#absolutely insanity in this post
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landslided · 8 months ago
the year is 2024, sam larusso has begged her father to go to coachella with her friends (moon, aisha, demitri, robby and miguel but somehow tory, hawk and literally have of eagle fang area have managed to invite themselves to this event). the problem is that daniel is a little bit paranoid since the whole « terry silver tried to kill your whole family » thing, meaning he agrees to it but only if he can come with another responsible adult to chaperone all of these kids. (he’s been so stressed lately. so down. he can’t sleep well and he only feels at peace doing karate… amanda says it’s not healthy. he doesn’t see how to get out of his own head if it’s not doing crazy karate moves with johnny and chozen) unfortunately for him, all the responsible adults are busy; amanda is working, chozen has mysteriously disappeared to go to a baking contest which… since when can chozen make perfect italian meringues??? oh and even louie has a thing that day (it’s a date, cus, but she’s smoooking! i can’t miss it, sorry, or she’ll figure out she’s way out of my league.) which is how daniel finds himself driving a minivan full of teenagers with johnny lawrence in the passenger seat.
when they get there, the kids immediately go and run around, losing themselves between booths of extremely expensive gimmicky food and stages of alternative artists performing to LA rich kids who are all on ket.
daniel and johnny find themselves alone, at one of the biggest festivals of the country, being the oldest guys around and having no idea what to do which is about when johnny drags them both to a booth for beer ("larusso, i refuse to pay 12$ for a peach flavored beer, that’s fucking insane." "then get a water, johnny, i don’t know." "a WATER? to a festival? what are we? wimps? give me that peach nightmare.") about two hours in (and at least 10 beers each which is really gonna hurt daniel’s wallet come tomorrow), daniel sees sam under a tent, getting closer to a stage and daniel follows, of course, because he wants to make sure his daughter is alright… which really comes to a surprise when a redhead singer comes on stage and daniel watches sam turn slowly but surely to tory on her right and wrap a hand around her arm to make her lean down and… oh, that is very much a kiss.
and it would already be quite weird but now the music is so loud and daniel’s gaze turns to the stage and it all gets stuck in his head; is he happy? waking up in the middle of the night with his head in his hands? he turns to johnny and really, is this a i told you so? is he happier fighting with johnny than at peace with his wife?
johnny, unaware to daniel’s turmoil, slightly tipsy, balancing bert on his shoulders does the most insane, evil thing he could do to daniel at that point; he smiles slightly.
it’s just a hint of teeth in the shape of a crescent moon, just a flash of white for not even a second but daniel feels run through.
he watches tory and sam hold hands in front of the stage, he watches all these young people celebrate who they are and feels both extremely alone and finally understood.
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vivitalks · 2 months ago
best types of brennan NPC
autism haver
frat bro who has unlearned hypermasculinity so hard that he's gone 100% the opposite direction about it
anticapitalist proletarian
the most insane person you've ever met
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basshole-astard · 2 years ago
PSA: i keep seeing posts about staying cool in extreme heat that include advice like "gatorade is bad actually!" and "don't drink fruit juice it'll just dehydrate you!" and neither of these are true!
regarding fruit juice: there's apparently a misconception that Any Sugar At All will dehydrate you, and that's simply not true. yes, sugar will make you pee more when consumed in large amounts, but 1) the natural sugar in fruits won't do this to you 2) great news! a lot of fruit juices exist without any added sugar in them! 3) honestly even having a glass of the fruit juice with added sugar won't completely dehydrate you as long as you're also drinking water throughout the day. if its hot you deserve a cold treat of a drink!!! can't go wrong with fruit juice!!!
regarding gatorade: maybe this isn't an every day drink, but guess what: if it's 110F/40C or hotter outside, and you don't have AC, or you're moving around a lot outside of the AC, and you're sweating buckets: that's when you drink a gatorade.
gatorade exists to replenish all the electrolytes (salt) and glucose (sugar) that you sweat out. YES it is meant for athletes to drink during intensive work outs and not necessarily for people who aren't doing that kind of exercise. BUT GUESS WHAT! when you're sweating buckets because you had to walk to the bus in extreme heat, that's intensive exercise. please feel free to drink a gatorade after that! that's its intended use case!!!!
no: neither of these drinks should be a total replacement for water. but drinking a lot of water and then treating yourself to a fruit juice with lunch is a good idea!!! drinking a gatorade becuase you just had to walk for 20 minutes in the heat is a good idea!!!
