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Conforme va pasando el tiempo y salen más cartas en TW, más comienzo a creer que Trein en algún punto quedará como director, quizás sea el hate hacia Crowley o el hecho de que Trein sí dirige a los estudiantes cuando hay problemas, no lo sé, me encantan las teorías, quien diría que el abuelo del fandom sería tan lindo <3
#twisted wonderland#mozus trein#twst trein#teorias#leona kingscholar#azul ashengrotto#jamil viper#twst#disney twst#vil schoenheit#idia shroud#twst grim#riddle rosehearts#malleus draconia#crowley#dire crowley#divus crewel#twst crowley
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aí gnt unconditional é mt suspeita será q o jaehyun comeu alguém durante a kcon de LA esse ano pra dizer especificamente "met this girl from California"?????
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qphilza is so convinced that his team is the cursed team, which makes sense on a lore standpoint , a lot of weird shit has been happening to him, but like bolas has skill?? the only 'cursed' part about them is their self esteem let me tell you. but i get it, tubbo is SO sure he's the cursed team, but i think that a lot of it is personal bias. (for both sides ofc) honestly im leaning more towards blue than red, but i see how it can be anyone's game. Watching tubbo's alts is so refreshing, mostly to remember that they're all besties also. they care about their block game, but it is a bock game. Sorry if this is incomprehensible, but like or repost or ask about any theories you have because im crazy and all ears! lubbers
#qsmp#qsmp purgatory#team bolas#team soulgayfire#team soulfire#tubbo#philza#cursed team#rant#lo siento#desculpe#por favor#teorias#teorías
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TDP Book 6 speculation
So one of themes of The Dragon Prince can be said to be a show about cicles and choosing to continue or forging your own path.
In the last two seasons we can see the paralels between the characters of Callum and Viren with them showing some of the same atributes.
With Erzan in the role king, and prefering to avoid killing Aaravos, do you think we will see a new version of this
but with Callum and Erzan instead?
#the dragon prince#o principe dragão#Harrow#Viren#Erzan#Callum#teorias#desenhos :d#book 6 stars#speculation#tdp#Aaravos
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Oh, minha doce garotinha...quais as chances de Agnes ser a irmã perdida do Padre Hugue?
Teorias e conspirações sobre Trinity Blood
ou quando você tem coisas sérias para pensar, mas prefere divagar sobre personagens fictícios...
🚨Aviso: O texto a seguir contém teorias extremamente desconexas, hipóteses mal embasadas e uma quantidade preocupante de devaneios. Leia por sua conta e risco (e aproveite o caos).🚨
E antes de começar com meus ‘pequenos grandes’ devaneios, quero informar-lhes que ainda não li todos os volumes da novel. Então, minha teoria poderá cair por terra (ou não) assim que tiver acesso a mais informações.
O fato é que, como estudante da língua japonesa está sendo um desafio em tanto traduzir Trinity Blood. Visto que eu sou uma criatura asquerosamente chata em termos de gostar de manter a literariedade e coesão com o texto original.
Mas, sem mais delongas vamos a teoria (vulgo devaneio) que me fez queimar alguns neurônios...
Qual a possibilidade de Agnes ser a irmã perdida de Hugue de Watteau?

Em R.A.M I, somos apresentados ao Padre Hugue de Watteau e sua missão em Amsterdã, capital da Holanda que é um dos reinos dos Países Baixos. (Holanda, Bélgica, Luxemburgo e partes do norte da França).
Ele está a cargo da resolução do caso de assassinatos ocorrido na Velha Igreja de Amsterdã, território de um dos ‘Count Four’, uma aliança vampiresca entre as Quatro Cidades que lideram o submundo do crime nos Países Baixos.
Count Four:
Amsterdã (Holanda)
Antuérpia (Bélgica)
Bruxelas (Bélgica)
Bruges (Bélgica)
Nesse capítulo, é mencionado um pouco do passado de Hugue e de sua família, os Watteau e o da própria Agnes. Na Trinity Blood Wiki é dito que ela é uma prima distante de Hugue.
‘A família Watteau foi uma lendária família de nobres mercenários dos Países baixos. Por gerações, tamb��m serviram como comissários-chefes da Aliança das Quatro Cidades, e, na ausência de um exército nacional, representavam o maior poder militar e uma força policial rigorosa e excelente, exercendo grande habilidade na manutenção da ordem pública — mas agora são uma presença que deve ser mencionada no passado. Isso porque, cerca de nove anos atrás, seu castelo em Bruges foi atacado em larga escala por vampiros, e o chefe da família, bem como os principais membros da família e seguidores, foram todos massacrados.’ (SWORD DANCER – Parte II – trecho retirado da novel)
Nesse evento, Hugue teve seus dois braços cortados e sua irmã mais nova sequestrada.
