#rage against the moons
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Hello! I'm reaching out to ask if you're still looking for a translator for some of the untranslated novels? I've gotten myself back into the novels lately and decided to translate the ones that didn't have official english translations during my free time. I'm happy to share my translations for RAM 6.1 to 6.3. I didn't release them anywhere online since I wasn't sure if anyone else did. I thought maybe I'll share them now so other fans get to enjoy them like I did <3
OH, yes, Please!!!!! Share anything you have, I would be really happy and I guess everybody else of this fandom too. 🤩🤩🤩
#triniy blood#trinity blood light novels#trinity blood translations#sunao yoshida#rage against the moons#RAM 6#trinity blood fandom
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Autor Novel: Sunao Yoshida - Desing de Personagens: Thores Shibamoto
TRINITY・BLOOD Reborn on the Mars – A Estrela do Lamento
TRINITY・BLOOD Rage Against the Moons – From the Empire
TRINITY・BLOOD Reborn on the Mars Ⅱ - Anjo das Areias Escaldantes
TRINITY・BLOOD Rage Against the Moons Ⅱ - Silent Noise
TRINITY・BLOOD Reborn on the Mars Ⅲ - Imperatriz da Noite
TRINITY・BLOOD Rage Against the Moons Ⅲ - Know Faith
TRINITY・BLOOD Reborn on the Mars Ⅳ - O Estigma da Santa
TRINITY・BLOOD Rage Against the Moons Ⅳ - Judgment Day
TRINITY・BLOOD Reborn on the Mars Ⅴ - O Trono de Rosas
TRINITY・BLOOD Reborn on the Mars Ⅵ - A Coroa de Espinhos
TRINITY・BLOOD Rage Against the Moons Ⅴ - Birdcage
TRINITY・BLOOD Rage Against the Moons Ⅵ - Apocalypse Now
TRINITY・BLOOD Canon - Theological Compendium
#trinity blood#novel#light novel#sunao yoshida#thores shibamoto#rage against the moons#reborn on the mαrs#a estrela do lamento#from the empire#anjo das areias escaldantes#silent noise#imperatriz da noite#know faith#o estigma da santa#judgment day#o trono das rosas#a coroa de espinhos#birdcage#apocalipse now#canon theological compendium#tradução#tradução novel#pt br
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(Storia: Sunao Yoshida // Illustrazioni: Thores Shibamoto)
Vol.1 From the Empire
Traduzione italiana di jadarnr dai volumi inglesi editi da Tokyopop.
Sentitevi liberi di condividere, ma fatelo per piacere mantenendo i credits e il link al post originale 🙏
Grazie a @trinitybloodbr per il suo prezioso contributo alla revisione sul testo originale giapponese ✨

La luce della luna brillava attraverso le meravigliose vetrate colorate, facendo sembrare la tempestosa notte invernale ancora più scura.
“Amen! Questo pasto che ho preparato è il mio nutrimento. In questa Santa Notte io dico grazie”. La voce del vecchio, prostrato in segno di reverenza, risuonò dolcemente all’interno della cappella. Sembrava quasi piena di compassione.
Ma gli occhi della suora - le cui braccia e gambe erano legate all’altare e la cui bocca era stata imbavagliata - erano spalancati per la paura.
Forse non sarebbe stata tanto spaventata se si fosse trovata davanti un semplice assassino. Dopotutto, un assassino l’avrebbe solamente uccisa. Un assassino almeno sarebbe stato umano.
“Grazie per la tua pazienza Suor Angelina. Ora è il momento della Sacra Comunione.”
La suora sussultò.
Quando il vecchio si voltò, la luce della luna si riflettè sulla lama argentata stretta nella sua mano rugosa. Aveva usato quella lama innumerevoli volte per tagliare le ostie da dare ai devoti, quando ancora era un mortale. Era una lama sacra. Ma ora essa aveva assunto un sinistro colore marrone ed emanava uno sgradevole odore di ruggine.
“Mangiate questo pane, poiché esso é il mio corpo”
Nel silenzio risuonò il suono della veste della giovane suora che veniva strappata. I seni ancora poco sviluppati e una semplice biancheria intima rimasero esposti.
“Bevete questo vino, poichè esso è il mio sangue… Ah, Angelina! Voi diventerete una parte di me. Dentro di me vivremo insieme in una notte eterna”.
Dalle labbra scolpite in un sorriso malvagio, apparvero zanne troppo lunghe per essere semplici denti. Incapace di tenere a freno la sua sete di sangue, il vecchio puntò la lama sacra contro il petto candido di Angelina, facendo agitare il suo cuore con un unico respiro—
Dall’oscurità si udì un sussurro. “Ita missa est. La messa é finita, Padre Scott”
A lato di un crocefisso congelato che emetteva un bagliore bluastro stava una figura avvolta nell’ombra. Il suo volto, rivolto verso il basso, era nascosto nell’oscurità e non era possibile vederlo, ma era chiaro che si trattava di un uomo piuttosto alto.
“Reverendo Alxander Scott, ex Vescovo di Londinium… nel nome del Padre, del Figlio e dello Spirito Santo la dichiaro in arresto con l’accusa di sette omicidi e furto di sangue.”
“Ma chi saresti tu in nome di Dio?!”
“Mi scusi, non mi sono presentato a dovere. Vengo da Roma—“
Fu un errore accordare al vampiro una qualche cortesia. Istantaneamente, il coltello attraversó la distanza tra i due con una velocità al limite dell’impossibile. La mira era perfetta, e la lama andò a conficcarsi esattamente nel petto dello sconosciuto.
“Ah! Non so chi tu sia ma non ti permetterò di interferire con questo sacro rito!”
Il vecchio vampiro, vestito con l’abito sacerdotale, rise sarcastico con le zanne che scintillavano nell’oscurità, proprio davanti all’altare da dove aveva prestato servizio come Vescovo fino al mese prima.
“A causa della tua ignoranza sarai punito con la morte…”
“Non le sembra terribilmente maleducato interrompere una conversazione in questo modo?”
“Ma cos…” Padre Scott non poteva credere ai suoi occhi. Il coltello si era conficcato a fondo nel cuore dell’uomo nell’ombra, eppure lui rimaneva in piedi come se niente fosse.
“Ho ascoltato uno dei suoi sermoni una volta… Predicava che gli esseri umani fossero le uniche creature capaci di credere in loro stesse. Avrei voluto poterle mostrare compassione, ma…”
“Im…impossibile!” Il vecchio prete, che aveva barattato la sua morale e la luce del sole con la forza e il potere datogli dal male immortale, ora indietreggiò, in preda al panico. “Sei un vampiro anche tu?”
“No. Io sono…”
Questa volta la voce fu interrotta dal suono del metallo in frantumi. La lama sacra che era rimasta conficcata nel petto dell’uomo, emise uno strano suono ed si andò ad affondare tra le vesti dell’ex Vescovo.
Il vampiro gemette. “Ho sentito parlare della tua specie, quando ancora ero umano. Si dice che a Roma, nel quartier generale del Vaticano, ci sia una setta di preti che custodiscono un mostro. E quando il Vaticano ha problemi che vanno oltre le capacità umane, mandano lui a risolvere la situazione. Sei tu quel mostro?”
“AX—per la precisione. Sta per Arcanum Cella ex Dono Dei. Sono del Dipartimento Segreto della Segreteria di Stato Vaticana. Vede, al mio capo non piacciono gli scandali. Non le farebbe per nulla piacere che si spargesse la voce che un prete si sia ‘trasformato’”.
Dal nulla l’uomo avvolto nell’ombra sollevò in aria una enorme falce dalla doppia lama.
Quando Padre Scott vide la falce urlò di terrore. “Maledetto! Sei il cane da guardia di Caterina, il suo boia ufficiale!”
Il suo urlo fu inghiottito da una folata di vento invernale.
#trinity blood#trinity blood novels#sunao yoshida#abel nightroad#rage against the moons#prologo#thores shibamoto#traduzione italiana#flight night
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Anyone else not expect the Trinity Blood 🩸 novels to do this?

#trinity blood#Trinity blood RAM#Rage Against the Moons#volume 1 from the empire#sunao yoshida#Trinity Blood novels#Duke Alfredo
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Trinity Blood RAM 6 Masterlist
Author: Sunao Yoshida Illustrator: Thores Shibamoto Unofficial English Translations by: Vaestro
*Links will be attached when ready!
✝ RAM 6.1 - Public Enemy
Prologue ・ Chapter I ・ Chapter II ・ Chapter III ・ Chapter IV ・ Chapter V ・ Chapter VI ・ Chapter VII ・ Epilogue
PDF version (6.1 in full)
✝ RAM 6.2 - Night Hospital
Prologue ・ Chapter I ・ Chapter II ・ Chapter III ・ Epilogue
PDF version (6.2 in full)
✝ RAM 6.3 - Apocalypse Now
Prologue ・ Chapter I ・ Chapter II ・ Chapter III ・ Chapter IV ・ Yoshida's Notes
PDF version (6.3 in full)

Translator Notes:
This is a little project that I've been working on during my free time for a couple of months now, which is to translate the remaining untranslated Japanese novels into English. I'm doing this because I love Trinity Blood. I noticed there are no English translations for RAM 6 so I'll be sharing my translations for this book first. Everyone gets to read for free!
This tumblr post will serve as the masterlist for my RAM 6 translations. For your convenience, I'll be updating this from time to time with links to chapters once I release them. I'll also be sharing the PDF version soon for those who prefer that. I have finished translating all of RAM 6 but I still require time to proofread, adjust formatting and all that. It's a lot of work and I'm doing this alone, so please be patient with me.
There are a few minor characters in RAM 6 whose names are not found in wikis or even mentioned anywhere online. I can only translate them to the best of my ability from the written Katakana, so the spelling of their names might not be 100% accurate.
Furthermore, I have very limited knowledge in languages such as German, French, Spanish and Italian which can be found in the novels from time to time. I will do my best to translate those if I'm able to, since my goal is to keep my translations as accurate as possible to Yoshida-san's work.
Please do not hesitate to contact me if any corrections are needed. I hope you'll enjoy RAM 6's story as much as I do!
#Trinity Blood#トリニティ・ブラッド#Sunao Yoshida#Thores Shibamoto#Rage Against the Moons VI#RAM 6#RAM 6 Masterlist#RAM 6 Public Enemy#RAM 6 Night Hospital#RAM 6 Apocalypse Now
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Doomguy is NOT a bootlicker we know this. But I think ppls severely overestimate how much he gives a shit ABOUT the military u know!!! He doesn't give a fuck about protocol or any imperialist mentality attempts at brainwashing. Anyways I just believe the only thing the marines gave him was access to weapons, PTSD, and an attraction to men.
#he gets to the mars moon bases and finds everyone and everything hes ever loved slaughtered#the problem is he finds it easy to follow instruction and fall into routine and order (autism) so whatever to him. then he loses it#the classic autism rage of “ah so everything i care about has turned against me or is destroyed. time go go apeshit”#“my bunny was actually the last thing emotionally grounding me so I'm going to be a danger to myself and others until I'm done”#ohggg doomyguy we're really in it now#like im soooooo in love with him...#[ pup.txt ]
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Looking For Potential Musical Collaborators.
hey, so I love music, I’m a 16 year old in Illinois, and I wanna make music so bad, not only to put out art and my feelings into the world, but also to help others with shit they’re going through, and hey, maybe I could make some money doing what I love. But I truly don’t expect to be a big rockstar or whatever, I just wanna make music. I’ve been singing under various teachers for 7 years. I’ve been self teaching myself guitar for 8 years. I’ve been self teaching myself bass for 3 years. And picked up the drums about 6 months ago. And I have a pretty good understanding of music theory. I believe that the learning truly never ends when it comes to music. I first started to just give myself something to do as video games became boring and I was gifted a guitar because my uncle found one in a pawn shop and it was cheap and I had shown interest in music ever since I was a small dude. All music influences me in some way or another. Whether it be the heaviness of metal, the structure of blues, the twangy guitars of country, the influence of classical guitar soloing, the beautifulness of symphonic genres, the excitement of breakcore, the flow of rap, the catchiness of pop, and so on and so on. I truly just love to learn and incorporate styles into my musical style. Some bands/artists I’m influenced by (not in any particular order) are: Queens of the Stone Age, Primus, The Misfits, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, Dredg, TOOL, MF DOOM, Run The Jewels, Sleep, Kyuss, Fu Manchu, Mondo Generator, Johnny Cash, Victor Wooten, Led Zeppelin, Black Sabbath, Pink Floyd, Slayer, Rage Against The Machine, My Chemical Romance, System Of A Down, Ween, The Offspring, Dinosaur Jr, Radar Men From The Moon, Cannibal Corpse, Këkht Aräkh, Acid Bath, Alice In Chains, and so much more. My song writing is fueled and inspired by: Pop Culture (Movies, Video games, Comic Books, nerdy stuff basically), Horror, Psychedelia, shedding light on problems that most people dont have the misfortune of experiencing, shedding light on political corruption and exploitation, an outlet for my feelings, and hoping to inspire others like others have inspired me. I do not have the Tumblr app so sorry if it takes awhile for me to get back to you. But I would love to hear from some people, whether it be interest in collaboration, advice, or just to talk about music in general. Whatever it is I look forward to meeting some new people.
