#transformers blast off
squeakysauce · 26 days
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dumb lil drawing i did for @mr-miss-anonymous
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kell-eramis · 4 months
post onslaught/ajax analysis please
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG I wanted to do it justice so I reread the tragedy, but basically Ajax is a figure in Greek Mythology who is present in the Trojan War and Iliad, and his titular tragedy, Ajax, originally written by Sophocles. (He’s also in Odysseus’ katabasis in the Odyssey) He’s considered the second strongest (next to Achilles), and is an extremely competent soldier.
Ajax’s tragedy takes place after a contest of who should take Achilles’ armor after his death—Menelaus and Agamemnon give it to Odysseus, the only other candidate. Ajax is incredibly angry about this, and wishes to slaughter Menelaus, Agamemnon, and Odysseus in particular. Athena clouds his vision, and he instead kills animals taken from Troy to be divided up amongst the men. Upon finding out what he has done, the other Greeks see it as a transgressive crime, and upon returning to lucidity Ajax becomes despondent, not seeing a way to live in a peaceful world after this, and kills himself.
Ultimately, Ajax’s story, and other ancient works like The Iliad, The Odyssey, and the Oresteia, represent a shift in the Athenian conscious of constant war and battle, where a person’s strength is based on their glory, to one of sophistry and wisdom, of a democracy. Figures like Ajax and Achilles die because their characters are prominent heroes, claiming great glory for themselves and their men, but that is no longer what Athens is. They cannot survive in a “peaceful” world. Odysseus, on the other hand, who represents a more “rational” and moderate perspective, makes a journey to go from the Odysseus that fights in Troy, to the Odysseus that fights for his family upon his return to Ithaca.
Now, moving on to Onslaught: Onslaught in Phase 2 (especially Till All Are One), is someone who can’t move on from the war. Whose purpose for millions of years was to fight, and he did this well! What then, is there, as she transitions from someone incredibly respected in wartime, to someone who he and his comrades are barely scraping by? Megatron has left her and her cause, Galvatron was… Galvatron, and Starscream both betrayed them and killed Swindle! Unable to cope in a peaceful world, he strives for purpose—for another war, and sets her eyes on Starscream. Where he was an excellent fighter, she is now cast to the side by the old faction leaders and the new Cybertronian leaders.
In the beginning of Till All Are One, we see Onslaught decide to refuse to ingratiate himself into the new peaceful society, choosing instead to hunt down Swindle, not for justice, but to use her to get at Starscream. To bring her Cybertron crumbling down, and find purpose in a new fight. Those who Starscream refers to as "monsters"--those who find purpose in conflict and feel lost without it, Brawl and Vortex, go along with this, and Blast Off, whose purpose isn't to fight, who has been trying to help the others persist in this society without Swindle, is the only one reluctant to do so. He knows Onslaught 1. needs a purpose 2. gets fixated on a conflict/an enemy and 3. is lost during peace time.
This focus, exacerbated by anti Starscream protests and Rattrap's leaks, culminates in Onslaught and the other Combaticons combining into Bruticus, with one goal: to burn everything. This is seen as a transgressive act of violence, to figures such as Blast Off's peers from Ironhide's new security program, and to colonists, who've for the most part only known peace. This is a similar act to Ajax's slaughter of the animal trophies from Troy. Both Iacon and the animals are the results of the fighting both Ajax and Onslaught did, and excelled in, but as a transition to peace occurs in both settings, Ajax and Onslaught, unable to cope with being left behind by it, destroy those results, or try to. Everyone is horrified by it, further pushing these characters away, so they can't adjust to peacetime.
Afterwards, Starscream, who also can't adjust to peace time and is looking for any form of power to hold onto in case war happens once again (whether it be with one of the colonies, or Optimus, or Decepticons, or Sentinel Prime, or Unicron), (remind me to talk about this also at some point) convinces Blast Off to help deceive the other Combaticons to be loyal to her. Blast Off does this to help Onslaught not destroy himself in pursuit of conflict and vengeance, but Starscream is once more using Onslaught as a soldier. And ultimately, at the end of Till All Are One, once Starscream confesses to his crimes, Onslaught and the other Combaticons are also sent to jail, and aren't mentioned again, left behind because they no longer served as soldiers.
I personally like to think that 1. they survive through Unicron 2. they are able to live better lives post Unicron, and 3. Blast Off and the other Combaticons (including Onslaught) do make up (I still need to read Escape Velocity...). I don't think any of this is easy, but to me phase 2 is about hope, about being able to embrace the peace they were all fighting for, and find their place in and with each other, especially as Onslaught and the others have their gestalt bond. This doesn't take away from the fact that Onslaught, to me, is very Ajax-coded, but rather that he, through people like Blast Off and the other Combaticons, are able to be given the chances and the love that someone like Ajax didn't have, having dishonored himself in a world that he saw as still prioritizing honor and glory above everything.
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siberat · 3 months
Kissing Lessons
so, Blast Off wants his upcoming date with Onslaught to be the best possible…he just needs some help with one aspect… poor vortex got suckered into helping. Hints at on/off. Silly humor.