Hugue menciona o nome da irmã e é aqui, senhoras e senhores, que começou minha peregrinação...

Por que eu fui reparar nisso?
O nome mencionado da irmã em katakana é:
アニエス (Aniesu)
que é uma transliteração do nome francês Agnès, levando em consideração a sua pronúncia em francês.
Colocando o nome Agnès no Google Tradutor é possível verificar que a pronúncia se assemelha com a leitura em katakana ‘Aniesu”.
Temos um ponto aqui.
Então, somos apresentados a essa linda mocinha aqui.

Agnes, a noviça de Amsterdã...
De fato, o nome da Irmã Agnes é apresentado originalmente como:
アグネス (Agunesu),
que é uma transliteração fonética do nome ocidental "Agnes".
Até aí, nada demais... mas sentiram a sutileza da 'diferença' entre esses nomes?
Se levarmos em consideração que o nome francês Agnès quando é transcrito em outras idiomas ocidentais se ‘torna’ Agnes, (no caso, Amsterdã na Holanda) temos outro ponto aqui.
Hugue, sua irmã e, no caso, a Irmã Agnes são de Bruges, que fica localizada na Bélgica, que por sua vez, possui influências linguísticas do francês, assim como também do flamengo (holandês) e alemão.

O primeiro mapa é do mundo de Trinity Blood e o segundo é um mais detalhado, somente para referência...
Na novel é mencionado que Agnes também é uma Watteau, mas no dia do ataque ao castelo da família, ela foi a única que não estava presente, por estar doente aos cuidados de sua ama, fora dos domínios do castelo...
Com a queda da família Watteau, a Irmã Agnes é enviada de Bruges na Bélgica para a Igreja de Amsterdã na Holanda.
Mas porque está batendo na tecla dos nomes dos países ?
Calma aí....eu sou prolixo, se não percebeu...
Bem, minha tese maior é que, se a Agnes de Amsterdã for a irmã de Hugue, cujo nome original é Agnès (Aniesu), por conta, da mudança de localidade, o nome dela, por contexto sofreu a alteração fonética para Agnes (Agenesu).
Levei em consideração a etimologia e também as variações linguísticas dentro da obra.
E antes que me digam algo sobre, Trinity Blood está recheado de termos e nomes em outros idiomas.
Abel, Caterina, Hugue, vez ou outra usam o latim. Tres Iqus, faz o uso do inglês e o Isaak, do alemão. (sim, tinha que vir um pra complicar as coisas...)
Obviamente, levei em consideração o autor, o mestre Yoshida, o fato aparente dele ter estudado bastante sobre a contextualização dos nomes dos personagens. Além, de perceber, que o mesmo sempre dava ênfase aos detalhes sobre o mundo de Trinity Blood.
Mas, voltando ao assunto...
Ah, mas temos também a versão da própria Agnes de sua história:
“Naquela noite, eu, por acaso, fiquei resfriada e fui deixada aos cuidados da minha ama. Mas, quando ouvi a notícia, fiquei realmente triste. Não conseguia acreditar que meu pai, minha mãe e todas aquelas pessoas com quem estive até o dia anterior não estariam mais neste mundo…" (SWORD DANCER – Parte II – trecho retirado da novel)
A partir daqui eu poderia divagar várias teorias, mas são somente hipóteses.

que fazem sentindo somente na minha cabeça
Poderíamos levar em consideração que na época do incidente que massacrou a família Watteau, ela tinha apenas 5 anos. O fato que ela passou por um trauma ao perder toda a família poderia ter causado a ela um bloqueio de informações.
Ela pode ter sido poupada pelo mandante do crime ou apenas teve muita, mas muita sorte de, no dia exato, ter ficado doente e ter sido enviada para fora dos domínios da família Watteau.
Hugue poderia não saber da informação que a irmã tenha sido levada antes do incidente ocorrer, e no final, por não ter sido achado o corpo dela, pensar que ela foi sequestrada.
Há outros fatos, como Hugue não a reconhecer ela ou mesmo Agnes não citar que teve um irmão mais velho. Eu levaria em consideração o fator traumático que ambos vivenciaram. A mente humana cria bloqueios e barreiras incrivelmente fortes para sua auto proteção.
Tanto Hugue quanto Agnes possuem um forte senso de justiça por vingança também. Não sei se isso é algo inerente aos Watteau ou se é coisa de irmãos mesmo.... ambos são lindos e ninguém desmereça meus bebês...
Agradeço sem medidas, o fato também, que ao estar pesquisando e formulando esse texto, ter encontrado no antigo Live Jornal, o que parecia ser uma história criada por algum fã de TB, que apresentava na descrição o ‘romance’ Hugue x Agnes... que continha as seguintes advertências:
‘Warning[s]: Grammar abuse and some sexual implications....’

Cara, ela só tem 14 anos...
o link está indisponível foi uma bênção surreal... embora não deseje mais traumas, costumo ter uma estranha curiosidade por eles....
