#luckily i have two amazing besties
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This is about to be a year of dropping dead weight for me.
One of my childhood friends, Z, moved in with my mom, sister and I last year after moving to Ohio for around 5 years. We never should have allowed her to come here.
Before she moved, I was noticing that she wouldn't let me talk about my life during our calls for more than two sentences. She'd interrupt anything I was saying and start talking about her again. That's not the biggest deal to me, but it did start to make me feel unheard, and I tried to distance myself from her. I didn't say anything, however, because it felt like I was just being dramatic, and Mom invited her to move in in an effort to help. I noticed more issues nearly immediately. This friend was constantly talking about the way she treated other people as if she was proud of it, and it'd be some of the most "mean girl" behavior I've ever heard of. She was one of the nicest people when we were in school and I thought we had the same views on kindness, so that was crushing, but I still felt like I was being overdramatic.
Then there was the noise issue. Z's always been louder, and her speaking voice carries pretty far. Her speaking voice wasn't an issue, but when she streamed, she yelled. A lot. Until 4am most nights. We have two toddlers here, and the two people beside her room work second shift. She could be heard halfway across the house most nights, but if you complained to her, she'd tell you that obviously you're louder.
Along with all that, there were some interesting issues that started everyone else complaining, which made me feel like less of a b*tch. Z had decided to bake and sell those baked goods for Christmas, and left all of her dishes for me. I knew she had, and I was upset but I didn't want to bring it up, and I (for some reason) thought it'd be easier to wash them and get on with it. Mom was pissed, and told me not to wash them, thankfully. Z tried to leave her baking dishes for me every time she baked, and I would have to wash a few because we needed them while she was at work.
Here's the most interesting issue we had: the childcare issue. My sister was paying me to watch her daughters at first, but there was a fight (very long story lol) and I quit. Z offered to watch them, and my sister agreed. Immediately she regretted it. Every morning when the girls would get up, Z tried to make them lay down on the playroom floor. My sister would tell her not to, she'd do it again and try to hide it from the cameras. I was still on a third shift schedule, so I'd clean all night and then hang out in the kitchen until Mom and my sister would get home. My nieces decided I was more fun than Z, and she'd allow them to come in and hang out with me without being in the room, so I was pretty much watching them anyway.
Z had the baby monitor. Z came out twice when my younger niece got up in the middle of the night. My niece got up a lot more than twice. We'd hug and I'd ask what she dreamed about while we waited for Z, and if she wasn't out by the time my niece was comforted, I put her to bed. My sister wasn't happy about me watching them and Z being paid for it. I started trying to sleep at night, and Z went out into the dining room, which is right by my room and the nursery, and practically shouted at 2 am. She woke the girls up multiple times. I started recording these on the security cameras that were supposed to be pointed at the windows and the front doors.
Then I happened to hear something from her room while I was trying to sleep. Z was drinking when she was supposed to be watching my nieces. If I left for any reason, my nieces would not have had a sober adult with them, and we didn't know until then. I got into the streaming app on my account and attended a few of her streams until I got her saying something about it recorded. My sister quietly switched back to me watching the girls to avoid conflict (should have fought her) and Z tried to act like it was all her idea.
She started trying to take over with the girls in the middle of the day instead. They'd throw a fit about something or be crying about taking a nap, and she'd walk out to help, somehow managing to upset them more, get frustrated, and leave the girls with us even more upset. Or she'd give them candy and sweets 30 minutes before dinner without asking. We told her to stop, she didn't. I started getting more than just irritated.
Now we're at the part where everything exploded. I'm aware that some of the things I did in this section are a little b*tchy. I still believe Z deserved everything she got. My sister had to switch to second shift, which made everything harder. I am now watching my nieces from 3pm to 9am most days, but sometimes the factory does a split shift, so my sister would go in at noon and leave at 5.
This was one of those days. Right after lunch, my younger niece needs to have "quiet time". It doesn't matter if she sleeps as long as she stays in her bed and is quiet. She does not enjoy this arrangement, so she was throwing a fit about it and running out of her bed. Z decided to try and take over again and I snapped a little.
"Just stop," I said, "you're not actually helping."
"if you have something to say, say it to my face," responds the drunk. I'm still confused about that. I said it directly to her, was it because I'd been walking away with my niece? I don't really care anymore either. If she wanted it said to her face, I'd do that.
I screamed it. I screamed that if she couldn't mind her own business, she should move out. Apparently I have an ok set of lungs, because I kind of scared myself with it. I thought I scared both girls, so I turned to help them and neither toddler cared. The older one was laughing, the younger one smiled, rolled over and went to sleep. Z sent me a message saying that my behavior was "uncalled for on every level". No one else in the house agrees with her.
It was mostly quiet from there, she seemed to believe no one else knew about me screaming at her, but I texted everyone and sent the evidence over immediately. Mom tried to see the incident on the cameras but they only caught what Z did and not my response. I was actually proud of myself for it, I tend to think I'm overreacting even when I'm under-reacting, so I don't stick up for myself often.
My sister and her bf leave a note on Z's door asking her not to be so loud at 4am, because they'd like to be able to sleep. She scribbled out a reply note telling them "not to be petty and write notes to her" and "she's not that loud". She slams her door and knocks shit off her wall. My sister had tried to do what she was originally told to do if Z was too loud a while back, and knocked on the wall. Z flipped out at her and claimed she had a panic attack about it. So my sister texted Z the next time, and was told that her and her bf are louder than Z. No one else can hear the two of them two rooms away, but we can hear her four rooms away. So the note was a lot nicer than I would have been.
My sisters bf rants a bit in their room, pointing out that no one in the house likes having Z here. I'm assuming he said other stuff, but I wasn't there. Z tried to guilt my mom into feeling bad about all of this, saying "if that's how everyone feels here, then I'm sorry. Maybe I should just go"
It doesn't work, my mom and I are giggling in her room about how bad she is at trying to make people feel sorry for her. I don't think my mom even responded. Z packed an overnight bag and left for the next few days, and just came back a few days ago to grab most of her stuff. She's looking for places in a different area. I hope she finds somewhere with no roommates.
After she left, I found out she made a mutual friend very uncomfortable by bad mouthing us while she was watching the girls. That friend is not mutual anymore lol. She also USED MY RAZOR. She was supposed to be here six months, and almost hit two years. I'm blocking her as soon as all of her stuff is out of here. Good riddance lol
#rant#genuinely sounds like a fake scenario but it is real#we'd been friends for almost 20 years#luckily i have two amazing besties
0 notes
Hey bestie! I love your work and as I've gotten to know you better, you've been an amazing friend ❤️
I was wondering if you could do some hurt/comfort/whump with f!reader x Tech! Maybe they have crash landed or been captured together or something. Perhaps they don't necessarily get along with each other but this situation forces them to work together and they discover that maybe the other isn't so bad. ❤️ Thanks!
Crash Landed 🌊
🫧 Pairing: Tech X Female Reader
word count: 5.9k
Prompts: none

Summary: After you and Tech crash land in a remote Jungle, the two of you need to put your heads together and work as a team. Which is sometimes easier said than done.
warnings: Hurt, Angst and Comfort Whump Trope, Mentions of Injury to Reader and Tech, reader has a fear of blood, Kinda Enemies to Lovers, Reconciliation, Talks about Feelings, Huddling for Warmth, Heated First Kiss, Female Reader. Not proofread.
authors note: I love this idea! I hope I did it justice. And by the word count, clearly I enjoyed writing it. Thanks for being and amazing friend @arctrooper69 🩶

You awaken, dazed and confused, your head heavy as your eyes adjust to the dim, smoke-filled surroundings. What's that smell? Is that... smoke? What happened?
Your body aches with every movement as you manage to sit up with a hefty groan, feeling the weight of gravity pull at your limbs. Rubbing your eyes with your hands to focus, you realise that everything is on its side, the walls of the shuttle caved in, sparks flying from broken control panels. What a mess. But, you're sure you were not alone before this happened.
“Tech?” you call out, your voice croaky before you start coughing, as if your lungs had filled up with smoke.
No reply. “Please don’t be dead, please don’t be dead,” you mutter to yourself as panic sets in, the memories flooding back. The mission, the Imperial's, crashing. Yes, that’s it. You crash-landed. But where? And where was Tech?
Luckily, your thoughts are answered as a torch shines in the distance, followed by loud clattering as if objects were being moved. You squint through the smoke, trying to ignore the acrid scent of burning metal. “Ah, there you are,” Tech says as he comes into view, his armor scratched, and his goggles a little skewed on his head.
“What happened?” you ask as he approaches you, another spluttering cough escaping your lips.
“If you take a look around, it will become apparent that we have crashed,” he replies. Ah yes, still a pain in the neck even after both of you nearly died.
You and Tech had rarely seen eye to eye. Since you joined the squad months ago, he always seemed to be on top of you, trying to prove you wrong or point out mistakes. It was tiresome. And now, unfortunately, you were stuck with him.
Rolling your eyes, you were in no mood for his tone and began to stand. However, as soon as you did, your leg gave way, your knees slamming to the floor. A cry of pain escaped you, making Tech look up from his cracked datapad, his eyes widening with slight concern. “Are you injured?”
“Obviously,” you grumbled in reply, stretching out your legs to assess the damage, but you didn’t see anything at first. It wasn’t until Tech crouched down in front of you that he spotted it.
“You have a laceration on your calf,” he said, his voice calm but concerned, inspecting the wound closely, and you did a double-take at his words.
“W-What? Is it bad?” You tried to hide the panic in your voice, but if there’s one thing you hated, it was blood.
Tech didn’t reply straight away, his eyes inspecting the wound closely, but your nerves began to eat away at you. “Tech, is it bleeding?” You asked quickly, your chest heaving as the fear started to creep in.
“Yes,” he confirmed, not making eye contact with you before he stood again, “I shall look for a medkit among this rubble. Stay here.” Well, it’s not like you had anywhere to go anytime soon anyway.
You wanted to call out to him, you wanted him to stay with you, but that would be inviting him to babysit you. Just because you were scared didn’t mean you wanted Tech to take care of you, which he probably would not do anyway.
Luckily, he wasn’t gone long and returned with a battered medkit. Some vials were smashed inside, and some tools were of no use, but you were glad that the bandages were untarnished. You had to look away as he started to dress your leg, cutting away the loose fabric to your pants before he skillfully wrapped it up. “That should do for now. Can you stand? We need to get out of here as it wouldn't surprise me if this shuttle imploded at any minute.”
Comfort was not his strong suit, clearly.
“I’ll try,” you began to haul yourself up your feet, but again, you were too weak. “No, no, no, I can’t.” As you were about to fall once again, Tech tucked himself under your arm, a hand steady on your waist as he kept you up.
“I will have to carry you.”
“No!” You squeaked. No way in hell were you going to let him carry you around. No way you wanted to appear more of a burden than you already are.
He raised an eyebrow, unmoved by your objection. “This is not open to debate. You can not put weight on your leg.”
With a frustrated sigh, you relented. “Alright, fine.”
With a wince of pain shooting up your leg, Tech manages to slip his arm around your neck, hoisting you over his shoulder with little effort. Each step he makes sends a jolt of unbearable pain through your leg, but you grit your teeth, holding back any sign of distress, more focused on figuring out how the two of you will get out of this mess.
You escape the shuttle, and the scorching sun immediately washes over you, its heat oppressive and suffocating. The air is humid and sticky. Great.
"So, where are we?" you ask awkwardly, still draped over his shoulder as he trudges onward.
"Uncertain," he replies, which does nothing to ease your nerves.
After a few minutes of walking, he finally sets you down on some dry grass. The sun beats down, forcing you to shield your eyes with your hand as you survey your surroundings. From the looks of it, you’re stranded in a jungle, with a vast expanse of open water stretching out before you. You could be literally anywhere.
“I suggest we find shelter, food, and a water source promptly. Since you are in no state to do anything, this task falls upon me,” he says, not once meeting your gaze as he speaks.
"Are you trying to blame me for hurting my leg? If I'm not mistaken, Tech, you were the one who pushed us into that shuttle," you retort, anger bubbling over.
"I am not blaming you, although if it was not for your mistake on the mission I would not have had to intervene." He trails off, not seeming to care at the dirty looks being sent his way. "I am merely stating facts." He says simply, tucking his datapad into his pouch before glancing down at you.
Deciding to keep your mouth shut for now, you refrain from arguing, knowing it won’t solve anything. Instead, you let Tech take the lead because, as much as you hate to admit it, he's right. You are in no state to do anything at the moment.
Tech leaves you alone for a while, giving you one of his blasters as a precaution before returning around half an hour later, announcing he found a suitable place to set up camp. You simply nod before glancing over at the crashed shuttle. “Is there anything we can salvage from that at least?” you ask aloud, drawing Tech’s attention back to you before casting a glance over at the debris.
“Perhaps. But we will have to be quick-." Before he can finish his thoughts, a sudden explosion rips through the air as the shuttle suddenly erupts into a burst of flames, sending debris flying in all directions. You both watch in shock as the flames engulf the wreckage, leaving nothing salvageable. Never mind.

Once Tech had led you to a secluded spot under the protective canopy of towering trees. With careful movements, you managed to shift your weight onto your knees, the pain radiating from your leg causing you to bite back a wings of pain.
“You are doing it wrong.” As you went ahead and started to make a fire, Tech’s unsolicited advice on fire-building techniques went in one ear and out the other. Survival instincts was one of your specialties after all and so you ignored him as as you gathered dry twigs and leaves, arranging them meticulously into a makeshift pyre.
As Tech continued his lecture on the ��correct way’ to build a fire, you struck the flint, the spark igniting a blaze that danced and crackled life. A triumphant smirk tugged at the corners of your lips as Tech fell silent, the warmth of the flames casting flickering shadows on the thick backdrop of the jungle.
“As you have accomplished the fire, all we need now is some edible food and water," Tech remarked and you hummed in slight agreement.
Carefully, you leaned back and against a sturdy boulder for support as you turned your attention to Tech, whose fingers deftly navigated his datapad. "Do you think you’ll be able to contact the others?" you inquired softly, wanting to hear good news right now.
Tech's brow furrowed in concentration as he tinkered with the device, the soft glow of the cracked screen illuminating his features in the darkness. "If I can get my device to work properly and salvage the shuttle… then possibly. But…" His voice trailed off, uncertainty lingering in the air.
"You have doubts?" you pressed, concerned lacing your words as you watched him shift uneasily in his spot.
“Yes,” he says as he stands, tucking his datapad away again, “I have my doubts.”
You both fall into silence, something quite rare from Tech as he was always chattering away about something. But for now, he was quiet. Deep in thought. A part of you wished you knew what he was thinking, wondering what was happening in that marvelous mind of his and if he had thought about what would happen if you two were never found which was a reoccurring thought in yours.
“I will be back soon,” he speaks up, breaking the silence after a few minutes.
“Where are you going?” You ask, a little too quickly. But truthfully, you didn’t want to be on your own right now. Yet you didn’t want him to know that.
He watches you almost tentatively before saying, “I need to gather provisions. I will not be long.”
You didn’t protest as you watched him walk away, disappearing through the trees as nightfall approached. Sighing softly to yourself, you sat lost in thought, the flickering flames casting shifting shadows across your face as you think back to all the things you should have done on that mission. Perhaps if you didn’t let your pride get the better of you, you wouldn’t have to sit wondering when Tech will return and if either of you will make it out of here.

You don’t even remember falling asleep last night but you do remember waking up to the chill that had kept you shivering throughout the night despite sleeping by the crackling fire.
As you awaken to the gentle warmth of the morning sun filtering through the dense foliage above, a stark contrast to last night, with a heavy sigh, you sit up. You groan as your body feels more fatigued and worn out than before. Nausea washes over you as you groggily inspect your leg, the sight of the dried and bloodied bandage from the previous day making your stomach churn. Obviously, you'll need to tend to it again.
“Will you need my assistance or are you capable of tending to your own wound today?” Tech's voice cuts through the quiet morning air, his tone as matter-of-fact as ever. It's always hard to discern whether he's being genuinely helpful or simply blunt.
Deciding to handle this task yourself this time, you nod, expressing your intention to manage it alone. And even though you wanted to do it alone, Tech approaches nonetheless, the battered med kit in hand.
With Tech standing by, you cautiously remove the old bandage, your stomach turning at the sight of the open wound. Despite the lack of fresh blood, the dried remnants are enough to make you feel queasy. "You do not like blood," Tech observes, his statement pulling your attention away from the gruesome sight.
"Hm, how could you tell?" you mutter sarcastically, attempting to deflect from the discomfort.
“I have always known,” Tech responds cryptically, his expression giving nothing away as he crouches down beside you.
Curiosity piqued, you inquired further, wondering how he could have possibly known your hatred for blood. After all, you couldn't recall ever mentioning it to him before. “I… have observed your behaviour before and just so happened to pick up on it. I also recall you mentioning it to Hunter when you first joined.”
Hm, that’s… surprising.
You say nothing of it and instead allow him to take care of you. As Tech takes over, gently raising your leg and propping it over his knee, you can't help but notice the care he takes.
Despite his typically relaxed demeanor, there's a hint of concern in his actions as he tells you that you ‘may want to avert your gaze’ as he begins to peel the old bandage away.
Happily, you turn your attention to the leaves above, trying to ignore the stinging sensation spreading through your leg and the tears pricking at the corners of your eyes. Though, the warm breeze brushes against your exposed skin, offering a slight comfort amidst the discomfort.
“H-How does it look?” you ask, your voice strained, the anxiety evident in your tone as you feel Tech's careful movements.
“It appears that you have an infection. And I do not have the right resources to treat it.” Your heart sinks at his words, a sense of dread settling in the pit of your stomach as you try to suppress the rising panic.
“I will assume that is sarcasm,” he hums before passing you his canteen, “I found a water source last night. This has been purified and suitable to drink. I suggest you do that.”
Taking the canteen from his grasp, your mouth suddenly feels dry at the thought of water. You take a sip and can’t help but grimace at the taste, the bitterness lingering on your tongue. “Are you sure it’s been purified?”
“Yes, I did not say it will taste nice.”
You roll your eyes and take another remorseful sip before passing it back to him, your mind inadvertently drifting to the state of your leg. It looked worse than you anticipated.
“Shit.” You curse under your breath as you blink away the tears, the frustration and fear bubbling to the surface. Of course, your leg would get infected. Why would a crash-landing be a stroll in the park?
“I agree with your sentiments.” Tech's voice is steady as he carefully applies a new bandage, his movements precise and calculated. “I suggest you rest.”
“No,” you shake your head adamantly, meeting his gaze with determination, “I’m not going to sit here and do nothing. I have to do something.”
He blinks at you, frowning behind his goggles. “You are in no state to do anything. You are injured and so-.”
“So I’m a hindrance?” You challenge, the frustration evident in your tone as you refuse to back down.
“In a way, yes.” He says directly, the weight of his words hanging in the air as he stands up straight after carefully placing your leg down. “Any further injury could lead to loss of limb. Or worse. We cannot risk getting that leg infected even more. Do you not think you have caused enough grievance?”
Anger bubbles at his words, yet, a part of you knew he was right. You were both in this mess because of you but sitting on the forest floor doing nothing felt like a last resort. “Can you at least just help me stand up?” you grumble, your voice tinged with frustration. “Please?”
He hesitates, seemingly torn between his concern for your well-being and his reluctance to encourage any further strain on your injured leg. However, the dejected look on your face softens his resolve, knowing that he wouldn’t hear the end of it until he complies. Reluctantly, he extends his hand, offering you the support you need to rise to your feet.
Carefully, you put slight pressure on your leg, testing its strength. Surprisingly, it isn’t as painful as it was yesterday, giving you a glimmer of hope that you might be able to move around by limping or hopping for now—especially when Tech isn’t looking.
“Thanks,” you say stiffly, folding your arms over your chest, a mix of gratitude and stubbornness in your demeanor as you watch him pick something out of his pouch and hand it over to you. “What’s this?”
He presents you with a strange-looking leaf, its unfamiliar shape and texture raising your curiosity. “It is food. Edible. It is all I could find last night but will fill us with enough nutrients for now.”

