storge · 3 months
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KUROKI HARU as Minamoto no Tomoko HIkaru Kimi e (2024)
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ignivv · 6 months
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Quick comission for my dear friend @frogg-senpai ٩(๑´3`๑)۶ it's a piece portraying their oc Ara and Miss M which belongs to @0ketlyn-s
Love always wins >:)
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the-sapphiresky · 1 year
AN: I have not written a word in five years, but I felt like giving this little You've Got Mail ficlet a proper ending as best I could. Enjoy my darlings and have a lovely Autumn!
Part 1
Molly's Got Mail
"So he could be married, an geriatric pensioner, a serial killer..."
Molly cut him off with a laugh, noting his eyes flicker with interest at the last option. "He is not a serial killer, Sherlock!"
He eyed her dubiously. "I think we have established your track record with men is highly questionable and this man, if he is in fact a 'he'-"
"Would you shut up?" She rolled her eyes and sipped her coffee with a smile, enjoying the warm spice that juxtaposed the cool fall breeze that wrapped around them.
Sometime over the past few months, there had been a ceasefire between her and Sherlock. She wasn't sure what exactly had caused the Consulting Detective to stop warring with her over the smallest of issues in her own lab, but she would never look that gift horse in the mouth.
And suddenly, their work together flourished and she found herself in an unlikely friendship with the very man she once swore to hate for all eternity (she may have been a little plastered when making that vow so she didn't feel guilty breaking it).
Had anyone told her when she first butted heads with the man that she would one day stroll through the park with him and bare out her relationship troubles, she would have laughed and told them to get their head examined well.
Yet here she was, sharing coffee with him, and elbowing him teasingly when he huffed at her.
"Have you even asked him if he is in a relationship?"
"Of course, Will said he is unattached."
"'Unattached' is ambiguous, he could be in a dozen other online relationships wherein he has not met the other party and so considers himself unattached."
Molly tilted her head and furrowed her brow at him. "He wouldn't do that, I know him."
Sherlock cocked an eyebrow. "Do you? He stood you up, did he not?"
"He apologized!"
"A month later," Sherlock tsked. "Doesn't speak highly of his integrity or punctuality."
The sting of that night hadn't faded as much as Molly had hoped. To be stood up was insulting enough. Then to run into your sworn enemy, at your most vulnerable emotionally, was the cherry on top.
Sherlock had immediately deduced the entire affair, from being stood up by an online suitor, her "desperation" to be loved, the overdone makeup, to the damn the lingerie that wasn't quite tucked beneath her dress strap. Humiliated, Molly had lashed out with words she still regretted. The stricken look on Sherlock's face was enough to penetrate her anger with immediate regret.
He swept from the coffee house that night and she saw not one glimpse of him for nearly six weeks.
"Sounds like someone else I know," she mumbled around another sip. The sudden rush of eye blinks as he processed what she said made her smile softly. "But he apologized and that is what counts...not when he did it."
"Indeed," he agreed. "Nevertheless, I think I should stay with you until he arrives. I will be able to tell instantly if he has lied about anything."
Molly vehemently shook her head. "Absolutely not! The only reason you know about this is because you read my emails, which I have yet to decide your punishment for."
She laughed when he looked guilty for just a moment, then immediately took on an air of indifference.
"Don't worry," she nudged him slyly. "I won't be mean, but you might be out of body parts for experiments for a couple days."
He swallowed hard. They were almost there, in a matter of minutes, everything would be out in the open.
Molly quickly finished her coffee. He took her empty cup and tossed it with his in a nearby bin.
"Almost time," Molly said, checking her phone. "This is where you leave."
Sherlock ignored her and took out his own phone, feeling the full force of her glare.
"Sherlock," she warned. He would never tell her, but when she growled at him and stomped her foot, she was adorable.
He felt a tug on his sleeve and pulled out her grasp.
"I will call Mycroft!"
"That wouldn't do anything for the situation," he drawled. His brother was well aware, the great big fat bloody spy, of what was occurring between Sherlock and his pathologist. In fact, he was fairly confident this entire park was being recorded and, good or bad, the outcome would be on the cloud for all eternity.
He hoped for a good outcome...it would be a lovely home video to share with their children.
Then again, a bad outcome would be blackmail material against him for a lifetime.
She was getting impatient now, he glanced at her, that furrow between her brows begging for a kiss. Though he did not think she would appreciate that at this moment.
"I let you walk with me here, with the understanding you would leave before he gets here!" She hissed.
"I never agreed to that," he couldn't help poking the bear. "I am a citizen of this nation, freely enjoying the beauty of this lovely park."
"I'd believe that if you didn't have your nose in your phone and if you didn't regularly complain about the weather, people, and parks."
