#thank the content creators for what they provide especially those who do it out of passion and or are smaller
Tumblr should make it so we can comment/ask with sideblogs or just make sideblogs like seperate accounts entirely so we can interwct more with vore accounts like, I really really really want to ask non-anon and comment about how much I love the stuff someone writes or draws but I wanna try to keep the vore stuff for this account only because I don't know if any of the few who follow our main blog would wanna randomly see that on their dash.
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ATTENTION PLZ READ: Serious Post & Call To Action
I almost never get serious on here, but this is an emergency that effects ALL of us. This is gonna b a long post, but there's a lot of info so plz bear with me.
If you're not on tiktok, you probably haven't heard abt this cuz I've heard and seen NO ONE outside of tiktok talking about this and that's scary.
We have a major mass internet censorship bill that Facists- I mean "Conservatives" are trying to get through congress that was co-signed by Dove (yes, the soap company) & LIZZO of all people back in April of this year.
This bill is called the "Kids Online Safety Act" or KOSA for short.
Under the guise of "protecting children" it is the worst mass internet censorship bill to date and if it passes, it will give state senators and the government the power to censor and destroy anything they don't like off the face of the internet. And by that I mean in a recent video interview of Senator Marsha Blackburn (one of the senators that introduced the bill) said the quiet part out loud and detailed EXACTLY what we knew they were gonna do.
If they pass it, they're going to use it to wipe any LGBTQIA+ content & info off the face of the internet, but ESPECIALLY anything to do with Transgender people and being Trans. And they intend on targeting Transgender children especially.
Due to the purposefully vague wording of the bill giving the gov. the power to destroy anything they deem "a danger to kids" you know that's what they're gonna use it for instead of censoring anything that's an actual danger to kids. They said it themselves.
But it gets SO MUCH WORSE than that. This bill would also give th4em the power to control EVERYTHING you do and EVERYWHERE yo go on the internet and no. A VPN won't help you.
This goes way beyond just lgbtqia info and fandom content/culture being in danger. This also means our right to free speech, access to accurate and factual information, and ability to communicate & organize with each other is also up on the chopping block. They're trying to make it harder for us to fight back against what they're doing.
And even if you don't live in the US, this will also effect you too. Access to any US based content creators and US based media as well as your ability to communicate with your US friends & Family as well as access to info on what's happening in the US will also be in danger as well.
If you're on tiktok and want more info, I reccomend looking up omarsbigsister who has an entire playlist on the bill as well as info and petition links in her bio and a call script to read off for contacting your senators. but I will also be providing those same links at the end of this post.
So what can we do to stop it?
Sign petitions
COntact your senators and reps. Call them, email them, send physical letters,
but most importantly,
share and repost this because the fact that no one oustide of tiktok is talking about this even though it will effect ALL OF US and could spell the end of the internet as we know it is SCARY
This bill is text book fascism and we need to kill it in its crib.
Here are all the links:
Resources for learning about KOSA
Sign this petition and call your senators! (this one includes a call script for you to read from
Sign the open letter against KOSA
Stop KOSA movement's linktree with even more petitons and resources to help
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k-labels · 1 year
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one of the most important moments in an idol’s life is their debut. the path they have worked hard to get towards and the day when the world catches a glimpse of who they are. some may choose to follow and support them from the beginning, others might just keep an eye out for them. those first impressions are key. 
our first upcoming event focuses on a debut song/concept of your choice. whether it’d be writing a fic inspired by the song’s meaning, a few lyrics, or just the overall vibe the song may have. the fic does not need to be word for word on what the debut song is about, hence the room for growth above. others may create visuals that took place during an idol’s debut. this can include screen grabs from their debut mv, any content from their debut era, etc. 
has your attention been sparked? please reblog this post and continue reading for actual details of our first event! 
this event is exclusive to members only. if you’ve seen this on your feed and are interested in joining k-labels, and our future events, please review our official post and our audition forum. 
due to this being a members-exclusive event, it is very encouraged that all our members are in our discord server, as that is where any information and questions about this event will be posted. if you are not in our server please reach out to k-labels or our admins cici @iyeonjuni and val @fairybinie and we will provide you with the link. otherwise, you may ask potential questions through our dms and ask box!
SUBMISSIONS FOR THIS EVENT WILL BE ACCEPTED ON AUGUST 7th THROUGH AUGUST 14th (deadline). along with our standard k-labels tag, please use the event tag kl: debut so it’s easier to sort through. 
as always, each fic must contain its usual trigger warnings, genre, word count and pairing in the beginning. we will not be accepting any mem x mem fics. 
for our writers, the debut song you choose does not need to be the same artist you write for. this way, it can allow for more flexibility! ie. you choose crown by txt but you can write for stray kids.
no smaus or smau dedicated chapters for this event. fake text oneshots will be accepted so long as it adheres to the prompt of this event. 
fic word counts must be at least 300 words and a maximum of 4,000 words. be gracious of the keep reading tool.
any glorification or inclusion of triggering topics will not be allowed. 
if you intend on writing a nsfw piece, please make sure that the idol in the fic is of age. we will only accept idols born in the year of 2002 and older. minors are not allowed to write nsfw. 
for our visuals and gfx creators, it’s pretty much free game. as mentioned in the insights half, content may be used from an idol/group’s debut mv, debut era, etc. still, to make it unique please use your favorite lyric(s) of the debut song as your caption! 
members are not required to participate in this event!
if you do choose to participate in this event, a reblog with your clarification and indication would be appreciated as well as a response in our discord server!
as mentioned, our discord server will have a dedicated channel for event submissions where you can plug your content for this event on the specified dates. if you are not in our server, remember to use our k-labels and especially our kl: debut tag so it’s easy for us to find it! if we have not reblogged your work please reach out to us. 
once again, thank you to anyone who is interested in participating. we look forward to your submissions! let's appreciate these firsts for everything and the special time in an idol’s life that is their debut. 
