#terry silver with a daughter
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terrence-silver · 8 months ago
I feel like if Terry did have a daughter he'd go vintage with a princess vibe to it and he could also give them a cute nickname, names like -
Charlotte - Lotte, Eleanore - Ella, Abigail - Abby, Winnifred - Winnie or Freddie, Evelyn - Evie, Elizabeth - Eliza, Lizzie or Beth, Dorothea - Thea.
Just some names I could see him naming his daughter if he had a daughter, he would spoil her like crazy. Could you just imagine the bedroom that little girl would have?
To be honest, Terry with a daughter's whose name can be optionally shortened into an unisex, oddly unassuming, easy to overlook and fit for modern day standards common sounding nickname, only for her full name to be something archaic and downright fancy (similar to the dichotomy of Terry and Terrence) seems just about right.
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purplerakath · 2 months ago
Cobra Kai S2/S3 - Daniel and the stagnant Protagonist issue.
Before I start, I need to be clear on the rules here. Bringing up what anyone else does is not a rebuttal to what Daniel does (or doesn't) do here. And misses the point to the problem.
Equally, I'm not pointing out what Daniel did wrong on its own, every character can (and should) fuck up regularly on their path to improvement. Making mistakes isn't the problem. Failing to learn from them is.
We cool? Let's start.
The End of Season 2
Previously I made use of two stills from Cobra Kai to show my issue in a pithy joke post right here. It's a quick moment showing my general issues with Daniel, but not digging into them too deeply, as over analysis is the death of wit.
We're killing wit today.
Let's set aside the school fight in Season 2 Episode 10, and the Demetri bull I hate from Episode 9, and focus on Sam, Robby, and Johnny. Daniel is at the heart of this.
Sam got goaded into a drinking contest with Tory, also because Sam has spent the entire season on edge in much the same way as her dad. Angry at everything that reminds her of Cobra Kai because Cobra Kai took Miguel from her (in her mind, thanks to her dad). Sam got drunk, and did not want her parents to see her like that.
And I for one can't blame her, given what our third little section will be about. Daniel's standards for her are so high, so impossible, it damages his ability to be a good father.
Robby and Johnny
Robby in this instance did all the things right, or almost all of them. He made the noble choice to take the blame for Sam with Daniel, which is where his mistake lands. His mistake is thinking that the pseudo parental thing he had with Daniel was strong enough to survive this.
Can't imagine why the kid made such a mistake, given his mother just handed Daniel custody of him at the start of this ep!
Johnny, and this surprises me too, did nothing wrong here. He read the situation, knows Daniel has a temper, and let the kids stay. He also (in spite of the whole 'Daniel taking in Robby and never telling him' thing) was ready to tell Daniel what was going on. If Daniel didn't come into things flying off the handle from the start because Daniel's got anger issues. Man, he sure is ready to start fights for a man who preaches defensive Karate only.
Daniel LaRusso
Daniel shows up, angry at the fact that his kid is staying with Johnny (which... is less about Johnny and more about Cobra Kai, that's its own topic), and kicks in the door when Johnny, rightfully, calls him out on his needing to chill out.
Which Daniel doesn't do because he legit has no chill and no desire to fix this about himself. Daniel's desire to tear the walls of hell down to get to his daughter is in that space of both admirable and terrible. Admirable because he loves his kid, terrible because this is the sort of behavior that hurts her more than it helps her.
He kicks in the door, gets into a fight with Johnny, and when Robby takes the blame for the previous night kicks him out. In this moment, in the heat of things, this is the right call for Daniel as a character. This is not a moment for reason, nor is it a moment for calm. This is a man too angry and violent to do anything but lash out at all around him.
Now why did he hear Sam own up to this all being on her, and still punish Robby? That was a moment for calm, for reason. And his reasoning? Robby is beyond his help. Why is that his takeaway? Shame for hurting the kid in the same way he's known the kid to be hurt TWICE OVER before (both his mother leaving, and Johnny never being around)? That he might have to own up to his part in hurting this kid by being so angry he wanted to hurt anyone to protect his kid and he didn't care how badly he hurt them?
And yes, he spends the first few episodes of season 3 looking for Robby. Working to get Robby a better chance at coming out of Juvie after, sure.
Is anything he said an admission that he was wrong? That his behavior was wrong? That how he treated Robby was wrong? Does he show up halfway through the season expecting Robby to just accept him again like he didn't abandon the kid and betray him?
And unlike previous examples, we know Daniel knew all the pieces, he had the full story. He simply refuses to accept his part in it. He acts like Johnny is off the rails in S2E02 as if he didn't kick Johnny's door down to get to his own kid.
This isn't an isolated Incident
I spoke broadly on Daniel's failure to evolve as a character in another post. I wanted to focus on one horrifyingly clear example of it. And during Season 1 and 2 this behavior is... sad, but mechanically fine.
Daniel is the antagonist, Johnny is the protagonist.
But starting in Season 3 Daniel becomes the protagonist (Johnny spends Season 3 outside of the plot to help Miguel), and once Daniel's actual problem with Cobra Kai shows up (Terry Silver), he firmly falls into the role of protagonist for the rest of the show.
The best argument for Daniel's behavior, across all seasons, is that the trauma Terry inflicted on Daniel didn't heal properly. And whenever he sees Cobra Kai, and Johnny, he thinks of Terry. It's a very solid explanation.
That does not excuse his inability to do anything about it. Ever.
As an example counter to Daniel, there's Sam in season 6. Sam, finally, takes responsibility for her part in her feud with Tory. And as much as Tory hit harder with the end of Season 2. Sam struck first, and more regularly, even when Tory was trying to stay out of the fight.
Sam has done, more than once, what Daniel's never allowed to do. And to me, that sucks.
Because Daniel stuck in this place of anger and constant fury over an injury from 30 years ago is antithetical to the series concept. A show about growing past your old wounds into someone better (not good, Johnny is still fairly shit, but he at least tries).
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theweirdcobrakaifan · 9 months ago
Really wish In South Korea they showed more scene of terry and John and Kim-da-eun they could have been a found family I swear she act just like them
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nayaesworld · 1 month ago
Biker!Terry Richmond x Charlie
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Friday was usually an extremely busy day at the diner, but as the day dragged on Charlie had only served her regulars and a few families passing through the small town. She was scheduled to work 3pm-12am today and had only gotten through two hours so far. Her favorite coworker was off so it was just a new girl named Dawn and the two night cooks Dj and Trey. The diner was empty once again and she sat quietly behind the counter on a stool, eyes running left to right as she read the new fantasy book from the library. Illustrations of a black witch uncovering the history of her ancestors occupied her head as she flipped page after page hungry for more. The local news station on the small flatscreen sent out an advisory for a thunderstorm that would be rolling in later that evening. That explained the gloomy skies and empty diner at least. Charlie and Dawn filled salt shakers and sorted the silverware,mugs, and glasses. And when they finished chatting about pop news and hair care routines, Charlie was warming up to the girl slowly and when she clocked out at 10:30 she actually had started to get bored without conversation.
Charlie balanced two cups of coffee and a large platter of flapjacks in her hands. Her favorite regulars, an older black couple in their 50’s that treated her like family more than her own father sometimes. The Leflore’s had welcomed her with open arms her first year at the diner. She reminded them of their late daughter Kamryn and she remembered vividly Tammy Lefore bawling her eyes out to her one day in the plush booths of the diner. Tammy and Aubrey typically came in later because they loved to help her get to the end of her shift and look out for her. Silver Creek was a small town and everyone knew everyone for the most part but crime had picked up in the last year and it wasn’t always safe after dark. She sat with them and they told her about their upcoming trip to Cozumel Mexico. They would be gone a week and Charlie pouted at the news, she loved seeing and talking to them but a whole week would be gray without them. But promises of souvenirs and gifts kept her sadness at bay.
They bid their see you laters and she watched their sleek white Cadillac truck pull out of the parking lot. And like clockwork the rain began to come down hard. She bussed her tables and secured her tips into her apron, she loved the rain, it was peaceful and serene on some days but nights like this one it was thunderous and loud. But above the heavy tinkling of the rain was a sound she was becoming acquainted with…the sound of that Sapphire black Bonneville Bobber. He came into the diner every night at 11:11 on the dot, how strange that she even remembered the growl of his bike when she hadn’t seen the man in at least a month. How even stranger it was that she felt eager to see him…he barely talked when he had been there in the past, just grumbling here and there before he ate his fill and left. She fingered her passion twist out of habit as her eyes watched him park his bike and job into the diner,built muscles bunched beneath his wet leather jacket as a mug hung on his stoic chiseled face. He shrugged out of the jacket and hung it on the coat rack near the door. She opened her mouth to greet him but her words got caught in her throat as he pulled out a chair from the bar top and sat directly in front of her.
“Hell my little dove..long time no see.” He extended his arm out, a singular red rose in his hand gifted from him to her. She pricked her thumb on a thorn and shook her hand at the slight pain, a tiny bead of blood falling down onto the counter. She excused herself before rushing to the back of the diner for a bandaid.
His hands tapped anxiously against the bartop, his eyes trying their best to not drop down and lay upon the tiny droplet of blood…the smell was intoxicating, and before he could stop himself his index finger had swiped the blood from the counter and sucked it into his mouth. This was the very reason he had chosen to stay away from the small town, he was afraid of what he might do, afraid of how he would appear to the pretty little waitress. He blinked and shook his head trying to get the black irises to go away, how would he explain the quick change from hazel eyes to black ones…it looked unnatural, unsafe even. When he was sure they had gone back to normal he lifted his head and surveyed his surroundings. Three humans, two males in the kitchen…and her.
When Charlie returned, finger smugly secured by a bandaid she quickly apologized before formally greeting the intriguing stranger whose name she still didn’t know.
“Don’t apologize for bleeding, that’s normal. I should have checked the rose for thorns, that was my fault. I’m Terry by the way.. nice to meet you Charlie.”
Before she could question how he knew her name she looked down at her name tag and giggled softly.
“Well it’s nice to formally meet you Terry, what will you be having tonight.” His knuckles rapped against the counter and he held her gaze.
“A glass of water is fine, I’m on a pretty strict diet at the moment..just came inside to get out of the rain before passing on.” She nodded before grabbing a clean glass and filling it to the brim with chilled water.
“Where are you heading..if you don’t mind me asking.?” She slid the glass of water over to him and watched as he held it up to his nose before drinking it.
“No where specific..might even hang around here for a while, it’s pretty damn scenic up here.”
“Now that I can agree with , it’s a small town but it has its perks. There’s something for everyone here.”
