#terran time traveling criminals
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automaticresponse · 1 month
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facebookcumshots · 2 months
Moff Tarkin
Crime Report
Related to the time traveling criminals associated with and originating from the planet ALDERAAN (located outside of this local cluster of galaxies which contains the planet Terra (human species homeworld) and the planet Vulcan (Spock and Sarek) and the planet Orion and the planet Kronos (kablah and batleth and targ and gahk) and the planet Bajor and the planet Romulus (Tal Shiar, jolan tru Pardek) and the planet Cardassia and the planet Ferenginar and the Andorian home world.
MOFF TARKIN repeatedly spotted along with associated criminals in the city of Sheridan in the state of Wyoming in the country known as the United States of America on the planet now known as Earth (this particular instance is known as Earth. This planet was originally generally referred to as the planet Terra with Atreides, Mayer, Keurig, Lucerne, Gomez, Romanov, Merovingian, Sobieski, Ming, Meiji, Andersen, Olson, Hansen, Bergstrom - noble or highly public families, among others. International Business Machines is a widespread advanced technology company associated with the more similar to original timelines instances of the planet Terra). Calendar date on the planet known as Earth referenced is Thursday July 18, year 2024.
MOFF TARKIN was originally a janitor associated with the military on his home world Alderaan (known for lesser access to copper, and different technology development associated with having less access to that mineral or natural resource). An opportunity arose for him to steal a white coat and wearing it and using his Janitor's set of keys, gain access to an experimental transporter, along the lines of a device featuring twisting or rotating dials, and no changing numerical displays, and using the dial intended to define the level of time travel, began his continuing time travel crimes. After encountering instances of more advanced technology associated with reel to reel tape machines, MOFF TARKIN used his time travel and infiltration to redesign the existing military uniforms to feature military rank insignia in a square shape for each unit, similar for each unit of rank to the square, often colored buttons on a reel to reel tape machine such as for start or stop playing, rewind, fast forward.
White stormtrooper armor was a later included development, giving certain military members supposedly effective combat armor that they essentially wore continuously that was essentially entirely white externally with black connection areas and features such as eye ports for the helmet. Designed essentially as a disguise for criminal officers to wear temporarily, stormtrooper armor is definitely not combat effective. These square military rank insignia militaries are entirely composed of males. Look for their top criminal members raping women in arenas or public stadiums or areas and broadcasting it widely, often with compelled viewing. MOFF TARKIN's version of this square military rank insignia time travel crime is definitely not the only one. Similar sets of conditions produced vast numbers of the same sorts of criminals in entirely unrelated Star systems and galaxies.
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Landon Fowler is basically the Tom Rawling of Terra equivalent of Rudolph Grinch. All the Terran criminals who encountered square military rank insignia militaries and their time traveling military units with the highly decorated janitor time traveling criminal leaders basically had similar attacks directed against them to control and access their technology. Landon Fowler is Tom Rawling's son. Tom Rawling was brain edited twice to marry himself in a female body and produce impossibly inbred descendants. Also the criminals that caused that essentially randomized those inbred descendants production times, but only very slightly, so the inbred descendants essentially have the same natural memories, but different souls.
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Cyber security Cybersecurity
Dinosaurs Impersonating Humans
Predators Impersonating Species By Claiming They Are Handicapped Members Of Them
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I’m Emma (she/her). This is my writeblr, I like, follow and reply from @magicmoon65. The link below has a more thorough introduction if you want to get to know me! I’m very tag game friendly so feel free to tag me in tag games!
If you're here out of interest in my resource blog for Random Things, check out @catalogofmundanity!
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I write primarily New Adult modern/urban fantasy. My writing tends to be dark and character driven. Here's the quick and dirty of the main things you'll see here (under the cut)
Syndicate: What I post most about.
Terran is an assassin in Calson City, where a criminal syndicate controls the city. Raymond was working with them until he rebelled and saved someone they were going to kill, and Terran was supposed to execute him but faked R's death instead. Terran's learning morality, realizing thay he doesn't want to be in this situation anymore, learning right and wrong, but simultaneously trying to hide what he's done to avoid getting killed as a traitor himself. Conflict is mainly whether he learns real compassion and freedom from the syndicate, or if he resists this in favor of keeping up his cover. Mika is Raymond’s twin sister who doesn't know he's alive and had to take Raymond’s place as an assassin and hates it. Oh and there's also magic and gay.
Fantasy, unique powers, kind of an asshole MC with a redemption-type arc, emotional, crime, deception, mlm, new adult. Link to full description of WIP, including other links to characters and setting posts Add to my taglist tag: #syndicate
Second Chance
Chrys lives every day twice. This has been her life for as long as she can remember. Nothing on the first day lasts, so she’s developed a dual persona: On the first day, she doesn’t care about any consequences, does whatever she lives. When the real day comes, she’s perfect, put-together, a good student and rule-follower. Russell lives a life of gods and magic, and he’s landed in a version of the world that’s different from the one he knows-- In this timeline, he died before ever betraying his god. Chrys’s wold is changed and opened to a world that makes slightly more sense: there are gods and her experience comes from the magic she holds. That magic is what Russell needs if he has any hope of a normal life. And for Chrys, this new reality changes her life, and may mean she has far more power than she ever dreamed.
