#tfatws trailer
lefthandarm-man · 1 month
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Bucky Barnes // The Winter Soldier Captain America: The Winter Soldier (2014)
appreciation post for bucky's hair in catws
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ex0rin · 10 days
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Seems like a good guy. You met him?
Sam Wilson & Joaquín Torres TFATWS S01E02 | The Star-Spangled Man
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steelbluehome · 2 months
I do not know when we, who were not at sdcc will get to see the Thunderbolts* teaser or trailer, whichever it is.
But the things I am hearing about it, regarding Bucky, are making me uneasy. Only in that, I want a damn good explanation of how he got from the guy who was at the cook out on Delacroix Island to where he is now.
Of course, the movie might answer all of that for me, but for now, I'm very worried that any of the progress he seemed to make in The Falcon and the Winter Soldier, is all going to just be erased.
I could be wrong, I hope I am.
Anyone else nervous?
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Thunderbolts hasn’t come out yet so we literally do not know anything about Bucky’s arc. I don’t think it’s necessary or fair to be mad about this movie “destroying” his character when we literally have not seen it yet. And being mad for nine months leading up to the movie’s release is going to be exhausting for you tbh. Let’s pump the brakes a bit.
I understand feeling protective of your favorite character; he’s my absolute number one, so I feel the same urge to protect him.
I just don’t think it makes sense to see one trailer and immediately say that this movie will ruin the progress he made.
Also, let’s remember that healing is not a linear process! So I know we saw him in a really good place at the end of TFATWS, but that doesn’t mean he’s permanently/ completely healed. He went through a lot. There will be ups and downs for him. So chill, maybe.
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aloshunk · 17 hours
Alright. I just came out of school and apparently the Thunderbolts* Trailer dropped five hours ago.
My main take away, out of everything in there, is that Bucky washes his arm... In the dishwasher.
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If you actually think about it... Yeah, makes sense.
The bionic arm basically replicates an actual arm to the dot, but it is made of Vibranium, and all the various plates are movable, as seen when Okoye quite literally disarms in TFaTWS.
Therefore... It must get a lot of dirt on it. Much faster and worse than a biological arm, even if it theoretically can't rust due to Vibranium being Vibranium.
So... Considering that it would suck to try and wash every single nook and cranny everyday, and it is made of the strongest metal on the planet, the dishwasher is a pretty safe bet.
In short... Good on him, if it works, it works.
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bbyboybucket · 2 months
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Sorry I have to repost these tags ab Bucky being a congressman bc I have more to say on it. I just think that a choice like this would feel a lot less random and more fitting if we actually seen the process of it. If we actually seen him adjusting to life and deciding “hey I wanna make a difference by being a congressman”. Bc I’m sorry, but one scene of his re-entering the social world in TFATWS to being a member of congress is a HUGE JUMP. It’s not necessarily that it’s a bad choice, it’s just that without seeing development, it’s weird.
Especially because in the trailer, Yelena (and several others but mostly her) are talking about how difficult it is to integrate into normal life and manage their trauma to do so. So I just feel like even though we’d seen Bucky start the process, it was one scene. We had a lot more to explore with him in that aspect and I hate that any growth is just not actually seen but told. Bc it probably wouldn’t feel ooc much at all if we actually explored the progression and it was a real arc instead of something they just threw in.
Also like I mentioned before, I feel weird about the fact that he physically looks like a completely different character than when we last seen him. I mean the photos of them filming a court room scene totally make sense now, considering the trailer showed congressman Bucky in a court room & at a political event talking with Val. (Well, and Seb himself saying Bucky is in congress).
But the actual costuming, hair, etc. is a very weird choice for an established character of 10+ years, and is not simply unflattering, but rather unfitting to him. I feel like the TFATWS look was the closest to his true self and best self expression. And personally I would’ve liked to see it again. It seems like I’m being petty, but if they’ve changed that much on the outside, how much has changed on the inside? And this is gonna sound so hateful and I’m sorry but additionally, I feel like raggedy hair and a goatee is not giving congressman. If they were going for a professional and mature vibe, that’s not it, and they could’ve also done that “professional” vibe while staying true to character by simply having his hair still short but a little more grown out than TFATWS and by giving him a grown out, fuller beard. Stylistically it’s strange.
