#tf2 dark side of fandom
bonk9999 · 27 days
Ok, i just want to vent about this bc i can't search for fanfictions TF2 related in AO3, i keep finding those gross content about loli/shotacon!mercs...i know it looks simple when they say "you dont like it? Just ignore it" but nah💀
I find it funny how "creative" these sick people are, because when I got deeper into the fandom I knew I could accidentally find the infamous spyscout lurking around fanfic platforms. But I wasn't expecting lolicon content because, come on, it's TF2... there are no underage characters (at least not ones that are part of the main cast)
I opened these stories to regain my faith in humanity (ignoring the horrible reading and going to the comments) I didn't find any hate, yeah, one or another comment along the lines of "seek help" but there were like two(? Idk
I also wanted to know if any of my followers might be donating kudos there, because these idiots loli enjoyers don't even bother to change their usernames on tumblr.
The comment I remember the most because it made me kinda paranoid was one that said something like "my friend blocked me after finding out my tastes :c, I'm going to make revenge p*rn of their OC"
I like to think that most of them are just edgy kids doing some dumb shit on the internet for attention, but they're pretty sure that what they're doing is wrong and sick, and they still show it off with pride...
the stupidest thing? i found one of those people here on tumblr and their bio says they don't ship minor characters *sigh* but man, they love commenting on how excited they are when they read loli/shotacon.
I know this won't stop sick people like this from continuing to write, there are people online who do much worse things, I know, I know, I just wanted to vent about this, because maybe it will help some of you to check your follower list.
I simply do not understand how these people can speak to their families... I hope they discover the shit they write, I'm sure their families would be very disappointed and depressed... I don't know, disgusting
I also hope they never hurt anyone, that's what disturbs me the most...
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blubushie · 7 months
Are there some things you dislike about fans' interpretation of the other mercs?
Yeah uh. This is long so it's under the cut. Whole TF2 fandom boutta be like 2Fort on my arse.
I hate how people make Medic "evil". He's fun and goofy and likes doing experiments and he'll betray the people paying him for the sake of his long-time coworkers who he's mates with. He's not evil, he's not manipulative, outsmarting the LITERAL DEVIL doesn't make you a bad person. There is literally nothing in canon to point to Medic being evil except MAYBE stealing a bloke's spine (coulda been dark humour for all we know) and turning a criminal into a sentient pumpkin, which is something that Engie HELPED HIM DO but no one goes around calling him evil. Medic is chaotic good or chaotic neutral, he is not evil.
The amount of people who are downright racist about Demo, or the amount of people who reduce his addiction to the butt of a joke. There's a lot of shit that I notice. They act like Demo isn't fiercely loyal—look at his relationship to his mum). They act like he's lazy because he's an alcoholic—HE HAS 3 JOBS AND WANTS MORE, HE WASN'T LAZY IN THE COMICS HE WAS DEPRESSED BECAUSE HE LOST ALL HIS MATES. On the other end of the coin, you have people insisting that Demo's alcoholism isn't as bad as it actually is, as if substance abuse is a fucking moral failing and they can't have their blorbo be a bad person by just letting him be the alcoholic he's shown to be in canon.
As an intersex man: do not get me fucking started on the amount of intersex+NB headcanons I've seen of Pyro. People need to realise that like the rest of the human population, most intersex people are cis, that gender is not equivalent to sex, and that EVERY intersex character being non-binary promotes a harmful stereotype. Actually I'll be honest—I side-eye EVERY intersex Pyro headcanon what's made by a perisex person. Most the time they give off massive virtue signal vibes and I really don't like how the second you can't clearly determine someone's gender people immediately go "ah, intersex" like we're all visually androgynous. I also don't like how the person MOST OTHERED ON THE TEAM is always given the intersex headcanon. It doesn't make me feel represented, it makes me feel like everyone already seems me as an other and that's all I'll ever be.
People who act like the pronoun police and insist Pyro's pronouns are they/them. Canonically Pyro is always and consistently referred to as he/him except when he's being dehumanised by his own team and called it. It's cool if you headcanon Pyro as using they/them, just remember it ISN'T CANON and you shouldn't be getting on people's arse about non-canon pronouns. What are you a cop?
On a similar vein, the amount of people who infantilise Pyro. Pyro was literally the CEO OF A COMPANY who was responsible for RECORD PROFITS OF THAT COMPANY. Pyro is an adult. People assume that because Pyro hallucinates or enjoys "childish" things that it means Pyro's a child. Please be fucking normal about mental illness, my god.
People who make Scout transfem for the sole purpose of shipping Scout with Pauling, worse even if they outright make it so that Scout transitioned SPECIFICALLY to hook up with Pauling. You realise that you're enforcing TERF "all transfems are predatory and transition just to get chicks/transfem lesbians are just straight men" rhetoric right? Please tell me you're aware. People who make Scout transfem for reasons beside this (ie you just like transfem Scout) and still hook her up with Pauling for fun, I love you and this post is not about you. <3
People who ignore Medic's likely bisexuality in favour of writing him as a strictly gay male. Bi erasure is fucking real lads. If you have the view that Demo was talking out his arse and didn't actually shag Medic's wife cuz he's not even married, cool ok. I'm talking about the people who insist Medic's wife was his beard.
People who act like the ship police with Pauling's sexuality when her being a lesbian was something mentioned in one tweet on Twitter by Jay, not approved by Valve, and never referenced in the source material (outside of MAYBE how she stared at Zhanna while she was fighting robots, but that facial expression could also be interpreted as impressed or "so horrified she can't look away". Especially when she outright agreed to go on a second date with Scout in Expiration Date. If you headcanon her as a lesbian, cool! Just don't enforce it on other people and give them flak for shipping her with non-women characters. This applies to people aggressively enforcing Medic's sexuality as well. What are you a cop?
How the character people trans the most is the white skinny twink, white skinny otter, or white wolf. Why not Demo? Trans people of colour exist too. I can count the trans Demo headcanons I've seen on one hand. Why not Heavy? Why not Heavy? You know fat trans people exist too right?
My family is southern and half the time people don't know what the fuck goes on down south. Tell me you've never been to a cookout without telling me you've never been to a cookout. They either write him as too northern/coasty and only enforce the "stereotype" southern aspects of him, or they write him as racist/homophobic/transphobic/etc because he's southern. Luckily the latter gets a LOT of pushback on Tumblr so I haven't seen it much, but it's more prevalent on Twitter and fanfic sites.
People conveniently ignoring how Heavy's father was killed and his family was imprisoned by the USSR so they can call him a communist. Lol what. I get that you hate capitalism but you realise there's more options than just capitalism vs communism vs socialism right? That you can hate/dislike communism without also being a capitalist? Heavy would not support communism after what the USSR did to his family in the name of communism because his father was a counter-revolutionary. Also people ignoring WHY Heavy's father was killed, and how his father having different politics got his whole family, including innocent children chucked to a GULAG IN SIBERIA where they were starved and constantly abused by the guards, and how even after their escape the government continued to hunt them with the intent of killing them. He would not be a communist. He probably sees a hammer and sickle in his fucken nightmares.
Spy being evil and an arsehole. You know his schtick is the suave gentleman right? He's cool but he also has to be cringefail. And arsehole is a far cry from a gentleman.
People making Soldier a bigot. Har har I know it's funny to joke about the bloke obsessed with America being a bigot, but do you honestly think he cares enough? He's xenophobic at worst. Everyone is assumed to be American and his best mate is a black Scottish cyclops. Half the time I'm convinced you people want Soldier to be a bigot so you can write bigoted shit and not cop shit cuz it's coming out of his mouth.
Carrying on from prev, the amount of people I've seen use the time setting as an excuse to be bigoted towards the characters. This is ESPECIALLY prevalent where it seems like every story-focussed fic of Demo has a scene where someone is being racist to him and he Heroically Sticks Up For Himself or someone else sticks up for him to show How Much They Don't Care About Being Seen With A Black Man (usually it's Soldier, sometimes it's Sniper). You realise everyone knows racism is bad, right? That that's really not necessary? It wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't in EVERY FIC but it's like the author always needs to proudly claim themselves Not Racist while writing REALLY RACIST SHIT directed at the ONE CONFIRMABLE MAN OF COLOUR on the team just so they can yell "RACISM BAD but here's me jumping at the opportunity to call a man of colour a racial slur".
Well, reckon that about covers her...
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HEYYY love the scenarios you qrite!!! if you do angst, could you do how every merc would react if a teammate they're close with (platonically) died in battle?
How Would the TF2 Mercs React to a Close Teammate Dying In Battle? (Angst!)
Hi, I'm so glad to hear you like my writing 😭 also thank you so much for your ask! I do write angst, but most of the time, I tend to add a little bit of comfort just to keep things from getting too dark. I hope that isn't too big of an issue! But enough rambling, here we go :)
ALSO, I don't know how to explain this, but some of the characters I associate with each other are ones I ship together or are well known ships in the fandom but, I think regardless of shipping, these characters have a close bond as friends and that's how I'm going to write them or at least try! (I hope that makes sense :D)
The mercs had an off feeling from the start. The battle had only begun but the other team we're fighting it was their last battle. All the mercs had at least one wound that would require stitches after the match. Then as the two mercs (whoever's in the head canon) cross paths, and a shot rings out, wounding them fatally.