Fantasy, gods, time travel, a little steampunk, wlw, some mlm, ace, nb, young adult/new adult. tag: #second chance
You can read more about any other stories I post about here
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Want to ramble my own interpretation of RiD Sideswipe because I like him and I think he has a lot of potential to be a good character. 
Sideswipe would be interesting to explore if he were to be a neutral. He is not someone who picked sides for the moral’s sake. Instead, someone who picked sides for his own personal gains, as shown in a RiD episode where he was willing to work with Thunderhoof just so he can return to Cybertron. Not saying he is completely heartless, but he would do anything that goes in his favor. As bad as it sounds, Sideswipe did eventually become a better person himself. 
I had read a little bit of IDW’s lore, so some aspects are added in. Sideswipe is an M.T.O. soldier (Made To Order soldier) created by the Autobot High Command. Barely even knowing the world around him, he was immediately thrown into the battlefield. Explosions, shooting, dead bodies and spilled energon all over the ground, he was immensely traumatized. He was the only M.T.O. soldier who survived. Fortunate to live, but forced to grow up too fast. After a few years, Sideswipe decided that he had enough of the war. He didn’t care who wins. He just wanted to get out of here, so he quietly slipped off, stole a ship and left Cybertron for good. Throughout his life, he was travelling to different planets. He had to resort to stealing in order to survive. He was pretty much a wanted criminal across the planets.
Fast forward to the Terran Defenders’ timeline, he discovered that Cybertron was restored, to his surprise. He decided that he want to mess around on his home planet. That probably was a bad idea because he soon met Bumblebee and the law-abiding young police cadet Strongarm who caught him vandalizing at the Wells of Allsparks. He was caught. Then Bumblebee was called for an emergency by the Autobot High Council that he was needed, but because Strongarm said she must follow him at all times due to a regulation (which Sideswipe didn’t make an effort to stop himself from rolling his optics), Bumblebee reluctantly allowed her to come along, but with Sideswipe who is still handcuffed to Strongarm. At the Autobot Command HQ, it was revealed the ship Alchemor had crashed onto Earth and the Cons who was captured and stored in stasis were on the run. Tasked to deal with the situation, Bumblebee could finally get Strongarm off his back, or so he thought. Strongarm was on her way to bring Sideswipe to the police station when he broke himself free from the stasis cuffs without any effort. There was a chase around the HQ, and that led them into a Groundbridge.
And now Sideswipe is stranded on Earth, along with the Autobots. He worked along with them, but he was pretty stubborn. He doesn't listen to Bee's orders and often fought with Strongarm over the silliest things possible. He never liked the Autobots, not a single bit. It only reminded him of his past, the reason why he was created. Nothing but a living weapon.
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automaticresponse · 1 month
Terran princes and Bradley Carl Geiger
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timetravelread · 22 days
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coursetrust · 2 years
Wing commander privateer gameplay
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They, like militia, perform contraband searches on nearby vessels and will attack all violators on sight, although they generally do not intervene when the player attacks merchants or mercenary ships. They are also hostile towards pirates, Retros, and any craft that open fire on merchant, militia, or Confed ships.Ĭonfeds are the military force who act in conjunction with the militia to protect civilians from pirates, Retros, and Kilrathi ships. They conduct random cargo scans of spacecraft and will attack any vessels found carrying contraband. The Militia are the local police of Gemini Sector and initially have a neutral disposition towards the player. Pirates often transport contraband, such as tobacco, drugs, and slaves, and operate out of several pirate bases, all of which the player can land on regardless of their disposition with the pirate faction. However, the player can generally appease pirates through repeated pleas for mercy and can, in time, change their general disposition to neutral or friendly by attacking merchants, hunters, and militia craft. Pirates are criminals who mainly attack merchant vessels to plunder their cargo but are also hostile towards all other factions. They always have a hostile disposition towards the player and all other factions, though in Righteous Fire they become allied with the Kilrathi in an attempt to overthrow all mankind. The Retros belong to a quasi-religious terrorist organization called the Church of Man who believe that technology is evil and vow to vanquish all forms of it, even if by doing so they themselves must use technology (the ends justify the means). The player can occasionally accept missions against rogue mercenaries. While the majority of bounty hunters are legit, some, unlike merchants, do not always abide by the law, sometimes engaging in piracy, illegal blockades, and assassinations for hire. They primarily fly in large, slow transports, and are generally easy targets for pirates when they travel alone.īounty hunters are mercenaries who collect bounties on pirates and other lawbreakers, and their initial disposition towards the player is neutral. Merchants are traders who ferry legal commodities from one base to another, and their initial disposition towards the player is neutral. How the members of the factions react is not only pre-set but depends also on the player's actions. Some of them attack the player on sight, some are allies of the player. The Gemini sector is frequented by seven factions: merchants, bounty hunters, retros, pirates, militia, the Terran Confederation and the Kilrathi. When buying or selling and taking missions from the mission computer, in-game menus are used. On planets and bases a static overview / first-person-view is used to show the rooms and interact with people. Space combat simulation is similar to the style of other Wing Commander games of its time. When flying, the main view is a first-person-look from inside the cockpit onto the cockpit screens (HUDs) and the space before the ship. Unlike other games in the series, the gameplay is primarily in the sandbox style of play. The Gemini sector is divided into quadrants, each contains several star systems, most of them with planets or bases that may be visited. Basic gameplay consists of flying and fighting with the ship in a star system, jumping from system to system via jump points, landing on bases or planets, interacting with people (mainly talking) and buying or selling equipment or commodities.