Back to the general convo of him being a congressman tho, idk. As I said, very happy he’s portrayed in a better light but I just feel like it leaves so much off screen. There’s a whole arc that we’re missing out on of him settling down, becoming more confident (bc you have to have confidence to campaign for a congress seat and TFATWS Bucky was not there), coming to terms with his past, and re-entering society as well as learning to contribute to it. Imo, that’s a very very huge jump and it’s especially weird to cut it out in a movie that’s all about accepting who you are and finding purpose.
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suggesting-themes · 16 hours
Thunderbolts trailer :( there is no way in hell someone isn’t manipulating Bucky. He wouldn’t look or act like that on his own accord after TFATWS.
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why I'm unhappy with secret invasion: an accidental essay that turned out WAY more aggressive than I wanted it to (sorry about that)
I'm furious about how Secret Invasion is going. It feels like Marvel just went ahead with a Samuel L. Jackson vanity project, but and it's barely interesting and it's fucking with canon characterization. And it's fucking Secret Invasion! This could be meaningful! But instead it feels like it's trying to redo what TFATWS already did and did better. We already HAD a show about a global terrorist movement and the evils of white privilege, and it was actually really good, so what is this show supposed to be again? Oh. I see. It's different because Nick Fury is in it. Gotcha.
Oh, and [spoilers for ep 1 and 2]
They killed Maria Hill in the first episode. Not only did they kill her (which is bad enough from this studio, considering they've also killed Gamora, Natasha, and Wanda), but they fridged her. And not even kind-of-fridged, like with the aforementioned characters, where the death was required and mostly reasonable by in-universe circumstances, even if it was an easy out. No. Maria was literally, actually, to-the-letter fridged. They even confirm that in the dialogue of the second episode. Fury actually says that Gravik killed her to hurt him. She didn't have to die -- hell, if she wasn't going to be relevant to the rest of the show, she didn't even need to be in it in the first place! (More on that in a minute.)
And the thing is. The thing is. I would be so much happier with the show if the roles were reversed. Canon Fury is all "I still believe in heroes! There's good in people! Befriend the aliens!" He's a badass spymaster, yeah, sure, but he's also pretty optimistic about people. And then there's Maria Hill.
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[Image description: Maria Hill, saying "Best advice you'll ever get from me, a dedicated law enforcement officer, to you, an amateur looking to go pro: 'Assume everyone is a broken, nightmare, garbage person and then be pleasantly surprised if it ends up not the case.' It'll save you a lifetime of disappointments."] [Image credits: Bendis and Pichelli's Spider-Man #12 (2017)]
That seems to have carried over into the MCU fairly well. And to see her? Struggling to fulfill Fury's goal after his death, operating without her mentor for the first time, trying to figure out how to reconcile his faith in the Skrulls with her natural instinct that everyone is lying all the time? To see her actually doing the work, speaking to the security committee and telling them to piss off, because Fury was in Moscow to do a hero's work and he died a hero, no further questions? To see her, the character who has long been reduced to the sidekick of male characters with a much shorter stint in Marvel's canon, fully come into her own as the protagonist of this series? It would have been perfect. We could have actually gotten a show full of espionage and intrigue instead of a hamfisted... racism metaphor? I'm not even sure at this point. This could have actually been something besides a Samuel L. Jackson vanity project. I know I said that already, but I am going to say it again. This show is here so Jackson can look cool and badass and also be a funny old man. And I wouldn't care if they weren't reducing every other meaningful character in the series to a Skrull, a corpse, or a realpolitik adversary. Like, fuck this false advertising. Maria Hill, Everett Ross, and Rhodey were all in the trailer like they were going to be relevant. As if this was going to be an interesting web of an ensemble cast. Instead, it's the Nick Fury show with a few redeeming scenes from the terrifyingly cheery British spymaster lady.
