#terf cw
I bought the wizard game because all the troons were making a big fuss about it. jk rowling did nothing wrong.
Okay look, I need you to take a step back from yourself and your in-group and really see that message, because to a normal person it's nonsensical. I acknowledge that you are trying to insult me, but it's not hitting the mark because "troon" just sounds like something a scifi character would use as currency. This is like when incels were calling women "femoids" like that's supposed to mean something. Get better writers.
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txttletale · 2 years
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terfs are so funny imagine thinking this reads like an epic fucking righteous screed and not like something someone would murmur to themselves while curled up on the floor in the fetal position crying
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
the TERF i saw last night that was posting in the "conservation" tag had this post on their blog
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the blog was a side-blog of a popular terf blog, it was called "eco feminism" something I forget but they were trying to...connect with other terfs in the biological sciences?
...except they're not in the biological sciences, they're trying to "how do you do fellow STEM" with elementary school biology concepts that have been outdated for 50 years.
"how and why biological classifications are formed" is one of the thorniest, most complicated and debated topics in biology with many open unsolved problems.
Nowadays, organisms are classified into groups almost exclusively according to the information their genetics provides about their most recent common ancestors. Phenotypic traits that can provide information about the evolutionary history of a group are called character states, and they can be considered to "diagnose" or define a clade, but character states are used to support the grouping of organisms into a single clade, NOT the other way around.
For example, lactation has been recognized as evidence that all living mammals share a common ancestor that is not the ancestor of any other living animal (that is, mammals are more closely related to each other than to anything else). However, the definition of "mammal" is not "animal that lactates." A non-mammal could convergently evolve lactation (arguably, several already have) and would still not belong to "mammals," and a mammal could evolve to not lactate anymore and would still belong to "mammals."
This is why a shared trait is not by itself considered diagnostic of a clade, and taxonomists have to use a great deal of caution because their interpretation of organisms as belonging to a group will affect how they interpret those organisms' traits.
Today's taxonomic system does not just group organisms by similar traits. Traits often are lost or evolve several times separately.
"Biological classification" does not actually mean anything except "organism #1 and organism #2 have a more recent common ancestor than #1 and #3 do." Two organisms being classified as more closely related than another doesn't mean they share more phenotypic characteristics. This has been the dominant approach for decades.
Now, for my favorite part of this post:
I struggled to grasp what was meant by "that ridiculous argument they have about fish not being real" for a a solid few seconds before I realized that "they" doesn't refer to scientists, it refers to trans people.
this person thinks "fish aren't real" was made up by trans activists
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queerautism · 1 month
I saw this really fucking funny terf tumblr post being talked about on twitter and it's just so good. Just making a huge list of women you fucking hate but in a feminist way :)
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teaboot · 1 year
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Well you see the interesting thing about social etiquette is that calling anyone at all any kind of epithet is generally regarded as crude and ill-bred behaviour, but seeing as you're specifying "women" as a homogeneous, monolithic group in this context, I'd bet that you're less concerned about my manner and composure than you are with making a statement about the patriarchy at large- which normally I'd applaud you for, even agree with you- however the inane way in which you present this piping hot take to my door makes me feel like you're not actually a good-faith progressive feminist doling out the most basic-ass, grade-one, first day of preschool-ass, bland-ass, seen-it-before takes I've ever seen like a scientologist dishing out scripture to college students, but more likely just a Radfem or Terf seeking out a blog big enough to grandstand their own rote, tried-and-true "sounds reasonable" stepping stone to pave the pipeline for other well-intentioned young feminists to slide down into the swamp of looney-tunes-ass gender-conformists wearing sexism under a different hat that you yourself have bought into, so no, I think I'll just keep being a rude bitch, with my bitches, cause I'm a bad bitch, and I bitch with who I wanna bitch with at bitches I wanna bitch at, regardless of gender, cause female identity and expression is not a sickly twin forever at the mercy of being defined by that which opposes it or stands beside it, and I do what I want
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sorry i dont usually do this but i HAVE to clown on this terf or ill explode
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what are you some kind of motherfucking bone mage who can SENSE GENDER in someones FUCKIN SKELETON?? there's been study after study that shows its EXTREMELY difficult to tell someone's sex based on their skeleton alone, but you, terf almighty on high with magic wizard sex gender beam, can sense someones sex like a fuckin barcode scanner by touching them. seems fucking legit. moron.
