklace with shells and in the middle, a pendant made from a shark tooth.
You watched as he continued to laugh, sharp pointed teeth peeking out from his plush peachy lips.
“You humans are so much fun,” he said as his laughter subsided. His hands rested on the rock under you as he leaned over you, his slim waist positioned between your thighs as he smirked at you. Leaning slightly to the left, you looked over his body again. The dark blackish-blue faded into a pale grayish-blue on the ventricle side and the same grayish-blue stripes covered his back. The fin on his back was just past his waist and was a very typical shark-like fin.
His tail was also the trademark shark fin but it was more like a thresher tail with the top part of the fin longer. Your eyes traveled back up to his face, inspecting the ocean blue irises that stared back at you. “What the--” you trailed off, pushing yourself up, forcing the creature to back up.
“What are you?” you asked, voice full of caution and curiosity. You watched as the creature fell back into the water, disappearing below the surface before popping back up, fixing you with a playful stare. “You’re the scientist,” he noted. “You tell me.”
You stared at him blankly. How could you even expect to explain this? Explain him? His very existence had been disputed and debated for hundreds of years. Mermaids were the stuff of legend and folklore. They weren’t supposed to exist.
If that were the case however, how did you explain this? How did you explain the creature treading water before you? “It has to be some sort of suit,” you mumbled, looking at the shark-like body under the water. The creature scoffed. “It’s always ‘seeing is believing’ with you humans until something shows up and then it’s all ‘has to be fake.’ Do you ever believe anything?” he asked.
You looked up, examining his face. His soft features. Round cheeks, plush pouty lips that started to lift into a crooked smile, showing off his pointed teeth. “I believe in science,” you explained and he rolled his eyes. “But I also believe there are things science can’t explain,” you continued.
You started to lower yourself into the water and he immediately shied away. You held up your hand. “I’m not going to hurt you,” you said softly. You saw his eyes flit to the knife strapped to your thigh. You followed his gaze and quickly removed the weapon.
“For protection,” you replied, setting it on the rocks behind you and facing him. “In case something tries to take a bite out of me,” you added. His brow furrowed. “If you get bit, maybe you shouldn’t get in the water,” he replied and you nodded. “I’ve never been bit,” you answered. “I’ve gotten close, but the knife is a last resort,” you continued.
“You have your teeth and your claws,” you reminded him. “My teeth and nails are no match for shark skin,” you added. “If you aren’t a match, why do you enter the ring?” he asked, tilting his head slightly. A smile spread across your face. “Because I study marine life,” you replied.
“I’m a marine biologist.”
The creature tilted his head the opposite direction. “Are you here to study me?” he asked. You shrugged before answering. “Up until a few minutes ago, I didn’t even know you existed,” you answered, swimming a little closer. He watched you cautiously. “So you didn’t know this cave is my home?” he asked and you shook your head. “No, I had no idea.”
He studied you carefully.
“Are you… a merman?” you asked suddenly. His expression changed, amusement crossing his features as he laughed. “A merman?” he asked incredulously. “Nah,” he said, shaking his head. “Those pretty boys live safe and sound in their lairs, never venturing far from home,” he added.
You cocked your head to the side. “Pretty boys?” you asked. “Do you not think you’re pretty?”
Your question must have caught him off guard because he stopped smiling and stared at you, a slight pink hue reaching his cheeks. “N-no,” he answered finally. “I’m not.” You frowned at him. How could he not think he was? You found all sea life incredible beautiful but nothing you’d encountered before had made you think it was attractive and yet here he was before you.
“I think you’re pretty,” you replied. He stared at you, eyes widening. “Y-you do?” he asked softly, to which you nodded. “I think you’re very pretty,” you replied. He swam a little closer, inspecting your face. “So,” you said, breaking the silence. “If you aren’t a merman, what are you?”
He raised his gaze to meet yours, drawing it from your body under the water. “What do you think I am? Hmm, marine biologist?” he asked and you sighed, backing away from him and pulling yourself up onto the rock. “Sorry,” you said as you situated yourself. “My legs were getting tired.”
He watched as you massaged your calves. “I can only tread water for so long.”
“In my experience,” you started. “I’ve never seen anything like you,” you continued. “The shark part is unlike any species I’ve ever seen. It’s like an amalgamation of tiger and thresher sharks,” you noted. He smiled, showing off his pointy teeth as he swam closer. “So you’re saying I’m unique?” he asked.
You nodded as he drew closer. “Unique and otherworldly,” you added. “I’ve never seen anything like it.” He pulled himself back up, leaning over your frame. “You’ve never seen anything like me?” You shook your head again. “Never,” you replied.
Silence fell over the two of you as you stared at one another. His dark hair had started to dry a bit, the ends of his bangs falling into his eyes. “What do you call yourself?” you asked, tilting your head to the right. He smiled, mimicking your movement. “Jisung,” he replied. “My name is Jisung.”
“Jisung,” you repeated. He leaned in, eyes watching your lips as you spoke. “I like the way you say my name,” he whispered. You could feel your heart rate kicking up as he leaned closer. ‘What is he doing?’ You stared back as his eyes moved up to meet your gaze. “What is your name?” he asked just as softly as before.
You froze. He was asking your name? Should you tell him? It’s not like he was going to look you up or something. You then wondered if you should tell any kind of sentient creature your name. Didn’t that give them power over you or something? You must have taken longer than he expected because he smirked at you.
“What’s the matter? Shark got your tongue?” he asked, amused by his own joke.
Your facade broke and you smiled. “Y/N,” you finally answered. “I’m Y/N.” Jisung smiled back, a genuine smile. “It’s nice to meet you, Y/N,” he replied, lowering back into the water and staring up at you.
“Likewise,” you replied.
After meeting Jisung that night, you promised to come back. And came back you did.
You managed to gain his trust enough to draw a small vial of blood, and take a couple pictures mainly of his tail and markings. You promised to keep his existence a secret, making sure all your research on him was done at home and that you kept everything under wraps.
A few days turned into a week and you came back almost every night, getting to know Jisung and more about his existence. You learned that he wasn’t a merman, like he had said. He was a samebito. He had explained that it was similar to a merman but different folklore and legends.
A week and a half had passed since you first met Jisung and you were currently sitting on the edge of the boat, writing in your notebook, going over your notes before suiting up and jumping in the water. 
A splash caught your attention and you glanced up. You weren’t sure why you even looked, it was night time and you couldn’t even see the water except near your boat. You grabbed the spotlight, flipping it on and turning it slowly until something came into view and you sighed.
“Someone’s impatient,” you chuckled, letting go of the light and returning to your notes as Jisung swam over to your boat. “I got lonely,” he said softly as he reached the end of your boat. He quickly pulled himself up to sit on the side of the boat near you.
“What’re you writing?” he asked, leaning over to see your notebook. “Just some notes,” you mumbled, finishing up your notes and closing the notebook quickly, and setting it aside. You turned to look at him and your smile fell upon seeing the fresh scar on his shoulder.
“What happened here?” you asked, voice laced with concern as you scooted closer.
He glanced down and let out a chuckle. “Oh,” he said softly. “I got a little too close to a shark feed ground,” he continued. ���I’ll heal pretty quickly,” he added as you inspected the wound. “I was hunting and got in the way,” he admitted with a sheepish smile.
“Have you eaten?” you asked, looking up at him. He met your gaze and hesitated. “What?” he asked and watched as you got up and walked over to the opposite side of the boat, lifting one of the seats and reached in to pull out one of the fish you’d caught earlier.