Se você conseguiu ler até aqui...
Prazer, eu sou Lutie (◕‿◕✿) , e estou obcecada por Trinity Blood novamente....
#trinity blood#rage against the moons#novel#hugue de watteau#agnes de watteau#aniesu de watteau#teorias da conspiração#devaneios#teorias#sword dancer
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Best Regards Can Neptune Orbit Be Reflected On The Other Planets Orbits? https://app.box.com/s/mb7srlxwbuhbqzcbhsu0kapwtbq5sro7 or https://app.box.com/s/jfrqnemffug3hc4x7cbqgvgnyry1d6l1 or https://www.tumblr.com/itsgerges/778028344275009536/best-regards-can-neptune-orbit-be-reflected-on-the?source=share or https://gerges2022.livejournal.com/252433.html
Why Should We Study Neptune Orbit? I Try To Prove Neptune Orbit Is Reflected On The Other Planets Orbits- The planets orbits follow rules but Neptune orbit follows these same rules by using a reflected behavior (the meaning of "A Reflected Orbit")- more explanations later- If I prove Neptune orbit is reflected on the other planets orbits- that can prove the space properties depend on the motion direction of the energy from which this space is created-that can help to answer (How Is The Space Created?) and (What's the space nature?)– because- we will have a part of space reflected on the other part of space and that can help to know the space nature and features- for that Neptune Orbit is a treasure of knowledge.
Paper Question Pluto orbital distance is divided into 4 parts, 3 are equal and one is different–namely Saturn orbital distance= Saturn Uranus distance= Pluto Neptune Distance= 1433 mkm but Neptune Uranus distance=1622 mkm–Why Are Not The Four Distances Equal? These distances distribution shows interesting fact Pluto Orbital Distance = 5906 mkm = 1433 (π + 1) Pluto Saturn Distance = 4470 mkm = 1433 (π) Pluto Uranus Distance = 3035 mkm = 1433 (π - 1) Pluto Neptune Distance=1433 mkm BUT Neptune Uranus Distance =1622 mkm=1433 (π-2) If Pluto Neptune Distance is (A) and Neptune Uranus Distance is (B)- The data shows the distance (A) is found in place of the distance (B) and vice versa- this conclusion depends on the used rule because the designer used (π + 1) between Pluto and the Sun and used (π) between Pluto and Saturn and used (π - 1) between Pluto and Uranus- that pushes us to expect to use (π - 2) between Pluto and Neptune- BUT- not fact – the distance (π -2) is used between Neptune and Uranus- we have to conclude that (the distance A is reflected on the distance B) This is one example shows Neptune orbit reflected behavior with the used rules- the important news is that- Neptune orbit uses reflected behavior with many other rules - that's why I can't consider this behavior as (pure coincidence)- and I searched for the geometrical reason behind- and I found that Neptune orbit is reflected on the other planets orbits- The main idea is– the planets orbits are created from one energy moved from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit BUT Neptune Orbit is created from another energy moved from Pluto to Mercury- means- the two energies moved in the opposite direction to each other that's why Neptune orbit is created reflected on the other planets orbits
Neptune Orbit Study Useful Results There are two major results are produced by this study which are First Result The study proves- The planets orbits are created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam and this light beam moves by speed 1.16 million km per second- shortly- the space creation needs the speed 1.16 million km per second- and the light with known speed (300000 km/s) can NOT create any part of space-the study explained the reason- that proves the speed 1.16 million km per second is A Fact Second Result Neptune Orbit is created by energy moved from Pluto to Mercury while all other orbits are created by energy moved from Mercury to Pluto for that Neptune orbit is reflected on the other planets orbits – that prove the energy motion direction has effect on the space properties if this space is created from this energy. How Can We Analyze Neptune Orbit? We should start our study by two major subjects which are (1) The Solar System Creation Theory
(2) The Solar System History
By these two subjects we will know how the planets orbits are created and why Neptune orbit is reflected on the other planets orbits- I put these two subjects after my Research 8 conclusions and the detailed study of Neptune orbit is found in item No.(XI) My Research Conclusions - My Research produced the following 8 Conclusions (1st Conclusion) Any Motion In Space Produces Energy And Any Motion Energy Creates Waves In The Space– for that- Planet motion produces energy (1/2 mv^2) and this energy creates waves in the space- and each planet waves move by its planet velocity- for example- Mercury (47.4 km/s) moves and its motion energy creates waves in the space and these waves move by (47.4 km/s)- all waves move toward Pluto orbit (Perpendicular On The Revolution Direction)- and in Pluto orbit these waves are unified into one unified wave moves by velocity 205.8 km/s (the planets velocities total)- this unified wave is the gravitational wave- means- the gravitational waves are produced by the planets motions energies total and not by the gravitational field- Moreover- There's No Gravitational Field- ALSO - The Sun Has No Massive Gravity AND No Planet Moves By The Sun Gravity (Newton Is Wrong) (2nd Conclusion) The Sun Is Not Doing Nuclear Fusion To Produce Its Rays- Instead- The Sun Rays Are Produced By The Gravitational Waves Motions Energies- And- The Gravitational Waves Are Produced By The Planets Motions Energies - Means- The Sun Rays Are Created By The Planets Motions Energies Total- The Sun Is A Phenomenon Let's Explain Shortly- This Is Extraordinary: Gravity Can Create Light, All on Its Own https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/technology/this-is-extraordinary-gravity-can-create-light-all-on-its-own/ar-AA19YL5d?ocid=hpmsn&cvid=620db4352aa943e2b454919a7b724604&ei=83 This new article tells the gravitational waves can move by speed of light and can produce a light beam- I claim The Sun Rays are produced based on this method by the gravitational waves motions and not by the sun nuclear fusion process- the sun is a phenomenon created based on the planets motions and the sun life and death depends on a cycle – means- after this sun death another sun will be produced for the solar system because the sun is produced by the planets motions and the sun is the outlet for the planets motions energies total This is my paper major hypothesis- the paper proves basically this fact by decisive proves
