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crowlixcx · 7 months ago
34 (What’s your favorite flower?) and 37 (Do you prefer dogs or cats?) ? 💖
Hiya resa 💗 oops I've answered both of these so just picked another one from the 30s
31. What are you looking forward to in the distant future?
My partner and I are currently saving up to take some time off work and do some traveling. Unsure on destinations yet but Vietnam, the Philippines, Mexico and Argentina are some options on the table
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symphonypikachu · 10 months ago
How about Damian giving Anya a hug?
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i don't care if this is out of character he is so in love
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pipfrankenstein · 4 months ago
girl I just need you to know that I immediately followed you when I saw your Frankenstein post. I am in LOVE with your designs specially Henry's like I need to put him in a jar and shake him violently
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awww look at him!! he’s all dizzy and confused now!!
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shkika · 2 years ago
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THERE WE HAVE IT! Scugified all of the local group by putting them in the same situation as Sliver or Straw more or less!
These are mostly for fun so I haven't sat down to ponder them too hard hehe hoho
Explanation on their designs below the cut:
The Martyr (LTTM) - He's very tough, more cold resistant and capable of surviving one or two lizard bites even due to his sheer size, which makes him very slow. In addition, kind of like Saint, he is completely passive and cannot kill creatures.
The Prodigy (FP) - Very quick and also fully carnivorous! Her fur is very light so she has to use her food pips in order to glow and warm herself up. Can maul like Artificer while having the strength of Monk. You'll mostly be chasing bat flies with her.
The Sage (SRS) - They are completely blind so you navigate the world and map using your hearing and other senses. It looks like you are in pitch darkness in shaded with the iggy effect when it shows you the surrounding area. You can see every creature on the map that's in the room with you or the next one. She can also make pearls using rocks!
The Nomad (NSH) - Always moving from one area to the next, you can’t rest in the same shelter twice, unless you exit the area and come back. She can also camouflage kind of like white lizards do and crouch move while camouflaged.
The Judge (GW) - The Judge doesn’t ascend every creature. He’s relatively fast and has strong spear throws. If you are killed with the Judge, next cycle the creature will be marked for you on the map at all times. If you ignore the mark The Judge loses karma and vice versa gains one karma if you commit to the kill.
The Acolyte (UI) - He’s small and emits light with which he can befriend certain creatures and gain protection from them! He crawls slower than average and can only carry one item ar a time, because of his missing hand, but jumps higher.
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peachshadows · 6 hours ago
As a lover of your works, I'm sending bouquets of inspiration 💐
Awww thank u!! Just for that here's a sneak peak on what I've got so far in my war lord au
It’d be a shame for you to die with a pretty face like that.
E-excuse me?
Even your voice is pretty.
I know what you’re trying to do.
And that is?
Playing some fucking mind games with me. And I'm not falling for it.
Let’s make a deal. I’ll leave your snowy mountain alone-
And my subjects-
-and its subjects. Diyu, I'll even provide things for your people that’ll come from my own mountain, if…
You marry me.
Marry me.
Are you insane? You don’t even know me! I could be some scum low life that will kill you in your sleep.
Well, I'm taking my chances with a pretty little thing like you. Plus, I doubt you can kill me.
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edd should pick tord up and crush him like a cola can
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Edd is a menace to society.
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vibrant-dol · 2 months ago
I love canto I shall kiss the target zone. If it is allowed ofcourse
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it is VERY allowed
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darlingdaisyfarm · 2 months ago
wait wait, a lesson in possession was SOOO good omg. i love a jealous ford, AND breeding kink?? have mercy youre trying to kill me 🥵🥵 please say there will be more, i need more of this ford 🙏
hey! i’m SO glad you liked it ♡♡ i honestly had no idea how that would land, was lowkey nervous posting that, but i’m glad it hit the mark!<3 i’m in the process of writing that request anon sent me, about creepy obsessed Ford x anomaly!reader, can't wait to know your opinion on that one! ♡
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hexusproductions · 12 days ago
You got any ideas on which Skylander that Flatline would be?
Oh. ABSOLUTELY. You have noooo idea how long I've had an answer for this question locked and loaded lol.
He's Pop Fizz. He's absolutely Pop Fizz. Over-enthusiastic mad alchemist that's more than a little reckless and notably invented a beast mode berserker serum. That's my guy to a T!!!