The rest of the day didn’t unfold as smoothly as you both had hoped. While Tech ventured back to the shuttle in a bid to secure a signal to reach the others, you took it upon yourself to be productive. Somehow.
With the terrain familiar to you from extensive research in your past, thoughts of herbal remedies for injuries like the one on your leg flooded your mind. So, after crafting a makeshift walking stick from a discarded branch sturdy enough to support your weight, you set off from camp, determined to gather the necessary ingredients.
Luck seemed to be on your side as you found the correct herbs and plants without much difficulty. However, your return to camp was met with an annoyed-looking Tech, his frustration evident as he started an argument for your sudden departure and for not telling him where you were since comms were dead too; coupled with his ongoing concerns about your leg.
Insisting that you were fine, you proceeded to apply the herbal remedy to your wound, wrapping it back up and allowing nature to take its course. Though Tech couldn’t help but offer snide remarks whenever you winced at the slightest movement, your remedy proved effective in easing the discomfort for a while.
Meanwhile, Tech’s attempts to establish a signal to the others had proved fruitless, only adding to his growing frustration. He was normally very composed under pressure, but his visible agitation was somewhat unsettling, leaving you feeling both concerned and also quite upset to see him this way.
As the sun began to set, casting long shadows across the camp, the atmosphere between you two remained tense. While you rested against the boulder again, Tech sat with his head in his hands, visibly weighed down by the day's events.
An uncharacteristic urge to ease his burden prompted you to speak up. “Why don’t you sleep? Try again tomorrow,” you suggest, breaking the silence and drawing his gaze across the flickering flames of the fire pit.
“One of us needs to stay awake and take watch,” he insists, decided on his decision straight away.
You frown, realising that you slept through most of the previous night, which meant… “Tech, did you not sleep last night?” you ask, your concern evident in your tone.
“No.” He mutters, “Like I said, one of us needs to stay awake.”
Squinting at him, a hint of annoyance creeps into your voice. “That’s not healthy, especially when we’re stuck like this. You need to sleep or something.”
“I am used to not getting sleep on the Marauder so I do not see why this is any different,” he counters, his stance firm.
Though grateful for his commitment to keeping watch, you can’t help but feel exasperated by his stubbornness. Rolling your eyes, you wrap your arms around yourself as a chill sets in. “To be fair,” you begin, “I kept waking up last night. It was way too cold.”
“Yes, I noticed,” he responds, his tone softened slightly by the acknowledgement.
“Oh,” you say softly before closing your eyes, allowing the weariness of the day to wash over you. However, you’re abruptly jolted from the verge of sleep by the sound of movement nearby. With a start, you almost jump out of your skin as Tech stands in front of you.
“Stars Tech!” You gasp, his sudden proximity shocking you. “What?”
“I want you to go to sleep.”
You blink at him.
“So,” you watch him shift, his movements awkward, “I will let you sleep beside me.”
It takes you a moment to comprehend his meaning before you pull a strange face, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion and slight amusement. “Are you asking me to cuddle you?” The thought surprises you, but oddly enough, it doesn’t sound too bad right about now.
“I would not put it so conveniently,” he says, his tone betraying a hint of discomfort, “I am merely stating that I could use my body warmth to help you sleep.”
You’re taken aback by his offer, but exhaustion soon overwhelms any reservations you may have had. “Oh… well, if you’re okay with that?”
“I would not have offered otherwise.” Tech’s smile is small but genuine, and you can’t help but softly smile back as you both sit beside one another, gazing into the flames of the fire pit. Soon, you find your eyes trailing down to his bare hands, frowning as you notice they look quite sweaty; an odd sight considering the cool evening air.
Curiosity gets the better of you, and you gaze up at his face, finding him engrossed in fixing his datapad. But something seems off—his complexion appears clammy, and there’s a flush to his cheeks.
Instinctively, you reach out and place the back of your hand to his forehead, gasping at the unexpected heat radiating from his skin. “Tech!” You squeak, startling him. “You have a fever? Why didn’t you tell me?”
He doesn’t even look at you, giving off a look like a character who had been bitten by something in those horrible horror holomovies and pretends to hide the bite. “Tech,” you say his name again, more sternly. “Are you hurt?”
He sighs, dropping his device into his lap before he lifts his arm to you, showing a bandage of his own that is stained in dry blood. “As I was maneuvering through the shuttle, I just so happened to trip and catch my arm on some jagged metal. It is nothing to fret about.”
“Oh, come off it, you’re burning up.” Tech notices the slight worry in your tone, watching you lean to your other side as you produce the herbal paste you used on yourself earlier. “Let me put this on.”
“Rest and water will do me fine-.”
“That’s funny, seeing as you just told me you’d rather me sleep than yourself.” You say with a roll of your eyes, taking a firm yet gentle hold of his arm before you start to peel the bandage away, holding down your nausea just for him.
Tech watches you with a concerned gaze. “I must insist…” he trails off as his eyes move to the sticky paste, clearly uncertain about your own remedy.
“Don’t you trust me?” You ask, and time seems to freeze as you both lock eyes, speaking silently to one another. His gaze is strong and, albeit, quite hypnotising behind his yellow-tinted goggles. But, you seem to snap out of your gaze as he replies:
“I do.”
“Well,” you say, clearing your throat as you drop your gaze to his arm, “let me help you.”
You’re gentle with your movements, applying the remedy over his arm with precision. You could feel his stare on your face, and so you slowly looked back up at him, his face so near you could almost feel the warmth of his breath dancing on your skin. “See? That should help with the pain,” you find yourself whispering.
For once, the two of you didn’t seem to be at each other's necks, both of you seeming to try and read each other’s thoughts. Tech was not the best at reading feelings, and as you gaze into his eyes, you find yourself not being able to read his too.
Eventually, you look away. An unusual heat started to crawl up your neck, and you didn’t think it was from the flame from the fire or his ‘body warmth’ as he put it. Lack of sleep and lack of food and water. That had to be it.
“Are you sure you don’t want to sleep, Tech?” You ask again as the drowsiness from before seeps back, and Tech turns his head away from you, inspecting his arm quietly before picking up his datapad once more.
“I am sure.”

The next day unfolded much like the one before it.
Tech grumbled about your mobility, his attempts to fix up the shuttle yielding no results, and the air between you both grew heavy with unspoken tension.
Yet, as nightfall descended once again, you found yourself nestled beside Tech, his warmth offering a rare respite, allowing you to drift into a peaceful sleep. And miraculously, your homemade remedy seemed to work wonders on both of you. You could now move with a bit more ease, and the infections on your injuries had cleared up.
But as you stared into the dancing flames that night, a wave of sorrow washed over you.
“You were right, you know?” you whispered into the night, the warmth of the fire casting flickering shadows on your face.
“About what?” Tech responded, his eyes fixed on his datapad, the soft glow illuminating his features.
Tears welled up at the corners of your eyes, and you struggled to keep them at bay, feeling utterly helpless. “That it was my fault… with the mission. If I had just let you do the data transfer instead of insisting I could do it then…” Your voice faltered, choked by a sob that escaped your lips, startling Tech. “Then we would’ve made it out in time! A-and the others… Tech, we don’t even know if they’re alive!”
Tech stared at you wide-eyed, your sudden outburst of emotion catching him off guard. Yet, amidst your tears streaming down your face and your hands clasped over your head, he uttered your name softly, “Mistakes happen.”
“But they don’t with you, Tech!” you cried, turning to face him. “You’re always so good, so perfect at everything you do, and I… I just wanted to prove myself to you! I always feel like I am not good enough for you, and that’s why you don’t like me.”
For a moment, the crackling of the fire was the only sound between you, the flames casting a warm glow on both of your faces. Tech's expression softened as he regarded you with understanding.
“Not liking you, is not something that ever crossed my mind,” he finally said, his voice low. “You were determined, and that is a trait that is to be commended. It is true, I often find it easier to rely on myself but I am programmed that way. But you, you gave it your all, and that is commendable. Do not be so hard on yourself.”
You sniffle, feeling the weight of your emotions pressing down on you like a heavy blanket. The tears keep escaping your eyes, trailing down your cheeks as you struggle to contain your emotions. "But… because of me, you’re stuck here?"
Tech’s gaze softens, his eyes reflecting understanding. His voice carries a comforting warmth as he responds, “I am aware. But think how you would be if I were not here.”
Your mind whirls with the possibilities of what could have been, but you still feel terrible. "But we may not see the others again… we may not ever leave here." Your voice trembles with the weight of uncertainty, your heart heavy with guilt.
Tech’s gaze shifts away, his brows furrowing in contemplation as he adjusts his goggles. "We have to adapt to survive, we always have. And regarding the others, the probability of their survival is 89%. It is likely they are out there looking for us. And if I get the shuttle repaired enough to get a connection, I can send a signal and hope they pick up our coordinates.” His voice carries a note of determination.
You cling to his words like a lifeline, a glimmer of hope flickering in the depths of your despair. How could you have been so stupid? But, his words held promise but you can’t help but ask: "Promise me you’re not lying to me?"
“I have not once ever lied to you and I would not start now.” His response is steady, his words a soothing balm to your battered soul.
As your tears slowly subside, a tentative smile graces your lips. "Thanks Tech,” you murmur, your voice thick with emotion. “I bet I look a mess right now. I’m a pretty ugly cryer.”
Tech’s gaze softens, a hint of warmth in his eyes as he searches for the right words. "No, you look…” He trails off, his gaze lingering on your tear-streaked face. He reaches out, his touch feather-light as he gently brushes away a stray tear that glistens on your lashes.
“What?” you prompt, your breath catching in your throat at his unfamiliar touch as you meet his gaze.
“Like you,” he finishes, a little awkward but his words were imbued with sincerity as he offers you a small smile.
Emotion wells up inside you, a tidal wave of gratitude and affection crashing over you. Without a second thought, you lean forward, wrapping your arms around him in a tight embrace. He freezes for a moment, taken aback by the sudden intimacy, before tentatively returning the hug, his arms encircling you in a protective cocoon.
As you’re wrapped in each other's embrace, you find solace; a fleeting moment of peace.
As sleep beckons, you can’t help but nestle closer to him, finding comfort in his presence as you drift off into the realm of dreams, his steady heartbeat a lullaby.

In the days that followed, a significant improvement became evident. Tech’s progress on the shuttle repair was slow, hampered by the absence of his proper tools. Despite the challenges, both of your injuries had begun to heal, and the atmosphere in camp had lightened considerably.
Although the water still tasted like dirt, you were no longer dehydrated. Discovering some rare fruits that proved not to be poisonous added to the uplifting spirit.
At night, neither of you seemed to mind huddling for warmth. You would lay against him, listening to the plans and stories he had, especially if you begged him to tell you. Although they were very matter-of-fact and not overly entertaining, you found the tales of the squad before you joined enjoyable. You both no longer bickered, clearing the air of past arguments, and genuinely enjoyed each other's company. Although it was not like either of you had any other options.
But that’s not the only thing that had changed. You found yourself getting nervous around Tech. A good kind of nervous. When he was working on the shuttle, you couldn’t help but sit back and admire him at work. He was attractive, sure, but you found him more than that. He listened intently to you, offering advice and tips without seeming to mansplain to you.
So that night by the fire again, sitting by his side, you weren’t so surprised about the next set of events.
“What are you going to do when we leave this place?” You ask, your body twisting to face him as you rest your elbow against the boulder, hand on the side of your head as you lean yourself up to look at him.
He smiles, noticing how you said ‘when’ and not ‘if’, highlighting your trust in him. “I will most likely do what I usually do, get ready for the next mission set for us.”
You roll your eyes. “You don’t want to celebrate?”
“Celebrate what, exactly?”
“Well,” you start with a soft laugh, “us finally putting our differences aside and not killing each other for one.” You suggest, earning a fond chuckle from the clone before continuing. “And surviving.”
He thinks for a moment, looking into the flames and then at you. “I suppose those are adequate reasons to celebrate, yes. Will the others be joining?”
“Sure,” you say with a smile but there’s a small swirl in your stomach as you say, “unless… you don’t want them to join us?”
Tech blinks, and for a second, it was like he was short-circuiting as he thinks about your proposal. Was it flirtation in your tone or had he imagined it? “I do not mind either way,” he explains, his chest slightly puffing out. “It would be nice to perhaps talk like this in a more formal setting elsewhere. Just us.”
You silently suck in a deep breath, a shy glint in your eyes. “I think I’d like that, yeah.” Your tone lowered, and you can’t help but notice that Tech had turned his body more to face you. Then, his eyes flickered to your lips as you inadvertently licked them, chapped but tinged with the sweetness of the fruit before.
You hold his gaze, slightly tilting your head as you take a gamble and look to his lips, then to his eyes. It was an invitation, and you hoped that Tech got the hint.
And he did.
Slowly, he sets his datapad to one side, finally letting it go as he focuses all of his attention on you. There’s a charge in the air, and you see him lean closer... and closer…
Your breath hitches, eyes slowly falling shut as he closes the distance, his nose brushing against yours before his lips meet your own in a soft, shy kiss. Leaning more into it, your hand finds refuge on his leg whilst one of his hands comes up and cups your cheek.
You sigh into him, heart racing as you feel him grow bolder. His lips, warm and inviting, meld with yours, igniting a spark that you both had been unknowingly kindling. His touch sends shivers down your spine as the kiss deepens, becoming more desperate, more intense. The jungle, the planet, the whole star system around you seems to fade away.
Tech utters your name against your lips, your soft moan of a response allowing his tongue into your mouth, exploring, igniting a fiery passion within you.
Gently, he lays you down by the fire, the crackling flames casting dancing shadows across his face. He pulls away for a moment, pulling his goggles off his face as he peers down at you, his eyes a dance of different emotions. “You are enchanting.”
But with a hunger that can no longer be contained, he crashes his lips back to yours, now allowing you to let your tongue meet his in a fervent dance; fingers tangling in his untamed hair meanwhile his hands roam over your body.

The next day brought a breakthrough. Tech managed to gain contact.
Overwhelmed by joy, you ran into Tech’s arms, jumping and letting him spin you around with a chuckle as you knew both of you would soon be saved! And better yet, the others were alive and safe too.
“I can’t believe you did it! You really did it.” You grin at him as he pulls back from the hug but does not let you down, instead cradles you in his arms.
“You seem surprised.”
“Oh Tech,” you say adoringly, leaning forward and giving his lips a soft kiss, smiling as he hums against your lips.
“I will never get tired of you kissing me,” he utters, truly in awe of how this sudden turn of events had happened. It was quick, but neither of you seemed to mind.
Last night was magic. All the bad memories had faded from your mind, solely just focusing on Tech and yourself. When all hope had seemed lost, your mistake led you to one of the best choices you ever could make. And maybe, that promised date would become something more.

