#thank riku for the translation!
hunieday · 8 months
TEA Take - Shuffle unit Event Story Translation
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Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
Nanase Riku: Everyone watching the video, good evening! Ready... set...
TEA Take: It's "TEA take"!
Yaotome Gaku: "8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project"!
Momo: Celebrating the formation of our limited time unit! The "Ask this and that!?" edition!
Mido Torao: "TEA take"’s version! Let’s get it started!
TEA Take: Yay!
Mido Torao: Well then, let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members.
Mido Torao: "TEA take" members, are you getting along well?
Mido Torao: ...is our first question. What do you think?
Momo: Do we?
Nanase Riku: Do we get along?
Yaotome Gaku: Do we now?
Mido Torao: Why are you all pointing at me?
Yaotome Gaku: We had many opportunities to work with IDOLiSH7 and Re:vale.
Nanase Riku: Oh, that’s why! Mido-san, you're being polite because you’re the MC!
Mido Torao: You’re right. I told you I definitely shouldn’t be the MC.
Yaotome Gaku: And we told you it’s fine. You’re getting quite used to it.
Nanase Riku: Your polite speech is refreshing~!
Mido Torao: But you know that Momo-san is right here.
Momo: I want to see my juniors shine as well! But as you can see, it's kinda chaotic here.
Nanase Riku: I get it! It's fun! It feels different from IDOLiSH7, but it's comfortable.
Mido Torao: Yeah. It’s relaxing in a good way.
Momo: By the way, Tora-chan. You were shutting yourself out pretty hard at the start! Or the door to your heart at least!
Mido Torao: No, that's not it. How do I say it…I was just observing the situation…
Yaotome Gaku: You were nervous, weren’t you?
Mido Torao: No, not really...
Nanase Riku: I was nervous too! About Mido-san!
Mido Torao: Seriously!?
Nanase Riku: I was! Because there's no one like you in IDOLiSH7.
Nanase Riku: What do you call it again? The "Orya Orya" type?
Momo: You mean the “Ora ora” type?
Nanase Riku: Yes! The domineering type...
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase, didn't you call me something similar beforehand?
Nanase Riku: The "Orya Orya" type?
Yaotome Gaku: Like a domineering kinda guy. You were scared of me at first, right?
Nanase Riku: Rather than scared, I thought of you as an enemy.
Yaotome Gaku: An enemy?
Nanase Riku: Well you know, because I had the image of someone who took Tenn-nii...Kujo-san away from me...
Mido Torao: Uhhh...
Mido Torao: Well then, let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members!
Nanase Riku: Please do!!
Mido Torao: The question is, "TEA take" members, are you getting along well? What do you guys think?
Momo: We’re getting along very well.
Yaotome Gaku: We very much are. What about you, Mido?
Mido Torao: I feel like we do. I was a little nervous at first.
Momo: I heard that Riku was also nervous about Torao?
Nanase Riku: Ah, that’s right... there’s really no “orya orya” type of guy in IDOLiSH7.
Mido Torao: ...w...why "rya" specifically…
Nanase Riku: ...W-What’s wrong?! You suddenly covered your face! Are you crying?!
Momo: He’s not crying, don’t worry. Tora-chan is shaking from laughter.
Yaotome Gaku: Ah, it’s the “orya orya”.
Momo: Because he said “orya orya”.
Nanase Riku: Ah…I’m glad you’re okay…
Mido Torao: …heh…heh...ha…
Momo: He’s holding back his laughter.
Yaotome Gaku: He’s quite earnest.
Momo: So he has an earnest side too.
Nanase Riku: Even though he’s an orya orya guy.
Momo: Oh. It’s so over.
Momo: Well then, the great senior Momo-chan from Re:vale will take the lead!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Please…!!
Momo: In order to get to know each other better, let’s take this opportunity to ask each other questions! 
Momo: Let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members~
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yay!
Momo: The question is, "TEA take" members, are you getting along well…
Momo: Who here thinks we’re getting along well!
Nanase Riku: Me!
Yaotome Gaku: Me!
Mido Torao: Me!
Momo: We’re all really good friends! Next question!
Yaotome Gaku: Wait a sec. Aren’t we going too fast?
Momo: This question is causing a lot of accidents. Let’s just move on from it as quick as possible…
Mido Torao: I'm sorry, seriously...
Nanase Riku: Don't worry about it, Mido-san!
Mido Torao: Wait a damn minute, one of them was YOUR fault!
Momo: The friendly atmosphere will be compromised if we fight!? People might think we're feigning it for business!?
Momo: In that case, quickly share stories about our friendship, Gaku!
Yaotome Gaku: What!? Out of nowhere...!?
Yaotome Gaku: ...
Yaotome Gaku: Oh right, so I was naked during the costume fitting…
Momo: Let the great senior Momo-chan of Re:vale take over!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yay!
Momo: Leading with a partition of love and courage!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yay!
Momo: We're going to ask everyone some questions!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: We’ll be in your care…!!
Momo: In order to get to know each other better, let’s take this opportunity to ask each other questions! 
Momo: Uh…Let’s start off by the questions we received from the staff members, are you getting along well?
Nanase Riku: We’ve become good friends! I love you all!
Yaotome Gaku: Yes, we have. I've worked with Momo-san and Nanase before.
Yaotome Gaku: But I’ve become especially friendly with Mido, I think I got to know his personality and work attitude through this job.
Mido Torao: Thank you very much. I feel the same way.
Momo: But it was fun, right? We enjoyed spending our time together. You’re comfortable to be around.
Nanase Riku: I think so too! Everyone is so kind and easygoing.
Yaotome Gaku: We didn't have to worry too much.
Mido Torao: You could say that.
Momo: Fufufu... There's a reason for that. And Momo-chan knows it.
Yaotome Gaku: Ohh! What is it?
Momo: It's a surprise! I’ll reveal it as we go through everyone’s questions!
Nanase Riku: I'm curious!
Yaotome Gaku: I’m looking forward to it.
Momo: Alright, shall we start with Riku? Do you have a question you wanna ask us?
Nanase Riku: Yes! My question for everyone is...
Nanase Riku: How can I become cooler?
Momo: You’re asking now!? 
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase is asking that!?
Mido Torao: I was born this way...
Nanase Riku: Somehow the three of you here specifically are the coolest!
Momo: Specifically!? Momo-chan is the coolest in Re:vale!?
Nanase Riku: That's right. Yuki-san is cool too, of course.
Nanase Riku: But the more you get to know him, the fluffier he gets…
Yaotome Gaku: Oh, I get it. The cool part is seriously cool though.
Nanase Riku: Yes! Both of them are cool though!
Nanase Riku: The more I get to know Momo-san, the cooler I think you are.
Momo: Huh, I'm so happy! I’m flustered!
Nanase Riku: Yaotome-san, Mido-san! You two are cool in a straightforward way!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you.
Mido Torao: Thanks.
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase is cool too, though. I feel like we had a similar conversation before.
Nanase Riku: Oh, right. I think we did! It's not that I’m insecure, but the song...
Yaotome Gaku: The song?
Nanase Riku: Our song for "TEA take" sounds like something you’d escort your guest with style while playing it, doesn’t it?
Nanase Riku: That's right! maybe that's why I thought of Momo-san and not Yuki-san.
Momo: Ah! An escort!
Mido Torao: Ah... that guy doesn’t seem like he’d be good at it...
Yaotome Gaku: No, but he's very hospitable. He's a great cook as well.
Momo: Yup! Darling is super hospitable!
Momo: But I get what Riku and Torao mean. You mean a stylish escort like we see in movies, right?
Nanase Riku: That's right! Someone like our group’s Nagi.
Momo: That guy is cool isn’t he!
Nanase Riku: I think Yaotome-san and Mido-san fit the job as well.
Yaotome Gaku: Well, we're manly.
Mido Torao: You just gotta be put together, right?
Momo: That's not true. You gotta take the lead with more consideration...wait a minute, Tora-chan, you’re the youngest brother right?!
Mido Torao: Y-Yes.
Momo: I totally see it! You give off strong little brother vibes!
Mido Torao: Wuh, really...?
Momo: I get it because I’m also the youngest brother. This is what I was trying to say earlier! Riku is also the younger brother, right?
Nanase Riku: That's right! Oh, wait a minute... so everyone here except for Yaotome-san is a younger brother?
Mido Torao: Ohh?
Momo: That's right!
Yaotome Gaku: Now that I think about it, the three of you somehow have similar vibes.
Mido Torao: Seriously? Where...?
Yaotome Gaku: ...You kinda...
Yaotome Gaku: You have that charm.
Nanase Riku & Momo & Mido Torao: Charm...
Yaotome Gaku: You act like spoiled children.
Momo: Spoiled children...
Nanase Riku: Spoiled children, huh...
Mido Torao: Spoiled children...?
Yaotome Gaku: Today, before this recording. We all probably received the same script right?
Nanase Riku: Yes, probably…
Yaotome Gaku: Did you read through it beforehand or did you just stuff it in your bag?
Mido Torao: Well I stuffed it. 
Yaotome Gaku: You sure did.
Yaotome Gaku: The three of you asked me to show it to you.
Nanase Riku: I did…!
Momo: So did I! Since you’re so diligent…!
Mido Torao: Me too… my bad. I just happened to see you hold one….
Yaotome Gaku: It's okay. Don't worry about it. I’m not complaining about it, just thought that you guys are similar in that regard.
Momo: I do everything perfectly when Yuki is around…! Otherwise I’m a pretty big slacker?!
Momo: So, when TRIGGER is around, I ask for TRIGGER’s help with everything…
Nanase Riku: I know how you feel! TRIGGER feels like that kinda group, right?
Mido Torao: What kinda group is that…
Momo: Don't worry, Torao. Nowadays ZOOL feels like that kind of group to me as well.
Mido Torao: What do you mean!?
Nanase Riku: Natsume-san does everything, right? I'm always grateful to him.
Mido Torao: What and how does he help you normally…?
Momo: In my case, even though I’m reliable, I like to rely on Iori as well. It’s impressive since he’s still a minor too…
Nanase Riku: I'm sure Iori would be very sarcastic even with a senior. He doesn’t care about whether or not they’re older than him.
Yaotome Gaku: Re:vale is also really strong during performances. They are also amazing at ad-libbing.
Yaotome Gaku: On our end, all three of us are the type who can’t be satisfied until we prepare well.
Momo: Here comes a question from Momo-chan!
Nanase Riku: Oh! Please go ahead!
Momo: Among the members of "TEA take", who would you choose as your little sister?
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Little sister...!?
Momo: To be honest was thinking of asking who would be the older or the younger brother.
Momo: But then I realized you might decide based on age, with me as the older brother and Riku as the younger one.
Yaotome Gaku: Oh, you might be right…
Momo: So, little sister it is! Well then, Tora-chan, you answer first!