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prince-liest · 6 months ago
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fly trap Mouth perfec t size for put bug in to e\at nectar! inside very Soft and Comfort bug eat well put bug in Fly Trap Mouth. Put Bug In Fly Trap Mouth. no problems ever in fly trrap mouth because good Shape and Support for bbug to rest weak of small bug wings. Aflytrap Mouth yes a place for a bug put bug in flytrap mouth can trust fly trap for giving good foodnectar to bug. friend fly trap
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neixins · 16 days ago
idk if you have already made a post about this but could you please elaborate on your hc that gija has pots id love to hear more about it
ngl i was just gonna sprinkle the headcanon into my fic and let that speak for itself because i didn’t think anyone would care about it, but now that u asked…. (smiles beatifically) <3
first, i wanna note that i actually headcanon gija as having both pots and heds, and i’m fully basing this on my own experiences so i’m gonna talk about both conditions in a more rambly manner instead of going through a checklist of symptoms or smth like that. i’ll do my best to keep it somewhat organized though!! also i gotta put this thing under the cut because i ended up having. so much to say
starting with the most obvious: gija faints A Lot. like i didn’t crunch the numbers on this or anything but i feel reasonably confident claiming that he’s shown feeling faint or fully passing out more often than anyone else in the series. just off the top of my head, there’s chapters 16, 18, 41, 95/96, 143, 147 (and given how badly injured he is during the xing arc, i wouldn’t be surprised if he lost consciousness off-page too), 182… and obviously many of these instances occur when he’s injured/exhausted, but the others get hurt and push themselves too hard as well and they’re not fainting nearly as often.
the author’s note in ch 116 and the fanbook both point out that he’s not good at pacing himself and that he has a tendency to pass out, and the former also mentions that dragon warriors are often sickly (historical fantasy speak for disabled) as a result of their powers. also, on that note, both pots and heds can be caused by physical trauma, like let’s say, getting slashed by your deadbeat father’s dragon claws as an infant perhaps…. but let’s put a pin in that for now!
gija’s stamina is notably Bad, as jaeha points out in ch 95 (jaeha why are u paying such close attention to another man’s stamina? 🤔 anyway, gija’s also the first to fall ill in that chapter, which points to him having a weaker immune system), and gija himself says in ch 18 that he’s not especially strong, with the obvious exception of his dragon arm, and the thing is. he cares so so so much about being useful so admitting to something like that, especially so early in the series, really stuck out to me. his stats in the fanbook also support this. aside from his arm strength, all his other stats related to physical strength are average and lower than the other dragon warriors’ and hak’s. zeno’s partially an exception for obvious reasons but here are the stats for arm strength, leg strength, and stamina, respectively (the fanbook includes other fun stats too but those aren’t relevant rn): gija ∞/3/3; hak 5/5/5; jaeha 5/∞/4; sinha 4/4/4; zeno 1/2/∞. gija’s stats are actually closer to yona’s (2/3/3) and su-won’s (who is notably Canonically Disabled; 4/3/3).
the endnotes in vol 43 also mention that he has fairly small wrists which. is just so very heds-coded of him if i do say so myself. (side note no.1: and all of this is why i’ve been saying that after losing his dragon arm, gija should learn to use a knife!!! it’s a light weapon, he’s already used to close combat, AND it would be a chance to deliver on the “let’s train your left hand” line because while jaeha primarily uses throwing knives, he does appear to carry other types of knives too which means he knows how to use them!! kusanagi if u can hear me……)
let’s go back to the fainting for a bit, because i really want to focus on the moments in chapters 41 and 143 since those don’t have an overt trigger like, say, ch 147 where all of the dragon warriors faint from burning up too much energy, but i find them very interesting. in ch 41, gija’s the only one to pass out after taking the love potion, and he in general has a stronger reaction to it (like yeah gija blushes easily but he looks downright feverish after taking it), which to me points to the love potion triggering a flareup (which is kinda funny considering his comment in ch 16 about how his granny and the other villagers kept him from getting sick. put a pin in that as well btw). as for ch 143, yes he’s already injured at that point, but he literally stands up, exerts what should not be excessive amounts of energy by his own standards, and almost immediately gets dizzy and at the very least gets close to fainting (though i’m inclined to think he did actually faint considering how jaeha’s holding him up a few panels later). (side note no.2: if u pay close attention, the blocking in that scene implies that he stumbled back towards jaeha to lean on him before fainting. love is real <3)
also everyone should know by now that i have never and will never buy into the whole gija has/had a crush on yona interpretation (on account of the blatant homosexuality on display whenever he’s on page. and also the age gap. and also their interactions simply don’t read that way to me. he’s ride-or-die for her gbf style <3) so the jokes like the one in ch 52 about his heart hurting genuinely just read like tachycardia to me. i’m willing to accept that the dragon blood is a factor but. that’s just tachycardia. someone please make him sit down.
some other observations:
he’s the only one shown to get dizzy from tracking the other dragons (ch 26. which to be fair is partially jaeha’s fault, but jaeha’s also implied to be using the same ability to keep track of the other dragons and he isn’t affected).
in ch 155 his neck is still visibly bruised, while we don’t see any injuries on jaeha, even though they both sustained similar injuries from the same weapon at the same time, and delayed wound healing is common with eds.
this is more of a silly observation but in ch 19 he falls asleep sitting with his knees pulled up and all i can say is. so real so true.
he’s a total lightweight and a picky eater, which i get is supposed to portray how sheltered he was (though there’s no way there was no alcohol at those feasts he mentions…) but it could also be a result of intolerance to alcohol and certain foods that trigger flareups (it could also be a texture thing).