Demo- If Solider Died:
If he had been drunk when he stepped on the battlefield, he was sure as hell sober now. He immediately runs over to Soldier, fucking panicking like you wouldn't believe. He keeps trying to tell Solider that it's not so bad, that he can pull through, that it'll be okay, all well screaming for Medic to come and help. Soldier just takes his hand away from his wound. Demo tries to fight against him, but Soldier only tells him,
"It was an honor to fight by your side. See you in hell, Tavish." as he goes limp on the ground. Medic eventually makes his way to where the two lay, looking rather battered himself, and is immediately cornered by an enraged Demo.
"Can you fix this? Can you bring him back?" He says, trying his hardest not to break. Medic says he can, "Then fucking do it." is the only reply from Demo as he walks onto the field, forgoing his weapons. Fully intent on ripping the other team apart, limb from limb, with only his bare hands.
Engie- If Pyro died
Engie never thought that you could see the light leave from someone's spirit, he thought you could only see it in their eyes, which was why he was half thankful Pyro wore the gas mask, he didn't want to think about Pyro dying, but it crossed his mind on more than one occasion, and he just kept thinking that maybe, if he didn't see the light leave their eyes, that it wouldn't hurt as much in the event that something tragic happened. He couldn't have been more fucking wrong. Pyro crumpled to the floor, blood staining the ground under them, taking shallow breaths, Engie swears that even though the bullet hit and killed Pyro that day, it also killed him. He immediately ran over, trying to find the wound to see how bad it was, hoping somehow it wouldn't be as bad as he thought. He received no such comfort. Pyro just reached for his hand, sqeezing it tightly, before moving a hand to their mask, pulling it off their face slightly, just enough to mutter the words,
"I'll miss you. You were my best friend." Engie would fix their mask out of respect before carrying them to Medic. The ground was coated in blood by the end of the match. You couldn't step in any corner without feeling the ground squish beneath your feet. And yet, still sitting on the battlefield, even after all the blood shed, Engie sat in the spot where Pyro died, trying to look for the light that had been lost.
Heavy- If Medic died
Instant rage. Like flipping a switch, all hell breaks loose. With no Medic to heal, well, Medic, Heavy makes quick work of killing the enemy team, not worrying about the multiple wounds he was receiving while doing so. He only spares the other teams Medic, spewing every threat imaginable at him if he doesn't heal his teams Medic. The other team's Medic, for his part, is trying his hardest. Knowing full well that Heavy will uphold the threats, he tries and fails. The damage is too severe, the blood is gone, soaked into the ground, and he can't undo what's been done. (He's nowhere near as good of a doctor as Medic) Heavy doesn't kill him. He sees no need anymore. His death won't fix what happened, and he tried, he held up his end of their "deal," so to speak. He sits next to Medic's body, apologies slipping out every now and then, apologies for not doing his job, for not protecting him. It was his fault his friend died, and he has to live with that forever.
Medic- If Heavy died
He knows, in his mind, that death isn't permanent, so he reasonably shouldn't be worried, but he is. He's worried, devastated, angry, and he's feeling more emotions than he ever thought a person could feel. He runs to Heavy's side, comforting him, knowing already that the wounds are too grave to be healed. He can only just be with him now. He's speaking a mile a minute, assuring Heavy that this isn't the end. He can and will bring him back, apologizing in between reassurance for not being able to heal him, not being able to stop the pain, apologizing for anything and everything. Heavy cuts him off,
"I trust you, Doktor. I believe in you, I will see you again, my friend. Goodbye for now." Medic didn't even realize he was crying until he felt his tears on his pants. Medic could and would have killed the other team, but he ordered his teammates to keep them alive, just make it so they can't escape. Screaming, begging, and cries to God would be heard from the medbay for months.
Scout- If Sniper died
Sniper wasn't even supposed to be there. He was supposed to be anywhere else. But he was there, and he was dying. Scout ran to his side, trying to find the wound, his basic first aid skills kicking in as he applied pressure wherever the blood was coming from, while yelling for Medic like he's never yelled before. Sniper just chuckled,
"What are you laughing at, I'm trying to help!" Sniper just pulls Scout's hand away and shows him the blood staining his hand and tape, and pointing to the blood pooling around the wound.
"It's no use." Scout just kept murmuring the word no. Sniper pulled out his keys with great struggle and placed them in Scout's hand, "Take care of the van for me, would ya?" Giving him a weary smile before letting out one last breath. His bat looked painted by the end of the day. Washed off his bat and then just sat in the van after picking up Snipers rifle and hat, putting them back in their rightful place. The van had never felt so empty and cold.
Scout- If Spy died (Scout thinks Spy is his dad but has no proof)
Scout felt a deep pain seeing Spy be shot down in front of his eyes, an unexplainable pain. He'd seen everyone on his team get hurt at least once, but somewhere deep in his gut, he knew that nothing about this was normal. He ran over to Spy, pulling off his coat and trying to find the wound, Spy just tried to shoo him off.
"Just let me die alone, Scout. I don't deserve to die in company, let alone yours." Scout is taken aback, utterly confused, and angry.
"Spy, I ain't letting you die alone. I'm not letting you die, period. I know we don't always get along, but I care about you, so I'm not leaving." He goes back to trying to find the wound, yelling for Medic to come and help. Spy just looks at Scout, flashes of all the things he never got to have or ever will have haunt him in his final moments, but Scout's willingness to get him help, or even just stay with him, heals something inside Spy. He reaches out, grabbing hold of Scout's arm, saying one final goodbye to the boy he wish he would have raised,
"I've always been proud of you, Scout. je t'aime mon fils, au revoir." (I love you, my son, goodbye)
The words hit Scout deeper than Spy could ever know. Assuming he was saying something to Scout, that would make no sense, but Scout understood French well enough to reply to the dead man.
"J'aurais aimé que tu puisses dire ça avant, au revoir papa." (I wish you could have said that before, goodbye dad.) Scout let his pain be known through the slaughter on the battlefield that day.
Sniper- if Scout died
Instantly concerned at Scout's expression when he's hit. His face goes from his normal smiling and joking (albeit with a concerned look shining through from time to time) to a face of pure shock and terror. He runs over to Scout as quickly as he can, asking him questions to try and figure out how best to help him.
"Snipes, it's no good," He's coughing when he speaks, and his sentences are getting softer, "I think this is it for me." Sniper can't say anything. He just holds Scout's hand. Wishing he could find the words to express his fear of losing the bond he and Scout had built over the years. Expressing anything other than pained silence. Scout seemed to pick up on this, letting out one last quip, "Don't beat yourself up for not having any words, I don't think anyone could describe me. I'll miss you Snipes, make everyone else's lives hell for me, okay?" Sniper went cold, picking up his rifle, storming off to the best point he could find, and littered the battlefield with bits of brains and skull.
Spy- if Scout died (Scout knows that Spy is his dad)
Guilt riddled the second he saw Scout fall to the ground. Spy had gotten into a natural habit of protecting Scout from most dangers, claiming each time that Scout was just lucky he happened to be around. But to see Scout be struck down because Spy was unable to protect him and made feelings well up in him that he had tried to bury. He ran to Scout's aid, attempting to help in any way he could, taking off his coat to soak up blood as well as using it to partially pact the wound, Scout let out a soft laugh,
"You'd really ruin your fancy coat for me?" Meant in jest, the joke hit Spy harder than it should have. Wondering if Scout really had doubts on if Spy would sacrifice his life for something as trivial as clothes. Scout saw the look cross Spy's face but didn't have the words to answer the questions floating around in Spy's mind. Scout just reached a hand out to Spy,
"It'll be alright, just uh," his voice breaks a little bit as he asks. "Tell Ma, I love her. She'll love to hear from you again and give here these. He says, handing over his dog tags. Spy looks shocked, wanting to ask when he found out, but Scout was gone before the words left his mouth. The battlefield will never be the same again, stained with corpses and blood. His butterfly knife will never be the same again.
Solider- if Demo died
Soldier never thought he'd see the day where Demoman would fall to the ground. His friend was so strong, so powerful, nothing could stop him. But there he was, on the ground, blood staining the dirt, and Soldier found himself being truly scared for the first time. He runs faster than he's ever ran before, getting to his side in an instant. He doesn't know what to say. He doesn't know what to do. He calls for Medic. Trying to somehow comfort Demo. He's never been good with words, wants to express. He knows how much this friendship means to both of them, how deeply they care for each other, he wants to explain this all, to make it known, but all he can say is,
"You're a strong man Demo, this little bullet wound won't take you down!" Demo just gives him a small smile.
"I don't think I'm coming back from this one, lad."
"Don't say that. It won't take you down. This can't take you down!" Demo just extends a hand, hugging Soldier before going limp in his arms. The battle wasn't the same after that. Men wept out of fear, seeing the carnage, knowing they were next to be slaughtered. The battlefield was covered in flesh and bone by nightfall, and he still wasn't done inflicting damage on the ones who took his friend from him.
Pyro- if Engie died
They go numb. All the color drains from the world around them as they find themselves by Engie's side, heartbroken. Their friend, someone they've come to trust, and have a deep bond with, the only person that they believe can truly understand them is ripped away from them. Engie only looks up at Pyro with a sad face,
"I'll miss you partner, you were the best friend a guy coulda asked for. I was lucky to have you in my life." Tears well up in Pyro's mask, dropping out when they pull the mask off, just enough to be able to speak.
"Please don't leave." Engie raises a hand to their face, wiping away some of the tears.
"I don't think I have much of a choice in the matter. Don't worry though, we'll meet again one day, I'll make sure of it."