It's almost like Marvel knew no one would want to watch the show if they just straight-up said it was going to be all Nick Fury. And I haven't even started on the bullshit that was the train conversation (a whole monologue about sitting in the colored section on trains and then straight-up telling Talos there's not enough room for his people on the train? Was I the only one thrown off by that?) or the dialogue between him and Rhodey in the bar ("even when I'm out, I'm in.") or the Skrull wife reveal (which felt like it wanted to be some big important twist but it also had exactly zero setup) or... whatever is happening with Talos and Gaea. The next episode comes out in two days, and I'm still crossing my fingers that a miracle of plot will happen and it will get better. But it's going to take a miracle.
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wenellyb · 6 months
I miss sambucky sm! Idk if you remember who I am (I was darknessfallsnow)
Of course I remember you🥰🥰🥰 I miss them too, but hopefully we'll get some New content by the end of May. The TFATWS DVD set is coming out and there should be some deleted scene, probably Sambucky scenes.
I hope we get the cut scenes from the trailer!
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lostwhump · 24 minutes
Thunderbolts trailer
Okay so I'm gonna preface this with highlighting that I know next to nothing about the Thunderbolts - comics or otherwise - so maybe I'm totally wrong, maybe I'm stating the obvious 🤣 but from the trailer I'm assuming we're getting Bucky reprogrammed into being The Winter Soldier again. I suspected this way before the trailer dropped yesterday but seeing it has, in my mind at least, strongly indicated that that's where Bucky's story is headed.
I'm an angst fiend generally (hello whump blog 😉) so I am down for that, but it would also address the major problem I had with TFatWS, which was the impression the show left that some of the writers weren't clear on what Bucky's history in the MCU actually was. Some episodes acknowledged he was a victim of hydra, others that he was complicit and was as much a villain as those who had captured and brainwashed him. By having him be reprogrammed into hydra's weapon again, the characters are seeing (at least hopefully!) that Bucky is not the Winter Soldier, that who he is as a person has been buried under the surface, and that his actions, past and present, should not be placed as his responsibility to atone for.
It also just makes sense from a story perspective. You've got a group of individuals who are reluctantly brought together. They don't work well as a team because of conflicting interests, because they've always worked alone, because they're not ready to let go of a past life to move forward into a new one. And you've got an unofficial leader whose own history resonates with each of them. You have something happen to him that requires the others to unite and work together and that's a well tried-and-tested catalyst for a new team to form.
There were enough allusions to this in TFatWS - whether planned or unintentional - that would make it make sense, and Bucky is an established enough character that audiences would be invested and care about him. I ain't saying I'm confident this is definitely the route they're going, I'm just saying narratively it works.
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buckybarnesevents · 1 year
𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞-𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
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𝐎𝐍𝐄  |  𝐓𝐖𝐎  |  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄  |  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  |  𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄  |  𝐒𝐈𝐗  |  𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍
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⭑⋆⭑   the white wolf of wall street
C1   |   Wolf of Wall Street AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   5 Times Steve and Bucky almost get caught and 1 time Sam wants to bleach his eyeballs.
C4   |   Dom/Sub AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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C4013 ⋆。°✩ MRS.MISCHIEF209
⭑⋆⭑   Hunger
C1   |   Werewolf AU
⭑⋆⭑   Blood that Binds
C2   |   Historical AU
⭑⋆⭑   Temptation
C3   |   Camboy AU
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⭑⋆⭑   Dreamland
C1   |   Demon AU   |   Demon!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Thunderclap
C2   |   Bed & Breakfast AU   |   B&B Owner!Bucky Barnes x Pre!Serum Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Lust and Larceny
C3   |   Adrenaline AU   |   Adrenaline Junkie!Bucky Barnes x Pre!Serum! Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Arctic Fervor
C4   |   Friends With Benefits AU   |   TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Johnny Storm
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⭑⋆⭑   Losing My Religion
C1   |   Priest AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   The Triumph Of A Champion
C2   |   Historical AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Trailer Park Prince
C3   |   Farmer AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Flour Power
C4   |   Modern AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   The Master’s Flame
C2   |   Circus AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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⭑⋆⭑   I Never Bloomed 'till I Met You
C1   |   No Powers AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Silver Screens, Silver Dreams
C2   |   Pornstar AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Trophy Hole
C4   |   Rich AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C4018 ⋆。°✩ IVVIC
⭑⋆⭑   Say my name
C1   |   Veterinarian AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton
⭑⋆⭑   The Kids’ Alright
C3   |   Farmer AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton
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⭑⋆⭑   monuments and melodies
C2   |   Incubus AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   making time
C3   |   Co-workers AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Plus Size!Fem!Reader
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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Graphics & Masterlist made by @rookthorne / @rookthornesartistry
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granatkoroleva · 1 year
This is the place where all of the mood boards that I create will be stored.