“And what’s here for you…what keeps you here?” The question was one she couldn’t say she’d ever been asked before. People rarely considered her likes and dislikes. Rarely asked her if she was ok.
“Outside of my family and friends, it’s the culture for me. So much damn history embedded into such a little town, so many stories of our people…how they settled here and how hard they had to fight to stay here.” He hummed and seemed genuinely pleased with her answer, gleaming grey blue eyes combing over every part of her face.
“Well aren’t you just a little ray of sunshine…I’d love learn more about the history of this place. It’s so…mystic.” There was that damn grumbling again.
“There’s a library in town not far from here the-“ The loud thud of Terry placing the glass down made Charlie jump.
“I want you to tell me. You are a native after all..I want it straight from the horse's mouth. You seem extremely knowledgeable and I’m very ignorant of your town, I'm afraid.” His eyes drew her in, made her feel fearless.
But she was still apprehensive…and yet she longed to put herself out there to try new things and enjoy new people. Handsome strangers were still strangers and she owned a gun. She could handle her own.
“Ok but under one condition. We take your super cool bike and we go Tuesday..deal?” He shook her extended hand. His thumb rubbing over the back side of her hand softly before she pulled her hand back.
“A deal I can live with little dove.” His bright smile made his eyes crinkle and Charlie found herself hoping to see more of it.
“Why do you call me that..little dove?” Every word he uttered to her made it seem as though he was all too familiar with her, she was curious.
“There’s an air of gentle peace and innocence that surrounds you..perhaps you don’t see it as others do.” Charlie had a hard time listening to people tell her that she was a good person,a good girl. They always used her own kindness and generosity against her. She knew that she could live her whole life by the book only ever doing right by people, and yet still be fucked over…a learning curve indeed.
“I the dove and you the crow I assume…Why the crows?”She gestured to the bold black ink against his honeyed skin enamored her. A beautifully crafted portrait that depicted a murder of crows. Probably the most creative tattoo sleeve she had ever seen.
“We’re taught that crows are scavengers that represent death. That their very presence should place fear in your heart because you or a loved one may be next to die.. but I have come to know these birds as signs of rebirth and cleansing. That they carry the DNA of every dead creature with them wherever they fly, somewhat keeping them alive forever.”
Wow. There was true beauty in an intellectual man. You didn’t see that too often around these parts. Charlie wanted to pick his brain for hours, to learn what interested him, and why he felt so damn intoxicating. But her fear of being perceived held back the many questions she had for the man.
“I like that, it’s poetic. It Means something to you, what a beautiful piece of art to walk with daily.” He thanked her graciously for allowing him to blab on and on about the tattoo telling her that others rarely asked of its meaning.
He inquired about the portraits of people that lined the wall behind her. Pictures of people old and young, from so many backgrounds, some taken inside and outside the diner. It gave the place character and that good ole fashioned charm that you couldn’t get in many places anymore.
“These are our customers, some of these pictures were here before me but all the new ones I’ve taken myself. Just a little ode to the people that keep this place open…if you’d like I could take yours also before we close up.”
By 11:40 Dj and Trey had shut down the kitchen and bid their goodnights. Charlie maneuvered around the diner wiping down tables and sweeping the floor. Terry had slipped away into the restroom to relieve himself before he left and Charlie was heading to the back office to retrieve the camera they used for photos. The rain had since stopped falling and she felt the perfect picture would be best with Terry outside near his bike. The aesthetics of the starry night sky and the shiny black bike would mesh well with his large bulky stature.
“You can loosen up a bit..maybe a big bright smile.” He cocked a thick brow at her and his face stayed unmoved and his bulky arms stayed crossed as he…posed?
Giggling to herself she put the camera up to her eye and snapped the first picture. But when she pulled the camera back from her eye, the only thing in the photo was his bike. The air around her felt cold and constricting. How was that even possible when he was standing right in front of her? She cleared her throat before lifting the camera back to her face. She was sure there was a logical explanation for this.
“Uh the camera was on the wrong setting let’s go again.” She blew cold air out of her nose before placing the camera back up to her face, left eye closed and right eye focused on the smirking man in front of her. The flash went off and it lit up his face..he had to have been on camera this time.
Charlie checked the camera again. A loud gasp leaving her mouth for the second time…he was nowhere in the picture. This was a joke right? Someone had touched the camera and was playing a prank on her. Heavy boots crunched under the gravel coming closer and closer. The tiny hairs on her arm began to raise and her heart thudded loudly in her chest. When he finally stood inches away from her the camera slipped from her fingers and onto the moist ground. Her neck craned to stare into the face of the man. Green eyes seemingly glowing as they captured hers. Every instinct in her was calling for her to run, to save herself from a dark fate. But it was as if she was stuck in place.
“Calm your heart little dove. I promise to never pluck a hair from your pretty little head..we have too much work to do. So much to uncover.” He placed a large hand over her chest,careful to not touch her breast. And let his odd eyes close and feel the rushing of her heart under his hand. He put that fear there.
“Please..I don’t want to die. You can take anything from the diner but please..please. I won’t tell anyone else about this I swear.” Tears fell now. People always made it seem as if death wasn’t anything to fear, that it would come quick and swift without a sound. But Charlie feared it..wasn’t ready for it..so soo much work left to do, so many things in life she had yet to accomplish.
“Nothing in that diner is as valuable as you are..it’s fine time you learned that little dove. It’s fine time you’ve learned your place in this world, I will guide you as you will me.” The hand on her chest was now on her shoulder. And Charlie was never good at riddles, never really liked them. But what did he mean?
“Terry, you don't know me. What makes you think you know anything about my whereabouts in this world…this is crazy talk. I don’t believe you.”
“Do you believe what you saw on your camera then? Is that the only deciding factor between real and fake? You should look harder..I was always in the picture, just not something your fear would let you decipher.” He squatted down to retrieve the camera and dusted the small chunks of mud that stuck to its lenses before placing it back in her hands.
A deep breath. What if she was going crazy, what if Terry had been in the picture the whole time. She was scared to click through the camera and see, but she felt compelled to do so. Click. The first picture..she grappled with what she was looking at. In Terry's place against his bike was a…a creature. Something tall and sinister. It’s green eyes looking directly into the camera, long claws gripping the handles of the bike..just as Terry had. The camera dropped to the ground once more and she took off running towards the diner. She yanked and pulled on the door and yet it was sealed shut, she knew she didn’t lock it she would never be that forgetful. But he was walking closer now, closing the space between them.
“If you come any closer I’ll shoot you. Step any closer and I will blow your damn head off!” Charlie’s back was against the locked doors and she watched the man advance forward not caring for her threat.
“That may have been true if it wasn’t behind the counter in your bag. I said I wasn’t going to hurt you. I only wanted to reveal my true self to you..you’re the first human I’ve shown myself to in 200 hundred years. I trust you.”
It was clear now. He was on drugs, hard ones. No human would be alive for 200 hundred years and as for him knowing the location of your bag..he had to have been snooping around the bar one day while you were preoccupied. This was all a big fucking joke and a waste of Charlie’s time.
“Terry, stop it. You’re human just like me. You eat AND drink just like me..made from flesh and bone just like me. Are you on drugs..if so there’s a really nice rehab center the next city over. They helped a family member of mine once.” Charlie was hell bent on proving to Terry that his line was just heavily deluded, he would be fine once those drugs left his system.
“If you were over 200 years old your heart wouldn’t beat..you wouldn't be standing here right now. See my heart beats and yours will do the same.” Charlie placed her hand to his chest and felt..nothing. She assumed it was faint but when she loved her hand and tried placing it directly on his heart. Still nothing. No beating, just hot skin.
“Why me Terry..you could have done this to anyone else why me. I don’t want to know this..whatever you are. You can’t trust me with this information..I’ll tell everyone.” Charlie knew she was bluffing. She knew even more that someone would label her crazy if she repeated anything from this night.
“You don’t believe that. In your heart you’ll do what’s right every time. Just trust me and I promise I will tell you everything Tuesday. But if you find yourself needing me before then use this. Your father will be here shortly, be safe little dove.” He handed her a small metal oval shaped object, incantations that would summon him were engraved around the edges. His tall form retreated and he hopped on his bike. He shot her a toothy grin before his face disappeared behind his helmet and she watched him until he disappeared into the distance.
Exhaustion gripped Charlie on the road home with her father. Her body was heavy and she felt like she’d worked a 24 hour shift as her eyes drooped and her clammy hands shook in her lap. Rest was what she needed. A hot shower, some tea and her bed but outside of the weariness she felt, her mind drifted to Terry over and over. The fear that gripped her tonight felt foreign, like her body had never felt that afraid her whole life. Would curiosity kill her just as it had done the cat? Or would she be spared by a force she couldn’t see.
They arrived home rather quickly. Her father Hank walked over to open her door and carry in her bags. She took her time stepping out of the car, limbs aching to be stretched and soothed by hot water. She sighed deeply and began walking up the steps of their home. But a loud caw stopped her in her tracks. A lone crow sat in the magnolia tree in her front yard. The shiny onyx feathers dancing with the moonlight and giving the bird a striking appearance. But this crow was no ordinary crow and as she stepped closer she realized its black beady eyes had been traded for green ones..familiar green eyes. It cawed once more at her before it bowed, extended a wing, and flew away. Leaving in its wake a dark feather that she took inside with her.
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extinctlesspains · 2 months ago
hiii i love your writing!! what about terry silver's daughter reader and sensei wolf? 👀 some tension and flirty rivalry could be fun 😳 thank you so much!
𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑟 𝐿𝑖𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑖 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓
𝐵𝑦 𝑒𝑥𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑡𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑛𝑠
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𝑃𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑖 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟
𝐺𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: 𝑅𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑛𝑐𝑒.
𝑆𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦: 𝑇𝑒𝑟𝑟𝑦 𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑆𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑒𝑖 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓 𝑛𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑔𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑟 𝑓𝑖𝑒𝑟𝑦 𝑟𝑖𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑟𝑦 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑢𝑛𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑎𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑚𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑦, 𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑚𝑖𝑛𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑖𝑛 𝑊𝑜𝑙𝑓 𝑠𝑒𝑡𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑑𝑒 ℎ𝑖𝑠 𝑐𝑜𝑐𝑘𝑦 𝑑𝑒𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑛𝑜𝑟 𝑡𝑜 𝑎𝑠𝑘 ℎ𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑢𝑡 𝑜𝑛 𝑎 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑒.
𝑊𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: 𝑇𝑒𝑛𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛, 𝑓𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔.
