#alternate juneiverse 2023
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drabbles-mc · 2 years ago
Do You Need Someone?
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Bucky Barnes x F!Soldier!Reader
Summary: In the aftermath of finally getting control over his own mind, Bucky tries to start building a normal life for himself. Just like any soldier coming back from the war, he needs a helping hand with it all.
Warnings: 18+, angst, language, PTSD, mentions of war/violence, hospitals
For the Alternate June-iverse Event Prompt: therapist
Word Count: 4.9k
A/N: I love the idea of instead of Bucky getting funneled right into Avengers things when he gets his mind back, he just gets to be a "normal" vet. This AU was so much fun to write but I was a fool to think that I could pack everything that I wanted to do with it into one story, so there will definitely be more installments of this as time goes on. However, I feel like this is a good kickstart to it and could be a standalone if I let it be. It's also my first Bucky readerfic! What a time! Hope you enjoy! Also, shout-out to @buckybarnesevents for hosting this event! xo
MCU Taglist: @garbinge @artemiseamoon (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
Bucky stared up at the towering concrete walls that made up the outside of the hospital. It felt so strange to show up here after everything. It felt too normal after all that he’d been through. But, if he was going to try and scrape together any semblance of a normal life, he supposed that this wasn’t the worst place to start. This hospital was one of the few in the area that worked directly with the VA, so that’s where Sam had sent him.
He looked down at the screen of his phone, looking over all of the information for his initial appointment here. Today was just supposed to be about getting set up with a doctor, specifically one who knew a good deal about prosthetics. What he had was going to be above most people’s paygrades, but he tried to be optimistic about it all.
Once he was inside and made his way to the elevator, he hit the button for the floor the woman at the front desk had given him. It was only a few floors up but the trip up felt like it took much longer than it should’ve. Finally, there was the singular ding that let Bucky know he had finally gotten to his destination. He strode off the elevator, trying his best to weave through the people getting on without bumping into them. He fought the urge to pull his baseball cap farther down over his face—old habits die hard.
“How can I help you today?” the woman at the desk greeted him
He cleared his throat, stuffing his hands into his pockets. “I’m supposed to have an appointment?”
She nodded, fingers flying across the keyboard. “Name?”
“Buc—” he stopped himself short, “James. Barnes.”
He could’ve sworn he saw something flicker across her face, but it was gone before he could think too much on it. Looking up from her screen and back at him, she smiled and nodded before handing him a clipboard. “Fill this out for me, please. Feel free to take a seat in the waiting area. Your doctor will be with you shortly.”
Bucky found a chair towards the back of the waiting room, one that situated him without anyone sitting right next to him. No one there really seemed to be paying him any mind, but he still felt like all eyes were on him. He tapped the pen against the edge of the clipboard in his lap as he read over the sheet in front of him.
It didn’t take him long to fill out the form. Most of his information had been sent to the hospital already. But all of the questions wanting to get into more details of the reason for his visits, any symptoms or things that he was struggling with that he wanted to discuss more in depth with his doctor, felt like they were trick questions at worst, essay questions at best. He did his best to keep it short and sweet—part of him had to assume that whatever doctor landed his case had to know what they were getting into. If nothing else, he knew that Sam would’ve at least made sure of that.
When he was done filling it out, he brought it back up to the front desk before promptly going and finding his seat again. He took the time to study everyone around him a little closer. He’d taken vague note of everyone when he first arrived, that was a habit he didn’t think that he would ever shake, but now he really tried to study them all.
There was such a range of people. There were a lot of younger people, people that were fighting wards that Bucky hadn’t even really had the time to fully learn about yet. He also noticed the few older people who were in the waiting room too, people who looked the way that Bucky would if he’d had any sort of a normal trajectory in life after the war. He tried not to think too hard about it—he had enough things clogging up his mind for the time being.
Like a saving grace, the sound of his name put a stop to his spiraling thoughts. “Barnes?”
“Yea,” the word came out before he thought better of it. He was instantly standing up out of his seat, grabbing his backpack off the floor as he went.
The appointment wasn’t as daunting as Bucky had been making it out to be in his head. The doctor gave him a general checkup, but most of what they did was talk. They talked about treatment plans for old injuries that never really healed properly, about what the strategy was going to be for care when it came to his arm.
“I think,” his doctor said as she set her clipboard off to the side, “the thing that’s going to be most helpful for you, though, is finding someone that you can talk to.” She saw the slight panic on Bucky’s face at the mere thought of it. “I can help you with all of the physical things, but I’m not the most qualified to help coach you through coping with everything that you’ve been through. We have some great psychiatrists here and—”
“I don’t wanna be catatonic because someone decided I need to be on a bunch of meds,” he said, cutting her off with a tone that wasn’t loud, but it was firm.
She took it in stride, simply giving an understanding nod. “I completely understand that. We also have a really great team of counselors who do group and individual therapy sessions. I think that you would benefit a lot from shopping around and finding someone that you feel comfortable talking with.” She paused, seeing the hesitation still on his face. “I can’t make you book an appointment with someone, James, but I really think that you should consider it. Getting your body working well is all fine and good, but your brain has undergone just as much trauma as your body.”
He shifted uncomfortably on the bed in the exam room, the paper crinkling beneath him. “Right.”
The doctor stood up and went to the wall where they had rows of pamphlets. Trailing her fingers along a few of them, she scanned until she found the one she’d been looking for. Plucking it from the holder, she stepped back over and handed it to Bucky.
“Like I said, I’m not here to force you. But here are the doctors here and the services they provide. The front desk can also give you an updated schedule for group therapy sessions that are held here.”
He took the pamphlet from her, still unsure of whether or not he planned on even looking at all of the names let alone calling any of the people to schedule an appointment. Still, he nodded and tucked it into his backpack. “Thank you.”
She gave a nod and took a step towards the door, a silent signal for Bucky that he was now free to go. His body relaxed a little bit as he stood up from the bed and slung his bag onto his shoulders again. She pulled the door open and allowed him to walk through first, letting him know to stop by the front desk to schedule their next appointment before he left.
Once he stopped by the desk to make his next appointment, he started to make his way back towards the elevator. He was looking down, pulling his phone out of his pocket when he felt someone accidentally bump against his shoulder. He tensed up, caught off-guard, but when he saw the frazzled and apologetic look on your face, his annoyance faded a little bit.
“Sorry,” you said, shaking your head at yourself. “Wasn’t looking where I was going…obviously.” You offered a tiny, awkward smile.
He shrugged, tone neutral as he said, “It’s okay.”
“Was running late for group and then I got off on the wrong floor before I got here. So, you know,” you reached up and dragged your hands down your face in exasperation, “just having one of those days.”
“Group?” he asked, noticing the dog tags that were hanging around your neck.
“Yea. Oh,” you paused, looking him over, trying to figure out if you’d seen him before and forgotten, “is that where you’re heading too?”
His eyes widened and he shook his head. “N-no. I just, um,” he motioned back towards the hall with the exam rooms, causing you to see the silver metal of his hand and arm, “just had an appointment. Doc mentioned something about groups here though.”
“You wanna come check it out?” Your smile grew a little warmer. “They might take it easy on me for being late if I bring a friend.”
His brows furrowed for a moment. “I don’t think I can just, I don’t have an appointment. Or a therapist.”
You shook your head at him. “It’s fine. They won’t turn you away.”
Bucky didn’t believe much in fate, but this felt fate-adjacent. He knew that if he walked out of the hospital, there was no way that he was going to look into things and find his own therapist and go through that hassle.
You could see him debating it all in his head. “If you’re not feeling it, you can just get up and leave. No harm, no foul.”
He hesitated for a moment longer before finally giving a small nod. “Okay.”
You nodded, not wanting to make a big deal over it and make him more uncomfortable. “Great! Follow me.” The two of you fell into stride with each other. You were a few doors away from the room you needed to be in when you asked him, “Sorry, what’s your name? Forgot to ask before I wrangled you into going to therapy with me.”
The sound of your laugh got him to give a hint of a smile. “I’m James.”
You nodded, giving your name in return. “Nice to meet you, James.”
When the two of you walked into the room, all eyes went to you for a moment. It was only fair, since you did show up late. No one looked annoyed. You being a few minutes late was the least of anyone’s problems.
Your counselor, the one who ran the group, was a man who was about ten years older than you. He’d been the therapist you’d been working with ever since you came back from your second deployment. You considered yourself to be extremely lucky that you got along with one of the first therapists you’d seen, because you knew that a lot of people didn’t have that experience.
However, because of your good rapport with him, he was the first and only one to give you grief about being late. “Nice of you to join us,” he said it with a smile, no malice in his voice.
“I know I’m late, Doc,” you didn’t even try to argue, “but I did pick up a straggler.”
There was a moment of silence as Bucky and your counselor both looked at each other. It was clear that Bucky was sizing the man up, and your doctor was content to let him. He broke the silence. “Happy to have you.” He gestured to the few empty chairs that were left. “There are no bad seats, so pick any one you want.”
Since you were the one who had essentially talked him into coming to group in the first place, you made sure that the two of you at least managed to get seats that were right next to each other. It didn’t take someone with a doctorate to see that Bucky didn’t really want to talk. So, thankfully, no one tried to make him.
As the minutes ticked by, part of you was waiting for him to just get up and leave. You were pleasantly surprised when he didn’t, though. It was evident that he wasn’t fully comfortable, and no one could really blame him for that. But he was watching and listening intently as different people spoke up and shared what they’d been struggling with, what they had going on. He sat, his backpack between his feet and one elbow propped against each knee as he took it all in.
You felt his eyes on you when you took a turn to speak. You talked about how you had trouble sleeping, that your nightmares weren’t as frequent as they used to be but they would still happen every now and again and make it impossible for you to even attempt to fall back to sleep after the fact. You mentioned that you didn’t take your sleeping meds anymore because you figured out that they were making your nightmares worse. You were looking at the tile floor as you spoke, but you could hear your counselor taking notes on what you were saying. He did it for everyone in group, stuff to circle back to or bring up in individual sessions.
It wasn’t long after that, that group came to a close. You didn’t know why, but you were glad to see that the man beside you had stayed for the whole thing. Sure, you didn’t know him, but you didn’t have to know him to know that everyone needed a bit of help when it came to stuff like this. Group was a decent place to start.
People were starting to filter out when you and Bucky stood up from your seats. You turned to look over at him, watching as he put his backpack back on. “Not horrible, right?” you said with a laugh.
The tiny smile he gave didn’t quite reach his eyes, but it was still something. “Not horrible. Thanks, um, you know, for the invite.”
You shook your head. “Don’t gotta thank me.”
Before either of you could say anything else, your counselor materialized beside the two of you. He looked back and forth between the two of you, a content smile on his face. He addressed you first, thanking you for coming and sharing, before turning to Bucky. He held out his hand. “Sorry I didn’t get a real chance to introduce myself earlier. I’m Dr. Anderson.”
Bucky nodded as he firmly shook the man’s hand. “I’m James. Sorry for just showing up.”
“No need to apologize—that’s how a lot of people start off here. I hope to see you back again if you can make it.”
Bucky brought his hands up to his chest, holding the straps of his backpack, clearly not sure how to navigate the rest of the interaction. “Thanks.”
Dr. Anderson turned to you as he started to walk away. “And I’ll see you…”
“Friday, yes.” You laughed. “On time.”
He chuckled. “On time.”