“Here,” you said, holding it up. “I mean,” you added, turning your head to look at the fish. “I could cook it,” you said softly. Jisung smiled and chuckled. “Did you catch that for me?” he asked as you walked over, holding the fish up. You nodded. “There’s more in the cooler,” you added.
Jisung chuckled and shook his head. “It’s okay,” he said with a smile. “I’ve eaten,” he explained, taking the fish from you. “I don’t want to gross you out,” he added as he inspected it. “Oh,” you said dejectedly. Jisung looked up and handed the fish back. “Just keep it on ice for a little while longer and sell it if you don’t eat fish,” he said softly.
You took the fish and took it back to the cooler, closing it and placing the seat down before heading back and sitting back down. “So when did this happen?” you asked, nodding at his shoulder. He glanced down again as he thought.
“Oh, maybe like a couple hours ago,” he replied and your eyes widened in shock. “Wait, really?” you asked and he nodded, looking confused at your shock. “Yeah, I heal pretty quickly,” he added with a laugh. You leaned forward, reaching up to brush your fingers against his skin.
“Weird,” you murmured, making him throw his head back with a laugh. “Sorry,” you said sheepishly. Jisung shook his head. “It’s okay,” he replied. “Like you said, you’ve never met anyone like me.” You chuckled, nodding. “That’s true,” you added.
Silence fell over the two of you as you looked up at the sky, the waves lapping at the sides of the boat and a gentle breeze blowing through the air. You looked over at Jisung to find him already looking at you, a calm expression on his face.
“What?” you asked softly and he shook his head, a smile spreading across his face. “Nothing,” he answered. “Oh!” he said quickly sitting up. “I found something really cool while out the other night!” he said and turned towards you.
“Wanna see it?” he asked. You nodded, feeling excited. “Where are we going?” you asked, getting up and starting to strip to your bikini, not noticing the way Jisung’s eyes followed your movement and body. You moved to grab your wetsuit.
Jisung waited patiently for you to pull it on. “Jump in,” Jisung said, looking at the water and you looked at the water. “We’re swimming there?” you asked, making him chuckle. “It’s not far,” he answered. “It’s worth it, I promise.” You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Come on, Y/N,” he groaned. “Live a little,” he added with a wink before rolling towards the edge of the boat and diving into the water. You sighed and grabbed your boat keys, pulling the elastic over your wrist and walking over to the light, shutting it off the light and heading to the bow of the boat, grabbing your flashlight and snorkel mask. 
As you reached the back, you turned the light on to see Jisung was floating, waiting for you. “Where are we going?” you asked as you held the flashlight between your knees as you pulled the mask on. “Not far,” Jisung said as you grabbed the flashlight and climbed down the ladder, joining him in the water.
Jisung took your hand and gently pulled you along. “Come here,” he said softly. “Hold on,” he added, guiding your arms around his neck. “Are you sure?” you asked, softly, cheeks burning as you looked at him so closely. He turned his head to look at you, his own cheeks turning soft pink.
“Uh,” yeah,” he said softly. “Just try not to get under me,” he added. 
It felt weird, hanging off him from behind as he started swimming. It almost felt like you were riding a shark, the trashing as he started off but soon turned into a smooth motion as he zipped through the water, propelled only by the powerful tail.
Jisung was careful to stay near the surface so you didn’t have to hold your breath with the mask. You could tell he was holding back, not swimming as fast as you knew he could go. You’d seen him zipping through the water before, breaching the surface at speeds you suspected most sharks could reach.
This was much slower than you’d witnessed.
Jisung started to slow, lifting his head out of the water. As he came to a stop, you slid from his back, reaching up to remove your snorkel mask. “We’re almost there,” he said, looking up at the stars overhead. You glanced skyward, letting out a soft gasp.
“Wow,” you whispered. Jisung chuckled, grabbing your hand gently. “Come on,” he said quietly, tugging you through the water towards the rocky beach. “I’ve seen these rocks when visiting you,” you commented as he led you towards them. “You’ll need your goggles for this,” he said, turning to look back at you. As soon as the words left his lips, you pulled them back on, dumping any water out of them.
“Now what?” you asked as he took your hand again. “Hold your breath,” he instructed. You took a deep breath and allowed him to pull you under the water, leading you down towards a cave opening. It wasn’t unlike the entrance to his cave; only this one was much narrower.
The cave opening seemed to go on forever, winding around as you let Jisung pull you. Your lungs were starting to burn and you knew if you didn’t hurry, you’d start to suffocate. Finally, Jisung pulled you free from the narrow cave into a much larger one and pushed you towards the surface.
You kicked towards the surface of the pool, breaching at the same time he did. Jisung floated near as you coughed, allowing air to fill your lungs again, the taste of salt on your tongue. “I had no idea there were so many of these,” you gasped. “How many are there?”
Jisung chuckled, taking your hand. “Come,” he said simply, pulling you through the water. The inside of this cave was much different than his. Instead of a single round chamber, there were multiple round chambers, connected together. 
Jisung pulled you along into the next chamber until you reached the last one. “Through there,” he nodded towards a window in the rock wall. “This is so cool,” you commented as you swam over, pulling yourself up to peer out.
It was then that you saw it.
Jisung pulled himself up next to you, a wide grin on his face. “Wow,” you whispered. “Cool, huh?” he asked, resting his chin on his forearm.
Outside the cave was more stretch of ocean, waves rolling up onto a sandy beach. There was only about twenty feet between the beach and the treeline behind it and the beach stretched for about fifty feet between two rocky bluffs.
All along the beach, rolling in the waves were glowing blue lights. “Bioluminescent plankton,” you whispered. “They come here every night to feed,” he whispered. “It’s pretty cool, with the stars and the lights,” he continued.
You turned to look at him.
“This little alcove is remote,” he explained. “Human’s haven’t started colonizing it,” he added. “I think it might be privately owned,” he continued. You glanced at him before looking back at the beach. “I hope it stays like this,” you whispered, also resting your chin on your forearm.
You sat in silence, watching the lights dance in the waves. You could feel Jisung’s eyes on you and you turned to look at him, your cheeks burning. You watched his eyes flit between your eyes and your lips before he slowly moved. He lifted his hand, moving it to cup your face, thumb tracing the curve of your cheek.
Your heart started to hammer in your chest as he leaned closer. At that moment, a shrill laugh rang out from the direction of the trees. Jisung pulled back abruptly and you turned away from his gaze to look at the beach as a beam of light bounced along the sand.
“Teenagers,” you whispered as a group of teens came out of the woods, giggling as they descended on the shore. Jisung scoffed as he watched them. “Ungrateful little shits.” You snorted into a laugh. “Come on,” you said softly. “Before they decide to come into the water and find this cave with us inside.”
Jisung allowed you to lead him away, back through the cave. You pulled your mask back on, taking another deep breath and letting Jisung pull you through the narrow opening and back into the open ocean. You took your time swimming back, only hitching a ride when your legs gave out.
Back at the boat, Jisung watched you climb up the ladder and pulled himself up on the side again, watching as you disappeared into the cabin. In the privacy of your boat, you stripped and dried off, pulling on dry clothes and running a towel haphazardly over your hair before returning to Jisung.
His hair had started to dry as he lounged on the side of the boat, his tail hanging down the side of the vessel. You chuckled, turning on the lights of the boat and Jisung opened one eye to look at you. “Are you gonna sleep there?” you asked as you walked over, taking a seat on the cushion below where he was lounging.