𝐵𝑎𝑐𝑘𝑔𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑑: 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟 𝑖𝑠 𝑆𝑖𝑙𝑣𝑒𝑟'𝑠 𝑑𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑒𝑟! 𝑇𝑎𝑘𝑒𝑠 𝑝𝑙𝑎𝑐𝑒 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑆𝑒𝑘𝑎𝑖 𝑇𝑎𝑖𝑘𝑎𝑖!
The dojo gleamed under the harsh fluorescent lights, every surface polished to a pristine shine. It was a reflection of Terry Silver’s vision—order, discipline, perfection. You leaned against the far wall, arms crossed, watching Sensei Wolf spar with one of the more advanced students.
Wolf’s movements were sharp and calculated, a mixture of power and fluidity that commanded attention. His strikes landed with precision, and his footwork was deliberate. He radiated confidence—too much confidence, if you were being honest.
He caught your gaze mid-spin kick, smirking as if he knew exactly what you were thinking. The audacity of that smirk made your fingers itch to wipe it off his face.
"Enjoying the show, princess?" Wolf asked, stepping back as the student staggered to his feet. He tossed a towel over his shoulder, his tone teasing but laced with challenge.
"Hardly," you replied, pushing off the wall. Your arms remained crossed as you approached him, refusing to let him see how much his presence unsettled you. "I’ve seen better form from a beginner class."
Wolf chuckled, the sound low and irritatingly smooth. "And yet, here you are. Front and center. If I didn’t know better, I’d think you couldn’t get enough of me."
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. "Don’t flatter yourself. Someone has to make sure you don’t embarrass the Iron Dragons legacy with your sloppy technique."
He tilted his head, his dark eyes gleaming with amusement. "Sloppy? That’s rich coming from someone who hasn’t stepped onto the mat all day."
You stepped closer, your chin tilted defiantly. "Maybe because I don’t waste my time showing off for an audience."
His smirk deepened, and he took a deliberate step into your space. The air between you crackled with unspoken tension, his presence overwhelming in a way that made your pulse quicken.
"Showing off?" His voice dropped, quiet but sharp as a blade. "If you want a demonstration, all you have to do is ask."
Before you could respond, your father’s voice rang out from his office.
"Wolf! Y/n! Quit standing around and get back to work."
The moment shattered, the tension retreating like a wave. Wolf stepped back, his smirk never wavering as he picked up his water bottle.
"Looks like Daddy’s watching," he said, his voice dripping with mock innocence. "Wouldn’t want to disappoint him, would we?"
You glared at him, your hands curling into fists. "Careful, Wolf. Keep pushing, and I might decide to show you what sloppy technique really looks like."
"I’d like to see you try," he replied, his tone playful but his eyes dark with challenge.
The rest of the day passed in a blur of training and frustration. Wolf’s voice seemed to follow you everywhere, throwing out comments that were just shy of crossing the line.
By the time the dojo emptied, you were ready to leave. But as you grabbed your bag, Wolf appeared in the doorway, leaning casually against the frame.
"Heading out already?" he asked, his smirk replaced with something softer, more genuine.
"Unless you have another sparring session lined up," you replied, hoisting your bag onto your shoulder.
"Actually, I was thinking..." He scratched the back of his neck, a rare hesitation creeping into his voice. "How about a truce?"
You raised an eyebrow. "A truce?"
"Yeah." He stepped closer, his usual confidence tempered with something more earnest. "No biting remarks, no flirty jabs—just one evening where we don’t drive each other crazy."
You blinked, caught off guard by the sincerity in his tone. "And what exactly does this ‘truce’ entail?"
"A date." He met your gaze, his smirk returning, but this time it was softer, less cocky. "Dinner, maybe. No dojo, no Sekai Taikai. Just us."
You studied him for a moment, searching for any hint of a joke. But there was none—just a quiet vulnerability that made your heart skip.
"Alright," you said finally, a small smile tugging at your lips. "But don’t think this means I’m going easy on you in the dojo."
"Wouldn’t dream of it," he replied, his smirk widening into a genuine grin.
As you walked out together, the tension between you shifted, no longer sharp and combative but something warmer, something new. For the first time, you found yourself looking forward to seeing where this rivalry might lead.
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fictioninmyblood · 4 months ago
Back to Bed
Summary: Terry and Y/N had been married for just over 7 years with 3 beautiful children and a blooming self defense business they’d built together to show for it. Having started their relationship at the beginning of Y/N’s journey into discovering her submissiveness and Terry’s first stationing as an instructor - Terry had been her only dom and thus knew her like the back of his hand and Y/N has been the only sub to experience the harshest version of his dom giving her the same privilege over him. Having been pregnant with their baby girl upon coming home to the Sandy Springs situation, Terry has been using it as an excuse, too afraid to lean all the way into his dom personality the way he had with Y/N before his last tour.
After they get into an argument, again, about the events of Silver Springs and how even after the last few years of stitching their life back together, he still only talked to Summer about everything that happened and was handling her with kid gloves, Y/N separates from him best she can. Completely at a crossroads of what to do to feel like she’s still her husband’s wife and losing all the fight to try and figure it out, she gives Terry the silent treatment and isolates from him, doing her best to only be in the same room with him when the kids are. After weeks of her barely acknowledging him or the argument, Terry is tired of going to bed alone when his wife is sleeping in the guest room right below him. His plan? Let the dom in him handle it and finally confess his monsters.
WARNINGS: 18+ themes, Minors DNI, d/s themes, pre-smut, angst
A/N: Thank you to all the Terry girls out there that have created a monster in me for this man in literally less than a week. Story inspired by @megamindsecretlair ‘s “I Swear I’ll Never Leave” oneshot and @keyaho ‘s “R.E.L.L.S.” series.
A/N: There will be at least a part 2. Kinda proofread, sorry in advance for any mistakes.
A/N: My work is NOT to be plagiarized or reposted (on any site other than this) without my explicit consent and recognition.
Y/N had been napping peacefully in the spare bedroom when she heard her kids start screaming excitedly, waking her all the way out her sleep in panic. Once she identified their squeals as gleeful she relaxed, but decided it would be in her best interest to check and see what all the commotion was about. Imagine her surprise when she entered their living room to see her parents sitting on the couch with her kids talking over one another and Terry coming downstairs with their weekend-trips-backpacks. The moment she locked eyes with her husband, Y/N gulped, somehow understanding exactly what was going on behind those piercing eyes. Her father had been too wrapped up in the kids, but her mother saw her daughter the instant she entered the room, her motherly instincts in overdrive. 
As soon as Terry let them in she could see that he was even more exhausted than usual, his reliably calm demeanor obviously frazzled. Whenever they usually came to pick up the kids at his request, everything was already packed and ready, the kids fed the most recent meal or snack, and Terry had them waiting by the door. Y/N was usually who they waited on. It was completely out of character to have to wait for him to finish getting them ready or be told they haven't eaten at least a snack so far into the afternoon. Dinner was around the corner and school had been out for at least 2 hours. Yeah, something was definitely wrong. She watched the unspoken conversation happen between the two when he came back downstairs and hoped that Terry asking them to take the kids to hang out with them overnight would help to resolve whatever marital issues they were having. Her daughter looked just as bad as her son-in-law and judging by the fact she looked like she just woke up and came from their guest bedroom rather than the masters upstairs that was no surprise. Her daughter had always slept better cuddled up next to someone her whole life and Terry had become the ultimate sleeping aid when they met. She’d had to stock up on his clothes for the times he was away while in the military just to get a wink, conditioning her body to accept no one’s presence but his to help her sleep.
“Hey baby, how are you?” Y/N’s mother asked.
Y/N tried to muster a smile but felt how off it was, she hoped her mom wouldn’t ask further questions when she said, “I’m fine mommy. What are you guys doing here? I thought we were going to see you on Sunday for the family barbecue.”
Y/N walked over to her parents to hug and kiss them, she sat next to her mom and leaned her head on her shoulder when her mom kept rubbing her back. She closed her eyes and welcomed the affection, it’d been weeks of forcing herself to not seek Terry out for physical contact and it had been hell. That was her top love language and as much as she loved them, kid hugs and kisses only went so far. 
“You sure baby? You look tired.”
Y/N locked eyes with Terry again and sighed, “Yeah ma, I’m sure.”
Her father answered her question when he said, “Terry thought it might be a good idea if they had the opportunity to hang out with all the cousins that live nearby that’ll be hanging out tomorrow. Plus I’m sure he’d like some alone time with his wife. It’s been too long since you two have asked for a weekend anyway so it’s no problem.”
“Oh okay. That sounds nice,” she lied through her teeth, avoiding eye contact with Terry at all costs at this point. Diverting her attention she said, “You excited babies?”
She smiled the first genuine one since coming out of the room at the chorus of yes’s that graced her ears.
“Well I got everything in the car, carseat included,” Terry said, closing the front door behind himself, “and here’s some funds for the weekend.” He slipped some money into her father’s hand before he could register what’d been put there.
Her father looked down at what Terry gave him and got up to try and give it back. “Son, we do this everytime.”
“Then you should know that you’re leaving here with that money.”
Her father clapped Terry on the shoulder and they shared some chuckles as he couldn’t do anything, but shake his head and shake his son-inlaw’s hand. Not once since they had kids did Terry ever ask his parents-in-law to watch the kids without making sure they had a good chunk of change. The twins alone had been a handle full and a half since birth but babygirl turned their little hurricanes into big ones. He knew that whenever his wife tried she couldn’t win that argument so he’d made a point to be the one who did to keep the balance they both sought.
“Right you are son. Can’t blame an old man for trying though.”
“I can’t,” Terry said still chuckling. Thank you,” he looked to his mother-in-law as she stood up beside her husband, “both of you. We really need this.” 
Y/N’s mom laid her hand on his face and said, “Anytime. You two need to take care of yourselves and each other first more often.” She moved towards the door trying to make this as short as possible. “Now let’s get family, leave these two lovebirds to nest alone.”
Terry and Y/N smiled at each other for the first time in weeks at the sound and sight of their kids saying “ewww” and fake gagging. It brought a pang to Y/N’s heart and she immediately frowned at the realization that they hadn’t seen or heard those reactions in too long.
She stayed seated, the kids coming up one by one to give their mommy a goodbye hug and kiss before they left, as Terry stood holding the door open and hugging and kissing everyone on the way out the door. She damn near cried when her mom kissed her on the forehead, the silent sign that her mom knew something was wrong and they would talk about it later. When Terry finally shut the door and turned around to stare her down all that had been left unspoken seemed to come out from the shadows and sit between them.
