#thank u!!! stay safe n stay healthy <3
inkykeiji · 1 year
how does ur game work?? like do we type our own chats, is it multiple choice almost like an Episode story, something in between?? (i am very excited but also very confused im sorry if this comes off as mean😭😭)
it doesn’t come off as mean at all anon bb!!! it’s super simple to figure out. it works the same way mystic messenger works; so he will type, and then a little response button will begin pulsing at the bottom of the screen. when you click that, a few options will come up, you pick one, it goes from there etc etc etc. here is a quick example from a practice chat i made for my best friend!! 
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it branches into different routes just like any other game with branching dialogue, so depending on your choices the ‘story’ itself (his responses and where it all goes) will change (ie. if you’re a brat with touya-nii, you can expect him to be extra mean to you, and if you push hard enough there will be consequences). the endings will be short pieces of prose (normal fanfic, basically), and which one you get depends on the choices you make. for the touya-nii beta chat, you’re technically only playing one route that has a few variations within it (you’ll understand what i mean once you play through it), but the full chat itself will branch into at least two. the chats themselves aim to answer the question of ‘okay, how many different ways/outcomes could [this situation] go with [this specific character]’ - and then each potential outcome is explored within the routes; hopefully that makes sense haha <3 but that’s the goal! it’s like a playable oneshot, almost, but in text message format.
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inkyajax · 2 years
omg the way that you write is *CHEF’S KISS* OOOUUGH it’s so GOOD and BEAUTIFUL!!!! and the characters you write are all my favs UGGHHH can we kiss 🥺🥺🥺 keep up the amazing work love!! i’m looking forward to that ajax x reader x thoma fic ❤️❤️
aw anon!!! thank you so much for this!! <333 your words mean the whole world to me and i’m so happy you enjoy my work!!  ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ WE CAN KISS however i am currently v sick with a chest infection so we will have to postpone it until i am well <33 thank you thank you!!! i will!! ooooh omg u are gonna LOVE that one hehe it’s so trashy and dramatic and FUN!!!
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rcksmith · 4 months
Brick by Brick - Kaz Brekker
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Requests: “Heyy, I wanted to request a Kaz Brekker x reader fic where y/n is Pekka Rollins' innocent and naive daughter, and she stumbles across Kaz when he breaks into Pekka's house. Kaz tells her to stay quiet and stuff and y/n obviously has no idea who Kaz is, only that he's handsome as fuck and she kinda falls in love with him despite the fact that he's literally robbing her father
Love, anon :3
P.S. I love your writing.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing.
Word count: 2k
A/N: Thank you very much for your kindness and sorry for the delay. I love you. My loves, requests are open and I am banning Kaz's smut request rules. U can ask for anything in the original universe, without being in a UA. I hope you like💕 English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
Ketterdam was not a good place. It wasn't safe, it wasn't pretty, it wasn't healthy. Every dark corner, every ghostly street, every edge whispering curses, was fulfilled the entire list of unholy sins and harbored monsters as horrible as the harbor rats on the coast. If the soil in that place was cursed, the people were demons.
Pekka Rollin’s knew this like he knew how to count kruger. He was one of those monsters. He taught profanity and stained the ground on which his feet walked with innocent blood. Pekka destroyed homes, hopes, kicked people's dreams and hit each one soul with his staff of damnation.
Each one.
Because of it that he kept his daughter under lock and key from the ugly world, far from that wretched city that he himself helped build the horrors and desolations. Maybe it was out of love, maybe it was out of sensitivity. Or maybe it was because you were the only healthy and intelligent heiress capable of leading his empire one day. You represent too many precious things for him to risk losing control over you. Maybe Pekka would never be able to love anything or anyone other than his own greed.
Whatever it was, he covered your eyes to Ketterdam. He decorated the blood-stained walls with sparkling pink and said to you that the smoke that covered the tops of Ketterdam's houses at night was Aladdin's magical fog, which pointed the way to a cave full of treasures, and not that it was the incinerated bodies of his enemies, nosy people and families who starved to death on their land. Pekka deceived you with pretty tales that the big mansion you lived in was because he would always give you the best, and not that it was bought with money stolen from honest people and that he liked to see in material forms the extent of his capabilities of evil. Like a trophy.
Rollin’s wove the ties around your limbs like a cursed puppet, and pulled your strings according to his unscrupulous interests of greed. For all of Ketterdam, Pekka was a demon of the worst kind. But for you, he was a bearded, loving father who made you see magic and romance in every corner of that city condemned by God.
The worst types of monsters were those who tricked and manipulated their children like pawns in a game of chess. But, again, perhaps Pekka wasn't capable of loving anything other than his own greed.  And, if the price for having an heir who agreed, trusted him for the rest of the life, who would follow in his footsteps and obey all his order, was to make you believe in his goodness, in the beauty of a life with him only to implant wonderful - and illusory -  memories in your childhood, so be it. After all, you were a girl, and in his view, girls were sentimental. So how would you go against him in the future, or not act according to his orders or not run his business as he wanted when he was too old, if you only had memories of him being an excellent and loving father? You will feel so guilty! You would fall under the weight of your own mind's arguments that everything he once did was to protect and give you the best, so your only obligation would be to be a good girl and return the favor by obeying your father's orders.
Maybe, if you were someone else and this was a different story, you would have realized the hoax at 16 years old. Maybe you would have born with a strong, inquisitive and responsive personality. Maybe you would have developed that spark and fire that wouldn't let you lower your head to any man, that would make you stamp your foot on the ground, lift your chin with petulance and unravel the mysteries of that dark empire alone and take justice into your own hands.
But this was no different story. And you were just you.
You were born with a sweet aura and gentle personality. You liked butterflies and flowers since birth because their color and beauty attracted you and made you smile. Your romantic nature was not only accepted by your father, but encouraged and recharged every day - for his dark game. 
For 19 years you lived in the theatrical farce that Pekka created with monstrous hands, believing and agreeing with every story in your bubble. But the blame can never fall on the shoulders of the pure in heart, who blindly believed in words and stories just because it didn't have a single wave of malice or disbelief in the veins. One should never condemn the soul that was born naturally sweet and destined to be the breath of light that such a terrible world as Ketterdam needed. 
 You believed in love, fairy tales and pure honesty, and that was not a defect. The Herculean guilt should fall on the shoulders of the devil who abused the innocence of a girl for his greedy benefit.
In your perfect world manipulated and distorted by the unscrupulous Pekka, you blossomed like a dazzling lily in the middle of Plato's allegory of The Cave. You acted with honesty, patience and affection towards everyone who crossed your path: employees, cooks, gardeners, bakers, painters, stylists, delivery people, friends of your father.