(3rd Conclusion) The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time Let's asks (How Can The Planets Small Motions Energies Be Used To Produce The Sun Rays?)- The Planets Motions Use Different Rates Of Time - let's give example (One Second Of The Sun Clock= 1461 Seconds Of The Unified Wave Clock) We remember, the planets motions energies waves are unified into one unified wave and this wave revolves around the sun and moves by (205.8 km/s) The rate of time tells (1 s of the sun clock = 1461 s of this unified wave clock) (the unified wave clock = any planet clock) by this rate of time- the unified wave moves by speed of light relative to the sun- because- the unified wave (205.8 km/s) moves in 1461 seconds a distance= 300000 km but the sun clock sees one second only and for that the unified wave moves by speed of light relative to the sun shortly- because the planets motions use different rates of time, the planets motions energies can be accumulated during a period of time to be massive amount of energy by which the sun rays can be created- the rates of time use is discussed in full details and proves in Item No. (*) (4th Conclusion) Planet is a geometrical point created by energy and the created planet moves with this energy from which this planet is created- means- Matter and space are created from the same energy but the matter created for itself a distinguished picture different from the space and moves by different velocity from the space motion- based on that- if the space is similar to the sea of water – the matter is similar to a whirlpool or vortex found on the sea page- this new definition of matter is proved by my planet diameter equation – and based on this definition Planet (matter) is created in this planet original orbit- means- the orbits are created before any planet creation- and Planet is created in its orbit- Planet is similar to a tree planted in some ground and the orbit is this ground- for that- Planet Creation data is created depending on this orbit data and this planet creation data is belonged to this orbit data and that means even if the planet is migrated and left its original orbit – this planet creation data will be still belonged to its original orbit- that help us to know if any planet changed its orbit in the history – let's prove this definition in following My Planet Diameter Equation (v1/v2)= (s/r)= I v = Planet Velocity and r = Planet Diameter and I= Planet Orbital Inclination s= Planet Rotation Periods Number In Its Orbital Period v2, s, r and I are belonged to one planet and v1 is belonged to another planet The planet (v1) is defined by test the minimum error Earth Equation uses Neptune velocity and Mars Equation uses Pluto velocity Jupiter Equation uses the Earth moon velocity and Saturn Equation uses Mars velocity Uranus Equation uses Neptune velocity and Neptune Equation uses Saturn velocity Pluto Equation uses the Earth moon velocity (As Jupiter)
Example Neptune Equation (89143 /49528) = 9.7/ 5.4 =1.8 89143 = Neptune rotation periods number in Neptune orbital period 49528 km = Neptune diameter and 9.7 km/s = Saturn velocity 5.4 km/s = Neptune velocity and 1.8 degrees= Neptune Orbital Inclination 59800 days = Neptune orbital period (and Neptune rotation period =16.1 hours) Shortly- my planet diameter equation proves planet diameter is created depending on its velocity- and when a planet left its orbit, its velocity is changed because Kepler stated (Planet orbit defines its velocity)- for that the migrant planet made changes for its motion data to be suitable for its new orbit and by that the analysis for this planet data show the inconsistency between its creation data and its motion data (because this planet diameter is not changed after its migration)- and by that we can discover this planet is a migrant one and we can conclude this planet original orbit (5th Conclusion) Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus with orbital distance 84 mkm and Pluto was The Mercury moon revolved around Mercury- the two planets are migrated from their original orbits- Mars had collided with Venus and The Earth before to reach to its current orbit (228 mkm) and Mars is the planet caused the Earth moon creation- (Giant impact hypothesis is wrong)–AND- Mars Collision with Venus and The Earth is a cyclic accident means it's an accident repeated one time each 8211 years– I prove that in page No.***) ALSO Pluto is migrated and flight to the end of the solar system design (the orbital distance 5906 mkm)–in that time Neptune original orbit was 5906 mkm – means- Pluto current orbit was Neptune original orbit- But Pluto had collided with Neptune and pushed Neptune out of its orbit and Pluto occupied its orbit- of course Pluto can't support this collision but Pluto was carrying by strong wave of energy- this wave pushed Neptune out of its orbit The paper proves this fact and analyzes Pluto orbital inclination 17.2 degrees because it was Neptune orbital inclination and Neptune creation data depended on it and after Pluto occupied the orbit 5906 mkm Pluto motion depends also on this inclination 17.2 deg for that this inclination caused deep interaction between Neptune and Pluto