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let’s talk about the criminal mistreatment of Athena Cykes
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Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies isn’t really big on women. They’re either dead, fully motivated by self-interest, or on the wrong side of the law. And in the wacky world of Ace Attorney, the game seriously lacks in original wacky female characters. And then there’s Athena Cykes; Phoenix’s new, cute! protégé with a brand new skill for some fresh gameplay and a seriously messed up backstory to captivate the player. Here’s the problem: that pretty much sums up Apollo’s character and reason for being introduced literally one game prior. So why introduce this new character when she wasn’t even needed?
(major spoilers ahead)
Let’s start by pointing out that, throughout Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice, Athena only handles one case on her own. And that case (Turnabout Storyteller) is a mess, imo. We don’t get to investigate as Athena, her skills as a rookie attorney are being constantly diminished by everyone, even her client, and she relies on Blackquill to bail her out when shit hits the fan. In the original trilogy, Maya also helped out Phoenix when in need, but Phoenix was literally the main playable character, having enough cases to redeem himself after stumbling once or twice. Athena is given only one chance throughout the span of two games.
If Athena was the only new character, tackling only one case on her own would be more acceptable because, with the absence of Maya, she’d play the pivotal role of Phoenix’s assistant, aiding him. And that would actually be ideal. Imagine Athena being introduced in Dual Destinies as Phoenix’s assistant, investigating with him and providing advice during the trials. The game would wrap up nicely by having us explore the Space Centre and have her backstory unravel. That’s basically the first game’s premise: Maya is introduced in Turnabout Sisters and by Turnabout Goodbyes we explore part of her backstory (mainly Misty Fey going MIA) via Edgeworth’s trials.
What really screws up Athena’s chances of succeeding as a new character, are the other new characters, Apollo Justice and Trucy Wright. Apollo Justice was literally supposed to be a reset for the franchise. Bridge to Turnabout wrapped up all the story arcs of the trilogy in such a masterful way that there wasn’t anything more for Phoenix and Maya to do. The 7 year time jump and the introduction of Apollo were supposed to kick off a new trilogy and showcase a new era of the law, a time in which the system started failing, despite the fact that it was already messed up. I go into detail about why Apollo Justice failed in this essay no one bothered to read (yea i’m bitter, bitch) but basically, to sum up, Capcom didn’t have the balls to strip the series of its main character and due to backlash, brought him back one game after.
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I 100% believe that Dual Destinies tries its hardest to be what fans wanted Apollo Justice to be. As a result, it has too much on its plate. Giving Apollo a new backstory, portraying Phoenix’s return as an attorney, trying desperately to sell the Dark Age of the Law and repeating ‘the end justifies the means’ about a million times, delivering interesting cases with interesting witnesses (at which it fails miserably, imo), all the while introducing Athena and exploring her backstory, which includes the new prosecutor and new detective, whose final twist, although unexpected, doesn’t save the game. That’s a lot, like too, too much.
What was the reason for Athena’s introduction? As I mentioned above, Apollo was literally introduced one game prior to Dual Destinies, providing the writers with countless opportunities for interesting storylines. What we got instead were interesting storylines which were never to be revisited again, e.g. Apollo and Trucy being Thalassa Gramarye’s children, and the jury system. What the fuck. Instead of progressing Apollo’s saga as a rookie attorney taken under Phoenix’s wing, he gets sidetracked for the sake of Athena, but as we soon find out, that isn’t even the case. Actually, Apollo as a new protagonist gets sacrificed for the sake of Athena, and in turn, Athena gets sacrificed for the sake of Apollo being a sidekick. Again, what the fuck.
After Apollo Justice, the games try and fail to course-correct Apollo’s character. Dual Destinies tries to shoehorn Apollo and Athena’s backstories into two cases (The Cosmic Turnabout and Turnabout for Tomorrow), while wasting such an opportunity with its first three cases (no, Turnabout Academy’s rushed exposition on Athena and Juniper’s friendship doesn’t count). And I’m being blatantly honest when I say that I literally couldn’t give less of a shit about Clay Terran and dArK Apollo with a bandage over his eye. I literally don’t care because the game doesn’t do the work in order for me to care. It just dumps a bunch of new info on Apollo and Clay’s friendship at the beginning of a trial for which there isn’t even an investigation. That’s just lazy. Instead, I’m much more interested as to why the robots at the Space Centre recognize Athena.
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Athena’s backstory, although redundant and painfully familiar, is pretty interesting. Why is it redundant and painfully familiar? Because Maya Fey also lost her mother due to an incident with an upcoming prosecutor and eventually was misled into thinking she was the culprit, the truth being revealed by Phoenix at the end. Despite the similarity, the details surrounding Metis Cykes’s murder are so captivating. Aura Blackquill is introduced, a mysteriously sexy tech gyal whose dialogue on Metis seems to suggest that they were romantically involved, Blackquill’s imprisonment is explained, there’s hostages involved, and the Phantom is revealed. Turnabout for Tomorrow isn’t my favorite case but in terms of setting up Athena’s backstory, it does everything right.