He propped himself up, looking down at you. “What happened back there,” he started, his voice taking on a more serious tone. You looked away, feeling a sour taste bubbling up from your stomach. ‘He wants to forget it,’ you told yourself.
“It’s fine,” you interrupted. “It can’t happen, I know,” you added. You refused to look up at him so you missed the way his brows knitted together as he stared at you, a slight pout on his lips. “That’s what you’re going to say, right?” you asked when he didn’t answer.
“I’m a human and you’re not. So we can’t.”
You felt his fingers move under your chin, turning and tilting your head to face him. “Stop jumping to conclusions,” he said sternly before leaning in and closing the distance, pressing his lips against yours. For a split second, you panicked before accepting the gesture and melting into the kiss.
You whined as he started to pull back. You pulled him back in by the back of his neck, kissing him more fiercely. Jisung accepted your advances, lips parting as he took back control, his tongue slipping into your mouth. You pulled him closer, leaning back onto the cushions and forcing him to follow your movements.
Jisung groaned into the kiss and pulled back quickly. “Wait,” he gasped. “Sorry,” you whispered as he pushed himself up. “It’s okay,” he murmured. “Just give me a second.” You sat up as he pulled back, taking a few deep breaths. “Things were getting a little intense,” he admitted.
You smiled shyly. “Sorry,” you replied. “I got a little excited I guess,” you added, shrugging. Jisung chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “That’s okay,” he answered. “I did, too,” he admitted with a grin. “It happened really fast. I’m sorry if I crossed a line,” he continued.
You shook your head, pulling your knees up and resting your head against the backrest of the seat. “It’s okay,” you said softly, looking up at him in the lights of the boat. “I wanted it.” Jisung nibbled on his bottom lip nervously. “You did?” he asked, his voice sounding optimistic.
You nodded. “I did,” you reassured him. “You didn’t cross a line.”
“That’s a relief.”
Silence fell over you as you watched him and he watched you for a while. You weren’t sure how much time had passed before you spoke. “Do you ever get scared?” you asked him. He tilted his head curiously. “Scare?” he asked. “Of what?”
“The town? Fishermen? Being discovered?”
Jisung hesitated, no doubt pondering his answer. “Sometimes,” he answered finally. “I guess I haven’t really thought about it but I like being left alone,” he said, smiling before speaking. “Well, mostly alone,” he added. “I just want to live my life like most creatures.”
“Have you ever been spotted before?” you asked and he smiled wider. “You tell me? Heard any stories?” you snorted as you realized what he was hinting at. “No, thankfully,” you replied. Jisung chuckled at your response. “There you have it. Safe and undiscovered except by you.”
He leaned closer, brushing his lips against yours before pressing a chaste kiss to your lips. Your cheeks heated up again. You could feel the heat spread all the way down to your core and you tried not to focus on the feeling lingering in your stomach. Jisung noticed a shift in your demeanor and tilted his head.
“You okay?” he asked softly, moving his hand to caress your cheek, thumb brushing over your bottom lip. You nodded wordlessly. “Yeah,” you answered. “I’m great,” you lied. “But it’s getting late,” you commented. “I should probably head out.”
You got up, Jisung sitting up and watching as you did. “Hey,” he called softly, reaching out for your hand. You allowed him to take hold of it and pull you closer. “I have to go hunting tomorrow but I’ll see you after, yeah?” he asked. You nodded, leaning in to press your forehead against his.
“Goodnight,” you said softly. Jisung pulled you in, placing a tender kiss against your lips. 
“Goodnight,” he whispered. You watched as he dove off the side of the boat and into the water with a splash, only surfacing to look up at you. You waved at him as he stared up at you. 
“See you tomorrow!” he called before disappearing below the surface, no doubt heading into his cave.
“See you tomorrow,” you whispered.
Only you didn’t see him the next day. Or the day after that. You couldn’t bring yourself to face him.
The night after Jisung took you to see the bioluminescent plankton and kissed you, your dreams were plagued with him. They started innocently, spending time exploring the caves but they soon took a turn and you were starting to have inappropriate thoughts and dreams about him.
Things you should definitely not be thinking about.
The dreams only escalated after that and soon you were dreaming about him showing up in your home, shark tail gone and replaced with human legs.
It was starting to get out of hand.
You hadn’t been back to see Jisung in almost a week and you were feeling guilty not only for disappearing but also for having continuous wet dreams about him. How were you supposed to look him in the eye when all you could think about was him pinning you down and having his way with you?
You knew sooner or later, you’d have to go back out there. You couldn’t just not ever come back. You at least needed to explain to him why you’d been avoiding him and avoiding coming back.
The final push came when you were at the market, looking at some cuts of steak for dinner when you overheard a conversation at the next stall over.
“You’re so full of shit, Paul,” a woman said, shaking her head as she continued crocheting. “No I’m not!” the man you presumed was Paul replied. “I saw it! Looked like a great big tiger shark but it had the upper body of a man!”
You froze, eyes widening as you inspected a particular cut of steak. ‘Jisung?’
“And where did you see this mermaid?” another man asked, laughing. “Near the pier! I was doing some fishing off the end when I spotted it! Was huge! Like ten feet long!” You felt your heart start to pound as you forced a smile and pointed out two steaks.
The stall owner packaged them up for you. “Thanks,” you murmured, handing over a few notes to pay for the meat as the conversation beside you carried on.
“I swear, I saw it!”
You walked away as the others around the man laughed and waved their hands, dismissing his claims. Upon returning home, your mind was made up for you as you entered your kitchen, making one of the steaks for yourself and saving the other. You wonder if Jisung had ever had steak before.
After dinner, you packed your stuff, grabbing your bikini and house keys. You stopped and grabbed the steak from the fridge and headed out of the house, locking up and walking towards the marina, bag slung over your shoulder.
You ignored the night beach goers enjoying bonfires as you headed for the docks. Once on your boat, you casted off, backing your boat out and driving out towards the caves where you knew Jisung had taken up residence.
You reached the rocks in record time, casting your anchor and moving to lower the microphone in the water. You normally didn’t have to use it but you figured after a week, you might need to use it to draw Jisung out.
You turned the dial, starting the dolphin call and sat on one of the seats.
You waited patiently, arms crossed over your chest before you got up and headed into the cabin, changing out of your clothes and into your bikini and then pulling on the wetsuit. As you exited the cabin you heard a splash and looked up to see Jisung perched on the side of your boat staring at you.
There was no smile nor greeting. He merely stared at you blankly.
Neither of you said anything as you stared at one another. Finally Jisung spoke.
“What?” he asked shortly. You crossed to the cooler, lifting the seat and opening the cooler lid. You pulled out the steak and held it up to show him. “Ever had beef?” you asked. Jisung narrowed his eyes. “That’s all you have to say?” he asked. You tore open the brown paper and removed the plastic, holding up the steak.
“Have you ever had steak?”
He glared at you. “Is this some kind of test?” he asked. You shook your head, walking over to where he was and climbed up to sit next to him. “No,” you replied. “I was at the market earlier and got steak,” you explained. He stared at you, glancing down at the meat and back up.
“And this is relevant, how?” he asked. He was clearly upset at you and you couldn’t fault him. You disappeared after he’d kissed you. You presented the steak. “How about you eat and I’ll talk, hmm?” you asked. He looked up at you hesitantly before he nodded.
You handed him the steak to inspect. “You said it’s beef?” he asked. You nodded as he raised it to sniff. “Cow,” you added. “It’s actually a really tender cut,” you continued. “I cooked the other one earlier and ate it for dinner.”