“Y/N, kitten?” Terry asked. She stopped looking past him at the door and finally looked at him at the pet name. He had his arms folded and was gripping his biceps to keep from rushing to touch his wife who hadn’t given him permission to touch her in the 5 weeks since she moved to the guest bedroom. They hadn’t played together in over 6 months, her figurative silence having been brewing longer than the weeks she was literally silent. She knew that he was asking for permission with the declaration, handing over his control of the situation with just the two names. 
She gulped and whispered back, “Yes, big daddy?”
Terry let out a sigh of relief and released the hold he had on his arms, his hope restored that he hadn’t lost her. He still had a chance to fix this.
“It feels nice to hear you address me again, I’ve missed your voice little one,” he said as he walked towards his wife while rolling up the sleeves on his long sleeve shirt. He had turned the air up a few hours prior and put on the shirt in preparation of this moment. Y/N had a weakness for his arms and hands - over the years he’s learned that wearing long sleeves was the best way to use that to his advantage. With the way her breath hitched, her nipples pebbled beneath her outfit, and she got stuck eyeing his movements was a sight for sore eyes, it’d been too long since she let herself look at him like that. Since she got out of her head long enough for her body respond to him as it had always naturally done. In fact he knew the reason she had been avoiding him and sleeping in the guest room was because he was always able to get back in her good graces with just a few moments of existing. Any of their disagreements always ended with her folding no matter how mad she was throughout their whole relationship, so these last few weeks were a megaphone announcement that she was not playing around this time. 
“Huh kitten?” 
Y/N had no idea what words were coming out her husband’s mouth. Her pulsing pussy was ringing in her ears and she was lost in thinking about everything those hands could and would do to her. By the time she focused on his words again, Terry was standing in front of her grasping her chin to look him in his mesmerizing eyes.
“Did you even hear what I asked you?”
She gulped again and shook her head no. Curse this man and the hold he had on her. 6 weeks of holding out, staying quiet, and standing ten toes down on her frustrations, and all it took for her to let him back in was a few words and him rolling up his sleeves. Terry hadn’t even done anything yet and she knew that no matter how right she was, no matter how much she wanted to maintain her resolve, and no matter what Terry finally told her about what happened, she would be forgiving him. Hell, she already had the moment she walked into the living room to see her parents.
Terry repeated himself. “I said I missed hearing you address me little one. Did you know that? How much I’ve been aching to hear you speak to me, to be able to touch you. I have permission to touch you now though, don’t I kitten?”
“Ye-,” Y/N had to clear her throat, though it did nothing to clear the lust that had changed her voice to the breathy thing it was, “Yes big daddy.”
“Yes you know how much I’ve been aching or yes I have permission?”
“Yes to both big daddy.”
He raised an eyebrow at that. “How did you know lil mama? We haven’t been talking so I haven’t had time to tell you.”
“Cause I’ve been aching too,” she squeaked out while the wiggle of her hips increased as she tried to create friction with her thighs. Y/N the woman could not help her right now, the only one present was the submissive.
“Have you? I couldn’t tell kitten.” Terry’s neutral expression turned into a frown as he cupped the base of her skull, gripping her locs to pull her head back, eliciting a moan from Y/N as her eyes slid close.
When Y/N opened her eyes again she was met with the fire behind Terry’s eyes and though it wasn’t what she was trying to do, it brought her great joy to see the dom in Terry. Not the soft one he’d been using as a shield, but the real dom, the one she fell in love with all those years ago. It had been entirely too long since he’d come out to play and she was starved. She nodded her head yes.
“Well you’ve done too good of a job hiding it from me these last few months mamas. I think it’s time we fixed that, don’t you?” he asked.
Y/N nodded again, best she could and Terry couldn’t help himself. He slapped her with an open palm, not to hurt her but to bring her focus back and make himself clear as he spoke, his voice deepening with the lust that now clouded every fibre of his being. “Words kitten. You will use them or I will stop.”
Terry’s grip on her hair tightened and he raised an eyebrow.
Y/N stuttered to correct herself. “I mean no big daddy, please don’t stop. I’ll use my words.”
“Good. Now we will have that conversation and I will tell you everything you’ve been begging to know, consequences be damned, but I need to release some pent up energy and I know you do too. Are you okay with that?”
“Yes big daddy.”
Terry loosened his grip slightly and his face softened as he took in his wife, hanging onto every word, listening with all of her attention, already neck deep in subspace. “I don’t think you understand.”
“I do, I promise.”
Terry closed his eyes and shook his head. He was terrified, she was too trusting, too ready to give herself over to him for his release. She had no idea how much anger and grief he’d been storing these last few years and he had no idea what letting himself go to indulge would look like anymore. He’d been afraid of himself since the day the Chief handed him that money and he knew before ever seeing with his eyes that Mike was dead. “No you don’t. Kitten, I got a monster that I’ve been hiding from you, hell from myself half the time too, and I know I said I’ll explain later but I gotta make sure you’re warned properly before you agree. I don’t know if I can maintain my control tonight, it’s been too long-”
Y/N cut off his speech to start her own. Briefly breaking character for a moment, she laid a hand on his face and said “Terrance.” His eyes welled with tears he had to do everything to keep from falling when she continued. “I have waited almost 4 years for you to trust me with these shadow parts of yourself. I’ve been missing the version of you who trusted himself enough to allow me to be his release for almost 4 years. I don’t just miss my husband, I don’t just miss my dom, I miss you. Having access to all of you. I trust you.”
One rouge tear escaped and Y/N wiped it away before it make it too far down his face and stood cupping his face with both hands. Terry let his hands fall to her love handles as she kissed him and he let out a deep groan at the sight of her kneeling at his feet, clasping her hands together at the base of her spine and looking up at him with an expression that matched her declaration. “I’m ready big daddy. Do what you will.”
Terry wiped at his face and with his head thrown back he let out a long, “fuck.” Now that he’d started them down this road, he had a feeling that she was going to make him go the distance and it made him feral. His monster had been wanted out, but she just waved a proverbial red flag in front of him. She wanted to meet his monsters so bad? Bet. They wanted to devour her anyway and now, looking at her offering herself up so pretty, he would let them.
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moonkitty59 · 2 months ago
One (unfortunately) Larusso
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Hi, you must not know who I am.
Well my name is ___ larusso. Yes, daughter of Daniel and Amanda Larusso. The oldest.
Since I was a 10 year old child I never got along very well with my father. Because according to him, Mr. Miyage said I had something not very good, so I was banned from practicing or learning karate. Unlike my brothers Sam and Anthony Larusso, who have been practicing since they were born.
I always felt excluded when my brothers practiced with my father in the backyard.
Sitting on a sofa near the window inside the house. I watch with a look of desire the moves that my brothers are learning.
I look at my mother who is next to me working.
--- Mom, when can I learn these moves? --- I ask her hopefully.
She looks up from her notebook and looks at me.
--- when you grow up, dear. --- she gives a small smile but goes back to work.
I look back at the window and rest my head on my hand, thinking about the moment when I will make this dream come true. Learning karate makes my father proud.
*End of Flashback*
Well, you must be wondering: "why are you and your father angry with each other?"
The answer is simple. On a normal day, when I got home from school, I happily went to her and asked: "Daddy, when will I learn karate?"
He turned to me with an irritated look and said: "Karate is not for you, choose something else."
I remember he said it in the coldest way possible. I was just a kid who wanted to make my daddy proud.
When I told him to fix it, he would do it. He just said things that really hurt me at the time.
After that day, conversations with my father ended in fights and more fights.
When I turned 16 I decided to leave home, it was difficult but I found a house. I decided to learn karate hidden from everyone. I improved some techniques to the point of becoming a champion in several karate competitions.
Well that's me, ___ Larusso. The current CEO of one of the country's largest fashion companies.
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hey guys! I plan to write this story about Daniel Larusso's daughter having a relationship with Terry Silver. I hope everyone likes it!! and if there are any mistakes, forgive me!♡
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bullet-prooflove · 8 months ago
9. With my mother's ring on your hand for Terry Silver please 💖
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Tagging: @volumesofforgottenlore@kmc1989@somethingdarkside17@noonee333
Companion piece to: Tulips (NSFW) - Terry decides he wants to spend the rest of his life with you.
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The day that Terry slips his mother’s ring on your finger is the day his entire life becomes complete. It’s a simple, inexpensive piece of jewellery made of silver with a scuffed sapphire in the middle but it is the single most precious thing he owns. His father may have been rich but his mother had always preferred sentimentality. This ring had been her mother’s once upon a time and she had always wanted a daughter to pass it down to.
She would have liked you he thinks. She would have been relieved that he ended up with someone so kind, so creative, so passionate.
His hands take yours as you stand in front of him in a simple white chiffon dress. You have white flowers threaded into your hair as the two of you stand at the alter inside a tiny church in Tuscany.
“Do you Terrence Silver take this woman Georgia Deverux to be your lawfully wedded wife, to cherish and to love for as long as you both should live?”
Terry smiles as he leans in close. The scent of your perfume floods his senses, it’s something soft, something floral. It reminds him of spring, of the tulip field back in Amsterdam where he first proposed to you. He’d known in that moment he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you and now here he is giving you every single thing that he has.
“I do.” He whispers as his lips brush over yours. “Truly I do.”
Love Terry S? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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rosie-tyler · 6 months ago
Maybe. A daughter would fix Terry Silver
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cobra-wives · 6 months ago
horrible girldad terry silver when his daughter starts going through puberty: it’s just blood. so what? make believe it’s his.
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merv606 · 1 month ago
If S6 was in Omegaverse:
Alpha Terry meets divorced, middle aged Omega Daniel in Barcelona for the Sekai Taikai. He takes an immediate interest in him, as Omegas very rarely are found or allowed in places like this, combat sports not often being something Omegas were interested in—or allowed to participate in. The fact that Daniel is here however, proves that he is skilled. That he fought to be here.
Which is fine. Exciting. Shows that he has fire.
Except that Terry can scent that Daniel is still in his pup-bearing years. And that a Heat can easily be triggered from him, Suppressed or not. And that the little Omega is not oblivious or adverse to Terry’s interest in him, despite being skittish and nervous around him.
All of which make Terry’s Alpha crave this little one even more. And he’ll have him. Besides: a tournament like this, teeming with Alphas, is no place for an Omega. Especially one that looks and smells as good as Daniel does.
Terry will have him, and remind him of his proper place.
As if this couldn’t get any better.
Terry can scent, when he finally gets close enough, that not only is the man an omega but, that Terry can still get him with child. He can smell the little brunette beauty is still most definetly fertile - is still very much breedable - which is what Terry intends to do - will do - when the time comes to take him - take what is his - by right - because he can smell that on him too.