#music#guitar#bass#drums#queens of the stone age#primus#the misfits#stevie ray vaughan#jimi hendrix#dredg#tool band#mf doom#run the jewels#sleep band#kyuss#fu manchu#mondo generator#johnny cash#victor wooten#led zeppelin#black sabbath#pink floyd#slayer band#rage against the machine#my chemical romance#system of a down#ween#the offspring#dinosaur jr.#radar men from the moon
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Barbie didn’t make me hate men but the Woodstock 99 documentary definitely reignited it lmao
#woodstock 99#woodstock#korn band#kid rock#bush#rage against the machine#spotify#acrylic painting#artists on tumblr#70s aesthetic#marvel#moodboard#witch aesthetic#moon knight#original poetry#painting
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shoutout to @bplotd (who Tumblr won't let me tag for some reason) who sent this ask to me a while ago. I'm copy pasting it here, because I want to keep it in my inbox to look at forever. But I'm feeling a lot of rage and despair today about how I'm ever going to make a difference in the world, and this helped me a lot before, so I'm posting it again so other people can see it too:
I know there is an underpinning narrative in the current zeitgeist to move people away from the paralysis of the terminally online "gotta do everything all the time" anxiety by encouraging folks to exert effort in a single direction consistently. And I think that attitude is largely useful and helpful. But here is something i have learned from 10 years in international development: this isn't the only way to effect change. It may not even be the most effective way. So many successful projects I have seen, and long term positive changes, are yes due to the work of dedicated individuals or groups, but they are often equally due to one single, well-placed "yes". One lucky break. One teacher who says "sure you can use my curriculum notes" or one administrator who says "sure, you can turn in your grant late" or one community member who speaks up with a good idea or a very timely complaint or a young person who babysits for a key night so a mom can go to a meeting or --- Listen, what I'm saying is that random acts of kindness can and do make a difference, in many cases a HUGE one. They're sometimes the lucky break on which an entire project or opportunity hinges. I'm sure you've heard that phrase about "planting a garden you will never see". It can be so hard, because this random kindness or justice may never, ever connect their little good deed with the actual good it does in the world. I can't help you know exactly what your own kindness has wrought in the future - that is a gift that so few of us ever are given. But if you contribution is consistently /doing a good or kind of helpful thing/ when presented with the opportunity, you are doing enough, more than enough. Consistent effort isn't just volunteering or doing a job or working on something tangible. Sometimes consistent effort means being the person who makes little daily choices to extend grace to others. And friend, that isnt just "good enough", that is /salvation/. The people who need it will find you.
#may a lucky break find you#may you be someone's lucky break#rage against the dying of the light#hope is a discipline#I'm trying not to let the overwhelm turn into helplessness#some days it's really fucking hard#life on the moon
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#jesse pinkman#bruce jenner#hozier#caitlyn jenner#jessie j#radiohead#sam hunt#walk the moon#Trey Songz#flo rida#ella henderson#florida georgia line#ot genasis#ot genasis & more takeover#Rage Against the Machine#Candice Swanepoel#miranda kerr#erin heatherton#victoria's secret#rosie huntington-whiteley#Youtube
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Hey, I'm recent to the TB fandom and I had a small question about Vaclav Havel's lore :) while searching through the wiki, I noticed that on the Inquisition's article where it says "members" there is a bullet point that says "Brother Vaclav - former chief of the Inquisition". Is this statement correct in terms of his lore?
Nope. He worked for the Inquisition but he wasn’t chief. 私は、兀々、異端審問局にいたんですが、それのとき当時の上司と宗教上の見解からふつかっとしまして。。。[RAM 3, Judas Priest, III, p.89] “I was once in the Inquisition and at that time I had a conflict of opinion with my superior becauseo of religious views.“

#trinity blood light novel#trinity blood#trinity blood transation#vaclav havel#Department of Inquisition#suna yoshida#thores shibamoto#judas priest#rage against the moons#RAM3
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Não sabe por onde começar? Confira o Roteiro de Leitura (。•̀ᴗ-)✧!!!
Capítulo 4: Sword Dancer
──A todas as portas, enviarei a espada da matança. A espada, que brilha como um relâmpago, é desembainhada para matar. (Ezequiel, capítulo 21, versículo 20 – Versão Japonesa)
— Tres-kun, que está em tratamento em Milão, não apresentou problemas na fase de exames. Hum... Também testou negativo para infecção viral nas partes biológicas... Muito bem. Nesse caso, deverá se recuperar dentro de um mês.
Palácio da Espada — Palazzo Spada — Escritório da Diretoria da Sagrada Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé.
Ao lançar um grosso arquivo sobre a mesa, o homem no sofá passou a mão rapidamente sobre o rosto magro. Em seus lábios, que seguravam um cachimbo de espuma do mar apagado, desenhava-se um sorriso confiante.
— Da minha parte, a universidade entrou em recesso para provas desde ontem. Deixei os estudantes com uma boa quantidade de tarefas, então posso voar para Milão até amanhã... E Vossa Eminência, o que pensa sobre?
— Deixarei a recuperação do Padre Tres sob sua total responsabilidade, Professor.
Com os cotovelos apoiados sobre a mesa de trabalho, a Cardeal Caterina Sforza, chefe da Congregação para a Doutrina da Fé, suspirou. Uma leve sombra de preocupação se acumulava entre suas sobrancelhas finamente desenhadas.
— A escassez de agentes executores já é grave por si só. Espero sua volta ao campo o mais rápido possível.
— Deixe comigo, ‘Your Eminence’. Antes do início das aulas na universidade, terei concluído.
Se existisse algo como a encarnação da autoconfiança absoluta neste mundo, então, naquele momento, o agente enviado, conhecido como 'Professor', Dr. William W. (Walter) Wordsworth, certamente seria isso. Sorrindo de canto, ele tirou um fósforo da batina e, com um gesto deliberadamente teatral, acendeu o cachimbo ── mas, instantes antes, o holograma de uma graciosa freira surgiu diante dele.
〈Boa noite, Dr. Wordsworth. Aqui é proibido fumar. Se quiser um cigarro, por favor, vá até o corredor ou a varanda.〉
— Opa! Minhas desculpas... Mas, como sempre, você está deslumbrante, Irmã Kate.
〈Como você é habilidoso com as palavras. Mas, por favor, pare de fumar.〉
Repreendendo suavemente o ‘Professor’ com seus característicos olhos levemente caídos enquanto ele afastava o cachimbo, a freira voltou-se para a sua superior.
〈Acabo de retornar, Caterina-sama. Conforme suas ordens, a unidade foi implantada em Amsterdã. Recebi o relatório de que as operações terão início ainda esta noite.〉
— Bom trabalho, Kate. Continue intermediando os relatórios.
— Hum. Quando menciona Amsterdã... ah, entendo. Refere-se ao caso daquela velha igreja — a Oude Kerk —, não é?
A voz anasalada que se intrometeu foi a do ‘Professor’. Enquanto girava os dedos da mão direita ao lado da têmpora, mordia o cachimbo apagado com uma expressão entediada.
— O assassinato e o roubo de sangue de dez clérigos, incluindo o padre da diocese... Então, quem foi enviado?
— A Aliança das Quatro Cidades, incluindo Amsterdã, é uma região politicamente extremamente delicada. Portanto, enviamos a pessoa com mais familiaridade com o local.
— Então, o ‘Sword Dancer’? ...Huum, isso é realmente adequado?
〈Há algum problema, Professor?〉
Foi Kate quem perguntou, pois o rosto alongado do ‘Professor’ havia assumido uma sombra sutil.
〈Ele nasceu em Bruges e ouvi dizer que conhece bem a região. Além disso, não vejo nenhum problema em relação às suas habilidades, não?〉
— ‘Exactly’. Mas há certas circunstâncias envolvidas.
Após uma breve pausa, como se ponderasse, o ‘Professor’ voltou-se para Caterina.
— O processo até ele se tornar um agente executor é algo que Vossa Eminência também deve conhecer. Pessoalmente, não posso deixar de sentir que há um certo problema na escolha.
Soltando um suspiro, Caterina se levantou.
— Não há o que fazer.
Aproximando-se da janela, ela olhou para a cidade à noite. Nos últimos dias, era raro para o inverno, mas os dias estavam quentes. No entanto, parecia que o frio havia voltado esta noite. Nem mesmo a sombra de um cão de rua podia ser vista na rua silenciosa.
— Estamos com falta de pessoal ── e de forma esmagadora. Por isso, se por acaso ele perder o controle...
Como se estivesse se convencendo ao ver seu próprio reflexo no vidro da janela, Caterina sussurrou.
— Precisaremos de uma força capaz de detê-lo. Por isso, ‘Professor’, você poderia ir para Milão o quanto antes?
<< Anterior - Índice R.A.M. I - Próximo>>
Roteiro de Leitura (。•̀ᴗ-)✧!
Créditos da tradução:
Lutie (◕‿◕✿) ,
#trinity blood#rage against the moons#novel#abel nightroad#krusnik#crusnik#caterina sforza#tres iqus#sword dancer#professor#William W. Wordsworth#kate scott#gunslinger#iron maiden#tradução novel#tradução#pt br
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(Storia: Sunao Yoshida // Illustrazioni: Thores Shibamoto)
Vol. 1 - From the Empire
Traduzione italiana di jadarnr dai volumi inglesi editi da Tokyopop.
Sentitevi liberi di condividere, ma fatelo per piacere mantenendo i credits e il link al post originale 🙏
Grazie a @trinitybloodbr per il suo prezioso contributo alla revisione sul testo originale giapponese ✨

Se Piazza San Marco, che ospita Palazzo Ducale e la Basilica Cattedrale, era considerata il volto di Venezia, l'area intorno al Ponte di Rialto era senza dubbio il suo cuore, il luogo che si faceva carico dei consumi e dei desideri della città.
Ai piedi dell'enorme ponte ad arco che attraversava il Canal Grande, file di negozi allineati vendevano i prodotti più disparati, mentre il canale - dove locali, ristoranti, casinò e bordelli facevano a gara tra di loro per eleganza e splendore - era illuminato come se fosse pieno giorno, nonostante fosse ancora l'alba.
“Il vero volto é la maschera più raffinata ha scritto Crébillon Fils. Quindi, staremmo indossando una maschera sopra un'altra maschera…?”
In quel momento, dal canale, da una delle gondole, scendeva mano nella mano una coppia che indossava le maschere splendidamente decorate dell'“Innamorata” e del “Medico”, con il caratteristico becco lungo come quello di un uccello.
Mentre osservava i due amanti, l'uomo alla finestra si mise in bocca un sigaro sottile come un ago.
Lui stesso indossava una maschera che gli copriva metà del volto, la maschera dello “Stratega Arlecchino”. Il suo abito nero ben confezionato e i suoi capelli neri lunghi fino alla vita erano messi ancora più in risalto dalla maschera bianca.
“Se non nascondessimo la nostra esistenza con tanta cura, non saremmo in grado nemmeno di toccare questo mondo... Che creature meravigliose che siamo.”
“Ciò che vi piace è affar vostro, ma per piacere non includetemi in quel noi, signor stratega.”
La voce che aveva risposto all'osservazione di 'Arlecchino', simile al suono di una campana, era quella dell'altra persona presente nell’ufficio della direzione: una piccola figura seduta a gambe incrociate al tavolo di palissandro.
Si trattava, a occhio, di un ragazzo molto bello. Anche nella penombra, il suo viso angelico brillava. Tuttavia, anche se il suo viso giovane non dimostrava più di dieci anni, allora perché i suoi occhi erano vagamente ingialliti come l'ottone, torbidi e viscidi come quelli di un serpente vissuto per mille anni?
“Che ne dite, volete bere qualcosa anche voi?”
“Mi spiace, ma quando viaggio per lavoro, scelgo solo vino locale.”
“È un peccato... Beh, in ogni cado voi terran dalla vita breve probabilmente non sareste in grado di apprezzare questo sapore.”
Il ragazzo, il Conte di Zagabria Endre Kourza, storse il labbro superiore in un sorriso e sollevò il decanter sul tavolo. Versò lentamente il liquido rosso nel bicchiere di cristallo e lo bevve in un sorso.
“Delizioso... Oh, a proposito, anche questo è stato prodotto a Venezia.”
“E' la figlia di quell'artigiano?”
“Insisteva tanto nel voler rivedere la sua famiglia, così ho deciso di riunirla a loro.”
Leccandosi il rosso delle labbra, il ragazzo emise un suono soddisfatto in gola. Proprio perché la sua bellezza poteva essere paragonata a quella di un angelo, la sua mostruosa risata da uccello era incomparabilmente sinistra.
Tuttavia, lo stratega dai capelli lunghi non ebbe apparentemente alcuna reazione particolare. Si limitò a scrollare leggermente le spalle.
“Vorrei che evitasse mosse troppo vistose, Conte. Ieri sera sono venuto a sapere che un'amica del vostro paese é arrivata qui... Conoscete una signora di nome Astharoshe?”