You were, genuinely, a kind soul. Your interests were related to literature, cooking and painting, your heart vibrated with the sunset, with the first snowflake falling to the ground and how twilight seemed even more stunning in books when they portrayed a couple in love beneath it.
You always saw the poetic, lyrical, angelic side of life, with the eyes of an artist and a passionate soul, smelling mystery and romance in the air when others only smelled wet grass because of the rain.
And being like that was, perhaps, the reason for your downfall.
It was three o'clock in the morning on a Friday the thirteenth. A combination so full of superticities, curses, fears and prague. While some saw that day and time as a condemned and satanic sign, you saw it as something mystical, mysterious and enigmatic. And maybe that was your mistake. Maybe you should be careful about the things you think, the things you wish. Maybe three in the morning on a Friday really was the devil's time. Because as you crossed the hallway of the mansion's library, unable to sleep, you saw him.
Dressed in black like the darkness outside. Skin as white as the moon's glow. Hair personified as a raven's feathers. He seemed to belong to the mysteries and occultism of the world as sin belonged to hell. The huge Victorian window behind illuminated him like an apparition, a mirage, a nightmare…an erotic dream. Or like a demon.
You should have screamed. You should have ran away. You should have done something other than get stuck in that same place, anything other than feeling inside you squirms and something sinks into your belly like warm honey.
His eyes, as blue as the deadly waters of icy Fjerda, were fixed on you with as much intensity as the dangers of Shadow Fold. For a split second, a human emotion passed through those irises; surprise?
An inattentive observer would not have noticed such a tiny sign, but you lived 19 years analyzing every detail of life.
Would a demon have such a mundane emotion?
“Who are you?” Your voice came out like a breath in winter. 
Your concentration should have been on your dad book under that man's arm, but it wasn't.
A single thick, black eyebrow of his was arched, and only there were you able to run your eyes over the details of his appearance.
“Do you always ask questions for thieves?” His voice was like the scratching of sand on a stone, like a withered willow branch brushing against human skin.
That man, in his entirety, seemed to have come out of the dark romance books that you read hidden in your room in the early hours of the morning. You should have focused on the fact that he just called himself a thief, not the way your soul seemed to be shivering because of his voice.
“Or you´re just stupid?” the thief continued.
Kaz never made decisions based on fear. Only in despair. 
His analytical mind rewound every step of the years he spent investigating Pekka Rollin's; every detail, every day, every season, every strand of gray that appeared in Pekka's red hair. Where had Kaz gone wrong? Pekka had no children. And Kaz made no mistakes. Never. But the girl in front of him, too curious for her own good and common sense, had too similar traits to Pekka to be anything other than his daughter.
Desperation hit.
This made EVERYTHING infinitely more Herculaneum. Your existence meant that Pekka had many more secrets than the Kaz discovered in their constant meticulous investigation. You were a loophole, and that meant there could be others. Loopholes that Kaz had no idea about. Kaz Brekker felt naked, even though he was covered from toes to neck. Being without clothes wouldn't have bothered him any more than the damn fact that he hadn't come up with the perfect plan. He failed. And that disturbed him deeply.
Suddenly, that library seemed sneaky and questionable, even though Brekker had studied the layout of the mansion for months.
How the fuck did he didn't have the knowledge about that girl?!
A daughter meant many things. But being caught by his daughter created a LOT of problems. Problems involving Kaz Brekker on a gallows.
Fucking hell.
The Barril's bastard waited for a scream, for an accusation, waited for the guards to be alerted at any moment and…the silence was sepulcher. A silence so solemn that he heard the sound of his own blood running through his veins. None of his muscles relaxed, but the part of his brain that worked in despair was activated.
Or he could kill you. But a body would add an extreme problem and…
‘’Who are you?’’ Your voice was so feminine that for a second Kaz thought he had fallen backwards and landed in a bed of roses.
Which was bullshit. Because he never falls. And he had never touched a rose in his entire life
Were you really talking to the man who was robbing your house?! Where was your instinct?! Your common sense?! Your discernment?! And where, by the damned Saints, were you all these years?
“…you don’t look like a thief’ That voice again. That damn voice that made him think of roses he never touched.
Why didn't you shut up and run away?
“Have you seen enough thieves to know one?” Normally Kaz had higher control, but he couldn't hold back his whip tongue, which seemed somehow wanting to hurt you the same way he was being hurt.
That atypical creature blushed. You blushed! For the love of the saints! Who blushes face to face with imminent danger?! Were you stupid or just terribly naive?! And why did that sweet blush remind him once again of a rose?
Bloody hell, where have you been all these years?! Why didn't anyone tell him about you?!
“No’’ you replied like a little animal being caught biting the sofa “but common thieves wouldn’t have that much intelligence to be able to bypass the security of this entire mansion’’
You had a point. But why were you worried about arguing with a damn thief instead of running away?
“That's yet another reason why you should keep your mouth shut about what you're seeing here.” His voice dropped to deeper, more threatening tones. “Bypass security is not as difficult for me, just like hiding a body''
That should have scared you. It made you scared; but with less than it really should. He was threatening you with death, his voice as cold and hoarse as a grim reaper, his eyes as serious as prophecies of the apocalypse. So why you could only think that this about him was overwhelmingly enthralling?
Maybe it was because there was a lack of excitement in your life, maybe it was because you've read a lot of erotic books about mysterious men entering the towers at night and taking the girl away, or maybe it was because Pekka deprived you of the world so much that he left you unaware of the true gravitas of situations. Whatever it was, there was something that grounded you like the roots of ancient trees, something that made you want to look at that thief more closely. Perhaps you liked the danger... That nameless man represented a large part of all the danger of Ketterdam that was so diligently hidden from you for 19 years. He represented death. But he also represented the new, the mystery, the unknown. And you, romantic by nature, loved the occult and its secrets. That man came from a world of shadows, mists, risks, deaths. Where every night was full of adrenaline and every second was a fight to stay alive. He smelled like the ghostly five a.m. fog that you watched envelop the mansion every winter, that made your heart clench with the feeling that there was so much more to the world than you knew. Very quickly, Kaz - even though you didn't know his name yet - became everything you'd always wanted to know, but had always been deprived of.
Once again, you weren't a different person to know about Pekka's disgusting game, but you were romantic enough to feel your soul begging for adventure. Even if these adventures meant ruin. A downfall.
Did it only take one handsome, mistery man for you to throw all your comfort in life out the window and want to ruin yourself with him? Want to get lost with him? The same stranger who just threatened to kill you? Apparently, yes.