(6th Conclusion) Neptune had to create a new orbit for itself (with orbital distance 4495 million km) – and this new orbit caused to redistribute all planets orbits- the planets orbits redistribution is done under Uranus effect to save the one geometrical design based on which the solar planets orbits were created –the planets orbits redistribution was complex because Neptune Orbit Is Reflected On The Other Planets Orbits Notice Neptune orbit is created reflected on all other planets orbits- this is happened because all planets orbits are created from one energy and this energy moved from Mercury orbit to Pluto orbit – BUT- Neptune orbit is created from another energy and this last energy moved from Pluto orbit toward Mercury and Venus orbits- clearly the two energies were moving in the opposite directions for each other that caused Neptune orbit to be reflected on all planets orbits-
(7th Conclusion) The Earth Moon Creates An Angle In Its Motion The moon daily displacement =88000 km and during 29.53 days (the moon day period) the displacements total be = 2.598 million km = 2π x 413600 km The data tells us the moon orbital apogee radius should be 413600 km and also it tells, because the moon daily displacement (88000 km) is so long, the moon should revolve around the Earth through this apogee orbit its radius (413600 km) only and can't revolve around the Earth through any more near orbit… Not Facts The moon orbital apogee radius =406000 km only and the moon revolves around the Earth through near orbits and can reach to perigee radius (363000 km).
How Can The Moon Do That? the intelligent moon creates an angle (θ) between its motion direction and its orbit horizontal level by that the real displacement (L) through the orbit be less than (88000 km) because it be (L = 88000 km cos θ), as a result the total displacements be less than (2.598 million km) and that makes the moon orbital apogee radius to be decreased from 413600 km to 406000 km. We should pay attention for the angle (θ), because this angle controls the moon motion features – where- with the angle (θ) increasing the real displacement (L) be shorter and the moon can revolve around the Earth through more near orbits – but –with the angle (θ) deceasing the real displacement (L) be longer and that pushes the moon far from the Earth to more far orbits. The moon orbital motion Equation depends on this angle (θ) it tells θ1 = θ0 +1.7 where (θ1) = today angle and (θ0) =yesterday angle 1.7 degrees be used as the moon daily motion degrees for the equation
NOTICE As a result for the angle (θ) using- the moon orbital radiuses be defined depending on Pythagorean rule- this is proved in following (363000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (373000 km)2 (373000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (384000 km)2 (384000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (392000 km)2 (392000 km)2 + (86000 km)2 = (406000 km)2 (error 1%) 363000 km, 373000 km, 384000 km and 406000 km are the moon orbital radiuses in perigee, total solar eclipse, orbital distance and apogee respectively
8th Conclusion) The solar planets and their orbits are created from one energy and this energy is provided by one light beam and this light beam moves by a speed =1.16 million km per second-
Shortly – The universe max speed is NOT the known speed of light (C=300000 km/s) (Einstein is Wrong) BUT the max speed is the speed of the original light beam its speed is 1.16 million km per second- from this light beam energy all planets orbits are created (Except Neptune)- let's refer to the solar system creation theory in following (1) The Solar System Creation Theory
The solar planets matters and their distances are created from one energy and this one energy is provided by one light beam moves by speed = 1.16 million km per second- The light built the solar system starting its motion from Mercury orbit toward Pluto orbit- the light created the planets orbits before any planet creation- means- all orbits are created before any planet creation- the orbits are created based on each other (as proved by my planet orbital distance equation) after the light created all orbits and reach to Pluto orbit- the light energy is consumed in the space creation- and the rest energy is found in one light beam its speed is (300000 km/s = the known speed of light)- we understand this is one light beam its speed was 1.16 million km per second in Mercury orbit before the space creation- and its speed be 300000 km/s in Pluto orbit after the space creation as result for the energy consumption in the space creation-
In Pluto orbit- The light had no energy to build any more orbits -for that- the light returned to its origin point (Mercury orbit) for that the light is reflected with speed (C=300000 km/s) from Pluto orbit to Mercury orbit passing through all built orbits– No energy is required in this motion for that the light beam moves with speed of light (C=300000 km/s) in Mercury orbit- Please note- the light (300000 km/s) is reflected from Pluto to Mercury -the reflection of the light beam (300000 km/s) Caused To Create The Solar Planets – because
Planet Is An Intersection Point Between Two Energies- This is similar to two ropes or cables are connected together by one knot (or joint)- the knot is connected with both ropes and each rope motion effect on its motion- this Knot is the planet -This picture makes the planets typical to The Puppets Theater- because their motions depend on the motions of the energies from which these planets are created- means- one energy is insufficient to create the matter- matter creation needs tow energies and for that each planet is created as the intersection point between two energies