Mido Torao: A little... a little sister…? Ah, I really wanted a little sister though...
Mido Torao: ...From within this group, right?
Momo: That's right, big brother!
Nanase Riku: Tora-nii!
Yaotome Gaku: Yo, big bro.
Mido Torao: Don’t “yo big bro” me.
Yaotome Gaku: No good?
Mido Torao: …
Mido Torao: Nanase, maybe...
Nanase Riku: Yaaay!
Momo: Awww, I've been rejected! Can you tell us why?
Mido Torao: The way he said Tora-nii… was kinda cute.
Nanase Riku: Thank you, Tora-nii!
Momo: Alright, next! What about you, Gaku?
Yaotome Gaku: I think it would be Momo-san.
Momo: I’m happy to hear that! Gaku-niichan…!
Mido Torao: You decided on that quickly and with no hesitation. Why’s that?
Yaotome Gaku: It's not like that, Mido.
Mido Torao: Huh?
Yaotome Gaku: Actually, I was torn between you two.
Mido Torao: Huh... I felt oddly giddy...
Nanase Riku: I felt oddly rejected...
Momo: This is TRIGGER's Yaotome Gaku. Even if you think you're used to him, he surprises you with a head-on attack.
Yaotome Gaku: Ahaha. What are you even saying?
Momo: Why did you pick me?
Yaotome Gaku: I feel like I’d be very worried if Nanase were my little sister.
Momo: Ah, that’s how it is!
Yaotome Gaku: But I don't like it when my parents interfere with me too much.
Yaotome Gaku: If I were to be worried about a little sister, I wouldn’t know what to do.
Yaotome Gaku: So, I wanted a little sister like Momo-san who’s strong and well-behaved enough for me not to worry about.
Mido Torao: Don’t make it sound like I’d have behavioral issues.
Nanase Riku: Though I feel like Momo-san as a little sister would definitely be popular. Is that fine by you?
Yaotome Gaku: Even if you were extremely popular, you'd still choose Yuki-san, right? So I’ll rest assured. I’m sure you’d still have a good eye.
Momo: Big brother, you're so wonderful…
Momo: If Gaku had a little sister, finding a boyfriend who’d be better than him would be tough.
Yaotome Gaku: What about you, Nanase? Who would you want as a little sister?
Nanase Riku: Huh!? I wonder who... it's hard to decide...
Nanase Riku: ...Maybe Haruka-kun...?
Momo: I thought we were picking someone from our group?
Mido Torao: You mean Haruka from ŹOOḼ? What’s your reasoning?
Nanase Riku: He’s the same age as Iori and Tamaki. Even though they feel older than me sometimes…
Nanase Riku: But Haruka-kun doesn't feel that way, so I'd like him as a little sister.
Mido Torao: Isn't it impossible for him to be a little sister? That guy’s really cool.
Nanase Riku: Is that so?
Mido Torao: He's totally amazing. The type that drags you along forcefully.
Mido Torao: Right now he's still just a kid, but eventually, nobody might be able to resist him, right?
Yaotome Gaku: Wow! I’m looking forward to seeing what his future looks like!
Momo: That kid has charisma! I felt the same when Tenn-chan appeared too.
Nanase Riku: Tenn... Having Kujo Tenn-san as a little sister would be nice too.
Mido Torao: Please don't dodge the topic so blatantly.
Nanase Riku: Though because I rely on both Momo-san and Yaotome-san too much, it's hard  for me to think of them as little sisters...
Nanase Riku: I guess that leaves me with Mido-san...
Mido Torao: Sorry for not taking care of you.
Nanase Riku: Just kidding, Tora-nii!
Mido Torao: This is bad... I’m starting to find him a bit cute now...
Momo: You’re way too cute Tora-chan, you’re so easy to sway.
Yaotome Gaku: Nobody chose me as a little sister at all.
Yaotome Gaku: Next time, I'll do my best to get my sisterly points.
Mido Torao: If I had such a handsome little sister, I wouldn't stand a chance as an older brother.
Momo: How about we go to our next question? Are you ready, Gaku? Or Torao?
Mido Torao: A…About what?
Yaotome Gaku: Then, I'll go first.
Yaotome Gaku: So about our groups…mine is TRIGGER.
Yaotome Gaku: What's the difference between your groups and this unit? Of course, they're totally different, but what’s the difference in your perspective?
Nanase Riku: The difference from IDOLiSH7...
Mido Torao: Ah, my question might be similar. That’s sort of what I was thinking.
Mido Torao: I was going to ask how you'd describe your experience doing "TEA take" to the members of your group. If you were asked, how would you describe it?
Momo: Interesting! Let's combine the elements from both questions and answer them at once.
Momo: Who's going first?
Nanase Riku: I'll think about it for a moment!
Momo: Sure, that’s fine! If you two aren't ready either, should I go first?
Mido Torao: Please.
Yaotome Gaku: Go ahead.
Momo: First of all, the biggest difference is that it's not Yuki's song.
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Ah...
Momo: I'm a huge HUGE fan of Yuki, so when it comes to Yuki's song, I absolutely, DEFINITELY want to deliver it to the fans in the best possible way!!!
Momo: I get so fired up I feel like I’m participating in a national competition. That’s how I feel every single time actually.
Yaotome Gaku: You're a great partner, Momo-san. Yuki-san would be happy to hear that.
Momo: I wonder... Yuki seems happier when we're on the same page.
Momo: I know that, but my darling is way too handsome, so I can’t help it...
Mido Torao: Um...
Momo: Hm?
Mido Torao: Um... Nevermind, I’m sure it’s nothing.
Momo: What’s on your mind? Don’t hesitate to ask~!
Mido Torao: Is it alright if I ask in front of the cameras?
Momo: If not I’ll just cut it off and start from the beginning again!
Mido Torao: That’s tough.
Yaotome Gaku: You’ve already made it this far, just ask.
Nanase Riku: Hey, I hear that a lot too!
Nanase Riku: They tell me this a lot, Mido-san!
Mido Torao: Fine, I get it! Then listen carefully.
Mido Torao: Um…
Momo: Mhm! Go ahead!
Mido Torao: About Re:vale’s married couple bit...
Mido Torao: How much of it is true...?
Momo: Oh! That's a good question!
Mido Torao: Oh, thank goodness..
Momo: Torao.
Mido Torao: Yes.
Momo: Let's talk about it later in the dressing room!
Mido Torao: Yes... Wait what…!?
Yaotome Gaku: Is it out?
Nanase Riku: It’s safe!
Mido Torao: Huuuh!? Was that dangerous after all!? Are Re:vale really...
Momo: Let's get back to the topic!
Nanase Riku: It's okay, Mido-san! I often do that kind of thing too!
Mido Torao: Really!? Thank goodness!?
Yaotome Gaku: Come on, let's get back to the topic.
Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yes!
Momo: Thanks, Gaku!
Momo: So, that’s how I feel when I’m working as Re:vale.
Momo: It's not that I neglect my solo work or anything, it's just that passion naturally flows through me and bursts.
Momo: In that sense, projects like this one where we can relax and enjoy ourselves are great.
Momo: Everyone is cute, the songs and costumes are great, it's amazing! It's fun! That’s how I feel!
Yaotome Gaku: I kinda understand where you’re coming from. Everyone here is relaxed, aren’t we?
Momo: That's right! I feel like we won’t have any problems in this group, and if we do, we can handle them pretty well!
Nanase Riku: I feel the opposite about Yuki-san. He seems relaxed when he’s around Momo-san, but when he’s alone he turns into a cool senior…
Momo: Huh! That's nice! I want to be Yuki’s junior and have him take care of me as well!
Nanase Riku: Ah, but he can be a bit of a weirdo, you know!
Momo: What do you mean by weirdo? My darling is always handsome, right!?
Nanase Riku: He is handsome!
Yaotome Gaku: I think Yuki-san probably wants to rely on you as well. What would you tell Yuki-san?
Yaotome Gaku: This is Mido's question, if you want to tell him about our unit.
Momo: I’d say that it was fun! Everyone was nice and cute!
Momo: At first, I wondered how it would turn out. Especially if Gaku and Torao would get along.
Momo: Look! Both of you are good kids at heart, but you seem like you’d get into fights!
Momo: But Torao turned out to be more mature and considerate than I thought.
Mido Torao: Actually... um, can I say this? Ah, I did it again.
Momo: Say it, say it!
Mido Torao: Around the time the limited-time unit was decided, Ryuunosuke... I got a call from TRIGGER's Tsunashi-san.
Yaotome Gaku: From Ryuu?
Mido Torao: He said that Gaku is a top-notch idol he respects, but also a really good guy... or something like that. He thought it would be a learning experience for me.
Mido Torao: He wasn't as condescending, but that’s the general idea…
Yaotome Gaku: Ryuu said something like that huh. He talked to me about you too.
Mido Torao: Seriously!? What did he say?
Yaotome Gaku: He may look mature, but on the inside he's an inexperienced boy who’s not used to this world. A clumsy guy if you will.
Mido Torao: ...I…Is that so...
Nanase Riku: Are you okay?
Mido Torao: No, I'm happy and moved... to be cared for like that...
Yaotome Gaku: Ryuu is a very caring guy. And because Ryuu told me that, every time I talked to you I felt like I was talking to Yotsuba.
Mido Torao: I’m not as childish as Sougo's partner...
Nanase Riku: Tamaki is quite mature. There are times when he seems more mature than Yamato-san.
Momo: That kid's been through a lot. But this recent development is good. Feels like a secret story about the formation of this group.
Mido Torao: Ah, that's good.
Momo: So what’s next? Who will answer?
Yaotome Gaku: I can go.
Momo: Oh. Then, Gaku-kun, please!
Yaotome Gaku: Yes.
Yaotome Gaku: The difference between TRIGGER and this unit is that our group meticulously practices until everyone is satisfied...
Nanase Riku: I understand...!
Momo: That's true…! Honestly, you guys are really great…
Yaotome Gaku: Yeah. To be frank, there were a few things I wasn’t fully satisfied with.
Momo: Ahahaha! Like dance rehearsals, right? It sounds like you wanted to practice more!
Yaotome Gaku: I’d have loved to. But of course, I can't ask for too much with everyone's schedules.
Nanase Riku: If we have free time, let's do it again!
Yaotome Gaku: Nanase, aren't you busy?
Nanase Riku: I’m not sure... If I'm not busy! I'll contact you again!
Momo: I'll contact you if I suddenly have free time as well!
Yaotome Gaku: Thank you very much.
Mido Torao: ...
Mido Torao: Ah... Well, I also...
Yaotome Gaku: Thanks. But you don't have to force yourself to match. Your dance moves were perfect.
Mido Torao: No, it's okay. I’m done filming the drama, so I have some free time to spare.
Momo: That's great! Let's all come together when our schedules align!
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Mido Torao: Yes!
Momo: Alright, Gaku! Lastly, what would you tell TRIGGER about us?