Masterlist is pinned😊
Tags: @thiswitchloves9904 @lulalovez @the-bad-batch-baroness @photogirl894 @whore4rex @imperialclaw801 @temple-elder @mysticalgalaxysalad @yunggoblin @imalovernotahater @sithstrings @tech-aficionado @grizabellasolo @therealnekomari @tech-depression-inventory @greaser-wolf @tinyreadersmur @kaminocasey @marvel-starwars-nerd @ladytano420 @ladyzirkonia @thesith @raevulsix x @cw80831 @knightprincess @crosshairlovebot @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @jesseeka @theroguesully @ladykatakuri @padawancat97 @staycalmandhugaclone @ko-neko-san @echos-girlfriend @fiveshelmet @dangraccoon @plushymiku-blog @chrissywakingup p @pb-jellybeans @nunanuggets @sleepycreativewriter r @erellenora @ezras-left-thumb @the-rain-on-kamino @lamiliani
#bad batch tech x reader#tech x reader#the bad batch tech#tbb tech x reader#nahoney22 writes#bad batch tech#tbb tech#tech bad batch#the bad batch#tbb
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Hey Morgan!
Sorry to be popping in again so soon with another request. You're amazing and obviously ignore this if it's too much or anything 😂
If you don't mind, could I have a sick!reader with Tech taking care of her? I've been feeling pretty miserable and would love some clones to take care of me 😍
Thank you bestie 😁
Bestie, I am so sorry you've been feeling sick the last couple days 🥺 I would give you a big hug if I could!
I know you told me to pick the prompts myself for this, which was a fun challenge! I hope you like the ones I picked! I picked one from Fluff/Romance, one from Angst and two from Physical Affection! 😊
28. “Your smile brightens every room you walk in.”
26. “I would rather die.”
14. Comforting hug
30. Carrying someone bridal style
Pairing: Tech x fem reader
It had been a while since you'd been sick and it was hitting you hard.
It had started off with mild congestion that you thought had been caused by just the atmosphere of the planet you and the Bad Batch had just been to, but it persisted and got worse. Then your throat began to hurt to where it felt like you were swallowing razors.
You had Tech check you over when things didn't seem to get any better and the others were starting to get concerned. He checked your vitals and your temperature and you were starting to develop a fever along with everything else. You definitely caught some sort of virus. From what source, Tech was trying to figure out.
Though, you were stubborn, just like the rest of them and wanted to keep going and doing your part for the squad. You kept working on things in the ship, ignoring everyone's pleas for you to stop and to rest. Unfortunately, you ended up overexerting yourself and you nearly passed out on the floor. Luckily, Tech had been close by and had caught you in his arms.
"All right, my dear, enough of this foolishness," he stated as he swept you off your feet and carried you bridal style to your bunk on the ship. "You are too ill for anymore manual labor and your symptoms will only worsen should you persist. I am taking you to bed and you are going to get proper rest."
You could only groan in protest, but it was very weak.
After he put you to bed, you tried to sleep, but you ended up developing aches and chills throughout your whole body, which made you incredibly uncomfortable and sleep evaded you. Not long later, you called out for Tech and he came into the room with a small cup in his hand as well as a couple blankets.
"I assume you have aches and chills now?" he asked you.
You nodded, moaning painfully.
"I predicted this would happen," he said. Then he held out the cup to you and said, "Drink this. It will help."
You knew he was trying to get you to take some medicine that more than likely had an awful taste to it and the thought of that made your stomach churn.
"I would rather die," you said flatly.
He gave an unamused look. "I'll hear no such talk from you," he scolded you. You were shivering and, after setting the cup down momentarily, he took the blankets and laid them on you. "If you were to perish, then we would be devoid of your kind spirit and your lovely smile, which would be most unfortunate," he then said kindly to you as he tucked the blankets in around you to help keep you warm.
Through your shivers, you asked him, caught off guard, "Y--you...you th--think my s-smile is...lovely?"
Tech smiled down at you with a smile so soft, it would've made you swoon, were you not so sick, weak and bedridden. Yet it still made your heart flutter nevertheless.
"My dear, your smile brightens every room you walk in. I see it every day," he informed you. Then he took back up the cup of medicine and told you again to drink it.
With a groan of disgust, you replied, "You can't j--just compliment a girl like that and th--then tell her to dr--drink something nasty."
"I can if it means ensuring that you will regain your health and strength," he retaliated. "Now, please drink the medicine before I am forced to administer it through more assertive methods."
You gulped nervously, which was a mistake as it only aggravated your sore throat even more. Then finally, you sat up, took the cup from him and just downed it in one quick gulp to just get it over it. The flavor, as you predicted, was bitter and harsh in taste. It made you shudder and gag, but at least it was done.
Tech took the cup from you and said, "It should make you drowsy shortly, which will help you get some better sleep and combat the remainder of your symptoms. You must now focus on recovering from this ailment so you can return to normal. It pains me to see you in such a miserable state."
"I appreciate that, Tech," you replied as you leaned back against the wall and sighed. "I hate being sick...so much. I hate feeling miserable, but having to be isolated so I don't get anyone else sick. It sucks not having someone hold me or even just be there with me when I could really use someone."
"Then I will not leave you alone, even if it means your sickness transfers to me," he suddenly declared.
Then, to your even greater surprise, he pulled you into a tight yet gentle and comforting hug, his hands pressing down into your back. Even though his pressure hurt slightly from your aches, you didn't care. You were getting a hug from Tech, which was incredibly rare and something you'd only dreamed of getting from him. His embrace and the words he'd said gave you everything you needed in that moment and you gladly hugged him back.
He then stripped down to his blacks, moved himself onto the bed and continued to hold you, offering you both warmth to fight your shivers as well as comfort to ease your unpleasantness. You felt as though you could've stayed in his arms forever. The medicine soon took effect and you could feel your eyelids growing heavy as sleep took you, the last thing you heard before drifting off was Tech promising that he would be there when you awoke.
Photogirl894's Fluff/Romance prompts
Photogirl894's Angst prompts
Photogirl894's Physical Affection prompts
Photogirl894's 1,300 Followers celebration fics
#star wars the bad batch#the bad batch#bad batch tech#bad batch prompts#tech x reader#photogirl894 1300 followers
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the concept of humans are hyilan space orcs are fascinating to me and i an searching for more crumbs i am respectfully begging you for just crumbs plz
Idk when u sent this bestie but I got you
Srry to give yall a taste then ghost you constantly 😭💔
Luckily I got some other blogs into the idea I think, so my HaNH agenda is spreading
(Sidenote: which looks better, HANH or HaNH for future reference for this AU?)
Hope this satisfies u some in the meantime!!
Inspo off this post*
"What do you mean you can't walk on the bridge? It's a bridge. What else are you gonna take??"
The red and green tunic wearing hylian turns to ask you, face scrunched up unamused and sassing you.
You an entire foot taller than Legend, huff at him.
"I meant what I said. I can't walk on the bridge. It's wooden."
The teal dropping pointed elf hat that most Links have worn at some point, just in green, swings around as he looks back at the bridge, then you. Then back at the bridge again.
"Yes. It is. I can see that. We all can see that, right guys?"
You roll your eyes as you hear a few chuckles, Warriors gloved hand swating at Legend's covered head in rebuke. The veteran hero squawks at him as he slaps at his hair in retailation.
You sigh, continuing for the Links that are slowly making their way closer behind you and beginning to pass by you three, coming up to the beginning of the long wooden bridge that drapes across a small valley.
"It's a wooden bridge, that's been outside, exposed to the elements and probably has some wood rot genius. It's held up by ropes not even wooden poles. There's no way that's holding me."
To show them, you step around the two drama queens as they stop slowly to watch you demonstrate. The other hylians pause, the heroes watching with various levels of curiousity and boredom.
You stand on the cliff edge just in front of the wooden bridge, reaching your tenny shoe covered foot out to lightly tap on the bridge, putting no weight behind it. The bridge creaks ominously. You carefully keep your other leg straight to hold you on steady land as you let your extended leg's weight rest more and more on the wooden bridge. It whines high-pitched, like a haunted house begging for mercy before a sharp crack! resounds through the air.
You immediately pull your weight and leg back. The wooden bridge groaning back into steadiness.
You turn around on to face the hylians behind you, some gaping (Wind, amazed and clearly wanting to harass you more about your human biology). While most stare with widened eyes or eyebrows pinching hard in confusion. You subtly take out your phone and catch a few Twitter reaction meme worthy pictures.
Legend coughs, rubbing the back of his hooded head, his pink streak looking brighter next to his (pinkened?) cheeks.
"Well. I'll go with him to find another way down."
A few other excited heroes voices piping up out of their shock to join in, the more excitable ones crowding you. Legend complains loudly he offered first.
Ahh, I hope that was smth interesting or at least a decent crumb, I was improvising/freewrjting it so :/
This was meant to be a quick scenario of the other post abt humans weighing more than hylians that i just had stuck in my head
Peace out,
#lu x reader#linked universe x reader#link x reader#lu imagines#male reader#lu x male reader#kinda#i run into that problem of it not being relevant or anyway to slip it in#loz link x reader#linked universe male reader#moon asks#moon rambles#moon crumbs#think im gonna tag esp short posts with that#esp informal ones like these#love yall#tysm for the ask yknow i love ranting abt HaNH all day#hanh au#humans are not hylians au
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The Fan Meeting
Pairing: Idol!Han Jisung x afab fanfic writer reader Request: No Theme: Strangers to Lovers Contains: Panic Attacks, Cursing, Unprotected Sex (don't do this), Loads of Fluff, Angst If You Squint. Word Count: 4,933 Note: MINORS DNI!!!! This is a work of fiction and does not portray any of the members irl. I was thinking to myself, what if my worst nightmare and one of my fantasies collided? Then this came out haha! I know some of the details aren't accurate, this is fiction so don't come for me! 😂
You had been wanting to see Stray Kids live for forever. You were a huge STAY, you even (embarrassingly) wrote fan fiction about them on Tumblr. For your birthday your lovely best friends since childhood decided to get you tickets to see them live AND do a fan meeting. One of them said she would come with you (you had gotten her into the group and she is now a proud STAY as well) and it was all the two of you could talk about for weeks.
"I CAN'T BELIEVE WE ARE SEEING THEM TOMORROW I'M GONNA PASS OUT AND/OR CRY I SWEAR TO GOD!" Your bestie had heard you talk about how your were probably going to have a heart attack or spontaneously combust for weeks so, being used to this dialogue, she just laughed and shook her head at your antics.
"If you pass out I'll just throw some water on you so you don't miss too much." She deadpanned. This caused you to crack up hysterically until she joined in and soon the two of you were clutching your ribs from how hard you had been laughing.
"Just 24 more hours and we will be front row watching my favorite boys." You sighed wistfully and your friend just chuckled.
"Yeah, 24 hours!"
Your heart was racing as you lined up outside the venue. You had missed the last world tour because you had just gotten into the group and couldn't afford tickets, but that didn't bother you much seeing as this album was astronomy themed. You had worked at an observatory for years but you had just left the job and honestly needed a break from job hunting and what better way to decompress than seeing your favorite boys live.
You were fascinated with the sky so the first time you heard "Hall of Fame" and recognized Neil Armstrong's words you almost passed out. This was the perfect time to see your favorite boys live and you were seriously worried that you might ACTUALLY pass out at some point.
You and your bestie had dressed up for the occasion, wanting to look good for the fan meeting (Jesus the fan meeting you hadn't really thought about it too much, too worried you were going to embarrass yourself)
Once you got into the venue you were starstruck. There was merchandise and STAY's running around, excitement filled the air. You were in awe of it all and if it weren't for your bestie you would've stood there frozen taking it all in for way too long. Luckily she pulled your hand and dragged you over to the line for merchandise.
After spending WAY too much money on memorabilia you decided to head to your seats. You were absolutly buzzing with excitement as you continued forward until you reached your spots. So close to the stage you could practically see the flecks of paint on the stage floor.
"How are we feeling? Excited? Nervous? Pass-outy?" You laughed at your friends made up word.
"Pass-outy? That's ridiculous. But seriously I am just so fucking excited I cannot contain it!" You giggle-screeched and started hopping around a bit. Your friend joined you in your mini-freakout and you both started screaming when the show began to start.
The show was AMAZING! Hands-down one of the best experiences of your life. The vocals, the rapping, the DANCING?!!?! You felt like you had died and gone to heaven. You were so star struck and in shock that you were able to be here at all that after the last song was over and they did their (adorable) goodbye speeches you felt glued to the floor, staring with your mouth open until your bestie pulled you out of it. Reminding you of the fan meeting.
The fan meeting.
Where you would get to MEET. THEM.
Excitement and nerves bubbled up within you as your bestie dragged you to the next location to wait in line to meet the boys.
You had to wait for forever in line, you had gotten there late because your bestie had to use the bathroom so you were now literally the last people in line. Your nerves were at an all time high. What were you going to say? Your anxiety started to flare up but your bestie calmed you down before you could have a full blown panic attack.
Finally you were next. You'd see Chan first, then Changbin, Lee Know, Han, Felix, Hyunjin, Seungmin, and finally I.N. You could do this, no need to be worried.
You moved a few steps, bestie in tow, and came in front of Bang Chan himself. You smiled and waved a little. He giggled a bit and waved back.
"Hi I'm Bang Chan! And you are?"
"H-hello, I'm Y/N."
"Oh don't mind her, she's nervous! Y/N here is a huge fan! She even writes fanfiction about you guys! She's Y/URL on Tumblr!"
You froze. She did not just tell them your dark secret like that. You two always teased each other but she had no idea how badly this freaked you out. Your eyes were wide, you didn't notice but all the guys were looking at you now with varying expressions from confusion to amusement.
You started breathing a little heavier. Your hand started shaking.
You were about to have a panic attack in front of all eight members of Stray Kids.
You tried calming yourself down but tears began to well up in your eyes. Your breathing got shallower and before you knew it someone was ushering you away from the crowd and into a separate room.
Someone was holding your hand, talking to you calmly. There were other people in the room as well, you couldn't really tell who, your brain was only at half capacity as you fought the urge to sink deeper into your panic. The logical part of your brain realized it was probably your bestie in front of you and security with her to make sure you were okay, but her hands felt a little bigger than normal. You didn't register that fact, you just laid down until your head was in her lap and you began to work through your exercises to bring you out of your panic.
Find five things you can see.
You focused on your skirt, the cute one you decided to wear tonight. The floor, white tile with black designs on it. The security guard, closer to you than anyone else other than your best friend. The plant on the floor next to you, in a cute ceramic pot. Finally the fan on the ceiling, not on but sitting stagnant.
You didn't notice but you were listing things out loud, your brain in too much of a haze to comprehend what was going on.
Four things you can hear.
Your heartbeat, a bit higher than normal but slowing down as you listed things. Your breathing, shallow but more steady than it was before. Your best friend, apologizing and explaining the situation to the security guard, she sounded farther away than you expected. Another voice, saying calming and reassuring things in a gentle low voice.
Three things you can feel.
Your hand on the cool tile floor, lowering your rising body temperature. Your skirt, you take it in your fingers to feel the fabric. A gentle hand running through your hair to calm you down.
Two things you can smell.
The perfume you put on today for the show, peaches, your favorite. Cologne, an unfamiliar scent, definitely not what your bestie had been wearing tonight.
One thing you can taste.
The remnants of the snack you and your bestie shared during the show.
After running through the exercise your brain slowly turned back on and the first thing it registered was that this was NOT your bestie who you were laying on.
You sat up quickly and looked at who had been comforting you for god knows how long and your breath hitched.
Han Jisung.
You were trying to think of what to say but he beat you to it.
"How are you feeling? Do you need anything? Water maybe?" You shyly nodded your head and you saw one of the security guards leave and bring you back a bottle of water. You took a quick sip and looked back to Han.
"I-I am so sorry, I thought you were my friend, I-I didn't realize-" He cut you off
"No worries. I saw your face drain its color and you started shaking back there so I knew what was going on. I get panic attacks too so I figured I might be able to help!" He flashed you a quick smile and ran a hand over the nape of his neck.
You stared at him for much longer than you would've liked, trying to figure out what the actual fuck you were supposed to say in this scenario. The only thing your stupid lizard brain could come up with was "Thank you for letting me use you as a pillow."
What. The. Fuck.
Jesus Christ you are worse than the oblivious girls you wrote about in your little delulu land on Tumblr.
Han just giggled a bit and flashed you his biggest smile.
"I didn't mind, anything to help out a fan!"
Right. A fan, who embarrassingly had a full blown panic attack in front of her favorite band.
Thankfully your bestie came over at that moment to break the awkward silence that had settled over you and Han. Dramatically sobbing she landed on the floor next to you and took your hand in hers.
"Jesus Y/N I am so fucking sorry, I don't know why I said that I didn't mean to freak you out so much-" You cut her off before she had a full mental breakdown too.
"Hey, hey it's okay! I'm okay now, no worries." You smiled at her softly and she took a deep breath.
You all got up off the floor and thanked everyone for helping you out. You figured you must have been out of it for a bit seeing as the room next door was pretty quiet now. Not wanting to waste anyones time you started to head for the door.
"Wait! Y/N, I feel bad you didn't get to say hi to the other guys, would you like me to at least sign something for you?" This boy was a literal angel. Here you were, making his day even longer than he had probably planned on it being and now HE wants to do something nice for YOU?
"You really don't have to do that, I feel bad for making you stick around so long." You sheepishly looked down at the floor. Han walked closer to you until his feet were in your line of vision. You slowly looked up and saw him less than a foot away from you and he smiled again.
"It's no problem at all! I really want to. Please?" Shit you weren't gonna turn down such a golden opportunity. You handed him one of the photocards you got with his picture on it and he kept his hand out, waiting for more things to sign. You giggled and pulled out the three others you got.
All Han. He was after all, your bias.
He chuckled and walked over to a nearby table to sign the fan cards. When he came back he smiled and handed them to you.
"It was lovely to meet you Y/N, I hope to see you again soon."
Then he winked.
He fucking winked at you.
What fanfic bullshittary was this?
After security made sure you were okay you and your bestie left and headed back to the hotel you were staying in for the night. You let her have it over telling the band about your fanfic account and she kept apologizing until you finally decided that it was ultimately okay, especially since you got some signatures out of it.
You did not tell her that Han had winked at you. That was just for you.
Finally you got to the hotel room and she started squealing.
"Show me the cards! I want to see his signature!!"
You giggled and pulled them out. The first one was simply signed 'Han'.
The second one said 'Y/N's biggest fan'
You looked at your bestie, thoroughly confused.
"What the hell does that mean?"
Her jaw dropped and she pointed to the third card. It was signed not with his name, but a Tumblr URL.
Your jaw dropped.
No. Fucking. Way.
It was a URL you had seen on so many occasions. Commenting, liking, and reblogging every single one of your fics. Your biggest fan on Tumblr was FUCKING HAN JISUNG?!
You looked at the fourth photocard, it was signed 'Jisung' but on the back there was a note.
'Meet me at the Marriott on Fourth street tonight, room 461 ;)'
Your heart stopped.
You must be dreaming.
There is no way this is real.
Your bestie screams.
Before you can register what is happening she grabs your phone and orders you an uber before pushing you out the door and telling you to 'be safe!'
Twenty minutes later you find yourself in front of room 461 at the Marriott on Fourth street. Your nerves are at an all time high as you hesitantly knock on the door half-expecting a serial killer to be on the other side because that would be more plausible than seeing Han Jisung open the door and smile at you before ushering you inside.
Once you get inside you have absolutly no fucking clue what to do other than fiddle with the hem of your skirt and stare at the floor. Han just chuckles and walks over to the bed before plopping down on the mattress.
"I am so glad you came, I have been dying to meet my favorite writer in person for ages now!" Your head snaps in his direction and he has a cocky grin plastered on his face.
"You seriously read my fanfics about you guys?" You are in shock, still half-believing this is all a dream.
"Hell yeah I do! The other guys sometimes read them too, we like to read all the stuff our fans write but you are by far my favorite, especially now that I know for sure I am your bias." Your face drops and you stare at him wide-eyed while he stands up and walks over to you.
"Hey it's okay, I won't bite, unless you want me to of course." And he winks at you again.
You could fucking die on the spot.
Han grabs your hand and leads you over to the bed to sit down. He keeps your hand in his lap and you see a faint blush take his cheeks. He starts to look almost as nervous as you are and you don't think you have ever seen him look so fucking attractive before.
"But seriously Y/N, you're an incredible writer and I am so happy you actually came. Your stories are so great and I honestly just wanted to talk with you about them. Like, where do you get the ideas for the stuff you write?"