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Please be advised that some of the following content may contain explicit and mature themes, and is (NSFW). All creations are my own.
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❥ Mafia!Bucky x Kept Boy!Steve
❥ Doctor!Rogers x Patient!Bucky (1)
❥ Foodie Influencer!Bucky x Chef!Steve
❥ RetiredCap!Alpha!Steve Rogers x Baker!Omega!Bucky Barnes
❥ Dragon!Steve Rogers x Farmer!Bucky Barnes
❥ TFATWS!Bucky x Johnny Storm
❥ Rockstar!Bucky Barnes x Captain America!Steve Rogers
❥ Dark!Beta!Sheriff!Bucky Barnes x Outlaw!Alpha!Steve Rogers
❥ Alpha!Gymnast Coach!Steve Rogers x Omega!Gymnast!Bucky
❥ TattooArtist!Steve Rogers x Gentlemans Club Worker!Bucky Barnes
❥ Lloyd Hansen x Steve Kemp (1)
❥ War Time Stucky Header
❥ D/s | Post Serum!Steve x Winter Soldier!Bucky
❥ Pornstar!Hitman!Steve Rogers x Human Meat Seller!Bucky Barnes
❥ Bed & Breakfast Owner!Bucky
❥ Dom!Andy Barber x Sub!Max Burnett x Dom!Rockstar!Bucky Barnes
❥ Cafe Owner!Steve Rogers x Caffeine Enthusiast&Author!Bucky Barnes
❥ Daddy!Andy Barber/Baby Boy!TJ Hammond
❥ Himbo!Steve Rogers x Bartender!Bucky Barnes
❥ Model!Bucky Barnes x Photographer!Steve Rogers
❥ Erotic Performer!Bucky Barnes x Officer!Steve Rogers
❥ Past!Football Player!Steve Rogers x Past!Football Player!Bucky Barnes
❥ Silver Fox!Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x 1940s!James Barnes
❥ Demon!Bucky Barnes x Librarian!Steve Rogers
❥ Priest!James Bucky Barnes x Demon!Nomad!Steve Rogers
❥ Roman!Royalty!James Bucky Barnes x Gladiator!Steve Rogers
❥ Pastry Chef!Bucky Barnes x Wedding Planner!Steve Rogers
❥ Farmer!Nomad!Steve Rogers x Trailer Park Slut!Bucky Barnes
❥ Circus!Ringmaster!Bucky Barnes x Fire Performer!Steve Rogers
❥ Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers (Anon)
❥ Dark!Witch!Bucky Barnes x Incubus!Chase Collins
❥ Modern!Bucky Barnes x Boss!Ari Levinson
❥ Master!Steve Kemp x Pup!Slave!Winter Soldier
❥ Single Dad!Silver Fox!Bucky Barnes x Nomad!Doctor!Steve Rogers
❥ Vampire!King!Steve Rogers x Human!Bride!Bucky Barnes
❥ Firefighter!Bucky Barnes x Pre-Serum!Cam Boy!Steve Rogers
❥ Hitman!Steve Rogers x Recovering!Bucky Barnes
❥ Kelpie!Bucky Barnes x Merman!Prince!Steve Rogers
❥ Beefy!Alpha!Bucky Barnes x Cap!Alpha!Steve Rogers
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ultrahpfan5blog · 1 year
Secret Invasion - Excellent performances and interesting ideas squandered with mediocre execution....
I was actually pretty psyched for Secret Invasion when the trailers came out. I didn't feel there was a whole lot of hype around the show but I was looking forward to it. After the fairly jokey nature of recent MCU, I was looking forward to the pivot towards more darker material, similar to TWS, and TFATWS. Now I didn't think TFATWS was great but it was solid and TWS is arguably my favorite MCU film to date and the trailers for Secret Invasion definitely felt like they were more that tone.