It was just you and Bucky now as you started to walk towards the door that would land you back out in the hallway of the hospital. You both seemed content to walk next to each other, neither of you saying anything about the group session, or anything else. You walked side by side all the way to the elevator.
“First floor?”
He nodded. “Yea.”
As the elevator started to go down, you said, “If I didn’t already hijack most of your evening, I would say we could go grab food or coffee or something and talk if you wanted. But I get it if you want to just get home, or do whatever it was you were planning on doing before I ran you over.”
Bucky huffed out a quiet chuckle. “Thanks.”
The elevator doors opened up and you both walked towards the main entrance and exit of the hospital. You didn’t know what to say at this point. It wasn’t like you were friends—there wasn’t even a guarantee that you would ever even see him again. You figured that telling him to have a good one would have to suffice.
Right as you stepped out onto the sidewalk, you were going to say just that, but he beat you to the punch with a completely different statement. “Are these every week? Or…?”
Your face brightened at the question. “Yea! I mean, Anderson holds his every Wednesday, and usually he’ll do one extra evening at some point during the week as well in case people can’t make the Wednesday one. But other doctors hold them at different times on different days.”
“Right,” he said with a nod.
“Wanna come back next week?” you offered.
“Uh, yea, yea okay.”
“Great!” You paused. “Oh, would you, um, do you want my number? In case you have any questions or anything?”
His eyes widened a bit at your question, clearly not having expected that to be the next thing you said. Still, he nodded, if out of bewilderment than anything else. “Okay.”
He dug his phone out of his pocket and handed it over to you. You quickly added your name and number to his contacts and handed the phone back to him. “Anything comes up, feel free to text or call or whatever.”
“Thank you.” He said, eyes looking at your contact listing in his phone.
“No problem! I’ll see you next week.”
“See you.”
The week went by faster than Bucky had thought it would. Trying to figure out what it was like to just be a regular person after everything that happened was more time consuming than he thought it was going to be. He didn’t know how he simultaneously felt like he wasn’t doing anything at all, while also being so busy all the time. If it hadn’t been for the alarm on his phone, he would’ve completely forgotten that it was already time for group again.
His second session went by much like his first. He didn’t really talk. At least this time he got the chance to introduce himself. Still, he did more listening than anything else. He sat next to you again, the two of you making small talk before and after the group session.
And that was how it went for the next couple weeks. He’d say a few words here and there during sessions sometimes, but he was never one to have much of a monologue. You could tell that he was still fighting to get comfortable with the idea of sharing, but at least he was still showing up. That meant something—you of all people would know. Each week that went by, you always offered to grab a bite or some coffee when group was over, and every week he always found a kind way to say no. You didn’t take it personally—he didn’t seem like the type to be much of a social butterfly.
That was why, when the fourth week rolled around and you didn’t see Bucky there, you were a little worried but not too much. No one was held to the standard of having to show up every week. You just did it because you knew that you needed it. He was probably just busy.
When group ended and you checked your phone, you saw a text from an unknown number. Normally, your automatic reaction was just to delete them. But when you read the preview of the message in your notification bar, you had a pretty good idea of who it was.
“Sorry I didn’t make it tonight. Can I still cash in on the offer to get coffee?” You were about to start typing out a response when a second text came in. “This is James btw”
For some reason that caused more concern than him not showing up did. You instantly replied, “Of course. Got a place in mind?”
A few texts later the two of you had settled on a spot. It was within walking distance of the hospital, and it had you wondering if it was also within walking distance of his apartment, or maybe he was coming from somewhere else entirely.
When you walked through the door of the diner, the first thing that you did was look around to see if he was already there. Sure enough, he was sitting at one of the booths in the back of the restaurant. He had the same baseball cap as usual on, pulled down so that it was covering most of his face. He still had his hoodie and jacket on, so either he hadn’t been there long or he just hadn’t been comfortable enough to take them off.
You made your way back to the booth where he was sitting, sliding in across from him. When his eyes snapped up to yours, you could see the exhaustion all over his face. You tried not to let your expression falter too much as you got situated. “Hey, James.” You paused for a moment. “Everything, um, everything okay?”
The answer seemed obvious but you figured that he wasn’t going to come right out and say anything without asking. He nodded, picking at the edge of the napkin in front of him. “Long day.”
You nodded slowly. “I get that. Do you…do you wanna talk about it?”
He shook his head. “Not really.”
That was about what you had expected. “Okay.” There was a brief pause in your conversation as the waitress stopped at your table, asking for your order and taking right off again when you asked for two coffees. When she was gone, you picked right back up where you’d left off. “Want to listen to me talk?”
He looked up at you at the sound of that question. It wasn’t what he had been expecting. Still, he found himself nodding.
You gave a warm smile as you leaned forward, bracing your arms against the edge of the table between you. “Want me to talk about group stuff? Or not group stuff?”
He gnawed at his bottom lip, considering the question for a moment before finally answering, “Group stuff.”
“So, let me think.” You lightly drummed your fingers on the tabletop. “You already know about my rampant insomnia and occasional night terrors,” you made light of your own struggles to cope with it, and if nothing else you hoped that he would at least find you to be an amusing distraction from whatever was bothering him, “but I’ve never actually talked about what landed me in group with Dr. Anderson, have I?”
Bucky shook his head. “No.”
“It’s not, you know,” you hesitated for a moment, “it’s not like what you’ve been through per se.” There was no point in pretending that you hadn’t learned about who he was in the last month of seeing him at the hospital every week. “But, I was getting towards the end of my second tour. I was thinking about extending it, coming back for a third. You know how it goes. Can’t…can’t leave the war once you’re in it. I only had a couple weeks left, which felt like no time at all and also the longest fourteen days possible. We were on our way back to base one night when our vehicle got hit. Came outta fucking nowhere.” You shook your head. “There were six of us packed in there, only two of us made it out. It was…it was a mess.”
The words, “I’m sorry,” were on the tip of Bucky’s tongue, but if anyone knew how useless apologies were, it was him.
You pushed up the sleeve of your hoodie that was covering your right arm, revealing a pattern of scarring that Bucky instantly recognized as burn scars. “Not quite as cool as a metal arm,” you joked despite the tears starting to sting at your eyes, “but you know, some chicks still dig it.”
The conversation was halted again when your waitress reappeared with coffees for both of you. She was about to ask if you were ready to order anything else when she saw the looks on both of your faces. Reading the room, she said, “I’ll be back in a few minutes for your orders.”
Sniffling and blinking the tears away, you reached for a few packets of sugar to tear and pour into your coffee. “So, as you can imagine, I was a little unwell after all of that. Didn’t even finish out my last two weeks. Got sent home, and got funneled right into the VA hospital. I’ve worked with Dr. Anderson ever since. He now has me on a strict regimen of three sessions a week—one group, two individual.”
Bucky’s eyes widened slightly at that. “Wow.”
You shrugged, taking a sip of your coffee. “It’s a lot, but I need it. It’s, you know, it’s good for me.”
“It helps?” he asked.
You nodded with no hesitation. “It does. I know I still talk about having trouble sleeping and stuff, but when I first came home they pretty much had to sedate me. It was,” you let out a hollow laugh, “it was not good. If I didn’t have him, and some other really good doctors with good meds to level me out, I don’t think I’d still be here.”
The two of you sat in silence for a minute, letting the weight of your words hang in the air between you. Bucky had wondered in passing what had happened, the same way anyone would. If you hadn’t offered it up, though, he never would’ve asked.
Clearing your throat, you said, “You should eat something.” You took another sip of your coffee. “I know I’m going to.”
A small smile tried to curl the ends of his mouth. He knew that at this point you were probably assuming that he hadn’t eaten all day, and you were right. When the waitress came back over, you each placed an order before getting back to your conversation.
“I know it’s hard to think that things are gonna get better,” you told him honestly, “especially after everything you went through, but it will.”
“This your way of telling me not to miss group next week?” he asked before taking a sip of his coffee.
You laughed and shook your head. “No, no. I mean, I enjoy having you in group. I just,” you paused for a moment, “I’m not gonna pretend to know what happened today, or what you’ve gone through, but I’d hate to see anyone give up.”
“I don’t think that I can just tell everyone about everything. How do you get comfortable with that?”
You shook your head. “I don’t tell everyone everything. There’s a lot of shit that I only discuss one-on-one with Anderson. Some stuff I only talk about with my friend who went through it with me. The stuff I talk about in group is just what I’m comfortable discussing there.”
He nodded, the furrow in his brow deepening as he mulled over what you said. “Right.”
The waitress brought your orders over setting them down and promptly walking away again, realizing that the two of you were still very much involved in an intense conversation.
“You just need to find one person to start with,” you told him.
“Like a therapist?” he said, a bit of a joking sarcastic lilt to his voice.
You laughed, shrugging. “Yea. Or a friend.”
You noticed the way that those last three words gave him pause as he stared across the table at you. You gave him the illusion of privacy as you kept your eyes fixed on your plate. When a few more seconds of silence went by, you looked back up at him, only to find him still looking at you with an expression that you couldn’t quite figure out. Regardless, there was a smile on your face that was warm enough to let him know that you were alright as long as he was.
After a few more minutes of silence with the two of you eating, he said, “I didn’t recognize where I was when I woke up this morning.” He waited to see your reaction, but when you didn’t flinch at his statement, he continued. “It was my apartment, but I didn’t…at first…I thought…”
“And then once you realized, you didn’t want to leave.”
He nodded once. “Yea.”
“That…that happen a lot?”
“Not a lot. More than it should.”
“You made it here, though.”
He scoffed, frustrated with himself. “Only took me—”
You cut him off, “But you did it. That’s progress.”
Some of the tension melted out of his shoulders as he conceded with a nod. The two of you went back to eating after that, exchanging an occasional remark here and there, but for the most part just soaking up the comfort between you.
You tried to pay for the meal, but Bucky insisted, so you let him have that. The two of you walked out together, lingering on the sidewalk once you were outside.
“I’m glad you reached out,” you told him with a nod as you stuffed your hands into the pockets of your jeans.
Embarrassment flashed across his face for a moment but he agreed, “Me too. Thanks, you know, for this.”
You smiled. “Any time.” There was a pause and then you asked, “I’ll see you next Wednesday?”
He chuckled and nodded. “Next Wednesday, yea.”
“Good. Take care of yourself, alright?”
“You too.”
You laughed. “I will. Goodnight, James.”
“Goodnight.” He watched as you turned and went to walk down the sidewalk towards your own apartment. You got a couple steps away before he finally got himself to say your name and get your attention. When you turned back around to face him, he hesitated for a moment before saying, “Bucky. My, my friends call me Bucky.”
A warm feeling washed over you as you took in the weight of what he’d just said. You smiled as you amended your previous statement, “Goodnight, Bucky.”