That he is Terry’s mate.
He could also smell the suppressants he must be on, something that won’t be allowed when he is officially Terry’s omega. Well won’t be allowed until after they have a few pups.
It’s at the first morning there - all the teams at the breakfast buffet, mingling and networking, something Terry could care less about as soon as he sets his eyes on the enticing little omega.
Terry had, or course, dossiers on all the competition and although he recalls looking at the man’s picture, realizing his beauty then, the picture pales in comparison to reality.
He recalls now.
Daniel Larusso, an American like Terry. Yes it was noted he was an omega, which Terry was impressed with even on paper; that he and now his daughter Samantha - are the only omegas here.
Actually, in the history of the tournament.
Realizing now the intrigue was there - the pull towards him.
And god, that smell.
Like nothing he has ever had the pleasure of scenting in his many years.
A smell that makes his alpha pace restlessly with the need to claim. Makes his fangs ache to drop so they can sink into willing flesh to taste that smell for themselves and the blood that will accompany the bite they give their rightful mate when they claim him.
Silver calls Wolf over. “Make sure no one tries anything with the sensei for Miyagi-do.”
“He’s mine,” and, if how Axel is already acting, looking in the direction of the girl, hands balled into fists at his side, he senses that he has already picked Samantha as his own.
Terry can respect that.
“Either of them,” he stresses now, and Wolf inclines his head.
If he is recalling the information correctly he knows the omega is divorced, which is good.
One less hurdle for Terry to remove, had he been mated. It would have been removed regardless.
He can’t imagine the person who willingly gave up such a delectable treat. Terry plans to not let him out of his sight.
He watches the man make his introductions, sees how he charms all those around him, and it is only when Daniel is finally alone that he goes to make his own introduction to his omega, who is blissfully unaware of his fate.
Terry though already has their future planned as he walks over.
He does not wish to have anything less than Daniel’s full attention when he makes his introduction to his future mate.
He won’t keep Daniel from this, certainly not, but he will be busy at home with their pups.
Straightening to his full height, he can see now how truly smaller the omega is compared to him.
Shaking hands, he can scent the faint smell of arousal and he smirks.
“A moment to congratulate you and your daughter. Given what you and she would have had to overcome it makes it all the more impressive.”
Instantly he can see the little omega bristle, the lovely scent of him changing to something even more delicious - defiance.
“Mr ….” Daniel starts, clearly waiting for a name.
“Alpha Silver.”
“Mr. Silver,” Daniel starts.
The alpha inside him howls in utter delight.
Oh how Terry loves an omega with spirit.
The alpha had chosen the omega who will give him his first pup well.
“My daughter or myself are not at any disadvantage and it is that thinking that sometimes makes wining easy, especially those of your designation.”
Terry bows.
“My apologies. I fear my words did not have their intended meaning. Unfortunately society makes those of your designation work harder just to prove what would take someone like myself half the work. So I know what getting here would have entailed for you, and your equally impressive daughter, and so it is simply more inspiring than any other participant.”
The omega colours, a hand to the back of his neck looking a bit sheepish.
“No, the uh, the apology is all mine, Alpha Silver. I am still tired from the plane ride I fear and it makes my manners … well, I took it for an insult that it was not intended to be.”
Insults to himself he would normally ignore, but thinking his daughter had been insulted was something he would never ignore.
“They often are I imagine.”
Daniel nods.
“Well, it must make it all the more satisfying then.”
“What is?”
“When they end up looking up at you from the mat,” Terry answers warmly and Daniel laughs, Terry’s alpha roaring with pride.
“Sorry, you are the sensei for ….”
“My teaching days are behind me,” and his life is about to take a new path and include things he hadn’t intended on - had thought were not meant for him - a mated omega with pups. Not that Daniel knows that yet, although Terry won’t keep him in the dark for long. “I do however provide the iron dragons with the financial means to compete.”
Daniel’s name is called by some lumbering blond male, a beta, and Terry wrinkles his nose in utter distaste.
“Apologies for having to cut our conversation short,” Daniel says, looking like he wants to do anything but.
“Oh I have no doubt we will be seeing plenty of each other.”
Reaching out he takes the smaller man’s hand, the soft, pink mouth falling open, the electricity shooting through them both as soon as their skin meets.
The omega’s cheeks colour to a most fetching shade.
Terry wonders if that will be the same shade his skin will flush to when Terry has him.
Daniel in his GI.
Terry in a pinstriped suit.
The blue mat separating them.
The alpha stares at the omega, just as transfixed by his beauty as he was yesterday, maybe more so, considering that now he can feel the faint thrum of their bond rolling under his skin, his alpha bathing itself in it.
Terry notices right away as well, the change in Daniel’s scent, how his omega seems to glow, everything about him calling to the alpha, enticing the alpha, tempting Terry to breed him. It’s all the classic telltales signs he’s on the edge of a heat, which is more than likely a direct result of Terry.
Terry though does not wish for their first pup to be conceived here like this, so he keeps his distance.
If not, he would drag the omega into the first empty room and mate him then and there, fuck him until there was no way the omega hadn’t conceived - if he could even make it that far. He might end up taking him then and there on the mat, thoroughly bred for all to see.
He has Wolf send his apologies for Terry not being able to extend the invite to dinner himself, prepared to have Wolf bring the omega to him, should he refuse, but luckily for all involved, the omega accepts.
Later on in his penthouse awaiting dinner - the heat hits faster than Terry was anticipating.
Daniel tries to excuse himself, intending to go the bathroom to splash some water on himself but as he stands he stumbles slightly, Terry catching him by the arm, steadying him.
“You are quite warm,” Terry remarks, the back of his hand pressed to his cheek, which is entirely unnecessary. He can tell by the pink on his cheeks and fine sheen of sweat at his hairline that he is. Still, any excuse to touch the omega - any means to speed this along - his touch helping to push the omega into his heat.
“Yes, I don’t know what has come over me,” Daniel says before he doubles over with a pained groan.
Terry breathes deeply and he can feel the ache in his teeth.
“I think it’s your heat, darling.”
“No I … it can’t be … I … I’m on,” he stammers, stumbling over his words.
“The plane ride here could affect them,” Terry says, which, while certainty true, isn’t the sole reason.
It‘s their burgeoning bond making his suppressants fail, something that, although takes a bigger toll on the omegas, is usually felt by the alpha first.
A biological evolution - the alpha has to be ready to protect their mate while a bond will trigger a heat in the omega - to ensure the alpha claims them thus cementing their bond and the protection of the alpha.
Terry had also managed to get his hands on the required medication to make sure his birth control, should he even be on it, fails as well. Terry making sure there would be nothing preventing the conception of their child tonight, knowing it will also increase the chances of it taking.
Not that Terry thinks that will be a problem.
The omega will be good and bred by the time his heat breaks.
“I should go back to my room …..” Daniel tries, although he wants to do anything but, the feel of the alpha calming the heat slowly descending upon him.
“You are in no shape to be out in public right now,” Terry interrupts.
“Maybe if I just lie down,” Daniel tries, knowing the alpha is right, but when he moves he cries out, legs giving out entirely, would have fallen if it wasn’t for Terry holding him up.
The older man scoops him up now, the omega’s arm dangling down as Terry gets them to their bedroom as quick as he can.
It’s hitting his little mate hard and fast.
For now, he’ll knot him to take the edge off and when Daniel has more of his wits about him - the heat softening as it gears for the next wave - he can take his time and taste him all over like he wants, among other things.
They have time. He has no plans on letting the little omega out of bed anytime soon.
For now though, he has to take care of his mate - the distress of the heat making him desperate - the constant whining bubbling up from the back of his omega’s throat - a call to be bred - is like a dagger to the alpha’s senses.
His pants are yanked off roughly, Terry undoing his own belt, his cock harder than it’s ever been.
Terry watches as the omega struggles to roll to his stomach to present and as badly as Terry wants to see that - to have him like that - he wants to see his face the first time his slides his cock inside him.
He stays him with a hand on his hip, but the omega whines and whimpers, thinking his alpha is displease at his hear-made clumsy attempt to present.
“Shhhh,” he calms him. “ I just want you on your back for me. Be a good omega now and do as your alpha wishes,” but the omega whines, it turning into a keening, only showcasing how beyond distressed he is now, pressing his face to the mattress, ass as high in the air as he can get in an attempt to appease the alpha.
Terry sighs - the little omega is too far gone to reason with and taking him any other way will only cause even more panic, which may be detrimental to a successful breeding.
But when the omega reaches back spreading himself, the pink little hole on display, wet and inviting, well the alpha is already climbing on the bed, cock in hand to guide inside, forgetting what the issue even was.
Head at the entrance, gathering the slick pouring out of the omega, the blunt pressure easing the omega’s desperation, the keening pestering out as he realizes he’s about to get that which he seeks, but before Terry presses his cock inside, he moves Daniel slightly, so they’re both reflected in the mirror.
Terry puts a hand around his throat, his forefinger pressed to the bottom of his chin, pulling his head back so he can both see his face like that and in the mirror when he wants.
The wet noise as the the head pops in, finally, his heat ready body easily accepting what the alpha is offering, his omega place clinging to each thick inch opening him up perfectly.
They were made for each other.
“You haven’t been getting it like you need, have you?! I can feel it. How tight you are for me.”
Large hands grab sharp hips which, Terry knows with a. Savage sense of pride won’t be so sharp in a few months. His hand moves over to grasp a soft but flat belly, although that won’t be for long either, and if Terry had his way, won’t be flat again for quite some time.
“Going to take such good care of our pups aren’t you, darling?”
Fingers finding his chest, soft and puffy from heat and clearly sensitive if his hole clenching as Terry rubs at the hard little nubs is any indication.
Next time he’ll get his mouth on them. Give them the proper attention they deserve. Hear the noises he’ll pull from the omega as he does.
Can’t wait to see the changes in them as their pup grows inside his mate.
Hips pistoning in and out faster and faster, the need to fill the omega with his come overpowering anything else.
“Made to be bred weren’t you?! Made to give me pups.”
He can feel his knot forming, it hitting the entrance of his omega every time he bottoms out, his balls drawing up, ready to empty themselves inside the omega where it belongs.
Terry’s fingers find the omegan clit, and a few quick rubs over it have his mate wailing, his omega place soaked as he comes, body clamping down on the alpha’s cock, practically squeezing his seed out into his womb where it belongs.