It takes you a second to gather your thoughts and answer his question. All that you can about think at the moment is how Han fucking Jisung reads your stories and is currently holding your hand blushing like a god damn schoolboy.
"Well, a lot of what I write are recommendations sent in by other people, but the stuff I come up with honestly just comes to me randomly. Like, I read a lot of fanfiction and I take my favorite tropes and just think about who would fit best and then the story just flows as I go. Honestly half the time I don't even have an end goal in mind, I just write until it feels finished." Now its your turn to flush and look down at your intertwined hands.
Han starts rubbing soothing circles on the back of your hand with his thumb as he lets out a small hum.
"That's incredible, you must have an amazing imagination to come up with so many stories."
"Yeah, my mom used to call me a space cadet growing up because I always had my head in the clouds." You chuckled and Han did too.
"That's so cute! Space cadet, I'm definitely going to be using that from now on."
After the initial shock wore off from being in Han's room, the two of you continued talking. First just about your writing, but eventually about movies you both like, T.V. shows, anime, books, and everything else. It was insane how fast you got comfortable with him. Eventually you found yourself laying on the bed next to him, hands still intertwined as you told him about space and you guys talked about the vastness of the cosmos together. Once you had covered almost every topic you could he leaned over to look at you.
"Would you want to stay and maybe watch a movie or something? I really like your company. It can get kinda lonely in these hotel rooms."
"Yeah of course, I like hanging out with you too Han." You smiled at him.
"You can call me Jisung, it's what most of my friends call me." Your heart skipped a beat. Han Jisung just implied you were friends now?
Before you could fully react Jisung got up and grabbed the T.V. remote before settling back on the bed, sitting against the headboard. He patted the spot next to him and you climbed up to sit next to him while he scrolled through the channels to find something for the two of you to watch.
He eventually saw Howl's Moving Castle and looked over to you. You nodded and giggled as he pushed play.
The two of you watched the movie in peaceful quiet, commenting on the story here and there. About a third of the way through Jisung's hand found yours again and he pulled it into his lap, pulling you a little closer to him in the process. After a few minutes he switched the hand that was holding yours so he could wrap his arm around you, you settled into his side and rested your head on his shoulder, smiling as you heard him let out a content sigh.
The two of you stayed cuddled up like that for the rest of the movie. You started to get a little tired by the end but when would you ever be in this position again? So you pushed through the drowsiness overcoming your body and finished out the movie mostly awake.
Once the movie was over you shifted a bit to look at Jisung. "I should probably head out, its really late." Jisung looked a little sad for a moment.
"What if you stayed here tonight? I could get you a car to take you home tomorrow? We are in town for another show tomorrow, maybe we could even do this again?" He looked hopeful. You smiled and nuzzled into his side.
"Yeah okay, I doubt I could get a ride at this hour anyway."
Jisung absolutly beamed at your response and sat up stretching his back.
"Yay sleepover!" He started laughing. "If you'd like, I have some clothes you could change into to be a bit more comfortable?"
"Yeah that would be great!"
"There's some facewash in the bathroom too you can use!"
With that Jisung got up and grabbed you one of his big tee shirts and a pair of boxers to change into. You got changed in the bathroom and washed your face. Your mind was racing with so many thoughts but the moment you came back into the room and saw Jisung snuggled under the blankets all you could think of was how lucky you were to get this experience.
You climbed into bed next to Jisung and he turned to look at you. "Y/N?"
You turned to him and smiled. "Yes Jisung?"
"Can we- I don't want to make you uncomfortable, but can we cuddle?" You giggled at his bashfulness.
"Yeah Jisung, we can cuddle." He let out a cute squeal of happiness and scooted towards you so he could wrap his arms around you. You snuggled your face into his chest and he let out a sigh of happiness.
"Goodnight Y/N."
"Goodnight Jisung."
The next morning went so quickly. You and Jisung had to wake up way too early for your liking. Jisung got you a car like he promised and made sure you were coming back later that night. You swore you would and he gave you a big hug before ushering you into the car so he could go do a million things before their concert.
When you got back to the hotel room your bestie was still sleeping so you just got into the other bed and crashed. Still exhausted from staying up all night with Jisung.
In your dreams you were a princess in medieval times. You were lonely until one day your knight in shining armor showed up (Jisung of course) and he swept you off your feet. You had a forbidden romance because you were engaged to some prince you had never met from a faraway land. But in the end Jisung was actually the prince! He had come early to meet you under false pretenses to judge your character and he found you to be the perfect wife and you lived happily ever after. Until an earthquake hit. The ground shaking, loud noises all around you. More shaking.
And you woke up. To your bestie shaking you awake. Out of your lovely dream and into reality.
A reality where you quickly remembered, you had stayed with Jisung last night.
Holy fuck that actually happened?
After a long ass conversation where you told your bestie all the details you decided (well really she told you you had to) go hang out with Jisung again that night.
You decided to stay in the hotel all day with your bestie watching shitty rom-coms and laughing about all the cringey tropes movies use to catch your attention. You were just about crawling out of your skin trying to process the last 48 hours and decided to have a chill day to prepare for the long night ahead of you.
It was about 11:30PM by the time you got an uber over to Jisung's hotel and you still were convinced that this was all a dream, but as you walked up to his door you were sure that this was in fact reality and you were going to the Han Jisung's room at almost midnight in just a hoodie and leggings. You seriously considered going back to your hotel to change but you suddenly heard a loud thud on the other side of the door and you reached up to knock on the door to make sure everything was alright.
When Jisung opened the door he had that huge smile on his face again and he pulled you in for a hug immediately, letting the door shut behind you.
"Oh my god I'm so glad you came I was worried you wouldn't show!" you started giggling and hugged him back.
"Of course I came silly, I would be an idiot not to! Plus I'm excited to see what movie you have for us tonight!" He giggled back and pulled away from the hug to walk over to the bed.
"I am feeling a bit daring tonight, how about we watch a scary movie?" You walked over and sat on the bed next to him.
"Okay but if I jump you have to promise not to make fun of me!" He giggled at that and grabbed the TV remote.
"Of course not! I'll just laugh in my head." You playfully slapped his arm and he dramatically fell onto the bed like he had just been shot which caused you to double over and laugh loudly.
He finally got up and turned on the TV searching through the horror movies.
"See anything you like?" Looking straight at him you replied a simple "Yeah." He looked up and saw you staring at him and giggled a little bit before picking a movie and turning it on.
You both leaned back and Jisung moved his arm behind you to hold onto you. You smiled and leaned into him as the movie played.
After about 30 minutes you realized that Jisung was just as afraid of horror movies as you were. You would both jump at the same time, yelp, and hold onto each other tighter as the scenes played out.
By the time the movie ended the two of you were completely tangled on the bed. You were almost half in his lap from the amount of times you burrowed into him during the scary scenes.
"Y/N? You okay?" Jisung looked down at where you had burrowed into his chest.
"Yeah, I just won't be able to sleep ever again so there's that." You both started laughing and his grip on you grew a little tighter.
"Well, no worries, you can stay here with me, I can protect you." He said with a sheepish smile on his face.
"But what about tomorrow? You're leaving so I'll have to sleep alone again." You said somberly. You looked up at him and he had a sad smile on his face.
Jisung lifted his hand and pushed the hair out of your face, then he let his hand linger on your cheek. He looked like he was contemplating something until you looked down at his lips. Then he slowly leaned in and kissed you.
You let yourself fall into the kiss, your arms wrapping tighter around him. He pulled you closer into him until you both pulled away for air. He leaned his forehead on yours.
"Would it be crazy if I asked you to come with us?" He whispered. His breath tickling your face.
"Would it be crazy if I said I would?" You breathed out. You heard his breath hitch and before you could process what was happening he had flipped you so you were laying on the bed with him hovering above you, his forehead pressed against yours again.
"Don't play with me love, I'm serious. Come with us. You can stay with me every night and I'll pay for your plane tickets and everything."
Holy fuck he was serious. You thought about it for a moment. You didn't have a job, you were month-to-month on your apartment so you could leave pretty much whenever. It's not like you had anything tying you down.
But then...
"What if you get sick of me? I'd have nowhere to go."
"Baby I'd never get sick of you, and if you ever want to leave I would pay for you to come home. I just don't want this to end." He leaned down and kissed you softly. Then he whispered, his lips touching yours, "I can't say goodbye yet."
You sadly smiled at the desperation, the sadness in his voice. You didn't want this to end either.
Instead of replying you pulled him down to you in a searing kiss. He reciprocated almost immediately and the kiss grew more heated. The two of you were tangled together in the most heated makeout session you'd ever had. He pulled away just long enough to rip his shirt off and throw it somewhere in the room. You eventually did the same.
After that everything was a blur of clothes flying and messy kisses. Eventually the both of you were completely naked and feeling each other up, hands roaming across one another's bodies. Finally Jisung slipped inside you and you both let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding.
He stilled inside you once he bottomed out and looked into your eyes.
"You are so beautiful."
You let a single tear fall as he began moving. The two of you panting and moaning as he set a steady speed. Sex had never been like this for you, it was like you breathed as one. You were gripping onto him in any way you could, grabbing his biceps, his waist, his face.
His thrust started to become erratic the longer you went, his hips getting a little sloppy to signal he was close. His hand came down to rub circles on your clit to get you there faster. You cried out in extasy as you felt the band in your lower belly snap. Jisung followed after a few more thrusts and laid his head down on your chest, his dick still settled inside you, slowly softening.
You both looked at each other and smiled. He pecked your nose, then your cheeks, and finally your lips before getting up to get a washrag to clean you both up.
You didn't know how long this would last, but you decided that you wanted to ride out this feeling as long as you could. So after you were both cleaned up and he settled in the bed next to you, you turned to face him.
"I'll come with you Ji, anywhere you are is where I want to be."
#skz smut#stray kids smut#stray kids hard hours#stray kids hard thoughts#han jisung smut#jisung smut#han jisung hard hours#han jisung hard thoughts
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So! I just read your story and oh for the love of the flowers in my house, I LOVE IT! 💖💖💖
The story itself is so interesting, specially the lore within! It's also interesting to see how Amalia and Yugo act in that fic, wich highly calls my attention in how their interactions will be in their “enemies” phase
I genuily love how you wrote those two! I swear I squealed when Joris first appeared and every moment he was present, I just wanted to hug him the whole time! 💖
(Your honor, Joris is just a huggable ball of anxiety that will make me suffer from cuteness agression at any given moment + my favorite character I swear-)
Just like I said earlier, the story itself is beautiful, interesting and with great writting too! I wonder how things will go from now on 👀, and I'm so excited to see it aswell, keep up the great work!
Second, I’m so glad my story interests you! I can certainly promise that the Yugo/Amalia dynamic will be INCREDIBLY entertaining (I say as I’m still on chapter 6😞)
AAAAH I HAD SO MUCH FUN WRITING JORIS LIKE YOU DON’T UNDERSTAND- Every time he popped up on screen, I just wanted to give this man a big hug. Hopefully that translated into my writing! :) I also wanted to display the dynamic between Joris and Amalia as something more familiar and friendly. I imagine that as the most competent ruler, she and Joris would DEF be besties 🥰
And once again, thank you SO much for all the compliments, it truly means a lot!! 😭❤️❤️
As the semester has just started up, I’m struggling to find time to write but luckily I’m getting a hang of it. I’m already 3/4 into C6, so (hopefully 🤞) it’ll be out sometime this week! :DD
Thank you so much, and I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night! Stay safe, hydrate, take care of your fantastic self, and don’t overwork yourself! Salut! 👋❤️
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💀TickleTober 2024💀
OOOOOOOKAY! Finished this year's list! I finally did all 31 days; proud of myself. Here's all the works compiled for y'all. Thank you to everyone who requested!
(Prompt List by @august-anon)
Day 1 - lee!Stone, ler!Skipp
Fandom = Ramshackle
Summary: Stone is in a mood, snapping and sassing his friends for almost no reason. Skipp gets more than a little tired of it, deciding to use some unconventional methods to get Stone out of his funk; however, he doesn’t get started right away. After all, the best things come to those who wait.
Day 2 - lee!Macaque, ler!Gender Neutral Reader
Fandom = Lego Monkie Kid
Summary: After being an annoying little shit, Macaque has pushed just about all your buttons. You know he just wants attention, and you have an idea on how to fix that… He’s not gonna let you help so easily, though.
Day 3 - lee!Alastor, ler!Lucifer
Fandom = Hazbin Hotel
Summary: Alastor is in dire need of some entertainment, and he finds the perfect target. Lucifer doesn’t appreciate his need for excitement, instead finding his own way to make the day more interesting.
Day 4 - lees!Miles, Gwen, Hobie, Pavitr, lers!Otto and Olivia Octavius
Fandom = Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: When stranded in another alternate dimension, Otto is recruited by an unexpected variant of himself. Things get complicated when the Spider-Gang tries to stop their heist. Finding a heart, Otto offers an ulterior method to win against their young adversaries.
Day 5 - lee!Miguel, ler!Lyla
Fandom = Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Miguel is having one of his famous “I’m not in a lee mood” lee moods. After spooking him and catching on, Lyla decides to give her boss/bestie a hand…or eight.
Day 6 - switches!Hobie and Gwen
Fandom = Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Thanks to Hobie’s chilly houseboat, Gwen’s freezing her webs off. Instead of just accepting some warm cuddles, she decides to be stubborn. Things quickly take a tickly turn as they both attempt to prove their point.
Day 7 - lees!Stone and Skipp, ler!Vinnie
Fandom = Ramshackle
Summary: Vinnie’s having a fidgety day, though her coping methods seem to irk Stone. She suggests a much more fun way of getting rid of the buzzy restlessness that the broody man simply can’t refuse. And, of course, Skipp decides he’d like to join in on the fun.
Day 8 - lee!Ragatha, ler!Pomni
Fandom = The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: During an impromptu cuddle session, Pomni realizes how much she loves seeing Ragatha smile and laugh. When she accidentally makes an adorable discovery, the jester makes good use of that knowledge.
Day 9 - lee!Ragatha, ler!Kinger
Fandom = The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: After a particularly taxing adventure, Ragatha is out cold. Knowing she needs to get up, Kinger uses a tickly technique to help his fellow circus member face the day.
Day 10 - lee!Husker, ler!Angel Dust
Fandom = Hazbin Hotel
Summary: Angel begs Husk to let him pet his soft fur, actually getting a yes out of the grump. Soft cuddles quickly turn playful as Angel makes an adorable discovery.
Day 11 - lee!Leo Valdez, ler!Will Solace
Fandom = Riordanverse (TOA technically)
Summary: Leo is feeling like flaming garbage after returning to camp. He visits Will to make sure everything inside him is how it should be. Luckily, the healer knows just how to mend his broken spirits.
Day 12 - switches!Skipp, Stone
Fandom = Ramshackle
Summary: Skipp decides Stone’s had enough drinks for one day, hiding his only bottle. What starts as an interrogation method becomes an all-out war as the two men lose sight of their objectives, falling into a giggly battle for the ages.
Day 13 - lee!Carmen Sandiego, ler!Shadowsan
Fandom = Carmen Sandiego (Netflix)
Summary: After a less-than-ideal conclusion to a caper, Carmen is in need of some comfort. Shadowsan does his best to help, bringing back an effective method almost as old as he is.
Day 14 - lee!Ragatha, ler!Zooble
Fandom = The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Ragatha invites Zooble over to play a board game on one of their rare “off-days” from adventures. Zooble loses and, being the sassy menace they are, decide it’s high time to give Ragatha something to really smile about.
Day 15 - lee!Gender Neutral Reader, ler!Sero
Fandom = My Hero Academia
Summary: What starts as an innocent movie hang-out becomes tickly chaos as Sero makes a rather interesting discovery. Unfortunately for you, he’s quite happy with the new source of entertainment.
Day 16 - lee!Gwen, lers!Miles and Hobie
Fandom = Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: During one of their rooftop lunches, Gwen lets it slip that she doesn’t like her laughter. Miles and Hobie are quick to remind her how much they love it; of course, what good’s an argument without a demonstration?
Day 17 - lee!Aang, ler!Toph
Fandom = Avatar: the Last Airbender
Summary: While the group is on a calm streak, Aang is stuck with a killer lee-mood. Toph catches on after some fumbling by Aang and, with some persuasion, makes sure he gets the tickles he deserves.
Day 18 - lee!Blitzø, ler!Stolas
Fandom = Helluva Boss
Summary: Stolas asks if he and Blitz can try something new for the night. The simple question quickly spirals into tickly chaos as they learn what true hilarity looks (and feels) like.
Day 19 - lee!Miles, lers!Rio and Jeff
Fandom = Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Exhausted from a tough night of crime fighting, Miles wakes up looking less than alive. His parents sit him down for a little cheer-up session, but it quickly morphs into something much more serious.
Day 20 - switches!Nico di Angelo, Will Solace
Fandom = The Sun and the Star (Riordanverse)
Summary: Will decides to tickle Nico, relishing in the boy’s laughter and smile. Nico turns the tables, giving his sunny boyfriend a taste of his own medicine.
Day 21 - lee!Pomni, ler!Jax
Fandom = The Amazing Digital Circus
Summary: Caine's adventure for the day leaves each character in an interesting costume, with some having more features than others. Jax gets paired with Pomni and quickly runs out of patience. Instead of his typical violence, he chooses a less painful route of getting his “payback.”
Day 22 - lee!Shadowsan, ler!Carmen
Fandom = Carmen Sandiego (Netflix)
Summary: After a small debacle during Carmen's first teaching attempt, the super-thief is left feeling like a failure. Shadowsan agrees to let her practice teaching him, though he'd never expect the tactics she employs.
Day 23 - lee!Ruthie, ler!Micheal
Fandom = ATSV OCs ( @pocky-dragon )
Summary: Ruthie’s had a long day of super-heroing, leaving her tired and clingy. Lucky for her, the spider girl has a living teddy bear for a boyfriend, and he’s almost always in the mood to make her day.
Day 24 - lee!Hobie, ler!Peter B. (& Mayday)
Fandom = Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Peter is in an extra corny mood, telling all of his best (worst) dad jokes. Hobie refuses to acknowledge anything funny about them, staying stubborn. With a little help from his daughter, Peter quickly finds a method to get him to appreciate the jokes.
Day 25 - lee!Hobie, ler!Gwen
Fandom = Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
Summary: Gwen and Hobie's friendship is still relatively fresh, though it's still strong. Pavitr gets tired of their shenanigans and decides to help Gwen discover one of his favorite Hobie fun-facts.
Day 26 - lee!Will Solace, ler!Nico di Angelo
Fandom = The Sun and the Star (Riordanverse)
Summary: Nico and Will enjoy a nice day in, cuddling together in the Hades cabin. Nico gets into a playful mood and decides that Will’s neck is the perfect target for some tickly mischief.
Day 27 - lee!Mk, lers!Wukong and Macaque
Fandom = Lego Monkie Kid
Summary: Mk gets frustrated during training, his new powers proving to be quite difficult to get used to. Luckily, he has two monkey mentors to aid him. When he gets tired and gives up for the day, they have a rather fun way to help him relax.
Day 28 - lee!Dabi, ler!Hawks
Fandom = My Hero Academia
Summary: Dabi decides to spook his boyfriend with a “harmless” prank. Hawks doesn’t appreciate his sense of humor, teaching the crispy-fried villain a lesson he won’t soon forget.
Day 29 - lee!Amity, ler!Willow
Fandom = The Owl House
Summary: Amity’s in a lee mood, all her usual helpers not around to aid her. Luckily, Willow is there to lend a couple helping hands. Or rather, helping vines…
Day 30 - lee!Mk, ler!Wukong
Fandom = Lego Monkie Kid
Summary: After learning that Wukong didn’t celebrate Halloween, Mk sets up a mock Trick-or-Treat route for his mentor to enjoy. However, it seems the king would prefer the tricky side of the holiday. After all, a good scheme and hearty laugh could be its own treat.
Day 31 - lee!Pacifica, ler!Dipper
Fandom = Gravity Falls
Summary: Pacifica is hanging out at the Mystery Shack with Dipper. After a simple card game takes a silly turn, the two realize how amazing physical touch is. Especially from each other…
#augtickletober2024#augtickletober#tickletober#tadc tickle#hazbin hotel tickle#ramshackle tickle#atsv tickle
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One year.
It's been one year since Hogwarts Legacy came out.
I didn't pre-order it and I was hesitant on getting it. Luckily, I decided to splurge, and honestly, I haven't looked back. With an immersive story, and memorable characters, I fell in love with this game and it became one of my favorites.
It was also life-changing because it motivated me to draw again, and actually write something. Not only that, but I have met amazing people who I can't imagine my life without. To my besties: @newbienewness @juneymont @leafler and V. Love you 😘🥰💚
To imagine, it all started with MC and these two fifth years, named Sebastian and Ominis.
#hogwarts legacy#hogwarts#ai#slytherin#sebastian sallow#ai fanart#sebastian#sallow#sebastian sallow ai#sebastian sallow hogwarts#sebastian x ominis#ominis x sebastian#ominis#hogwarts legacy ominis#ominis gaunt#ominis gaunt hogwarts#ominis gaunt ai#ominis gaunt hogwarts legacy#sallow x gaunt#gauntlow#gaunt#sebinis#hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry#sebastian sallow hogwarts legacy#hogwartslegacy#remini ai
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kamusta :)) could I req what it would be like to be besties w Tweek and work at his parents’ coffeeshop together? Platonic pls (omg a craig cameo would be chef’s kiss too) and thank u!!!!! <333
(headcanons and drabbles!) what it's like working with tweek at the coffeehouse :D special creek part in the end