Please Stop Spreading Misinformation About Drinks!!! It's fine if you drink things that aren't water!!!! Yes you should probably always be drinking water but drinking something else As Well isn't going to hurt you!!!! okay!!!! its fine!!!!!!
honestly so long as you are consistently getting Any (non-alcoholic) fluids in you, you're doing great!!!!!! okay!!!! i love you stay safe <3
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st-hedge · 10 months ago
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I can’t believe they’d managed to animate kusuriuri’s insane character design and then decided to make it even more insane. The most character ever
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isnt-that-wizardd · 9 months ago
there is just something about the difference between edwin's love interests and having the cat king's reaction to edwin in hell being "i'll be waiting when he gets back" vs charles "no version of this where i don't come get you" rowland convincing a powerful trans-dimensional being to open a door to hell just so he could get him back
i am insane
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le-fruit-de-la-passion · 3 months ago
Perhaps a Hot Take: I don't have anything against JayVik as a ship, but the amount of people in the fandom who use it as an opportunity to be openly racist and misogynistic towards Mel and Sky, and to feminize/infantilize Viktor as a disabled man make it REALLY hard to enjoy
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willowshades-den · 4 months ago
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My last post blew up huh... I guess you guys like the style, so I'll keep it for now <3
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cybershock24601 · 2 months ago
I usually hate modern aus but can't stop thinking about my Rook pulling up to the big double gates of the Dellamorte Estate in her beat up old SUV she inherited from Varric, driving down the long driveway to this old, historic, three story mansion before getting out to ring the doorbell in her scuffed up Doc Martins, thrifted goth couture, and jingling with every step with the amount of bracelets, necklaces, and chains she's got on her with a giant bouquet of red roses in hand. Lucanis practically flings the door open with excitement and takes the roses with the biggest, sappiest smile and then quickly starts ushering Rook back into the car while she's in the middle of saying something dumb and cheesy like "your chariot awaits" because he doesn't want Caterina or Illario showing up.
Meanwhile Caterina and Illario are posted up in one of the upstairs windows with opera glasses to catch a glimpse of Lucanis' mysterious new sweetheart and are sharing mutual looks of disgust as they watch Lucanis and his three piece designer suit (because he panicked and way overdressed for the chic wine bar Emmrich suggested they go check out for date night) get his ass in the dirty 20 year old junker Rook is driving around in. After all these years single the fact that Lucanis is settling for whatever the fuck Rook has going on (because she definitely radiates gremlin energy) is absolutely baffling.
The fact that the car is covered in bumper stickers that say things like "I EAT SAND just a little sometimes as a snack" and "these curbs aren't gonna hit themselves!" is not helping Rook's first impression. To be fair to Rook though half the stickers on the car are left over from the Kirkwall Crew slapping them on over the years but Rook did add those two herself because she thought they were funny.
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fluffyartbl0g · 1 year ago
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If you asked me to describe them in one picture it would be this
Here’s the scene in question ^^^^ ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD ITS SO GOOD
And here’s the exact screenshot I redrew
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records-of-a-slacker · 13 days ago
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The duality of man as exhibited by the ORV live action adaptation trailer:
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demaparbat-hp · 2 months ago
In your Spitfire AU, since Zuko is looking after Lu Ten II, what happened to Ursa?
Zuko is slightly older in the Spitfire AU. He was banished at fifteen, his head a little clearer and denial a little weaker than in canon. After his first look through the Air Temples, Zuko decides that if he can't find a myth, he might as well search for the next best thing.
Finding Ursa isn't easy, but in time he makes it to a secluded house in a near-forgotten part of the world. His mom is there, older and stronger and alive.
But she isn't alone.
And Zuko, as it turns out, didn't keep the best company during his search.
When Ursa is discovered and her secrets are laid bare for assassins (for Ozai) to find, she begs Zuko to take his little brother and run. She'll do anything it takes to protect her children, even if that means leaving them behind to keep a target off their back. Ursa diverts attention from them and allows Lu Ten's ancestry to be kept a secret. She orders Zuko not to follow her again, and disappears.