213 notes · View notes
buckybarnesevents · 2 years ago
𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞-𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
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𝐎𝐍𝐄  |  𝐓𝐖𝐎  |  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄  |  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  |  𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄  |  𝐒𝐈𝐗  |  𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍
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C4021 ⋆。°✩ ROHRUH
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C4022 ⋆。°✩ HANITRASH
⭑⋆⭑   Of Monsters and Silicone
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4   |   Orc + Incubus + Brothel + Sex Slave   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   Actions Have Consequences
C1   |   Boss/Employee AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
TUMBLR   |   AO3
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⭑⋆⭑   Triage
C2   |   First Responder AU   |   Paramedic!Bucky Barnes x Resident!Fem!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   A Solid Foundation
C3   |   Modern AU   |   Builder!Bucky Barnes x Fiancé!Fem!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Forgive Me, Though I Have Sinned
C1   |   Historical AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   The Last You’ll Ever Do
C2 + C4   |   Stripper + Boss/Employee AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   This Isn’t Fun
C3   |   Country AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   In the Age of Faking Dating
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4   |   Modern + Bookstore + Medical + Fake Dating AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   The Red Star of Fate
C1   |   Soulmate AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Tight End in the Corner (Back)
C2 + C3 + C4   |   Viking + Sports + Adrenaline AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   Don't Call Me Punk
C1 + C3 + C4   |   Steampunk + Hansel & Gretel + Royalty/Peasant AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Forgive Me, Though I Have Sinned
C2   |   1920s AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   Absolutely No Way in Hell
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4   |   First Responder + Celebrity + Western + Shop AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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C4026 ⋆。°✩ KAT
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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⭑⋆⭑   Winter and the Witch
C1   |   Fairytale AU
⭑⋆⭑   Cariad
C1 + C4   |   Fairytale + Roommate AU   |   Werewolf!Bucky Barnes x Fae!Reader 
⭑⋆⭑   Moonbeams Light My Path
C2 + C3   |   Viking + Farmer AU   |   Viking!Bucky Barnes x Farmer!Reader
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C4028 ⋆。°✩ POLIZ
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⭑⋆⭑   Making All Things New
C1   |   Omegaverse AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Surrender (But Don’t Give Yourself Away)
C2   |   Rich AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark / Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   An Arranged Insult
C3   |   No Powers AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Beyond the Beast
C4   |   Myth AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   New Beginnings
C1 + C2   |   Interior Designer + Gender Swap AU   |   Bucky Barnes x OFC, Bucky Barnes x Howard Stark
⭑⋆⭑   Technicalities
C3   |   Professor/Student AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Blowing Off Steam
C4   |   Friends With Benefits AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton
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C1   |   Soulmate AU
⭑⋆⭑   art student bucky
C2   |   Modern AU
⭑⋆⭑   nurse!bucky <3
C3   |   Medical AU   |   Nurse!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
⭑⋆⭑   what if bucky never left wakanda?
C4   |   Country AU
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C4030 ⋆。°✩ SSTAN-HOE
⭑⋆⭑   Angel to Love for Eternity
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4   |   Shop + Angel + Vampire + Rich AU   |   Vampire!Bucky Barnes × Human!Fem!Reader
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Graphics & Masterlist made by @rookthorne / @rookthornesartistry
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giftedyoungster3000 · 2 years ago
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First responder C1
Summary: Darkish. When a normal night at home turns into a disaster you find yourself in the arms of a stranger. No use of y/n.
Warnings: dark, kidnapping, fire, manipulation, using emotionally unstable people, PLEASE DONT READ IF YOUR UNCOMFORTABLE
Events: juneiverse @buckybarnesevents
A/n just a heads up I suck at writing but I really wanted to join this event. Have not reread it so it probably sucks. About 970 words.
The alarm was ringing through your house a panic surged through your blood as you quickly sat up. And threw a hoodie over your head. Blindly grabbing your phone. You quickly made your way to your apartment door. Sliding a pair of slippers on and closing the door behind you as you stepped into the hall joining the crowd of your neighbours all walking to the staircase at the end of the hallway. You make your way into the crisp summer night holding your hoodie closer to your body, regretting only wearing the slightly Lacey sleep shorts and a thin bralette you had bought last week as a form of self-care.
As you watched multiple fire trucks pull up to your complex you couldn’t help but overthink everything. Where would you stay? Would you lose all your precious belongings? You tried not to panic as you stood amongst the flashing lights and harsh sounds. You couldn’t see any fire but you could smell it. It was faint but was there.
A tap on your shoulder pulled you from your overthinking spiral. You looked to your right where a large man stood. Your eyes glanced over him. The fireman gear he had on did nothing to conceal how massive he was.
You couldn’t help but think of what he must look like under that suit. Was he all muscle or was he also soft? As soon as your eyes made it to his face though not a thought was in your mind except his eyes. Those stormy blue eyes looked down at you with worry. He was speaking but you could focus on anything but those eyes.
A light shake of your shoulder snapped you out of his eyes.
“Hey, are you ok miss?” The man in front of you asked. You nervously nodded your head. Still unable to speak under his spell. “My name is Bucky I’m here to help you.”
“Bucky” you tried his name out on your tongue. You felt his hand land on your shoulder guiding you over to an ambulance.
“Hey Nat I think she may have a concussion,” he spoke to a lady with short red hair. Both of their hands gently pull you down to sit on the edge of the ambulance. Bucky stays beside you as the lady he called Nat checks you over. Your eyes stay on his until the paramedic puts a bright light in your line of vision. Snapping you out of the trance once again.
“She seems perfectly fine buck. Probably just a little shaken.”
“What’s your name sweetie?” She asks, bending down to be at eye level with you. You tell her your full name and she stands up and walks somewhere out of your view. Leaving you once again with Bucky.
“You alright doll?” He asks once again. All you managed to do was weakly shake your head. Trying desperately to be strong but all your fight left you as you looked into his eyes.
You couldn’t help but think back to the argument you had with your parents. The same argument that made you move to a city where you knew no one. The argument is that they decided to cut you off. It seemed silly now. It was hitting you just how alone you were. Your house is in flames with no one to help you.
A warm arm wrapped around you in comfort. And you felt yourself truly break.
You vaguely recall the lady coming back over to the two of you. Saying something to James before talking to you again. She gently placed what looked like an oxygen mask over your face. That lightheaded feeling came back stronger as you felt your mental state drift away.
A pounding headache is never what you want to wake up to. But as you pull yourself out of sleep you take in your surroundings. None of them are familiar and a panic takes over your breathing. You sit up and rip off the blankets that were laid carefully over your bare legs. You go to hop off the bed but a counter force makes you face plant on the carpet.
You hear movement from the other room. You turn around to assess the situation and to your horror, your leg is cuffed to the frame of the bed.
The sound of the door opening sends you into a panic. Flights are not an option while you are cuffed down so fight it is. You look for something, anything to protect yourself, settling on a book that is laid on the nightstand. Holding it in front of yourself you look at the door that is opening.
A smiling face pops through the door.
The man from last night stood on the threshold. His sweet voice filled the air. All filled with sweetness and warmth as if he didn’t lock you to a bed. Kidnapping you when you had trusted him.
“What is wrong with you?” You spat at him, needing answers. And desperately hope this is a big misunderstanding.
“I just wanted to help you doll.” There it was again that sweet voice that got you into this mess.
“Help me? You tied me to a bed!” You could believe you got into this situation.
“Hey, I only did that to protect you. I knew you wouldn’t understand right away.”
What the hell was he talking about?
“We’re meant for each other doll. And I couldn’t just let you walk away from me. I knew the second I saw you I had to have you.” His voice was so soft but those words were devious. “And now that I have you we can be happy. Don’t you wanna be happy doll.”
His blue eyes searched yours so desperately that you almost believed him. You couldn’t believe him though. Right?
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smutconnoisseur · 2 years ago
𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞-𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
Masterlist of all my creations for @buckybarnesevents - Juneiverse 2023
My card was C4014, and throughout the event, I had three cards. I completed two full cards and one square on a third.
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C4014 (1)
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C - 1 ★ Demon ★ Demon!Bucky x Librarian!Steve | Rated: E | 2.5K
𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐝 ➣ As an incubus, he is not in the business of fulfilling wishes. Bucky, however, literally lives to make one man's fantasies come true.
“This is my world.”
C - 2 ★ Bed & Breakfest ★ B&B Owner!Bucky | Rated: E | 892
𝐓𝐡𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐩 ➣ Bucky finishes checking storm precautions at Barnes Bed & Breakfast but is startled by a sudden knocking at the door. With no guests due to flooding, he investigates the noise with growing apprehension.
C - 3 ★ Adrenaline ★ Thief!Bucky | Rated: M | 934
𝐋𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐲 ➣ He thrives under pressure, fueled by the ticking clock and the thrilling rush of almost getting caught. That's why he does what he does - there's no high like pulling off a great fucking heist.
C - 4 ★ Friends With Benefits ★ Bucky Barnes x Johnny Storm | Rated: E | 2K
𝐀𝐫𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜 𝐅𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐨𝐫 ➣ After a fight in mid-town, Johnny returns home after a shitty day. Beaten, tired, and to an unexpected guest.
"I don't remember giving you a key."
"Forget who you're talking to?"
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C4014 (2)
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C - 1 ★ Priest ★ Losing My Religion | Dark!Priest!Bucky x Demon!Steve | Rated: E | 1.3K
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧 ➣ A priest must protect his secrets at the cost of his faith while grappling with his own inner demons.
C - 2 ★ Historical ★ King!Bucky x Gladiador!Steve | Rated: M | 728
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐮𝐦𝐩𝐡 𝐎𝐟 𝐀 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐦𝐩𝐢𝐨𝐧 ➣ In the midst of a gladiator fight in the Colosseum, a young king finds solace and courage in the unwavering support of his consort.
C - 3 ★ Farmer ★ Trailer Park Prince | Trailer Park Slut!Bucky x Farmer!Steve | Rated: M | 500+
𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 ➣ Steve had offered Henry and Cheryl a farewell and a thank you for everything they had done for him over the years as he took over the farm from his folks. But now that left Steve without his main supplier and labor source since their grandsons only came during the summer to visit.
It was something Steve was used to—adapting. Until one day at the local farmers market changes his world. And the tiny denim shorts don’t hurt either.
C - 4 ★ Modern ★ Pastry Chef!Bucky x Wedding Planner!Steve | Rated: NR | 181
𝐅𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐨𝐰𝐞𝐫 ➣ As Steve savored the delicate pastry at Barnes Patisserie, he couldn't help but feel captivated by the effortlessly elegant pastry chef. He knew he had to find a way to catch sight of the chef again. After all, he needed more sweetness in his life.
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C4014 (3)
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C - 2 ★ Circus ★ Ringmaster!Bucky x Performer!Steve | Rated: T | 311
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫’𝐬 𝐅𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐞 ➣ If their story were told in a book of fairytales and romance, Bucky imagines it would go something like this: "And then, amidst the wonder of the circus, the handsome ringmaster fell for the fiery flame breather in the heart of the big top.”
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A/n: Thank you to the mods @buckybarnesevents for hosting this event and sparking so much creativity!
Graphics courtesy of @rookthornesartistry
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hannahwritesstuff · 2 years ago
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Title: Actions Have Consequences  Ship: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern, CEO Steve Rogers, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Age Difference, Steve is 28 and Bucky is 38, Slight Pet Play, Collars, Sex Toys, Dom/Sub, BDSM, Kneeling, Sir Kink, Blindfolds, Subspace, Punishment, Facefucking, Blowjobs, Shower Blowjobs, Oral Sex Summary: After everyone left the floor at the end of the day, Bucky locked the door to Steve’s office.
Steve pushed away from his desk and walked around it. His knees hit the floor with a thunk. Bucky gripped his chin and titled his head up. Steve could see the tension in Bucky’s jaw and he knew exactly why he was here.
He disrespected his dom.
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Written for Hot Bucky Summer with @buckybarnesevents​. Also in combination with Alternate Juneiverse 2023. 