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man--eater · 3 months
Hi there! I just wanted to reach out and say once again how much I admire your work. I'm also incredibly grateful for the time and energy you invest in supporting other content creators. It's truly heartwarming to see you engage with their work, offer feedback, and provide guidance. Your positivity is a beacon of light in this creative community, and I hope you continue to spread your infectious enthusiasm. I've been wanting to tell you this for a while, but I'm a bit shy.
I'm especially impressed by your ability to create relatable and well-developed characters. It's clear that you put a lot of thought and dedication into your writing, and it's truly inspiring. I always appreciate reading stories with such depth and authenticity. As a woman in my 30s, it can sometimes be challenging to stay engaged in the creative world, especially in a reality where people's feelings and artistic expressions are often invalidated. Your OC is truly incredible and inspiring. I love her personality and how you're developing her. I can't wait to see her growth and learn more from her.
As always, sending you the best wishes.
Oh my god, thank you so much for the kind words. This means so much to me to hear ;-; <3 I try to support other writers and artists whenever I can because whether it's a comment on AO3, or tags/reblogs here, having people engage with my work is seriously one of the best feelings in my otherwise stressful and busy life. It makes getting through the tough spots--the self-doubt, writer's block, demotivation--easier, because I can go back to those comments when I need them. So when I see or read something I enjoy, I do my best to let people know, because I know how precious (and increasingly rare) that kind of engagement is. Thank you!! I do spend a lot of time brainstorming and thinking about my OCs, and my takes on canon characters. Daphne is my absolute beloved, she is so complicated and private and reserved, but has such a simple yearning for things she's never known that makes my heart ache. She's learning so many things--some pleasant, some painful--and has grown a lot since she was created. So happy you like her!! I know exactly what you mean about being in your thirties in fandom--I turn 35 the first week of July, and it can be hard to find people to talk to in fandom. Especially with the resurgence of sex-negativity and antis in many fandoms; there are people who spend an inordinate amount of time seeking out and criticizing other people's ships and work, and it's just so bizarre to me. But I have found some friends, some new and some of whom I've known for several years now, and it doesn't feel quite so lonely to be older in fandom :) Thank you again, this was so lovely to see in my inbox <3 <3 <3
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What I did on my summer vacation
As you've no doubt gathered by now, for the last two years I've been playing various old games with my wife. I often used to post about that adventure here, and then I kinda stopped. I feel bad about that, especially when it comes to the two excellent, free indie games I had fully intended to spotlight. So here's a quick rundown!
Celeste, OJONMRAG, Double Cross
Three great indies I got in the same bundle. Celeste needs no introduction, and I've spoken about it before. I don't know if I ever mentioned Oh Jeez Oh No My Rabbits Are Gone!!!, but it's a fun puzzle game with cute visuals and surprisingly catchy music. And speaking of those two things, Double Cross is a hidden gem of a game. We really enjoyed its eclectic cast, and still sometimes quote the zany catgirl in particular. ("All cats are tyrants, Zahra.")
Manic Miners
Lego Rock Raiders was a toy line in the 1990s, which earned its own video game tie-in. I remember it fondly... as did one absolute hero, who remastered the dang thing as a non-profit passion project. Manic Miners is available via Itch for free - because it's a fan game! He had to ask very nicely to do this at all! - and it completely revitalizes what was an engaging but flawed fuzzy memory from my childhood. As well as adding several quality of life improvements to make the game flow better, cut content is restored and entirely new features are added in, such as a character creator. If you want an accessible game that can provide the sweet, sweet satisfaction of collecting every scrap of resources from a initially messy environment, I highly recommend this.
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inFamous 2: Festival of Blood
An important thing to know about me is that I hate vampires. I don't like 'em and I don't like looking at 'em, so I usually avoid and and all vampiric media, even if they're getting slaughtered. For that reason, despite loving inFamous 2, I never checked out its DLC side-adventure Festival of Blood... until now. (Making a new purchase on the PS3 digital store was hard, but not impossible. Thanks for complaining every time they try to shut it down, everybody!) It's a short experience, but a lot of fun, thanks to the wise decision to let Zeke narrate the whole bullshit stor- I mean, thrilling tale of true heroism. I found Bloody Mary to be an entertainingly nasty villain, despite my biases.
Psychonauts 2
Psychonauts is one of the video games ever, no question. Expectations were lofty for its much-delayed sequel. If anything, I think I prefer this one! The core (the gameplay, visuals, hilarious writing, and Peter McConnell's consistently excellent music) all remain unchanged, with new mechanics, some quality of life improvements, and an impressive voice cast all added on top. Jack Black and Elijah Wood are both in this game, and they're both great!
Pokémon White
this one kinda sucked ngl
Halo: Combat Evolved
Mostly, I'm showing my wife a game and not the other way around. There was one major franchise that I had almost entirely missed, however - aside from a few free-form skirmishes at parties - that she fondly remembers. This summer, we both experienced the first Halo together, and in short: yeah, I can see why this changed the course of the industry singlehandedly. It still feels great to play, even with my wife assuring me that the sequel is a big improvement from these already solid bones. I frankly don't relish slaughtering the fleeing, crying Grunts, since we as a society have moved on considerably when it comes to the rights of funny little guys. But it feels great to shoot aleins and Cortana is my friend. Exactly as advertised.
Jak II: Renegade
this one definitely sucked, holy shit. I remember this being a good game. I remembered incorrectly.