I honestly love Athena. I love that we have another female attorney alongside Mia and Calisto Yew. I love that she introduces psychology into the trials. I love her yellow suit and her narration, and her moon earrings and relentlessly joyful attitude. She’s such a joy to have around. That’s why I hate how Dual Destinies handles her character, having Apollo ask her questions on who she is and what she does during The Monstrous Turnabout’s investigation and waiting until Turnabout for Tomorrow to continue her exposition. Instead, Apollo gets most of the attention. If Capcom wanted games 4-6 to be Apollo’s trilogy, they should’ve done that. Not dilute Apollo Justice by including hobo Phoenix, not introduce Athena and have Phoenix return in Dual Destinies, not do anything they did with Spirit of Justice. I really wanted Dual Destinies to be Athena’s game.
Spirit of Justice handles Athena even worse than Dual Destinies. She is quite literally reduced to a side character and, even though we get to play her first solo case, her character gets absolutely zero development. Whereas Phoenix is reunited with Maya and resets the law in a foreign country via a revolution in which Apollo is caught in the centre of, Athena babysits Trucy (another female character who is given nothing to do). Also, Athena being sidetracked, getting turned from a new attorney to just a character without a purpose becomes so obvious when she’s literally rendered obsolete once Maya returns in Turnabout Time Traveler, during which she becomes Trucy’s lab rat... ???
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I literally feel bad for Athena because she was created unreasonably but created with care nonetheless. Dual Destinies tackles too many story arcs and themes all at once, and if the writers removed some of them to focus more on Athena instead, she could have been the next Franziska: a young lawyer with drive who rises to the ranks of the best but not without her flaws. But, um, we got an Apollo Justice Lite, instead.
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It’s The Avengers (03x06)
Loki x Reader Avengers The Office AU (Slowwwwww Burn)
Season 3 Episode 06: Mrs Silvertongue
Series Summary: Living in the Avengers facility post-apocalypse in a better timeline   Tony Stark has decided to capture every moment by pulling The Office on the Avengers. All of housemates are pretty used to the idea except for you, who had just come here to finish her degree, and the newest member- Loki.
Warnings: one of those tropes. one of those hnnghh tropes
Word Count: I was supposed to post this four hours ago but my colleague called me to play and that dumb dork was drunk while I was laughing throughout. So, here it is. Also...I’m hot. No, I am actually hot. The temperatures are going up! I need some cool breeze.
MASTERLIST in bio, darlings. Tags are open (check bio)
"Everybody stay together. Do not make eye contact with strangers. Do not buy stuff you don't know about and definitely do not leave your eatables unattended."
The camera switched from Loki's barely composed face to your stuffed one strapping the backpack securely behind you before looking at Loki and the sandwich sitting on the seat between the two of you.
"Wha," you stated, still not swallowing, "iss wight hea. Sop bein a wowwie wat."
The camera in Javi's hand caught the bustle on the 'station' where you all were supposed to board shuttles to be on your way to another galaxy before travelling to Knowhere. The area was thousands of square feet wide made in a dome shape outside a planet currently under the supervision of the soldiers form Andromeda. After the War, the security had been tightened around galaxy travel to monitor any remains of the Radicals who had supported Thanos and were currently the most wanted criminals in the universe. Screens everywhere showed the flights and timings along with various commercials for products all around the galaxy. Some you were able to read thank to the translation glasses the Hardy boys provided you, others were a jumbled mess of strokes and illegible patterns. Creatures from all around the wonderful black expanse moved about in this station while soldiers who looked like they had been overly tanned scanned them and their belongings before sending them on their designated shuttles. It all worked as an airport. Except for one thing.
"Well, at least there's no random selection here that is not based on some 'racist profiling'," you quoted, getting a nod of agreement from Javi.
"Oh, there is racist profiling here," Loki interrupted your blissful thoughts, "but ever since the war, it has just been bent towards the ones who helped Thanos."
"Huh, even space isn't free from such mindsets then."
An announcement on the screens caught Loki's attention. "That's our shuttle. Come on. Lulu, up."
Lulu jumped and settled on Loki's shoulder and the camera caught a full grin on your lips.
You: *smirk* And he was the one who didn't want me to take Lulu from the desert *tilt your head* you know what... he is exactly like a choco lava cake. Sturdy looking outside but soft, mushy and melting aaaaall on the inside *giggles*
 Loki: she was talking about me, wasn't she? *narrows eyes at the camera* What was she saying? Javi, tell me. Javi, we're good friends. Come on, Javi. You're stuck with me. Javi. Javi. Hey. I'm the only one who can get you out of this hell hole. Javi. *looks at Javi's figure walking away* Javi. Javi! Come on! Javi!!
The creature scanning your line seemed to come out of some American writer's stereotypical description of a green alien except for the part where her huge beady black eyes had slits, just like a cat. She was stoic as a feline too, going about her job without any emotion on her face. And when it came your turn to stand underneath the scanner, her ignorance of your greetings did not help your nerves.
"You are a...terran," she stated more than she asked.
"Yes, ma'am." You blinked like a dumb animal and tried to remember to smile.
"Your business in the galaxy?" Her slow and positively raspy voice interrogated.
"Just travelling with my-" you blinked again while trying to innocently shrug with a hint of shy, looking like a questionable human-"boys. You know, sight seeing."