tweek x co-worker + gn!reader (platonic), craig x tweek no cws wc: 1140
an: ayos lang anon! i thoroughly enjoyed myself while writing this :3
The first day you started working there, Tweek was extremely nervous about you finding out about the bag of meth they have in the back.
You didn’t find out, though—at least not yet. You just assumed it was flavoring or sugar or something since they put it in all their drinks.
Anyways, Tweek was rather distant and cold to you during your first few weeks working there, only conversing with you when you needed help.
It’s not like he was avoiding you, though. He just didn’t know how to approach you at all. Like, zero clue. If he was being honest, he thought you didn’t want anything to do with him anyway. That’s why he never really bothered to be friends with you, just acquaintances at most.
That all changed when one of the customers had a big order for you two.
“So, three cappuccinos, one Americano, four flat whites, two lattes, and three black coffees?” You asked, looking at the list of orders in front of you. A few customers were waiting in line as well, so not only did you have to make them perfectly, but you had to do it as quick as you can as well. “That’s correct. I’ll need them to go in 15 minutes.” They said, handing you the money. “Alright,” you worriedly hummed, putting on the best calm face you could. Couldn’t they just have called in advance? Whatever. You looked at Tweek, who was just across the station. He had just served someone their drink. “Tweek! Can you help me out here?” You called, giving the person back their change. In his usual nervous matter, he nodded and rushed by you. “U-Uh, sure! What is it?” “We have a big order.” You said, waving the list of drinks the customer had ordered. He took a short glance at it, eyes quickly scanning the list. “Let’s split it. I’ll handle the lattes and flat whites while you do the rest?” You said, already rushing to steam the milk. “Okay! I’ll get right to it—ack!” He nodded, readying the cups.
Luckily for the customer, you two were efficient and quick and got it all done in time—although with some minor accidents (Tweek spilled some coffee on you because he jittered a tad bit too much).
Your service was rewarded, and they gave you a gracious tip—about 20 dollars, almost half of the price of their order.
“Phew,” you smiled at the blonde, wiping the sweat that fell to your forehead with your forearm. “Glad that’s over with.” “Yeah,” he nodded, returning the smile to you. “I’m so sorry for s-spilling coffee on you, dude.” You shook your head, giving him a pat on the back. “No worries. It’s nothing that vinegar can’t fix.” You said, taking a quick glance once more at your coffee-stained shirt. Good thing it wasn’t a personal favorite of yours, so you didn’t totally mind if it got wrecked.
After all that, you and Tweek slowly became a lot closer!!
You came to learn that he actually hated his job LMAO
He didn’t like it since it was more of a chore from his parents, than an actual job. He worked there even long after the coffeehouse closed for the day.
You felt bad for him, which was why you offered to work overtime whenever he did. Of course, he quickly shut that idea down, not wanting to be a hassle to you—even if you made it clear that you didn’t mind.
Whenever you two aren’t doing anything, Tweek would help you out with schoolwork. He was incredibly smart, on the same level as your other classmates Kyle and Wendy.
“Tweek, you amaze me.” You pouted as you watch him answer his math assignment with no difficulty. “Ack—it’s nothing…” He mumbled, not looking up from his work. “I just review our material early.” “Well, on the topic of homework,” you chuckled, some sort of specific intent behind it as you pulled out your physics textbook. “Can you help me out on this? It’s on vectors…” You nervously laughed as you flipped to the page with the topic. “Oh, uh, sure!” He nodded. “L-Let me finish my math first.” Needless to say, it didn’t too long to wait for him.
Craig would often go there to spend time with Tweek, especially during busier weeks when his parents made him work there over time.
You’d watch their little interactions together as you were making your respective customer’s order.
As you tended to someone’s drink, you spotted a certain someone approaching the register. You already know who it was. “Hi, honey.” Craig smiled at his boyfriend, his arm resting on the counter. “Hello, Craig!” Tweek chirped. “Are you ordering the—gah!—usual?” “Mhm,” he nodded, sliding the cash to Tweek. “Alright,” Tweek sang-song, quickly making Craig’s typical three-shot, added sweetener latte. From the corner of your eye, you saw him expertly make latte art, the milk forming a little guinea pig as he swiveled around the cup. For a brief moment, Tweek headed to the back, saying that he needed to get something. In that short time, Craig nonchalantly greeted you. “Hey, YN.” He said as you rested by the edge of the counter, idly waiting for a customer to come in. You shared a few classes with him, but you didn’t really know much about him other than the fact he was the president of the astronomy club and that he had been dating Tweek for years now. “Hi, Craig.” You hummed, sliding the drink Tweek had prepared for him. He got the drink and nodded to you. “Thanks.” “No problem.” You gave him a polite grin. Tweek aptly came back—thank god. It’s not that you didn’t like Craig, you just didn’t know how to handle idle conversation. “I have something for you.” Tweek giggled, hands behind his back as he hid something from Craig. “Hmm? What is it, babe?” He peered in, leaning on the counter to see what he had for him. “Close your eyes.” Craig had his eyes shut, palms out open as he waited for whatever surprise his boyfriend prepared. You saw Tweek place a small pouch in his hand. Your interest was piqued now as well. What was in the bag? You watched them leisurely though, seemingly like you didn’t care. Craig opened his eyes and gently lifted the bag with the tips of his fingertips, pulling it open as he reached for what was in it—a bracelet with the constellation Andromeda lying in the middle. Tweek mentioned that it was a personal favorite of his once. His eyes shone, a smile cracking at his lips as he put the jewelry on. “Tweek…” “D-Do you like it?” He asked, shifting his weight between his feet. “I love it, dear.” He hummed, collecting Tweek’s hands in his. “Thank you.”
#cocogrrrl's writing#south park fanfiction#south park x reader#tweek x reader#tweek tweak x reader#tweek tweak x y/n#tweek tweak x you#tweek x craig#sp creek
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Wick x M!LocalPolitician!Reader
I'm back bitches/lh! And for my grand return, I did way too much research into St. Louis' city government. Look up the Board of Alderman, if you're curious. Anyways, hope y'all enjoy!
• You're father was a decently wealthy man. Not old money level of money, but enough for him to afford a nice townhouse in St. Louis, specifically Lafayette Square.
• It was also enough money to earn him good will, and a few financing jobs for American politicians.
• With that money, comes amazing opportunities for a kid like you.
• Enter the 1904 World Fair and Olympic Games.
• You attended them both, and it lit a flame in you.
• You saw the wonder in the world, and you wanted to make sure people could find.
• Naturally, you wanted St. Louis to be the place to see that splendor.
• You became a lawyer at first, running a practice from a building, using the upstairs as your home.
• You had a pretty good thing going, with money coming in, most going back into the community, and a good reputation among the locals.
• But then you ended up finding out about some, not so great news.
• Turns out most of the city's were somewhat corrupt.
• Granted, the corruption isn't what you were upset with, it was with the fact that they weren't helping the people.
• This simply wouldn't do in your eyes, and so you set out to win a local office.
• Eventually, you got your wish, and became the alderman for ward 8 of St. Louis.
• It was during this time you first met Mr. Sable.
• He was a fine young man, and you do mean fine.
• You didn't even know you had half of these feelings until you saw him!
• It started out simply enough, with you inviting him to business meetings and lunch.
• Eventually you started hanging out around town, as friends.
• Even later, and you ended up continuing the "business meetings" in his bedroom.
• (For my ace besties out there, or just those who aren't into it, y'all are just enjoying the privacy, and nothing more. Love y'all<3!)
• Wick also had a lot of confusing feelings as your relationship developed, but hey, you two figured it out together.
• It took a while for either of you to get things really going, relationship wise.
• And it still is difficult, with both of your jobs requiring so much time.
• Still, you try to spend as much time together as possible.
• Even if it is under the guise of reviewing his company's policies, or meeting to get "a better sense of how to help the people."
• That second one was at least somewhat true, though.
• Yeah, Wick probably wasn't the best person to be going to for the general public's opinion, but it did help.
• Especially when he introduced you to the Lackadaisy.
• It was a nice little place, even if you did first visit it at its decline.
• Wick would've brought you sooner, but you were a politician, and prohibition was in effect...
• Luckily, you never bought into the "alcohol is evil" thing, so you were more than happy to share a few drinks to loosen up.
• On top of that, the Lackadaisy gave you the opportunity to meet some of the actual citizens of St. Louis.
• Granted, there weren't many, as the place was already drying up, but it still gave you insight.
• Insight which, with a little bit of nudging, and financial backing, from Wick, let you make a difference, even if it was rather small.
• Now that terms are ending, though, and you aren't sure about your reelection, you have a nice little back up plan.
• And that plan is to be Wick's "advisor," which should give you more than enough time together.
#lackadaisy#headcanon#lackadaisy x reader#lackadaisy wick#wick x reader#sedgewick sable#sedgwick sable x reader#lackadaisy cats#lackadaisy headcanons#im back bitches
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Idk if you're requests are open or if u take them, but if you do could you please do a headcanon for hook where he's dating an actress? 🙏
Red Carpet Romance - Hook
To celebrate Pride Month, all of my headcanons will be gender neutral. (Or at least as close as I can get)
Happy Pride Besties! 🌈
As a fan of wrestling from an early age, you loved to keep up with the newest stars and some of your older favorites.
When AEW debuted, you were so excited to see a new company as WWE had become a bit stale in your opinion, just like your career.
You play characters on sitcoms here and there, but most of them are only one episode jobs.
Without a consistent spot on television, you didn't have a huge following, but you liked it that way.
That was until you found out about a show about wrestling that was hiring. (Like GLOW)
They were looking for people who had a basic understanding of wrestling and were willing to train.
Luckily, you were a perfect fit, and you were soon on your way to train with AEW wrestlers.
It was still early on in AEW's run, so it wasn't easy to find them at their base in Jacksonville.
You started training with the younger wrestlers who hadn't been on TV yet, and that is where you met HOOK.
He helped train you for some basic bumps and tricks, and the two of you grew close quickly.
As you started shooting the show, Hook made sure to be on set as much as he could to keep an eye on you and hype you up when needed.
You weren't expecting to find love at work, but you couldn't stop the butterflies in your stomach when Hook hugged and complimented you after a long day of shooting.
Once word got out about the show, people started to recognize you on the street. You were excited at first, but it quickly became overwhelming.
You told Hook about this, and he told you his tricks of how to not get recognized.
The two of you bonded over your love-hate relationship with fame, and you would help each other around.
Soon enough, you were going out on dates in ridiculous disguises and having the time of your life hanging out with your best friend.
When the premiere for your show came up, you asked Hook to be your date, and he hesitated at first.
However, once he saw what you were going to wear, he knew he had to be right by your side.
As you were getting ready, you heard Hook ruffling around in the kitchen of your apartment.
When you walked out, he stood there in awe as you struck a pose. He complimented you and then led you to the dining room table where he set up some flowers, your favorite snacks, and a card.
"What is this for?"
"You thought I was going to just act like this is a regular day? This is your red carpet debut, I had to make it special. Now open the card."
You opened the card and gasped as you saw the words, "Will you be mine?"
You nodded and hugged him before pulling back a bit and leaning in to kiss him, hoping you didn't mess up your makeup.
The two of you go to the premiere and he lets you get plenty of individual shots, but you insisted on having him by your side for the majority of the red carpet.
Once you got inside, you held hands and made your way to your seats, where Hook made sure to tell you how amazing your technique was in the ring.
Tags: @hooks-martin @thesupreme316 @plentyoffandoms @gethooked @legit9thlunaticwarrior @hookswifeeyy @im-just-a-mississippi-girl
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AO3 Fic Tag Game :)
I was tagged by: @burntblueberrywaffles @suchaladyy @cosmic-lullaby and @nonamemanga
20 questions beneath the cut 😛
How many works do you have on ao3?
What is your ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
I write for Wednesday, The Hunger Games, and I'm thinking of maybe writing some Walking Dead fics, we will see! Right now I am focusing on my Wednesday fics though till I finish them.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
His Little Bedbug
Tipsy Truth Telling
I'll See You Around
Take You Like A Drug
Can't Keep Quiet
Do you respond to comments?
Always! I love responding to comments
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
This is hard to say, so I guess I will list three LOL. Well, I think first place is definitely A Hyde Only Knows One Thing: Pain. But the runner-ups are Don't Let Go of Me, and Nowhere to Go.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings because I love happy endings! I love peace and love and joy! But I guess the happiest ending would be Smoke Signals as it is a growing-back-together/reconciliation fics that carries over to Say Yes to Heaven. And I also wanna throw in This Would Have Happened Anyway, which is an old Hunger Games fic I wrote that I plan to go in and re-edit soon haha.
Do you get hate on fics?
Rarely, but yes. I think the only fic I got hate on has been A Burning Hill. Luckily most people are wonderful!
Do you write smut? What kind?
Yes, LOL. Idk what the different kinds of smut are? but I tend to write established relationship smut, it is my fav. I write it pretty graphically, but I like to make it really sweet and comforting. I love romance!
Do you write crossovers?
No, but I think they are neat
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes!!! Smoke Signals was translated into Thai by the amazing @adogfrmhell :)
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes! I co-wrote Take You Like A Drug with my bestie @suchaladyy, and also Wash Away Your Woes with @nonamemanga @suchaladyy and @averyaddamsromance ! it is so fun to cowrite with friends : D
What WIP would you like to finish but doubt you ever will?
I know I will finish it, but A Burning Hill! it is just on the backburner for a while longer.
What's your all time favorite ship?
I guess I'd say everlark because they were my first ever ship! they are just so cozy and forever in my heart.
What are your writing strengths?
I'd say showing emotion and imagery! I have been told I am able to make eyes water and hearts swoon hehe
What are your writing weaknesses?
I just wont shut up sometimes LOL, i tend to give almost too many details and too much imagery. Which I know is not inherently a bad thing, but it makes all my writing pieces so goddamn long lol! I start to feel like Bram Stoker writing Dracula XD. And sometimes I feel like my dialogue can be awkward, which I suppose makes it more realistic, so once again not always bad! i am just best at writing neurodivergent characters maybe hahah
thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
I have done this very briefly before, but it was just two words in Spanish for a ritual scene! I would not write tons of dialogue in another language unless I had a beta who spoke that language fluently and who could translate and make sure the translation made sense.
First fandom you ever wrote for?
The Walking Dead! when i was like 12 I wrote TWD fanfic on wattpad LOL.
Favorite fanfic you've ever written?
How could you ask me this? What is wrong with you?
What fic would you want to rewrite one day?
I will be rewriting my Hunger Games one-shots series and reposting each one-shot as its own fic!
tagging: @therulerofallpotatos @wincestation @katwitchwriting @lovepoison9 @thesweetnessofspring and anyone who wants to join in!
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Moving advice- Craigslist hilariously and also Facebook marketplace! Start looking at things now you need to get like a couch etc. and start liking those things to train your algorithm on Facebook. Especially anything that looks likes something you would ultimately want to buy or has the search phrase etc. rich people get rid of great quality shit for free even all the time take advantage! For training your algorithm you can also just open up the distance parameters to the whole country just so it starts picking up good stuff. That way when you’re ready to buy you find something good. And don’t rush into buying stuff because you feel you need to have a couch or chair or side tables to feel independent or adult etc. wait and buy pieces you really like ans would want to keep. They’ll come to you. Also hit up good will or other thrifts or estate sales, yard sales, and even local online auctions for especially kitchen stuff, dishes and cups etc. so many people need to clean out their parents homes when they pass and get rid of normal every day stuff we use but would be so expensive to buy new. Online auctions that are local can be an amazing resource for that too. You can use liveauctioneers and search locally. You can get really great quality furniture that isn’t worth it to people to pay to ship but you’re local you can just go pick up. I got two custom designer benches once for $10 total at a place I only had to drive twenty minutes to to pick up. Or if in all your searching you find something you love that’s not local try uship to see how much it would cost to ship. It ends up being more affordable than you think . And meal prep. Batch cook things. I love to roast a pan of vetables weekly and make a protein that I can add things to during the week. So like simply seasoning chicken with just salt pepper garlic and onion powder and then like oregano or Italian seasoning well I can use that in pretty much any recipe. Can add paprika cumin etc make it into Mexican whatever. Or can just add it to a salad. Pick a day you have off and just get into a routine of spending an hour or two in the kitchen where you prep things for the week even if it’s whole meals you then put in fridge or even freeze. Make multiples of things you can freezer and have later. Especially they’re annoying to make lol. It feels like a lot of time at first but you make it fun. Put on a show or podcast and it saves you so much time during the week and also mental energy! Also ends up saving so much energy when you have already prepared food at home
AHHH thank you bestie!! i was already ready to shop on Facebook and Craigslist and thrift for furniture too! luckily i have a few items (tables and stands) from the apartment i can start out with so im bit totally bare bones moving
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i’m back!!! i took a few weeks off because life has been a lot and i felt like i needed a little break from everything 🥲
how are you?? what have you been up to in these last few weeks?? i missed you so much!! and i have stories to tell!!
so, i went to paris for a week back in october. i don’t know if you knew this, but paris has been plagued by a bug infestation lately, and the week before me and my friend were supposed to leave they also started having bomb alarms around the city. like the day before we left versailles had been evacuated for a bomb (it was a false alarm in the end) so we were kinda scared and worried. but the city was okay and we didn’t have much of a choice so we went. it was amazing!!! the first two days were perfect, the weather was absolutely amazing, freezing but always sunny, and we walked around the classic spots of the city. we had lots of macarons and croissants too. that was always the best part of the day. then on day three we’d booked versailles. on the day before it had been evacuated again for a false alarm so i thought it would be safe, they checked the night before, but well… after we’d been inside one hour the guards started to talk hurriedly to each other and they led us to the exits, we got evacuated. it looked like they were trying not to cause a panic but it didn’t work, also because there were way too many people inside!! it was crazy and scary, but luckily we were okay and we got safely out. and it was another false alarm, luckily. we decided not to let it ruin the whole trip so that night we went to the eiffel tower and had a nice dinner and dessert. then day four was disneyland!!! it was SPECTACULAR!!! nero have you ever been to a disneyland park?? it is everything you could ever hope it to be. it is pure magic, pure happiness. my friend and i felt like we were outside of the universe, it felt like nothing could touch us, like no problem could reach us. we were kids again. we were singing along to all the songs from our childhood and riding all the attractions and posing with princesses and cartoon animals and we bought so many little souvenirs to keep the magic with us. i got a cheshire cat plushie which is now my favorite thing i own. i have absolutely no regrets even if it costed 30 euros. same goes for my minnie’s ears which had a unicorn horn and a rainbow veil (see attached photograph) another 30 bucks, i have worn them only once, and i love them to pieces 😂 anyways, now is where the fun part really starts. we walked out of disneyland at 11pm after the night show (made me cry for 30 minutes straight, totally would recommend) and we had to take a train to get to the underground. well obviously there was a suspicious backpack at the station so it was closed for about 30 minutes to figure out what it was. it was late and our phones were almost dead so we tried to look for a taxi or bus and they’d put up a special bus service to take us to the closest train station, but as you can imagine it was absolutely packed and when we got off my friend noticed that her bag was open and her wallet was gone. we rushed back to the park to see if they’d had it in the last shop where she bought something but nothing, then we rushed back home to call the police and block all the cards, but of course we only got to the champs-elysées and then they kicked us out of the underground because it was closing. again our phones were out of battery so we didn’t even know if the buses were still running or not or how to call a cab, but luckily a cab passed by like two minutes later and we managed to get back to the hotel. and well, the 24h hotel door was closed. we panicked for about 10 minutes and ringed the bell a thousand times before anyone came to open the door. they were “just in the back for a minute” and i mean, fair enough, but on top of everything it was just the last drop.
anyways, the next morning we went to the police and got all the documents we needed to get back to italy and it was okay, it was just a very long wait for a two seconds job so it pissed me off a bit, but still we had a whole day and a half left so we enjoyed it. we had the louvre planned for that afternoon and it was so beautiful. and it was very heartstopping. pun intended 😂 we actually went and looked for every room we saw in the show and stayed about five hours in each one. this is where elle and tao kiss for the first time, it’s the exact place. can you guess how much i cried??

