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jalengraphics · 3 years ago
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My new design. The design is the state of Texas when Texas became a state. It was 1845 when Texas became a state. I use Adobe Illustrator to make this. This design is now available on Redbubble and Society6. #texasskies #graphicdesignersofinstagram #graphicdesignagency #graphicdesignservices #illustratorforhire #texasgardening #graphicdesigncentral #texasfitfam #austinmahone #texasmusic #texaswedding #texasweddings #texasrap #tagify_app #graphicdesignstudio #graphicdesignersgroup #texasbound #illustratore #texasart #texasskateboarding #texasdebrazil #austinvintage #illustratori #adobeillustrators #graphicdesignlife #illustratorart #illustrators #graphicdesigners https://www.instagram.com/p/CcirfAYuDnA/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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texasfitlife · 5 years ago
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💥1st workout of 2020 did 20 squats 20 rop climbers💥 plus day 1 of the January calader by @blogilates It was so good to have my daughter try todays challenge with me 😍 #2020challenge #texasweather #blogilates #poppilates #poparmy #texasgirls #piit28 #piitprincess #texasfitlife #texasfitfam #treatyoself (at Texas) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6y3I_nBz0G/?igshid=1vschwa68tirg
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toddwayy · 5 years ago
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God definitely blessed me with power. I still don't know the limits of my own power. #pushpastyourlimits ... #houstonfitness #houstonfitfam #texasfitfam #thursdayfitness #toddwayy #blackfitnessmen #alphaletegym (at Alphalete Gym) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8hZRF4Ak2P/?igshid=1gunu8ftgq0yz
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faylitahicks · 7 years ago
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I have a vision. A way I see myself in my heart and in my mind. I see myself strong. Bright. A winner. Someone who has seen trials and triumphed. I see myself bold. Beautiful. Brown. I see myself alive. • • • #blackfitness #250kchallenge2018 #curlyhairstyles #blackwomenrock #blackwomenmatter #blackwomenworkout #transformforlife #transformations #boldandbeautiful #brownisbeautiful #greeneating #texaswomen #blackpoets #blackpoetsspeakout #thickfit #thickfitchick #thickfitgang #cleaneatingrecipe #veganlovers #asheashe #blackspirituality #fitnessjournal #fitstyle #greeneating #texasfitfam #texasfitchicks #texasfitness #bodybuilding_motivation #bodybuildingwomen #womenwholiftheavy #womenwhodream #2018fitness #fitnesstrainer (at San Marcos, Texas)
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kelsdavi12 · 7 years ago
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You can the light in your darkness. . Some think that’s someone, something or money is just going to come out of the universe when everything is going wrong. . I hate to break it to you, but unless you are working daily to change your focus from what’s wrong to what is light, it may not happen. . The two days I tried to commit suicide, something in my gut told me to tell someone. . I could have not listened to that voice and I would not be here today. . The point of this post is for you to realize that in order for your world to improve and change, you have to acknowledge where you are at. . Afterwards, you have to start taking steps to make it better. . No one is going to make you do anything. . Only you have the power to show up powerfully in your own life and allow others to help you. . Don’t be afraid to ask for help, no matter what you are going through. . There is lessons that need to be learned from the experience that you can share afterwards and be able to connect with people with. . My friend, remember you are not alone. . If you need help, don’t be afraid to ask. . #lightthecandleinthedarkness . ❤️ Kelsey Lane . . . If you are currently experiencing suicidal thoughts, it’s okay. Go seek help from a trusted friend or family member to connect you with someone whom can help. There is so much more to life than the dark place you are in and you are NOT alone. . . . . . . . . #suicideawareness #suicidesilence #suicideprevention #suicidehelp #itcanandwillgetbetter #potd #findyourlight #blackandwhitephoto #beunapologeticallyyou #mindsetwithkld #darkphotography #kldmindsetmastery #realignyourlife #focus #wheresyourfocus #igniteyourfire #evolve #startyourjourney #beunapologeticallyyou #houstonfitness #texasfitfam (at Los Angeles, California)
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rollinsw0llen · 7 years ago
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#throwbackpic of me showing up in @musclemagintl . . Lets connect🔽🔽🔽 www.JesseHuerta.com 👤 Fb 🔸 🔲IG 🔸 🐦➡️@Rollinsw0llen #jessejames #evogenelite #evogennutrition #ironandink #musclemag #actorslife🎬 #mensfitnesspage #harbinger #texasfitfam #calilifestyle #calilivin #calilove #californian #california4fun #lalife #losangles #ilovela #westhollywood #californiaholics #visitcalifornia #explorecalifornia #pacificcoast #californiacoast #igerscalifornia #discovercali #californiasun #sandiego_ca #lostinla #mydayinla (at Los Angeles, California)
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searchenginepro · 8 years ago
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See y'all tomorrow at check in #beaumonttx #texasbodybuilding #texasbodybuildingcontests #texasfitfam #texasfit #texasfitness #texasbodybuildingshows #texasbodybuildingshows
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texasfitlife · 5 years ago