Having seen the series, it really feels like Marvel just don't have a handle on how to pace and structure their tv shows. Secret Invasion, at 6 episodes and such an intricate storyline, had no business being a slow burn show with a rushed ending. This should have been a fast paced paranoid thriller. Maybe all of it should have been set within a very short window of time. Instead, as a lot of these MCU shows have done, there are episodes where very little happens, and then there are episodes where a lot happens and it feels rushed. Given that this is now a common occurrence in the MCU tv shows, it seems obvious that the writers don't have a handle on how to pace these 6 episode series. Also, this show was oddly small for a show that was about something so big. There was a lot of sidestepping to try and explain why Fury was the person who had to be the one who stopped Gravik and why he couldn't involve some of his powered friends. While the explanation works up to a point, when the world is on the brink of WWIII, the explanation starts falling apart. Then there are certain relationships that are very essential to the emotional weight of the show, which have far too little screen time for us to really care. The marriage of Fury and Priscilla/Varra is a bond that is brought up throughout the back half of the season, but the truth is that it is treated with a sort of reverence in the show which it has not earned from the audience, which is a damn shame because Jackson and Woodard do some excellent work in their scenes together. Then there is the whole ending of the show. While they do shake up the status quo a bit, which I hope will be followed up in the next Captain America movie, there are some very dumb decisions taken as well. For example, the decision to make G'iah into a superpowered being who is ridiculously overpowered is something that will be a ramification the MCU will have to deal with for a while. Maybe they will have this make more sense in a future MCU project, but for now, it does seem strange that they made such an OP character all of a sudden. Also, the bait and switch in the finale cheapens a very fine scene. The entire scene between Gravik and Fury was actually very meaningful, but having Fury be G'iah all along makes that scene loose its emotional value because we don't know if that is what Fury feels.
The damn shame about the show is that there is actually a fair amount of stuff that is actually pretty good. There is some excellent acting work in the show. Samuel L. Jackson, Ben Mendelsohn, Kingsley Ben-Adir, Olivia Colman, Don Cheadle, and Charlayne Woodard all do some excellent work on the show. The actual story of the show is interesting because we actually do genuinely see that the Skrulls have very legitimate grievances against Fury. He is a man who used the Skrulls as agents, gained power within SHIELD as a result, but did not find a new home for the Skrulls and did not have the courage to admit that finding a new home wasn't possible. And then he deserted them on Earth and went to Saber. The resentment built up in the Skrulls is totally understandable. And Jackson does an excellent job showing a much more brittle and guilt ridden man, as opposed to the confident operative we have seen in the past. His dynamic with Talos is one of the highlights of the show. Ben Mendelsohn was insanely likable as Talos and his death was honestly one of the most gut wrenching deaths in the MCU. Olivia Colman just looked like she was having a ball of a time and boost of witty energy whenever she's on screen. Don Cheadle does some of his best work. The scenes between Fury and Rhodey, both before and after Fury find out that he's a Skrull, are impeccable. Kingsley Ben-Adir does a lot to make Gravik was a very understandable villain, even though his backstory is half baked and told rather than shown. Similarly, Charlayne Woodard is excellent, even though her character gets the sort of reverence from the show which is never earned by the writing. The scenes with her and Jackson are excellent and they are able to get that "married for a long time" feel despite barely any setup. Emilia Clarke is a bit of a mixed bag. She's forced to be rather stoic throughout most of the show, so she doesn't get to stand out despite being a significant part of the show.
The tone and story of the show is interesting. The idea of infiltration and creating paranoia is a good concept and when the show leans into that, its pretty good. But the show then also tries to be a bit too big for its boots by introducing super Skrulls and attempting to start WWIII. So it sometimes feels like the showrunners and writers aren't sure what show they are trying to make.
All in all, this isn't a bad show, but it had potential to be much better. If executed right, it could have been up there with MCU's best. Its a show that actually had some major character deaths like Maria Hill and Talos, and at least seems to have rattled the status quo of the Earth and not every thing is settled by the end of the show, but the execution of how things led to that point felt a little lacking. I would say this ranks around a 5 to 6/10.
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steelbluehome · 1 month
Extremely negative take on The Thunderbolts* footage below.