Le sopracciglia di Endre si alzarono. Lo sguardo diretto allo stratega si fece leggermente più rigido.
“Astharoshe Asran? Pensano forse che io, Endre, sia una persona da sottovalutare?! Hanno mandato una ragazza che ha appena assaggiato il sangue... Oppure la carenza di personale nel Paese di Tsala ha raggiunto il suo limite?”
“Il problema non è lei di per sé. Il problema è che è stato il Vaticano ad invitarla. Infatti, Eccellenza...”
Gli occhi di Arlecchino si fissarono intensamente sulla bellezza dell'angelo.
“Eccellenza, lei ha deliberatamente reso nota la sua presenza nelle ultime settimane... lo ha fatto per attirare quella ragazza?”
Sono stato scoperto? Con quell'espressione, Endre tirò fuori rapidamente la lingua. Si grattò la testa, con aria un po' imbarazzata.
“No, in realtà ho un vecchio legame con quella donna. Ho pensato di mostrarle la conclusione del mio piano.”
“Per una cosa del genere? Eccellenza, conosce la Sezione Speciale della Segreteria di Stato del Vaticano ── il gruppo chiamato Ax? Sono loro che l'hanno convocata.”
“Non ne ho mai sentito parlare.” Endre rispose senza mostrare alcun interesse.
“È un'agenzia speciale creata dal Vaticano per combatterci. E al momento è l'unica organizzazione che ha i mezzi per opporsi al nostro Ordine. Da quando hanno scoperto l'esistenza di Vostra Eccellenza, al suo piano si è aggiunto un notevole grattacapo ──”
“Signor Kämpfer.”
La voce di Endre non era molto forte. Tuttavia, Kämpfer, lo stratega dai capelli lunghi, raddrizzò subito la schiena e rimase in silenzio, come se ascoltasse attentamente le parole del ragazzo.
“Signor Kämpfer, sta cercando di muovermi una critica?”
“Nein. Niente affatto.”
“Allora stia zitto. Non credo che voi spregevoli primati possiate capire l'orgoglio e la dignità di noi nobili Boiardi.”
Le sue labbra sottili si digrignarono mostrando denti simili a perle. Emise un lamento segnato da un odio velenoso.
“Quei pazzi nel mio paese, quegli idioti che mi hanno dato del pazzo solo perché ho ucciso trecento esseri umani dalla vita breve! Dobbiamo mostrare loro chiaramente cos'è la giustizia! Dobbiamo farlo! Altrimenti questo piano sarà inutile!”
“Jawohl... Mi scuso. Sono andato oltre il necessario.”
“... Se ha capito, va bene.”
Accarezzandosi il viso arrossato, Endre espirò profondamente. Portò il secondo bicchiere alle labbra, questa volta assaporandolo lentamente.
“In generale sono soddisfatto dell'Ordine. Il fatto di essere arrivato fin qui dopo essere stato esiliato dal mio regno è certamente merito del vostro aiuto. Beh, d'ora in poi cercherò di limitarmi. Anche lei però, cerchi di non essere così nervoso.”
“Sì mio signore.”
“Rinnoveremo il mondo con il fuoco ── Igne Natura Renovatur Integra ── Danzate, danzate! Sia l'Impero che il Vaticano sono in definitiva nel palmo della mia mano. Lasciate che versino quanto più sangue possibile con i loro artigli e le loro spade. E poi, tra il sangue e le fiamme, costruirò un potere che supererà sia l'Impero che il Vaticano... un grande potere!”
Sembrava che si stesse gradualmente inebriando delle sue stesse parole e del profumo del sangue. C'era una misteriosa nebbia negli occhi dell'antico vampiro che recitava oscure maledizioni. Voltando le spalle, l'Arlecchino dai lunghi capelli si inchinò rispettosamente.
L' ‘Innamorata’, scesa dalla gondola, sembrava sussurrare appassionatamente qualcosa al suo amante che le tendeva la mano ──
“Ehi, non continuare a toccarmi! Stammi lontano!”
“Anche se continui a dirmelo, è inutile! Qui sono ammesse solo coppie.” Brontolò il ‘Medico’, strofinandosi la mano schiaffeggiata. Sembrava fargli molto male. Gli occhi del colore di un lago invernale che scrutavano attraverso la maschera erano persino un po' acquosi.
“Benvenuti al Club INRI. È la prima volta che venite qui, vero? Avete una lettera di presentazione?”
L'uomo all’ingresso, vestito di nero e con una maschera bianca, si fece avanti ed aprì con eleganza la lettera di presentazione che gli veniva presentata, mentre allo stesso tempo scrutava la coppia con occhio attento. Si soffermò sull'uomo mascherato. Prima guardò il lungo becco, gli occhiali rotondi e poi la lunga veste nera del ‘Medico’.
Quel tizio... beh, chiaramente non era nessuno di importante. Sembrava che stesse cercando, nel migliore dei casi, di farsi passare per un dandy, ma continuava a calpestarsi il lungo orlo dell'abito e ad inciamparci sopra, mentre si riempiva allegramente le mani di spuntini, come panini e gamberetti pilaf, senza mostrare alcuna vergogna.
Invece l' ‘Innamorata’ che lo stava accompagnando, era qualcosa di così impressionante che persino lui, normalmente abituato a vedere l'aspetto elegante delle signore dell'alta società e delle cortigiane di lusso, deglutì involontariamente.
I suoi capelli bianco avorio erano ornati da vari gioielli in una pettinatura all'insù, mentre i numerosi braccialetti che ornavano le sue braccia sottili, che sembravano così fragili da rompersi, si toccavano producendo una bellissima serenata. Il candore della nuca, ornata da un diadema di diamanti, era come una scultura di ghiaccio vivente. E per finire, l'abito da sera rosso vivo - Rosso Veneziano - con un'audace scollatura, era un gioiello a sé stante, splendido, quasi aggressivo...
“Accidenti, mi fanno male i piedi! Come fanno queste persone a indossare queste cose e a camminare ancora... E che odore orribile! E' nicotina o qualcosa del genere? Questi Terrestri sono proprio tutti degli idioti?!”
Non appena raggiunse la sala principale, le delicate labbra dell' 'Innamorata' Astha iniziarono a sparare lamentele e insulti come una mitragliatrice. Né l'arredamento in stile neoclassico né il gruppo di gentiluomini e gentildonne che chiacchieravano allegramente ai tavoli della roulette e del baccarat sembravano incontrare il suo gusto.
“Sei di pessimo umore, non è vero, signorina Astha?”
“... E chi pensi sia il colpevole?”
Lei aveva insistito per entrare di nascosto dal retro, mentre il suo accompagnatore aveva proposto di entrare dall'entrata principale. Alla fine aveva acconsentito. Ma perché, lei che era un nobile e orgoglioso Boiardo dell'Impero, doveva andare in giro con un abbigliamento così assurdo?
“Dannazione, è così imbarazzante... Se fallisco la missione per questo motivo, ti strangolo a morte sul posto!”
“Ah, è freddo qua dentro? Ho sentito improvvisamente un brivido... signorina Astha hai detto qualcosa per caso?”
“Non ho detto niente! E poi, chi è l'uomo che stiamo cercando? Finiamola con questa storia. Mi sta venendo il mal di testa.”
“Si chiama Giorgio Russo. Sembra che sia il croupier della roulette... Ah, potrebbe essere quello laggiù?”
Una splendida maschera dorata da ‘Casanova’ si trovava al centro della sala, accanto alla ruota della roulette. Appena lo vide, Astha iniziò a muoversi velocemente in quella direzione, ma Abel le afferrò frettolosamente il braccio.
“Ehi, che fai, vai così?”
“È ovvio. Lo prenderò per la collottola e lo farò confessare. Basta trascinarlo nell'ombra...”
“Non è uno scherzo, non si fa così da queste parti! Lascia fare a me. E poi...”
Di fronte all'espressione insoddisfatta di Astha, Abel alzò rapidamente il dito.
“Ho una richiesta da fare.”
“Di che cosa si tratta questa volta?”
“Questo solo nell'improbabile caso in cui trovassimo subito l'obiettivo, ma... per oggi, per favore, astieniti dall'arrestarlo.”
“Che cosa?”
Astha stava quasi per staccare la testa a quell'idiota che parlava a vanvera, ma riuscì a fermarsi. Alcuni uomini in nero, che sembravano guardie del corpo, li stavano guardando con sospetto. Lei aprì il ventaglio che teneva in mano e avvicinò le sue labbra rosso perla all'orecchio del ‘Medico’. Resistendo ferocemente all'impulso di mordergli il lobo, sussurrò con voce profonda e minacciosa.
“L'hai visto anche tu! Se lasciamo libero quel tizio, il numero delle vittime non potrà che aumentare!”
“Oggi è l'ultimo giorno di Carnevale... Se l'obiettivo ci sfuggisse, avremo un grosso problema. Cosa pensi che accadrebbe se voi Metuselah iniziaste a combattere seriamente tra la folla?”
Il potere di combattimento di un singolo Metuselah equivaleva a quello di un intero battaglione di Terrestri. Se avessero iniziato a combattere tra loro nel bel mezzo di quella folla, i danni sarebbero inevitabili, quasi come in un una guerra civile.
“Se riusciamo a localizzare il nascondiglio, chiameremo i rinforzi. Perciò stasera, per favore, limitati a fare la ricognizione.... Va bene?”
“Signorina Astha?”
Astha distolse improvvisamente il viso e continuò a guardare il gruppo di uomini mascherati che ridevano e chiacchieravano animatamente con un'espressione severa sul volto, ma presto tornò la sua voce tonante.
“...Molto bene. Lo prometto. Per ora, stasera, ci limiteremo a cercarlo.”
“Bene. Allora andiamo.”
Con un sospiro di sollievo, Abel annuì e si diresse malfermo verso il tavolo della roulette.
“Mi scusi. Lei è il capo croupier, Signor Russo, giusto? Vorrei chiederle una cosa...”
L'uomo che si voltò verso di loro sembrò per un attimo abbagliato dalla bellezza di Astha, ma poi sorrise e si inchinò.
“Benvenuti. Cosa posso fare per voi?”
“Ehm... in realtà... eeeh!?”
"Toglietevi di mezzo, devo interrogare questo tizio... Allora, dov'è questa ragazzina chiamata Foscarina?”
Infilandogli il gomito nello stomaco e spingendo Abel da parte, Astha iniziò a parlare direttamente al croupier.
“Ho sentito dire che hai una relazione sentimentale con lei. Non ti servirà a nulla nasconderlo, capito? Dimmi la verità.”
“... Siete una poliziotta?”
“No, non lo siamo. Siamo...”
“Siamo cittadini comuni! Sì, gente comune, tutto qui. Oh, e lei è la sorella maggiore di Foscarina... Beh, è un po' disperata perché la sua sorellina è scomparsa.” Cercò di intromettersi Abel.
“La sorella di Foscarina? Aveva una sorella maggiore?”
“Eh? Ah, sì, in effetti ce l'aveva. Di recente è scesa dalle montagne per vedere la sorella... Ma lei sa dove si trova ora Foscarina?”
“Ho già detto alla polizia tutto quello che so.”
Con un sorriso educato - ma che sembrava guardarli dall'alto in basso - Russo si inchinò.
“Dopo tutto, Foscarina e io non eravamo fidanzati o cose del genere. Ho giocato un po' con lei e si è lasciata trasportare. Infatti, solo perché una volta abbiamo siamo stati a letto insieme, ha cominciato a comportarsi come se fosse la mia ragazza. Il che era una vera seccatura per me... Ma scusatemi, ora ho del lavoro da fare.”
“... Ehi, aspetta un attimo.”
Anche se Astha non sapeva molto delle relazioni amorose dei Terrestri, il tono di voce dell'altro uomo era stato sufficiente a irritarla. Con l'intenzione di dire qualcosa, allungò la mano verso il colletto di quel ‘Casanova’…
Tuttavia, le dita di Astha mancarono il bersaglio. Un istante prima, un pugno proveniente dal lato aveva già colpito il suo avversario sulla guancia.
“Oh, cosa?”
Il seducente ‘Casanova’ si accasciò pateticamente, emettendo un gemito, mentre l'alto ‘Medico’ fissava, perplesso, il proprio pugno serrato, come se lo vedesse per la prima volta.
“Ah, ehm, sono stato io per caso?”
“Figlio di puttana!” Un uomo vestito di nero, che sembrava essere una guardia del corpo, afferrò Abel.
Con le mani torte dietro la schiena, il prete emise un grido pietoso mentre veniva costretto a terra nel tentativo di venire sottomesso.
Come se non bastasse, qualcun altro gli diede uno spietato calcio nello stomaco ──
Tuttavia, l'autore dell'urlo, che sembrava quello di una rana, non era il prete. L'uomo in nero, che stava per prenderlo a calci, si stava ora contorcendo dal dolore, tenendosi il pomo d'Adamo che era stato colpito da un dito sottile.
“... Mi piace.”
Anche se non era sicuro di cosa ── o di chi ─ gli fosse piaciuto, Astha arricciò le labbra in segno di soddisfazione. Poi sollevò l'orlo dei suoi vestiti e alzò una delle sue lunghe gambe verso il soffitto e, un attimo dopo, un tacco affilato si abbatté sulla nuca dell'uomo in nero.