Those silver slits stared at you for solid five seconds, not even breathing apparently, before stamping a token and handing it to you and diverting her attention to the next passenger- Loki.
You and your bags moved to the other side of the scanner, waiting for Loki and Lulu while Javier made it next to you from the scanner next to yours. The creature looked at the information the scan brought on her screen in a language neither you nor the camera understood. But one thing that was catching the camera's focus was this text blinking in red next to Loki's picture.
"You are Loki," she stated to the God, scrutinising him from head to toe in those black scruffed jeans and t-shirt underneath a deep maroon long jacket.
"Hm," you forced out a light chuckle, "guess Tony and Clint are not the only ones who are weirded out by seeing him in anything other than his New York attire."
"Of Asgard," Loki added with an 'at your pleasure’ smirk.
"A Frost Giant," the lady acknowledged in her raspy voice. "Have you travelled to the Andromeda before?"
"I have, yes. But not in the recent years."
"State your purpose for the visit to the galaxy."
"I am-" he paused to throw a quick look in your direction before going back to his interrogator- "going there on some unfinished business with an old friend."
The lady, stoic like a rock, looked at Loki for the next ten seconds before pressing a button underneath her screen. Somewhere behind you, you and the camera could hear synchronised footsteps. The camera turned to catch seven aliens- five bulky, one bulkier than all the others, and the last one a leaner and less appeasing version of the lady- walk past you towards Loki.
Lulu, who could feel the change in the atmosphere around him, felt himself shifting on Loki's shoulders while his fur stood up like a frightened cat. But never once did that little fluffy boy leave Loki's side.
"Loki, of Asgard," the leaner one announced, "you are to come with us. Please carry your belongings with you. Please refrain from using any means to resist for you will be charged against the law of the peace fleet. Please put your hands forward so we may put diluters on your wri-I see you already have some version of them on your wrist. Very well. Please follow me."
The camera caught you, mouth gaping open and eyes out in refrained horror, looking at Loki while trying to keep your breaths as calm as possible.
"Oh fuck," your breaths forced out, "what the fuck is happening? Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck fu-"
Loki was already moving behind the lean one, the parade of bulky Captain Gantu’s following him with their synchronised boot work. One of them looked down at the camera, sending a glare of yellow through those hollow eyes before turning back, entering what seemed like an elevator. Loki stood right in the middle, his eyes shifting from the lean alien to you for a few seconds before white doors closed and he disappeared from your view.
The camera now came back to your face, which was still staring in that direction, the colour from your skin a little faded, the pupils contracted to their limit, the breaths paused since God knows when. "Oh fuck we're gonna die."
There was a rhythmic pulse beating four times a second while the camera kept shifting- and vibrating a little- between two windows. Out of one window one could see those bulky dudes in attention standing at one door each, not shifting even a muscle while other aliens went about their business. The other window showed the lean guy standing with another alien that was bulkier in the middle. The lean one turned to the window at the rigorous tapping coming from the window.
"Calm down, Lulu," a soothing but tired voice came from out of the frame, making the little one turn towards Loki's figure sitting in what looked like a white chair beside an oval-shaped white table floating in the air, "they're not going to let us out. Not yet at least."
Lulu, who had paused to listen to the God suddenly found himself whimpering till its outright wails were catching everyone's attention outside the room.
"No, n-Lulu stop crying, Lu-" Loki got up from the chair and came to stand beside Lulu in two strides, picking the furry lump in both his hands while keeping his head away from those deafening wails. Slowly but surely, Loki brought the hysterical little lump to his chest, mostly to suppress the noise and wave uncomfortably at the judgmental eyes in his direction. At one point the fly camera-that had sneaked in with events yet unknown- caught an expression on Loki's face that reflected nothing but murder in his eyes. But the very next moment he sighed and brought his hands to stroke the frightened ball of fluff. "Hey, hey, hey," he shushed him, his hands being gentle and his expressions turning soft, "it's okay. It's completely fine. You're fine," he hummed, almost singing it while bouncing the little sobbing and hiccuping floof in his arms, "I'm in here too, aren't I? Right? You are not alone. You are not alone. We'll get out of here together as soon as we know who is behind all this mess, okay?"
The little furball sniffed and wiped his snot off on Loki's shirt. "You didn't have to do that," Loki pointed out with no real purpose to the already made mess. But Lulu was quiet now, possibly looking up at Loki and chirping something only the God understood and chuckled. "Yes-" he stroked Lulu's head- "she'll be fine without us. Once she stops panicking. Yes, yes, you're with me."
Lulu, chirped again, protruding his paw to carefully touch Loki's cheek and chirp some more. Whatever the little one had said, brought the God to a standstill, that tiny smile on his face frozen while his eyes seemed to have travelled somewhere far. "I wish that was true a few years in the past. How different some things would have been."
Lulu tilted his head in confusion while Loki seemed to be visiting certain memories that the camera on Lulu and others around them was not aware of. And all emotion in both these loveable creatures seemed to have been broken by a recognisable voice- so low and seemingly far away- somewhere in their vicinity. Lulu was the first to turn towards the window to the view of the lean guy, jumping at the sight.
And then Loki saw you standing right next to the alien who had arrested him, all colour from his face draining as he watched you flail your hands in some untethered rage right into the expressionless alien standing in front of you out of courtesy.