You turned away as he nibbled at the end of the steak. “I also heard an interesting story at the market when I was buying this steak,” you explained. “One of the guys there, a local fisherman. name’s Paul,” you said, glancing at him.
“Well, Paul told everyone in his vicinity that he’d seen something out on the pier while fishing this morning,” you continued, noticing how Jisung’ gaze flickered to you. “Said he’d seen something… strange.” Jisung lowered the partially eaten steak.
“Said it was huge. Looked like a massive tiger shark,” you continued as Jisung stared unblinkingly at you. “Said it had the torso of a man.” Realization dawned on his face as you spoke. “I was spotted?” he asked and you sighed. “What were you doing at the pier in broad daylight?” you asked.
Jisung looked away from you and down at the meat. “I went looking for you,” he admitted. Your heart skipped a beat. “Why?” you asked softly. “Because you vanished,” he replied, looking up at you. “I haven’t seen you for a week!”
Your stomach sank. It was as you feared. “I’m sorry,” you said softly as he ripped the steak apart with his hands. “I was dealing with some things,” you added as he tore into one of the pieces. You watched as he chewed the raw meat and swallowed. “Are you okay now?” he asked.
You nodded. “For the most part,” you added. “I’m still… dealing,” you admitted. Jisung devoured the last of the steak and looked at you. “Do you have any more of that?” he asked, sniffing the air. You chuckled and shook your head. “No,” you replied. “Just the one.”
He pouted. “That was really good,” he murmured, looking disappointed. He perked up quickly. “You’re here though,” he added and you nodded. “I know,” you replied. “And I’m sorry I was gone.” He shook his head and nodded towards the water. “I have something to show you, come on!” he said and before you could answer, he rolled off the boat with a splash into the water below.
Sighing you grabbed your snorkel mask and turned off the boat lights, making sure to grab your keys and the ankle flashlight. Once you were equipped, you climbed down the ladder and into the water with a splash. Making sure the mask was secure, you ducked your head.
You could see Jisung swimming near the opening to his cave. Once he was certain you spotted him, he slipped into the narrow opening and you took a deep breath before following, removing the mouth piece of your snorkel.
You pulled yourself into the opening and followed the path to the interior chamber, kicking toward the surface. Jisung was sitting on the ledge of the pool and you moved over to join him, pulling the mask off and setting it aside.
“What did you wanna show me?” you asked as you pulled yourself up. Jisung held up his hand, showing you a collection of shells. “Scallops,” you muttered, picking up one of the shells. “And this,” he added, showing you an intact clam.
“It already died,” he explained as he carefully pried it open with his nails. “But this is what I really wanted to show you,” he explained as he picked up something small and round and handed it over, placing it in your palm. It was a pearl.
“It’s so pretty,” you breathed, holding the pearl closer. Jisung smiled before he slipped into the water. “I have one more thing to show you,” he added and disappeared under the water, diving down to the bottom of the pool.
He resurfaced moments later and swam closer, holding up something small, smooth, and purple. “Sea glass,” he said as you took the smooth stone-like material. “I see this stuff all the time,” he explained as he rested his chin on your knee. You smiled at him. “You’re giving gifts now?” you asked and he nodded.
He took a deep breath, the smile on his face dropping. “Is something different about you?” he asked suddenly. You glanced down at him and shook your head. “No,” you replied. He lifted his head, sniffing the air. “Something smells different…”
Your cheeks burned as he leaned closer, inhaling your scent.
“Oh,” he said softly, glancing up at you.
“Are you-”
“These are really pretty gifts,” you interrupted, looking down at the pearl and sea glass. Jisung’s brow furrowed as you avoided his gaze. “Y/N,” he started and when you still didn’t look at him, he pulled himself up, caging you in with his arms as his body slotted between your thighs.
You let out a surprised squeak, the pearl and sea glass falling from your hands and into the water with a plop. Jisung was inspecting your face, leaning closer. “Jisung,” you warned as he leaned even closer, forcing you to lean back, holding yourself up with one hand.
One of his hands moved to your lower back and pulled your hips flush against him, forcing another squeak from your lips. Heat spread into your cheeks and pooled in the pit of your stomach and Jisung’s eyes widened as the realization hit him.
“So that’s why you’ve been avoiding me?” he whispered. You shook your head. “I haven’t been avoiding-AHH!” you gasped as he very quickly pinned you down, your back flat against the rock as he hovered over you.
“You have,” he murmured. “You’ve been avoiding me. Was it the kiss?” he asked, his hands moving to pin your wrists together. “Did it have some sort of effect on--”
Jisung stopped, his words catching as he caught the change of your scent. The sudden flood of arousal that filled the cavern.
“Oh,” he said, his voice dropping an octave and eyes darkening. “So that does it for you, does it?” he asked, grinning lopsidedly at you, showing his sharp teeth off. 
“Being pinned down and unable to move?”
You stared up at him, breathing heavily as heat rushed to your core, a tingling sensation starting to form in your toes. “W-what?” you whispered, your voice much softer than you intended. Jisung’s grin widened. “I think you do. I think you like this,” he continued.
You shook your head but your voice wouldn’t come out. Jisung tilted his head, black eyes boring into yours. “I think you’re lying,” he said, leaning down, his lips inches from yours. “I think you like the idea of being unable to fight back,” he chuckled, nose nuzzling into your cheek.
“Maybe I should teach you a lesson for disappearing on me for three nights. Making me worry about you.” You let out an involuntary whimper, feeling his hips grind against yours. Jisung let out a soft chuckle. “Oh, baby,” Jisung whispered as he ghosted his lips over the skin of your neck up to your ear.
“You really should have stayed away another night.”
You let out a squeal as Jisung pulled back, water splashing as he pulled you with him.
You surfaced, kicking under you to stay afloat as you looked around quickly. You turned back to the rocky ledge, to pull yourself up but as you got about halfway out of the water, Jisung resurfaced, pressing against your back and pinning you against the rocks.
You let out a cry of surprise as he chuckled in your ear, his hands wandering to your wetsuit and your eyes widened as you heard a rip of the fabric. ‘Did he just…’
When Jisung pulled back to admire his handiwork, you realized he’d ripped the entire back of your wetsuit open, completely ignoring the zipper right next to it.
You lowered yourself into the water and turned to look over your shoulder at him, finding half of his face submerged in the water. “What the hell!” you snapped. Jisung darted forward, pinning you against the rock wall. “Sorry, little fish,” he chuckled as his hands were quick to start pulling your wetsuit off, leaving you in just your swimsuit.
“That was my favorite wetsuit,” you pouted as you watched it sink into the depths of the pool. Jisung blocked your view, taking your face in his hands. “I’m sorry,” he said softly, leaning in until your lips were inches apart. You stared back at him, unmoving. He hesitated, a slight smirk crossing his features before he finally closed the distance, kissing you.
Your lips parted in a gasp allowing his tongue to slip into your mouth. Your own hands had moved to the rocks, trying to keep yourself from sinking. Jisung pulled back, lips ghosting across your cheek and kissing down the side of your neck.
You felt him nip at the string of your bikini top. “I could easily snap this,” he mused before continuing to kiss along your shoulder. You opened your mouth to retort but he pressed his hips against yours, ripping a moan from your throat instead.
Another roll of his hips and your hands slipped from the rocks. Jisung was quick to grab your wrists, placing your hands on his shoulders. “If you need to hold onto something, hold onto me,” he said, watching your face as he rutted against you again.