Un altro uomo in nero afferrò rudemente la spalla della giovane donna, ma in un attimo fu scaraventato in aria come se fosse privo di peso. Un grido stridulo si levò tra le signore impegnate nei loro pettegolezzi.
Poi, mentre un altro uomo della sicurezza vestito di nero lanciava un gancio sinistro insieme a un colpo vigoroso, il corpo dell’ ‘Innamorata’ si abbassò schivandolo. Il suo palmo si alzò come un fulmine, colpendo e spezzando il mento del gigante che si muoveva davanti a lei, e poi con una vigorosa ginocchiata colpì con precisione il plesso solare.
Ma in quel momento apparve improvvisamente un altro gruppo di una decina di uomini della sicurezza vestiti di nero.
“Ah! Un branco di terrestri! Ma non finirà mai così.”
Vedendo con la coda dell'occhio il seducente ‘Casanova’ che si era frettolosamente rialzato in piedi, sparire nel fondo della sala, Astha sfoderò le sue zanne bianche. Abbattere una decina di Terran non era difficile. Ma evitare di ucciderli ed andarci piano era un lavoro duro, e se ci fosse voluto troppo tempo, il bersaglio principale sarebbe potuto scappare. E poi, soprattutto... era tutto troppo complicato!
“Ok, è il tuo turno, padre. Vai!”
Astha lo raccolse come se fosse un oggetto, poi, come se fosse un gattino, gli diede una leggera spinta.
L'alto sacerdote inciampò e finì tra gli astanti, cadendo su una ragazza.
“Ahh! Cosa stai facendo? Sei un pervertito!”
“Mi scusi, ehm, ma come si dice? Ama il tuo prossimo... Ugh!”
Dopo aver ricevuto uno schiaffo sulla guancia destra, il prete cadde di faccia su un vicino tavolo da gioco. La fortuna volle che gli uomini dall'aspetto sgradevole che giocavano a poker si fossero già alzati. Il gruppo di uomini di sicurezza vestiti di nero arrivò appena in tempo e iniziò a spingere via gli uomini arrabbiati. Ma non passò molto tempo prima che il confronto tra i due gruppi si trasformasse in una rissa che finì per coinvolgere tutti i presenti.
“Ehi, calmatevi, per favore! Per favore, calmatevi tutti! Ah, il Signore ha detto: Amate i vostri nemici... Oh! Ah, mi sanguina il naso! Il mio naso sta sanguinando...”
In un attimo il casinò si trasformò in un calderone di caos e confusione, e nessuno si accorse che la figura dell' ‘Innamorata’ un certo punto era scomparsa.
“Dannazione, chi diavolo è quella donna...?” Il ‘Casanova’ si guardò indietro mentre scappava, il fiato corto per la corsa. Nel corridoio buio non c'era nessuno. Il quarto piano era un'esclusiva del proprietario e, a parte lui, nemmeno il personale era autorizzato ad entrare.
Dopo essersi accertato che nessuno lo avesse seguito, Russo bussò alla porta di quercia rivestita di legno.
“Mi scusi, signore. Sono Russo. Vorrei informarla di una cosa, se possibile...”
"Si accomodi."
La porta si aprì con uno scricchiolio.
“C'è parecchio rumore laggiù. È successo qualcosa?”
L'interno della stanza era immerso nel buio più totale. Per quanto ne sapeva Russo, era sempre così. Sembrava che il proprietario di quel posto non avesse bisogno di luce.
“In realtà, è arrivato uno strano cliente... che ha chiesto della ragazza.”
“Uno strano cliente? Non era per caso una giovane donna?”
“Lo sapeva già?”
“'E dimmi, quella donna, indossava un vestito rosso e la maschera dell' ‘Innamorata’ per caso?"
“Sì! Come fa a saperlo?”
“Perché è proprio dietro di te... idiota! Sei caduto in un trucco da bambini!”
Russo non riuscì nemmeno a voltarsi: in quel momento, una piccola mano emersa dalle profondità dell'oscurità gli aveva già schiacciato la gola.
“Sinceramente sono stanco della stupidità dei Terrestri... Ma comunque, ne è passato di tempo, non è vero, Astharoshe?”
“Endre... Finalmente ti ho trovato...”
L' ‘Innamorata’ rispose con voce roca al ragazzo, che le sorrideva maliziosamente. La mano di Astha scomparve per un attimo. Quando riapparve, teneva in mano un lungo oggetto d'argento, che era stato nascosto nelle pieghe della sua gonna.
“Oh, quella è la Lancia di Gae Bolg, vero? Quegli idioti del mio paese d'origine ti hanno persino costretto a portare una cosa del genere... Non possono pensare seriamente che una ragazzina come te possa fare qualcosa contro di me, vero?” Mormorò Endre, per metà impressionato e per metà sdegnato. In quel momento, una luce rossa intensa cominciò a emanare dalla punta dell'oggetto che Astha teneva in mano. La luce si concentrò, assumendo la forma di una lunga spada nelle sue mani pallide.
Un attimo dopo, Astha spiccò un balzo e un urlo penetrante le esplose dalla gola.
#Endre Kourza#trinity blood#abel nightroad#sunao yoshida#rage against the moons#trinity blood novels#traduzione italiana#thores shibamoto#from the empire#astharoshe aslan#isaak fernand von kampfer
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worth the wait a nerdjo fic

pairing ⸺ nerd/academic rival/rich boy!gojo x reader
summary ⸺ you abhor your academic rival, satoru gojo. he's a cocky asshole that you fight with constantly for the spot at first place. but when you finally discover what's underneath all those lame sweaters of his with a once in a blue moon visit at the gym (spoiler alert: he's not a scrawny nerd), you'll be fighting your severe attraction to the man who makes your life a bit harder. and maybe fall in love with him, too, in the process.
warnings ⸺ smut, f recieving oral, praise, he makes you beg for it lol, p i v sex, making out, angst if you squint, a lot of fluff, college AU, nerd!gojo, reader gets insecure sometimes and is treated horribly by her discord mod TA/research advisor, typical misogyny/sexism in STEM fields, but gojo defends her!!!, sleeper build gojo with a happy trail because im a slut, the good old pining and yearning i like. art by @/deltapork
a/n thank u to all my beta readers for editing part of this for me :3 happy valentines day!!!
general masterlist
You blink at your paper.
You suppose you should be happy—it’s a graduate level physics class, anyways. For a moment, you stare at the red markings of the TA that graded it, as if willing an error in the one problem you made a mistake on could make it go away.
You exhaled sharply, almost fighting back tears. You’d think you could avoid simple arithmetic mistakes, but apparently doing tensor products comes easier than simple addition to you. Shoving your backpack on your chair, you stuff in your laptop and the test haphazardly, not caring that it’s going to get messed and crumpled up in your backpack after your folders and binders jostle around. Fuck that test.
You wouldn’t normally act as if the test had personally wronged you—trust, you were not going to get that heated were it any class. But because of this one class, one person, you knew it was coming. The inevitable.
"Better luck next time." The voice, drenched in smug satisfaction, slithered through the air behind you, his voice and demeanor like a slimy, slimy snake.
Your jaw tightened, but you forced yourself to remain calm as you turned around. And there he was—Gojo Satoru, the bane of your existence, a plague upon your academic record, a walking, talking statistical anomaly who somehow managed to be both infuriatingly brilliant and aggressively insufferable.
He leaned against the desk beside yours, glasses sliding down just enough to reveal the glint of those ridiculously blue eyes. He crosses his arms while they’re covered in that ridiculous, ugly sweater he’s wearing—he’s probably going for the old money aesthetic, but he doesn’t need to know he gives off more “finance bro that helps billionaires evade taxes,” or whatever finance bros do.
“I have no clue what you’re talking about,” you sniff, pretending to act nonchalant while you grab your backpack, swinging it roughly on your shoulder like it was the weight of your grievances against him.
"The test." Gojo unfolded a crisp sheet of paper with the kind of theatrical flourish reserved for revealing royal decrees. A perfect 100, circled in bold red ink.
Your stomach twisted. This is what those two points meant. Two stupid, meaningless, soul-crushing, rage-inducing points.
"Guess that makes it… what, five to three this semester?" He tapped his chin, pretending to count, as if the score wasn’t already seared into your brain like an irreversible branding. "My lead, obviously. But hey, if you ever need tutoring, I could always squeeze you in."
You bite the inside of your cheek in frustration. “I wouldn’t want to impose on the time for any of your hobbies. After all, when will you get the time to watch anime? My 5000 Year Old Girlfriend is Stuck in a Twelve Year Old’s Body, was it?”
He presses a hand to his chest in mock hurt, as if your words had truly pierced him through his chest. “Tut, tut. After all this time, I’d think you’d have my anime preferences memorized since you’re so obsessed with me. It’s Digimon, not whatever pedophilic shit you think I jerk off too.” He pauses, and then his voice drops into a conspiratorial whisper. “But you know Fred, the grad student TA that holds recitation every Wednesday? I just know he’s probably a Discord mod of a server that sends, like, daily tentacle porn. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s on the Megan's law registry either.”
Now, you have to hold back your smile because Gojo has a point. Fred is not just any TA. Fred is the grad student that mentors you on a research project; the program’s super selective, so when you realized you got him, you couldn’t just back out and give up the opportunity. However, Fred isn’t just a weird–-he’s sooo handsy with his greasy ass hands, so you accept any and all Fred slander. Because he’s your research advisor, you can’t wait to finish the project any faster. He probably would be into underage girls, but you don’t need to express your approval to Gojo, or worst of all, let him think he’s funny. God knows that would get into his head. “Yea, yea. Whatever. Anyways, I hope you have fun with your Pokemon—”
“—or whatever. I’m leaving. Some of us have things to do. Later, Gojo.”
You turned on your heel, lest Gojo hook you in with another taunt.
Maybe you needed to blow off some steam, if you’re allowing yourself to lose to Gojo.
Worst of all, it’s become a streak, like two times in a row—one on this quiz, and the other on the midterm a few weeks back. Your mind goes back to the last women in STEM recruiting event you had went to, and, how, in the middle of taking a bite of the delicious margherita pizza they offered, you registered that the woman in the panel had insisted that what helped her power through her PhD and dickwad supervisors was by exercising. Her fervor over pilates could almost qualify as a cult pitch, but it made you pause at the moment. Before you continued to further engorge yourself on the food offered on the charcuterie board.
But maybe it was time to hone your focus in, and some sweaty endorphins might help you get just that.
You’re not really surprised the demographic at your university’s gym looks like the way it does. After all, not only was it renowned for its academics (from all the nepo babies like Gojo whose families donated buildings and had like four generations of alumnus), but it was also a Division I school. So not only was the gym packed but it was packed with men.
As you walked in the hallway towards the room that contained weight machines, gym bag slung over your shoulder, you eyed the glistening backs of the (D1, mind you) men’s swim team through the glass that separated your path and the swimming pool.
Wow, those Speedos really hugged their asses. You imagined Gojo in one, and almost snorted. Rich boy nerd Satoru definitely didn’t learn how to swim; his family’s mansion probably had a twenty year old personal lifeguard that Gojo lost his virginity to, or something. Regardless, he would squint in his silly swim goggles, the exact antithesis of sex appeal while his glow-in-the-dark eyes lit up the pool while he stroked, cheeks puffed like a pufferfish.
Regardless, the smell of testosterone that hits you when you enter the weight area is almost nauseating, and, if you’re honest, a little intimidating. You’re not exactly the fittest of people, so you quickly speed walk past the grunting and sweaty men at the squat machines and barbells, avoiding eye contact and praying furiously that none of them perceive you.
When you reach the dumbbell stands, you hunch over, taking random light weights. Then, you pretend you know what you’re doing while jumping every so slightly whenever anyone comes in six foot distance of you. It’s only when another girl comes in to grab a weight (and when she bends over, you definitely ogle her ass in a way that would get you slapped if you were a man) that your gaze removes itself from where it was focused on the 2.5 lb dumbbell you were previously bicep curling with. To see him.
The glint of ivory hair is unmistakable—you’ve basically gotten off to the fantasy of razoring it off in his sleep. His blue eyes are bored, pretty boy face framed in glasses. Now, he’s giving teenage boy turned to Andrew Tate after a breakup. Black sweatshirt and sweatpants that are too small, because they cling to his legs in a form-defining way. He’s walking over, hands in his pockets, to a barbell station. Slaps some guys on the shoulder as he goes through, gets a lot of daps.
Which is weird to you, because you only the Gojo inside your physics class, not outside. He’s a fucking nerd—a loser that spends his time beefing with you, so why is he so popular when he gives you the time of day?
There are three dimensions to gaining alpha status, or whatever they call male popularity. You have to be 1) rich, 2) really physically fit, or 3) just really charismatic. Considering that Gojo—in all his clothing—-looks like a twink moreso than ripped gym bro, it’s definitely not dimension two. So you conclude that it’s because he’s rich and probably throws yacht parties so these ripped guys don’t push him into a locker, or something.