the only thing we couldn’t find was the painting on the stairs where nick talks to elle. i was very upset about that :( but anyways, the next day we came home and all i can say for this trip is wow. it felt like a five months trip somehow 😂 it was tiring and stressful and it tested my anxiety a lot, but honestly it was kind of perfect. this friend i was with is my opposite and my half in a lot of things and somehow we managed to laugh it all off whenever something crazy happened and we still had one of the absolute best trips of my life. i am so happy, i actually am getting a tattoo for our day at disneyland because it feels necessary hehe
and speaking of tattoos, i have a new one to show you!!! i finally got another heartstopper tattoo!!! and it is perfect and my favorite ever ♥️ i’ve wanted this vignette on my skin forever, and every time i see it it reminds me of everything about this story and it makes me so happy

anyways, enough about me!!! i’ve been away from this hellsite for so long, so how are you?? how is life?? i am very eager to catch up!!
i’m sending you a macaron because i am craving them again now (i’ve tried the marie antoniette macaron and i swear to god it feels like drinking a cup of tea, it’s unreal) and a warm tea to drink as you read because i’ve written so damn much, i can’t tell a simple story i missed you so so so much nero <3333
it is so wonderful to hear from you!! i missed you so so much!! i was wondering how your trip went!! tbh i have been very on and off this website just because life is so exhausting :') i'm very excited to catch up with what's been happening with you!!
yes! i did hear about the bedbug thing! i had a few friends in paris around the same time and it was also all over the news here (funny that...) but i did not hear about the bomb alarms, that must have been so scary!! oh i can only imagine how lovely the macarons and the croissants were. nothing would be better than the original! i'm glad it was a false alarm and that you all got out safe. that must have been terrifying. AND DISNEYLAND?! cece i have never ever been to a disneyland but it has always been a dream of mine! i think the closest disneyland to me is japan or singapore 😭😭😭 but that's so wonderful to hear that you had such a lovely time!!! what was your favourite ride? any snacks you would recommend?? i would love to see the cheshire cat plushy, it sounds adorable! and the minnie ears!!! i'm obsessed and you're right: buying ears at disneyland is essential, it doesn't matter if you only wear them for the day! and what an end to a good day 😂😂 that sounds so anxiety-inducing, i audibly gasped as i was reading 😂
literally!!! government documents and officials make you wait so long for something that takes so little time!!! it's so fucking frustrating >:( the louvre!!! that would have been so cool, and it would have had extra meaning because of the show!! and i think i would have died a little, looking at the exact spot elle and tao had their first kiss! i don't blame you for crying at all 😂😂
a positive is that you got to see every other painting and iconic place from heartstopper and that's all that matters!! the trip sounded like so much fun, but yes, very draining with all those things not going to plan!! and i'm so glad you went with a friend who would laugh it all off with you and still make sure you guys had a good time!! that would have been so lovely! oh and absolutely you need to get a disneyland tattoo!! that would be perfect!
speaking of perfect, your new tattoo is so cute!!!! i love that panel too and it's just such a good representation of nick and charlie's relationship throughout the series!! and a really good placement too. ugh you always get the best tattoos!
as for me, i've been doing okay!! i have finished university for the year, and i am currently preparing for my exchange (i go to the uk NEXT MONTH! cece that is so crazy) a part of preparing for my exchange is unfortunately working a lot, but i have been rostered every single public holiday coming up so i should be getting a good amount of money before i leave!
and you'll be happy to know that after the christmas/new year's period, i'm going to stop working and have a few weeks of rest before i go!! i'm planning on just catching up with friends before i leave, packing and just actually getting a good night's sleep 😂😂
oh, also! i know you wanted little updates about what was going on in my love life, sooooooo... in the time you've been gone, i managed to get a girlfriend!!! i'm very happy and i have no clue what i am doing at all times, but it's good :)
i'm going to send you a little pavlova (a meringue like dessert australians typically have around christmas time, loaded with fruit and cream) and a little iced tea to go with, because my god, is it hot in australia right now. miss you heaps!!! <3
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The 127 Family
NCT Family Info
𝑴𝒂𝒎𝒂 𝑫𝒐𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈 ✧

- Married to Taeyong
- Stress Bean 1/2 especially when Haechan comes round. As he know it never good (once haechan almost shaved his head when his sleep. Luckily Taeyong stopped him in time)
- He loves Jisung very much maybe too much (one time he stole Jisung from Jaemin and it didn’t end well)
- One of the smart one in the families and always to steer trouble away from them (keep trying doyoung, in this household choas is its middle name)
- One thing don’t mess his stuff up…poor guy fainted last time
- Is blunt and speak his mind
- Has strong dislike to Johnny, find him too loud and annoying (due to many pranks Johnny has played)
𝑷𝒂𝒑𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒚𝒐𝒏𝒈 ✧

- Married to Doyoung
- Stress bean 2/2 has been trying to keep his family in line
- Has two eldest brothers Taeil and Johnny
- Owns a music company and is very well known for his amazing dance skills
- Low-key praying that Doyoung doesn’t want anymore kids. Having to deal with three is stressful (even doyoung did, he wouldn’t care)
- Did I mention he is whipped for Doyoung, will listen to him all the time
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑭𝒊𝒓𝒔𝒕 𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒆 - 𝑻𝒂𝒆𝒊𝒍 ✧

- Another peaceful person in this family
- He got forced to moved in, mainly to keep an eye on Johnny (apparently he taught jungwoo some of his ‘special’ moves)
- Helps around the house a lot and mainly cooks for the family. When doyoung is having his melt downs (which is nearly on a weekly bases)
- Loves to sing and always sing his wake up songs to Jungwoo as the rest of the kids are grown up (which jungwoo hates with a passion)
- Has a day job as a nursery teacher
- Try to help to fix the kids mess plus Johnny before Doyoung faints from stress
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝑼𝒏𝒄𝒍𝒆 𝑱𝒐𝒉𝒏𝒏𝒚 ✧

- The one thing Taeyong regrets was letting Johnny moved in
- Always having parties and giving Jungwoo werid stuff (sweets and energy drinks)
- Very laid back and always ready for a drama
- He is also in a witness protection programme (as he crossed someone by accident) hence why he is living with Taeyong
- Loves to tease Doyoung as he loves to annoy him, to get him to loosen up
- In his day job he works as a mascot in some shopping mall
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑬𝒍𝒅𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 - 𝒀𝒖𝒕𝒂 ✧

- Dating Mark
- Claims he is always telling the truth - 90% he is lying to save his skin mainly from Mark
- Very protective of Mark won’t let anyone come near Mark. As he claims Mark is his and no one else’s
- Everytime Winwin shows up, he always call him his sweet lover (again have to lie to Mark, saying it was a joke)
- Also one word, don’t let Yuta in the kitchen, nearly burnt the house down
- Scary when mad, he almost killed an innocent child aka Haechan (he did make Mark break up one time with him, don’t blame him)
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑺𝒆𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒅 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 - 𝑱𝒂𝒆𝒉𝒚𝒖𝒏 ✧

- The emo kid
- Hates everyone in his family apart the Dreamies family. They are too cute plus he mainly hates his own as they too noisy for him
- Has a strange rumour he has 32 kids and is still trying to figure it out who did it
- Work for Engene Coporation as the Senior Manager
- He has a night job but it remains a secret
- He is bestie with Jay his boss, in hopes he can get to be his business partner
- He acts tough but he just wanted to get notice as everyone is too busy paying attention to Yuta and Jungwoo
𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒆𝒔𝒕 𝑪𝒉𝒊𝒍𝒅 - 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒈𝒘𝒐𝒐 ✧