The body goes limp in Pyro's arms. The battlefield was scorched. Nothing was left by the time Pyro was finished with it. Only the other nine mercs, the ones who killed Pyro's friend, failing to find a place amidst the fire and ash. Finding themselves at the end of Pyro's flame thrower, pleading for anyone else to come kill them. No one listened. Scorched earth and nine piles of ashes were all that was left as night fell.
Aftermath! (Short Happy Ending)
Medic managed to revive each merc after hours of tinkering with their corpses, trying every imaginable (and unimaginable) way to resurrect them. He won't tell anyone how he did it, but no one really cares too much. Tears and hugs are shed from many grown people that day <3
(Uh, if you're wondering how Medic came back, the Devil probably just didn't feel like dealing with him and sent him back lmao)
Hell, hath no fury like a man who just lost his best friend.
Oops, I had to give Scout two because I originally had no one who cared that Spy died lmao. Anyways, I hope you like this Anon, sorry it took way too long to write. I uh didn't think it would be this long 😭
Silly little word count just for funsies: 2337 words, and it clocks in at nine pages in times new roman 12pt font double spaced, just incase you were wondering.
I. Am. Exhausted.
This took at least 4 hours. I'm not complaining, but like Goddamn. New post tomorrow, hopefully.
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dinanikto · 9 months
The characterization of tf2 characters is very interesting to me. Especially Demoman and Soldier.
At first, all, and i mean ALL of them were just a hyperbola of fiction tropes.
Crazy evil german doctor. Big, angry and stupid giant (who is also a strong russian). Patriotic Ammmmmmerican 🦅🦅. Elegant french guy that fucks every woman he sees just because he can. Warm and kind Texan. A boy that plays boyish balls games and runs fast. Drunk scottish lad that blows things and speaks weird english.
And it was okay. TF2 was a game first. But as the time has gone on, it evolved. It needed its characters to grow. Especially Medic, who was specified to be too young to be a n@zi. He's actually very open now, childish even, and smiles so wide when he sees his friends it's creepy.
Or a french guy, that actually smells, and has left his newborn child with his mother and seven brothers. Just because he was scared.
Or texan that is actually evil and doesn't care a bit about ethics, his co-workers, his friends and even family legacy. The guy that is comically smart, and seeks nothing but more knowledge.
Or Heavy, that is actually very very not stupid (guys listen he has a PhD in uhhhh... russian literature?? guys did you hear it please don't be mad at us, him being a dumb-dumb was just a joke please).
As you might know, Valve (and fandom) have its favorites. For example, Spy is Gabe Newell's favorite class! So it seems only logical that he got the most character growth, even if he became a horrible person. He's nuanced, he has a backstory, and Valve is not afraid to show his dark side.
At last, we have Demo and Soldier. They are complete opposites in the way their stories were handled, yet they are pretty similar.
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First and foremost, Demo is a black guy. If creators were to lean in the fact that he blows people, drinks a lot, can't make two coherent sentences, is heavily depressed, it would paint a BAD reputation for Valve. And even without the reputation thing, they wouldn't want to make anything that paints an only non-white person in the series as "haha he's bad and worthless" guy.
So, instead of helping character grow forward, they gave him a "backstory ". I won't be reciting it here, i suppose you all know how grand and unique it is. What I want you to keep in mind right now - is that Valve were AFRAID to make Demo look bad. They tried to make him badass, you can clearly see it in how they handle his character in the Halloween comic. No gibberish, no nothing.
And then they just forgot it. Like yeah, he's rich, he has a mother, so? Almost every merc is the same. Valve made Demo so boring that they don't know what to do with him anymore. And fans don't know either!
On the other hand, Soldier has no backstory. Well, he has, but it's so silly you just can't take it seriously. And yet, it makes him admirable.
He has no mother, no father, no friends besides his co-workers. He constantly does things so atrocious it makes other mercs worry about his (and theirs) well-being.
He's crazy. He shoots his legs with bombs. He fights people with a shovel. He's xenophobic, but actually he's not and is just confused as to what he's supposed to think. He sews his hands back because they keep falling off. He's loyal to no end. His roommate is a wizard. That wizard hates him. He's a bad guy, and he's bad at being bad.
Soldier is so much, yet he has nothing behind his back. Demo is nothing, yet his back is so heavy he barely walks.
Maybe we need to let Demo be silly. Be weird. Be bad. Be wrong.
Let Demo be fun.
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bcdrawsandwrites · 4 months
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[ID: A Team Fortress 2 fanfic chapter banner in the style of the achievement icons. Pyro stands against a dark background in front of a very large, stylized bonfire. Its body is turned to the side, facing more toward the fire with its back more to the viewer, while it looks back toward the viewer. Pyro's form gray and backlit by the fire. Its lenses are the same orange as the fire. The logs at the base of the fire are yellow-white. The entire image is flipped 90 degrees on its side. On the left is the chapter title in yellow-white text on a transparent gray rectangle. The text reads "CHAPTER FIVE: CAMP FIRE" /end ID]
Fandom: Team Fortress 2 Rating: K+ Genre: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship Characters: Spy, Pyro, Sniper, Demo, Soldier, Scout, plus others in smaller roles Warnings: General references to trauma, TF2-typical violence Fic Description: After the events of the comics, the mercs try to go back to how things were, but it’s never that easy.
Spy can see his teammates going through their own struggles… but something seems to be very, very wrong with Pyro in particular.
And since no one else seems to be doing anything about this, Spy makes it his mission to get to the bottom of what is troubling Pyro. For no particular reason. Beta Readers: @mechmolar, @gonturan0, @junuve
Chapter 5: Camp Fire Summary: In which Pyro starts a fire.
"The cart is supposed to move forward!"
"Oh, really? Yeah? Woulda' never guessed! Not like we've been tryin' to do that for the past six hours now!"
Growling, Spy flipped open his disguise kit, grabbed air, and sighed heavily at the reminder that he'd run out of cigarettes. While the earlier break he'd taken, resting cloaked in spawn, had eased the stress of the situation slightly, his body still craved nicotine. And food. And aspirin.
When was this hellish match going to end?
Of course, he knew the answer, and hurried up to the cart, pushing against it to stop it from wheeling backward. But as they were on a slope, gravity was not on his side, and the bomb pushed back against him. "Scout—" he began, only to realize Scout had already run off in pursuit of the enemy.
"'M not Scout, buh I c'n give ya a hand," came Demo's slurred voice, followed by a belch, and the shattering of glass. He appeared at Spy's left side, throwing his own weight against the cart.
Spy glanced back at the shattered bottle of scrumpy behind them and suspected the Demo might be using the cart to keep his own balance, but bit back the urge to comment on it. So long as they finished this stupid match, he did not care.
Slowly they coaxed the cart up the hill, and tension left his shoulders both from physical and mental relief as the track finally leveled out, and they no longer had to fight gravity. They were growing tantalizingly closer to the final lift. Maybe this time would be it, they would reach the final terminus and end this awful—
A shot rang through the already noisy battlefield, and Demo screamed, his legs buckling.
"Mon dieu!" Spy shouted, seeing the blood cascade from Demo's left thigh, and looked up to see the enemy sniper on the tower across from them. He was reloading his rifle, but even from here Spy could see the man's hands shaking—that would've been a headshot, had it not been for the attacker's exhaustion. Said exhaustion was also making him fumble with his own bullets. A very small advantage to the race going on for as long as it had—the enemy was just as exhausted as they.
Grimacing, Spy tapped Demo on the shoulder. "Try to keep going," he whispered. "I'll take care of the sniper." Releasing the cart, he hurried around it, only to stop dead at the sight of the BLU heavy standing directly in his path. "Merde."
Stars exploded in his vision, and he found himself on the ground with what was sure to become a brilliant bruise on his left eye. Before he could say another word, he was yanked to his feet.
"Push that cart, men! That's an order!" Soldier growled, shoving Spy next to the sobbing, limping Demo and joining them at the cart. The enemy heavy had been knocked off his feet—probably from a hit from the rocket launcher Soldier was slinging back over his shoulder—and was off the track.
"Oui," Spy mumbled, blinking wearily. The cart was swimming in front of him, but he threw himself into pushing it forward, willing this agony to come to an end. A glance at Soldier told him that the merc wasn't looking much better himself, but Soldier was always the last to let his injuries get to him. The cart was at least moving somewhat faster, and—
Soldier's helmet clanged against the bomb as he stumbled into the cart with an animal-like growl, nearly drowned out by the enemy scout's taunting laughter. "Keep... pushing...!"
Demo's bad leg buckled again, and he gripped hard onto the cart, letting out a wail: "MEDIC!"
Squinting, Spy looked back, barely managing to spot their Medic stumbling toward them from the far edge of the field. Meanwhile, the BLU scout joined the heavy, as well as an enemy soldier, and the sniper had surely reloaded his rifle by this point. There was no way they were going to make it.
Spy shut his eyes, hoping their death and respawn would at least be a quick one.
It was not.
In fact, it didn't come at all.
There was a noisy sloshing followed by a hollow metal bounce, and a few cries of confusion from the enemy mercs. This was then followed by a soft click, and Spy opened his eyes just in time to witness the BLU mercs erupt into a fiery blaze. They ran screaming off the building to their agonizing deaths, revealing Pyro standing behind them, tilting its head.
Spy laughed, nearly collapsing against the cart as Pyro joined them, silently pushing it onto the lift.