Shantae (2002)
I've played two of the more recent Shantae games, and I found them charming. But how does the original hold up? Pretty well, honestly! It's far from perfect - the day and night cycle really adds nothing beyond referencing Castlevania - but the music and visuals are truly impressive for the original GameBoy. I'm gonna be thinking about Shantae's cute little 8-bit dances for a while.
Undertale Yellow
Like anyone who listens to a lot of Toby Fox's music over YouTube, I've seen my fair share of dubious OCs and "epic fights" floating at the corner of my vision. With that in mind, I went into UY with managed expectations, despite the positive buzz. Could a fangame really match the unique energy and charm of one of the greatest independent games of our generation?
Uh... yeah! I'm as surprised as anyone else, but everything from the music to the gameplay to the writing was really bang-on. It's not a flawless experience - the El Bailador fight needed reworking, it was WAY harder than other, more impactful fights - but the eight years of passion very much shine through. If you're a fan of UT/DR and need something to tide you over as we all wait for Chapters 3+, I fully recommend this. It's free!!!!
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Spyro the Dragon (1998)
Finished this just yesterday! I got the remaster when it came out, but - no offense - nothing beats the blocky low-poly charm of the original. This was my first time replaying it in several years, and for the first time, it felt small. Levels I remember struggling with posed no challenge any more. But I think that only speaks to how many times I replayed this lovely little adventure. Also, did you know that of the, like, four voice actors in this game, one of them is Clancy goddamn Brown? He plays like 30 of these polygonal dragons!
...I would normally try to end a post this long on a more climactic note, but, uh... yeah.
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waitmyturtles · 9 months
I feel like somewhere out there is an essay on Thai BL and the concept of the Death of the Author.
I find it fascinating how active the writers, directors, producers can be before, during, and after a show's run, especially as someone who does't seek out or interact with much BTS/creator content. It's also interesting (post-Only Friends and as I get more familiar with the big names in the genre) how a certain director/writer can heavily shape audience expectations and even interpretations of the shows they create. Obviously this is true to a certain extent outside of Thai BL but I've never seen it quite as pronounced in any of the other media I watch apart from auteur-style film directors.
Thanks so much for the note, @stuffnonsenseandotherthings, and allow me to tag a few fandom experts to drop their thoughts (if they’d like, no pressure) on this line of thinking, both internal and external to the Thai BL genre, for more understandings of what’s happening by way of how Thai BL creators engage with their art and their fans on social media. (@lurkingshan @neuroticbookworm @bengiyo @shortpplfedup @so-much-yet-to-learn @grapejuicegay @recentadultburnout and @absolutebl if you have the time.)
I recently got a very deep-dive into the nature of some fandoms by @recentadultburnout, @grapejuicegay, @lurkingshan, and @neuroticbookworm (thank you, friends!), and first off, there’s A LOTTTTTTT I don’t know by way of the interactions (or lack thereof) that show creators have with their fans. I really don’t know much about global internet fandoms and the nature of fans interacting with each other and/or show creators, and the history of the artistic (or not) impact of those interactions.
I was musing earlier today on how I wonder how Den Panuwat’s commentary on Playboyy compares with the results of the actual art that’s airing, and I surely feel that the social media that the Only Friends creative team posted created some high and unique expectations of that show that, I felt, were not at all ultimately met.
But I don’t know if this is at all unique for the global landscape of show creators to engage with their fandoms on the internet. All I know is that, as someone who’s passionate about facts and fair critiques of art — I’m not sure I want extraneous explanations of what’s happening in a dramatic piece of art if that art clearly didn’t work. (For a work in progress, I won’t write off Playboyy yet, because I think the aspiration and HUGE THEMES of this show are compelling enough to give it more than a fair share of leeway. But if it doesn’t work in the end — do I want to be told why it worked, when it didn’t work for me or my critical eye? I’m….not sure? I do love debate and engagement…but I think I’d have to see how that engagement plays out in the face of a piece of art that ultimately didn’t stand up to the amount of attention it received, like Only Friends.)
Sorry, I ended up musing more than I expected, but I ultimately do not know if the kind of online engagement we see from show creators in Thailand is unique to the global dramatic landscape — I’m hoping that some of the experts could chime in to provide context.
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toxicanonymity · 1 year
readmore for those who don't wanna see talk of engagement & motivation etc.
Anonymous asked: hi toxic, small fanfiction writer here 👋. i hope i’m not clogging up your inbox, you seem super kind and i’m just seeking some advice as a writer myself.
i’ve been writing fanfiction for a little over a year now on tumblr. my blog has grown more than i ever expected. before this comes off as ungrateful I’m so thankful for anyone who reads my work. my work comparatively gets few notes (400-500) and people don’t seem to be interested in my series or characters. i see content creators with similar work as me getting people interested and invested in their stories. i don’t want to compare myself to them, but it’s difficult not to wonder if my content is just not good enough. i guess i’m just asking if and how one can stay motivated to keep putting out work if hardly anyone is interested. i posted my writing because i wanted to share my love for my fandom but it just feels like i’m throwing it into a void. is it because i’m new? or does it have to do with the algo? i just don’t know anymore and i feel like quitting. all i look forward to is seeing my two or three commenters leave their comments. it’s the only thing keeping me going. thanks again, big fan hehe
Toxic: Don’t worry about my inbox, it's very stretchy. It's awesome that you have that many readers but especially regular commenters. 🖤 They are the best. Whatever comparison you're making to other writers, is it really comparable?
Probably not. Example: Should I compare my dad's best friend (dbf) stories to other writers' dbfs? In Silence can never be bought, Joel fucks your stepmother in the first chapter and you try to blackmail him.  Left in Lincoln is an erotic horror story that’s given people nightmares and recovered repressed memories (but Joel is so sweet with you). I can't expect the same pool of readers as dbfs where the primary conflict is age gap, corruption kink, or will-the-dad-find-out. Shoutout to my dbf readers, i love you badasses.