Grabbing his hips, he drives his cock in, the knot forcing it’s way inside, sealing them together, ensuring every drop pumped out of him into the omega stays deep inside, creating their pup.
Terry rolls them to theirs side, the omega keening when the knot tugs on his sensitive entrance, stretched wide to ac donate the size of the alpha’s knot.
It’s a lot.
Especially after so long without it.
The heat.
The breeding,
The sheer size of the alpha’s cock and knot, so damn large inside him, taking up space he doesn’t seem to have the more the alpha’s release fills him.
His belly bloated from it - the alpha’s hand laying on it possessively, rubbing it as he continues to gently pump his hips as much as the knot will allow.
The alpha nuzzles into his neck, placing soft kisses there, his other hand over Daniel’s heart, feeling it sync up with his own.
“What do we do now?” Daniel asks, now that the heat has eased off a bit, he has some clarity back before the next wave robs him of it again, realizing exactly what has happened.
That the alpha has knotted him during a heat, the alpha’s cock still pulsing and throbbing inside him, the seed having no where else to go but inside his womb.
Next wave of heat the aloha will bite his omega, mate him proper. That first round was successful, Terry is near sure of it. The omega is bred.
“My pup is inside you,” Terry confirms, burying his face into his neck, scenting it - faint but there - life freshly conceived inside him.
An overwhelming sense of completeness settles over Daniel, the way it did when his other pregnancies took, and he knows the alpha is right.
A hand rubs his stomach.
“You are my rightful mate.”
Daniel can feel the bond thrumming between them. His omega is content - utterly and completely - everything feels so right.
“So you’ll wear my bite,” Terry confirms, matter of fact. “And my name,” he adds, making It clear that mating also means marriage.
While Daniel doesn’t answer, Terry can smell how truly content the omega is, the scent of him even more delicious because of it.
“I had wanted more pups,” Daniel says quietly, placing his hand over Terry’s, still resting on his stomach.
“Good,” Terry says as his knot finally pops free, Daniel’s hole gaping, feeling empty as it clenches on nothing. He isn’t empty for long though as Terry puts him on his back, throwing Daniel’s legs over his shoulders, already lining back up again. “Because this won’t be the only one,” Terry tells him, pushing back inside, the omega arching up as he’s filled again in one smooth thrust.
Not by a long shot.
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landslided · 8 months ago
the year is 2024, sam larusso has begged her father to go to coachella with her friends (moon, aisha, demitri, robby and miguel but somehow tory, hawk and literally have of eagle fang area have managed to invite themselves to this event). the problem is that daniel is a little bit paranoid since the whole « terry silver tried to kill your whole family » thing, meaning he agrees to it but only if he can come with another responsible adult to chaperone all of these kids. (he’s been so stressed lately. so down. he can’t sleep well and he only feels at peace doing karate… amanda says it’s not healthy. he doesn’t see how to get out of his own head if it’s not doing crazy karate moves with johnny and chozen) unfortunately for him, all the responsible adults are busy; amanda is working, chozen has mysteriously disappeared to go to a baking contest which… since when can chozen make perfect italian meringues??? oh and even louie has a thing that day (it’s a date, cus, but she’s smoooking! i can’t miss it, sorry, or she’ll figure out she’s way out of my league.) which is how daniel finds himself driving a minivan full of teenagers with johnny lawrence in the passenger seat.
when they get there, the kids immediately go and run around, losing themselves between booths of extremely expensive gimmicky food and stages of alternative artists performing to LA rich kids who are all on ket.
daniel and johnny find themselves alone, at one of the biggest festivals of the country, being the oldest guys around and having no idea what to do which is about when johnny drags them both to a booth for beer ("larusso, i refuse to pay 12$ for a peach flavored beer, that’s fucking insane." "then get a water, johnny, i don’t know." "a WATER? to a festival? what are we? wimps? give me that peach nightmare.") about two hours in (and at least 10 beers each which is really gonna hurt daniel’s wallet come tomorrow), daniel sees sam under a tent, getting closer to a stage and daniel follows, of course, because he wants to make sure his daughter is alright… which really comes to a surprise when a redhead singer comes on stage and daniel watches sam turn slowly but surely to tory on her right and wrap a hand around her arm to make her lean down and… oh, that is very much a kiss.
and it would already be quite weird but now the music is so loud and daniel’s gaze turns to the stage and it all gets stuck in his head; is he happy? waking up in the middle of the night with his head in his hands? he turns to johnny and really, is this a i told you so? is he happier fighting with johnny than at peace with his wife?
johnny, unaware to daniel’s turmoil, slightly tipsy, balancing bert on his shoulders does the most insane, evil thing he could do to daniel at that point; he smiles slightly.
it’s just a hint of teeth in the shape of a crescent moon, just a flash of white for not even a second but daniel feels run through.
he watches tory and sam hold hands in front of the stage, he watches all these young people celebrate who they are and feels both extremely alone and finally understood.
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dalekofchaos · 2 months ago
Raimiverse fancast
My fancast for an expanded Raimiverse fancast
Only recasting Venom since Topher was just not Venom. He wasn't.
Tobey Maguire as Spider-Man/Peter Parker
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Kirsten Dunst as Mary-Jane Watson
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Sadie Sink as Spider-Girl/Mayday Parker
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James Franco as Harry Osborn/New Goblin
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Bryce Dallas Howard as Gwen Stacy
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Rosemary Harris as Aunt May Parker
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JK Simmons as J. Jonah Jameson
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Bill Nunn as Robbie Robertson
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Elizabeth Banks as Betty Brant
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James Cromwell as Captain George Stacy
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Gina Torres as Jean DeWolff
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Glenn Close as Madame Webb
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Joe Manganiello as Flash Thompson/Agent Venom
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Willem Dafoe as Green Goblin/Norman Osborn
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Alfred Molina as Doc Ock/Otto Octavius
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Thomas Hayden Church as Sandman/Flint Marko
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Skeet Ulrich as Venom/Eddie Brock
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Matthew Lillard as Carnage/Cletus Cassidy
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John Malkovich as The Vulture/Adrian Toombs
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Anne Hathaway as Black Cat/Felicia Hardy(I know Raimi originally intended for her to be Vulture's daughter and the She-Vulture, but that was dumb)
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Dylan Baker as The Lizard/Curt Connors
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Bruce Campbell as Mysterio/Quentin Beck
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Michael Clarke Duncan as Kingpin/Wilson Fisk
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Arnold Vosloo as Scorpion/Mac Gargan
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Ben Foster as Electro/Max Dillon
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Kevin Grevioux as Tombstone/Lonnie Lincoln
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Jackie Chan as Mister Negative/Martin Li
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Keanu Reeves as Dr. Michael Morbius
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Doug Jones as Chameleon
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Matthew McConaughey as Hydro Man
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Due to tumblr's bullshit 30 photo limit, cann't post anymore
Ben Stiller as Shocker
Russell Crowe as Kraven the Hunter
Vinnie Jones as The Rhino/Aleksei Sytsevich
Brad Douriff as Hobgoblin/Roderick Kingsley
Daniel Day-Lewis as Iron Man/Tony Stark
Brad Pitt as Captain America/Steve Rogers
Karl Urban as Thor Odinson
Eric Bana as The Hulk/Bruce Banner
Milla Jovovich as Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff
Paul Walker as Hawkeye/Clint Barton
Kurt Russell as Nick Cage
Ewan McGregor as Ant-Man/Hank Pym
Natalie Portman as Wasp/Janet Van Dyne
Rachel Weisz as Scarlet Witch/Wanda Maximoff
Jake Gyllenhaal as Quicksilver/Pietro Maximoff
Denzel Washington as Black Panther/T'Challa
Charlize Theron as Captain Marvel/Carol Danvers
Cuba Gooding Jr. as War/Machine/James Rhodes
Hugh Jackmas as Wolverine
Patrick Stewart as Charles Xavier
Famke Janssen as Jean Grey
James Marsden as Cyclops/Scott Summers
Halle Berry as Storm/Ororo Munroe
Ioan Gruffudd as Mr Fantastic/Reed Richards
Jessica Alba as Invisible Woman/Sue Storm
Chris Evans as Human Torch/Johnny Storm
Michael Chiklis as The Thing/Ben Grimm
Laurence Fishburne as Silver Surfer
Oded Fehr as Doctor Strange/Stephen Strange
Ben Affleck as Daredevil/Matt Murdock
Jennifer Garner as Elektra
Thomas Jane as The Punisher
Terry Crews as Luke Cage
Nicholas Cage as Ghost Rider
Jim Carrey as Loki Laufeyson
Jude Law as Ultron
Ron Pearlman as Thanos
Ian McKellan as Magneto
Julian McMahon as Dr Doom
Rufus Sewell as Baron Mordo
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virgo-mess · 1 year ago
Hi, how are you?
I would like to make a request for a Terry Silver story where it's old Terry who regrets not having his own family and still wishes for his own children, he has a sugar baby also bought her virginity who happens to be Johnny Lawrence's early to mid 20's daughter who he gets pregnant on purpose. Please give him a breeding kink and obsessive.
Please and thankyou.
I'm not sure I can do this, ask justice, and for that, I apologize! However, @karatekels did an amazing CK Terry breeding kink fic called Eye of the Storm for her 12 days of TIGmas line up! It doesn't have the specific details of your request, but it's definitely worth a read! The link is below, and I hope you find someone to fill your request. There are so many amazing writers to choose from in this community, and I genuinely appreciate you for taking the time to send me an ask 💙
Eye of the Storm
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dilfluvver4eva · 16 days ago
Cobra Kai s6 pt 2 spoilers
Idk, idc, but I loved that ending
Everyone got their happy ending except for like Kreese and silver
The scene with Kreese and Johnny hugging and crying was everything to me.
KREESE TOOK OUT TERRY WITH HIM? Terry definitely deserved it, but I was sad to see Kreese go
I love the parallel between Daniel and Johnny from like the first movie by them saying you’re alright. It was so adorable
I love the scene Daniel told Terry that cobra Kai never dies because I’m sure he would’ve never imagined saying that let alone wearing the gi. Terry’s face dropped so quick.
I’m so glad that Axel decided to leave like I feel so bad for him. He was like a really big puppy like a golden retriever so cute.
It was so freaking cute when Miguel was like I have to be Axel for Robby. Like when they first met, they were enemies and they came out as brothers and that’s so admirable to me.
I love that name their daughter after Johnny’s mom it was so cute
I like the Bobby Brown appearance
I love the scene in the bar, where everyone is cheering on Johnny and then they just hug
Although I’m sad that they never really addressed what Zara did to Robbie, I’m glad Tory got to beat her down for it.