"Excellent work, Pyro!" Medic gasped as he scrambled onto the lift, turning his medi gun onto the others, much to their relief.
The Pyro nodded.
"Did we... make it...?" Demo mumbled, looking down below the lift. He would have fallen had Soldier not grabbed his arm.
"Just about." Spy watched as the respawned BLU scout scurried up one of the towers and leaped toward them, but the Pyro merely lifted its flamethrower, letting out a powerful air blast that sent the scout sailing backward and crashing into the tower. Looking back at the lift, Spy grimaced upon noting that they were nearing the top. "Well, gentlemen. See you on the other side."
Finally the elevator stopped, and the mercs exchanged pained, yet relieved, glances. It was the last thing they saw before their vision was replaced with a blinding light, and a deafening explosion roared in their ears.
The deafening roar after the match was from the mercs themselves.
In spite of their exhaustion, everyone cheered and whooped and howled as they returned to their vehicles. They were traveling in the dark, after how long the match had lasted, but none of them complained. Pyro took the lead, keeping the pilot light on its flamethrower lit and occasionally emphasizing it with a burst of flame to light their way. Normally the behavior would turn the rest of the mercs away, but not tonight.
"Excellent work, private!" Soldier exclaimed, giving the Pyro's shoulder a hearty punch. While before Pyro had been startled at any contact, it did not flinch.
Demo slurred something completely unintelligible, but evidently in agreement. He slung his arm around Pyro, leaning against it.
"Can't believe I'm sayin' this, but you saved the day, there," Scout said, stretching his arms as he walked.
Even Spy couldn't keep quiet, and shrugged. "I'm not easily impressed, but... that was a fine show." He stiffened when Pyro looked back at him, its blank lenses unreadable, but it only turned forward again.
Others shared their agreement with various hoots and hollers, which did not stop when they finally arrived back at their hidden vehicles, and later, at their base. If anything, they kept up for several hours as Scout called for a pizza delivery and Sniper—who had stopped briefly in town—arrived with beer. No one turned down the opportunity to celebrate a hard-won victory.
Not even Pyro.
Spy had fully expected it to sulk off to its room again, but this time it remained during the festivities, sitting quietly off to one side of the mess hall. Occasionally it was approached by other teammates, who thanked it for helping them end that hellish match, and Spy, at one point, glanced over to find that it had been given a can of beer and a few slices of pizza on a greasy plate. Later, the food and drink were gone; if it had consumed the items, Spy hadn't witnessed it.
The party could only last for so long, and soon Heavy was nodding off at the table, Demo had passed out (more from exhaustion than alcohol consumption), Sniper had slunk off to his van, and one by one the others retreated to their quarters. Spy would hit the shower first, but as he left, he spotted Pyro calmly heading back to its own room, and he hummed in interest.
He still didn't know what had happened to it, back when they were in the hands of the enemy mercs at Gray Mann's base, but maybe that didn't matter now. As the Engineer had proposed, it indeed seemed to be coming around.
Spy shook his head.
Maybe it was time to abandon this silly mission.
The battle was deafening.
Screaming, gunfire, clashes of metal, explosions, and over everything else rang distorted music that he could not make out. An enemy disorientation tactic, perhaps?
If so, it was working. He kept rushing through the field, and yet he could not find his teammates or the enemies. Acrid smoke filled the air and his lungs, making navigation near-impossible. Even when it cleared slightly, he kept finding himself in impossibly different places—a cave, outdoors, a base, a courtroom. The battle always sounded as though it were around the corner, yet he could not find it.
At the same time, he wasn't ready. He needed to be cloaked or disguised, but every time he looked down, he was himself, exposed, out in the open. So he would cloak or disguise himself again, only for it to wear off faster than he could comprehend.
The battle was deafening. It was close. He was not ready.
He turned and ran in a different direction, trudging through knee-deep water he didn't remember encountering.
Red stood out within the gray water, and he gave a start at seeing Tavish lying against a wall, his face pale, the red coming from more than just his uniform.
Abruptly he remembered there was no respawn here.
Without a second thought he reached down, helping Tavish up to limp alongside him. He was mumbling dazed nonsense, but he caught something intelligible among the gibberish:
"You're carryin' somethin'... heavy..."
"No kidding," he growled, only for Tavish to fall limp against him. His own body seized up and he quickly adjusted his grip so as to not drop him. "No. Stay awake, Tavish." He turned him to get a better look at him, but the man's skin was pale, impossibly so for his complexion. How could it be so—
Tavish's head tipped back, and it suddenly was not Tavish.
It was Jer—
Spy awoke with a jolt, scrambling in his bed for a moment before realizing he was holding one of his own pillows.
A headache pounded behind his eyes as he sat up, squinting at the room around him. In the dim light, his eyes could barely make out a shelf with a few books on one wall, a full-length mirror, and a desk with a nice leather chair—his room in the barracks, not his house. No light came through the window, and a glance at a nearby clock told him it was four in the morning. This wasn’t exactly where he'd prefer to be when recovering from a hangover, but he wasn't about to head back home in the middle of the night. Even so, he wasn't about to go back to sleep with a headache like this, and his tongue was clinging irritably to the roof of his mouth.
With a groan, he slid out of bed, slipping into his usual balaclava and gloves, as well as a comfortable robe and slippers before creeping out of his room and into the barracks hallway. The doors muffled snores from a few of the sleeping mercs, and occasionally a nonsensical mumble made its way out of one of the rooms, but nothing indicating that anyone else was awake. Good.
As Spy made his way down the stairs and into the mess hall, his foggy, headache-addled mind still echoed with the cacophony of battle—memories of the day prior, or perhaps echoes of his nightmare. He shuddered, and nearly tripped over a chair that hadn't been shoved back under the table—the whole room was in disarray, it seemed. Shaking his head, he passed through the mess hall and into the moonlit kitchen, where he threw open a cabinet in search of painkillers. No need to focus on those nightmares. He just needed some water and aspirin. And a cigarette.
He soon found the bottle, and washed a few pills down with a bottle of water from the fridge. (He was tired, but not so tired as to accidentally give himself lead poisoning.) But even as the water and aspirin worked to clear his mind, he could not rid it of the roar of the battle, or the vision of Scout's pale face—
Gunshots rang out through the night, and Spy abruptly realized the roaring was not in his head.
Heart pounding, he scrambled for the door—which he found already open—and reached for a pistol concealed in an inner pocket of his robes. Upon stepping outside, he immediately identified part of the source of the noise: a large bonfire piled up a short distance from the base. He was confident he knew what had started that, but as for the gunshot...
Scanning the desert landscape, he spotted Sniper in front of his van, holding his SMG limply off to one side. Spy crossed the distance as quickly as his slippers would allow, cursing the fact that he hadn't changed into his usual outfit before leaving the room. Upon reaching the van, however, he immediately noticed the autopsy scars that riddled Sniper's bare chest, which yanked his mind back to territory he was very, very much past at this point. At least Sniper was wearing boxers this time. The Sniper did not look up at Spy's approach, however; his gaze was fixed on the ground.
Spy cleared his throat, returning his pistol to his robes. "Mun-dee?" he asked, and Sniper raised his head. His eyes were wide, his face pale. "What happened?"
"Woke up to somethin' tryin' to steal my tires," Sniper said, gesturing vaguely to his truck before looking back at the ground. "Wasn't expectin' it to be..."
Spy followed his gaze to a spot on the ground where a small pool of blood was still soaking into the dirt. There was no corpse. "...Respawn?" he guessed. Hoped.
Sniper nodded slowly. "Headshot. I feel bad for the poor bugger, but I..." He grit his teeth and shook his head. "I didn't recognize the bloody thing! Usually I'll hear it hummin' or mumbling something, but it's been—"
"Silent," Spy finished, sighing. "I've yet to figure out its behavior myself."
Raising his head, Sniper frowned. "Well, here's your chance."
Spy looked back toward the base to find Pyro, in its usual outfit, marching toward the bonfire, a wooden chair in its arms—one of the ones from the mess hall, in fact. Upon reaching the fire, it slammed the chair into the ground, shattering it, and with sharp, agitated movements tossed the broken pieces into the fire. It stared at its work, wringing its hands, then began to pace before the flames, back and forth, looking repeatedly from the fire to the ground.
"It must've been at this all night," Sniper remarked. "Guess that party wasn't enough for it."
"I'm not so sure that's what's happening," Spy said, brow furrowing. He watched as the Pyro finally stopped, holding its head in its hands, almost seeming to claw at itself. Though he couldn't tell from this distance, he was willing to bet it was also trembling. "It doesn't seem to be celebrating."
Just as he took a step toward the fire, the Pyro threw its hands down and charged back into the base.
By this point, some of the other mercs had woken up as well: Demo was leaning out his window from the second floor, scratching his head at the blaze outside, and Soldier was shouting somewhere in the building, no doubt waking even more of them. He chased out Pyro, who was now carrying a cushion from a lounge chair. "Turn that blazing beacon off, maggot! No one wakes up the rest of the team before I play reveille!"
Pyro ignored him, running up to the bonfire and chucking the cushion onto it.
Spy approached Pyro as calmly as possible, keeping his distance from the flames. "As much as I shudder to agree with him, he's at least partially right." When the Pyro's head snapped toward him, he gestured toward the fire. "This signal fire you've created is making it hard for everyone to sleep. Not to mention, you're destroying half the base to create it."