Your head was swimming, heat pooling in your lower belly as the shark creature grinded against you, one hand holding onto the rocky ledge while the other moved down to your thigh, holding your hips in place. The rocks in the wall behind you jutted out, pushing into your back but you couldn’t be bothered to care, not when Jisung was breathing heavily into your ear, teasing you with his words.
“You know I could pin you down and have my way with you right now if I wanted to, right?”
You let out another moan as he rutted against you. “What’s stopping you,” you breathed, your voice just audible over the sound of the water lapping against the rocks. Jisung chuckled softly, his breath fanning over your collar and neck. “Because,” he started, slowing his movements.
“I’m waiting for your permission to let me have my way with you.”
One of your hands moved up the back of his neck, tangling in his dark locks. “Then consider this my consent,” you whispered before pulling him into a heated kiss. It only lasted for a few moments before Jisung lifted you up out of the water, placing you on the edge of the rock ledge.
“Don’t move,” he ordered, reaching up and untying one side of your bikini bottoms, letting the material fall before untying the other side and grabbing your hips in his hands. You had no time to ask what he was doing before you felt his tongue rough against your clit.
“Oh shit,” you gasped, eyes fluttering shut, one hand moving to his hair. Jisung ignored your grip on him, merely licking slowly up your slit. “That steak tasted amazing,” he noted, his voice low and gravelly.
“But you taste divine.”
You let out another moan as his lips attached to your clit, teasing, flicking, and sucking on the sensitive nub. You felt the tips of his pointed nails digging slightly into the flesh of your thighs. “Oh shit,” you gasped as he nipped at your clit.
“J-Jisung!” you whined, back arching as he lapped at your clit. “Keep saying my name like that,” he groaned against you. “Sounds so good when you say it like that, baby.”
“I need you pliant,” he murmured, pulling back to look at your slit. “But I don’t wanna hurt you,” he added softly. “Spread your legs for me, cutie,” he instructed. “And keep them spread.”
You did as he asked, spreading your thighs, squeaking out a small yelp when he pushed your knees closer to you. “Hold right here,” he said, patting the backs of your knees. You replaced his hands and groaned as you felt his tongue against your slit.
“Relax for me,” you heard him mutter and you took a deep breath.
You felt the tip of his tongue push into your hole and both of you groaned; you at the intrusion and him at the taste and warmth of your cunt. You felt him ease more of his tongue into your walls and wondered if he’d been hiding the majority of his tongue.
You moaned, walls clenching as his tongue moved in and out of you slowly. “F-fuck. I didn’t know you could do that,” you whined. Jisung hummed against you, sending vibrations against your clit and you gasped out.
Just as quickly, he withdrew his tongue and pulled back. “I think that’s enough,” he said as you propped yourself up, chest heaving. “I’ll just have to take my time easing into you,” he added, grabbing your hips and pulling you closer.
You let out a yelp as your lower half fell into the water. “Turn around,” he growled, grabbing your hips and pushing you into position as you held onto the ledge. Jisung lifted you partially out of the water, holding you in place. “W-what’re you doing?”
“I’m going to fuck you, baby,” he chuckled. You felt something warm and wet grind against you and you let out a moan. “O-okay,” you said as he pressed the head of his cock against your slit. “It’s not too late to tap out,” he joked and you shook your head.
“No,” you retorted. “I want this.” 
Jisung hissed, the tip of his cock slipping into you and making you gasp at the intrusion. You hadn’t gotten to see it before he was pushing it into you but it felt huge. You moaned, your walls stretching to accommodate him as he slid in, inch by inch.
“Hold still,” you heard him whisper as he pinned you against the ledge. “What--FUCK!”
You cursed, gasping as he thrust forward, sheathing his entire length inside you with one motion.
“Oh fuck,” you groaned, knees bumping into the rock wall as Jisung bottomed out. “Hah, so t-tight,” you heard him grunt. “M’gonna fuck you so good,” he chuckled, resting his forearm over your back. “Now just stay still, baby,” he continued, slowly pulling back and snapping his hips forward, making you gasp.
“Fuck you feel good. I should have done this a lot sooner,” he mused, setting a steady pace, thrusting into you from behind. “J-Jisung,” you whimpered. You felt his breath as he leaned in close to your ear. “This was more fun when you fought back,” he panted. “So fight me.”
You tried to push yourself up but he just forced you back down. “Come on, baby,” he cooed. “You can do better than that. Beg me to stop,” he laughed, slamming into you, making you see stars with each thrust. “S-stop,” you stammered weakly.
Jisung laughed again, his breath hot and heavy against the back of your neck. “Is that the best you’ve got?” he asked. “Come on, pet,” he continued, grunting with effort. “Really beg me.”
S-stop, please,” you whimpered, finding a little more strength in your voice. You didn’t want him to stop though. Not when it felt so good. “That’s it,” Jisung groaned. “Keep it going. Beg me not to fuck you. Tell me you want me to let you go. Plead with me,” he growled.
You gasped as he gave you a hard thrust, stealing the words from your tongue and the breath from your lungs. “J-Jisung. Stop. This is wr-wrong. P-please s-uh-stop,” you moaned into the rocky surface. You noticed how your whines and pleas only spurred him on.
You tried again to push yourself up only for him to grab both of your wrists, forcing you back down against the rocks, pinning your arms behind your back with one hand. “You really think you can fight me off?” he scoffed, thrusts increasing in speed.
“You think you’re strong enough?”
You shook your head, moans slipping from your lips as your mind started to go blank. “That’s right, little fish,” he smirked. “You’re powerless against me. You can’t do anything. You’re completely at my mercy. This entire time you think you’ve been in control?”
He chuckled darkly. “You haven’t been in control of shit. I let you think you had the power here. You’re out of your depth, Y/N. You have no idea what you’re up against,” he growled, slowing his thrusts to deep rolls, making your eyes roll back and a low moan escape the back of your throat.
“I let you leave every night but you always come back to me,” he continued. “Why do you think that is?” he asked softly, continuing to grind against you, his cock lodged deep in your walls. “Because you’re mine,” he growled. “You’ve been mine from the moment you entered this cave and you’ll be mine when you leave ‘cause no matter how many times you leave after this…” he trailed off, licking against your pulse point.
“You’ll always come back to me.”
You let out a mix between a scream and a moan as you felt his sharp teeth pierce your skin. ‘He just bit you. You’re gonna bleed out, you idiot!’
Despite the sharp stinging pain, the bite was more superficial with only minimal bleeding. It was meant to scar you. To mark you. You were now marked as his. 
Upon sinking his teeth into your skin, Jisung felt your walls contract around his cock and he groaned, his thrusts regaining the same relentless pace from before, slamming into you repeatedly, savoring your cries of both pleasure and pain from the bite. It would heal. It wasn’t that deep anyway.
Your walls tightened, restricting his movement as he felt you cum and he coaxed you through it, whispering words of encouragement in your ear as you came down from your high. “That’s it, baby,” he whispered. “Such a good girl, taking my cock so well.”
You moaned in response as he kept going. “It’s my turn, little one,” he murmured. “Shhh, baby. It’s okay. Just let go. I’ve got you,” he added, keeping a firm hold on your wrists. “Gonna fill this cute little pussy with my cum and make you mine.”
He readjusted your hips so the rock wasn’t digging into your hips before chasing his own. The sound of skin on skin echoed around the small cavern, bouncing off the rock walls, mixing with your moans until Jisung finally let out a slew of curses, strung between moans as he came, burying his cock deep inside you and filling your cunt with his seed.