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abouttwocats · 1 year
radblr is literally the saddest place on tumblr. like you're a terf on the transgender website? what did you think the GIANT t stood for you idiot.
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penny-anna · 1 year
I went to look at the context for that terf bar post bcos the last tweet was so obviously a joke that I wondered if it was a satire account or something (it was not) and the kicker is that she declared it would be an 'allies (ie straight women) welcome' space and like u don't want trans women bcos u want it to be a ''''''safe space''''' but you'll encourage straight women to go along like ok
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yardsards · 1 year
excerpt of a post made (completely without irony) by a terf blog:
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really just exemplifies the mindset of these fuckers in a way that no amount of satire could even dream of. an absolute "fuck you, i've got mine" type movement with no intersectionality. god. i hope every terf gets their food spat in for every meal.
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fagbearentertainment · 8 months
I can’t with these two reblogs in particular, they really thought they did something here XD
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beaft · 2 years
my reactions to most terf rhetoric fall on a spectrum between "weary/irritated" and "steaming mad", but sometimes i stumble across a subcommunity that's so utterly detached from reality that it knocks me out of that spectrum and into a zone of honest bewilderment. i don't even have the capacity to get angry. it would be like getting angry at someone for believing that the moon is made of green cheese. this has been a long-winded way of saying i just discovered a branch of radical feminism that believes pregnant women are evil
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Terfs are legitimately so much worse than any other kind of internet troll and I'm not exaggerating. Most trolls leave a dumb rude comment and move on, and like, whatever. But terfs camp out on a post and discourse on it for HOURS and it's like, damn girl you good? You haven't taken a piss break since 9 AM, I'm worried for you
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coulsonlives · 1 year
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'I asked for restrictive laws that force trans people to use the wrong washroom, now I have to live with the consequences of my actions heLP'
Edit: rbs turned off because y'all can't stop shouting death threats into the ether
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
deleted rb on that last post because the replier was a terf and a very sad kind at that (multiple posts about how boys aged 4-6 are already innately evil)
had the great displeasure of finding that they'd reblogged like 15 posts direct from me and must therefore have been following me for a while.
...i always get such a surreal feeling scrolling thru blogs like this that say things like "men are inherently cruel and want to rape and kill and that's it...even as little boys" because after that there will be, idk, like a picture of one of van gogh's paintings or a Tolkien quote or just a post with a guy holding his cat and it's like, you don't realize the dissonance in your world?...This cake was baked by a man, he's in the photo. A man helped deliver that baby sheep, a man invented that life saving medicine and wanted it to be available to everyone.
I know they don't care but it's hard for me to imagine how the discordance doesn't affect them. You believe a 5 year old boy is already violent, sadistic, and perverted, but you find beauty in the works of Van Gogh?
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crimeronan · 1 year
one of my viral posts has reached a tiny sad circle of terfs and it's so funny. they're not adding commentary bc it's not trans-related they're just using normal tags, they have no reason to think i'd notice them on a 20k note post. i know the general protocol is to fly into a rage and snarl "terfs don't touch" and combat them in public due to them being the scum of the fucking earth but honestly (THIS IS NOT GOING TO GO A TRANSMISOGYNIST ROUTE) terfs please keep touching. i've spent the past hour-ish finding all the misogyny and misgendering on ur blogs to fill out detailed tumblr reports n gank u and ur shithead moots for hate speech. most of u have apparently been banned at least once already and can't even Pretend to follow the TOS which makes my job easier. and is also so fucking funny and sad. anyway read this in the tone of a cheesy anime villain monologuing at the protagonist about a carefully-laid trap or whatever. destroying fascists' blogs and online networks makes me very happy and i don't get to do it very often due to pesky self-care and whatnot, so. thank you all for this. 💕
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crtter · 2 years
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Can’t get over what this TERF tagged my post as. That’s the most toothless, confusing insult I’ve ever seen. Did she actually think I’d get my feelings hurt by butt baby??? That’s some shit a kindergartener would call another when one of them doesn’t let them play with their Paw Patrol toys. What the hell is it even supposed to mean, is she implying I was birthed through a butt instead of through a vaginal birth because I don’t “““know what biological sex is?”””
Actually, that’s wrong on both accounts. I was a C-section baby.
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