Yaotome Gaku: Well, I think I’d say we had a great journey.
Nanase Riku: A journey! That sounds great!
Yaotome Gaku: Right? Because TRIGGER is a place where we can go on a journey with new companions.
Yaotome Gaku: Seeing different scenery, experiencing new things with different companions.
Yaotome Gaku: The final destination of the journey… will probably be the live event.
Yaotome Gaku: Although we haven't reached there yet, we’ve already promised the best journey. We’ll create lots of wonderful memories.
Yaotome Gaku: So, I'm looking forward to it.
Momo: A fantastic journey with fantastic memories. What an amazing thing to say, Gaku!
Nanase Riku: How nice would it be to bring back lots of memories when we say we’re home!
Yaotome Gaku: Exactly! That's right! How about you, Mido? What's the difference between here and ŹOOḼ?
Mido Torao: It might be similar to Momo-san’s answer.
Mido Torao: I'm the oldest in ZOOL.
Yaotome Gaku & Nanase Riku & Momo: Yeah!
Mido Torao: Even though I say oldest, maybe Touma is more reliable. But I'm still technically the oldest there
Mido Torao: But I’m the third oldest here, right?
Momo: Yeah!
Mido Torao: It feels kind of peaceful...
Nanase Riku: Ahaha! You sound like Yamato-san! Even though he’s the oldest, he wants to be pampered quite often!
Yaotome Gaku: Is that so? I don’t see him acting spoiled all that much. How does he act?
Nanase Riku: When he's drunk, he says things like "I dun like this!" (1)
Yaotome Gaku: Seriously!? Does he hold back when he’s drinking with me?
Momo: Yamato, don’t scream when you watch this broadcast, okay? Are you watching right now?
Mido Torao: Is IDOLiSH7 gonna reveal everyone’s truth so carelessly…? It's like a survival game...
Mido Torao: But I'm relieved. So even if you're the oldest, you don't have to act all cool all the time.
Yaotome Gaku: Being natural is the coolest. Ryuu is like that.
Momo: Torao, when you return to ZOOL, you should act like this as a souvenir!
Mido Torao: Well... I was like this at my parents’ house, so I’m not afraid to act like it.
Nanase Riku: Neither am I !
Momo: Momo-chan doesn't resist either~!
Yaotome Gaku: I see, so that side of Nikaido might come out in front of the older Izumi.
Mido Torao: What about Sougo?
Nanase Riku: Sougo-san?
Mido Torao: He’s so clingy when he’s drunk, isn’t he? Not in a bad way, but like a cute clingy, or something?
Nanase Riku: He is!
Mido Torao: He totally is!
Nanase Riku: It's hard to read him, but when he's in a good mood and not sluggish he’ll listen to almost all your requests!
Mido Torao: Why would he be sluggish?
Nanase Riku: Um, so the tea caddy...
Mido Torao: Tea caddy?
Momo: Riku! Let's save that story for when we’re backstage! Okay, last one!
Momo: How about you? What’s the difference between IDOLiSH7 and “TEA take”?
Nanase Riku: Well, when you say it's different, then everything is really different! This is my first time working in a four units group.
Nanase Riku: And because of that, I feel like our song and choreography is unique to us four.
Nanase Riku: When the members of IDOLiSH7 ask me, "How was it?" I’m certain I’ll say, "It was great!”
Nanase Riku: Because I got to work with Momo-san, Yaotome-san, and Mido-san! I wanna brag about how good it felt a whole lot!
Momo: That makes me so happy!
Yaotome Gaku: I’m gonna work hard so that Nanase can brag about me.
Mido Torao: I'll brag too. That I’ve chatted a lot with Re:vale's Momo-san, TRIGGER's Yaotome, and IDOLiSH7's Nanase.
Nanase Riku: Yes! Let's chat a lot and sing a lot!
Momo: That's right!
Momo: Now, did everyone answer? Oh, we asked a lot of questions didn’t we!
Nanase Riku: We did! It was really fun to get everyone’s answers to all kinds of questions!
Yaotome Gaku: I’m glad we had an opportunity like this.
Mido Torao: Yeah. Time flew in the blink of an eye.
Momo: Well then! That's it! The “8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project”!
Momo: Celebrating the formation of the temporary unit! This was “Ask this and that!?”, “TEA take” edition!
TEA Take: Please drink! TEA take!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Nanase Riku: Hello, everyone!
Nanase Riku: I'm Nanase Riku from TEA take!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Yaotome Gaku: TEA take, Yaotome Gaku!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Mido Torao: TEA take, Mido Torao!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Momo: TEA take, Momo!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Nanase Riku: Thank you for participating in the “8th Anniversary! Four Thanks Project” campaign!
Yaotome Gaku: To the 1000 winners selected by lottery!
Mido Torao: And to the special ones here with us!
Momo: Let’s start the “Miracle Limited-Time 4 Unit Thanks Live”!
Audience: Kyaaaaaaa!
Nanase Riku: Now, please listen to our unit song, which is also the CM song for 'TEA take'!
Nanase Riku: Ready...!
TEA Take: “Take my rose”! 
The end.
1- in like a spoiled brat tone, he says “嫌だニャ” (iyada nya) instead of “嫌だな” (iyada na) so he’s basically meowing while drunk. 
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yousayusei · 1 year
utsukare's writer talking about how yusei got casted for the role of kiyoi:
disclaimer: this is translated from korean and not from japanese so it's not 100% accurate. here's the audio so if anyone who can understand japanese has corrections, please tell me! thanks!
im guessing since the tweet OP used 작가님, which means writer, the one talking is tsubota fumi, utsukare's writer. if anyone who knows for sure, please do tell! but since im not sure im just gonna use "writer" and "MC"
writer: first, because the title is "utsukushii kare"
MC: you're right
writer: if there's no "utsukushii kare (beautiful man)" starting is not possible.
MC: right
writer: because the title is "utsukushii kare"... a beautiful man is not common. i thought, no, do they even exist? the producer also tried to find one beautiful man, continuously trying to find one.
writer: one day, i received a photo through mail, yagi-san's photo, that said "i found the beautiful man!" (laughs) like a breaking news. it's a work mail so of course its not written like that but with feels like a breaking news: "the beautiful man have been found!!"
writer: but since i have seen so many photos until now, i've seen many actors(' photos) too, my standards have become fairly high. i looked at the (yagi yusei's) photo like "ah well..." and at that moment i go "uwa!!! it's kiyoi!!"
writer: i think i won't forget that shock. (i thought) "utsukushii...!!"
MC: like going "this is the beautiful man!"?
writer: yes! even if there are many handsome people, finding a beautiful person is hard
((i just feel so proud cz this was yusei's first time and he really did so well in justifying the role. sure he got casted based on his looks but looking at his performance playing kiyoi, he did more than what is probably expected of him as a first time actor in a genre like this. as a picky drama watcher, if i feel awkward or i cringe watching an actor/actress in a drama, i stop but i never felt that while watching yusei and of course riku too.))
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phoenix-downer · 1 year
Thanks for answering in such a timely manner and I completely understand that! I know you did great work post KH3 when people were making a fuss about the localizations and you don’t have a bias in your translations so I thought you were the best person to reach out to! There was a few bits in Riku’s telling of KH3 talking about how the guardians were saved that had me questioning a few things.
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Here Riku is talking about the defeat and revival of the guardians and I was wondering if in this sentence he confirms that it was specifically only Sora and Kairi that were responsible for restoring them? Many have speculated Riku played a part in the process but to me it seems even Riku himself refutes the idea in this sentence if that makes sense?
And the other line I wanted to ask about was the last line of the page. The rough translation I got was this was the beginning of sora and kairi who were separated’s story.
I have rough translations of both but I was wondering how to translate them more naturally? Thanks in advance for your time I really do appreciate it! I had planned on making a tweet on the manner but I will respect your rules 100% and just keep the information here in the asks! ✨
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Sure, thanks for the ask! Here's a transcription of the Japanese version, then the Romaji version followed by a rather literal English version and then a more naturalistic version.
Excerpt 1:
JP: そしてキーブレード墓場で、俺たちはマスターゼアノートの戦いに挑むが、敗北した…はずだった。
Romaji: Soshite kīburēdo hakaba de, oretachi wa masutā zeanōto no tatakai ni tanomu ga, haiboku shita... hazudatta.
Sora to kairi no omoi ga oretachi o hikimodosu.
EN: And at (the) Keyblade Graveyard, we challenge Master Xehanort to (a) battle, but (we) were defeated... (or at least that's what) was supposed to happen.
Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings bring us back.
More naturalistic version: And at the Keyblade Graveyard, we challenged Master Xehanort to a battle, but we were defeated... or at least that's what should've happened.
Sora and Kairi's feelings brought us back.
To answer your question, based on Riku's words here and the grammatical structures he uses, it's clear he gives Sora and Kairi credit for restoring everyone to life. He doesn't take credit at all but groups himself in with the people who were brought back by using oretachi, "us/we," as the direct object of hikimodosu, "restore/bring back," which is indicated by the direct object marker o. And just to make things really clear, the subject in this sentence is Sora to Kairi no omoi, "Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings," which is marked by the ga subject marker particle and indicates that Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings are what brought "us" (Riku included) back.
And just to be fair, the start of this section is a quote from Riku to Sora at the Keyblade Graveyard:
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JP ソラ 俺は信じてる
EN Sora, you don’t believe that.
TR Sora, I believe (in you).
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JP おまえはあきらめない
EN I know you don’t.
TR You won’t give up/You haven’t given up.
I could see Riku's quote being... creatively interpreted into giving him credit for helping rescue everyone as well, given how he encouraged Sora not to give up, but Sora kinda gave up anyway once Riku died, and (granted I haven't played KH3 in a while so I'm going off of memory here, so take my interpretation with a grain of salt), it wasn't really till Sora heard from Chirithy in The Final World that Kairi was fighting with all her heart to keep him alive that he really regained his drive.
Plus, taking credit for rescuing everyone is not at all the sense I get from Riku's words here. If anything, he places all the credit with Sora and Kairi for reviving everyone and doesn't try to take it for himself. The inclusion of his quote at the top almost gives me the vibe that he's thinking, see, I knew Sora wouldn't give up, I believed in him, and he's proven me right with how he and Kairi brought everyone back. In the next sentence he does talk about how he defeated Ansem and how the others defeated the various Xehanort vessels, which tracks exactly with what we see in the game, but he does not take credit for everyone being revived; that was Sora and Kairi's doing. He's come a long way from how arrogant he was in KH1, and this excerpt really shows his growth and his admiration for his friends.
Additional Notes: A few interesting grammar points: I was doing some quick research, and 戦いに挑む with its use of the ni particle gives the impression that the battle was already scheduled or planned (which makes sense, given the themes of fate in KH3 and Xehanort's machinations).