Juneiverse Connect Four Square: C1 - Boss/Employee
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Steve whined as his dream slowly faded away. Totally not cool. It was a very nice dream too. A very nice dream. Dream Steve was laying on his stomach while Dream Bucky kissed down his spine towards his ass. Dream Bucky spread Dream Steve’s cheeks and-oh. This is real now. Steve moaned as he felt Bucky’s tongue prod his aching hole. The night before was spent taking Steve out of his head by seeing how many times he could come untouched. Bucky used everything. Dildos, prostate massagers, anal beads, vibrating butt plugs, and Bucky’s fingers and his cock. Needless to say Steve’s poor asshole was very sensitive this morning.
Steve moaned again as Bucky started sucking at his hole. He pushed his hips into the mattress to try and get some stimuli to his own cock but Bucky yanked Steve by his hips so his knees were under him.
Bucky draped himself over the man under him and nibbled at his ear, “Good morning, Pup.”
Steve smiled, eyes still closed, “Good morning, Sir.”
“How’s my little puppy today?”
“Sore,” Steve mumbled as Bucky rutted his clothed cock against Steve’s ass. Bucky must have put underwear on before he went to bed after Steve passed out from the many orgasms.
“Mmm. Too sore to wear a plug today?”
Steve slowly rolled onto his back which caused Bucky to sit on his knees next to Steve. Steve opened eyes, “Not really. But I have that boardmeeting later today. So,” Steve sat up slowly and brought his knees to his chest, hugging his arms around them, “Could I not wear a plug? I don’t want to risk my mind slipping during it.”
Bucky scooted closer to Steve and wrapped his arms around the man. “Of course, Pup.” He placed a kiss on Steve's temple. “I completely forgot that it was today.” Bucky crawled out of bed and went over to the dresser where they kept all their kink stuff. The top drawer held smaller dildos, butt plugs, vibrators, handcuffs, rope, and a velvet box that held something special for Bucky’s boy.
“So, since no to the plug,” Bucky grabbed the box and sat on the edge of the bed, facing the headboard. “How about this instead?”
Steve crawled over then took the velvet box and observed it. It's a narrow rectangle which clues Steve in that whatever is in it, is either a bracelet or a necklace. When he opened it, his breath caught in his throat. Laid nicely in the box is a chain with a circle on one end and a bar on the other. The item looked like a necklace but Steve knew it was a collar, a day collar to be exact.
“I’ll put it on you after we shower, okay?” Bucky grabbed Steve's face and kissed his nose. “We’ve talked about incorporating kink into our everyday lives and since your poor little hole is sore,” Steve playfully glared at Bucky causing the dom to chuckle, “I figured we could start with this. As far as I know, no one other than Sam and Nat are into kink so to everyone else it would just look like a necklace. If you don’t want to wear it, that’s completely okay. I want you to feel comfortable and safe, Pup.”
Every time Bucky called him ‘Pup’, Steve got a twisty feeling in his stomach. Not a bad twisty feeling, a good one. Where any missing pieces were filled when Bucky called him ‘Pup’.
“I trust you, Sir. I want to wear it.” Steve straddled Bucky’s lap the best he could with how they were positioned on the bed. “If at any time throughout the day I feel uncomfortable, I promise I’ll use my safeword.”
Bucky gripped Steve’s hips, “What’s your safeword?”
“Eagle if we’re alone or around Tasha and Sam. And ‘Mister Barnes’ if there’s others.”
Bucky smiled up at his boy. “Good boy.” Bucky grabbed each cheek of Steve’s ass and squeezed. Steve gasped and pushed his hips forward causing his dick to rut against Bucky’s abs. Bucky leaned forward to lay the other man back down on the bed and kissed his neck. Steve moaned as his Sir reached the spot that made him melt. The dom pulled away before he left a mark, “Get your ass to the shower and I might let you suck me off before we go.”
Steve scrambled out of bed so fast, his feet got tangled in the blankets. Luckily, Bucky grabbed him around the waist before Steve could faceplant. Steve slowly looked over his shoulder and smiled sheepishly when he saw Bucky’s raised eyebrow. He extracted his feet from the blankets and walked fast to the en suite so he could get the shower ready for them. Steve wasn’t going to pass up the opportunity to service Bucky. That would be insanity!
Steve turned on the shower and as the water warmed up, he grabbed towels from the shelf above the toilet. He set them on the counter and stripped his clothes off. Steve felt Bucky’s arms wrap around his waist and the dom kissed the sub’s neck.  Steve relaxed into Bucky’s hold as the heat from the shower warmed up the small room making it a comfortable temperature to be naked. Bucky walked both of them to the shower and opened the door. One amazing thing about Steve owning his own company, and being “hella rich” as Bucky says, is that they can have a shower big enough to fit both of them and have room to spare.
Steve groaned in contentment as the warm water cascaded down his chest. Bucky ran his hands across the other man’s chest, tweaking Steve’s nipples as Bucky's fingers passed them. Steve sighed as one of Bucky’s hands went lower and grabbed his dick. Bucky slowly stroked Steve and smirked as he felt Steve’s dick harden in his grasp. Bucky then turned Steve around and grabbed him by the back of the head, kissing him hard.
Steve whimpered into the kiss as Bucky nipped at his bottom lip. Bucky then gently pushed Steve down to make him kneel on the shower floor. The hot water pelted Steve’s back which only aided in making him hot and bothered. Bucky tangled his fingers in Steve’s hair and pulled. The blond’s head snapped back and his mouth opened with a moan.
“Tongue out, Pup.”
Steve stuck his tongue out and Bucky fed him his hard dick. The kneeling man closed his eyes as the taste of his lover filled his mouth. The thick, long cock that stretched him out deliciously when Bucky fucked his ass, was now pushing his mouth to the limit. Steve’s lips were stretched tight and his tongue teased the vein on the underside of Bucky’s cock.
“Yes.” Bucky threw his head back and tightened his grip on Steve’s hair. He slowly thrusts his hips, hitting the back of Steve’s throat making the other man choke. “That’s right. Choke on my cock, Pup. Choke on your Sir’s cock.”
Steve moaned, sending vibrations through Bucky’s cock. He looked up at Bucky through watery eyes. He loved being choked on his Sir’s cock and if he didn’t have a meeting today, Steve would call out sick just to warm Bucky dick all day.
“I’m gonna fuck your face now. You just sit there and look pretty.” Bucky patted Steve’s cheek before gripping the blond hair with both hands and snapped his hips making the other man gag. Bucky growled as Steve’s throat spasmed around his dick with each thrust. Seeing the blond’s eyes water only made Bucky’s dick harder. The brunet loved pushing his Pup’s limits but was aware to not push them too much.
Steve loved choking on his Sir’s cock. His air being cut off only aided in the floaty feeling he felt whenever that delicious cock touched his tongue. Steve closed his eyes and just let Bucky fuck his throat. The moment they left their house, Steve had to be in boss mode. He had to run his company and tell his employees what to do. But right now, he can just enjoy being a fucktoy for Sir.
“I’m gonna come. Swallow it all.” Bucky growled as his release flowed down Steve’s throat. He threw his head back as Steve swallowed around his dick. He thrusted slowly, milking every last drop into Steve’s mouth. “That’s good. That’s my good Pup.” Bucky pulled out and Steve looked up with a dopey smile on his face. Bucky cupped Steve’s cheek and ran his thumb across the kneeling man’s lips. He leaned down to look closely at Steve’s eyes to see if he slipped into subspace.
“I’m clear, Bucky. I promise.” Steve using his name gives Bucky the confidence that Steve is clear headed. “Just happy.”
“I’m glad,” Bucky chuckled. “Let’s get washed up. Up you go.” Bucky helped Steve stand slowly since he was kneeling for a while. “Slowly.” Bucky said when Steve’s knees gave out a little bit. One Steve was standing and his legs didn’t feel numb or anything, Bucky grabbed the soap and started washing them both.
“Mister Rogers, if you’d just consider-“
“Consider what? Being like every other big company who jacks up their prices for no reason? Absolutely not.”
“But it wouldn’t be for no reason.”
“And what would be the reason, Mister Thompson? Please enlighten me.” Steve glared at the man on the other end of the conference table. The board members talked about raising the prices of the smaller businesses Steve’s company owns, one of these businesses being a pharmacy that is known for providing affordable medications for their customers. A cause close to Steve’s heart when his own mother couldn’t afford her medications.
“Raising the prices would give us the ability to bring in more profit in order to fund-“
“Mister Thompson, let me stop you there.” Steve raised his hand with a sigh. “What I’m hearing is you only care about deepening your pockets.”
Thompson looked at Steve incredulously. “No. What I’m saying-“
“Oh no I know exactly what you’re saying.” Steve stood up and placed his hands on the table leaning his weight on the table. “You want us to be like every jackass.”
“Mister Rogers, that language-“
“It’s my company I can talk however the fuck I want.” Steve noticed Bucky take a step toward him. With how irritated Steve is with this board meeting, Bucky might have to jump in.
“Steve.” A voice to his right grabbed his attention. He looked at his right hand woman, Natasha. “Let him finish.”
“Nat, he wants us to make it impossible for people to get the stuff they need. The first business he wants to raise prices is the pharmacy!”
“That’s our most profitable business.” Thompson mentioned.
Steve snapped his gaze to the man, “So you are admitting you’re just like everyone else.”
“Mister Rogers. Why don’t we take a break?” Bucky stepped between Steve and Natasha’s chairs.
“Mister Rogers, if I may…” Bucky started.
“I’m not done with this meeting so shut it..” Steve turned to Bucky and got in his face. Steve saw the tick in Bucky’s jaw which meant he was in trouble but he didn’t care. “Now go back and be a good little guard dog so I can finish this meeting.”
“Sir, I believe it’s in the best interest of everyone if this meeting was concluded at a different time.” Bucky narrowed his eyes.
“I pay you to protect me, not for your opinion. So shut it and stand back.” Steve growled.
Sam, Natasha’s assistant, gasped quietly. Never has he seen Steve act like that towards Bucky in any way. He looked over at Nat, his dom, with a questioning look. She looked towards the door silently telling Sam to open so she could dismiss the meeting.
“Mister Thompson, Mister Rogers and myself will discuss this proposal. Now everyone, if you’d would follow Mister Wilson he will walk you out. We are done for today.” Natasha’s steely gaze left no room for argument. All the board members followed Sam while Nat made sure Steve and Bucky weren’t going to kill each other.
“We’re fine, Nat.” Bucky then lowered his voice. “It seems like someone needs to learn some manners.” Steve swallowed but continued to glare at Bucky.
“Just don’t hurt him.” Nat whispered as she left the conference room.
Bucky and Steve went to Steve’s office with Bucky leading the way. To other employees, it would seem the bodyguard is his job of protecting his client. However, Steve knew this was Bucky’s way of taking dominance back. The day collar under Steve’s shirt was feeling too warm all of a sudden.
After everyone left the floor at the end of the day, Bucky locked the door to Steve’s office.
Steve pushed away from his desk and walked around it. His knees hit the floor with a thunk. Bucky gripped his chin and titled his head up. Steve could see the tension in Bucky’s jaw and he knew exactly why he was here.
He disrespected his dom.
Even though Steve is the boss outside their home, there is an unspoken agreement that Steve still respects Bucky. Today though? He didn’t.
He was rude to his dom. But that’s not it, no. Not only was he rude, Steve went off on Bucky in front of board members and their friends Sam and Natasha, the only two who know about Steve and Bucky’s lifestyle.
But the cherry on top? Steve used his position as Bucky’s employer against him.