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Had a great class today @fitfusionsa 😊😊😊💪💪 ladies this is definitely a studio to try out!!! #texasfitfam #texasfitlife #fitfusion #sansntoniotx #girlpower (at FitFusion Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3av9bFh_31/?igshid=2dl0kuo58gpi
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utopiamedspa · 7 years ago
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Mrs. Texas Plastic Surgery & #MommyMakeover by Dr. Franklin Rose of #Utopia #PlasticSurgery and #MedSpa--and #ICYMI: In case you missed it – Great Day Houston with Deborah Duncan – “Mommy Makeovers” & more featuring our beautiful patient and hostess Deborah Duncan with @brookeginjector - our fabulous #aestheticnurse coordinator discussing #Geneveve vaginal #rejuvenation, #injectable treatments & MORE!  Also! Mrs. Texas (Legacy) – Dr. Jennifer Hennessey Bremseth  (pictured above) is a #fitnesscompetitor, a mother of two, and a celebrated #veterinarian who has been recognized by the US House of Representatives for her outstanding work with #AnimalER of #NorthwestHouston. Dr. Bremseth came to Dr. Rose to further perfect her silhouette – view her amazing #transformation in the photos & read more about “FitVetJen” on our blog
~ Look your BEST this #MothersDay-Receive 20% Off Any procedure discussed on air by mentioning “Great Day Houston.” Details, link, & story featured on our blog...-LINK IN BIO-... #khou #houstonnews #houston #nurse #debraduncan #greatdayhouston  #Geneveve  @viveve_medical #renewyou #feelbetterfromtheinsideout #sexualsensation #womenshealth #lasertreatment #antiaging  #fitmom #fitvet #athlete #motivation #fitlife #bodybuilding #noexcuses #fitnesslife #texasbeautyqueen #fitat40 #athleticwomen #transformation #healthylifestyle #training #nevertooold #gains #texasfitfam #fitnessphotography #MrsTexasLegacyUS #bikinicompetitor
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skarecrotattootheworld · 8 years ago
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Just kuz it's #flexfriday #grind #powerlifting #lift #fitfam #fitness #txfit #texasfitfam #guyswithtattoos #guyswithstyle #guyswithdreads #tattooer #tattooartist #gym #gymlife
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hakejoward · 7 years ago
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CUSTOMER APPRECIATION SALE, BAYBAAAAAAAAY! - @Regranned from @barbellsanddumbbells - Starting at midnight through Sunday night, use THANKYOU at checkout and save 25% off the entire store online and @houseofgainzgt. Thank You, to EVERYONE who has supported Barbells and Dumbbells!!! #keepaustinswole #QuadsAndChucks #swoleisthegoal #texasfitfam #TexasStrong #TexasOwned #behappy #makeamericaswoleagain #swolefamily - #TeamSohn #TeamSohnBodybuilder #BodyRevisionFitness #GrowBabyGrow #BetterThanYesterday #BarbellsandDumbells #Sober #MentalHealth #Sobriety #BodyBuilder #PersonalTrainer #PersonalTraining #Fitness #Nutrition #NPC #Bodybuilding #ClassicPhysique #Physique #apparel #Clothing #ambassador (at House of Gainz)
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kelsdavi12 · 7 years ago
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2017 has been a great year of growth and challenge. . Learning everyday in @islandersstrength . Miss y’all like crazy. . Living apart from my husband. . Leaving my job at the university. . Starting my own business. . Finishing my masters degree. . Moving to a new city. Hello Houston. . Joining @amandabucci Influencer Academy & all the wonderful people I met through it. . Starting a YouTube channel to share free information. . Competing in several powerlifting meets. . Learning how to trust my gut and go with it. . Surround myself with people whom lift me up and challenge me to grow. . That is just a few. . More importantly, how was your 2017? . Have you reflected and thought about how it went? . What went well? . What didn’t? . What do you want to accomplish? . What are you willing to do to make it happen? . 2018 can be your best year yet. . But more importantly, today can be your best day yet. . You just have to choose it to be. . . . . . . . . . #beunapologeticallyyou #2018goals #planfor2018 #2017bestnine #2017 #bye2017 #eyesforwardheaddown #mindsetwithkld #2018ready #2018fitness #kldmindsetmastery #realignyourlife #focus #influenceracademy #wheresyourfocus #igniteyourfire #evolve #startyourjourney #beunapologeticallyyou #houstonfitness #texasfitfam (at Los Angeles, California)
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rollinsw0llen · 7 years ago
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#throwbackpic 📸 Jason Ellis Photography Lets connect🔽 👤FB Rollinsw0llen IG Rollinsw0llen 👻sw0le 🐦Rollinsw0llen www.JesseHuerta.com ➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖➖ #jessejames #evogenelite #evogennutrition #ironandink #harbingerfitness #actorslife🎬 #mensfitnesspage #riseabove #texasfitfam #calilifestyle #calilivin #calilove #californian #california4fun #lalife #losangles #ilovela #westhollywood #californiaholics #visitcalifornia #explorecalifornia #pacificcoast #californiacoast #igerscalifornia #discovercali #californiasun #sandiego_ca #lostinla #mydayinla
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knighttime-promo-blog · 8 years ago
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@Regrann from @knighttimemanag - from @prettypumpedfitness - Call/Text 323-459-1039 ORDER TODAY FOR PICKUP WEDNESDAY!!! 10 meals for $50 receive $5 off when you bring a friend #houstontexans #houston #likeforlike #love #fitness #fit #fitchicks #gym #htown #l4l #houstonpersonaltrainer #houstontexans #houston #likeforlike #success #love #htown #dedication #prettypumpedfitness #cute #instadaily #igers #instcool #loveit #gymlife #fitfood #fitnessaddict #foodporn #foodie #nutritious #freshfoods #healthyliving #cleaneats #texasfitfam
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