We understand- the reflected light beam (300000 km/s) is passed through all orbits while each orbit is created by energy is provided by the original light beam its speed 1.16 mkm/s by that in each orbit there were two energies which are – the orbit energy and the reflected energy and these two energies are connected together and their intersection point is a planet
That gives a new definition for planet- shortly Planet is created of the energy in its orbit –the space is energy- if the space is similar to the sea of water the planet is similar to a whirlpool (vortex) found on the sea page- the whirlpool is created by the sea water but it's different from the sea waves picture and move by different velocity from the sea waves motions- this explanation is very important – let's explain why
The explanation tells- Planet is created in its orbit- means- planet is similar to a tree planted in some ground and this ground is its orbit- for that reason- planet creation data depends on its orbit data- because the planet is created based on this data- the orbit is found before the planet creation and the planet is created depending on this orbit energy and for that planet creation data is belonged to its orbit data – this is important because it tells planet creation data refers to the orbit in which this planet is created and if a planet changed its orbit during the history we will discover that by this planet creation data analysis
The important fact is (Planet is created depending on its orbit energy and by that Planet creation data will refer always to the orbit in which this planet is created)
By that- we know that Neptune original orbit was Pluto current orbit (5906 mkm) AND we know Pluto original orbit was Mercury orbit (57.9 mkm) because Pluto was The Mercury Moon revolved around Mercury – AND we know Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus with orbital distance = 84 mkm – these conclusions are proved strongly by these planets creation data analysis- but – how had these planets migrated? Let's answer with the next fact
(2) The Solar System History
Pluto was The Mercury moon revolves around Mercury. Mars original orbit was between Mercury and Venus with orbital distance =84 mkm And there was a planet with orbital distance =71 million km (called it Planet H) based on that –the inner planets order was (Mercury with its Moon Pluto in 58 mkm – Planet H in 71 mkm - Mars in 84 mkm –Venus in 108 mkm –The Earth without its Moon in 150 mkm) The Events Mars had collided with The Planet (H) and Mars had caused to break this planet- means- The Planet (H) is broken by the collision with Mars and this planet is dead Mars motion is reacted by the collision and for that Mars had migrated from its original orbit (with orbital distance 84 million km) and moved to its current orbit (228 million km) and through this motion Mars had collided with Venus and then with The Earth and Mars is The planet caused The Earth Moon Creation –this fact is proved by my theory (Mars Migration Theory) Pluto was the Mercury moon its size was equal Mercury size (diameter 4879 km) but its Mass was (double the current mass= 2 x 0.0146 x10^24 kg) means very small mass for that Pluto is effected greatly by Mars collision and Pluto had flight to the end of the solar system design means to the point with orbital distance 5906 million km In that time Neptune orbital distance was 5906 million km- means- Pluto Current Orbit Is Neptune Original Orbit Pluto was flying along the distance from Mercury to the point 5906 million km and Pluto had collided with Neptune and pushed Neptune out of its orbit and Pluto occupied this orbit and pushed Neptune out of the orbit and out of Pluto Motion effect for that Pluto eccentricity distance = Pluto Neptune Distance =1410 million km BUT – Pluto Mass is 0.0146 while Neptune Mass is 102 means Neptune Mass =6939 Pluto Mass!! How can Pluto small mass push Neptune great Mass? let's answer Pluto was The Mercury Moon and Migrated from its original orbit because of the collision is done by Mars with the planet (H)- Now –Pluto was carrying by very strong wave of energy- this strong wave pushed Pluto to move so far distance from its original orbit with Mercury to the End of the solar system –means- the point 5906 mkm- this motion through so long distance is done by very strong wave of energy- this strong energy wave pushed Neptune out of its orbit- means- Pluto didn't push Neptune but the strong wave which carried Pluto to pass this long distance- this wave pushed Neptune out of its orbit – We can imagine a small boat is carried by very strong wave of water in the sea- the wave pushed this boat strongly and caused the boat to be collided with a great ship and the ship is moved away far from the boat because of the strong wave effect. Similar to that- Pluto was carried by very strong wave of energy- this wave caused the collision between Pluto and Neptune and this wave pushed Neptune out of its orbit- Also Pluto body is broken in this collision and Pluto diameter was 4879 km (equal Mercury diameter) but it's broken by the collision and be 2390 km only – where Pluto moon size is almost equal Pluto size – Pluto moons can be created by the collision debris. (CONT) Gerges Francis Tawdrous +201022532292 Physics Department- Physics & Mathematics Faculty Peoples' Friendship university of Russia – Moscow
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#breaking bad#brba#brbabcs#walter white#heisenberg#watercolour#watercolor#Astronomia#Agujeros Negros#Ciencia#Singularidades#Anomalias#Espacio#Galaxia#Universo#Fisica#Karl Schwarzschild#Ecuaciones#Relatividad#Calculos#Matemáticas#Teorias#Gravedad#Fuerza#Atracción#Masa#tiempo#Efecto#Curvatura#Materia
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Que tal si el dolor de cabeza no es un síntoma de estrés o de fatiga y es una señal de que tú mente está tratando de activar un superpoder latente.. ??