“I pay you to protect me, not for your opinion. So shut it and stand back.”
The words kept bouncing around Steve’s mind ever since. Natasha, being Steve’s right hand woman, dismissed everyone while Bucky glared at Steve and Steve met him with the same fire in his eyes.
Now, here the two men are. Alone, at the end of the day, on the seventeenth floor of the high rise Steve’s company owns with Steve kneeling, being forced to look up at his dom. The kneeling man felt his eyes start to well up but help back the tears because he didn’t want Bucky thinking Steve was trying to get pity.
“Do you know why we’re here?” Bucky asked lowly.
“Yes, Sir. I disrespected you.” Steve answered unprompted. Sometimes when Steve was in trouble, Bucky had to pull the reason out of Steve but now it seems like the blond is hoping his punishment could be lessened.
“That’s right. Not only in front of the board members,” Bucky let go of Steve’s chin and walked to the drawer in the desk where they kept some small toys. “But also in front of a fellow dom.”
Steve lowered his head and looked at his hands resting on his knees, “I know, Sir. I’m sorry.” Steve’s voice cracked on the apology.
Bucky came over and knelt in front of Steve and cupped his face with both hands. “Baby, look at me.” Steve raised his eyes to meet Bucky’s. A tear slipped down his cheek which was brushed away by Bucky’s thumb. “I’m not angry. Disappointed but not angry. The meeting was getting heated and that’s why I suggested a break.” Bucky leaned forward to kiss the other man’s forehead. “Even though I’m disappointed, I understand why you lashed out. But because we’ve talked about this beforehand, I still need to punish you, okay?” Steve nodded and closed his eyes. He knew whatever punishment Bucky chose would be fair.
“Yes, Sir.”
Bucky placed one more kiss on Steve’s forehead before standing up with a groan. He went back to the desk and grabbed the items he pulled out. He went over to the small couch Steve has in his office and sat down. He took one of the pillows, which was actually a kneeling cushion, and set it on the floor in front of him. “Come here, Pup.”
Steve shuddered with Bucky calling him ‘Pup’. It did two things. One, it showed the scene was starting and two it calmed Steve. He stood up and walked over to Bucky. The dom instructed him to take off his shoes, suit jacket, tie, and button down, leaving him shirtless with the day collar around his neck and in his pants and socks.
“Look at me,” Bucky commanded. The sub looked down at his dom from where he was standing in front of the couch. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to blindfold and you will be on speech restriction. I’m also going to use your tie and bind your hands behind you. Understand so far?”
Steve nodded, “Yes, Sir.”
Bucky smiled, “Good Pup. I want you to think about how you could have told me to back off in a way that would have been more respectful. When you think you have come up with something, you’re going to drop the bell.” Bucky held up the medium sized bell they used as a non-verbal safeword whenever Steve’s mouth was occupied. “In this scene, the bell is not you safewording to end the scene. It’s there to let me know you’ve thought about not only your actions but what you could have said. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir.”
Bucky ran his hands up the back of Steve’s legs and cupped his ass. “You’re gonna kneel on the cushion facing away from me. When I put the blindfold on, bind your wrists, and hand you the bell, speech restrictions start.” Bucky caressed Steve’s ass. “Do you need anything before we start? Bathroom? Water?”
Steve went through his mental checklist of his body. “No, Sir. I’m good.”
“Okay, Pup. Kneel for me.”
Steve turned around and knelt facing away from Bucky. The dom grabbed Steve’s tie and gently pulled his arms behind him. The feeling of the silk tie being looped around his wrists and pulled tight, but not too tight, already quieted Steve’s mind a bit. Bucky slipped two of his fingers in between the tie and Steve’s skin to make sure his circulation wouldn’t be cut off.
“Blindfold now.” Bucky slipped the silk eye mask over Steve’s head and leaned around to check it was over his eyes and not blocking his nose. “Okay. Here’s the bell. Speech restrictions start now.” Bucky made sure Steve had a firm grip on the bell before letting go. If Steve didn’t drop the bell by the fifteen minute mark, Bucky was going to call it. He didn’t want Steve to do damage to his knees.
Bucky saw the moment the blond’s mind settled. His shoulders relaxed and his head tipped forward, the only change in his posture. Bucky relaxed into the couch as he watched his sub in case he needed to end the scene at any moment. His phone vibrated in his pocket but he ignored it. Bucky’s focus needed to be on the blond throughout the whole scene.
Ten minutes went by before Steve dropped the bell, signaling he thought about his words. Bucky grabbed the bell and set it on the couch before going to stand in front of Steve. The dom removed the blindfold and the sub blinked rapidly, letting his eyes adjust back to the lighting of the office. Bucky made a mental note to buy a lamp or two so there’s dimmer light if he blindfolds Steve at the office again.
“Hi, Pup.” Bucky smiled down at Steve.
“Hi, Sir.”
Bucky gently tugged on the day collar which caused Steve’s eyes to flutter. “Did you think of something else you could have said?”
“Yes, Sir,” Steve nodded. “May I sit on the couch though?”
“Absolutely.” Bucky untied Steve’s wrists and helped him stand. “Slow.” Steve gripped Bucky’s arms and slowly stood up. Once they were both sat on the couch, Steve turned to Bucky.
“When you suggested a break, I could have said I wasn’t ready for one or accept that one was needed. I also shouldn’t have pulled rank and told you to stand back.” Steve looked down at his lap and fiddled with his fingers. “I’m sorry, Sir. I didn’t want to have that meeting the moment Thompson’s proposal started with raising prices. I just don’t want people to end up like how Ma did.” Steve sniffled as he thought about how his mom couldn’t afford her medication towards the end of her life due to price raises.
Bucky scooted close and rubbed Steve’s back. “I know, baby. But here’s the thing. You’re the one who makes the final decision. It’s up to you. If Thompson can’t accept that, then maybe he needs to not be working for you anymore.” Bucky put a finger under Steve’s chin and lifted his gaze. “But that’s a conversation between you and Nat. And right now, what we need to do is get you dressed and then go home. We’ll order in for dinner and we’ll just hang out, okay? Not thinking about work or anything. Does that sound good, honey?” Bucky brushed the hair that fell on Steve’s forehead out of the way.
Steve nodded. “Yes it does. Can I wear your sweatshirt when we get home?” Steve loves to wear an old college sweatshirt of Bucky’s especially after a scene.
The dom leaned forward and kissed his sub’s nose. “Absolutely baby.”
Both men worked together to get ready to go home. They made sure everything in Steve’s office was put away and made their way out. Once in the parking garage, Bucky opened the passenger side for Steve with a kiss to the blond’s cheek. Bucky got in the driver’s side after he made sure Steve was settled in the passenger seat. All the way home, the two held hands and sang along to the radio enjoying each other's company and forgetting the stresses of the day.
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rookthorne · 2 years ago
𝐁𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐒𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞
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Event ❧ @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate Juneiverse | C2 - Gamer AU | June-iverse Masterlist
Author's Note ❧ This is a sneak peek for what will be announced sometime soon... 💙
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jobean12-blog · 2 years ago
He’s so sure…of getting her back of getting the money and it’s hard not to go right there with him! This was set up so beautifully and I just love the vibe of it! 🩷👏🏻🩷
Buck's Eleven
Title: Buck's Eleven Fandom: MCU Characters/Pairings: Bucky and Steve with mentions of Bucky x ex!wife Reader Word Count: 1.6k
Summary: Going into a job this big, you have to take the house or know the house will hunt you down and swallow you into its belly. Vegas is unforgiving. Good thing they're the best at what they do.
Content/Concept Warnings: Thief/Con Artist AU, smoking, 1960s elements, references to sexual acts
Notes: CONQUERING FOUR EVENTS/CHALLENGES, which is my crowning moment this summer:
@buckybarnesevents WEEK FIVE of Hot Bucky Summer: "When I First Met You..."
Sixth square of @buckybarnesbingo U4: "AU: Historical"Playing Games"
Featuring Lemonade and a Road trip for @the-slumberparty's June Challenge
AND MY FOURTH AND FINAL SQUARE for Connect4 Alternate June-iverse: C4 "Thief/Con Artist" (and including an Alpine sighting so I can collect my TOE BEANS)
This is an MCU homage to Ocean's Eleven drawing direct inspiration from the 1960 and 2001 films. The 2001 has been one of my favorite heist movies since it came out, and I had never seen the 1960s original until this week, but once I started watching it, my jaw dropped with excitement over how ripe it was to adapt for a Bucky (and Steve) AU because in the original, it's 15 years after WWII and the crew is a reassembled group of guys who were in the army together!
I borrowed some dialogue beats directly from the 2001 film, and those are in bold italics.
Story graphic by me, story dividers by @firefly-graphics, reblog graphic by @vase-of-lilies
Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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“Good morning.”
“Good morning.” Bucky takes a seat in the chair across from the penitentiary’s release board and settles his hands casually in his lap.
The man in the center taps his cigarette in the ash tray before returning it to his lips. “Please state your name for the record.”
“James Buchanan Barnes.”
“Thank you. Mr. Barnes, you’re meeting with this board today to answer a few questions so we can determine whether or not you intend to break the law again.”
Bucky nods. Contrition. Congeniality. A touch of charisma, but nothing too memorable. That’s what he must serve up.
“This is your first conviction, but you have been implicated in a long list of other cases for confidence schemes and frauds. Is this a fair and accurate record?”
Bucky glances at the doll off to the side at a small table of her own, clicking away impressively at a typewriter.
“I expect your records to be nothing but accurate, though – as you said – I’ve been implicated but never charged.”
“Mr. Barnes, what we’re trying to find out is: was there a reason you committed this crime, or was there simply a reason you got caught this time?”
“My wife left me. I was upset. I fell into a self-destructive pattern.”
Exactly what he knows they would like to hear.
“If released, is it likely you would fall into a similar pattern?”
Bucky cocks his head almost imperceptibly. “She already left me once; I don’t think she’d do it again just for kicks.”
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“Fellas, you know I’d do almost anything for ya, but not… not this,” Banner looks between them, rubbing the back of his neck.
Steve smiles warmly, the smile he knows tricks his friends and his marks into whatever he needs. “Why waste all the little tricks that the army taught us just because it’s sort of peaceful now?”
The din of the night club around them – games of cards, dames performing on stage, drinks being served up all around – gives them all the privacy they need to hold a sensitive conversation around the table, just the three of them.
“We’re trained men,” Bucky adds.
“I know. I know you are, and we always did good work.”
“Better with you on the crew, you keep us careful.”
“You remember a little operation called Stacks back on the Sokovian front?” Steve asks.
“Do I! Eleven of us in and out under the cloaking of the trees at night with more Axis piles of cash than was decent for either side to have stockpiled away.”
“We should have buried it,” Bucky says.
“Speaking of money, you’re going to need an enormous amount of backing to pull this off in Vegas. The city’s not a sleepy little town tucked away near the mountains and off the grid of the main occupation, it’s got a million neon lights glowing on it every night.”
“Fury, easy.”
“None of us are gonna be as easy as you think. You’ll need the best electrician around, and Tony’s out.”
“Got religion?” Bucky asks.
“Naw, he and Pepper have got a kid now.”
Bucky looks to Steve, but he seems unconcerned. “Morgan – she’s cute.” Steve looks back to Banner. “I think he’ll do it.”
Banner shakes his head, but grins. “Pepper’s already unhappy he’s back in the game on the fluffy jobs, but if you think you can convince him… You get Fury and you get Tony, I’ll play ball with you.”