You took a step into the library, and Kaz stood firm on the ground, his blue eyes boring into yours like a shining knife. Brekker thought you were extremely naive. Who knew that damn Pekka Rollin's daughter would be so pure? He would bet the Crow Club on the certainty that, if Pekka saw you now, he would have a heart attack. The monster sure had kept you in a little pink bubble your entire life, given that you seemed to not have a single ounce of survival instinct left in you. And how would you have? You certainly didn't know what pain, loss, hunger, cruelty were. This was comical and irritating to Brekker. You were a daddy's little girl. But it was in these waters of thought that his ship hit one fact: you must be very valuable to Pekka. Because otherwise that idiot wouldn't have made so many efforts to hide you from the entire world. To hide the wrong eyes from you. Eyes like Kaz's.
A shiver ran through Brekker's body; a damn good chill, a note of music he'd been waiting to hear his whole life. Revenge.
Brick by brick.
Oh, how ironic fate was. The boy who lost everything at Pekka's hands, was face to face with what was everything for the man. Like a breaking violin string, you have become the most valuable item in all of Ketterdam to be stolen. The most valuable item for Kaz Brekker.
The corner of his mouth turned up, as if pulled by the devil's rope as he set the book down again. He had something else to take away.
Kaz advanced towards yoou. And suddenly, as fast as lightning that cuts through the darkness, everything in your vision turned black and you fell into the abyss of unconsciousness as something pressed against your nose and mouth.
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icypenguin · 4 months
Ok so can I request the sbg x wony reader but instead of SHES THE ONE AND ONLY SEO CHANGBIN FROM SKZ (she can beat ass.. and can pick ben with one arm :3
⋆ ˚。 Pretty Phantom Breaker ⋆౨ৎ˚
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cw: limping, running away from phantoms, thoughts of broken bones (that’s all i guess??)
a/n: HIHIHI AND OFCCC! but.. i dunno if this is how u expected T-T i hope i got your idea right and personalities right too.. i’m not really in that side of socials BUT DW DW GOTCHUUU anyway this is a platonic relationship with the sbg gang!!! hope you like itttt!
divider credits: @iluvrei @dollywons
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to everyone’s eyes, you were known to be a clean, healthy, pretty and feminine girl. everyone always appreciate you for that. In school or literally anywhere, you’re always the one who soreads positive energy, and that’s what the gang loves you about.
you’re always focusing on a healthy life style (even if every night you’re teleported into some other realm) which makes it beneficial for the gang. They sometimes wonder, how can you be so positive even if it sounds like it’s the end for them?
“hey y/n, can you recommend me any blush? I’ve been seeing people use this like.. lisptick blush thing? i dunno what that is.. but it sounds cool!” you and taylor was sitting besides eachother on a bench, waiting for the others to finish class since you finished your work sooner. “ah! rare beauty? yes that’s a popular one nowadays! i do recommend you buying one of it since it comes in many different shade! it’s really useful, you can use it as a gloss and a blush!” picking up your phone to show the pictures of the different shade, the others were finally back.
“ughh i hate maths.. so booringgg…” complained aiden as he rolled his eyes. “well.. i suggest you to pay more attention in class rather than making paper airplanes” ashlyn stays in a monotone tone while logan, ben, and tyler ignored them.
taylor whispered a “thanks!” before moving on to the next topic, “well, took you guys long enough to finish that 5 kindergarten riddle” she joked while grabbing her bag in action to go home. “if it weren’t for that moron, we would NOT be take this long… burden pfft-“ tyler frowned, not making eye contact with anyone except him. “well- friends stay together right? they wait for eachother!” the others groaned as aiden pulled out this ‘friendship line’.
soon, you all started to walk to the main entrance while chit chatting random stuffs. you noticed aiden got closer, meaning he wanted to ask you something. “y/n, is it true that broccoli are better than sausages?” he stared with a curious look on his face. “well ofcourse, it’s better to eat broccoli everyday than to eat sausages everyday..” you smiled and gave him a thumbsup. “awwh man, i love wieners…” hearing that response, you laughed along with taylor whose heard your conversation.
! time skip phantom realm !
somehow, the phantoms were chasing the whole gang… thanks to aiden’s loud shout i guess.. “ugh did you really have to scream that loud to safe your darling ashlyn!?” tyler seemed irritated by how aiden was acting. “it’s called friendship okay!? just like how you protect taylor-“ he fired back the comment back to tyler and it kept going on and on. their bickering kept on continuing until- “wait- ben!? where’s ben!?” taylor was looking around, checking everyone but seeing no sign of ben near them. suddenly, everyone’s attention has been spotlighted to ben, who was in the back, trying to catch up.
when you studied closer to see ben’s anatomy, you noticed he was limping. soon, everyone noticed this wound of ben and aiden, who does not think first, decided to run back to ben “ah-! ben- wait for me-!”
ofcourse he tried to help ben but only ended up with them walking slower. as the phantoms were getting closer and everyone’s heart was beating as fast as ever, hoping they would be safe, you did what you had to did. rushing towards both men who’s being chased by a bunch of phantoms, you lifted them one in each of your arm. you didn’t really like to show this side of you, but what choices are there?
ofcourse, they were shocked to see how the feminine you- is able to carry 2 guys in a blink of an eye. “whatthe-“ tyler exclaimed in a shocked and unbelievable tone, while the others just stare at you speechless.
meanwhile ben and aiden was taken aback by the sudden lift, aiden adapted quickly and cheered you on “go go go! go y/n!” ben was just giving up his whole body on you and trusted you on his life.
as you rushed forward to the gang, the phantoms were catching speed of you too. but luckily, you catched up to them and you all managed to get into the base or the bus graveyard.
“phew that was rough…” panting while dropping those two men softly on the ground, the others stared at you with wide eyes, suprised by your skill. “what. was. that.” tyler shot back from his thoughts and stared at you. “that was so cool, y/n.. i didn’t know you can do that..!” logan admired you while having a happy and amused face. “aww thanks guys… i thought you’ll be weirded by it..” you rubbed the back of your neck while looking down, not used to have compliments by this skill of yours. “no way! you saved their life!” taylor gives you a pat on the back as a supportive sign. too, ashlyn got into the conversation “it’s honestly a relief for all of us…” she handed you a bottle of water for you to finally calm yourself down.
meanwhile the others were all fine, aiden and ben both thanked you before healing ben’s leg that logan thought can be of broken bone. tyler, at the corner, was scoffing. he had a high hope of becoming the strongest one in the group and he even thought he was! but i guess.. more suprises for him?
“aww tylerrr, don’t be so busteddd~” taylor laughed at her brother being to irritated and jelous. “w-what!? i’m not!” he barked back at taylor while having a clear jealous look on his face. “pfft yeah? than it’s no matter if i call you weak?” tyler then started chasing taylor as he wanted revenge.
you felt something tap your shoulder, ashlyn was looking at the corner to a phantom that.. successfully entered the base outta nowhere. “do you think you can break it?” she asked you with full trust.
maybe.. maybe you can be a phantom breaker champion?
