I'm still an idiot
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Colleen 24 --- I'm willing to answer any questions but I don't actually know anything.
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musk is going to die in a Tesla explosion in 6 months after sticking his nose where it doesn't belong and we will never get a conclusive answer on whether it was a CIA car bomb or just a normal Tesla malfunction
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This is about to be a year of dropping dead weight for me.
One of my childhood friends, Z, moved in with my mom, sister and I last year after moving to Ohio for around 5 years. We never should have allowed her to come here.
Before she moved, I was noticing that she wouldn't let me talk about my life during our calls for more than two sentences. She'd interrupt anything I was saying and start talking about her again. That's not the biggest deal to me, but it did start to make me feel unheard, and I tried to distance myself from her. I didn't say anything, however, because it felt like I was just being dramatic, and Mom invited her to move in in an effort to help. I noticed more issues nearly immediately. This friend was constantly talking about the way she treated other people as if she was proud of it, and it'd be some of the most "mean girl" behavior I've ever heard of. She was one of the nicest people when we were in school and I thought we had the same views on kindness, so that was crushing, but I still felt like I was being overdramatic.
Then there was the noise issue. Z's always been louder, and her speaking voice carries pretty far. Her speaking voice wasn't an issue, but when she streamed, she yelled. A lot. Until 4am most nights. We have two toddlers here, and the two people beside her room work second shift. She could be heard halfway across the house most nights, but if you complained to her, she'd tell you that obviously you're louder.
Along with all that, there were some interesting issues that started everyone else complaining, which made me feel like less of a b*tch. Z had decided to bake and sell those baked goods for Christmas, and left all of her dishes for me. I knew she had, and I was upset but I didn't want to bring it up, and I (for some reason) thought it'd be easier to wash them and get on with it. Mom was pissed, and told me not to wash them, thankfully. Z tried to leave her baking dishes for me every time she baked, and I would have to wash a few because we needed them while she was at work.
Here's the most interesting issue we had: the childcare issue. My sister was paying me to watch her daughters at first, but there was a fight (very long story lol) and I quit. Z offered to watch them, and my sister agreed. Immediately she regretted it. Every morning when the girls would get up, Z tried to make them lay down on the playroom floor. My sister would tell her not to, she'd do it again and try to hide it from the cameras. I was still on a third shift schedule, so I'd clean all night and then hang out in the kitchen until Mom and my sister would get home. My nieces decided I was more fun than Z, and she'd allow them to come in and hang out with me without being in the room, so I was pretty much watching them anyway.
Z had the baby monitor. Z came out twice when my younger niece got up in the middle of the night. My niece got up a lot more than twice. We'd hug and I'd ask what she dreamed about while we waited for Z, and if she wasn't out by the time my niece was comforted, I put her to bed. My sister wasn't happy about me watching them and Z being paid for it. I started trying to sleep at night, and Z went out into the dining room, which is right by my room and the nursery, and practically shouted at 2 am. She woke the girls up multiple times. I started recording these on the security cameras that were supposed to be pointed at the windows and the front doors.
Then I happened to hear something from her room while I was trying to sleep. Z was drinking when she was supposed to be watching my nieces. If I left for any reason, my nieces would not have had a sober adult with them, and we didn't know until then. I got into the streaming app on my account and attended a few of her streams until I got her saying something about it recorded. My sister quietly switched back to me watching the girls to avoid conflict (should have fought her) and Z tried to act like it was all her idea.
She started trying to take over with the girls in the middle of the day instead. They'd throw a fit about something or be crying about taking a nap, and she'd walk out to help, somehow managing to upset them more, get frustrated, and leave the girls with us even more upset. Or she'd give them candy and sweets 30 minutes before dinner without asking. We told her to stop, she didn't. I started getting more than just irritated.
Now we're at the part where everything exploded. I'm aware that some of the things I did in this section are a little b*tchy. I still believe Z deserved everything she got. My sister had to switch to second shift, which made everything harder. I am now watching my nieces from 3pm to 9am most days, but sometimes the factory does a split shift, so my sister would go in at noon and leave at 5.
This was one of those days. Right after lunch, my younger niece needs to have "quiet time". It doesn't matter if she sleeps as long as she stays in her bed and is quiet. She does not enjoy this arrangement, so she was throwing a fit about it and running out of her bed. Z decided to try and take over again and I snapped a little.