She crossed her arms, fingers tapping anxiously.
He made a show of turning slowly and pointing at a nearby bench. "I shall simply wait over here to ensure you are not mauled by a serial killer or a geriatric pensioner."
As he sat, a couple walking by gave him and his wide smile a generous berth. Molly huffed and continued frowning but seemed to accept he was not going to leave entirely.
He glanced at his phone. Three minutes.
Molly was nervously wringing her hands and looking around. The park was fairly busy for late afternoon. Couples taking advantage of the cool weather and clear sky were meandering about, a few runners, some kids calling out as they chased each other around.
He admired how the sun illuminated her hair, shining red and gold amongst her usual brown tresses. Her lips were redder than normal, she'd been biting them. And though her complexion was pale, the hot coffee had warmed her up and there was a slight red blush on her cheeks.
Neither of them spoke as the minutes ticked by. For the first time in his life, Sherlock was uncertain as to the outcome of a situation. But he had one last chance and he wasn't going to screw it up. Not again.
"He's not coming again, is he?"
He leaned his elbows on his knees and stared over at her. She looked forlornly at her phone, which proclaimed fifteen minutes past the allotted meeting time. With no message.
She opened her email, her thumbs aimlessly hovering, as she tried to decide what she should say, if anything.
"Don't say it, Sherlock," she turned away from him, no doubt to hide her face.
He couldn't have that.
Standing, he strode over to her and gently turned her back to him.
'Why do I keep doing this, falling for a guy who lets me down? Jim, Tom, Will, yo-" she cut herself off, flushing madly and averting her eyes. "Maybe I should take your advice, stop dating entirely and give up on a relationship."
"Molly, stop, I was wrong. That night at the cafe, I was in a terrible mood and I took it out on you," he desperately wanted to wipe the resignation from her eyes.
"But you had a point," she said. She looked down at her phone, the email thread with Will staring back at them. Under her breath, he heard her say, "I should give up."
He took her phone from her and pocketed it, grabbing something else from his coat and holding it tight. She opened her mouth, no doubt to demand he give her phone back, but he cut her off.
"If we had started off our professional relationship on a better note, if I had treated you as an equal intellect from the start...would we be more than we are now?"
She had to lick her lips to speak through a suddenly dry mouth. "What do you mean, more than we are now...more than friends?"
He nodded.
He nodded again.
"But Sherlock, you don't see me like that. If this is about what I just said, in no way was I trying to get you to -"
"You're wrong," he smiled. "I do see you like that."
She blinked. "What, romantically?"
"You're an intelligent woman, you understood my implication."
Ah, there was the frown he loved. "As a note, Holmes," she poked his chest. "Insulting a woman you suddenly claim to be romantically interested in...not a good thing."
"Noted," he quipped. "Now, back to the issue at hand. Were this online man, who has stood you up twice now, not in the picture, would you want to be with me?"
Her eyes twinkled. "Are you the only other option?"
With a pout, he rolled his eyes and sighed. "Molly Hooper..."
"Just checking, after all, this is all very sudden." Her levity faded as she looked around, though he knew the only man that fit the description of the man she was looking for was standing right in front of her. Her gaze drifted back to him and he watched the interplay of emotions run across her face. "You're a dear friend now, and I do like you, but until today, I didn't think you saw me as anything more."
But Will had told her otherwise. And it was time to reconcile him with Sherlock.
"Oh, Hooper. I've thought of you as so much more for quite some time."
He opened his hand to show the silver hair bow laying in his palm. She stared at it in shock, knowing he had to have followed her that night from the cafe after their fight and watched her yank it from her hair and throw it to the ground. And he picked it up and kept it. When she raised her eyes to his, he was startled to see tears.
"William Sherlock Scott Holmes, at your service."
"You?" She whispered. "Will was you, all along?"
Sherlock smiled softly. "I'm sorry I am late."
With a tearful cry, she threw her arms around his neck and pressed her lips to his. Immediately, he hauled her close and lifted her higher in his arms. She giggled and broke the kiss, to his disgruntlement, only to rain kisses all around his face.
"You," kiss "absolute" kiss "sodding" kiss "idiot!" kiss "I will" kiss "never" kiss "forgive" kiss "you" kiss for "this!"
Before she could continue her attack of pecks and threats, he covered her mouth with his and proceeded to snog her until he was sure she had forgotten all about his duplicity.
And if she hadn't...well, he had a lifetime to try.
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manderleyfire · 2 years
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You showed me that being a hero isn’t just for people who can fly or shoot lasers out of their hands: it’s for anyone who’s brave enough to do what’s right, no matter the cost.
HAWKEYE | 1x06: So This Is Christmas?