He knew it wouldn’t take. You were human after all. He couldn’t actually breed with you but damn did it feel good to pretend for a few minutes as he came down from his own orgasm, muttering into your ear about how you were bound to him forever and how cute you’d look carrying his child.
When the moment passed, Jisung inspected the bite wound to your shoulder, clicking his tongue. “I could have bitten harder,” he murmured as he released your arms. “It might not show once it heals,” he added as you pushed yourself up. “If it doesn’t show up,” you said, your voice hoarse.
“I guess you’ll just have to try again.”
Jisung smiled as you looked over your shoulder at him. “How about tomorrow?” he asked, eyes sparkling in the moonlight. You rolled your eyes. “I meant after it heals, you perverted sex fiend!”
Jisung pouted as you pushed him away, his cock slipping out of you and retracting back into his body as you shakily pulled yourself up onto the rock ledge. “But,” he started as you grabbed your bikini bottoms and turned to face him. “No buts,” you retorted. “Let me heal first, otherwise you might kill me.”
Jisung watched as you put your swimsuit back on, retying the strings. He watched as you moved back to sit on the edge, dipping your legs into the water before moving to push your thighs apart and slot between them, resting his arms on the tops of your thighs.
He smiled a toothy grin when you looked down, meeting his gaze before he spoke.
“So, the day after tomorrow?”
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ⓘ Graphics made by me. Content and support banners made using a template by cafekitsune. I do not allow reposts, translations, or continuations of my works. All writing and graphics are ©️ kwanisms.
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zai-doodles · 1 month ago
There's a post on Twitter abt how some ppl dislike when artists/writers make trans characters w the top surgery scars when in universe its more likely they would likely not be able to afford top surgery or the scars wouldn't be that neat etc etc
And that's v valid and I agree with this take HOWEVER in my fairy tail rewrite I think top surgery is super easy and accessible and they still have the scars bc I like to draw it thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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kkpaaw · 2 days ago
Unironically I think the only one who would possibly understand Arin's feelings of urgency about his parents is the one who's forgotten his
Cuz u can't tell me that if Ed n Edna went missing Jay wouldn't drop everything to go look for them, world saving be damned.
Even now without is memories I still feel like he would understand more than the others and that not me saying that the others wouldn't care
I'm just saying that out of the entire ninja group Arin and Jay are the only ones who's had loving doting parents in their lives this entire time up until now.(Arin presumably im hoping they dont make Arin's parents pieces of shit ngl kinda tired of the ninja having parental issuss LOL) They haven't really had lives without their parents (Kai, Lloyd, Nya n Zane(the special case he is)) or with parents who may not have been the best (Sora, Cole, etc)
Jay's biggest conflict with his parents was just them being too overbearing and doting unlike someone like Cole who has been at odds with his dad for presumably years before they made up and started reparing their relationship or Sora who's parents fucking suck ass
I'm convinced that if Jay hadn't lost his memories he would be either with his parents right now or looking for them, wondering about them etc. Either way they would be on his mind
Anyway thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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nattikay · 2 years ago
psa for all avatar fanfic writers who feel the need to use Na’vi terms in their fics:
“ma” does not mean “my”
I know it’s tempting to think of it that way because it sounds similar, but it doesn’t. It’s a particle used when addressing someone directly. Think of it like a verbal @ sign. You use it when you’re talking to someone, never when you’re talking about someone.
✅ You should fix the basket, ma ‘itan. ❌ You should help ma ‘itan fix the basket.
✅ Ma Neytiri, did you go hunting earlier? ❌ I heard that ma Neytiri went hunting earlier.
Ma ‘ite = @ daughter, not “my daughter” Ma ‘itan = @ son, not “my son” Ma yawne = @ beloved, not “my beloved” 
With ‘ite and ‘itan specifically I sometimes see it smushed into one word (ma’ite/ma’itan)--this is also incorrect. Even more so is using the tìftang as a connector between ma and whatever name or term you’re using (ma’yawne, ma’Jake, etc), which I’ve also seen once or twice. Tìftang is just a normal part of the words ‘ite and ‘itan; it has nothing to do with the “ma”.
furia aynga zola’u ne TedTalk oeyä, irayo  thank u for coming to my Ted Talk
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grasslandgirl · 11 months ago
final thoughts:
honestly I almost wanted more time in the caverns ??? it felt rushed and too fast and like. part of that I guess is having to fit elodie's Dragon Cave Adventure within the larger timeline of whats happening outside in the kingdom at large (her father regretting and turning back for her. the progression of the third wedding. etc) but like. idk. felt a little fast ??
i also felt like the connection or whatever between Elodie and the dragon was a little. rushed. like we've both been lied to and now I'm single handedly going to beat up this dragon and now we're.... besties? idk. would have been more interesting to me if like. they had slowly built the relationship and understanding and parallels between Elodie and the dragon from earlier instead of having to do a 180 relationship flip in the last ten minutes
umm I will say once again that the stepmother character UNDERRATED. I loved her so much I found her really understated and compelling and like. she's clearly trying so hard and really really cares for these girls and like. Elodie calling her mother at the end was honestly really lovely
anyway. the copious amounts of Elodie Girl Strutting into and out of the castle post dragon escape2.0 was like. so exhausting tbh ?? I loved that she like. showed so much understaning and sympathy to the third sacrificial wife but. idk. it was a lot of mbb in a ripped up skirt and corset covered in blood Strutting around with a smoulder yk? not for me
also the back half of the movie characterization of Henry was so interesting to me?? arguing with his mother about not sacrificing floria in her sister's place but like. not actually doing anything about it?? his mother calling him weak to his face and like. yeah. he is weak. he has no convictions no backbone he doesn't stand up for himself or anything he believes and he's complicit in all of it-- further proven by his agreement to marry the third "princess" with the full knowledge of her impending sacrifice and telling Elodie that she's going to be the last one and that after that he'll have the freedom to marry whoever he wants- and then. maybe most compelling to me. henry closing his eyes to face his impending doom from the dragon like?? what a tiny and very telling detail ??? he doesn't turn away or try to run or fight but he ALSO doesn't face it head on!! he shuts his eyes and refuses to bear witness to even his OWN DEATH! his last action- or inaction- is blind compliance!!!
I think the characterization was overall interesting though I think elodie could have had a clearer and more defined character than like. oh shes spunky and determined and dutiful and honest !! that's<3 and that like. doesn't change about her over the course of the movie! she doesn't really have any flaws that she faces or recognizes? she says at one point she's not going to do what she's told anymore but like. that wasn't really the context of why she agreed to the arranged marriage? it wasn't written or depicted as like. oh she's being forced to get married. it was an active intentional choice that she said like. multiple times that she's come to terms with for the livelihood and safety of her people- so the pithy reference to not doing what I'm told landed kind of flat to me ???
additionally I wish that we had gotten more detailed characterization and insight to the queen??? what's HER history with the dragon and the kingdom ?? was she born to this line or did she marry into it?? how does that work if the king and queen bear a daughter to the royal bloodline? is she sacrificed? does she marry three women in turn and throw them to the dragon? do they just keep having kids until they have a son? how did the queen become so fervent in her belief in her actions? isit all a farce? why does she spit in her son's face that he is weak for not obeying her? we barely see ANYTHING from the king/henry's father except that he trails like a dog at the queen's heels, what's their dynamic and deal ???? was the queen's generation threatened directly by the dragon and that's why shes' so ride or die for the princess sacrifices? does she have any idea about the secret sins of her ancestors (killing the infant newborn dragons?) I just think we missed out SO MUCH on having her be this one dimensional villain queen and not giving. any of her interiority or beliefs or reasons for her perspective at all. sigh
all in all. it was a really beautifully designed and shot and styled movie and it could have been better and also could have been worse.