"Just stop," I said, "you're not actually helping."
"if you have something to say, say it to my face," responds the drunk. I'm still confused about that. I said it directly to her, was it because I'd been walking away with my niece? I don't really care anymore either. If she wanted it said to her face, I'd do that.
I screamed it. I screamed that if she couldn't mind her own business, she should move out. Apparently I have an ok set of lungs, because I kind of scared myself with it. I thought I scared both girls, so I turned to help them and neither toddler cared. The older one was laughing, the younger one smiled, rolled over and went to sleep. Z sent me a message saying that my behavior was "uncalled for on every level". No one else in the house agrees with her.
It was mostly quiet from there, she seemed to believe no one else knew about me screaming at her, but I texted everyone and sent the evidence over immediately. Mom tried to see the incident on the cameras but they only caught what Z did and not my response. I was actually proud of myself for it, I tend to think I'm overreacting even when I'm under-reacting, so I don't stick up for myself often.
My sister and her bf leave a note on Z's door asking her not to be so loud at 4am, because they'd like to be able to sleep. She scribbled out a reply note telling them "not to be petty and write notes to her" and "she's not that loud". She slams her door and knocks shit off her wall. My sister had tried to do what she was originally told to do if Z was too loud a while back, and knocked on the wall. Z flipped out at her and claimed she had a panic attack about it. So my sister texted Z the next time, and was told that her and her bf are louder than Z. No one else can hear the two of them two rooms away, but we can hear her four rooms away. So the note was a lot nicer than I would have been.
My sisters bf rants a bit in their room, pointing out that no one in the house likes having Z here. I'm assuming he said other stuff, but I wasn't there. Z tried to guilt my mom into feeling bad about all of this, saying "if that's how everyone feels here, then I'm sorry. Maybe I should just go"
It doesn't work, my mom and I are giggling in her room about how bad she is at trying to make people feel sorry for her. I don't think my mom even responded. Z packed an overnight bag and left for the next few days, and just came back a few days ago to grab most of her stuff. She's looking for places in a different area. I hope she finds somewhere with no roommates.
After she left, I found out she made a mutual friend very uncomfortable by bad mouthing us while she was watching the girls. That friend is not mutual anymore lol. She also USED MY RAZOR. She was supposed to be here six months, and almost hit two years. I'm blocking her as soon as all of her stuff is out of here. Good riddance lol
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I am so confused, I dropped my phone and the screen wasn't cracked but it wouldn't turn on. I googled it on my tablet hoping I could fix it and it only suggested tapping the sides of my screen? Why did that work? Why is my screen brighter than it's been in a while?
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I want to stop lol
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So my baby brother has been treated very poorly by our mom's family recently, and I was already stepping out of that side of the family for other reasons. He's stuck up for himself so well in the last few days, and I've literally never been more proud of one of my siblings.
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Lol I said all that about dropping down some stairs, and right as I hit post, my nieces started doing funny faces and voices. Telepathic little shits
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I'd like to drop down some stairs, but I live in a trailer.
Also I don't want pain, just to drop
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What would you do about a dad who plays and interacts with the older kid but not the younger one during his visitation? Because I'm not their mom, but I may actually murder someone if I have to watch an 8 month old tear up when her dad won't even say hi to her but hugs her 2 year old sister and plays with 2yo.
Those girls deserve better, and rn all I've been able to do is make sure they know I love them.
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Also how are you supposed to respond when someone asks what you want for your birthday?
The three things I want are a 25th bday party (I haven't had one since 16 and I had to organize it myself), a Little Green (the upholstery cleaner), and there's an Indiana Jones bag that I really wouldn't mind getting.
I know I'm not getting a party, the one venue we would have been able to get for free burned down this weekend, but I also don't think everyone is going in on a $120 upholstery cleaner or a $90 bag. But I have nearly everything else I want 😬
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You guys know that feeling when you buy stuff in multiple flavors kind of in bulk, so that you have choices, and someone looks at you like you're dumb? How do I explain that I'm not drinking 30+ energy drinks in a week
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I'm not sure why I came back here
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My sister hid her kids pacifiers and said it was a "goblin fairy"
I think she should tell her it was the goblin king so when she gets older she thinks David Bowie snuck into her home and took her pacifiers
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