Zuko is left with a little three-year-old brother to raise and a mother he cannot hold onto.
#dema answers#atla#spitfire#Spitfire AU#prince zuko#atla ursa#Lu Ten II#The Ursa/Hakoda parallels are going to be insane in this one I swear#It's okay tho#It's absolutely intentional#(The other option was killing her. But I happen to find family conflict and abandonment issues way more compelling to write)#Luckily Zuko isn't alone. He's a mess of course—and raising the little brother you never knew you had isn't easy.#But he has Uncle and (once those loyal to his father have been taken care of) he also has his crew.#Look three years into the future and you've got a six-year-old Spitfire running around the ship and giving Zuko early gray hair#Ursa will be reunited with them in the future. I just don't know when would that happen yet.#Probably post-war#She returns to her children only to come face to face with their overprotective found family (aka the Gaang)#Their reunion would be quite messy at first but...it'll all be okay#They all love each other deeply. And sometimes love isn't enough. Sometimes there are things that you can't forgive or forget.#But Ursa did everything she did because she loved them. And Zuko knows that. Zuko understands that.#(He was forced to make the same decision in Ba Sing Se—giving yourself up and leaving the people you love behind so that they're safe)#(He understands)#But Lu Ten II doesn't#He doesn't remember Ursa. Not really. He knows of her what Zuko and Uncle tell him. But he doesn't remember ever having a mother.#(Tara is soft and warm and kind to him. She holds him and takes care of him and makes sure he's well-behaved. And he loves her.)#(Is that what makes a mother? Or is it the blood you share?)#Ursa isn't much like Tara. But she loves him dearly—there's a reason he has the name of someone who was so dear to her.#She is Lu Ten's mother. Zuko's mother. Uncle's sister.#And she isn't like Tara. But she loves him even if he can't remember her.#So maybe he can learn to love her back.
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italiantea · 11 months ago
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soft and neat
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artuurle · 1 month ago
Woe, my Drainfolk headcanons upon yee
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All my art and rambles under the cut because it's a whoooole ramble-y mess since i'm bad at. explaining my thoughts.
features characters in underwear but no nudity i promise
Okay so I tried my best to take a swing at this while also keeping these guys recognizable to the series. sorry if its a mess nmbnvbv.
I headcanon drainfolk the result of generations of normal humans warped from the influence of the drain which, similar to the rift, has properties that augments the creatures that exist near it, though the drain is much slower and a generational effect instead of the immediate- rapturous effect from the rift. Since the original population has been here for a good many of hundred years, they look incredibly different from average ggg humans (which also are unique against irl humans. looking at those inhuman skin tones) while still being directly related to them. Many traits developed were essential to help them survive their new lives in the drain ( claws, arm strength + length, growth cycles) since the place was incredibly hard to live in. Anatomy:
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Drainfolk have very little sexual dimorphism - most of them all share the shorter and stout build and are covered in hair. the main differences are actually the fact AFAB individuals lack retractable claws and they tend to (usually) be taller and fuzzier on average). Drainfolk also display pads on the entire palms of their hands and slitted pupils. Development:
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Drainfolk physically develop into adults at a very different pace than normal humans, while mental development stays the same. Staying incredibly small for most of their childhood with smaller growth spurts before entering a rapid period of growth close to adulthood. The sudden change in size causes a sudden shift to higher caloric intake and the occasional VERY CONFUSED teenager. The need to stay small for prolonged periods of time is because many places in the drain require you to climb in VERY dangerous areas, and the solution was to stay small as long as possible while your parents carried you until you were strong enough to climb around yourself.
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Outliers in the drainfolk population- They tend to be around double the height of their compatriots and trade a lot of the heavier fuzz for a lighter coat and thicker skin. Their claws also grow longer as a form of defense.
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Metamorphs are the term for drainfolk who after reaching adulthood, undergo a secondary growth spurt. This is caused by being thrust into various forms of responsibility and power- similar to how a dominant male orangutan will become larger or the dominant male fish will change size/gender if the large leader female dies. Either sex can become a metamorph, though its slightly more common in Afab individuals because of child rearing. This is also commonly seen in leaders of established groups of varying legality and in the eldest of a gaggle of an orphaned group of drainfolk after reaching adulthood. Any spot where the role of responsibility is shouldered is a role that can cause a drainfolk to become a metamorph.