Hazudatta means something like "should've happened" or "was expected to happen." In other words, Riku is making it clear that they should've lost the battle and would have if it weren't for Sora and Kairi.
The word I translated as "thoughts/feelings," omoi, can mean a variety of things; here's the full definition from jisho.org to give you an idea of the nuance here:
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And then the compound verb, hikimodosu, is interesting because if you look at the kanji it literally means "pull + return," and together the meaning is exactly what you'd think: to bring back, to restore, to return, to reinstate. There's this image inherently built into the meaning of the verb of the subject pulling the object back to itself (and in this case Sora and Kairi's feelings are pulling their friends out of the abyss and back to them, back to life).
Riku uses a different verb, hikimodosu, than Sora uses in Blank Points to talk about wanting to rescue his friends, but I thought it was interesting all the same because it's another -modosu compound verb, torimodoshi. Sora is the one wanting to "take back" his friends, and Riku is speaking of the same act but as being on the receiving end of it ("we were pulled/brought back" by "Sora and Kairi's thoughts/feelings" vs. Sora telling Kairi in Blank Points he "has to go and take back/recover all that is connected to him" aka his friends). Not anything huge or groundbreaking, I just thought it was kinda neat.
Excerpt 2:
JP: そして俺たちは見知らぬ世界でマスター・ゼアノートと戦い勝利する。だがそれはソラとカイリ、ふたりが離れ離れになる物語の始まりだった。
Romaji: Soshite oretachi wa misharanu sekai de masutā zeanōto to tatakai shōri suru. Daga sore wa sora to kairi, futari ga hanarebanare ni naru monogatari no hajimari datta.
EN: And in a strange/unfamiliar world, we fight with Master Xehanort and win. But for Sora and Kairi, that was the start of the story of the two of them becoming separated.
More naturalistic translation: And in a strange world, we fought Master Xehanort and won. But for Sora and Kairi, it was the start of the story of their separation from each other.
I find it really interesting how Riku frames this, like the next arc of Sora's story is centered on his separation from Kairi. He contrasts the victory against Xehanort with the separation of Sora and Kairi and speaks of that separation in terms of it being the beginning of a story. Also, the quote at the beginning of this section in gold is one of Sora's lines at the end of KH3...
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JP ううん 俺はこのまま行くよ
EN No, I know what to do.
TR No. I’ll go on from here.
...which is what Sora says right before he goes after Kairi. One story ends as another begins. I think a big part of Sora's next story arc will be his reunion with Kairi, just going off of how everything has been set up and how Riku refers to his separation from Kairi here.
Additional Notes: This is just linguistic nerdery so feel free to skip it lol but in case anyone wants to read more about Japanese linguistics:
Mishiranu strikes me as a set expression that originated in an older form of the language but continues to be used today, as it preserves the older form of the negative verb conjugation shiranu instead of using the more modern shiranai. It's something I want to do more research on to see if my hunch is correct or completely off, so off I go lol.
Hanarebanare is a word that exhibits the rendaku phenomenon where a word repeats in Japanese, and in its repeated second form the voiceless obstruent consonant that starts the word becomes voiced ("h" used to be pronounced as "p" in Japanese, and "b" is said in the exact same position of the mouth/lips as "p," only with voicing, so I wonder if this word was originally panarebanare and then the "p" became "h" over time after the rendaku occurred, and now I've found another rabbit hole to look into lol).
Anyway, thank you for the ask Star! Hope that helped with your questions ❤️
(Ninja edit: I realized I inserted a particle where there wasn't one in the second excerpt and updated my translation slightly to account for it--no major changes to the meaning, just wanted to more accurately reflect the grammatical structures).
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the-himawari-otome · 1 month
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[Olympia Soirée: Catharsis] 🌌 Tonight, With you— - Riku
<Original post here>
・゚・:,。★ translation under the cut ★,。・:・゚
...Pardon my intrusion this evening.
I was suddenly relieved of my duties tomorrow...
So I couldn't sit idle and came to visit you.
Is it alright if I come in?
Oh, but considering it's this late... to be honest, I was hoping that we could spend the rest of the day together until tomorrow comes.
Seeing as I've been so busy lately, I was wondering if I made you feel lonely.
Even though we see each other every day at Kunado, we're both working when we do.
I can't even show you a smile, let alone hug you.
Although, if I think of it another way, it's a blessing to be able to greet you there every morning.
That's what encourages me.
In any case... please, let me come in.
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maskyish · 1 year
Banri's Birthday Rabbit TV 2023 - Episode 1 - "Banri's Wedding?!"
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PART 1 | PART 2 | PART 3
Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
*door opens* 
Riku: Manager! President…! 
Tsumugi: Ah, everyone! Thank you for coming! I’m sorry to have called you all so suddenly….
Riku: Is it really true that Banri-san is getting married?! 
Tsumugi: Huuh?! 
Tamaki: I didn’t hear anything about this from Ban-chan!! 
Sogo: Me neither…! 
Nagi: Is this why you’ve called us here today? 
Iori: If this is true, we could’ve made preparations to celebrate…! 
Mitsuki: Exactly, there’s no need to be a stranger! I would have made a cake or two! 
Yamato: Calm down, you guys. So…. is it actually true, President? 
Otoharu: Ahaha. This is pretty interesting, isn’t it? 
Tsumugi: Pr- President?! 
Otoharu: Well, if that’s the case and Banri-kun is getting married, what will you all do? 
Mitsuki: Of course we have to have a huge celebration! Not just with cakes, but a whole feast! 
Yamato: For starters, I’ll prepare the finest alcohol and we can have a drink. I’d like to stay up all night and hear the story of how he met his other half. 
Tamaki: ….. I’m….. kinda lonely. 
Tamaki: I love Ban-chan, and I’m happy for him, but….. 
Sogo: … I think so, too. I’d like to talk to Banri-san first. 
Riku: If he has a family, he wouldn’t be able to support us like he does now, right…? 
Nagi: Even so, we have to send him off with a smile. Just as Banri has always done for us. 
Iori: In the first place… is it really true? I just can’t believe he would keep this from us….  
Otoharu: Hmm, well, it’s not true. 
Otoharu: Banri-kun isn’t getting married. 
IDOLiSH7: Whaaa—! 
Tsumugi: I- I’m sorry, everyone! And President, please don’t say things that can cause them to be so uneasy!  
Otoharu: Ah ha ha. Sorry, sorry. 
Riku: Thank goodness…. I was thinking about if it was maybe with our manager or something….
Otoharu: What was that? 
Yamato: No, no, absolutely not. 
Nagi: As long as my eyes are blue, I will not allow it. 
Otoharu: I will also never allow it. 
Tsumugi: E-enough! In any case, it was just a misunderstanding. 
Mitsuki: So, what did Riku hear then? About Banri-san telling the staff he was taking time off for a wedding. 
Tsumugi: Well, that’s what I’ve called you all here to discuss today…. 
Tsumugi: Someone in the industry is holding a wedding ceremony, so Banri-san and I will be attending. 
Otoharu: Originally, I was going to go as the representative, however some work came up. 
Tsumugi: I’ve heard from the other companies that Anesagi-san, Okazaki-san, and Utsugi-san will also be going…. 
Otoharu: The wedding ceremony will be held in Karuizawa, so I thought it would be a good chance for the managers to take a vacation as well. 
Otoharu: It might be an inconvenience to everyone for a little while, but I plan to follow up with the other staff and give them my thanks. 
Tsumugi: I’ll be checking my phone from time to time, so please contact me should anything happen! 
Yamato: Haha. Well, I figured it was something like that.
Nagi: OH! But you seemed to be the most flustered, Yamato. 
Yamato: What is this guy even saying? 
Iori: I swear, you’re too quick to jump to conclusions upon hearing the word “wedding”, Nanase-san. 
Riku: Huh?! Even you froze up when I told you, Iori! 
Mitsuki: Jeez! The instant you guys realized it was a misunderstanding, your facial expressions relaxed! 
Sogo: I’m glad we know now. Manager, please don’t worry about us and enjoy your time off.  
Tamaki: Yeah! You and Ban-chan are always working hard. I got nervous when we got called to the office! 
Tsumugi: Thank you, everyone….! 
Otoharu: I’m glad. I hope all the managers can go and refresh themselves. 
Riku: Doesn’t Karuizawa have a famous gelato shop? Tenn-nii went there before while on location and said it was delicious! 
Yamato: That sounds nice. Go ahead and enjoy some sweets too. 
Sogo: I know of a few recommendations for places as well, I can tell you about them later. 
Mitsuki: Sweet! There’s a restaurant I wanted to try too, so if you’d like to go, you can let me know what you think! 
Nagi: Your happiness is my happiness. Please go and relax to your heart’s content. 
Tsumugi: Thank you very much…! I’ll accept everyone’s kindness and enjoy myself to the fullest! 
Tamaki: You absolutely have to try the local King Pudding flavor with grape mousse in it, no matter what! It’s seriously delicious! 
Tsumugi: I will! I’ll bring some back as a souvenir, too! 
Tamaki: Yaaay~! 
Iori: Yotsuba-san, please do not coerce her into buying you souvenirs so nonchalantly. 
Iori: Even though it’s already September, it’s still hot out, so please take care against the heat. 
Riku: Forget about work while in Karuizawa and just enjoy your time with all the other managers! 
Tamaki: Oh yeah! Since all the managers will be there, why not just have that party there? 
Sogo: That’s true, it might be the perfect opportunity! 
Tsumugi: ‘That’ party? 
Nagi: Banri’s birthday party! We all talked about having the yearly celebration! 
Yamato: It’s that time of the year, after all. 
Tsumugi: I see….! I’d love to help! Did you already have something in mind? 
Riku: Yeah! Actually…. 
Anesagi: …. And that’s about it for next month’s schedule. 
Anesagi: On another note, I have my wedding coming up soon. So I’ll be away from the office for a few days. 
TRIGGER: Your wedding?! 
Gaku: Wait, wait. Are you being serious, Anesagi? Congrats! Let’s celebrate together! 
Tenn: Congratulations, Anesagi-san…. I’m really happy to hear such wonderful news. 
Ryuu: I’m happy too! She's getting married, huh…. It’s making me cry a little! 
Anesagi: W-wait a minute, you guys…. 
Gaku: So? What kind of person are they? I hope they’ll properly treasure you. 
Tenn: The entertainment industry is a unique business, so I can’t help but wonder if they have an understanding of the work you do so that it doesn’t put a burden on you, Anesagi-san. 
Ryuu: I think whoever she chose must be a good person, but there’s the smallest chance that’s not the case, right? So if you don’t mind, we’d like to meet them, too. 
Anesagi: Hold your horses! It got interesting so I figured I’d just keep quiet and listen for a while, but then I heard what you were saying about me. 
Anesagi: I’m not the one getting married, it’s an acquaintance of mine! I’m just attending the wedding! 
TRIGGER: An acquaintance?! 