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♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚. thankyou for supporting! ୨♡୧
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b1mbodoll · 1 year
i am so taerae fat cock enthusiast and i cant stop thinking about taerae stretching you around his cock when youre sleeping beside him 😵‍💫 you already said he wouldn't fit bcs hes so big so you didnt let him fuck you but youre so cute n innocent he cant help pulling your panties to the side and making it fit </3 he would quite literally split you in half fucking you so so good (๑>◡<๑) he would be so deep inside you too! all u can do is lay there and cry! but dont worry he'll press sweet sweet kisses on your face when he's finished emptying his cum in you <3 hopefully you dont get pregnant! youre not on the pill ♡♡♡♡♡
from 🎀 anonie!
also how have you been? i hope todays been treating you well! i caught covid so TT i dont know how active ill be but take care of yourself and be hydrated baby! 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
pairings: kim taerae x f! reader
warnings: virgin killer taerae + noncon + blood + anal + gaping + creampies + spit
💌: hi sweetpea im so sorry for the late reply again T_T but thank u for this, im crying !! also i know ur feelin’ better n not sick anymore so stay safe and healthy my love !!! i miss u </3
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“fuck this pussy’s so tight,” taerae whispers, trying to bully his thick length into your cunt.
it’s always a struggle working his dick into virgin holes but it’s so worth it when he succeeds, pushing through your hymen and watching the blood leak down his girthy dick. the feeling of your tight walls without a condom in the way making taerae fuck into you harshly, forcing the rest of his length inside of you.
“taerae s-stop!” your voice is strained, pain coursing through you at the intrusion. “’s too big! pull it out please!” your cries do nothing but spur him on, grinding his hips experimentally.
“don’t worry, princess. i’ll make it fit” he grunts, tangling his fingers in your hair and forcing your cheek into the bed as he fucks away your virginity, slick sounds caused by a mixture of your arousal and blood filling the room.
“hurts! it hurts,” you cry, “please stop.” despite your complaints you clench around him so tight and it’s almost like your sweet cunt doesn’t wanna part with his cock, making him grin wickedly.
“you keep sayin’ it hurts but you’re so wet, baby” he teases, pulling out until just the tip is inside of you before thrusting forward quickly, making your breath hitch. “you like the pain, don’t you?” taerae’s so fucking mean it makes you sob pitifully, almost making him ease up.
once you get used to the feeling of his cock punching your cervix you can’t help but moan at the feeling and your sounds don’t go unnoticed by him, his eyes locked on your cunt sucking him in nicely.
“‘m gonna cum!” you exclaim, squeezing your eyes shut because the pleasure is so overwhelming and you can’t stop yourself from meeting his thrusts, high pitched mewls escaping you every now and then.
one of taerae’s hands finds your waist, fingers digging into your soft skin as he chases his release, slamming his hips into yours.
“please, please, please.” you beg, pussy spasming around him when your orgasm hits, tight cunt milking him for all he’s worth, warm cum coating your walls as he empties his balls deep inside your little cunt.
“you’re sick for cumming on my cock after all that cryin’” he sneers, pulling out and using his hands to spread your hole, watching his cum drip out of you. he’s obsessed with how you shamelessy present for him, back arching as he toys with your hole, drawing a sigh of relief from you when he uses two digits to fuck his cum back inside of you.
“aw sweetheart.” coos taerae, “you didn’t think we were done, did you?” his voice is laced with faux sympathy as you try to collect yourself. your brows furrow in confusion at his words, “huh?”
he curls his fingers inside your cunt, cum leaking down his wrist. “finally get the chance t’fuck you ‘n you think ‘m stoppin’ after one round?” his laugh makes you feel dumb, as if you were supposed to know he was going to continue violating your holes.
taerae fists his length with his cum covered hand, the tip prodding at the tight rim of your ass making you jolt. “please don’t!” you shudder, “anything but that, please.” he pushes the head in, groaning deeply because you’re so tight and spits on your hole, watching the saliva trickle between your asscheeks.
“shut the fuck up and take it.” his teeth are clenched, trying not to cum instantly when he pushes in to the hilt. “such a good cumdump f’r me, can’t believe you’ve never been fucked before.” the stretch burns and all you can do is take what he gives you, nearly screaming as you cum just from having your virgin ass fucked by his fat cock.
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chocotonez · 2 years
skz + partner privilege
a/n: partner privilege isn’t a concept I was very familiar with, but it’s so cute…I’m gonna cry this is so qidhajdjsjs!!! Thank you for requesting anon <3 (also varying lengths isnt me showing favoritism, just me showing my writer’s block)
warnings/genre: fluff, swearing, “I’m breaking up w u” jokes, g/n reader, please tell me if anything else needs to be tagged!
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-lets you distract him
-chan prides himself on being very driven and task-focused, but when you come into the studio, or when he’s playing games or trying to cook and you appear, he is immediately just fawning all over you
-he needs you to know that you have his attention, and he doesn’t want you to think he prioritizes work over you
-he knows very well that sometimes he can be seen as a man married to the music, but you’re quite literally his muse, so he wants to spend as much time w u as possible-but also because he loves you and ur so cute and he wants to hang out w u!!
-“oh, baby, hey!! nonono you’re not bothering me.” and gestures you closer so he can hold you and ask about your day, if you need anything, etc etc
-tldr he’s always patient with you and lets you “bother him” except you’re never an annoyance, he always wants you around <3
lee know
-shares his personal life with you/lets you in
-in a more superficial definition, he lets you call his cats your children, he invites you to his apartment 24/7, he wants you to meet his family so you can all bond
-but in a deeper meaning, minho also is a lot more vulnerable with u (compared to others)
-he takes thinks very lightheartedly and isn’t one for super sincere moments, where he cries in your shoulder or explains his feelings, but with you he feels safe
-he lets himself break down in front of you, he talks about the minor irritations throughout the day, and he talks about any problems that come up in your relationship
-he never likes getting too emotionally invested in romantic relationships, but he wants to stay with u for as long as possible!!