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Drainfolk even into their adulthood tend to climb up on people they deem close to them as a sign of affection or when they are scared / stressed for comfort. It is very common to see a drainfolk climb onto another the same size to the absolute annoyance or acceptance of the one being afflicted with the behavior. The behavior is very normalized in the drain but may come off as weird to people not aware of it.
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paint-it-red-and-black · 4 months ago
sometimes i'm like "damn, max is down BAD" and then charles opens his mouth.
i just didn't know you can fall THAT low
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dustykneed · 9 months ago
i just think spock has great mom friend potential tbh. strong contender for the cutest thing i've ever drawn
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crowroboros · 4 months ago
A Really Cool Detail About Might Crystals in The Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom
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The first time I encountered a Might Crystal was maybe ~an hour into the game. I think I found it in a chest or something in Suthorn Forest and the first thing that I thought was "Huh...that looks kind of like bismuth." But, as I was so early on in the story that I didn't know much about what the Might Crystals were, I didn't think much more of it.
Well here I am with 46 additional hours worth of playtime in Echoes of Wisdom, and I'm here to say that there is a very cool reason that Might Crystals resemble bismuth crystals!
Before we get into bismuth, I need to talk about what is going on in Echoes of Wisdom. This WILL contain mid-to-late game spoilers, so do be warned.
Long before Creation there was nothing more than a void—a vast empty oblivion. Occasionally, bits of matter would spark to life in this nothingness. Nothing substantial, just small clumps of reality managing to form only for a moment. Only a moment, for anything that managed to flicker to life was devoured by the one who dwelt within this void:
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Null is the main antagonist of Echoes of Wisdom. It is an ancient, incomprehensible lifeform that thrives in the absoluteness of zero. Nothingness personified.
Seeing the way these sparks of existence were so quickly extinguished, the three Golden Goddesses—Din, the Goddess of Power; Nayru, the Goddess of Wisdom; and Farore, the Goddess of Courage—descended from the heavens and forced Creation. Together, the three built the world itself and everything that makes up reality with Null imprisoned and contained at its center.
The Golden Goddess then departed back to the heavens, leaving behind the Triforce, the Secret Stones (though they aren't relevant for this, just thought I'd throw them in since we know they were created around this time), and the Tris. The Triforce and the Tris served as the glue keeping reality together; the Tris specifically being created to maintain the structure of the world, as even though Null was imprisoned that didn't stop it from consuming and returning the world to nothingness.
From the point of Creation onward, Null and the Tris were locked in a delicate balancing act of destruction and recreation. Null ate away at the world, creating rifts that tore through reality. And in turn, the Tris constantly patched up these rifts, quickly restoring what was lost.
This return to nothingness is a major part of the themes of Echoes of Wisdom, and why Might Crystals likely were inspired by bismuth.
Might Crystals��as well as the energy they produce—are some of the only things capable of withstanding Null and the void. When everything else is lost, these crystals remain. But what does this have to do with Bismuth?
Well visually both Might Crystals and Bismuth share the iconic stairstep spiral growth structure, but the main reason I believe bismuth to be the inspiration for the Might Crystals is the Bismuth-209 isotope.
Bismuth was previously thought to be the heaviest stable element, with only one stable isotope (Bismuth-209). I say previously because in 2003, a research team at the IAS (Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale, a research institute in France) came to the realization that the Bismuth-209 isotope is actually undergoing alpha decay at an incredibly slow rate. How slow? Well it was determined that Bismuth-209 has a half life of approximately...
2.01x10^19 years. Or about 20,100,000,000,000,000,000 years (20 quintillion if you don't know/don't want to count out the zeroes).
For reference, that is billions of years longer than the current estimated age of the universe.
It is because of this inconceivably long half-life that it is said that bismuth will be among the last elements to disintegrate. And it is that bit of information that I believe inspired Might Crystals. If you need to come up with a crystal that can withstand nothingness itself and outlive matter in a void that consumes endlessly, what better choice to base it off of than the element that decays so slow that we used to think that it was stable?
I just thought that it was a cool detail. This is a bit different from my other Zelda posts—as this isn't me talking about the lore and story, but rather me talking about a possible irl inspiration for something in the series—but I thought this was really cool and I wanted to share my thoughts.
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