Ryuu: W- what…! I’m sorry for jumping to conclusions…! 
Gaku: So you’re only attending! It was an easy mistake to make, huh! 
Tenn: Even though you were the first one to misunderstand, Gaku.  
Anesagi: Fufu. Sorry about that. Just as I was thinking you were happy for me, you guys suddenly got over-protective so it was fun to watch. 
Anesagi: But if I were to actually get married, you would be worried about me like this, huh. 
Gaku: Of course we would worry! If we’re to entrust you to someone, then they can’t be half-hearted about it. 
Ryuu: You’re our special manager. We want your partner to cherish you, too. 
Tenn: Just as you think about us, we also think about you, Anesagi-san. 
Anesagi: You guys…. 
Anesagi: Thank you. But for right now, my only love is my work so I promise you don’t have to worry about it for a while. 
Anesagi: The wedding will be held in Karuizawa, so I’ll be taking some time off and staying there, but feel free to contact me for anything. 
Gaku: Forget about work and just enjoy yourself! There’s a lot of good food there, right? Plus the air is clean! 
Tenn: That’s true. There’s a lot of quiet cafes to relax in too. Or maybe you can sit on the terrace. 
Ryuu: It’s too early for the leaves to be turning yet, but there’s still a lot of nature so please take your time and enjoy it! 
Anesagi: Fufu. Thank you. I’ll go and recharge, and when I get back I look forward to making the best work with you guys! 
Rintaro: ….. Rinto will be absent for his wedding soon. So I hope you both will be able to send him off with a smile. 
Yuki: Sure, whatever you say. Don’t phrase things in a purposefully misleading way. Okarin is just attending a wedding. 
Momo: We already heard about it from him! 
Rintaro: Ehh–! How boring. I thought I’d get to see you guys panic, like, “What marriage?!” 
*door opens* 
Okarin: Please stop trying to get reactions from people for your own entertainment.
Rintaro: Gh, Rinto. 
Yuki: Instead of doing such nonsense, just have your own wedding. 
Momo: Aren’t you keeping your wife waiting? Hasn’t it been awhile since your registration? 
Rintaro: I can’t afford to leave a gap in my workload right now. 
Yuki: I wish you would just retire already. 
Okarin: Alright, come on now, Yuki-kun. I’ll be sure to pass along the congratulatory gift you two left with me. 
Momo: Thanks, Okarin! We wanted to go too since they’ve done a lot for us. 
Yuki: Could all our shoots be moved to Karuizawa? 
Momo: Ahaha! Even if the camera was rolling, we could take a nap under the trees with the sun filtering through. 
Yuki: I’d like to go for a month. 
Rintaro: Then, we can make it a job to have Yuki compose a song for my wedding and have the music video shot in Karuizawa. 
Yuki: Okarin, shut this guy up. 
Okarin: Idols shouldn’t furrow their brows like that…! You shouldn’t ever show a face like that on camera! And President, please stop messing around! 
Rintaro: I thought it would be nice.
Okarin: I’ll bring back souvenirs. Some sausage for Momo-kun, and some local vegetables for Yuki-kun! 
Yuki: That'd make me happy, but since it’s a rare vacation, I think you should just relax and go with the flow. 
Momo: Exactly! The managers from the other offices will be going too, right? I’m sure you’ll have lots to talk about, so just enjoy yourselves! 
Okarin: Thank you very much. There’s a lot I’m worried about, but I’ll take your word for it and just have fun.
Shirou Utsugi: ….. So, that’s why I’ve called you all here. I’ll be going to Karuizawa to attend an acquaintance’s wedding, so I’ll be taking some time off. 
Touma: Eh?! You’re getting married?! 
Haruka: Huh? What are you talking about? 
Minami: He just told us he’s going to an acquaintance’s wedding. 
Touma: O- OH….. I see. That scared me….! 
Torao: This is why I told you that you drank too much yesterday. This guy’s head is foggy. 
Touma: Haha, my bad. Tora was drinking, and it got too lively….
Haruka: What, you two went out drinking together? This is the first I’m hearing about it. 
Minami: It seems like you two had work together yesterday, but isn’t it heartless you didn’t tell me? 
Shirou Utsugi: Umm… Are you fighting? 
ZOOL: We’re not! 
Shirou Utsugi: Is that so? Well, after a reaction like that, I look forward to seeing what kind of reaction I would get if I really got married. 
Zool: …………
Minami: He doesn’t really seem like the domestic type, but I could see him suddenly dropping a bombshell on us one day and telling us “I’m getting married"... 
Torao: Although he’s never shown us even a trace of a woman, he definitely seems to fall into the category of someone who would be popular with women…. 
Touma: I don’t know why, but it feels like he’d marry someone really famous….
Haruka: Utsugi-san is really kind, so maybe he’d be surprisingly family-oriented? I could see him cooking home-made meals on his off days….  
Haruka: ….. But, still…..
Haruka: …. It’d probably be sorta lonely. 
Shirou Utsugi: You’d be lonely? 
Haruka: No, not really, I’d just congratulate you normally!! It’s not like I wouldn’t want you to get married…! 
Minami: I understand. It’d be lonely if he had someone special besides us. 
Touma: I see… Well, when you put it like that…. 
Torao: Haha. It seems we’ve become quite attached to Utsugi-san. 
Shirou Utsugi: You guys…. Thank you. That makes me very happy.
Shirou Utsugi: My special ones are the ones who are in ZOOL. 
Haruka: …… Yeah. We know. (1) That’s why you can spread your wings as much as you’d like.��
Minami: We’re looking forward to the souvenirs. 
Torao: There’s some good stores there, I can tell you about them later. 
Touma: We’ll rabbichat you if anything happens, so right now your only job is to take a break! 
Shirou Utsugi: Haha, thank you very much. I’ll be sure to strengthen my friendships with the other managers as well. 
End of Episode 1
TL Notes:
The word Haruka uses here has the connotation of like "we understand the feelings you're trying to convey"
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luluplanc · 5 months
Maybe it was a dream, but yesterday morning around 1 am EST time, Riku was doing a livestream, and I had commented, "Shogo, you're so handsome." I don't know if I heard right or if it was a dream, but Riku translated my comment into Japanese, and Shogo laughed and said thank you. The way my heart was beating because that made me so happy to see him shy and appreciated.
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The distribution of students by class (This is not my idea btw).
I had the idea for a long time to translate into English and post this post, but for some reason I thought about it for a long time. In general, this idea is not really mine, I was inspired to do it by one person (I admire they headcanons, heheh), however, I don't know how to mark them on the blog-...I'm sorry.🥹
So, I hope I haven't fucked up anywhere and the characters don't repeat themselves anywhere, or there are no undesirable logical mistakes, but here's how I distributed the students into classes:
(15) Class 1-1: Ayano Aishi, Seyo Akanishi, Tsuruzo Yamazaki, Shin Higaku, Ryuto Ippongo, Pippi Osu, Beruma Dinkuri, Borupen Saishiki, Otohiko Meichi, Iruka Dorufino, Hoshiko Mizudori, Tsubaki Uesugi, Horuda Puresu, Ajia Ashitomi, Homu Kurusu.
(15) Class 1-2: Chojo Tekina, Hanako Yamada, Shiromi Torayoshi, Mantaro Sashimasu, Yaku Zaishi, Juku Ren, Tokuko Kitagawa, Midori Gurin, Kokoro Momoiro, Supana Churu, Dairoku Surikizu, Kokuma Jutsu, Sumire Suzuki, Efude Nurimono, Beruma Dinkuri.
(15) Class 2-1: Osana Najimi, Shozo Kurosawa, Enpitsu Byoga, Beshi Takamine, Sakura Hagiwara, Himari Fujita, Kyuji Konagawa, Shoku Tsuburaya, Riku Soma, Maka Tansei, Mina Rai, Hokuto Furikizu, Gaku Hikitsuri, Dora Tamamoto, Hana Daidayama.
(15) Class 2-2: Kizana Sunobu, Oka Ryuto, Asu Rito, Megami Saiko, Inkyu Basu, Hazu Kashibuchi, Kenko Sukoyaka, Saki Miyu, Shima Shiya, Miyuji Shan, Hayanari Tsumeato, Rojasu Norubiru, Sukubi Dubidu, Dafuni Bureiku, Kaga Kusha.
(15) Class 3-1: Amai Odayaka, Osoro Shidesu, Raibaru Fumetsu, Mai Waifu, Geiju Tsuka, Budo Masuta, Gita Yamahato, Horo Guramu, Itachi Zametora, Hojiro Zameshiro, Uekiya Engeika, Umeji Kizuguchi, Kashiko Murasaki, Akane Toriyasu, Aoi Ryugoku.
(13) Class 3-2: Taro Yamada, Sakyu Basu, Toga Tabara, Daku Atsu, Gema Takagaki, Kokona Haruka, Kiba Kawaito, Fureddo Jonzu, Meka Nikaru, Unagi Denkashiza, Kuu Dere, Musume Ronshaku, Kuroko Kamenaga.
I've been redoing this list a lot, but I've made it roughly the way I wanted it to be. It's much nicer to the eye when all the students in the classes are distributed not like in the game (even if all the students in the game are assigned to classes in a more convenient way for the players, I still don't like it...), but in their own way...
In the end, I just want to add that thanks to this person, what inspires me and sharing their wonderful story!🩵 (@yansimstorythatiwillnotworkon ...I kind of figured out how it works, yeah).
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a compilation of kh3s english translation pushing the heterosexual agenda 
finished this a while back and soriku week 2022s day 6 prompt no surrender! (fix-it) has motivated me to finally post it (even tho it might not technically fit the prompt lol)
♡ all footage taken from kh-vids ♡ source for soras convo with anna/rikus sacrifice/nameless star conversation (the sleeping realm theory) ♡ source for the toy box scene (written by scherzo)
the rest of the translations were found in various places across the internet, and i have to give MASSIVE thanks to my friend delikit (@disco-agidyne) for retranslationing/double-checking them for me to make sure theyre as accurate as possible
btw SENA stands for square enix north america in case u didnt know
(view this video on youtube)
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chromatic-lamina · 1 year
true history: true mystery, chapter 1085 spoilers
What a chapter. And cos he's my boy, told you we didn't have to worry too much about one
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Water Law!
I'm so excited (I feel like I should go out and order the whole set of steak knives).
Anyhoo! I remember when I enjoyed reading the scans on my Friday, and they now come out very early my Thursday morning (like, super early. It's just shy of 3am). BUT this was a treat. And the reason I mostly read them is to prevent being spoiled, but also because they include really interesting translator's notes, etc. such as the ones below about Imu:
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Which is difficult to see, but basically it says that Imu refers to themself as Mu and then says that Mu can refer to the void century but also to dreams. Super interesting. And so, Lili was not, unfortunately Imu (but that's okay, cos' I love this story line too), BUT she was a...