"Oh...oh no." Loki's face was completely opposite to whatever it is you were going through. Lulu was shifting his gaze between him and you, bouncing in Loki's arms with unadulterated joy. Javier was standing between the two of you with his camera- filming even in the midst of all the chaos.
Before he could compose himself, you were already walking towards him, the alien opening the door for you, letting you inside the room and closing it.
"Hey," your delighted and relieved face greeted Loki, "you guys okay?"
Lulu squirmed and chirped with joy, jumping straight into your arms to bonk his head with your face and rub himself all over you. Loki, on the other hand, stood there like he was seeing a ghost. "What are you doing here? You are not supposed to be here. You didn't do anything wrong."
"Oh neither did you, Loki," you were quick to point out.
Loki: *inhales* *put his palms together and brings them close to his face* *bends his hands towards the camera* Woman!
"You don't know what I or have not done so don't act like you know what you're doing, kitten," Loki pointed out rather harshly, forcing an offended gasp out of you, "you were supposed to be out there."
Your delight slowly seemed to be turning to an ember of rage. "Oh, I am sorry that tried to use my working brain to help you out in any way I can, your highness! If you wanted to spend more time in this weird jail you should have let me know when these big butts carried you off!"
"This does not concern you so stop," Loki did not let you finish. "Undo whatever it is you did. This is far more dangerous than you can stomach so off you go."
You scoffed and mocked him. "This is fir mir dingiris- well bad news it can't be undone because they think I'm your ride or die."
Loki was basically slapping himself on his face when trying to rub off the tension- along with his skin. "Wh-ha-hyy would they think that?! WHY?"
A whistle blew from behind the camera and Loki instantly caught it; along with catching your arms going across your chest while you tried to look anywhere but in the God's direction.
"Y/N," that soft but threatening growl was enough to crumble all the restraint you came undone faster than a horny teenage boy. "It's no big deal I just told them I'm your wife."
The camera timed the perfect zoom on that face that lost a couple of hundred years as it heard that sentence.
 On Earth
"It's no big deal I just told them I'm your wife."
A shrill 'Oh my Gaaaahd' left Scott's lungs while the soda bottle in his hand crushed and burst everywhere. A shriller wail left Peter as he threw his hands at his face in the utter disbelief and fell on the ground. A cushion blew up in the tight grasp of Bucky's hands, making feathers fly everywhere, and Sam stood up with one fist on his mouth and the other pointing at the screen, howling like a mad fan. Pepper watched with insane delight in her eyes while slapping the thighs next to hers that belonged to her husband who sat there looking at the screen with narrowed eyes as if he had seen something wrong- like a glitch maybe. Natasha was the only one maintaining her composure while sipping on her margarita and looking at the camera form under her lashes.
Scott & Peter: *do a whole routine with their hands in unison* I sayyyy Y/N and Loki sittin' in a tree!!! Fake M-A-R-R-I-A-G-E!!!!!
 Tony: *confused* Wife?
 Vision: I don't get why Scott and Peter are so excited. *looks to his right* Why are they...
*camera pans out to show Wanda barely containing her excitement in her pressed lips*
Wanda: beeeecause they might have a ship, Vis. *looks at the camera and smile a wide toothy smile*
Vision: *tilts his head* but there's no way they could ride a ship in this facility Wanda
 Tony: *still confused but in a different position* Wife??
 Steve: *blinks* I guess....that's a good...strategy? *frowns* I mean...sure. *hears a sniff from outside the frame*
*camera pans out to show stone-faced Bucky sitting next to him*
Bucky: *barely hides his breaking voice* Goo-*clears his throat*-good infiltration strategy.
Steve: *stares worriedly at him* You okay buddy?
Bucky: *crumbles* no~
 Tony: *lying flat on the sofa, face down* *raises his head* His wife??!!!
 Sam: *hollering* wife wife baby!! *turns to his side and nudges the person sitting next to him* come on get in on the fun!
Clint: *nearly saves his coffee pot from spilling all over him with Sam's nudge*
Sam: *keeps nudging and dancing in his seat* somebody's having some space fun!
Clint: *moves the pot into his other hand to drink it with hollow eyes looking at nothing, in particular,* somebody's gonna die of some fun
Sam: *all smiles for the camera* huh?
Clint: nothin' *looks at the camera zooming in on his stone face*
Tony: *wheeling out from under his car with tools in his hands* HIS WIFE??!!
Rhodey: *guffaws while clapping his hands over his head till he's wheezing* oh-oh my-oh Jesus! Poor Tony. *wipes the tears from his face* I told him karma is a bitch but I never thought it would come to bite him right in his ass!!! *continues to chortle*
Tony: *stops making his green smoothie to topple the jar into the sink and walk out of the screen screaming in groans* HIS WIFE?!! OH MY GOD!!!
 Space PD HQ
You haven't felt Loki breathing since you broke the news to him. He has just been standing there staring at you with faint confusion and curiosity, still as a statue.
"Loki-" you poke him- "Loki, say something! Don't just stand there like that! You're scaring me!"
"Y/N," he finally breathed out, his brows still creased, "do you know how many people I've killed?"
You shrugged. "I don't know? A couple? Do you know how many teenage girls I deceived when I was in high school?"