If it is very comparable, like if you can’t think of anything that differentiates yours from others on the surface: Does it need to be more clear what's unique about yours so people don’t feel like they’re going to be reading the same thing? 
I guess my tips would be to keep engaging with readers and write what you really, really want without regard to trends or whether people will like it—stuff you want to see come to life for its own sake. Hopefully that provides another source of motivation.  And that can make it even more exciting when people connect with your story.
A little more on this here (a similar ask)
Thank you for reading my blog!! I hope you find motivation to keep writing.
p.s. I'm gonna put this topic in my FAQs. i rarely answer serious asks, so please don't take offense if I don't answer yours, i do read and care.
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Hey! I know that is not the focus of your blog, but I appreciate your opinion and anything you have to say!
I have two similar situations in my hands: I have this book, whom I can't publish right now, and this comic, who is in the developing stage. Both things I plan to formally publish in the future.
I was wondering if posting things like concept art or little dialogues could/would be harmful in someway. What do you think?
Thank you so much <3
I really appreciate that you value my opinion on these things :)
Personally, I’m very paranoid about other people stealing my lines and stuff but I don’t think I’m relevant enough for that to happen lmao. That’s why I don’t really post about my OCs or the drafts I could see published in the future on here. Because when someone actually steals lines and those lines start showing up in my published work and they decide to claim it as their mental property actually…I dunno how crazy people are but I always expect the worst.
However, I do think it’s a good idea to post about your work, especially to get people interested. If you plan on self-publishing, it’s very good to have an audience right away. Getting people interested and providing a bit more information about your passion project is intriguing and engaging.
That’s just my opinion, though. Traditional publishing is a very nasty process and I wish every author out there the best, hoping self-publishing makes everything easier for content creators. Be careful and good luck <3
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burnwater13 · 1 year
Hi, I'm usually on this site (still very new) writing tiny stories about Grogu and a few other allied topics. I like writing and I enjoy interacting with you all.
I am taking this little bit of time to say, own your opinions. You have a right to have opinions, popular or otherwise. But own them. Don't ascribe them to "they", "everyone", "it", "you", etc.
I am a Star Wars fan. I don't enjoy every little bit of Star Wars to the same extent. I like some of it more and some of it less. For example, I really enjoy The Mandalorian. I especially like Grogu. That's why I write stories about the little guy.
But I understand that you may think that Grogu is the worst thing in the Star Wars universe. That's okay. Express that opinion. Say things like, "I don't enjoy Grogu. I find that character distracting or too comical." That's an example of you owning your opinion.
What I see many times on social media is "Worst thing ever", "They failed us", "Can't understand why anyone wouldn't love this", "Perfect episode, no notes, unless you don't get fandom X", etc.
My response to that is, really? A single character, a single episode, a single action, made something you loved into something you could no longer enjoy? Or that particular thing you love is something you believe that everyone else should love, no matter what?
I enjoy hyperbole, I do. But perhaps, when you share your opinion, start by owning it. Try it this way once in a while, "I hate that they used a celebrity in a cameo because it distracted me from the story"... or "I really enjoyed this episode because I love celebrity cameos". You see, your opinion is out there. It is known. But... you are not mocking the people who don't agree with you. You are also not implying that everyone else or anyone else agrees with you.
Your argument, pro or con, has the full weight of you and your opinion and that's great. I want you all to have your thoughts and opinions known and understood.
If you have to use hyperbole, if you have a need for the drama, and the one upmanship, then write your own stories. Tell them the way you want to. Take the same risk the people who made that piece of media took. They created a thing for you and others to see, interact with, and hopefully enjoy. But our individual mileage varies. Hyperbole doesn't help those people course correct, add nuance, or even understand your true opinion because you never expressed it in a meaningful way.
But hey, I'm not your mom. You do you. I know you will anyway and I want you to. In my opinion a fan helps the creators of content get better at creating content by sharing their opinions in a manner that provides details, not just hyperbole.
Thank you for reading this rant. I hope you have a lovely day.
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shardcraft · 2 years
It was cathartic, I think, to see Techno’s dad talk about him. To hear all of those silly stories and to peek behind the curtain a bit. (I am sure Techno is suitably embarrassed!) Like he said, every day has laughter and tears.
Just the other day I finally mentioned his passing in therapy; I’d been carrying that burden for the last few months, trying to process that grief. And as I was driving this evening I realized that I felt so much lighter for having talked about it. And this feels like that; I had a good cry (I’d been teetering on the edge of one lately, especially during that therapy session), and so that was healing in its own right. So that quote especially hit home. There’s good times, there’s hard times, and we’ll get through them all together. There is such an amazing community here.
I remarked in therapy about how when the news broke, I shared it with family and friends who I knew watched him, a “heads up, this is a serious video, please be gentle with yourself”. I recalled how, while trying to share grief support information, I accidentally shared his merch link. We all laughed; How delighted he would have been at that! And how auto play had suggested a video with “I’m back” in the title, and another auto-played to say “I’m starting the stream... what could go wrong?”. And how everyone I knew all came together that night to share stories and favorite clips. And I told my therapist about how everyone has come together to mourn his death but also to celebrate his life. All of the laughs, and streams, and how he’s changed our lives for the better, in ways big and small. Providing a laugh on a rainy day, or a cool story to enjoy, or something new and enjoyable to help guide you through a dark time.