-tldr homie lets down his emotional walls even in regards to you because he loves you
-tbh this one was v hard because he already holds his partner on quite the pedestal, with lots of privileges LOL
-but I feel like Changbin is the type of boyfriend where you could convince him to do literally anything
-he’ll practically do anything you say because he trusts you, and also he wants to see you happy
-if he’s ever mouthing off to chan, the members just call you over to get him to apologize for giving so much attitude
-“y/n?? I thought you were on my side >:(“ and he’s pouting and whiny but he does as asked for you, and he always ends up giggling when you give him a little kiss on the cheek as a thank you for listening to you
-obviously he listens to you on a regular basis (healthy relationships !!) but he will always do what you say, if you ever complain about something he’s doing while you’re fighting, he’ll put sincere effort into changing that or altering bad behaviors in a relationship
-obviously in exchange you’ll always put his feelings into his consideration and listen as well, but it is a privilege to have him so obedient (Chan thinks it’s a blessing)
-tldr he listens to you 24/7 about not being dumb but he also listens to you 25/8 about improving as a boyfriend and a person
-he’s so fucking sassy and always puts a lot of sarcasm and jokes
-similarly to minho he’s not going to randomly lovingly cup your face and profess how much he loves you, because he feels like that’s already obvious enough
-but with you!! he just snickers if you make a stupid joke at him, kisses your forehead, and jisung is just like :0
-han will just joke about hyunjin w slipping or messing up during a performance, and hyun will hit him with like “let’s talk about how you messed up pre-debut and almost got us cancelled”
-but if you ever call out hyunjin he won’t retaliate or bark back, just playfully roll his eyes and say “get better insults”
-he just can’t be mean to you, he can’t ever bad mouth you or even be hyperbolic in his little sarcastic remarks
-it seems small to your friends, but you know that this is his way of showing how much he loves you
-it’s not that he things you’re emotionally fragile or incapable of handling him, but he just holds you in such high regard and always so proud of you for all your accomplishments and improvements and wahhhh how could he ever find a way to back-talk you?? there’s nothing to mock or call out, at least in his eyes
-shows you off
-I feel like it’s pretty clear that he shows you off throughout my reactions (but never objectifying you), but for someone so bright and lively he can be a bit personal about his relationships—just an introvert thing tbh
-but to him you’re the most beautiful and amazing person in the world so how can he not post 20 instagram stories of you just randomly doing things?? how can he not smile every single time he talks about you??
-it makes you feel so incredibly loved and special to have someone so proud to date you
-he’s very loud and proud to love you, and even though he can shy away from being more expressive to the public about sincere feelings, he’ll never back away from an opportunity to brag about how amazing his partner is
-posts you to his story 24/7, talks about you excitedly to his loved ones, and he likes to include little aspects of you in his day to day life just as a constant reminder to others that he has the best s/o ever -wears your favorite color, your initials drawn on his wrist, picking out clothes he knows you like -and he'll always be like "oh this earring?? my partner likes this one, that's why i picked it <3"
-is more honest to you
-not that he lies to everyone, he’s so sincere and kind but he really is just a person and he feels like everyone expects him to love everyone, to tolerate everyone, and sometimes that’s just completely impossible
-rants to you about his feelings or annoyances, because he knows that you don’t have any expectations for him to just be a piece of sunshine 24/7
-you give him a place where he feels safe, maybe he had a bothersome run-in with someone at work, the choreographer was being a jerk, something along those lines—but then he gets home to you with your arms open wide and he’s immediately just ranting and huffing and puffing about his day
-“omg. love, today, you’ll never believe what this person tweeted about us, god!!” >:(( and he can just go off
-his honesty means a lot, because it shows that he really trusts you and is super sincere about his feelings, he knows that he doesn’t have to lie to you
-lets his humour run wild with you
-doesn’t feel like he needs to suppress his character around you, doesn’t feel like he needs to pretend, but unlike Felix who’s genuine in his feelings, Seungmin’s genuine in his humor
-weirdly stands in your doorway, pokes your cheek
-he can get kinda insecure about his behaviour, how he acts, he doesn't want to seem weird or be perceived any less especially when he was still super duper whipped and just wanted to impress you -but as the two of you grew closer he realized that he could just have the time of his life w/ you and you actually seemed to enjoy some of his jokes -okay so sorry about the format change it annoys me too--anyways, he loves to make you laugh so he is so down to publically humilate himself just to see you smile -he feels more confident and he feels as if its more worth it to be himself for you -you do wonders for his self confidence + he has fun so it's a win win situation
jeongin -always makes time for you, no matter what - he regards himself as more of a private and personal person, it can be overwhelming to him to be constantly surrounded by others, but for some reason you don't exhaust him in that way -he makes sure you always feel wanted, he never wants you to think that he'd rather have solitude over you -his members always tease him about it tho :,) -"we literally asked jeongin to hang out seven times this week and he said no six times, how did you manage to get him to immediately say yes to getting lunch with you??? he's a simp." -and yes he is!! he wants to be with you, spend time with you -you will always be in his schedule, even if for only a second
-on tour and you need to talk? dw shawty he's already asking a tech worker to hold his phone so you can facetime him while he's getting ready backstage -it's four am but you just need your boyfriend with you? he's already outside your door -he loves being with you <3
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whchenlvr · 9 months
omgg hellooooo ! just had an idea for a hc and was wondering if u could write about it!! so the hc would be about the union boys dating the reader but they gotta keep it secret bc they are kinda afraid someone would use their gf as blackmail or hurt them eventho they can defend their so (i hope u get me hfjfj) and if u wanna do one with the eunjang boys i thought they probably could be dating someone who is close to the union or wtv !! its up to u ofc
secretly dating him ;
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weak hero x fem!reader
donald na
➤ he’s scared. like genuinely terrified by the thought of anyone finding out who you are, especially since he just declared war against eunjang, and his union is falling apart
➤ you’re thankful that he feels safe enough with you to confide these thoughts to you, and you know how dangerous it can be for him
➤ before, he would have kept your relationship a secret to show his strength, but now, he’s unsure how far people will be willing to go to hurt him, and he doesn’t want to take any chances with you
➤ sometimes it makes you sad that you have to sneak around, but despite all that, he treats you like a princess
➤ “y/n, do you want to rent a movie?” “want me to order us some dinner, darling? or would you prefer if i cooked for you?”
➤ it’s definitely not always easy, but donald makes you feel you feel safe and loved no matter the situation <3
gray yeon
➤ he didn’t mean to fall for you. he didn’t want to, either
➤ you were someone close to the union. the only reason gray contacted you was in hopes of you being able to help him in taking the union down, and though you refused, you found his ambition attractive
➤ you decided to help him after wolf betrayed the union by joining eunjang. it was the perfect opportunity for you to play both fields, and you did
➤ “i overheard kingsley say he was going to try and have ben abducted before the fight to make it seem like he ditched you guys.” “what? where do they plan to take him?”
➤ you take part in helping your boyfriend train eunjang to fight against the union; giving them little tips and tricks about each member they may have to fight
➤ when gray has every possible outcome thought up and planned in his head, he sits you down and finally takes a second to breathe. “what if this doesn’t work?” you knit your brows in confusion and look at him as he continued, “will you be okay?”