- Still in high school as he kept on failing his exams but this year look promising (that what doyoung like to say to himself each year)
- Loves clubs, joined every clubs under the sun
- Gets super hyper when on sweets and energy drinks
- One of the sassy child, he will use his words and face to his advantage when he doesn’t want to do something
- Always ends up at the police station with Johnny
- Loves drama, he either loves creating them or be in them cause he find them so fun
- Also if someone sleep walk in the middle of the night with eyes open that’s Jungwoo. He has that habit and it scared poor Taeil in the middle of the night
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Caught be jungkook
You were friends with jungkook since 7th grade and are both now 17. But yall are besties and all the members agree yall have a lot of chemistry between each other, and when people look at yall interact with each other they ask themselves when are these two going to fuck already and get it over with. Y’all never did want to but lately you been feeling more horny around him. And a little secret you didn’t know abt him was he’s liked you since the 9th grade. He fell in love with your body, humor, and charms. He has been head over heels for you for 2 years now and yall were in the middle of y’all’s junior year of highschool now. But this story is abt how you kind of whore around with the maknea line.
So Tae,Jimin, jungkook,and you were planing a spring break trip for a year and yall booked a 2 bedroom master penthouse suit for Miami. Yall would be taking a week long vacation from school and work. And we’re gonna go swimming while down there obviously. So it’s the night before the trip before yall leave to go early tomorrow morning but y’all a long flight from Korea to Florida aka your home. And Tae comes in asking while you’re packing your thongs for thotin and plotin in Miami. Tae comes in and asks “ so who’s sleeping with you in Miami” and then smirks.
(Y/n)” jungkook ig.”
(Tae)” bruh I so wanted to loose my virginity finally.”
(Y/n) you look at him and say with a smirk while shrugging your shoulders “ womp womp”.
The next day y’all get up and get y’all’s stuff to the taxi and you sit in the front passenger seat on the way to the airport while in the back the boys are being stupid and singing cardi b, Megan the stallion, Doja Cat , etc songs. Then yall get their and eventually board y’all’s 6 hour one way flight to Atlanta. You and jungkook are siting by each other and you sit in the middle and he sits window seat. During the flight you were reading a porn like romance novel which made you horny and which you kinda wanted to not be so you looked at jungkook whom was completely sucked into his movie and not aware of the world around him. So you proceeded to look at him and laid you head on him. This caused him to wake up and remember he’s in a real world right now. And he look down at you and smirked and went back to watching his movie you fake slept on him and cuddled on him during the entire flight.
Then yall landed in Atlanta and had an hour which was not enough time almost causing yall to miss y’all’s flight, but yall luckily made it and after 45 minutes yall landing in Miami and got the luggage and found the cab. When yall got to the pent house yall emdiatly fell asleep bc it had been a long day.
That night you had a dream, a wet dream and it was about non other than jungkook. It started off normal and in the dream yall were hanging out and watching something on tv then he moved his hand high up your thigh. And yall look at each other with lust in y’all’s eyes. Then yall made about hard it felt very realistic and good with making he groped your ass then yall fell back on the couch still making out and about to fuck. Then he took his hands off you and you held his face. He unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them down. Then he picked you and lied you down on the floor and sat up while man spread and look at you and said in a lusty voice “I need you to suck all the cum out of my dick”. Then he removed his underwear and threw it somewhere in the room and you saw his hard dick and took your hands and started to rub it. You spit on the head and started to pump it up and down from the head to the shaft and back up with your hands. And you pumped with your hands at an angle he get close to cumming soon but then before you would pull away. Your and hand was where the back of your hand was facing you and when you got to the head of the dick it would rub the head in an amazing way. Then you started to give head and you would do the usual until he almost came in your mouth and at this point the dream felt so real you thought this was your life now.& but then you finally got the sex and he picked you up and pressed you on the wall while making out with you and then he put it in. And fucked you so hard your pussy was tingling and it felt so real you thought you were gonna cum to jungkook. But right before in the dream he came you woke up like it was a night mare, you were sweating and feeling extremely horny. And you looked over in the bed and jungkook was asleep and facing away from you. So you decided to rub one out and goto bed.
The next morning you woke up and the boys were still asleep and you went to unpack and relised while unpacking you for got a bathing suit so you got up and got ready to go shopping. While you were showering you thought abt the dream from last night and started to catch feelings jungkook.
A few hours later…
You get out of the bath room to find Jimin dressed like he’s going somewhere and you ask him
(Y/n)”where are you going”
(Jimin)”where ever your going”
(Y/n)”oh so swim suit shopping with me” you said with a smirk.
Jimin blushed and said “uhh… sure”.
So y’all go to a swim suit shop and your trying on swimsuits then you see the hottest bikini it’s a neon pink bikini with a halter top and s here in the neck line to make it technically a u neck and bikini bottoms that were cheeky and the top showed cleavage. When you walked out and showed Jimin his jaw dropped and he’s blushed and started sweating. So you knew this was a good swim suit for your body so you bought it.
Then you get back to the penthouse suit and continue to unpack. After that it’s about 12pm and you want to swim so you beg all the boys to goto the beach with you and while their getting ready you pack the beach bag and only bring the rub in sunscreen. Then yall left to goto the beach.
At the beach after setting up you play the white girl card and say to jungkook.
(Y/n) “guiky I need you to rub the sunscreen into my skin so I don’t burn to a crisp and wake up a tomato and on fire”.
Jungkook” why me??” He looks at you conserdly
Then you have to come up with a valid excuse (y/n) “because we’re friends and you won’t let me get sun poising.. now would you??”
He sighs and chuckles ands and smile while getting up to get this done so then you take off you cover up and he sees you for the first time in the new binkni. He blushes and puts the sun screen on you and rubs it deep into your skin. First on the shoulders and then to the lower back and it feels good you moan a little bit and you can tell he’s getting nervous because his palms are starting to sweat. The he gets you your ass and all you know is he’s not bricked up but he’s horny for your ass.
Then yall goto swim and yall are splashing each other and then jungkook sneaks up behind you and takes your scrunchie off your arm and plays keep away. So while trying to get it back he’s holding it above you and and leaning back and your swimming on top of him and trying to get it back. Once you get up on him you get it but with out relising you smothered him with your double dd’s. And it got awkward for a few minutes but then you said.
(Y/n) “I bet you can’t beat me in a race”
Jungkook looks up and smile “I bet I can”
He really couldnt bc you were a track star.
The jungkook asked “ so what’s the bet?”
(Y/n)” if you loose you got to ditch the shirt here but if I loose I I have to change into a thong binkni and walk down where the frat boys party.”
(Jungkook)” okay bet”.
Then yall take y’all’s positions and race 100 meters to the trash can and he gets a head start but you still be him by 7 seconds. (Y/n)” okay ditch the shirt slow poke”. Jungkook took off his shirt and you relised he’s more jacked than you thought he has a 6 pack and very strong 💪 muscles, the sight made you blush and put you hand on your cheek and turn away in embarrassment. Jungkook looks at you and asks “what??” You look and him and say “nothing.” That day ends normal and yall go home and eat and laugh and play at dinner. and freshen up and goto bed.
While you and jungkook layed there trying to goto sleep yall laugh about today. But then it got serious when you said you were cold. You turned to face jungkook and said “ I’m cold guiky pls can we cuddle I’m freezing?” He agreed and while you cuddled he had his arm around your waist hugging you and holding. You could feel his dick and it made your pussy wet and throb which was making you horny and less tired. Which then made you wet and want it more so you start grinding his cock and it felt good. You were doing this for a few minutes but then jungkook spoke up in a moan “Y/N what are you doing?” You had to come up with a lie so this would awkward so you said “ I’m trying to move up to get my head more on the pillow.”
(Jungkook) “ so you couldn’t have given me more warning?”
(Y/n) “ I didn’t want to wake you up.”
(Jungkook) “ I wasn’t asleep so a warning would have been nice.”
You knew what he meant by warning but acting dumb would make him less mad. (Y/n) “ why would you need a warning for?” Then you get up and sit up and look at him.
Jungkook laughs at you while you keep up the act and look at him scared. Then you needed to think about things that would make cry so you start thinking about jungkook hating you and leaving you. Then you get up crying running taehyungs room begging him to get up and let you in. He let you in just nick of time before jungkook could grab you. And as jungkook tried to come in and taehyung covered the door and said “ nope she wants away from you for a minute.”
(Jungkook) “ wait Y/n I didn’t mean it!!”
Taehyung looked at jungkook with a confused look and closed the door to talk to you.
Taehyung: looked at you while you were crying and wiped your tears and said “ my dear what’s wrong?”
Y/n “ he’s mad at me@
Taehyung “ jungkook?”
Y/n; (you nodded your head yes)
Taehyung “ what’s he mad about?”
Y/n “ idk”
Taehyung “ well ima ask him why then.”
You just rolled over the other way planing to over lisen to the conversation outside the room. He leaves and you hear him enter your room. So you get up and sneakily run silently over outside the room and listen to the conversations.
Taehyung “ aww you scared her away with your small boner.”
Jungkook “ what no I don’t think she knew abt that.”
Taehyung interrupted “ you got a boner for her because you like her?”
Jungkook “ woah… I mean I do like her but… I got confused because she was rubbing her ass on my dick.”
Taehyung “ oh so you do like her”
Jungkook “ yeah but don’t tell her bro.”
Taehyung “but you’re not mad.”
Jungkook “ no I’m horny I was confused if she really wanted sex”
Taehyung “ wait she offered? “
Jungkook “ well no, but she was…”
Taehyung “ so you were gonna fuck her without her permission?”
Jungkook “ no!!! No no no no no.”
Taehyung “ well we’re done so I’m going to bed.”
You heard him get up so you quietly ran to the room and made look like you had been watching tv when in actuality your weren’t. And you were abt to have to play dumb. He came in and said “ good news he’s not mad and he was confused because you gave him a boner but, bad news he has a crush on you”.
Y/n( you were flabbergasted) and said “ wow so can we mess with him?”
Taehyung; he looked you funny and asked “ wdym?”
Y/n “ like we mess with him until he confesses.”
Taehyung “ who is we?”
Y/n “ name your price.”
Taehyung “ dishes for the rest of the week.”
Y/n “ okay.” Then yall start talking about whether yall prank for Tomorrow. Yall even went as far as making dinner reservations for tomorrow night and yall end up falling asleep planning.
The next day…
You wake up and get ready and goto drag jungkook with you so he threw on swim shorts and a tshirt with a black hoodie. And he put on his sandals tiredly then you quickly grab him by the arm and drag him to the cab. The cab drives to this dress place and y’all get out and he tiredly waits to judge what you wear. After an hour of you looking find this green iridescent short dress that looked amazing on your curves. When you walked out it made jungkook to go nuts and he thought he saw angel snd thus caused you to laugh and blush. So you bought the dress and in the car you started talking about tonight’s plans with jungkook.
(Y/n) “ so tonight we’re going to the rusty pelican and it’s kinda casual but, dressy so go off that on how to dress.”
(Jungkook) “ ok.” He looked out the window ignoring you.
(Y/n) “ what’s wrong?”
(Jungkook) “ I’m not mad at you… and I wasn’t.”
(Y/n) “ what I never said you were.”
(Jungkook) “ last night… you were upset with me”
(Y/n) “ yeah because I thought you were mad.”
(Jungkook) “ I wasn’t and can we just drop it.”
(Y/n) “ yeah.”
Then yall hugged and next thing yall knew yall were at the hotel. Yall went to the room and the rest off the day you spent doing your hair and makeup. And you put on your strapless bra and sexy Victoria secret thong and the green iridescent dress. Then you had been taking mirror selfies for 10 minutes and then Jimin bangs on the door telling you to come on it’s 6:00 and that we need to head out for our reservation.
The dirty pelican
Yall get there at 6:30 and get seated and all the boys are just staring at you because tonight you look so beautiful. In fact the waiter thinks you’re an adults and starts hitting on you in fact bringing you alcoholic beverages. After the 5th drink your drunk and get the waiters number while the boys are embarrassed. After the dinner you can barely walk and when you get in the car you almost couldn’t buckle up. But on the way to the hotel you fall asleep and when you arive you get out last and emidiatly when you get out as their heading to the elevator you colaspe to the floor. And the boys turn back and see this and run to your aid saying.
(Jungkook) “ Y/N!!!”
(Jimin) “y/n are you ok?”
(Taehyung) “ I think she’s just drunk.”
(Jungkook) “ so how are we going to get her back to
(Taehyung) look at jungkook with a grin and said “ I guess your gonna have to carry her.”
he stood there flabbergasted he had to carry a beautiful women like you in. In his mind he thought he would be arrested because people would think he spiked your drink and was gonna r@p€ you. As taehyung and jimin walked to the elevator he picked you up and he noticed the two were quickly trying to close the doors on jungkook. As he saw this he tried to run and catch the elevator but missed it and said “ fuck those bastards.” And walked with you cradled in his arms like a baby to the button and pressed with his foot while trying to balance and not fall or drop you. After 20 minutes an empty elevator came and he clicked with his elbow the 13th floor. As it ascended it reached the main floor and got crowded with women who were all on different floors and looked at jungkook with a stank look. He chuckled and said to all the women “ it’s not like that she’s my roommate she got… well wasted.” And one women while looking at him up and down and says “ mhm… sure you are.”
After three women have gotten off you got up and jungkook put you down and it was so full you stood up on him close enough you could feel his cock. You noticed he was sweaty and his hair was a mess from tonight, but he still looked really hot for some reason. Yall eventually get the 13th floor and he picks you up and carries you to the room and when yall get to the door he puts you down and goes to get his keys from his front pocket. But before he could you grabbed them first and open the door and drunkenly walked to the couch with Jimin on it sitting reading a book.
You had another plan to make jungkook jealous so you faked being that drunk but were tipsy. In the end you had to be touchy with jimin.
(Y/n) “ yo jimin i need a favor.”
(Jimin) looked up to you and had a big gulp and said in a nervous manner “ what?”
(Y/n) “ I need you to rub this lotion on my should pls.”
He agreed to and squirted it on his hand and rubbed them together and started massaging it into your shoulders. You started to moan slightly in an pleasered manner and look at jungkook who was in the kitchen with a smirk. He saw this and his jaw droped emdiatly and got filled with rage and quickly came over and said.
(Jungkook) “ ok it’s time for bed for her thank you jimin and good night.”
He stared at jungkook as he agressivly picked you up and carried you to the room. In the room he put you on the bed and stomped off to take his shirt and went into the closest to get ready for bed while you just crawled into bed and pretended to go to sleep. When he got back you could feel the confusion then the carelessness of him. And he got into bed you rolled over and wrapped you arms around his neck and he confusingly wrapped his arms around your wasted and smirked before giving you a kiss on the forehead. Then you scooted closer and felt slight hardness in his dick and you knew the first phase worked.
The next day
You got up and snuck out to the beach while everyone else was asleep. After they got up around 11am you got a call while you were tanning in your pink bikini on Miami Beach.
The phone call:
You picked up the phone to see it was jungkook who wanted to talk so you answered the call.
(Y/n) “ what’s up?”
(Jungkook) “ where are you and pls never get drunk again please.”
(Y/n) “ I’m at the beach tanning.”
(Jungkook) “ I also noticed you have hearts by taehyungs name in your phone contact but not mine are we not friends.”
(Y/n) you smirked and said “ stalker much and yeah we’re just friends come on to the beach with me pls.”
(Jungkook) he sighed heavily and said “ ok, but I thought we were besties.”
(Y/n) “ g0<| damn I’ll give a fucking heart just come here pls.”
Yall hung up and he eventually showed up and 12. You saw him and got up and ran into the water and swam away laughing while he just walked and looked pissy.which made you laugh more but when you relized he wasn’t chasing you got out and splashed him with water and he cracked a laugh and started chasing you and then he chased in the water for 30 minutes. And he finally caught you because he swam under water and came up behind you and grabbed you by the waist and you turned and put your arms around his neck like you were gonna kiss him but you were laughing and said “ you caught me so what’s up?”
(Jungkook) frozen and ready to kiss at any moment then said as you rapped you legs around his waist in a nervous manner “ umm so last night you got drunk and I had to… carry you up and I got introuble… so please… don’t get drunk again.”
(Y/n) you looked at him and kissed him on the cheek as joke and swam away and said “ I need help with the sunscreen can you rub DEEEEP in my back pls?”
You lay on your lounge chair and wait and he rubs it. As he’s rubbing it in your skin he’s looking sexual with it. And when he’s done you drag him to the water where you circle him like a shark and swim around him talking about stupid things like celebrity’s fuck, married, kill lists. Then you and him take a walk down the beach and yall ran into some girls that are flirting with jungkook. This makes you kinda jealous, and protective of him and you get aggressive towards the girls and drag jungkook away. This leaves jungkook impresses and happy as you drag him back to the pent house.
When y’all get back yall play marshmallow and are laughing for an hour but then order a pizza and do Netflix and chill. And he and you fall asleep cuddling in the couch until your woken up by jimin teasing yall do yall get up and goto bed yall undressed tiredly and got into just under garments and a large shirt.
Next morning
It’s Thursday and spring break is almost over so you need to hook up with jungkook already. It has become apparent you have feeling for him now. Anyways jungkook wakes up and looks at you smirks and gets up. He wakes you aswell and you goto talk to taehyung who is outside on the patio drinking cofee alone.
(Y/n) “ I need lingerie and a date with him for the last one .”
(Taehyung) he almost spits out his coffee in shock but manner and says “ ok?”
So you drag him to the local Victoria secret and try on the stuff. But then find the perfect set. It’s a white embroidered bra and pantie set with blue spots and it’s a push bra with a v string thong. And you also get a black slip which hugs your sexy curves you can see taehyungs impressed. So you grab him and drag him into the changing room and say “ you’ve been such good help for me so let me help you now.”
Then you undress him and rapped you mouth gently around the head of his dick. And started sucking the head and lightly licking the precum up. Then you started pumping up and down the shaft with your mouth. He was trying not to moan while you were sucking his dick. Then you started to go faster and faster, the faster you went the harder he got. As you continue he was getting very close to cumming then taehyung said while moaning a bit, “ im… abt too.. cum.” Then you took your mouth off him and he came on the floor. He was slouched on the chair panting, smirking and giggling.
(Taehyung) “ damn girl, that was good.”
(Y/n) “ ok so can you please take the stuff and pay for please.”
(Taehyung) “ ok so prostitution”
You glared at him and then he grabbed the stuff quickly and went to pay for it. You got dressed and then came out while he was paying for it and you came out and put your hand on his shoulder. And headed to the pent house to get ready for telling jungkook yall have a date but not tell him it was a date. Yall get there and taehyung goes to play video games with jungkook.
(Taehyung) “ oh yeah btw don’t forget your date tonight with y/n.”
(Jungkook) “ a date?”
(Taehyung) “ yeah.”
While that was happening you were curling your hair and putting in red poppy’s in your hair and doing your makeup. And then you put on your lingerie and your red dress. And got ready for your date. While getting ready jungkook comes up and knocks on the door and says “ so we’re going on a date?”
(Y/n) “ yeah.”
(Jungkook) “ so am I supposed to wear something specific.”
(Y/n) “wear red please.”
(Jungkook) “ ok “
He put on a red short sleeve button up , tan caki shorts, and blue slip on shoes. Then you were done getting ready and put on the black Chanel sandles and went to the living room to collect your man but not before grabbing your red backpack purse with your wallet, phone, red cherry flavored condom, and other stuff. When you walked in the boys just looked at you in aw. Then jungkook got up and hugged you and said “ wow you look amazing.”
At the date
Your date is on the beach at the sunset spot. Then y’all walk up talking abt stuff, then go take selfies in the veiw. Then yall go get seated and talk abt stupid stuff until the waiter gets y’all’s orders.
(Jungkook) “ so what kind of date is this?”
(Y/n) “ it’s a date date.”
(Jungkook) his eyes went wide and was in shock and said “ WHAT!?”
(Y/n) “ yeah I was told you were interested in me and I’ve been getting kinda interested too.”
(Jungkook) “ well yeah you’re gorgeous.”
(Y/n) you blushed and asked “ how long have you liked me.”
(Jungkook) he blushed and laugh and covered his face with his hands and said “ 3 years.”
(Y/n) “ so like since we were 14?”
(Jungkook) “ yeah.”
(Y/n) “ wow”
Then yall had a 3 minute awkward silence then jungkook said “ so this is a lovely place.”
(Y/n) “ yeah, wait do you want to hear my best pick up line?”
(Jungkook) “ yeah.”
(Y/n) you look away and look back and lift one eyebrow and give a smirk and put you hand in a gun shape under your chin and say “ are you leg day? Because you make my knees weak.” You make him laugh and for the rest of the night yall crack jokes all the way to the hotel. Then yall get there and park in the parking garage and walk to the elevator.
(Jungkook) “ I had a good time hby?”
(Y/n) “ yeah I had a great time.”
Yall get in and just stare at each others eye the entire time as other got on the elevator and got off and then realized it was y’all’s stop on the 13th floor and yall walked to the door of your door and as jungkook was getting the keys you stopped him and grabbing him and made out with him. He got sexual and picked you up and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Then while making out jimin opened the door and was shocked.
(Jimin) “ damn yall gonna have sex out here of what?”
He put you down as y’all awkwardly fixed yourselves and walked in. Yall went into y’all’s room and put on comfortable clothes. You put on long red and black plaid pajamas bottoms a black plain cotton shirt, and you put your hair into a messy bun. And jungkook just took off his shoes and asked “ so where do we stand now y/n”.
(Y/n) “ we are officially dating.”
He was happy and your plan was almost done you had to just have sex with him, and you knew he didn’t believe in abstinence so this last part would easily.
You and jungkook go to join the boys to watch a movie in the in the living room. Yall walk in and see them setting up a king sized blowup mattress and popcorn 🍿. And then they looked and said “ yo can yall go grab the extra pillows, blankets, sheets, and two tall lamps plus hair ties cause we are setting a fort to watch maleficent.” Yall set up a fort and yall start the movie in the front of the mattress lying by each other taehyung and jimin. And you and jungkook are on the couch and have your legs on the mattress. After 30 minutes of setting up and getting settled yall start the movie and 20 minutes into the movie you move closer to jungkook. You then lay your head on his shoulder and fall asleep on his shoulder, and he so into the movie. But 40 minutes into the movie he wakes you up and whispers “ are you good?”
You wispher back “ yeah” and get up and go to your room and take off your makeup and brush your hair out and put on your Victoria secret and the slip. And while this the boys start to worry and send Jimin to check on you. He knocks on your door and you let him in and he’s flustered as you take to your bed and sit him down to talk.
(Y/n) “ so what’s up.”
(Jimin) “ I was just sent to check on you.”
(Y/n) “ ok well I’m fine and you can go now.”
He sits there and watches you grab a red cherry flavored condom and he giggles and you say “ get out!!” He leaves to go talk to the others, and he walks in and turns on the lights, grabs the remote snd pauses the movie.
(Jimin) “ jungkook you definitely gonna get lucky.”
(Taehyung) he laughs and smirks
(Jungkook) “ wdym?”
(Jimin) “ I think she wants to have sex with you.”
(Taehyung) is laughing so hard it’s sus
(Jungkook) he glares and says “ what do you know that I don’t?”
(Taehyung) he gulps and looks around and says “ she dragged me out to Victoria secret yesterday and made me buy her stuff.”
(Jungkook) “ why though.”
(Taehyung) “ I don’t know.”
(Jungkook) “ oh lord.”
You come out wearing your Victoria secret and go into the kitchen and get the fancy wine and pour a glass of wine, and stood in the kitchen drinking wine. One you finished your first glass and while you were pouring the second glass the boys come up. They look at you and start biting their lips and start sweating. Then you turned around and said “ yall want some wine?” They go to sit down at the bar and started talking to you.
(Jungkook) “ so jimin say you have a condom.@
(Y/n) “ I have multiple because of my friends who have sex.”
(Taehyung) “ wait so why do you have it?”
(Y/n) you giggled and then said “ well they thought something might happen while I was home.”
Yall were all laughing and they got done with the first glass as you got done with the second glass. You start filling all the glasses again, then Jimin said something.
(Jimin) “ I’m just gonna say it, but no offense to you jungkook or you y/n but girl you look fucking hot.”
(Y/n) “ thanks but I have a boyfriend.”
Yall all started laughing again, but then after yall got done with that glass the boys were tipsy and you were drunk and for real this time. Then the boys headed to clean the living room before everyone went to bed. But while cleaning jungkook snuck out and found you on the floor putting away the rest of the wine with you fat juicy ass showing. He grabbed his jaw and started sweating and as you got up and turned he picked you up like he did in the hall and put you in the counter and started making out with you. The other two secretly see this and act like they ain’t seen nothing and then you stop him and say “ we should take this to the room.”
Yall go to the room holding hands and yall get in there sitting on the bed. And then you pulled the infamous condom and hand it to him. Then you two started making out and he ended up pulling you on top of him and while making out you pull away to see where the zipper is the and start giving him a hand job while he start giving a hicky on your neck. Then pulls off his shorts and pulls down his under wear and you spit of you hand and wrap it around his frenulum and started slowly pumping up and down his dick while making out and he’s moaning slightly. Then he stops you and tells you “ do you want to suck it?”
You nodded as he threw his clothes you took of the slip and it revealed you bra and thongs. He was impressed and as he put the condom the smell of the cherry came out. Then you pull your lips on the head and started licking the delicious cherry flavor. And as you started going from the head to the shaft he moaned. And you started go faster, but this wasn’t fast enough for him so he pushed your head faster and fast. He was so agresive with it he was choking you with his dick and he came with his balls almost in your mouth. You got up and wiped the saliva off your face.
(Jungkook) “ I’m sorry it felt amazing tho.”
(Y/n) “ it’s alright” then yall make out while you were taking of your bra and panties
He was starting to feel you up and this made you wet and then he pinned you down and asked you “ are you sure you want this?”
(Y/n) “ fuck yes.”
He stuck it in slowy and started banging you slowly while making out. Then he started to go harder and faster and your moans got louder and the bed was creaking loudly and fast so fast it was like it was about to break. And you felt his dick get harder and harder and it’s rubbing you g spot and out of luck or chance you and jungkook happened to cum and the same time. And yall moaned loudly at the same time yall layed down beside each other panting and sweating.
(Jungkook) “ was it good?”
(Y/n) “ yeah.”
Then yall fell asleep cuddling, but when you woke up you felt horrible because you had a hang over. So you got dressed and went to the kitchen to let jungkook sleep in. After laying on the couch for a few minutes Jimin and taehyung quietly came out and sat on the couch aswell to have a chat.
(Taehyung) “ so yall had sec last night?”
(Y/n) “ yeah.”
(Jimin) he laughed and said “we know.”
You blushed and got your phone and called your mom vaguely. And you told her you need to talk, not about what but just to talk. Today you were going to talk to her and tell her your with jungkook and that you had sex. You were scared but knew she would be upset and disappointed, but you also knew she would always love you. So after the phone call you got dressed in white Jean shorts a cute top and black sneakers with white stripes. And went to get jungkook up and to drive you to your moms.
You got there and told jungkook to go play with your older siblings. You went to go sit in your mom’s home office and chatted.
(Mom) “ what’s wrong is something going on? Pls tell me.”
(Y/n) “ I’m dating jungkook but… I had sex.”
(Mom) “ oh” she sat there blankly
(Mom) “ that’s ok and I thank you for telling me and I’m not going to yell at you because you are almost an adult but I’m disappointed that you did that, but I���m proud that you bravely told me.”
Then yall stay for a few hours and chatted and spent time with y’all’s family because two more days until you and jungkook would have to go home. You were happy you went on this trip but yall had 4 weeks of school left until summer. As well as you were ready to spent time with jungkook more and see the rest of the boys. But then yall left and in the way home you and jungkook had a chat.
(Jungkook) “ I like your family, but I’m concerned that we moved too fast when we had sex last night.”
(Y/n) “ god no I’m fine it’s just hard to tell my mom these things but I did.”
(Jungkook) “ so I’m not the problem,”
(Y/n) “ no, but I love you so much for caring though.”
(Jungkook) he smiled and was happy.
When y’all got back to the pent house jungkook went go read a book and you went to the kitchen to scroll on instagram. An hour later Jimin came in saying “ I know what you did you dirty baby.” You could smell the alcohol off his breath and could tell he was drunk his stance was slouched and he looked sickish and was slurring his words.
(Y/n) “ what are you taking about.”
( Jimin) “ the Victoria secret insadent.”
(Y/n) “ taehyung was never supported to say anything about that.”
(Jimin) “ look I want sex and I need sex so do me a favor and just come to my room.”
(Y/n) you looked at him in shock and disbelief and said “ I don’t want to”.
(Jimin) he grabbed you wrist while saying “ you don’t know what you want.”
He over powered you and dragged you as you could only scream nooo. Jungkook heard him when he threw you the bed and removed your shirt and bra aggressively and you said “ don’t touch me.” He busted in the room and pushed him toward the wall and picked you up and held you like a baby while saying “ get away from her.”
You were scared Infact terrified until jungkook saved you and on his way out the room he gave you your clothes and looked away. He brought you in the bed room to comfort you as you had you titties still hanging out. He refrained from looking and was try to make sure you were ok and all you said was “ thank you, and I’m fine but I’m just surprised by Jimin drunk behavior.”
He laugh and you join in too, then you looked at him laying on his side of the bed and said. “ you were brave and thank you for that soo much.” He blushed and laid there but you got up and locked the door and came back in crawled on him, and said “ doesn’t a hero deserve a reward?” Then you grabbed his hands and let him feel you ass and titties . His hands felt amazing then after 20 minutes he tried to master bats before stoping him where he’s hard but not mastervating yet and told him “ that comes at a higher price.”
Then you got undressed and let him touch you while you finding comfy clothes to cook in. Then you left him and went to start cooking. You started boiling a southern country boil and when it was done yall went to eat at the table, yall were all talking about stupid things that were not important . And under the table you started to rub your foot on his dick while at dinner. He looked at you and pleaded that you waited but he was ignored. Then you got up and said “ I need to goto the bathroom I’ll be right back”. But you left the room and snuck under the table and gave head to him while he tried not to moan but he came close to cuming after 5 minutes you snuck back to come back to dinner and when you arrived taehyung said “ your cooking was soo good that while you were gone jungkook kinda moaned about how good it was”. Everyone laugh and yall finished dinner.
When you got done doing dishes you avoided jungkook because you knew he was gonna get his lick back. You snuck out the kitchen into your room to take a shower in the double showerhead glass shower. You went and got a pajama set from your dresser, and headed to the bathroom in y’all’s room and started the shower and waited for it to get warm and got in and started sing whatcha say by Jason derulo. Then while showering jungkook snuck in but you didn’t see because the mirrors were fogged up and he got undressed and joined you. He hoped in the shower silently crept up scaring you by saying suddenly “ what was that at dinner”.
(Y/n) “ what are you doing in here? GET OUT!!!” While you tried to cover your body.
(Jungkook) “ there’s no point in covering your body because I’ve already seen you… BRUH I literally had sex with you.”
(Y/n) looked confidently and said sternly “ what do you want?”
(Jungkook) “ to repay the favor you gave me at dinner.”
You let him buy under the condition he stops when you ask and slowly got the level of your cunt and pushed you against the wall. He started slowly licking your clit it drove slightly insane due to your impatience but also felt good. Then he started licking and sucking your clit faster while fingering you and your rubed his wet hair and you started to moan but not loud enough to be heard over the shower. And then started to eat you out, he picked you up and threw your legs over his shoulders and held you harder against the wall and licked the inside of your pussy. The irresistible feeling of his you’ve on your walls and his lips rubbing your clit made your heart pound in excitement and made you moan very loudly. He was going hard at it and was about to make you cum and you screamed while moaning “ JUNGKOOK IM ABOUT TO CUM!!!” Then you came and the taste was delicious to him and he basically slurped it out of your wet throbbing cunt while you were twitching uncontrollably and moaning and had your eye rolling to the back of your head. Then he picked you up picked up a condum from under the shampoo that he placed and put it on and picked you up and sloppily made out with you against the wall and your legs draped in his arms and put his hard wet duck inside you. He decided he wasn’t gonna hold back for your sake, he went hard and both of your generals were throbbing in a rhythm that made it ever hotter and feel better. He was fucking you soo hard your pussy wrapped around his dick tighter making it feel better and you were moaning so loud it was echoing and you couldn’t ever here the shower then he came and you did aswell and melted into each others arms and then he put you down. As he put you down he said “ that was so good.” Then you ignored him and y’all showered and got done and went to bed and cuddled.
Next day…
Today was the last day tomorrow yall had to leave so you rented a watch with jet skis and stuff you and the boys and yall got up at 5 am and you drove to the dock and boarded. Yall skipped breakfast and went to get changed into swimsuits so you went to out of your royal blue triangle top with cheeky bottoms and string rhinestones bikini, jungkook put on plain red swim shorts, taehyung put on plain green swim shorts, and jimin put on plain blue swim shorts. Then yall walked and headed to the jet skis. There were only two and Jimin was scared so you let him go with you even though you were rougher and crazier that taehyung or jungkook. Yall boarded them and you reved the engine as taehyung and jungkook were fighting for who drives first. The Jimin shakily and slowly got on the back behind you and grabbed tightly around your waist and scooted close behind you. Then you drove out really fast and was doing crazy tricks and ride fast as Jimin was holding on for dear life . Then you and jungkook wanted to race to a bouie abt 1 mile away. So y’all got on and got to y’all’s spots and counted down. You were slightly slow in the beginning but caught because y’all ran into chooppy waves and he slowed down and while bouncing you huge ass was rubbing up and down Jimin dick. But then you circled around and sped to the yatcha beating him. Then yall got off because it was stress full and let jungkook and taehyung ride out there together. Then you and jimin headed to the hot tub and you laid out side of it drinking water and laying on your stomach tanning but the an hour later you turned over to tan and was blinded by the sun sorta but laid for an hour until jungkook and taehyung got back from jet skiing and joined jimin in the hot tub. The you got in but had no room because everyone had their legs on the seats so you stood up and said “ can one of yall move your legs please.” They looked at you and said.
(Taehyung) “ you can sit in my lap.”
(Jimin) “ I can hold um your weight on my legs sit in mine. “
(Jungkook) “ sit in my lap if you want.”
They then started jokingly bickering but then you said (y/n) “ how dare you Jimin comment on my weight so no, taehyung no because you pick me up and throw me off the boat, and jungkook maybe no bc you’ll get bricked up but…( puased for a second and thought to yourself)… yeah sure what the heck.”
So you sat in jungkooks lap and laid your head on his shoulder that he had his arm out the water. The hot tub way comfortable and hot. So you got comfy. But before falling asleep you felt his abs and then grabbed his other arm and wrapped it around you and cuddled it in comfort and fell asleep. When you woke up it was 4 pm and he was nervous wreck cause he was hard but everytime you moved he messed up on his words and shuddered nervously and was sweating. So tou tried to get up he stopped and whispered in your ear “ look y/n I’m hard I know you can tell too so I’m trying to not show it just don’t move it feel good and I don’t wanna nut in here.” You were shocked and laughed at him causing you to move like vibrating and it was funny then he came and moaned but said that you hit him in the balls. And moved you off him and went to the bathroom as yall were laughing y’all’s asses off. But you kinda felt bad so you got out and dried off and went to find him. He was in a small room that’s typically where staff sleep but didn’t it was a tight room with a cubby like bunk bed. You decided to talk to him and clear things up and walked in on him cleaning his swim shorts with his waist down under the covers. Came in a sat down on the bottom bunk and leaned over because it was very low and said.
(Y/n) “ jungkook I’m sorry I didn’t mean too.”
(Jungkook) he glared at you and looked back at the swim shorts as he scrubbed them and stayed silent
(Y/n) you gave him a sad look and “ I sorry jungkook I really didn’t mean to you make you cum you just worded it funny and I couldn’t control my laughing.”
(Jungkook) he looked at you pissed off and said “ it’s not your fault it’s mine for thinking you were ready for this kind of stuff.”
(Y/n) you didn’t understand what that mean but you got teary eyed and scooted closer and gave him puppy eyes and said “ what do you mean?”
(Jungkook) “ I mean I shouldn’t have let a girl like you sit in my lap because you can’t not be sexual.”
(Y/n) you were holding back tears and said “ what did I even do? I tried to get off you to stop it and I just slept on you.”
(Jungkook) “ god why don’t you get in you make me… you… you wouldn’t get it you just make me loose control. You just make me horny and I just want to have a normal relationship.”
(Y/n) “ we don’t have a normal relationship?” You said shakily and trying not to cry.
(Jungkook) “ NO!!! We have a relationship where your a side hoe!”
(Y/n) you cupped you hands around your mouth and gasped and started crying and ran out.
Jungkook relised what he did and tried to stop you and apologize to you but he did have him swim shorts on and you ran and hid up on the top deck away from the boys. And after jungkook put on the swim shorts he plopped down on the bottom bunk and fell back outing his hand on his fore head and started to cry about what he had just done. As he was crying you were done deciding to wipe away the tears and look out the water and reflect on what to do. Then jungkook wiped away the tears and went to look for you on the boat. He looked in all the rooms and then went to see if you were on the floor above inside he couldn’t find you there either and it had give yourself 30 minutes to reflect you decided you need to go back and pack at the hotel so you headed up to the captain and said.
(Y/n) “ I’m ready to go but the boys aren’t so can yall take me back to land some how?
(Captain) “ yes mam” then he radioed a crew member to get a life jacket and drive you back to the dock on a jet ski. While this was going on jungkook ran to the hot tub and explained everything to the boys and begged them to help him find you. So then they went to the front of the boat and looked for you as a crew member was getting on the jet ski with you and getting ready to leave. Then they went to the bar to see if you were there you weren’t but then jungkook decided to get a shot of scotch to ease the pain. As they searched you were gone by 10 minutes and after they searched the rest of the boat first 20 minutes they stoped and decided to wait until they got off the boat that night at 10pm. And for the rest of the night taehyung and jimin were gonna have fun as jungkook sat looking sad regretting what he said and hating himself. You finally arrived at the dock at 5:40 and got off and tipped the crew member 30 bucks and got a in the car and drove to the hotel and showered while crying and then after that started packing. But after you walked in the room you locked the door and locked the bedroom door.
A few hours later
It’s 9pm and you hear jungkook come in the pent house and try to open the bedroom door but it was locked and he said softly.
(Jungkook) “ please let me in. I’m sorry I didn’t mean what I said.”
(Y/n) you stayed silent
(Jungkook) “ y/n you’re not a hoe and I was mad because I was embarrassed but please let me in.”
(Y/n) then you said harshly “go away!”
(Jungkook) “ y/n please.” He said sounding like he was about to cry.
You felt bad and went to let him in. You opened the door looking at him with a sad glare as he sat on the floor the jumped up the come in and try to hug you but you backed away and gave him a stank look.
(Jungkook) “ I’m soo sorry.” As he grabbed your shoulders gently.
(Y/n) “ I forgive you.”
(Jungkook) he smiled and hugged you said “ I love you so much and will not ever say that to you again.”
(Y/n) as he hugged you, you asked him “ do you really hate sex?”
(Jungkook) “ no”
Then yall went to finish packing and went to bed but you tried to sleep on the couch but jungkook wouldn’t let you and sslept there for you as you slept alone. When taehyung and jimin got home you were dead asleep and jungkook told them that your fine and not to mess with you and everyone goto bed.
The last morning
You woke up and got everyone up and out to the cab to the airport. You and jungkook weren’t talking or saying anything to each other on the way to the airport and the whole way Jimin and taehyung tried talking to yall but yall sat in the back facing opposite ways and looked out yall window while sitting far from each other and ignored everyone. Then when yall got to the air port the press was crowding yall and flashing hundreds of photo of yall. Then yall checked in and had an hour til y’all’s first flight to Atlanta. When yall went to y’all’s terminal the boys were bombarded by female fans as you were pushed away by them and you looked away and ignored them. Then they left and were escorted by airport security to a private place then the girls started questioning you but you ignored them. And then you boarded the plane decided to sit by taehyung on the way to Atlanta. The entire flight you sat by the window watching the flight and stayed silent and so did jungkook and jimin and taehyung tried to get yall to talk but yall ignored them and stayed silent. After the flight landed yall goto off and went to under ground subway to get to terminal F. As yall went to the mile high club yall were crowded by fans. Once yall got in yall relised a 13 year old fan girl was in there and that was the only person jungkook would talk to. You got jealous but didn’t say anything, because you didn’t want to talk to anyone because you were mad you were leaving home again. Then Jimin tapped you and took you outside to say.
(Jimin) “ what’s wrong with you and jungkook I know yall made up.”
(Y/n) you just shrugged
(Jimin) “ well yall need to talk.”
(Y/n) you disregarded what he said and ignored him.
(Jimin) “ ok well you and jungkook are gonna be in the delta one cabin for the 8hour flight.”
(Y/n) you shook your head and got mad because you didn’t want to be around him so you angrily went back in the room and got your wallet to go shop to take your mind off the anger. When you did this jungkook and taehyung looked at you concerned but knew why you were mad. But you went to go get a water and you had too wait 3 more hours it was 4pm and you started boarding at 7pm. So then you went to eat and that took an hour off the wait. Then you spent an hour doing TikTok’s. The last hour spent going back to the boarding area. Then when you got there emdiatly it was time to board and your boarded with your boarding group. And the last group to board was the boys and they pushed jungkook in there. Yall looked at each other and looked at the windows in your cabin this was a new kinda of seat that they got from quarta airlines and it’s a cabin with a small room closed in with walls and a double bed with two windows and a seat tv. When yall were able to roam the cabin jungkook put on a movie but got bored.
(Y/n) “ jungkook?”
(Jungkook) he looked at you concernedly “ yes?”
(Y/n) “ we is good right?”
(Jungkook) “ yeah”.
Then you took your sweat pants and hoodie revealing you only had shorts on and put them in your carryon bag.
(Y/n) “ ok I’m sleeping by the window.”
(Jungkook) he looked at you mesmerized by your beauty and said “ ok” like he was in a trance.
You crawled in bed and faced the window and as you lied down jungkook was looking at you and decide he wanted to cuddle so he turned off the tv and faced. You and cuddled you and held you close to him. Then he started to feel you titties and started grouping them gently. As you allowed this because it felt like a massage and he start to peck you with kisses on the neck then started to give a hicky on the shoulder and it felt swaying. I was like you were falling in to a cold of dark comfort and then you spoke up and said.
(Y/n) “ do you want to have sex.”
(Jungkook) “ if you’re ok with that.”
Then your to face him and sloppily made out him. His lips were irresistible. Then he pulled away and asked “ do you have a condom?” You replied “ in my bag” so he grabbed one and continued to make out with you which felt amazing. Then you started to take off his clothes and he was exposed and you started sucking his erect dick. It tasted like blue berry and you were going ham on his dick. You were deepthroating it like it was nothing but then he stopped you snd took off your shirts and thong. And started to eat you out he was licking your clit and the walls of your vigina this was making hard for you not to moan so you dmothered your face in a pillow and mianed into it as he ate you out amazingly. When y’all finally got done with sex yall cuddled while looking out the window and fell asleep to the view. She. Yall got off taehyung and Jimin came up to you with a smirk and asked “ did you two make up?” You smirked and blushed but looked by at them confidently and said boldly “ fuck yeah!!”
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