he looks incredibly exhausted for a portion of the hot springs chapter. like i know he’s being tormented by The Spider but he looks Unwell…. speaking of hot springs, hot baths/showers generally make pots worse but it depends on the person so gija enjoying hot springs doesn’t necessarily go against my headcanon. but i am jealous of him.
now back to those pins!! my interpretation is that gija probably started experiencing symptoms at a very young age, to the point where he wouldn’t really think to bring it up to his granny or anyone else because he wouldn’t think it was a big deal. also, lest we forget, gija doesn’t take his own wellbeing especially seriously, and he’s way more inclined to act like a dying dog when he’s not feeling well instead of drawing attention to himself and worrying or inconveniencing anyone. but it’s also possible that everyone in his village was aware of it, which would add an extra element to how much they dote on him; i’m just leaning more towards the former option because i think gija would be more aware of his limits if he had a gaggle of village elders constantly warning him not to overexert himself. and the “kept me from getting sick” line to me feels like it’s referring to acute illnesses, which, yeah i can totally buy that he didn’t get sick much in that sense, considering how dedicated everyone was to looking after him.
the final thing i wanna say is that i find his dragon arm to be such an effective metaphor for hypermobility because like. yeah he can do cool shit with it but it also impacts his health, which mirrors the sort of cool-party-trick/yeowch double-edged sword of hypermobility.
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persephoneprice · 2 months ago
4, 5, 14, 15 for the eoy asks?
ask game! thank you so much <3
4. Creator you'd like to see more from
@fairyhagmother let me look in ur brain and see the fics at least if you aren’t going to post them
5. A scene you enjoyed creating
i really enjoyed writing pippa’s breakdown in is it over now? sorry pippa!
14. Something new you tried this year
i participated in a fic exchange which is crazy! i never thought i would do something like that!
15. An area of your art you feel you improved upon
i like to think/hope that my writing has gotten a little better! i’m not super confident in it i fear
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would you ever consider writing for toji? you write so softly and so beautifully and id like to see how you'd do that for toji whatever it may be you write abt
aaahhhhh you’re too kind anon T_T i would !!!!! i have two toji wips and they’re both pretty old it’s just that. well. i do not lust over him ….. so i only have one wip that’s platonic, and then one that is just kinda messy LOL . ghost!toji ….. <- important 2 me . one day i will finish them but it might take me a whileee :’3
he is very important to me though …. have said this before but for a good deal of time he was my favorite. and i read almost exclusively toji/nanami fics lmao … some sort of shift in my psyche occured when sugu entered my life but i do treasure toji lots <3 i would love to depict him in a softer lighting some day …
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moolovesyou · 1 month ago
no bc you wanna know what i JUST realized?? angus’ mom and her husband send him a card with some christmas money in it. by the time jason’s dad is at barton and they’re trying to call angus’ parents for permission, they’re implied to be gone already, right?
meaning, that since they most likely sent that card BEFORE leaving, they made active plans to ditch angus well in advance and still only called to tell him he’d have to hold over the literal day they had to come get him.
stanley and judy clotfelter i am in your goddamn WALLS
this poor boy. i think the scene on the phone is actually forever etched into my brain. his mortified expression UGH
then the only reason they visit the school is because angus inconvenienced them oh boy. angus you are not hard to love.
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elderly-scrolls · 3 months ago
selene accepting ozy as her paladin 🥺 i hated how ozy was turning out so i just gave up rip
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send me a 👀 for a wip i never finished this year
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jacarandaaaas · 10 months ago
Regarding your last question... when exactly you figure out Isabela and Mirabel's relationship started to deteriorate? Jared confirmed they were once close as little girls, but I don't believe it started to worsen soon after Mirabel's failed ceremony... I kind of believe they remained close until a few couple of years later, maybe untill... when Mirabel was 10 and Isa was 16?
ooh I love this ask! (and all asks about their relationship in general it’s so interesting to me!)
I always believed that the deterioration of their relationship did start after mirabels ceremony but it was slow and happened over multiple years. I don’t think alma stopped them from communicating I don’t think isabela forced herself to ignore her baby sister I think it was more subtle than that. I saw someone mention before that when all the spotlight was on mirabel because of her failed ceremony, her sisters wanted to redirect the spotlight. Take the negative attention off her and turn it into positive attention on them and the family image.
With mirabel and isa i feel it did start after her ceremony but more so it went from “I’ll play with you later on” to “maybe in a bit” “when I’m done with this” to “I’m busy” “I don’t have time” to “play with someone else” to outright ignoring. But again I feel this was a lot more subtle and gradual. I agree with your last part I think around the time mirabel was 10 isa had started to rely more and more on her perfectionism and it only got worse as mirabel became a teenager. That’s when they really began to clash and become hostile towards eachother.
I would love for Jared to expand on this 🙏
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