#tf taao
capn-rikshu · 1 year
Blast Off/Onslaught is a very interesting pair to me. Blast Off's love for his leader was a weakness that Starscream easily exploited. Getting Airachnid to edit their memories. But Starscream's wording makes me wonder: how much of Onslaught's feelings were actually manipulated?
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A "nudge" he said, you can either believe if he's being honest with that promise or not but there is evidence he is. Onslaught is obsessed with fighting and war, that's all his life is. His mind is so focused on it you can expect that he won't notice Blast Off's subtle hints of infatuation. That's why I believe that Starscream is being true to his words. In my reading it really was just a "nudge", Onslaught even says:
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Mind you, I am aware that this is still manipulation with the whole tampering of memories, making this a highly dubiously consensual relationship. But I think the seeds of a potential romance had always been present, just never had a chance to sprout before Starscream's scheme.
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Even though Starscream "helped" them to blossom a relationship-he also doomed it. Everything gets revealed in the Annual. And the last we see of the Combaticons they are thrown in prison. Blast Off sitting far away, alone, wounded by (assumed) Onslaught...
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I really wish we got to see more of the Combaticons and Onslaught/Blast Off. There is so much there to be explored with them even after post-annual! "Will they ever repair the relationship between them? Is there still love between them? Is it forever a doomed romance?" Maaan...
On the side note:
Listening to: 'You Don't Have to Say You Love Me - Lynn Anderson' on my record while thinking about Onslaught and Blast Off really making me feel things...
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soda-sparkss · 1 month
me omw to love and appreciate my gigantic wife
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kell-eramis · 2 months
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Thinking about this line from the Transformers Annual. Instead of saying “me!” or being defensive, Bumblebee says “nice people”—even though perhaps back in the time Optimus and Pyra were talking about, Bumblebee was likely being genuine. However this line denotes that at least at this point in time, saying things like that is a conscious decision to be “nice”. It’s a conscious facade, and part of why Bumblebee works so well with Starscream in phase 2–they’re both stuck between who other people perceive them as, and who they are and become as they heal post war. As they do their best to unite neutrals, autobots, and decepticons, or colonists and cybertronians. Part of why they both end up failing to lead is BECAUSE their reputations precede them in such a way, but that doesn’t mean they can’t still push towards their wish to see Cybertronian become home once more, and being able to be themselves and rest with each other. Bumblebee and Starscream are a lot more alike than many people—both within and outside of canon—think.
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ploppymeep · 1 year
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textsfromcybertron · 10 months
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(727): she kept her crown on the whole time i was giving her birthday sex
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trashhole · 5 months
Another tfe discourse post but I have a crappy gift at the end
I wasn’t going to say anything more about the tfe situation because I know some people are just haters but…
If you’re upset Robbie, a main character, is getting screen time and development, you’re in for a rude awakening because spoiler alert: shows develop their MAIN CHARACTERS
I for one am ECSTATIC they’re trying to develop the main cast and not have Robbie be like every other human kid (absolutely nothing burger). The fact he can actually fight along his siblings is fucking cool.
All this negativity because earthspark isn’t tfp is making me piss out shit bricks like what were you expecting??? It’s a different story.
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Anyway here’s a starbee sketch I made so we can end this with love as much as the parasites want me to send hate. Spread love, be kind, give your friends a compliment, support a Palestinian charity because paramount isn’t going to, be good.
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bumblec0w · 8 months
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TAAO Starscream sketch
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emperor-starscream · 2 months
I've redesigned windblade!! Or at least I've drawn her so that she fits my au!
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I decided that she should have a more warrior-ish look to her. I also really like cyclonus' vibe and I think it'd fit her aswell.
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nep-nomer · 8 months
Here it is... The moment about... 16 of you waited for.
The starscream theory
So as long as starscream has been present, I think we're all pretty stumped as to why him of all people have a immortal spark and want to know why that is besides what's been explained in beast wars (that's it's mutated).
I think I know that answer and it basically boils down to starscream being a reincarnation or another version of Primus.
I know that sound crazy but hear me out.
We know that primus can make forms for himself, one of which is rung from the lost light comics. Rung is described to have a very bright and old spark which is pretty much all the indication we get until he's revealed to be primus. It is until then (maybe sooner or later) that we also learn that rung has a immortal spark.
