#thai ql valentines
chicademartinica · 8 months
Which Thai ql actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
Tagged by boo @lurkingshan
Chiquita would have loved the younger version of Great Sapol who used to pose like this because homie looks like he walked off the page of a Yaoi manga. BUT melanated and happy trailed.
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Tagging @yemme @missmarthanightingale @petrichoraline
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lurkingshan · 8 months
Okay we are getting absolutely bombarded by Valentines Day photoshoots and there’s nothing of note airing today so time for a tag game!
Which Thai ql actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
I’ll start! Teen Shan would have absolutely lost it for:
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Tagging @blmpff @neuroticbookworm @wen-kexing-apologist @bengiyo @slayerkitty @negrowhat @chicademartinica @twig-tea to continue the game!
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pickletrip · 8 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
Tagged by @blmpff (Thank you my love) and @dribs-and-drabbles
I sat and thought hard about it. And I can't think of anyone but my one and only Fluke Pusit (I'm stealing your picture @blmpff )
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If you want to participate, consider yourself tagged!!
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solitaryandwandering · 8 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
Tagged by @telomeke (here) and @wen-kexing-apologist (here), hope you both had a good (or neutral) Valentine's Day!!
I've been thinking about this all day which of course led to me missing the actual day, but no worries! Love still persists!
As a teen I had come out to myself as bi at 14 (wrong) after a couple years of questioning, but was still largely stifling much of my attraction to women. The closet's fun! A lot of those years were spent staring at men and trying to convince myself of reasons I should be more attracted to them beyond aesthetics. I generally found the idea of seriously considering celebrity crushes as, like, romantic prospects as weird but would pick a couple to masquerade as mine. And I also don't keep up with actors enough (nor did I really at the time, beyond some specific ones) to really know which would be Valentine-material for teen me. So. This was complicated.
The guy I would've convinced myself I wanted to be Valentines with would've been Tay Tawan, hands down. Smiley, charming, a great actor, playing characters both pissy and romantic. I would've fallen all over myself for that guy, enthusiastically picking him as my Proof of Heterosexuality.
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I'll always be a sucker for pretty eyes and a great smile. He has it in spades.
Now, the actor who would have been my secret, private crush has to meet certain criteria. As a closeted teen, I was very into girls who were a bit quirky, assertive, sassy, didn't take any shit, but also had a compassionate side (basically just described my first love, whoops). Basically, girls who exuded confidence. I also tended to focus more on characters in terms of crushes instead of actors, so I think with that criteria it would be Miw from 3 Will Be Free.
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[GIF from @hup123hup123slapslap]
I feel like she's the quintessential sapphic teen answer. A round of applause, please.
Actor-wise, I think I would've been into Namtan Tipnaree.
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She's giving me Alex Russo vibes. That's my only reason, really. And the only reason teen me would've needed.
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dekaydk · 8 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
tagged by @blmpff — thanks!
This is fun, because it reminded me how much my taste has changed since I was in high school. I had to think a while to recapture my (then-narrower) interests.
Gonna have to go with Fourth Nattawat.
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prapaiwife · 8 months
Which thai QL actor is your teen self's fantasy valentine?
Tagged by @negrowhat!
Since I'm only 21 lol i had to think this through cause my teen self wasn't that long ago and i didn't have a specific type or anything, even back in hs i had only one crush on a guy through the whole 4 years lol BUT as I look back I'm like yeah I did have a type didn't i so but now it's all over place which is fine 😂
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Fort duh you hear me out lol my teen self LOVED a set of dimples and braces i know lol but the guy i liked for 4 years wore braces and had them gone after a while and he was even more cuter to me with them. But when they came off, i was swooning more 😭😭how does this relate to Fort cause he worse braces and I've seen pictures and he LOOKED SO CUTE U DONT GET IT LOL but my teen self then and now cleary is like 😌🤞🏽
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This might be shocking, but santa most definitely just would've been crazy for lol
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mark yesss 100% i probably would've had a fan page for him lol
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Pond no brainer for me lol
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Sailub, I mean dimples that alone i fell and my teen self would've been down just as bad as i am now 😭😭😭
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Mix lastly because yeah I'm so so so swooned for him when i got into bl genre I was still in my teens him and mark siwat oh my gosh i remember falling hard for mark 🤧 but mix yess he immediately caught my eye and I was fixated for a long time before this blog lol
I'll tag @yilinggusu @sunshinechay @fortpeat @le-trash-prince
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dribs-and-drabbles · 8 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
Thanks for the tag @telomeke and @colourme-feral!