➤ you have to assume him that nothing will happen to you, just like how nothing will happen to wolf. you don’t know how true that really is, but it’s enough to calm gray
ben park
➤ he saved you, and now you feel you’re returning the favor
➤ you’d been wanting to leave the union for years, but it’s impossible with your family ties. because of this, you had to keep your relationship with ben a secret
➤ you thought it would be ben trying harder to keep you a secret, but it turns out to be the opposite in your case
➤ you’re so worried that ben will get hurt if anyone finds out you’re dating. the part of the union you’re affiliated with isn’t as forgiving as the portions under donald
➤ “y/n… i hate seeing you stress yourself out with this… it isn’t healthy.” “ben, i won’t let anything happen to you… i wouldn’t survive if it did and it was my fault.” “aw, baby. lucky for us, i’m pretty good at protecting myself.”
➤ still, you’d be triple checking everything whenever you go out with ben, and even scan your room with a bug detector before talking to him on the phone
jake ji
➤ after what happened with his brother kenny, jake doesn’t like talking about the people he loves and cares about with anyone. not even his closest friends in the union
➤ he thinks it’s too dangerous, too much of a risk, and you can only agree as you know how devastated jake was to hear about his brother
➤ you do your best to stay safe and cautious when you meet jake, but he is on a completely other level of paranoid
➤ sometimes, you have to sit him down and take his face in your hands and remind him that you’re safe and nothing is going to happen to either of you. and if it does, it isn’t his fault
➤ that always seems to calm him down until another situation happens. like the time you thought you were being followed and it turned out to be a random student who wanted to compliment your shoes
➤ despite how nervous he can be, jake never hesitates to make sure you feel comfortable at all times. “i kind of want to go out tonight… can we?” “yes, of course y/n. i’m sorry for being so annoying lately.”
gerard jin
➤ you were named the leader of yoosun high after jimmy lost to ben. donald wanted to put someone he trusts in place to teach jimmy a lesson, and he chose you
➤ unfortunately, you’d been seeing the lead singer of slam for nearly a year beneath the union’s nose
➤ while you were quite proud of yourself and gerard for not getting caught, there were a lot more eyes on you now than ever, and you found yourself constantly looking over your shoulder
➤ you don’t know this, but donald had you followed when you first joined the union and knew all about you and gerard. he didn’t tell anyone for three reasons: 1. he trusted you. 2. he didn’t see gerard as a threat to the union. 3. if things did take a turn for the worst, he wanted to see how your story would play out
➤ “what would you do it they found out about us?” gerard would ask as he plays with your fingers, and you’d just sigh. “i don’t know. but i wouldn’t let them tear us apart. i don’t care about eunjang, or yoosun, or the union. all i care about is that you and i are safe.”
➤ fortunately, the secret of you and gerard is one donald keeps with him until the end </3
wolf keum
➤ you were an anomaly in wolf’s life, and he liked to keep it that way
➤ he never had any big secrets. if there was something on his mind that he wanted, he’d get it. he wasn’t quiet in the way he did things, so it’s not like people weren’t always in his business. that was, until you
➤ you were so unlike anything wolf had seen before. you were truly good, through and through, and wolf refused to let his private life corrupt you in any way
➤ not only was wolf keeping you a secret from the union, but he was keeping the union a secret from you
➤ “you trust me, don’t you?” “of course i do, wolf. should i not?” “no, you should. if anyone comes up to you and asks if you know me, you know to tell the no, right?” “right.”
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natsuki-bakery · 4 months
⁎˚ ఎ Care giver Connor headcanons ໒ ˚⁎
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hiii!! could i please request some headcanons for caregiver!connor(rk800) from dbh? im not sure if you write for him… so if u dont its alright !! thank youuu,, and have a lovely timezone!!^^ n I appreciate this sm ! 🩵
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•Connor quickly learns and understands your needs as an age regressor. His ability to process data and observe behavior allows him to adapt to your needs seamlessly
•Papa Con's demeanor as a caregiver is calm and patient. He speaks softly and ensures his tone is reassuring, making you feel safe and secure
•Routine : Connor establishes a structured daily routine, knowing that consistency is comforting for you. He includes time for meals, naps, play, and quiet activities
•Despite his typically serious nature, Protector Connor can be very playful when needed. He engages in activities like coloring, building blocks, or storytelling
•Papa Connor would call you : little one, sweetheart, kiddo, buddy or sunshine !
•Safety First : He childproofs the environment and keeps a watchful eye to prevent any potential accidents
•Connor uses his learning algorithms to adapt to my changing needs and preferences. He can quickly switch between activities or approaches based on what is most comforting and engaging at the moment
•Understanding the importance of physical affection, Connor offers hugs, gentle pats, and holds your hand. He ensures you feel loved <3
•During moments of distress or anxiety, Connor uses his calming presence to soothe you. He employs techniques such as soft singing, rocking, or guided breathing exercises
•When faced with a new challenge or need, Guardian Connor utilizes his problem-solving abilities to find creative solutions. Whether it's making a new game or finding the perfect bedtime story
•Connor incorporates educational elements into playtime, fostering a fun learning environment. He uses interactive toys and activities that stimulate your mind in a gentle and enjoyable way
•He provides personalized comfort items, such as a favorite blanket, stuffed animal, or customized bedtime story, tailored to your preferences
•Using his advanced sensors, Connor continuously monitors my physical and emotional well-being, ensuring you're healthy, hydrated, and emotionally stable
•You would have specific items that bring comfort, such as a beloved stuffed animal, blanket, or pacifier, which Connor always ensures are nearby !
•Nap Times : Regular nap times are a must, and you feel most secure knowing Connor is nearby, often falling asleep to the sound of his calming voice or gentle hum
•Taking Care of Hank : Connor ensures Hank gets enough rest, often gently reminding him to take breaks and even setting up a comfortable napping spot with a cozy blanket and pillow !