When he finally reaches his destination, you smirk to yourself. With that scrawny build underneath all those loose sweaters, you know he’s only going to be able to lift the bar, no plates. After all, he was warming up. insulting Gojo in countless of ways by taking jabs at his physique mentally, so you barely register that he’s grabbing for the hem of his sweatshirt, peeling it up—
To reveal his bare torso.
Your first thought: Wow, he has huge bazonkas.
That has easily got to be one of the most built physiques you’ve seen at your college so far. His pectorals basically pop out out of his torso as he moves to grab plates. First, he grabs a really big plate—you’re not a gym expert, so you wouldn’t know the weight—and stacks it. And stacks another. And another. And another, until you’re sure it’s definitely more than your bodyweight.
As you’re staring at him in awe, your 2.5 lb dumbbells hang limply by your sides, abandoning all pretense of training to openly gawk at the clench of his biceps, the sweat rolling down his temple, and the set of his jaw as he stares holes into the bar. And by the way there’s heat creeping up your cheeks you realize one thing:
You’re screwed.
“You know what?”
You keep your eyes on your notes firmly, refusing to look at Gojo sitting right next to you. You don’t know why he always chooses to sit next to you on recitation, really—it’s not like you’re receptive to his company. After all, he could be doing other things—like metaphorically sucking a TA’s dick by talking about their research, where Gojo probably knows more about the TA’s research than they do themselves.
From your periphery, you notice Gojo pouting, then scooting his chair (dragging it, so it makes a god awful screeching noise against the floor tiles that has you cringing) until he’s so close that he slings an arm on the back of your chair and leans in closer and closer. You’re fighting to keep your eyes on your notes, face heating up traitorously until you feel his breath fan across your neck because he’s just so close.
“Rude, ignoring me. Look where that got you.” He then points to a problem on your paper, one you were currently working on. “You’re doing that wrong.”
You finally turn to glare at him, but he’s closer than you anticipated, his face just inches from yours. His grin is all sharp edges and knowing amusement, and it makes your stomach flip in a way you refuse to acknowledge.
“I’m not doing it wrong,” you argue, despite the creeping suspicion that, okay, maybe you did mess up somewhere.
“Oh, really?” Gojo drawls, tilting his head slightly. “Then why is your integral off by a factor of two?”
Your eyes snap back to your notes, scanning through the equations—and, dammit, he’s right.
You huff, begrudgingly erasing the mistake. “Whatever.”
“You know, you should really be thanking me,” Gojo muses, still leaning way too close for comfort. “If I weren’t here, who knows how many mistakes you’d make?”
“She’d have me,” comes a greasy voice, and you have to fight the tears in your eyes that arise when Fred (the aforementioned pedophilic TA and your research advisor) comes, his moldy cheese stench following him as he takes a seat from across you and Gojo. You grudgingly turn your face away from where it was so close to Gojo’s to look at him and sigh inwardly. At least Gojo’s face was prettier to look at.
“Hi, Fred,” you smile tightly, willing him to go away. “We’re good here, so you can help out other students—”
“How was your weekend?” He instead replies, and you wince. Stealing a quick glance at Gojo, it seems that his jaw and posture are uncharacteristically tense.
“Lot of work for the class and for, uh, our research,” you respond, nodding and averting your gaze to your paper and feigning working on a problem so that he would get the hint.
Fred, unfortunately, does not get the hint. Instead, he leans forward, elbows on the table, eyes too focused on you. “You really ought to take breaks, you know. You can give me the code late. Someone as cute as you shouldn’t stress so much. You’ll get wrinkles.”
Your fingers tighten around your pencil, your skin crawling at the way his tone veers into something too familiar, too patronizing. You open your mouth to give a clipped response, but Gojo beats you to it.
“Oh? Didn’t know you were an expert on skincare, Fred,” Gojo drawls, his voice deceptively light. His arm, which was still resting on the back of your chair, shifts just slightly—not quite pulling you in, but making his presence more noticeable. “Though, if we’re giving out advice, maybe you should take your own. I mean, stress must be rough on you too, right? All those late nights grading papers, staring at screens. Takes a toll.”
Fred bristles, but Gojo just smiles lazily, pushing up his glasses as he tilts his head. “Actually, you know what? Maybe we should all focus on our own business. Like, say, teaching, instead of weirdly hovering over students. Crazy thought, huh?”
You swear you see the muscle in Fred’s jaw twitch, but he forces out an awkward chuckle, shifting uncomfortably. “Right, right. Just looking out for her.”
“Don’t worry,” Gojo interrupts smoothly, now fully leaning into your space, his arm draping a little lower behind your chair, “I think she’s got plenty of people looking out for her already.” His voice is soft, but there’s an undeniable edge beneath the words.
Fred lingers for a second too long, but finally, he mutters something about helping another student and stands, walking off with an air of forced nonchalance.
You let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding, slumping slightly in your seat. Gojo hums beside you, his fingers tapping idly against the back of your chair.
“You’re welcome, by the way,” he teases, but there’s something in his tone that’s softer than usual. He then makes a show of stretching, raising his arms. His sweater rides up a bit, exposing his lower abs and peeks of white that has you averting your gaze, the heat creeping up at his proximity once again. Then, his arm back on your chair. Weirdly, you find that you don’t mind it.
You sigh, resigned. You’ll figure out these feelings later. “Yeah. Thanks, Gojo.”
But you don’t immediately go back to your work, because Gojo suddenly hunches down and whispers in your ear. “Yea, I definitely saw an underage anime girl sticker on his laptop.”
Your responding snort is so loud everyone turns to look at you and Gojo, who is now sporting a mischievous and satisfied smile.
It starts with a single drop, fat and cold where it splats against your wrist. You glance up from your phone just in time to see the sky split open.
“Shit,” you mutter, stuffing your phone into your bag. The library doors shut behind you with a heavy clang, sealing away the scent of old books and the quiet hum of studying students. Outside, the air is thick with the petrichor of freshly fallen rain, and within seconds, the pavement is slick, puddles forming in the uneven cracks of the sidewalk. The streetlights reflect off the wet ground, casting fragmented golden glows against the darkening sky. You’d been studying to grind for the upcoming assignments; after all, to rival Gojo is a no small feat. It’s just unfortunate it seems to take you thousand times more effort than it does for Gojo.
“Guess we’re stuck together, huh?”
You don’t have to turn to know who it is.
Satoru Gojo, standing beside you under the library’s narrow overhang, wearing that insufferable grin like he’s amused by the entire situation. Like the rain personally fell from the sky just to give him an opportunity to bother you.
“I’ll take my chances,” you say flatly, shifting your bag on your shoulder. But as you peer past the downpour, your stomach sinks. The rain is merciless, an unrelenting sheet of water stretching as far as you can see. There’s no way you’re making it back to your dorm without looking like you took a fully clothed shower.
Gojo hums, pulling something out of his bag. You blink when he flicks open a half-broken umbrella, the metal ribs slightly bent like it’s barely holding itself together. He gives it a little shake, sending droplets flying, before glancing at you with a smirk.
“Well?” He lifts a brow. “Wanna be smart about this?”
You do not want to be smart about this. You want to wait out the rain or make a break for it. But the storm shows no signs of letting up, and the thought of walking through it alone makes you hesitate.
Reluctantly, you sigh. “Fine. But I get most of the cover.”
“Hey, sharing is caring.” He tilts the umbrella slightly, just enough to make a point.
With great reluctance, you step closer. The moment you do, you regret it.
Gojo is warm. Even in the damp, chilled air, he radiates heat, standing so close that his sleeve brushes against yours. He smells good, too—like expensive laundry detergent with a faint undercurrent of something sweet, something distinctly him.
You swallow hard, forcing yourself to stare straight ahead as the two of you start walking. The rain pounds against the umbrella, droplets cascading off the edges, and with every step, you’re hyper-aware of the way Gojo moves beside you—loose-limbed, annoyingly graceful, a stark contrast to the crooked metal above your heads.
“Man, this thing’s on its last leg,” he muses, tilting the umbrella just slightly. Water dribbles off the side, landing directly onto your shoulder.
“Gojo!” you yelp, recoiling as the cold soaks through your shirt.
“Oops.” He does not sound remotely sorry.
You glare at him, but before you can snap back, he shrugs off his jacket and—without preamble—drapes it over you.
You freeze.
It’s warm, still carrying the heat of his body, and it smells so much like him—clean, sweet, dizzyingly familiar. Your brain short-circuits.
You force yourself to breathe, keeping your gaze firmly ahead. “You didn’t have to do that,” you say, voice tight.
“I wanted to.”
Something in his tone makes your stomach flip. You glance at him from the corner of your eye, and—
Damn him. Damn him.
Water drips from his bangs, clinging to the sharp edges of his jawline, sliding down the curve of his throat. His shirt sticks to his skin, fabric clinging in a way that reveals the toned lines of his arms, the broad plane of his chest. He’s watching the rain, the usual teasing glint in his eyes softened into something contemplative.
You swear your eggs just recently got released, for you cannot help but avoid your ever going attraction to Satoru Gojo except the age-old excuse: ovulation. Your mind wanders to how his arms would feel around your head, to lay on his chest, how he’d be able to manhandle you, force you to take it—
But you’re snapped out of your inappropriate thoughts by what he says next.
“You know,” he says, voice quieter now, “I like this. Just us, no grades, no competing.”
You pause.
He says it so simply, so easily, like it’s nothing at all. But the words settle deep, curling somewhere warm inside you, and you don’t know what to do with them.
So you do what you do best: you shove them away, bury them beneath years of rivalry, of late-night study sessions fueled by caffeine and stubbornness, of sharp words and sharper glances.
You roll your eyes, forcing a scoff. “Don’t get used to it.”
But even as you say it, your fingers curl into the fabric of his jacket, holding it a little tighter.
It’s been a week since you saw Gojo. He had dropped you at your dorm in a surprisingly gentlemanly way, and you had insisted on returning the jacket only after washing it, to be courteous. What you didn’t mention was how you kept repeatedly smelling it in your dorm whenever you got a reprieve from your roommate’s eyes because Gojo smelled like expensive cologne and he did one thing most nerds / physics majors don’t do: shower. This fact, unfortunately, made you more attracted to him because the bar is truly in hell.
You’ve concluded that these…feelings can’t hurt you and that it isn’t real, like a beefy and shirtless Gojo-looking demon that’ll jump and surprise you from under your bed. So you move on your life, caught in the ever perpetual slog of studying and researching.
Thus, you find yourself at the library once more.
The night hums low around you, quiet except for the occasional shuffle of paper and the distant hum of the library’s espresso machine (only librarians could use it, however. you fervently thought that was a form of elitism, but you digress). You’re at the corner table, the one by the window, where the dim light pools just enough to illuminate your notes but not enough to make you feel like you’re being studied under a microscope. You think you’re alone—until you aren’t.
You don’t have to look up to know it’s him.
Satoru Gojo is hard to miss, even when he’s not trying. He slides into the chair across from you with the kind of ease that makes it seem like he belongs there, like he was always going to end up sitting across from you tonight. His hair is tousled, white strands falling forward in a way that makes him look softer under the warm light. His glasses are perched low on his nose, a rare sight given that he usually has them pushed up like some kind of pretentious scholar.
The two of you don’t speak.
It’s surprising, really. Gojo never runs out of things to say, whether it’s an obnoxious quip or some unnecessarily insightful observation that makes you want to throw your textbook at his face. But tonight, he just pulls out his own notes, taps his pen against the edge of his lips, and starts reading.
You should focus on your own studying, but something about this—this silence, this late-night haze, this tiny moment carved out of time—makes your mind wander. You steal glances when you think he won’t notice. His brows furrow when he’s concentrating, his jaw tightens when he’s stuck on something, and when he exhales, it’s this slow, measured thing, like he’s trying not to get frustrated. He’s just—
He’s just really there.
You’ve spent years defining Gojo as your rival. Your competition. The person standing in your way at every academic milestone. And yet, somehow, somewhere, he’s slipped into something else, something harder to define. Because you’ve seen him like this before—when he’s so focused that he forgets the world around him, when he bites his lip in thought, when he gets so caught up in something that he mutters under his breath without realizing it. And for the first time, it dawns on you: you don’t actually hate it.
You don’t hate this comfortable silence. This moment of peace, a white flag waving lazily between you both.
The hours blur. The café starts to empty. Your notes turn into background noise. It’s late, and the warmth from inside lulls you into something dangerously close to comfort.
A soft sound breaks through the quiet.
You glance up and freeze.
Gojo’s head has tilted to the side, his glasses slipping slightly down the bridge of his nose. His hand is curled loosely around his pen, and his breathing has evened out. He’s asleep.
For a moment, you don’t move. You barely breathe.
Gojo, asleep, is not something you’ve seen before. He’s always in motion, always buzzing with energy, always running his mouth about something. But right now, he’s still. His long lashes cast faint shadows over his cheekbones, and the tension he always carries—the cocky bravado, the smirking sharpness—is nowhere to be found. He just looks… peaceful.
The thought slips in so quickly, so effortlessly, that it nearly makes you jolt. But when you look at him again—head tilted just slightly, glasses slipping down his nose, breathing slow and even—you can’t deny that the word fits. He looks like a lazy cat napping in a sunbeam, limbs loose, utterly unguarded. It’s so unlike him that you find yourself staring, caught in the contrast.