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As shown above, where King Cobra realises...
...that he won't survive his encounter with Imu (who was apparently one of the original 20), and Cobra reveals that Lili was Queen Nefertari D. Lili. GOOD STUFF. Sabo overhears. Imu has some problems with this, because, as stated by Cora
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and reiterated by (without knowledge to the best of our understanding) Imu
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the "D" is the moniker of the Celestials ancient enemy.
And, although sketchy, look at the perspective from that panel above! Imu is miles above them all. Another aside, while looking up Cora and Doflamingo stuff, there's also the 'heavenly' perspective on this frame with Cora and Law, but I also know Oda is fond of this type of editing/story telling:
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Back to 1085: Cobra's recollection that Imu was the name of one of the original 20 does tie into the probable theory that Imu had the eternal youth operation centuries prior.
Anyhoo, this is well out of order (my posting of frames) as always! Sorry. It's not only the D's that Imu and their clan need to be scared of, but also
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the scholars. Be still my LawBin shipping (platonic or romantic) heart! But, I digress. So Lili is the one responsible for the preservation and also dispersal of
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the poneglyphs. Whole page there. So much information! Cobra has not revealed that Lili was a "D" at this point, or that he himself is, so he was playing with fire coming in to see the Elders, but I guess the whole lineage had known about that for a long time then (that they had the initial for some reason) and had survived. It also seems that maybe King Cobra did know more about the poneglyph in Alabasta than previously assumed. Perhaps?
Anyway, Imu above says that Lili's dispersal of the poneglyphs around the world was perhaps a deliberate action (apparently it had been passed off as a mistake, a blunder) as part of a larger plan. And with the reveal of her being a possessor of the Will of D. it seems it probably was, even if she was a catalyst, as so many D's seem to be, without having full awareness or knowledge of what ultimate role they're playing.
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Full page again, cos it's so good. So Imu questions Cobra as to why they never divulged Lili's full name, only referring to her by her royal title, which is actually pretty standard practice. BUT, Imu obviously has very strong convictions that Lili is one of those rabble rousers who get this his entity-self really hot under the collar too!
And the Gorosei basically saying: You can't expose that we're some kind of oligarchy/dictatorship/absolute malignant monarchy when it's supposed to be some kind form of supposed League of Nations acting for all countries and supposed world peace. Interesting mix of Imperialism and colonialism these guys have going on. Anyway! The revery is still going on, and is now absolutely proven to be a farce:
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Although King Neptune, and who's the other dude? Can't remember. Not Dalton, is it? (please let me know) King Riku Doldo are looking very skeptical at the Uncle Sam dude. (Thank you @robinchan-hananomi !)
Walpol becomes relevant in a way that it seems that Caribou will be too, and Vivi has been kidnapped by the CIA CP0 (or are they CP9)?
Walpol overhears and sees not only Imu's decimation of Cobra with figures that look a lot like Kanjurou's Kazenbo flame spirit from Wano (did the Gorosei shape-shift too, or was it all Imu sending out some kind of malevolent spirit?), but I think he also overhears Cobra's revelation to Sabo that has a nice SFX bubble over it to just tease we readers enough with hints of information about how the Poneglyphs must be protected, and will seemingly will help usher in the dawn! Ooh, so excited.
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BTW. What or who is the figure behind Cobra in the bottom right panel? Sabo?
Walpol outs himself as having seen everything, so shocking is it to him:
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and so the spectres are on his tail (and I think it's quite funny that first Imu doesn't know or sense Sabo, and other defenses are breached by Walpol, of all people!). SO, he's one of my least favourite villains, along with Caribou and Spandam, but I'm guessing there's something with their devil fruits that make them crucial to the plot, as well as being kind of incidental characters witnessing key points of One Piece lore.
I doubt he has any great love for Vivi, but he also probably knows where his best chance for survival lies, so, it seems he's been creeping around the castle and I'm going to align CPO with Get Smart now, cos they've got that kinda vibe. Not goofy enough to be Scooby Doo (although Jabra does a good job), but still funny and sexy enough to be the characters of Get Smart who weren't Max. (look it up if you don't know).
Anyhoo! Vivi got kidnapped, and I'm guessing it was at the urging of the gorosei who did it at the urging of Imu, or maybe if Cobra didn't spill the beans, they would've used her as a bargaining chip. Anyway, Kalifa here:
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stating that Vivi will end up being a pet (?!?). Did Charloss want her? And I'm wondering if Jabra's wording is a mistranslation, although maybe not. As far as I'm aware, the expression is "play your cards closer to your chest", but maybe it's changed over time. Or there's a pun I'm not getting.
Vivi's reaction in the following frame is awesome (gonna put the whole page in again, cos it's got so much info):
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First, awesome that Shirahoshi got away, and we saw that way back when with Garp accompanying the family back to Fishmen Island. Cool info dump from Jabra above. (Very chatty secret agents. Maybe that's why they don't get to wear masks). But I especially like Vivi's incredulity at Kalifa's comment, and her commitment to doing something about it. She's got a devil fruit, doesn't she? Yes! BUT
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Trashing young prince to the rescue! (okay, he's a king, once disposed, newly reinstated somewhere) (but he is young. This guy's in his 20s, I think). Vivi hitches a ride with the dumpster on wheels. And from there, Big News Morgans picks them up! (not yet witnessed). Here from chapter 1074:
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She's really gone up in my estimation. I never noticed how much she speaks her mind and sticks up for others before (I'm slow, don't worry). And it's not just cos she's a D. Haha. That's not an automatic "like" card, but I might be a little predisposed.
Speaking of which, this part with the ASL brothers was hilarious:
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"Do want a "D" in your name, Sabo?"
"You can be Sad. Bo!"
"Why'd you put it there!?!"
Ah, lol, bless.
Also, Imu has the same kind of imperiousness as Doflamingo. Doflamingo's rougher in speech, and I'm guessing with the "thou" and so on shown in the scanlation on the first page that Imu is formal, but as entitled and condescending as fuck, just like our pink feathered friend.
One thing (or many) so interesting about Doffy, though, is:
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from chapter 727, is that he's a man very sore about losing his Celestial dragon status, who wants to destroy them and the world government, and who is not afraid of the CD's. Also, it seems that he's well aware of Imu (Mary Geoise's greatest treasure?). I wonder how he was going to challenge Imu if Law had granted him eternal life. If that was his aim. So, a digression, but I think our pink bird will again be relevant soon! Fingers crossed, and I really don't want them to redeem him. Please.
Lastly, the cover was very cute:
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Franky directing newly hatched turtles to the ocean, and it's true, so many head in the wrong direction, and such a small proportion actually survive, so he's a hero. Is he sitting on a turtle-hatchling eating crab?
Dunno if any of this was coherent, and I'm sure I missed a bunch, but over and out for now (ah, back to bed!).
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thistaleisabloodyone · 9 months
EDIT: LDH did respond. The lyrics to Soldier Love have been amended. Unable to verify changes to choreography as MV was edited so that move just isn't in there.
Gotta admit, having that boy band you want to send overseas do the Nazi salute in choreography for a song that was already leaning Way Too Imperialistic is A Choice.
I don't know if it'll do anything, but I sent LDH an email through their contact form. I used a web page translator to translate the pages and I'm including screenshots below the cut for most of them - I didn't grab a screenshot for the confirmation page, where it showed the information I had submitted. Where it asked for furigana, I got the katakana for my surname and first name from My Name in Japanese on the japanese-names.info website.
In an attempt to make my feelings clear, without too much of a language barrier, I wrote the letter in English and then translated it into Japanese using this translator, then translated it back to English to make sure everything was still coherent. (Late edit: I also included both versions in the letter - the original English and translated Japanese, so they have my original words and a translation)
In order to keep things from getting translated weirdly, I used placeholders for things I needed to be in English - like the song name, RMPG's name, etc. - so I could swap them back correctly. I am also including an example of that beneath the cut as well. It may be best to not use the same wording I did, so they understand it's Several People Who Are Upset.
I am disappointed and heartbroken. I can only hope for an apology.
First screen:
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Contact form fields:
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Confirmation screen:
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My letter with the placeholders:
I am an American fan of The Rampage from Exile Tribe [$RAMPE] and I wanted to express how heartbroken I am regarding the song [$SoldierLove], the lyrics and the choreography for the song. It is upsetting to have a song that not only seems to glorify war and Japan's actions during World War II, with the use of 'kamikaze' among other things, but also includes the Nazi salute in the choreography.
I love [$RAMPE], but depending on the response to this situation, I may have to give up that love and cancel my subscriptions and pre-orders. I know they were aiming to expand internationally, but this situation is incredibly damaging to that goal.
Apologize for the song, its choreography and the harm it's caused. I know 16SOUL and 16PRAY were supposed to be released on the seventh anniversary, but releasing [$SoldierLove] now would only destroy my love for the 16 members. I have been shaking and struggling to breathe for nearly two hours because of the song and choreography.
I am so disappointed that this happened. I would have hoped that [$RIKU] and [$Shohei], who starred in a musical about resisting Nazi propaganda, could have identified the issues and pointed out that this looks like the Nazi salute.
Please, consider the harm [$SoldierLove] has caused, apologize and rescind the song and it's choreography. I don't see how [$RAMPE] could possibly succeed internationally with this stain on their reputation and careers.
Thank you for your time,
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I want to thank you both so much for all your work translating part 6!! The amount of times I've teared up reading it....you guys are doing the best! Almost at the end!
we are doing our best!! thank you so much for your continued support!! (from haruka too)
- mod riku
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hunieday · 19 days
Oogami Banri 2024 RabbiTV - Episode 1 : A travel Guide
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Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Please note that I am not a professional translator and I'm only doing this to share the side materials to those who cannot access them, if you notice any mistakes please let me know nicely. Enjoy!
(Cut to the i7 Dorms)
Nanase Riku: Manager is here~!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you for your hard work, everyone! Sorry for the intrusion…!
Nikaido Yamato: Oh, there you are. Good work, Manager.
Izumi Mitsuki: Thanks for your hard work! Sorry for calling you here out of the blue! We just wanted to discuss something we can’t really talk about at the office.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Don’t worry about it at all…! You’re holding a meeting about Banri-san’s thing, right?
Rokuya Nagi: YES! It’s an important meeting to celebrate Banri’s birthday!
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yaay! Our Ban-chan!
Osaka Sougo: We’re thinking of offering him a one-day tour of Atami this time.
Nanase Riku: We were lucky to work on the "OFF/Travel @ SHIZUOKA" project since it’s such a wonderful city, so we were hoping Banri-san would experience its charm too!
Izumi Iori: It would be difficult to tour all of Shizuoka after all, so we’re planning the tour around the  Atami area since it’s easier to go through. 
Takanashi Tsumugi: So you all came up with an original tour plan! That’s wonderful…!
Nikaido Yamato: And we have this thing over here.