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safyresky · 2 months
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Scrimbly Jacqueline 30/52: Milf Jacqueline strikes again...
In my notes/list, she was described as "holding her staff the way Cheri holds her broom in Frostmas and looking smug". She looks delighted instead, which checks out!
Very excited to do a full, PROPER design of her milf-fit! We've seen the original outfit deets HERE, but take the REST of the deets:
The pattern on her SLEEVES! Finally got it how I want it thanks to THIS POST.
The flourishes in each of the little diamonds on the sleeve are flexible—they can be anything tbh!
I went with like. A little circle and four whooshes around it bc I was feelin' it—snowflakey? Ish? I think they were more kaleidoscope-y when I originally did it and I am still quite fond of that design! The lil boops are just easier to doodle lmao
Fun fact: Her fit is a jacket. Custom made, (I think Jack made it for her, same as he did Fino's cloak except she knew EXACTLY what she wanted and was trying to find a place to get it made when Jack went allow me), and it doesn't have buttons but little clasps (these guys)—which is why it looks so smooth on the front!
Under the jacket is more active wear! Dark blue tank top, I think! She overheats a lot 🥵🔥
Moving right down: bike shorts are still bike shorts, just a sparkly grey! I had them grey anyway originally, but like, a dark grey. Now they're SPARKLING! But they don't actually sparkle, they're just. Y'know. A nice grey.
(I need to figure out best practise for using the metallic markers I have, tbh).
She has. Heckin. GARTERS NOW! Cause I thought they'd look cool. And they DO! And lil purple diamonds bc purple is my fave colour (presently) and it's bleeding into Jacqueline's palette!
The BOOTS! So I'm chronically behind in scrimbles and frostmas and lord knows what else bc I have been playing Disney Dreamlight Valley for about a month straight, and when I hit level 30? I think? I started getting the cool Forgotten getup, and the boots? A LOOK.
So that's what Jacqueline's boots are based on!
I wanted to make them the same colour as her dress but decided instead to do the middle blue, so they wouldn't blend in with her jacket OR the inside of her jacket lol.
AND HER STAFF. That's a whole THING.
She has 0 vested interest in looking into if she, too, can warlock, and the only reason she does is bc of shenanigans in a potential Pyros Redemption story.
she ends up having to A) see if she IS a warlock and B) train to staff summoning levels in order to figure out where tf Pyros's staff went after that gnarly defeat he suffered at the hand of Blaise AND Jack AND Jacqueline.
(Remember that? How they kicked his ass? And Jacqueline destroyed his staff? Yeah. There's a method to my madness :)
(It's an opal)
I have no idea how I made the gem holder so pretty but I did?
If you look closely, the very top of said decal and the pommel make a heart (coughs DITE cough cough)
I may switch the gradient! That is, reverse it so the pink is at the top and blue at the bottom. Still on the fence about it 🤔🤔🤔
In terms of like, colouring: Did mess up a bit on the mouth! BUT it looks okay! Yay :3. Almost gave her six fingers on the right hand—still not sure how I managed THAT. But overall, this is deffs in the top 5 scrimbles for sure (so far) :D
Need me a silver marker that can really POP on the dark blue pencil crayons tbh 🥹🥹🥹
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mistress-light · 6 months
I had such a weird day today lmao. Woke up with a hangover and.. didn't have any ibuprofen left (and apparently it's sold out everywhere in the city? So I was tempted to use 600mg, but that seemed like overkill. Passed out on the couch and woke up 3 hours later. The headache was gone but lol F the day schedule.
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l0w-p0ly-3dz · 2 years
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@zonicthegayhog @bitter-sweet-coffee come get ur guys or smth.