Your fingers twitch. Before you can stop yourself, you reach forward, slow and hesitant, to push his glasses back up his nose. But you catch yourself just before you touch him, as if the warmth of his skin might burn. Your hand hovers in the air for a fraction of a second too long, and then—
You pull away.
Your heart is pounding. It’s fine. It’s nothing. You just need to get out of here.
You gather your things quietly, glancing back at him one last time before slipping out the door into the cool night air. The moment you step outside, you take a breath, deep and shaking. The world feels different now. You feel different now.
Because for the first time, it isn’t just that you find Gojo attractive.
It’s that you care.
And you don’t know what the hell to do about it.
The gym, once again, smells like sweat and overpriced protein powder.
You don’t know what’s possessed you to come here today. Maybe it’s because you keep telling yourself that you need to exercise more, or maybe it’s because you need to take a break from studying before your brain melts. But deep down, if you’re really being honest with yourself, you know the real reason.
Gojo is here.
You spotted him the first time by accident. You were on the treadmill, barely jogging at a pace that wouldn’t embarrass you, when you caught a flash of white hair across the gym floor. And there he was—dressed in a fitted black sleeveless top and joggers, casually loading plates onto a barbell.
And he wasn’t wearing his glasses.
It was a stupid, inconsequential detail, but it made all the difference. Without them, he didn’t look like the annoying academic rival who constantly got under your skin, flashing his smug grin as he beat you in exams by the smallest possible margins. He looked… sharp. Unfiltered. Effortlessly attractive in a way that made your stomach tighten in ways you didn’t like.
You’d seen him in his regular clothes before, of course. You knew he had broad shoulders and long legs, that his body wasn’t just a lanky frame hidden behind layers of sweaters. But here, in the gym, watching him roll his shoulders as he prepped for another set—it hit differently. He was lean but muscular, his arms flexing as he adjusted his grip on the bar, and for some godforsaken reason, you couldn’t look away.
You shouldn’t be watching him. You should be focusing on your own workout, pretending you don’t care. But the way his shirt clung to his back, the way his forearms tensed, the way he exhaled sharply as he lifted—
You’re so screwed.
You force yourself to look away, grabbing the smallest dumbbells available and curling them in what has to be the weakest excuse for a workout imaginable. You’re barely paying attention to what you’re doing, too busy sneaking glances at Gojo between sets. It’s pathetic, but at least no one else is watching you.
Or so you think.
Because then she appears.
A girl.
Tall, toned, and effortlessly gorgeous, with sleek hair pulled into a high ponytail. She strides over to Gojo with a confidence you could never dream of and smiles at him, saying something that makes him laugh. Her ass is definitely bigger than yours, and she’s in this coordinated, cute, pink set, looking like she walked straight out of a fitness TikTok. You can’t hear what they’re talking about over the sound of weights clanking and some obnoxious EDM song blasting through the speakers, but you can see it. The way she leans in, the way she tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, the way Gojo—
—smiles at her. That easy, lazy grin he always wears when he’s teasing you, except this time, it isn’t for you.
Your grip tightens around the dumbbells, something ugly curling in your chest. It gets worse when she gestures toward the squat rack, and Gojo nods before moving behind her, hands hovering just slightly as she sets up for a squat. You watch as he spots her, one hand resting lightly on her lower back, close enough to correct her form but far enough to be polite. He’s focused, watching her movements carefully, murmuring something that makes her laugh before she drops into another rep.
Your stomach twists.
This is stupid. You have no reason to be feeling this way.
It’s then that it hits you—you can have your silly little academic rival moments with Gojo, but, in the end, you’re just a footnote in his story, a fleeting challenge in a life where everything already belongs to him. He quite literally has generational wealth; he’s not going to spend his life buried in grant applications or clawing for recognition in a field that demands twice the effort for half the reward. He’ll be the one funding the research, sitting at the head of the table, making decisions that shape the future. And you? You’ll be one of the many who struggle just to be in the same room.
He’s the guy who spends his vacations on yachts or private islands—not just surrounded by wealth, but by people who belong there. Girls who glide through life with the same effortless ease as him, girls who don’t second-guess if they deserve to be in the spaces they occupy. Girls who don’t have to fight for their place at the table because it was always set for them.
Girls that are his equal—equally attractive, equally smart, equally rich.
Not you.
You swallow hard, forcing yourself to look away, but the image is burned into your mind. The easy way he talks to her. The way she tilts her head when she listens. The way he doesn’t even know you’re here.
You shouldn’t care. You shouldn’t care. You shouldn’t care.
But you do.
You grip the dumbbells tighter, exhaling sharply. Then you put them back, pick up your water bottle, and walk out of the gym before you do something stupid.
The office is too small. Too suffocating. Too filled with the weight of unspoken words and the sharp-edged smile of Fred, the TA, as he leans back in his chair and laces his fingers together.
"You know," he begins, voice sickly sweet, "I really expected more from you."
You sit stiffly in the chair across from him, your hands curled into fists in your lap, nails digging crescents into your skin. Your heart pounds, but your face remains carefully neutral. You've been called into his office under the guise of "academic guidance," but you know better. You always know better.
"I don't know what you mean," you say, keeping your voice even.
Fred exhales dramatically, shaking his head. "Come on. You and I both know you're barely keeping up in this project of ours."
You grit your teeth. You're not barely keeping up. You're giving him your work at the highest level, at its best. But Fred—Fred has always had a way of twisting things, making you feel small, insignificant, like your achievements are nothing more than accidents.
“I think my progress speaks for itself,” you respond tightly. Mind you, while he was supposed to be your mentor, you’ve done 80% of the work.
But you think Gojo’s defense of you ran deep into Fred’s heart because by the way he’s sleazily smirking at you, you know he’s trying to get back at you.
He smirks. "Your progress? Sure, you’re smart. But you think that’s enough? You think anyone’s going to care about a girl like you when there are people out there who don’t have to struggle to be exceptional?" He leans forward, voice dropping into something conspiratorial. "You’re wasting your time. The best you can hope for is being someone’s assistant. Maybe a glorified research grunt if you’re lucky. Just like for me."
Your stomach twists. You shouldn’t care. You know you shouldn’t care. But the words burrow deep, hitting a place inside you that already doubts, that already wonders if you’re nothing more than a temporary obstacle in a world built for people like Gojo Satoru—people born brilliant, born wealthy, born effortless.
Fred’s eyes flick over you, assessing, smug. "You’re working yourself to the bone for what? You’ll never be at the top. Not really."
The bitterness of the situation really dawns on you—Gojo’s the one who took a jab at Fred last week, not you. But you’re the one who’s left to deal with its consequences. You’re not going to assign blame and lament that it’s not Gojo in this office dealing with him. It was in your defense, after all.
But Fred’s words remind you. You’ll never be at the top. At Gojo’s level, who’s at the top without even seeming to put in effort.
You’ll never be his equal.
You stand abruptly, shoving your chair back so hard it scrapes against the floor. "If that’s all, I have work to do."
Fred chuckles, leaning back, clearly pleased with himself. "Sure, sure. Don’t say I never tried to give you advice."
You don’t respond. You just walk out, gripping your bag so tightly your knuckles turn white, the echo of his words following you down the hall, settling in your bones like lead.
The hallway is too bright. Too loud. Too full of people who don’t know that you’re on the verge of crumpling in on yourself like a dying star.
Your breath feels too shallow, too quick, and there’s a weight pressing down on your chest that no amount of rationalizing can shake off. It’s not even your meeting with Fred—just a slow accumulation of stress and exhaustion and frustration that’s settled deep in your bones. A grade lower than expected, an upcoming deadline you’re nowhere near prepared for, a general sense of drowning no matter how hard you try to keep up. It’s all too much, and your hands are starting to shake from how tightly you’re gripping the strap of your bag.
You just need to get out of here. You need air, space, something.
But, of course, the universe has a cruel sense of humor, because when you round the corner, you slam straight into Satoru Gojo.
Your balance is already precarious from the way you were rushing, and the impact sends you stumbling. For a split second, you think you might actually fall—your ankle twists awkwardly, the world tilts—and then there’s a strong hand gripping your wrist, another bracing against your back, steadying you before you can hit the ground.
You don’t process what happens immediately. Your mind is still stuck on too much, too fast, can’t breathe, and it takes you a second to realize that Gojo is holding you upright, his hands firm but careful, his expression hovering somewhere between amusement and concern.
“Jeez, what’s the rush?” he teases, but his voice lacks its usual careless lilt. He’s searching your face now, eyes narrowing behind his glasses, and that’s when you realize: you must look as bad as you feel.
You jerk away from him, a little too fast, a little too sharp. “I’m fine.”
Gojo doesn’t look convinced. “You sure? Because it kinda seemed like you were about to pass out on the spot.”
“I said I’m fine.” You adjust your bag over your shoulder, shifting your weight onto your other foot, ignoring the faint throb in your ankle. “Go bother someone else.”
Most of the time, that’s enough to send him off with an exaggerated sigh and a smirk. But not today.
Today, Gojo just stands there, watching you like he’s trying to piece something together—like you’re a problem he wants to solve. He doesn’t press, not yet, but the silence stretches, and it’s unbearable, because you can feel the weight of his gaze, and you don’t want to be seen like this. Not by him.
So you give him a tight nod in dismissal, and walk away.
There’s a knock at your door. You frown because you didn’t expect any visitors, and you’re in your sleepwear. Regardless, you pad your way lazily and open the door.
To see Gojo.
What the fuck.
He’s drenched in the glow of the hallway light, looking entirely too at home despite standing on your threshold. His hair is still slightly damp from the rain, white strands falling over his forehead in careless disarray. He’s not wearing his glasses.
"Why are you here?" you demand, gripping the doorframe, willing your voice to stay steady.
He quirks an eyebrow, tilting his head just slightly. “You’re holding my jacket hostage.”
Oh. Right.
You make your way to your wardrobe, where the now-cleaned jacket hangs neatly on a hanger. Grabbing it, you hand it over to Gojo, who’s standing at your threshold while eyeing the insides of your dorm, as if trying to take in what your living space looks like. You shove it into his chest, stepping back like the heat of it burns. "Here."
Gojo takes it, but instead of leaving like a normal person, he lingers, running his fingers over the material like he’s checking for something. Then,, he lifts a hand to the back of his neck, rubbing it in that way that only makes his biceps flex, his lean muscles shifting beneath his shirt. You hate that you notice.
A beat passes.
"You know," he muses, far too casually, "you seemed a little disheveled back there."
Your stomach twists. "It's not a big deal—"
"—Bullshit." His voice cuts through yours, sharp and immediate. He shifts, stepping just the tiniest bit closer, his tone losing its usual teasing lilt. “You’re lying. I saw what you looked like. What happened?”
“It's none of your business,” you say, stiffening. “Nor is it a big deal, really.”
Gojo exhales, something heavy in the sound. His eyes don’t leave yours, and for once, they aren’t filled with their usual mirth or mischief. Just something searching, something that makes your chest ache in a way you don’t have the strength to deal with right now.
"You always do that," he says, softer now, but no less intense. “Act like no one’s supposed to care. Like you’re carrying the world alone.”
Your fingers curl into your palms. Your lips press together. You don’t want to hear this. You don’t want to acknowledge the way his words settle too close to the truth.
And then, quietly, Gojo asks, “Do you not consider me your equal?”
You swallow.
Your silence must be enough of an answer because something shifts in his expression. It isn’t anger exactly, but it’s something close—something bitter and disappointed and aching all at once.
"You’re the one who shuts me out, you know." His voice is sharp now, edged with frustration. "You act like I'm the one keeping you at a distance, but every time I try to get close, you push me away."
Your throat tightens. “Why do you even care?”
Gojo lets out a breath, his head tilting just slightly, eyes scanning your face like you’re something he’s trying to figure out. Then he laughs, quiet and humorless.
“You really don’t know?”
“I—” Your voice wavers. “What do you mean—”
“For a girl so smart, you sure do act stupid.” He steps forward then, closing the space between you just enough to make you want to back away, but your feet don’t move. His voice drops lower. "Do you think I talk to you because I give a fuck about physics?"
Your brain short-circuits. “What—”
He groans, dragging a hand through his hair, frustrated. “I give zero fucks about the class or any class, trust me. I have better things to do than to try to aim for 100s on every test."
Your heart is pounding now, too loud, too fast. “Then why—”
"God," he exhales, tipping his head back, like he's debating whether or not he should even say it. Then, after a beat, he looks at you again, and whatever is in his eyes makes your stomach flip, makes your breath hitch.
Something in your chest lurches, but before you can even process it, he huffs a laugh—like he’s just remembered something ridiculous.
"You didn’t even look my way the first week," he says, eyes flicking over your face, searching. "I could tell you only cared about anyone that could challenge you. Like, it wasn’t even until I did better than you on the second midterm that you even talked to me."
You open your mouth, then close it, heat prickling at the back of your neck. Because—yeah. He’s not wrong. You had ignored him, dismissed him as just another overconfident rich kid who thought he was smarter than he was. It wasn’t until he proved himself, until he became a real obstacle in your path, that you bothered to acknowledge him.