Yotsuba Tamaki: Ta-daa! Our original travel guide!
Izumi Mitsuki: We made the entire thing by hand!
Rokuya Nagi: King Pudding and Kinako are dressed up in OFF/travel fits on the cover!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Wow! I-I want one…!
Izumi Iori: Everyone contributed to the illustrations of the guide. We plan to make a few copies, so we’ll give one to you as well.
Yotsuba Tamaki: I supervised Sou-chan’s drawings so I don’t think they’ll freak Ban-chan out!
Osaka Sougo: Tamaki-sensei gave me some guidance.
Rokuya Nagi: And the person who drew this Kokona over here, is actually me.
Nikaido Yamato: Yeah, we could tell without asking I think.
Nanase Riku: We also made a schedule together! I thought we could add a few more detours but…
Izumi Iori: Your suggestions were way too inefficient. If we walk for more than 30 minutes between every stop, we won’t have time to do any sightseeing. And Nagi-san keeps suggesting taking taxis for every trip…
Rokuya Nagi: Of course! Japan is still hot even in September.
Osaka Sougo: As you can see, Iori-kun was supervising the schedule.
Izumi Mitsuki: By the way, the gourmet food selection was supervised by Yamato-san! He compiled all the delicious things we ate in Atami.
Nikaido Yamato: Well, Banri-san likes Japanese food so we have similar tastes. Mitsu and Tama were a big help with the sweets stuff.
Yotsuba Tamaki: All thanks to Mikki!
Izumi Mitsuki: You did well, Tamaki!
Nanase Riku: And the highlight of the trip!
IDOLiSH7: The Atami Seaside Fireworks Festival!
Takanashi Tsumugi: A fireworks festival…! Isn’t that amazing? They hold it more than ten times a year…!
Nanase Riku: That’s right! And not just during summer! We want Banri-san to finish a day of sightseeing by watching the fireworks!
Izumi Iori: I watched a video about the festival, and the way the fireworks reflected on the sea was beautiful. I think it’ll be even more impressive in person.
Rokuya Nagi: Please take lots of photos. We’re looking forward to hearing all about it.
Takanashi Tsumugi: Right, I’ll ask Banri-san about it!
Nikaido Yamato: No, no. We’re asking you, Manager.
Osaka Sougo: Could you please take a look at the participant list here?
Takanashi Tsumugi: Huh…? 
Takanashi Tsumugi: Banri-san and… me and the other agencies’ managers…!?
Izumi Mitsuki: I’m sure Banri-san would feel too reserved going alone, so the president decided to make this the annual manager’s trip too!
Takanashi Tsumugi: The president…
Yotsuba Tamaki: Yup! Then we asked the other managers via rabbitchat and everyone was on board to help out!
Osaka Sougo: I was in charge of supervising the messages sent to the senior managers just in case.
Rokuya Nagi: There sure are a lot of supervisors!
Nanase Riku: Everyone just wants to express their thanks to their hard working managers! They even helped us a little bit with the guidebook.
Izumi Iori: That’s why we want you all to have fun and take it easy. (1)
Nikaido Yamato: Go eat lots of delicious food!
Takanashi Tsumugi: Thank you so much! I’ll take you up on the offer and enjoy Atami to the fullest…!
(Cut to Trigger’s Apartment)
Anesagi Kaoru: …And that concludes our meeting. Thanks for the tea. I’ll come back and pick you up again tomorrow!
Yaotome Gaku: Wait, Anesagi! We didn’t invite you here just to drink tea!
Kujo Tenn: Actually, we have a request for you, Anesagi-san.
Anesagi Kaoru: A request from you guys…? That’s unusual.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Anesagi-san, please go on a trip to Atami during your next day off!
Anesagi Kaoru: Huh!? Atami!?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: The IDOLiSH7 members are planning a celebration for Banri-san’s birthday, and they suggested turning the relaxing trip into an annual retreat for all the managers!
Kujo Tenn: You haven’t been able to take a break recently, right? This is the perfect opportunity to relax and refresh your soul.
Yaotome Gaku: We even made guidebooks! We worked on them with the IDOLiSH7 guys. Look at the souvenir page here.
Kujo Tenn: I included a section on hot spring water skincare products that looked appealing.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Your skin’s already beautiful Anesagi-san, but it could become even more radiant!
Anesagi Kaoru: Oh,you! You say such sweet things. Those skincare products sound great too…
Anesagi Kaoru: Wait. Oh my god…! Nagi-kun drew something too!
Yaotome Gaku: How do you even know that…?
Kujo Tenn: Hehe, who knows?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: So, what do you say?! You’ll go, right?
Anesagi Kaoru: …Well, since you went through all this trouble to plan this… I guess I’ll go to Atami!
Yaotome Gaku: That’s the spirit!
Kujo Tenn: That’s a relief. Gaku and Ryuu have been itching to tell you ever since this trip has been decided.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: Y-You think so!?
Yaotome Gaku: No I didn’t!?
Kujo Tenn: Yes you did. In fact, you kept saying “Atami” so much that you started having nonsensical conversations, like whether or not a hot sea even exists. Well it probably depends on the temperature outside.
Yaotome Gaku: Because the thought of you watching the awesome Atami fireworks made me so happy!
Anesagi Kaoru: Fireworks?
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: That’s right! Anesagi-san, the other day you mentioned that you wanted to go to a fireworks festival after hearing them in the distance on your way home, right?
Kujo Tenn: The moment we heard about the fireworks setting off over the sea, we knew we definitely wanted to show that sight to you.
Anesagi Kaoru: That was just a random passing comment I made… But you guys actually remembered.
Yaotome Gaku: Of course! We’re talking about our precious manager here after all.
Kujo Tenn: We want to see your smiling face as well, Anesagi-san.
Tsunashi Ryuunosuke: You always put us first, so please let us fulfill your wish!
Anesagi Kaoru: You silly boys. It’s not about putting you first or not. It’s my pleasure to support you!
Anesagi Kaoru: …But, thank you. I’m gonna enjoy my trip to Atami to the fullest!
(Cut to Okazaki Agency)
Momo: Dan-dan-dada-dun-dan♪
Yuki: Dadadadadandan-dan♪
Okazaki Rintaro: What’s up with your singing? You’re in a good mood today.
Okazaki Rinto: Isn’t that the song they play at award ceremonies? And is Momo-kun holding what looks like a piece of paper…?
Okazaki Rintaro: So that’s what it is! A ceremony to honor my great achievements, huh? You can be cute sometimes.
Okazaki Rintaro: Well then, what kind of award will you give me? “Hottest president”? “Most amazing president”?
Yuki: There sure are some randos in this sacred award ceremony.
Okazaki Rintaro: Don’t call your president a rando.
Momo: Sorry Prez, it’s Okarin’s award ceremony this time!
Momo: Ta-da! Thanks for your hard work, Okarin! We’re giving you the “World’s best Manager Award”!
Yuki: And your prize for winning this award is a one day tour to Atami. Here’s your guide book.
Okazaki Rinto: Huh!? What award and what kind of prize is this!?
Momo: Haha, you look surprised! Well to summarize, you’re the best for always supporting us! And in return we are gifting you a trip to Atami to show our gratitude!
Yuki: Okarin, thank you for everything.
Momo: Please give us an acceptance speech!
Okazaki Rinto: A-An acceptance speech!? 
Okazaki Rinto: Uhhh… Well, I’m very honored to receive such an award. Thank you very much. I will continue to support Re:vale from here on!!
Yuki: Woo! Okarin!
Momo: Look this way!
Okazaki Rinto: Oh, thank you, thank you… Wait a sec, what do you mean by a trip!? And this adorable travel guide…!
Yuki: IDOLiSH7 is planning a trip for Ban’s birthday this year as well, and they suggested making it a tradition for all the managers to go on a vacation trip.
Yuki: Momo and I also helped make the travel guide book.
Momo: Yuki and I put together a list of food that’s easy on the stomach!
Yuki: We already asked Rintaro to make sure you have the day off.
Okazaki Rinto: The president knew about this!?
Okazaki Rintaro: Well yeah. These two really insisted on it. I can’t say no to Re:vale can I?
Yuki: We casually mentioned it on rabbitchat that’s all.
Momo: Okarin, have a blast in Atami!
Yuki: Don’t think about work that day.
Okazaki Rinto: T-thank you so much…! I’ll bring back lots of souvenirs from Atami!
(ŹOOĻ Waiting Room)
Inumaru Touma: Utsugi-san said he’s gonna be a little late since there’s something he needs to confirm with the director.
Natsume Minami, Isumi Haruka & Mido Torao: …Sigh…
Inumaru Touma: Huh. Why the long faces!?
Inumaru Touma: Aren’t you gonna tell Utsugi-san about the Atami trip? Look, the travel guide we just finished is right here!
Isumi Haruka: I thought it’d be great to make the managers' trip a regular thing…
Isumi Haruka: But when you really think about it, isn't it a bit questionable for us to decide their vacations without asking?
Mido Torao: Like they might have other plans...
Natsume Minami: Or they might prefer mountain food over seafood…
Inumaru Touma: Well, I get what you mean. Why don’t we tell him the gist of it first and ask if he’s interested in going?
Natsume Minami: But it could make it hard for him to refuse if we ask.
Isumi Haruka: And we wanna surprise Utsugi-san if possible anyways.
Mido Torao: I think he’d appreciate it more if we surprised him.
Inumaru Touma: Make up your minds already!
(Door opens)
Utsugi Shiro: Sorry for the wait. The meeting’s over.
Utsugi Shiro: ...Erm, why do you all look so serious? Did you not like the snacks I bought for you?!
Natsume Minami: No, the dorayaki was delectable.
Mido Torao: The sweetness of the red bean paste was just right.
Utsugi Shiro: Then what’s going on…
Isumi Haruka: L-Listen. The thing is, IDOLiSH7 is planning a trip to Atami to celebrate MEZZO”’s manager’s birthday…
Natsume Minami: And so, they suggested combining it with a trip for all the managers as well.
Mido Torao: Last year’s trip looked like it was a great way for you to refresh, so we wanted you to go this time too.
Inumaru Touma: Here’s the travel guide! We helped make it too.
Utsugi Shiro: Atami!? A travel guide…!? Wait a second, you want me to go on this trip?
Isumi Haruka: Ah… was this too sudden and unpleasant after all?
Utsugi Shiro: Not at all…! On the contrary! I’m so happy that you all prepared such a wonderful surprise for me!
Inumaru Touma: Hehe. That’s great guys! Just now everyone was worried about whether or not you’d like it.
Mido Torao: Well, I knew you’d be happy with it.
Natsume Minami: And seafood is delicious.
Isumi Haruka: And the seaside suits Utsugi-san.
Utsugi Shiro: Thank you, I’m so happy! Which part of the travel guide did you guys work on?
Mido Torao: This part. We recommended the best spots to view the fireworks and food stalls.