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“You can’t do it. It’s impossible. I made it impossible. I invented casino security. When I first met you boys, you were bright young cocky upstarts. Now you’re bright and cocky – and just lucky that most of the time you’re not too cocky. Now I like you boys, but it can’t be done.”
“You know what? You’re probably right.”
“Eyes were too big for our stomachs.”
“You would know better than anyone.”
“Sure, sure. I just don’t want to see you boys behind bars, especially since you’re fresh out, Barnes.”
“Well, we appreciate the lemonade all the same,” Steve says, setting down his now empty glass.
“It’s hand pressed every morning down at the river market.”
“And thank you for taking care of Alpine while I was away,” Bucky scratches the the head of his white cat, who hasn’t stopped purring since being reunited. He scoops her up to his chest, and he and Steve stand to leave.
“It was good to see you, Nick,” Steve says.
“Give Maria your addresses on the way out, she’s got me a good source on Cuban cigars, I’ll send each of you a box.”
Bucky nods. “That’s sure nice of you.”
They turn and start to walk across the terrace toward the patio doors.
Fury looks after them. He sighs. “Tell me the marks.”
They slowly turn back, appearing to casually answer, but knowing this will bring him in.
“The… Sahara–“
“–Sahara, the Riviera, and the Dunes,” Bucky finishes.
“Hold on.” Fury stands. “Those are Pierce’s places. What do you two got against Pierce?”
“Pierce is the king on top of the mountain right now, nothing more than that.”
“I still owe him for how he got me with Project Insight,” Steve adds, “but I could get him back some other way. The golden opportunity to knock over his casinos on the fight night of the year, Thor vs. Starlord in a few weeks? That’s just destiny giving me the gift to make it sweeter that it’ll be his money.”
“And, Rogers, you’re okay with this knowing full well who the dame rumored to be attached to his son’s arm?”
“Yep,” Steve says without hesitation. “It’s not about her. Pierce is the king on the top of the mountain right now, we just want to topple him over. I still owe him for Project Insight. Besides, Buck’s not stupid enough to make this about a dame who divorced him, and like you said it’s only a rumor that she’s his doll.”
Fury turns his stare to Bucky. He shrugs. “She’s made it pretty clear with the divorce papers.”
He studies him for a moment, then seems satisfied.
“And you’re just going to go on your little road trip across the country recruiting your team?”
“Who doesn’t love a summer road trip?” Bucky asks, a full grin on his face.
“Sam’s already in Sin City, picked out a nice house for us to set up and lay low in Henderson.”
“Henderson’s nice and sleepy. Banner will be there by the end of the week, and we just came from seeing Tony.”
“You should swing through Salt Lake City, look in on the Maximov Twins, they’re pulling off some impressive stuff among the locals there.”
“I’ll put them on the list.”
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Steve leans up against the side of the convertible while Bucky starts to pump the gas.
“Sam’s not eager about the kid.”
“I know he’s not,” Bucky smirks. “But he’s our grease man. There’s a reason they’re calling him the Spider Boy Wonder now. Besides, he was a kid before I went in, it’s been four years, he’s not a kid anymore.”
“He’s impressive.”
Steve lets silence fall for a beat.
“Tell me it’s not about her. Tell me you are not stupid enough to make this about her.”
Frankly Bucky is shocked and impressed that it took Steve thirty minutes to press him about you now that he knows.
“It’s not about her, it’s about five million cool a piece.”
Steve looks dubious. “Because when we say ‘till the end of the line…’”
“It’s not about her, she just happens to be there, but I’m not ignoring that fact – we’re just going to use it to our advantage because she’ll be a blind spot for him.”
“Because she was a blind spot for you?”
“No, she was never that.” She was fireworks, electricity, what kept him sharp when he was on his game, before he got caught and sulked behind bars.
Steve sighs and his face softens. “I know. Just promise me we don’t do anything stupid.”
"No, nothing stupid. Too much riding on this. Heist of our lives."
As they pulled out onto the street, car aimed for the interstate, Bucky wouldn't spend the duration of the road trip thinking about you, but you would cross his mind frequently, as you always had.
With the miles ahead of them, the memories of you could distract him in peace. Thoughts of when he first met you. Thoughts of sneaking into rooftop parties and pools at places like Fury’s like you two had done when you were both too broke to get in any other way. Thoughts of his hand disappearing under your skirt and up to tease the delicious heat between your thighs. Thoughts of your head falling back and exposing your throat to him. Thoughts of your head falling forward to rest against his. Thoughts of you gasping beneath him as he thrust inside you. Thoughts of you wrapped up in his arms, leaning against his chest as you watched the sun set on your little balcony of that third-floor apartment in the city. Thoughts of the soft mornings and late nights in the bed you had shared together until you didn’t. Thoughts he fights both to hold onto and forget.
But you were unforgettable. You were his. You had to be his again. He's waited for just the right angle to set you in his sights again, and he knows he can get you as sure as he knows they will walk away with over fifty million and without a trace.
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Masterlist | Aspen's Ask Box | Field Guide to the Forest
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rufferto9 · 2 years ago
MasterPost  - Connect4 JuneIverse -2023
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Bucky By Night:   Prompt Werewolf: Rating M Summary: Even as a Werewolf, the Winter Soldier (aka WinterWerewolf) will find his target and do his job. An Alternate Captain America Costume  Prompt Model. Rating T Summary: Bucky  was somehow roped into modeling for a popular agency a variety of  Captain America costumes, some with the shield, some without. Since  Alpine was too young to stay at home alone, they let him bring her. This  particular outfit has been labeled: Space Pirate Captain America
Most Can’t Afford Him Prompt Rich. Rating T Summary: Bucky is on a mission and drew the short straw, He’s the one that has to entice the villain, and get his guard down. What Bucky wants to know is why he has to wear this outfit.  No one has dared to tell him yet. spoiler alert: It was Clint’s Idea.
Gotta Love Those Beans  Prompt Hospitality. Rating T Summary: Coffee Shop Alternate Universe where Bucky owns the best coffee shop on the block outside of Avenger’s Tower and even though there’s perfectly good coffee in the Tower Clint always visit’s Bucky’s shop first thing in the morning, at noon... at two pm... sometimes at five, always at six pm,  for reasons!
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drabbles-mc · 2 years ago
You Shouldn't Be Here
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Modern!Bucky Barnes x Modern!PreSerum!Steve
Summary: For so long, Steve had been wondering what had happened to Bucky, why he hadn't heard from him since he deployed. When he finally got the answer to his questions, it wasn't what he had been expecting.
Warnings: 18+, language, angst, modern au, no-powers au
For the Alternate June-iverse Prompt: jail/prison
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: I had soooo much fun writing this heartbreaking lil fic. Thank you to @buckybarnesevents for running an event that's helped me get out of my comfort zone. 💖
MCU Taglist: @garbinge @artemiseamoon (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
Steve didn’t even know that Bucky was back in town. The last time he’d spoken to Bucky, it was right before he deployed. That was a few years ago now, and Steve knew that Bucky’s deployment hadn’t lasted that entire time. He tried to reach out any way that he could, but he was never successful. Steve was never the type to throw in the towel, but he had to admit that his hope was wearing a little thin.
Then one day when he was visiting his mother, doing his weekly grocery drop-off, she said to him, “I was so heartbroken to hear about James.”
Steve stopped everything he was doing, nearly dropped the package of eggs that he had in his hands. He knew that even on his best day it was hard for him to hide what he was thinking and feeling from his mother. Still, though, he tried, not wanting to get into all of it with her.
“What about him?” he said, casually as he could manage as he went back to putting the eggs away.
“You know,” she said as she stood up from where she was sitting at her kitchen table, “that they sent him to Rikers.”
The knot that had been permanently tied in Steve’s stomach ever since Bucky had up and disappeared from his life instantly tightened as he listened to what his mother was saying. He knew that he wouldn’t be able to lie to her well enough to convince her that he knew about it already. He hated that she knew that about Bucky when he didn’t.
She walked over, grabbing the small bag of sugar out of the grocery bag so that she could open it and use it for her coffee. She frowned slightly as she looked at her son’s face, feeling a small pang of guilt as she looked at him. “I’m sorry, I thought you knew. His mother mentioned it to me.”
He shook his head, trying to play it off, but the emotions that were coursing through him now made him seem even smaller than he was. “I haven’t heard from Bucky in a long time. Didn’t, um,” he tried to busy himself with unpacking more groceries, “didn’t even know that he was stateside.”
She rested her hand on his shoulder, “Steve…I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”
“It’s okay,” he told her with a nod. “It’s not your fault.”
“You should visit him,” she said as she went back to making her coffee.
He shook his head even though she wasn’t looking at him anymore. “I don’t think I should. If he didn’t want to hear from me before, he’s definitely not going to want to—”
“It’s different now,” she cut him off, her voice still gentle. She stirred her sugar into her coffee. “Go for me, if you won’t go for you.” She could feel the way Steve was staring at her and a small, sad smile crossed over her features. “You’re not the only one who worries for him, you know.”
That was the last thing that either of them said as Steve finished unpacking the last of her groceries. Normally the two of them would chat. Steve would listen to his mother update him on everything that was going on in the neighborhood since the last time that he stopped in. Steve would tell her how work was going, even though there were hardly ever any breaking news stories on that front. But he knew that she still wanted to hear about it, even if everything was the same. She just needed to know that he was doing okay. This time, though, he was quiet, and she didn’t try to break the silence either.
Steve was thinking back on how everything used to be. He was thinking about how it all was back before Bucky enlisted and got deployed overseas. Steve had tried to follow suit, but there was no way that he was going to be able to meet the physical demands to make the cut for the army. It was a hard pill to swallow, but he managed it. Bucky, however, got in with no issue. And once he was out of bootcamp, it also seemed like he was out of Steve’s life. Steve always assumed there were reasons for it, answers that he never got. He supposed that given the current circumstances, maybe the answers had been ones that Bucky didn’t think he would want to hear.
When he was getting ready to leave, he went and gave his mother a hug and a kiss goodbye. “I’ll be back next week, but call me if you need anything before then.”
She gently patted his cheek. “And let me know if you need anything.”
Even though she didn’t say it explicitly, Steve knew exactly what she was talking about. He offered a small smile as he nodded. “Thanks, Ma. Love you.”
“Love you too.” She watched him as he made his way towards the front door of her house. She called after him the way she always did, “Be safe!”
Steve had a small list of other things that he was planning to take care of that day, but now it all seemed so small and insignificant. It crossed his mind as he made his way home that he should’ve asked his mom more questions. He should’ve found out the extent of what she knew, but the fact that Bucky was behind bars at all was something that had thrown him for such a loop he didn’t couldn’t even try to fathom why.
Whatever else he had been thinking of doing that day quickly fell by the wayside. The trip from Brooklyn to Rikers wasn’t exactly a short one, but to Steve the distance was a nonissue. Subways, taxis, whatever it took that’s exactly what he’d do in order to be able to see his best friend, even if the circumstances were unfortunate.
He knew that hew as in over his head the second that he walked through the doors. He wasn’t going to turn around, though, wasn’t going to turn his back on Bucky now that he’d made it this far. He’d never walked away from a fight, and he certainly wasn’t going to walk away from this.
He answered questions, emptied his pockets, went through security, and answered more questions. All of that, and then he waited. He waited, and waited. He didn’t know how long it’d been—time didn’t seem to really exist as he stayed seated in the waiting area. But he sat, determined to stay as long as it took.