Dead Dove. Do not eat!
Hi sweeties! Just in case you thought you would just peek down here and maybe bring some optimism to the gremlins in cellar, thank you, sweet summer child, but you really should go back up to the rest of the internet where you have lots of beautiful people to play with. Thanks anyway! Bye!
First things first, this had to happen on Sebastian's fucking birthday?!?!?!?
I have seen the Thunderbolts* footage. 5 times. Pausing at specific moments.
And, Bucky is not the in the scene where they "all" get trapped in the room, nor in the scene where they are "all" in a vehicle and Red Guardian is driving.
I don't blame the people who described the footage previously. They cannot be expected to look for Bucky like a dying person searches for a drop of water in the vast desert. That is my job.
Nevertheless, this is our first glimpse of Thunderbolts (sick of the fucking asterisk) and there is barely any Bucky in it. So what the fuck am I even waiting for?
I'm sorry if I inferred incorrectly that Thunderbolts would be Bucky's movie, since he is the character that has been in the MCU the longest and most consistently of all the characters in the movie, but what the fuck was I supposed to think?
I'm sorry if I incorrectly assumed from reports that Bucky would be the "leader" of the Thunderbolts, that this would be his time to shine.
And ex-fucking-cuse me if I extrapolated incorrectly that the reason Marvel split up the amazing team of Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes was to give them each their own movie, therefore since Sam is absolutely the lead character in Cap4, Bucky would be the lead character in Thunderbolts!
But fuck me, Marvel, what the fuck are you doing?
Yes, looking back, I see that most MCU movies have the superhero name of the lead in the title. Again, I thought they did not do that because Bucky is no longer the Winter Soldier, as emphasized in TFATWS, and has no other code name, and that Bucky Barnes and the Thunderbolts would sounds like a bad name for a band. I thought it would at least be like the Avengers where he would have an equal part.
As far as Sebastian Stan, I think this is fucking disrespectful! He had to clear his schedule for this movie anyway, they could at least give him something to do!
Now, yes, maybe there is more of Bucky in the movie. Maybe these scenes are mostly from the beginning, and Bucky comes into it more in the middle and the end. Well he'd fucking better!
I will watch the next teasers and trailers, and if I see more of Bucky, I will be thrilled and very pleased.
But what is obvious to me is that they have actually made a movie about Yelena Belova, and for some reason stuck Bucky in there as a supporting character. (Or less?)
If I turn out to be wrong I will happily stand corrected.
But whenever this footage is officially released I intend to flood the internet with #Where'sBucky? And I hope anyone who feels the same, will do the same.
Thanks for listening to me rant. If you have a rant that agrees with mine, please add it. If you have read this far and disagree with me as far as how large a part Bucky will have in the movie, please put that in the tags.
Thunderbolts footage more centered
Bit bigger, maybe?
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hey, are there any future Marvel projects you are actually excited about rn? Recently there have been hype about secret invasion but given from what I've seen in the Multiverse saga i have zero hope or interest in it .GOTG3 was sort of the end for me personally although i am a sucker for some carol camilla interaction so i'll probably watch the Marvels
As it stands right now I'm only interested in Secret Invasion and The Marvels. The latter is mostly because I love, adore and worship the ground Carol walks in, and the former looks pretty good in those trailers - and I'm also kind of a sucker for a Fury story.
Beyond 2023, well... I do want to watch the new Cap movie. I love Sam as Cap and even though I don't trust Spellman at all after what he did in TFATWS, I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and hope he's capable of writing something good. I also want to watch Thunderbolts and Agatha's series. Oh and I love Daredevil but I'm pretty bummed they have no intention of keeping Karen and Foggy. I sincerely hope they reconsider that.
It will depend on the trailers, honestly. In the past I would watch everything but nowadays I check the trailers and if they're good I give it a try... but if they're not I just read the spoilers and call it a day 🤷‍♀️
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i think after tfatws i can’t see bucky joining the thunderbolts// But we don't know yet why he joining the thunderbolts. In the trailer he seems very angery towards Val. The whole team might have been deceived by her. If the movie can give us a reasonable answer then it won't be an OOC thing.
Also true
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