For a few seconds Pyro stared at him, and then pointed at the fire, its finger inches from the flames. Its whole form was backlit in a hellish orange glow.
"Yes, that fire." Spy bit back the urge to spit insults or sarcasm. "You can play with fire somewhere else, and burn things other than other people's—er—" And he broke off as the Pyro took several quick strides toward him. While normally quite agile, he found his foot catching on the back of his expensive robes when he tried to back away.
Pyro lunged at him, grabbing him by the wrists and yanking him closer to the fire.
"Let go of me!" Spy cried, struggling against the creature's grip. "Unhand me, you mute freak!"
But Pyro did not oblige, only pulling him closer. Its breathing was heavy and ragged.
The smoke burned his eyes, and a few embers were getting dangerously close to his robes. Desperately he kicked at his attacker, to no avail, and his thoughts were suddenly consumed with how long it would take for him to burn to death atop that bonfire. "L-let me go—help—help!"
A large hand clapped against his shoulder, and another grabbed the Pyro's wrist.
"Pyro lets Spy go. Now."
Relief coursed through Spy's veins as he looked up at the Heavy. His ridiculous red pajamas did not lessen the effect of his hardened stare, which was focused on Pyro.
Pyro shook its head.
Heavy's hand tightened against its wrist. "Now."
Though Pyro relented, releasing Spy, it immediately turned its attention on Heavy, grabbing at him in quick, furious motions. In response, Heavy lifted Pyro off the ground, holding it up at an arm's length while it writhed and clawed at the air with its free hand.
"Merci," Spy breathed, holding up the hem of his robes and taking several steps back from the fire. He rubbed at his wrists.
Heavy merely grunted, still watching Pyro's squirming. It took what felt like far too long for Pyro to finally give in, hanging limp in Heavy's grasp. When it did so, Heavy tilted his head. "Pyro will behave?"
It nodded lamely.
Finally Heavy set the Pyro down and took a step back. It stood still, arms limp at its sides, head hanging.
Spy took a few more steps back, glancing toward the base and trying to judge how long it would take him to sprint back toward it in his slippers.
Slowly, slowly Pyro lifted its head, facing Spy once again, and began to walk toward him.
Spy looked up at the Heavy in alarm, but Heavy stayed put, crossing his arms.
Pyro's movements were sluggish as it approached, and its hands trembled as it reached for him. Though Spy cried out and tried to back away, it did not grab his wrists again, or try to pull him toward the flames. Instead, it grabbed his shoulders firmly, and lowered its head, burying it into Spy's chest.
It was shaking.
"Um..." Spy stared down at the Pyro. "What?"
"If Heavy were to guess," Heavy said, cocking his head, "Pyro is asking Spy for help."
He looked up at Heavy desperately. "Why me?"
Heavy shrugged. "You were first to notice, da?"
Spy blinked, and looked back down at Pyro. It had not moved, but its trembling had intensified, and once again he could hear its breath, which was hitching and shuddering.
Awkwardly he reached a hand around, and placed it on the Pyro's back.
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mehidktbh · 2 years
Pairing: Dr. Ludwig "Medic" Humboldt x Fem!Reader
Summary: Getting hurt on the field leads you to take a trip down to Medic's lab in hopes of a quick recovery. Only to get more than what you expected.
Warning: Blood, mentions of fainting and nausea, serious injury...?, talk of bone, swearing, bad german translations, nakedness???, the reader takes their shirt off and some sexual tension ;)
A/N: Why am I suddenly getting into tf2 again? I mean after years of knowing the game why does the hyper-fixation come back after everything,,, (Anyway let's just hope the fandom isn't that dead) 👀
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A soft murmuring surrounds you, your eyelids closing every once in a while as you sit back. Your palm supports your head as you try to stay awake. Unknowingly knowing that you are full-on staring at Solider ahead, he sat opposite you on the other side of the room. The more time passes as you sit amongst multiple (injured) men, some more severe than others as they clutch themselves into a puddle of agony. All you got out of today's battle was a nice old spy knife in the back. Taken out previously by you and now all that was left was a gash, dripping and leaking of blood.
But the loud sound of the lab door awaken you out of your slumped-over state, merely wiping off the drool that had only appeared under your mouth. "Thanks, Doc!" Scout walked out happily, his cheerful mood was something everyone was looking forward to. Instead, he showed off his new bandages. And feeling no pain was something everyone wanted...
Just before you could dip your head down back into your half-asleep state the sound of Medic clearing his throat scared you again. Looking up to see him, his straight posture and evil smirk were too well-known, as his eyes drifted to you as he proudly spoke. "Y/N?" You quickly fumbled getting up from your comfortable position of being in that chair for so long, swearing under every step you took until the doors shut behind you.
"Wieder von hinten erstochen?" You turn to Medic, confused and staring into his eyes as you tried to understand what he just said. "Spy, again?" He said more clearly, turning around as he began to get his equipment together. "Ha, yeah..." You said, standing there awkwardly as you tried to laugh dryly too. Looking around the room, a single bed creepily welcomed you to lie down. But the dark red blood spots that littered the white sheet told you otherwise. Medic looked up, eyeing you from head to toe before smirking.
"Vell, take your zhirt off." Looking over to him he had his back turned to you. Thank God. A bit of respect was something you appreciated out of Medic when it came to you, though he didn't with the other mercs...
So you quickly discarded of your red shirt, of course feeling the sense of discomfort and embarrassment instantly rose to your head and body. Trembly hands, the feeling of fainting and vomiting all over the tilted floors were flooding your mind. But you didn't have any time to act on them as you were soon ushed to sit down on the bed. Medic's hands came out to lightly push you down, the feeling of his latex gloves was cold but comforting.
His tongue ticked against his teeth, as he swore in German, though you couldn't see him you could feel his hot breath tickling your neck. The strong feeling of his eyes staring daggers at every part of your back, not to mention the slight ranking of his fingers down your bare skin too. After a while of sitting in such an uncomfortable position for what felt like an eternity, Medic sighed. The sound of him dropping the tool back into the dish meant it was over.
"Is it done?" You questioned, looking back for a second, swallowing the amount of swelling you could still feel. "Nein. I still need to wrap you up," He walked around, grabbing a roll of bandages, his whole hand swallowing it up. "Coo!" "Precisely Archimedes." As he walked back to his original spot behind you his hands reached out, directing you to sit up straight with your hands raised. You watched as his fingers rank up and down your whole chest, as he pulled more on the roll of bandages.
Your eyes stalked him as his hand suddenly appeared in front of you. His chest was right up against your back as he was trying to get a clear view of what he was doing in front. Grazing and still trying to be respectful as he slowly and carefully wrapped the bandages around your bra. His fingers just touching your breasts through the material before he finally stopped.
"Alles erledigt!"
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some-pers0n · 1 year
i watched emesis blue, very good, please ramble about it to me
You watched it??? That's so cool!! I'm so glad I was able to infect you and harass you into watching it by reblogging every single thing even tangentially related to it.
So, for the rambling part. Yeah. I'll probably just say first and foremost that Emesis Blue is probably my favourite thing to come out of this fandom. I can barely even begin to describe my love for this movie. It's something I wish goes down not just in TF2 history, but fandom in general as an example of how great fan content can be. It takes the mercs and throws them into a situation that I can only describe as 'nightmarish'.
That's another thing too. I remember once seeing a person describe the movie as a nightmare. I can't honestly think of a better description. It radiates this nonstop uneasiness and dread. No joke, the entire time I watched it I had this constant feeling of pressure in my chest. Even just thinking about Emesis Blue or the scenes in it brings it back. It's harder to breathe and I'm more alert.
I'm a horror enjoyer. I love horror. I've consumed a lot of horror.
Never has a piece of media created a feeling like that for me. The only thing that comes close is 'The Descent', which uses a similar tactic of darkness and constant dread.
But, if I go on more, I'll dip into spoiler territory. I cannot say it enough that watching this movie blind is the best experience. So, yeah. If by some means you haven't watched Emesis Blue, please do it. I know it's a horror movie and not a lot of people are into those, but I can't stress just how good it is. Please. It's free. You can watch it right now on YouYube.
Also, quick note. I was rewatching the movie while writing this and found your comment. Epic. My thoughts exactly as well.
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So, let's start with me admitting something: I have not a single idea as to what's happening. I need a hour long story breakdown of this movie.
But, I can try to piece things together. In order to lay the groundwork. I could be wrong about several things, but this is how I think it goes.
Helix Technologies created the respawn machine. Jules Archibald sold it to both Redmond and Blutarch to play both sides of the war. However, the respawn machine is pretty bad and has the tendency to breakdown and cause the person it resurrects to come out...well, broken.
Scout (Jeremy) was one of these victims. The Medic (Fritz Ludwig) helps him out and around, even prescribing him these pills called 'Valium' (spoiler: they're actually the evil bad pills made by a sister company of Helix Technologies).
Medic is...not doing so hot, might I add. Because of some event, he's been prescribing himself the Valium. Though, he's haunted by hallucinations and whatnot. There's a theory that Medic was the one who killed Scout's mother, linking how the movie on the TV, 'M', is about a German murderer and how the director of the film's first name is 'Frtiz'.
Being honest? I thought from the start that Medic being the killer was a possibility, but refused to believe it if only because I thought it was obvious. M = Medic was my train of thought.
Anywho, something happens to Scout and Medic tosses himself into danger to try and save him.
