#tenth Doctor
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nipuni · 14 hours ago
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I made more of these tiny pixel DT roles 🥰
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sixties-doctor-who-stan · 3 days ago
A thought came to me, would Rose have loved Ten if not for Nine?
I know the idea is partly that Nine created Ten FOR Rose to a degree (which is why Ten is so lost when she's gone) but if she had met Ten without ever knowing Nine would she feel the same way?
Nine is seemingly caustic and short but with a big heart and Ten is seemingly charming but with a deep arrogance, and I feel like Rose (without the context of knowing and loving Nine) would see that arrogance (she's dated crappy men before).
Not that Ten is unlovable, just that I wonder if Rose would love him if she had only known him.
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snaillesnaille · 2 days ago
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pidglette · 2 days ago
david tennant and michael sheens relationship is what 2015 straight dan and phil truthers thought they were predicting
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badwolfrose34 · 5 hours ago
With and without Rose
i enjoy looking at promotional photos of the Tenth Doctor in series 2 and 4 side by side because you can clearly see the changes he goes through. from joyful and optimistic to sorrowful and arrogant, hardened by all the loses he has suffered. it's a brilliant visual representation of his character arc
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pipandchirp · 2 days ago
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— how much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away☀️
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nipuni · 3 days ago
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I made some tiny pixel Davids! maybe I could try animating them a bit later, or make one for each of his roles 🤔
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zen-dayas · 9 hours ago
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@pscentral anniversary event: take three → event 15: favorite ship(s)
he offered me eternal life, but inside my heart there's a picture of a girl (x)
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mahlikes · 1 day ago
#gotta remind myself #now bbgirl is a fifty THREE year old scottish man #<3 #hpbd dt
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✨ HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAVID TENNANT (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧✨ (b. 18th April 1971)
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the-happy-pianist · 2 days ago
obsessed with the difference between nine and jack vs ten and jack. one's a sweet little romance and the other is toxic exes who aren't even trying to be civil at this point.
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badwolfrose34 · 1 day ago
My analysis of River Song (not River friendly)
This essay has been brewing in my mind for awhile. If you don’t want to see anti River content, please keep scrolling. I understand that since Doctor Who is a work of fiction, fans have the right to differing interpretations and to invoking literary license. However, I do want fans who are like me and icked out by River to feel validated. What follows is a pretty unreserved criticism of the character and her relationship with the Doctor.
First, I’m going to break down River from a psychological perspective. Note that I am not a licensed psychologist, but I did graduate with a degree in general psychology. I’m also going to explain some of the many instances that she proves herself to be an incredibly toxic person.
River Song was raised to be a psychopath. That’s an indisputable fact mentioned clearly in the show. Psychopathy is known in the psychology world as Anti Social Personality Disorder (ASPD). ASPD can be managed, but it has no cure. Could it be argued that River sees an off screen therapist? Sure. However, ask yourself if you can see River Song going to therapy?
Not only that, but River has no ordinary case of ASPD. She wasn’t just raised in an abusive or unsafe household, she was cut off from society during her critical formational years. Most cases of ASPD involve people who grew up in challenging households, but they did have interaction with society at large. I don’t know of any case studies surrounding people with ASPD who were cut off from society in their formational years, but doing some research on “feral children” will allow you to read examples of what happens to children raised away from society.
The case I know the most about is that of Oxana Malaya. You can google her for more. She was quite literally raised by dogs. And she required intense inpatient treatment to unlearn her dog like mannerisms. Even then, she always had a level of intellectual impairment.
Because River was specifically raised to have ASPD, she learned language abilities and was socialized on how to BEHAVE like a person capable of love and empathy and friendship, but she never was capable of these things. She was raised to put on an act to be able to get to the doctor and kill him. She was never capable of anything more.
Even if River saw an off screen therapist, she was never institutionalized, as would’ve been required for her to truly function as a healthy person in any possible way. She couldn’t have just shrugged off her programming. Why did she save the Doctor and give up her regenerations? It couldn’t have been guilt or remorse, but she could’ve developed co morbid Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD), which is a common disorder to co occur with ASPD. The narcissism would’ve created within her a need for supply. Supply meaning, a boost to the narcissists ego. Narcissists are not capable of genuine empathy and love, but they are capable of seeking supply in the form of impacting other people’s emotions. And what better source of supply for one’s ego than the last known member of one of the most powerful races known to the universe?