12 minutes into the new netflix high fantasy action movie, damsel, and these are my preliminary thoughts:
the introductory shots were boring and uncompelling to me. but also maybe I wasn't really paying attention to them
that said, the scene setting and environmental shots and direction have been really stunning
as well as Millie bobby brown's character design and costuming hair/makeup, really really beautiful. shes bringing a lot of interiority to the character off of the bat and she also looks really lovely
additionally, the established character dynamics and the communication thereof of Elodie, her sister, her father, and her stepmother have been really effective and compelling; to have a movie with minimal dialogue for the first twelve minutes and to really clearly convey the inter-family dynamics is really successful for me
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zerbrochebetraume · 17 days ago
Tim DID posting okay thanks okay i am going to write it now okay okay I will write all my Tim DID stuff and maybe even make some new stuff while I'm at it maybe I'll even add on to the au I'm working on okay I'm going to [ACTUAL POST NOW] As we all know Tim has been fucked all the way up since childhood. and that makes me sad! and you know what happens to people who get fucked up when their super little? DID!! so ya I think Tim has it Masky was probably the first alter to form and as a protective state after seizures or medical related panic (doctors holding him down for whatever reason like needles, when the hallucinations get too much, etc etc) and I think he would be non verbal! I really love masky and stuff :) I love u masky I'm his #2 fanboy, only to be defeated by stamps with his 1 million Masky crafts. theres probably other alters he doesn't know of but your not paying me to make those up rn but I'm sure their there and Tim does not know. like me in April of 2024 tim is in BIG denial of it being a dissociative disorder and blames it all on the operator just like me in april of 2024 anyways yeah he probably thinks of masky as like weird episodes im going to delve into this more in my EXCLUSIVE fanfiction of my Tim au I'll probably post about it another night when I go crazy again thanks for coming to my Ted talk you all get a prize *gives you all broken toothpicks and miscellaneous trinkets I scooped out my pocket such as gum wrappers and calico critter accessories*
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melomania-p · 23 days ago
my vocaloid headcanons!! (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠)
• meiko + kaito are married, and the kagamine twins are their children. usually, people say that miku is also a sibling of the kagamine twins, but i don't hc that personally.
• miku and rin are best friends, but rin has a crush on her and she doesn't know.
• rin is fucking EVIL. (len is your average middle school boy)
• the meme squad canon real. (vflower, fukase, utatane piko, and oliver being a friend group.) and because oliver is the youngest, he gets spoiled. like "maknae on top" type shit.
• gumi and gakupo are in an arranged marriage, and ryuto/gachapoid is the child they had for tax benefits. (although, they actually ended up loving the little shitbag, and gakupo is ACTUALLY in love w gumi. gumi's just in it for the money tho.)
• oliver is a menace. like he's the playground bully.
• gachapoid is that kid that lies all the time
• neru is a cousin of the kagamine twins
• haku is miku's cousin.
• miku has DID, and the other "versions" of her (zatsune miku, hagane miku, shiteyanyo, calne ca, etc.) are her alters.
• miku is actually pretty chill.
• miku celebrates everytime a new synthv voicebank comes out, because she thinks if she does that, she'll get a synthv voicebank.
• gakupo is the type of mf to be like "i'm so evil and fucked up" while cuddling a hello kitty stuffy
• kaito is IMMENSELY fruity. (he's a bicon fr)
• len suffers from gen alpha brainrot
• vflower is a FUCKING lesbian
• fukase and len are those straight guys that act gay as hell
• the powerfx-loids are one giant family
• maika and yohioloid are dating
• neru and haku are dating. (but neru's tsundere ass would NEVER admit that)
• kaai yuki and oliver are those kids on the playground who "date" eachother for like two days for no reason
• kiyoteru hiyama is kaai yuki's dad.
• kiyo is a shitty teacher
• he most definitely has a favorite student and it's yuki, bcz she's his daughter
• kaai yuki suffers from night terrors
• the kagamine's are accident prone. (self-explanatory)
• utatane piko and SF-A2 miki are brother and sister
• luka is a homewrecker, and she's trying (horribly) to sabotage kaito and meiko's marriage so she can be with meiko
• luka is a RAGING lesbian
• miku has a crush on luka (yes i ship negitoro, leave me alone, my first vocaloid song was fucking MAGNET. THEY ARE INSTRUMENTS. and my miku is an adult anyways 。⁠◕⁠‿⁠◕⁠。)
• rin is lowkey a yandere
• luka is a literal idiot.
• maika and vflower are friends, and they talk shit about ppl together
• vflower is dating yuzuki yukari
• gumi cheats on gakupo with IA
• IA doesn't know that gumi is in an arranged marriage with gakupo
• lily is neru's older sister
• oliver thinks he's better than everyone because he's british
• seeu is a YG entertainment trainee
• the kagamine twins are part filipino, and can actually speak fluent tagalog.
• maika teaches vflower spanish in her spare time
BONUS!! kasane teto
• miku thinks teto and her are friends, meanwhile teto hates her with a burning passion.
• teto hates everyone at this point
• teto is really fucking weird and ridiculously pessimistic
• multilingual queen 🤞 (of course)
• she officially went insane after becoming a synthv
• the other synthv voicebanks have to literally keep her contained so she doesn't do some stupid shit like eradicate taiwan or whatever.
thank u for coming to my ted talk
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rush-the-stars · 2 months ago
cici if you would like to talk about the ways in which nico motherhens and vi fathers...........
ANON OF COURSE I WOULD! thank u for giving me the opportunity hehe
okay i think wolfwood sorta bosses you around in a way that is about your care and wellbeing. lots of “you eat enough?” and “you slept alright?” and tuts and sucks his teeth if you didn’t. and he will be correcting that. and then also just Doing Stuff for you; making meals, laying out your clothes for bed, running your baths/bathing you, etc. etc.
i think he can be a little overbearing about it. if that makes sense. kinda frets over you in his own way, that can be a little overwhelming to have all of that dialed in on you.
(i also think. the way he touches you and interacts with you is a little more Motherhen….cradles you. sometimes even rocks you in his arms if you’re upset. murmurs to you. has you lay on his bare chest, skin to skin.)
vi, while she does have a lot of similarities to wolfwood in this way (big on acts of service, likes to see you taken care of, etc), i think she swings a little more Fathering rather than Motherhenning. so she looks after you too, but its more like…
if you haven’t eaten enough, she makes a meal for both of you and sits and eats with you. if you haven’t slept enough, she’s luring you into her arms to take a nap. less fretting, more action. that, and i think she’s a touch more domineering than wolfwood in the sense that she. kinda wants you to follow her lead. she knows a lot, you know? and she knows what’s good for you. and how to protect you, so. you should listen to her. she kinda….thinks you need more guidance JKFJDSKSK
and you’re her baby? so it’s her job to guide and protect you. kinda old school chivalrous. kinda overbearing too.
and it’s in the way she touches you and interacts with you, too. scruffs you. throws her arm around you and pulls you close. ruffles your hair. grabs your jaw and squishes your cheeks a little. likes to roughhouse or play fight. likes to shroud you. kinda sleazy father figure likes spreads her legs and leans back with you in her lap. LMAO.
again. in my mind…they are so similar..,.with just a slight divide here…
thank u for coming to my ted talk
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heartofbalemoon · 4 months ago
since the fem f/o exchange ( @donahdevotees ) is ongoing, i'm gonna infodump in for my oc x canon beans [specifically for caesar/crowe bc hyperfixation goes brrrr and i require content for them <3]
them, an infodump 👑 ❤️ 🐦‍⬛
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* knowledge on zenless zone zero lore is optional but if it helps with your vision, i encourage you!!