To be honest, I found this quite difficult to answer - I didn't really have a type that I was attracted to or crushed on as a teen, at least not one I remember (I was a 'late bloomer', let's say...now I realise that's probably because I'm somewhere on the asexual spectrum). Anyway, I tried to think of attributes I would have been drawn to in a celebrity and I landed on Nanon (and no, I promise it's not just because of Bad Buddy 😂)
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I think I would have been fascinated by the many sides to him and the characters he can play, to how dedicated and serious he is about his craft, how reserved he is about fan service and protective of his privacy and the mystery that would present, and of his life growing up into an acting family and his journey to being an actor/singer himself. Of course the dimples would help 😂 but also how he presents himself as unashamedly him - he doesn't seem to bow to pressure to look a certain way, have a certain body. He's never typecast - it feels like he has the 'freedom' to be able to take different roles and to reject being shoehorned into a marketable pairing. I think I would have been intrigued by his slightly 'otherness' in an industry full of manufactured appearances (in both sense of the word). And my unknowing ass would also have been fascinated by drag!nanon without realising why 😂
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I'm not sure who has been tagged and/or done this yet but I'll tag a few of you... @grapejuicegay @pickletrip @twig-tea @ablazenqueen @thegalwhorants and @waitmyturtles
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Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
What a fun game 🤩 I got tagged by @belladonna-and-the-sweetpeas and @mikuni14, thank you so much for thinking of me you darlings ✨😄
Well, how to explain teenage me 😆 I knew that people found other people attractive but as a then-unidentified-ace it just seemed weird to me... 🤷‍♀️ In hindsight, I had one or two sort-of-crushes but they were from afar and I didn't bother to get to know them. So, I don't have too much data to work with and can only go by looks but from what I remember, I had two types:
Number one:
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(Pic by @blmpff)
And number two:
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My type hasn't changed much, present me still finds them gorgeous but I'm even more interested in what personality they have than before as a teen💜
I haven't kept track of who's done this game already, so if you've already been tagged just ignore this: @negrowhat @wanderlust-in-my-soul @pharawee @liyazaki @callipigio @buckystilinski @bunnakit @sunshinesanctuary @khaotungsfirst @troubled-mind
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telomeke · 8 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
I was tagged by my dear li'l sis @neuroticbookworm at this post here, and it really got me thinking. 🤔
My first reaction was, well Ohm Pawat, because his charisma has me breathless:
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But then I thought – nahhh, I don't think teen me would really have liked cheeky Ohm quite as much as I do today.
I think teenster Tel would REALLY have fallen for this little cutie-pie:
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Nonkul Chanon, part dork, part boy-next-door, chatty but not noisy, friendly but not gregarious, often to be found curled up in the corner studying. (OK that's just teen me fantasizing about my dream Valentine.)
But he's also athletic (click AYOR here and here) and he can sing like the sweetest choirboy 👀 (click here for the performance, and here for the reveal).
Still waters run deep! Teen me would have fallen hard for this one. 😂💖😍
Onward tagging @dribs-and-drabbles, @solitaryandwandering, @recentadultburnout, @colourme-feral. No pressure to play if you don't want to! 😍
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bunnakit · 8 months
🌸 Which QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine? 🌸
AAAA I FORGOT TO DO THIS YESTERDAY thank you so much for tagging me @sparklyeyedhimbo @maxescheibechlinichacheli @italianpersonwithashippersheart
So fun little Oat fact, I dated pretty much primarily girls in my teenage years, something about teenage Oat was able to get pretty much any girlfriend I wanted (this isn't me bragging, to this day I don't understand what I did but that's just how things played out.)
That all being said...
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I haven't dated a girl since I was a teenager but my taste has not changed at all. Choi Yuna, goddess that you are, I would've been so obsessed with her. I would've made such a fool of myself trying to get her attention.
since i did this so late i'm not tagging anyone but if you wanted to do it and didn't get tagged consider yourself tagged now!!!