Algo así como un proceso de "carga" (loading) de un software actualizando tu cerebro.. !! 🤯🤯
Antonius Soules 💊
#teorias#pensamientos#momentos#sarcasmo#humor#writers#humor en español#escritos#citas en tumblr#citas#writing#software#cefaleas
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- AGUJEROS NEGROS & sus singularidades. -

Las singularidades de los agujeros negros son tan ineludibles como se esperaba.
Por primera vez, los físicos han calculado exactamente qué tipo de singularidad se encuentra en el centro de un agujero negro realista.
En enero de 1916, Karl Schwarzschild, un físico alemán que estaba como soldado en el frente oriental, produjo la primera solución exacta a las ecuaciones de la relatividad general, la teoría radical de la gravedad de Albert Einstein.
La relatividad general describió la gravedad no como una fuerza de atracción, como se había entendido durante mucho tiempo, sino más bien como el efecto de la curvatura del espacio y el tiempo.
La solución de Schwarzschild reveló la curvatura del espacio-tiempo alrededor de una bola de materia estacionaria.
Curiosamente, Schwarzschild notó que si esta materia estuviera confinada dentro de un radio lo suficientemente pequeño, habría un punto de curvatura y densidad infinitas –una “singularidad”– en el centro.
Los infinitos que surgen en la física suelen ser motivo de alarma, y ni Einstein, al enterarse del resultado del soldado, ni el propio Schwarzschild creyeron que tales objetos existieran realmente.
Pero a partir de la década de 1970, se acumuló evidencia de que el universo contiene multitudes de estas entidades, denominadas “agujeros negros” porque su gravedad es tan fuerte que nada entra en ellos, ni siquiera la luz, puede salir.
La naturaleza de las singularidades dentro de los agujeros negros ha sido un misterio desde entonces.
Recientemente, un equipo de investigadores afiliados a la Iniciativa Agujero Negro (BHI) de la Universidad de Harvard logró avances significativos en este rompecabezas.
Paul Chesler, Ramesh Narayan y Erik Curiel sondearon el interior de agujeros negros teóricos que se parecen a los estudiados por los astrónomos, buscando determinar qué tipo de singularidad se encuentran en su interior.
Una singularidad no es un lugar donde las cantidades realmente se vuelven infinitas, sino "un lugar donde la relatividad general colapsa", explicó Chesler.
En ese punto, se cree que la relatividad general dará paso a una descripción más exacta, aún desconocida, de la gravedad a escala cuántica.
Pero hay tres formas diferentes en las que la teoría de Einstein puede descontrolarse, dando lugar a tres tipos diferentes de singularidades posibles.
"Saber cuándo y dónde falla la relatividad general es útil para saber qué teoría [de la gravedad cuántica] se encuentra más allá", dijo Chesler.
#Astronomia#Agujeros Negros#Ciencia#Singularidades#Anomalias#Espacio#Galaxia#Universo#Fisica#Karl Schwarzschild#Ecuaciones#Relatividad#Calculos#Matemáticas#Teorias#Gravedad#Albert Einstein#Fuerza#Atracción#Masa#tiempo#Efecto#Curvatura#Materia#Desnsidades#Infinito#Luz#Naturaleza#Harvard#Investigaciones
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Estas dos estaran relacionadas en algo mas aparte de tener un look estilo-piña?
||La de la izquierda es Agente Amana Piña, socia secreta de Don Porccini y miembro en cubierto de P.E.A.C.E., tiene a su margen a Miss Heed.||
||Cabe resaltar que ambas tienen una vestimenta con tonos de blanco y azul, son rubias y trabajan para la misma organizacion||
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Mil años después, finalmente hemos sido capaces de romper nuestra maldición personal, asi que aqui estamos con el último capítulo de Helado Fangirl Reacciona para Agatha En Todas Partes, la serie de Marvel por la que nadie daba nada y que nos dejo más que impresionadas.