"How many?" He asks with keen interest before snapping himself back to reality. "Wait, what? No. Why would I need to know that?"
You shook your head casually while leaning on the floating table. "I don't know, I thought we were sharing our darkest numbers; like couples need to know these details. Right?"
"By the Norns," Loki groaned into his palms, rubbing his face hard. "Listen-"
The door hissed open and Mr Lean Alien walked in.
"Well, we haven't been introduced properly. My name is Tsuloche."
"Hi, Tsuloche. I'm Y/N," introduced yourself, closing the distance between you and Loki, your arms rubbing on each other.
"Listen, Tsulcohe, there has been a misunderstanding here. She-"
"Yeah, there's been a misunderstanding," your stressed and scoffed, crossing your arms across your chest, "like taking my husband prisoner for no reason at all?"
Tsuloche brought his nimble green- almost as thin and long as twigs- hands together. "Mrs....uhh...Miss Y/N, Loki has killed a lot of people in the past."
You groaned. "Now you sound just like my husband. I know he's killed a lot. And he's clearly suffering for it right now." You turned your head towards Loki, bringing your fingers to softly pinch his cheeks. "My poor baby."
Loki jerked away from your fingers slightly, whispering, "stop."
You didn't. Your fingers still reaching for those cheeks. "Stop it!"
You smiled as he grabbed your hand with his and held it in a good grip. "Okay, now you're just doing it to embarrass me in front of him."
Tsuloche tilted his head at this scene, blinking those translucent eyelids before his cat-like pupils dilated a little. "Do you know he supported Thanos' cause?"
You tried to yank your hand from his grip but Loki wasn't having it. So you turned back to Tsuloche. "Huh? Yeah, I know. He was undercover there to know his plans and stop him when the time came. What else you got?"
Tsuloche stood there blankly, shifting his gaze between you and the God for a good minute, his scarcely dilated pupils going back. "Why would you marry a criminal?! That too the one who tried to destroy your home?!"
You hummed and tried once again to slip your hands from Loki's death grip but failed- though that did not stir the seriousness away from your face at the alien's question. "Well, for the home invasion part, you'll understand if you ever had spiders, lizards and flies in your home."
Now, this confused the alien further but Loki forced out a laugh at your statement.
"I'm not sure I follow."
"Well, Tsuloche. The first time you see a spider or a lizard in your home, you scream and cry and want that monstrosity to be gone from your place. It's worse if they bring their friends over. At one point you form a plan of attack to get those sons of bitches out of your home because they don't pay the rent, do they? But it is later on that you realise that these spiders or lizards were actually what were keeping the flies away. You know, the flies that were contaminating your food and making you sick. The flies that were bringing disease from all corners. The only thing standing between you and death by flies was this one stubborn spider-" you squished Loki's face with your free hand, making him jerk and grab that other hand too- "who nearly killed all my people but didn't."
"As for the getting married part, Tsuloche, if you're married, you know very well the crimes you forgive when you love someone. I mean, have you seen this guy do anything bad since the War? No. That's 'cause he's been enjoying some downtime with me and my fam, getting to know me, marrying me, and now taking me and our little cuddly alien cat on a honeymoon! Ain't that right Lulu?!"
Lulu chirped.
By now those judgmental pupils were a full-blown dilated dorks looking at the two of you.
"Oh and that guy recording us outside is...is...our...videographer. Yes! That's who he is. There's a whole trend on Earth to put your life on the internet and stuff like that. So, he's here to...record everything we do on our honeymoon. Not everything, of course," you concluded a little loud with pressed lips and a nod as you realised the mistake.
"Nice save, dear," Loki chirped with a smirk.
"Shut up."
Those blown out pupils came back to disclose any emotions that last bit might have given away. Tsuloche cleared his throat. "Well, as...good as it all sounds, I am afraid I cannot let the Silvertongue go."
"Silvertongue?" you mentioned under your breath and looked at Loki's lips in amusement.
Loki caught your eyes darting to his tongue wetting his lips, sighing in a faint sense of defeat. "You know it's not silver. Why are you even looking at me like that?"
The camera caught your brow arch with some suggestions best kept to yourself. "Oh. I know," you sang, still looking at those lips, "I was wondering about what all would be...different if it were."
Wanda: *sits wide-eyed and flushed red* Uhh *clears throat* *presses her lips to suppress her smile* *talks softly with a shakey voice* I don't know what *puts one leg over another* *adjusts herself in the seat* what she meant by cat-that! What she meant by that. *turns red*
Loki just furrowed his brows at you uncomfortably before turning back to Tsuloche.
"Well, I'm not going anywhere without my husband, so..." You sat down on the lone chair in the room.
Tsuloche was already composing his wrinkled raisin face. "Very well then. I hope you find this interrogation room to your liking, Miss Y/N because he is not walking out of here for another seventy-two hours-"
The door hissed open to let in one of his subordinates who handed the alien a tiny cuboid-shaped device. One look at the tiny thing and Tsuloche looked back up with his sharp pupils dilating to the max. "Mrs and Mr Loki, you are free to go. The inconvenience is regretted and the department will provide you safe passage on the next shuttle to your destination."