I love the binary Bros just geeking out with each other and being so happy and cute
I’m really sad that there wasn’t much Kenny in the last couple of episodes
I wish there was more of hawk just of him or should I say Eli?
I love that Daniel and Johnny ended up coaching, their respective dojo Johnny’s being slightly more different by being neutral
I love Carmen and her mom. I don’t know, they were just so iconic.
Amanda was also iconic, especially when she was wearing the gi and cheering them on
I had no idea how to feel about the Miyagi ai thing because he also passed in real life and I was just like oh
Tori and Robby were everything to me this season. I love the fact that he jumped on his crutches to tell her that he loved her.
hated Sensei Wolf, but he is so fine
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joslincox · 10 months ago
The Alpha Bitch Trope in Cartoon
Tricia Holmes from 6teen is well known by the gang as the most popular girl at their school and is the snooty archnemesis of Caitlin Cooke, who used to be a member of her Girl Posse.
Subverted on American Dad! where the "hottest girl in school" and head cheerleader Lisa Silver appears willing to go out with the nerdy Steve and is surprisingly understanding when the show's antics keep messing up the planned dates. In another episode, it looks like she and her Girl Posse did something terrible to Steve's unpopular girlfriend... but it turns out it is actually Steve's friends who are responsible, once again subverting what you'd expect from Alpha Bitch behavior.
Amphibia has Sasha Waybright, Anne's snobby and manipulative Toxic Friend who has a strong desire to rule over and control others; she even says herself that she ruled her school back on Earth. Anne starts the show off as her unwitting minion, being encouraged to engage in delinquent behavior and the like. As the series progresses, Sasha ultimately drives Anne away from her, especially after the latter realizes how bad of a friend she really is. By the third season, however, Sasha comes to realize how horrible she was and grows out of this behavior to become a better person.
Nanette Manoir from Angela Anaconda, also a Fauxreigner French Jerk and something of a teacher's pet. Angela has had many an Imagine Spot where she gets thoroughly humiliated and/or maimed.
Priscilla and Penelope Pinkpaws from Angelina Ballerina.
Cora, the daughter of the CEO Nora Rita Norita, in the Animaniacs (2020) short "My Super Sour 16" is an arrogant, spoiled Rich Bitch who wants her Sweet 16 to be absolutely perfect.
Muffy from Arthur used to be this and occasionally still has shades of it, particularly in the episode where Arthur starts acting like her. However, she has a Hidden Heart of Gold.
As Told by Ginger:
Miranda Kilgallen is the second-in-command and the Girl Posse leader to Courtney Gripling. She also defrosts a little. She never exactly becomes friendly, but she's a lot worse at the start than she is at the end.
Courtney Gripling is an inversion — Lovable Alpha Bitch. She's the queen bee; pretty, rich, popular, and more than a little narcissistic, a (self-proclaimed) snob, but she's a genuinely sweet person who doesn't seem to harbor any malice towards anyone — unlike her friend Miranda. While her sidekick Miranda is quick to insult the unpopular girls, Courtney is friendly with them.
Penelope Lang in Atomic Betty. Her two lackeys are a pair of sycophantic nerds, and she is infamous for referring to people as "losers" often.
Raquelle from Barbie: A Fairy Secret, although once the plot gets into motion, it's mostly pushed by the wayside.
Violet Nylund and Ashlynn Torescu from Barbie Presents Thumbelina.
Formerly Sloane, Hallie, and Dua for Camp Pop and Olivia and her friends for Camp Royalty from Barbie In Rock N Royals.
Tammy Bounceaway from Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures.
Tanya Butaire from LEGO Friends.
Batman Beyond has Blade and Chelsea. Blade is actually fairly apathetic, but has the look down pat, and is more than content to do things such as throw most of a school assignment on Terry, or manipulate a classmate to make another guy jealous. Chelsea, is usually a lot more sympathetic; she's actually a rather nice person, as seen in "The Last Resort," and except for being dismissive of Howard Groote, doesn't really do anything bad. Though she sometimes tries to get Dana to see other guys, it's because she thinks Terry isn't good for Dana, due to him always brushing her off.
Claire Brewster in Beetlejuice who is still the "stuck-up, shallow yet very pretty girl" type.
The Benedict Express
Madison, while technically a protagonist, is essentially the Beta Bitch to Alpha Bitch Erica Green and has often participated in her schemes against less attractive girls. Her status as the daughter of a professor allows her to get away with anything. Of course, their rival Sarah who is rarely shown is an even bigger Alpha Bitch.
Ciara Toler, when she was in high school and before she was brutally raped as a consequence of her bitchiness. While she showed strong Alpha Bitchy traits partly because of her status as "Barbee Creek Barbie" and "the princess of the projects" - the most attractive girl in her 'hood - her snobbishness is portrayed somewhat sympathetically as arising from her impatience with living in a community filled with people who preferred to wallow in poverty and being the only person (even in her own family) with a drive to improve herself. In fact, she often tried to act more like a Cute Sports Club Manager and uplift the spirit of her friends and neighbors before becoming exhausted with the fact they were only interested in drug dealing and violence.
Tammy Larson from Bob's Burgers is something of a subversion in that she thinks she's an Alpha Bitch and assumes she's super popular. The thing is, she doesn't have anywhere near as many friends or followers as you think she would if she were that popular. The only person who hangs around her on a regular basis and actually seems to like her is her Beta Bitch Jocelyn, and even she doesn't seem to like Tammy that much. The only other people who could possibly be considered her friends are Jimmy Jr., Zeke, and the Belcher siblings, and that should tell you something about her popularity level since they don't seem to actually even like her.
Boy Girl Dog Cat Mouse Cheese: Girl has a nemesis called Lila, who mockingly calls her "the queen of nerds" and threatens to shut down Girl's after-school cosplay club if elected school president, just to be mean.
Nina Harper from Braceface. Interesting, though, in that she and the protagonist, Sharon Spitz, were actually best friends when they were little. But a mishap with one of Nina's dolls that got its head popped off ended their friendship when she accused Sharon of being the culprit (even though she had no proof that Sharon did it). So her bullying Sharon is more or less out of spite. They do somewhat reconcile as the series goes on. Especially by season 3 when it's revealed that Sharon was indeed innocent of the doll incident; Nina's cousin was the cause of that.
Suzi from Camp Lakebottom is McGee's vain and bossy sister, a former pageant queen, and a huge Attention Whore.
Cleo from Clone High. She is a very selfish, snobby, cynical, vain, manipulative, pretentious, and materialistic stereotypical school diva who cares only about her social image, beauty, and popularity. Like in many a high school story, protagonist Abe has a hopeless crush on her despite the fact she's clearly more interested in Jerk Jock JFK.
Come the revival series set in 2023, Cleo expects she'll still be the most popular girl in school and is utterly horrified to learn she's been replaced by Frida Kahlo, an artsy skateboarder with a slight mustache and a giant unibrow. In fact, Frida and Harriet Tubman think Joan of Arc is cooler than Cleo.
Elisabeth "Sissi" Delmas in Code Lyoko is a strange version of this. In the first season, this is played straight, with the exception of a few scenes in only a few episodes. However, her assistance to the heroes in later seasons, particularly the second and fourth, is often offered without a second thought or a specific request for a reward, though this can happen quite a bit in a life-or-death situation. It seems that her personality alternates between seasons, from a straight Alpha Bitch with several Pet the Dog moments in Seasons 1 and 3 to a more Jerk with a Heart of Gold Lovable Alpha Bitch in Seasons 2 and 4.
Paulina from Danny Phantom. The most popular girl in school and loves to rub it in people's faces.
The show also had Valerie Grey, who early in the show ends up losing her wealth and becoming a Fallen Princess. She still retained some bitchiness before completely mellowing out and becomes a villain towards Danny’s ghost half.
Played with on Daria. You'd think the title character would have one as an arch-nemesis, but no, girls like Brittany are generally nice (if condescending) to her. Daria's sister Quinn, however, is part of the Fashion Club, the popular Girl Posse of their grade...and is in constant competition with its leader Sandi for dominance. Essentially, the two never have time to torture less popular girls because they're torturing each other instead. Quinn is generally the more sympathetic of the two, if only because she doesn't abuse poor Stacy, the group's least popular member.
The longer the show went on, the more it seemed like Sandi was a Deconstruction of the Alpha Bitch. While the boys of Lawndale all see Sandi as hot, there was nothing to indicate Sandi truly was as popular as she believes she is. Since she spends far more time battling Quinn for supremacy in the Fashion Club, Sandi's supposed popularity only ever was apparent within the confines of the club. Furthermore, when she decides to quit in "Fat Like Me" only Quinn appears sorry that Sandi's leaving while Tiffany and Stacy seemed overjoyed at the thought of Sandi no longer breathing down their necks. Considering Sandi is repeatedly shown to be an egotistical and manipulative Attention Whore, it's no wonder she's desperate to maintain what little foothold of popularity she has in a space she has total control over.
Andrea Davenport from The Ghost and Molly McGee is a snooty tween "influencer" who tries to make Molly a pariah on her first day at school just because she kept mispronouncing Andrea's name (which she insists is pronounced "AHN-dree-ah" and not "ANN-dree-ah").
Pacifica Northwest from Gravity Falls, which is later deconstructed in season 2 when it's suggested she's only this way because her rich parents are even worse and raised her to be stuck up. She begins to defrost as of "The Golf War", then "Northwest Mansion Mystery" reveals that she wasn't raised to be a bitch, she was mentally abused into being one. To put things in perspective, Pacifica was nothing more than a bully and a brat, but she isn't a sociopath. Dipper convinced her that there is still redemption for her.
"The Golf War" had Mabel lampshade this by calling her a "walking one-dimensional bleach blonde Valley Girl stereotype".
Mindy from The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy is a much younger Alpha Bitch, as well as an incredibly obsessive one. For example, she loses her head cheerleader position to Mandy (who just shouts the game plans to the team) and, after consulting the "patron saint of cheerleading" (a trophy she thinks is talking), decides the best solution is to incapacitate her in some way in the middle of a match, or, failing that, blow her up. If she sees Mandy with anyone aside from Billy or Irwin or the like, she walks up to them, puts on an obscenely perky face, and says "You're my best friend!"
Trina Riffin from Grojband acts this way, even though she only has one dedicated underling, her much put-upon childhood friend Mina. Nonetheless, her official bio states her to be the most popular girl at her school (although since we rarely ever see the characters at school, this never pops up in the series).