Meanwhile, Soldier (Jane Doe) and Spy are on a mission to find Archibald since he's been kidnapped. Actually, the ploy was to have Archibald be faked kidnapped so that he wouldn't suffer the consequences from how the respawn machine is terrible, but we don't know that yet. They investigate the crime scene of Scout's mother and are led to Medic's office, where they eventually learn they need to go to the Conaghers.
Blah blah blah, the movie happens. Medic is having a bad time. Soldier meets up with the RED Demo (Cyclops as he's called here) and Spy has a funny little run-in with a Pyro and gets horribly burned in the process of escaping them. They all eventually meet up again after suffering through unprecedented amounts of horrific shit and play a nice round of Russian Roulette. Medic dies. Oh and also Archibald is dead because Spy figured out the ruse behind his plan.
They host a funeral for Archibald and Soldier is about to kill himself and the others with a grenade before Medic pops out and shoots Spy. He then goes on a wacky little killing spree and hops into an ambulance before then falling asleep at the wheel and crashing it, dying in the process.
What a silly story. I love it to bits.
Now with that out of the way, I wanna talk about some stuff that stands out to me.
Soldier's character is probably one of the best versions of him I've seen. He keeps that same 'Soldier TF2' charm to him, but he's brave. He's loyal. He stands by his friends in this hellish situation, never backing down or giving up. I also adore the flashback scene of him. The atmosphere of the war and trenches–
CAN I TALK ABOUT THE ATMOSPHERE TOO?? My GOD it's pristine!! The cinematography and the lighting and everything about it oozes with dread and fear. There are only a couple jumpscares in the movie, but by god I find the constant terror to be far more compelling. It's suffocating with how well its done.
The emotions and expressions too. One scene that's always been in my mind is the elevator scene. We see Medic cycle through his emotions. He's sobbing because Scout is dead and now he's stuck here. Then after being offered a cigarette, he perks up and starts laughing. It's haunting. I remember the chill that ran down my spine the first time I watched that scene. And minutes later with Medic pointing the gun to his head, about to kill himself, before putting it down and lashing out at his reflection.
Medic and his character in Emesis Blue is like my good ol' Medic TF2 blorbo, but in an opposite direction. Emesis Blue Medic is a husk of a man, his very soul and sanity being ripped from him a long while ago. He's not doing so well. I adore every single scene with him. You can see all of his fears and and emotions so clearly.
Have I also mentioned this is animated in SFM? Yeah, THAT nightmare of an animation software? I can't even begin to comprehend the amount of bugs and glitches Fortress Films had to endure. How many times entire scenes were corrupted and they had to restart. Just even knowing how much care and work the team put into this movie makes me respect it so much more. This is truly a work of passion and love for the game and its community, delivering something that's beyond words.
The sound design is another aspect I don't see really talked about. It's really good. Take the scene in Scout's home for example, with the TV playing and the droning from the phone. It's haunting.
It's just an incredible movie. It's why I think psychological horror is the best form of horror. It relies less on big scary monsters with sharp claws and axes being the main source of fear. Rather, it focuses on when those monsters will show up. It grips you with dread and refuses to let go. It never gives you that relief that comes with a jumpscare. The startling, yet comforting release never happens.
Emesis Blue also succeeds in a way that none of the characters make dumb choices. They do everything right, yet they still fail in the end. I feel that makes it more terrifying. When you do everything correctly, but it doesn't work out. It makes the situation all the more helpless. All of this mistakes happen at their own hubris, like with Spy trying to take a break by smoking a cigarette and ends up nearly burning to death.
I also love how it doesn't answer a lot of questions. Leaving the audience with a mystery and the ability to theorize on stuff is lovely. What is the masked figure? Why are there seemingly elements of time distortion? How much is a hallucination and how much of it is real? All those sort of things.
But, yeah. I love Emesis Blue. I love it a lot. It's not just a TF2 animation. It's a genuine horror movie. I've seen multi-million dollar Hollywood movies that pale in comparison to this. It shows that talent and storytelling can come from anywhere and could be simply amazing. The fact that I can watch this on YouTube for free feels off. I feel like I should be paying Fortress Films or giving them something for their work.
But, I guess praise and a couple fanfics is good enough. Very rarely does a work move me enough to actually make fanworks. I get ideas, but never write them down.
So, those are my bigger thoughts on it. I'll just list a couple more.
-I refuse to believe that Scout's name isn't a reference to Jerma985. His name on the report is 'Jeremy. E', like Jeremy Elbertson
-When I was first watching through it, my stupid god-forsaken Science Party-obsessed brain thought: "Ooh! Medic and Engie are together! :D" when Medic came into the Conaghers. Then then they started fighting it turned into: "Oh no, they're going to kill each other D:"
-The scene of Soldier trying to get through the countless corpses of himself feels like something out of a cosmic horror and I love it
-I think this movie made me understand Freedom Fries more
-Cyclops's death ruined me RIP my buddy
-That weird Scout monster thing was terrifying
-I am obsessed with Stalingrad and the other resurrected mercs. They're so cool
-Emesis Blue is a great example as to why 2Fort is a horrific map
-That scene of Medic with gouged-out eyes and chipped teeth smiling and staring at the camera makes my blood run cold every single time. I cannot overstate just how much I love that scene
-They gave Demo a pistol finally I'm so happy <3
-I am a massive sucker for Pyro headcanons where they're justed a fucked up and inhuman monster and Emesis Blue scratched that itch. Following up on that, I love how Pyro's face is the same as that one Half-Life 2 zombie model. You know the one. The one that's of a genuine real burn corpse? Good times
-When Spy got burned, I genuinely thought that he would eventually become the Pyro through some weird time distortion shenanigans. I still believe in that theory too, honestly
-I actually really like how it uses the TF2 characters since you're already familiar with them and my intense love for them makes me care about them a thousand times more
-People who complain about the movie tossing in references have no idea what fun or thematic parallels are
-Medic spitting out his teeth in the end could either be a reference to Scout's nightmare at the beginning or to how Medic's teeth are literally falling out in real time. Maybe both. It could be both
-What in gods name is in that briefcase I need to know
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catgirlscout · 1 year
The Tom Jones Saga
Dear tf2 fandom, specifically the fanfic writers among you (me included). I have a suggestion! WHAT IF...A writing prompt challenge titled the tom jones saga. Where every prompt is a different song by tom jones. You have to write a one shot based on the song title. Can be any ship you want. Inspiration from the song lyrics are optional but it should fit the vibe. Edit: I made a collection on A03 for this challenge, so if you wanna write a one shot for this you can add it here. I added a description and some basic rules. Like name the fanfiction a song from Tom Jones. Remember to tag your story with #thetomjonessaga Note: I put the collection on unmoderated, but I will reject any sort of pro-shipping/incest stuff. Have fun writing. Rare pairs are more than welcome. I hope we'll collect some cool fanfics together
My personal (very clever, very original) ideas: WARNING nsfw contents
• nr 1 obviously has to be sex bomb. based on the title alone DemoScout. It's probably explosive smut...because duh! I am thinking orgasm denial, edging, perhaps even a little bit of feeding scout a chicken wing to make it spicy...I dunno! • Green, green, grass of home is giving Spy angst. He just wants to be happy with his son scout and scout's mother. he wants to return to a home he has never had. A life we was never able to live. Maybe it's a dream or it's where he actually dies and gets his most heartfelt wish. Thinking scout's death scene but reverse. • In the midnight hour. Just hear me out DISCO FEVER Medic Demo. 70s 80s inspired. Demo has this big afro with a colorful headband. I know it's kind of a rare pair. But imagine them dancing through the whole night. Total strangers, getting so close. skin to skin, body on body. the heat of the moment, the beat and rhythm in their blood, the sweat on their sweet sweet lips just breaths apart. It's sensual. It's sexy, it's exciting. • then! Try a little tenderness. I see femme fatale Spy. Spy is def a woman (maybe trans woman). It's EngieSpy. Spy comes home after work, her long red evening gown draped over a chaiselongue. Engie takes off her shoes and massages her shoulders, gives her a glass of champagne. Spy pulls em down, feeds em that olive or whatever they put in fancy drinks, kisses em gently. They stare at each other, need a moment to take it all in. Engie calls her his Doll. She is enchanted. • Not dark yet is most definitely about Sniper. Mostly about his loneliness, his scars, his longing. Maybe it's SniperScout. And they both talk about how they were not being taken seriously by their parental figures. (Scout knows Spy is his dad in this). That their life until this point was filled with disappointment and pain, but they want to make the best of it. They wanna get to the other side, ya know. It's gonna get better, eventually. Yeah that's it. Do with that what you will! And gimme your ideas. Don't be shy!
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fourtymart · 2 years
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Welcome to FourtyMART, your one-stop-shop for some real goofy bastards, at equally goofy bargains!
FourtyMart - Independent Multimuse RP Blog by @transitpresident - Multifandom - Semi-Selective - Lit to Semi Lit - 18+ Admin
Rules, extra info, and characters below the cut.