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Which Thai QL Actor Is Your Teen Self's Fantasy Valentine?
Tagged by @twig-tea. Thank you for the tag 😊
Honestly, teen me was so deeply ummm *waves hands* neurodivergent, in a religious cult, aroace but see whole aforementioned cult thing so didn't even realise there was a closet to be in, and so this is a tricky question 🤣🤣🤣
But! Having said that, I can tell you who I would have convinced myself was my fantasy!
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From his twitter
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He's tall, handsome, holding flowers, and most importantly for teen me, no visible tattoos or piercings 😂
I don't know who's already done this, so no pressure, and if you haven't been tagged and want to play consider this your invitation ❤️
@maxescheibechlinichacheli, @axolola @vera9 @theflagscene @chalkrevelations @callipigio
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squeakygeeky · 7 months
7 Days Before Valentine: Novella vs Drama
This write-up will contain complete spoilers. I know not that many people watched 7 Days Before Valentine, but I think you might still be interested in how things were adapted from page to screen, so the basic premise of both is that a guy who just experience a breakup gets visited by a 'cupid reaper' for seven nights, who gives him the chance each night to erase someone from existence in the hopes of changing things enough to make the breakup not have happened. Ultimately it's a story about acceptance.
Overall I'm actually calling this for the series, because the novella is very short, but the series is able to flesh everything out and really delve into the characters and the implications of the character's choices on everyone at large.
7 Days Before Valentine is based on a novella by the same title by Patrick Rangsimant. I've also read My Ride, I Love You and My Imaginary Boyfriend by him. I enjoy his writing and he's actually a doctor so you can tell from his writing that he's experienced a lot of things in life and his work tends to have a philosophical bent. This work was definitely the serenity prayer as a BL. He tends to write mostly dialog and introspection, a bit like I write actually. It's straightforward and a bit bare, so the vibes of the story and the series are very different. The overall ominous weirdness of the series came from the director/screenwriter, but I think the way it's very theatrical did suit the talky/thinky source material.
The series is also based on another novella, 7 Days Before Halloween, but that one doesn't appear to have an English translation or maybe hasn't even been published yet. The story we get for Q in the series (who goes by the slightly less cute 'Cue' in the novella) is all in there so I can't say how close that was to what we got in the series. Cue doesn't go into his backstory in the series.
The narrator of the novella is nameless and definitely feels like more of an Everyman compared to Sunshine. He's a little blase about erasing people from existence but feels like he could be anyone struggling to accept a major life change, which is the point. I don't remember him being described physically at all and we don't get any details of his life. This makes him way less frustrating than Sunshine, who begins the novel as a self-absorbed and selfish actor, but also not particularly memorable as a character, and it's less that the narrator experiences general character growth and more that he learns to deal with this specific life crisis.
There's no flower shop/bar in the novella. I was hoping we'd get some explanation for that guy who seems to be another supernatural entity like Q, but nope. Also, having the kid from the flower shop as a character gave the show the chance to point out that romantic love isn't the be-all-and-end-all of love, which is pretty unusual for a romance series and was a nice touch.
There also isn't any exploration of what erasing a person means for the world at large. For example, in the novel erasing the politician the couple argued about just doesn't work to fix things, while in the show Sunshine manages to create a whole dystopia. I think that aspect worked well in the series. Both do have the main character fixing things by wishing himself out of existence, only to be brought back by someone else's wish, but of course we don't get the explanation of that in the novella the way we do in the show.
There is a little romance between the narrator and Cue in the novella, but more just that they meet at the end and recognize each other. Yes the show was a slow burn, but I did like the way Q in the series progressed in his attitude, from antagonism to protectiveness to love towards Sunshine, and the way they both opened up to each other. The climax of Sunshine wishing Q out of existence in order to release him from being a reaper was just so perfectly devastating. In the novella it's much less dramatic since the narrator gets the opportunity to make a normal wish and wishes for Cue to be happy. In both cases this does lead to them having a new meet-cute as regular mortals, it's just 1000x more satisfying in the show both because they'd already fallen in love and lost each other at this point but also because we got to see how things clicked into place with a reaper version of Sunshine having been the Q to mortal Sky, who needed to learn his own lessons about loss and regret and letting go.