“You promised, Tex!” Blast Off pouted as he stomped a pede and thrust clenched fists to his hips. “I completed your chores this morning!”
“I had NO clue that you would need this kinda help!” Vortex spat, holding his servos up as he took a few steps back. “It’s not fair!”
“Not fair? You going back on your word! Vortex, please!!!” The shuttle's face twisted in his plea. He really needed this help! “There’s only so much online tutorials will help…”
Vortex looked as if he was glancing at a horde of unruly, filthy kids. “Ah man, come on Blasty…. For real?”
“Oh my gawd, Tex, I’m serious here!” Blast Off desperately took another step forward, trapping the other member against the wall. “You’re the only one I can come to with this! You just gotta help me!”
“Okay! Okay,” Vortex caved, scared at how persistent the shuttle became. “Slag, it’s my lucky day, huh?”
“Thankyouthankyouthankyou!” His hands flapped as a joyous tip-toe dance was performed.
“Calm yourself there, buddy. And give me some space. You’re suffocating me here.” Vortex relaxed a smidge as the other stepped back. “Now, just why do you need to do this?”
“Onslaught and I are going on a date tonight, and I just don’t want to disappoint him.”
“Well, I doubt that’s possible with your over-enthusiasm.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Nevermind. So, you need to learn how to kiss, huh?” Of all the things his geslaltmates could need assistance with… kissing was not on the list. Primus, this was so awkward!
“Yes! I don’t want to disappoint-“
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, I got that. You really think Onslaught has much experience?”
“What do you mean? Who wouldn’t wanna make out with him?” The brown and purple mech tilted his helm.
“Me. But whatever.” Vortex huffed. “Ok, so… let’s see what you got.”
The helicopter leaned in, lips slightly puckered, and was greeted with something wet jabbing at his lips. The grossness of this caused him to jump back. “What the slag?” Opening his optics, he caught Blast Off staring at him with his tongue out.
“Aw man, Blast off, what the fuck was that?”
“I’m kissing you… like in those romance holovids-“
“You don’t just shove your tongue everywhere! You gotta work your way up to that!” The teal mech shook his helm- just what did he get himself into? “Got it?” Once the other nodded yes, the pair went at it again.
This time, their lips pressed together, gently rubbing against each other. However, the shuttle's lips were so wet and slimy that saliva smeared everywhere as if he were consuming a tasty hard candy. 
“Hmmnnggg….” Vortex balked, pulling his helm away again, breaking off strands of saliva. “Aww gawd!” His servo quickly wiped the wetness away from his lips and cheeks. “Blast Off! What the hell?”
“What? What am I doing so wrong?”
“It felt as if you kissed me with a mouth full of energon!” The flier gagged. “Swallow your spit before going in for a kiss! That was gross…”
“S…sorry!” Blast Off’s optics turned to shaky, wide orbs as he wiped his lips. “I’ll do better! I promise- just please…. Can we try again?”
“Fine…. Just… don’t slobber all over me…” He rolled his optics and reluctantly leaned in for another kiss. Thank Primus it wasn’t wet. Or have a tongue stabbing at his mouth like a movie maniac killing their victim. This time, those lips gently slid against his, mimicking the actions he did. And when the kiss deepened slightly, Vortex peeked at the other.
And was met with open optics.
“Gahh…” Vortex startled. 
“What now?” Blast Off whined.
“Why are you kissing with your optics open?” The shuttle shrugged, looking confused. “Look…. Just close them…it’s creepy!” Blast Off nodded, and then the pair resumed. The kiss, while a little sloppy, went relatively smoothly. Lower lips were gently sucked and nibbled, and Vortex even brushed the tip of his tongue across them.
And that’s when he felt it. Something pressed against the back of his helm. And he knew just what it was! Quickly, the interrogator pulled the other’s servo away. “Don’t do that…” The shuttle’s wrist was restrained. “Just… keep your servos to yourself.”
“But I wanna rub my hands all over Onslaught-“
“I’M NOT ONSLAUGHT!” The outburst caused the shuttle to flinch and shy away. “Okay, look… one last go at it, ok? Don’t slobber. Don’t touch. Don’t jab… got me?”
Once again, lips pressed together, gently gliding over each other, eventually leading to more. Vortex’s tongue gently slipped inside, parting those lips and brushing over the other’s glossa. Blasty’s tongue gently entwined with his, and for a moment, the kiss was decent.
Keyword: moment.
No sooner did the helicopter think perhaps the shuttle got the concept did that mouth suck his tongue deeply as if slurping up spaghetti noodles. And when the feeling of teeth became apparent, Vortex groaned in displeasure.
But Blast Off took this as encouragement and only sucked harder, pressing his frame into the other fliers and moaning. And when the tongue sucks relented, the shuttle’s tongue barged in, nearly ramming itself down the back of the teal mech's throat. Vortex couldn’t resist coughing at that intrusion and, thankfully, was able to break free.