FourtyMart is a warehouse home to a handful of colorful characters that you- yes, you!- can potentially interact with! Here's a few! (Images still in transit from our distro center...) CHSR GT#40 - he/him/his Ground Telecom Unit #40 - Channel Fourty Showrunner The face and main physical workhorse of Channel Fourty, CHSR does his job with style, quality, and a smile on his face. As an android built for the purposes of television journalism, he’s perfectly engineered with all aspects of that task in mind, especially his “top-of-the-line” social skills, which grant him a friendly disposition, a curious nature, and a kind desire to help others, especially if all strangers are just future friends. This loyal hard worker sticks to his allegiances and his work, always toting around his equipment should a prime opportunity to create content arise. Despite his high-tech nature, he still does have a lot to learn about others, the world around him, and himself, all of which he’ll discover through the viewfinder of his cameras and the lenses in his eyes. Tanfour - he/him (she/her determinant) Kevin Fouris-Tan - Fouris Variant #35 - early 20s A mall-based wasteland fixer from the SF Bay Peninsula with the tenacity, spite, and gay audacity to do whatever he can set his mind to, for better or for worse. With a well-stocked collection of questionably-acquired goods, he distributes, trades, and otherwise sells weapons, vehicles, garbage, knickknacks, and information. He claims to be able to sell anything- which may or may not be true, and whether or not you'd actually like to buy what he's got will depend. Other than be the guy offering you a steal for a crate of corned beef, he’s known to be resourceful and he’s got a knack for making things work- old cars, computer rigs, fashion statements, blatant lies- even if they do end up being held together by twine and duct tape. While he’s decent enough to tolerate in passing, it’s only up to you if you’re willing to stick around for his smug and mildly sleazy attitude, bad and snappy comebacks, ill timed pop culture references, and blunt personal statements. (Note: Tanfour's got a handful of AU variants, including but not limited to the realms of Valorant, TF2, Overwatch, and Cyberpunk 2077. See below for more fandom info.) Mols - she/her/hers 2017 Tesla Model S P100D From a far-future world where cars have outlived humans and have taken on humanoid-android forms, Mols is a laid-back, clever Tesla with a love for lazing about and enjoying the simple things in life. Despite her usually calm nature, she is prone to sparks of excitement- and she's quick in more ways than one. Quick to call things out as they are and even faster to run away from trouble thanks to her swift acceleration speeds, she's the queen of "if it sucks, hit the bricks'. President Tanner - he/him (she/her determinate) Jason Carson Tanner - Tanner-Markov Variant #14 - late 30s The 'eternal president' of a small, heavily militarized but extremely glamour-coated nation-state, President Tanner is a mostly-benevolent leader of his tech-forward and economically successful light-cyberpunk country. Though polite, he's known publicly for having a bit of a fun side, as he very much indulges in his assorted vices and is known for being more approachable than most world leaders- but under his layers, there is no doubt an ability for cruelty and a swath of dark secrets. His words are weaselly, sweet, and long, but all to hide the true meanings of what he has to say.
For now, this is our current selection- but as we stay open, new arrivals will be available in-store! Before grabbing your cart, your membership card, and gearing up for free samples and bargain hot dogs, please go over the rules of our establishment!
- Please don't hassle me for any responses. Turnaround time will vary due to my fluctuating life.
- I aim for literate and semi-literate responses and prefer not to do one-liners. Length will sometimes matter depending on what you give me, so I'll either match length or just do what I can. If you don't give me much to work with, I may not be able to give a longer response
- No unreasonable "godmodding", if for the sake of your plot, you need my characters to go somewhere or do something, that's fine, but don't just make him do things that I haven't made him do. "Unreasonable" is at my discretion.
- If I am uncomfortable with something, I will contact you, and you should do the same! However, I still do reserve the right to end communications if I feel the need to do so for my own well-being, with only a follow up message afterward.
- "Dark" or suggestive topics aren't off limits, but please communicate this to me beforehand and I'll decide on a case-by-case basis. Any suggestive situations especially must be outlined explicitly beforehand (and don't even think about it if you're under 18.)
- If you want to stop RP, no problem. Just let me know.
- Multiship is allowed! Just talk with me- but I have many characters that would like to have a relationship build over time, rather than just have an instant ship.
- Feel free to PM me either here or @transitpresident if you want to plan things out or ask questions or give context, anything really! If you want my discord contact or want to RP there, PM me for more details. Multifandom/Crossover Info - Many characters have alternate versions, some even specifically tailored to certain fandoms. CHSR, Tanfour, and Prez especially have these, so if you reach out to RP with a character from a fandom- we can arrange for an AU version of them to meet! And even if they don't have one for your source, I don't mind interacting at all! Current Familiar Sources (off the top of my head) [* indicates there are alts available]
Cyberpunk (2077/Edgerunners/RED)*
The Stanley Parable
Detroit: Become Human*
Houseki No Kuni*
And more! Just PM me! Plus, I have variants that are just generally compliant for specific settings, like modern ones, fantasy, etc. Feel free to ask! Thanks for reading through, and enjoy your time here at FourtyMart! - The Manager
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iburntgewater · 23 days
intro post (I should’ve done this sooner)
hello I am I burntgewater
I’m in a lot of fandoms and I’m in the tickle community for some fandoms
Don’t DM or ask about NSFW unless you have jokes for it because I like dark jokes :D
Fandoms arrrre:
regretevator, murder drones, FPE, ( FPE is more active on my side blog @Mikesfireblog1) resident evil 3 (I’m working on beating 2), TF2, dead by daylight, sonic the hedgehog, pressure. (haven’t beat the game so if I don’t know some things don’t fucking blame me) Ask me for more fandoms if you want
but please specify if you want head cannons art or fics.
I swear a lot at times so don’t be surprised if I say a fuck shit bitch or any swear
DM me if you wanna RP but keep the fandoms into the ones I listed
this is not a fetish page or nsfw page unless you consider nsfw jokes actual nsfw however I’m not shaming anyone if they have a nsfw page or fetish page
And do NOT vent in my asks box or DMs unless your a mutual or a friend and also just it kinda makes me uncomfortable
and don’t forget to never jump into the white van outside your house :)
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kaylasriot · 3 months
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hello, im kaylasriot or kayla! 🌱
please keep this blog as positive as possible. unfortunately, i do not do comms but hopefully i find some rad artists. i post my own art and fan art
artist on tumblr
viet and cambodian
aroace spec (still confused tbh)
dark academia, 2010s alt, vintage/retro, earthy aesthetics
horror movies 🔥
parafam/anklebiter 💚
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Some fandoms or faves
doctor who
criminal minds
tmnt (2012, rise)
monster high
sanders sides
animaniacs (og, reboot)
gilmore girls
saiki k
sailor moon
- spirited away, the wind rises
- princess and the frog, inside out, wall-e
- trolls, httyd
maze runner
pride and prejudice and zombies
fantastic beasts
miss peregrines home for peculiar children
now you see me
games (i dont play most of these games):
resident evil
little nightmares
alice: madness returns
little misfortune
sally face
fran bow
i will be posting on my own time so please be patient 🍵
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blubushie · 7 days
idk if this is just my experience but i noticed that there isn't alot of older adults (like late twenties to mid thirties) in the tf2 fandom. it's either teenagers or people in their early 20s. it's just my observation since i'm used to other fandoms having a chock full of middle aged people as well, but i don't really see them here. maybe it's because most of them are not drawn to these kinds of games, i dunno.
They are in the fandom... but they're not typically on Tumblr. They're playing the game or they're on AO3, keeping to themselves.
That said you leading with "older adults" and then describing "older adults" as "late 20s to mid 30s" gave me a sensible chuckle so cheers for that. <3
I also wanna note that adults in that age range are largely run off Tumblr. As people mature and settle in life they often tire of the feel-good-no-bad-no-conflict content (and especially writing) that Tumblr is full of. This goes double for people in their late 30s, who are often married, some with children, and have more than enough romance and love and tenderness to satisfy themselves—so why write about it? So instead they start delving into much darker themes to explore their skills. Abuse, neglect, murder, various other crimes—shit that TF2 Tumblr, and this side of the fandom (see: people who do things like fanwork) as a whole—would excommunicate you for on grounds of problematic. Which is kinda hilarious because they're missing out on some of the best (see: most skilled) fanwork in the entire fandom purely because they run these people out fan spaces. Ask me, people need to learn nuance. Someone writing/drawing/whatevering and exploring a dark theme doesn't mean they endorse it. Most likely they're processing something. Or just testing their own skills with a media, whether it be writing a character's thoughts during something traumatic or practising anatomy by way of gore, or facial expressions we don't normally see expressed too often (horror, shock, disgust, obsession, etc).
Soz for the ramble, though do reckon rambling's what I'm best at. 😅
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teamechelon · 7 years
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         A world, where once was lively and fun, filled with violence bordering on silliness, is now empty, lifeless. Bases are abandoned and decaying, and the entire world is now suffering for the decisions made by dictators who seek to destroy it. Mercenaries now run on one instinct: survival.
What will you do?
                       ABOUT  ☢   RULES   ☢   BACKGROUND  ☢   APPLY
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finn-writes-stuff · 3 years
First of all congratulations! Now I could I request 33 from the dialog prompts with sniper from tf2?
33. “There’s…. Only one bed.”
I’ll be honest, I’m not super happy with this. It’s something though, so enjoy?
Sniper x Reader
Fandom: Team Fortress 2
Format: Drabble
Gender-neutral reader
Tf2 Masterlist
Commission Info
Today had been a very long day.
You and Sniper had been sent off base for what had seemed like a simple mission, but everything that could’ve gone wrong, had gone wrong. Sniper had dark bruises along his jaw, and you were covered in mud.
It was a long story, but suffice to say, you both couldn’t wait to get into your hotel room and fall asleep. Ms Pauline had booked the rooms, and she was usually good for making sure it wasn’t a flea infested motel at least.