When River decided to undo her murder and save the Doctor, it starts off with a completely nonconsensual kiss. This is a pretty fitting start to a relationship that progresses into a forced marriage.
River then continues to force unwanted innuendos on the Doctor. Probably implying they were intimate just to make the Doctor feel obligated to be intimate with her eventually. This is despite Matt Smith confirming in an interview that his Doctor is asexual. He could be demi or grey sexual, I’ll admit that possibility, but River insists on forcing her hyper sexuality on him at any and all stages in his timeline knowing they wouldn’t be welcome. I should note that hyper sexuality can be a symptom of ASPD. It’s not cute or fun. If River was simply a sexually liberated character, she would not be forcing her innuendos on someone who does not want them. Especially not in the earlier parts of his timeline.
River flounces around feeling and acting entitled to the Doctor’s attention if and when she wants it. When she wants it, he’s expected to come running. Then she disappears when she wants to. Creating a masterfully manipulative cycle of hot and cold emotional abuse. When he loses Amy and Rory, she refuses to travel with him. Leaving him emotionally vulnerable and at her beck and call when and if she feels like using him.
Audio dramas are too numerous to declare as universal canon. I think most fans pick and choose which parts of the extended universe count as canon to them. But in the Dalek Universe series, River appears for one episode where she physically abuses the Doctor. She hits him so hard that he is crying out in pain. And then she gaslights him by telling him it was just a little tap. Now, it’s perfectly valid not to count this moment as canon. But it’s extremely consistent with River’s character and I am personally going to use it against her. Especially since I did see another post somewhere bring up the fact that she did the same thing to the fifth Doctor in another audio.
Finally, the worst part of River’s abuse is the forced marriage. The first time the Doctor meets her, she convinces him that he eventually marries her. But he clearly can’t stand her. He doesn’t want anything to do with her. But now he feels as though he’s obligated to marry her. At first he hopes it’s something that can be changed. Saying that time can be rewritten when Amy asks if he marries River. Right up until the forced wedding he tells River he doesn’t want to marry her. But because she convinced him he does marry her in the library, and because nothing else is convincing River to save the universe, he gives in and gives her what she wants. Assuming it’s the only way to keep the universe from falling apart.
Now, I do understand that anyone who loved the Doctor would not want to bring back a timeline where he died. But River was already willing to start considering it just because he agreed to marry her. Because she got what she wanted and because she got the satisfaction of seeing her manipulations succeed. The Doctor couldn’t even get close enough to her to tell her his plan at first, but she was willing to let him come close to her just because he married her. River valued marriage to the Doctor more than the Doctor’s life.
I know it’s commonly believed among River fans that he only kept his distance because he saw her die. But Remember he couldn’t stand her long before that. He never liked her until he thought he was supposed to. No doubt seeing her die cemented his desire to keep a distance from her. But the point is he did keep a distance from her. He never got close to her and he never wanted to. But River always refused to respect this. She saved him so he could belong to her. So he could be her property.
No doubt the Doctor did develop a level of care and responsibility for her. Because he was a person capable of empathy and remorse. And any target of this kind of emotional abuse will develop some sort of attachment. But he was never in love with her. River herself knew this, but she had to convince herself he never loved anyone. But he did. We know for a fact he was in love with Rose. We know he loved friends like Donna platonically. But he didn’t love River. Nor should he have.
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fishyfutaba · 3 days ago
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some keychain updates! this is the official new ten keychain design!!! but there will be two (extremely) limited versions available ^_^
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These versions will only have a stock of 2 (pink) and 4 (blue)! So they likely will go out of stock quickly once i list them and i don't think i'll be restocking them unless i get a lot of specific interest :)
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grimmbunny24 · 18 hours ago
”I can fix him!”
My brother in Christ he shot you with a laser!
‘Out of Time’
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I am only of season 5 of doctor who so no spoilers please :>
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rougeside10 · 1 day ago
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Phileas Fogg looks like he owns stock in railroad
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Tony Baddingham looks like the CEO of a company that owns a music studio
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Crowley looks like he used to be the lead singer of a rock band in the 1980's
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And 10 looks like he studied astrophysics in the 2000's at The University of Edinburgh.
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key-aka-daddy · 2 days ago
I have found comfort in Campbell.
I have found comfort in Alec.
I have found comfort in The Doctor.
I have found comfort in Crowley.
I have found more comfort in David Tennant that my own family.
And thats fucking sad, because I dont even know him.
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