Then the guard told him that Bucky was refusing to see him.
Steve nearly crumpled back into the seat behind him. “What?”
The guard shrugged, no sympathy to be found. “Barnes said he’s not seeing anyone right now.”
“Sorry, kid,” he said, not really sounding all that apologetic, “but you gotta go.”
Steve knew better than to pick a fight there of all places. So, as much as he didn’t want to, he turned and headed out. He made his way back to his apartment, thoughts racing in a way that they hadn’t in a long time. All the months of unanswered questions, night after night of losing sleep wondering what had happened to his best friend, and he’d finally made it so close. Bucky was only a few concrete walls away from him, and yet Steve still couldn’t get to him.
That was the way it went for a long time. Steve would show up, and he would sit, and he would wait. Then eventually he would get sent home because Bucky refused to see him. It got to the point that Steve was wondering if the guards were just going to stop letting him in, in the first place.
Finally, one day, Steve heard the sound of his last name and for once it wasn’t followed by a dismissal. “Rogers,” the man said as he nodded towards the doorway that Steve had yet to make it through, “follow me.”
Steve immediately shot up out of his seat to do as instructed. His breath stayed lodged in his throat. He couldn’t force himself to say anything to the man who was walking in front of him, which might’ve been for the best. The last thing Steve wanted to do was say the wrong thing the one time Bucky had agreed to see him.
Standing at the entrance to the visiting room, Steve had to search longer than he thought he would in order to find Bucky. It wasn’t as though he was hiding, but he no longer looked like the man that Steve had known his whole life.
He walked over, sitting down across the table from him. It was the first time in his entire life that Steve ever remembered thinking that Bucky seemed small. Bucky wasn’t even looking at him, his eyes fixed on the metal table between them. His hair was different than Steve remembered, grown out longer than it used to be. He had scruff coming in, but not like it was a beard he was actually trying to grow, but more like he’d simply just stopped bothering with shaving the last few days.
Steve didn’t know how long the two of them had been sitting there silently before he got himself to take a breath and speak. “Buck, what—”
“I’m only doing this,” Bucky cut him off, his voice harsh and low, a tone he’d never taken with Steve before, “to tell you to stop fucking coming here.”
Steve felt the air deflate out of his lungs at Bucky’s words, the way that he was saying them. Bucky finally looked up at him, making eye contact, and Steve saw the hollowness in them that hadn’t ever been there before. There was much more distancing them than years now, and Steve could see it without making Bucky say it.
“I’m not gonna stop,” Steve said with a shake of his head.
Bucky shook his head, dragging one hand down his face. It was only then that Steve noticed the bruises and splits on his knuckles. “Still haven’t learned when to pack it in, huh?”
“I didn’t even know you were here. Home, I mean,” he fumbled his way through what he was trying to say. “I didn’t know you came back. How, how long have you been back?”
He wasn’t going to entertain the questions. “You need to go home, Steve.”
“You need to tell me what’s going on,” he argued.
Bucky scoffed. “I’m in fuckin’ jail, Steve. That’s what’s going on.”
He didn’t let Bucky’s harsh tone dissuade him. “How, though? What, what happened?”
“No,” he said with a shake of his head, “you, you have to tell me. You stopped calling, you never wrote. After everything how could you just…” his voice trailed off.
Bucky couldn’t look at Steve as they sat across from each other. All of the pain, all of the guilt that he’d been carrying around with him over the last few years, he couldn’t carry that and deal with the hurt look in Steve’s eyes. He didn’t know how to say any of it. He didn’t know how to tell Steve that the reason he stopped reaching out, was because he’d turned into someone that Steve wouldn’t want to know. Whatever version of Bucky that Steve had in his head, that was the one that Bucky wanted him to remember. Not the version who was sitting in the jumpsuit across from him now.
For a moment, he thought about trying to get into it all. Part of him wanted Steve to know. Maybe it would get Steve to stay away, or maybe if Steve still accepted him, Bucky could find something to accept in himself.
But he kept his mouth shut about all of it. Instead, he shook his head again. “Just, just stop coming back here, alright? You shouldn’t be in this place.”
“Neither should you,” Steve shot back, always speaking with such resoluteness. Part of Bucky was glad to see that that hadn’t changed.
He was wrong this time, though. Bucky chuckled, but the sound was devoid of any real humor. “Yea, I should be. This,” he nodded to the room they were in, to the jail in general, “this is for all of it.”
“All of what?”
Bucky’s nose twitched as he fought off the tears and emotions that were trying to creep up. Another reason he didn’t want to see Steve. “All of the things I did. Not, not just what happened when I got arrested. The rest of it, too.”
“What happened?”
Bucky sighed as he propped his elbows on the table, dropping his head into his hands for a moment before forcing himself to look at Steve again. “I know you were real upset when they didn’t let you in,” Bucky spoke slowly, trying to keep the waver out of his voice and only being partially successful, “but I’m glad they didn’t.”
“I beat the shit out of some guy,” he switched topics, the weight of everything that happened during his deployments too heavy to get into right then. “When I came back home. That’s…that’s why I’m here. I was fucked up, and I went out when I should’ve just stayed home. I went out looking for trouble and then when I didn’t find any, I made some.”
Steve’s frown seemed like it was growing deeper with every word. “I’m sorry.”
Bucky scoffed and shook his head. “Don’t apologize. Don’t, don’t feel sorry for me. I deserve this,” he snapped, trying to keep his voice under control as all the emotions he’d been trying so hard to bottle up started to trickle out. “Everything I’ve done? This doesn’t even…” he trailed off.
“They should’ve gotten you help,” Steve said as he stared at the table, his voice quieter than it had been. He wasn’t sure if he was talking more to Bucky or himself. He looked back up at Bucky. “You shouldn’t be here because they—”
“Steve,” Bucky spoke up, unable to sit there and listen to Steve try to paint a picture where this was anyone else’s fault—there was something about that that he couldn’t stomach, “this isn’t on anyone but me.”
“That’s not true,” he said with a shake of his head. The glimmer of guilt in his eyes told Bucky that Steve put himself on the long list of people who should’ve done more, which was unfair for a litany of reasons.
“You shouldn’t be worried about this,” Bucky told him.
“Of course I’m worried about this. How am I supposed to not worry about you?”
The question silenced both of them. Bucky knew that no matter what he tried to tell him, Steve was always going to worry. He was always going to try and figure out a way to help, to make things better somehow. Bucky also knew that if the shoe was on the other foot, he would be doing the same for Steve. That was all the two of them did—worry for the other. That was the entire reason that Bucky stopped reaching out. He didn’t want Steve to see what he’d been turning into. Apparently all of that work had been for nothing, because now here Steve sat, staring him down from the other side of the table.
Bucky didn’t know if it was infuriating or comforting to see Steve sitting there with the same soft, somewhat sad look in his eyes that he’d always had. Bucky could see that Steve had all of this anger trapped inside of him, and yet none of it was directed at Bucky, not really. He was mad about the circumstances, about the mess. But he wasn’t mad at Bucky. Fists clenched on the tabletop, Bucky wished that he was. It’d be so much easier for him to write Steve off if he was angry. Another person he’d already disappointed so much, he wouldn’t have to worry about making it worse. But of course Steve wasn’t disappointed in him. For a moment Bucky wondered if Steve was even capable of the feeling.
“I don’t know what you’re lookin’ for,” Bucky finally said, forcing his fists to unclench. “There’s nothing for you here. No reason to keep coming back.”
“I’m not just gonna leave you here.”
“You wouldn’t do that to me,” he argued, knowing that it was the one thing Bucky wouldn’t be able to refute. “I’m with you—”
“Steve,” there was a tremor in Bucky’s voice that hadn’t been there before, “please.” He didn’t know exactly what he was pleading for, but he was doing it anyway.
Before either of them could say anything more, they were told that they needed to wrap it up. Neither of them really knew how long they’d been sitting there. It simultaneously felt like only a few seconds had gone, and that they’d been talking for hours. The heaviness in their words and in their eyes made the minutes seem longer than they were.
“I’ll be back,” Steve said with a definitive nod. He saw Bucky open his mouth to argue and he cut him off before he could even get started. “You can try and send me away, but I’m still going to keep showing up.”
Bucky sighed, running his fingers back through his hair. He knew that there were some arguments that he just wouldn’t be able to win against Steve. This was going to be one of them. “Okay.”
Steve’s shoulders sagged in relief as he stood up from the table. Just knowing that he wasn’t going to constantly be sent away anymore was a win in and of itself. He didn’t know how long it would take to get Bucky to be honest with him about what had happened. He didn’t even know how long the two of them would be doing this for. But he was willing to stick around and figure it out, whether Bucky knew how to handle that or not.
“You’ll be okay,” Steve said, like he was willing it into existence.
Bucky huffed out a quiet chuckle. He wanted to believe it. There was something about the way that Steve spoke that always made you want to buy into whatever it was that he was saying. The optimism that bordered the line of naivety but didn’t quite go over it. Although this time it felt like he was close. Maybe Bucky would’ve felt differently if he didn’t want Steve to be right.
He finally nodded as they came to escort him back. He looked at Steve, trying to muster up something besides the heaviness that was weighing on him. “We’ll be okay.”