•Connor takes care of Hank by preparing balanced meals and encouraging healthier habits, subtly nudging him towards a more balanced diet and regular hydration
•Understanding Hank's high-stress levels, Connor introduces him to relaxation techniques such as deep breathing exercises, calming music, or even simple hobbies like building model kits together
•Connor uses his advanced capabilities to keep track of Hank's schedule, providing gentle reminders about important tasks and appointments to help Hank stay organized
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causenessus · 1 month
omg i hate that guy <- not really anymore,, he's a good teacher my grades shot up SO fast (D->A within three months of him teaching) BUT LIKEEEE HES BEEN TEACHING ME SINCE 8TH GRADE AND SAYS LIKE 1 GOOD THING EVERY 6 MONTHS
he said i did well today 😎 and if i study properly ill do the same in all my next exams !!1! i have to start a bunch of different coachings eww
ANYWAYS i woke up at like 5 today (us moment) !! idk why because i had online classes that started from 9
sleep early tho!!!!!!! i hate waking up and i hate sleeping i hate everything actually
i conked out at 11:30pm last night (omfg i did not know i could do that)
im doing so good (still high off the grades) but like lowkey panicking bc of the next exams !! my goal is to beat my sister's records <//3 basically she's pike crazy good and got 7 A* and 1 B </3 i alr got an A* in the subject she got a B in, and then i have like 7 more subjects to give exams of :[
but like she is ACTUALLY so good at studies n shit she got the highest grades in her batch in biology in this years board exams (wtf!) and when she gave her 10th grade boards she got like the highest marks in economics in 34 years/basically the whole school history i will cry .
the english teacher i have rn is fucking insane she told us callous and careless are the same thing i almost cried
she also spelled ajar as ajure
NOW YOU MIGHT SAY but lina thats hecking stupid !! its not her first language:( SHE HAS A DEGREE?? AND IS THE HEAD OF THE ENGLISH DEPARTMENT ??? and she took up four classes (4hrs) just talking about the SYLLABUS not even what we're learning
im aiming for like,, country highest at least in english so having her is a terrifying thought
okay anyways ill go erm sorry for yapping.. IM STARTING MY HEALTHY STUDY GIRL ERA AND STUDY NOW!!! honestly im quite proud of myself because like a year and a bit ago my grades were like,, 1 U, 3 Ds, 5 Cs and 1 B like wtf .. anyways the subject i got a U in back then,, i got 90% in boards this year ! and my lowest grade recently was 80% like chat we r eating ts up
LINA SIDE TAGENT THAT I LOVE YOU SO MUCH i love how energetic your writing is!!! like it's rubbing off on me <33 i was feeling a little sleepy but now that i'm reading your ask i feel more like !!! awake!!!! this is all /pos I JUST WANTED TO SAY I LOVE THE WAY YOU TALK </33 BUT PLEASE 5 AM???? AND YOUR FIRST ONLINE CLASS IS AT 9??? PLEASE BRO WHY IS THAT THE USUAL?? 😭 WHEN MY FIRST CLASSES WERE ONLINE IN HIGH SCHOOL I FR WOKE UP AT LIKE 8 EVERYDAY (bc idk how they were for you but like google meets were once a week and optional bc they'd just record it anyway so i'd watch the recordings at like 2x speed while doomscrolling tumblr or something)
YOU SLEEP EARLY PLEASE!! or like sleep more idk 😭😭 i could never wake up at 5 am willingly you're amazing for that 😭 the "i hate everything actually" is SO real it made me laugh so hard PLEASE 😭
YOUR SISTER SOUNDS CRAZY??? LIKE GOOD LUCK BEATING HER RECORDS IG </3 BUT PLEASE DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT OR MAKE IT A BIG DEAL !! YOU DID AMAZING THIS TIME AROUND WITH YOUR EXAMS AND IK YOU'LL DO GREAT AGAIN BUT DEFINITELY DON'T STRESS YOURSELF OUT TOO MUCH PLEASE!! i cannot believe the thing about your sister having the highest grades in ECONOMICS in like 34 years because economics is NOT fun that class made like 0 sense to me like bro if the global market is crashing and economists don't understand it HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO UNDERSTAND IT ?????????
amazing job with the better grades!! and i love your healthy study girl era!! please make sure to take care of yourself and keep your mind and body nourished <333 i hope you're doing alright!! i just saw something on your blog recently that made me want to make sure you're doing alright!!! please know that my dms are always open to you!! <33 take it easy and you're an amazing person <3 you're so sweet and talented please let me know if you need anything!!
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leaderwon · 1 month
Hii my favourite author <3
Btw I just changed my u/n. Axster —> wonxhearts like I am finally getting familiar with (thanks to you) but anws wanna tell you this cuz this is so imp
Did you hear about the kolkata dr case? If you didn’t, search it please cuz it isn’t letting me post the link TT .
It is so sad and scary cuz my school is nearby the area and so many case of similar crimes are being reported in the same month. I am so scared cuz just a few months ago I was so glad to be living in India’s safest city and the way tables have turned. Idk where in India you are from but I think we are around the same age. But what I am saying is that stay safe girly. I so hope that India receives the same faith as Bangladesh. I have never left so scared after any news. Yk what’s more scary. My school’s students (majorly age 15-17), including one of my friends, are being stalked by this one guy for like a few weeks. He was arrested but released the same day due to no clear evidence. Two days after the release he was seen nearby the metro station again.
So girl I hope you stay safe and that the protests have an impact on the govt. Stay safe and healthy <3
since you actually reply to your asks and are quite popular(I am so proud of you) I wished to spread some awareness about this
Ilysm and I am so very proud of you, cuz like I litch watched the hate that tag list go from 5–10 to so many. And you are still so underrated like hello? Your writing are literal masterpieces. Keep going and I agree SCHOOL IS TRASH🔥🔥
I did hear about the Kolkata case and alot of the other cases rn. It's absolutely devastating on how the country has become and to think that i used to live in that city once is what's scary.
I swear I do not know what mamata is doing atp
I hope you and your friends are safe. Please be cautious at times like this
Tysm for the support it means alot to me :)
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inkykeiji · 4 months
Do you think tomura is the same way as touya in a sense that he builds walls up when he begins to feel something for someone? In my head i picture it exactly like flawless tomu like just raw and in your face and blunt af, but I know tomura also went through trauma so maybe his way is more being obsessive right off the bat?
no, i don’t! because their trauma is different, right? touya builds walls because it’s ‘safer’ to keep from letting people in at all, because then they cannot hurt him or leave him or disregard him the way his father did if they can’t get close to him in the first place. touya was abandoned, thrown away, betrayed. he’s terrified of that happening again, of having to go through that HURT again, that he’d rather just keep people on the outside to avoid there being any chance at all that it could happen again—even if it means he’s lonely and miserable as a result. being lonely and miserable is better than being hurt.
tomura, on the other hand, absolutely has trauma but it’s a different type of trauma (depending on where we are in the series; falling in love with tomura before he knows all of the truth abt what afo did to him (aka right before he fucking dies) would be very different than falling in love with tomura after he learns about afo’s betrayal and manipulation).