I think the bizarre oppressive atmosphere of the show really paid off in the final episode, because everything felt clearer and lighter and yes, the colors, and that added to the impact of Sunshine straightening his shit out and the whole last minute reunion. Anyway, I SWEAR THIS WAS GOOD GIVE IT A CHANCE.
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chicademartinica · 8 months
oh i would have absolutely swooned over khaotung thanawat. i am as i ever was -- an absolute sucker for the pretty boys, especially the ones who look kind
Excellent choice boo ! Khaotung is life long valentine material if we’re keeping it a BUCK . 99.
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miss0atae · 8 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
I was tagged by @mikuni14 and I found this game fun, so here is my take on it.
My teenage life was complicated. I knew deep down who I was, but I was afraid of saying it out loud. I feared people wouldn't understand me. I had two types: firstly, it was Long-haired boys who plays guitars preferably and secondly, it was dark-haired girls who are bossy.
But If I had to choose my teen self's fantasy Valentine, I would say that I had a favorite Thai actress at that time and it was Aom. I discovered her in the movie "Yes or No" and I found her so beautiful.
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As a young teen, that movie resonated with me. Now, I see how much flaws it had, but it remains nostalgic when I watch it from time to time.
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Short-haired version of her was dreamy!
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How she looks nowadays. She remains very attractive, no matter what.
I have no one to tag for this game because I always fear of putting pressure on people, but anyone can take part of this game. So feel free to do it.
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Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
I was tagged on this thing by @wen-kexing-apologist right when I was starting to think maybe I'd like to do it. So, good timing, WKA my dear.
I was trying to get into a teenaged Towel mindset so I texted my twin sister @porridgefeast and started thinking about my biggest high school crushes. I didn't think I was likely to find a Thai QL actor who looked anything like the indie rockers that made up most of my "celebrity" crush list as a teenager. My massive crush from my first two years of college (when I was still in my teens) basically looked like Dan Aykroyd from Ghostbusters, which I am still very into but is also not a very popular look in the Thai QL world. The butch girl I flirted with in high school is butcher than anyone I've seen in a QL, sadly. (Plus half of her appeal was her low, husky voice and thick Southern accent, a combination which probably also won't show up in a QL anytime soon.)
But I also had a years-long crush on a boy in high school who was arguably the biggest twink in my high school in Macon, Georgia. (He also had a surprisingly low voice and a deep drawl, guess I had a type.) If you could genetically engineer an extra-pretty (like, off-the-charts pretty) Southeast Asian clone for my crush, BC, you'd come pretty close to Gun Atthaphan. So, yeah, I would have been ALL about him back then. Not that he's chopped liver now or anything, mind you.
Gun not only looks a bit more like BC when he's in a ball cap, he looks a little more high school-ish all around, so I thought this photo was fitting.
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I think pretty much everybody I can think of to tag at the moment has already been tagged on this, except for @porridgefeast, so I'm tagging her. Also, if you're reading this and want to do this, consider yourself tagged!
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blue-grama · 7 months
Which Thai QL actor is your teen self’s fantasy Valentine?
Thanks @dragonagelesbian for the tag! I’m way late to this and Valentine’s is a distant memory, but. Who cares.
This took some thought because I wasn’t a big celebrity crush person as a teen. My peak celebrity crush time, however, did overlap with the era of Leonardo DiCaprio Supremacy. He was everywhere. And admittedly, he was very pretty.
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Shows up, fucks you in the back of a Model T and dies less than 24 hours later like some sort of beautiful mayfly. What’s not to love.
Ok, so pretty, glowy, not a bad actor… my current Thai QL comp is:
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As Leo being peak teen crush may indicate, I’m too old to properly crush on Khaotung now. He largely triggers the urge to feed him an afterschool snack and set him up with my niece. But teen me woulda been all about it.
And because decisiveness is not my speed, Khao’s in a tie with:
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Queer Italian-[insert additional nationality here] singer with a fuck-society attitude and numerous tattoos? Please, I still know Ani Difranco’s 1990-2005 catalogue by heart. I’d definitely have had feelings about Silvy I’d not have contextualized until far later and I would have been right to do so.
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