Paige Logan from Grossology. She is a popular but very snobbish girl.
Harvey Street Kids:
Frufru, the local rich girl. She's depicted as being haughty, self-absorbed, and into fashion, but lacks a Girl Posse, indicated to be simply because she's so distant from the other kids.
Zoe, Audrey's abusive older sister, is a more obvious example, being a head cheerleader and the leader of a trio composed of her and her two friends.
Rhonda Wellington Lloyd comes between this and Rich Bitch in some episodes of Hey Arnold! However, she actually is shown to have a friendly side, since her best friend Nadine actually is implied to be a middle-class girl (and with almost completely different interests than Rhonda—Nadine loves arthropods, Rhonda loves fashion). Her romantic interest in Harold, who actually is fat and less popular, is another redeeming feature.
Miraculous Ladybug:
Chloé Bourgeois. Her father is the Mayor of Paris and spoils his 'little angel' rotten. She hits all the marks for personality, but she is not very popular at all, with only one friend, Sabrina, who she treats more like a servant and also doesn't understand what friendship might actually be. She thinks everyone adores her (they don't), and can rarely accept she made a mistake. Among her most heinous acts is locking an emotionally insecure girl in the bathroom so she could be next to Adrien, who Chloé has a crush on (and said insecure girl does not) in a class photo. She is responsible for most cases of people becoming sad or angry and getting brainwashed into supervillains, to the point that Hawk Moth once created an akuma with no specific victim in mind and had it follow her around since he figured she was bound to piss someone off eventually. Unfortunately, he caught her on the day she was specifically trying to be nicer to people, so it took a little while, but she eventually delivered.
Lila Rossi. She convinces the rest of the class, who adores her, to do whatever she wants and manipulates people to try and turn them against Marinette (the only person who doesn't like her). She also torments people for petty reasons, such as sending a picture of herself kissing Adrien to Kagami, or the aforementioned turning people against Marinette because Marinette refuses to believe her Blatant Lies. She also acts spiteful and horribly rude, insulting people behind their backs.
Audrey Bougeois is one of these all grown up — she's a snobby, rude, and narcissistic fashion critic who belittles and threatens to fire anyone that doesn't meet her impossibly high standards. Her own family isn't exempt from this; her treatment of her husband is flat-out Domestic Abuse, she alternates between belittling her daughter while misremembering her name and encouraging her to follow her example (said daughter being Chloé), and while she treats Zoé slightly better, she doesn't really pay attention to her unless she puts up a Jerkass Façade.
Monster Buster Club gives us a subversion of the Always Female rule. Resident Alpha Brat Mark is a male Spoiled Blond Rich Kid who delights in insulting and generally being less than pleasant with the four kid heroes, apparently for no reason.
Cleo from Monster High is popular, vain, and frequently tries to manipulate situations to be about her. However, she does love her boyfriend and her friends, and occasionally displays redeeming qualities, becoming more of a Lovable Alpha Bitch as time goes on. Deconstructed in that her popularity is the result of her need for positive attention, which comes from her father and older sister treating her coldly and telling her about the importance of power, both of which went to Cleo's head.
Cleo: "I'm Cleo De Nile, and I've got to give the people what they want."
Tiff and Brit, the Crust cousins from My Life as a Teenage Robot, who continually plot to keep Jenny/XJ-9 unpopular.
Diamond Tiara from My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, with Silver Spoon as the Beta Bitch, are a pair of spoiled brats who tease Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle about not developing cutie marks yet, and taunt Scootaloo about the fact that she can't fly. The episode "Crusaders of the Lost Mark" reveals Diamond was raised to be mean by her mother Spoiled Rich, who's far worse than she is, prompting her to stand up to her near the end and become nice.
Neo Yokio: Arcangelo is a male example. He leads the "east side gentlemen" who look down on Kaz for being Nouveau Riche.
Mayor Paul Spryman from Ozzy and Drix. He is a 14-year-old brain cell who has absolutely no business being in charge of the city and bullies Ozzy for being an Emo Teen and Drix for being a Nerd.
In Pixel Pinkie, Suzi is the school's alpha bitch who immediately marks Nina as a target for her strange clothes and Amazingly Embarrassing Parents.
Amity Blight in The Owl House, although she is technically more of the academic variety and grows into a lovable one fairly quickly. Her friend Boscha, while a Beta Bitch in status, is a more straight example in regard to attitude. Following Amity taking a level in kindness midway through Season 1, Boscha becomes the new Alpha Bitch in her place.
Princess Morbucks on The Powerpuff Girls (1998). She's a rich, spoiled Prima Donna that thinks she's better than the girls. Nobody at her school likes her. She even wants to become a member of the girls, which they turn down because she lacks any qualities of the team. Taken up notches in the 2016 reboot; she no longer wants to be the fourth Powerpuff Girl, she wants to be the only Powerpuff Girl.
Princess Natasha: Greg's girlfriend Kelly is this, at least as far as Natasha is concerned. She is totally self=absorbed and her 'crimes' include wearing too much makeup and cheating off her fellow students.
The Ashleys in Recess. Despite having some moments where they aren't a bunch of Rich Bitches, they spend the majority of the series wanting to screw with everyone for the sake of being mean.
Vana Glama from Sidekick is a classic case, a popular and self-centered primadonna who gets the best grades at the Sidekick Academy, has all the boys (especially Eric) drooling over her, and is served by the beleaguered nerd Kitty Ko.
In The Simpsons episode "Eight Misbehavin'", the family describe what happened to them during a nine-month mid-episode Time Skip. Lisa reveals that she became the most popular girl in school, "but then blew it by being conceited". Whilst the details of this are never revealed, it is probable that she became an Alpha Bitch during that period.
Gemini Stone from Sabrina: The Animated Series, a stand-in for the original Libby on the live-action series.
Also Portia from the friends forever movie.
The Spectacular Spider-Man
Liz was introduced as one, mocking Peter as much as everyone else, until a boost of Character Development after seeing him in different light turned her into his love interest.
Sally Avril is the most abusive girl of the group, even mercilessly mocking fellow clique-member Flash Thompson when his hero, Spider-Man, appears to be committing robberies. Slightly subverted when Peter's aunt has a heart attack as Flash mentions that even Sally feels sorry for him, although she is not as forthcoming with her sympathies as his friends are. Both she and Flash have gone through a bit of Character Development. When she thinks that Peter's been killed, Sally is horrified. She does say it's because she'll have to tell Liz and Liz "looks awful in black", but when she sees that Peter's okay, she performs a textbook Anger Born of Worry. A bit later, she tells him that no, she doesn't care, but she doesn't want him to be blown to bits, she's not a monster. In the last episode, she's glad Liz broke up with Peternote .
Gretel from Staines Down Drains is the arch-enemy of Mary-Jane. She is a spoilt girl who usually bullies the Staines with her friends, the Lupe brothers.
Brittney Wong from Star vs. the Forces of Evil hits all the typical beats: she's a bratty, selfish Rich Bitch who became captain of the cheer-leading squad at Echo Creek Academy "on her own, and not because her dad made a generous donation to the school." Naturally, Brittney hates Star for being one of the few kids she can't intimidate and for stealing attention away from herself
Strawberry Shortcake: Angel Cake has moments of such in the 2003 series, especially in the final season, to the point of playing the villain in "Sleeping Beauty".
Peppermint Fizz was this in her early appearances but outgrows such behavior following her redesign.
Raspberry Tart/Torte becomes one in the 2021 series, with the addition of Adaptational Villainy. She drops this after Season 1, when she warms up to Strawberry and becomes one of her closest friends.
Melody from Teenage Fairytale Dropouts is a mean girl in that she's constantly looking down on Fury for the latter being a fairy who still hasn't grown her wings yet.
Total Drama: From the first generation, Heather and Courtney. Heather is a classic queen bee whereas Courtney revealed herself to be a Bitch in Sheep's Clothing with her bossy and overly competitive personality as the series progressed. Both were the Alpha Bitch on their respective teams in the first two seasons with Heather serving as the show's main Alpha Bitch in Island and Courtney in Action. However, in World Tour, both girls clash for the position.
From the third generation, Amy and Sugar. Amy treats her twin sister Samey with absolutely no respect, and pretty much acts like a Jerkass towards her other teammates as well, particularly Jasmine. Sugar is a pageant brat who asserts herself as the dominant female, especially over Ella and Sky.
From the fourth generation, Julia. She starts as a fake Granola Girl social media influencer, but Beneath the Mask, she's as self-absorbed as one can get. MK eventually exposes Julia's real personality to the world, but Julia's popularity doesn't suffer for long— she gets thousands of new followers who enjoy her real personality, and she's relieved that she no longer has to act nice to be popular.
Total Drama Presents: The Ridonculous Race:
Taylor treats her mom Kelly like shit, and she is often rude to the other contestants.
Josee is a rare adult version, given how she regularly bullies her partner Jacques and belittles other teams, primarily the Cadets and the Sisters.
Mandy from Totally Spies! is a textbook case of this trope. Extra points for being shallow. Her cousin Mindy is also shown to be this, but it takes five seasons for her to show up.
It's spin-off show The Amazing Spiez! also has this with Tami.
Coral from Trollz is the head cheerleader, perpetually stuck-up, and is mean to the BFFL. She gets a case of Break the Haughty when Simon temporarily takes over and makes her his servant, and when Amethyst helps her she thanks the cast before returning to her usual ways.
Winx Club
A girl from Bloom's old hometown named Mitzi definitely fit the bill, despite appearing only a few times. In the Halloween episode, she invited Bloom and her friends to a party—which turned out to be an elaborate scheme to humiliate the girls. She bought and rigged a house, made up an elaborate legend, hired actors to pose as party guests (complete with scripts), and set up elaborate special effects around the house, just to pull a prank on someone she had barely seen in two years, along with four girls she had never met. Mitzi gets a more prominent role in some episodes of the fourth season: she lays her eyes on Brandon and wants to take him from Stella. Later, the Wizards of the Black Circle temporarily turn her and two friends into evil fairies. After that, she's practically Put on a Bus. She appears again in Season 5, and whatever time she's not playing fangirl to the Trix involves her being a bitch to her little sister.
The Trix themselves qualify. They bully others in school and generally boss others around before getting expelled. After episode nine, they get much, much worse, what with the multiple attempted homicides, turning The Cutie into a pumpkin for ruining one of their plans, removing the heroine's powers in a needlessly sadistic way after threatening her parents and revealing her backstory, and attempting to take over the universe. They're like Regina George, only with magical powers.
Christie Wilson from The Weekenders. She's a snooty jerk.
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