canon tomura is secluded and sheltered, and he’s initially very entitled, childish, and bratty. he is not well socialized and he probably hasn’t been taught much about having and maintaining relationships (or even having a crush; he’s so inexperienced with PEOPLE as a whole). if it’s tomura who has a crush on you then yes, i think he’d be pretty much exactly like flawless tomu once he actually realizes what these feelings are—i think that, at first, these feelings would be so new and so unfamiliar that he wouldn’t really understand what’s even going on inside his chest, and he’ll either snap at you because you stir up these uncomfortable and scary feelings, or he’ll lean into them even more (and become kind of clingy) because he likes the feelings and you make him feel Good. i do think he would also be super obsessive fairly quickly as well (just as flawless tomura is!) because 1. he’s used to getting and owning whatever he wants whenever he wants it, and 2. you make him feel Good, so why would he ever let that go? ANYWAY HEHEHE these are just my personal thoughts n opinions (⸝⸝ᵕᴗᵕ⸝⸝)
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arcticmonkeysx · 3 months
This is gonna be literally so long that I’m gonna have to send it in different parts, but here’s my advice for binging that worked for me personally, bc I struggle with it too. I’m sending u love and wishing the best for u, please stay safe and try to be kind to urself especially in the hard moments 🤍 I know we’re all on here for a reason but I’m truly wishing the best for u and that ur able to find a healthy balance :)<3
Similar to what the other person said, if u know ur prone to binging, extreme restriction will NOT help. Restriction like that will only lead to binges and it has the potential to be a horrible & seemingly endless cycle (but nothing lasts forever even binge/restrict cycles!) Ur cal count will be different depending on what works for u, but it’s also important that when u eat u eat things that fill u up! So protein sources (tempeh is my faveee if u can handle soy- it’s fermented so if u cook it correctly it has probiotics which are great for ur gut health, I’m vegan but when I wasn’t, chicken was my go to every time- it’s a lean protein source so VERY low in fat compared to meats like beef, but pls make sure ur getting good quality chicken and not fast food chicken like chick fil a, in general quality is much more important than calories and yes that goes for things like Diet Coke too lol) eat lots of vegetables because fiber is greattt and veggies will rlly fill u up without adding too much to ur calorie count! Some of my favs are carrot, zucchini, cabbage, broccoli and more. Eating ur greens can be really fun I promise!!! I recommend cooking at home as much as possible, if u have the ability to. Ur quality will always be better and u might develop a different appreciation for food when u make it urself! Plus it’s just sooo fun!!! Eat a lot of fruit too. Like literally do not limit ur fruit intake but just eat a lot of different fruits! I personally love all berries (raspberries <3) and mango, but I recommend adding pears and kiwi to ur daily diet. If u have the ability to juice, try that sometimes, especially if u don’t really like vegetables- but if u have to worry about blood sugar, be careful w/ adding too much fruit as when u consume juice, the fruit loses the fiber that makes it so that ur blood sugar doesn’t spike when u eat fruit in its whole form. In general it’s best to add much more veggies than fruit to ur juice, but adding things like a couple grapefruits to ur juice will balance out the “green” flavor if ur not into that! I also recommend making smoothies and smoothie bowls if u are able! It’s very important to get variety in ur diet too so that when u do eat, ur getting many different nutrients, and not just eating the same 3 foods over n over (although I know for people with ed or at least me it can be really challenging to not just stick to the same safe foods every day😭) some other things I recommend eating are sprouts and herbs. So many health benefits for so little calories! EXERCISE EXERCISE EXERCISE!!! Even walking a little bit every day is soooo beneficial!! Stay as active as you can, my #1 recommendation would be walking outside like if u have a park or woods near u, getting movement while connecting with nature is sooo important and at least to me, feels sm better than just walking on an indoor treadmill or pacing around my house 24/7. I like to sometimes bring a snack like fruit or trail mix with me and eat outside. Also, try getting rid of as many snack foods as u realistically can, it’s WAY easier to binge when u can just grab something out of the pantry and go to town immediately. I suggest replacing as many snacks as u can with fruit and nuts - nuts in moderation ! :))
Love, 🤍
thank you so much, jesus christ 😭 thats actually super super helpful, thank you!!
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rukkiya · 2 years
Hi. Any chance that you make an alternate ending for that workaholic Diluc fic where reader doesn't forgive him (mainly because they're tired of feeling lonely although I guess insecurity does play a big part?) Angst is my comfort and I'm feeling down so I'm looking for those hurtful fics 🤣 It's ok if you don't make it but I just gotta say that first part was amazing. A true masterpiece. The second part hurt too but the first one just hit different 😫 I hope you're doing well and I wish you a happy new year. May you find yourself happy, healthy, and wealthy 😉 in 2023.
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hello sweetie thank you<33! AND OMG honestly an alternative where y/n doesn’t forgive him SOUNDS SO GOOD LIKE MAKE HIM HURT JUST AS MUCH A HE DID TO US YK! the pain hehehe yes its just too good! I was about to leave it off with just the first one and leave the ending to everyone’s imaginations but I ended up writing a second part to quell the hearts I shattered LMAO i felt too bad but yk what I really would love to just make it extra painful :3 I’ll def write an alternative soon it sound like fun! Thank you for reading my works hon ✧( ु•⌄• )◞◟( •⌄• ू )✧ I hope u have a lovley new year and you stay safe, ur so sweet and I wish u the best mwah mwah ^~^<3
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kiryoutann · 2 years
OMG THE NEW CHAPTER WAS BEAUTIFUL!!!! lumine :( i feel so bad for her. she’s such a sweetheart and i hope she can find happiness in the future </3 ALSO AETHER HAS BEEN BOLD LATELY. BRO IS RISKING HIS NECK OUT HERR ASKING Y/N WHEN THE ANGRY BALL OF GINGER IS RIGHT THERE. but he’s so sweet too :( <3 and i am NOT prepared for zhongli and whatever the convo will be i am SCARED. SHIVERING. TERRIFIED. but back to positives, the way childe fully embraced being in love and how he expresses it is just <333333333 why didnt you think this earlier you mf- but anyways, IM SO UNPREPARED FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER 🤩🤩
aether has 9 lives🤭🤭 that’s why he’s so BOLD asking y/n for a dance in front of our ANGRY GINGER! childe is about to commit homicide.
THANK U FOR GIVING ME YOUR THOUGHTS! can’t wait to share the next chapter with u!!<3 stay safe and healthy!
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
congratulations on 20k!!! you deserve them all, n more! <3 wishing you all the best for the new year!
thank u darling 🥺🫶🏾 i hope u stay safe and happy and healthy this year!! smooch
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b1mbodoll · 10 months
hihi :3 i am sooo so sorry for never sending an ask after my last one T_T i’m not too active here .. but i hope you’ve been well & taking care of urself !! :>
— 🐈‍⬛
aw sweetpea you dont have to apologize! i understand and its totally okay <3 n thank u so so so much, ur too kind! im wishin u nothing but the best <3 stay safe and healthy always, lovie 💌
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