I found Technoblade in mid/late 2020. It was a pretty rough time for a lot of people, for a lot of reasons. I had just moved to another state, alone, and didn’t know anyone. I didn’t feel comfortable going out and doing things, and, once my work season wrapped up, I stayed in town rather than moving back home. Since it was before I could get a vaccine, and due to my health anxiety, I stayed in. I only left for laundry and groceries, and even then as little as I could. This was not good for my mental health, to be clear; I was lonely and depressed and the whole nine. But I had been getting back into Minecraft/MCYT. I had found the Dream SMP, and its creators, and stumbled upon Techno. I can’t recall what video of his I watched first, but it clicked instantly. I loved his style of video, his wit, his sense of humor. And I started watching him and the other SMP members. I spent hours watching videos and tuning in to streams, and at those times, I didn’t feel so alone. I really dove in to the MCYT community here on tumblr, and I’ve made so many friends and done so much fun stuff; read some amazing fanworks, seen so so much amazing fanart, been connected to new SMPs and content creators. Even joined an SMP myself!
Technoblade, and the community he and his friends have fostered have really, truly changed my life. I’m so thankful that I got back into MCYT and Minecraft, and I’m so thankful to have known him.
Technoblade never dies.
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multi-lefaiye · 2 years
Hiya Multi!! ...I'm not sure if you're the right person to talk to about Tales from the Gas Station, but if you are, then great! So for context: I'm trying to break into the genre of horror media more (though I'm staying far as fuck away from the bloodbath gorefests and screeching jumpscares that make an autistic person whose noise sensitivity is through the roof, like me, jump out of their chair) and because of this, I'm compiling a list of horror media that my friends recommend me to check out!! So, would you mind giving me a brief summary of Tales from the Gas Station (like what it's media format is: web series, etc), and also where I can watch / read it with a link provided? Thank you in advance <3 /p
Also, here's what I have so far for horror media:
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oh i am absolutely the right person to talk to about tales from the gas station, considering that's one of my strongest fixations haha!!!
i definitely understand wanting to avoid gorier horror or horror that's full of jumpscares, and i'm happy to report that, for the most part, tales from the gas station is gore and jumpscare free! it does have some gore, but the gore is never the focus and it doesn't delve into torture porn type content. and there’s no jumpscares in it at all!
this got long, so i'll put the rest under the cut haha.
tales from the gas station is a horror and creepypasta series centered around the employees of a small gas station located at the edge of a small town. i say both horror and creepypasta because it started as a creepypasta series posted on reddit, but later the story was expanded and developed further into a four-part book series!
the protagonist of tales from the gas station is jack townsend (yes, he has the same name as the author haha, kinda in the same way that the protagonist of the magnus archives has the same name as the creator). jack is, effectively, the manager at the gas station, and the series follows him as the horrors around the gas station gradually escalate in severity and intensity, some of which as a direct result of jack and his friends' actions.
in terms of the actual plot, i can tell you that the plot kicks off when jack's best friend and coworker antonio pulls him aside one day to tell him something strange about a customer who just walked in--that being that antonio actually KILLED said customer last night (on accident). things spiral very quickly.
i have a lot of thoughts and emotions about tales from the gas station and it's genuinely one of my favorite pieces of horror media of all time.
okay now here's where i write really some long paragraphs explaining the content warnings, because i want to be detailed and give context where i can.
in terms of content warnings, the biggest ones i can give are that the series dives into issues of terminal illness (as jack was diagnosed with a terminal illness as a teenager), deteriorating mental health, cults, suicide, psychiatric abuse, some drug use, and so so SO much murder. there are scenes including some graphic descriptions of blood and gore, but like i said the gore is never really the focus and these descriptions don't overstay their welcome.
i also want to give a separate warning that there is some ableist language used in reference to certain characters, and while this is condemned by the narrative as the characters saying those things are very clearly Assholes i still understand that this can be very jarring. (the biggest example that comes to mind is when jack, who is heavily coded as autistic, is called the r-slur multiple times in volume one.) there are also, as is present in a lot of media, general throwing around of terms like 'psychopath' in a derogatory way, especially in reference to characters like spencer middleton.
aaaand lastly, the books don't go into a lot of detail about the town the gas station is next to, but they do not shy away from the fact that it is a small town in the deep south in the U.S., which means there's references to and discussions of racism and xenophobia, as well as a good ol' chunk of misogyny. however, once again, the characters spouting that are very clearly portrayed as The Assholes and condemned by the narrative--the books aren't promoting those lines of thinking.
now, in terms of where you can access tales from the gas station if you're interested! i obviously recommend the books, but i also definitely recommend the original creepypasta series/short stories as well!! not all of the original creepypastas are canon anymore, but if you're not able to access the books at this point, they tell roughly the same story and cover much of the same material (the books are just much more in-depth.)
also, as a fun note, the original creepypastas are framed as a blog written by the character jack townsend about his experiences! the books are a look at the *actual* events of the story, while the creepypastas are the versions the character shares with the world.
there are also some official comics, but i actually have yet to dive into those myself so i don't have much to say about them at this point!
i also highly recommend the narrations of the series done by mrcreepypasta on youtube!! he also is the performer for the audiobooks, and in general his reading of the series is top notch. i genuinely can't imagine anyone else playing the character jack townsend.
now! links:
the author's website, specifically the main stories (and the ones that are, as far as i know, still considered canon: [link]
the books themselves (this is an amazon link, specifically for the bundle version of them available on kindle): [link]
the full playlist of every tales from the gas station narration done by mrcreepypasta: [link]
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anilyan · 7 months
A reset
Welcome! You may or may not know me from the many projects I delve in, especially genshin-related projects like fics, later my page of genshin 2D skins (everything before May of 2023 is 2D), and currently my 3D skin mods. If anything, it's impressive that you found this corner of the internet, since this is my less interesting project at least according to people with short attention span.