♡ carefree adorkable leader of a biker gang × campy charismatic hostess/entertainer and community matriarch of new eridu (very much a gay icon)
♡ crowe blackforest (right) regularly hosts/partakes in shows at the 404 livehouse (in sixth street)! - i'm talking live singin/dancing, burlesque, comedy roasts, vogue balls.. not only that but as the community 'Mother', she takes in and brings together people from all walks of life; those who have lost relatives to ethereals (monsters), those ostracized for their identity, those looking for a purpose, etc. and they'd even help crowe out with her shows!
♡ crowe is very much a refined older woman (34 years), emotionally mature kinda girlie,, and given she's a crow thiren (humanoid with animal traits), she's incredibly smart - known to exploit opportunities and tell who is being sincere with their intentions. just because she's a sweetheart doesn't mean she can't be vicious when facing ethereals or hostile forces; her nails turn into talons similar to that of a crow's in combat mode! and she's very protective of her community (& caesar) 🐦‍⬛
♡ as for her partner caesar king (left), she is the leader of a biker gang dubbed the sons of calydon! she's pretty strong and straightforward, always ambitious when it comes to being the overlord of the outer ring! 👑
♡ caesar may do things her own way but she also takes on any valid suggestions other people provide her! and once caesar gets to know/trust you, she *absolutely* trusts you. and did i mention that caesar's has a soft tender side? she's a big romantic at heart, super curious about romance stories & media.. you might even catch her blushing!
♡ while caesar is primarily the 'top' of the duo, it's crowe who has the reins; her charisma and great perception skills allow crowe to find ways to make caesar's heart race in any way she can..! like,, crowe finds it amusing when she teases/flirts with caesar and caesar's pure reactions brings her an endearing sense of awe <3
♡ they're both notable figures of their own regions (crowe being from new eridu, caesar being from the outer ring) - and they also work really well together in terms of fending off rival biker gangs (in the outer ring), beating ethereals & ensuring that both of their circles are thriving!
♡ they are incredibly sweet with each other.... even caesar's gang and crowe's followers take notice and egg them on shfhhfgh-
♡ pet names i'd imagine them going for;
● crowe → caesar; 'my (good) king, my darling, my dear overlord, cutie, pookie bear, honey'; (not to be confused with her casual use of 'honey~ 💅')
● caesar → crowe; 'my queen, babe, darling, sweetheart'
thank u for coming to my ted talk- have more of them 🫶 (haven't done a ref sheet for crowe in time my apologies... orz)
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ilovehimyourhonour · 1 year ago
nepo babies 014. i’m so dumb, pathetic, stupid, insane, crazy, idiotic, etc… previous ! next !
rich! yang jeongin x rich! fem! reader smau series , rich au , fake dating trope .
a/n been very inactive…first week of uni started last tuesday. not saying first week kicked by butt, but it might have lol. BUT I do have every class with my best friend so—a win is a win. but ill try to be more active, but idk…one of my professors said how busy were gonna get starting this week and I don’t even wanna think about it. anywaysss thanks for coming to my ted talk 😘
taglist open !
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permanent taglist @meloncremesoda @jungwonismybias
nepo babies taglist @uraverageatiny @lolob @akanexw @violetvoo @rubberduckieyourtheone @haewonluvr @hello-2-u-from-me @marcillfll @somsungiex @icedtealeaf @hannahhbahng @jaeheekangslover @kokoiinuts @jeongins-wife @sleeplessmin @sserafimez @skz-streamer @abbiestearsricochet @nyasstars @vixensss @babrieeee @mrsseochangbin @jiisungllvr @samhomo @puppy-minnie @victio @funkygoose @vampcharxter @kalopsian-thoughts @thisisnotjacinta @browniesandsunshine @luvvvash @rensahazard @fairytaleskiess
© ilovehimyourhonour
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henry-the-queer-artist · 1 year ago
~In defense of Hamilton~
So I hear a lot of people say that Hamilton is overrated.
And I'm gonna say it right off the bat, Yes. It is.
But you know WHY so many people liked Hamilton?
Did you ever think that it was because IT'S GOOD?
Yeah. So Hamilton is not my favorite musical, but it is one that I cherish very dearly, it is my 8th favorite musical.
I think Hamilton is very good show, with catchy music, good sets and actors, etc.
So I believe it doesn't deserve to get hated on just because people really enjoyed it.
thank u for coming to my ted talk
reblog if you think that Yorktown still slaps after 7 years because I do
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kalisseo · 10 months ago
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explaining the redesigns!! instead of sleeping
2nd gen clones
Harriet: she's the one that changed the most, I was inspired by some of her concept art for her outfit (also her hair!! her hairstyle it's from a concept art), i liked the mix of a character with dark colors and a bubbly personality!! for this au, her main thing is ~contrast~, she wears a lot of black but she's a very happy person, she wants to honor her clone mother but at the same time wants to be her own person, enjoys dark and deep media but also loves dumb shows, etc!! also I wanted to give her a theater kid vibe, or at least someone a little bit weird, I hope i achieved that
(leg warmers are just there because they're cute)
Confucius: honestly i really like his oh design!! I think it fits him, at first i was inspired by his concept art but as you can see i kept more of his final design, I gave him that hairstyle because I think it looks cool!! lol, also the big ass headphones, he NEEDED them!! BUT I'm not very happy with his colors, i think I'll completely change him soon 😭😭
Topher: I love his og design too, i only gave him that black, uh, sweater,coat....??? it's because I think it fits him mf thinks he's soooo mysterious, and so I can differentiate him between au topher and og topher!! i changed his pants to match a little bit more the lot of black
1st gen clones
abe: the one who changed the most/j, tbh same with topher, I like his og design I think it fits him very well!! but I need to differentiate between au abe and og abe :P
cleo: same with topher and abe...I LOVE HER LH DESIGN SHE'S SO PRETTY BUUUTTTT I need to differentiate between au Cleo and og cleo... ALSO that kind of shirts are trendy rn, and they're so pretty!! so Cleo would def wear them, also the arm things that se wears in s2, beautiful, so I kept them, also she has a necklace with her initial!! (later she wears a F too...)
Joan: it annoys me a little that she doesn't look really goth she looks honestly idk what she looks like, but also i know dressing up as trade goth it's too complicated for a daily routine, so I gave her a more simple goth look! i didn't change much i think, the main thing it's her hair, it's inspired by her prom hairstyle because I think she looks very good in it!! I gave her long sleeves too, and a very dark green long skirt, she still has her boots but you can barely see them
where are frida and jfk??
good question!! they're dead/j
i think their designs are perfect the way they are, i think it fits them very well
i think it's funny that one of them is very simple and the other super complex
also i don't draw them enough to need to differentiate them, unlike cleo, abe and topher :P
and tbh, i don't know very well what to do with them in the au!! but I'll figure it out soon :)
anyways if u read all this I Love u and thank u for coming to my Ted talk
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