Gojo smiles, but it’s not cocky this time—it’s small, almost rueful. "And then you looked at me like I was finally real. Like I existed."
Your breath hitches.
He shrugs, eyes dropping for a brief second before snapping back up to yours. "So, yeah. Maybe I started trying harder. Maybe I cared about all those stupid tests because it meant I got to see that fire in your eyes, that I got to be the one you were pushing against." He rubs the back of his neck, his biceps flexing in a way that would usually annoy you, but right now, you’re too busy trying to remember how to breathe.
Gojo stares at you for a long moment, gaze unwavering, like he’s daring you to say something—anything.
Your chest feels too tight, your pulse erratic, and you don’t know what to do with the way Gojo is looking at you—like you’re something precious, something worth holding onto.
But he’s wrong. He has to be wrong.
“You can’t like me,” you whisper.
Gojo frowns, expression shifting. “What?”
Your throat clenches, and before you can stop it, heat pricks at your eyes, blurring your vision. “You can’t like me,” you say again, voice cracking. “I can’t even match you.”
Gojo's face slackens, his teasing demeanor completely gone.
"You do everything so effortlessly," you force out, your fists clenching at your sides. "It’s so infuriating." A shaky breath escapes you, and you shake your head, looking down. “So why would you even want this? You make me feel this way, and I—I hate you for it.”
For a second, there’s only silence.
Then, Gojo exhales softly.
“Is that what you think?” His voice is so gentle it makes something inside you ache.
You don’t answer. You can’t.
Gojo shifts, stepping forward slowly, carefully, like you’re something fragile. And then—then he reaches out, his fingers ghosting along your wrist before curling around it, grounding you. “It’s not effortless,” he murmurs. “I try so hard. You just don’t see it because I don’t want you to.”
"You really don’t get it, do you?" His voice is quieter now, something dangerously close to vulnerable. His fingers twitch at his sides. "I care because it’s you."
You shake your head, still not understanding, still unable to believe it.
Gojo watches you for a moment, then exhales, running a hand through his hair. “You act like I just woke up one day and decided to like you.” He huffs a quiet laugh, but there’s no real amusement in it. “Do you know how long I’ve been stuck on you? How infuriating it was, realizing that no matter how much attention I got, the only person I wanted it from was too busy treating me like an obstacle?”
Your breath catches.
“I tried everything,” he continues, voice rougher now. “Teasing you, annoying you, beating you in tests, losing to you in tests. It didn’t matter what I did, because you—” He breaks off, shaking his head. “You only saw me when I gave you a reason to compete.”
Your fingers tremble slightly at your sides. You don’t know what to say, don’t even know what you can say.
And suddenly, everything—the teasing, the constant pestering, the way he always had to be around you—it all clicks into place.
Your heart hammers in your chest, and before you can second-guess it, before you can even think, you surge forward and kiss him.
It’s a mess of a kiss—too rushed, too desperate, all clashing teeth and uneven breaths—but Gojo groans softly against your lips, like he’s been waiting for this. His hands are on you immediately, one slipping around your waist, the other cradling the back of your head as he presses you flush against him.
You’re dizzy. Overwhelmed. But it’s good. It’s him, and you don’t want to stop.
When you finally pull away, breathless and unsteady, Gojo is grinning, his lips slightly swollen.
“Worth the wait,” he murmurs, eyes shining.
You avert your gaze, fully blushing now. “But I—” You take a look at him, then hide your face in your hands. “I’m a stalker.”
“Maybe I’m into that.”
“No,” you bemoan. “I’ve stalked you at the gym, and I—” Your voice drops into a shameful whisper. “You were good. Like, stupidly good. Like, making everyone stare at you good.”
His lips twitch. “You were staring too, huh?”
You glare at him, but he just grins, all teeth, clearly eating this up.
“I hated it,” you insist, heat prickling at the back of your neck. “I hated that you’re already smarter than me, that you already have all these advantages, and then—and then you also have that? Like, it’s just unfair. You’re unfair.”
Gojo is silent for a second, and you think you’ve screwed up, but then exhales a sharp laugh, shaking his head. “You are so cute.”
“Stop it!” you whine, but you don’t protest when he pulls you closer and locks your lips with his another time. You clutch the front of his shirt, drag your hands on his chest, his arms, everywhere. Then, you guide his to firmly clutch your ass, to which he freezes.
“We can stop here. We don’t have to do anymore than this, and—”
But you interrupt him, slamming your lips against his once more. Grabbing him by the shoulder you pull him into your room and slam the door behind you, pushing him against the door. “Fuck no.”
He laughs breathlessly, then continues to switch your position, now you against the door. “Thank god. Now, jump.”
You do, and you almost moan at how easily he grabs you in his arms, your legs straddling him. It’s like you weigh nothing to him as he carries you over to your bed and manhandles you into it, following not long after.
When he gets on top of you, he maintains eye contact as he pulls your shirt over your head, trailing kisses down to your neck, the valley of your breasts (but not before giving each of the girls their own tender kiss), and your stomach. With his eyes boring into you, he slowly, teasingly drags the pants you were wearing down your legs until you’re just in your panties.
You let out a noise, and he coos. “I know, I know, baby.” He gives you a gentle kiss on the top of your mound, and you clench, squirming from the contact. “Let me take my time, though.”
He gently, but firmly, lays a hand on your hip as he starts licking the crotch of your panties. It’s truly maddening—the sensation is there, but you oh so wish his skilled tongue was meeting your skin, bare and electric.
He’s taking his time laving, ravishing your taste, but you’ve had enough. “Gojo, please,” you sob, throwing your head back and grinding further into his tongue, which he welcomes. “Stop teasing.”
“Mmmm,” he pretends to think, all while focused and looking only at your crotch, now rubbing your clit in small, miniscule circles. “I can, but,” and now he’s just mocking you, with the way he adopts a babying tone, “I think you’re going to have to beg for it.”
You groan in frustration as a response, but he only clicks his tongue as his fingers reach and finally rid you of your panties. He spreads your folds with two fingers, his face oh so close to your bare pussy. But instead of finally giving you what you want, he clicks his tongue, pouting as if you’re the one forcing him to be a bastard. “Yea, I’m sorry, but you’re going to have to earn it.”
Before you can respond, he holds out his tongue and inches his face even closer to your bare folds until you can feel his warm breath over it. “You just have to say please.” Then, he ahhh-s, as if holding his tongue out to a doctor and says, “Look I’m so close—ahhh.”
You can only plead with him. “Please, Gojo.”
“No, it’s Satoru to you now, baby.”
“Satoru, please eat me out.”
He smiles. “Yeaa, that’s my girl.” And proceeds to eat you out in a way that has your toes curling.
He acts like a man eating his last meal on death row. It’s the masterful combination of laving over your folds, kissing your clit, and groaning and making noises that has you inching closer and closer to your orgasm. When you tell him, you’re close, he does exactly what he’s supposed to do—keep doing what he’s doing, same spot, same tempo, same pressure.
With a cry of his name, you come quickly, and he takes your writhing hips and their motion like a champ, easing you through it. When you feel the all-too-familiar feel of over sensitivity, you grab his hair and pull him towards your face, kissing him tenderly.
He maneuvers his huge frame to lay down next to you, and you fall easily into a gentle embrace. It’s a comfortable silence, as he burrows his face into your chest and you stroke his hair gently.
Gentler than how you’ve ever treated him.
It’s this thought exactly that you voice to him. “You know,” you muse softly. “I was such a bitch to you.” This gets his attention, because he moves from where he was comfortable (your boobs) to look at you in alarm. “Like, I was always mean, and like acting all high and mighty—”
“Whatever you think you did, it was hot,” he interrupts you, grinning boyishly. “Like damn when you insult me I get all fired up—”
“Satoru!” You laugh, shocked, looking down at him. “You’re crazy.”
“Yea,” he winks. “Crazy for you.”
You smile softly at that, biting your lip. “I mean, I get that.” You feel his curious gaze rove over you and heat creeps up your neck as you confess, “Like I was stalking you at the gym. I saw you one time, and um. You definitely have a sleeper build.”
He hums. “I get that a lot.”
“Yea,” you blurt. “you���re really hot. Like you have really big arms, which I definitely didn’t notice in all those sweaters you wear. You could definitely throw me around.”
When you look down at him, he’s looking at you mischievously. He sits up, takes off his shirt, and says, “Want to test that theory?”
The both of you test the theory, indeed—it’s a nice nod to your guys’ academic, theoretical physics roots. But instead of some theory involving dark matter or quantum physics debated while in class, this theory takes all night to prove.
general masterlist
a/n special thank you to @purplegemadventures ily pookie <3 we were discussing how a lot of fics so far have made seem nerd gojo really cute and shy but we tried to envision a shit eating sassy diva just like hidden inventory arc <3 like what that one anon said i need my gojo to be a little annoying cocky (but cute) bastard (or, i quote, "your gojo makes me want to oil his scalp and give him an aggressive head massage and mess his hair up"). ANYWAYS props to that one anon that dropped the "nerd gojo with sleeper build" and my beloved @tiramisuandlove i love you forever
comment and reblog to let me know ur thots!
#aashi writes#gojo x reader#gojo smut#gojo x you#jjk x reader#jjk smut#jjk x you#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru smut#gojo satoru x you#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x you#jjk#jjk fic#jujutsu kaisen#gojo satoru#nerd gojo#nerdjo#divider by cafekitsune
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RAM 6.1 - Public Enemy
Translated by: Vaestro
RAM 6 Masterlist
✝ Prologue
Have you found me, O my enemy? – 1 Kings 21:20
The word "ring" referred to the ring road which encircled the center of Vienna, the former capital of the now-defunct Duchy of Ostmark.
The boulevard was constructed after the ancient city walls were dismantled. Various government offices, major trading companies, media outlets and cafés lined the streets like jewels on a lady's ring. On weekdays, the place bustled with government officials, workers and vendors catering to them. On weekends, however, it was a different story.
"Hmm, it seems there's no one inside. I suppose it's an off day after all, Hugue."
Even in Germanicus, where there were many workaholics, Sunday was technically a day of rest. The main street was deserted and the classy café had no other customers other than the priest duo occupying the front window seats. Diagonally opposite the café, a long, narrow building sandwiched between other buildings on either side, was no exception.
There was something oddly intimidating about that building.
Its decorative walls, which imitated the neoclassical style, were bleak and resembled the lair of an evil wizard in fairytales. Countless windows on its walls stared down on the street like vacant eyes.
After confirming that all the windows had their blinds drawn with his binoculars, Abel Nightroad reverted his attention to his companion before him who was reading a newspaper.
"Well, it's Sunday so it makes sense that no one's there… But, this is their stronghold after all. I can't imagine they would leave the building completely unattended."
"The address is correct. Kärntner Straße 3/24 — according to Cherubim's information."
In contrast to the priest, who was muttering leisurely, a gloomy shadow hung over the blond young man's face.
Under his wavy hair, his northern facial features were as well-chiseled as a classical sculpture, but his pale green eyes burned with a dark flame. Father Hugue de Watteau, a handsome man with a melancholic aura, cast a somber gaze towards the building in question and spoke with a voice that resembled a hellhound.
"Furthermore, preliminary investigation confirmed that people associated with the Neue Vatican had paid frequent visits to that building. No, they were not the only ones who had been making contact. The Erin Independence Alliance, the Clermont Preachers, the Camorra Vendina family, the Mithraic Cult… It's like a trade fair for heretical societies and terrorist organizations. There's no doubt about it. The Einherjar Chamber of Commerce is a cover for the Orden."
“I don't think you should jump to conclusions, Hugue."
Abel shook his head in a rare admonishing manner. He threw a damper on the enthusiasm of his companion who was on the verge of leaving his seat to enter the building at any moment.
"Tres and the others will be joining us tonight. We should wait for them before we make a move, it's still not too late by then. After all, this is Germanicus. We best act with caution."
"Especially at a time like this when the king is in Vienna… I know, Abel. I wouldn't go in alone either."
Tapping a slender finger on the newspaper article that reported the visit of Ludwig II, King of Germanicus — also known as the "Tyrant King" — in Vienna, Hugue twisted his lips as if mocking his own incompetence. However, even with that expression on his face, the priest from the north was still breathtakingly beautiful. He sighed wistfully at the waitresses who were admiring his profile in awe and with a hint of suspicion since it was unusual for two men to come to a café like this on an off day.
"But even now, master[1] is stuck in the intensive care unit with a 50/50 chance of survival. Even if he does survive, there is a possibility that he'll be left with some kind of disability... Abel, I can never forgive them..."
"I understand how you feel. No, I feel the same..." Abel heaved a deep sigh as he stirred the red liquid that had once been tea but had now turned into a gel-like "something" after thirteen spoonsful of sugar were added.
A week ago, simultaneous attacks struck both Milan and Rome, resulting in many casualties. One of the incidents — officially reported to have been perpetrated by the remnants of the Neue Vatican — nearly took the life of Caterina, the Minister of Holy Affairs. Although the worst-case scenario had somehow been averted, Alfonso d’Este, who was a key witness, had died. The severely injured "Professor" was still in the intensive care unit in Rome and his condition still an uncertainty.