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vintage-wanderers · 4 months
i would die so much if anyone irl had my tumblr
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eltonjohndenver · 5 months
serious bagel with cream cheese deficiency after 5 straight months in england
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kawaii-koimi · 10 months
g0dfxxking dammit i really can't leave all of you to your own damn devices, because everything is so damn incorrect and full of mistakes!!!!!!! IM FUCKING PISSED
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astrolavas · 1 year
Do you have any cursed Hunter headcanons? (cursed as the headcanons are cursed not hunter being cursed)
he uses a 13-in-1 shampoo/shower gel cuz he thinks it's most efficient 💔 (he redeems himself a bit during the timeskip though cuz he has more time to take care of himself and sometimes likes to actually chill and enjoy the scents and stuff + darius shows him Self Care, but back at the coven???? irredeemable i fear. efficiency above all) (i also have some serious thoughts abt the reasons behind this hc but that's for a more serious emo talk so ehehhh)
speaking of canon bi hunter, he has absolutely atrocious taste in fictional men. the rest of hexsquad always prepares for the worst when they're watching a movie and a terrible slash cringefail slash furry slash nerdy dude comes on screen and hunter starts clearing his throat to speak up. he's TERIBBLE
he bites into ice cream (and then always gets brainfreeze. fly high king 🕊️)
he has god-awful luck when it comes to getting sick/injured in the most stupid ways. like, AWFUL luck. this is my son crump he has every disease and he has been attacked by seagulls 10 times in one week
back in the human realm, especially during the first week, he'd always wake up dreadfully early and Want Chores (sth sth being raised in an environment where you're constantly expected to do things that'll "earn your place" there over and over again therefore not being able to understand that you can just exist somewhere and be taken care of by someone without them expecting anything in return, sth sth) so he'd just stand in a dark hallway like this 🧍 randomly. camila constantly getting near-heart attacks everytime she has to go to work early or has some vet emergency in the middle of the night cuz she just steps into the hallway and immediately sees mr autistic grimwalker's glowy pink eyes staring down at her and demanding daily chores. awful
he thinks facebook minion memes are hilarious unironically. he sends them to hexsquad's groupchat i'm afraid. he also loves those flashy glittery wolf videos/gifs/edits/images. he sends them to the groupchat also
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tua-five · 3 months
Season 1 Episode 4 (Spoilers ⚠️)
It's the little things. Ben checking up on Klaus as he's going through withdrawal and has flashbacks, and starts to see the ghosts again. When he encourages him.
Diego putting Delores on the chair rather than anywhere on the floor.
Luther patting Delores on the head.
Diego and Luther fighting. They can't get along with anything, but when it comes to Pogo, they listen to him and can both agree that he's right. They both apologized to Pogo.
The siblings wanting to tell Five about their mom, about everything that just happened.
How genuine Deigo sounded when he said they just wanted to help Five.
Also, I'm just going to comment that Allison and [Viktor] have TERIBBLE taste in men.
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We are overlooking the most obvious answer as to why Phil had to buy silicone for the Teribble Influence Tour: It was a silicone breastplate for a Tabitha costume. She is going to make an on-stage appearance similar to Dil at TATINOF.
PJ, who has built props for them before, also coincidently talked in a recent video of his about delivering a project he'd been working on for some friends in London, which could very well be another Sims head for DnP.
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vyeoh · 10 months
More teribble literature-based tasks because I'm bored:
The Hamlet (red only): soliloquize in front of three people about your moral debates with killing a specific player before killing them, brownie points if you use poison
The Odyssey: Travel around to the other factions and you must steal something from one faction, convince another to give you something, and live with a third for a hour before leaving. If used in conjunction with Calypso task, you don't want to live with the player (name given) with the task. Try to politely reject them without being called out. You fail of called out by them.
Calypso: You try to convince someone to leave their faction and come live with you. If in conjuction with Odyssey task, that person really doesn't want to live with you, but you don't know who it is.
Eris, goddess of discord: start, via rumors and espionage, a war. Good luck!
Lady McBeth: Convince a red name to kill someone with pure charisma. Bribery is not allowed.
The Bacchae: start a mob of at least 5 players and turn it against a single player
The Caesar (red only): stab players a collective 23 times
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niredsw · 1 month
okay lemme clear this one thing or ghost is gonna fucking take over again
i don't "hate" physical touch, in fact, its one of my most used love languages. but its only with certain people, people i feel safe around. i have a stalker at school, hes in the same class as me, and he keeps touching me even tho i said it million times that i dont like it. he just says "yeah okay sorry bro" and then touchs me again after 3 minutes or so. i. hate. it. i told him that millions of times, hell i even beat him up once because of that. why cant he understand it? i had a nightmare yesterday and it was him and his other 3 creepy friends, trying to rape me. i cant stop shaking and i feel teribble because i was so close to that shit by him a few times, school starts in 1 week and i'm scared
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beyourselfchulanmaria · 5 months
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剛進門,下午去買另一件作品所需要的皮革配材,回程順路去吃海產粥;散步走在回工作室的路上 . . . 下雨了,我好高興哦! 雖然我已經60個小時都沒睡覺了(可怕的瘋女人lol),下雨聲讓我感覺很平靜,一首想像中躺在戀人懷裡的搖籃曲,應當很容易入睡。
( I just get in door. In the afternoon I went to buy the leather accessories needed for another works. I stopped by to eat seafood porridge on the way back. I took a walk on the way back to the studio… It rained. I was so happy! Although I had already worked 60 hours and even didn't sleep yet. (Teribble crazy woman lol) The sound of rain makes me feel very peaceful. An imaginary lullaby lying in the arms of the lover should make her easy to fall asleep zzz Z zz Z z ) … ♫ ◠‿◠ Lan~*
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