Natsume Minami: We put a lot of effort into it, so please take your time reading through it later.
Isumi Haruka: Make sure to share lots of photos in the rabbitchat!
Inumaru Touma: We’re looking forward to hearing your stories!
Utsugi Shiro: Yes…! I’ll enjoy Atami while following the guide!
(End of Episode 1)
Iori originally says “羽を伸ばしてきてください”  (stretch one’s wings), which is a polite metaphor to suggest someone relaxes and takes a break. I have no idea if it’s intentional, but I think if it is then it’s a pretty clever reference to Silver Sky (the Re:vale song named after Banri’s character color that has bird imagery in both its cover and lyrics). (that or im just insane)(sorry)
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yoroshiu · 1 year
Random Things I Found Fun/Interesting in JPN Kingdom Hearts (AKA I think about these things WAY too much) (Part 1?)
Master of Master’s way of speaking in general! I mentioned this in the tags of another post but mans just says things in different ways. My current fave example is him saying ‘yoroshiku’ (if i had to describe/translate this, it’s pretty much “thank you in advance” (usually said as “yoroshiku onegaishimasu”)) as ‘yoropiku’, ‘yoroshiu’, ‘yorokushi’ (yoropiku esp, from what I’ve researched is considered a cute way of saying yoroshiku)
Also the way he refers to the foretellers (nicknames and saying “you”)! There’s been other posts that have talked about it but I need to let this out too! He refers to Ira and Aced as Iracchi and Acedon respectively. High key, he’s doing it to make fun of how serious (and aggressive in Aced’s case) they are. 
When it comes to Invi and Luxu, he says “kimi” (usually a more casual/usually boyish way of saying “you” (Sora usually uses this)).
For Ava and Gula, he uses “omae” (very casual/can be considered rude in many cases way of saying “you”, Riku uses this often and so does Sora at times). I’m assuming it’s because Ava and Gula are the youngest that MoM refers to them as such.
In Re:Coded, while in Wonderland, there are about 3 or so occasions where Data Sora and Alice say “nya” at the end of their sentences. No, this is not explained nor does any character make a comment about it. 
More of a meta example than in-game, but from what I’ve seen, a lot of the JPN community shortens MoM to “Masu Masu” and that just sounds cute (on brand with him too lol). To be fair, a lot of terms and names are shortened beyond KH.
In that scene where Mickey and Riku talk about Aqua in KH3 and Riku freaks out over being told that Aqua is just like Sora, the delivery of his “EEEEEEHHHHHHH?!?!?!?!” is just so funny and on point (we love Mamoru Miyano in this household)
In general, hearing the differences Miyu Irino makes for voicing Sora and Vanitas. If you listen to both of their battle voice lines, they both say “IKE” (ee-keh) (meaning something akin to “Go!”) and it is a HUGE difference. Sora is higher pitched and kinda cute, as Irino tends to do with him while Vanitas is lower pitched and very aggressive (kind of growling to an extent)
SORA CAN COUNT. The cutscene where Donald says “’cause Sora can’t count” in ENG is really different in JPN. In JPN, Donald says “[It’s because] Sora’s inconsiderate/insensitive.” My guess is that it wouldn’t be as funny than something like “Sora can’t count” considering that SDG laugh over it after. (Really, Kid Icarus: Uprising did something similar with Pit too)
Koichi Yamadera, Donald’s JPN VA, also voices Beast, Mushu, Genie, Stitch, among many, many characters in KH alone.
For the line “So he told you how he felt” that DiZ says to Riku about Roxas, in JPN he says “Did he tell [you] that he hates Sora?” Which just hits me pretty hard lol
In ENG, they pronounce Lea’s name as “Lee” but in JPN, it is said as “Lee-ah” 
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Gosh….the translation in KH3 did us dirty.
English Riku says, “I know you don’t believe that,” when he’s about to sacrifice himself for Sora.
But I believe in the Japanese (original) version, he says something like, “I believe in you, Sora.”
LIKE??? ITS SO MUCH BETTER IN THE ORIGINAL LANGUAGE??? LIKE….maybe the translators don’t mean it and it’s truly an accident or something like that, but seriously….those two sentences give different vibes.
The Japanese one is showing faith and hope into Sora, letting him know that Riku truly believes in him and cares for him. The English version kinda makes it seem like Riku is telling Sora how he should feel, but he doesn’t need that. He needs someone to believe in him even when he’s alone.
I’m just….feeling emotions and my thoughts are everywhere.
And thank you to the people who show us translations from the Japanese version and make the theories of Sora and Riku’s relationship (soriku and not). I’m just in love okay.
Also, Japanese is the original language, right??? I think it is, and sorry if it isn’t😭.
EDIT: I’ve seen a comment about it, but I’m not mad at the translators I promise! I didn’t mean to make this post and make it seem like I’m mad at the English translators. It was just a joke and I was saying how I preferred the original version over the English translation.
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letoasai · 6 months
So I’ve caught up on “your hand I held” and it’s now going to be all I think about. Thank you for that.
Question about the strifehart fluff series though, I noticed that baby Sora has some things he appears to be bottling up. Do you think there is ever a time when Squall and Cloud maybe don’t catch it before it explodes? Or was there a specific incident that led to them making sure to check that he wasn’t taking on everyone else’s emotional problems?
Seriously loving everything you write!❤️❤️
I'm so glad you're enjoying that story! I'm thinking it'll only have a handful of chapters left. Then maybe i'll go back to the Secrets series... I think the short answer is yes, something like likely brewing. Squall and Cloud do their best and they're great dads but it's impossible to catch everything. Seven kids is a lot to monitor too.
Baby Sora has heard all his life that he was the happy twin, the happy kid, the Strifehart that smiles biggest, and while no one meant anything too deep by those comments, baby Sora has translated that into being his job. He'll be the chatty one so his brothers and sister and decompress in their own way and at this point, he's really too young to even know he's doing it. Cloud's accident is really one of the first times it's being noticed. Sora not being the loud one, and instead just wanting to listen to Reiku read is definitely something Squall noted.
He doesn't have the trauma of Canon Sora, but it's still a small callback on Sora's over all personality. Smile to fly the gummiship. Smile so others don't worry. Smile, even though you lost your childhood. Smile, even though you lost a year of your life. Smile, you only keep ending up places alone, or unintentionally belittled by your peers. Sora does bottle things up, but baby Strifehart Sora doesn't have all that fortunately. It's going to be easier for his dads to be there for him.
Smiling for show is such a theme in Your Hand I Held, too.
I'm rambling! But my child needs a hug and someone to talk to. There probably will be a future meltdown for him, but probably not until he's older. I believe he's...10 in the most recent chapters.
There's definitely a meltdown planned for older Riku. ^^
Sorry for going on and on! I can talk about the Strifeharts for ages.
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maskyish · 1 year
Haruka Isumi Idol Star Live 2023
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Please note: I am NOT a professional and my level of JP is very, very basic. I do this for practice and to share with other fans for fun. Please take my translations with a grain of salt as there may be mistakes. If you see any, please let me know and I can correct them. If anyone else has this card and wants to translate this at any time then please feel free to do so!
Touma: Yo, Haru! 
Touma: How’s school going? 
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Haruka: You’re already so intense and it’s only noon 
Touma: And you’re using such low energy stamps even though it’s already noon! 
Touma: Is there something in class you didn’t understand? If so, make sure to ask your teacher! 
Haruka: Stop acting like my guardian! 😒 I’m doing fine in school!! 
Haruka: So, what’s up?  
Haruka: Didn’t you rabbitchat for something? 
Touma: Well, I just finished my Idol Stage lessons so now I’m eating lunch 
Touma: But you had school today, so I was just wondering how you were doing! 😄
Haruka: I see 
Haruka: So you were just bored? 
Touma: I mean, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t bored lol 
Touma: It’s about lunch time now, right? So I just wondered if you were also bored by yourself! 
Haruka: Uh
Haruka: How did you know I was by myself?
Touma: I remembered the other day while looking at the schedule, you whispered “Izumi and Yotsuba won’t be there on the next day of school” 
Touma: I thought you might feel lonely without the two of them, so if you’d like you can rabbitchat with me 😆
Haruka: I’m not lonely!!! Don’t treat me like a kid!! 
Haruka: And you don’t have to remember each and every little thing I say!!! 
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Touma: My bad 😅 Then, what if you made friends other than Izumi and Yotsuba? 
Haruka: I don’t need to
Haruka: I don’t need someone to hang out with 
Haruka: Besides, if I suddenly talk to them, they’d just get nervous
I’d also be wary if it was the other way around 😒
Touma: You’re really cautious 🤔
Touma: When a costar you’re not well-acquainted with talks to you, you become meek as a lamb(1) and hide behind Mina’s back! 
Haruka: I’m keeping an appropriate distance! 
Haruka: Actually, aren’t you too close with others!? 
Touma: Me?! I’m normal! 
Haruka: Not normal at all! 
Haruka: You already call them a friend after costaring for just a bit! I’m pretty sure your sense of distance is totally messed up
Haruka: They might seem happy but you don’t know what they’re saying behind your back, and not everyone is a good person.
You should have a bit more awareness 
Touma: Hmm, well yeah. 
Touma: Maybe you’re right and I should be more self-aware.. 
Haruka: Yeah 
Haruka: I was expecting you to say “if you chat some more, you’ll realize they’re a good person!” so I was kind of disappointed 
Haruka: Wait, did something already happen? Like something you can’t tell us? Are you alright?
Haruka: Have you told Utsugi-san? 
Touma: Ahhh!!! Sorry Haru!!!! That’s not what I meant!! 
Haruka: Then what? 
Touma: Yesterday, while walking around the station, I saw a guy who I definitely thought was Riku even though he was wearing a hat! I was like, “Long time, no see!” and wrapped my arms around his shoulder from behind 
Touma: But then 
Touma: It was Kujo!!!!!!!
Touma: He smiled at me and said “long time no see”!!!!! I apologized profusely!!!! 
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Haruka: Hey
Haruka: I was so disappointed I dropped my smartphone and got weird looks from my classmates!! 💥
Touma: No, I was scared too!! 
Touma: I should be more aware of my distance and not wrap my arms around shoulders so easily 😭😭 
Haruka: That’s not exactly what I was getting at, but if it makes you more aware then whatever….
Touma: Thanks for worrying about me, Haru! I was kind of touched ✨
Haruka: Worried for nothing 😤
Haruka: But, thanks for rabbitchatting 
Haruka: Because of that, I wasn’t bored during lunch 
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Touma: Haruuuu!! 
Touma: You gonna be alright on your own after school? Should I pick you up? 
Haruka: Absoluuuuutely not!!!!!
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[End of Rabbitchat}
TL Notes:
1. "Meek as a lamb" - The phrase used here is literally “borrowed cat” and is a Japanese idiom for someone who becomes quieter than usual, so I just used an English equivalent
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