The only ray of hope that could be grasped amidst the disaster was identifying the place that seemed to be "their[2]" base of operations. It was a great accomplishment for the AX since that organization's true nature was barely known apart from the name "Orden". There were no clues as well, up until now. It was no wonder that Caterina, who was currently in Rome, was thrilled to learn that they were in Vienna.
However, the most beautiful cardinal in the world was also the most cautious strategist. It could be a desinformation[3]. Germanicus was already a problematic military nation and Vienna was the former capital of the Duchy of Ostmark which had been destroyed by Germanicus sixteen years ago. To assign a large number of personnel to such a place could, at worst, cause a diplomatic issue. With that in mind, only deputy enforcers[4] were dispatched to Vienna for now.
"So, Abel... How long do we have to stay like this?"
The swordsman tilted his head as he methodically unfolded the social section of the newspaper.
"The King of Germanicus will be staying in the city for another three weeks. I understand that we need to move cautiously, but if we wait for that long, we might end up giving them a chance to escape. Shouldn’t we do something before that happens?"
"No, I don’t think we need to wait for weeks."
Abel shook his head in a particularly optimistic manner in response to his pessimistic colleague. He recounted the latest information he had received when he left Milan this morning.
"Well, it seems Tres, who is heading our way, has somehow obtained a microchip containing this country's state secrets."
"State secrets? Germanicus'?"
"Yes, apparently it contains an order from His Majesty King Ludwig to establish a new intelligence agency. In exchange for returning the microchip, we will request tacit consent for our activities in Vienna — that is Caterina's plan."
"I see... So that's why you deliberately timed our meeting with Father Iqus and the others tonight to coincide with the king’s schedule."
Hugue flicked his long fingers at the newspaper article that reported the king will be gracing the opera house with his presence tonight. However, he was probably already envisioning the moment of revenge in his mind. His green eyes, which were gazing out the window, flickered with murderous intent.
The streets were deserted. Only a few homeless people could be seen rummaging through trash bins on the corners of the main street. At this rate, no one should be around by midnight. All that was left for the priest duo to do was to make arrangements with the authorities. If things should escalate into a big commotion, they wouldn't have to worry about collateral damage. That was their plan.
Abel suddenly frowned.
He heard voices that sounded like an argument coming from a corner of the street. No, it was a unilateral and intimidating yell. He turned his gaze in that direction and saw a shabby figure pushing a cart — a homeless man who had been rummaging through the trash bins in front of the Einherjar Chamber of Commerce — surrounded by several burly men who resembled ferocious thugs. Abel had no idea what the problem was but they were pushing the homeless man around and kicking the cart he was pulling.
"Oh, that looks like trouble."
They were probably fighting over something stupid like the cart had hit them, for example. The homeless man, on the other hand, had a hood that covered his head completely so Abel couldn't see his appearance very well, but he was petite and delicate-looking, so it seemed impossible for him to escape those men.
The silver-haired priest knew he should help, but he didn’t want to get into trouble. Not here, not now.
"Well, I'm at a loss. What should we do, Hugue... Huh? Hugue?"
Abel shifted his attention back to speak with the person in front of him and involuntarily uttered a cry. On the table was a neatly folded newspaper and a steaming mug of schwarz[5], but the swordsman's melancholic face was nowhere to be seen. Abel searched his surroundings in panic and spotted the swordsman who had somehow exited the café, and was now striding towards the source of the commotion.
"T-This is bad... Oh, excuse me, may I have the bill please? And a receipt. If possible, please leave the amount column blank."
By the time Abel managed to pay the bill and rush out of the café, his companion had already reached the battlefield. The blond priest called out to the tall man who stood a little further away from the group who was still harassing the homeless man.
"Hey, you there."
The tall man's lips curled in disgust and that was his final word — the grey metal rod in Hugue's hand moved at lightning speed, and as the man turned around, it gently prodded him in the solar plexus. That was all it took. The unfortunate man collapsed, his eyes rolling back in his skull.
"W-Who the hell are you?!"
"It doesn't matter who I am. Stay away from that person."
The bulky man who seemed to be the leader spat at him, but the swordsman quietly but firmly ordered and twirled the metal rod in his palm. Startled, the men took a step back and the priest spoke again in his usual gloomy tone.
"It's unmanly to gang up and subdue a defenseless person... If you have even the slightest bit of shame, then you should just disappear."
At first, the men were shocked at the disgrace of their comrade who had gotten himself defeated so easily, but they soon remembered they had a numerical advantage. They glared at the arrogant, handsome man and the silver-haired priest who had finally caught up to him with a receipt clutched in his hand.
"You bastards! Are you two civilians trying to get in our way?! We won't show you any mercy even if you're a priest!"
"Civilians? N-No, are they low-ranking government officials?!"
Abel’s face blanched at the men's words. So, were these thug-like men soldiers? No, there was something odd about them.
"I see! Could these guys be... H-Hugue, no!"
Abel attempted to stop his colleague but he was a second too late. The metal rod swung horizontally and swept away the legs of the man who was trying to seize the blond priest. The slightly overweight victim thrashed about and screamed loudly. Another man who tried to attack from the side was knocked back by a swift kick that hit him squarely in the jaw. He stumbled heavily backwards and collided into the homeless man's cart which had been repositioned a little further away from the center of the commotion.
The very next moment, Abel pushed up his glasses and gasped.
It wasn't because the victim had fallen in a strange manner, or because he was surprised to see a young woman's face under the homeless man’s hood which had been thrown back amidst dodging.
His eyes were drawn to the contents that had rolled out of the overturned cart on the stone pavement — an object made out of five or six other long, thin, cylindrical objects. At first glance, the short threads sticking out from the ends of the cylinders reminded him of candles, but of course, it was nothing that idyllic.
"Don’t move!"
Abel's eyes widened at the same time the woman pulled out a black shiny lump of iron from under her patched coat. The lump of metal, composed of curves and straight lines — the bolt of a small crude submachine gun — was released as she continued to scream.
"Everyone, please don’t move! If you move-"
If she was left unchecked, her trembling fingers might have pulled the trigger, resulting in several casualties, but that was not the case. Hugue, whose back had been turned to her, drew a quick breath and swung his metal rod. His rod-handling technique made it look as if he had eyes on the back of his head as he knocked the submachine gun away and high up into the air.
"Nice one, Hugue!"
Abel praised his colleague's miraculous feat as he caught the falling firearm with unsteady hands.
Why would a homeless person be carrying something as dangerous as a dynamite and a submachine gun? Even if Germanicus was a warlike military nation, surely it wasn't that? It didn't seem like they were planning on starting a territorial war...
The answer to Abel's doubts was given moments later by a deep man’s voice and the stamping sound of countless pairs of military boots.
"All right, that’s enough! Give up, terrorists!"
A man bellowed and several figures came rushing out from the alleyways.
Their grey uniforms and bowl-shaped helmets with a bulge on the back of their heads were unmistakably those of the Germanic army, as were the rifles and military submachine guns in their hands. Why were they here though? And what about terrorists?
"You are the leader of the Resistance 'Edelweiss', Waltraute vön Donitz, and her members, correct?"
One of the thugs who had been knocked down by Hugue groaned in a gruff voice. He dragged his injured leg in pain as he rose to his feet, then changed his rough tone to that of a stiff military man before introducing himself.
"We are from the Ostmark Regiment of the Gendarmerie[6] Corps of Germanicus. Daughter of Baron Donitz, you are under arrest for attempted assassination of the king."
"Resistance?! Attempted assassination?!"
While Abel goggled in shock, the thugs — or rather, those pretending to be thugs — pulled out handcuffs and ID cards. As much as Abel wanted to escape, the soldiers around him had the muzzle of their guns pointed at him and refused to budge. The priest let out a shriek of protest.
"N-no, that has nothing to do with us — we were just trying to save an unfortunate woman who was being harassed! We are nice guys who just happen to be passing by! We have nothing to do with the Resistance, or assassination, or anything like that!"
"Shut up! We know you've been hanging around the Einherjar Chamber of Commerce since this morning! Why would mere priests do that? That organization is notoriously known as an arms smuggling organization that supports the defeated soldiers of Ostmark, 'Edelweiss' included! Don’t make such a pathetic excuse!"
"The priest speaks the truth."
A low feminine voice rebuked the gendarmerie officer who was trying to knock Abel down. The homeless woman, with her hands handcuffed behind her back, groaned as if in resignation.
"I have never seen these priests in the organization before and I don't know anything about the Einherjar Chamber of Commerce. I got these explosives elsewhere."
"Hah! What a stupid excuse!"
The woman's defense only seemed to further solidify the gendarmerie officer's suspicions. His stern face, like that of a military hound, contorted in hatred and he raised his chin at the three of them.
"We've found out that the organization has been selling you weapons and ammunition in secret. They also disguised the delivery as junk scraps... and then Denitz, you showed up. These priests are your bodyguards, aren’t they?"
"I have no idea what you're blabbering about."
After a brief moment of silence, the woman shook her head. She was likely in her mid-twenties. Apart from her slightly close-set eyes, she was quite pretty and her beauty exuded aristocratic elegance. The woman was no mere commoner.
"Besides, there are many remaining retainers of Ostmark in Vienna who bear a grudge against Germanicus. We don't need the help of these unreliable priests." She retorted stubbornly.
"That's your ploy... You probably assumed we’d let our guard down around these guys who seemed hopeless and weak but you're wrong! We'll use all our strength to take down even the most helpless of opponents. We will never let our guard down."
The gendarmerie officer then turned his cold eyes at the priests and issued a command to the armed soldiers on alert.
"All right, arrest these men and escort them to the gendarmerie headquarters! I'll interrogate them thoroughly later. Then, the rest of you, follow me. We're going to search the Einherjar Chamber of Commerce's building. All those who dare oppose His Majesty the King and any remaining people in the building are to be arrested!”
The soldiers saluted in unison, like precision machinery, and began to move at once. They split themselves into squads of about ten and surrounded the gloomy building on all sides. A number of them went to the back door as well. They all looked like knights who were about to set the wizard’s tower ablaze.
"Wait a second, this has gotten out of hand, hasn't it..."
Partially taken aback, Abel sighed. As he slowly backed away from the soldiers who were slowly approaching him with handcuffs in their hands, he whispered to his colleague whose green eyes were shining beside him.
"What's wrong, Hugue? We can’t possibly escape from this many people."
"Not really."
Shaking his head sullenly, the swordsman narrowed his eyes as he examined the number of soldiers surrounding them as well as their equipment.
"An escape is still feasible at this level but if we do that, our audience with the king tonight... Hm?"
Hugue who had been grumbling gloomily suddenly paused. His expression hardened and he lifted his head skywards like a hound who had heard a dog whistle.
"Something the matter, Hugue? You’ve got a strange look on your face... Is something bothering you?" Abel questioned.
"No, did you not hear a sound just now? It sounded like an organ..."
"A sound?"
Abel looked doubtful again upon hearing the swordsman's words. It was a warm, spring day with the blue afternoon sky stretching overhead. If it weren't for the swarm of unrefined armed men surrounding them, it was the kind of weather that would make him want to skip work and go on a picnic. However, there was no sound of an organ anywhere.
"No, I don’t hear anything..." Abel responded.
"I see. I was just imaging it then... Wait what's that sound?!"
Hugue asked again. This time, the "sound" reached Abel’s ears. It was a deep rumble reminiscent of distant thunder, but it wasn't that. The sound was coming from under their feet.
"W-What is this? An earthquake?!"
"W-What... What’s going on?!"
It appeared that the priests were not the only ones who heard the "sound". Cries of shock arose from the handcuffed woman and the soldiers on the other side. They could clearly feel the swirling airflow on their faces. An unpleasant wind that made everyone present nauseous churned, then swelled into a tide, and poured into one place. What laid ahead was-
"H-Hey, look at that!"
The two priests instinctively raised their heads when they heard screams from the soldiers and gasped.
A roar comparable to that of an avalanche and a massive cloud of dust erupted before their eyes. No, that wasn't all. Behind the screen of white dust, the outline of the silhouette of a tall building was slowly distorting. It looked as though a pillar of salt was crumbling.
"The Einherjar Chamber of Commerce..." As the giant shadow collapsed like a rotting tree, Abel could only gape in consternation.
✝ End of Prologue
[1] Referring to Dr. William Walter Wordsworth. [2] Referring to the Rosencreutz Orden. [3] "Disinformation" in German. I'm keeping this intact instead of swapping it to English because it is intended to be read this way according to the written Furigana. [4] Referring to AX agents. [5] Written as black mocha but the Furigana reads schwarz. I believe it means "black" in German and in this context, it refers to black coffee that has no added milk/sugar. [6] The written Furigana for this is "Militärpolizei" which is the German word for "Military Police". I'll be using just "Gendarmerie" for my translations. [7] Here, it means "Yes, sir!" in German. Jawohl is a stronger word than ja and is usually used in a military context as an affirmative answer to an order.
#Trinity Blood#トリニティ・ブラッド#Sunao Yoshida#RAM 6#Rage Against the Moons VI#RAM 6 Public Enemy#Trinity Blood Public Enemy
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