A little surprised by the sudden turn of events neither of you wanted to let go of this opportunity. "And by our destination you mean anywhere we want?" You are eager to know; something that makes Loki's eyes turn to you and carry an expression barely recognisable on that perfect pale face. Some would even say it was a butt-hurt disappointment. 
"Destination means the place you were previously travelling to. Your bags have been transported. Now all you need to do is get on it and enjoy the rest of your honeymoon."
Heaving a sigh of relief, Loki let go of your hands but still smacked away the one coming for his cheek again, making you chuckle. "I have very limited knowledge on the feline species but it almost looks like you're happy to set us free, Tsuloche." Loki quirked his brow in agreement with your statement.
"What?!" Tsuloche was a little taken aback, continuously blinking his translucent eyelids to make those starry eyes contract to their predator like gaze. But he couldn't. "Highly mistaken you are, madam. I am definitely not happy to let you resume your honeymoon with your beloved. I am enraged that you will be going away with a criminal and your monstrous little pet somewhere to spend time together. I am-I am definitely offended by the idea of this hardened criminal getting a second chance at life with someone so beautiful as you!"
You squeaked. "Aw! He thinks I'm beautiful!" Loki rolled his eyes and looked at the camera.
Tsuloche: *highly conscious* you want me to say something in that camera? Is this for their honeymoon album? *Eyes dilate* oooh! *looks at the lens* uhh ahem, do not do anything unlawful you two. Space is a dangerous place. And...and *eyes dilate to their maximum capacity* take care. *Exhales* *wipes something off his face* oh dear! That was really hard.
 Space Shuttle
The entire shuttle was empty save for your little group. The seats were comfortable and the legroom quite spacious. Securing Lulu in a seat by the window, you sat down next to him, directly facing Loki. Javier sat next to him, recording the view out of the window.
“So, you sent in one of Javi’s camera flies, found a set of rules that said spouses are allowed to meet their other half and just...went with it?”
“I also used the uninet- the universal network- to find out about Tsuloche’s species and intimidated him with a little show of power. So, yeah. I read the rules of Space and this is the second time I saved your ass, Silvertongue," you state matter-of-factly, stretching your legs as much as possible.
"Don't get so cocky, kitten," Loki purred, fastening his seatbelt, "we still have a lot of places to go. You are lucky some people like your cute face."
Your brows went up and head tilted before Loki realised what he had done. "Aw! You think I'm cute!"
Lulu's camera caught Javier signing something to the two of you. "Keep having such petty arguments and aliens will actually believe you're married," you spoke his words out loud.
Both you and Loki looked at each other. "Married? To him?"
"Married? To her?"
The unison was too much on point. But the cackle eroding into the space out of the two of you made it better.
"You're funny," Loki chortled in Javi's direction.
"In your dreams, weirdo," you added. "Can you imagine? Mr and Mrs Silvertongue?" The laughs came out again while it was Javi's turn to look at Lulu's camera.
 Avengers Facility
"No, Nat, I don't think he'll go that way. He doesn't belong there, like, mentally speaking," Scott gesticulated with a lot of hand movements.
"I think Scott's right," Wanda added.
"No, come on. He knows it's his birthright. So that would be the most obvious thing to go for. And we know he wasn't really seen as much once all hell broke loose back home, right?" Nat put forward her point of view while sitting on the sofa in her jammies.
"But if it wasn't that way then?" Pietro asked with keen interest. Nat thought about it for a moment and shrugged.
"Then it definitely would have been the latter. I mean, you were practically raised as one. He was raised as one, right?" Bucky asked Steve. The latter nodded.
"But still," Steve contributed, " there was something wrong there, right? Which is why all of those incidents happened. Are we sure he would still go for it even if he wasn't just another kid?"
Now the lounge went silent, thinking all of it through while the camera showed a very disinterested Clint sitting on the dining table to clean his guns, bows and arrows. The expression in his eyes felt like he wanted to be anywhere but here.
The camera swerved to another person standing by the lounge entrance, looking at the whole scene with utmost disorientation. "What's going on?"
Everyone looked up at Tony standing at the door.
"Oh, we were discussing what surname would Loki choose if he and Y/N got married?" Nat casually answered.
"Like, would he go for Loki Odinson or Loki Laufeyson," Peter explained.
The camera zoomed in on Tony's face, which was trying to do it's best to understand what was going on before giving up and just tilting his head and narrowing his eyes at everybody.
"They have been at it for two hours," a defeated voice comes from Clint's corner, who was looking at some distant void while cleaning his weapons.
"This...is a hypothetical situation, right?" Tony made sure. He had to make sure.
It took a second before everyone shrugged, nodded and hummed in agreement. None- except one camera- caught Scott and Peter crossed his fingers behind their back.
"Oh my God, I just got it!" Scott exclaimed out of nowhere with a new realisation on his face. "He doesn't have to think about the surname. It's Y/N who'll be making the choice."
And just like that, the seriousness in the air changed into a shared epiphany and everyone agreed without any vote against that thought.
"You guys are having a lot of fun with this," Tony sang sarcastically with judgement filled in his tone.
"Yeah, what about it?" Pepper called out from her comfy armchair while eating cheeseburgers and sipping soda, looking at Tony for an answer.
Tony, on the other hand, shifted his weight between his legs. "No. Nothing. You have fun, sweetie. Kisses! Muah! Muah! Muah! Please don't kill me in my sleep tonight."
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