Thing is, I used to have blogs in Portuguese. And I connected with many people thanks to that. I kept connecting with people after leaving them, especially now that I have many who enjoy my work and who interact with me on my discord server, but I still miss a space where I can share my thoughts and ramble about any topic I want. I have a massive genshin brainrot, so my posts will still mostly be about that, but there are no rules here.
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(Above you can see some genshin mods I've worked on. Mods (skins specifically) won't get you banned, but are pc only. You can join my discord server for more info ^^)
So, why Tumblr? I thought about it, and this seems like the most fitting platform. My stuff can be shared and reblogged, I can customize the layout of my page at least for pc, and my kind of content fits Tumblr better anyway. And I alreaady had this page, so why not use it?
Youtube and video content is kinda a no for me. I love writing, and hate talking. The fact that I'm not an English speaker and that I'm not entirely confident in the way I pronounce words doesn't help, and it's hard for me to make a coherent speech while concentrating instead on how to words. Sure, scripting exists, but if I'm going to write, I would rather share a blog post. Who knows, I might provide audio versions by asking AI to read my posts out loud for me.
The world is ironic. It demands authenticity, yet also wants people to build a brand by submitting to algorithms, which forces creators into making a very specific type of content, without margin for change and exploration, and to create in a format that might not be the most natural to them. Yes, many people thank tiktok for their success, but if I joined the platform, I would just burn out spending more time promoting my content than actively creating it. Someone bring blogs back xD
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Anyway, I am a person, not a brand. I don't want to pretend otherwise. I prefer to grow at a slower pace, and to backtrack sometimes or end up changing course, managing to do everything I want on that journey.
Because I do believe I will be able to achieve anything I want, immortality apart. In the past 3 years, I reached goals that I had wanted for most of my life, in a way after giving up on them. I just noticed that the impulses I get around my birthday end up defining what I will do for the next year, and instead of forcing things, going with the flow works best for me. Those sudden changes might make me lose followers or income streams, because even if my interest end up connecting eventually, the exploration phase is enough to make me lose the favor of algorithms. But I have a main job and, while I would love to be a creator full-time, this might be the most stable option for someone who thrives in ambitious sudden projects like me.
So. Let the Wind lead.
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buzzdixonwriter · 1 year
Art Ain’t A Mirror, It’s A Hammer (Part 3 of 3)
Thanks to rapidly advancing tech, the person on the receiving end of the digital food chain who just wants to be entertained will only need to push a button -- or utter a word, or think a thought, or perhaps not even do that but passively accept whatever the gods of the algorithms decide to present.  AI (or whatever that evolves into) will pick a genre / story / style / cast based on their prior responses to earlier entertainment and generate a brand-new entertainment for them.
As Rick Beato points out, the overwhelming majority of the audience Simply Won’t Care if their entertainment is provided by a real human being with genuine thoughts and emotions, or by a program that can fake it. To be honest, this does open up a new field of content creation, especially for those proficient at screenwriting. 
Writers who can create original highly detailed screenplays -- "directing on paper" in the old animation writing style -- to be translated into cartoons / concerts / short subjects / mini-series / grand operas will find their creativity in demand. This will create a market for brand name writers the same way Stephen King or Danielle Steele are brand names regardless of the actual stories they write.  Audiences will never actually read what they create but will need simply say "Show me the latest David Gerrold story" and it will unfold before them.
The stories can be calibrated for individual tastes and predilections.  The kids can watch a G-rated James Bond adventure where 007 uses a variety on non-lethal gadgets supplied by Q to capture the supervillain while mom and dad can view an NC-17 version loaded down with blood & guts / tits & ass / sex & death.
(Sidebar: Creators will enjoy a secondary revenue stream of product placement, taking fees from companies to have characters use those brands in stories.)
While it will be possible to permanently record any version of any entertainment, a big appeal will be how each retelling will be slightly different, slightly unexpected the same way a play is never performed exactly the same way twice.
It will be a new art form with a new language, a new style.
We can’t leave it to soulless machines and programs.
We need human hearts and minds, thoughts and emotions to hammer out a future culture.
. . .
We’re not going to avoid the intrusion of AI into every aspect of our lives.
It’s already here and we’re already interacting with it.
We are going to see rapid technical and cultural changes as a result.
Remember Mary Quant’s miniskirt.
Nothing prevented anyone from wearing an extremely short skirt before 1963, and some show biz types did wear them when performing.
But Quant said, “Hey, wouldn’t it be kicky to wear this right now out in public?”
Not the deepest intellectual idea ever expressed, true.
But definitely a very human idea.
And it resounded with her audience / customer base.
And they took that silly little piece of fabric and used it to help them change the world.
If no one provides art with ideas, audiences will create their own meaning.
That could mean a golden age if that audience wanted ideas.
But from what we know of human history, the overwhelming majority don’t want to think, they just want to be entertained.
Bread and circuses.
I may be misremembering, but I recall in John Brunner’s classic sci-fi novel Stand On Zanzibar there’s a spaced out druggie couch potato who pops up periodically in the book, watching TV and crooning to himself, “Man, what an imagination I’ve got…”
The irony, of course, is that the character possesses no imagination, hardly even thinks at all.
He just observes the media unfolding before him and utterly fails to grasp the message.
He can attach no meaning to it on his own because he possesses no frame of reference.
We the artists, the creators must stay in the struggle to provide meaning to the world.
. . .