And besides the immortal spark experiment that created rampage in beast wars, starscream and rung are the only ones to have this strange ability.
But of course that's not all I have. So we also know from the taao (till all are one) comics that starscream is constructed cold. What does that mean? It means that his own body that we all see him in was one that was mass produced in a factory and given to him before he could find his own form, which is how most transformers like bumblebee, Optimus and arcee get their forms. So it means during this whole time, starscream and a handful of other seekers probably don't even know what their supposed to be and it's all thanks to them being constructed cold.
But when we do see what he was meant to be, we can see how much was taken from him because he was constructed cold.
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Of course the size is a representation of his ego, but this. This is what Starscream was meant to be and he's actually quite pretty. Though I'm sure as everyone is starting to notice, starscream has purple optics, which isn't really good as normally purple optics are a result of dark energon... Which is also called unicrons blood. Now I'm not saying that starscreams a all powerful being that can control dark energon, but I will say that MAYBE .... Just maybe, starscream might have some energon in his body that's being registered as dark energon in that moment. It's not quite unicrons blood, though.
But now back to starscreams current body, I do wanna point something out. Because starscreams coloring has him looking way WAY too similar to how primus looks. Now I'm not sure if this is a good primus, but I will point out the similarities between starscream and primus.
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So this is what primus looks like.
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And this is starscream.
I'll go ahead and point out the similarities.
Both Starscream and primus have grey-ish or very light grey/white as a base for their bodies.
They both have blue on their arms and blue on their feet.
Of course they obviously have red chests.
Of course not absolutely everything is going to match up like the head on primus and primus' blue hip-plating, but I feel like this is pretty solid so far.
But the reason I say that starscream and primus look similar kinda correlates into the fact starscream is constructed cold.
Obviously when someone is forged they're taking on their own destiny, but if someone is constructed cold, they're taking on a job that's been given to them via factory setting or just convince.
But since starscreams spark is just immortal the body either freaked out with the settings or just took on a similar pattern to primus because that's the only other being that has a immortal spark.
And I know you guys are gonna say something about the timeline so let me say that time is already messed up in the transformers universe. I mean the maximals are the transformers from the future that got sent into the past on earth long before the actual transformers arrived and in one of the beast wars episodes starscream legit showed up as a ghost that drifted through time.
"but if starscream is a reincarnation of a god, how come no one else points that out?" I don't think a transformer would know what a demigod is because they probably don't have gods that go around popping out children with anything that breathes. That and also you probably wouldn't be able to tell if anyone in your family or friends was a god or not, either, so don't blame them.
That's kinda it for now, I feel like matpat with fnaf... Gonna miss him :(
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blighted-lights · 6 months
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star-struck-au · 2 months
err sorry for radio silence. have a comic inspired by saren stone!!
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back views are hard 😥
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❛ you’re not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜ and starjack heheheheh
“You know,” Wheeljack says over his third drink. “You’re not as bad as everyone says you are.”
“Oh?” Starscream leans forward, flicking her wings playfully. “But I’m still bad?” 
“Of course you are.” Wheeljack’s finials are flushed pale energon pink. “You’ve been torturing me for a month now.”
In the soft mood lighting of the private dining room, Starsscream’s smile is hypnotizing. “Well, maybe you should do something about it.” 
“Like what?” 
“I don’t know. How about you take me home?”
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strscrmmylove · 3 months
This song is so Windblade x Starscream coded it hurts so bad. Pls anyone write a fic before I try doing it myself 🙏🙏
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kell-eramis · 4 months
post onslaught/ajax analysis please
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I wanted to do it justice so I reread the tragedy, but basically Ajax is a figure in Greek Mythology who is present in the Trojan War and Iliad, and his titular tragedy, Ajax, originally written by Sophocles. (He’s also in Odysseus’ katabasis in the Odyssey) He’s considered the second strongest (next to Achilles), and is an extremely competent soldier.
Ajax’s tragedy takes place after a contest of who should take Achilles’ armor after his death—Menelaus and Agamemnon give it to Odysseus, the only other candidate. Ajax is incredibly angry about this, and wishes to slaughter Menelaus, Agamemnon, and Odysseus in particular. Athena clouds his vision, and he instead kills animals taken from Troy to be divided up amongst the men. Upon finding out what he has done, the other Greeks see it as a transgressive crime, and upon returning to lucidity Ajax becomes despondent, not seeing a way to live in a peaceful world after this, and kills himself.