You both had high hopes for at least a good nights sleep after this awful day. Sniper had been leaning on you the whole way to the hotel, the exhaustion in his bones apparent. (It couldn’t have been comfortable for him to lean on you like that, with how tall he was, but you weren’t going to complain. You liked having him close.)
The smell of his cigarettes clung to him, a telltale sign of how stressful today had been. You knew he didn’t often smoke on the job, especially never when waiting with his rifle. But after everything going wrong, you couldn’t fault him a few smokes.
You’d been trying to get closer with sniper for a while now, his dry sarcasm was all the more endearing when you knew you got to hear it so much more than the rest of the team. He was still quiet around you, but you’d gained enough of his trust and respect to be the one he made his quips to when one of the other Mercs were being stupid.
And so you had expected to relish this mission, getting to spend some time alone with him. This was supposed to be great! Instead you were counting down the seconds until you could get a shower, and he was practically falling asleep on his feet as you walked into the hotel.
You knew you must’ve been a sight but you smiled wearily at the receptionist, rattling off the fake name the reservation was under. They seemed concerned, but you sped through the interaction,
Avoiding questions, Once that awkward conversation was over and you had the room key, you pulled Sniper along with you to the elevator.
“Just one room?” He asked as you pressed the button for your floor.
“Yep, haven’t you heard Pauline? There have been a bunch of budget cuts lately for her. Getting us two king suites is a bit much to ask for, I suppose,” You tried to laugh, but it sounded more like a tired cough.
“So long as I’m not sleeping on a hard floor, I’m happy,” he replied. Sniper’s smile was tired but sweet, and you couldn’t help but smile back at him. Your matching smiles stuck around as you walked down the hall to your rooms
Of course, when you opened the door to the hotel room, your smiles dropped.
“There’s…. Only one bed.” You said slowly, walking into the room and looking around as if another would be hiding around the corner.
“God fucking damnit.” Sniper had walked over to the bed, and grabbed a note that was lying on the blanket. “Sorry guys, budget cuts. You know how it is. Pauline.” He read out, scoffing. “Fucking budget cuts.”
“She really couldn’t have warned us beforehand?” You asked, dropping your bag by the wall.
“Probably knew we’d bother her for something better. It’s fine, I can sleep on the floor.” He replied.
“What? You had a long day, got beat up, and not three minutes ago said that you didn’t want to sleep in the floor, Snipes,” you said immediately. He looked like death warmed over right now, there’s no way you were gonna make him sleep on the floor. “I can take the floor,” you insisted.
“You’re not sleeping on the floor. You can have the bed.”
“Well you’re not sleeping on the floor either! You need the bed more than I do.”
“I’m taking the floor.”
“If you sleep on the floor I will to!”
“Crikey, either I sleep on the floor or we share the bed, alright? I’m not making ya sleep on the floor.”
“Then we can share,” you said “It’ll be fine, and we’ll both sleep better there than the floor.”
“That’s fine with me then.” He dropped his bag on the bed, and ran a hand through his hair with a sigh. “You can use the shower first, Go ahead.”
You weren’t going to argue with that, you could feel the mud everywhere and it was awful.
You jumped through the shower quickly, not wanting to keep him waiting for his turn, and did your best to keep your thoughts away from the situation at hand. Sharing a bed with him? It was out of convenience of course but still! What if you accidentally invaded his space in your sleep and he hated you for it? And he’d be so close to you either way!
Keeping your thoughts away clearly wasn’t working. You towelled off your hair roughly when you got out of the shower, shaking the thoughts away.
Stepping out of the bathroom, you say Sniper sitting at the edge of the bed, looking half asleep already. His stuff had been moved to the side of the bed, which took the burden of choosing a side off of you at least. He yawned as he stood up and walked past you, and you were hit with how exhausted you were too.
It was simple enough to slip into some pyjamas and get set up on your side of the bed. The only thing that kept you from passing out was the anxiety biting at your thoughts. Sharing a bed with him like this was totally platonic and just cause of work stuff. There was no reason to get all worked up about it.
That line of reasoning unfortunately went out the window when Sniper walked back into the room, with only some grey sweats on. Jesus Christ. You were thankful that he seemed too tired to notice you ogling him.
When he laid down in the bed, you were struck by how small the space was. He was so close to you. Not quite touching you but you could feel the warmth he radiated like a heater.
“Get some sleep, alright? We both need it,” he said, turning off the lmao next to him.
He was right, and you were tired. So even his proximity didn’t keep you from passing out just about as soon as you closed your eyes.
When you woke up, you were warm and comfortable. That was nice, but as your brain slowly turned on, you realized you should not have been warm and comfortable in this hotel room, it was the bare minimum of good enough.
Cracking your eyes open, you were met with the fact that you were curled up half on Sniper’s chest with his arms wrapped around your waist.
What were you supposed to do? Move? What if you woke him up? But it would be weirder if you didn’t, right?
You tried to slowly sit up, and you very quickly realized that his hold on you was too tight to just pull away without waking him up. So now you were sitting at an angle looking down at his sleeping face. He looked peaceful. When awake, Sniper always looked so stressed, but in this moment, he was calm.
You were significantly less calm. Especially when he cracked an eye open to look up at you.
“Go back t’sleep,” he mumbled, pulling you back down onto his chest. One of his hands moved up to your hair, gently holding you as he fell back asleep, his breath evening out once again.
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xxiamtiebrousxx · 2 years
Things You Need to Know!
This is the "The Weird and the Bold" Master List
PSA: I'm starting a new account soon so this account will be dead. I'm moving things over
Profile Picture: Me
Background: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (Background by me)
​​​​​​Come, come. Don't be afraid, I don't bite. Welcome to the Multi verse, the side that I run. I watch over different timelines as you, the reader, gets to explore my many stories. I like animes like Naruto, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. I'm now into musicals like Hamilton and The Phantom of the Opera. I love Disney and Warner Bros movies. Horror is kinda okay for me, unless it's a movie. 
I  like playing Team Fortress 2 and I strongly dislike Overwatch and Fortnite. Undertale and Delta rune are my to go to RPGs. I have a DeviantArt account too.
Hi! My name is xxiamtiebrousxx but I can be called iamtiebrous, tiebrous, tie, or T. I'm a sweet introvert who has problems trying to make friends. I also talk too much. My hobbies are reading, writing, drawing. I plan on becoming famous! I'm a minor so be careful what you say and send. I'm an artist/writer! I write xreader fanfics for Marvel and TF2. I'm a straight female who uses she/her pronouns. I'm from America. I speak Spanish and English. I'm a fangirl for tf2 Sniper, Medic and sometimes Spy.A list of fandoms/books/video games/animes I like:
Star Wars
La La Land
The Hunger Games.
Harry Potter
Breaking Bad
Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood
Team Fortress 2
Mario Bros
Portal/ Portal 2
Half Life
Batman: The Dark Knight Trilogy
READ THESE QUOTES:  "Real rewards await those who choose wisely"  "Here's to the fools who dream."
I listen to these guy, Imagine Dragons, Panic! At the Disco and Queen.
Links to other accounts
I SUPPORT FMAB GREED BEFORE HIS REINCARNATION! 68225-1532336916 My Stand (Yes, I have one. It's still a work in progress): Mercury Act One and Two (Based off the Imagine Dragon's album) Color: Red and Gold Abilities:  (Giants) Can manipulate thoughts/imagination, (Higher Ground) control amount of strength, (Blur)enforce energy into someone, (Dull Knives) induce pain, (Follow You)can track someone, (Wrecked) Bio metal body manipulation, (Sirens) knowledge control/absorption, and (Enemy) mind control. Extra: Every song is a different kind of ability, all based off songs from each album. The stand is a humanoid stand that never changes when using different abilities. It can be called out.
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doobnnoob-tf2 · 2 years
Hi gamer!!! It’s keys again!!!! So I’ve beeeeen lurking (because i need to check if my questions havent been done yet, lawl!) but!!!! People deserve breaks and all that junk because we anons (not the hate ones who are CRINGE) care a whole lot aabout you!!!! Well, i do at least :3333 and I’m glad we make your day a little more sillier idk how to like say this sort of sappy stuff but just know that i hit that like and subscribe button and i leave a comment <3333
I really do appreciate all’a you guys, like a lot
not to get sappy but I really wasn’t expecting this to take off as hard and fast as it did and it’s made me feel real good.  sadly my art accounts haven’t been doing well lately, but this one has been mcfucking thriving and it makes me happy.  TF2 really means a helluva lot to me and to have this account blow up as much as it has and people enjoy it just gives me the happy wiggles
I abandoned my TF2 Twitter account bc of the rampant transphobia (mostly with transmen) within the non-SFW side of the community and it really started hitting me hard because it was making me feel kinda gross with myself, and also I don’t really have anyone to talk TF2 with.  and it’s the one thing (other than my pets) that unconditionally makes me happy, so having this account I can go to so I can read old tags or see what new asks I’ve got bc people want MY takes on something.. it’s really hit me hard and I can’t express how much I do appreciate this, everything
it’s nice to just come here and not have to think about that dark corner of the fandom.  I get to talk about silly headcanons and ramble on about how much I love this group of dorks and people love it and wanna talk about it with me and aaaaaaaaaa it makes me so happy  ;;;;
(and thankfully my tactic of just deleting anon hate after getting a giggle outta it has slowly started keeping them at bay I suppose!)
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