Acompañanos en esta tardía despedida a nuestro querido aquelarre en la cuál discutimos de todo, desde los posibles motivos ocultos de Agatha, hasta su nueva relación con Billy, la balada del sendero de las brujas, el declive en el costo de propiedades en Westview y ¡muchos más!
#youtube#español#helado fangirl#podcast#helado fangirl podcast#opinion#reseña#teorias#marvel tv#marvel television#disney plus#mcu#agatha all along#agatha harkness#billy maximoff#rio vidal#lady death#wiccan#tommy maximoff#scarlett witch#wanda maximoff#vision#vision quest
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-ambas son rubias
-ambas eran buenas, que ninguna, rompieron una reglas, hasta que cometíeron, pecado diferente, "eva el pecado, original" y "mayberry, le pusieron, los cuernos"
-martha y Lilith, son igual paralelismos, ya que Lilith fue la primera, esposa y Martha, la segunda cuerno, Haci marcando un parelismo, ironico
-ambas caídas, tanto de Eva como de mayberry, tienen que ver con un hombre, en el caso de Eva lucifer/Adan, y en el caso de MAYBERRY con su esposo.
-en el episodio, tour de la disculpas, mayberry y Martha, viven juntas haciendo un claro, paralelismo, a qué tanto Lilith, como Eva terminaron en el infierno.
Dichos mis argumentos, imaginó que sería Haci,
Mayberry era una fiel, creyente, que fue buena hasta cometer un solo error, Eva era una mujer, sumisa según la biblia, hasta que cometio, el acto del pecado, original ambas son muy buen paralelismo, de la misma moneda.
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El insomnio de hoy.
Hace unos días me emocioné porque hubo un nuevo lector en Wattpad, cosa que me ha animado a seguir. 💕✨ Gracias por leer mis historias hermosa persona 🙇🏻♀️🎉⭐
Hace una semana que corregí el borrador de las teorías locas de Trinity Blood hablando de Petros pero de pronto me di cuenta que me dejé llevar demasiado y está muy mal estructurado, se nota que divagué muchísimo al hacerlo. Voy a corregirlo y lo publicaré pronto.
Quiero hacerlo en inglés también porque hay más lectores de estas cosas en ese idioma aunque creo que no he hecho nada del tema en español.
Quizá le pida permiso a mi amiga Lamy para traducir al español el último libro de RAM que ella tradujo, a decir verdad leí muy poco pero parece que ya estaba por terminarlo. Ni le he preguntado XD
Dejaré el hashtag para ver si hay interés en el tema en español y así como publico las traducciones al inglés en The Mad Eggplant en este blog haré lo propio con las traducciones en español. Si a alguien le interesa 😅✨
Que si, voy a acelerar el paso y sacar la siguiente parte del Estigma de la Santa pronto porque es muy necesario.
También hay que meterle nitro al fanfic de Kimetsu no Yaiba, al menos quiero terminar la primera parte para luego romperme el coco con la segunda parte en el Universo Alternativo, ese donde la Compañía Cazademonios va a ser una organización underground que se va a dar de piñas con demonios yakuza :b
De una vez les digo que el penúltimo cap de The Book se va a tardar... Sorry not sorry pero si.
Este año quiero que salga ese, terminar las correcciones y continuar con Ghosts Can Love Too, que salga Elemental Wars y también sacar las correcciones de Space Defenders y publicar al fin la historia original (la publicada es un spin-off del pasado de la prota ;b, para que no suenen tan raras ciertas cosas lo quise sacar primero).
Solo tengo que organizarme poco a poco.
Recién me dio algo que mi compañero de aventuras dice que fue "La fiebre del diablo", el doctor que me atendió me dijo que podía tener influenza pero en realidad solo tuve fiebre un día y estuve mejor al siguiente aunque con dolor físico. Me inyectaron vitaminas y parece que eso ayudo y si... creo que he estado exigiéndome mucho, mentalmente al menos. Eso o todo el estrés que vengo arrastrando desde hace 7 años ya me está cobrando ahora...
Quiero organizar mi tiempo para poder escribir al menos una hora al día y dibujar también. Pero no sé, muchas situaciones en casa no me dan paz, pero quiero intentar mejorar eso.
Estoy animada pero debo sortear la vida adulta también... Espero que todo esto se arregle pronto.
Gracias por su apoyo y espero escribir para ustedes algo más interesante la próxima vez. Y sin quejarme tanto 😅✨
Dejen en los comentarios una🩸para saber si les interesa algún contenido de Trinity Blood en español! Con gusto habrá mucho de ésto aquí si lo desean ❤️✨
#poniéndose al día#wattpad#historias originales#fanfic#oc#actualizaciones#teorias#Trinity Blood en español#trinity blood
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