Ultimately, Ajax’s story, and other ancient works like The Iliad, The Odyssey, and the Oresteia, represent a shift in the Athenian conscious of constant war and battle, where a person’s strength is based on their glory, to one of sophistry and wisdom, of a democracy. Figures like Ajax and Achilles die because their characters are prominent heroes, claiming great glory for themselves and their men, but that is no longer what Athens is. They cannot survive in a “peaceful” world. Odysseus, on the other hand, who represents a more “rational” and moderate perspective, makes a journey to go from the Odysseus that fights in Troy, to the Odysseus that fights for his family upon his return to Ithaca.
Now, moving on to Onslaught: Onslaught in Phase 2 (especially Till All Are One), is someone who can’t move on from the war. Whose purpose for millions of years was to fight, and he did this well! What then, is there, as she transitions from someone incredibly respected in wartime, to someone who he and his comrades are barely scraping by? Megatron has left her and her cause, Galvatron was… Galvatron, and Starscream both betrayed them and killed Swindle! Unable to cope in a peaceful world, he strives for purpose—for another war, and sets her eyes on Starscream. Where he was an excellent fighter, she is now cast to the side by the old faction leaders and the new Cybertronian leaders.
In the beginning of Till All Are One, we see Onslaught decide to refuse to ingratiate himself into the new peaceful society, choosing instead to hunt down Swindle, not for justice, but to use her to get at Starscream. To bring her Cybertron crumbling down, and find purpose in a new fight. Those who Starscream refers to as "monsters"--those who find purpose in conflict and feel lost without it, Brawl and Vortex, go along with this, and Blast Off, whose purpose isn't to fight, who has been trying to help the others persist in this society without Swindle, is the only one reluctant to do so. He knows Onslaught 1. needs a purpose 2. gets fixated on a conflict/an enemy and 3. is lost during peace time.
This focus, exacerbated by anti Starscream protests and Rattrap's leaks, culminates in Onslaught and the other Combaticons combining into Bruticus, with one goal: to burn everything. This is seen as a transgressive act of violence, to figures such as Blast Off's peers from Ironhide's new security program, and to colonists, who've for the most part only known peace. This is a similar act to Ajax's slaughter of the animal trophies from Troy. Both Iacon and the animals are the results of the fighting both Ajax and Onslaught did, and excelled in, but as a transition to peace occurs in both settings, Ajax and Onslaught, unable to cope with being left behind by it, destroy those results, or try to. Everyone is horrified by it, further pushing these characters away, so they can't adjust to peacetime.
Afterwards, Starscream, who also can't adjust to peace time and is looking for any form of power to hold onto in case war happens once again (whether it be with one of the colonies, or Optimus, or Decepticons, or Sentinel Prime, or Unicron), (remind me to talk about this also at some point) convinces Blast Off to help deceive the other Combaticons to be loyal to her. Blast Off does this to help Onslaught not destroy himself in pursuit of conflict and vengeance, but Starscream is once more using Onslaught as a soldier. And ultimately, at the end of Till All Are One, once Starscream confesses to his crimes, Onslaught and the other Combaticons are also sent to jail, and aren't mentioned again, left behind because they no longer served as soldiers.
I personally like to think that 1. they survive through Unicron 2. they are able to live better lives post Unicron, and 3. Blast Off and the other Combaticons (including Onslaught) do make up (I still need to read Escape Velocity...). I don't think any of this is easy, but to me phase 2 is about hope, about being able to embrace the peace they were all fighting for, and find their place in and with each other, especially as Onslaught and the others have their gestalt bond. This doesn't take away from the fact that Onslaught, to me, is very Ajax-coded, but rather that he, through people like Blast Off and the other Combaticons, are able to be given the chances and the love that someone like Ajax didn't have, having dishonored himself in a world that he saw as still prioritizing honor and glory above everything.
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ploppymeep · 1 year
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textsfromcybertron · 10 months
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(631): We just decided that lesbian tuesdays are a must, as of tomorrow
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