We opened with Dylan, let’s close with Springsteen:
“Outside the street's on fire in a real death waltz Between what's flesh and what's fantasy And the poets down here don't write nothing at all They just stand back and let it all be And in the quick of a knife, they reach for their moment And try to make an honest stand But they wind up wounded, not even dead Tonight in Jungleland”
 © Buzz Dixon
0 notes
I wouldn't be surprised if this is a common conflict those who draw mcyt stuff (especially focused on dsmp) but whilst I see the content creator and character as separate entities, I would be lying if I say that a part of me wasn't bashing itself for giving Jubilant of the Superhero Warlock AU what I view as a cool looking design. Granted, that's probably affected by personal association, former friends would frequently talk about dsmp (or just minecraft in general, though perhaps that part was unintentional) as though it was a horrifying den of sinful beasts purely because of cc!dream being connected to it and complain about a bad apple they found online and act as though every single fan was like that, even when I had talked about my interest in and awe of this fandom and made it very clear I agreed in regards to their dislike of cc!dream. I just felt like making this post to clarify. I may enjoy minecraft and the stories that use it as a medium despite it's association with him, I may occasionally draw the character he plays either due to them fitting a role in an AU or due to being an important part of a scene I'm drawing, I may draw DSMP stuff from time to time, I may want to be welcoming to all fans of the same interest and I do not want to scare them away even if they share different views. But I personally am not a fan of cc!dream. I hope that makes sense. I don't seek to change anyone's minds on the matter, I want to try and provide the welcoming environment that I sought after feeling unintentionally demonized by friends for my interests, regardless of if they agree or disagree, I will not attack those who disagree (I only ask you please don't attack me in turn), I just wanted to clarify how I view things especially considering the creation of an AU where the character plays a significant role. If anyone who looks at my blog from time to time reads this, thanks, sorry for the heavy and serious post among silly shenanigans, I hope to provide more funny content to make up for it. This just seemed important to put out there to me.
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atlanticcanada · 2 years
Battle for bargains: Shoppers hunt for deals as inflation continues to bite
A day after Loblaws' price-freeze on No Name products ended, some experts are warning retailers that consumers won't hesitate to find new places to shop if prices are better.
Lineups have become common outside the Gateway Meat Market in Dartmouth, N.S., especially on weekends.
Famous for lost leaders, the local market has honed a reputation with bargain hunters and some people are even willing to travel to get there.
Jennifer Harten drove from Rawdon, N.S., which is an hour away from the market.
"They had significant savings here compared to some of the other stores," Harten told CTV News on Sunday. "So, I'm just here to stock up on some of the things they have on sale."
"Prices are getting ridiculous in grocery stores," said Alessandra Naccarato. "I'm a student, so to be able to afford food, it's better to come where there's good deals, and I saw it online so I came here."
It's not just grocery prices that keep going up. It seems everywhere people are turning, they're paying more.
The December inflation rate sailed in at 6.3 per cent, slightly lower than what analysts were expecting, but still painful for those struggling to get by.
"There definitely have been some retailers who've been taking advantage of this situation to raise their prices to pad their profits," said retail analyst Bruce Winder.
"[But] having said that, there's also a lot of retailers who aren't able to raise the costs needed to cover their new, higher input costs, so it's going to be across the board," said Winder, adding retailers often find inventive ways to keep customers.
"Some of them create value products or value product lines. So, they come up with sort of a de-spect or lower-specification version of the products. Maybe it's smaller - you've heard of 'shrinkflation' - to try to keep prices intact while still doing volume," he said.
"And, what happens though, is consumers change their mix in terms of who they shop at. So, maybe if they shopped a little more at Walmart, now they're shopping at Dollarama or Dollar Tree."
And shoppers are looking for other ways to save.
Kat Cassidy has built a couponing empire on social media platforms, with117,000 followers on Instagram alone.
"I really think Canadians are looking for ways to start being a little bit more savvy with their money, and really stretch their dollar as we hit record high inflation, especially when it comes to those everyday items, such as groceries," said Cassidy, who took up couponing as a hobby a decade ago.
"I'm very thankful to be able to reach so many people and try and help them. Giving them the tips and tricks to start saving money, but at the end of the day, it does come down to the individual. How much you save depends on the time and effort that you want to put into something. I always say, couponing can be a fun hobby, but it also has that financial reward as well."
Cassidy, who also provides content on Facebook and YouTube, has a full-time job outside of couponing, and notes deals can be significantly different in different regions of the country.
"In Ontario, we sometimes see some of the lower prices, compared to out west or the Maritimes, sometimes pricing is a little bit inflated. Just the cost of goods are more. But, also it really comes down to, 'What stores do you have in your area?'" she said.
"A lot of Canadians are struggling right now, especially with inflation on everyday items like groceries. But, when you go online and you're looking at other creators or couponers who are doing the same thing as you, don't be afraid to ask questions and start learning, because at the end of the day, we're all really just here to help each other and try to get through this as much as we can."
Back at the Gateway Meat Market, Naccarato was pleased with her purchases, totalling around $140.
"I go to Walmart, and it's like four things and it's $50. And come here and support local, and actually get enough food for the week," she said. "It was definitely packed."
from CTV News - Atlantic https://ift.tt/hQIX2TP
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christophermraerdon · 2 years
Best Gaming and Content Creation Laptop: The Ultimate Guide
If you’re looking for the best gaming and content creation laptop, this is the ultimate guide for you. We’ll help you choose the perfect model for your needs, budget, and lifestyle.
Whether you want a powerful machine for serious gaming or a more versatile option for content creation, there’s a great laptops out there for you. In this guide, we’ll share our top picks for the best gaming and content creation laptops on the market today.
We’ll also provide an overview of what to look for when shopping for a new laptop so you can make the best decision possible. So if you’re ready to find your perfect match, let’s get started!
The best gaming and content creation laptops for 2020
The best gaming laptops have changed a lot in recent years. Laptops used to be significantly less powerful than their desktop counterparts, making them unsuitable for anything but the most basic of tasks. However, that’s no longer the case. Nowadays, there are plenty of laptops on the market that can handle demanding games without breaking a sweat.