“Ah…. sorry!” Blast Off cooed. “I-“
“It’s alright!” Tex fibbed as he nudged the other away. 
“So, how’d I do?”
Primus, what did his gestaltmate want- a detailed report? And would he really enjoy hearing the low remarks? “You…. You got this, Blast Off…”  He patted his comrade’s shoulder.
“Really?” The shuttle’s optics beamed. “Was I good?”
“Ah…. well….” Vortex rubbed a servo over the back of his helm. “It’s like anything else… ya know? Take practice to perfect…. But you got the gist of it…. Really!”
“Really? You’re not just saying that, are ya?”
“Let’s just say Onslaught is in for a real treat tonight, yeah?”
“Oh golly, is he!” The shuttle's optics went all dreamily. “We are doing the whole dinner and a movie date. And afterwards…..” He bit his lower lip as his cheeks flushed a tad. “Well, some things are best left unspoken.”
“Yeah, good idea.” Vortex quickly added. “Look, we done here?”
“I suppose.” Blast Off stepped back. “Wait…. I have one more question.”
“That wasn’t part of the deal-“
“Got any advice on how to suck sp-“
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tfdaycare · 28 days
Springer and the Maltos rescued some sparklings from these horrid sparkling trafficking rings a few weeks ago. They’re all a bit skittish and many of them are now missing their precious beans as the Maltos call them. If you plan on adopting either of them, please be mindful that their hands and pedes probably still hurt.
The ones missing their beans are being treated and soothed, but they’re all so jumpy still. One of them won’t leave the Pesticon room and throws a tantrum if we try to move him.
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This is a bit of a strange request, but whenever you get around can you do a prompt of swindle and his struggles with greed, one that’s affecting his mental and physical health, even hygiene and the rest of the combacticons notice?
Swindle’s frame shook as he started his recount of his stock. Something was missing, there was something off with his stock. A simple count would fix the the problem. He had a few cycles before his next buyer was supposed to come in, more than enough time to make sure that everything was there.
Onslaught shook his helm as he saw Swindle’s frame shaking heavily, his normally perfectly polished frame was dull. The Gestalt leader could feel the uneasiness and anxiety of his mate.
“He’s been in there for two cycles,” Blast Off said, “I don’t think he recharged at all during that time.”
“Do you think he forgot that he sold a blaster two and a half cycles again?” Vortex asked.
“I think he needs a new datapad that syncs up with his sales datapad.” Onslaught growled, “Brawl, help me grab him.”
“Got it boss!” Brawl said. The two carefully and quietly made there way over to their panicking gestalt mate. Swindle didn’t notice them until the two mechs lifted the yellow mech up.
“Unhand me!” Swindle yelled as he kicked about, “Let me go!”
“Nope,” “Vortex teased, “not until you look at this!” The helicopter held up Swindle’s sales datapad. As Swindle read, he calmed down.
“Everything’s there,” Swindle said softly, “I didn’t miscount.”
“No you didn’t,” Onslaught said, “now let’s go get some recharge.”
“I have a sale soon,” Swindle muttered, optics shuttering off and on. “I have to get ready.”
“You can get ready after recharge,” Onslaught said as Brawl let go of his gestalt mate. Before Swindle could drop to the floor, his gesalt leader collected him and hoisted the con mech over his shoulder.
“Group nap!” Vortex giggled as the members of Bruticus left the storage container.
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caffeinehevsuit · 2 years
Transformers + HLVRAI doodles !!
I can't draw Cybertronians for scrap so all of them r drawn in a silly manner
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shokveyv · 1 year
Drift - Blast Off rain test animation (2018) with colours (2023)
Blast Off design by Dou Hong https://douhong.blogspot.com/2011/11/ Many continuity issue. completed 90% of animation 5 yrs ago. I forgot design of some thing. storyboard action seems silly in hindsight. Pacing is rough. It has been five years since I drew this. A lot of shots were removed.
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keferon · 1 month
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......I found the new fic to lose my sleep over
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happysnowflower · 1 month
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This guy shows up, and interrupts your dream...what do you do?
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tackytacs · 2 months
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four shuttles trapped in an elevator, this can’t get any worse…
my piece for the 2024 @tf-bigbang, thank you again to my writing partner @gayrob0t for being an absolute blast to work with!
will link their fic “Shuttle Scuffle” once posted
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toricoriot · 10 months
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ai-k1sser · 1 month
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that one kawoshin meme
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siberat · 7 months
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doing a panel redraw- original is in the upper corner (obv) this is the final sketch lines, gonna do the finals, the color.
debating if I should try p a more painterly style for this for practice…
but our dear blast off is getting his smooching on….
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lancelotslair · 8 days
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Combaticon doodling, okay?
Don't worry about Onslaught up there he's dealing with the repercussions of your entire gestalt dying/disconnecting [bad, the repercussions are bad.]
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disformer · 1 year
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Sketch request for @combaticon of Blast Off getting hot boxed 😌
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drill-teeth-art · 7 months
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Illustration commission I did for @mr-miss-anonymous! Thank you so much this was fun! Oooh la la!
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