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buckybarnesevents · 2 years ago
𝐀𝐥𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐞-𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭
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𝐎𝐍𝐄  |  𝐓𝐖𝐎  |  𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄  |  𝐅𝐎𝐔𝐑  |  𝐅𝐈𝐕𝐄  |  𝐒𝐈𝐗  |  𝐒𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍
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⭑⋆⭑   Perseverance of Love
C1   |   Death AU   |   Grim Reaper!Bucky Barnes x Gifted!F!Reader
TUMBLR   |   AO3
⭑⋆⭑   Go Baby, Go
C2   |   Mechanic AU   |   Mechanic!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Jacks and Sunshine
C3   |   Tattoo AU   |   Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
TUMBLR   |   AO3
⭑⋆⭑   We’re Starvin’, Darlin’
C4   |   First Responder AU   |   Firemen!Stucky x F!Reader
TUMBLR   |   AO3
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⭑⋆⭑   I’m Gunnin’ For You
C1 + C2 + C3 + C4   |   Drifter AU   |   Drifter!Bucky Barnes x Drifter!F!Reader
TUMBLR   |   AO3
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⭑⋆⭑   Honeyed Words of a She Wolf
C1   |   Sculptor AU   |   Artist!Bucky Barnes x Mafia!F!Reader
TUMBLR   |   AO3
⭑⋆⭑   Butterfly’s Wingbeat
C2   |   Personal Trainer AU   |   Personal Trainer!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
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⭑⋆���   Barnes Bed and Breakfast
C3   |   Bed & Breakfast AU
⭑⋆⭑   A Brush of Confidence
C4   |   Makeup Artist AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Makeup Artist!F!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Mischief
C1   |   Kitsune AU
⭑⋆⭑   Blue Sprite
C2   |   Gamer AU
⭑⋆⭑   Doctor’s Orders
C3   |   Doctor AU
⭑⋆⭑   Fit For A King
C4   |   Regency AU
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⭑⋆⭑   Pure of Heart
C1   |   Lumberjack AU   |   Lumberjack!Bucky Barnes x F!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Insatiable Innocence Pt. 1
C2   |   Pornstar AU   |   Pornstar!Bucky Barnes x Innocent!F!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Old Fashioned
C3   |   Writer AU   |   Barista!Bucky Barnes x Writer!F!Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Lachrymose
C4   |   Fantasy AU   |   Dragon Rider!Bucky Barnes x Dragon Rider!F!Reader
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TUMBLR   |   AO3
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⭑⋆⭑   swim for the music that saves you (when you're not so sure you'll survive)
C1   |   Social Media AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   ruin me
C2   |   Dom/sub AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Joaquín Torres
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⭑⋆⭑   i'm the furthest thing from heaven, but the closest to home
C3   |   Guardian Angel AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
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⭑⋆⭑   bulletproof
C4   |   Bodyguard AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Sebastian Stan
TUMBLR   |   AO3
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C4004 ⋆。°✩ SIVAN325
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C4005 ⋆。°✩ STAR
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C4006 ⋆。°✩ SGT-SEABASS
𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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C4007 ⋆。°✩ NAVYBRAT817
⭑⋆⭑   What Dreams Are Made Of
C1   |   Tattoo Shop AU   |   Tattoo Artist!Bucky Barnes x Baker!Female Reader
⭑⋆⭑   In His Hands
C2   |   Modern AU   |   Woodworker!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
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⭑⋆⭑   Epinephrine
C3   |   Adrenaline AU   |   Motocross!Bucky Barnes x Female Reader
⭑⋆⭑   The Animal Within
C4   |   Myth AU   |   Shifter!Bucky Barnes x Shifter!Female Reader
TUMBLR   |   AO3
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⭑⋆⭑   At Last I See
C1   |   Police AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark
C2   |   Soulmates AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   I Want Daddy
C3   |   Music AU   |   Bucky Barnes x Tony Stark
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C4009 ⋆。°✩ LATE-TO-THE-PARTY-81
⭑⋆⭑   Apparently words can hurt me
C1 + C3 + C4   |   Modern + Bookstore + Medical   |   Bookstore Owner!Bucky Barnes x Doctor!Steve Rogers
⭑⋆⭑   Dark Protector
C2   |   Bogeyman AU   |   Bogeyman!Bucky Barnes x Reader
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𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘨𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘶𝘱 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘮𝘶𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘺. ♡
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Graphics & Masterlist made by @rookthorne / @rookthornesartistry
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giftedyoungster3000 · 2 years ago
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@buckybarnesevents June-iverse
Wave of flames
Pre game
Stay with me
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smutconnoisseur · 2 years ago
𝐋𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐌𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧
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Title ⊳ Losing My Religion
Fandom ⊳ Marvel, Captain America
Rating ⊳ E
Pairing ⊳ Priest!James Bucky Barnes x Demon!Nomad! Steve Rogers
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Word Count ⊳ 1.3K
Summary ⊳ A priest must protect his secrets at the cost of his faith while grappling with his own inner demons.
Warnings ⊳ Alternate Universe - Priests, Priest Kink, Demon Steve Rogers, Church Sex, Sacrilegious, Hierophilia, Daddy Kink, Submission, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Feels, Protectiveness, Dom/sub Undertones
Square + Prompt ⊳
@buckybarnesevents | ALTERNATE JUNE-IVERSE! | Prompt Filled: C - 1 Priest | C4014 (2)
@allcapsbingo | Card #AC1094 | Square B - 1 | Prompt: Forbidden Loves
@anyfandomkinkbingo | Square B - 2 | Face Fucking
Also, created for the @slashmultiverse Pride Prompts - Day 24: Salvation
Author's Note ⊳ 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 | Masterlist | AO3
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hannahwritesstuff · 2 years ago
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Juneiverse Connect Four Event Masterlist with @buckybarnesevents​
Smut marked with *
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C1: Boss/Employee
Title: Actions Have Consequences* Ship: Bucky Barnes/Steve Rogers Rating: Explicit Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern, CEO Steve Rogers, Bodyguard Bucky Barnes, Age Difference, Steve is 28 and Bucky is 38, Slight Pet Play, Collars, Sex Toys, Dom/Sub, BDSM, Kneeling, Sir Kink, Blindfolds, Subspace, Punishment, Facefucking, Blowjobs, Shower Blowjobs, Oral Sex Summary: After everyone left the floor at the end of the day, Bucky locked the door to Steve’s office.“Kneel.”Steve pushed away from his desk and walked around it. His knees hit the floor with a thunk. Bucky gripped his chin and titled his head up. Steve could see the tension in Bucky’s jaw and he knew exactly why he was here.He disrespected his dom.
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C2: Mechanic, C3: Football, C4: Single Parent
Title: The Dad and The Coach Ship: Bucky Barnes/Joaquín Torres Rating: Teen (as of now) Tags: Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Mechanic Bucky Barnes, Sports, Bisexual Bucky Barnes, Lesbian Rebecca Barnes, Kid Fic, Age Difference, Angst, Bucky/Joaquin Relationship, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary: A single dad who's a mechanic. A summer sports camp coach. A kid who just wants chicken nuggets. And a meddling sister.What could happen?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (Also know as "The BuckQuin Fic")
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𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 | 𝐉.𝐁.𝐁
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Pairing ❧ Bucky Barnes x Makeup Artist!F!Reader Word Count ❧ 1k Event ❧ @buckybarnesevents Into an Alternate Juneiverse | C4 - Makeup Artist AU | June-iverse Masterlist Warnings ❧ Canon divergence, pet names, fluff, angst, shy!Bucky Author's Note ❧ I didn't mean to make this as angsty as I did, but it happened. Thank you @sgt-seabass for the idea!
It was a routine job – if you discounted the suspicious lack of information and the endless NDAs you had to sign, and you were looking forward to having a high end client. Though, what walked through the door would test every last skill you had.
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From the sheer amount of countless NDA’s you had to sign in order to stand in one of the backstage rooms for one of the largest press rooms you’ve ever seen in your life, you knew the client that was going to walk through the door any moment now, was… Well, they were a big name. 
But, what you weren’t expecting, was for the door to open and to reveal Captain Fucking America standing there in full dress – minus the cowl, looking stony and fiercely protective. Even less expected, was for the Winter Soldier to follow in tow, head bowed slightly and shoulders hunched as his eyes darted around under dark lashes – assessing the room for threats, or, more accurately, escape routes. 
This day just got very interesting. 
“Uh, hi,” you said uselessly. 
Steve looked at you, critically and appraisingly, before he relaxed slightly. “You’re–?”
“Yeah, Pepper said something about helping out today,” you cut in. The expression on Steve’s face pulled taut, as though he was considering something. “And I know to keep my mouth zipped, don’t worry,” you said, speaking more to the shadow standing behind Steve than Steve himself. “I’m cool about it, and I want to help.”
Steve nodded and stepped aside, revealing a spooked Winter Soldier – eyes widening and hands fidgeting. “Buck, this is–”
You held your hand up, and offered your name, a soft smile on your lips. “Do you want to stand or sit for this?”
He glanced between you and Steve, and nodded at the floor. “Stand,” Steve offered, glancing at the makeup chair with disdain. 
“Alright, that’s perfect–come stand over here for me.” You gestured to the middle of the floor. “I’ll get my stool and light set up, and we can start.” Working quickly, though telegraphing every movement, you moved the stepping stool and ring light into the centre of the room. “Oh, what do you want me to call you?”
“Bucky.” The voice was so quiet it was a miracle you had even picked it out amongst the background noises of journalists gathering just down the hall. “Just Bucky.”
“Okay, Bucky,” you said, reaching for your brush belt and pulling free your favourite set. “C’mon, let’s get started. Get you all prettied up for the camera–not that you need the help, you handsome devil.”
Steve snorted lightly, and Bucky’s lips pulled up in a flicker of a smile before he stepped over, standing right where you directed him. 
“I’m gonna start by concealing, and then we’ll move on,” you soothed, pulling free a palette and staring into his face to assess what was needed where – it was true, he was handsome, you wouldn’t deny it. But the flicker of worry in his eyes as he stared at the brushes gave you pause. “Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing, honey–I’ll tell you every step, okay?”
Bucky nodded once, and you saw Steve lean back against the wall from the corner of your eye. 
Muscle memory took over as you dabbed the makeup sponge, and got to work. You filled the silences with stories and funny tales of the workplace – many of which made a twitch of a smile appear on Bucky’s face, or a quiet laugh from Steve.
It wasn’t until you reached the point of covering Bucky’s temple did you become apprehensive. What information you had been allowed provided the bare minimum, but the leak – read: flood – of information by the Black Widow told you all of what you didn’t want to know. This would be hard for him, and you were determined to make it tolerable, at least. 
You pointed at his head, careful to keep your finger a considerable distance. “I’m going to start working there, honey, okay? I want you to breathe deep for me, and I know you won’t hurt me–Steve here’ll make sure of that, alright?”
“Absolutely,” Steve piped up, uncrossing his arms. “You’re good, Buck–I’m right here.”
“See?” You smiled, and Bucky watched you, his gaze flickering slightly in and out of focus – like he was fighting to not disassociate. “You’re fine. Just keep breathing, and look at me,” you continued, pointing at your eyes. “Do you see any intention to hurt you?”
Bucky shook his head slightly. “Exactly,” you whispered. “Just keep looking at me, and lemme work on prettying up this charming face.”
Muscles seized under your touch, but you proceeded slowly, careful to keep your touch light as you dabbed the sponge, and then brushed powder on his skin. You hummed lightly, keeping the tune happy, and you were pleased to find Bucky staring into your face just as you had said, his expression blank, but present. 
“You have pretty eyes, doll,” Bucky mumbled. 
The words made your heart flutter, and you winked at him. “Thank you, darling–yours are even prettier.” Bucky blushed a soft pink, and unbidden, your thumb brushed softly over a raised scar on his cheekbone. “And a good man–I know you’ve got this, honey.”
Silence passed as you worked, only broken by the rustling of fabric when you pulled out and replaced a brush or tool, and before long, Bucky stood in front of you with a small, shy smile on his lips. 
“There we go,” you praised, stepping down off the stool. “You’ll have the ladies falling at your feet now, thanks to my masterful work.”
The words seemed to hit something in his stoicity, and Bucky laughed – laughed, although quiet. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome, honey,” you replied. Brushing your hands together, you stepped back, but Bucky followed you and reached for your hand. “What–?”
Bucky’s lips brushed your knuckles in a tender kiss. “Thank you,” he said again, staring imploringly at you, like he was saying something else.
Realisation dawned on you and ripped the happy feeling from your brain, only to replace it with nausea in the pit of your stomach – he was thanking you for treating him with respect. “It’s okay, I promise. You’re welcome.”
You watched Bucky walk away, head a little higher than what it was when he walked in, and you couldn’t help but realise that maybe – just maybe, a bit of your heart followed him out that door.
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↠  𝐢𝐧𝐛𝐨𝐱 | 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 | 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 | 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲 | 𝐚𝐨���  ↞
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betrayedbycinnamon · 2 years ago
Title: Budding Romance
Author: Ivvic (that's me!)
Ship(s): Winterhawk
Square: C4018 Shop
Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48243289
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buckets-and-trees · 2 years ago
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GAMER: Perfectionists [2.2k] game engineer!Bucky x game tester!reader, explicit smut
BDSM: Talk [2.1k] pleasure!dom Bucky x reader, explicit smut
GENDER BEND: Out of These Waters [7.7k]a mer!Bucky x princess!reader saga
THEIF/CON ARTIST: Buck's Eleven [1.6k] 1960s-era Bucky x ex-wife!reader, references to sexual situations
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