If you’re looking for a laptop that can do it all, then you need one of the best gaming and content creation laptops. These machines are designed for those who want to game and create content on their laptop without compromise. They come with powerful processors and GPUs as well as high-resolution displays so that you can enjoy the latest games and movies in all their glory. Plus, they usually come with extra features like Thunderbolt 3 support which makes them ideal for connecting to external devices such as graphics cards or storage solutions.
So, if you’re looking for a new laptop and want one that can do it all, then be sure to check out our list of the best gaming and content creation laptops below.
The best gaming laptops for under $1000
The best gaming laptops under $1000 are those that offer the most value for money. In other words, they offer the best performance per dollar spent. When looking for the best gaming laptop under $1000, you should consider its processor, graphics card, memory, and storage capacity.
Processor: The processor is the heart of any computer, and it is especially important for gamers and content creators who need a fast machine. Look for a laptop with at least an Intel Core i5 or AMD Ryzen 5 CPU.
Graphics Card: A powerful graphics card is necessary for smooth gameplay and quality video rendering. Many of the best gaming laptops under $1000 come with NVIDIA GTX 1650 or 1050 Ti GPUs.
Memory: Memory, or RAM, is important for both gamers and content creators alike. Choose a laptop with at least 8GB of RAM to ensure that you can run demanding programs without issue.
Storage Capacity: Storage capacity is important if you want to be able to store a lot of games or videos on your laptop. Look for laptops with at least 256GB solid-state drive (SSD) or 1TB hard-disk drive (HDD).
The best Ultrabooks for content creators in 2020
As a content creator, you need a laptop that can handle your demanding workload. You need a powerful processor for rendering video, a large display for editing photos, and enough storage to keep all of your media files organized. And while many laptops on the market claim to be able to handle these tasks, not all of them are created equal. Ultrabooks are some of the best laptops for content creators due to their sleek designs, powerful processors, and large displays. Here are three of the best ultrabooks for content creators in 2020:
1. Dell XPS 15: The Dell XPS 15 is one of the most popular ultrabooks on the market thanks to its powerful processor and beautiful 4K display. It’s also one of the thinnest and lightest15-inch laptops around, making it easy to take with you on the go.
2. MacBook Pro 16-inch: Apple’s newest MacBook Pro is their most powerful yet, making it perfect for content creators who need power and portability. The 16-inch retina display is gorgeous, and the new Magic Keyboard is a joy to type on.
3.: The Lenovo Yoga C930 is another great option for content creators looking for an ultrabook . It has a beautiful 13 .9-inch 4K touchscreen display , making it great for editing videos or photos . Plus ,its built -in pen support lets you draw or take notes directly on the screen .
Best 2-in-1 laptops for creatives and power users in 2020
Laptops have come a long way in recent years, and there are now plenty of options available for those who need a powerful machine that can handle gaming and content creation. Here are our picks for the best 2-in-1 laptops for creatives and power users in 2020.
If you’re looking for a laptop that can handle both gaming and content creation, you’ll need something with some serious horsepower under the hood. The Surface Book 2 from Microsoft is one such machine, packing an Intel Core i7 processor and NVIDIA GTX 1060 GPU into a slim and portable package.
Another great option is the ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14, which offers excellent performance thanks to its AMD Ryzen 7 4800HS CPU and NVIDIA RTX 2060 GPU. It’s also very lightweight and compact, making it easy to take with you on the go.
If you want a 2-in-1 laptop that’s specifically designed for creative workflows, the Dell XPS 15 2-in-1 is worth considering. It comes with an Intel Core i7 processor and 16GB of RAM, plus an integrated 4K UHD touch display – perfect for editing photos or videos.
Best MacBooks for creative professionals in 2020
Creative professionals need a versatile laptop that can handle gaming, content creation, and general use. The best gaming and content creation laptop for creative professionals in 2020 is the MacBook Pro 16-inch. It has a powerful Intel Core i9 processor, AMD Radeon Pro 5500M graphics card, and a stunning 16-inch Retina display. The only downside is its high price tag of $2,799. For those on a budget, the MacBook Air 13-inch is a great alternative. It’s powered by an Intel Core i5 processor and features integrated Intel UHD Graphics 617. It also has a large 13.3-inch Retina display and starts at just $999.
The Dell XPS 15 7590 is another great option for creative professionals. It’s powered by an Intel Core i7 processor and features an Nvidia GeForce GTX 1650 graphics card with 4GB of VRAM. It also has a 15.6-inch 4K Ultra HD (3840 x 2160) InfinityEdge touch display. And it starts at just $1,499.”
The best Chromebooks for students and creatives
There are a lot of factors to consider when choosing the best Chromebook for students and creatives. One important factor is the type of processor that the Chromebook has. Another factor to consider is the amount of RAM that the Chromebook has. The last factor to consider is the type of storage that the Chromebook has.
The best gaming and content creation laptop should have a processor that can handle those types of activities without any lag. It is also important for the laptop to have a lot of RAM so that it can keep up with all of the different processes going on at one time. The storage on the laptop needs to be fast so that files can be loaded quickly and smoothly.
If you’re looking for the best gaming and content creation laptop, this is the ultimate guide. We’ve rounded up the best laptops for gaming and content creation, so you can pick the perfect one for your needs.
Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just getting started in content creation, there’s a laptop out there that’s perfect for you. So check out our roundup of the best gaming and content creation laptops and find your perfect match.
The post Best Gaming and Content Creation Laptop: The Ultimate Guide appeared first on SwiftCreator.com.
https://ifttt.com/images/no_image_card.png https://swiftcreator.com/content-creation/best-gaming-and-content-creation-laptop-the-ultimate-guide/
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